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Life-span Development Kohlbergs theory of moral development is one of the most influential theories in its field. Your goal for this assignment is to perform a scavenger hunt of sorts. You must think of three individuals that represents moral thinking at each of Kohlbergs levels of moral development. That is, think of one individual to represent pre-conventional thinking, a different individual to represent conventional thinking, and a third example for post-conventional thinking. These individuals can be real people that you know or know of, or you can use characters from television shows, movies, or books. As always, be creative! For all three individuals you must: (1) identify the individual and explain who they are (are they real, a character in a movie - if so what movie, etc.) (2) identify which of Kohlbergs levels of moral development you are placing them in (i.e, pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional) (3) elaborate on why you believe this individual belongs in this level. What is it about their behavior or thinking that makes you think they belong at this level? This assignment will be graded according to the following rubric: Total: 100 points
Below expectations (1) Identify (20 points) 1. Student clearly identifies, in detail, only one individual and provides at least basic information on who they are. 2. Student clearly identifies the level of moral development for only one individual. ( 2 ) 1. Average (3) ( 4 ) 1. Excellent (5)

Student clearly identifies, in detail, two individuals and provides at least basic information on who they are. 2. Student clearly identifies the level of moral development for two individuals. 1. Analysis is well written. 2. Explanation of why each individual belongs in each level contains some inaccuracies.

Student clearly identifies, in detail, three individuals and provides at least basic information on who they are. 2. Student clearly identifies the level of moral development for all three individuals.

Elaborate 1. Analysis is poorly (80 written. points) 2. Explanation of why each individual belongs in each level is not accurate for any of the individuals.


Analysis is well written. 2. Explanation of why each individual belongs in each level is accurate for all three individuals.

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