Compare and Contrast

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A comparason essay on 2 world religions


My essay is about Islam and Sikhism. The Siks have 10 gods, and 1 of them is eternal . The Islams have to cover their hairs the word islam means surrender. The religion started when a guru asked 5 people to sacrice themselves then the religion started. But I dont know what they sacriced, the holy book of Siksm is called guru granth sahib. The 5 pillars of islam are statement of faith, Salat,Zakat,Sawn and Hajj. The Islam religion has 1 billion followers.

Description of religion 1

The 1 belief im going to talk about is islam the most important prayer of the day is called sha. They also have this thing called fasting thats when they cant eat when daylight is up. They have to do the woodo before they pray woodo means wash your self before praying. Their architecture is called mas and they have to pray 5 times a day and if I remember clearly they both have to do something before they pray


Monday, March 26, 2012 10:22:33 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

A comparason essay on 2 world religions

Description of religion 2 Sikhism has many symbols that show their faith including the ve Ks. The ve Ks are Kesh, Kangha, Kara,Kaccha and Kirpan. Kesh means a man with a beard and hair. Kanga means use a wooden comb not a plastic one. The Kara means a steel bangle it means do not do anything wrong. Kirpan is a small sword, Katchera is a cotten underwear it shows restraint.

they have similarities and they both have the 5 something this religion their 5 something is called the 5 ks they are Kes,Kanga ,kara,kack and kirpan. They both also have temples the red cross was started by Bhai Kahhaiya, they both cant eat meat as well but I think they should have meat because it taste delicious and different people have different opinions.




Monday, March 26, 2012 10:22:33 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

A comparason essay on 2 world religions

I think these religions are quite cool this is 1 of my opinions they should have a certain time when they can eat meat. I like the fact that they both have the 5 something I like the idea of the siks bowing to the guru is good, and it means a sign of respect the one thing I like is. after the prayer for siks the members of the congratior eat together this is to show humans belong in one family. That idea isnt bad at all I fell that them not having having meat is at little unusual for me, but to them its important not to eat meat. Its their religion their rules our thinking are different from others also they both have festivals, arts ,different food etc.

Word count 441


Monday, March 26, 2012 10:22:33 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

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