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1. Look at the family tree and use these words to describe the family members. mother father son daughter brother sister baby wife husband aunt uncle cousin nephew 2. Work in pairs. How big is your family? Do you have any pets? What's your mother job? What does your father do? Whats his job? Do you have any brothers or sisters? How old are they? What's the best thing about your mom? And about your dad? daughter-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law son-in-law niece grandmother grandfather grandson granddaughter

3. How much / how many 1. We need some tea. ______________do we need? 2. We need some eggs.______________do we need? 3. ________________ apples do you eat in a week? 4. We need some money. ________________do we need? 5. ______________ bottles of water are there in the cellar? 6.________________________sugar do you take in your tea? 7. ____________________ chairs are there in your house? 8 . ____________________ furniture do you have?

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