Nmills XMGT WK7 CHPT-2

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KHS Code of Ethics

KHS Code of Ethics Nicole Mills XMGT/216 1/6/2012 Karen Heyse

KHS Code of Ethics KHS Code of Ethics Code of ethics among administration and staff: Provide the most objective learning environment for students. Abide by all federal, state, and local laws

Educators should exemplify honesty and integrity in the course of professional practice. Staff members are occasionally trusted with public funds and property and shall not abuse or misuse school-related funds. Teachers should comply with school policies relating to confidentiality of student and personal records, testing material, disciplinary, and student academic records. The school will encourage good working relationships between administration, educators, and staff members. School staff is encouraged to use their best judgment when applicable in time sensitive circumstances. Otherwise, any questionable issue that may arise should be discussed with school counselors or administration. Anyone working for Kelsey High School will be required to take an ethics class prior to the start of the school year. All policies will be provided in a workbook, which will be discussed and clarified during the course. An examination will determine whether or not the staff retained the information discussed in the class. As updates and additions are made throughout the year, these will be discussed in weekly meetings. All staff members will be held accountable for unethical actions. Consequence will be decided on a case-by-case bases and could range from a formal write up to termination.

KHS Code of Ethics

KHS Code of Ethics References

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