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Time Management Skill Assessment

Analyze your abilities to mange your time efficiently. For each of the following, choose the answer that describes you.

1. I record new appointments, meetings or other time commitments:

a) Into my planner (electronic or paper). b) Onto a wall or desk pad calendar. c) On to a sticky note or scrap of paper that I paste on my wall, mirror, computer monitor or other location I associate with this task. d) Consistently in two of the above locations. e) In all of the above with no consistent pattern

2. When arriving to an appointment, I am usually:

a) 10-15 minutes early b) Right on time c) More than 15 minutes early d) 10-15 minutes late e) More than 15 minutes late

3. When deadlines are approaching, I:

a) Dont see it as a problem as I have carefully scheduled my time and have not left everything to the last minute. b) Feel the heat but I am confident that I can complete it on time.

c) Get a bit anxious and make sure I dont have any plans on the due date so I can work overtime if needed d) Panic as I have no idea where I am at with the project e) Ask for an extension

4. When you are asked to take on an additional task you:

a) Consider your other commitments and block off time or rearrange priorities to manage this new task into your calendar. b) Feel stressed that you have to change your plans around to accommodate this new work c) Delegate things to someone else so that you can make room for this new task. d) Resist it, consider saying no. e) Refuse it as you are over worked and cant possibly fit in another task

If your answers are mostly:

A You are a good time manager and probably could teach others how to manage their time. B You are a fairly good time manager with some minor areas of weakness that could be looked at. C You manage your time but you are using approaches that dont always work out as they are risky. Try to use more conventional time management techniques to improve your skills. D Take a serious look at how your time management skills are affecting your performance. Read some books on time management or take a course.

E Work hard to improve your skills. You may be passed over for a promotion or even fired if you do not improve.

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