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l^ l> tGranGovennent lrvihlion Ptogram UndeEratuabStdenis frornMaior for Pafter Counti:s 20'12
Kored Govement invites eacelenr srudenrs who wit be turure leaders ro the Major partner .omtries of Korea. This training piogrm is designed to provide students with invaluable expedence in Korea. Students who have interest in this training program are welcome to join in. 7. Title: 20L2 Korem covement Inviiaiim ploglm cldenF fiom \4ajor Partne.CoutrieE for Un.lergraaluare

2. Pedod I luly 10th(Tuesday) 20rh(Frjday) 2012(11 days md 10 nights) 3. Number of students : 2-4 srudenrs/co11nry 4. Host organization : Narioml Insrtute for lniermiionat Educarion{NtrED), Ministry of Educaiio4 Sciece md Telnology, RepubLic Korea of 5. Qualifications a. Secondor ihird-year hdergraduare studenrs rvho de good at English regddless of mjor. b. Prioriiy is given to the sradmts who have never been ro Korea. c. Studeniswho have inreresrin Kored histo.y a.adculture. 6. Payment of proglam a. NIIED : Roud trip air ricket Stay cost durinS rhe proglm, and Medical Irsudce. b. Students: Trdsportation fare, visa fee.

7. Program

x Please noiej The schedule is subjeci ro chm8g

8. Noiification
The plogam is offered in EnSlish. Sludents will stay in group. (2-3 persoro pe! roo& mostly Korean foo.t will be provjded) c. The proSram staff wjll be wfth studenls duing ihe whole proglm. d. It is nor allowed to have a plivate schedule duiirg rhe whole progam. e. It is d$irable lhat studmrs make efforrs to ualelsrdd Kored Eocieb, ed culrure before ihet drival in Korea. t. For fu4her iifomarion, please contad The Korcm Embassy in rhe hone

plosran For the Kored Goverment Invitarion Undersrao Sruoen_s Majorpdr nq Courries le Iron

Becr-*l io.j;.

and&quisition Koran ot VISAityou do not haverhen rhen


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