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Skill level 2

Courtesy of Jo-Ann Stores

Toothy Tote
Supplies: Kunin Rainbow Classic Felt in white, antique white, butterscotch, pumpkin, moss and coffee 6- strand embroidery floss in lime green and olive green, or as desired Beacon Fabri- Tac clear- drying fabric glue Tools: Embroidery needle Straight pins Scissors Measuring tape

Preparing: Cut two 11" circles from pumpkin felt. For eyes, cut two 2- 1`4" circles from antique white felt, two 2" circles from butterscotch felt and two 1- 1`2" circles from moss felt. Photocopy patterns for nose and stem; trace nose onto coffee felt and stem onto moss felt; cut out. Photocopy pattern for mouth twice; trace mouth onto coffee felt and teeth onto white felt; cut out. Making face: For each eye, layer 1 antique white circle, 1 butterscotch circle and 1 moss circle from largest to smallest; glue together. Designate 1 pumpkin circle for bag front. Position eyes on bag front as pictured. Blanket- stitch around white circles of eyes using 3 strands lime green floss. Center and glue nose to bag front. Blanket- stitch around nose using 3 strands lime green floss. Glue mouth and teeth to bag as pictured. Blanket- stitch around mouth using 3 strands lime green floss. Making bag: Pin 2 pumpkin circles together, leaving top 2" unpinned. Using 3 strands olive green floss, blanket- stitch circles together around outside edge; blanketstitch top 2" of each circle separately. Finishing: Glue or stitch stem, centered, to top of bag, positioning bottom behind front circle. Cut a 2" x 16" piece of pumpkin felt for handle. Fold felt in half lengthwise; blanket- stitch along open edge of handle using 3 strands of olive green floss. Stitch handle to bag top as pictured.

Skill Level: Some experience helpful

Due to seasonal nature of project, supplies are available for a limited time only. Please read all instructions prior to beginning; read and follow all manufacturers instructions for all tools and materials used. Provide adult supervision if children participate in this and all craft projects. Because Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. has no control over the use of materials and tools, nor surroundings, during construction of projects, Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. disclaims any liability for injury, damage or other untoward results. Content of this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed. 2006 Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. All rights reserved. 197-386

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