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Please Sit in the area which represents the factors that Motivates you the most !


Why do some people climb mountains?

While others run?

And others just sit?

And why do millions of people go to work each day?

the force that drives our actions

A few theories of Motivation

Motivation through the design of work


& Oldham, 1976)

Understanding Motivational Orientations and Processes Among Men and Women

Job satisfaction depends on whether one receives what one values.

Males are more motivated by Salary, Fringe benefits, Promotions and Self-Direction than Females.

Men-Work Affects Family Life Men-Work Affects Family Life Women Family Life Affects Women Family Life Affects Work Work

Men- Not Much Affected.

omen-With young children women tend to relate any negative work issues with children responsibility and

usband Promotionsife becomes relaxed towards work

ife Promotionusband can get competitive if wife begins to assume the role of primary breadwinner

Using Power for personal growth. Higher among Males. Using Power for Organizational & Social gains. Higher among females.

Prosocial Motivation

Tendency to affiliate

Demographically dependent

Different studies, Different results!!

Men & Women equally motivated by Job Security!!!

Work & Family Wages Power

Job Security Intrinsic Motivation

Working Condition

Relationship at Work Place

Motives Push Factor: Personal or External Factors, Negative Connotation Pull Factor: That draw towards starting a Business, eg. Seeing an opportunity Women Push Factors

Men Pull Factors

From our study on the factors affecting the motivation levels of men and women and from the results of the survey conducted by us we have prepared the a following list of the motivating factors as per the order of preference:-

MEN Promotion Wages Power Family Job Security 1 2 3 4 5

WOMEN Work Condition Family Life Promotion Meaningful Job Wage Job Security

Meaningful Job 6

Relationships 7 Realtionships Work Condition 8 Power

And weve just touched the tip of the

Thank You!!

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