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Work Activities Table

Project: Project A Autonomous Watercraft Project Team: P1 Crimson No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Description Individual Research Gathering and combining of research Identifying positives and negatives Deciding of design Design sketches and development Sketches of connections of sections Overall design 3D modeling of design Sourcing of parts Gathering of parts Building of sections Connection of sections Evaluation of system Coding of system Testing Evaluation of build Fix ups Final test Logging and reporting of all ndings/ developments and meetings Team Members All Members All Members All Members All Members All Members All Members All Members Tim All Members All Members All Members (discipline specic) All Members All Members Software Members Connor and Allen All Members All Members All Members (discipline specic) All Members (discipline specic) All Members (discipline specic)


Team Descriptions
Project: Project A: Autonomous Watercraft Project Team: P1 Crimson Team Member Tim Hadwen What they are responsible for Collection method and prototyping for method 3D modeling of design Building of suction method Help with software where required Software systems of project (joint work) Integration of software systems Input/Output systems Software systems of project (joint work) Integration of software systems Input/Output systems Electrical systems including sensors, batteries and motors Building and soldering of electrical systems (joint work) Electrical systems including sensors, batteries and motors Building and soldering of electrical systems (joint work) Hull design Drag forces Resistance Materials and dimensions Building and attachment of hull

Allen Teh

Connor Monaghan

Raihaan Amod

Tony Nguyen

Tom Reddell

Josh Mills

Propulsion Method Building and prototyping of propulsion method Motors gearboxes etc.


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