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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Military Situation
- In its statement, the media office of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Paris said" Today, in the Free Syrian Army's camp in Antioch, the military council, affiliated to the FSA, has been officially announced. In addition, Brigadier General Mustafa Al-Shaikh was appointed as it chairman. Moreover, the council in question includes 10 officers who held the rank of brigadier, in addition to other 6 officers who had the rank of colonel." (Asharq Al-Awsat, London-based Al-Hayat, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, the Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal, AFP, Al-Jazeera, Russia Today) - Captain Khalid Ali from the bureau of Brigadier General Mustafa Al-Shaikh said" Colonel Riad Al-Assad would supervise the Free Syrian Army (FSA)'s military operations and would be also responsible for all the FSA's battalions, in addition to that all military councils in all cities should be under his leadership. On the other hand, Brigadier General Mustafa Al-Shaikh and other officers in the aforementioned council would be responsible for defining the FSA's strategy and the matters related to armament and finance." (Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Jazeera) the denomination of 25 Syrian liras. It is noteworthy that that currency is not covered by the cash reserve, which was negatively reflected on cashing it in the market, as the shops' owners refuse to accept such a currency." (Asharq Al -Awsat) - A Syrian economist asserted that "Al-Assad's regime tried to print currency in Austria, but it failed to do so due to the economic sanctions on Syria. In addition, Canada and the other European states rejected to print the Syrian currency." (Asharq Al-Awsat)


24th/Mar death toll: 53

Political Stances International

- Britain's Ministry of Interior considers stripping AlAssad's wife of UK citizenship. (Russia Today) - Sergey Prikhodko, Assistant to the Russian President, said" Russia is convinced that the implementation of a ceasefire between the Syrian government and the Syrian opposition would be difficult without putting an end to the external support offered to the Syrian opposition There are doubts about reaching a settlement for the Syrian crisis through initiatives financed by the west, as they deal with only one party of the Syrian crisis friends of Syria group dealt with the Syrian file in that way." (London-based AlHayat, Al-Jazeera)

The Political Mobillity

- The Syrian National Council (SNC) launched an initiative on the consensus about the "national pledge for new Syria" document, asserting that" All Syrian opposition movements and factions have the same goal which is toppling Al-Assad's regime, then reaching the noble aim which is the establishment of a pluralistic democratic civil state." (Asharq Al-Awsat, the Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal, AlJazeera) - The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) group in Syria holds a press conference with a view to announcing a national pledge agreement that stipulates" the establishment of a modern pluralistic democratic civil state." (Asharq AlAwsat)

The Internal Situation

- A massacre, carried out by Al-Assad's shabiha (militia affiliated to Syrian regime), was discovered in the district of Karam al-Louz in Homs that claimed the lives of a whole five-member family. The Syrian Network for Human Rights unveiled that that massacre was carried out on March 12th, 2012 and it was not discovered at that time due to cutting off communication. (The Lebanese AlMustaqbal, Al-Jazeera) - Omar Edelbi, member with the Syrian National Council (SNC), said" Al-Assad's regime pays the salaries of the governmental employees in last February using the old and cancelled currency and also in an old denomination such as

Brigadier General Mustafa Al-Shaikh (right) and the Chief of the free Syrian army Riyad Al-Asad as they announce the new military council

AntiAssad protest in Jordan

This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion.

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