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Using the Learning Journal on Weblearn

Nathalie Ticheler Twitter: nvticheler

Getting students to use the learning journal

Introduction early in the semester but dont introduce too many tools at the same time Show students how to activate the journal in class then, take them to the Language Centre or computer room to activate together and then, give a reminder the following week Link to class or homework activities Not just for feedback on assessment, can be used as tool for differentiation

More reminders at key points of the semester.if the learning journal is used to give feedback on assessment, tell students they will get marks and feedback through the learning as they take the in-class test and
Give them the choice between OPTION A: the learning journal and OPTION A: the learning journalit will get easier for other components

An example

Stage 3 (joint module with 3.1 and 3.2) Use of the Learning Journal for differentiation and feedback Link with homework placed on discussion board (presented as one of the activities to do for homework) As part of their homework activities, students were asked to indicate on the learning journal which grammar points they would like to study (while topics such as the news, technologies etc and materials are discussed more collaboratively through the forum of discussion and in class.) They can add to the list/modify at a later stage. Contents of grammar syllabus based on students response, easy to keep track of individual student requests

Possibility to send documents to individual students during the semester or following feedback at key assessment points, self-contained format, easy to refer to later

Another example
Discussion in class about topic such as technologies

Students have to document themselves in advance using newspapers, magazines etc they put materials of their choice on the discussion board, students post messages
I print out some articles we use them for activities in class Students get taken to the Language Centre to use sites such as Busuu, Twitter and others Then, they are invited to write about their own experiences on the learning journal

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