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PRSSA Executive Board Meeting Monday, Feb. 27 1. Welcome 2. Past Events a.

Intern Queen Autopsy without blame exercise i. Take a close look at dates 1. Timing (mid-semester) ii. Bartoo & dinner iii. Assumptions iv. Promotions 1. Emails 2. Chalking v. Cohesive, direct eboard 1. More direct 2. Direct point person vi. Ways to get involved b. PRSA Delaware meeting 3. Reports a. President i. Officer binders due to me by Monday, March 12 NO EXCEPTIONS b. Vice President of Professional Development i. Mentor-Mentee Program emails c. Vice President of External Affairs i. Skill Slam update 1. Tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. a. Send list of names tonight 2. Introduce elections (Abby) Is that okay? a. Send elections introduction d. Public Relations Director i. Blog/Communications Committee update ii. Please remove the Intern Queen tab on our FB page e. Program Director i. PRSSA Challenge ii. Agency tour f. Meetings Director i. Next general meeting Monday, March 5, 5:30 p.m. 1. Speaker: Rick Alcantara 2. Introduce elections ii. PPRA/PRSA Philly PR Careers 101 event Tuesday, March 20, at 7 p.m. 1. Secure registrations by Monday, March 12 a. PRSSA will pay for eboard/all members interested in attending ($10) thoughts? i. First ten people to respond b. Will need to secure transportation/drivers g. Finance Director i. Spring dues ii. Fundraiser update

h. Operations Director i. Order business cards 4. Upcoming Events a. Skill Slam tomorrow at 6:30 p.m., Gore 205 b. General Meeting Monday, March 5, at 5:30 p.m., Gore 217 i. Exec. board at 4:30 p.m. c. Executive Board meeting Monday, march 12, at 5:00 p.m., Gore 114

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