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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Field Situation
- At least 70 people were reportedly killed, mostly in Homs, at the hands of Al-Assad's forces on Sunday. (AlJazeera) - Students stage anti-Al-Assad demonstrations in the Damascus district of Jobar, various districts in Aleppo's countryside, Daraa's rural area and Idlib. (Al-Jazeera) - Al-Assad's forces renewed their bombardment of the cities of Homs, Aleppo, Idlib and Hama. (Al-Jazeera, the Guardian) - Syrian activists said on the Internet that Colonel Iyad Mando, head of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence, was killed by the Free Syrian Army (SFA) near Rif Dimashq governorate. (Al-Jazeera) - Amid reports about defection of medical company from Al-Assad's forces in Daraa city of Nawa, government forces carried out raids in Nawa and crackdowns against the city during which they sabotage and set fire to the houses. (Asharq Al-Awsat) should refer Syria to the International Criminal Court," said Ole Solvang, a HRW emergencies researcher. (Reuters, AlJazeera, the Guardian)


25th/Mar death toll: 52

Political Stances Syria

- The Parties Affairs Committee held on Sunday a meeting chaired by Minister of Interior, Let. Gen. Mohammad AlShaar and gave a license to a new party called "Syria AlWatan". (Al-Quds Al-Arabi)

- Arab countries and Turkey are pressing the Syrian opposition to unite before "Friends of Syria" conference due to be held in Istanbul next week. (Russia Today)

- The US President Barack Obama and the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyib Erdoan discussed providing medical and communications support and other non-lethal aid to Syrian rebels. The two leaders are very much in agreement that a transition to a legitimate government in Syria is needed. (Asharq Al-Awsat, the London-based AlHayat, the Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal, Reuters, the Israeli Haaretz, the Telegraph) - During his meeting with UN-Arab envoy Kofi Annan, the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev expressed his country's full support to Annan's six-point plan, adding that Annan's mission may be the final opportunity for Syria to avoid "a protracted bloody civil war". (Asharq Al-Awsat, the London-based Al-Hayat, the Kuwaiti Al-Watan, AlJazeera, the Washington Post, the Guardian, the Wall Street Journal, Russia Today) - In a statement, the Russian Kremlin suggested that AlAssad's government is ready for dialogue and it is elements of the opposition, encouraged by contraband arms and foreign support, that is holding back. Russia would outline "our essential approach to ensuring a ceasefire and end to violence in Syria, which will be difficult to implement without putting an end to external armed and political support of the opposition", the statement said. (Asharq AlAwsat, the Kuwaiti Al-Watan, Al-Jazeera)

The Political Mobillity

- During a new conference in Istanbul, Farouk Tayfour, member of the National Syrian Council (NSC)'s executive bureau, said, "We expect the recognition of the NSC as the sole legitimate representative for Syria." (Reuters) - Riyad Al-Shaqfa, mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood group in Syria, said, "The Syrian society has never known sectarianism, as Faris Al-Khouri, was elected several times as prime minister of Syria because he was efficient and nobody opposed him due to being a Christian. Russia intimidate the world against a Sunni rule following the fall of Al-Assad's regime at a time when that regime has been sowing the seeds of strife among the components of the Syrian people since it has assumed power." (Asharq AlAwsat, the Kuwaiti Al-Watan) - Ali Sadreddin Al-Bayanouni, deputy mentor of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood, said, "When we resort to the ballot box, we have to accept the results whatever they might be, even if the winner was anti-Islamic trend. In the document, we emphasized that the new constitution should be nationally consensual, i.e. the majority may not have the right to infringe upon the Christians' rights because they are a minority." (Ash arq Al-Awsat)

Activities of Civil Organizations

- Human Rights Watch (HRW) said people were forced to walk in front of the advancing troops and that residents reported government forces placing children on tanks and inside security buses. "The Syrian army's use of human shields is yet another reason why the UN Security Council

This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion.

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