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MESSAGE Message: Hip, Leg, Shoulder, Neck

GENERAL WARM-UP 5 min Run In place Side Reach

15-SECOND STRETCH Hip-Opener Stretch (knees crossed one over the other, pull feet apart and towards the floor) Pigeon Frog Kneeling Hamstring Stretch Quadriceps Lean-Back Stretch (Sit on your heels, knees on the floor, lean back until you feel it)

CORE WARMUP: 10 Rounds: Plank, Push down, Arch, Downward Dog

CIRCUIT 1- Do this First through with the R leg, then with the L leg (thats 1 set). Do 2 sets. 1) 2) 3) 4) Plank: Knee-To-Elbow and Back-Kick 10x Hip-Opener Leg Side-Stretch, 15-second hold Lunge Forward Side Open Balance Pose, 30-second hold

CIRCUIT 2: 1 set 1) Supine (means lying on your back) Leg Raise, 10x each side 2) Banana hold, Squeezing two pillows between your legs: 3x with 10 sec rest in-between: 10-second hold, 10-second hold, 20 second hold 3) Superman: 2x, 30-second hold

4) Side Plank into Star Plank: Hold the star plank 5 seconds 5) Standing Side Leg Raise and Side Crunch, 10x each side CIRCUIT 3: 1 set 20 reps of each. Do all exercises immediately after each other on one side. Then switch sides. The Starting position is on all-4s (Table Position) 1) 2) 3) 4) Donkey Kick Fire Hydrant Glute Back-Kick Circle Back-Kick (kick back and around)

CARDIO: Jog 3 minutes, then do 3 1:1.5 ratio running intervals. 5 minute cool down STRETCH: Stretches from the beginning are repeated, this time holding for 45 seconds.

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