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P.G. 1

PROJECT Voices From Free Nations


February, 2012
1 5 - Fe b : A z e r b a i j a n i P r e s i d e n t Ilham Aliyev visited Belgium where he met with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and other high-ranking government ofcials. Rasmussen has prized the AzerbaijanNATO partner ship. Aliyev stated t h a t A z e r b a i j a n w i l l c o n t i n u e active contribution to Euro-Atlantic security by supporting NATO-led operations. Aliyev also met with Wilfried Martnes, the President of the European People`s Party, to discuss the importance of expanding cooperation between the European People's Party and the New Azerbaijan Party. They noted that such relations would contribute to Azerbaijan`s integration into theEuropean Union. 18-Jan: Azerbaijan and Georgia have agreed on a joint operation to shut down the Armenian Metsamor Atomic Power Station on the grounds that the station poses a threat to the region. The issue was discussed at a meeting between Georgian Parliament's ViceSpeaker Fridon Todua and Azerbaijani Minister of Industry and Energy Natig Aliyev. Also discussed was the desire to keep the South Caucasus region a nuclear free zone, the continuation of strategic cooperation between the two countries, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Jeyhan project, the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum project, and the AGRI project. 22-Feb: Azerbaijan's National Security Ministry has announced that it uncovered a terrorist group with links to Irans Revolutionary Guard Corps Sepah and Lebanons Hezbollah. Police in Azerbaijan have arrested an undisclosed number of people accused of planning attacks in the country. The Ministry disclosed a dossier with photos, names and exacting details down to

Issue 7
workplace drawings of Israeli targets in the capital of Azerbaijan. They further disclosed that the tools for an alleged, Iranian-directed, murder team were smuggled into Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea.









Points of Consideration
The trigger of WW3
While debates over Iran continue to polarize the U.N. Security Council, Iran remains one step away from joining the Russian supported Collective Security Treaty Organization(CSTO).

1 4 - Fe b : Ja m e s A p p at h u r a i , t h e NATO Special Representative to the South Caucasus and Central Asia, was interviewed by Armenian First Channel Television. During the interview he stated that Georgia's future membership in NATO has been decided. He further stated that at this point Georgia is implementing the necessary reforms required for full NATO membership. 17-Feb: Jean-Michel Happi, the head of the World Bank of Yerevan, spoke on Arenias economic situation estimating 4.2%economic growth for Armenia. It is a slight increase from last years 3% growth. He also said that if the economic policy in Armenia remains the same the currency will be drastically devalued by 2015. 19-Feb: The French constitutional council deemed that the recent bill passed by the French legislature criminalizing the denial of the genocide of Armenian people was unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated a citizen's right to freedom of speech. The bill had been adopted by the French legislature on Jan 23, after a long debate, with 127 in favor for the bill and 86 against. 21-Feb: Russian General Niklolay Bordyuzha, head of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), reafrmed that Armenia will be p ro t e c t e d i n t h e eve n t o f a ny criticalsituation, though the amount of support depends on the degree of the critical situation. The CSTO's main duty is to work together with member states during critical situations and in the prevention of illegal drug trade and immigration. However, the neighboring states of Georgia and Azerbaijan have opted not to become members.

1-Feb: Asad Alam, the World Bank's Regional Director of the South Caucases, presented his book "Fighting Corruption in Public Service" at the ofces of the World Bank. The book is based on the reforms carried out by the Georgian government. In the book Alam outlines 10 factors behind Georgias success: exercising strong political will; establishing credibility early; launching a frontal assault; attracting new staff; limiting the states role; adopting unconventional methods; coordinating closely; tailoring international experience to local conditions; harnessing technology; and using communications strategically. 3-Feb: Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili paid an ofcial visit to the US During his visit he meet with his counterpart Barak Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, and members of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. The parties discussed the ongoing partnership between the two countries and the prospect of developing a free trade agreement. Obama praised the ongoing strategic partnership between the US and Georgia and stressed the importance of Georgias active role in Afghanistan. On the second day of his visit, Saakashvili held an ofcial meeting with members of the US Senate, during which he praised legislative members for their continued support of Georgian territorial integrity and sovereignty by passing the resolution describing Abkhazia and S. Ossetia as territories

A veritable chess game is being played between countries over the controversial topic of the mass killings of the Armenian people. Should the Armenian genocide be amoral question or political one?

When will Georgia join NATO?

NATO leaders have stated that the question over Georgias membership to NATO has already been decided, strongly implying that Georgia will join NATO. However, the question of when Georgia will join NATO still does not have a denite answer.

The Trans-Caucasus Federation

The collaborating efforts between Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey continue to gain momentum. Is it possible that while awaiting their chance to join the EU, these countries will instead revive the idea of a TransCaucasus Federation?



occupied by Russia. At the end of his visit Saakashvili delivered a speech at the US Institute of Peace on the reforms carried out in Georgia since the Rose Revolution. 13-Feb: Grigol Vashadze, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, met with Dr. Zalmai Rassoul, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and signed a cooperation agreement between the two countries. During Vashadze's time in Afghanistan the Commander of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) General John R. Allen took the time to update him on ISAF mission details and thanked the Minister for his country's peacekeepers who continue to provide support to Afghanistan in an effort to helpstabilizethe country. 14-Feb: James Appathurai, the NATO Special Representative to South Caucasus and Central Asia, declared during an interview broadcast by the Armenian First Channel Television, that the membership of Georgia has been decided. At this point he emphasized that Georgia is implementing the necessary reforms required for full NATO membership, 19-Feb: A business forum, proposed by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, b e t w e e n Tu r k e y, G e o r g i a a n d Azerbaijan was held in Tbilisi. The forumintends to provide an opportunity for regional collaboration between the three countries and bring economic development, peace, and prosperity in theregion.

FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC STABILITY involvement in Libya which led to the rebels overthrowing Gadhaif's regime. He further stated that, "Learning from that bitter experience, Russia is against any UN Security Council resolutions that could be interpreted as a signal for military interference in domestic processes in Syria.
The history of liberty is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it.

P.G. 1

10-Feb: Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) has arrested space engineer Vladimir V. Nesterets and sentenced himto13 years in prison on the grounds that he transmitted classied information to US intelligence agencies. Nesterets was a liutenant colonel who worked at Plesetsk, the Russian space center. He was found guilty of delivering classiedinformationabout tests relating to Russias newest strategic military rocket complexes to theCIA in exchange ofnancial benet. 10-Feb: Russia FSB (Federal Security Service) has arrested space engineer Vladimir V. Nesterets and sentenced to 13 years in prison on the grounds that he transmitted classied information to US intelligence agencies. Nesterets was a liutenant colonel who worked at the Plesetsk, the Russian space center. He was found guilty of delivering classied information about tests relating to Russias newest strategic military rocket complexes to the C.I.A. in exchange of nancial benets. 27-Feb: Russian PM Vladamir Putin has warned the Western countries against armed intervention in Syria or Iran. While defending Russias earlier decision to use its veto power in the UNSC to block a resolution against Syrias president, PM Putin stated that an intervention either in Syria or Iran would undermine the authority of the UN and its mandate to preserve global security. In an article for the Moscow news, he used the example of NATO

19-Feb: Iran halted oil sales to France and the UK before the EUs embargo on Iranian oil would have been implemented. At the same time Iranian ofcials are negotiating with China in the hopes of nding a replacement consumer. 20% of the EUs annual consumption of oil comes from Iran, 4% of which is consumed by France and 1% of which is consumed by the UK. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) both French and UK authorities do not foresee that the redirecting of oil from the EU to China will have an adverse effect on their energy sector. Bam citadel (Arg- Bam)

- Woodrow Wilson

14-Feb: Turkey and Azerbaijan are close to signing an agreement on the creation of the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline Project (TANAP) which will transport a huge quantity of natural gas to the markets in Europe. The contract is expected to be signed this summer during Turkish Prime Minister Erdogans scheduled visit in Baku. The cost of the TANAP is approximately $5-7 billion. 16-Feb: Ahmed Davitoglu, the Foreign Minister of Turkey, made a statement supporting the Turkish reconciliation with Bosnia-Herzegovina for economic development. He farther stated that Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina have agreed to cooperate in an effort to curtail illegal immigration and organized crime. 27-Feb: Turkey has enacted heightened limitations on Israeli cargo air travel arriving in its territory. This has caused signicant nancial damage to Israeli companies. Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Israel have deteriorated as a result of the Mavi Marmara event where nine Turks were killed by Israeli soldiers.

Unique monument of urban planning, developed over the last 2000 was built of mudbrick and was largely destroyed during the earthquake in 2003.

24-Feb:Turkeys Energy Minister, Taner Yildiz, stated in a news conference that because his nation is not currently part of the European Union, all decisions made by the EU pertaining to Iran (economic sanctions) are not legally binding to Turkey. Turkey imports 30% of its daily consumption of oil from Iran. This statement is part of a continuing effort by the government of Turkey to become closer to Iran over recent months.

USCA congratulates Mrs. Colyn Newton for being awarded a prestigious national honor - Presidents Call To Service Award by the Presidents
Council on Service and Civic Participation on behalf of the President of the United States for her sustained volunteer service to her country.

United States and Caucasus ASSOCIATION

Selected News from CAUCASUS Voices From Free Nations is designed by the Caucasus News Letter Project (CNL). CNLs intent is to provide unvarnished news about the Caucasus region to the world. USCA is an American independent, nonpartisan nonprofit 501 (c) (3) corporation, dedicated to promoting democracy and economic stability in the Caucasus region. All contributions are tax deductible. USCAs Analysts at CNL Project daily observe political and economic developments in Caucasus and other peripheries. SPECIAL THANK YOU Kutaisi University KU and its leadership Leila Kelbakiani, Rector of KU for
corporate sponsorship of CNL project. Phone: 904-237-5118 Fax: 904-358-3095 E-mail: VOICES FROM FREE NATIONS

CNL Editorial Board: Shota Mkheidze - Author of the Project; Colyn Newton - Project Manager/Chief Editor; Vaso Kuchukhidze - Analyst; Yasemin Karabudak - Jr. Analyst-intern; Fatlum Rushiti - Jr. Analyst-intern; Naadhira Ali - Jr. Analyst-intern; Russel Koehler - Jr. Analysts-intern; Inga Ormotsadze - Jr. Analyst-intern; and Lela Berdzuli - Jr. Analyst-intern.

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