El Nisc Newsletter26th March 2012

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EL Newsletter: Monday 26th March 2012

We have nearly nished our Sharing the Planet Unit of Inquiry! Here are some of the things we have gotten up to:

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We have been asking questions: How do we (living things) work? What is our responsibility to the world around us?

We have used these questions in our Independent play too; how does it work? What is our responsibility?

Thank you to Mr Kim, Grandfather of Jiu, for providing us with fertile eggs, helping us look after our eggs and chicks. We now have 10 healthy chicks growing in EL. They are helping our children learn about living things and our responsibilities to the world around us.


* you can keep to date daily our Early learning Facebook page. Just 'friend' us at Elnisc and make sure we know who you are.

* Please send in spare clothes everyday! A lot of our learning experiences can be messy or wet and we need something to change into afterwards. * Birthdays: if you are planning a small celebration in school please contact your child's teacher before hand. * Please send in sun hats with your child to school. Being outside is important for the children's development but we must make sure they are sun safe as well.

We have decided that every Friday afternoon from 2:45 to 3:00 pm, we will have a photo viewing session the classrooms. This provides another opportunity to share and celebrate the Learning Journey

Many thanks to all the parents who have gotten involved in this unit, including Mr Kim, and Miss Laura (Rhianna's Mum) for helping us with the planting! if you would like to become involved in any way from reading a story in your home language to helping out with a trip or ideas related to the unit, please talk to the class teacher to see how you can help.

Our next unit... How the world works The way materials behave and interact affects how they are used. Concept questions: What is it like? Why is it like it is?

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