Prepare The Appropriate Survey Questions Under 6 Components and Sub Headings of Dimensions

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BBA - 4 Organizational Behavior (Group Project) Phase # 1 Questions Preparation for Survey Prepare the appropriate Survey Questions

under 6 Components and sub headings of dimensions; Scale:

Extremely Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, 1 2 Neutral, 3 Satisfied, 4 Extremely Satisfied 5

Major Job Attitudes

1. Job Satisfaction: A positive feeling about the job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. Positive or Negative Feeling Supervision Coworkers Facilities Environment Salary 2. Job Involvement: Degree of psychological identification with the job where perceived performance is important. Self-worth. Psychological Empowerment: Belief in the degree of influence over the job, competence, job meaningfulness, Autonomy. 3. Organizational Commitment: Identifying with a particular organization and its goals, while wishing to maintain membership in the organization. Three dimensions: Affective emotional attachment to organization Continuance Commitment economic value of staying Normative moral or ethical obligations 4. Perceived Organizational Support (POS): Degree to which employees believe the organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being. Higher when rewards are fair, Employees are involved in decision-making, Supervisors are seen as supportive. High POS is related to higher OCBs and performance. 5. Employee Engagement: The degree of involvement, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the job. Engaged employees are passionate about their work and company. 6. Responses to Dissatisfaction Exit: Behavior directed toward leaving the organization Voice: Active and constructive attempts to improve conditions Neglect: Allowing conditions to worsen Loyalty: Passively waiting for conditions to improve

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