MR Krishcovich v1

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Mr Krishcovich?

The scene begins in an office, with Vladimir (Vlad) Krishcovich sitting in his office, clearly the leader of a Russian mafia gang. He is in suit and tie, and seems to be filling out paperwork of some sort

The door knocks three times; Vlad waits for 3 seconds until he says come in.

Vlad: What do you fucking want?

Justin: IdId.Id like to take out a loan please

Vlad: (Grinning) well then, come in, sit (Vlad begins laughing)

All dialogue goes quiet, instead, we are shown shots of them talking, and we hear no sounds. A drum beat seems to be entering, slowly turning into a heartbeat.

We see a cheque being handed over the table

Quick flashes that zoom in show the amount - 100,000 END

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