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European Standards

Catalogue - 2011

Issue 2, September 2011

Published by CENELEC
Avenue Marnix 17
1000 Brussels
Copyright all rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced or used
in any form or by any means, electronic or published
including photocopying and microfilm,
without permission in writing from the publisher

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Table of contents iii

Table of contents

Brief Introduction .............................................................................................................................. v
Membership of CENELEC ............................................................................................................. vi
Affiliates of CENELEC .................................................................................................................. vi
The Harmonization Process ............................................................................................................ vii
Production of CENELEC Standards .............................................................................................. vii
State of the art ................................................................................................................................. ix
CENELEC member National Committees ...................................................................................... x
AT BE BG CH CY - CZ ...................................................................................................... x
DE DK EE ES FI FR - GB ............................................................................................... xi
GR HR HU IE IS IT LT - LU ...................................................................................... xii
LV MT NL NO PR PT RO - SE ................................................................................. xiii
SI - SK ........................................................................................................................................... xiv
CENELEC Affiliates ........................................................................................................................ xv
AL BA BY GE IL LY ME .......................................................................................... xv
MK - RS TN TR - UA .......................................................................................................... xvi
Technical Bodies ............................................................................................................................. xvii
CENELEC Technical Committees and Subcommittees .............................................................. xvii
CENELEC BT Task Forces and BT Working Groups ............................................................... xviii
CEN/CENELEC Technical Committees ...................................................................................... xix
Co-operating Partners ..................................................................................................................... xx
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................. xxi
Catalogue structure........................................................................................................................ xxii
Relevance of CENELEC work to EC directives ........................................................................ xxiv
Part 1 : European Standards (EN) ................................................................................................... 1
European Standards prepared by CENELEC Technical Committees - EN 50000 .......................... 1
European Standards based on CISPR publications - EN 55000 .................................................... 69
European Standards based on IEC publications - EN 60000 ......................................................... 76
European Standards on electronic components - EN 100000 ...................................................... 560
Part 2 : HD Harmonization Documents .................................................................................... 576
Part 3 : TS Technical Specifications .......................................................................................... 606
Part 4 : TR Technical Reports ................................................................................................... 613
Part 5 : CWA CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement .......................................................... 622
Part 6a: CENELEC Guides .......................................................................................................... 623
Part 6b: CEN/CENELEC Guides ................................................................................................. 625
Part 7 : ENV European Prestandards....................................................................................... 626
Part 8 : CECC Specifications ........................................................................................................ 627
Part 9 : Reports .............................................................................................................................. 653
Part 10 : CEN/CENELEC European Standards ........................................................................ 654
Part 11 : Miscellaneous CLC & CEN/CLC publications ........................................................... 660
Part 12 : Superseded or withdrawn standards ............................................................................ 662
EN ................................................................................................................................................ 662
HD ................................................................................................................................................ 690
CLC/TS CLC/TS - ENV ........................................................................................................... 705
CLC Guide CEN/CLC/ Guide - Reports................................................................................... 706
EN ISO - EN ISO/IEC - ES ......................................................................................................... 707
CECC ........................................................................................................................................... 708
Part 13 : IEC/CEE HD/EN Cross reference index ................................................................ 710
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Table of contents iv

Part 14 : Alphabetical subject index ............................................................................................ 760
A ................................................................................................................................................... 760
B ................................................................................................................................................... 773
C ................................................................................................................................................... 778
D ................................................................................................................................................... 815
E ................................................................................................................................................... 829
F ................................................................................................................................................... 845
G ................................................................................................................................................... 860
H ................................................................................................................................................... 864
I .................................................................................................................................................... 874
J .................................................................................................................................................... 892
K ................................................................................................................................................... 893
L ................................................................................................................................................... 893
M .................................................................................................................................................. 903
N ................................................................................................................................................... 921
O ................................................................................................................................................... 925
P ................................................................................................................................................... 932
Q ................................................................................................................................................... 952
R ................................................................................................................................................... 952
S ................................................................................................................................................... 970
T ................................................................................................................................................... 996
U ................................................................................................................................................. 1017
V ................................................................................................................................................. 1019
W ................................................................................................................................................ 1023
X ................................................................................................................................................. 1028
Y ................................................................................................................................................. 1028
Z ................................................................................................................................................. 1028

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction

CENELEC is the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. It was created in
1973 as a result of the merger of two previous European organizations: CENELCOM and CENEL.
Nowadays, CENELEC is a non-profit technical organization set up under Belgian law and
composed of the National Electrotechnical Committees of 31 European countries. In addition,12
National Committees from Central and Eastern Europe are participating in CENELEC work with an
Affiliate status. Their ultimate goal as affiliates is gaining full membership to CENELEC
Standardization activities.

CENELEC members have been working together in the interests of European harmonization since
the 1950s, creating both standards requested by the market and harmonized standards in support of
European legislation and which have helped to shape the European Internal Market. CENELEC
works with 35,000 technical experts from at least 31 European countries. Its work directly increases
market potential, encourages technological development and guarantees the safety and health of
consumers and workers.

CENELECs mission is to prepare voluntary electrotechnical standards that help develop the Single
European Market/European Economic Area for electrical and electronic goods and services
removing barriers to trade, creating new markets and cutting compliance costs.
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Brief Introduction

Membership of CENELEC

The 31 current CENELEC members are the national organizations entrusted with electrotechnical
standardization, recognized both at National and European level as being able to represent all
standardization interests in their country. Only one organization per country may be member of
CENELEC. These are the National Electrotechnical Committees of: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the
United Kingdom.

Affiliates of CENELEC

CENELEC also has 12 Affiliates whose final goal is to become full members of the Organization
once they fulfill all required membership criteria. These are the National Electrotechnical
Committees of Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Israel, Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Libya, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine.

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

The Harmonization Process

The Harmonization Process

Production of CENELEC Standards

CENELEC harmonization work is monitored and controlled by the Technical Board, which is also responsible for
CENELEC programming. Although the harmonization work is mainly based on IEC results, CENELEC also produces
homegrown standards. The uniform application of the resulting CENELEC standards in all 31 member countries is
ensured through the provisions of Part 2 of the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations.

Once CENELEC has decided to work on a certain topic, all National Committees are required to stop any national work
on the same subject. This procedure is known as the "Standstill agreement".

An international standard may be endorsed without any change or may be modified in order to meet specific European
needs (in the latter case CENELEC drafts the necessary common modifications).

In order to speed up the growing "internationalization" of European standards, CENELEC has concluded with IEC the
Dresden Agreement which fosters the common planning of new work and settles the procedure for parallel voting of
international drafts.

CENELEC publications can take one of the following forms:

- European Standard: EN
- Harmonization Document: HD

- Technical Specification: TS
- Technical Report: TR

- CENELEC Workshop Agreement

European Standard (EN)
see Part 1

A European Standard (EN) is to be implemented at national level as a national standard (either by publication of an
endorsement sheet or by announcement in the members official journal) while any conflicting national standard is to be
withdrawn. If the EN text is published at national level, no alteration to the content or structure of the EN is permitted.
No conflicting national standards may continue to exist after the date fixed by the Technical Board for their withdrawal
(dow: date of withdrawal).

Harmonization Document (HD)
see Part 2

Each Harmonization Document (HD) is to be implemented at national level either by the issuing of a corresponding
national standard or, as a minimum, by public announcement of the HD number and title. In both cases no conflicting
national standard may continue to exist after the date fixed by the Technical Board for their withdrawal (dow).

The absence of a corresponding national standard is however not deemed to present an obstacle to harmonization.

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

The Harmonization Process

Technical Specifications (TS)
see Part 3

Document adopted by CEN/CENELEC for which there is the future possibility of agreement on a European Standard,
but for which at present.

the required support for approval as a European Standard cannot be obtained,
the subject matter is still under technical development, or
there is another reason precluding immediate publication as a European Standard.

NOTE A Technical Specification is not allowed to conflict with an existing European Standard or Harmonization
Document. Technical Specifications may however compete with each other.

Technical Report (TR)
see Part 4

Document adopted by CEN/CENELEC containing informative material not suitable to be published as a European
Standard or a Technical Specification.

NOTE A TR may include, for example, data obtained from a survey carried out among the CEN/CENELEC national
members or information on the technical content of standrds on a particular subject.

CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
see Part 5

A CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement (CWA) is a document made available by CEN/CENELEC in at least one of
the official languages. It is an agreement, developed and approved by a CEN/CENELEC Workshop and owned by
CEN/CENELEC as a publication, which reflects the consensus of identified individuals and organizations responsible
for its content. The Workshop Agreement is announced and possibly made available at national level. Conflicting
national normative documents may continue to exist. Revision of a Workshop Agreement is possible. In CENELEC
safety matters are excluded from being the subject of Workshop Agreements.

see Parts 6a and 6b

Document published by CEN/CENELEC giving orientation, advice or recommendations on standardization principles
and policies and guidance to standards writers

NOTE Guides may also address issues of interest to all users of CENELEC standards.

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

The Harmonization Process

Besides the above CENELEC publications, the following types of documents have also been
prepared in the past and are still existing:

European Prestandard (ENV)
see Part 7 (Progressively replaced by TS)

European Prestandards (ENV) was established as prospective standards for provisional application in technical fields
where the innovation rate is high or where there is an urgent need for guidance.

ENV were prepared by a technical body of CENELEC which could adopt the document at a special voting meeting, or
through a questionnaire procedure confirmed by a written vote.

CENELEC members were required to make the ENV available at national level in an appropriate form and to announce
their existence in the same way as for EN/HD. However, any conflicting national standards may be kept in force until
such time as the ENV is converted into an EN.

see Part 8 (progressively replaced by TR)

For matters of a general nature or for items where consensus cannot be achieved, the CENELEC technical bodies could
prepare specific study documents which were called CENELEC reports. They were published by the Central Secretariat
after approval of their issuing by the CENELEC Technical Board.

State of the art

In order to ensure that European standards are up-to-date and represent the "state-of-the-art", the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations stipulate that EN and HD shall be reviewed at intervals not exceeding five years. For European
standards endorsing an international standard, the revision is performed at the international level and brought to the
European level through parallel voting. For homegrown European standards, the need for revision is considered by the
responsible technical body of CEN/CENELEC on an identified basis.

The resulting procedure for confirmation or for revision of a standard is performed following the normal consensus and
approval process of CENELEC.

Further information on CENELEC and its activities

Full details of the technical work carried out by CENELEC Technical Board and Technical Committees are contained
in the Report on Current Activities, published in English only.
See also Miscellaneous publications.

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

National Committees

Where to obtain

The CENELEC European Standards, Harmonization Documents and Technical reports may be purchased from any of
the CENELEC National Committees, whose addresses are given hereunder.

CENELEC member National Committees

AT Austria - Autriche - sterreich

OVE sterreichischer Verband fr Elektrotechnik

Eschenbachgasse, 9
A - 1010 VIENNA
Tel.:Int + 43 1 587 63 73
Fax :Int + 43 1 586 74 08

BE Belgium - Belgique - Belgien

CEB Comit Electrotechnique Belge BEC Belgisch Elektrotechnisch Comit

Boulevard Auguste Reyers, 80
Tel.:Int + 32 2 706 85 70
Fax :Int + 32 2 706 85 80

BG Bulgaria - Bulgarie - Bulgarien

BDS Bulgarian Institute for Standardization

Lachezar Stanchev street,
Izgrev Komplex, 13
BG - 1797 SOFIA
Tel.:Int + 359 2 8174 504
Fax :Int + 359 2 8735 597

CH Switzerland - Suisse - Schweiz


Luppmenstrae, 1
Tel.:Int + 41 44 956 11 11
Fax :Int + 41 44 956 11 22

CY Cyprus - Chypre - Zypern

CYS Cyprus Organization for Standardization

Avenue and Kosta Anaxagora, 30
Tel.:+ 357 22 411 411
Fax :+ 357 22 411 511

CZ Czech Republic - Rpublique Tchque - Tschechische Republik

UNMZ Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing

Gorazdova, 24
CZ - 128 01 PRAGUE 2
Tel.:Int + 420 221 802 100
Fax :Int + 420 221 802 311

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

National Committees

DE Germany - Allemagne - Deutschland

DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik im DIN und VDE

Stresemannallee, 15
Tel.:Int + 49 69 63 08 0
Fax :Int + 49 69 631 29 25

DK Denmark - Danemark - Dnemark

DS Danish Standards Foundation

Kollegievej, 6
Tel.:Int + 45 39 96 61 01
Fax :Int + 45 39 96 61 02 (or 61 03,
Certification Dpt)

EE Estonia - Estonie - Estland

EVS Estonian Centre for Standardisation

Aru Street, 10
EE - 10317 TALLINN
Tel.:Int + 372 605 50 50
Fax :Int + 372 605 50 70

ES Spain - Espagne - Spanien

AENOR Asociacin Espaola de Normalizacin y Certificacin

C/ Gnova, 6
E - 28004 MADRID
Tel.:+ 34 914 326 000
Fax :+ 34 913 104 596

FI Finland - Finlande - Finnland

SESKO Standardization in Finland

Srkiniementie, 3
Tel.:Int + 358 9 696 391
Fax :Int + 358 9 677 059

FR France - France - Frankreich

UTE Union Technique de l'Electricit et de la Communication

Tour Chantecoq, 5 rue Chantecoq
Tel.:+ 33 1 49 07 62 00
Fax :+ 33 1 47 78 73 51

GB United Kingdom - Royaume-Uni - Vereinigtes Knigreich

BSI British Standards Institution

389, Chiswick High Road
Tel.:Int + 44 208 996 74 59
Fax :Int + 44 208 996 74 60

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

National Committees

GR Greece - Grce - Griechenland

ELOT Hellenic Organization for Standardization

Acharnon Street, 313
GR - 11145 ATHENS
Tel.:Int + 30 210 212 01 00
Fax :Int + 30 210 228 30 34

HR Croatia - Croatie - Kroatien

HZN Croatian Standards Institute

Ulica grada Vukovara, 78
HR - 10000 ZAGREB
Tel.:+ 385 1 610 60 95
Fax :+ 385 1 610 93 21

HU Hungary - Hongrie - Ungarn

MSZT Hungarian Standards Institution

Horvth Mihly tr, 1
Tel.:Int + 361 45 66 800
Fax :Int + 361 45 66 823

IE Ireland - Irlande - Irland

NSAI National Standards Authority of Ireland

1 Swift Square - Northwood - Santry
Tel.:+353 1 8073800
Fax :+353 1 8073838

IS Iceland - Islande - Island

IST Icelandic Standards

Skulatun, 2
Tel.:Int + 354 520 7150
Fax :Int + 354 520 7171

IT Italy - Italie - Italien

CEI Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano

Via Saccardo, 9
I - 20134 MILANO
Tel.:+ 39 02 21 006
Fax :+ 39 02 21 006 210

LT Lithuania - Lituanie - Litauen

LST Lithuanian Standards Board

T. Kosciuskos g., 30
LT - 01100 VILNIUS
Tel.:Int + 370 5 270 93 60
Fax :Int + 370 5 212 62 52

LU Luxembourg - Luxembourg - Luxemburg


Avenue de la Porte-Neuve, 34-40
Tel.:Int + 352 46 97 461
Fax :Int + 352 46 97 46 39

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

National Committees

LV Latvia - Lettonie - Lettland

LVS Latvian Standard

K. Valdemara Street, 157
LV - 1013 RIGA
Tel.:Int + 371 7371 308
Fax :Int + 371 7371 324

MT Malta - Malte - Malta

MCCAA The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority

Second Floor, Evans Building Merchants Street
Tel.:+ 356 21 24 24 20
Fax :+ 356 21 24 24 06

NL Netherlands - Pays-Bas - Niederlande

NEC Nederlands Elektrotechnisch Comit

Vlinderweg, 6
NL - 2623 AX DELFT
Tel.:Int + 31 15 269 03 90
Fax :Int + 31 15 269 01 90

NO Norway - Norvge - Norwegen

NEK Norsk Elektroteknisk Komite

Strandveien, 18
N - 1326 LYSAKER
Tel.:Int + 47 67 83 31 00
Fax :Int + 47 67 83 31 01

PL Poland - Pologne - Polen

PKN Polish Committee for Standardization

Swietokrzyska, 14
PL - 00 - 050 WARSZAWA
Tel.:Int + 48 22 55 67 591
Fax :Int + 48 22 55 67 786

PT Portugal - Portugal - Portugal

IPQ Instituto Portugus da Qualidade

Rua Antnio Gio, 2
P - 2829 - 513 CAPARICA
Tel.:+ 351 21 294 81 00
Fax :+ 351 21 294 81 12

RO Romania - Roumanie - Rumnien

ASRO Romanian Standards Association

Str. Mendeleev, 21-25
RO - 010362 BUCHAREST 1
Tel.:+ 40 21 316 32 96
Fax :+ 40 21 316 08 70

SE Sweden - Sude - Schweden

SEK Svensk Elstandard

Kistaggen, 19
S - 164 29 KISTA
Tel.:+ 46 84 44 14 00
Fax :+ 46 84 44 14 30

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

National Committees

SI Slovenia Slovnie - Slowenien

SIST Slovenian Institute for Standardization

Smartinska, 152
Tel.:+ 386 1 478 30 13
Fax :+ 386 1 478 30 94

SK Slovakia - Slovaquie - Slowakei

SEV Slovak Electrotechnical Committee - SUTN Slovak Standards Institute

Karloveska, 63
SK - 840 00 BRATISLAVA 4
Tel.:+ 421 2 6029 4466
Fax :+ 421 2 6541 1888

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CENELEC Affiliates

CENELEC Affiliates

AL Albania - Albanie - Albanien

DPS General Directorate of Standardization

Mine Peza Street, 143/3
AL - 1014 TIRANA
Tel.:+ 355 4 22 62 55
Fax :+ 355 4 24 71 77

BA Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnie-Herzgovine - Bosnien und Herzegowina

BAS Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina

ul. Vojvode Radomira Putnika, 34
BA - 71123 I. Sarajevo
Tel.:+ 387 57 31 05 60
Fax :+ 387 57 31 05 75

BY Belarus Blarus - Belarus

GOSSTANDART State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus

Starovilensky tract, 93
BY - 220053 Minsk
Tel.:+ 375 17 233 52 13
Fax :+ 375 17 233 25 88

GE Georgia Gorgie - Georgien


Chargali Str., 67
GE - 0141 Tbilisi
Tel.:+ 995 32 61 35 00
Fax :+ 995 32 61 35 00

IL Israel Isral - Israel

SII The Standards Institution of Israel

Chaim Levanon street, 42
IL - 69977 Tel-Aviv
Tel.:+ 972 3 646 51 80
Fax :+ 972 3 641 27 62

LY Libya Libye - Lybien

Libyan National Center for Standardization and Metrology

Building Alfernage
Tel.:+ 218 21 46243692082
Fax :+ 218 21 4630885

ME Montenegro - Montenegro - Montenegro

ISME - Institute for Standardization of Montenegro

VII Omladinske br., 28
ME - 81000 Podgorica
Tel.:+ 382 20 227 108
Fax :+ 382 20 227 138

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CENELEC Affiliates

MK Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -

ISRM Standardization Institute of the Republic of Macedonia

Vasil Glavinov b.b. mezzanin, blok 10
MK - 1000 Skopje
Tel.:+ 389 2 3247 150
Fax :+ 389 2 3247 151

RS Serbia - Serbie - Serbien

ISS Institute for Standardization of Serbia

Stevana Brakusa, 2
RS - 11030 Belgrade
Tel.:+381 11 7541 256
Fax :+ 381 11 75 41 258

TN Tunisia Tunisie - Tunisien


Cit El Khadra rue 8451 par la rue Alain Savary, 8
TN - 1003 TUNIS
Tel.:+ 216 71 806 758
Fax :+ 216 71 807 071

TR Turkey - Turquie - die Trkei


Necatibey Cad., 112
Tel.:+ 90 3124178330
Fax :+ 90 3124254399

UA Ukraine - Ukraine - Ukraine

DSSU State Service of Technical Regulation of Ukraine

Gorkiy Street 03680, GSP, 174
UA - 150 Kyiv
Tel.:+ 380 44 226 29 71
Fax :+ 380 44 226 29 70

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CENELEC Technical Bodies

Technical Bodies

CENELEC Technical Committees and Subcommittees

TC 2 Rotating machinery
TC 8X System aspects of electrical energy supply
TC 9X Electrical and electronic applications for railways
SC 9XA Communication, signalling and processing systems
SC 9XB Electromechanical material on board rolling stock
SC 9XC Electric supply and earthing systems for public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus
(Fixed installations)
TC 11 Overhead electrical lines exceeding 1 kV a.c. (1,5 kV d.c.)
TC 13 Equipment for electrical energy measurement and load control
TC 14 Power transformers
TC 17AC High-voltage switchgear and controlgear
TC 17B Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
TC 17D (dormant) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
TC 20 Electric cables
TC 21X Secondary cells and batteries
TC 22X Power electronics
TC 23BX d.c. plugs and socket-outlets and switches for household and similar fixed electrical
TC 23E Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications
TC 26A Electric arc welding equipment
TC 26B Electric resistance welding
TC 31 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
SC 31-1 Installation rules
SC 31-2 (dormant) Flameproof enclosures "d"
SC 31-3 (dormant) Intrinsically safe apparatus and systems "i"
SC 31-4 (dormant) Increased safety "e"
SC 31-5 (dormant) Apparatus type of protection "n"
SC 31-7 (dormant) Pressurization and other techniques
SC 31-8 Electrostatic painting and finishing equipment
SC 31-9 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases to be used in
industrial and commercial potentially explosive atmospheres
TC 34Z Luminaires and associated equipment
TC 36A Insulated bushings
TC 37A Low voltage surge protective devices
TC 38X Instrument transformers
TC 40XA Capacitors and EMI suppression components
TC 40XB Resistors
TC 44X Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects
TC 45AX Instrumentation and control of nuclear facilities
TC 45B Radiation protection instrumentation
TC 46X Communication cables
SC 46XA Coaxial cables
SC 46XC Multicore, multipair and quad data communication cables
TC 55 Winding wires
TC 57 Power systems management and associated information exchange
TC 59X Performance of household and similar electrical appliances
TC 61 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice
TC 64 Electrical installations and protection against electric shock
TC 65X Industrial-process measurement, control and automation
TC 69X Electrical systems for electric road vehicles
TC 72 Automatic controls for household use
TC 76 Optical radiation safety and laser equipment
TC 78 Equipment and tools for live working
TC 79 Alarm systems
TC 81X Lightning protection
TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems
TC 86A Optical fibres and optical fibre cables
TC 86BXA Fibre optic interconnect, passive and connectorised components
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CENELEC Technical Bodies

TC 88 Wind turbines
TC 94 (dormant) Relays
TC 97 Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes
TC 99X Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. (1,5 kV d.c.)
TC 106X Electromagnetic fields in the human environment
TC 107X (dormant) Process management for avionics
TC 108X Safety of electronic equipment within the fields of Audio/Video, Information Technology
and Communication Technology
TC 111X Environment
TC 116 Safety of motor-operated electric tools
TC 204 Safety of electrostatic painting and finishing equipment
TC 205 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)
SC 205A Mains communicating systems
TC 206 Consumer equipment for entertainment and information and related sub-systems
TC 209 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services
TC 210 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
TC 213 Cable management systems
TC 215 Electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment
TC 216 Gas detectors

CENELEC BT Task Forces and BT Working Groups

BTTF 62-3 Operation of electrical installations
BTTF 69-3 Road traffic signal systems
BTTF 76-3 Test schedules related to CENELEC Guide 17
BTWG 80-3 Database and electronic communications
BTWG 101-5 Usability and safety of electrical products with reference to people with special needs
BTWG 112-1 (dormant) Improvement of EN 60309-1 and EN 60309-2
BTTF 116-1 Fluids for electrotechnical applications
BTTF 116-2 Alcohol interlocks
BTWG 117-1 Revision of EN 175301-801:1999 and EN 175301-803:1999
BTTF 126-1 Electronic taximeters
BTWG 126-2 Internal regulations
BTTF 128-2 Erection and operation of electrical test equipment
BTWG 128-3 BT efficiency
BTTF 129-1 Thermal resistant aluminium alloy wire for overhead line conductor
BTTF 132-1 Aluminium conductors steel supported (ACSS type) for overhead electrical lines
BTTF 132-2 Revision of EN 50156 "Electrical equipment for furnaces and ancillary equipment"
BTTF 133-1 Sound systems for emergency purposes which are not part of fire detection and alarm
BTWG 138-1 CENELEC/BT action plan

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CENELEC Technical Bodies

CEN/CENELEC Technical Committees

TC 1 Criteria for conformity assessment bodies
TC 2 CEN/CENELEC Joint Technical Group Power Engineering
TC 3 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices
TC 4 Project committee - Services for fire safety and security systems
JWG 1 Energy audits
JWG 2 Guarantees of origin and energy certificates
JWG 3 Energy Management and related services - General requirements and qualification
JWG 4 Energy Efficiency and Saving Calculations
JWG AIMD CEN/CENELEC Joint Working Group Active Implantable Medical Devices
JWG CBU Underground plastic conduits for protection of cables
JWG CMI CEN/CENELEC Joint Working Group Continuous Measuring Instruments
JWG FCGA Fuel cell gas appliances
JWG FPR Fire protection for railway applications
JWG NAWI Non automatic weighing instruments
JWG PPE Electrostatic risks
JWG RRM CEN/CENELEC Joint Working Group Remote Reading of Meters

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CENELEC co-operating partners

Co-operating Partners

AIE European Association of Electrical Contractors
ANEC European Consumer Voice in Standardization
European Cable Communications Association
CEA Comit Europen des Assurances
CECAPI European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers
CECED European Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical Domestic Equipment
CECIMO European Committee for Co-operation of the Machine Tool Industries
CEER The Council of European energy regulators
Federation of National Manufacturers Associations for Luminaires and Electrotechnical
Components for Luminaires in the European Union
CER Community of Railway and Infrastructure Companies
COCIR European Coordination Committee of the Radiological and Electromedical Industries
COGEN The European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration
Digitaleurope The Voice of the European Digital Technology Industry
EA EA Secretariat
EC DG JRC EC Joint Research Centre
ECI European Copper Institute
ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association
ECOS European Environmental Citizens' Organisation for Standardisation
ECSS Secretariat - European Cooperation for Space Standardization
EDMA European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association
EECA-ESIA European Semiconductor Industry Association
EEPCA European Electrical Products Certification Association
EERA The European electronics recyclers association
EFCOHPA European Federation of Campingsite Organisations and Holiday Park Associations (EFCO&HPA)
EIM European Rail Infrastructure Managers
EPBA The Authoritative Voice of the Portable Battery Industry
EPIA European Photovoltaic Industry Association
EPSMA European Power supply Manufacturers Association
ERA European railway agency
ESMIG European smart metering industry group
EURALARM Association of European Manufacturers and Installers of Fire and Security Systems
EURAMET European Association of National Metrology Institutes
EURELECTRIC Union of the Electricity Industry
EUROBAT Association of European Storage Battery Manufacturers
EUROCAE European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment
EUROPACABLE European Confederation of Associations of Manufacturers of Insulated Wires and Cables
EVA European Vending Association
IFAN International federation of standards users
KNX KNX Association
NORMAPME European Office of Craft, Trade and Small & Medium Enterprises for Standardization
NSA NATO Standardisation Agency
OIML International Organization of Legal Metrology
ORGALIME European Engineering Industries Association
RAE-UIC Regional Assembly for Europe of the International Union of Railways
T&D Europe T & D Europe
TIE Toy Industries Europe
UNIFE The European Railway Industries
WEEE Forum European association of electrical and electronic waste take back systems

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2



BT Technical Board
BTTF Task Force of the Technical Board
BTWG Working Group of the Technical Board
CCAF CENELEC Conformity Assessment Forum
CEE International Commission on Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment
CEN Comit Europen de Normalisation / European Committee for Standardization
CENELEC Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique / European Committee for Electrotechnical
CLC/NC National committee of CENELEC
CLC/SC Subcommittee of CENELEC
CLC/TC Technical committee of CENELEC
EEC European Economic Community
EEC dir. EEC directive
See also Relevance of CENELEC work to EEC directives (page xxii)
EFTA European Free Trade Association
ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute
EU European Union
ICTSB Information and Communication Technologies Standards Board
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC/SC Subcommittee of IEC
IEC/TC Technical Committee of IEC
JCG Joint Coordination Group of CEN - CENELEC - ETSI
JPG Joint President's Group of CEN - CENELEC - ETSI
doa latest date of announcement of the new EN/ENV/HD at national level
dop latest date of publication of an identical/a harmonized national standard
dor date of ratification
dow latest date of withdrawal of conflicting national standards
EN European Standard
HD Harmonization Document
TS Technical Specification
TR Technical Report
CWA CENELEC Workshop Agreement
IS Interpretation sheet
ENV European Prestandard
ES European Specification
NS National Standard
A Amendment to an EN/HD or to an IEC publication

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Catalogue structure

Catalogue structure

Parts 1 to 10 of this catalogue constitute a numerical list of all currently valid standards (EN, HD, TS, TR, CWA, CLC
Guides, CENCLC Guides, ENV, ES, CECC Specifications and Reports) published by CENELEC as at 2011-09-15 ,
English title and indication of the technical body responsible for drafting the document.
Superseded and withdrawn standards are listed in part 12, HD/EN cross reference index is listed in part 13 and an
alphabetical subject index is listed in part 14.

Layout of catalogue entries


C EN 60947-2:1996 + corrigendum Jun. 1997
C IEC 60947-2:1995 (corrigendum Mar. 1997) (Modified) C
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (73/23/EEC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers
dor: 1995-11-28 doa: 1996-03-01 dop: 1996-09-01 dow: 1997-10-01

New standards published since the last CENELEC catalogue, i.e. published since 2011-02-01 .
C Standard reference: Document type (EN, HD, TS, TR, CWA, ENV, ES, A), number and year of publication.
Amendments to existing standards published as separate documents are labelled Ax and are listed in numerical order
immediately after the relevant standard.
NOTE: Amendment numbers commencing A1 refer to the endorsement of IEC amendments, those commencing
A11 (or A51) originate in CENELEC.
C Reference of the International Standard published by IEC which is endorsed by the European Standard.
NOTE: See "The harmonization process" for the relationship of CENELEC standards to those produced at
international level by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
NOTE: "(corrigendum)" indicates that a corrigendum to the IEC standard was published after the CENELEC
standard was published. If an IEC corrigendum is made before the corresponding CENELEC standard is
published, it is included in the endorsement notice and indicated in the reference as "+ corrigendum".
C "Modified" indicates that some changes, deletions or additions to the IEC text have been agreed by a CENELEC
technical body and have been ratified by the Technical Board after a formal written voting stage. These changes
are termed "common modifications" and are printed in the published standard with the endorsement notice.
C The responsible technical bodies from both CENELEC and IEC.
A full list of CENELEC Technical Committees and Subcommittees is given under Technical Bodies
NOTE: Where the body that originally drafted the standard has been disbanded, this catalogue lists the body that
now has responsibility for the subject dealt with.
C Applicable EC directives, see acronyms list.
Full English title of the standard.
C // Standard ratified under the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote procedure.
Dates for implementation at national level.
dor = date of ratification by Technical Board.
doa = latest date by which the existence of an EN/ENV/HD has to be announced at national level
dop = latest date by which the EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement.
dow = latest date by which national standards conflicting with the EN/HD have to be withdrawn.

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Catalogue structure

dor is the date when the Technical Board confirms that the results of written vote are positive and that the EN/HD
is adopted.
doa is fixed by the Technical Board, normally six months later than dor. Normally the announcement of the
existence of the new CENELEC EN/ENV/HD is made by each CENELEC member in the official national
standards journal or in a similar publication at national level.
dop is the date limit for identical/harmonized national standards corresponding to the new EN/HD to be available.
dow is the latest date for all CENELEC members to withdraw or amend any national standards containing
requirements conflicting with those of the new HD or EN, even if the publication of a new national standard
on the basis of an HD is not intended.

Other possible information:

The notes "Superseded by X" indicate that the relevant document and any amendment thereto are withdrawn at the dow
(latest date for withdrawal of conflicting national standards) stipulated in the document which is given in the note.

Specific useful information for any listed standard is given in a note following the title. This note may e.g. give the
relationship with other standards or indicate the relevance of a CENELEC corrigendum.

Standards which are based on IEC Basic Safety Publications or Group Safety Publications, have this mentioned in the note.
Basic safety publications deal with specific safety aspects (characteristics) concerning the majority of electrotechnical
products and have been prepared by Technical Committees and Subcommittees working under a safety pilot function as
defined in IEC Guide 104. Group safety publications deal with product safety requirements that could apply to one or more
product areas and have been prepared by Technical Committees and Sub-Committees working under a group safety function
as defined in IEC Guide 104.

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Relevance EEC Directives

Relevance of CENELEC work to EC directives

The standards (both EN and HD) adopted by CENELEC are used for evaluating conformity with the relevant Essential
Requirements of EC directives.
For standards which may fall within the scope of a given Directive(s), these Directives are indicated under the heading
"Dir." using the abbreviations listed below.
EC Directives and their publication references in the EC Official Journal

AIMD 90/385/EEC Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of
the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical
Published : OJ L 189 of 1990-07-20

93/42/EEC Amendment to Directive 90/385/EEC
Published : OJ L 169 of 1993-07-12

93/68/EEC Amendment to Directive 90/385/EEC
Published : OJ L 220 of 1993-08-30

2007/47/EC Amendment to Directive 90/385/EEC
Published : OJ L 247 of 2007-09-21

ELAIRC 2002/31/EC Commission Directive 2002/31/EC of 22 March 2002 implementing
Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household
Published : OJ L 86 of 2002-04-03

EUP 2008/28/EC Directive 2008/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
11 March 2008 amending Directive 2005/32/EC establishing a framework
for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-using products, as
well as Council Directive 92/42/EEC and Directives 96/57/EC and
2000/55/EC, as regards the implementing powers conferred on the
Published : OJ L 81 of 2008-03-20

ROHS 2002/95/EC Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous
substances in electrical and electronic equipment
Published : OJ L 037 of 2003-02-13

2008/35/EC Amendment to Directive 2002/95/EC
Published : OJ L 81 of 2008-03-20

RAIL 2008/57/EC Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the
Published : OJ L 191 of 2008-07-18

NAWI 2009/23/EC Directive 2009/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
23 April 2009 on non-automatic weighing instruments
Published : OJ L 122/6 of 2009-05-16

ATEX 94/9/EC Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23
March 1994 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States
concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres
Published : OJ L 100 of 1994-04-19

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Relevance EEC Directives

ELFRE 94/2/EC Commission Directive 94/2/EC of 21 January 1994 implementing Council
Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric
refrigerators, freezers and their combinations
Published : OJ L 45 of 1994-02-17

2003/66/EC Amendment to Directive 94/2/EC
Published : OJ L 170 of 2003-07-09

NOISA 86/594/EEC Council Directive 86/594/EEC of 1 December 1986 on airborne noise
emitted by household appliances
Published : OJ L 344 of 1986-12-06

EMC 2004/108/EC Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States
relating to electromagnetic compatibility and repealing Directive
Published : OJ L 390 of 2004-12-31

PPE 89/686/EEC Council Directive 89/686/EEC of 21 December 1989 on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to personal
protective equipment
Published : OJ L 399 of 1989-12-30

93/68/EEC Amendment to Directive 89/686/EEC
Published : OJ L 220 of 1993-08-30

93/95/EEC Amendment to Directive 89/686/EEC
Published : OJ L 276 of 1993-11-09

96/58/EC Amendment to Directive 89/686/EEC
Published : OJ L 236 of 1996-09-18

HSR 2004/50/EC Amendment to Directive 96/48/EC
Published : OJ L 164 of 2004-04-30

2007/32/EC Amendment to Directive 96/48/EC
Published : OJ L 141 of 2007-06-02

ERP 2009/125/EC Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
6 July 2005 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign
requirements for energy-using products and amending Council Directive
92/42/EEC and Directives 96/57/EC and 2000/55/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council
Published : OJ L 285/10 of 2009-10-31

TOYS (OLD) 93/68/EEC Amendment to Directive 88/378/EEC
Published : OJ L 220 of 1993-08-30

ELWM 95/12/EC Commission Directive 95/12/EC of 23 May 1995 implementing Council
Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household
washing machines
Published : OJ L 136 of 1995-06-21

96/89/EC Amendment to Directive 95/12/EC
Published : OJ L 338 of 1996-12-28

IVD 98/79/EC Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27
October 1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Published : OJ L 331/1 of 1998-12-07

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Relevance EEC Directives

RCD 94/25/EC Directive 94/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
June 1994 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and
administrative provisions of the Member States relating to recreational
Published : OJ L 164 of 1994-06-30

2003/44/EC Amendment to Directive 94/25/EC
Published : OJ L 214 of 2003-08-26

CONRAIL 2004/50/EC Amendment to Directive 2001/16/EC
Published : OJ L 164 of 2004-04-30

2007/32/EC Amendment to Directive 2001/16/EC
Published : OJ L 141 of 2007-06-02

TOYS 2009/48/EC Directive 2009/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
18 June 2009 on the safety of toys
Published : OJ L 170 of 2009-06-30

EL 2010/30/EU Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of
19 May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product
information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-
related products (recast)
Published : OJ L 153 of 2010-06-18

ELLA 98/11/EC Commission Directive 98/11/EC of 27 January 1998 implementing
Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household
Published : OJ L 071 of 1998-03-10

GPSD 2001/95/EC Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3
December 2001 on general product safety
Published : OJ L 11 of 2002-01-15

MID 2004/22/EC Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
31 March 2004 on measuring instruments
Published : OJ L 135 of 2004-04-30

MD 98/79/EC Amendment to Directive 98/37/EC
Published : OJ L 331 of 1998-12-07

2006/42/EC Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast)
Published : OJ L 157 of 2006-06-09

ELTD 95/13/EC Commission Directive 95/13/EC of 23 May 1995 implementing Council
Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric
tumble driers
Published : OJ L 136 of 1995-06-21

LVD 2006/95/EC Council Directive 2006/95/EC of 12 December 2006 on the harmonization
of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for
use within certain voltage limits
Published : OJ L 374 of 2006-12-12

EMF 2004/40/EC Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
29 April 2004 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding
the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents
(electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive within the meaning of
Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)
Published : OJ L 159 of 2004-04-30

2008/46/EC Amendment to Directive 2004/40/EC.
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Relevance EEC Directives

Published : OJ L 114 of 2008-04-26

GAD 2009/142/EC Directive 2009/142/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
30 November 2009 relating to appliances burning gaseous fuels
Published : OJ L 330/10 of 2009-12-16

ELDW 97/17/EC Commission Directive 97/17/EC of 16 April 1997 implementing Council
Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household
Published : OJ L 118 of 1997-05-07

1999/9/EC Amendment to Directive 97/17/EC
Published : OJ L 056 of 1999-03-04

PED 97/23/EC Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29
May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States
concerning pressure equipment
Published : OJ L 181 of 1997-07-09

RTTED 1999/5/EC Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9
March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal
equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity
Published : OJ L 91 of 1999-04-07

MDD 93/42/EEC Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices
Published : OJ L 169 of 1993-07-12

98/79/EC Amendment to Directive 93/42/EEC
Published : OJ L 331 of 1998-12-07

2000/70/EC Amendment to Directive 93/42/EEC
Published : OJ L 313 of 2000-12-13

2001/104/EC Amendment to Directive 93/42/EEC
Published : OJ L 6 of 2002-01-10

2007/47/EC Amendement to directives 93/42/EC (MDD) and 90/385 (AIMD)
Published : OJ L 247 of 2007-09-21

WEEE 2002/96/EC Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
relating to Article 9
Published : OJ L 37 of 2003-02-13

2003/108/EC Amendment to Directive 2002/96/EC
Published : OJ L 345 of 2003-12-31

2008/34/EC Amendment to Directive 2002/96/EC
Published : OJ L 81 of 2008-03-20

ELOV 2002/40/EC Commission Directive 2002/40/EC of 8 May 2002 implementing Council
Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household ovens
Published : OJ L 128 of 2002-05-15

BALFLU 2000/55/EC Directive 2000/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
18 September 2000 on energy efficiency requirements for ballasts for
fluorescent lighting
Published : OJ L 279 of 2000-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Relevance EEC Directives

ELWD 96/60/EC Commission Directive 96/60/EC of 19 September 1996 implementing
Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household
combined washer-driers
Published : OJ L 266 of 1996-10-18

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

Part 1 : European Standards (EN)

An EN is an approved technical text that carries with it the strict obligation to be implemented as a national standard,
unaltered in presentation and content.

This part 1 of the Catalogue lists all currently valid European Standards (EN) ratified by the 31 member National
Committees of CENELEC which have been published as at 2011-09-15 .

European Standards prepared by CENELEC Technical Committees - EN 50000

EN 41003:2008
CLC/TC 108X LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)

Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to telecommunication networks and/or a cable
distribution system
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 50041:1981

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use - Control switches - Position switches 42,5 x 80 -
Dimensions and characteristics
dor : 1981-07-06 doa : 1982-04-01 dop : 1982-12-31 dow : 1982-12-31

EN 50047:1981

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use - Control switches - Position switches 30 x 55 -
Dimensions and characteristics
dor : 1981-07-06 doa : 1982-04-01 dop : 1982-12-31 dow : 1982-12-31

EN 50049-1:1997 + corrigendum Feb. 2000
CLC/TC 206
Domestic and similar electronic equipment interconnection requirements: Peritelevision connector
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

+ A1:1998
CLC/TC 206
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

EN 50050:2006
CLC/SC 31-8 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres - Electrostatic hand-held spraying equipment
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 50052:1986
Cast aluminium alloy enclosures for gas-filled high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
dor : 1985-03-07 doa : 1985-09-01 dop : 1986-09-01 dow : -

+ A2:1993 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

EN 50059:1990
CLC/TC 204
Specification for electrostatic hand-held spraying equipment for non-flammable material for painting and finishing
dor : 1986-12-09 doa : 1987-03-01 dop : 1988-03-01 dow : 1988-03-01

EN 50063:1989 + corrigendum Aug. 1990
CLC/TC 26B LVD (2006/95/EC)
Safety requirements for the construction and the installation of equipment for resistance welding and allied processes
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62135-1:2008
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-03-01 dop : 1989-09-01 dow : 1989-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50064:1989
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy enclosures for gas-filled high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
dor : 1989-03-07 doa : 1989-12-15 dop : 1990-06-15 dow : 1990-06-15

+ A1:1993 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

EN 50065-1:2001
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 1: General
requirements, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50065-1:2011
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2003-04-01

+ A1:2010
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-04-01 dop : 2010-10-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 50065-1:2011
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 1: General
requirements, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances
dor : 2011-03-21 doa : 2011-09-21 dop : 2012-03-21 dow : 2014-03-21

EN 50065-2-1:2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2003
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 2-1: Immunity
requirements for mains communications equipment and systems operating in the range of frequencies 95 kHz to
148,5 kHz and intended for use in residential, commercial and light industrial environments
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2004-10-01

+ A1:2005
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 50065-2-2:2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2003
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 2-2: Immunity
requirements for mains communications equipment and systems operating in the range of frequencies 95 kHz to
148,5 kHz and intended for use in industrial environments
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2004-10-01

+ A1:2005 + corrigendum Oct. 2006
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 50065-2-3:2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2003
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 2-3: Immunity
requirements for mains communications equipment and systems operating in the range of frequencies 3 kHz to 95
kHz and intended for use by electricity suppliers and distributors
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

+ A1:2005
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50065-4-1:2001

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 4-1: Low voltage
decoupling filters - Generic specification
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 50065-4-2:2001
CLC/SC 205A LVD (2006/95/EC)

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz and 1,6 MHz to 30 MHz
- Part 4-2: Low voltage decoupling filters - Safety requirements
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2003-11-01

+ A1:2003
CLC/SC 205A LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A2:2005
CLC/SC 205A LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 50065-4-3:2003

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 4-3: Low voltage
decoupling filter - Incoming filter
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50065-4-4:2003

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 4-4: Low voltage
decoupling filter - Impedance filter
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 50065-4-5:2003

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 4-5: Low voltage
decoupling filter - Segmentation filter
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 50065-4-6:2004

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 4-6: Low voltage
decoupling filters - Phase coupler
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 50065-4-7:2005 + corrigendum Oct. 2006
CLC/SC 205A LVD (2006/95/EC)

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz and 1,6 MHz to 30 MHz
- Part 4-7: Portable low voltage decoupling filters - Safety requirements
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 50065-7:2001

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 7: Equipment
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 50066:1992
Mini-couplers for the interconnection of electrical mains supplied equipment in road vehicles
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-09-01 dop : 1993-03-01 dow : 1995-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50068:1991 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
Wrought steel enclosures for gas-filled high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
dor : 1990-03-05 doa : 1990-09-01 dop : 1991-06-01 dow : 1991-06-01

+ A1:1993
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

EN 50069:1991 + corrigendum Aug. 2007

Welded composite enclosures of cast and wrought aluminium alloys for gas-filled high-voltage switchgear and
dor : 1990-03-05 doa : 1990-09-01 dop : 1991-06-01 dow : 1991-06-01

+ A1:1993
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

EN 50075:1990

Flat non-rewirable two-pole plugs, 2,5 A 250 V, with cord, for the connection of class II-equipment for household
and similar purposes
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-05-01 dop : 1991-03-01 dow : 1993-03-01

EN 50077:1993 + corrigendum Nov. 1993
Low-profile connector for implantable cardiac pacemakers
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-04-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 50080:1991
CLC/TC 206
RF characteristics of MAC-VSB cable receivers
dor : 1991-03-15 doa : 1991-09-01 dop : 1992-03-01 dow : 1992-03-01

EN 50083-2:2006
CLC/TC 209 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility
for equipment
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 50083-3:2002 + corrigendum Apr. 2006
CLC/TC 209

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 3: Active wideband equipment for
coaxial cable networks
NOTE: EN 50083-3:2002 is identical with EN 60728-3:2006
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 50083-8:2002
CLC/TC 209

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 8: Electromagnetic compatibility
for networks
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

+ A11:2008
CLC/TC 209
NOTE: Withdrawal A-deviation for DE (Clause A.4)
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50083-9:2002
CLC/TC 209

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 9: Interfaces for CATV/SMATV
headends and similar professional equipment for DVB/MPEG-2 transport streams
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50083-10:2002 + corrigendum Apr. 2006
CLC/TC 209

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 10: System performance for return
NOTE: EN 50083-10:2002 is identical with EN 60728-10:2006
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 50085-1:1997
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50085-1:2005
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1999-07-01

+ A1:1998
CLC/TC 213
dor : 1998-01-31 doa : 1998-10-01 dop : 1999-04-01 dow : -

EN 50085-1:2005
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : -

EN 50085-2-1:2006
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-1: Cable trunking systems and
cable ducting systems intended for mounting on walls and ceilings
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 50085-2-2:2008
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for
cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-10-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 50085-2-3:1999
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for
slotted cable trunking systems intended for installation in cabinets
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50085-2-3:2010.
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2001-08-01

EN 50085-2-3:2010
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for
slotted cable trunking systems intended for installation in cabinets
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 50085-2-4:2009
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for
service poles and service posts
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 50085-1:2005
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50086-2-4:1994 + corrigendum Feb. 2001
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Conduit systems for cable management - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for conduit systems buried underground
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61386-24:2010
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

+ A1:2001
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50089:1992
Cast resin partitions for metal enclosed gas-filled high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-09-01 dop : 1993-03-01 dow : 1993-03-01

+ A1:1994
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

EN 50090-1:2011
CLC/TC 205 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 1: Standardization structure
dor : 2011-02-21 doa : 2011-08-21 dop : 2012-02-21 dow : 2014-02-21

EN 50090-2-1:1994
CLC/TC 205
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 2-1: System overview - Architecture
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50090-1:2011
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 50090-2-2:1996 + corrigendum Mar. 1997
CLC/TC 205 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 2-2: System overview - General technical requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50491-5-1:2010, EN 50491-5-2:2010 & EN 50491-5-3:2010
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1999-10-01

+ A1:2002
CLC/TC 205 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

+ A2:2007
CLC/TC 205 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 50090-2-3:2005
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 2-3: System overview - General functional safety
requirements for products intended to be integrated in HBES
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 50090-3-1:1994
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 3-1: Aspects of application - Introduction to the application
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1995-01-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 50090-3-2:2004
CLC/TC 205
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 3-2: Aspects of application - User process for HBES Class 1
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50090-3-3:2009
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 3-3: Aspects of application - HBES Interworking model and
common HBES data types
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50090-4-1:2004
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 4-1: Media independent layers - Application layer for HBES
Class 1
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 50090-4-2:2004
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 4-2: Media independent layers - Transport layer, network
layer and general parts of data link layer for HBES Class 1
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 50090-4-3:2007
EN 13321-2:2006
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 4-3: Media independent layers - Communication over IP
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50090-5-1:2005
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 5-1: Media and media dependent layers - Power line for
HBES Class 1
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 50090-5-2:2004
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 5-2: Media and media dependent layers - Network based on
HBES Class 1, Twisted Pair
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 50090-5-3:2006
CLC/TC 205
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 5-3: Media and media dependent layers - Radio frequency
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 50090-7-1:2004
CLC/TC 205
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 7-1: System management - Management procedures
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 50090-8:2000
CLC/TC 205
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 8: Conformity assessment of products
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-04-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 50090-9-1:2004
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 9-1: Installation requirements - Generic cabling for HBES
Class 1 Twisted Pair
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 50094:1992
CLC/TC 206
Access control system for the MAC/packet family: EUROCRYPT
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-03-31 dop : 1993-06-30 dow : 1993-06-30

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

+ A1:1995
CLC/TC 206
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 50098-1:1998
CLC/TC 215
Customer premises cabling for Information Technology - Part 1: ISDN basic access
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 1999-10-01

+ A1:2002 + corrigendum Jan. 2003
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2003-07-01

EN 50098-2:1996
CLC/TC 215

Customer premises cabling for Information Technology - Part 2: 2048 kbit/s ISDN primary access and leased line
network interface
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 50102:1995 + corrigendum Jul. 2002
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external mechanical impacts (IK code)
NOTE: EN 50102:1995 & A1:1998 are identical with EN 62262:2002
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1997-04-15 dow : 1997-04-15

+ A1:1998 + corrigendum Jul. 2002
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 1999-10-01

EN 50104:2002
CLC/SC 31-9 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of oxygen - Performance requirements and test methods
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50104:2010
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-02-01

+ A1:2004
CLC/SC 31-9 ATEX (94/9/EC)
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50104:2010
CLC/SC 31-9 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of oxygen - Performance requirements and test methods
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 50106:2008
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular rules for routine tests referring to appliances under
the scope of EN 60335-1
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 50107-1:2002

Signs and luminous-discharge-tube installations operating from a no-load rated output voltage exceeding 1 kV but
not exceeding 10 kV - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2002-01-04 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-05-01 dow : 2005-01-01

+ A1:2004
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2004-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50107-2:2005

Signs and luminous-discharge-tube installations operating from a no-load rated output voltage exceeding 1 kV but
not exceeding 10 kV - Part 2: Requirements for earth-leakage and open-circuit protective devices
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 50109-1:1995

Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio
frequency applications - Part 1: General requirements and tests
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 50109-2-1:1995

Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio
frequency applications - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for radio frequency connectors and concentric contacts -
Open throat tools with fixed dies, sizes A to E, V and W
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 50109-2-2:1995

Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio
frequency applications - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for radio frequency connectors and concentric contacts -
Open throat tools with removable and interchangeable dies, sizes A to G, Q to T, V and W
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 50109-2-3:1995

Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio
frequency applications - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for contacts of electrical connectors
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 50109-2-4:1995

Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio
frequency applications - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for centre contacts of RF connectors, series SMZ
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 50109-2-5:1995

Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio
frequency applications - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for the termination of twin-ax cable for databus
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 50110-1:2004
Operation of electrical installations
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 50110-2:1996 + corrigendum Feb. 2001
Operation of electrical installations (national annexes)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50110-2:2010
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

EN 50110-2:2010
Operation of electrical installations - Part 2: National annexes
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50117-1:2002
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)
Coaxial cables - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2004-12-01

+ A1:2006
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 50117-2-1:2005
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)

Coaxial cables - Part 2-1: Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Indoor drop cables
for systems operating at 5 MHz - 1 000 MHz
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

+ A1:2008
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50117-2-2:2004
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)

Coaxial cables - Part 2-2: Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Outdoor drop
cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 1 000 MHz
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2008
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50117-2-3:2004
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)

Coaxial cables - Part 2-3: Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Distribution and
trunk cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 1 000 MHz
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2008
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50117-2-4:2004
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)

Coaxial cables - Part 2-4: Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Indoor drop cables
for systems operating at 5 MHz - 3 000 MHz
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2008
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50117-2-5:2004
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)

Coaxial cables - Part 2-5: Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Outdoor drop
cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 3 000 MHz
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2008
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50117-3-1:2002
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)

Coaxial cables - Part 3-1: Sectional specifications for cables used in Telecom applications - Miniaturized cables used
in digital communication systems
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 50117-4-1:2008
CLC/SC 46XA LVD (2006/95/EC)

Coaxial cables - Part 4-1: Sectional specification for cables for BCT cabling in accordance with EN 50173 - Indoor
drop cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 3 000 MHz
NOTE: Should be read in conjunction with EN 50117-1:2002
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 50119:2001
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction overhead contact lines
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50119:2009
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 50119:2009
CLC/SC 9XC CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction overhead contact lines
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : -

EN 50121-1:2006 + corrigendum May. 2008
CLC/TC 9X CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) EMC (2004/108/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 1: General
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 50121-2:2006 + corrigendum May. 2008
CLC/TC 9X CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) EMC (2004/108/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)

Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 2: Emission of the whole railway system to the outside
NOTE: To be read with EN 50121-1:2006
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 50121-3-1:2006 + corrigendum May. 2008
CLC/TC 9X CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) EMC (2004/108/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 3-1: Rolling stock - Train and complete vehicle
NOTE: To be read with EN 50121-1:2006
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 50121-3-2:2006 + corrigendum May. 2008
CLC/TC 9X CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) EMC (2004/108/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 3-2: Rolling stock - Apparatus
NOTE: To be read with EN 50121-1:2006
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 50121-4:2006 + corrigendum May. 2008
CLC/TC 9X EMC (2004/108/EC)

Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 4: Emission and immunity of the signalling and
telecommunications apparatus
NOTE: To be read with EN 50121-1:2006
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 50121-5:2006 + corrigendum May. 2008
CLC/TC 9X CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) EMC (2004/108/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)

Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 5: Emission and immunity of fixed power supply
installations and apparatus
NOTE: To be read with EN 50121-1:2006
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50122-1:1997 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Part 1: Protective provisions relating to electrical safety and earthing
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50122-1:2011
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 50122-1:2011
CLC/SC 9XC CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 1: Protective
provisions against electric shock
dor : 2010-11-16 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-11-16

+ A1:2011
dor : 2011-04-25 doa : 2011-10-25 dop : 2012-04-25 dow : 2014-04-25

EN 50122-2:1998 + corrigendum Aug. 2001

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Part 2: Protective provisions against the effects of stray currents caused
by d.c. traction systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50122-2:2010
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 1999-03-01

+ A1:2002
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC)
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 50122-2:2010
CLC/SC 9XC CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 2: Provisions
against the effects of stray currents caused by d.c. traction systems
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 50122-3:2010
CLC/SC 9XC CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 3: Mutual
Interaction of a.c. and d.c. traction systems
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 50123-1:2003
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 1: General
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50123-2:2003
Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 2: D.C. circuit breakers
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50123-3:2003

Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 3: Indoor d.c. disconnectors, switch-disconnectors
and earthing switches
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50123-4:2003

Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 4: Outdoor d.c. disconnectors, switch-
disconnectors and earthing switches
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50123-5:2003

Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 5: Surge arresters and low-voltage limiters for
specific use in d.c. systems
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50123-6:2003
Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 6: D.C. switchgear assemblies
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50123-7-1:2003

Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 7-1: Measurement, control and protection devices
for specific use in d.c. traction systems - Application guide
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50123-7-2:2003

Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 7-2: Measurement, control and protection devices
for specific use in d.c. traction systems - Isolating current transducers and other current measuring devices
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50123-7-3:2003

Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 7-3: Measurement, control and protection devices
for specific use in d.c. traction systems - Isolating voltage transducers and other voltage measuring devices
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50124-1:2001 + corrigendum Dec. 2007 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/TC 9X HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Insulation coordination - Part 1: Basic requirements - Clearances and creepage distances for
all electrical and electronic equipment
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

+ A1:2003
CLC/TC 9X HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

+ A2:2005
CLC/TC 9X HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 50124-2:2001 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/TC 9X HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
Railway applications - Insulation coordination - Part 2: Overvoltages and related protection
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 50125-1:1999 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XB CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipment - Part 1: Equipment on board rolling stock
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-05-01

EN 50125-2:2002 + corrigendum Jun. 2010
CLC/SC 9XC CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipment - Part 2: Fixed electrical installations
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50125-3:2003 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XA CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipment - Part 3: Equipment for signalling and
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50126-1:1999 + corrigendum May. 2006 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/TC 9X CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety
(RAMS) - Part 1: Basic requirements and generic process
NOTE: Renumbered from EN 50126
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : 2000-04-01

EN 50128:2001 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XA CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Software for railway control and
protection systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50128:2011
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2001-11-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 50128:2011

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Software for railway control and
protection systems
dor : 2011-04-25 doa : 2011-10-25 dop : 2012-04-25 dow : 2014-04-25

EN 50129:2003 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XA CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 50130-4:1995
CLC/TC 79 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Alarm systems - Part 4: Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard: Immunity requirements for
components of fire, intruder and social alarm systems
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A1:1998
CLC/TC 79 EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A2:2003 + corrigendum Mar. 2003
CLC/TC 79 EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 50130-4:2011
CLC/TC 79 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Alarm systems - Part 4: Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard: Immunity requirements for
components of fire, intruder, hold up, CCTV, access control and social alarm systems
dor : 2011-06-13 doa : 2011-12-13 dop : 2012-06-13 dow : 2014-06-13

EN 50130-5:1998 + corrigendum Sep. 2008
Alarm systems - Part 5: Environmental test methods
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 2001-08-01

EN 50130-5:2011
Alarm systems - Part 5: Environmental test methods
dor : 2011-06-13 doa : 2011-12-13 dop : 2012-06-13 dow : 2014-06-13

EN 50131-1:2006
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 1: System requirements
dor : 2006-04-04 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

+ A1:2009
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ IS1:2009

NOTE: Superseded by EN 50131-1:2006/IS2:2010
dor : 2008-08-08 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ IS2:2010
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 1: System requirements
dor : 2010-07-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50131-2-2:2008
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-2: Intrusion detectors - Passive infrared detectors
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50131-2-3:2008
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-3: Requirements for microwave detectors
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 50131-2-4:2008

Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-4: Requirements for combined passive infrared and
microwave detectors
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50131-2-5:2008

Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-5: Requirements for combined passive infrared and
ultrasonic detectors
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 50131-2-6:2008
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-6: Opening contacts (magnetic)
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 50131-3:2009 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 3: Control and indicating equipment
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 50131-4:2009
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 4: Warning devices
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 50131-5-3:2005

Alarm systems - Intrusion systems - Part 5-3: Requirements for interconnections equipment using radio frequency
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

+ A1:2008
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

+ IS1:2010

Alarm systems - Intrusion systems - Part 5-3: Requirements for interconnections equipment using radio frequency
dor : 2010-07-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50131-6:1997
Alarm systems - Intrusion systems - Part 6: Power supplies
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50131-6:2008
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : -

EN 50131-6:2008
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 6: Power supplies
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50131-8:2009
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 8: Security fog device/systems
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 50132-1:2010 + corrigendum Jun. 2010
Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 1: System requirements
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 50132-5:2001
Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 5: Video transmission
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 50132-7:1996 + corrigendum Aug. 1997
Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 7: Application guidelines
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-05-01 dop : 1996-11-01 dow : 1996-11-01

EN 50133-1:1996 + corrigendum Apr. 1998
Alarm systems - Access control systems for use in security applications - Part 1: System requirements
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

+ A1:2002
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50133-2-1:2000

Alarm systems - Access control systems for use in security applications - Part 2-1: General requirements for
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 50133-7:1999
Alarm systems - Access control systems for use in security applications - Part 7: Application guidelines
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-03-01 dow : 2000-03-01

EN 50134-1:2002
Alarm systems - Social alarm systems - Part 1: System requirements
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50134-2:1999
Alarm systems - Social alarm systems - Part 2: Trigger devices
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-12-01 dow : 1999-12-01

EN 50134-3:2001
Alarm systems - Social alarm systems - Part 3: Local unit and controller
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 50134-5:2004
Alarm systems - Social alarm systems - Part 5: Interconnections and communications
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 50136-1-1:1998

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 1-1: General requirements for alarm transmission
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

+ A1:2001
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2001-12-01

+ A2:2008
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50136-1-2:1998

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 1-2: Requirements for systems using dedicated
alarm paths
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50136-1-3:1998

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 1-3: Requirements for systems with digital
communicators using the public switched telephone network
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50136-1-4:1998

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 1-4: Requirements for systems with voice
communicators using the public switched telephone network
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50136-1-5:2008

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 1-5: Requirements for Packet Switched Network
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 50136-2-1:1998 + corrigendum Apr. 1998

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 2-1: General requirements for alarm transmission
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

+ A1:2001
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2001-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50136-2-2:1998

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 2-2: Requirements for equipment used in systems
using dedicated alarm paths
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50136-2-3:1998

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 2-3: Requirements for equipment used in systems
with digital communicators using the public switched telephone network
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50136-2-4:1998

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 2-4: Requirements for equipment used in systems
with voice communicators using the public switched telephone network
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50143:1997

Cables for signs and luminous-discharge-tube installations operating from a no-load rated output voltage exceeding 1
000 V but not exceeding 10 000 V
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50143:2009
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:2003
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 50143:2009

Cables for signs and luminous-discharge-tube installations operating from a no-load rated output voltage exceeding 1
000 V but not exceeding 10 000 V
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 50144-1:1998 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of hand-held electric motor operated tools - Part 1: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60745-1:2003
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : -

+ A1:2002
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

+ A2:2003
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 50144-2-7:2000 + corrigendum Jul. 2003
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of hand-held electric motor operated tools - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for spray guns
NOTE: To be read with EN 50144-1:1998
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 2001-07-01 dow : 2001-12-01

EN 50144-2-16:2003
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of hand-held electric motor operated tools - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for tackers
NOTE: To be read with EN 50144-1:1998 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-16:2010
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50146:2000
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cable ties for electrical installations
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62275:2009
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50147-1:1996
CLC/TC 210
Anechoic chambers - Part 1: Shield attenuation measurement
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 50148:1995
CLC/SR 66 EMC (2004/108/EC)
Electronic taximeters
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-15 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 50149:2001 + corrigendum Dec. 2002 + corrigendum Dec. 2005 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Copper and copper alloy grooved contact wires
NOTE: Corrigendum Dec. 2002 to German version * Corrigendum Dec. 2005 to English and French versions
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50151:2003 + corrigendum Jun. 2010
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Special requirements for composite insulators
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50152-1:2007

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for a.c. switchgear - Part 1: Single-phase circuit-
breakers with Un above 1 kV
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 50152-2:2007

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for a.c. switchgear - Part 2: Single-phase
disconnectors, earthing switches and switches with Un above 1 kV
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 50152-3-1:2003

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for a.c. switchgear - Part 3-1: Measurement,
control and protection devices for specific use in a.c. traction systems - Application guide
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50152-3-2:2001

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for a.c. switchgear - Part 3-2: Measurement,
control and protection devices for specific use in a.c. traction systems - Single-phase current transformers
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 60044-1:1999
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 50152-3-3:2001

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for a.c. switchgear - Part 3-3: Measurement,
control and protection devices for specific use in a.c. traction systems - Single-phase inductive voltage transformers
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 60044-2:1999
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 50153:2002
CLC/SC 9XB HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Protective provisions relating to electrical hazards
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-11-01 dop : 2003-05-01 dow : 2005-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50155:2007 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/TC 9X CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50156-1:2004
CLC/BTTF 132-2 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electrical equipment for furnaces and ancillary equipment - Part 1: Requirements for application design and
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 50157-1:1998
CLC/TC 206
Domestic and similar electronic equipment interconnection requirements: - Part 1: General
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 1999-01-01

EN 50157-2-1:1998
CLC/TC 206

Domestic and similar electronic equipment interconnection requirements: - Part 2-1: Signal quality matching
and automatic selection of source devices
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

EN 50157-2-2:1998
CLC/TC 206

Domestic and similar electronic equipment interconnection requirements: - Part 2-2: Basic system oriented
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

EN 50157-2-3:1998
CLC/TC 206

Domestic and similar electronic equipment interconnection requirements: - Part 2-3: System oriented
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

EN 50159:2010
CLC/SC 9XA HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety-related communication in
transmission systems
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 50159-1:2001 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XA HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Part 1: Safety-related communication in
closed transmission systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50159:2010
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

EN 50159-2:2001 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XA HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Part 2: Safety related communication in
open transmission systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50159:2010
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 50160:2007
Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution networks
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50160:2010
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50160:2010 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public electricity networks
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 50162:2004
Protection against corrosion by stray current from direct current systems
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-11-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 50163:2004 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
Railway applications - Supply voltages of traction systems
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-07-01

+ A1:2007
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50164-1:2008
Lightning Protection Components (LPC) - Part 1: Requirements for connection components
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 50164-2:2008
Lightning Protection Components (LPC) - Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 50164-3:2006
Lightning Protection Components (LPC) - Part 3: Requirements for isolating spark gaps
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A1:2009
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 50164-4:2008
Lightning Protection Components (LPC) - Part 4: Requirements for conductor fasteners
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 50164-5:2009

Lightning Protection Components (LPC) - Part 5: Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and earth
electrode seals
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62561-5:2011
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50164-6:2009
Lightning Protection Components (LPC) - Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62561-6:2011
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 50164-7:2008
Lightning Protection Components (LPC) - Part 7: Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50171:2001 + corrigendum Aug. 2001
Central power supply systems
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50172:2004
Emergency escape lighting systems
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 50173-1:2007
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A1:2009
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 50173-1:2011
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2011-04-01 doa : 2011-10-01 dop : 2012-04-01 dow : 2014-04-01

EN 50173-2:2007
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 2: Office premises
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A1:2010 + AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

+ A1:2010/AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50173-3:2007
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 3: Industrial premises
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

+ A1:2010 + AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

+ A1:2010/AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50173-4:2007
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 4: Homes
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A1:2010 + AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

+ A1:2010/AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50173-5:2007
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 5: Data centres
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A1:2010 + AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

+ A1:2010/AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50174-1:2000
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 1: Specification and quality assurance
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50174-1:2009
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50174-1:2009
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 1: Installation specification and quality assurance
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A1:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-07-01 dop : 2012-01-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 50174-2:2000
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50174-2:2009
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50174-2:2009
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A1:2011 + AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-07-03 dop : 2012-01-03 dow : 2014-01-03

+ A1:2011/AC:2011
CLC/TC 215
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50174-3:2003
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 3: Installation planning and practices outside buildings
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 50176:1996
CLC/SC 31-8
Automatic electrostatic spraying installations for flammable liquid spraying material
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50176:2009
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

EN 50176:2009
CLC/SC 31-8 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable liquid coating material - Safety requirements
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50177:2006 + corrigendum Oct. 2007
CLC/SC 31-8
Automatic electrostatic spraying equipment for flammable coating powder
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50177:2006
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 50177:2009
CLC/SC 31-8 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable coating powders - Safety requirements
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 50178:1997
CLC/TC 22X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Electronic equipment for use in power installations
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50180:1997 + corrigendum Apr. 1998
Bushings above 1 kV up to 36 kV and from 250 A to 3,15 kA for liquid filled transformers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50180:2010
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 2000-12-01

EN 50180:2010
Bushings above 1 kV up to 52 kV and from 250 A to 3,15 kA for liquid filled transformers
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 50181:1997

Plug-in type bushings above 1 kV up to 36 kV and from 250 A to 1,25 kA for equipment other than liquid filled
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50181:2010
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 50181:2010

Plug-in type bushings above 1 kV up to 52 kV and from 250 A to 2,50 kA for equipment other than liquid filled
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 50182:2001 + corrigendum Jun. 2005
Conductors for overhead lines - Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2001-11-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 50183:2000
Conductors for overhead lines - Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wires
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 50186-1:1998
Live-line washing systems for power installations with nominal voltages above 1kV - Part 1: Common requirements
NOTE: Prepared by CLC/BTTF 62-4 (disbanded by 99 BT)
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 1999-03-01

EN 50186-2:1998
Live-line washing systems for power installations with nominal voltages above 1kV - Part 2: National annexes
NOTE: Prepared by CLC/BTTF 62-4 (disbanded by 99 BT)
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 1999-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50187:1996 + corrigendum Sep. 1996

Gas-filled compartments for a.c. switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including
52 kV
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 50189:2000
Conductors for overhead lines - Zinc coated steel wires
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 50191:2000
Erection and operation of electrical test equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50191:2010
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 50191:2010
CLC/BTTF 128-2
Erection and operation of electrical test equipment
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 50193:1997
Closed electrical instantaneous water heaters - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 50194-1:2009
CLC/TC 216

Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises - Part 1: Test methods and
performance requirements
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 50194-2:2006
CLC/TC 216

Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises - Part 2: Electrical apparatus for
continuous operation in a fixed installation in recreational vehicles and similar premises - Additional test methods
and performance requirements
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 50195:1996
Code of practice for the safe use of fully enclosed askarel-filled electrical equipment
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

EN 50200:2006
Method of test for resistance to fire of unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 50201:2001
CLC/TC 206
Interfaces for DVB-IRD
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 50203:1996
CLC/TC 206
Automatic channel installation (ACI)
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

+ A1:1997
CLC/TC 206
dor : 1997-02-15 doa : 1997-04-01 dop : 1997-10-01 dow : 1997-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50205:2002
Relays with forcibly guided (mechanically linked) contacts
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-11-01 dop : 2003-05-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 50206-1:1998 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XB HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantographs: Characteristics and tests - Part 1: Pantographs for main line
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50206-1:2010
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 50206-1:2010
CLC/SC 9XB HSR (96/48/EC)

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantographs: Characteristics and tests - Part 1: Pantographs for main line
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : -

EN 50206-2:1999 + corrigendum Jan. 2000
CLC/SC 9XB HSR (96/48/EC)

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantographs: Characteristics and tests - Part 2: Pantographs for metros and
light rail vehicles
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50206-2:2010
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 50206-2:2010
CLC/SC 9XB HSR (96/48/EC)

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantographs: Characteristics and tests - Part 2: Pantographs for metros and
light rail vehicles
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 50209:1998
Test of insulation of bars and coils of high-voltage machines
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : -

EN 50212:1996
Connectors for thermoelectric sensors
NOTE: Prepared by BTWG 69-2 (disbanded by 91 BT)
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 50214:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Flat polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cables
NOTE: Corrigendum to EN issued on 2007-12-14
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 50215:1999
Railway applications - Testing of rolling stock after completion of construction and before entry into service
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 50215:2009

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Testing of rolling stock on completion of construction and before entry into
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 50216-1:2002
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 1: General
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50216-2:2002

Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 2: Gas and oil actuated relay for liquid immersed transformers and
reactors with conservator
dor : 2001-09-25 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2004-10-01

+ A1:2002
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 50216-3:2002

Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 3: Protective relay for hermetically sealed liquid-immersed transformers
and reactors without gaseous cushion
dor : 2001-09-25 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2004-10-01

+ A2:2006
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 50216-4:2002

Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 4: Basic accessories (earthing terminal, drain and filling devices,
thermometer pocket, wheel assembly)
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50216-5:2002

Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 5: Liquid level, pressure and flow indicators, pressure relief devices and
dehydrating breathers
dor : 2001-09-25 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2004-10-01

+ A2:2005 + corrigendum Oct. 2006
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A3:2006
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 50216-6:2002

Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 6: Cooling equipment - Removable radiators for oil-immersed
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50216-7:2002
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 7: Electric pumps for transformer oil
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50216-8:2005
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 8: Butterfly valves for insulating liquid circuits
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A1:2006
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50216-9:2009
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 9: Oil-to-water heat exchangers
dor : 2008-10-21 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 50216-10:2009
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 10: Oil-to-air heat exchangers
dor : 2008-10-21 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 50216-11:2008
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 11: Oil and winding temperature indicators
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 50216-12:2011
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 12: Fans
dor : 2011-03-21 doa : 2011-09-21 dop : 2012-03-21 dow : 2014-03-21

EN 50221:1997 + corrigendum Feb. 2000
CLC/TC 206
Common interface specification for conditional access and other digital video broadcasting decoder applications
dor : 1997-02-15 doa : 1997-04-01 dop : 1997-10-01 dow : 1997-10-01

EN 50223:2001
CLC/SC 31-8
Automatic electrostatic application equipment for flammable flock material
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50223:2010
CLC/SC 31-8 ATEX (94/9/EC) MD (2006/42/EC)
Stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable flock material - Safety requirements
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 50225:1996

Code of practice for the safe use of fully enclosed oil-filled electrical equipment which may be contaminated with
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

EN 50229:2007
CLC/TC 59X ELWD (96/60/EC)
Electric clothes washer-dryers for household use - Methods of measuring the performance
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 50238:2003 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XA CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 50239:1999
Railway applications - Radio remote control system of traction vehicle for freight traffic
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 50241-1:1999
CLC/SC 31-9 ATEX (94/9/EC)

Specification for open path apparatus for the detection of combustible or toxic gases and vapours - Part 1: General
requirements and test methods
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-29-4:2010
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 1999-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

+ A1:2004
CLC/SC 31-9 ATEX (94/9/EC)
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50241-2:1999
CLC/SC 31-9 ATEX (94/9/EC)

Specification for open path apparatus for the detection of combustible or toxic gases and vapours - Part 2:
Performance requirements for apparatus for the detection of combustible gases
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-29-4:2010
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 1999-10-01

EN 50242:2008 + AC:201X
IEC 60436:2004 (Modified)
Electric dishwashers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
NOTE: This standard is published with double numbering EN 50242:2008 / 60436:2008
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 50243:2002
Outdoor bushings for 24 kV and 36 kV and for 5 kA and 8 kA, for liquid filled transformers
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 50244:2000
CLC/TC 216

Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises - Guide on the selection, installation,
use and maintenance
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-11-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50248:2001 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
CLC/TC 206
Characteristics of DAB receivers
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50249:2002
Electromagnetic locators for buried pipes and cables - Performance and safety
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50250:2002 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
CLC/BTWG 79-1 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Conversion adaptors for industrial use
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50255:1997 + corrigendum May. 2002
CLC/TC 206
Digital Audio Broadcasting system - Specification of the Receiver Data Interface (RDI)
NOTE: Identical with EN 62105:2002
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

EN 50256:1998
CLC/TC 206
Characteristics of DVB receivers
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-11-01 dow : 1998-11-01

EN 50260-1:2002
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of hand-held battery-powered motor-operated tools and battery packs - Part 1: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60745-1:2003/A1:2003
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50260-2-7:2002
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Safety of hand-held battery-powered motor-operated tools and battery packs - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for
spray guns
NOTE: To be read with EN 50260-1:2002
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 50262:1998 + corrigendum Oct. 1998
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cable glands for electrical installations
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 2001-03-01

+ A1:2001
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2003-04-01

+ A2:2004
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 50263:1999
CLC/SR 95 EMC (2004/108/EC)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Product standard for measuring relays and protection equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60255-26:2009
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50264-1:2008

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance - Part 1:
General requirements
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50264-2-1:2008

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance - Part 2-1:
Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation - Single core cables
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50264-2-2:2008

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance - Part 2-2:
Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation - Multicore cables
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50264-3-1:2008

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance - Part 3-1:
Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation with reduced dimensions - Single core cables
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50264-3-2:2008

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance - Part 3-2:
Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation with reduced dimensions - Multicore cables
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50266-1:2001 + corrigendum Mar. 2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched
wires or cables - Part 1: Apparatus
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50266-2-1:2001 + corrigendum Mar. 2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched
wires or cables - Part 2-1: Procedures - Category A F/R
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50266-2-2:2001 + corrigendum Mar. 2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched
wires or cables - Part 2-2: Procedures - Category A
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50266-2-3:2001 + corrigendum Mar. 2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched
wires or cables - Part 2-3: Procedures - Category B
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50266-2-4:2001 + corrigendum Mar. 2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched
wires or cables - Part 2-4: Procedures - Category C
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50266-2-5:2001 + corrigendum Mar. 2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched
wires or cables - Part 2-5 Procedures - Small cables - Category D
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 50267-1:1998
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from
cables - Part 1: Apparatus
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 2000-03-01

EN 50267-2-1:1998
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from
cables - Part 2-1: Procedures - Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 2000-03-01

EN 50267-2-2:1998
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from
cables - Part 2-2: Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for materials by measuring pH and
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 2000-03-01

EN 50267-2-3:1998
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from
cables - Part 2-3: Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for cables by determination of the
weighted average of pH and conductivity
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 2000-03-01

EN 50270:2006
CLC/SC 31-9 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Electromagnetic compatibility - Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic
gases or oxygen
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50271:2001
CLC/SC 31-9

Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen - Requirements
and tests for apparatus using software and/or digital technologies
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50271:2010
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50271:2010
CLC/SC 31-9 ATEX (94/9/EC)

Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen - Requirements
and tests for apparatus using software and/or digital technologies
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 50272-1:2010
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 1: General safety information
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 50272-2:2001
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 2: Stationary batteries
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 50272-3:2002 + corrigendum Mar. 2003
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 3: Traction batteries
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50272-4:2007
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 4: Batteries for use in portable appliances
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 50274:2002 + corrigendum Jul. 2009
CLC/SR 17D LVD (2006/95/EC)

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Protection against electric shock - Protection against
unintentional direct contact with hazardous live parts
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 50281-2-1:1998 + corrigendum Aug. 1999
CLC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC)

Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 2-1: Test methods - Methods for determining
the minimum ignition temperatures of dust
dor : 1998-09-01 doa : 1999-03-01 dop : 1999-09-01 dow : 2003-06-30

EN 50285:1999
CLC/SR 34A ELLA (98/11/EC)
Energy efficiency of electric lamps for household use - Measurement methods
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-12-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

EN 50286:1999 + corrigendum Oct. 2004
CLC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC)
Electrical insulating protective clothing for low-voltage installations
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-12-01 dop : 1999-12-01 dow : 1999-12-01

EN 50288-1:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)
Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50288-2-1:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 2-1: Sectional
specification for screened cables characterised up to 100 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-2-2:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 2-2: Sectional
specification for screened cables characterised up to 100 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-3-1:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 3-1: Sectional
specification for unscreened cables characterised up to 100 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-3-2:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 3-2: Sectional
specification for unscreened cables characterised up to 100 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-4-1:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 4-1: Sectional
specification for screened cables characterised up to 600 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-4-2:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 4-2: Sectional
specification for screened cables characterised up to 600 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-5-1:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 5-1: Sectional
specification for screened cables characterized up to 250 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-5-2:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 5-2: Sectional
specification for screened cables characterized up to 250 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-6-1:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 6-1: Sectional
specification for unscreened cables characterised up to 250 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50288-6-2:2003
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 6-2: Sectional
specification for unscreened cables characterised up to 250 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50288-7:2005
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)

Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 7: Sectional
specification for instrumentation and control cables
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 50289-1-1:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-1: Electrical test methods - General requirements
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 50289-1-2:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-2: Electrical test methods - DC resistance
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 50289-1-3:2001
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-3: Electrical test methods - Dielectric strength
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 50289-1-4:2001
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-4: Electrical test methods - Insulation resistance
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-1-5:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-5: Electrical test methods - Capacitance
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-1-6:2002

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-6: Electrical test methods - Electromagnetic
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 50289-1-7:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-7: Electrical test methods - Velocity of propagation
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-1-8:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-8: Electrical test methods - Attenuation
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-1-9:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-9: Electrical test methods - Unbalance attenuation
(longitudinal conversion loss, longitudinal conversion transfer loss)
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-1-10:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-10: Electrical test methods - Crosstalk
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-1-11:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-11: Electrical test methods - Characteristic
impedance, input impedance, return loss
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2004-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50289-1-12:2005
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-12: Electrical test methods - Inductance
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 50289-1-13:2004

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-13: Electrical test methods - Coupling attenuation or
screening attenuation of patch cords / coaxial cable assemblies / pre-connectorised cables
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 50289-1-14:2004

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-14: Electrical test methods - Coupling attenuation or
screening attenuation of connecting hardware
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 50289-1-15:2004

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-15: Electromagnetic performance - Coupling
attenuation of links and channels (Laboratory conditions)
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 50289-1-16:2007

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 1-16: Electromagnetic performance - Coupling
attenuation of cable assemblies (Field conditions)
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 50289-3-1:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-1: Mechanical test methods - General requirements
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-2:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-2: Mechanical test methods - Tensile strength and
elongation for conductor
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50289-3-4:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-4: Mechanical test methods - Tensile strength,
elongation and shrinkage of insulation and sheath
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-5:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-5: Mechanical test methods - Crush resistance of the
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-6:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-6: Mechanical test methods - Impact resistance of
the cable
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-7:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-7: Mechanical test methods - Abrasion resistance of
the cable sheath
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50289-3-8:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-8: Mechanical test methods - Abrasion resistance of
cable sheath markings
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-9:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-9: Mechanical test methods - Bending tests
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-10:2004
Communication cables - Specifications for tests methods - Part 3-10: Mechanical test methods - Torsion and twisting
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50289-3-11:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-11: Mechanical test methods - Cable cut-through
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-12:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-12: Mechanical test methods - Shot gun damage
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-13:2003
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-13: Mechanical test methods - Aeolian vibration
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 50289-3-15:2003

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-15: Mechanical test methods - Underwater cable
resistance to hydrostatic pressure
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 50289-3-16:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-16: Mechanical test methods - Cable tensile
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-3-17:2002

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 3-17: Mechanical test methods - Adhesion of
dielectric and sheath
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2004-11-01

EN 50289-4-1:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-1: Environmental test methods - General
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-4-2:2001
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-2: Environmental test methods - Water penetration
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50289-4-4:2008

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-4: Environmental test methods - Resistance to
solvents and contaminating fluids
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 50289-4-5:2008
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-5: Environmental test methods - Climatic sequence
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 50289-4-6:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-6: Environmental test methods - Temperature
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-4-7:2008

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-7: Environmental test methods - Damp heat, steady
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 50289-4-9:2001

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-9: Environmental test methods - Pneumatic
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50289-4-11:2002

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-11: Environmental test methods - A horizontal
integrated fire test method
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50289-4-12:2004

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-12: Environmental test methods - Vertical flame
spread test on bunched small communication cables
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 50289-4-14:2003
Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-14: Environmental test methods - Lightning
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 50289-4-17:2011

Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Part 4-17: Test methods for UV resistance evaluation of the
sheath of electrical and optical fibre cable
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-08-01 dop : 2012-02-01 dow : 2014-02-01

EN 50290-1-1:2001
Communication cables - Part 1-1: General
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50290-1-2:2004
Communication cables - Part 1-2: Definitions
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50290-2-1:2005
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-1: Common design rules and construction
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 50290-2-20:2001
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-20: Common design rules and construction - General
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50290-2-21:2001 + corrigendum Jan. 2003
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-21: Common design rules and construction - PVC insulation compounds
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

+ A1:2007
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50290-2-22:2001
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-22: Common design rules and construction - PVC sheathing compounds
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-04

+ A1:2007
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50290-2-23:2001
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-23: Common design rules and construction - PE insulation
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50290-2-24:2002
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-24: Common design rules and construction - PE sheathing
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

+ A1:2008
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 50290-2-25:2002
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-25: Common design rules and construction - Polypropylene insulation compounds
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50290-2-26:2002
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)

Communication cables - Part 2-26: Common design rules and construction - Halogen free flame retardant insulation
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

+ A1:2007
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50290-2-27:2002
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)

Communication cables - Part 2-27: Common design rules and construction - Halogen free flame retardant
thermoplastic sheathing compounds
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

+ A1:2007 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50290-2-28:2002
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-28: Common design rules and construction - Filling compounds for filled cables
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50290-2-29:2002
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Communication cables - Part 2-29: Common design rules and construction - Cross-linked PE insulation compounds
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50290-2-30:2002
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)

Communication cables - Part 2-30: Common design rules and construction - Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-
hexafluoropropylene) (FEP) insulation and sheathing
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 50290-4-1:2001
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)

Communication cables - Part 4-1: General considerations for the use of cables - Environmental conditions and safety
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50290-4-2:2008
Communication cables - Part 4-2: General considerations for the use of cables - Guide to use
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 50291:2001
CLC/TC 216

Electrical apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises - Test methods and performance
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50291-1:2010
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 50291-1:2010
CLC/TC 216

Electrical apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises - Part 1: Test methods and
performance requirements
dor : 2010-04-15 doa : 2010-10-15 dop : 2011-04-15 dow : 2013-04-15

EN 50291-2:2010
CLC/TC 216

Electrical apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises - Part 2: Electrical apparatus for
continuous operation in a fixed installation in recreational vehicles and similar premises including recreational craft -
Additional test methods and performance requirements
dor : 2010-04-15 doa : 2010-10-15 dop : 2011-04-15 dow : 2013-04-15

EN 50292:2001
CLC/TC 216

Electrical apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises - Guide on the selection, installation,
use and maintenance
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50293:2000
CLC/BTTF 69-3 EMC (2004/108/EC)
Electromagnetic compatibility - Road traffic signal systems - Product standard
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50294:1998
CLC/TC 34Z BALFLU (2000/55/EC) ERP (2009/125/EC)
Measurement method of total input power of ballast-lamp circuits
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-12-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 1999-06-01

+ A1:2001
CLC/TC 34Z ERP (2009/125/EC)
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-08-01

+ A2:2003
CLC/TC 34Z ERP (2009/125/EC)
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 50295:1999
CLC/TC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Controller and device interface systems - Actuator Sensor interface (AS-i)
dor : 1998-12-01 doa : 1999-06-01 dop : 1999-12-01 dow : 1999-12-01

EN 50299:2002 + corrigendum Apr. 2004

Oil-immersed cable connection assemblies for transformers and reactors having highest voltage for equipment Um
from 72,5 kV to 550 kV
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 50303:2000
CLC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC)

Group I, Category M1 equipment intended to remain functional in atmospheres endangered by firedamp and/or coal
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-04-01 dow : 2003-06-30

EN 50304:2009
IEC 60350:1999 (Modified) + A1:2005 (Modified) + A2:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59K ELOV (2002/40/EC)
Electric cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and grills for household use - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2009-12-01

+ A1:2010
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 50305:2002
Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Test methods
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 50306-1:2002

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Part 1: General
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 50306-2:2002

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Part 2: Single core
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 50306-3:2002

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Part 3: Single core
and multicore cables (pairs, triples and quads) screened and thin wall sheathed
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50306-4:2002

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Part 4: Multicore
and multipair cables standard wall sheathed
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 50307:2002
Lead and lead alloys - Lead and lead alloy sheaths and sleeves of electric cables
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 50308:2004 + corrigendum Feb. 2005
Wind turbines - Protective measures - Requirements for design, operation and maintenance
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 50310:2006
CLC/TC 215
Application of equipotential bonding and earthing in buildings with information technology equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50310:2010
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-10-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 50310:2010
CLC/TC 215
Application of equipotential bonding and earthing in buildings with information technology equipment
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 50311:2003
Railway applications - Rolling stock - D.C. supplied electronic ballasts for lighting fluorescent lamps
dor : 2002-12-03 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 50317:2002
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Current collection systems - Requirements for and validation of measurements of the dynamic
interaction between pantograph and overhead contact line
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-04-01

+ A1:2004
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A2:2007 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 50318:2002

Railway applications - Current collection systems - Validation of simulation of the dynamic interaction between
pantograph and overhead contact line
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 50320:2000
CLC/TC 206
Digital audio broadcasting system - Specification of the DAB command set for receivers (DCSR)
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 50321:1999
CLC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC)
Electrically insulating footwear for working on low voltage installations
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50324-1:2002
Piezoelectric properties of ceramic materials and components - Part 1: Terms and definitions
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 50324-2:2002
Piezoelectric properties of ceramic materials and components - Part 2: Methods of measurement - Low power
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 50324-3:2002
Piezoelectric properties of ceramic materials and components - Part 3: Methods of measurement - High power
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 50325-1:2002

Industrial communications subsystem based on ISO 11898 (CAN) for controller-device interfaces - Part 1: General
NOTE: Standard exists in English only
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50325-2:2000

Industrial communications subsystem based on ISO 11898 (CAN) for controller-device interfaces - Part 2:
NOTE: Standard exists in English only * Superseded by EN 62026-3:2009
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 50325-4:2002
Industrial communications subsystem based on ISO 11898 (CAN) for controller-device interfaces - Part 4: CANopen
NOTE: Standard exists in English only
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50325-5:2010

Industrial communications subsystem based on ISO 11898 (CAN) for controller-device interfaces - Part 5:
Functional safety communication based on EN 50325-4
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 50326:2002
Conductors for overhead lines - Characteristics of greases
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 50327:2003

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Harmonisation of the rated values for converter groups and tests on
converter groups
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-11-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-05-01

+ A1:2005
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 50328:2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electronic power converters for substations
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50329:2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Traction transformers
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-11-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-05-01

+ A1:2010
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 50332-1:2000

Sound system equipment: Headphones and earphones associated with portable audio equipment - Maximum sound
pressure level measurement methodology and limit considerations - Part 1: General method for "one package
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 50332-2:2003

Sound system equipment: Headphones and earphones associated with portable audio equipment - Maximum sound
pressure level measurement methodology and limit considerations - Part 2: Matching of sets with headphones if
either or both are offered separately
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 50334:2001
Marking by inscription for the identification of cores of electric cables
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 50336:2002
Bushings for transformers and reactor cable boxes not exceeding 36 kV
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 50338:2006
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for pedestrian-controlled battery
powered electrical lawn mowers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60335-2-77:2010
dor : 2005-09-13 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 50340:2001 + corrigendum Feb. 2002
Hydraulic cable cutting devices - Devices to be used on electrical installations with nominal voltage up to AC 30 kV
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50340:2010
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50340:2010
Hydraulic cable cutting devices - Devices to be used on electrical installations with nominal voltage up to AC 30 kV
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50341-1:2001
Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 45 kV - Part 1: General requirements - Common specifications
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2004-01-01

+ A1:2009
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50341-2:2001 + corrigendum Oct. 2006
Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 45 kV - Part 2: Index of National Normative Aspects
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 50341-3:2001 + corrigendum Apr. 2006 + corrigendum Oct. 2006 + corrigendum Feb. 2009 + corrigendum
Jun. 2010 + corrigendum Oct. 2010
Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 45 kV - Part 3: Set of National Normative Aspects
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 50342-1:2006
Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 1: General requirements and methods of test
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 50342-2:2007
Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 2: Dimensions of batteries and marking of terminals
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 50342-3:2008
Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 3: Terminal system for batteries with 36 V nominal voltage
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-10-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 50342-4:2009
Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy vehicles
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 50342-5:2010
Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 5: Properties of battery housings and handles
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 50343:2003
CLC/SC 9XB HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Rules for installation of cabling
dor : 2002-12-03 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 50344-1:2001 + corrigendum Oct. 2001
Routine tests for controls within the scope of the EN 60730 series - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 50345:2004
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC)

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Insulating synthetic rope assemblies for support of
overhead contact lines
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50345:2009
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 50345:2009
CLC/SC 9XC CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Insulating synthetic rope assemblies for support of
overhead contact lines
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 50346:2002
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Cabling installation - Testing of installed cabling
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2005-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

+ A1:2007
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

+ A2:2009
CLC/TC 215
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 50347:2001

General purpose three-phase induction motors having standard dimensions and outputs - Frame numbers 56 to 315
and flange numbers 65 to 740
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 50348:2001
CLC/TC 204
Automatic electrostatic spraying equipment for non-flammable liquid spraying material
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50348:2010
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2003-10-01

EN 50348:2010 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/TC 204 MD (2006/42/EC)
Stationary electrostatic application equipment for non-ignitable liquid coating material - Safety requirements
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 50350:2004

Charging control systems for household electric room heating of the storage type - Methods for measuring
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 50353:2001
Insulating oil - Determination of fibre contamination by the counting method using a microscope
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 50355:2003
CLC/TC 20 CONRAIL (2001/16/EC)

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall and standard wall -
Guide to use
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 50357:2001

Evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS),
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62369-1:2009
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 50360:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2006
CLC/TC 106X RTTED (1999/5/EC)

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions related to human
exposure to electromagnetic fields (300 MHz - 3 GHz)
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2003-03-01

EN 50362:2003
Method of test for resistance to fire of larger unprotected power and control cables for use in emergency circuits
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50363-0:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low-voltage energy cables - Part 0: General introduction
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50363-0:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low-voltage energy cables - Part 0: General introduction
dor : 2011-03-14 doa : 2011-09-14 dop : 2012-03-14 dow : 2014-03-14

EN 50363-1:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric
insulating compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50363-2-1:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 2-1: Cross-linked elastomeric
sheathing compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

+ A1:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2011-03-14 doa : 2011-09-14 dop : 2012-03-14 dow : 2014-03-14

EN 50363-2-2:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 2-2: Cross-linked elastomeric
covering compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50363-3:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 3: PVC insulating compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

+ A1:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2011-03-14 doa : 2011-09-14 dop : 2012-03-14 dow : 2014-03-14

EN 50363-4-1:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 4-1: PVC sheathing compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50363-4-2:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 4-2: PVC covering compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50363-5:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 5: Halogen-free, cross-linked
insulating compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

+ A1:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2011-03-14 doa : 2011-09-14 dop : 2012-03-14 dow : 2014-03-14

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50363-6:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 6: Halogen-free, cross-linked
sheathing compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

+ A1:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2011-03-14 doa : 2011-09-14 dop : 2012-03-14 dow : 2014-03-14

EN 50363-7:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 7: Halogen-free, thermoplastic
insulating compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50363-8:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 8: Halogen-free, thermoplastic
sheathing compounds
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

+ A1:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2011-03-14 doa : 2011-09-14 dop : 2012-03-14 dow : 2014-03-14

EN 50363-9-1:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 9-1: Miscellaneous insulating
compounds - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride (XLPVC)
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50363-10-1:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 10-1: Miscellaneous sheathing
compounds - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride (XLPVC)
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50363-10-2:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables - Part 10-2: Miscellaneous sheathing
compounds - Thermoplastic polyurethane
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 50364:2001
CLC/TC 106X LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)

Limitation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 10
GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50364:2010
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 50364:2010
CLC/TC 106X LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)

Limitation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 300
GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 50365:2002
CLC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC)
Electrically insulating helmets for use on low voltage installations
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2004-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50366:2003
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Electromagnetic fields - Methods for evaluation and measurement
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62233:2008
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2006
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-11-01

+ IS1:2009
Household and similar electrical appliances - Electromagnetic fields - Methods for evaluation and measurement
dor : 2009-09-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50367:2006 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) HSR (96/48/EC)

Railway applications - Current collection systems - Technical criteria for the interaction between pantograph and
overhead line (to achieve free access)
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 50368:2003
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cable cleats for electrical installations
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61914:2009
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 50369:2005
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Liquid tight sheathing systems for cable management
dor : 2005-04-12 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 50370-1:2005
CLC/TC 210 EMC (2004/108/EC)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Product family standard for machine tools - Part 1: Emission
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 50370-2:2003
CLC/TC 210 EMC (2004/108/EC)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Product family standard for machine tools - Part 2: Immunity
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 50371:2002
CLC/TC 106X LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)

Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic
restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz - 300 GHz) - General public
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62479:2010
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 50374:2004
Conductor cars
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 50375:2002
Testing methodology for wipers used in electrical insulating oil
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50377-2-1:2001 + corrigendum Mar. 2002

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 2-1: Type FC-PC terminated on IEC 60793-2 category B1 singlemode fibre
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 50377-2-2:2009

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 2-2: FC/APC 8 terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with
full zirconia ferrule, category C
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50377-3-1:2008

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 3-1: Type SG terminated on IEC 60793-2-10 category A1a, A1b or equivalent multimode fibre
for category C
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50377-4-2:2011

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 4-2: Type SC/APC simplex 8 terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 of types B1.1 and B1.3
singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 50377-4-4:2011

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 4-4: Type SC-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode
fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 50377-5-1:2003

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 5-1: Type EC terminated on IEC 60793-2 category B1.1 singlemode fibre
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50377-6-1:2002

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 6-1: Type SC-RJ terminated on IEC 60793-2 category A1a and A1b multimode fibre
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 50377-6-2:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 6-2: SC-RJ single mode terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode
fibre, category U
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50377-7-1:2004

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 7-1: Type LC-PC duplex terminated on IEC 60793-2 category A1a and A1b multimode fibre
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50377-7-2:2004

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 7-2: LC-PC duplex terminated on IEC 60793-2 category B1.1 singlemode fibre
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 50377-7-3:2004

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 7-3: Type LC-APC duplex terminated on IEC 60793-2 category B1.1 singlemode fibre
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 50377-7-4:2004

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 7-4: LC-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2 category B1.1 singlemode fibre
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50377-7-4:2011
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 50377-7-4:2011

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 7-4: LC-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre
with full zirconia ferrule for category C
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2012-01-02

EN 50377-8-2:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-2: Type LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode
fibre, composite ferrule category C
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50377-8-3:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-3: LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre,
composite ferrule category C
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50377-8-4:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-4: LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode
fibre, composite ferrule category U
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50377-8-5:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-5: LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre,
composite ferrule category U
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50377-8-6:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-6: LSH-HR simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre,
with full zirconia ferrule category C
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50377-8-7:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-7: LSH-PC terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full
zirconia ferrule category C
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50377-8-8:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-8: LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode
fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 50377-8-9:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-9: LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre,
with full zirconia ferrule category U
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 50377-8-10:2010

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-10: Type LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3
singlemode fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category C
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50377-8-11:2010

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-11: Type LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode
fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category C
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50377-8-12:2010

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-12: Type LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3
singlemode fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category U
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50377-8-13:2010

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 8-13: Type LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode
fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category U
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50377-9-1:2003

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 9-1: Type MT-RJ terminated on IEC 60793-2 category A1a and A1b multimode fibre
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 50377-9-2:2004

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 9-2: Type MT-RJ terminated on IEC 60793-2 category B1.1 singlemode fibre
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2006-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50377-10-1:2007

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 10-1: Type MU-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode
fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category C
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 50377-10-2:2005

Connectors sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 10-2: MU-APC singlemode terminated on IEC 60793-2 category B1 fibre
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 50377-11-1:2008

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 11-1: Type MF terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre for
category C
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 50377-13-2:2011

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 13-2: Type LX.5-PC DUPLEX terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3
singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 50377-13-3:2011

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 13-3: Type LX.5-APC DUPLEX terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3
singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 50377-14-1:2011

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 14-1: Cords with IEC 60793-2-50 singlemode category B1.1 and B1.3 fibre for category C
dor : 2011-05-02 doa : 2011-11-02 dop : 2012-05-02 dow : 2014-05-02

EN 50377-15-1:2011

Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product
specifications - Part 15-1: Type MPO with 12-fibre PPS ferrules terminated on IEC 60793-2 category A1a
multimode fibre for 50/125 micron multimode fibre
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-07-03 dop : 2012-01-03 dow : 2014-01-03

EN 50378-3-1:2007

Passive components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 3-1: Type:
100/200 GHz DWDM module terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 single mode fibre
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 50378-3-2:2007

Passive components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 3-2: Type 4 / 8
channel CWDM module terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 single mode fibre
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50379-1:2004
CLC/TC 216

Specification for portable electrical apparatus designed to measure combustion flue gas parameters of heating
appliances - Part 1: General requirements and test methods
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 50379-2:2004
CLC/TC 216

Specification for portable electrical apparatus designed to measure combustion flue gas parameters of heating
appliances - Part 2: Performance requirements for apparatus used in statutory inspections and assessment
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 50379-3:2004
CLC/TC 216

Specification for portable electrical apparatus designed to measure combustion flue gas parameters of heating
appliances - Part 3: Performance requirements for apparatus used in non-statutory servicing of gas fired heating
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 50380:2003
Datasheet and nameplate information for photovoltaic modules
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 50381:2004 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
CLC/SC 31-7 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Transportable ventilated rooms with or without an internal source of release
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 50382-1:2008

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock high temperature power cables having special fire performance - Part 1:
General requirements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 50382-2:2008

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock high temperature power cables having special fire performance - Part 2:
Single core silicone rubber insulated cables for 120 C or 150 C
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 50383:2002

Basic standard for the calculation and measurement of electromagnetic field strength and SAR related to human
exposure from radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems (110 MHz - 40
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50383:2010
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50383:2010

Basic standard for the calculation and measurement of electromagnetic field strength and SAR related to human
exposure from radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems (110 MHz - 40
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 50384:2002

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless
telecommunication systems with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to human exposure to radio
frequency electromagnetic fields (110 MHz - 40 GHz) - Occupational
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50385:2002
CLC/TC 106X RTTED (1999/5/EC)

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless
telecommunication systems with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to human exposure to radio
frequency electromagnetic fields (110 MHz - 40 GHz) - General public
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 50386:2002
Bushings up to 1 kV and from 250 A to 5 kA, for liquid filled transformers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50386:2010
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : -

EN 50386:2010
Bushings up to 1 kV and from 250 A to 5 kA, for liquid filled transformers
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 50387:2002
Busbar bushings up to 1 kV and from 1,25 kA to 5 kA, for liquid filled transformers
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : -

EN 50388:2005 + corrigendum May. 2010
CLC/SC 9XC HSR (96/48/EC) RAIL (2008/57/EC)

Railway applications - Power supply and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the coordination between power supply
(substation) and rolling stock to achieve interoperability
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 50389:2005
Space product assurance - Wire-wrapping of high-reliability electrical connections
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 50390:2004
Space product assurance - The manual soldering of high-reliability electrical connections
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 50393:2006
Test methods and requirements for accessories for use on distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 50394-1:2004
CLC/SC 31-3

Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres - Group I - Intrinsically safe systems - Part 1: Construction
and testing
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 50395:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Electrical test methods for low voltage energy cables
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

+ A1:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2011-03-14 doa : 2011-09-14 dop : 2012-03-14 dow : 2014-03-14

EN 50396:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Non electrical test methods for low voltage energy cables
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

+ A1:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2011-03-14 doa : 2011-09-14 dop : 2012-03-14 dow : 2014-03-14

EN 50397-1:2006

Covered conductors for overhead lines and the related accessories for rated voltages above 1 kV a.c. and not
exceeding 36 kV a.c. - Part 1: Covered conductors
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 50397-2:2009

Covered conductors for overhead lines and the related accessories for rated voltages above 1 kV AC and not
exceeding 36 kV AC - Part 2: Accessories for covered conductors - Tests and acceptance criteria
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 50397-3:2010

Covered conductors for overhead lines and the related accessories for rated voltages above 1 kV a.c. and not
exceeding 36 kV a.c. - Part 3: Guide to use
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 50399:2011

Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Heat release and smoke production measurement on cables
during flame spread test - Test apparatus, procedures, results
dor : 2011-02-28 doa : 2011-08-28 dop : 2012-02-28 dow : 2014-02-28

EN 50400:2006

Basic standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz - 40 GHz)
intended for use in wireless telecommunication networks with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to
general public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, when put into service
dor : 2005-12-06 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-01-01

EN 50401:2006
CLC/TC 106X RTTED (1999/5/EC)

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz - 40 GHz)
intended for use in wireless telecommunication networks with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to
general public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, when put into service
dor : 2005-12-06 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-01-01

EN 50402:2005 + corrigendum Jan. 2009
CLC/SC 31-9

Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible or toxic gases or vapours or of oxygen -
Requirements on the functional safety of fixed gas detection systems
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

+ A1:2008
CLC/SC 31-9
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50405:2006
CLC/SC 9XB HSR (96/48/EC)
Railway applications - Current collection systems - Pantographs, testing methods for carbon contact strips
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 50406-1:2004
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
End user multi-pair cables used in high bit rate telecommunication networks - Part 1: Aerial cables
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50406-2:2004
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
End user multi-pair cables used in high bit rate telecommunication networks - Part 2: Duct and buried cables
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 50407-1:2004
CLC/TC 46X LVD (2006/95/EC)
Multi-pair cables used in high bit rate digital access telecommunication networks - Part 1: Outdoor cables
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 50408:2008
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Particular requirements for cab heaters for vehicles
dor : 2008-04-16 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

+ A1:2011
dor : 2011-04-25 doa : 2011-10-25 dop : 2012-04-25 dow : 2014-04-25

EN 50410:2008
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Particular requirements for decorative robots
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50411-2:2008

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2:
General and guidance for optical fibre cable joint closures, protected microduct closures, and microduct connectors
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 50411-2-2:2007

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-2:
Sealed pan fibre splice closures Type 1, for category S & A
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 50411-2-3:2007

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-3:
Sealed inline fibre splice closures Type 1, for category S & A
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 50411-2-4:2006

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-4:
Sealed dome fibre splice closures Type 1, for category S & A
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 50411-2-5:2009

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-5:
Sealed closures for air blown fibre microduct, type 1, for category S & A
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50411-2-8:2009

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-8:
Microduct connectors, for air blown optical fibres, Type 1
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50411-2-9:2010

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communications systems - Product specifications - Part 2-9:
Non-sealed closures for air blown fibre microduct cable, for category S & A
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-04-01 dop : 2010-10-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 50411-3-2:2011

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 3-2:
Singlemode mechanical fibre splice
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 50411-6-1:2011

Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 6-1:
Unprotected microduct for category S and A
dor : 2011-03-21 doa : 2011-09-21 dop : 2012-03-21 dow : 2014-03-21

EN 50412-2-1:2005 + corrigendum Feb. 2009
CLC/SC 205A EMC (2004/108/EC)

Power line communication apparatus and systems used in low-voltage installations in the frequency range 1,6 MHz
to 30 MHz - Part 2-1: Residential, commercial and industrial environment - Immunity requirements
dor : 2005-04-12 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 50413:2008

Basic standard on measurement and calculation procedures for human exposure to electric, magnetic and
electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz)
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 50414:2006

Test methods for analysis of lead in PVC taken from insulation and sheath of electric and optical fibre cables -
Method A: Total lead content determination with flame excitation atomic absorption spectrometry - Method B:
Qualitative analysis of lead by lead sulphide staining
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 50416:2005
CLC/TC 61 MD (98/37/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Particular requirements for commercial electric conveyor
dishwashing machines
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 50419:2006
CLC/TC 111X WEEE (2002/96/EC)
Marking of electrical and electronic equipment in accordance with Article 11(2) of Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE)
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 50420:2006

Basic standard for the evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from a stand alone broadcast
transmitter (30 MHz - 40 GHz)
dor : 2005-12-06 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-01-01

EN 50421:2006

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of stand alone broadcast transmitters with the reference levels or the
basic restrictions related to public human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (30 MHz - 40 GHz)
dor : 2005-12-06 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50423-1:2005

Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV up to and including AC 45 kV - Part 1: General requirements -
Common specifications
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 50341-1:2001
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 50423-2:2005

Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV up to and including AC 45 kV - Part 2: Index of National Normative
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 50423-3:2005 + corrigendum Apr. 2005 + corrigendum Feb. 2009 + corrigendum Jun. 2010 + corrigendum
Oct. 2010

Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV up to and including AC 45 kV - Part 3: Set of National Normative
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 50425:2008
CLC/TC 23BX LVD (2006/95/EC)

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Collateral standard - Fireman's switches for exterior
and interior signs and luminaires
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 50428:2005
CLC/TC 23BX EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Collateral standard - Switches and related
accessories for use in home and building electronic systems (HBES)
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-01-01

+ A1:2007
CLC/TC 23BX EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

+ A2:2009
CLC/TC 23BX EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 50436-1:2005 + corrigendum Jun. 2009
CLC/BTTF 116-2

Alcohol interlocks - Test methods and performance requirements - Part 1: Instruments for drink-driving-offender
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 50436-2:2007 + corrigendum Jun. 2009
CLC/BTTF 116-2

Alcohol interlocks - Test methods and performance requirements - Part 2: Instruments having a mouthpiece and
measuring breath alcohol for general preventive use
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 50438:2007
Requirements for the connection of micro-generators in parallel with public low-voltage distribution networks
dor : 2007-09-11 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 50441-1:2006
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cables for indoor residential telecommunication installations - Part 1: Unscreened cables - Grade 1
dor : 2005-12-06 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50441-2:2006
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cables for indoor residential telecommunication installations - Part 2: Screened cables - Grade 2
dor : 2005-12-06 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-01-01

EN 50441-3:2006
CLC/SC 46XC LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cables for indoor residential telecommunication installations - Part 3: Screened cables - Grade 3
dor : 2005-12-06 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-01-01

EN 50444:2008

Basic standard for the evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from equipment for arc welding and
allied processes
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 50445
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 50445:2008
CLC/TC 26A LVD (2006/95/EC)

Product family standard to demonstrate compliance of equipment for resistance welding, arc welding and allied
processes with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz)
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 50444 and EN 50505
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 50446:2006
CLC/BTWG 109-2
Straight thermocouple assembly with metal or ceramic protection tube and accessories
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 50461:2006
Solar cells - Datasheet information and product data for crystalline silicon solar cells
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 50463:2007
Railway applications - Energy measurement on board trains
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 50464-1:2007

Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA to 2 500 kVA with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50464-2-1:2007

Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA to 2 500 kVA with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 2-1: Distribution transformers with cable boxes on the high-voltage and/or
low-voltage side - General requirements
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : -

EN 50464-2-2:2007

Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA to 2 500 kVA with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 2-2: Distribution transformers with cable boxes on the high-voltage and/or
low-voltage side - Cable boxes type 1 for use on distribution transformers meeting the requirements of EN 50464-2-1
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50464-2-3:2007

Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA to 2 500 kVA with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 2-3: Distribution transformers with cable boxes on the high-voltage and/or
low-voltage side - Cable boxes type 2 for use on distribution transformers meeting the requirements of EN 50464-2-1
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : -

EN 50464-3:2007

Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA to 2 500 kVA with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 3: Determination of the power rating of a transformer loaded with non-
sinusoidal currents
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : -

EN 50464-4:2007

Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA to 2 500 kVA with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 4: Requirements and tests concerning pressurised corrugated tanks
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : -

EN 50465:2008
CEN/CLC/JWG FCGA GAD (2009/142/EC) GAD (OLD) (90/396/EEC)

Gas appliances - Fuel cell gas heating appliances - Fuel cell gas heating appliance of nominal heat input inferior or
equal to 70 kW
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 50468:2009

Resistibility requirements to overvoltages and overcurrents due to lightning for equipment having telecommunication
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 50470-1:2006
CLC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) MID (2004/22/EC)

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Part 1: General requirements, tests and test conditions - Metering equipment
(class indexes A, B and C)
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 50470-2:2006
CLC/TC 13 MID (2004/22/EC)

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Part 2: Particular requirements - Electromechanical meters for active energy
(class indexes A and B)
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 50470-3:2006
CLC/TC 13 MID (2004/22/EC)

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Part 3: Particular requirements - Static meters for active energy (class indexes
A, B and C)
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 50475:2008

Basic standard for the calculation and the measurement of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from
broadcasting service transmitters in the HF bands (3 MHz - 30 MHz)
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 50476:2008

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of broadcast station transmitters with the reference levels and the
basic restrictions related to public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (3 MHz - 30 MHz)
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50478:2007
CLC/TC 206

Functional receiver specification of satellite digital interactive television with a low data rate return channel via
satellite - Modem layer specification
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 50482:2008
Instrument transformers - Three-phase inductive voltage transformers having Um up to 52 kV
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 60044-2:1999
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 50483-1:2009
Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 1: Generalities
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50483-2:2009

Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 2: Tension and suspension clamps for self
supporting system
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50483-3:2009

Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 3: Tension and suspension clamps for
neutral messenger system
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50483-4:2009
Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 4: Connectors
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50483-5:2009
Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 5: Electrical ageing test
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50483-6:2009
Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 6: Environmental testing
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50486:2008
Equipment for use in audio and video door-entry systems
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50490:2008
CLC/TC 97 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - Technical requirements for aeronautical ground
lighting control and monitoring systems - Units for selective switching and monitoring of individual lamps
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 50491-2:2010
CLC/TC 205

General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control
Systems (BACS) - Part 2: Environmental conditions
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50491-3:2009
CLC/TC 205 LVD (2006/95/EC)

General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control
Systems (BACS) - Part 3: Electrical safety requirements
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 50491-5-1:2010
CLC/TC 205 EMC (2004/108/EC)

General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control
Systems (BACS) - Part 5-1: EMC requirements, conditions and test set-up
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50491-5-2:2010
CLC/TC 205 EMC (2004/108/EC)

General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control
Systems (BACS) - Part 5-2: EMC requirements for HBES/BACS used in residential, commercial and light industry
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50491-5-3:2010
CLC/TC 205 EMC (2004/108/EC)

General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control
Systems (BACS) - Part 5-3: EMC requirements for HBES/BACS used in industry environment
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50492:2008

Basic standard for the in-situ measurement of electromagnetic field strength related to human exposure in the vicinity
of base stations
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 50494:2007
CLC/TC 206
Satellite signal distribution over a single coaxial cable in single dwelling installations
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 50495:2010
CLC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Safety devices required for the safe functioning of equipment with respect to explosion risks
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 50496:2008
CLC/TC 106X EMF (2004/40/EC)
Determination of workers' exposure to electromagnetic fields and assessment of risk at a broadcast site
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 50497:2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Recommended test method for assessment of the risk of plasticizer exudation from PVC insulated and sheathed
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 50498:2010
CLC/TC 210 EMC (2004/108/EC)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Product family standard for aftermarket electronic equipment in vehicles
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 50499:2008
CLC/TC 106X EMF (2004/40/EC)
Procedure for the assessment of the exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields
dor : 2008-10-21 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50500:2008

Measurement procedures of magnetic field levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway
environment with respect to human exposure
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 50504:2008
Validation of arc welding equipment
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 50505:2008

Basic standard for the evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from equipment for resistance welding
and allied processes
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 50445
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 50508:2009
Multi-purpose insulating sticks for electrical operations on high voltage installations
dor : 2008-10-21 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 50512:2009
CLC/TC 97 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - Advanced Visual Docking Guidance Systems (A-
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50513:2009
Solar wafers - Data sheet and product information for crystalline silicon wafers for solar cell manufacturing
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 50514:2008
Audio, video and information technology equipment - Routine electrical safety testing in production
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 50518-1:2010 + corrigendum Aug. 2010
Monitoring and alarm receiving centre - Part 1: Location and construction requirements
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50518-2:2010 + AC:2011
Monitoring and alarm receiving centre - Part 2: Technical requirements
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

+ AC:2011
Monitoring and alarm receiving centre - Part 2: Technical requirements
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50518-3:2011
Monitoring and alarm receiving centre - Part 3: Procedures and requirements for operation
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 50519:2010
CLC/TC 106X EMF (2004/40/EC)
Assessment of workers' exposure to electric and magnetic fields of industrial induction heating equipment
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50520:2009
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cover plates and cover tapes for the protection and location warning of buried cables or buried conduits in
underground installations
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 50521:2008
Connectors for photovoltaic systems - Safety requirements and tests
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-10-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 50522:2010
Earthing of power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 50523-1:2009
Household appliances interworking - Part 1: Functional specification
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 50523-2:2009
Household appliances interworking - Part 2: Data structures
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 50524:2009
Data sheet and name plate for photovoltaic inverters
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 50525-1:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 1: General
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-11:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) - Part 2-11:
Cables for general applications - Flexible cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation
NOTE: Supersedes HD 21.5 S3:1994 (PART) + A1:1999 (PART) + A2:2001 (PART), HD 21.12 S1:1994 + A1:2001
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-12:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) - Part 2-12:
Cables for general applications - Cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation for extensible leads
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-21:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) - Part 2-21:
Cables for general applications - Flexible cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-22:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-22:
Cables for general applications - High flexibility braided cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50525-2-31:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-31:
Cables for general applications - Single core non-sheathed cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-41:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-41:
Cables for general applications - Single core cables with crosslinked silicone rubber insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-42:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-42:
Cables for general applications - Single core non-sheathed cables with crosslinked EVA insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-51:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-51:
Cables for general applications - Oil resistant control cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-71:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-71:
Cables for general applications - Flat tinsel cables (cords) with thermoplastic PVC insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-72:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-72:
Cables for general applications - Flat divisible cables (cords) with thermoplastic PVC insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-81:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-81:
Cables for general applications - Cables with crosslinked elastomeric covering for arc welding
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-82:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-82:
Cables for general applications - Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation for decorative chains
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-2-83:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 2-83:
Cables for general applications - Multicore cables with crosslinked silicone rubber insulation
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-3-11:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 3-11:
Cables with special fire performance - Flexible cables with halogen-free thermoplastic insulation, and low emission
of smoke
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50525-3-21:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 3-21:
Cables with special fire performance - Flexible cables with halogen-free crosslinked insulation, and low emission of
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-3-31:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 3-31:
Cables with special fire performance - Single core non-sheathed cables with halogen-free thermoplastic insulation,
and low emission of smoke
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50525-3-41:2011
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) - Part 3-41:
Cables with special fire performance - Single core non-sheathed cables with halogen-free crosslinked insulation, and
low emission of smoke
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50527-1:2010
CLC/TC 106X EMF (2004/40/EC)

Procedure for the assessment of the exposure to electromagnetic fields of workers bearing active implantable medical
devices - Part 1: General
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 50527-2-1:2011
CLC/TC 106X EMF (2004/40/EC)

Procedure for the assessment of the exposure to electromagnetic fields of workers bearing active implantable medical
devices - Part 2-1: Specific assessment for workers with cardiac pacemakers
dor : 2011-05-02 doa : 2011-11-02 dop : 2012-05-02 dow : 2014-05-02

EN 50528:2010
Insulating ladders for use on or near low voltage electrical installations
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 50529-1:2010
EMC Network Standard - Part 1: Wire-line telecommunications networks using telephone wires
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 50529-2:2010
EMC Network Standard - Part 2: Wire-line telecommunications networks using coaxial cables
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 50530:2010
Overall efficiency of grid connected photovoltaic inverters
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50532:2010
Compact Equipment Assembly for Distribution Substations (CEADS)
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50536:2011 + AC:2011
Protection against lightning - Thunderstorm warning systems
dor : 2011-02-14 doa : 2011-08-14 dop : 2012-02-14 dow : 2014-02-14

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

+ AC:2011
Protection against lightning - Thunderstorm warning systems
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50540:2010
CLC/BTTF 132-1
Conductors for overhead lines - Aluminium Conductors Steel Supported (ACSS)
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 50541-1:2011

Three phase dry-type distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 100 kVA to 3 150 kVA, with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 50543:2011 + AC:2011
CLC/TC 216

Electronic portable and transportable apparatus designed to detect and measure carbon dioxide and/or carbon
monoxide in indoor ambient air - Requirements and test methods
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-08-01 dop : 2012-02-01 dow : 2014-02-01

+ AC:2011
CLC/TC 216

Electronic portable and transportable apparatus designed to detect and measure carbon dioxide and/or carbon
monoxide in indoor ambient air - Requirements and test methods
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 50545-1:2011
CLC/TC 216

Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of toxic and combustible gases in car parks and tunnels - Part
1: General performance requirements and test methods for the detection and measurement of carbon monoxide and
nitrogen oxides
dor : 2011-08-15 doa : 2012-02-15 dop : 2012-08-15 dow : 2014-08-15

EN 50548:2011
Junction boxes for photovoltaic modules
dor : 2011-02-14 doa : 2011-08-14 dop : 2012-02-14 dow : 2014-02-14

EN 50550:2011
CLC/TC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Power frequency overvoltage protective device for household and similar applications (POP)
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-07-17 dop : 2012-01-17 dow : 2014-01-17

EN 50551-1:2011
Simplex and duplex cables to be used for cords - Part 1: Blank Detail Specification and minimum requirements
dor : 2011-01-15 doa : 2011-07-15 dop : 2012-01-15 dow : 2014-01-15

EN 50554:2010

Basic standard for the in-situ assessment of a broadcast site related to general public exposure to radio frequency
electromagnetic fields
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 50556:2011
Road traffic signal systems
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards EN 50000 series

EN 50564:2011
IEC 62301:2011 (Modified)
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 ERP (2009/125/EC) //
Electrical and electronic household and office equipment - Measurement of low power consumption
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-09-03 dop : 2012-03-03 dow : 2014-03-03

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 55000 series

European Standards based on CISPR publications - EN 55000

EN 55011:2007
CISPR 11:2003 (Modified) + A1:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/B EMC (2004/108/EC)

Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics -
Limits and methods of measurement
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

+ A2:2007
CISPR 11:2003/A2:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/B EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 55011:2009
CISPR 11:2009 (Modified)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/B EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-09-01

+ A1:2010
CISPR 11:2009/A1:2010
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/B EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 55012:2007
CISPR 12:2007
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/D EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of
measurement for the protection of off-board receivers
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

+ A1:2009
CISPR 12:2007/A1:2009
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/D EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 55013:2001
CISPR 13:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and
methods of measurement
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

+ A1:2003
CISPR 13:2001/A1:2003
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A2:2006
CISPR 13:2001/A2:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ IS1:2009
CLC/TC 210

Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and
methods of measurement
dor : 2009-05-22 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 55000 series

EN 55014-1:2006
CISPR 14-1:2005 (corrigendum Jan. 2009)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/F EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1:
dor : 2006-09-12 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A1:2009
CISPR 14-1:2005/A1:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/F EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 55014-2:1997 + corrigendum Dec. 1997
CISPR 14-2:1997
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/F EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2:
Immunity - Product family standard
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-02-01 dop : 1997-08-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A1:2001
CISPR 14-2:1997/A1:2001
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/F EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

+ A2:2008
CISPR 14-2:1997/A2:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/F EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

+ IS1:2007
CLC/TC 210

Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2:
Immunity - Product family standard
dor : 2005-07-16 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 55015:2006
CISPR 15:2005
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/F EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
dor : 2006-09-12 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A1:2007
CISPR 15:2005/A1:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/F EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A2:2009
CISPR 15:2005/A2:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/F EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 55016-1-1:2007
CISPR 16-1-1:2006

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and
immunity measuring apparatus - Measuring apparatus
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55016-1-1:2010
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-11-01

+ A1:2007
CISPR 16-1-1:2006/A1:2006
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 55000 series

+ A2:2008
CISPR 16-1-1:2006/A2:2007
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 55016-1-1:2010
CISPR 16-1-1:2010 (corrigendum Oct. 2010)

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and
immunity measuring apparatus - Measuring apparatus
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

+ A1:2010
CISPR 16-1-1:2010/A1:2010
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 55016-1-2:2004
CISPR 16-1-2:2003 (corrigendum Jan. 2009)

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and
immunity measuring apparatus - Ancillary equipment - Conducted disturbances
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2005
CISPR 16-1-2:2003/A1:2004
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-02-01

+ A2:2006
CISPR 16-1-2:2003/A2:2006
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 55016-1-3:2006
CISPR 16-1-3:2004

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-3: Radio disturbance and
immunity measuring apparatus - Ancillary equipment - Disturbance power
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 55016-1-4:2007
CISPR 16-1-4:2007

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and
immunity measuring apparatus - Ancillary equipment - Radiated disturbances
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55016-1-4:2010
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

+ A1:2008
CISPR 16-1-4:2007/A1:2007
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

+ A2:2009
CISPR 16-1-4:2007/A2:2008
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 55000 series

EN 55016-1-4:2010
CISPR 16-1-4:2010 + corrigendum Dec. 2010

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and
immunity measuring apparatus - Antennas and test sites for radiated disturbance measurements
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 55016-1-5:2004
CISPR 16-1-5:2003

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-5: Radio disturbance and
immunity measuring apparatus - Antenna calibration test sites for 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 55016-2-1:2004
CISPR 16-2-1:2003

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-1: Methods of
measurement of disturbances and immunity - Conducted disturbance measurements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55016-2-1:2009
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2005
CISPR 16-2-1:2003/A1:2005
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 55016-2-1:2009
CISPR 16-2-1:2008

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-1: Methods of
measurement of disturbances and immunity - Conducted disturbance measurements
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

+ A1:2011
CISPR 16-2-1:2008/A1:2010
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 55016-2-2:2004
CISPR 16-2-2:2003

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-2: Methods of
measurement of disturbances and immunity - Measurement of disturbance power
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55016-2-2:2011
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2005
CISPR 16-2-2:2003/A1:2004
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55016-2-2:2011
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A2:2005
CISPR 16-2-2:2003/A2:2005
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55016-2-2:2011
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 55000 series

EN 55016-2-2:2011
CISPR 16-2-2:2010

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-2: Methods of
measurement of disturbances and immunity - Measurement of disturbance power
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 55016-2-3:2006
CISPR 16-2-3:2006

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-3: Methods of
measurement of disturbances and immunity - Radiated disturbance measurements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55016-2-3:2010
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 55016-2-3:2010
CISPR 16-2-3:2010

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-3: Methods of
measurement of disturbances and immunity - Radiated disturbance measurements
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

+ A1:2010
CISPR 16-2-3:2010/A1:2010
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 55016-2-4:2004
CISPR 16-2-4:2003

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-4: Methods of
measurement of disturbances and immunity - Immunity measurements
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 55016-4-2:2004
CISPR 16-4-2:2003

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties,
statistics and limit modelling - Uncertainty in EMC measurements
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 55020:2007
CISPR 20:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods
of measurement
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

+ IS1:2009
CLC/TC 210

Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods
of measurement
dor : 2009-05-22 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ IS2:2010
CLC/TC 210

Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods
of measurement
dor : 2010-07-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 55000 series

EN 55022:2006
CISPR 22:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55022:2010
dor : 2005-09-13 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-10-01

+ A1:2007
CISPR 22:2005/A1:2005
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55022:2010
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

+ A2:2010
CISPR 22:2005/A2:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55022:2010
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 55022:2010
CISPR 22:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 55024:1998
CISPR 24:1997 (Modified)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
NOTE: Superseded by EN 55024:2010
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-10-01 dop : 1999-02-01 dow : 2001-07-01

+ A1:2001
CISPR 24:1997/A1:2001
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

+ A2:2003
CISPR 24:1997/A2:2002
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ IS1:2007
CLC/TC 210
Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
dor : 2007-06-22 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 55024:2010
CISPR 24:2010 + corrigendum Jun. 2011
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/I EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
dor : 2010-11-16 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 55025:2008
CISPR 25:2008 + corrigendum Jan. 2009

Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of
measurement for the protection of on-board receivers
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 55000 series

EN 55103-1:1996
CLC/TC 210 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting
control apparatus for professional use - Part 1: Emission
NOTE: Supreseded by EN 55103-1:2009
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1999-09-01

EN 55103-1:2009
CLC/TC 210 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting
control apparatus for professional use - Part 1: Emissions
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 55103-2:1996
CLC/TC 210 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting
control apparatus for professional use - Part 2: Immunity
NOTE: Supreseded by EN 55103-2:2009
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1999-09-01

EN 55103-2:2009
CLC/TC 210 EMC (2004/108/EC)

Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting
control apparatus for professional use - Part 2: Immunity
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

European Standards based on IEC publications - EN 60000

EN 60027-1:2006
IEC 60027-1:1995 (Reprint) + A1:1997
Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 1: General
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : -

+ A2:2007
IEC 60027-1:1995/A2:2005
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60027-2:2007
IEC 60027-2:2005
Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 2: Telecommunications and electronics
NOTE: Partially superseded by EN 80000-13:2008 (Subclauses 3.8 and 3.9)
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60027-3:2007
IEC 60027-3:2002
Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 3: Logarithmic and related quantities, and their units
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : -

EN 60027-4:2007
IEC 60027-4:2006
CLC/SR 25 IEC/TC 25 //
Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 4: Rotating electrical machines
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60027-6:2007
IEC 60027-6:2006
CLC/SR 25 IEC/TC 25 //
Letter symbols to be used in elecrical technology - Part 6: Control technology
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60027-7:2010
IEC 60027-7:2010
CLC/SR 25 IEC/TC 25 //
Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 7: Power generation, transmission and distribution
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60034-1:2004
IEC 60034-1:2004
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60034-1:2010
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-06-01

EN 60034-1:2010 + corrigendum Oct. 2010
IEC 60034-1:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60034-2-1:2007
IEC 60034-2-1:2007
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 ERP (2009/125/EC) //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-1: Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency from tests (excluding
machines for traction vehicles)
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60034-2-2:2010
IEC 60034-2-2:2010
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-2: Specific methods for determining separate losses of large machines from
tests - Supplement to IEC 60034-2-1
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60034-3:2008
IEC 60034-3:2007
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Specific requirements for synchronous generators driven by steam turbines or
combustion gas turbines
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60034-4:2008
IEC 60034-4:2008
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //
Rotating electrical machines - Part 4: Methods for determining synchronous machine quantities from tests
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60034-5:2001
IEC 60034-5:2000 (corrigendum Jun. 2001)
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical
machines (IP code) - Classification
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60034-5:2000/A1:2006
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 60034-6:1993
IEC 60034-6:1991
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Rotating electrical machines - Part 6: Methods of cooling (IC Code)
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

EN 60034-7:1993
IEC 60034-7:1992
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 7: Classification of types of construction, mounting arrangements and terminal
box position (IM Code)
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60034-7:1992/A1:2000
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60034-8:2007
IEC 60034-8:2007
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Rotating electrical machines - Part 8: Terminal markings and direction of rotation
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60034-9:2005
IEC 60034-9:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Rotating electrical machines - Part 9: Noise limits
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60034-9:2003/A1:2007
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60034-11:2004
IEC 60034-11:2004
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Rotating electrical machines - Part 11: Thermal protection
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 60034-12:2002
IEC 60034-12:2002
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Rotating electrical machines - Part 12: Starting performance of single-speed three-phase cage induction motors
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60034-12:2002/A1:2007
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60034-14:2004
IEC 60034-14:2003
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 14: Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and
higher - Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration severity
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60034-14:2003/A1:2007
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60034-15:1996
IEC 60034-15:1995

Rotating electrical machines - Part 15: Impulse voltage withstand levels of rotating a.c. machines with form-wound
stator coils
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60034-15:2009
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60034-15:2009
IEC 60034-15:2009
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 15: Impulse voltage withstand levels of form-wound stator coils for rotating a.c.
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60034-16-1:1995
IEC 60034-16-1:1991 + corrigendum Apr. 1992
Rotating electrical machines - Part 16: Excitation systems for synchronous machines - Chapter 1: Definitions
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60034-16-1:2011
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-04-01 dop : 1996-10-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60034-16-1:2011
IEC 60034-16-1:2011
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //
Rotating electrical machines - Part 16-1: Excitation systems for synchronous machines - Definitions
dor : 2011-06-29 doa : 2011-09-29 dop : 2012-03-29 dow : 2014-06-29

EN 60034-18-1:1994
IEC 60034-18-1:1992 + corrigendum Aug. 1992
Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 1: General guidelines
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60034-18-1:2010
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1996
IEC 60034-18-1:1992/A1:1996
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-02-01 dop : 1997-08-01 dow : 1997-08-01

EN 60034-18-1:2010
IEC 60034-18-1:2010
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //
Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-1: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - General guidelines
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60034-18-21:1994
IEC 60034-18-21:1992

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 21: Test procedures for
wire-wound windings - Thermal evaluation and classification
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1996
IEC 60034-18-21:1992/A1:1994
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

+ A2:1996
IEC 60034-18-21:1992/A2:1996
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60034-18-22:2001
IEC 60034-18-22:2000
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-22: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for wire-
wound windings - Classification of changes and insulation component substitutions
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60034-18-31:1994
IEC 60034-18-31:1992

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 31: Test procedures for
form-wound windings - Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation systems used in machines up to and
including 50 MVA and 15 kV
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1996
IEC 60034-18-31:1992/A1:1996
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-02-01 dop : 1997-08-01 dow : 1997-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60034-18-32:2010
IEC 60034-18-32:2010
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-32: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-
wound windings - Evaluation by electrical endurance
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60034-22:1997
IEC 60034-22:1996
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 22: AC generators for reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engine driven
generating sets
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60034-22:2009
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-02-01 dop : 1997-08-01 dow : 1997-08-01

EN 60034-22:2009
IEC 60034-22:2009
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 22: AC generators for reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engine driven
generating sets
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 60034-26:2006
IEC 60034-26:2006
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 26: Effects of unbalanced voltages on the performance of three-phase cage
induction motors
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60034-28:2007
IEC 60034-28:2007
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 28: Test methods for determining quantities of equivalent circuit diagrams for
three-phase low-voltage cage induction motors
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60034-29:2008
IEC 60034-29:2008
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 29: Equivalent loading and superposition techniques - Indirect testing to
determine temperature rise
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60034-30:2009
IEC 60034-30:2008
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 ERP (2009/125/EC) //

Rotating electrical machines - Part 30: Efficiency classes of single-speed, three-phase, cage-induction motors (IE-
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 60041:1994
IEC 60041:1991 (Modified) (corrigendum Mar. 1996)

Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60044-1:1999
IEC 60044-1:1996 (Modified)
Instrument transformers - Part 1: Current transformers
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2000
IEC 60044-1:1996/A1:2000
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 //
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

+ A2:2003
IEC 60044-1:1996/A2:2002
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 //
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60044-2:1999
IEC 60044-2:1997 (Modified)
Instrument transformers - Part 2: Inductive voltage transformers
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60044-2:1997/A1:2000
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 //
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

+ A2:2003
IEC 60044-2:1997/A2:2002
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 //
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60044-3:2003
IEC 60044-3:2002
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 //
Instrument transformers - Part 3: Combined transformers
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60044-5:2004
IEC 60044-5:2004
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 //
Instrument transformers - Part 5: Capacitor voltage transformers
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-06-01

EN 60044-6:1999
IEC 60044-6:1992 (Modified)
Instrument transformers - Part 6: Requirements for protective current transformers for transient performance
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2000-01-01

EN 60044-7:2000
IEC 60044-7:1999
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 //
Instrument transformers - Part 7: Electronic voltage transformers
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60044-8:2002
IEC 60044-8:2002
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 //
Instrument transformers - Part 8: Electronic current transformers
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60045-1:1993
IEC 60045-1:1991
Steam turbines - Part 1: Specifications
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60051-1:1998
IEC 60051-1:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 1: Definitions and
general requirements common to all parts
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1999-03-01 dop : 1999-09-01 dow : 1999-09-01

EN 60051-2:1989
IEC 60051-2:1984
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 2: Special
requirements for ammeters and voltmeters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60051-1
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

EN 60051-3:1989
IEC 60051-3:1984
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 3: Special
requirements for wattmeters and varmeters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60051-1
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60051-3:1984/A1:1994
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1994-10-04 doa : 1995-01-01 dop : 1995-10-01 dow : 1995-10-01

EN 60051-4:1989
IEC 60051-4:1984
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 4: Special
requirements for frequency meters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60051-1
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

EN 60051-5:1989
IEC 60051-5:1985
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 5: Special
requirements for phase meters, power factor meters and synchroscopes
NOTE: To be read with EN 60051-1
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

EN 60051-6:1989
IEC 60051-6:1984
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 6: Special
requirements for ohmmeters (impedance meters) and conductance meters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60051-1
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

EN 60051-7:1989
IEC 60051-7:1984
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 7: Special
requirements for multi-function instruments
NOTE: To be read with EN 60051-1
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60051-8:1989
IEC 60051-8:1984
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 8: Special
requirements for accessories
NOTE: To be read with EN 60051-1
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

EN 60051-9:1989
IEC 60051-9:1988
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical-measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 9: Recommended test
NOTE: To be read with EN 60051-1
dor : 1989-09-11 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60051-9:1988/A1:1994
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1995-08-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

+ A2:1995
IEC 60051-9:1988/A2:1995
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-02-15 doa : 1995-05-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 60052:2002
IEC 60052:2002
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
Voltage measurement by means of standard air gaps
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 60059:1999
IEC 60059:1999
CLC/SR 8 IEC/TC 8 //
IEC standard current ratings
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60059:1999/A1:2009
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60060-1:2010
IEC 60060-1:2010
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
High-voltage test techniques - Part 1: General definitions and test requirements
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60060-2:1994
IEC 60060-2:1994
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
High-voltage test techniques - Part 2: Measuring systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60060-2:2011
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-03-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A11:1998
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60060-2:2011
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 1998-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60060-2:2011
IEC 60060-2:2010
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
High-voltage test techniques - Part 2: Measuring systems
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 60060-3:2006 + corrigendum Oct. 2006
IEC 60060-3:2006
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
High voltage test techniques - Part 3: Definitions and requirements for on-site tests
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60061-1:1993
IEC 60061-1:1969 (Modified) + IEC 60061-1L:1987 (Modified) + IEC 60061-1N:1992 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 1: Lamp caps
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60061-1P:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A2:1995
IEC 60061-1Q:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A3:1995
IEC 60061-1R:1995
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A4:1996
IEC 60061-1S:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A5:1996
IEC 60061-1T:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A6:1996
IEC 60061-1U:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A7:1997
IEC 60061-1-V:1997
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-08-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 1998-02-01

+ A21:1998
IEC 60061-1:1969/A21:1998
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

+ A22:1999
IEC 60061-1:1969/A22:1999
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A23:1999
IEC 60061-1:1969/A23:1999
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2006-08-01

+ A24:2000
IEC 60061-1:1969/A24:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A25:2001
IEC 60061-1:1969/A25:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

+ A26:2001
IEC 60061-1:1969/A26:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

+ A27:2001
IEC 60061-1:1969/A27:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

+ A28:2002
IEC 60061-1:1969/A28:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-04-01

+ A29:2002
IEC 60061-1:1969/A29:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

+ A30:2002
IEC 60061-1:1969/A30:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

+ A31:2003
IEC 60061-1:1969/A31:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

+ A32:2003
IEC 60061-1:1969/A32:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

+ A33:2003
IEC 60061-1:1969/A33:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A34:2004
IEC 60061-1:1969/A34:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A35:2005
IEC 60061-1:1969/A35:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A36:2005
IEC 60061-1:1969/A36:2005
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

+ A37:2006
IEC 60061-1:1969/A37:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A38:2007
IEC 60061-1:1969/A38:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

+ A39:2007
IEC 60061-1:1969/A39:2007
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A40:2008
IEC 60061-1:1969/A40:2008
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A41:2009
IEC 60061-1:1969/A41:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

+ A42:2009
IEC 60061-1:1969/A42:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

+ A43:2010
IEC 60061-1:1969/A43:2010
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

+ A44:2010
IEC 60061-1:1969/A44:2010
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

+ A45:2011
IEC 60061-1:1969/A45:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-08-17 doa : 2011-11-17 dop : 2012-05-17 dow : 2014-08-17

+ A46:2011
IEC 60061-1:1969/A46:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-08-17 doa : 2011-11-17 dop : 2012-05-17 dow : 2014-08-17

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60061-2:1993

IEC 60061-2:1969 (Modified) + IEC 60061-2H:1987 (Modified) + IEC 60061-2I:1990 (Modified) + IEC 60061-
2K:1992 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 2: Lampholders
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60061-2L:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A2:1995
IEC 60061-2M:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A3:1995
IEC 60061-2N:1995
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A4:1996
IEC 60061-2P:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A5:1996
IEC 60061-2Q:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A6:1996
IEC 60061-2R:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A7:1997
IEC 60061-2S:1997
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-08-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 1998-02-01

+ A18:1998
IEC 60061-2:1969/A18:1998
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

+ A19:1999
IEC 60061-2:1969/A19:1999
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A20:1999
IEC 60061-2:1969/A20:1999
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2006-08-01

+ A21:2000
IEC 60061-2:1969/A21:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2007-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A22:2001
IEC 60061-2:1969/A22:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

+ A23:2001
IEC 60061-2:1969/A23:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

+ A24:2001
IEC 60061-2:1969/A24:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

+ A25:2002
IEC 60061-2:1969/A25:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-04-01

+ A26:2002
IEC 60061-2:1969/A26:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

+ A27:2002
IEC 60061-2:1969/A27:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

+ A28:2003
IEC 60061-2:1969/A28:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

+ A29:2003
IEC 60061-2:1969/A29:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

+ A30:2003
IEC 60061-2:1969/A30:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A31:2004
IEC 60061-2:1969/A31:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A32:2005
IEC 60061-2:1969/A32:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A33:2005
IEC 60061-2:1969/A33:2005
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A34:2006
IEC 60061-2:1969/A34:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A35:2007
IEC 60061-2:1969/A35:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

+ A36:2007
IEC 60061-2:1969/A36:2007
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A37:2008
IEC 60061-2:1969/A37:2008
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A38:2009
IEC 60061-2:1969/A38:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

+ A39:2009
IEC 60061-2:1969/A39:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

+ A40:2010
IEC 60061-2:1969/A40:2010
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

+ A41:2010
IEC 60061-2:1969/A41:2010
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60061-3:1993
IEC 60061-3:1969 (Modified) + IEC 60061-3M:1992 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 3: Gauges
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60061-3N:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A2:1995
IEC 60061-3P:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A3:1995
IEC 60061-3Q:1995
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A4:1996
IEC 60061-3R:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A5:1996
IEC 60061-3S:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A6:1996
IEC 60061-3T:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A7:1997
IEC 60061-3U:1997
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-08-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 1998-02-01

+ A20:1998
IEC 60061-3:1969/A20:1998
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

+ A21:1999
IEC 60061-3:1969/A21:1999
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A22:1999
IEC 60061-3:1969/A22:1999
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2006-08-01

+ A23:2000
IEC 60061-3:1969/A23:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A24:2001
IEC 60061-3:1969/A24:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

+ A25:2001
IEC 60061-3:1969/A25:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

+ A26:2001
IEC 60061-3:1969/A26:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

+ A27:2002
IEC 60061-3:1969/A27:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A28:2002
IEC 60061-3:1969/A28:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

+ A29:2002
IEC 60061-3:1969/A29:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

+ A30:2003
IEC 60061-3:1969/A30:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

+ A31:2003
IEC 60061-3:1969/A31:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

+ A32:2003
IEC 60061-3:1969/A32:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A33:2004
IEC 60061-3:1969/A33:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A34:2005
IEC 60061-3:1969/A34:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A35:2005
IEC 60061-3:1969/A35:2005
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

+ A36:2006
IEC 60061-3:1969/A36:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A37:2007
IEC 60061-3:1969/A37:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

+ A38:2007
IEC 60061-3:1969/A38:2007
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A39:2009
IEC 60061-3:1969/A39:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A40:2009
IEC 60061-3:1969/A40:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

+ A41:2010
IEC 60061-3:1969/A41:2010
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

+ A42:2010
IEC 60061-3:1969/A42:2010
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60061-4:1992
IEC 60061-4:1990 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)

Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 4: Guidelines and
general information
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-12-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60061-4A:1992 + IEC 60061-4B:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A2:1995
IEC 60061-4C:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A3:1995
IEC 60061-4D:1995
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A5:1998
IEC 60061-4:1990/A5:1998
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

+ A6:2000
IEC 60061-4:1990/A6:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A7:2001
IEC 60061-4:1990/A7:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

+ A8:2003
IEC 60061-4:1990/A8:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

+ A9:2005
IEC 60061-4:1990/A9:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A10:2006
IEC 60061-4:1990/A10:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A11:2007
IEC 60061-4:1990/A11:2007
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

+ A12:2009
IEC 60061-4:1990/A12:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

+ A13:2011
IEC 60061-4:1990/A13:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-05 doa : 2011-12-09 dop : 2012-03-09 dow : 2013-10-05

EN 60062:2005 + corrigendum Jan. 2007
IEC 60062:2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
Marking codes for resistors and capacitors
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60064:1995
IEC 60064:1993 (Modified)
Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes - Performance requirements
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A2:2003
IEC 60064:1993/A2:2002 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A3:2006
IEC 60064:1993/A3:2005 (Modified)
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2008-10-01

+ A4:2007
IEC 60064:1993/A4:2007 (Modified)
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

+ A5:2009
IEC 60064:1993/A5:2009 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

+ A11:2007
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60065:2002 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60065:2001 (Modified) (corrigendum Aug. 2002)
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2006
IEC 60065:2001/A1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60065:2001/A2:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

+ A11:2008
CLC/TC 108X GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2010-07-01

+ A12:2011
CLC/TC 108X GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
dor : 2011-01-24 doa : 2011-07-24 dop : 2012-01-24 dow : 2013-01-24

EN 60068-1:1994
IEC 60068-1:1988 + A1:1992 + corrigendum Oct. 1988
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 1: General and guidance
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-01 dop : 1995-10-01 dow : 1995-10-01

EN 60068-2-1:2007
IEC 60068-2-1:2007
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-1: Tests - Test A: Cold
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60068-2-2:2007
IEC 60068-2-2:2007
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-2: Tests - Test B: Dry heat
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60068-2-5:1999
IEC 60068-2-5:1975
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Sa: Simulated solar radiation at ground level
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60068-2-5:2011
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-5:2011
IEC 60068-2-5:2010 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Environmental testing - Part 2-5: Tests - Test Sa: Simulated solar radiation at ground level and guidance for solar
radiation testing
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60068-2-6:2008
IEC 60068-2-6:2007
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-6: Tests - Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60068-2-7:1993
IEC 60068-2-7:1983 + A1:1986
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Ga: Acceleration, steady state
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1993-01-01 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60068-2-9:1999
IEC 60068-2-9:1975 + A1:1984
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Guidance for solar radiation testing
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60068-2-5:2011
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-10:2005
IEC 60068-2-10:2005
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-10: Tests - Test J and guidance: Mould growth
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 60068-2-11:1999
IEC 60068-2-11:1981 (corrigendum Dec. 1999)
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Ka: Salt mist
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-13:1999
IEC 60068-2-13:1983
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test M: Low air pressure
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-14:1999
IEC 60068-2-14:1984 + A1:1986
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test N: Change of temperature
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60068-2-14:2009
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-14:2009
IEC 60068-2-14:2009
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-14: Tests - Test N: Change of temperature
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60068-2-17:1994
IEC 60068-2-17:1994
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Q: Sealing
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-04-01 dow : 1995-04-01

EN 60068-2-18:2001
IEC 60068-2-18:2000
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-18: Tests - Tests R and guidance: Water
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60068-2-20:2008
IEC 60068-2-20:2008
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Environmental testing - Part 2-20: Tests - Test T: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of
devices with leads
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60068-2-21:2006
IEC 60068-2-21:2006
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-21: Tests - Test U: Robustness of terminations and integral mounting devices
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60068-2-27:1993
IEC 60068-2-27:1987
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2: Tests - Test Ea and guidance: Shock
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 60068-2-27:2009
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-27:2009
IEC 60068-2-27:2008
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-27: Tests - Test Ea and guidance: Shock
NOTE: Supersedes EN 60068-2-27:1993 and EN 60068-2-29:1993
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60068-2-29:1993
IEC 60068-2-29:1987
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Eb and guidance: Bump
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 60068-2-27:2009
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-30:2005
IEC 60068-2-30:2005
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-30: Tests - Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle)
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60068-2-31:2008
IEC 60068-2-31:2008
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-31: Tests - Test Ec: Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60068-2-33:1999
IEC 60068-2-33:1971 + A1:1978
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Guidance on change of temperature tests
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60068-2-14:2009
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-38:1999
IEC 60068-2-38:1974
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Z/AD: Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60068-2-38:2009
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-38:2009
IEC 60068-2-38:2009
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-38: Tests - Test Z/AD: Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60068-2-39:1999
IEC 60068-2-39:1976
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Z/AMD: Combined sequential cold, low air pressure and damp heat test
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60068-2-40:1999
IEC 60068-2-40:1976 + A1:1983
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Z/AM: Combined cold/low air pressure tests
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-41:1999
IEC 60068-2-41:1976 + A1:1983
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Z/BM: Combined dry heat/low air pressure tests
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-42:2003
IEC 60068-2-42:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Environmental testing - Part 2-42: Tests - Test Kc: Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60068-2-43:2003
IEC 60068-2-43:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Environmental testing - Part 2-43: Tests - Test Kd: Hydrogen sulphide test for contacts and connections
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60068-2-44:1995
IEC 60068-2-44:1995 (corrigendum May. 1995 + corrigendum Aug. 1995)
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Guidance on Test T: Soldering
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 60068-2-45:1992
IEC 60068-2-45:1980
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Xa and guidance: Immersion in cleaning solvents
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1993-03-31 dop : 1993-09-30 dow : 1993-09-30

+ A1:1993
IEC 60068-2-45:1980/A1:1993
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-11-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

EN 60068-2-47:2005
IEC 60068-2-47:2005
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-47: Tests - Mounting of specimens for vibration, impact and similar dynamic tests
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 60068-2-48:1999
IEC 60068-2-48:1982
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Guidance on the application of the tests of IEC 60068 to simulate the effects
of storage
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-50:1999
IEC 60068-2-50:1983
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Tests Z/AFc: Combined cold/vibration (sinusoidal) tests for both heat-
dissipating and non-heat-dissipating specimens
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60068-2-53:2010
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60068-2-51:1999
IEC 60068-2-51:1983
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Tests Z/BFc: Combined dry heat/vibration (sinusoidal) tests for both heat-
dissipating and non-heat-dissipating specimens
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60068-2-53:2010
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-52:1996
IEC 60068-2-52:1996 (corrigendum Jul. 1996)
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride solution)
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60068-2-53:2010
IEC 60068-2-53:2010
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Environmental testing - Part 2-53: Tests and guidance: Combined climatic (temperature/humidity) and dynamic
(vibration/shock) tests
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60068-2-54:2006
IEC 60068-2-54:2006
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Environmental testing - Part 2-54: Tests - Test Ta: Solderability testing of electronic components by the wetting
balance method
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60068-2-55:1993
IEC 60068-2-55:1987
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2-55: Tests - Test Ee and guidance: Bounce
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-57:2000
IEC 60068-2-57:1999
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-57: Tests - Test Ff: Vibration - Time-history method
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60068-2-58:2004 + corrigendum Dec. 2004
IEC 60068-2-58:2004
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Environmental testing - Part 2-58: Tests - Test Td: Test methods for solderability, resistance to dissolution of
metallization and to soldering heat of surface mounting devices (SMD)
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60068-2-59:1993
IEC 60068-2-59:1990
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Fe: Vibration - Sine beat method
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60068-2-60:1996
IEC 60068-2-60:1995
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Ke: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60068-2-61:1993
IEC 60068-2-61:1991
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Z/ABDM: Climatic sequence
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

EN 60068-2-64:2008
IEC 60068-2-64:2008
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-64: Tests - Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random and guidance
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60068-2-65:1994
IEC 60068-2-65:1993
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Methods of test - Test Fg: Vibration, acoustically induced
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-01 dop : 1995-10-01 dow : 1995-10-01

EN 60068-2-66:1994
IEC 60068-2-66:1994
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-66: Test methods - Test Cx: Damp heat, steady state (unsaturated pressurized vapour)
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 60068-2-67:1996
IEC 60068-2-67:1995
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Cy: Damp heat, steady state, accelerated test primarily intended for
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 60068-2-68:1996
IEC 60068-2-68:1994
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test L: Dust and sand
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 60068-2-69:2007
IEC 60068-2-69:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Environmental testing - Part 2-69: Tests - Test Te: Solderability testing of electronic components for surface
mounting devices (SMD) by the wetting balance method
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60068-2-70:1996
IEC 60068-2-70:1995
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Xb: Abrasion of markings and letterings caused by rubbing of fingers and
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 60068-2-74:1999
IEC 60068-2-74:1999
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Xc: Fluid contamination
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60068-2-75:1997
IEC 60068-2-75:1997
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-75: Tests - Test Eh: Hammer tests
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60068-2-77:1999
IEC 60068-2-77:1999
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-77: Tests - Test 77: Body strength and impact shock
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 60068-2-78:2001
IEC 60068-2-78:2001
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-78: Tests - Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60068-2-80:2005
IEC 60068-2-80:2005
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-80: Tests - Test Fi: Vibration - Mixed mode
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 60068-2-81:2003
IEC 60068-2-81:2003
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-81: Tests - Test Ei: Shock - Shock response spectrum synthesis
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60068-2-82:2007
IEC 60068-2-82:2007 + corrigendum Dec. 2009
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Environmental testing - Part 2-82: Tests - Test XW1: Whisker test methods for electronic and electric components
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60068-3-1:1999
IEC 60068-3-1:1974 + IEC 60068-3-1A:1978
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 3: Background information - Section 1: Cold and dry heat tests
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : -

EN 60068-3-2:1999
IEC 60068-3-2:1976
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 3: Background information - Section 2: Combined temperature/low air pressure tests
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : -

EN 60068-3-3:1993
IEC 60068-3-3:1991
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 3: Guidance - Seismic test methods for equipments
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60068-3-4:2002
IEC 60068-3-4:2001
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 3-4: Supporting documentation and guidance - Damp heat tests
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60068-3-5:2002
IEC 60068-3-5:2001
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Environmental testing - Part 3-5: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of
temperature chambers
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 60068-3-6:2002
IEC 60068-3-6:2001
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Environmental testing - Part 3-6: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of
temperature/humidity chambers
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 60068-3-7:2002
IEC 60068-3-7:2001
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Environmental testing - Part 3-7: Supporting documentation and guidance - Measurements in temperature chambers
for tests A and B (with load)
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 60068-3-8:2003
IEC 60068-3-8:2003
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
Environmental testing - Part 3-8: Supporting documentation and guidance - Selecting amongst vibration tests
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60068-3-11:2007
IEC 60068-3-11:2007
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Environmental testing - Part 3-11: Supporting documentation and guidance - Calculation of uncertainty of conditions
in climatic test chambers
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60068-4:1996
IEC 60068-4:1987 + A1:1992 + A2:1994
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 4: Information for specification writers - Test summaries
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60068-5-2:1999
IEC 60068-5-2:1990
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Environmental testing - Part 5: Guide to drafting of test methods - Terms and definitions
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 60071-1:2006
IEC 60071-1:2006
CLC/SR 28 IEC/TC 28 //
Insulation co-ordination - Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60071-1:2006/A1:2010
CLC/SR 28 IEC/TC 28 //
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60071-2:1997
IEC 60071-2:1996
CLC/SR 28 IEC/TC 28 //
Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guide
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60073:2002
IEC 60073:2002
CLC/SR 16 IEC/TC 16 //

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Coding principles for indicators
and actuators
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60076-1:1997
IEC 60076-1:1993 (Modified) (corrigendum Jun. 1997)
Power transformers - Part 1: General
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60076-1:1993/A1:1999
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-04-01

+ A12:2002
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 60076-2:1997
IEC 60076-2:1993 (Modified) (corrigendum Jun. 1997)
Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60076-2:2011
IEC 60076-2:2011
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise for liquid-immersed transformers
dor : 2011-03-30 doa : 2011-06-30 dop : 2011-12-30 dow : 2014-03-30

EN 60076-3:2001
IEC 60076-3:2000 + corrigendum Dec. 2000
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Power transformers - Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external clearances in air
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 60076-4:2002
IEC 60076-4:2002
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //

Power transformers - Part 4: Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing - Power transformers and
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60076-5:2006
IEC 60076-5:2006
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Power transformers - Part 5: Ability to withstand short-circuit
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60076-6:2008
IEC 60076-6:2007
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Power transformers - Part 6: Reactors
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60076-10:2001
IEC 60076-10:2001
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Power transformers - Part 10: Determination of sound levels
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-06-01

EN 60076-11:2004
IEC 60076-11:2004
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Power transformers - Part 11: Dry-type transformers
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60076-13:2006
IEC 60076-13:2006
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Power transformers - Part 13: Self-protected liquid-filled transformers
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60077-1:2002
IEC 60077-1:1999 (Modified)
Railway applications - Electric equipment for rolling stock - Part 1: General service conditions and general rules
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60077-2:2002
IEC 60077-2:1999 (Modified)
Railway applications - Electric equipment for rolling stock - Part 2: Electrotechnical components - General rules
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60077-3:2002
IEC 60077-3:2001
CLC/SC 9XB IEC/TC 9 RAIL (2008/57/EC) //

Railway applications - Electric equipment for rolling stock - Part 3: Electrotechnical components - Rules for d.c.
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60077-4:2003
IEC 60077-4:2003
CLC/SC 9XB IEC/TC 9 RAIL (2008/57/EC) //

Railway applications - Electric equipment for rolling stock - Part 4: Electrotechnical components - Rules for AC
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60077-5:2003
IEC 60077-5:2003

Railway applications - Electrotechnical equipment for rolling stock - Part 5: Electrotechnical components - Rules for
HV fuses
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60079-0:2006
IEC 60079-0:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-0:2009
dor : 2005-09-13 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60079-0:2009
IEC 60079-0:2007 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60079-1:2007
IEC 60079-1:2007 (corrigendum Sep. 2008)
CLC/SC 31-2 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures "d"
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 60079-2:2007
IEC 60079-2:2007
CLC/SC 31-7 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure "p"
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60079-5:2007
IEC 60079-5:2007
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling "q"
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60079-6:2007
IEC 60079-6:2007
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 6: Equipment protection by oil immersion "o"
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60079-7:2007
IEC 60079-7:2006
CLC/SC 31-4 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety "e"
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60079-10:2003
IEC 60079-10:2002
CLC/SC 31-1 IEC/SC 31J
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-10-1:2009
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60079-10-1:2009
IEC 60079-10-1:2008
CLC/SC 31-1 IEC/SC 31J //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-1: Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 60079-10-2:2009
IEC 60079-10-2:2009
CLC/SC 31-1 IEC/SC 31J //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-2: Classification of areas - Combustible dust atmospheres
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60079-11:2007
IEC 60079-11:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
CLC/SC 31-3 IEC/SC 31G ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
NOTE: IEC corrigendum to French version only
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60079-13:2010
IEC 60079-13:2010
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurized room "p"
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60079-14:2008
IEC 60079-14:2007
CLC/SC 31-1 IEC/SC 31J //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 14: Electrical installations design, selection and erection
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60079-15:2005
IEC 60079-15:2005
CLC/SC 31-5 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 15: Construction, test and marking of type of protection "n"
electrical apparatus
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-15:2010
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 60079-15:2010
IEC 60079-15:2010
CLC/SC 31-5 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60079-17:2007 + corrigendum Jul. 2008
IEC 60079-17:2007
CLC/SC 31-1 IEC/SC 31J //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 17: Electrical installations inspection and maintenance
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60079-18:2004 + corrigendum Apr. 2006
IEC 60079-18:2004
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 18: Construction, test and marking of type of protection
encapsulation "m" electrical apparatus
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-18:2009
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60079-18:2009
IEC 60079-18:2009 + corrigendum Jun. 2009
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation "m"
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60079-19:2007
IEC 60079-19:2006
CLC/SC 31-1 IEC/SC 31J //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 19: Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-19:2011
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60079-19:2011
IEC 60079-19:2010
CLC/SC 31-1 IEC/SC 31J //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 19: Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 60079-20-1:2010
IEC 60079-20-1:2010
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification - Test methods and data
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60079-25:2004 + corrigendum Apr. 2006
IEC 60079-25:2003
CLC/SC 31-3 IEC/SC 31G ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 25: Intrinsically safe systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-25:2010
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 60079-25:2010
IEC 60079-25:2010
CLC/SC 31-3 IEC/SC 31G ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical systems
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60079-26:2007
IEC 60079-26:2006 (corrigendum Mar. 2009)
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60079-27:2008
IEC 60079-27:2008
CLC/SC 31-3 IEC/SC 31G ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 27: Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO)
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60079-28:2007
IEC 60079-28:2006 (corrigendum Mar. 2010)
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical radiation
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60079-29-1:2007
IEC 60079-29-1:2007 (Modified)
CLC/SC 31-9 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-1: Gas detectors - Performance requirements of detectors for flammable gases
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60079-29-2:2007 + corrigendum Dec. 2007
IEC 60079-29-2:2007
CLC/SC 31-9 IEC/TC 31 //

Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-2: Gas detectors - Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for
flammable gases and oxygen
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60079-29-4:2010
IEC 60079-29-4:2009 (Modified) (corrigendum Aug. 2010)
CLC/SC 31-9 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //

Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-4: Gas detectors - Performance requirements of open path detectors for flammable
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60079-30-1:2007
IEC 60079-30-1:2007
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating - General and testing requirements
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60079-30-2:2007
IEC 60079-30-2:2007
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 //

Explosive atmospheres - Part 30-2: Electrical resistance trace heating - Application guide for design, installation and
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60079-31:2009
IEC 60079-31:2008 + corrigendum Mar. 2009
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure "t"
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60079-35-1:2011 + AC:201X
IEC 60079-35-1:2011
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //

Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - General requirements -
Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion
dor : 2011-06-30 doa : 2011-09-30 dop : 2012-03-30 dow : 2014-06-30

EN 60081:1998
IEC 60081:1997
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60081:1997/A1:2000 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC)
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

+ A2:2003
IEC 60081:1997/A2:2003
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A3:2005
IEC 60081:1997/A3:2005
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

+ A4:2010
IEC 60081:1997/A4:2010
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60085:2008
IEC 60085:2007
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulation - Thermal evaluation and designation
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 60086-1:2007
IEC 60086-1:2006
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 1: General
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60086-1:2011
IEC 60086-1:2011
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 1: General
dor : 2011-03-24 doa : 2011-06-24 dop : 2011-12-24 dow : 2014-03-24

EN 60086-2:2007
IEC 60086-2:2006 (corrigendum Apr. 2007)
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60086-2:2011
IEC 60086-2:2011
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications
dor : 2011-03-24 doa : 2011-06-24 dop : 2011-12-24 dow : 2014-03-24

EN 60086-3:2005
IEC 60086-3:2004
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 3: Watch batteries
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60086-3:2011
IEC 60086-3:2011
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 3: Watch batteries
dor : 2011-03-02 doa : 2011-06-02 dop : 2011-12-02 dow : 2014-03-02

EN 60086-4:2007
IEC 60086-4:2007
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 4: Safety of lithium batteries
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60086-5:2005
IEC 60086-5:2005
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 5: Safety of batteries with aqueous electrolyte
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60086-5:2011
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 60086-5:2011
IEC 60086-5:2011
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Primary batteries - Part 5: Safety of batteries with aqueous electrolyte
dor : 2011-04-12 doa : 2011-07-12 dop : 2012-01-12 dow : 2014-04-12

EN 60092-507:2000
IEC 60092-507:2000
CLC/SR 18 IEC/TC 18 RCD (94/25/EC) //
Electrical installations in ships - Part 507: Pleasure craft
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 60094-1:1993
IEC 60094-1:1981
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 1: General conditions and requirements
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : -

+ A1:1994
IEC 60094-1:1981/A1:1994
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 60094-2:1995
IEC 60094-2:1994 (corrigendum Mar. 1995)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 2: Calibration tapes
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1995-01-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60094-3:1996
IEC 60094-3:1979 + A1:1980 + A2:1988
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 3: Methods of measuring the characteristics of
recording and reproducing equipment for sound on magnetic tape
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : -

+ A3:1996
IEC 60094-3:1979/A3:1996
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60094-4:1994
IEC 60094-4:1986
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 4: Mechanical magnetic tape properties
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : -

+ A1:1994
IEC 60094-4:1986/A1:1994
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 60094-5:1993
IEC 60094-5:1988
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 5: Electrical magnetic tape properties
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : -

+ A1:1996
IEC 60094-5:1988/A1:1996
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60094-7:1993
IEC 60094-7:1986
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 7: Cassette for commercial tape records and domestic
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : -

+ A1:1996
IEC 60094-7:1986/A1:1996
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60095-4:1993
IEC 60095-4:1989 (Modified)
Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy commercial vehicles
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50342-4:2009
dor : 1991-09-23 doa : 1992-04-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

+ A11:1994
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : 1995-10-15

EN 60097:1993
IEC 60097:1991
Grid systems for printed circuits
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60099-1:1994
IEC 60099-1:1991
Surge arresters - Part 1: Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arresters for a.c. systems
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

+ A1:1999
IEC 60099-1:1991/A1:1999
CLC/SR 37 IEC/TC 37 //
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60099-4:2004
IEC 60099-4:2004 (Modified)
CLC/SR 37 IEC/TC 37 //
Surge arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-05-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60099-4:2004/A1:2006
CLC/SR 37 IEC/TC 37 //
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60099-4:2004/A2:2009
CLC/SR 37 IEC/TC 37 //
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60099-5:1996
IEC 60099-5:1996 (Modified) (corrigendum May. 1996)
Surge arresters - Part 5: Selection and application recommendations
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

+ A1:1999
IEC 60099-5:1996/A1:1999
CLC/SR 37 IEC/TC 37 //
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60099-8:2011
IEC 60099-8:2011
CLC/SR 37 IEC/TC 37 //

Surge arresters - Part 8: Metal-oxide surge arresters with external series gap (EGLA) for overhead transmission and
distribution lines of a.c. systems above 1 kV
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 60107-1:1997
IEC 60107-1:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 1: General considerations -
Measurements at radio and video frequencies
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60107-2:1997 + corrigendum May. 1997
IEC 60107-2:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 2: Audio channels - General
methods and methods for monophonic channels
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60107-5:1992
IEC 60107-5:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 5: Electrical
measurements on multichannel sound television receivers using the NICAM two-channel digital sound-system
dor : 1991-12-10 doa : 1992-11-15 dop : 1993-08-15 dow : 1993-08-15

+ A1:1999
IEC 60107-5:1992/A1:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 60107-7:1997
IEC 60107-7:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Methods of measurement on receivers for television - Part 7: HDTV displays
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60107-8:1997
IEC 60107-8:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 8: Measurement
on D2-MAC/packet equipment
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60110-1:1998
IEC 60110-1:1998
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Power capacitors for induction heating installations - Part 1: General
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 60112:2003
IEC 60112:2003 (corrigendum Jun. 2003 + corrigendum Oct. 2003)
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Method for the determination of the proof and the comparative tracking indices of solid insulating materials
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60112:2003/A1:2009
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60115-1:2001
IEC 60115-1:1999 (Modified)
Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60115-1:1999/A1:2001
CLC/TC 40XB IEC/TC 40 //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-04-01

+ A11:2007
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60115-9:2004
IEC 60115-9:2003
CLC/TC 40XB IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 9: Sectional specification - Fixed surface mount resistor
networks with individually measurable resistors
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 60115-9-1:2004
IEC 60115-9-1:2003
CLC/TC 40XB IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 9-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed surface mount resistor
networks with individually measurable resistors - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 60118-0:1993
IEC 60118-0:1983
Hearing aids - Part 0: Measurement of electroacoustical characteristics
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : -

+ A1:1994
IEC 60118-0:1983/A1:1994
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1995-01-01 dow : 1995-01-01

EN 60118-1:1995
IEC 60118-1:1995
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Hearing aids - Part 1: Hearing aids with induction pick-up coil input
dor : 1994-10-04 doa : 1995-07-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

+ A1:1998
IEC 60118-1:1995/A1:1998
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60118-2:1995
IEC 60118-2:1983 + A1:1993
Hearing aids - Part 2: Hearing aids with automatic gain control circuits
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A2:1997
IEC 60118-2:1983/A2:1997
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60118-4:2006
IEC 60118-4:2006
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 4: Induction loop systems for hearing aid purposes - Magnetic field strength
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60118-6:1999
IEC 60118-6:1999
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60118-7:2005
IEC 60118-7:2005
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 7: Measurement of the performance characteristics of hearing aids for
production, supply and delivery quality assurance purposes
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60118-8:2005
IEC 60118-8:2005
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 8: Methods of measurement of performance characteristics of hearing aids
under simulated in situ working conditions
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60118-12:1996
IEC 60118-12:1996
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Hearing aids - Part 12: Dimensions of electrical connector systems
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 60118-13:2005
IEC 60118-13:2004
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60118-13:2011
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60118-13:2011
IEC 60118-13:2011
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
dor : 2011-05-16 doa : 2011-08-16 dop : 2012-02-16 dow : 2014-05-16

EN 60118-14:1998
IEC 60118-14:1998
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Hearing aids - Part 14: Specification of a digital interface
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60122-1:2002
IEC 60122-1:2002
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal units of assessed quality - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60122-3:2001
IEC 60122-3:2001
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal units of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60122-3:2010
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60122-3:2010
IEC 60122-3:2010
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal units of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60127-1:2006
IEC 60127-1:2006
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Miniature fuses - Part 1: Definitions for miniature fuses and general requirements for miniature fuse-links
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2011
IEC 60127-1:2006/A1:2011
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-08-25 dop : 2012-02-25 dow : 2014-05-25

EN 60127-2:2003
IEC 60127-2:2003
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Miniature fuses - Part 2: Cartridge fuse-links
dor : 2003-03-18 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60127-2:2003/A1:2003
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60127-2:2003/A2:2010
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60127-3:1996 + corrigendum Jun. 1996
IEC 60127-3:1988 + A1:1991 + A1:1991/corrigendum Oct. 1994 (corrigendum Jun. 1996)
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC)
Miniature fuses - Part 3: Sub-miniature fuse-links
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A2:2003
IEC 60127-3:1988/A2:2002
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60127-4:2005
IEC 60127-4:2005
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Miniature fuses - Part 4: Universal modular fuse-links (UMF) - Through-hole and surface mount types
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60127-4:2005/A1:2008
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 60127-5:1991
IEC 60127-5:1988
Miniature fuses - Part 5: Guidelines for quality assessment of miniature fuse-links
dor : 1991-03-15 doa : 1991-09-01 dop : 1992-03-01 dow : 1992-03-01

EN 60127-6:1994
IEC 60127-6:1994
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Miniature fuses - Part 6: Fuse-holders for miniature fuse-links
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-07-01 dop : 1995-04-01 dow : 1995-04-01

+ A1:1996
IEC 60127-6:1994/A1:1996
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2003
IEC 60127-6:1994/A2:2002
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60127-10:2002
IEC 60127-10:2001
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C //
Miniature fuses - Part 10: User guide for miniature fuses
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 60130-9:2000
IEC 60130-9:2000
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz - Part 9: Circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 60130-9:2011
IEC 60130-9:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz - Part 9: Circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment
dor : 2011-03-30 doa : 2011-06-30 dop : 2011-12-30 dow : 2014-03-30

EN 60130-17:1999
IEC 60130-17:1998

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz - Part 17: Detail specification for interconnection devices which permit
multi-directional mating, for use with rechargeable batteries
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60133:2001
IEC 60133:2000
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Dimensions of pot-cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 60137:2003
IEC 60137:2003
CLC/TC 36A IEC/SC 36A //
Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1 000 V
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60137:2008
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60137:2008
IEC 60137:2008
CLC/TC 36A IEC/SC 36A //
Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1 000 V
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 60139:2001
IEC 60139:2000
CLC/SR 39 IEC/TC 39 //
Preparation of outline drawings for cathode-ray tubes, their components, connections and gauges
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 60143-1:2004
IEC 60143-1:2004
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 //
Series capacitors for power systems - Part 1: General
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60143-2:1994
IEC 60143-2:1994
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Series capacitors for power systems - Part 2: Protective equipment for series capacitor banks
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 60143-3:1998
IEC 60143-3:1998
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 //
Series capacitors for power systems - Part 3: Internal fuses
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60143-4:2010
IEC 60143-4:2010
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 //
Series capacitors for power systems - Part 4: Thyristor controlled series capacitors
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60146-1-1:1993
IEC 60146-1-1:1991 (corrigendum Aug. 1993)

Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated convertors - Part 1-1: Specifications of basic
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60146-1-1:2010
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60146-1-1:1991/A1:1996
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

EN 60146-1-1:2010
IEC 60146-1-1:2009
CLC/TC 22X IEC/TC 22 //

Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated converters - Part 1-1: Specification of basic
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60146-1-3:1993
IEC 60146-1-3:1991

Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated convertors - Part 1-3: Transformers and
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 60146-2:2000
IEC 60146-2:1999
CLC/TC 22X IEC/TC 22 //
Semiconductor converters - Part 2: Self-commutated semiconductor converters including direct d.c. converters
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60154-1:1994
IEC 60154-1:1982
Flanges for waveguides - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : -

+ A1:1994
IEC 60154-1:1982/A1:1993
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60154-2:1997
IEC 60154-2:1980
Flanges for waveguides - Part 2: Relevant specifications for flanges for ordinary rectangular waveguides
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60154-2:1980/A1:1997
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 60155:1995
IEC 60155:1993
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC)
Glow-starters for fluorescent lamps
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60155:1993/A1:1995
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A2:2007
IEC 60155:1993/A2:2006
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 60156:1995
IEC 60156:1995
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Determination of the breakdown voltage at power frequency - Test method
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60168:1994
IEC 60168:1994
CLC/SR 36C IEC/SC 36C //

Tests on indoor and outdoor post insulators of ceramic material or glass for systems with nominal voltages greater
than 1 kV
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-03-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60168:1994/A1:1997
CLC/SR 36C IEC/SC 36C //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60168:1994/A2:2000
CLC/SR 36C IEC/SC 36C //
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60169-21:1997
IEC 60169-21:1985 + A1:1996

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 21: Two types of radio-frequency connectors with inner diameter of outer
conductor 9,5 mm (0,374 in) with different versions of screw coupling - Characteristic impendance 50 ohms (types
SC-A and SC-B)
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60169-23:1993
IEC 60169-23:1991

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 23: Pin and socket connector for use with 3,5 mm rigid precision coaxial lines
with inner diameter of outer conductor 3,5 mm (0,1378 in)
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

EN 60169-24:1993
IEC 60169-24:1991 (corrigendum Apr. 1995)

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 24: Radio-frequency coaxial connectors with screw coupling, typically for use in
75 ohm cable distribution systems (Type F)
NOTE: IEC corrigendum to French version only
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

EN 60169-25:1993
IEC 60169-25:1992

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 25: Two-pole screw (3/4-20 UNEF) coupled connectors for use with shielded
balanced cables having twin inner conductors with inner diameter of outer conductor 13,56 mm (0,534 in) (Type
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

EN 60172:1994
IEC 60172:1987
Test procedure for the determination of the temperature index of enamelled winding wires
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60172:1987/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60172:1987/A2:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60188:2001
IEC 60188:2001
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
High-pressure mercury vapour lamps - Performance specifications
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60191-1:2007
IEC 60191-1:2007
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 1: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings
of discrete devices
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60191-3:1999
IEC 60191-3:1999
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 3: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings
of integrated circuits
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60191-4:1999
IEC 60191-4:1999
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 4: Coding system and classification into forms of
package outlines for semiconductor device packages
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60191-4:1999/A1:2001
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

+ A2:2002
IEC 60191-4:1999/A2:2002
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60191-6:2004
IEC 60191-6:2004
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings
of surface mounted semiconductor device packages
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60191-6:2009
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 60191-6:2009
IEC 60191-6:2009
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings
of surface mounted semiconductor device packages
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 60191-6-1:2001
IEC 60191-6-1:2001
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-1: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for gull-wing lead terminals
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 60191-6-2:2002
IEC 60191-6-2:2001 (corrigendum Oct. 2002)
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-2: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for 1,50 mm, 1,27 mm and 1,00 mm
pitch ball and column terminal packages
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 60191-6-3:2000
IEC 60191-6-3:2000
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-3: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Measuring methods for package dimensions of quad
flat packs (QFP)
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60191-6-4:2003
IEC 60191-6-4:2003
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-4: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Measuring methods for package dimensions of ball
grid array (BGA)
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60191-6-5:2001
IEC 60191-6-5:2001
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-5: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for fine-pitch ball grid array (FBGA)
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60191-6-6:2001
IEC 60191-6-6:2001
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-6: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for fine pitch land grid array (FLGA)
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

EN 60191-6-8:2001
IEC 60191-6-8:2001
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-8: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for glass sealed ceramic quad flatpack
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60191-6-10:2003
IEC 60191-6-10:2003
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-10: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Dimensions of P-VSON
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60191-6-12:2002
IEC 60191-6-12:2002
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-12: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) -
Rectangular type
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60191-6-12:2011
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60191-6-12:2011
IEC 60191-6-12:2011
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-12: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guidelines for fine-pitch land grid array
dor : 2011-07-13 doa : 2011-10-13 dop : 2012-04-13 dow : 2014-07-13

EN 60191-6-13:2007
IEC 60191-6-13:2007
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-13: Design guideline of open-top-type sockets for
Fine-pitch Ball Grid Array and Fine-pitch Land Grid Array (FBGA/FLGA)
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60191-6-16:2007
IEC 60191-6-16:2007
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-16: Glossary of semiconductor tests and burn-in
sockets for BGA, LGA, FBGA and FLGA
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60191-6-17:2011
IEC 60191-6-17:2011
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-17: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for stacked packages - Fine-pitch ball
grid array and fine-pitch land grid array (P-PFBGA and P-PFLGA)
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 60191-6-18:2010
IEC 60191-6-18:2010 (corrigendum May. 2010 + corrigendum Jul. 2010)
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-18: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for ball grid array (BGA)
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60191-6-19:2010
IEC 60191-6-19:2010
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-19: Measurement methods of the package warpage at
elevated temperature and the maximum permissible warpage
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60191-6-20:2010
IEC 60191-6-20:2010
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-20: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Measuring methods for package dimensions of small
outline J-lead packages (SOJ)
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60191-6-21:2010
IEC 60191-6-21:2010
CLC/SR 47D IEC/SC 47D //

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-21: General rules for the preparation of outline
drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Measuring methods for package dimensions of small
outline packages (SOP)
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60192:2001
IEC 60192:2001
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
Low pressure sodium vapour lamps - Performance specifications
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60193:1999
IEC 60193:1999
CLC/SR 4 IEC/TC 4 //
Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Model acceptance tests
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60194:2006
IEC 60194:2006
Printed board design, manufacture and assembly - Terms and definitions
NOTE: Published in English only
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 60196:2009
IEC 60196:2009
IEC standard frequencies
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60204-1:2006 + corrigendum Feb. 2010
IEC 60204-1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60204-1:2005/A1:2008
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 60204-11:2000 + corrigendum Feb. 2010
IEC 60204-11:2000
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //

Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 11: Requirements for HV equipment for voltages
above 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 60204-31:1998 + corrigendum Aug. 2000
IEC 60204-31:1996 (Modified)
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 EMC (2004/108/EC) MD (98/37/EC)

Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 31: Particular safety and EMC requirements for
sewing machines, units and systems
NOTE: To be read with EN 60204-1:1992
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-12-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 2002-06-01

EN 60204-32:2008
IEC 60204-32:2008
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 MD (2006/42/EC) //
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 32: Requirements for hoisting machines
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60204-33:2011
IEC 60204-33:2009 (Modified)
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 MD (2006/42/EC)

Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 33: Requirements for semiconductor fabrication
dor : 2011-02-28 doa : 2011-08-28 dop : 2012-02-28 dow : 2014-02-28

EN 60205:2006
IEC 60205:2006
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Calculation of the effective parameters of magnetic piece parts
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60205:2006/A1:2009
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 60212:2011
IEC 60212:2010
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Standard conditions for use prior to and during the testing of solid electrical insulating materials
dor : 2011-01-19 doa : 2011-04-19 dop : 2011-10-19 dow : 2014-01-19

EN 60214-1:2003
IEC 60214-1:2003
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Tap-changers - Part 1: Performance requirements and test methods
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60215:1989
IEC 60215:1987
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment
dor : 1988-12-06 doa : 1989-07-01 dop : 1989-07-01 dow : 1990-01-01

+ A1:1992
IEC 60215:1987/A1:1990
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-12-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

+ A2:1994
IEC 60215:1987/A2:1993
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

EN 60216-1:2001
IEC 60216-1:2001
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials - Properties of thermal endurance - Part 1: Ageing procedures and evaluation of test
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60216-2:2005
IEC 60216-2:2005
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 2: Determination of thermal endurance
properties of electrical insulating materials - Choice of test criteria
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 60216-3:2006
IEC 60216-3:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2009
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 3: Instructions for calculating thermal endurance

NOTE: A computer-readable medium (diskette or CD-ROM) containing the computer programme given in Annex E
is an integral part of the national implementation of this European Standard
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 60216-4-1:2006
IEC 60216-4-1:2006
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4-1: Ageing ovens - Single-chamber ovens
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60216-4-2:2000
IEC 60216-4-2:2000
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4-2: Ageing ovens - Precision ovens for use up
to 300 C
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60216-4-3:2000
IEC 60216-4-3:2000
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4-3: Ageing ovens - Multi-chamber ovens
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60216-5:2008
IEC 60216-5:2008 + corrigendum Dec. 2009
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 5: Determination of relative thermal endurance
index (RTE) of an insulating material
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60216-6:2006
IEC 60216-6:2006
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 6: Determination of thermal endurance indices
(TI and RTE) of an insulating material using the fixed time frame method
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60228:2005 + corrigendum May. 2005
IEC 60228:2004
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Conductors of insulated cables
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 60229:2008
IEC 60229:2007
Electric cables - Tests on extruded oversheaths with a special protective function
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60230:2002
IEC 60230:1966
Impulse tests on cables and their accessories
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : -

EN 60238:2004 + corrigendum Jan. 2005
IEC 60238:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Edison screw lampholders
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60238:2004/A1:2008
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A2:2011
IEC 60238:2004/A2:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-03-30 doa : 2011-06-30 dop : 2011-12-30 dow : 2014-03-30

EN 60239:2005
IEC 60239:2005
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
Graphite electrodes for electric arc furnaces - Dimensions and designation
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 60240-1:1994
IEC 60240-1:1992
Characteristics of electric infra-red emitters for industrial heating - Part 1: Short wave infra-red emitters
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60243-1:1998
IEC 60243-1:1998
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 1: Tests at power frequencies
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60243-2:2001
IEC 60243-2:2001 (corrigendum Jan. 2005)
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electric strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 2: Additional requirements for tests using direct voltage
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 60243-3:2001
IEC 60243-3:2001
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 3: Additional requirements for 1,2/50 s impulse tests
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60244-1:2000
IEC 60244-1:1999
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 //
Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 1: General characteristics for broadcast transmitters
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60244-5:1994
IEC 60244-5:1992
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103
Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 5: Performance characteristics for television transmitters
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 60244-8:1994
IEC 60244-8:1993
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103

Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 8: Performance characteristics of vestigial-sideband
demodulators used for testing television transmitters and transposers
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

EN 60244-9:1994
IEC 60244-9:1993
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103
Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 9: Performance characteristics for television transposers
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

EN 60244-10:1993
IEC 60244-10:1986
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103

Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 10: Methods of measurement for television transmitters and
transposers employing insertion test signals
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-12-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : -

EN 60244-11:1993
IEC 60244-11:1989
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103
Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 11: Transposers for FM sound broadcasting
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-12-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : -

EN 60244-12-1:1993
IEC 60244-12-1:1989
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103

Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 12: Guideline for drawing up descriptive leaflets for
transmitters and transposers for sound and television broadcasting - Characteristics to be specified
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-12-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60244-12-2:1993
IEC 60244-12-2:1989
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103

Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 12: Guideline for drawing up descriptive leaflets for
transmitters and transposers for sound and television broadcasting - Specification sheets
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-12-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : -

EN 60244-13:1993
IEC 60244-13:1991
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103
Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 13: Performance characteristics for FM sound broadcasting
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

EN 60244-14:1997
IEC 60244-14:1997
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 //

Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 14: External intermodulation products caused by two or more
transmitters using the same or adjacent antennas
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60244-15:2000
IEC 60244-15:1999
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 //
Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 15: Amplitude-modulated transmitters for sound broadcasting
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60247:2004
IEC 60247:2004
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Measurement of relative permittivity, dielectric dissipation factor (tan d) and d.c. resistivity
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60252-1:2001
IEC 60252-1:2001
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

AC motor capacitors - Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation
and operation
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60252-1:2011
dor : 2001-09-25 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60252-1:2011
IEC 60252-1:2010
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

AC motor capacitors - Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guidance for
installation and operation
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60252-2:2003
IEC 60252-2:2003
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
AC motor capacitors - Part 2: Motor start capacitors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60252-2:2010
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 60252-2:2011
IEC 60252-2:2010
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
AC motor capacitors - Part 2: Motor start capacitors
dor : 2011-01-19 doa : 2011-04-19 dop : 2011-10-19 dow : 2014-01-19

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60254-1:2005
IEC 60254-1:2005
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Lead acid traction batteries - Part 1: General requirements and methods of tests
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 60254-2:2008
IEC 60254-2:2008
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Lead-acid traction batteries - Part 2: Dimensions of cells and terminals and marking of polarity on cells
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60255-1:2010
IEC 60255-1:2009
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 1: Common requirements
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 60255-3:1998 + corrigendum Jan. 1998
IEC 60255-3:1989 (Modified)
Electrical relays - Part 3: Single input energizing quantity measuring relays with dependent or independent time
NOTE: Corrigendum to English and German versions
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 1998-08-01

EN 60255-5:2001
IEC 60255-5:2000
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical relays - Part 5: Insulation coordination for measuring relays and protection equipment - Requirements and
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 60255-6:1994 + corrigendum Feb. 1995
IEC 60255-6:1988 (Modified)
Electrical relays - Part 6: Measuring relays and protection equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60255-1:2010
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1995-03-01

EN 60255-8:1998
IEC 60255-8:1990 (Modified)
Electrical relays - Part 8: Thermal electrical relays
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 1998-08-01

EN 60255-11:2010
IEC 60255-11:2008
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //

Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 11: Voltage dips, short interruptions, variations and ripple on
auxiliary power supply port
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 60255-21-1:1995
IEC 60255-21-1:1988

Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment -
Section 1: Vibration tests (sinusoidal)
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-04-01 dop : 1996-10-01 dow : 1996-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60255-21-2:1995
IEC 60255-21-2:1988

Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment -
Section 2: Shock and bump tests
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-04-01 dop : 1996-10-01 dow : 1996-10-01

EN 60255-21-3:1995
IEC 60255-21-3:1993

Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment -
Section 3: Seismic tests
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 60255-22-1:2008
IEC 60255-22-1:2007
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-1: Electrical disturbance tests - 1 MHz burst immunity tests
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60255-22-2:2008
IEC 60255-22-2:2008
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-2: Electrical disturbance tests - Electrostatic discharge tests
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60255-22-3:2008
IEC 60255-22-3:2007
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //

Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-3: Electrical disturbance tests - Radiated electromagnetic field
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60255-22-4:2008
IEC 60255-22-4:2008
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //

Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-4: Electrical disturbance tests - Electrical fast transient/burst
immunity test
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60255-22-5:2002
IEC 60255-22-5:2002
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //

Electrical relays - Part 22-5: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment - Surge
immunity test
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60255-22-5:2011
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

EN 60255-22-5:2011
IEC 60255-22-5:2008
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-5: Electrical disturbance tests - Surge immunity test
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60255-22-6:2001
IEC 60255-22-6:2001
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //

Electrical relays - Part 22-6: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment - Immunity to
conducted disturbances induced by radio frequency fields
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2002-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60255-22-7:2003
IEC 60255-22-7:2003
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //

Electrical relays - Part 22-7: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment - Power
frequency immunity tests
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 60255-24:2001
IEC 60255-24:2001
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Electrical relays - Part 24: Common format for transient data exchange (COMTRADE) for power systems
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2002-02-01

EN 60255-25:2000
IEC 60255-25:2000
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Electrical relays - Part 25: Electromagnetic emission tests for measuring relays and protection equipment
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 60255-26:2005
IEC 60255-26:2004
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //

Electrical relays - Part 26: Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for measuring relays and protection
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60255-26:2009
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60255-26:2009
IEC 60255-26:2008
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 26: Electromagnetic compatibility requirements
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60255-27:2005
IEC 60255-27:2005 (corrigendum Mar. 2007)
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 27: Product safety requirements
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60255-151:2009
IEC 60255-151:2009
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 151: Functional requirements for over/under current protection
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60264-1:1994
IEC 60264-1:1968
Packaging of winding wires - Part 1: Containers for round winding wires
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:2009
IEC 60264-1:1968/A1:2009
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60264-2-1:1994
IEC 60264-2-1:1989
Packaging of winding wires - Part 2-1: Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools - Basic dimensions
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2003
IEC 60264-2-1:1989/A1:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60264-2-2:1994
IEC 60264-2-2:1990

Packaging of winding wires - Part 2-2: Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools - Specification for returnable spools
made from thermoplastic material
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-10 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:2004
IEC 60264-2-2:1990/A1:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60264-2-3:1994
IEC 60264-2-3:1990

Packaging of winding wires - Part 2-3: Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools - Specification for non-returnable spools
made from thermoplastic material
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:2004
IEC 60264-2-3:1990/A1:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60264-3-1:2000
IEC 60264-3-1:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Packaging of winding wires - Part 3-1: Taper barrelled delivery spools - Basic dimensions
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-05-01 dop : 2000-11-01 dow : 2003-02-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60264-3-1:1999/A1:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60264-3-2:1999
IEC 60264-3-2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Packaging of winding wires - Part 3-2: Taper barrelled delivery spools - Specification for returnable spools made
from thermoplastic materials
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60264-3-3:1994
IEC 60264-3-3:1990

Packaging of winding wires - Part 3-3: Taper barrelled delivery spools - Specification for non-returnable spools
made from thermoplastic material
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:2004
IEC 60264-3-3:1990/A1:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60264-3-4:1999
IEC 60264-3-4:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Packaging of winding wires - Part 3-4: Taper barrelled delivery spools - Basic dimensions of containers for taper
barrelled delivery spools
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60264-3-5:1999
IEC 60264-3-5:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Packaging of winding wires - Part 3-5: Taper barrelled delivery spools - Specification for spool containers made
from thermoplastic material
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60264-4-1:1994
IEC 60264-4-1:1989
Packaging of winding wires - Part 4: Methods of test - Section 1: Delivery spools made from thermoplastic material
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60264-4-1:2010
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

EN 60264-4-1:2010
IEC 60264-4-1:1997 + A1:2009
Packaging of winding wires - Part 4-1: Methods of test - Delivery spools made from thermoplastic materials
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 60264-4-2:1994
IEC 60264-4-2:1992

Packaging of winding wires - Part 4-2: Methods of test - Containers made from thermoplastic material for taper
barrelled delivery spools
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:2004 + corrigendum Mar. 2004
IEC 60264-4-2:1992/A1:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60264-5-1:1997
IEC 60264-5-1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Packaging of winding wires - Part 5-1: Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools with conical flanges - Basic dimensions
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60264-5-1:2003/A
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60264-5-2:2001
IEC 60264-5-2:2001
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Packaging of winding wires - Part 5-2: Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools with conical flanges - Specification for
returnable spools made from thermoplastic material
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-06-01

EN 60265-1:1998
IEC 60265-1:1998
High-voltage switches - Part 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62271-103:2011
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60265-2:1993
IEC 60265-2:1988 + corrigendum Feb. 1990
High-voltage switches - Part 2: High-voltage switches for rated voltages of 52 kV and above
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62271-104:2009
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

+ A1:1995
IEC 60265-2:1988/A1:1994
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A2:1998
IEC 60265-2:1988/A2:1998
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60268-3:2000 + corrigendum Jan. 2002
IEC 60268-3:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Part 3: Amplifiers
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60268-4:2004
IEC 60268-4:2004
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Part 4: Microphones
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60268-4:2010
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60268-4:2010
IEC 60268-4:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Part 4: Microphones
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60268-5:2003
IEC 60268-5:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Part 5: Loudspeakers
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60268-5:2003/A1:2007
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60268-7:1996
IEC 60268-7:1996
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Part 7: Headphones and earphones
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60268-7:2011
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60268-7:2011
IEC 60268-7:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Part 7: Headphones and earphones
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60268-12:1995
IEC 60268-12:1987 + A1:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Sound system equipment - Part 12: Application of connectors for broadcast and similar use
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : -

+ A2:1995
IEC 60268-12:1987/A2:1994
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-02-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 60268-16:2003
IEC 60268-16:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60268-16:2011
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60268-16:2011
IEC 60268-16:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index
dor : 2011-08-02 doa : 2011-11-02 dop : 2012-05-02 dow : 2014-08-02

EN 60269-1:2007
IEC 60269-1:2006
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage fuses - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60269-1:2006/A1:2009
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60269-4:2007
IEC 60269-4:2006
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage fuses - Part 4: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60269-4:2009
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60269-4:2009
IEC 60269-4:2009
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage fuses - Part 4: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60269-6:2011
IEC 60269-6:2010 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage fuses - Part 6: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of solar photovoltaic energy
dor : 2011-04-01 doa : 2011-07-01 dop : 2012-01-01 dow : 2014-04-01

EN 60270:2001
IEC 60270:2000 (corrigendum Oct. 2001)
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
High-voltage test techniques - Partial discharge measurements
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2003-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60276:1996
IEC 60276:1968 + A1:1987
Definitions and nomenclature for carbon brushes, brush-holders, commutators and slip-rings
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-04-01 dop : 1996-10-01 dow : -

EN 60282-1:2006
IEC 60282-1:2005
CLC/SR 32A IEC/SC 32A //
High-voltage fuses - Part 1: Current-limiting fuses
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60282-1:2009
IEC 60282-1:2009
CLC/SR 32A IEC/SC 32A //
High-voltage fuses - Part 1: Current-limiting fuses
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 60286-1:1998
IEC 60286-1:1997
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 1: Tape packaging of components with axial leads on
continuous tapes
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60286-2:1998
IEC 60286-2:1997
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 2: Tape packaging of components with unidirectional leads
on continuous tapes
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60286-2:2009
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60286-2:1997/A1:2002
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60286-2:2009
IEC 60286-2:2008
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 2: Packaging of components with unidirectional leads on
continuous tapes
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 60286-3:2007
IEC 60286-3:2007
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 3: Packaging of surface mount components on continuous
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60286-3-1:2009
IEC 60286-3-1:2009
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Packaging of components for automatic handling Part 3-1: Packaging of surface mount components on continuous
tapes - Type V - Pressed carrier tapes
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60286-3-2:2009
IEC 60286-3-2:2009
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Packaging of components for automatic handling Part 3-2: Packaging of surface mount components on continuous
tapes - Type VI - Blister carrier tapes of 4 mm width
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60286-4:1998
IEC 60286-4:1997
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 4: Stick magazines for electronic components encapsulated in
packages of form E and G
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60286-5:2004
IEC 60286-5:2003
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 5: Matrix trays
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60286-5:2003/A1:2009
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 60286-6:2004
IEC 60286-6:2004
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 6: Bulk case packaging for surface mounting components
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60296:2004 + corrigendum Sep. 2004
IEC 60296:2003
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Fluids for electrotechnical applications - Unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear
dor : 2004-03-16 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60297-3-100:2009
IEC 60297-3-100:2008
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series
- Part 3-100: Basic dimensions of front panels, subracks, chassis, racks and cabinets
NOTE: Supersedes HD 493.1 S1:1988 and HD 493.2 S1:1988
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 60297-3-101:2004
IEC 60297-3-101:2004
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series
- Part 3-101: Subracks and associated plug-in units
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60297-3-102:2004
IEC 60297-3-102:2004
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series
- Part 3-102: Injector/extractor handle
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60297-3-103:2004
IEC 60297-3-103:2004
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series
- Part 3-103: Keying and alignment pin
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60297-3-104:2006
IEC 60297-3-104:2006
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series
- Part 3-104: Connector dependent interface dimensions of subracks and plug-in units
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 60297-3-105:2009
IEC 60297-3-105:2008
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series
- Part 3-105: Dimensions and design aspects for 1U high chassis
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 60297-3-106:2010
IEC 60297-3-106:2010
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series
- Part 3-106: Adaptation dimensions for subracks and chassis applicable with metric cabinets or racks in accordance
with IEC 60917-2-1
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60299:1994
IEC 60299:1994
CLC/SR 59C IEC/SC 59C //
Household electric blankets - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-06-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60300-1:2003
IEC 60300-1:2003
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 1: Dependability management systems
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60300-2:2004
IEC 60300-2:2004
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 2: Guidelines for dependability management
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60300-3-1:2004
IEC 60300-3-1:2003

Dependability management - Part 3-1: Application guide - Analysis techniques for dependability - Guide on
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60300-3-2:2005
IEC 60300-3-2:2004
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 3-2: Application guide - Collection of dependability data from the field
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60300-3-3:2004
IEC 60300-3-3:2004
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 3-3: Application guide - Life cycle costing
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60300-3-4:2008
IEC 60300-3-4:2007
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 3-4: Application guide - Guide to the specification of dependability requirements
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 60300-3-11:2009
IEC 60300-3-11:2009
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 3-11: Application guide - Reliability centred maintenance
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60300-3-12:2004
IEC 60300-3-12:2001
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 3-12: Application guide - Integrated logistic support
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60300-3-12:2011
IEC 60300-3-12:2011
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 3-12: Application guide - Integrated logistic support
dor : 2011-03-24 doa : 2011-06-24 dop : 2011-12-24 dow : 2014-03-24

EN 60300-3-14:2004
IEC 60300-3-14:2004
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 3-14: Application guide - Maintenance and maintenance support
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 60300-3-15:2009
IEC 60300-3-15:2009
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability management - Part 3-15: Application guide - Engineering of system dependability
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60300-3-16:2008
IEC 60300-3-16:2008
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //

Dependability management - Part 3-16: Application guide - Guidelines for specification of maintenance support
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60305:1996
IEC 60305:1995
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 kV - Ceramic or glass insulator units for a.c. systems -
Characteristics of insulator units of the cap and pin type
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60308:2005
IEC 60308:2005
CLC/SR 4 IEC/TC 4 //
Hydraulic turbines - Testing of control systems
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60309-1:1999
IEC 60309-1:1999
CLC/BTWG 112-1 IEC/SC 23H HSR (96/48/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60309-1:1999/A1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/BTWG 112-1 IEC/SC 23H HSR (96/48/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60309-2:1999
IEC 60309-2:1999
CLC/BTWG 112-1 IEC/SC 23H HSR (96/48/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 2: Dimensional interchangeability requirements for
pin and contact-tube accessories
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-08-01 dop : 2000-02-01 dow : 2002-05-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60309-2:1999/A1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/BTWG 112-1 IEC/SC 23H HSR (96/48/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60309-4:2007
IEC 60309-4:2006 (Modified)
CLC/BTWG 112-1 IEC/SC 23H LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 4: Switched socket-outlets and connectors with or
without interlock
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60310:2004
IEC 60310:2004
Railway applications - Traction transformers and inductors on board rolling stock
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60311:2003
IEC 60311:2002
Electric irons for household or similar use - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-07-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60311:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60311:2002/A2:2009
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60312:2008
IEC 60312:2007
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59F //
Vacuum cleaners for household use - Methods of measuring the performance
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60315-3:1999
IEC 60315-3:1989 + corrigendum Mar. 1994
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Methods of measurement on radio receivers for various classes of emission - Part 3: Receivers for amplitude-
modulated sound-broadcasting emissions
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : -

+ A1:1999
IEC 60315-3:1989/A1:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 60315-4:1998
IEC 60315-4:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement on radio receivers for various classes of emission - Part 4: Receivers for frequency-
modulated sound broadcasting emissions
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60315-7:1995
IEC 60315-7:1995 (corrigendum Dec. 1995)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement on radio receivers for various classes of emission - Part 7: Methods of measurement on
digital satellite radio (DSR) receivers
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 60315-9:1996
IEC 60315-9:1996
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement on radio receivers for various classes of emission - Part 9: Measurement of the
characteristics relevant to radio data system (RDS) reception
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60315-9:2011
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 60317-0-1:2008
IEC 60317-0-1:2008
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-1: General requirements - Enamelled round copper wire
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60317-0-2:1998
IEC 60317-0-2:1997 (corrigendum Feb. 1999)
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-2: General requirements - Enamelled rectangular copper
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60317-0-2:1997/A1:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-0-2:1997/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60317-0-3:2008
IEC 60317-0-3:2008
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-3: General requirements - Enamelled round aluminium
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60317-0-4:1998
IEC 60317-0-4:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-4: General requirements - Glass-fibre wound, resin or
varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60317-0-4:1997/A1:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-0-4:1997/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60317-0-5:2007
IEC 60317-0-5:2006
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-5: General requirements - Glass-fibre braided resin or
varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 60317-0-6:2001
IEC 60317-0-6:2001
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-6: General requirements - Glass-fibre wound resin or
varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-06-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60317-0-6:2001/A1:2006
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60317-2:1994
IEC 60317-2:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 2: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire,
class 130, with a bonding layer
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-2:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-2:1990/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-4:1994
IEC 60317-4:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 4: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire,
class 130
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-4:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-4:1990/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-8:1994
IEC 60317-8:1990
Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 8: Polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire, class 180
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60317-8:2010
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60317-8:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A2:1998
IEC 60317-8:1990/A2:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60317-8:2010
IEC 60317-8:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 8: Polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire, class 180
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60317-12:1994
IEC 60317-12:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 12: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled round copper wire, class
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60317-12:2010
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-12:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-12:1990/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 60317-12:2010
IEC 60317-12:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 12: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled round copper wire, class
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60317-13:1994
IEC 60317-13:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 13: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with
polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire, class 200
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60317-13:2010
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60317-13:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A2:1998
IEC 60317-13:1990/A2:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60317-13:2010
IEC 60317-13:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 13: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with
polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire, class 200
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60317-15:2004
IEC 60317-15:2004
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 15: Polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire, class
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60317-15:2004/A1:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60317-17:1994
IEC 60317-17:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 17: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled rectangular copper wire,
class 105
dor : 1994-10-04 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-17:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-17:1990/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60317-17:2010
IEC 60317-17:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 17: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled rectangular copper wire,
class 105
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60317-18:2004
IEC 60317-18:2004
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 18: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled rectangular copper wire,
class 120
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60317-18:2004/A1:2009
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60317-19:1995
IEC 60317-19:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 19: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire
overcoated with polyamide, class 130
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-19:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-19:1990/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-20:1995
IEC 60317-20:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 20: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire,
class 155
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-20:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-20:1990/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-21:1995
IEC 60317-21:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 21: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire
overcoated with polyamide, class 155
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-21:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-21:1990/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60317-22:2004
IEC 60317-22:2004
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 22: Polyester or polyesterimide enamelled round copper
wire overcoated with polyamide, class 180
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60317-22:2004/A1:2009
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60317-23:1995
IEC 60317-23:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 23: Solderable polyesterimide enamelled round copper
wire, class 180
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-04-15 dop : 1995-10-15 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-23:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-23:1990/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-25:1996
IEC 60317-25:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 25: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with
polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire, class 200
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60317-25:2010
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60317-25:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A2:1998
IEC 60317-25:1990/A2:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60317-25:2010
IEC 60317-25:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 25: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with
polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire, class 200
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60317-26:1996
IEC 60317-26:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 26: Polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire, class
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-26:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60317-26:1990/A2:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60317-27:1998
IEC 60317-27:1998 (corrigendum Apr. 2002)
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 27: Paper tape covered rectangular copper wire
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60317-27:1998/A1:1999 (corrigendum Apr. 2002)
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-28:1996
IEC 60317-28:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 28: Polyesterimide enamelled rectangular copper wire,
class 180
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-28:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2007
IEC 60317-28:1990/A2:2007
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 60317-29:1996
IEC 60317-29:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 29: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with
polyamide-imide enamelled rectangular copper wire, class 200
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : -

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-29:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60317-29:1990/A2:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60317-31:1996
IEC 60317-31:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 31: Glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare
or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 180
NOTE: Title changed by A1
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1997
IEC 60317-31:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-31:1990/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60317-32:1996
IEC 60317-32:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 32: Glass-fibre wound, resin or varnish impregnated, bare
or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 155
NOTE: Title changed by A1
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60317-32:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-32:1990/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60317-33:1996
IEC 60317-33:1990

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 33: Glass-fibre wound, resin or varnish impregnated, bare
or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 200
NOTE: Title changed by A1
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60317-33:1990/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-33:1990/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60317-35:1994
IEC 60317-35:1992

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 35: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire,
class 155, with a bonding layer
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-35:1992/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-35:1992/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60317-36:1994
IEC 60317-36:1992

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 36: Solderable polyesterimide enamelled round copper
wire, class 180, with a bonding layer
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-36:1992/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-36:1992/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-37:1994
IEC 60317-37:1992

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 37: Polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire, class
180, with a bonding layer
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-37:1992/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-37:1992/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-38:1994
IEC 60317-38:1992

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 38: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with
polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire, class 200, with a bonding layer
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-38:1992/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60317-38:1992/A2:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-39:1994
IEC 60317-39:1992

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 39: Glass-fibre braided, resin or varnish impregnated, bare
or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 180
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-39:1992/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-39:1992/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60317-40:1994
IEC 60317-40:1992

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 40: Glass-fibre braided, resin or varnish impregnated, bare
or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 200
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1998
IEC 60317-40:1992/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60317-40:1992/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60317-42:1997
IEC 60317-42:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 42: Polyester-amide-imide enamelled round copper wire,
class 200
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60317-42:1997/A1:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60317-43:1997
IEC 60317-43:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 43: Aromatic polyimide tape wrapped round copper wire,
class 240
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60317-43:1997/A1:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60317-44:1997
IEC 60317-44:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 44: Aromatic polyimide tape wrapped rectangular copper
wire, class 240
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60317-44:1997/A1:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60317-46:1997
IEC 60317-46:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 46: Aromatic polyimide enamelled round copper wire,
class 240
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60317-47:1997
IEC 60317-47:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 47: Aromatic polyimide enamelled rectangular copper
wire, class 240
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60317-48:2000
IEC 60317-48:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 48: Glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare
or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 155
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-49:2000
IEC 60317-49:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 49: Glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare
or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 180
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-50:2000
IEC 60317-50:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 50: Glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare
or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 200
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60317-51:2001
IEC 60317-51:2001
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 51: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire,
class 180
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-06-01

EN 60317-52:1999
IEC 60317-52:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 52: Aromatic polyamide (aramid) tape wrapped round
copper wire, temperature index 220
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60317-53:1999
IEC 60317-53:1999
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 53: Aromatic polyamide (aramid) tape wrapped rectangular
copper wire, temperature index 220
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60317-55:2008
IEC 60317-55:2007
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 55: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire
overcoated with polyamide, class 180
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60317-57:2010
IEC 60317-57:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 57: Polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire, class
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60317-58:2010
IEC 60317-58:2010
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 58: Polyamide-imide enamelled rectangular copper wire,
class 220
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60318-1:1998
IEC 60318-1:1998
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 1: Ear simulator for the calibration of supra-aural
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60318-1:2009
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 60318-1:2009
IEC 60318-1:2009
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 1: Ear simulator for the measurement of supra-aural and
circumaural earphones
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 60318-2:1998
IEC 60318-2:1998
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 2: An interim acoustic coupler for the calibration of
audiometric earphones in the extended high-frequency range
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60318-2:2009
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60318-3:1998
IEC 60318-3:1998
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 3: Acoustic coupler for the calibration of supra-aural
earphones used in audiometry
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60318-4:2010
IEC 60318-4:2010
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 4: Occluded-ear simulator for the measurement of
earphones coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60318-5:2006
IEC 60318-5:2006
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 5: 2 cm coupler for the measurement of hearing aids and
earphones coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60318-6:2008
IEC 60318-6:2007
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 6: Mechanical coupler for the measurement of bone
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60320-1:2001
IEC 60320-1:2001
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60320-1:2001/A1:2007
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60320-2-1:2000
IEC 60320-2-1:2000
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-1: Sewing machine couplers
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 60320-2-2:1998
IEC 60320-2-2:1998
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-2: Interconnection couplers for household
and similar equipment
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60320-2-3:1998
IEC 60320-2-3:1998
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G //

Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-3: Appliance coupler with a degree of
protection higher than IPX0
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60320-2-3:1998/A1:2004
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G //
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60320-2-4:2006
IEC 60320-2-4:2005
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-4: Appliance couplers dependent on
appliance weight for engagement
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60320-2-4:2005/A1:2009
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 60322:2001
IEC 60322:2001
Railway applications - Electric equipment for rolling stock - Rules for power resistors of open construction
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60325:2004
IEC 60325:2002 (Modified)

Radiation protection instrumentation - Alpha, beta and alpha/beta (beta energy > 60 keV) contamination meters and
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-11-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 60332-1-1:2004
IEC 60332-1-1:2004
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 1-1: Test for vertical flame propagation for a
single insulated wire or cable - Apparatus
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60332-1-2:2004
IEC 60332-1-2:2004
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 1-2: Test for vertical flame propagation for a
single insulated wire or cable - Procedure for 1 kW pre-mixed flame
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60332-1-3:2004
IEC 60332-1-3:2004
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 1-3: Test for vertical flame propagation for a
single insulated wire or cable - Procedure for determination of flaming droplets/particles
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60332-2-1:2004
IEC 60332-2-1:2004
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 2-1: Test for vertical flame propagation for a
single small insulated wire or cable - Apparatus
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60332-2-2:2004
IEC 60332-2-2:2004
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 2-2: Test for vertical flame propagation for a
single small insulated wire or cable - Procedure for diffusion flame
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60332-3-10:2009
IEC 60332-3-10:2000 + A1:2008
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-10: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-
mounted bunched wires or cables - Apparatus
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 60332-3-21:2009
IEC 60332-3-21:2000 (Modified)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-21: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-
mounted bunched wires or cables - Category A F/R
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60332-3-22:2009
IEC 60332-3-22:2000 + A1:2008
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-22: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-
mounted bunched wires or cables - Category A
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 60332-3-23:2009
IEC 60332-3-23:2000 + A1:2008
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-23: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-
mounted bunched wires or cables - Category B
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 60332-3-24:2009
IEC 60332-3-24:2000 + A1:2008
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-24: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-
mounted bunched wires or cables - Category C
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 60332-3-25:2009
IEC 60332-3-25:2000 + A1:2008
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-25: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-
mounted bunched wires or cables - Category D
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 60335-1:1994 + corrigendum Jan. 1995 + corrigendum Jul. 2009
IEC 60335-1:1991 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: The parts 2 in the EN 60335 series are to be read in conjunction with the edition of EN 60335-1 indicated for
the relevant part 2.
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-04-01 dow : -

+ A1:1996
IEC 60335-1:1991/A1:1994 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1999-04-01

+ A2:2000 + corrigendum Feb. 2004
IEC 60335-1:1991/A2:1999
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A11:1995
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 1995-03-20 doa : 1995-06-20 dop : 1995-09-20 dow : -

+ A12:1996
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1999-04-01

+ A13:1998
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 2000-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A14:1998
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-10-01 dop : 1999-04-01 dow : 2001-07-01

+ A15:2000
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2000-02-03 doa : 2000-05-03 dop : 2000-08-03 dow : -

+ A16:2001
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2001-02-22 doa : 2001-05-22 dop : 2001-08-22 dow : -

EN 60335-1:2002 + corrigendum Jul. 2009 + corrigendum May. 2010
IEC 60335-1:2001 (Modified) (corrigendum Dec. 2005)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: The parts 2 in the EN 60335 series are to be read in conjunction with the edition of EN 60335-1 indicated for
the relevant part 2.
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : -

+ A1:2004 + corrigendum Jan. 2007
IEC 60335-1:2001/A1:2004 (corrigendum Dec. 2005)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
dor : 2004-09-22 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 60335-1:2001/A2:2006 + corrigendum Aug. 2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ A11:2004
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
NOTE: This amendment covers the content of IEC 60335-1:2001/corrigendum Jan. 2002
dor : 2003-09-23 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

+ A12:2006 + corrigendum Feb. 2007
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
NOTE: Corrigendum to German version only
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A13:2008
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC)
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ A14:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC)
dor : 2010-04-14 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-2:2003
IEC 60335-2-2:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and
water-suction cleaning appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-2:2010
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-2:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2006
IEC 60335-2-2:2002/A2:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-04-14 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-04-14

EN 60335-2-2:2010
IEC 60335-2-2:2009
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and
water-suction cleaning appliances
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2015-02-01

EN 60335-2-3:2002
IEC 60335-2-3:2002 + corrigendum Jun. 2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for electric irons
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-3:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-04-12 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-3:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-04-14 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-04-14

EN 60335-2-4:2002 + corrigendum Jun. 2006
IEC 60335-2-4:2002 (corrigendum May. 2003)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for spin extractors
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Supersede by EN 60335-2-4:2010
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-4:2002/A1:2004 + corrigendum Apr. 2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 60335-2-4:2002/A2:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60335-2-4:2010
IEC 60335-2-4:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for spin extractors
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2014-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-5:2003
IEC 60335-2-5:2002 (Modified) + corrigendum May 2003
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-5:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-5:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2013-08-01

+ A11:2009
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60335-2-6:2003 + corrigendum Oct. 2007
IEC 60335-2-6:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges,
hobs, ovens and similar appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Corrigendum to EN issued October 2007 (FI snc)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-6:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-6:2002/A2:2008 (corrigendum Feb. 2009)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-04-16 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-04-14 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-04-14

EN 60335-2-7:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2003
IEC 60335-2-7:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-7:2010
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-7:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 60335-2-7:2002/A2:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-04-14 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-04-14

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-7:2010
IEC 60335-2-7:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2014-11-01

EN 60335-2-8:2003
IEC 60335-2-8:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for shavers, hair clippers and
similar appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-8:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-09-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-8:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2013-08-01

EN 60335-2-9:2003
IEC 60335-2-9:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar
portable cooking appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-9:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 60335-2-9:2002/A2:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A12:2007
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

+ A13:2010 + AC:2011
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

+ A13:2010/AC:2011
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 60335-2-10:2003
IEC 60335-2-10:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines
and wet scrubbing machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-10:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-11:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2003
IEC 60335-2-11:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-11:2010
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-11:2002/A1:2003
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 60335-2-11:2002/A2:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

+ A11:2008
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60335-2-11:2010
IEC 60335-2-11:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2015-04-01

EN 60335-2-12:2003
IEC 60335-2-12:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for warming plates and
similar appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-12:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-13:2003
IEC 60335-2-13:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for deep fat fryers, frying
pans and similar appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-13:2010
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-13:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-13:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-13:2010
IEC 60335-2-13:2009
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for deep fat fryers, frying
pans and similar appliances
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2015-02-01

EN 60335-2-14:2006 + corrigendum Feb. 2007
IEC 60335-2-14:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-14:2006/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2013-08-01

EN 60335-2-15:2002 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60335-2-15:2002 (corrigendum Nov. 2003)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2007-07-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-15:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-09-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-15:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2013-08-01

EN 60335-2-16:2003
IEC 60335-2-16:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for food waste disposers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-16:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-17:2002
IEC 60335-2-17:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for blankets, pads, clothing
and similar flexible heating appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60335-2-17:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-17:2002/A2:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60335-2-21:2003 + corrigendum Oct. 2007 + corrigendum Oct. 2010
IEC 60335-2-21:2002 (Modified) (corrigendum Mar. 2007)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for storage water heaters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-21:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-21:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60335-2-23:2003
IEC 60335-2-23:2003 (corrigendum Jul. 2004 + corrigendum Jan. 2008)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for appliances for skin or
hair care
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-23:2003/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-04-16 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-04-14 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-04-14

EN 60335-2-24:2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2010
IEC 60335-2-24:2002 (corrigendum Jun. 2009)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances,
ice-cream appliances and ice-makers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-24:2010.
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-24:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

+ A2:2007
IEC 60335-2-24:2002/A2:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

+ A11:2004
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A12:2009
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 60335-2-24:2010
IEC 60335-2-24:2010
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances,
ice-cream appliances and ice makers
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2015-03-01

EN 60335-2-25:2002
IEC 60335-2-25:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-25: Particular requirements for microwave ovens,
including combination microwave ovens
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-25:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 60335-2-25:2002/A2:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60335-2-26:2003
IEC 60335-2-26:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-26: Particular requirements for clocks
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-26:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-27:2003
IEC 60335-2-27:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for appliances for skin
exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-27:2010
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-27:2002/A1:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-27:2002/A2:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-10-01 dow : 2011-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-27:2010 + corrigendum Sep. 2010
IEC 60335-2-27:2002 (Modified) + A1:2004 (Modified) + A2:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for appliances for skin
exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 60335-2-28:2003
IEC 60335-2-28:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-28: Particular requirements for sewing machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-28:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-29:2004
IEC 60335-2-29:2002 + A1:2004 (corrigendum Nov. 2004)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for battery chargers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-06-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60335-2-29:2002/A2:2009
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2015-02-01

EN 60335-2-30:2003
IEC 60335-2-30:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-30:2009
dor : 2003-03-18 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-30:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A2:2007
IEC 60335-2-30:2002/A2:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60335-2-30:2009 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 60335-2-30:2009
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2014-12-01

EN 60335-2-31:2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
IEC 60335-2-31:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for range hoods and other
cooking fume extractors
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Title changed by A2:2009
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2006
IEC 60335-2-31:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
NOTE: Title changed by A2:2009
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-31:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
NOTE: Title changed by this A2
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2014-03-01

EN 60335-2-32:2003
IEC 60335-2-32:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-32: Particular requirements for massage appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-32:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60335-2-34:2002
IEC 60335-2-34:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-34: Particular requirements for motor-compressors
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-34:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-34:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

+ A11:2004
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 60335-2-35:2002 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
IEC 60335-2-35:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-35: Particular requirements for instantaneous water
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60335-2-35:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-36:2002 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60335-2-36:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-36: Particular requirements for commercial electric
cooking ranges, ovens, hobs and hob elements
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-36:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-36:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60335-2-37:2002 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60335-2-37:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-37: Particular requirements for commercial electric deep
fat fryers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-37:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60335-2-38:2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60335-2-38:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-38: Particular requirements for commercial electric
griddles and griddle grills
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-38:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60335-2-39:2003 + corrigendum Sep. 2007
IEC 60335-2-39:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-39: Particular requirements for commercial electric
multi-purpose cooking pans
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-39:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-39:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-40:2003 + corrigendum Apr. 2006 + corrigendum Aug. 2010
IEC 60335-2-40:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61D LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps,
air-conditioners and dehumidifiers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60335-2-40:2002/A1:2005 (Modified) (corrigendum May. 2006)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-09-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-40:2002/A2:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61D LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-03-01

+ A11:2004
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A12:2005
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60335-2-41:2003
IEC 60335-2-41:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-41:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60335-2-41:2002/A2:2009
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2015-02-01

EN 60335-2-42:2003 + corrigendum Sep. 2007
IEC 60335-2-42:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-42: Particular requirements for commercial electric
forced convection ovens, steam cookers and steam-convection ovens
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-42:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60335-2-43:2003
IEC 60335-2-43:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for clothes dryers and towel
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2006
IEC 60335-2-43:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-10-01 dow : 2008-11-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-43:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2013-08-01

EN 60335-2-44:2002
IEC 60335-2-44:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for ironers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-44:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-45:2002
IEC 60335-2-45:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-45: Particular requirements for portable heating tools
and similar appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-45:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-47:2003 + corrigendum Sep. 2007
IEC 60335-2-47:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for commercial electric
boiling pans
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-47:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60335-2-48:2003 + corrigendum Sep. 2007
IEC 60335-2-48:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical applicances - Safety - Part 2-48: Particular requirements for commercial electric
grillers and toasters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-48:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-49:2003 + corrigendum Sep. 2007
IEC 60335-2-49:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-49: Particular requirements for commercial electric
appliances for keeping food and crockery warm
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-49:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60335-2-50:2003 + corrigendum Sep. 2007
IEC 60335-2-50:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-50: Particular requirements for commercial electric
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-50:2002/A1:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60335-2-51:2003
IEC 60335-2-51:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-51: Particular requirements for stationary circulation
pumps for heating and service water installations
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-51:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-52:2003
IEC 60335-2-52:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-52: Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-52:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-04-14 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-04-14

EN 60335-2-53:2003
IEC 60335-2-53:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-53: Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2007
IEC 60335-2-53:2002/A1:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60335-2-54:2003
IEC 60335-2-54:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-54: Particular requirements for surface-cleaning
appliances for household use employing liquids or steam
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-54:2008
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-54:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

+ A2:2007
IEC 60335-2-54:2002/A2:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

+ A11:2006
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60335-2-54:2008
IEC 60335-2-54:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-54: Particular requirements for surface-cleaning
appliances for household use employing liquids or steam
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60335-2-55:2003
IEC 60335-2-55:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-55: Particular requirements for electrical appliances for
use with aquariums and garden ponds
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-55:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-56:2003
IEC 60335-2-56:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-56: Particular requirements for projectors and similar
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-56:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-58:2005 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60335-2-58:2002 (Modified)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-58: Particular requirements for commercial electric
dishwashing machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-58:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

+ A11:2010
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 60335-2-59:2003
IEC 60335-2-59:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-59: Particular requirements for insect killers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60335-2-59:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-59:2002/A2:2009
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2014-10-01

EN 60335-2-60:2003
IEC 60335-2-60:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-60: Particular requirements for whirlpool baths and
whirlpool spas
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-60:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-60:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2013-08-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2012-11-01

+ A12:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2010-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-61:2003
IEC 60335-2-61:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-61: Particular requirements for thermal-storage room
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-61:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-61:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2013-08-01

EN 60335-2-62:2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60335-2-62:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-62: Particular requirements for commercial electric
rinsing sinks
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-62:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60335-2-64:2000 + corrigendum Jun. 2002
IEC 60335-2-64:1997 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E MD (98/37/EC)

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2-64: Particular requirements for commercial electric
kitchen machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:1994
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60335-2-64:1997/A1:2000 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60335-2-65:2003
IEC 60335-2-65:2002 (corrigendum Jul. 2004)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-65: Particular requirements for air-cleaning appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-65:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-66:2003
IEC 60335-2-66:2002 (corrigendum Jul. 2004)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-66: Particular requirements for water-bed heaters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-66:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-67:2009
IEC 60335-2-67:2002 (Modified) + A1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61J MD (2006/42/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-67: Particular requirements for floor treatment and floor
cleaning machines for commercial use
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : 2009-12-29

EN 60335-2-68:2009
IEC 60335-2-68:2002 (Modified) + A1:2005 (Modified) + A2:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61J MD (2006/42/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-68: Particular requirements for spray extraction
machines for commercial use
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : 2009-12-29

EN 60335-2-69:2009
IEC 60335-2-69:2002 (Modified) + A1:2004 (Modified) + A2:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61J MD (2006/42/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-69: Particular requirements for wet and dry vacuum
cleaners, including power brush, for commercial use
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : 2009-12-29

EN 60335-2-70:2002
IEC 60335-2-70:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-70: Particular requirements for milking machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60335-2-70:2002/A1:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H //
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60335-2-71:2003
IEC 60335-2-71:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-71: Particular requirements for electrical heating
appliances for breeding and rearing animals
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60335-2-71:2002/A1:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60335-2-72:2009
IEC 60335-2-72:2002 (Modified) + A1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61J MD (2006/42/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-72: Particular requirements for automatic machines for
floor treatment for commercial use
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : 2009-12-29

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-73:2003
IEC 60335-2-73:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-73: Particular requirements for fixed immersion heaters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60335-2-73:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-73:2002/A2:2009
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2014-10-01

EN 60335-2-74:2003
IEC 60335-2-74:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-74: Particular requirements for portable immersion
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60335-2-74:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-74:2002/A2:2009
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2014-10-01

EN 60335-2-75:2004
IEC 60335-2-75:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-75: Particular requirements for commercial dispensing
appliances and vending machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-75:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-75:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A11:2006
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-12-06 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A12:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2010-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-76:2005
IEC 60335-2-76:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-76: Particular requirements for electric fence energizers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60335-2-76:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H //
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A11:2008
dor : 2006-09-12 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

+ A12:2010
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60335-2-77:2006
IEC 60335-2-77:1996 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-77: Particular requirements for pedestrian controlled
mains-operated lawnmowers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-77:2010
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 60335-2-77:2010
IEC 60335-2-77:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)

Safety of household and similar appliances - Part 2-77: Particular requirements for pedestrian-controlled walk-behind
electrically powered lawn mowers
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60335-2-78:2003
IEC 60335-2-78:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-78: Particular requirements for outdoor barbecues
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-78:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-79:2009
IEC 60335-2-79:2002 (Modified) + A1:2004 (Modified) + A2:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61J MD (2006/42/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-79: Particular requirements for high pressure cleaners
and steam cleaners
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : 2009-12-29

EN 60335-2-80:2003
IEC 60335-2-80:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-80:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-80:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2014-03-01

EN 60335-2-81:2003
IEC 60335-2-81:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-81: Particular requirements for foot warmers and
heating mats
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60335-2-81:2002/A1:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60335-2-82:2003
IEC 60335-2-82:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-82: Particular requirements for amusement machines
and personal service machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-82:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-83:2002
IEC 60335-2-83:2001
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-83: Particular requirements for heated gullies for roof
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-83:2001/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-84:2003
IEC 60335-2-84:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-84: Particular requirements for toilets
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-84:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-85:2003
IEC 60335-2-85:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-85: Particular requirements for fabric steamers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-85:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60335-2-86:2003
IEC 60335-2-86:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-86: Particular requirements for electric fishing machines
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2007-08-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-86:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 60335-2-87:2002
IEC 60335-2-87:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-87: Particular requirements for electrical animal-
stunning equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60335-2-87:2002/A1:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61H LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60335-2-88:2002
IEC 60335-2-88:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61D LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-88: Particular requirements for humidifiers intended for
use with heating, ventilation, or air-conditioning systems
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60335-2-89:2002 + corrigendum Aug. 2010
IEC 60335-2-89:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-89: Particular requirements for commercial refrigerating
appliances with an incorporated or remote refrigerant condensing unit or compressor
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002 * Superseded by EN 60335-2-89:2010.
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-89:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C //
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-02-01

+ A2:2007
IEC 60335-2-89:2002/A2:2007
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A11:2004
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60335-2-89:2010
IEC 60335-2-89:2010
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61C //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-89: Particular requirements for commercial refrigerating
appliances with an incorporated or remote refrigerant condensing unit or compressor
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60335-2-90:2006
IEC 60335-2-90:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-90: Particular requirements for commercial microwave
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60335-2-90:2006/A1:2010
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60335-2-91:2003
IEC 60335-2-91:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-91: Particular requirements for walk-behind and hand-
held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60335-2-92:2005
IEC 60335-2-92:2002 (Modified) + corrigendum May 2003
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-92: Particular requirements for pedestrian-controlled
mains-operated lawn scarifiers and aerators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 60335-2-95:2004
IEC 60335-2-95:2002 (Modified)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-95: Particular requirements for drives for vertically
moving garage doors for residential use
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60335-2-96:2002
IEC 60335-2-96:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-96: Particular requirements for flexible sheet heating
elements for room heating
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60335-2-96:2002/A1:2003
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2009
IEC 60335-2-96:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60335-2-97:2006
IEC 60335-2-97:2002 (Modified) + A1:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-97: Particular requirements for drives for rolling
shutters, awnings, blinds and similar equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60335-2-97:2002/A2:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

+ A11:2008
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-10-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 60335-2-98:2003
IEC 60335-2-98:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-98: Particular requirements for humidifiers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60335-2-98:2002/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60335-2-98:2002/A2:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2013-08-01

EN 60335-2-99:2003
IEC 60335-2-99:2003
CLC/TC 61 IEC/SC 61E //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-99: Particular requirements for commercial electric
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60335-2-101:2002
IEC 60335-2-101:2002
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-101: Particular requirements for vaporizers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-101:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60335-2-102:2006
IEC 60335-2-102:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-102: Particular requirements for gas, oil and solid-fuel
burning appliances having electrical connections
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60335-2-102:2004/A1:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2014-11-01

EN 60335-2-103:2003
IEC 60335-2-103:2002

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-103: Particular requirements for drives for gates, doors
and windows
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A11:2009
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60335-2-105:2005
IEC 60335-2-105:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-105: Particular requirements for multifunctional shower
NOTE: To be read with EN 60335-1:2002
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60335-2-105:2004/A1:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-04-16 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60335-2-106:2007
IEC 60335-2-106:2007 (corrigendum Feb. 2008)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-106: Particular requirements for heated carpets and for
heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coverings
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60335-2-108:2008
IEC 60335-2-108:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for electrolysers
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60335-2-109:2010
IEC 60335-2-109:2010
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-109: Particular requirements for UV radiation water
treatment appliances
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60336:2005
IEC 60336:2005
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //
Medical electrical equipment - X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis - Characteristics of focal spots
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 60343:1992
IEC 60343:1991

Recommended test methods for determining the relative resistance of insulating materials to breakdown by surface
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1992-12-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

EN 60349-1:2000
IEC 60349-1:1999

Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 1: Machines other than electronic
convertor-fed alternating current motors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60349-1:2010
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60349-1:1999/A1:2002
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60349-1:2010
IEC 60349-1:2010

Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 1: Machines other than electronic
converter-fed alternating current motors
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 60349-2:2001
IEC 60349-2:1993 (Modified)

Railway applications - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 2: Electronic converter-fed
alternating current motors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60349-2:2010
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 60349-2:2010
IEC 60349-2:2010

Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 2: Electronic converter-fed alternating
current motors
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60352-1:1997
IEC 60352-1:1997 (corrigendum Oct. 1998)
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Solderless connections - Part 1: Wrapped connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60352-2:2006
IEC 60352-2:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Solderless connections - Part 2: Crimped connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60352-3:1994
IEC 60352-3:1993 (corrigendum Nov. 1995)

Solderless connections - Part 3: Solderless accessible insulation displacement connections - General requirements,
test methods and practical guidance
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

EN 60352-4:1994
IEC 60352-4:1994
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Solderless connections - Part 4: Solderless non-accessible insulation displacement connections - General
requirements, test methods and practical guidance
dor : 1994-10-04 doa : 1995-01-01 dop : 1995-10-01 dow : 1995-10-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60352-4:1994/A1:2000
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60352-5:2008
IEC 60352-5:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Solderless connections - Part 5: Press-in connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60352-6:1997
IEC 60352-6:1997
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Solderless connections - Part 6: Insulation piercing connections - General requirements, test methods and practical
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60352-7:2002
IEC 60352-7:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Solderless connections - Part 7: Spring clamp connections - General requirements, test methods and practical
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60352-8:2011
IEC 60352-8:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Solderless connections - Part 8: Compression mount connections - General requirements, test methods and practical
dor : 2011-03-17 doa : 2011-06-17 dop : 2011-12-17 dow : 2014-03-17

EN 60357:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2003
IEC 60357:2002 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle) - Performance specifications
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60357:2002/A1:2006 (Modified)
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60357:2002/A2:2008
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A3:2011
IEC 60357:2002/A3:2011
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 60359:2002
IEC 60359:2001
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 //
Electrical and electronic measurement equipment - Expression of performance
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60360:1998
IEC 60360:1998 (corrigendum Mar. 1999 + corrigendum Mar. 1999)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 60368-1:2000 + corrigendum Feb. 2001
IEC 60368-1:2000
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Piezoelectric filters of assessed quality - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60368-1:2000/A1:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60368-2-2:1999
IEC 60368-2-2:1996
Piezoelectric filters - Part 2: Guide to the use of piezoelectric filters - Section 2: Piezoelectric ceramic filters
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2000-01-01

EN 60368-3:2001
IEC 60368-3:2001
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Piezoelectric filters of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60368-3:2010
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60368-3:2010
IEC 60368-3:2010
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Piezoelectric filters of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60368-4:2000 + corrigendum Feb. 2001
IEC 60368-4:2000
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Piezoelectric filters of assessed quality - Part 4: Sectional specification - Capability approval
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 60368-4-1:2000 + corrigendum Feb. 2001
IEC 60368-4-1:2000
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Piezoelectric filters of assessed quality - Part 4-1: Blank detail specification - Capability approval
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60371-1:2003
IEC 60371-1:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 60371-2:2004
IEC 60371-2:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60371-3-1:2006
IEC 60371-3-1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1:
Commutator separators and materials
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60371-3-2:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 60371-3-2:2005
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2: Mica paper
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60371-3-3:1995
IEC 60371-3-3:1983

Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 3:
Specification for rigid mica materials for heating equipment
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : -

EN 60371-3-4:1995
IEC 60371-3-4:1992

Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 4:
Polyester film-backed mica paper with a B-stage epoxy resin binder
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : -

+ A1:2006
IEC 60371-3-4:1992/A1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60371-3-5:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 60371-3-5:2005
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 5: Glass-backed mica
paper with an epoxy resin binder for post-impregnation (VPI)
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60371-3-6:1995
IEC 60371-3-6:1992

Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 6: Glass-
backed mica paper with a B-stage epoxy resin binder
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : -

+ A1:2006
IEC 60371-3-6:1992/A1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60371-3-7:1995
IEC 60371-3-7:1995 + corrigendum Aug. 1995
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 7:
Polyester film mica paper with an epoxy resin binder for single conductor taping
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-11-01 dop : 1996-08-01 dow : 1996-08-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60371-3-7:1995/A1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60371-3-8:1995
IEC 60371-3-8:1995 + corrigendum Aug. 1995
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 8: Mica paper tapes for
flame-resistant security cables
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-11-01 dop : 1996-08-01 dow : 1996-08-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60371-3-8:1995/A1:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60371-3-9:1995
IEC 60371-3-9:1995 + corrigendum Aug. 1995
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Insulating materials based on mica - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 9: Moulding micanite
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-11-01 dop : 1996-08-01 dow : 1996-08-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60371-3-9:1995/A1:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60372:2004
IEC 60372:1984 + A1:1991 + A2:2003
Locking devices for ball and socket couplings of string insulator units - Dimensions and tests
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-06-01

EN 60375:2003
IEC 60375:2003
CLC/SR 25 IEC/TC 25 //
Conventions concerning electric and magnetic circuits
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60376:2005
IEC 60376:2005
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Specification of technical grade sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in electrical equipment
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 60379:2004
IEC 60379:1987 (Modified)
Methods for measuring the performance of electric storage water-heaters for household purposes
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2006-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60382:1993
IEC 60382:1991
Analogue pneumatic signal for process control systems
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

EN 60383-1:1996
IEC 60383-1:1993
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B HSR (96/48/EC)

Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 kV - Part 1: Ceramic or glass insulator units for a.c.
systems - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

+ A11:1999
CLC/SR 36B HSR (96/48/EC)
dor : 1999-09-27 doa : 1999-12-27 dop : 2000-03-27 dow : -

EN 60383-2:1995
IEC 60383-2:1993
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B HSR (96/48/EC)

Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 kV - Part 2: Insulator strings and insulator sets for a.c.
systems - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 60384-1:2001 + corrigendum Oct. 2001
IEC 60384-1:1999 (Modified)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60384-1:2009
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 60384-1:2009
IEC 60384-1:2008 + corrigendum Nov. 2008
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60384-2:2005
IEC 60384-2:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2: Sectional specification: Fixed metallized polyethylene-
terephthalate film dielectric d.c. capacitors
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60384-2-1:2005
IEC 60384-2-1:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed metallized polyethylene-
terephthalate film dielectric d.c. capacitors - Assessment levels E and EZ
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60384-3:2006 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
IEC 60384-3:2006 (corrigendum Jan. 2007)
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 3: Sectional specification: Surface mount fixed tantalum
electrolytic capacitors with manganese dioxide solid electrolyte
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60384-3-1:2006 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
IEC 60384-3-1:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 3-1: Blank detail specification: Surface mount fixed tantalum
electrolytic capacitors with manganese dioxide solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60384-4:2007
IEC 60384-4:2007
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4: Sectional specification - Aluminium electrolytic capacitors
with solid (MnO2) and non-solid electrolyte
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60384-4-1:2007 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
IEC 60384-4-1:2007
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic
capacitors with non-solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60384-4-2:2007 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
IEC 60384-4-2:2007
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4-2: Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic
capacitors with solid (MnO2) electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60384-8:2005
IEC 60384-8:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 8: Sectional specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic
dielectric, Class 1
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 60384-8-1:2005
IEC 60384-8-1:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 8-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic
dielectric, Class 1 - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 60384-9:2005
IEC 60384-9:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 9: Sectional specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic
dielectric, Class 2
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 60384-9-1:2005
IEC 60384-9-1:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 9-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic
dielectric, Class 2 - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 60384-11:2008
IEC 60384-11:2008
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 11: Sectional specification - Fixed polyethylene-terephthalate
film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60384-11-1:2008
IEC 60384-11-1:2008
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 11-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed polyethylene-
terephthalate film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60384-13:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 60384-13:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 13: Sectional specification - Fixed polypropylene film
dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60384-13-1:2006 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
IEC 60384-13-1:2006 (corrigendum Mar. 2009)
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 13-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed polypropylene film
dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors - Assessment levels E and EZ
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60384-14:2005
IEC 60384-14:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 14: Sectional specification - Fixed capacitors for
electromagnetic interference suppression and connection to the supply mains
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 60384-14-1:2005
IEC 60384-14-1:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 14-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed capacitors for
electromagnetic interference suppression and connection to the supply mains - Assessment level D
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 60384-14-2:2004
IEC 60384-14-2:2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 14-2: Blank detail specification - Fixed capacitors for
electromagnetic interference suppression and connection to the supply mains - Safety tests only
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60384-14-3:2004
IEC 60384-14-3:2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 14-3: Blank detail specification - Fixed capacitors for
electromagnetic interference suppression and connection to the supply mains - Assessment level DZ
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60384-16:2005
IEC 60384-16:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 16: Sectional specification: Fixed metallized polypropylene
film dielectric d.c. capacitors
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60384-16-1:2005
IEC 60384-16-1:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 16-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed metallized
polypropylene film dielectric d.c. capacitors - Assessment levels E and EZ
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60384-17:2005
IEC 60384-17:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 17: Sectional specification: Fixed metallized polypropylene
film dielectric a.c. and pulse capacitors
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60384-17-1:2005
IEC 60384-17-1:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 17-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed metallized
polypropylene film dielectric a.c. and pulse capacitors - Assessment levels E and EZ
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60384-18:2007
IEC 60384-18:2007
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 18: Sectional specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic
surface mount capacitors with solid (MnO2) and non-solid electrolyte
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60384-18-1:2007
IEC 60384-18-1:2007
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 18-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic
surface mount capacitors with solid (MnO2) electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60384-18-2:2007
IEC 60384-18-2:2007
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 18-2: Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic
surface mount capacitors with non-solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60384-19:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 60384-19:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 19: Sectional specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene-
terephthalate film dielectric surface mount d.c. capacitors
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60384-19-1:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 60384-19-1:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 19-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed metallized
polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric surface mount d.c. capacitors - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60384-20:2008
IEC 60384-20:2008 + corrigendum Feb. 2008
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 20: Sectional specification - Fixed metallized polyphenylene
sulfide film dielectric surface mount d.c. capacitors
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60384-20-1:2008
IEC 60384-20-1:2008 + corrigendum Feb. 2008
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 20-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed metallized
polyphenylene sulfide film dielectric surface mount d.c. capacitors - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60384-21:2004
IEC 60384-21:2004 + corrigendum Sep. 2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 21: Sectional specification: Fixed surface mount multilayer
capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 1
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60384-21-1:2004
IEC 60384-21-1:2004 + corrigendum Sep. 2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 21-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed surface mount
multilayer capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 1 - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60384-22:2004
IEC 60384-22:2004 + corrigendum Sep. 2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 22: Sectional specification: Fixed surface mount multilayer
capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 2
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60384-22-1:2004
IEC 60384-22-1:2004 + corrigendum Sep. 2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 22-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed surface mount
multilayer capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 2 - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60384-23:2005
IEC 60384-23:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 23: Sectional specification - Fixed surface mount metallized
polyethylene naphthalate film dielectric DC capacitors
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60384-23-1:2005
IEC 60384-23-1:2005
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 23-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed surface mount
metallized polyethylene naphthalate film dielectric DC capacitors - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60384-24:2006
IEC 60384-24:2006 (corrigendum Oct. 2006)
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 24: Sectional specification - Surface mount fixed tantalum
electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60384-24-1:2006
IEC 60384-24-1:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 24-1: Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed
tantalum electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60384-25:2006
IEC 60384-25:2006 (corrigendum Oct. 2006)
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 25: Sectional specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium
electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60384-25-1:2006
IEC 60384-25-1:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 25-1: Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed
aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60384-26:2010
IEC 60384-26:2010
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 26: Sectional specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic
capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60384-26-1:2010
IEC 60384-26-1:2010
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 26-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminum electrolytic
capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60393-1:2009
IEC 60393-1:2008
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60398:1999
IEC 60398:1999
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
Industrial electroheating installations - General test methods
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-08-01 dop : 2000-02-01 dow : 2002-05-01

EN 60399:2004
IEC 60399:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Barrel thread for lampholders with shade holder ring
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60399:2004/A1:2008
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60400:2008
IEC 60400:2008
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starterholders
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 60400:2008/A1:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-08-25 dop : 2012-02-25 dow : 2014-05-25

EN 60401-1:2005
IEC 60401-1:2002
Terms and nomenclature for cores made of magnetically soft ferrites - Part 1: Terms used for physical irregularities
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60401-2:2003
IEC 60401-2:2003
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Terms and nomenclature for cores made of magnetically soft ferrites - Part 2: Reference of dimensions
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60401-2:2010
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 60401-2:2010
IEC 60401-2:2009
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Terms and nomenclature for cores made of magnetically soft ferrites - Part 2: Reference of dimensions
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60401-3:2003
IEC 60401-3:2003
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

Terms and nomenclature for cores made of magnetically soft ferrites - Part 3: Guidelines on the format of data
appearing in manufacturers' catalogues of transformer and inductor cores
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 60404-2:1998
IEC 60404-2:1996

Magnetic materials - Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel strip and sheet by
means of an Epstein frame
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

+ A1:2008 + corrigendum Oct. 2008
IEC 60404-2:1996/A1:2008
CLC/SR 68 IEC/TC 68 //
NOTE: Corrigendum to A1 issued on 2008-10-08
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60404-4:1997
IEC 60404-4:1995
Magnetic materials - Part 4: Methods of measurement of d.c. magnetic properties of magnetically soft materials
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60404-4:1995/A1:2000
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60404-4:1995/A2:2008
CLC/SR 68 IEC/TC 68 //
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60404-5:2007
IEC 60404-5:1993 + A1:2007

Magnetic materials - Part 5: Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials - Methods of measurement of magnetic
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60404-6:2003
IEC 60404-6:2003 (corrigendum Feb. 2009)
CLC/SR 68 IEC/TC 68 //

Magnetic materials - Part 6: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of magnetically soft metallic and
powder materials at frequencies in the range 20 Hz to 200 kHz by the use of ring specimens
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60404-8-6:2009
IEC 60404-8-6:1999 + A1:2007
Magnetic materials - Part 8-6: Specifications for individual materials - Soft magnetic metallic materials
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 60404-13:2007
IEC 60404-13:1995

Magnetic materials - Part 13: Methods of measurement of density, resistivity and stacking factor of electrical steel
sheet and strip
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60404-14:2002
IEC 60404-14:2002
CLC/SR 68 IEC/TC 68 //

Magnetic materials - Part 14: Methods of measurement of the magnetic dipole moment of a ferromagnetic material
specimen by the withdrawal or rotation method
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60405:2007
IEC 60405:2003 (Modified)
Nuclear instrumentation - Constructional requirements and classification of radiometric gauges
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 60406:1997
IEC 60406:1997
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //
Cassettes for medical X-ray diagnosis - Radiographic cassettes and mammographic cassettes
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60422:2006
IEC 60422:2005
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment - Supervision and maintenance guidance
dor : 2006-04-04 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 60423:2007
IEC 60423:2007
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Conduit systems for cable management - Outside diameters of conduits for electrical installations and threads for
conduits and fittings
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60424-1:1999
IEC 60424-1:1999
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Guide on the limits of surface irregularities - Part 1: General specification
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60424-2:1997
IEC 60424-2:1997
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Guidance of the limits of surface irregularities of ferrite cores - Part 2: RM-cores
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60424-3:1999
IEC 60424-3:1999
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Guide on the limits of surface irregularities - Part 3: ETD-cores and E-cores
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60424-4:2001
IEC 60424-4:2001
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Guide on the limits of surface irregularities - Part 4: Ring cores
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 60424-5:2009
IEC 60424-5:2009
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Guide on the limits of surface irregularities - Part 5: Planar-cores
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60426:2007
IEC 60426:2007
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulating materials - Determination of electrolytic corrosion caused by insulating materials - Test methods
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60432-1:2000
IEC 60432-1:1999 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general
lighting purposes
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60432-1:1999/A1:2005
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 60432-2:2000
IEC 60432-2:1999 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 2: Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60432-2:1999/A1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 60432-3:2003
IEC 60432-3:2002
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 3: Tungsten-halogen lamps (non-vehicle)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60432-3:2002/A1:2005
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60432-3:2002/A2:2008
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60433:1998
IEC 60433:1998
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 kV - Ceramic insulators for a.c. systems -
Characteristics of insulator units of the long rod type
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60437:1997
IEC 60437:1997
CLC/SR 36 IEC/TC 36 //
Radio interference test on high-voltage insulators
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60439-1:1999
IEC 60439-1:1999
CLC/TC 17D IEC/SC 17D EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 1: Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61439-1:2009
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-08-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60439-1:1999/A1:2004
CLC/TC 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-16 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60439-2:2000
IEC 60439-2:2000
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 2: Particular requirements for busbar trunking systems
NOTE: To be read with EN 60439-1:1999
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60439-2:2000/A1:2005
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60439-3:1991 + corrigendum Nov. 2009
IEC 60439-3:1990 (Modified)
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC)

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 3: Particular requirements for low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear assemblies intended to be installed in places where unskilled persons have access for their use -
Distribution boards
NOTE: To be read with EN 60439-1:1990 + A1:1993
dor : 1990-12-10 doa : 1991-06-01 dop : 1991-12-01 dow : 1991-12-01

+ A1:1994
IEC 60439-3:1990/A1:1993
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 60439-3:1990/A2:2001
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60439-4:2004
IEC 60439-4:2004
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 4: Particular requirements for assemblies for construction
sites (ACS)
NOTE: To be read with EN 60439-1:1999
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60439-5:2006
IEC 60439-5:2006
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 5: Particular requirements for assemblies for power
distribution in public networks
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61439-5:2011
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60442:1998
IEC 60442:1998
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
Electric toasters for household and similar purposes - Methods for measuring the performance
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60442:1998/A1:2003
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 60444-1:1997
IEC 60444-1:1986

Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters by zero phase technique in a pi-network - Part 1: Basic method for the
measurement of resonance frequency and resonance resistance of quartz crystal units by zero phase technique in a pi-
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:1999
IEC 60444-1:1986/A1:1999
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 60444-2:1997
IEC 60444-2:1980

Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters by zero phase technique in a pi-network - Part 2: Phase offset method
for measurement of motional capacitance of quartz crystal units
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60444-3:1997
IEC 60444-3:1986

Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters by zero phase technique in a pi-network - Part 3: Basic method for the
measurement of two-terminal parameters of quartz crystal units up to 200 MHz by phase technique in a pi-network
with compensation of the parallel capacitance C0
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60444-4:1997
IEC 60444-4:1988

Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters by zero phase technique in a pi-network - Part 4: Method for the
measurement of the load resonance frequency fL, load resonance resistance RL and the calculation of other derived
values of quartz crystal units, up to 30 MHz
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60444-5:1997
IEC 60444-5:1995

Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters - Part 5: Methods for the determination of equivalent electrical
parameters using automatic network analyzer techniques and error correction
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60444-6:1997
IEC 60444-6:1995
Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters - Part 6: Measurement of drive level dependence (DLD)
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60444-7:2004
IEC 60444-7:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters - Part 7: Measurement of activity and frequency dips of quartz crystal
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-06-01

EN 60444-8:2003
IEC 60444-8:2003
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters - Part 8: Test fixture for surface mounted quartz crystal units
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60444-9:2007
IEC 60444-9:2007
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters - Part 9: Measurement of spurious resonances of piezoelectric crystal
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60444-11:2010
IEC 60444-11:2010
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters - Part 11: Standard method for the determination of the load
resonance frequency fL and the effective load capacitance CLeff using automatic network analyzer techniques and
error correction
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 60445:2007
IEC 60445:2006 (Modified)
CLC/SR 16 IEC/TC 16 //

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Identification of equipment
terminals and conductor terminations
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 60445:2010
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60445:2010
IEC 60445:2010
CLC/SR 16 IEC/TC 16 //

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Identification of equipment
terminals, conductor terminations and conductors
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 60446:2007
IEC 60446:2007
CLC/SR 16 IEC/TC 16 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Identification of conductors by
colours or alphanumerics
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60445:2010
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60447:2004
IEC 60447:2004
CLC/SR 16 IEC/TC 16 //
Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Actuating principles
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60450:2004
IEC 60450:2004
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Measurement of the average viscometric degree of polymerization of new and aged cellulosic electrically insulating
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-06-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60450:2004/A1:2007
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60454-1:1994
IEC 60454-1:1992
Specifications for pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : -

EN 60454-2:2007
IEC 60454-2:2007 + corrigendum Dec. 2009
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60454-3-1:1998
IEC 60454-3-1:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3-1: Specifications for individual materials - PVC film
tapes with pressure-sensitive adhesive
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60454-3-1:1998/A1:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60454-3-2:2006
IEC 60454-3-2:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2:
Requirements for polyester film tapes with rubber thermosetting, rubber thermoplastic or acrylic crosslinked
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60454-3-4:2007
IEC 60454-3-4:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 4:
Cellulose paper, creped and non-creped, with rubber thermosetting adhesive
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60454-3-6:1998
IEC 60454-3-6:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 6:
Polycarbonate film tapes with acrylic thermoplastic adhesive
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60454-3-7:1998
IEC 60454-3-7:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 7:
Polyimide film tapes with pressure-sensitive adhesive
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60454-3-8:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60454-3-8:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 8:
Woven fabric tapes with pressure-sensitive adhesive based on glass, cellulose acetate alone or combined with viscose
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60454-3-11:2007
IEC 60454-3-11:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 11:
Polyester film combinations with glass filament, creped cellulosic paper, polyester non-woven, epoxy and pressure-
sensitive adhesives
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60454-3-12:2006
IEC 60454-3-12:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 12:
Requirements for polyethylene and polypropylene film tapes with pressure sensitive adhesive
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60454-3-14:2001
IEC 60454-3-14:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 14:
Polytetrafluoroethylene film tapes with pressure-sensitive adhesive
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60454-3-19:2003
IEC 60454-3-19:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 19:
Tapes made from various backing materials with pressure-sensitive adhesive on both sides
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60455-1:1998
IEC 60455-1:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60455-2:1999
IEC 60455-2:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60455-3-1:2003
IEC 60455-3-1:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet
1: Unfilled epoxy resinous compounds
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 60455-3-2:2003
IEC 60455-3-2:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet
2: Quartz filled epoxy resinous compounds
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 60455-3-3:2003
IEC 60455-3-3:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet
3: Unfilled polyurethane compounds
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 60455-3-4:2003
IEC 60455-3-4:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet
4: Filled polyurethane compounds
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 60455-3-5:2006
IEC 60455-3-5:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet
5: Unsaturated polyester based impregnating resins
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60456:2005 + corrigendum Mar. 2008
IEC 60456:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59D ELWM (95/12/EC)
Clothes washing machines for household use - Methods for measuring the performance

NOTE: The content of the IEC corrigendum is covered by EN 60456:2005/A11:2006 * Corrigendum to EN issued on
2008-03-14 * Superseded by EN 60456:2011
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A11:2006
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60456:2005/A12:2011
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

+ A12:2011
CLC/TC 59X EL (2010/30/EU) ELWM (95/12/EC)
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60456:2011 + AC:2011
IEC 60456:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59D ERP (2009/125/EC)
Clothes washing machines for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
dor : 2011-03-21 doa : 2011-09-21 dop : 2012-03-21 dow : 2014-03-21

+ AC:2011
Clothes washing machines for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60461:2001
IEC 60461:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Time and control code for video tape recorders
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60461:2011
dor : 2001-04-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 60461:2011
IEC 60461:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Time and control code
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60464-1:1999
IEC 60464-1:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60464-1:1998/A1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60464-2:2001
IEC 60464-2:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

+ A1:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60464-2:2001/A1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60464-3-1:2001
IEC 60464-3-1:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Ambient curing
finishing varnishes
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60464-3-1:2001/A1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60464-3-2:2001
IEC 60464-3-2:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2: Hot curing
impregnating varnishes
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60464-3-2:2001/A1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60465:1990
IEC 60465:1988
Specification for unused insulating mineral oils for cables with oil ducts
NOTE: Withdrawn
dor : 1990-05-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

EN 60470:2000 + corrigendum Jun. 2000
IEC 60470:1999
High-voltage alternating current contactors and contactor-based motor starters
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 60477:1997
IEC 60477:1974
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Laboratory d.c. resistors
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60477:1974/A1:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

EN 60477-2:1997
IEC 60477-2:1979
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Laboratory resistors - Part 2: Laboratory a.c. resistors
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60477-2:1979/A1:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

EN 60480:2004
IEC 60480:2004
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //

Guidelines for the checking and treatment of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) taken from electrical equipment and
specification for its re-use
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60495:1994
IEC 60495:1993
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Single sideband power-line carrier terminals
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 60503:1998
IEC 60503:1998
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Spools for broadcast videotape recorders (VTRS)
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60505:2004
IEC 60505:2004
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60505:2011
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60505:2011
IEC 60505:2011
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems
dor : 2011-08-15 doa : 2011-11-15 dop : 2012-05-15 dow : 2014-08-15

EN 60507:1993
IEC 60507:1991
Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage insulators to be used on a.c. systems
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 60510-2-5:1994
IEC 60510-2-5:1992
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations - Part 2: Measurements for sub-systems -
Section 5: Frequency modulators
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60510-2-6:1994
IEC 60510-2-6:1992
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations - Part 2: Measurements for sub-systems -
Section 6: Frequency demodulators
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60510-3-4:1994
IEC 60510-3-4:1992
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations - Part 3: Methods of measurement on
combinations of sub-systems - Section 4: Measurements for frequency division multiplex (f.d.m.) transmission
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60512-1:2001
IEC 60512-1:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1: General
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 60512-1-1:2002
IEC 60512-1-1:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1-1: General examination - Test 1a: Visual
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-1-2:2002
IEC 60512-1-2:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1-2: General examination - Test 1b:
Examination of dimension and mass
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-1-3:1997
IEC 60512-1-3:1997
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 1:
General examination - Section 3: Test 1c - Electrical engagement length
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-1-4:1997
IEC 60512-1-4:1997 (corrigendum Nov. 2000)
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 1:
General - Section 4: Test 1d: Contact protection effectiveness (scoop-proof)
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60512-1-100:2006
IEC 60512-1-100:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1-100: General - Applicable publications
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60512-2-1:2002
IEC 60512-2-1:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 2-1: Electrical continuity and contact resistance
tests - Test 2a: Contact resistance - Millivolt level method
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-2-2:2003
IEC 60512-2-2:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 2-2: Electrical continuity and contact resistance
tests - Test 2b: Contact resistance - Specified test current method
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60512-2-3:2002
IEC 60512-2-3:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 2-3: Electrical continuity and contact resistance
tests - Test 2c: Contact resistance variation
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-2-5:2003
IEC 61512-2-5:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 2-5: Electrical continuity and contact resistance
tests - Test 2e: Contact disturbance
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60512-2-6:2002
IEC 60512-2-6:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 2-6: Electrical continuity and contact resistance
tests - Test 2f: Housing (shell) electrical continuity
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-3-1:2002
IEC 60512-3-1:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 3-1: Insulation tests - Test 3a: Insulation
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-4-1:2003
IEC 60512-4-1:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 4-1: Voltage stress tests - Test 4a: Voltage
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-4-2:2002
IEC 60512-4-2:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 4-2: Voltage stress tests - Test 4b: Partial
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-4-3:2002
IEC 60512-4-3:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 4-3: Voltage stress tests - Test 4c: Voltage
proof of pre-insulated crimp barrels
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-5-1:2002
IEC 60512-5-1:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 5-1: Current-carrying capacity tests - Test 5a:
Temperature rise
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-5-2:2002
IEC 60512-5-2:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 5-2: Current-carrying capacity tests - Test 5b:
Current-temperature derating
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-6-1:2002
IEC 60512-6-1:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 6-1: Dynamic stress tests - Test 6a:
Acceleration, steady state
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-6-2:2002
IEC 60512-6-2:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 6-2: Dynamic stress tests - Test 6b: Bump
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-6-3:2002
IEC 60512-6-3:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 6-3: Dynamic stress tests - Test 6c: Shock
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-6-4:2002
IEC 60512-6-4:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 6-4: Dynamic stress tests - Test 6d: Vibration
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-6-5:1999
IEC 60512-6-5:1997 (Modified)

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 6:
Dynamic stress tests - Section 5: Test 6e: Random vibration
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-7-1:2010
IEC 60512-7-1:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 7-1: Impact tests (free connectors) - Test 7a:
Free fall (repeated)
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60512-8-1:2010
IEC 60512-8-1:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 8-1: Static load tests (fixed connectors) - Test
8a: Static load, transverse
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60512-8-2:2011
IEC 60512-8-2:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 8-2: Static load tests (fixed connectors) - Test
8b: Static load, axial
dor : 2011-05-12 doa : 2011-08-12 dop : 2012-02-12 dow : 2014-05-12

EN 60512-8-3:2011
IEC 60512-8-3:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 8-3: Static load tests (fixed connectors) - Test
8c: Robustness of actuating lever
dor : 2011-05-12 doa : 2011-08-12 dop : 2012-02-12 dow : 2014-05-12

EN 60512-9-1:2010
IEC 60512-9-1:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-1: Endurance tests - Test 9a: Mechanical
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60512-9-3:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60512-9-3:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-3: Endurance tests - Test 9c: Mechanical
operation (engaging/separating) with electrical load
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60512-9-3:2011
IEC 60512-9-3:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-3: Endurance tests - Test 9c: Mechanical
operation (engaging/separating) with electrical load
dor : 2011-07-27 doa : 2011-10-27 dop : 2012-04-27 dow : 2014-07-27

EN 60512-9-4:2011
IEC 60512-9-4:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-4: Endurance tests - Test 9d: Durability of
contact retention system and seals (maintenance, ageing)
dor : 2011-05-12 doa : 2011-08-12 dop : 2012-02-12 dow : 2014-05-12

EN 60512-9-5:2010
IEC 60512-9-5:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-5: Endurance tests - Test 9e: Current loading,
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-10-4:2003
IEC 60512-10-4:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 10-4: Impact tests (free components), static
load tests (fixed components), endurance tests and overload tests - Test 10d: Electrical overload (connectors)
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60512-11-1:1999
IEC 60512-11-1:1995

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 11:
Climatic tests - Section 1: Test 11a - Climatic sequence
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2000-01-01

EN 60512-11-2:2002
IEC 60512-11-2:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-2: Climatic tests - Test 11b:
Combined/sequential cold, low air pressure and damp heat
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-3:2002
IEC 60512-11-3:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-3: Climatic tests - Test 11c: Damp heat,
steady state
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-4:2002
IEC 60512-11-4:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-4: Climatic tests - Test 11d: Rapid change
of temperature
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-5:2002
IEC 60512-11-5:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-5: Climatic tests - Test 11e: Mould growth
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-6:2002
IEC 60512-11-6:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-6: Climatic tests - Test 11f: Corrosion, salt
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-7:2003
IEC 60512-11-7:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11- 7: Climatic tests - Test 11g: Flowing mixed
gas corrosion test
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60512-11-8:1999
IEC 60512-11-8:1995

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 11:
Climatic tests - Section 8: Test 11h - Sand and dust
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2000-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-11-9:2002
IEC 60512-11-9:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-9: Climatic tests - Test 11i: Dry heat
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-10:2002
IEC 60512-11-10:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-10: Climatic tests - Test 11j: Cold
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-11:2002
IEC 60512-11-11:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-11: Climatic tests - Test 11k: Low air
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-12:2002
IEC 60512-11-12:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-12: Climatic tests - Test 11m: Damp heat,
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-13:2002
IEC 60512-11-13:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurement - Part 11-13: Climatic tests - Test 11n: Gas tightness,
solderless wrapped connections
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60512-11-14:2003
IEC 60512-11-14:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-14: Climatic tests - Test 11p: Flowing single
gas corrosion test
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60512-12-1:2006
IEC 60512-12-1:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-1: Soldering tests - Test 12a: Solderability,
wetting, solder bath method
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60512-12-2:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60512-12-2:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-2: Soldering tests - Test 12b: Solderability,
wetting, soldering iron method
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60512-12-3:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60512-12-3:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-3: Soldering tests - Test 12c: Solderability,
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-12-4:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60512-12-4:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-4: Soldering tests - Test 12d: Resistance to
soldering heat, solder bath method
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60512-12-5:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60512-12-5:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-5: Soldering tests - Test 12e: Resistance to
soldering heat, soldering iron method
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60512-12-6:1996
IEC 60512-12-6:1996
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 12:
Soldering tests - Section 6: Test 12f: Sealing against flux and cleaning solvents in machine soldering
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60512-12-7:2001
IEC 60512-12-7:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-7: Soldering tests - Test 12g: Solderability,
wetting balance method
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

EN 60512-13-1:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60512-13-1:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 13-1: Mechanical operation tests - Test 13a:
Engaging and separating forces
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60512-13-2:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60512-13-2:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 13-2: Mechanical operation tests - Test 13b:
Insertion and withdrawal forces
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60512-13-5:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60512-13-5:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 13-5: Mechanical operation tests - Test 13e:
Polarizing and keying method
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60512-14-2:2006
IEC 60512-14-2:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 14-2: Sealing tests - Test 14b: Sealing - Fine air
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60512-14-4:2006
IEC 60512-14-4:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 14-4: Sealing tests - Test 14d: Immersion -
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-14-5:2006
IEC 60512-14-5:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 14-5: Sealing tests - Test 14e: Immersion at
low air pressure
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60512-14-6:2006
IEC 60512-14-6:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 14-6: Sealing tests - Test 14f: Interfacial
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60512-14-7:1998
IEC 60512-14-7:1997
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 14:
Sealing tests - Section 7: Test 14g: Impacting water
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60512-15-1:2008
IEC 60512-15-1:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 15-1: Connector tests (mechanical) - Test 15a:
Contact retention in insert
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-15-2:2008
IEC 60512-15-2:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 15-2: Connector tests (mechanical) - Test 15b:
Insert retention in housing (axial)
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-15-3:2008
IEC 60512-15-3:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 15-3: Connector tests (mechanical) - Test 15c:
Insert retention in housing (torsional)
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-15-4:2008
IEC 60512-15-4:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 15-4: Connector tests (mechanical) - Test 15d:
Contact insertion, release and extraction force
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-15-5:2008
IEC 60512-15-5:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 15-5: Connector tests (mechanical) - Test 15e:
Contact retention in insert, cable nutation
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-15-6:2008
IEC 60512-15-6:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 15-6: Connector tests (mechanical) - Test 15f:
Effectiveness of connector coupling devices
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-15-7:2008
IEC 60512-15-7:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 15-7: Connector tests (mechanical) - Test 15g:
Robustness of protective cover attachment
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-15-8:1995
IEC 60512-15-8:1995
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 15:
Mechanical tests on contacts and terminations - Section 8: Test 15h - Contact retention system resistance to tool
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 60512-16-1:2008
IEC 60512-16-1:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-1: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16a: Probe damage
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-16-2:2008
IEC 60512-16-2:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-2: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16b: Restricted entry
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-16-3:2008
IEC 60512-16-3:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-3: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16c: Contact-bending strength
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60512-16-4:2008
IEC 60512-16-4:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-4: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16d: Tensile strength (crimped connections)
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60512-16-5:2008
IEC 60512-16-5:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-5: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16e: Gauge retention force (resilient contacts)
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60512-16-6:2008
IEC 60512-16-6:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-6: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16f: Robustness of terminations
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60512-16-7:2008
IEC 60512-16-7:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-7: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16g: Measurement of contact deformation after crimping
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-16-8:2008
IEC 60512-16-8:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-8: Mechanical tests on connections and
terminations - Test 16h: Insulating grip effectiveness (crimped connections)
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60512-16-9:2008
IEC 60512-16-9:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-9: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16i: Grounding contact spring holding force
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60512-16-11:2008
IEC 60512-16-11:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-11: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16k: Stripping force, solderless wrapped connections
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60512-16-13:2008
IEC 60512-16-13:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-13: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16m: Un-wrapping, solderless wrapped connections
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60512-16-14:2008
IEC 60512-16-14:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-14: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16n: Bending strength, fixed male tabs
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60512-16-16:2008
IEC 60512-16-16:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-16: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16p: Torsional strength, fixed male tabs
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60512-16-17:2008
IEC 60512-16-17:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-17: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16q: Tensile and compressive strength, fixed male tabs
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60512-16-18:2008
IEC 60512-16-18:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-18: Mechanical tests on contacts and
terminations - Test 16r: Deflection of contacts, simulation
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60512-16-20:1996
IEC 60512-16-20:1996
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 16:
Mechanical tests on contacts and terminations - Section 20: Test 16t: Mechanical strength (wired termination of
solderless connections)
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-17-1:2010
IEC 60512-17-1:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 17-1: Cable clamping tests - Test 17a: Cable
clamp robustness
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60512-17-2:2011
IEC 60512-17-2:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 17-2: Cable clamping tests - Test 17b: Cable
clamp resistance to cable rotation
dor : 2011-05-12 doa : 2011-08-12 dop : 2012-02-12 dow : 2014-05-12

EN 60512-17-3:2010
IEC 60512-17-3:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 17-3: Cable clamping tests - Test 17c: Cable
clamp resistance to cable pull (tensile)
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60512-17-4:2010
IEC 60512-17-4:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 17-4: Cable clamping tests - Test 17d: Cable
clamp resistance to cable torsion
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60512-19-1:2010
IEC 60512-19-1:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 19-1: Chemical resistance tests - Test 19a:
Fluid resistance of pre-insulated crimp barrels
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60512-19-3:1997
IEC 60512-19-3:1997
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 19:
Chemical resistance tests - Section 3: Test 19c - Fluid resistance
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60512-20-1:2010
IEC 60512-20-1:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 20-1: Fire hazard tests - Test 20a:
Flammability, needle-flame
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60512-20-2:2000
IEC 60512-20-2:2000
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 20-
2: Test 20b - Flammability tests - Fireproofness
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 60512-20-3:2010
IEC 60512-20-3:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 20-3: Fire hazard tests - Test 20c:
Flammability, glow-wire
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-21-1:2010
IEC 60512-21-1:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 21-1: R.F. resistance tests - Test 21a: R.F.
shunt resistance
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60512-22-1:2010
IEC 60512-22-1:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 22-1: Capacitance tests - Test 22a: Capacitance
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60512-23-2:2010
IEC 60512-23-2:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 23-2: Screening and filtering tests - Test 23b:
Suppression characteristics of integral filters
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60512-23-3:2001
IEC 60512-23-3:2000 (corrigendum Apr. 2003)
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Electromechanical components for electronic equipment - Basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 23-
3: Test 23c: Shielding effectiveness of connectors and accessories
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 60512-23-4:2001
IEC 60512-23-4:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 23-4: Screening and filtering tests - Test 23d:
Transmission line reflections in the time domain
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60512-23-7:2005
IEC 60512-23-7:2005
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 23-7: Screening and filtering tests - Test 23g:
Effective transfer impedance of connectors
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60512-25-1:2001
IEC 60512-25-1:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 25-1: Test 25a - Crosstalk ratio
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60512-25-2:2002
IEC 60512-25-2:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 25-2: Test 25b: Attenuation (insertion loss)
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 60512-25-3:2001
IEC 60512-25-3:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurement - Part 25-3: Test 25c - Rise time degradation
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60512-25-4:2001
IEC 60512-25-4:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 25-4: Teste25d - Propagation delay
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60512-25-5:2004
IEC 60512-25-5:2004
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 25-5: Test 25e - Return loss
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60512-25-6:2004
IEC 60512-25-6:2004
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 25-6: Test 25f: Eye pattern and jitter
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60512-25-7:2005
IEC 60512-25-7:2004
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 25-7: Test 25g - Impedance, reflection
coefficient and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60512-25-9:2008
IEC 60512-25-9:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 25-9: Signal integrity tests - Test 25i: Alien
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60512-26-100:2008
IEC 60512-26-100:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 26-100: Measurement setup, test and reference
arrangements and measurements for connectors according to IEC 60603-7 - Tests 26a to 26g
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 60512-26-100:2008/A1:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-07-18 dop : 2012-01-18 dow : 2014-04-18

EN 60514:1995
IEC 60514:1975 (Modified)
Acceptance inspection of Class 2 alternating-current watthour meters
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62058-11:2010 and EN 62058-21:2010
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

EN 60519-1:2003
IEC 60519-1:2003
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 1: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60519-1:2011
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60519-1:2011
IEC 60519-1:2010
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheating installations - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-04-03 dop : 2011-10-03 dow : 2014-01-03

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60519-2:2006
IEC 60519-2:2006
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 2: Particular requirements for resistance heating equipment
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60519-3:2005
IEC 60519-3:2005
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety in electroheat installations - Part 3: Particular requirements for induction and conduction heating and
induction melting installations
dor : 2005-04-12 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 60519-4:2006
IEC 60519-4:2006 (corrigendum Dec. 2008)
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 4: Particular requirements for arc furnace installations
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60519-6:2002
IEC 60519-6:2002
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 6: Specifications for safety in industrial microwave heating equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60519-6:2011
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60519-6:2011
IEC 60519-6:2011
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 6: Specifications for safety in industrial microwave heating equipment
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 60519-7:2008
IEC 60519-7:2008
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 7: Particular requirements for installations with electron guns
dor : 2008-10-21 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60519-8:2005
IEC 60519-8:2005
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 8: Particular requirements for electroslag remelting furnaces
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 60519-9:2005
IEC 60519-9:2005
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 9: Particular requirements for high-frequency dielectric heating installations
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60519-10:2005
IEC 60519-10:2005
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety in electroheat installations - Part 10: Particular requirements for electrical resistance trace heating systems for
industrial and commercial applications
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 60519-11:2007
IEC 60519-11:2007
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //

Safety in electroheat installations - Part 11: Particular requirements for installations using the effect of
electromagnetic forces on liquid metals
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60519-21:1998
IEC 60519-21:1998 (corrigendum Jun. 1999)
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety in electroheat installations - Part 21: Particular requirements for resistance heating equipment - Heating and
melting glass equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60519-21:2009
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60519-21:2009
IEC 60519-21:2008
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety in electroheat installations - Part 21: Particular requirements for resistance heating equipment - Heating and
melting glass equipment
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 60522:1999
IEC 60522:1999
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Determination of the permanent filtration of X-ray tube assemblies
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 60523:1993
IEC 60523:1975 + A1:1979 + A1:1979/corrigendum Dec. 1980
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Direct-current potentiometers
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

+ A2:1997
IEC 60523:1975/A2:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60524:1993
IEC 60524:1975 + A1:1981
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Direct-current resistive volt ratio boxes
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

+ A2:1997
IEC 60524:1975/A2:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60526:2004
IEC 60526:1978 (Modified) (corrigendum Apr. 2010)
High-voltage cable plug and socket connections for medical X-ray equipment
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : -

EN 60529:1991 + corrigendum May. 1993
IEC 60529:1989
CLC/SR 70 IEC/TC 70 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1991-06-25 doa : 1992-01-01 dop : 1992-07-01 dow : 1992-07-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60529:1989/A1:1999
CLC/SR 70 IEC/TC 70 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60531:2000
IEC 60531:1999 (Modified)
Household electric thermal storage room heaters - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-04-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 60534-1:2005
IEC 60534-1:2005
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 1: Control valve terminology and general considerations
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60534-2-1:1998
IEC 60534-2-1:1998 (corrigendum Feb. 2000)
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-1: Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60534-2-1:2011
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60534-2-1:2011
IEC 60534-2-1:2011
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-1: Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions
dor : 2011-05-04 doa : 2011-08-04 dop : 2012-02-04 dow : 2014-05-04

EN 60534-2-3:1998
IEC 60534-2-3:1997
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-3: Flow capacity - Test procedures
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60534-2-4:2009
IEC 60534-2-4:2009
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-4: Flow capacity - Inherent flow characteristics and rangeability
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60534-2-5:2003
IEC 60534-2-5:2003
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-5: Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow through multistage
control valves with interstage recovery
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60534-3-1:2000 + corrigendum Jul. 2000
IEC 60534-3-1:2000
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-1: Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type,
straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle pattern control valves
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 60534-3-2:2001
IEC 60534-3-2:2001
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-2: Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except
butterfly valves
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60534-3-3:1998
IEC 60534-3-3:1998
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-3: Dimensions - End-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-way, globe-type,
straight pattern control valves
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60534-4:2006
IEC 60534-4:2006
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 4: Inspection and routine testing
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60534-5:2004
IEC 60534-5:2004
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 5: Marking
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60534-6-1:1997
IEC 60534-6-1:1997
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 6: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Section
1: Positioner mounting on linear actuators
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60534-6-2:2001
IEC 60534-6-2:2000
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 6-2: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves -
Positioner mounting on rotary actuators
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 60534-7:2010
IEC 60534-7:2010
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 7: Control valve data sheet
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60534-8-1:2005
IEC 60534-8-1:2005
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-1: Noise considerations - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by
aerodynamic flow through control valves
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 60534-8-2:1993
IEC 60534-8-2:1991

Industrial-process control valves - Part 8: Noise considerations - Section 2: Laboratory measurement of noise
generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 60534-8-3:2000
IEC 60534-8-3:2000
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-3: Noise considerations - Control valve aerodynamic noise prediction
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60534-8-3:2011
IEC 60534-8-3:2010
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-3: Noise considerations - Control valve aerodynamic noise prediction
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 60534-8-4:2005
IEC 60534-8-4:2005 (corrigendum Feb. 2006)
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-4: Noise considerations - Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60534-9:2007
IEC 60534-9:2007 (corrigendum Jun. 2008)
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control valves - Part 9: Test procedure for response measurements from step inputs
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60539-1:2008
IEC 60539-1:2008
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60539-2:2004
IEC 60539-2:2003
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Surface mount
negative temperature coefficient thermistors
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2007-02-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60539-2:2003/A1:2010
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60544-1:1994
IEC 60544-1:1994
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation - Part 1: Radiation interaction and
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 60544-4:2003
IEC 60544-4:2003
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation - Part 4: Classification system for
service in radiation environments
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60544-5:2003
IEC 60544-5:2003
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation - Part 5: Procedures for assessment
of ageing in service
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60546-1:1993
IEC 60546-1:1987

Controllers with analogue signals for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 1: Methods of evaluating the
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60546-1:2010
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60546-1:2010
IEC 60546-1:2010
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Controllers with analogue signals for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 1: Methods of evaluating the
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60546-2:1993
IEC 60546-2:1987

Controllers with analogue signals for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 2: Guidance for inspection and
routine testing
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60546-2:2010
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60546-2:2010
IEC 60546-2:2010
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Controllers with analogue signals for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 2: Guidance for inspection and
routine testing
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60554-2:2002
IEC 60554-2:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60555-1:1987
IEC 60555-1:1982
Disturbances in supply systems caused by household appliances and similar electrical equipment - Part 1: Definitions
dor : 1986-02-27 doa : 1986-12-01 dop : 1987-06-01 dow : 1987-06-01

EN 60556:2006
IEC 60556:2006
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Gyromagnetic materials intended for application at microwave frequencies - Measuring methods for properties
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 60564:1993
IEC 60564:1977 + A1:1981
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
D.C. bridges for measuring resistance
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

+ A2:1997
IEC 60564:1977/A2:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60565:2007
IEC 60565:2006
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Underwater acoustics - Hydrophones - Calibration in the frequency range 0,01 Hz to 1 MHz
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 60567:2005
IEC 60567:2005
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Oil-filled electrical equipment - Sampling of gases and of oil for analysis of free and dissolved gases - Guidance
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 60570:2003
IEC 60570:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electrical supply track systems for luminaires
dor : 2003-03-18 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60574-21:1993
IEC 60574-21:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Audiovisual, video and television equipment and systems - Part 21: Video tape leader and trailer for education and
training applications
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60580:2000
IEC 60580:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Dose area product meters
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-05-01 dop : 2000-11-01 dow : 2003-02-01

EN 60584-1:1995
IEC 60584-1:1995
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Thermocouples - Part 1: Reference tables
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60584-2:1993
IEC 60584-2:1982 + A1:1989
Thermocouples - Part 2: Tolerances
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60584-3:2008
IEC 60584-3:2007
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Thermocouples - Part 3: Extension and compensating cables - Tolerances and identification system
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 60587:2007
IEC 60587:2007
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulating materials used under severe ambient conditions - Test methods for evaluating resistance to
tracking and erosion
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60598-1:2004 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60598-1:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60598-1:2008
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2006
IEC 60598-1:2003/A1:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60598-1:2008
dor : 2006-12-05 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2010-01-01

EN 60598-1:2008
IEC 60598-1:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests
dor : 2008-10-21 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2012-04-12

+ A11:2009
CLC/TC 34Z LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60598-2-1:1989
IEC 60598-2-1:1979 + A1:1987
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 1: Fixed general purpose luminaires
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1990-04-01

EN 60598-2-2:1996
IEC 60598-2-2:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 2: Recessed luminaires
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60598-2-2:1996/A1:1997
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60598-2-3:2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2005
IEC 60598-2-3:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Luminaires for road and street lighting
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 60598-2-3:2002/A1:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-05-19 doa : 2011-08-19 dop : 2012-02-19 dow : 2014-05-19

EN 60598-2-4:1997
IEC 60598-2-4:1997
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 4: Portable general purpose luminaires
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60598-2-5:1998 + corrigendum Dec. 1998
IEC 60598-2-5:1998
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-5: Particular requirements - Floodlights
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60598-2-6:1994
IEC 60598-2-6:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 6: Luminaires with built-in transformers or convertors for
filament lamps
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1997
IEC 60598-2-6:1994/A1:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60598-2-7:1989
IEC 60598-2-7:1982 (Modified) + A1:1987 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 7: Portable luminaires for garden use
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1990-04-01

+ A2:1996 + corrigendum Jan. 1999
IEC 60598-2-7:1982/A2:1994 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

+ A13:1997
CLC/TC 34Z LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1997-01-26 doa : 1997-04-26 dop : 1997-07-26 dow : -

EN 60598-2-8:1997
IEC 60598-2-8:1996 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
Luminaires - Part 2-8: Particular requirements - Handlamps
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60598-2-8:1996/A1:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-05-01 doa : 2000-08-01 dop : 2001-02-01 dow : 2003-05-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60598-2-8:1996/A2:2007
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60598-2-9:1989
IEC 60598-2-9:1987
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 9: Photo and film luminaires (non-professional)
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1990-04-01

+ A1:1994
IEC 60598-2-9:1987/A1:1993
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-04-01 dow : 1995-04-01

EN 60598-2-10:2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2005
IEC 60598-2-10:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-10: Particular requirements - Portable luminaires for children
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60598-2-11:2005 + corrigendum Aug. 2005
IEC 60598-2-11:2005
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-11: Particular requirements - Aquarium luminaires
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60598-2-12:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60598-2-12:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-12: Particular requirements - Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60598-2-13:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60598-2-13:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-13: Particular requirements - Ground recessed luminaires
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60598-2-14:2009
IEC 60598-2-14:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Luminaires - Part 2-14: Particular requirements - Luminaires for cold cathode tubular discharge lamps (neon tubes)
and similar equipment
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60598-2-17:1989
IEC 60598-2-17:1984 + A1:1987
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)

Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 17: Luminaires for stage lighting, television film and
photographic studios (outdoor and indoor)
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1990-04-01

+ A2:1991
IEC 60598-2-17:1984/A2:1990
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1991-06-25 doa : 1991-12-01 dop : 1992-06-01 dow : 1992-11-01

EN 60598-2-18:1994 + corrigendum May. 1996
IEC 60598-2-18:1993 (Modified)
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 18: Luminaires for swimming pools and similar applications
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1995-03-01

EN 60598-2-19:1989 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
IEC 60598-2-19:1981 (Modified) + A1:1987 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 19: Air-handling luminaires (safety requirements)
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1990-04-01

+ A2:1998
IEC 60598-2-19:1981/A2:1997
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60598-2-20:1997
IEC 60598-2-20:1996 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-20: Particular requirements - Lighting chains
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60598-2-20:2010
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A1:1998 + corrigendum Dec. 1998
IEC 60598-2-20:1996/A1:1998 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2004 + corrigendum Sep. 2004
IEC 60598-2-20:1996/A2:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60598-2-20:2010 + corrigendum Sep. 2010
IEC 60598-2-20:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-20: Particular requirements - Lighting chains
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60598-2-22:1998 + corrigendum Oct. 2007
IEC 60598-2-22:1997 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
Luminaires - Part 2-22: Particular requirements - Luminaires for emergency lighting
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2008-03-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60598-2-22:1997/A1:2002
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60598-2-22:1997/A2:2008
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60598-2-23:1996 + corrigendum Mar. 1997
IEC 60598-2-23:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Luminaires - Part 2-23: Particular requirements - Extra low-voltage lighting systems for filament lamps
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60598-2-23:1996/A1:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2007-08-01

EN 60598-2-24:1998
IEC 60598-2-24:1997 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC)
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 24: Luminaires with limited surface temperatures
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 2005-08-01

EN 60598-2-25:1994
IEC 60598-2-25:1994 + corrigendum Sep. 1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Luminaires - Part 2-25: Particular requirements - Luminaires for use in clinical areas of hospitals and health care
dor : 1994-10-04 doa : 1995-01-01 dop : 1995-10-01 dow : 1995-10-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60598-2-25:1994/A1:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60599:1999
IEC 60599:1999
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //

Mineral oil-impregnated electrical equipment in service - Guide to the interpretation of dissolved and free gases
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2007
IEC 60599:1999/A1:2007
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60601-1:1990 + corrigendum Jul. 1994
IEC 60601-1:1988
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A AIMD (90/385/EEC) MDD (93/42/EEC)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety

NOTE: HD 395.1 S2:1988 remains valid until all parts 2 which are used in conjunction with it have been withdrawn.
The General Standard applies, as far as is reasonable, to medical equipment not covered by a Particular Standard,
in which case HD 395.1 S2 is not to be used after 1994-06-01 * Superseded by EN 60601-1:2006
dor : 1990-06-11 doa : 1990-09-01 dop : 1991-01-01 dow : 2012-06-01

+ A1:1993 + corrigendum Jul. 1994
IEC 60601-1:1988/A1:1991
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A AIMD (90/385/EEC) MDD (93/42/EEC)
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-12-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

+ A2:1995
IEC 60601-1:1988/A2:1995 + corrigendum Jun. 1995
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A AIMD (90/385/EEC) MDD (93/42/EEC) //
NOTE: Supersedes A11 and A12
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60601-1:2006 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 60601-1:2005 (corrigendum Dec. 2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2007)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A AIMD (90/385/EEC) MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance

NOTE: EN 60601-1:1990 with its amendments remains valid until all parts 2 which are used in conjunction with it
have been withdrawn. The General Standard applies, as far as is reasonable, to medical equipment not covered by a
Particular Standard, in which case EN 60601-1:1990 is not to be used after 2009-09-12
dor : 2006-09-12 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60601-1-1:2001
IEC 60601-1-1:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-1: General requirements for safety - Collateral standard: Safety requirements
for medical electrical systems
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 60601-1-2:2001
IEC 60601-1-2:2001
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for safety - Collateral standard: Electromagnetic
compatibility - Requirements and tests
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60601-1-2:2007
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60601-1-2:2001/A1:2004
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60601-1-2:2007 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 60601-1-2:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral
standard: Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements and tests
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2012-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60601-1-3:1994
IEC 60601-1-3:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety - 3. Collateral standard: General requirements
for radiation protection in diagnostic X-ray equipment
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 60601-1-3:2008 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 60601-1-3:2008
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-3: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral
Standard: Radiation protection in diagnostic X-ray equipment
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60601-1-4:1996
IEC 60601-1-4:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/TC 62 MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-4: General requirements for safety - Collateral standard: Programmable
electrical medical systems
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A1:1999
IEC 60601-1-4:1996/A1:1999
CLC/TC 62 IEC/TC 62 MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60601-1-6:2004
IEC 60601-1-6:2004
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-6: General requirements for safety - Collateral standard: Usability
NOTE: Suyperseded by EN 60601-1-6:2007
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60601-1-6:2007 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 60601-1-6:2006
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-6: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral
Standard: Usability
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60601-1-6:2010
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60601-1-6:2010
IEC 60601-1-6:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A AIMD (90/385/EEC) MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-6: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral
standard: Usability
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60601-1-8:2004
IEC 60601-1-8:2003
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-8: General requirements for safety - Collateral standard: General requirements,
tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60601-1-8:2007
dor : 2003-12-02 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A1:2006 + corrigendum Oct. 2006
IEC 60601-1-8:2003/A1:2006
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2007-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60601-1-8:2007 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 60601-1-8:2006
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-8: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral
Standard: General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical
electrical systems
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60601-1-9:2008
IEC 60601-1-9:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-9: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral
Standard: Requirements for environmentally conscious design
dor : 2008-04-16 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60601-1-10:2008
IEC 60601-1-10:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-10: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance -
Collateral Standard: Requirements for the development of physiologic closed-loop controllers
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60601-1-11:2010
IEC 60601-1-11:2010 (corrigendum Apr. 2011)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-11: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance -
Collateral standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home
healthcare environment
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60601-2-1:1998
IEC 60601-2-1:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for the safety of electron accelerators in the range of
1 MeV to 50 MeV
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-2:1993 and EN 60601-1-4:1996
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60601-2-1:1998/A1:2002
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

EN 60601-2-2:2007
IEC 60601-2-2:2006
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for the safety of high frequency surgical equipment

NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-1:2001, EN 60601-1-2:2001 and EN 60601-1-4:1996 *
Superseded by EN 60601-2-2:2009
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60601-2-2:2009
IEC 60601-2-2:2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
high frequency surgical equipment and high frequency surgical accessories
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60601-2-3:1993
IEC 60601-2-3:1991
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of short-wave therapy equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-03-15 dop : 1993-09-15 dow : 1993-09-15

+ A1:1998
IEC 60601-2-3:1991/A1:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60601-2-4:2003
IEC 60601-2-4:2002 (corrigendum Apr. 2004)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for the safety of cardiac defibrillators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-4:2011
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60601-2-4:2011
IEC 60601-2-4:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
cardiac defibrillators
dor : 2011-01-12 doa : 2011-04-12 dop : 2012-04-12 dow : 2014-01-12

EN 60601-2-5:2000
IEC 60601-2-5:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for the safety of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-2:1993 and EN 60601-1-4:1996
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 60601-2-7:1998
IEC 60601-2-7:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for the safety of high-voltage generators of
diagnostic X-ray generators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and the four collateral standards * Superseded by EN 60601-2-54:2009
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60601-2-8:1997
IEC 60601-2-8:1987
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC)

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of therapeutic X-ray equipment
operating in the range 10 kV to 1 MV
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : -

+ A1:1997
IEC 60601-2-8:1987/A1:1997
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 60601-2-10:2000
IEC 60601-2-10:1987
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for the safety of nerve and muscle stimulators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-04-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2001
IEC 60601-2-10:1987/A1:2001 (corrigendum Feb. 2002)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

EN 60601-2-11:1997
IEC 60601-2-11:1997
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for the safety of gamma beam therapy equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-11-01 dop : 1998-05-01 dow : 1998-05-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60601-2-11:1997/A1:2004
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60601-2-12:2006
IEC 60601-2-12:2001
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC)

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for the safety of lung ventilators - Critical care
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-1:2000, EN 60601-1-2:2001 and EN 60601-1-4:1996
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 60601-2-13:2006
IEC 60601-2-13:2003
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC)

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for the safety and essential performance of
anaesthetic systems
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-1:2001 and EN 60601-1-2:2001
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60601-2-13:2003/A1:2006
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60601-2-16:1998 + corrigendum Dec. 1999
IEC 60601-2-16:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for the safety of haemodialysis, haemodiafiltration
and haemofiltration equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and EN 60601-1-2:1993
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60601-2-17:2004
IEC 60601-2-17:2004
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for the safety of automatically-controlled
brachytherapy afterloading equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60601-2-18:1996
IEC 60601-2-18:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of endoscopic equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-1:1993 and EN 60601-1-2:1993
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-11-01 dop : 1997-05-01 dow : 1997-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2000
IEC 60601-2-18:1996/A1:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 60601-2-19:1996
IEC 60601-2-19:1990
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of baby incubators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-19:2009
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : -

+ A1:1996
IEC 60601-2-19:1990/A1:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1998-06-13

EN 60601-2-19:2009
IEC 60601-2-19:2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-19: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
infant incubators
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60601-2-20:1996
IEC 60601-2-20:1990 + A1:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of transport incubators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-20:2009
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1998-06-13

EN 60601-2-20:2009
IEC 60601-2-20:2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
infant transport incubators
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60601-2-21:1994
IEC 60601-2-21:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of infant radiant warmers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-21:2009
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

+ A1:1996
IEC 60601-2-21:1994/A1:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1998-06-13

EN 60601-2-21:2009
IEC 60601-2-21:2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
infant radiant warmers
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60601-2-22:1996
IEC 60601-2-22:1995
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of diagnostic and therapeutic laser
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-1:1993 and EN 60601-1-2:1993
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 60601-2-23:2000
IEC 60601-2-23:1999
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of
transcutaneous partial pressure monitoring equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-2:1993 and EN 60601-1-4:1996
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60601-2-24:1998
IEC 60601-2-24:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for the safety of infusion pumps and controllers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and EN 60601-1-2:1993
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60601-2-25:1995
IEC 60601-2-25:1993
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-25: Particular requirements for the safety of electrocardiographs
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A1:1999
IEC 60601-2-25:1993/A1:1999
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-09-01 dop : 2000-03-01 dow : 2002-05-01

EN 60601-2-26:2003
IEC 60601-2-26:2002
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-26: Particular requirements for the safety of electroencephalographs
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 60601-2-27:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60601-2-27:2005
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of
electrocardiographic monitoring equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-1:2000, EN 60601-1-2:2001 and EN 60601-1-4:1996
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60601-2-28:1993
IEC 60601-2-28:1993
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of X-ray source assemblies and X-ray
tube assemblies for medical diagnosis

NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and EN 60601-1-3: 1994 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-54:2009 *
Superseded by EN 60601-2-28:2010
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60601-2-28:2010
IEC 60601-2-28:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-28: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-
ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60601-2-29:1999
IEC 60601-2-29:1999
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for the safety of radiotherapy simulators

NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-2:1993, EN 60601-1-3:1994 and EN 60601-1-4:1996 *
Superseded by EN 60601-2-29:2008
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 60601-2-29:2008
IEC 60601-2-29:2008
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
radiotherapy simulators
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60601-2-30:2000
IEC 60601-2-30:1999
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of
automatic cycling non-invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment

NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-2:1993 and EN 60601-1-4:1996 * Superseded by EN 80601-
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-05-01 dop : 2000-11-01 dow : 2003-02-01

EN 60601-2-31:2008
IEC 60601-2-31:2008
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 60601-2-31:2008/A1:2011
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (2007/47/EC) //
dor : 2011-08-03 doa : 2011-11-03 dop : 2012-05-03 dow : 2014-08-03

EN 60601-2-32:1994
IEC 60601-2-32:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of associated equipment of X-ray
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and EN 60601-1-3:1994 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-54:2009
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1995-03-01

EN 60601-2-33:2002
IEC 60601-2-33:2002
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-33: Particular requirements for the safety of magnetic resonance equipment for
medical diagnosis

NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-1:2001 and EN 60601-1-4:1996 * Superseded by EN 60601-
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-05-01 dow : 2005-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2005
IEC 60601-2-33:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

+ A2:2008 + corrigendum Nov. 2008
IEC 60601-2-33:2002/A2:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60601-2-33:2010 + corrigendum Oct. 2010
IEC 60601-2-33:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-33: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
magnetic resonance equipment for medical diagnosis
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60601-2-34:2000
IEC 60601-2-34:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-34: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of
invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-2:1993 and EN 60601-1-4:1996
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60601-2-35:1996
IEC 60601-2-35:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of blankets, pads and mattresses,
intended for heating in medical use
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 * Superseded by EN 80601-2-35:2009
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1998-06-13

EN 60601-2-36:1997
IEC 60601-2-36:1997
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of equipment for extracorporeally
induced lithotripsy
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60601-2-37:2008
IEC 60601-2-37:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-37: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
ultrasonic medical diagnostic and monitoring equipment
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60601-2-38:1996
IEC 60601-2-38:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-38: Particular requirements for the safety of electrically operated hospital beds
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and EN 60601-1-1:1993 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-52:2010
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1998-06-13

+ A1:2000
IEC 60601-2-38:1996/A1:1999
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60601-2-39:2008
IEC 60601-2-39:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-39: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of
peritoneal dialysis equipment
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60601-2-40:1998
IEC 60601-2-40:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for the safety of electromyographs and evoked
response equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and EN 60601-1-1:1993
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60601-2-41:2000
IEC 60601-2-41:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for the safety of surgical luminaires and luminaires
for diagnosis
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-41:2009
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 60601-2-41:2009
IEC 60601-2-41:2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of
surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 60601-2-43:2000
IEC 60601-2-43:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for the safety of X-ray equipment for interventional
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and the four collateral standards * Superseded by EN 60601-2-43:2010
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 60601-2-43:2010
IEC 60601-2-43:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of X-ray
equipment for interventional procedures
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60601-2-44:2001
IEC 60601-2-44:2001
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for the safety of X-ray equipment for computed
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and the four collateral standards * Superseded by EN 60601-2-44:2009
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60601-2-44:2001/A1:2002
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60601-2-44:2009
IEC 60601-2-44:2009 (corrigendum May. 2010)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-
ray equipment for computed tomography
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60601-2-45:2001
IEC 60601-2-45:2001
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-45: Particular requirements for the safety of mammographic X-ray equipment
and mammographic stereotactic devices
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 and all Collateral Standards
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60601-2-45:2011
IEC 60601-2-45:2011
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-45: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
mammographic X-ray equipment and mammographic stereotactic devices
dor : 2011-03-17 doa : 2011-06-17 dop : 2011-12-17 dow : 2014-03-17

EN 60601-2-46:1998
IEC 60601-2-46:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-46: Particular requirements for the safety of operating tables
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-46:2011
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 60601-2-46:2011
IEC 60601-2-46:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-46: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
operating tables
dor : 2011-01-20 doa : 2011-04-20 dop : 2012-04-20 dow : 2014-01-20

EN 60601-2-47:2001
IEC 60601-2-47:2001
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of
ambulatory electrocardiographic systems
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60601-2-49:2001
IEC 60601-2-49:2001
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-49: Particular requirements for the safety of multifunction patient monitoring
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60601-2-50:2002
IEC 60601-2-50:2000 + corrigendum Mar. 2001
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-50: Particular requirements for the safety of infant phototherapy equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990 * Superseded by EN 60601-2-50:2009
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2003-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60601-2-50:2009
IEC 60601-2-50:2009 (corrigendum Aug. 2010)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-50: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
infant phototherapy equipment
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60601-2-51:2003
IEC 60601-2-51:2003
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-51: Particular requirements for safety, including essential performance, of
recording and analysing single channel and multichannel electrocardiographs
NOTE: To be read with EN 60601-1:1990
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60601-2-52:2010 + AC:2011
IEC 60601-2-52:2009 (corrigendum Sep. 2010)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-52: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of
medical beds
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

+ AC:2011

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-52: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of
medical beds
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 60601-2-54:2009
IEC 60601-2-54:2009 (corrigendum Mar. 2010)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-54: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-
ray equipment for radiography and radioscopy
NOTE: Partially superseded by EN 60601-2-43:2010
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 60601-2-57:2011
IEC 60601-2-57:2011
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-57: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
non-laser light source equipment intended for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring and cosmetic/aesthetic use
dor : 2011-03-07 doa : 2011-06-07 dop : 2011-12-07 dow : 2014-03-07

EN 60601-3-1:1996
IEC 60601-3-1:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 3-1: Essential performance requirements for transcutaneous oxygen and carbon
dioxide partial pressure monitoring equipment
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 60603-1:1998
IEC 60603-1:1991 + A1:1992

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 1: Generic specification - General
requirements and guide for the preparation of detail specifications, with assessed quality
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60603-2:1998
IEC 60603-2:1995

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 2: Detail specification for two-part
connectors with assessed quality, for printed boards, for basic grid of 2,54 mm (0,1 in) with common mounting
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60603-2:1995/A1:2000
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 60603-3:1998
IEC 60603-3:1987

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 3: Two-part connectors for printed boards
having contacts spaced at 2,54 mm (0,1 in) centres and staggered terminations at that same spacing
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60603-4:1998
IEC 60603-4:1987

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 4: Two-part connectors for printed boards
having contacts spaced at 1,91 mm (0,075 in) centres and staggered terminations at that same spacing
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60603-5:1998
IEC 60603-5:1987

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 5: Edge-socket connectors and two-part
connectors for double-sided printed boards with 2,54 mm (0,1 in) spacing
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60603-6:1998
IEC 60603-6:1987

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 6: Edge-socket connectors and printed-
board connectors with 2,54 mm (0,1 in) contact spacing for single or double-sided printed boards of 1,6 mm (0,063
in) nominal thickness
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60603-7:1997
IEC 60603-7:1996
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 7: Detail specification for connectors, 8-
way, including fixed and free connectors with common mating features, with assessed quality
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60603-7:2009
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60603-7:2009
IEC 60603-7:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60603-7-1:2002
IEC 60603-7-1:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-1: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded free and fixed connectors
with common mating features, with assessed quality
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60603-7-1:2009
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60603-7-1:2009
IEC 60603-7-1:2009
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-1: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60603-7-1:2011
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60603-7-1:2011
IEC 60603-7-1:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-1: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors
dor : 2011-05-12 doa : 2011-08-12 dop : 2012-02-12 dow : 2014-05-12

EN 60603-7-2:2009
IEC 60603-7-2:2007
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-2: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmissions with frequencies up to 100 MHz
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60603-7-2:2010
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60603-7-2:2010
IEC 60603-7-2:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-2: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmissions with frequencies up to 100 MHz
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60603-7-3:2009
IEC 60603-7-3:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-3: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmissions with frequencies up to 100 MHz
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60603-7-3:2010
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60603-7-3:2010
IEC 60603-7-3:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-3: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmission with frequencies up to 100 MHz
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60603-7-4:2005
IEC 60603-7-4:2005
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-4: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmissions with frequencies up to 250 MHz
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60603-7-4:2010
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60603-7-4:2010
IEC 60603-7-4:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-4: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmissions with frequencies up to 250 MHz
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60603-7-5:2009
IEC 60603-7-5:2007
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-5: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmissions with frequencies up to 250 MHz
NOTE: Superseded nby EN 60603-7-5:2010
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60603-7-5:2010
IEC 60603-7-5:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-5: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmissions with frequencies up to 250 MHz
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60603-7-7:2006
IEC 60603-7-7:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-7: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors for
data transmission with frequencies up to 600 MHz
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60603-7-7:2010
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60603-7-7:2010
IEC 60603-7-7:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-7: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors for
data transmission with frequencies up to 600 MHz
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60603-7-41:2010
IEC 60603-7-41:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-41: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed
connectors, for data transmissions with frequencies up to 500 MHz
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60603-7-51:2010
IEC 60603-7-51:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-51: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmissions with frequencies up to 500 MHz
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 60603-7-71:2010
IEC 60603-7-71:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-71: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors,
for data transmission with frequencies up to 1 000 MHz
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60603-8:1998
IEC 60603-8:1990

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 8: Two-part connectors for printed
boards, for basic grid of 2,54 mm (0,1 in), with square male contacts of 0,63 mm x 0,63 mm
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60603-9:1998
IEC 60603-9:1990

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 9: Two-part connectors for printed
boards, backpanels and cable connectors, basic grid of 2,54 mm (0,1 in)
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60603-10:1998
IEC 60603-10:1991

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 10: Two-part connectors for printed
boards for basic grid of 2,54 mm (0,1 in), inverted type
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60603-12:1998
IEC 60603-12:1992

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 12: Detail specification for dimensions,
general requirements and tests for a range of sockets designed for use with integrated circuits
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60603-13:1998
IEC 60603-13:1995

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 13: Detail specification for two-part
connectors of assessed quality, for printed boards for basic grid of 2,54 mm (0,1 in), with free connectors for non-
accessible insulation displacement terminations (ID)
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60603-14:1999
IEC 60603-14:1998

Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 14: Detail specification for circular
connectors for low-frequency audio and video applications such as audio, video and audio-visual equipment
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60604:1993
IEC 60604:1980
'Topflash/Flipflash' photographic flash lamp array
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60609-1:2005
IEC 60609-1:2004
CLC/SR 4 IEC/TC 4 //

Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Cavitation pitting evaluation - Part 1: Evaluation in reaction
turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 60609-2:1999
IEC 60609-2:1997

Cavitation pitting evaluation in hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Part 2: Evaluation in Pelton
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60613:1990
IEC 60613:1989
Electrical, thermal and loading characteristics of rotating anode X-ray tubes for medical diagnosis
dor : 1990-09-11 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60613:2010
IEC 60613:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //
Electrical and loading characteristics of X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60618:1997
IEC 60618:1978 + A1:1981
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Inductive voltage dividers
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : -

+ A2:1997
IEC 60618:1978/A2:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

EN 60619:1993 + corrigendum Oct. 1993
IEC 60619:1993 (corrigendum Jul. 1993)
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
Electrically operated food preparation appliances - Methods for measuring the performance
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-05-01 dop : 1994-02-01 dow : 1994-02-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60619:1993/A1:1995
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A2:2004
IEC 60619:1993/A2:2004
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60622:2003
IEC 60622:2002
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Sealed nickel-cadmium prismatic
rechargeable single cells
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60623:2001
IEC 60623:2001
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Vented nickel-cadmium prismatic
rechargeable single cells
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60626-1:1995
IEC 60626-1:1995
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Combined flexible materials for electrical insulation - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

+ A1:1996
IEC 60626-1:1995/A1:1996
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60626-2:1995
IEC 60626-2:1995
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Combined flexible materials for electrical insulation - Part 2: Methods of test
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60626-2:2009
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60626-2:2009
IEC 60626-2:2009
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Combined flexible materials for electrical insulation - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60626-3:2008 + corrigendum Oct. 2008
IEC 60626-3:2008
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Combined flexible materials for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60627:2001 + corrigendum Aug. 2002
IEC 60627:2001
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Diagnostic X-ray imaging equipment - Characteristics of general purpose and mammographic anti-scatter grids
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

EN 60630:1998
IEC 60630:1994 (Modified) + A1:1997 (Modified) + A2:1998 (Modified)
Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 1999-10-01

+ A3:1999
IEC 60630:1994/A3:1999
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

+ A4:2003
IEC 60630:1994/A4:2002 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A5:2005
IEC 60630:1994/A5:2005
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

+ A6:2009
IEC 60630:1994/A6:2009 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60633:1999
IEC 60633:1998
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
Terminology for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60633:1998/A1:2009
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60634:1995
IEC 60634:1993
Heat test source (H.T.S.) lamps for carrying out heating tests on luminaires
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 60641-1:2008
IEC 60641-1:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 60641-2:2004
IEC 60641-2:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of tests
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60641-3-1:2008
IEC 60641-3-1:2008
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1:
Requirements for pressboard, types B.0.1, B.0.3, B.2.1, B.2.3, B.3.1, B.3.3, B.4.1, B.4.3, B.5.1, B.5.3 and B.6.1
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60641-3-2:2008
IEC 60641-3-2:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2:
Requirements for presspaper, types P.2.1, P.4.1, P.4.2, P.4.3 and P.6.1
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60644:1993
IEC 60644:1979
Specification for high-voltage fuse-links for motor circuit applications
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60644:2009
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : -

EN 60644:2009
IEC 60644:2009
CLC/SR 32A IEC/SC 32A //
Specification for high-voltage fuse-links for motor circuit application
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60645-1:2001
IEC 60645-1:2001
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 LVD (2006/95/EC) MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Electroacoustics - Audiological equipment - Part 1: Pure-tone audiometers
dor : 2001-09-25 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60645-2:1997
IEC 60645-2:1993
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 MDD (93/42/EEC)
Audiometers - Part 2: Equipment for speech audiometry
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60645-3:2007
IEC 60645-3:2007
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 LVD (2006/95/EC) MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment - Part 3: Test signals of short duration
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60645-4:1995
IEC 60645-4:1994
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 LVD (2006/95/EC) MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Audiometers - Part 4: Equipment for extended high-frequency audiometry
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-03-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 60645-5:2005
IEC 60645-5:2004
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment - Part 5: Instruments for the measurement of aural acoustic
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 60645-6:2010
IEC 60645-6:2009
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment - Part 6: Instruments for the measurement of otoacoustic emissions
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 60645-7:2010
IEC 60645-7:2009
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment - Part 7: Instruments for the measurement of auditory brainstem responses
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 60652:2004
IEC 60652:2002
Loading tests on overhead line structures
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 60654-1:1993
IEC 60654-1:1993
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //
Industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Operating conditions - Part 1: Climatic conditions
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-05-01 dop : 1994-02-01 dow : 1994-02-01

EN 60654-2:1997
IEC 60654-2:1979 + A1:1992
Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Part 2: Power
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : -

EN 60654-3:1997
IEC 60654-3:1983
Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Part 3: Mechanical influences
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : -

EN 60654-4:1997
IEC 60654-4:1987

Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Part 4: Corrosive and erosive
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 60660:1999
IEC 60660:1999
CLC/SR 36C IEC/SC 36C //

Insulators - Tests on indoor post insulators of organic material for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1 kV
up to but not including 300 kV
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60661:2001
IEC 60661:1999
Methods for measuring the performance of electric household coffee makers
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2001-11-01 dow : 2003-11-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60661:1999/A1:2003
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60661:1999/A2:2005
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60662:1993
IEC 60662:1980 (Modified) + A1:1986 (Modified) + A2:1987 (Modified) + A3:1990 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
High-pressure sodium vapour lamps
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

+ A4:1994
IEC 60662:1980/A4:1992
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A5:1994
IEC 60662:1980/A5:1993
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

+ A6:1994
IEC 60662:1980/A6:1994
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

+ A7:1995
IEC 60662:1980/A7:1995
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A9:1997
IEC 60662:1980/A9:1997
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A10:1997
IEC 60662:1980/A10:1997
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60664-1:2007
IEC 60664-1:2007
CLC/SR 109 IEC/TC 109 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60664-3:2003
IEC 60664-3:2003
CLC/SR 109 IEC/TC 109 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 3: Use of coating, potting or moulding for
protection against pollution
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60664-3:2003/A1:2010 + corrigendum Nov. 2010
CLC/SR 109 IEC/TC 109 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60664-4:2006 + corrigendum Oct. 2006
IEC 60664-4:2005
CLC/SR 109 IEC/TC 109 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 4: Consideration of high-frequency voltage
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60664-5:2007
IEC 60664-5:2007
CLC/SR 109 IEC/TC 109 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 5: Comprehensive method for determining
clearances and creepage distances equal to or less than 2 mm
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60666:2010
IEC 60666:2010
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Detection and determination of specified additives in mineral insulating oils
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60669-1:1999
IEC 60669-1:1998 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)
Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-06-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60669-1:1998/A1:1999 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60669-1:1998/A2:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

+ IS1:2009
Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2009-04-15 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 60669-2-1:2004 + corrigendum Dec. 2007
IEC 60669-2-1:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Electronic
NOTE: To be read with EN 60669-1:1999
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2009
IEC 60669-2-1:2002/A1:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-04-01

+ A12:2010
CLC/TC 23BX EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60669-2-2:2006
IEC 60669-2-2:2006
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Electromagnetic
remote-control switches (RCS)
NOTE: To be read with EN 60669-1:1999
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60669-2-3:2006
IEC 60669-2-3:2006
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Time delay
switches (TDS)
NOTE: To be read with EN 60669-1:1999
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60669-2-4:2005
IEC 60669-2-4:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-4: Particular requirements - Isolating
NOTE: To be read with EN 60669-1:1999
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 60670-1:2005 + corrigendum Nov. 2007 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 60670-1:2002 (Modified) + corrigendum Feb. 2003
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)

Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 1:
General requirements
dor : 2004-09-22 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ IS1:2009

dor : 2009-04-17 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 60670-21:2007
IEC 60670-21:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)

Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 21:
Particular requirements for boxes and enclosures with provision for suspension means
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60670-22:2006
IEC 60670-22:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)

Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 22:
Particular requirements for connecting boxes and enclosures
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60670-23:2008
IEC 60670-23:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)

Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 23:
Particular requirements for floor boxes and enclosures
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 60670-1:2005
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60671:2011
IEC 60671:2007
Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Surveillance testing
dor : 2011-08-08 doa : 2012-02-08 dop : 2012-08-08 dow : 2014-08-08

EN 60672-1:1995
IEC 60672-1:1995
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Ceramic and glass insulating materials - Part 1: Definitions and classification
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 60672-2:2000
IEC 60672-2:1999
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Ceramic and glass insulating materials - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60672-3:1997
IEC 60672-3:1997
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Ceramic and glass-insulating materials - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60674-1:1998
IEC 60674-1:1980
Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60674-2:1998
IEC 60674-2:1988 + IEC 60674-2:1995/corrigendum Nov. 1995
Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60674-2:1988/A1:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 60674-3-1:1998
IEC 60674-3-1:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Biaxially oriented
polypropylene (PP) film for capacitors
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60674-3-2:1998
IEC 60674-3-2:1992

Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2:
Requirements for balanced biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films used for electrical insulation
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60674-3-3:1998
IEC 60674-3-3:1992

Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 3:
Requirements for polycarbonate (PC) films used for electrical insulation
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60674-3-7:1998
IEC 60674-3-7:1992

Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 7:
Requirements for fluoroethylene-propylene (FEP) films used for electrical insulation
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60674-3-8:2011
IEC 60674-3-8:2011
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 8: Balanced biaxially
oriented polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) films used for electrical insulation
dor : 2011-08-17 doa : 2011-11-17 dop : 2012-05-17 dow : 2014-08-17

EN 60674-3-4 to 6:1995
IEC 60674-3-4 to 6:1993

Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheets 4 to 6:
Requirements for polyimide films used for electrical insulation
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 60675:1995
IEC 60675:1994
CLC/SR 59C IEC/SC 59C //
Household electric direct-acting room heaters - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-04-01 dop : 1996-02-01 dow : 1996-02-01

+ A1:1998
IEC 60675:1994/A1:1998
CLC/SR 59C IEC/SC 59C //
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 60676:2002
IEC 60676:2002 (corrigendum Jul. 2002)
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
Industrial electroheating equipment - Test methods for direct arc furnaces
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 60679-1:2007
IEC 60679-1:2007
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60679-3:2001
IEC 60679-3:2001
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60679-4:1998
IEC 60679-4:1997
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 4: Sectional specification - Capability approval
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60679-4-1:1998
IEC 60679-4-1:1998
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 4-1: Blank detail specification - Capability approval
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : -

EN 60679-5:1998
IEC 60679-5:1998
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 5: Sectional specification - Qualification approval
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 60679-5-1:1998
IEC 60679-5-1:1998
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 5-1: Blank detail specification - Qualification approval
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 60679-6:2011
IEC 60679-6:2011
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 6: Phase jitter measurement method for quartz crystal
oscillators and SAW oscillators - Application guidelines
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-07-18 dop : 2012-01-18 dow : 2014-04-18

EN 60682:1993
IEC 60682:1980 + A1:1987
Method of measuring the pinch temperature of quartz glass lamps
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

+ A2:1997
IEC 60682:1980/A2:1997
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60684-1:2003
IEC 60684-1:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60684-2:1997
IEC 60684-2:1997 (corrigendum Dec. 1997)
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 2: Methods of test
NOTE: IEC corrigendum to French version only * Superseded by EN 60684-2:2011
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60684-2:1997/A1:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60684-2:2011
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60684-2:1997/A2:2005
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60684-2:2011
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60684-2:2011
IEC 60684-2:2011
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2011-09-14 doa : 2011-12-14 dop : 2012-06-14 dow : 2014-09-14

EN 60684-3-136:1998
IEC 60684-3-136:1997 (corrigendum Feb. 1999)
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specification for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 136: Extruded
fluorosilicone sleeving - General purpose
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60684-3-151:1998
IEC 60684-3-151:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 151: Extruded PVC/nitrile
rubber - General purpose
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 60684-3-165:2004
IEC 60684-3-165:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 165: Extruded polyolefin,
flame retarded, limited fire hazard sleeving
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60684-3-205:2011
IEC 60684-3-205:2011
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 205: Heat-shrinkable
chlorinated polyolefin sleeving, flame retarded, nominal shrink ratio 1,7:1 and 2:1
dor : 2011-07-26 doa : 2011-10-26 dop : 2012-04-26 dow : 2014-07-26

EN 60684-3-209:2003
IEC 60684-3-209:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 209: Heat-shrinkable
polyolefin sleeving, general purpose, flame retarded, shrink ratio 2:1
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60684-3-209:2010
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60684-3-209:2010
IEC 60684-3-209:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 209: Heat-shrinkable
polyolefin sleeving, general purpose, flame retarded
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60684-3-211:2007
IEC 60684-3-211:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 211: Heat-shrinkable
sleeving, semi-rigid polyolefin, shrink ratio 2:1
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60684-3-212:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 60684-3-212:2005
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 212: Heat-shrinkable
polyolefin sleevings
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60684-3-214:2005
IEC 60684-3-214:2005
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 214: Heat-shrinkable,
polyolefin sleeving, not flame retarded, shrink ratio 3:1 - Thick and medium wall
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60684-3-216:2005
IEC 60684-3-216:2001 + A1:2005 + corrigendum Feb. 2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 216: Heat-shrinkable,
flame-retarded, limited-fire hazard sleeving
dor : 2005-04-12 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 60684-3-228:2004
IEC 60684-3-228:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 228: Heat-shrinkable,
semi-rigid polyvinylidene fluoride sleeving, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60684-3-229:2003
IEC 60684-3-229:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 229: Heat-shrinkable
semi-flexible, polyvinylidene fluoride sleeving, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60684-3-233:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 60684-3-233:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 233: Heat-shrinkable
fluoroelastomer sleeving, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60684-3-246:2007
IEC 60684-3-246:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 246: Heat-shrinkable
polyolefin sleeving, dual wall, not flame retarded
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60684-3-247:2011
IEC 60684-3-247:2011
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 247: Heat-shrinkable
polyolefin sleeving, dual wall, not flame retarded, thick and medium wall
dor : 2011-07-28 doa : 2011-10-28 dop : 2012-04-28 dow : 2014-07-28

EN 60684-3-248:2007
IEC 60684-3-248:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 248: General purpose,
heat-shrinkable, dual wall polyolefin sleeving, flame retarded, shrink ratios 2:1, 3:1, 4:1
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60684-3-271:2004
IEC 60684-3-271:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 271: Heat-shrinkable
elastomer sleeving, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60684-3-271:2011
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60684-3-271:2011
IEC 60684-3-271:2011
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 271: Heat-shrinkable
elastomer sleevings, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1
NOTE: Supersedes EN 60684-3-271:2004
dor : 2011-07-26 doa : 2011-10-26 dop : 2012-04-26 dow : 2014-07-26

EN 60684-3-280:2010
IEC 60684-3-280:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 280: Heat-shrinkable,
polyolefin sleeving, anti-tracking
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60684-3-281:2010
IEC 60684-3-281:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 281: Heat-shrinkable,
polyolefin sleeving, semiconductive
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60684-3-282:2010
IEC 60684-3-282:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 282: Heat-shrinkable,
polyolefin sleeving - Stress control
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60684-3-283:2011
IEC 60684-3-283:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 283: Heat-shrinkable,
polyolefin sleeving, for bus-bar insulation
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 60684-3-300:2002
IEC 60684-3-300:2002
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 300: Glass textile fibre
sleeving, braided, uncoated
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60684-3-320:2002
IEC 60684-3-320:2002
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 320: Polyethylene
terephthalate textile sleeving, lightly impregnated
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60684-3-409:1999
IEC 60684-3-409:1999
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 409: Glass textile sleeving
with polyurethane (PUR)-based coating
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 60684-3-116 & 117:2003
IEC 60684-3-116 & 117:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 116 and 117: Extruded
polychloroprene - General purpose
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60684-3-100 to 105:2001
IEC 60684-3-100 to 105:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 100 to 105: Extruded
PVC sleeving
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
IEC 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 121 to 124: Extruded
silicone sleeving
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60684-3-145 to 147:2001
IEC 60684-3-145 to 147:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 145 to 147: Extruded
PTFE sleeving
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60684-3-240 to 243:2002
IEC 60684-3-240 to 243:2002
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 240 to 243: Heat-
shrinkable PTFE sleeving
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60684-3-340 to 342:2003
IEC 60684-3-340 to 342:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 340 to 342: Expandable
braided polyethylene terephthalate textile sleeving
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60684-3-343 to 345:2002
IEC 60684-3-343 to 345:2002
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 343 to 345: Expandable
braided ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (E-CTFE) textile sleeving, uncoated
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60684-3-400 to 402:2002
IEC 60684-3-400 to 402:2002
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 400 to 402: Glass textile
sleeving with silicone elastomer coating
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60684-3-403 to 405:2002
IEC 60684-3-403 to 405:2002
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specification for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 403 to 405: Glass textile
sleeving with acrylic based coating
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60684-3-406 to 408:2003
IEC 60684-3-406 to 408:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 406 to 408: Glass textile
sleeving with PVC coating
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60684-3-420 to 422:2002
IEC 60684-3-420 to 422:2002
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specification for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 420 to 422: Polyethylene
terephthalate textile sleeving with acrylic based coating
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60688:1992
IEC 60688:1992
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 //
Electrical measuring transducers for converting a.c. electrical quantities to analogue or digital signals
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-07-15 dop : 1993-01-15 dow : 1993-01-15

+ A1:1999
IEC 60688:1992/A1:1997 (Modified)
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : 2002-10-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 60688:1992/A2:2001
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 //
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60689:2009
IEC 60689:2008
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Measurement and test methods for tuning fork quartz crystal units in the range from 10 kHz to 200 kHz and standard
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 60691:2003
IEC 60691:2002
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Thermal-links - Requirements and application guide
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60691:2002/A1:2006
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60691:2002/A2:2010
CLC/SR 32C IEC/SC 32C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60694:1996 + corrigendum May. 1999
IEC 60694:1996
Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62271-1:2008
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60694:1996/A1:2000
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 60694:1996/A2:2001
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60695-1-1:2000
IEC 60695-1-1:1999 + corrigendum Jan. 2000 (corrigendum Aug. 2000)
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Fire hazard testing - Part 1-1: Guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products - General guidelines

NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Partially superseded by EN 60695-1-10:2010 * Partially superseded by EN
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60695-1-10:2010
IEC 60695-1-10:2009
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //

Fire hazard testing - Part 1-10: Guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products - General
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60695-1-11:2010
IEC 60695-1-11:2010
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //

Fire hazard testing - Part 1-11: Guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Fire hazard
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60695-1-30:2002
IEC 60695-1-30:2002
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //

Fire hazard testing - Part 1-30: Guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Use of
preselection testing procedures
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 60695-1-30:2008
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60695-1-30:2008
IEC 60695-1-30:2008
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //

Fire hazard testing - Part 1-30: Guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Preselection
testing process - General guidelines
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 60695-2-10:2001
IEC 60695-2-10:2000
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Fire hazard testing - Part 2-10: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire apparatus and common test
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60695-2-11:2001
IEC 60695-2-11:2000 (corrigendum Jan. 2001)
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Fire hazard testing - Part 2-11: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire flammability test method for end-
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60695-2-12:2001
IEC 60695-2-12:2000
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Fire hazard testing - Part 2-12: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire flammability test method for
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 60695-2-12:2010
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60695-2-12:2010
IEC 60695-2-12:2010
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //

Fire hazard testing - Part 2-12: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire flammability index (GWFI) test
method for materials
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60695-2-13:2001
IEC 60695-2-13:2000
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Fire hazard testing - Part 2-13: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire ignitability test method for
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 60695-2-13:2010
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60695-2-13:2010
IEC 60695-2-13:2010
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //

Fire hazard testing - Part 2-13: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire ignition temperature (GWIT) test
method for materials
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60695-4:2006
IEC 60695-4:2005
Fire hazard testing - Part 4: Terminology concerning fire tests for electrotechnical products
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60695-5-1:2003
IEC 60695-5-1:2002
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //
Fire hazard testing - Part 5-1: Corrosion damage effects of fire effluent - General guidance
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60695-6-1:2005
IEC 60695-6-1:2005
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //
Fire hazard testing - Part 6-1: Smoke obscuration - General guidance
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60695-6-1:2005/A1:2010
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60695-7-1:2004
IEC 60695-7-1:2004
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //
Fire hazard testing - Part 7-1: Toxicity of fire effluent - General guidance
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 60695-7-1:2010
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60695-7-1:2010
IEC 60695-7-1:2010
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //
Fire hazard testing - Part 7-1: Toxicity of fire effluent - General guidance
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60695-8-1:2008
IEC 60695-8-1:2008
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //
Fire hazard testing - Part 8-1: Heat release - General guidance
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60695-9-1:2005
IEC 60695-9-1:2005
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 //
Fire hazard testing - Part 9-1: Surface spread of flame - General guidance
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60695-10-2:2003
IEC 60695-10-2:2003 (corrigendum Feb. 2006)
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Fire hazard testing - Part 10-2: Abnormal heat - Ball pressure test
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60695-10-3:2002
IEC 60695-10-3:2002
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Fire hazard testing - Part 10-3: Abnormal heat - Mould stress relief distortion test
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

EN 60695-11-2:2003
IEC 60695-11-2:2003
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Fire hazard testing - Part 11-2: Test flames - 1 kW nominal pre-mixed flame - Apparatus, confirmatory test
arrangement and guidance
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60695-11-5:2005
IEC 60695-11-5:2004
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Fire hazard testing - Part 11-5: Test flames - Needle-flame test method - Apparatus, confirmatory test arrangement
and guidance
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60695-11-10:1999
IEC 60695-11-10:1999
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Fire hazard testing - Part 11-10: Test flames - 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60695-11-10:1999/A1:2003
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60695-11-20:1999
IEC 60695-11-20:1999 (corrigendum Feb. 2000)
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Fire hazard testing - Part 11-20: Test flames - 500 W flame test methods
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2003
IEC 60695-11-20:1999/A1:2003
CLC/SR 89 IEC/TC 89 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60700-1:1998
IEC 60700-1:1998
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
Thyristor valves for high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission - Part 1: Electrical testing
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60700-1:1998/A1:2003
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60700-1:1998/A2:2008
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60702-1:2002
IEC 60702-1:2002
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Mineral insulated cables and their terminations with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V - Part 1: Cables
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60702-2:2002
IEC 60702-2:2002
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Mineral insulated cables and their terminations with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V - Part 2: Terminations
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60703:2009
IEC 60703:2008
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
Test methods for electroheating installations with electron guns
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 60704-1:1994
IEC 60704-1:1982
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC)

Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise emitted by household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: The parts 2 in the EN 60704 series are to be read in conjunction with the edition of EN 60704-1 indicated for
the relevant part 2.
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : -

EN 60704-1:1997
IEC 60704-1:1997
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 1:
General requirements

NOTE: The parts 2 in the EN 60704 series are to be read in conjunction with the edition of EN 60704-1 indicated for
the relevant part 2 * Superseded by EN 60704-1:2010.
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-05-01 dop : 1997-11-01 dow : -

EN 60704-1:2010
IEC 60704-1:2010
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne noise - Part 1: General
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60704-2-1:2001
IEC 60704-2-1:2000
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59F NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-1:
Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1994
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 60704-2-2:1994
IEC 60704-2-2:1985
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59C NOISA (86/594/EEC)

Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise emitted by household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for forced draught convection heaters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1994 * Superseded by EN 60704-2-2:2010
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : -

EN 60704-2-2:2010
IEC 60704-2-2:2009
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59C //

Household and similar appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-2: Particular
requirements for fan heaters
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60704-2-3:2002
IEC 60704-2-3:2001
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59A NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-3:
Particular requirements for dishwashers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60704-2-3:2001/A1:2005
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59A NOISA (86/594/EEC) //
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 60704-2-4:2001
IEC 60704-2-4:2001
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59D NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-4:
Particular requirements for washing machines and spin extractors
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60704-2-5:2005
IEC 60704-2-5:2005
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59C NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-5:
Particular requirements for electric thermal storage room heaters
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 60704-2-6:2004
IEC 60704-2-6:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59D NOISA (86/594/EEC)

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-6:
Particular requirements for tumble dryers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60704-2-7:1998
IEC 60704-2-7:1997
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2:
Particular requirements for fans
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60704-2-8:1997
IEC 60704-2-8:1997
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2:
Particular requirements for electric shavers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-05-01 dop : 1997-11-01 dow : 1997-11-01

EN 60704-2-9:2003
IEC 60704-2-9:2003
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-9:
Particular requirements for electric hair care appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60704-2-10:2004
IEC 60704-2-10:2004
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59K NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-10:
Particular requirements for electric cooking ranges, ovens, grills, microwave ovens and any combination of these
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60704-2-11:1999
IEC 60704-2-11:1998
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-11:
Particular requirements for electrically operated food preparation appliances
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

EN 60704-2-13:2000
IEC 60704-2-13:2000
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-13:
Particular requirements for range hoods
NOTE: To be read with EN 60704-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 60704-2-13:2011
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2001-06-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60704-2-13:2000/A1:2005
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60704-2-13:2011
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2009-12-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60704-2-13:2000/A2:2008
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60704-2-13:2011
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60704-2-13:2011
IEC 60704-2-13:2011
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59K //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-13:
Particular requirements for range hoods
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 60704-3:2006
IEC 60704-3:2006
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 NOISA (86/594/EEC) //

Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 3:
Procedure for determining and verifying declared noise emission values
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60705:1999
IEC 60705:1999
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59K //
Household microwave ovens - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60705:1999/A1:2004
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59K //
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 60705:1999/A2:2006
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59K //
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60706-2:2006
IEC 60706-2:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //

Maintainability of equipment - Part 2: Maintainability requirements and studies during the design and development
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 60706-3:2006
IEC 60706-3:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Maintainability of equipment - Part 3: Verification and collection, analysis and presentation of data
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60706-5:2007
IEC 60706-5:2007
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Maintainability of equipment - Part 5: Testability and diagnostic testing
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60708:2005
IEC 60708:2005
CLC/SR 46C IEC/SC 46C //
Low-frequency cables with polyolefin insulation and moisture barrier polyolefin sheath
dor : 2005-09-13 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60709:2010
IEC 60709:2004
Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Separation
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60712:1994
IEC 60712:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Helical-scan video-tape cassette system using 19 mm (3/4 in) magnetic tape, known as U-format
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

+ A1:1994
IEC 60712:1993/A1:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

EN 60715:2001
IEC 60715:1981 + A1:1995
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC)

Dimensions of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of
electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 60719:1993
IEC 60719:1992
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Calculation of the lower and upper limits for the average outer dimensions of cables with circular copper conductors
and of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

EN 60721-1:1995
IEC 60721-1:1990 + A1:1992
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Classification of environmental conditions - Part 1: Environmental parameters and their severities
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : -

+ A2:1995
IEC 60721-1:1990/A2:1995
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 60721-3-0:1993
IEC 60721-3-0:1984 + A1:1987
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Introduction
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : -

EN 60721-3-1:1997
IEC 60721-3-1:1997
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Section 1: Storage
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60721-3-2:1997
IEC 60721-3-2:1997
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Section 2: Transportation
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60721-3-3:1995
IEC 60721-3-3:1994
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Section 3: Stationary use at weatherprotected locations
dor : 1994-10-04 doa : 1995-03-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A2:1997
IEC 60721-3-3:1994/A2:1996
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60721-3-4:1995
IEC 60721-3-4:1995
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Section 4: Stationary use at non-weatherprotected locations
dor : 1994-10-04 doa : 1995-04-01 dop : 1996-01-01 dow : 1996-01-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60721-3-4:1995/A1:1996
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60721-3-5:1997
IEC 60721-3-5:1997
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 CONRAIL (2001/16/EC) //

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Section 5: Ground vehicle installations
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60721-3-6:1993
IEC 60721-3-6:1987 + A1:1991
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Section 6: Ship environment
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

+ A2:1997
IEC 60721-3-6:1987/A2:1996
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
NOTE: There is no EN/A1
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60721-3-7:1995
IEC 60721-3-7:1995
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Section 7: Portable and non-stationary use
dor : 1994-10-04 doa : 1995-04-01 dop : 1996-01-01 dow : 1996-01-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60721-3-7:1995/A1:1996
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 60721-3-9:1993
IEC 60721-3-9:1993
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their
severities - Section 9: Microclimates inside products
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-10-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1995
IEC 60721-3-9:1993/A1:1994
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104 //
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 60728-1:2008
IEC 60728-1:2007
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 1: System performance of forward
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60728-1-1:2010
IEC 60728-1-1:2010
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 1-1: RF cabling for two way home
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60728-1-2:2009
IEC 60728-1-2:2009
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 1-2: Performance requirements for
signals delivered at the system outlet in operation
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60728-3:2006
IEC 60728-3:2005
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 3: Active wideband equipment for
coaxial cable networks
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60728-3:2011
dor : 2005-09-13 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : - dow : -

EN 60728-3:2011
IEC 60728-3:2010
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 3: Active wideband equipment for
cable networks
dor : 2011-01-13 doa : 2011-04-13 dop : 2011-10-13 dow : 2014-01-13

EN 60728-4:2008
IEC 60728-4:2007
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 4: Passive wideband equipment
for coaxial cable networks
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60728-5:2008
IEC 60728-5:2007
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 5: Headend equipment
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60728-6:2003
IEC 60728-6:2003
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 6: Optical equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60728-6:2011
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60728-6:2011
IEC 60728-6:2011
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 6: Optical equipment
dor : 2011-05-16 doa : 2011-08-16 dop : 2012-02-16 dow : 2014-05-16

EN 60728-7-1:2005
IEC 60728-7-1:2003
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 7-1: Hybrid Fibre Coax Outside
Plant Status Monitoring - Physical (PHY) Layer Specification
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 60728-7-2:2005
IEC 60728-7-2:2003
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 7-2: Hybrid Fibre Coax Outside
Plant Status Monitoring - Media access Control (MAC) Layer Specification
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 60728-7-3:2005
IEC 60728-7-3:2003
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 7-3: Hybrid Fibre Coax Outside
Plant Status Monitoring - Power supply to Transponder Interface Bus (PSTIB) Specification
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 60728-7-3:2009
IEC 60728-7-3:2009
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 7-3: Hybrid fibre coax outside
plant status monitoring - Power supply to transponder interface bus (PSTIB)
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 60728-10:2006
IEC 60728-10:2005
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 10: System performance for return
dor : 2005-09-13 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : - dow : -

EN 60728-11:2005
IEC 60728-11:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 11: Safety
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60728-11:2010
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 60728-11:2010
IEC 60728-11:2010
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 11: Safety
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60728-13:2010
IEC 60728-13:2010 (corrigendum Aug. 2010)
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 13: Optical systems for broadcast
signal transmissions
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60730-1:1991
IEC 60730-1:1986 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: The parts 2 in the EN 60730 series are to be read in conjunction with the edition of EN 60730-1 indicated for
the relevant part 2 and its amendments.
dor : 1990-09-11 doa : 1991-01-01 dop : 1992-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

+ A1:1991
IEC 60730-1:1986/A1:1990
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1990-09-11 doa : 1991-01-01 dop : 1992-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

+ A11:1991
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1990-09-11 doa : 1991-01-01 dop : 1992-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

+ A12:1993
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1994-01-01 dow : 1995-07-01

+ A14:1995
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-03-20 doa : 1995-06-20 dop : 1995-09-20 dow : -

EN 60730-1:1995 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60730-1:1993 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: The parts 2 in the EN 60730 series are to be read in conjunction with the edition of EN 60730-1 indicated for
the relevant part 2 and its amendments * Corrigendum to EN issued August 2007 (d/e/f)
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 2013-10-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60730-1:1993/A1:1994 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-04-01 dop : 1997-10-01 dow : -

+ A2:1998
IEC 60730-1:1993/A2:1997
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : -

+ A11:1996
CLC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-04-01 dop : 1996-10-01 dow : 1998-01-01

+ A12:1996
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A14:1998
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : -

+ A15:1998
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : -

+ A16:1999
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2000-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A17:2000
CLC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Supersedes A13:1998
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

+ A18:2003
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60730-1:2000 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 60730-1:1999 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: The parts 2 in the EN 60730 series are to be read in conjunction with the edition of EN 60730-1 indicated for
the relevant part 2 and its amendments * Corrigendum to EN issued August 2007 (English)
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-07-01 dow : -

+ A1:2004
IEC 60730-1:1999/A1:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : -

+ A2:2008
IEC 60730-1:1999/A2:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Supersedes EN 60730-1:2000/A15:2007
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-06-01

+ A12:2003
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

+ A13:2004
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A14:2005
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2010-06-01

+ A16:2007 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
CLC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60730-2-2:2002
IEC 60730-2-2:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for thermal motor
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:2000
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60730-2-2:2001/A1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A11:2005
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60730-2-3:2007
IEC 60730-2-3:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for thermal protectors
for ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60730-2-4:2007
IEC 60730-2-4:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for thermal motor
protectors for motor-compressors of hermetic and semi-hermetic type
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60730-2-5:2002
IEC 60730-2-5:2000 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for automatic
electrical burner control systems
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1995
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60730-2-5:2000/A1:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60730-2-5 to be read with EN 60730-1:2000
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60730-2-5:2000/A2:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

+ A11:2005
CLC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60730-2-6:2008
IEC 60730-2-6:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for automatic
electrical pressure sensing controls including mechanical requirements
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60730-2-7:1991 + corrigendum Mar. 2001
IEC 60730-2-7:1990 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for timers and time
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1991 * Superseded by EN 60730-2-7:2010
dor : 1991-09-23 doa : 1992-07-01 dop : 1994-01-01 dow : 2000-01-01

+ A1:1997 + corrigendum Mar. 2001
IEC 60730-2-7:1990/A1:1994 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60730-2-7 to be read with EN 60730-1:1995
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 2004-01-01

+ A11:1994 + corrigendum Mar. 2001
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1995-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A12:1993 + corrigendum Mar. 2001
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-01-01 dop : 1995-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

+ A13:2003
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A14:2003
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60730-2-7:2010
IEC 60730-2-7:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for timers and time
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60730-2-8:2002
IEC 60730-2-8:2000 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for electrically
operated water valves, including mechanical requirements
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1995
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60730-2-8:2000/A1:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60730-2-8 to be read with EN 60730-1:2000
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60730-2-9:2002
IEC 60730-2-9:2000 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for temperature
sensing controls
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1995 * Superseded by EN 60730-2-9:2010
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60730-2-9:2000/A1:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60730-2-9 to be read with EN 60730-1:2000
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60730-2-9:2000/A2:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A11:2003
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A12:2004
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60730-2-9:2010
IEC 60730-2-9:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for temperature
sensing controls
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 60730-2-10:2007
IEC 60730-2-10:2006
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for motor-starting
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60730-2-11:2008
IEC 60730-2-11:2006
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for energy regulators
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60730-2-12:2006
IEC 60730-2-12:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for electrically
operated door locks
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:2000
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-10-01

+ A11:2008
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60730-2-13:2008
IEC 60730-2-13:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for humidity sensing
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 60730-2-14:1997
IEC 60730-2-14:1995 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for electric actuators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1991
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 2004-06-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60730-2-14:1995/A1:2001
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60730-2-14 to be read with EN 60730-1:2000
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60730-2-14:1995/A2:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A11:2005
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60730-2-15:1995
IEC 60730-2-15:1994
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for automatic
electrical water level sensing controls of the float or electrode-sensor type used in boiler applications
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1991 * Superseded by EN 60730-2-15:2010
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

+ A1:1998 + corrigendum Mar. 2001
IEC 60730-2-15:1994/A1:1997
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60730-2-15 to be read with EN 60730-1:1995
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 2004-01-01

+ A11:2005
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 60730-2-15:2010
IEC 60730-2-15:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for automatic
electrical air flow, water flow and water level sensing controls
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60730-2-16:1997
IEC 60730-2-16:1995 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for automatic
electrical water level controls of the float type for household and similar applications
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1991 * Superseded by EN 60730-2-15:2010
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 2004-06-01

+ A1:1998 + corrigendum May. 2000
IEC 60730-2-16:1995/A1:1997
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60730-2-16 to be read with EN 60730-1:1995
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 2004-06-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 60730-2-16:1995/A2:2001
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60730-2-16 to be read with EN 60730-1:2000
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

+ A11:2005
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 60730-2-18:1999
IEC 60730-2-18:1997 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-18: Particular requirements for automatic
electrical water and air flow sensing controls, including mechanical requirements
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1995 * Superseded by EN 60730-2-15:2010
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : 2002-04-01

+ A11:2005
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2009-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60730-2-19:2002
IEC 60730-2-19:1997 (Modified) + A1:2000 (Modified)
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-19: Particular requirements for electrically
operated oil valves, including mechanical requirements
NOTE: To be read with EN 60730-1:1995
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2008-10-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 60730-2-19:1997/A2:2007
CLC/TC 72 IEC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

+ A11:2005
CLC/TC 72 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60731:1997
IEC 60731:1997
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
Medical electrical equipment - Dosimeters with ionization chambers as used in radiotherapy
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60731:1997/A1:2002
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60734:2003
IEC 60734:2001
Household electrical appliances - Performance - Hard water for testing
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60735:1991
IEC 60735:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Measuring methods for video tape properties
dor : 1991-09-23 doa : 1992-04-15 dop : 1992-10-15 dow : 1992-10-15

EN 60738-1:2006
IEC 60738-1:2006
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60738-1:2006/A1:2009
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60738-1-1:2008
IEC 60738-1-1:2008
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Thermistors - Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification -
Current limiting application - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60738-1-2:2008
IEC 60738-1-2:2008
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Thermistors - Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient - Part 1-2: Blank detail specification -
Heating element application - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60738-1-3:2008
IEC 60738-1-3:2008
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Thermistors - Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient - Part 1-3: Blank detail specification -
Inrush current application - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60738-1-4:2008
IEC 60738-1-4:2008
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //

Thermistors - Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient - Part 1-4: Blank detail specification -
Sensing application - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60740-1:2005
IEC 60740-1:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Laminations for transformers and inductors - Part 1: Mechanical and electrical characteristics
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 60743:2001
IEC 60743:2001
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC) //
Live working - Terminology for tools, equipment and devices
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60743:2001/A1:2008
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC) //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60745-1:2006
IEC 60745-1:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 //
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: Superseded by EN 60745-1:2009 * The parts 2 in the EN 60745 series are to be read in conjunction with the
edition of EN 60745-1 indicated for the relevant part 2.
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 60745-1:2009 + corrigendum Dec. 2009
IEC 60745-1:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : -

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60745-2-1:2003
IEC 60745-2-1:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for drills and impact drills
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-1:2010
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2005-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2009
IEC 60745-2-1:2003/A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-1 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2007-07-01

+ A12:2009
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60745-2-1:2010
IEC 60745-2-1:2003 (Modified) + A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for drills and impact drills
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60745-2-2:2003
IEC 60745-2-2:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for screwdrivers and impact
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-2:2010
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60745-2-2:2003/A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-2 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

+ A12:2009
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60745-2-2:2010
IEC 60745-2-2:2003 (Modified) + A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for screwdrivers and impact
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60745-2-3:2007
IEC 60745-2-3:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and disk-
type sanders
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2009-12-01

+ A11:2009
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60745-2-3:2011
IEC 60745-2-3:2006 (Modified) + A1:2010 (Modified) + A1:2010/corrigendum Feb. 2011
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) //

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and disk-
type sanders
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-08-01 dop : 2012-02-01 dow : 2014-02-01

EN 60745-2-4:2003
IEC 60745-2-4:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for sanders and polishers other
than disk type
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-4:2009
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60745-2-4:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-4 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60745-2-4:2009
IEC 60745-2-4:2002 (Modified) + A1:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC)

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for sanders and polishers other
than disk type
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60745-2-5:2007
IEC 60745-2-5:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 //
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for circular saws
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2006 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-5:2010
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

+ A11:2009
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60745-2-5:2010
IEC 60745-2-5:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) //
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for circular saws
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60745-2-6:2003
IEC 60745-2-6:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for hammers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-6:2010
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60745-2-6:2003/A1:2006
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
dor : 2006-04-04 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2009
IEC 60745-2-6:2003/A2:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-6 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A12:2009
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60745-2-6:2010
IEC 60745-2-6:2003 (Modified) + A1:2006 + A2:2008
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for hammers
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60745-2-8:2003
IEC 60745-2-8:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for shears and nibblers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-8:2009
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60745-2-8:2003/A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-8 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 60745-2-8:2009
IEC 60745-2-8:2003 (Modified) + A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for shears and nibblers
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60745-2-9:2009
IEC 60745-2-9:2003 (Modified) + A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for tappers
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60745-2-11:2003
IEC 60745-2-11:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for reciprocating saws (jig and
sabre saws)
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-11:2010
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60745-2-11:2003/A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-11 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

+ A12:2009
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60745-2-11:2010
IEC 60745-2-11:2003 (Modified) + A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for reciprocating saws (jig and
sabre saws)
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60745-2-12:2003
IEC 60745-2-12:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for concrete vibrators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-12:2009
dor : 2003-09-23 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60745-2-12:2003/A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-12 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60745-2-12:2009
IEC 60745-2-12:2003 (Modified) + A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for concrete vibrators
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2009
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60745-2-13:2009
IEC 60745-2-13:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for chain saws
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : 2009-12-29

+ A1:2010
IEC 60745-2-13:2006/A1:2009
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) //
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60745-2-14:2009
IEC 60745-2-14:2003 (Modified) + A1:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for planers
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2010-02-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60745-2-14:2003/A2:2010
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-14 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60745-2-15:2009
IEC 60745-2-15:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for hedge trimmers
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : 2009-12-29

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2010
IEC 60745-2-15:2006/A1:2009
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-15 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60745-2-16:2010
IEC 60745-2-16:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for tackers
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60745-2-17:2003
IEC 60745-2-17:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for routers and trimmers
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-17:2010
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60745-2-17:2010
IEC 60745-2-17:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) //
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for routers and trimmers
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60745-2-18:2009
IEC 60745-2-18:2003 (Modified) + A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-18: Particular requirements for strapping tools
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60745-2-19:2009
IEC 60745-2-19:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-19: Particular requirements for jointers
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : 2009-12-29

+ A1:2010
IEC 60745-2-19:2005/A1:2010
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-19 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 60745-2-20:2003
IEC 60745-2-20:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for band saws
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2003 * Superseded by EN 60745-2-20:2009
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-09-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60745-2-20:2003/A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC) //
NOTE: This amendment enables EN 60745-2-20 to be read with EN 60745-1:2006
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60745-2-20:2009
IEC 60745-2-20:2003 (Modified) + A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for band saws
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60745-2-21:2009
IEC 60745-2-21:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for drain cleaners
NOTE: To be read with EN 60745-1:2009
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60745-2-21:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60745-2-22:2011
IEC 60745-2-22:2011 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) //
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-22: Particular requirements for cut-off machines
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-10-18 dop : 2012-04-18 dow : 2014-04-18

EN 60746-1:2003
IEC 60746-1:2003
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers - Part 1: General
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60746-2:2003
IEC 60746-2:2003 (corrigendum May. 2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2003)
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers - Part 2: pH value
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60746-3:2002
IEC 60746-3:2002 (corrigendum Jan. 2003)
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers - Part 3: Electrolytic conductivity
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60747-5-1:2001
IEC 60747-5-1:1997
Discrete semiconductor devices and integrated circuits - Part 5-1: Optoelectronic devices - General
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60747-5-1:1997/A1:2001
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-02-01

+ A2:2002
IEC 60747-5-1:1997/A2:2002
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60747-5-2:2001
IEC 60747-5-2:1997
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110

Discrete semiconductor devices and integrated circuits - Part 5-2: Optoelectronic devices - Essential ratings and
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60747-5-2:1997/A1:2002
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 60747-5-3:2001
CLC/SR 110
Discrete semiconductor devices and integrated circuits - Part 5-3: Optoelectronic devices - Measuring methods
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60747-5-3:1997/A1:2002
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 60747-5-5:2011
IEC 60747-5-5:2007
Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices - Part 5-5: Optoelectronic devices - Photocouplers
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60747-15:2004
IEC 60747-15:2003
Discrete semiconductor devices - Part 15: Isolated power semiconductor devices
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60747-16-1:2002
IEC 60747-16-1:2001
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
Semiconductor devices - Part 16-1: Microwave integrated circuits - Amplifiers
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60747-16-1:2001/A1:2007
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60747-16-3:2002
IEC 60747-16-3:2002
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
Semiconductor devices - Part 16-3: Microwave integrated circuits - Frequency converters
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60747-16-3:2002/A1:2009
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60747-16-4:2004
IEC 60747-16-4:2004
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
Semiconductor devices - Part 16-4: Microwave integrated circuits - Switches
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2011
IEC 60747-16-4:2004/A1:2009
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60747-16-10:2004
IEC 60747-16-10:2004
CLC/SR 47E IEC/SC 47E //

Semiconductor devices - Part 16-10: Technology Approval Schedule (TAS) for monolithic microwave integrated
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60749-1:2003
IEC 60749-1:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 1: General
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60749-2:2002
IEC 60749-2:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 2: Low air pressure
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-3:2002
IEC 60749-3:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 3: External visual examination
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-4:2002
IEC 60749-4:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 4: Damp heat, steady state, highly accelerated
stress test (HAST)
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-5:2003
IEC 60749-5:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 5: Steady-state temperature humidity bias life
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 60749-6:2002
IEC 60749-6:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 6: Storage at high temperature
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-7:2002
IEC 60749-7:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 7: Internal moisture content measurement and
the analysis of other residual gases
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60749-7:2011
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60749-7:2011
IEC 60749-7:2011
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 7: Internal moisture content measurement and
the analysis of other residual gases
dor : 2011-07-22 doa : 2011-10-22 dop : 2012-04-22 dow : 2014-07-22

EN 60749-8:2003
IEC 60749-8:2002 + corrigendum Apr. 2003 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 8: Sealing
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60749-9:2002
IEC 60749-9:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 9: Permanence of marking
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-10:2002
IEC 60749-10:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 10: Mechanical shock
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-11:2002
IEC 60749-11:2002 (corrigendum Jan. 2003 + corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 11: Rapid change of temperature - Two-fluid-
bath method
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-12:2002
IEC 60749-12:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 12: Vibration, variable frequency
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-13:2002
IEC 60749-13:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 13: Salt atmosphere
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 60749-14:2003
IEC 60749-14:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 14: Robustness of terminations (lead integrity)
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60749-15:2003
IEC 60749-15:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 15: Resistance to soldering temperature for
through-hole mounted devices
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60749-15:2010
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60749-15:2010 + AC:2011
IEC 60749-15:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 15: Resistance to soldering temperature for
through-hole mounted devices
dor : 2010-12-10 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

+ AC:2011

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 15: Resistance to soldering temperature for
through-hole mounted devices
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 60749-16:2003
IEC 60749-16:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 16: Particle impact noise detection (PIND)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 60749-17:2003
IEC 60749-17:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 17: Neutron irradiation
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60749-18:2003
IEC 60749-18:2002
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 18: Ionizing radiation (total dose)
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60749-19:2003 + corrigendum Jun. 2003
IEC 60749-19:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 19: Die shear strength
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60749-19:2003/A1:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60749-20:2003
IEC 60749-20:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 20: Resistance of plastic-encapsulated SMDs to
the combined effect of moisture and soldering heat
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60749-20:2009
IEC 60749-20:2008
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 20: Resistance of plastic encapsulated SMDs to
the combined effect of moisture and soldering heat
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60749-20-1:2009
IEC 60749-20-1:2009
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 20-1: Handling, packing, labelling and shipping
of surface-mount devices sensitive to the combined effect of moisture and soldering heat
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60749-21:2005
IEC 60749-21:2004
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 21: Solderability
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60749-21:2011
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2008-01-01

EN 60749-21:2011
IEC 60749-21:2011
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 21: Solderability
dor : 2011-05-12 doa : 2011-08-12 dop : 2012-02-12 dow : 2014-05-12

EN 60749-22:2003
IEC 60749-22:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 22: Bond strength
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60749-23:2004
IEC 60749-23:2004
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 23: High temperature operating life
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 60749-23:2004/A1:2011
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 60749-24:2004
IEC 60749-24:2004
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 24: Accelerated moisture resistance - Unbiased
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60749-25:2003
IEC 60749-25:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 25: Temperature cycling
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60749-26:2006
IEC 60749-26:2006
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 26: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitivity
testing - Human body model (HBM)
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-08-01

EN 60749-27:2006
IEC 60749-27:2006
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 27: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitivity
testing - Machine model (MM)
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-08-01

EN 60749-29:2003 + corrigendum Mar. 2004
IEC 60749-29:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 29: Latch-up test
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60749-29:2011
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60749-29:2011
IEC 60749-29:2011
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 29: Latch-up test
dor : 2011-05-12 doa : 2011-08-12 dop : 2012-02-12 dow : 2014-05-12

EN 60749-30:2005
IEC 60749-30:2005
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 30: Preconditioning of non-hermetic surface
mount devices prior to reliability testing
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 60749-30:2005/A1:2011
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
dor : 2011-06-29 doa : 2011-09-29 dop : 2012-03-29 dow : 2014-06-29

EN 60749-31:2003
IEC 60749-31:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 31: Flammability of plastic-encapsulated
devices (internally induced)
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60749-32:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2003
IEC 60749-32:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 32: Flammability of plastic-encapsulated
devices (externally induced)
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60749-32:2002/A1:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60749-33:2004
IEC 60749-33:2004
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 33: Accelerated moisture resistance - Unbiased
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60749-34:2004
IEC 60749-34:2004
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 34: Power cycling
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60749-34:2010
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60749-34:2010
IEC 60749-34:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 34: Power cycling
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60749-35:2006
IEC 60749-35:2006
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 35: Acoustic microscopy for plastic
encapsulated electronic components
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60749-36:2003
IEC 60749-36:2003
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 36: Acceleration, steady state
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60749-37:2008
IEC 60749-37:2008
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 37: Board level drop test method using an
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 60749-38:2008
IEC 60749-38:2008
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 38: Soft error test method for semiconductor
devices with memory
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60749-39:2006
IEC 60749-39:2006
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 39: Measurement of moisture diffusivity and
water solubility in organic materials used for semiconductor components
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-08-01

EN 60749-40:2011
IEC 60749-40:2011
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 40: Board level drop test method using a strain
dor : 2011-08-17 doa : 2011-11-17 dop : 2012-05-17 dow : 2014-08-17

EN 60751:2008
IEC 60751:2008
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial platinum resistance thermometers and platinum temperature sensors
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 60756:1993
IEC 60756:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Non-broadcast video tape recorders - Time base stability
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 60758:2005
IEC 60758:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Synthetic quartz crystal - Specifications and guide to the use
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60758:2009
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 60758:2009
IEC 60758:2008
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Synthetic quartz crystal - Specifications and guidelines for use
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60761-1:2004
IEC 60761-1:2002 (Modified)
Equipment for continuous monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60761-2:2004
IEC 60761-2:2002 (Modified)

Equipment for continuous monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents - Part 2: Specific requirements for aerosols
monitors including transuranic aerosols
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60761-3:2004
IEC 60761-3:2002

Equipment for continuous monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents - Part 3: Specific requirements for
radioactive noble gas monitors
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60761-4:2004
IEC 60761-4:2002

Equipment for continuous monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents - Part 4: Specific requirements for iodine
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60761-5:2004
IEC 60761-5:2002 (Modified)

Equipment for continuous monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents - Part 5: Specific requirements for tritium
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60763-1:1996
IEC 60763-1:1983
Specification for laminated pressboard - Part 1: Definitions, classification and general requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60763-1:2011
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 60763-1:2011
IEC 60763-1:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Laminated pressboard for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions, classification and general requirements
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60763-2:2007
IEC 60763-2:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Specification for laminated pressboard - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 60763-3-1:1996
IEC 60763-3-1:1992

Specification for laminated pressboard - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Specifications for
laminated precompressed board - Types LB 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.3.1 and 3.3.2
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60763-3-1:2011
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60763-3-1:2011
IEC 60763-3-1:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Laminated pressboard for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Requirements
for laminated precompressed pressboard, Types LB 3.1A.1 and LB3.1A.2
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60770-1:1999
IEC 60770-1:1999
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 1: Methods for performance evaluation
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60770-1:2011
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 60770-1:2011
IEC 60770-1:2010
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 1: Methods for performance evaluation
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60770-2:2003
IEC 60770-2:2003
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 2: Methods for inspection and routine testing
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60770-2:2010
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60770-2:2010
IEC 60770-2:2010
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 2: Methods for inspection and routine testing
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 60770-3:2006
IEC 60770-3:2006
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 3: Methods for performance evaluation of intelligent
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 60774-1:1994
IEC 60774-1:1994
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type VHS - Part 1: VHS and
compact VHS video cassette system
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1995-01-01 dow : 1995-01-01

EN 60774-2:2000
IEC 60774-2:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type VHS - Part 2: FM audio
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60774-3:1993
IEC 60774-3:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type VHS - Part 3: S-VHS
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-01-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60774-4:2003
IEC 60774-4:2002
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type VHS - Part 4: S-VHS video
cassette system - ET-mode
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60774-5:2004
IEC 60774-5:2004
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type VHS - Part 5: D-VHS
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60779:2005
IEC 60779:2005 (corrigendum Dec. 2008)
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
Industrial electroheat equipment - Test methods for electroslag remelting furnaces
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60789:2005
IEC 60789:2005 (corrigendum Oct. 2009)
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics and test conditions of radionuclide imaging devices - Anger type
gamma cameras
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 60793-1-1:2008
IEC 60793-1-1:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-1: Measurement methods and test procedures - General and guidance
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60793-1-20:2002
IEC 60793-1-20:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-20: Measurement methods and test procedures - Fibre geometry
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60793-1-21:2002
IEC 60793-1-21:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-21: Measurement methods and test procedures - Coating geometry
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60793-1-22:2002
IEC 60793-1-22:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-22: Measurement methods and test procedures - Length measurement
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60793-1-30:2002
IEC 60793-1-30:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-30: Measurement methods and test procedures - Fibre proof test
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-1-30:2011
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-11-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60793-1-30:2011
IEC 60793-1-30:2010
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-30: Measurement methods and test procedures - Fibre proof test
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60793-1-31:2002
IEC 60793-1-31:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-31: Measurement methods and test procedures - Tensile strength
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-1-31:2010
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60793-1-31:2010
IEC 60793-1-31:2010
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-31: Measurement methods and test procedures - Tensile strength
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60793-1-32:2003
IEC 60793-1-32:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-32: Measurement methods and test procedures - Coating strippability
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-1-32:2010
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60793-1-32:2010
IEC 60793-1-32:2010
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-32: Measurement methods and test procedures - Coating strippability
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 60793-1-33:2002
IEC 60793-1-33:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-33: Measurement methods and test procedures - Stress corrosion susceptibility
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60793-1-34:2006
IEC 60793-1-34:2006
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-34: Measurement methods and test procedures - Fibre curl
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60793-1-40:2003
IEC 60793-1-40:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-40: Measurement methods and test procedures - Attenuation
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60793-1-41:2003
IEC 60793-1-41:2003
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-41: Measurement methods and test procedures - Bandwidth
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-1-41:2010
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60793-1-41:2010
IEC 60793-1-41:2010
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-41: Measurement methods and test procedures - Bandwidth
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60793-1-42:2007
IEC 60793-1-42:2007 + corrigendum Jun. 2007
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-42: Measurement methods and test procedures - Chromatic dispersion
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60793-1-43:2002
IEC 60793-1-43:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-43: Measurement methods and test procedures - Numerical aperture
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60793-1-44:2002
IEC 60793-1-44:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-44: Measurement methods and test procedures - Cut-off wavelength
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-1-44:2011
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60793-1-44:2011
IEC 60793-1-44:2011
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-44: Measurement methods and test procedures - Cut-off wavelength
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-08-25 dop : 2012-02-25 dow : 2014-05-25

EN 60793-1-45:2003 + corrigendum Apr. 2004
IEC 60793-1-45:2001 (Modified) + corrigendum Jul. 2002
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-45: Measurement methods and test procedures - Mode field diameter
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60793-1-46:2002
IEC 60793-1-46:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibres - Part 1-46: Measurement methods and test procedures - Monitoring of changes in optical
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-11-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60793-1-47:2007
IEC 60793-1-47:2006
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-47: Measurement methods and test procedures - Macrobending loss
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-1-47:2009
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60793-1-47:2009
IEC 60793-1-47:2009
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-47: Measurement methods and test procedures - Macrobending loss
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60793-1-48:2007
IEC 60793-1-48:2007
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-48: Measurement methods and test procedures - Polarization mode dispersion
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60793-1-49:2006
IEC 60793-1-49:2006
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-49: Measurement methods and test procedures - Differential mode delay
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60793-1-50:2002
IEC 60793-1-50:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-50: Measurement methods and test procedures - Damp heat (steady state)
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-11-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60793-1-51:2002
IEC 60793-1-51:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-51: Measurement methods and test procedures - Dry heat
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60793-1-52:2002
IEC 60793-1-52:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-52: Measurement methods and test procedures - Change of temperature
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-11-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60793-1-53:2002
IEC 60793-1-53:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-53: Measurement methods and test procedures - Water immersion
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-11-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60793-1-54:2003
IEC 60793-1-54:2003
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 1-54: Measurement methods and test procedures - Gamma irradiation
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60793-2:2008
IEC 60793-2:2007
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2: Product specifications - General
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60793-2-10:2007
IEC 60793-2-10:2007
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-10: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A1 multimode fibres
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-2-10:2011
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60793-2-10:2011
IEC 60793-2-10:2011
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-10: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A1 multimode fibres
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-07-18 dop : 2012-01-18 dow : 2014-04-18

EN 60793-2-20:2002
IEC 60793-2-20:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-20: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A2 multimode fibres
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-2-20:2009
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60793-2-20:2009
IEC 60793-2-20:2007
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-20: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A2 multimode fibres
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60793-2-30:2002
IEC 60793-2-30:2002
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-30: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A3 multimode fibres
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60793-2-30:2009
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60793-2-30:2009
IEC 60793-2-30:2007
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-30: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A3 multimode fibres
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60793-2-40:2006
IEC 60793-2-40:2006
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-40: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A4 multimode fibres
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 60793-2-40:2011
IEC 60793-2-40:2009
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-40: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A4 multimode fibres
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60793-2-50:2004 + corrigendum Jul. 2004
IEC 60793-2-50:2004
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-50: Product specifications - Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60794-2-50:2008
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60793-2-50:2008
IEC 60793-2-50:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibres - Part 2-50: Product specifications - Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 60793-2-60:2008
IEC 60793-2-60:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibres - Part 2-60: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category C single-mode intraconnection
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60794-1-1:2002
IEC 60794-1-1:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 1-1: Generic specification - General
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 60794-1-2:2003
IEC 60794-1-2:2003
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 1-2: Generic specification - Basic optical cable test procedures
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60794-2:2003
IEC 60794-2:2002
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 2: Indoor cables - Sectional specification
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60794-2-10:2003
IEC 60794-2-10:2003
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-10: Indoor cables - Family specification for simplex and duplex cables
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60794-2-11:2005
IEC 60794-2-11:2005
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 2-11: Indoor cables - Detailed specification for simplex and duplex cables for use in
premises cabling
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60794-2-20:2003
IEC 60794-2-20:2003
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-20: Indoor cables - Family specification for multi-fibre optical distribution cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60794-2-20:2010
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60794-2-20:2010
IEC 60794-2-20:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-20: Indoor cables - Family specification for multi-fibre optical distribution cables
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 60794-2-21:2006
IEC 60794-2-21:2005
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 2-21: Indoor cables - Detailed specification for multi-fibre optical distribution cables for
use in premises cabling
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60794-2-30:2003
IEC 60794-2-30:2003
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-30: Indoor cables - Family specification for optical fibre ribbon cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60794-2-30:2008
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60794-2-30:2008
IEC 60794-2-30:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-30: Indoor cables - Family specification for ribbon cables
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60794-2-31:2006
IEC 60794-2-31:2005
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 2-31: Indoor cables - Detailed specification for optical fibre ribbon cables for use in
premises cabling
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60794-2-40:2008
IEC 60794-2-40:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-40: Indoor optical fibre cables - Family specification for A4 fibre cables
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60794-2-41:2008
IEC 60794-2-41:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-41: Indoor cables - Product specification for simplex and duplex buffered A4 fibres
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60794-2-42:2008
IEC 60794-2-42:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 2-42: Indoor optical fibre cables - Product specification for simplex and duplex cables with
A4 fibres
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 60794-2-50:2008
IEC 60794-2-50:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 2-50: Indoor cables - Family specification for simplex and duplex cables for use in
terminated cable assemblies
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 60794-3:2002
IEC 60794-3:2001
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 3: Sectional specification - Outdoor cables
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60794-3-10:2002
IEC 60794-3-10:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-10: Outdoor cables - Family specification for duct and directly buried optical
telecommunication cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60794-3-10:2009
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 60794-3-10:2009 + corrigendum May. 2009
IEC 60794-3-10:2009
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-10: Outdoor cables - Family specification for duct, directly buried and lashed aerial
optical telecommunication cables
NOTE: Corrigendum to EN issued May 2009
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60794-3-11:2010
IEC 60794-3-11:2010
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-11: Outdoor cables - Product specification for duct, directly buried and lashed aerial
single-mode optical fibre telecommunication cables
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 60794-3-12:2006
IEC 60794-3-12:2005
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-12: Outdoor cables - Detailed specification for duct and directly buried optical
telecommunication cables for use in premises cabling
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60794-3-20:2002
IEC 60794-3-20:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-20: Outdoor cables - Family specification for optical self-supporting aerial
telecommunication cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60794-3-20:2009
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60794-3-20:2009
IEC 60794-3-20:2009
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-20: Outdoor cables - Family specification for self-supporting aerial telecommunication
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 60794-3-21:2006
IEC 60794-3-21:2005
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-21: Outdoor cables - Detailed specification for optical self-supporting aerial
telecommunication cables for use in premises cabling
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 60794-3-30:2003
IEC 60794-3-30:2002
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-30: Outdoor cables - Family specification for optical telecommunication cables for lake
and river crossings
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60794-3-30:2008
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60794-3-30:2008
IEC 60794-3-30:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-30: Outdoor cables - Family specification for optical telecommunication cables for lakes,
river crossings and coastal application
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 60794-3-40:2008
IEC 60794-3-40:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-40: Outdoor cables - Family specification for sewer cables and conduits for installation
by blowing and/or pulling in non-man accessible storm and sanitary sewers
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60794-3-50:2008
IEC 60794-3-50:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-50: Outdoor cables - Family specification for gas pipe cables and subducts for
installation by blowing and/or pulling/dragging in gas pipes
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60794-3-60:2008
IEC 60794-3-60:2008
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 3-60: Outdoor cables - Family specification for drinking water pipe cables and subducts
for installation by blowing and/or pulling/dragging/floating in drinking water pipes
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 60794-4:2003
IEC 60794-4:2003
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 4: Sectional specification - Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60794-4-10:2007
IEC 60794-4-10:2006
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //

Optical fibre cables - Part 4-10: Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines - Family specification for OPGW
(Optical Ground Wires)
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60794-5:2007
IEC 60794-5:2006
CLC/TC 86A IEC/SC 86A //
Optical fibre cables - Part 5: Sectional specification - Microduct cabling for installation by blowing
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 60799:1998
IEC 60799:1998
CLC/SR 23G IEC/SC 23G LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electrical accessories - Cord sets and interconnection cord sets
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60806:2004
IEC 60806:1984
Determination of the maximum symmetrical radiation field from a rotating anode X-ray tube for medical diagnosis
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-11-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : -

EN 60809:1996
IEC 60809:1995
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
Lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A1:1996
IEC 60809:1995/A1:1996
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A2:2002
IEC 60809:1995/A2:2002
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

+ A4:2009
IEC 60809:1995/A4:2009
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

+ A3:2004
IEC 60809:1995/A3:2004
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60810:2003
IEC 60810:2003
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
Lamps for road vehicles - Performance requirements
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60810:2003/A1:2008
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 60811-1-1:1995
IEC 60811-1-1:1993
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 1-1: General
application - Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determining the mechanical properties
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2001
IEC 60811-1-1:1993/A1:2001
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

EN 60811-1-2:1995
IEC 60811-1-2:1985 + A1:1989 + corrigendum May 1986
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - Part 1-2: General application -
Thermal ageing methods
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : -

+ A2:2000
IEC 60811-1-2:1985/A2:2000
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 60811-1-3:1995
IEC 60811-1-3:1993
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 1-3: General
application - Methods for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinkage test
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60811-1-3:1993/A1:2001
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60811-1-4:1995
IEC 60811-1-4:1985 + A1:1993 + corrigendum May 1986
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 1-4: General
application - Tests at low temperature
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 60811-1-4:1985/A2:2001
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60811-2-1:1998
IEC 60811-2-1:1998
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 2-1: Methods specific
to elastomeric compounds - Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral oil immersion tests
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2000-05-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60811-2-1:1998/A1:2001
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60811-3-1:1995
IEC 60811-3-1:1985 + corrigendum May 1986
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 3-1: Methods specific
to PVC compounds - Pressure test at high temperature - Tests for resistance to cracking
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1996
IEC 60811-3-1:1985/A1:1994
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 60811-3-1:1985/A2:2001
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60811-3-2:1995
IEC 60811-3-2:1985 + A1:1993 + corrigendum May 1986
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 3-2: Methods specific
to PVC compounds - Loss of mass test - Thermal stability test
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A2:2004
IEC 60811-3-2:1985/A2:2003
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60811-4-1:2004
IEC 60811-4-1:2004
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 4-1: Methods specific
to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Resistance to environmental stress cracking - Measurement of the
melt flow index - Carbon black and/or mineral filler content measurement in polyethylene by direct combustion -
Measurement of carbon black content by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) - Assessment of carbon black dispersion
in polyethylene using a microscope
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60811-4-2:2004
IEC 60811-4-2:2004
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 4-2: Methods specific
to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Tensile strength and elongation at break after conditioning at
elevated temperature - Wrapping test after conditioning at elevated temperature - Wrapping test after thermal ageing
in air - Measurement of mass increase - Long-term stability test - Test method for copper-catalyzed oxidative
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 60811-5-1:1999
IEC 60811-5-1:1990 (Modified)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 5-1: Methods specific
to filling compounds - Drop point - Separation of oil - Lower temperature brittleness - Total acid number - Absence
of corrosive components - Permittivity at 23 C - D.C. resistivity at 23 C and 100 C
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-10-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : 2001-04-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60811-5-1:1990/A1:2003
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60812:2006
IEC 60812:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60814:1997
IEC 60814:1997
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //

Insulating liquids - Oil-impregnated paper and pressboard - Determination of water by automatic coulometric Karl
Fischer titration
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 60819-1:1995
IEC 60819-1:1995
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1995-08-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

+ A1:1996
IEC 60819-1:1995/A1:1996
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 60819-2:2001
IEC 60819-2:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60819-3-1:2001
IEC 60819-3-1:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Filled glass
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60819-3-2:2001
IEC 60819-3-2:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2: Hybrid
inorganic-organic paper
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60819-3-3:2006
IEC 60819-3-3:2006 (corrigendum Feb. 2008)
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 3: Unfilled
aramid (aromatic polyamide) papers
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 60819-3-4:2001
IEC 60819-3-4:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 4: Aramid fibre
paper containing not more than 50 % of mica particles
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 60821:1994 + corrigendum Aug. 1994
IEC 60821:1991 (Modified)
IEC 60821 VMEbus - Microprocessor system bus for 1 byte to 4 byte data
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 60825-1:2007
IEC 60825-1:2007
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60825-2:2004
IEC 60825-2:2004
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Safety of laser products - Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communication systems (OFCS)
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60825-2:2004/A1:2006
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 60825-2:2004/A2:2010
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60825-4:2006
IEC 60825-4:2006
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Safety of laser products - Part 4: Laser guards
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60825-4:2006/A1:2008
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

+ A2:2011
IEC 60825-4:2006/A2:2011
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2011-05-03 doa : 2011-08-03 dop : 2012-02-03 dow : 2014-05-03

EN 60825-12:2004
IEC 60825-12:2004
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

Safety of laser products - Part 12: Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60831-1:1996
IEC 60831-1:1996
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-02-01 dop : 1997-08-01 dow : 1997-08-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60831-1:1996/A1:2002
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60831-2:1996
IEC 60831-2:1995
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 2: Ageing test, self-healing test and destruction test
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60832:1996
IEC 60832:1988 (Modified) (corrigendum May. 2000)
Insulating poles (insulating sticks) and universal tool attachments (fittings) for live working
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60832-1:2010 and EN 60832-2:2010.
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 60832-1:2010 + corrigendum Aug. 2010
IEC 60832-1:2010
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Insulating sticks and attachable devices - Part 1: Insulating sticks
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60832-2:2010 + corrigendum Aug. 2010
IEC 60832-2:2010
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Insulating sticks and attachable devices - Part 2: Attachable devices
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60834-1:1999
IEC 60834-1:1999
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Teleprotection equipment of power systems - Performance and testing - Part 1: Command systems
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60835-1-1:1992
IEC 60835-1-1:1990
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 1:
Measurements common to terrestrial radio-relay systems and satellite earth stations - Section 1: General
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

EN 60835-1-2:1993
IEC 60835-1-2:1992
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 1:
Measurements common to terrestrial radio-relay systems and satellite earth stations - Section 2: Basic characteristics
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 60835-1-2:1992/A1:1995
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 60835-1-3:1995
IEC 60835-1-3:1992
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 1:
Measurements common to terrestrial radio-relay systems and satellite earth stations - Section 3: Transmission
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1995-03-15 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

+ A1:1995
IEC 60835-1-3:1992/A1:1995
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1995-08-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60835-1-4:1995
IEC 60835-1-4:1992
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 1:
Measurements common to terrestrial radio-relay systems and satellite earth stations - Section 4: Transmission
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1995-03-15 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

+ A1:1995
IEC 60835-1-4:1992/A1:1995
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 60835-2-1:1992
IEC 60835-2-1:1990
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 1: General
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

EN 60835-2-2:1994
IEC 60835-2-2:1994
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on radio-relay systems - Section 2: Antenna
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-08-01 dop : 1995-05-01 dow : 1995-05-01

EN 60835-2-3:1993
IEC 60835-2-3:1992
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 3: RF branching networks
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

EN 60835-2-4:1995
IEC 60835-2-4:1993
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 4: Transmitter/receiver including modulator/demodulator
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60835-2-4:1993/A1:1997
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 1998-08-01

EN 60835-2-5:1995
IEC 60835-2-5:1993
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 5: Digital signal processing sub-system
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 60835-2-6:1995
IEC 60835-2-6:1995
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 6: Protection switching
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60835-2-7:1994
IEC 60835-2-7:1994
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 7: Diversity switching and combining equipment
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 60835-2-8:1993
IEC 60835-2-8:1993
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 8: Adaptive equalizer
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-11-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

+ A1:1996
IEC 60835-2-8:1993/A1:1996
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60835-2-9:1995
IEC 60835-2-9:1995
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 9: Service channels
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 60835-2-10:1993
IEC 60835-2-10:1992
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 10: Overall system performance
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 60835-2-11:1997
IEC 60835-2-11:1996
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 2:
Measurements on terrestrial radio-relay systems - Section 11: Cross-polarization interference canceller
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 60835-3-1:1992
IEC 60835-3-1:1990
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 1: General
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

EN 60835-3-2:1996
IEC 60835-3-2:1995
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 2: Antenna
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60835-3-4:1995
IEC 60835-3-4:1993
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 4: Low noise amplifier
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60835-3-5:1994
IEC 60835-3-5:1994
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 5: Up- and down-converters
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-07-01 dop : 1995-04-01 dow : 1995-04-01

EN 60835-3-6:1996
IEC 60835-3-6:1996
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 6: High power amplifiers
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 60835-3-7:1995
IEC 60835-3-7:1995
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 7: Figure-of-merit of receiving system
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1995-08-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 60835-3-9:1995
IEC 60835-3-9:1993
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3: Measurement
on satellite earth stations - Section 9: Terminal equipment SCPC-PSK
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 60835-3-10:1994
IEC 60835-3-10:1994
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 10: Terminal equipment - TDMA traffic earth stations
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 60835-3-11:1995
IEC 60835-3-11:1995
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 11: Service channel equipment for SCPC-PSK transmission
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 60835-3-12:1995
IEC 60835-3-12:1993
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 12: Overall system performance
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 60835-3-13:1996
IEC 60835-3-13:1996
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 13: VSAT systems
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 60835-3-14:1996
IEC 60835-3-14:1996
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102 //

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 14: Earth stations for satellite news gathering (SNG)
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60836:2005
IEC 60836:2005
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Specifications for unused silicone insulating liquids for electrotechnical purposes
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 60838-1:2004
IEC 60838-1:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Miscellaneous lampholders - Part 1: General requirements and tests
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60838-1:2004/A1:2008
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A2:2011
IEC 60838-1:2004/A2:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-07-18 dop : 2012-01-18 dow : 2014-04-18

EN 60838-2-1:1996
IEC 60838-2-1:1994
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC)
Miscellaneous lampholders - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 1: Lampholders S14
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

+ A1:1998
IEC 60838-2-1:1994/A1:1998
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2005-08-01

+ A2:2004
IEC 60838-2-1:1994/A2:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 60838-2-2:2006
IEC 60838-2-2:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Miscellaneous lampholders - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Connectors for LED-modules
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 60843-1:1994
IEC 60843-1:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 8 mm magnetic tape - 8 mm Video - Part 1: General specifications
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-06-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60843-2:1995
IEC 60843-2:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 8 mm magnetic tape - 8 mm Video - Part 2: PCM multi-track audio
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60843-3:1993
IEC 60843-3:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 8 mm magnetic tape - 8 mm Video - Part 3: High-band specifications
for Hi 8
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-11-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60843-4:2000
IEC 60843-4:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 8 mm magnetic tape (8 mm video) - Part 4: Video subcode (VSC)
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 60846:2004
IEC 60846:2002 (Modified)

Radiation protection instrumentation - Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for
beta, X and gamma radiation
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-10 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 60848:2002
IEC 60848:2002
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
GRAFCET specification language for sequential function charts
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 60849:1998
IEC 60849:1998
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound systems for emergency purposes
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60851-1:1996
IEC 60851-1:1996
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 1: General
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60851-1:1996/A1:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 60851-1:1996/A2:2009
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 60851-2:1996
IEC 60851-2:1996
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 2: Determination of dimensions
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60851-2:2009
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60851-2:1996/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

+ A2:2003
IEC 60851-2:1996/A2:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 60851-2:2009
IEC 60851-2:2009
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 2: Determination of dimensions
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60851-3:1996
IEC 60851-3:1996
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 3: Mechanical properties
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60851-3:2009
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60851-3:1996/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

+ A2:2003
IEC 60851-3:1996/A2:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 60851-3:2009
IEC 60851-3:2009
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 3: Mechanical properties
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60851-4:1996
IEC 60851-4:1996
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 4: Chemical properties
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60851-4:1996/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60851-4:1996/A2:2005
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60851-5:2008
IEC 60851-5:2008
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 5: Electrical properties
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 60851-5:2008/A1:2011
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2011-07-26 doa : 2011-10-26 dop : 2012-04-26 dow : 2014-07-26

EN 60851-6:1996
IEC 60851-6:1996
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 6: Thermal properties
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

+ A1:1997
IEC 60851-6:1996/A1:1997
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2004
IEC 60851-6:1996/A2:2003
CLC/TC 55 IEC/TC 55 //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60852-4:1996
IEC 60852-4:1996
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment - Part 4:
Transformers and inductors using YUI-2 laminations
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 60855:1996
IEC 60855:1985 (Modified)
Insulating foam-filled tubes and solid rods for live working
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 60856:1993
IEC 60856:1986
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Pre-recorded optical reflective videodisk system "Laser vision" 50 Hz/625 lines - PAL
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : -

+ A1:1993 + corrigendum Jun. 1993
IEC 60856:1986/A1:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

+ A2:1997
IEC 60856:1986/A2:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60861:2008
IEC 60861:2006 (Modified)
Equipment for monitoring of radionuclides in liquid effluents and surface waters
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60862-1:2003
IEC 60862-1:2003
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters of assessed quality - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60862-2:2002
IEC 60862-2:2002
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters of assessed quality - Part 2: Guidance on use
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 60862-3:2003
IEC 60862-3:2003
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60864-2:1997
IEC 60864-2:1997
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 //

Standardization of interconnections between broadcasting transmitters or transmitter systems and supervisory
equipment - Part 2: Interface standards for systems using data bus type interconnections
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 60865-1:1993
IEC 60865-1:1993 (corrigendum Mar. 1995)
CLC/SR 73 IEC/TC 73 //
Short-circuit currents - Calculation of effects - Part 1: Definitions and calculation methods
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-01-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

EN 60867:1994
IEC 60867:1993
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Specifications for unused liquids based on synthetic aromatic hydrocarbons
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 60869-1:2000
IEC 60869-1:1999
CLC/SR 86B IEC/SC 86B //
Fibre optic attenuators - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60870-2-1:1996
IEC 60870-2-1:1995
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 2: Operating conditions - Section 1: Power supply and electromagnetic
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 60870-2-2:1996
IEC 60870-2-2:1996
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 2: Operating conditions - Section 2: Environmental conditions (climatic,
mechanical and other non-electrical influences)
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 60870-5-1:1993
IEC 60870-5-1:1990
Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 1: Transmission frame formats
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

EN 60870-5-2:1993
IEC 60870-5-2:1992
Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 2: Link transmission procedures
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

EN 60870-5-3:1992
IEC 60870-5-3:1992
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 3: General structure of application data
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-12-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

EN 60870-5-4:1993
IEC 60870-5-4:1993
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 4: Definition and coding of application
information elements
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1993-11-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60870-5-5:1995
IEC 60870-5-5:1995
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 5: Basic application functions
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 60870-5-6:2009
IEC 60870-5-6:2006

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5-6: Guidelines for conformance testing for the EN 60870-5 companion
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60870-5-101:2003
IEC 60870-5-101:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5-101: Transmission protocols - Companion standard for basic telecontrol
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60870-5-102:1996
IEC 60870-5-102:1996
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 102: Companion standard for the
transmission of integrated totals in electric power systems
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 60870-5-103:1998
IEC 60870-5-103:1997
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5-103: Transmission protocols - Companion standard for the informative
interface of protection equipment
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 60870-5-104:2006
IEC 60870-5-104:2006
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5-104: Transmission protocols - Network access for IEC 60870-5-101
using standard transport profiles
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 60870-6-2:1995
IEC 60870-6-2:1995
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T
recommendations - Section 2: Use of basic standards (OSI layers 1-4)
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60870-6-501:1996
IEC 60870-6-501:1995
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T
recommendations - Section 501: TASE.1 Service definitions
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60870-6-502:1996
IEC 60870-6-502:1995
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T
recommendations - Section 502: TASE.1 Protocol definitions
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60870-6-503:2002
IEC 60870-6-503:2002
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6-503: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T
recommendations - TASE.2 Services and protocol
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 60870-6-601:1995
IEC 60870-6-601:1994
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T
recommendations - Section 601: Functional Profile for providing the Connection-Oriented Transport Service in End
System connected via permanent access to a Packet Switched Data Network
dor : 1995-02-15 doa : 1995-05-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 60870-6-701:1998
IEC 60870-6-701:1998
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6-701: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T
recommendations - Functional profile for providing the TASE.1 application service in end systems
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60870-6-702:1998
IEC 60870-6-702:1998
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6-702: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T
recommendations - Functional profile for providing the TASE.2 application service in end systems
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 60870-6-802:2002
IEC 60870-6-802:2002
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6-802: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T
recommendations - TASE.2 Object models
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60870-6-802:2002/A1:2005
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 60871-1:2005
IEC 60871-1:2005
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 //
Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V - Part 1: General
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60871-4:1996
IEC 60871-4:1996
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 //
Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1 kV - Part 4: Internal fuses
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-11-01 dop : 1997-05-01 dow : 1997-05-01

EN 60873-1:2004
IEC 60873-1:2003
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Electrical and pneumatic analogue chart recorders for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 1: Methods for
performance evaluation
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60873-2:2004
IEC 60873-2:2004
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Electrical and pneumatic analogue chart recorders for use in industrial process control systems - Part 2: Guidance for
inspection and routine testing
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60874-1:2007
IEC 60874-1:2006
Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 60874-1-1:2007
IEC 60874-1-1:2006
Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60874-17:1997
IEC 60874-17:1995 + corrigendum May 1996

Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 17: Sectional specification for fibre optic connector - Type F-05
(friction lock)
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 60874-19:1997
IEC 60874-19:1995 + corrigendum May 1996

Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 19: Sectional specification for fibre optic connector - Type SC-
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60875-1:2010
IEC 60875-1:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Non-wavelength-selective fibre optic branching
devices - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 60875-1-1:1998
IEC 60875-1-1:1996
Fibre optic branching devices - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 60876-1:2001
IEC 60876-1:2001
Fibre optic spatial switches - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60880:2009
IEC 60880:2006

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Software aspects for computer-
based systems performing category A functions
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60885-2:2003
IEC 60885-2:1987
Electrical test methods for electric cables - Part 2: Partial discharge tests
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60885-3:2003
IEC 60885-3:1988

Electrical test methods for electric cables - Part 3: Test methods for partial discharge measurements on lengths of
extruded power cables
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60889:1997
IEC 60889:1987
Hard-drawn aluminium wire for overhead line conductors
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : -

EN 60891:1994
IEC 60891:1987 + A1:1992

Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections to measured I-V characteristics of crystalline silicon
photovoltaic devices
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60891:2010
IEC 60891:2009
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic devices - Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections to measured I-V characteristics
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60893-1:2004
IEC 60893-1:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 1:
Definitions, designations and general requirements
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60893-2:2004
IEC 60893-2:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 2:
Methods of test
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 60893-3-1:2004
IEC 60893-3-1:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-
1: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for types of industrial rigid laminated sheets
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 60893-3-2:2004
IEC 60893-3-2:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-
2: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on epoxy resins
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2011
IEC 60893-3-2:2003/A1:2011
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2011-07-01 doa : 2011-10-01 dop : 2012-04-01 dow : 2014-07-01

EN 60893-3-3:2004
IEC 60893-3-3:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-
3: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on melamine resins
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 60893-3-4:2004
IEC 60893-3-4:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-
4: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on phenolic resins
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 60893-3-5:2004
IEC 60893-3-5:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-
5: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on polyester resins
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60893-3-5:2003/A1:2009
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60893-3-6:2004
IEC 60893-3-6:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-
6: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on silicone resins
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60893-3-6:2003/A1:2009
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60893-3-7:2004
IEC 60893-3-7:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-
7: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on polyimide resins
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60893-3-7:2003/A1:2009
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60895:2003
IEC 60895:2002 (Modified) + corrigendum Feb. 2003
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC) //
Live working - Conductive clothing for use at nominal voltage up to 800 kV a.c. and 600 kV d.c.
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60896-11:2003
IEC 60896-11:2002
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Stationary lead-acid batteries - Part 11: Vented types - General requirements and methods of tests
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 60896-21:2004
IEC 60896-21:2004
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Stationary lead-acid batteries - Part 21: Valve regulated types - Methods of test
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60896-22:2004
IEC 60896-22:2004
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Stationary lead-acid batteries - Part 22: Valve regulated types - Requirements
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60898-1:2003 + corrigendum Feb. 2004
IEC 60898-1:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electrical accessories - Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 1:
Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2008-10-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 60898-1:2002/A1:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-03-16 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2008-10-01

+ A11:2005
CLC/TC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A12:2008
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : -

+ IS1:2007

Electrical accessories - Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 1:
Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation
dor : 2007-05-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ IS2:2007

Electrical accessories - Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 1:
Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation
dor : 2007-05-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ IS3:2007

Electrical accessories - Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 1:
Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation
dor : 2007-05-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ IS4:2007

Electrical accessories - Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 1:
Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation
dor : 2007-05-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60898-2:2006
IEC 60898-2:2000 (Modified) + A1:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electrical accessories - Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 2:
Circuit-breakers for a.c. and d.c. operation
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 60900:2004
IEC 60900:2004
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Hand tools for use up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c.
dor : 2004-03-16 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 60901:1996
IEC 60901:1996
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A1:1997 + corrigendum Oct. 1997
IEC 60901:1996/A1:1997
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60901:1996/A2:2000
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

+ A3:2004
IEC 60901:1996/A3:2004
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

+ A4:2008
IEC 60901:1996/A4:2007
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60903:2003
IEC 60903:2002 (Modified) + corrigendum Feb. 2003 (corrigendum Jan. 2005)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC) //
Live working - Gloves of insulating material
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60904-1:2006
IEC 60904-1:2006
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic devices - Part 1: Measurement of photovoltaic current-voltage characteristics
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60904-2:2007
IEC 60904-2:2007
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic devices - Part 2: Requirements for reference solar devices
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 60904-3:2008
IEC 60904-3:2008
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //

Photovoltaic devices - Part 3: Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference
spectral irradiance data
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60904-4:2009
IEC 60904-4:2009
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic devices - Part 4: Reference solar devices - Procedures for establishing calibration traceability
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60904-5:1995
IEC 60904-5:1993

Photovoltaic devices - Part 5: Determination of the equivalent cell temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices
by the open-circuit voltage method
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60904-5:2011
IEC 60904-5:2011
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //

Photovoltaic devices - Part 5: Determination of the equivalent cell temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices
by the open-circuit voltage method
dor : 2011-03-24 doa : 2011-06-24 dop : 2011-12-24 dow : 2014-03-24

EN 60904-7:1998
IEC 60904-7:1998
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //

Photovoltaic devices - Part 7: Computation of spectral mismatch error introduced in the testing of a photovoltaic
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60904-7:2009
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60904-7:2009
IEC 60904-7:2008
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //

Photovoltaic devices - Part 7: Computation of the spectral mismatch correction for measurements of photovoltaic
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 60904-8:1998
IEC 60904-8:1998
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic devices - Part 8: Measurement of spectral response of a photovoltaic (PV) device
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60904-9:2007
IEC 60904-9:2007
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic devices - Part 9: Solar simulator performance requirements
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60904-10:1998
IEC 60904-10:1998
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic devices - Part 10: Methods of linearity measurement
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60904-10:2010
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 60904-10:2010
IEC 60904-10:2009
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic devices - Part 10: Methods of linearity measurement
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60908:1999
IEC 60908:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Audio recording - Compact disc digital audio system
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-05-01 dop : 1999-11-01 dow : 2001-11-01

EN 60909-0:2001
IEC 60909-0:2001 (corrigendum Feb. 2002)
CLC/SR 73 IEC/TC 73 //
Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 0: Calculation of currents
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 60909-3:2003
IEC 60909-3:2003
CLC/SR 73 IEC/TC 73 //

Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c systems - Part 3: Currents during two separate simultaneous line-to-earth
short-circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60909-3:2010
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 60909-3:2010
IEC 60909-3:2009
CLC/SR 73 IEC/TC 73 //

Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c systems - Part 3: Currents during two separate simultaneous line-to-earth
short-circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60915:2007 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
IEC 60915:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2008
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Capacitors and resistors for use in electronic equipment - Preferred dimensions of shaft ends, bushes and for the
mounting of single-hole, bush-mounted, shaft-operated electronic components
NOTE: Title modified by IEC (corr. Feb. 2008)
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60917-1:1998
IEC 60917-1:1998
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 1: Generic
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 60917-1:1998/A1:2000
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 60917-2:1994
IEC 60917-2:1992

Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2: Sectional
specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 60917-2-1:1995
IEC 60917-2-1:1993

Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2: Sectional
specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Section 1: Detail specification
- Dimensions for cabinets and racks
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60917-2-2:1996
IEC 60917-2-2:1994

Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2: Sectional
specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Section 2: Detail specification
- Dimensions for subracks, chassis, backplanes, front panels and plug-in units
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60917-2-3:2006
IEC 60917-2-3:2006
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2-3: Sectional
specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Extended detail specification -
Dimensions for subracks, chassis, backplanes, front panels and plug-in units
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 60917-2-4:2010
IEC 60917-2-4:2010
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2-4: Sectional
specification - Interface coordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Adaptation dimensions for
subracks or chassis applicable in cabinets or racks in accordance with IEC 60297-3-100 (19 in)
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60921:1991
IEC 60921:1988 (Modified)
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60921:2004
dor : 1991-03-15 doa : 1991-09-01 dop : 1992-03-01 dow : 1992-03-01

+ A1:1992
IEC 60921:1988/A1:1990
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-12-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

+ A2:1995
IEC 60921:1988/A2:1994
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60921:2004
IEC 60921:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60921:2004/A1:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60923:1995/A1:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60923:1996
IEC 60923:1995
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Auxiliaries for lamps - Ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding tubular fluorescent lamps) - Performance
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60923:2005
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60923:2005
IEC 60923:2005
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Auxiliaries for lamps - Ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding tubular fluorescent lamps) - Performance
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60923:2005/A1:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 60925:1991
IEC 60925:1989
D.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
dor : 1990-06-11 doa : 1991-03-01 dop : 1991-09-01 dow : 1991-09-01

+ A1:1996
IEC 60925:1989/A1:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 60925:1989/A2:2001
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
dor : 2001-04-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 60927:1996
IEC 60927:1996
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Auxiliaries for lamps - Starting devices (other than glow starters) - Performance requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60927:2007
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A1:1999
IEC 60927:1996/A1:1999
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A2:2004
IEC 60927:1996/A2:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 60927:2007 + corrigendum Aug. 2008
IEC 60927:2007
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Auxiliaries for lamps - Starting devices (other than glow starters) - Performance requirements
dor : 2007-09-11 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60929:2004
IEC 60929:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
A.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60929:2006
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60929:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 60929:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
AC-supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60929:2011
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 60929:2011
IEC 60929:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
AC and/or DC-supplied electronic control gear for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
dor : 2011-06-23 doa : 2011-09-23 dop : 2012-03-23 dow : 2014-06-23

EN 60931-1:1996
IEC 60931-1:1996
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV
- Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-02-01 dop : 1997-08-01 dow : 1997-08-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 60931-1:1996/A1:2002
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 60931-2:1996
IEC 60931-2:1995
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV
- Part 2: Ageing test and destruction test
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60931-3:1996
IEC 60931-3:1996
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV
- Part 3: Internal fuses
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-11-01 dop : 1997-05-01 dow : 1997-05-01

EN 60933-3:1992
IEC 60933-3:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio, video and audiovisual systems - Interconnections and matching values - Part 3: Interface for the
interconnection of ENG cameras and portable VTRs using non-composite signals, for 625 line/50 field systems
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-11-01 dop : 1993-08-01 dow : 1993-08-01

EN 60933-4:1994
IEC 60933-4:1994
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio, video and audiovisual systems - Interconnections and matching values - Part 4: Connector and cordset for
domestic digital bus (D2B)
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-07-01 dop : 1995-04-01 dow : 1995-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60933-5:1993
IEC 60933-5:1992
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio, video and audiovisual systems - Interconnections and matching values - Part 5: Y/C connector for video
systems - Electrical matching values and description of the connector
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

EN 60934:2001
IEC 60934:2000
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE)
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60934:2000/A1:2007
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60938-1:1999
IEC 60938-1:1999
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
Fixed inductors for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60938-1:1999/A1:2006
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60938-2:1999
IEC 60938-2:1999
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
Fixed inductors for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 2: Sectional specification
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60938-2:1999/A1:2006
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 60938-2-1:1999
IEC 60938-2-1:1999
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed inductors for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Inductors for
which safety tests are required - Assessment level D
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60938-2-2:1999
IEC 60938-2-2:1999
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed inductors for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 2-2: Blank detail specification - Inductors for
which safety tests are required (only)
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 60939-1:2005 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
IEC 60939-1:2005 (corrigendum Nov. 2005)
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 1: Generic specification
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60939-1:2010
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60939-1:2010
IEC 60939-1:2010
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60939-2:2005
IEC 60939-2:2005 (corrigendum Nov. 2005)
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 2: Sectional specification: Passive filter units
for which safety tests are appropriate - Test methods and general requirements
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60939-2-1:2004
IEC 60939-2-1:2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Complete filter units for radio interference suppression - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Passive filter units for
electromagnetic interference suppression - Filters for which safety tests are required (assessment level D/DZ)
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60939-2-2:2004
IEC 60939-2-2:2004
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Complete filter units for radio interference suppression - Part 2-2: Blank detail specification - Passive filter units for
electromagnetic interference suppression - Filters for which safety tests are required (safety tests only)
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60942:2003
IEC 60942:2003
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Sound calibrators
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 60945:2002
IEC 60945:2002 (corrigendum Apr. 2008)
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - General requirements - Methods of testing
and required test results
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60947-1:2007
IEC 60947-1:2007
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General rules
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 60947-1:2007/A1:2010
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 60947-2:2006
IEC 60947-2:2006
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60947-2:2006/A1:2009
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60947-3:1999
IEC 60947-3:1999 (corrigendum Jul. 1999)
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-
combination units
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60947-3:2009
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 60947-3:1999/A1:2001 (corrigendum Aug. 2001)
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60947-3:1999/A2:2005
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 60947-3:2009
IEC 60947-3:2008
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-
combination units
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60947-4-1:2001
IEC 60947-4-1:2000 (corrigendum Jul. 2001)
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters - Electromechanical contactors and
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60947-4-1:2010
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-09-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60947-4-1:2000/A1:2002
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 60947-4-1:2000/A2:2005
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 60947-4-1:2010
IEC 60947-4-1:2009
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters - Electromechanical contactors and
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 60947-4-2:2000
IEC 60947-4-2:1999
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-2: Contactors and motor-starters - AC semiconductor motor
controllers and starters
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60947-4-2:1999/A1:2001 (corrigendum Mar. 2002)
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2006
IEC 60947-4-2:1999/A2:2006
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 60947-4-3:2000
IEC 60947-4-3:1999 (corrigendum May. 2000)
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-3: Contactors and motor-starters - AC semiconductor controllers
and contactors for non-motor loads
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60947-4-3:1999/A1:2006
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

+ A2:2011
IEC 60947-4-3:1999/A2:2011
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-07-18 dop : 2012-03-02 dow : 2014-04-18

EN 60947-5-1:2004 + corrigendum Jul. 2005
IEC 60947-5-1:2003
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-1: Control circuit devices and switching elements -
Electromechanical control circuit devices
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 60947-5-1:2003/A1:2009
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 60947-5-2:2007
IEC 60947-5-2:2007
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-2: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Proximity
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60947-5-3:1999
IEC 60947-5-3:1999
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-3: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Requirements
for proximity devices with defined behaviour under fault conditions (PDF)
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-08-01 dop : 2000-02-01 dow : 2002-05-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60947-5-3:1999/A1:2005
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60947-5-4:2003
IEC 60947-5-4:2002
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC)

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-4: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Method of
assessing the performance of low-energy contacts - Special tests
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60947-5-5:1997
IEC 60947-5-5:1997
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-5: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Electrical
emergency stop device with mechanical latching function
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 1998-08-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60947-5-5:1997/A1:2005 (corrigendum Jul. 2007)
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60947-5-6:2000
IEC 60947-5-6:1999
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-6: Control circuit devices and switching elements - DC interface for
proximity sensors and switching amplifiers (NAMUR)
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60947-5-7:2003
IEC 60947-5-7:2003
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-7: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Requirements
for proximity devices with analogue output
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 60947-5-8:2006
IEC 60947-5-8:2006
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-8: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Three-position
enabling switches
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 60947-5-9:2007
IEC 60947-5-9:2006
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-9: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Flow rate
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 60947-6-1:2005
IEC 60947-6-1:2005
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 6-1: Multiple function equipment - Transfer switching equipment
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60947-6-2:2003
IEC 60947-6-2:2002
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 6-2: Multiple function equipment - Control and protective switching
devices (or equipment) (CPS)
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-09-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 60947-6-2:2002/A1:2007
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60947-7-1:2002
IEC 60947-7-1:2002 (corrigendum Mar. 2003)
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-1: Ancillary equipment - Terminal blocks for copper conductors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60947-7-1:2009
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60947-7-1:2009
IEC 60947-7-1:2009
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-1: Ancillary equipment - Terminal blocks for copper conductors
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60947-7-2:2002
IEC 60947-7-2:2002
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-2: Ancillary equipment - Protective conductor terminal blocks for
copper conductors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60947-7-2:2009
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60947-7-2:2009
IEC 60947-7-2:2009
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-2: Ancillary equipment - Protective conductor terminal blocks for
copper conductors
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60947-7-3:2002
IEC 60947-7-3:2002 (corrigendum Mar. 2003)
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-3: Ancillary equipment - Safety requirements for fuse terminal
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60947-7-3:2009
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 60947-7-3:2009
IEC 60947-7-3:2009
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-3: Ancillary equipment - Safety requirements for fuse terminal
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 60947-8:2003
IEC 60947-8:2003
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 8: Control units for built-in thermal protection (PTC) for rotating
electrical machines
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 60947-8:2003/A1:2006
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 60948:1990
IEC 60948:1988
Numeric keyboard for home electronic systems (HES)
dor : 1990-06-11 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60950-1:2006
IEC 60950-1:2005 (Modified) (corrigendum Aug. 2006)
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60950-1:2005/A1:2009 (Modified)
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

+ A11:2009
CLC/TC 108X GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

+ A12:2011
CLC/TC 108X GPSD (2001/95/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)
dor : 2011-01-24 doa : 2011-07-24 dop : 2012-01-24 dow : 2013-01-24

EN 60950-21:2003
IEC 60950-21:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 21: Remote power feeding
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 60950-22:2006 + corrigendum Oct. 2008
IEC 60950-22:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 22: Equipment installed outdoors
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

+ A11:2008 + corrigendum Oct. 2009
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 60950-23:2006 + corrigendum Oct. 2008
IEC 60950-23:2005
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 23: Large data storage equipment
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 60952-1:2004
IEC 60952-1:2004
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Aircraft batteries - Part 1: General test requirements and performance levels
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60952-2:2004
IEC 60952-2:2004
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Aircraft batteries - Part 2: Design and construction requirements
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 60952-3:2004
IEC 60952-3:2004
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Aircraft batteries - Part 3: Product specification and declaration of design and performance (DDP)
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60953-1:1995
IEC 60953-1:1990

Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests - Part 1: Method A - High accuracy for large condensing steam
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 60953-2:1995
IEC 60953-2:1990

Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests - Part 2: Method B - Wide range of accuracy for various types and
sizes of turbines
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 60953-3:2002
IEC 60953-3:2001
CLC/SR 5 IEC/TC 5 //

Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests - Part 3: Thermal performance verification tests of retrofitted steam
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 60958-1:2004
IEC 60958-1:2004
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio interface - Part 1: General
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60958-1:2008
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60958-1:2008
IEC 60958-1:2008
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital audio interface - Part 1: General
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 60958-3:2006
IEC 60958-3:2006
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio interface - Part 3: Consumer applications
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 60958-3:2006/A1:2009
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 60958-4:2003
IEC 60958-4:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital audio interface - Part 4: Professional applications
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 60958-4:2003/A1:2008
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 60961:1994
IEC 60961:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type L
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60964:2010
IEC 60964:2009
Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Design
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60965:2011
IEC 60965:2009

Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Supplementary control points for reactor shutdown without access to the
main control room
dor : 2011-08-08 doa : 2012-02-08 dop : 2012-08-08 dow : 2014-08-08

EN 60966-1:1999
IEC 60966-1:1999

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and test
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-08-01 dop : 2000-02-01 dow : 2002-05-01

EN 60966-2-1:2003
IEC 60966-2-1:2003
Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-1: Sectional specification for flexible coaxial cable assemblies
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60966-2-1:2009
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60966-2-1:2009
IEC 60966-2-1:2008
CLC/SC 46XA IEC/TC 46 //
Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-1: Sectional specification for flexible coaxial cable assemblies
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60966-2-2:2003
IEC 60966-2-2:2003

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-2: Blank detail specification for flexible coaxial cable
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60966-2-3:2003
IEC 60966-2-3:2003
Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-3: Detail specification for flexible coaxial cable assemblies
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60966-2-3:2009
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60966-2-3:2009
IEC 60966-2-3:2009
CLC/SC 46XA IEC/TC 46 //

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-3: Detail specification for flexible coaxial cable assemblies -
Frequency range 0 MHz to 1 000 MHz, IEC 61169-8 connectors
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60966-2-4:2003
IEC 60966-2-4:2003

Radio frequency and coaxial cables assemblies - Part 2-4: Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV
receivers - Frequency range 0 to 3 000 MHz, IEC 61169-2 connectors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60966-2-4:2009
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60966-2-4:2009
IEC 60966-2-4:2009
CLC/TC 46X IEC/TC 46 //

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-4: Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV
receivers - Frequency range 0 MHz to 3 000 MHz, IEC 61169-2 connectors
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60966-2-5:2003
IEC 60966-2-5:2003

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-5: Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV
receivers - Frequency range 0 to 1 000 MHz, IEC 61169-2 connectors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60966-2-5:2009
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 60966-2-5:2009
IEC 60966-2-5:2009
CLC/TC 46X IEC/TC 46 //

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-5: Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV
receivers - Frequency range 0 MHz to 1 000 MHz, IEC 61169-2 connectors
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60966-2-6:2003
IEC 60966-2-6:2003

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-6: Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV
receivers - Frequency range 0 to 3 000 MHz, IEC 61169-24 connectors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60966-2-6:2009
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 60966-2-6:2009
IEC 60966-2-6:2009
CLC/TC 46X IEC/TC 46 //

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 2-6: Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV
receivers - Frequency range 0 MHz to 3 000 MHz, IEC 61169-24 connectors
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 60966-3:2003
IEC 60966-3:2003

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 3: Sectional specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60966-3:2009
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60966-3:2009
IEC 60966-3:2008
CLC/SC 46XA IEC/TC 46 //

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 3: Sectional specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 60966-3-1:2003
IEC 60966-3-1:2003

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 3-1: Blank detail specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60966-3-1:2009
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60966-3-1:2009
IEC 60966-3-1:2009
CLC/SC 46XA IEC/TC 46 //

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 3-1: Blank detail specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 60966-3-2:2003
IEC 60966-3-2:2003

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 3-2: Detail specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable
assemblies for GSM use (0,8 GHz - 1 GHz)
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60966-4:2003
IEC 60966-4:2003
Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 4: Sectional specification for semi-rigid coaxial cable assemblies
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60966-4-1:2003
IEC 60966-4-1:2003

Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 4-1: Blank detail specification for semi-rigid coaxial cable
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 60968:1990
IEC 60968:1988 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC)
Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Safety requirements
dor : 1990-06-11 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

+ A1:1993
IEC 60968:1988/A1:1991
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

+ A2:1999
IEC 60968:1988/A2:1999
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 60969:1993
IEC 60969:1988
Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : -

+ A1:1993 + corrigendum Jun. 1993
IEC 60969:1988/A1:1991
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

+ A2:2000
IEC 60969:1988/A2:2000
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60970:2007 + corrigendum Jan. 2008
IEC 60970:2007
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Methods for counting and sizing particles
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

EN 60974-1:2005
IEC 60974-1:2005
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 60974-2:2008
IEC 60974-2:2007
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 2: Liquid cooling systems
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 60974-1:2005
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60974-3:2007
IEC 60974-3:2007
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 3: Arc striking and stabilizing devices
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 60974-1:2005
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 60974-4:2007
IEC 60974-4:2006
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 //
Arc welding equipment - Part 4: In-service inspection and testing
NOTE: To be read with EN 60974-1:2005 * Superseded by EN 60974-4:2011
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 60974-4:2011
IEC 60974-4:2010
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 //
Arc welding equipment - Part 4: Periodic inspection and testing
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 60974-5:2008
IEC 60974-5:2007
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 5: Wire feeders
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 60974-1:2005 and EN 60974-7:2005
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 60974-6:2003 + corrigendum May. 2005
IEC 60974-6:2003
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 6: Limited duty manual metal arc welding power sources
NOTE: To be read with EN 60974-1:1998
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 60974-6:2011
IEC 60974-6:2010
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 6: Limited duty equipment
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60974-7:2005
IEC 60974-7:2005
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 7:Torches
NOTE: To be read with EN 60974-1:2005
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 60974-8:2004
IEC 60974-8:2004
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 8: Gas consoles for welding and plasma cutting systems
NOTE: To be read with EN 60974-1:1998 * Superseded by EN 60974-8:2009
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60974-8:2009
IEC 60974-8:2009
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 8: Gas consoles for welding and plasma cutting systems
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 60974-9:2010
IEC 60974-9:2010
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 //
Arc welding equipment - Part 9: Installation and use
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 60974-10:2007
IEC 60974-10:2007 (corrigendum Jun. 2011)
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 10: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 60974-11:2004
IEC 60974-11:2004
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 11: Electrode holders
NOTE: To be read with EN 60974-1:1998
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 60974-11:2010
IEC 60974-11:2010
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 11: Electrode holders
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 60974-12:2005
IEC 60974-12:2005
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 12: Coupling devices for welding cables
NOTE: To be read with EN 60974-1:2005 * Superseded by EN 60974-12:2011
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 60974-12:2011
IEC 60974-12:2011
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 12: Coupling devices for welding cables
dor : 2011-06-22 doa : 2011-09-22 dop : 2012-03-22 dow : 2014-06-22

EN 60974-13:2011
IEC 60974-13:2011
CLC/TC 26A IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Arc welding equipment - Part 13: Welding clamp
dor : 2011-06-22 doa : 2011-09-22 dop : 2012-03-22 dow : 2014-06-22

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60976:2007
IEC 60976:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
Medical electrical equipment - Medical electron accelerators - Functional performance characteristics
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 60983:1996
IEC 60983:1995
Miniature lamps
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 60983:1995/A1:2005
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 60984:1992
IEC 60984:1990 (Modified) (corrigendum Jul. 1999 + corrigendum May. 2000 + corrigendum Jan. 2005)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC)
Sleeves of insulating material for live working
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 60984:1990/A1:2002
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC) //
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

+ A11:1997
CLC/TC 78 PPE (89/686/EEC)
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 60987:2009
IEC 60987:2007 (Modified)

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Hardware design requirements for
computer-based systems
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 60990:1999
IEC 60990:1999
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 //
Methods of measurement of touch current and protective conductor current
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 60993:2002
IEC 60993:1989
Electrolyte for vented nickel-cadmium cells
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : -

EN 60994:1992
IEC 60994:1991 (corrigendum Apr. 1997)

Guide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines (turbines, storage pumps and pump-
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 60998-1:2004
IEC 60998-1:2002 (Modified)
CLC/SR 23F IEC/SC 23F LVD (2006/95/EC)
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 1: General requirements
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60998-2-1:2004
IEC 60998-2-1:2002 (Modified)
CLC/SR 23F IEC/SC 23F LVD (2006/95/EC)

Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2-1: Particular requirements
for connecting devices as separate entities with screw-type clamping units
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 60998-1:2004
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60998-2-2:2004
IEC 60998-2-2:2002 (Modified)
CLC/SR 23F IEC/SC 23F LVD (2006/95/EC)

Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2-2: Particular requirements
for connecting devices as separate entities with screwless-type clamping units
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 60998-1:2004
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60998-2-3:2004
IEC 60998-2-3:2002 (Modified) (corrigendum Nov. 2006)
CLC/SR 23F IEC/SC 23F LVD (2006/95/EC)

Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2-3: Particular requirements
for connecting devices as separate entities with insulation-piercing clamping units
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 60998-1:2004
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-02 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 60998-2-4:2005
IEC 60998-2-4:2004 (Modified)
CLC/SR 23F IEC/SC 23F LVD (2006/95/EC)

Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for
twist-on connecting devices
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 60999-1:2000
IEC 60999-1:1999
CLC/SR 23F IEC/SC 23F LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Connecting devices - Electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping
units - Part 1: General requirements and particular requirements for clamping units for conductors from 0,2 mm up
to 35 mm (included)
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 60999-2:2003
IEC 60999-2:2003
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Connecting devices - Electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping
units - Part 2: Particular requirements for clamping units for conductors above 35 mm up to 300 mm (included)
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 61000-2-2:2002
IEC 61000-2-2:2002
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-2: Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted
disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61000-2-4:2002
IEC 61000-2-4:2002
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-4: Environment - Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low-
frequency conducted disturbances
NOTE: Basic EMC publication
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 61000-2-9:1996
IEC 61000-2-9:1996
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77C //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 9: Description of HEMP environment -
Radiated disturbance
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 61000-2-10:1999
IEC 61000-2-10:1998
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77C //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-10: Environment - Description of HEMP environment - Conducted
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

EN 61000-2-12:2003
IEC 61000-2-12:2003
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-12: Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted
disturbances and signalling in public medium-voltage power supply systems
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 61000-3-2:2006
IEC 61000-3-2:2005
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input
current <= 16 A per phase)
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 61000-3-2:2005/A1:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 61000-3-2:2005/A2:2009
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

NOTE: Former EN 61000-3-2:2006/prA2 (f6) incorporating EN 61000-3-2:2006/prA1 (f7) (PR=21179) and EN
61000-3-2:2006/prA1 (f8) (PR=21226)
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61000-3-3:2008
IEC 61000-3-3:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and
flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current <= 16 A per phase and not subject to
conditional connection
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61000-3-11:2000
IEC 61000-3-11:2000
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-11: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and
flicker in public low-voltage supply systems - Equipment with rated current <= 75 A and subject to conditional
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61000-3-12:2005
IEC 61000-3-12:2004
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment
connected to public low-voltage systems with input current > 16 A and <= 75 A per phase
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61000-4-1:2007
IEC 61000-4-1:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/TC 77 //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-1: Testing and measurement techniques - Overview of IEC 61000-4
NOTE: Basic EMC publication
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61000-4-2:1995
IEC 61000-4-2:1995
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge
immunity test
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication * Superseded by EN 61000-4-2:2009
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

+ A1:1998
IEC 61000-4-2:1995/A1:1998
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 61000-4-2:1995/A2:2000
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 61000-4-2:2009
IEC 61000-4-2:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge
immunity test
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61000-4-3:2006
IEC 61000-4-3:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency,
electromagnetic field immunity test
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 61000-4-3:2006/A1:2007
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2010
IEC 61000-4-3:2006/A2:2010
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

+ IS1:2009
CLC/TC 210

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency,
electromagnetic field immunity test
dor : 2008-11-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 61000-4-4:2004
IEC 61000-4-4:2004 (corrigendum Jun. 2007)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst
immunity test
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 61000-4-4:2004/A1:2010
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 61000-4-5:2006
IEC 61000-4-5:2005 (corrigendum Oct. 2009)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test
NOTE: basic EMC publication
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61000-4-6:2007 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 61000-4-6:2003 + A1:2004 + A2:2006

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted
disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61000-4-6:2009
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

+ IS1:2009
CLC/TC 210

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted
disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
dor : 2008-11-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 61000-4-6:2009
IEC 61000-4-6:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted
disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61000-4-7:2002
IEC 61000-4-7:2002 (corrigendum Jul. 2004)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-7: Testing and measurement techniques - General guide on harmonics
and interharmonics measurements and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto
NOTE: Basic EMC publication
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2009
IEC 61000-4-7:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61000-4-8:1993
IEC 61000-4-8:1993
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques - Power frequency magnetic
field immunity test
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication * Superseded by EN 61000-4-8:2010
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1993-10-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : 1994-06-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 61000-4-8:1993/A1:2000
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 61000-4-8:2010
IEC 61000-4-8:2009
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques - Power frequency magnetic
field immunity test
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 61000-4-9:1993
IEC 61000-4-9:1993
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-9: Testing and measurement techniques - Pulse magnetic field
immunity test
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1993-10-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : 1994-06-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 61000-4-9:1993/A1:2000
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 61000-4-10:1993
IEC 61000-4-10:1993
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-10: Testing and measurement techniques - Damped oscillatory
magnetic field immunity test
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1993-10-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : 1994-06-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 61000-4-10:1993/A1:2000
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 61000-4-11:2004
IEC 61000-4-11:2004
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-11: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short
interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61000-4-12:2006
IEC 61000-4-12:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-12: Testing and measurement techniques - Ring wave immunity test
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61000-4-13:2002
IEC 61000-4-13:2002
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-13: Testing and measurement techniques - Harmonics and
interharmonics including mains signalling at a.c. power port, low frequency immunity tests
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 61000-4-13:2002/A1:2009
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61000-4-14:1999
IEC 61000-4-14:1999
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-14: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage fluctuation
immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61000-4-14:1999/A1:2001
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-11-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-05-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 61000-4-14:1999/A2:2009
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61000-4-15:1998
IEC 61000-4-15:1997
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-15: Testing and measurement techniques - Flickermeter - Functional
and design specifications
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication * Superseded by EN 61000-4-15:2011
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 61000-4-15:1997/A1:2003
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61000-4-15:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61000-4-15:2011
IEC 61000-4-15:2010
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-15: Testing and measurement techniques - Flickermeter - Functional
and design specifications
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61000-4-16:1998
IEC 61000-4-16:1998
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-16: Testing and measurement techniques - Test for immunity to
conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61000-4-16:1998/A1:2001
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-11-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-05-01

+ A2:2011
IEC 61000-4-16:1998/A2:2009
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 61000-4-17:1999
IEC 61000-4-17:1999
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-17: Testing and measurement techniques - Ripple on d.c. input power
port immunity test
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61000-4-17:1999/A1:2001
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-11-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-05-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 61000-4-17:1999/A2:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 61000-4-18:2007 + corrigendum Sep. 2007
IEC 61000-4-18:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-18: Testing and measurement techniques - Damped oscillatory wave
immunity test
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 61000-4-18:2006/A1:2010
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61000-4-20:2003
IEC 61000-4-20:2003
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-20: Testing and measurement techniques - Emission and immunity
testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication * Superseded by EN 61000-4-20:2010
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 61000-4-20:2003/A1:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61000-4-20:2010
IEC 61000-4-20:2010
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-20: Testing and measurement techniques - Emission and immunity
testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 61000-4-21:2003
IEC 61000-4-21:2003

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-21: Testing and measurement techniques - Reverberation chamber test
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61000-4-21:2011
IEC 61000-4-21:2011
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77B //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-21: Testing and measurement techniques - Reverberation chamber test
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 61000-4-22:2011
IEC 61000-4-22:2010

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-22: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated emission and
immunity measurements in fully anechoic rooms (FARs)
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2014-02-01

EN 61000-4-23:2000
IEC 61000-4-23:2000
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77C //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-23: Testing and measurement techniques - Test methods for protective
devices for HEMP and other radiated disturbances
NOTE: Basic EMC publication
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61000-4-24:1997
IEC 61000-4-24:1997
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77C //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques - Section 24: Test methods for
protective devices for HEMP conducted disturbance
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61000-4-25:2002
IEC 61000-4-25:2001
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77C //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-25: Testing and measurement techniques - HEMP immunity test
methods for equipment and systems
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61000-4-27:2000
IEC 61000-4-27:2000
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-27: Testing and measurement techniques - Unbalance, immunity test
for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2009
IEC 61000-4-27:2000/A1:2009
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
NOTE: Title changed by this A1
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61000-4-28:2000
IEC 61000-4-28:1999
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-28: Testing and measurement techniques - Variation of power
frequency, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61000-4-28:1999/A1:2001
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-11-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-05-01

+ A2:2009
IEC 61000-4-28:1999/A2:2009
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
NOTE: Title changed by this A2
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61000-4-29:2000
IEC 61000-4-29:2000
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-29: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short
interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity tests
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61000-4-30:2003
IEC 61000-4-30:2003 (corrigendum Aug. 2006)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-30: Testing and measurement techniques - Power quality measurement
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication * Superseded by EN 61000-4-30:2009
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61000-4-30:2009
IEC 61000-4-30:2008
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-30: Testing and measurement techniques - Power quality measurement
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 61000-4-34:2007
IEC 61000-4-34:2005
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short
interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phase
NOTE: Basic EMC publication
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 61000-4-34:2005/A1:2009 (corrigendum Oct. 2009)
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77A //
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61000-5-5:1996
IEC 61000-5-5:1996
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77C //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines - Section 5: Specification of
protective devices for HEMP conducted disturbance
NOTE: Basic EMC Publication
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 61000-5-7:2001
IEC 61000-5-7:2001
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC 77C //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 5-7: Installation and mitigation guidelines - Degrees of protection by
enclosures against electromagnetic disturbances (EM code)
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2001-11-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 61000-6-1:2007
IEC 61000-6-1:2005
CLC/TC 210 IEC/TC 77 EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1: Generic standards - Immunity for residential, commercial and light-
industrial environments
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 61000-6-2:2005 + corrigendum Sep. 2005
IEC 61000-6-2:2005
CLC/TC 210 IEC/TC 77 EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61000-6-3:2007
IEC 61000-6-3:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/H EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial
and light-industrial environments
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 61000-6-3:2006/A1:2010
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/H EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2011-01-12 doa : 2011-04-12 dop : 2011-10-12 dow : 2014-01-12

EN 61000-6-4:2007
IEC 61000-6-4:2006
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/H EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 61000-6-4:2006/A1:2010
CLC/TC 210 IEC/SC CISPR/H EMC (2004/108/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //
dor : 2011-01-12 doa : 2011-04-12 dop : 2011-10-12 dow : 2014-01-12

EN 61003-1:2004
IEC 61003-1:2004
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control systems - Instruments with analogue inputs and two- or multi-state outputs - Part 1:
Methods of evaluating performance
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61003-2:2009
IEC 61003-2:2009
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process control systems - Instruments with analogue inputs and two- or multi-state outputs - Part 2:
Guidance for inspection and routine testing
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 61005:2004
IEC 61005:2003 (Modified)
Radiation protection instrumentation - Neutron ambient dose equivalent (rate) meters
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61006:2004
IEC 61006:2004
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulating materials - Methods of test for the determination of the glass transition temperature
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61007:1997
IEC 61007:1994 (Modified)

Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Measuring methods and test
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

EN 61008-1:2004
IEC 61008-1:1996 (Modified) + A1:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
(RCCB's) - Part 1: General rules
dor : 2004-03-16 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A12:2009
CLC/TC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

+ IS1:2007

Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
(RCCB's) - Part 1: General rules
dor : 2007-05-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 61008-2-1:1994
IEC 61008-2-1:1990
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)

Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
(RCCB's) - Part 2-1: Applicability of the general rules to RCCB's functionally independent of line voltage
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-07-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 2000-07-01

+ A11:1998 + corrigendum Mar. 1999
CLC/TC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1998-11-01 dow : 2001-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61009-1:2004 + corrigendum Jul. 2006
IEC 61009-1:1996 (Modified) + A1:2002 (Modified) + corrigendum May 2003
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
(RCBO's) - Part 1: General rules
dor : 2004-03-16 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A11:2008
CLC/TC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2009-04-01

+ A12:2009
CLC/TC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

+ A13:2009
CLC/TC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 61009-2-1:1994
IEC 61009-2-1:1991
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)

Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
(RCBO's) - Part 2-1: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO's functionally independent of line voltage
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-07-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 2000-07-01

+ A11:1998 + corrigendum Mar. 1999
CLC/TC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1998-11-01 dow : 2001-04-01

EN 61010-1:2001 + corrigendum Jun. 2002
IEC 61010-1:2001 (corrigendum May. 2001 + corrigendum Apr. 2003)
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1: General
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 61010-1:2010
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2001-11-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 61010-1:2010
IEC 61010-1:2010 + corrigendum May 2011
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1: General
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 61010-2-010:2003
IEC 61010-2-010:2003
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-010: Particular
requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of material
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61010-2-020:2006
IEC 61010-2-020:2006
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-020: Particular
requirements for laboratory centrifuges
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61010-2-030:2010
IEC 61010-2-030:2010 + corrigendum May 2011
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-030: Particular
requirements for testing and measuring circuits
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 61010-2-032:2002
IEC 61010-2-032:2002
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-032: Particular
requirements for hand-held and hand-manipulated current sensors for electrical test and measurement
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 61010-2-040:2005
IEC 61010-2-040:2005
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-040: Particular
requirements for sterilizers and washer-disinfectors used to treat medical materials
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61010-2-051:2003
IEC 61010-2-051:2003
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-051: Particular
requirements for laboratory equipment for mixing and stirring
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61010-2-061:2003
IEC 61010-2-061:2003
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-061: Particular
requirements for laboratory atomic spectrometers with thermal atomization and ionization
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61010-2-081:2002
IEC 61010-2-081:2001
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-081: Particular
requirements for automatic and semi-automatic laboratory equipment for analysis and other purposes
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 61010-2-081:2001/A1:2003
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61010-2-101:2002
IEC 61010-2-101:2002 (Modified)
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 IVD (98/79/EC)

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-101: Particular
requirements for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61010-031:2002
IEC 61010-031:2002
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 031: Safety
requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 61010-031:2002/A1:2008
CLC/SR 66 IEC/TC 66 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 61012:1998
IEC 61012:1990
Filters for the measurement of audible sound in the presence of ultrasound
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 1999-03-01

EN 61014:2003
IEC 61014:2003
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Programmes for reliability growth
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 61016:2001
IEC 61016:1989 + A1:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Helical-scan digital component video cassette recording system using 19 mm magnetic tape (format D-1)
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61019-1:2005
IEC 61019-1:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 61019-2:2005
IEC 61019-2:2005
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators - Part 2: Guide to the use
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61020-1:2009
IEC 61020-1:2009
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J //
Electromechanical switches for use in electrical and electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 61021-1:1997
IEC 61021-1:1990

Laminated core packages for transformers and inductors used in telecommunication and electronic equipment - Part
1: Dimensions
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61021-2:1997
IEC 61021-2:1995

Laminated core packages for transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment -
Part 2: Electrical characteristics for cores using YEE 2 laminations
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61023:2007
IEC 61023:2007
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Marine speed and distance measuring
equipment (SDME) - Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61025:2007
IEC 61025:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Fault tree analysis (FTA)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61028:1993
IEC 61028:1991
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Electrical measuring instruments - X-Y recorders
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 61028:1991/A1:1995
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 //
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

+ A2:1997
IEC 61028:1991/A2:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61029-1:2000
IEC 61029-1:1990 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 1: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61029-1:2009
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-09-01

+ A11:2003
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A12:2003
CLC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 61029-1:2009 + corrigendum Dec. 2009
IEC 61029-1:1990 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2009-12-29 dow : -

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 61029-2-1:2010
IEC 61029-2-1:1993 (Modified) + A1:1999 + A2:2001
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for circular saw benches
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61029-2-3:2011
IEC 61029-2-3:1993 (Modified) + A1:2001
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for planers and thicknessers
dor : 2011-02-14 doa : 2011-08-14 dop : 2012-02-14 dow : 2014-02-14

EN 61029-2-4:2003 + corrigendum Apr. 2003
IEC 61029-2-4:1993 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for bench grinders
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61029-2-4:2011
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-03-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 61029-2-4:1993/A1:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61029-2-4:2011
IEC 61029-2-4:1993 (Modified) + A1:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for bench grinders
dor : 2011-01-10 doa : 2011-07-10 dop : 2012-01-10 dow : 2014-01-10

EN 61029-2-5:2002
IEC 61029-2-5:1993 (Modified) + A1:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for band saws
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61029-2-6:2010
IEC 61029-2-6:1993 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)

Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for diamond drills with water
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 61029-2-8:2010
IEC 61029-2-8:1995 (Modified) + A1:1999 + A2:2001
CLC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)

Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for single spindle vertical
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 61029-2-9:2002
IEC 61029-2-9:1995 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (98/37/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for mitre saws
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 61029-2-9:2009
IEC 61029-2-9:1995 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for mitre saws
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61029-2-10:2010
IEC 61029-2-10:1998 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for cutting-off grinders
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2012-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61029-2-11:2003 + corrigendum Feb. 2004
IEC 61029-2-11:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116

Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for combined mitre and
bench saws
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 61029-2-11:2009
IEC 61029-2-11:2001 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC)

Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for combined mitre and
bench saws
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61029-2-12:2011
IEC 61029-2-12:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116 MD (2006/42/EC) //
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for threading machines
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61030:1993
IEC 61030:1991 + A1:1993
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100
Audio, video and audiovisual systems - Domestic Digital Bus (D2B)
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-03-15 dop : 1993-09-15 dow : 1993-09-15

EN 61032:1998
IEC 61032:1997 (corrigendum Jan. 2003)
CLC/SR 70 IEC/TC 70 //
Protection of persons and equipment by enclosures - Probes for verification
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 61033:2006
IEC 61033:1991 + A1:2006
Test methods for the determination of bond strength of impregnating agents to an enamelled wire substrate
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61034-1:2005
IEC 61034-1:2005
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions - Part 1: Test apparatus
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61034-2:2005
IEC 61034-2:2005 (corrigendum Sep. 2006)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions - Part 2: Test procedure and requirements
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61039:2008
IEC 61039:2008
CLC/BTTF 116-1 IEC/TC 10 //
Classification of insulating liquids
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61040:1992
IEC 61040:1990
Power and energy measuring detectors, instruments and equipment for laser radiation
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

EN 61041-1:1995
IEC 61041-1:1990
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Non-broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 1: General video (NTSC/PAL) and audio
(longitudinal) characteristics
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : -

EN 61041-2:1996
IEC 61041-2:1994
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Non-broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 2: Video characteristics chrominance SECAM
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 61041-3:1995
IEC 61041-3:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Non-broadcast videotape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 3: Audio characteristics for FM recording
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61041-4:1997
IEC 61041-4:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Non-broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 4: Calibration tape (NTSC/PAL/SECAM)
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 61041-5:1997
IEC 61041-5:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Non-broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 5: High-band video tape recorders, including
those equipped with Y/C video connectors (NTSC/PAL)
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 61043:1994
IEC 61043:1993
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Instruments for the measurement of sound intensity - Measurement with pairs of pressure sensing
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 61044:1992
IEC 61044:1990
Opportunity-charging of lead-acid traction batteries
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

EN 61047:2004
IEC 61047:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
DC or AC supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps - Performance requirements
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 61048:2006
IEC 61048:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Auxiliaries for lamps - Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits - General and
safety requirements
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61049:1993
IEC 61049:1991 (Modified) + corrigendum Jan. 1992
Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits - Performance requirements
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 61050:1992
IEC 61050:1991 (Modified) + corrigendum Mar. 1992
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC)

Transformers for tubular discharge lamps having a no-load output voltage exceeding 1 kV (generally called neon-
transformers) - General and safety requirements
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-09-01 dop : 1993-03-01 dow : 1993-03-01

+ A1:1995
IEC 61050:1991/A1:1994 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61051-1:2008
IEC 61051-1:2007
CLC/SR 40 IEC/TC 40 //
Varistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61056-1:2003
IEC 61056-1:2002
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //

General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve regulated types) - Part 1: General requirements, functional characteristics -
Methods of test
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 61056-2:2003
IEC 61056-2:2002
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types) - Part 2: Dimensions, terminals and marking
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 61057:1993 + corrigendum Oct. 2005
IEC 61057:1991 (Modified) (corrigendum Jul. 1999)
Aerial devices with insulating boom used for live working exceeding 1 kV a.c.
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1994-02-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1995-08-01

EN 61058-1:2002
IEC 61058-1:2000 (Modified) + A1:2001 (corrigendum Jan. 2009)
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J LVD (2006/95/EC)
Switches for appliances - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 61058-1:2000/A2:2007 (corrigendum Jan. 2009)
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61058-2-1:1993
IEC 61058-2-1:1992
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Switches for appliances - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for cord switches
NOTE: To be read with EN 61058-1:1992
dor : 1991-12-10 doa : 1992-07-15 dop : 1993-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1996
IEC 61058-2-1:1992/A1:1995
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A11:2002
CLC/SR 23J LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61058-2-1:2011
IEC 61058-2-1:2010
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Switches for appliances - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for cord switches
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 61058-2-4:2005
IEC 61058-2-4:1995 + A1:2003
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J LVD (2006/95/EC)
Switches for appliances - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for independently mounted switches
NOTE: To be read with EN 61058-1:2002
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61058-2-5:1994
IEC 61058-2-5:1994
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Switches for appliances - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for change-over selectors
NOTE: To be read with EN 61058-1:1992 * Superseded by EN 61058-2-5:2011
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

+ A11:2002
CLC/SR 23J LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61058-2-5:2011
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61058-2-5:2011
IEC 61058-2-5:2010
CLC/SR 23J IEC/SC 23J LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Switches for appliances - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for change-over selectors
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-04-03 dop : 2011-10-03 dow : 2014-01-03

EN 61061-1:2006
IEC 61061-1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Non-impregnated densified laminated wood for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions, designation and general
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61061-2:2001 + corrigendum Feb. 2002
IEC 61061-2:1992
Specification for non-impregnated, densified laminated wood for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 61061-2:1992/A1:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61061-3-1:1998
IEC 61061-3-1:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Non-impregnated densified laminated wood for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials -
Sheet 1: Sheets produced from beech veneer
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61061-3-2:2001
IEC 61061-3-2:2001
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Non-impregnated densified laminated wood for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials -
Sheet 2: Rings produced from beech veneer
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61063:1996
IEC 61063:1991
Acoustics - Measurement of airborne noise emitted by steam turbines and driven machinery
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61064:1993
IEC 61064:1991
Acceptance tests for steam turbine speed control systems
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 61065:1993
IEC 61065:1991
Method for evaluating the low temperature flow properties of mineral insulating oils after ageing
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

EN 61067-1:1997
IEC 61067-1:1991

Specification for glass and glass polyester fibre woven tapes - Part 1: Definitions, classification and general
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61067-2:1997
IEC 61067-2:1992
Specification for glass and glass polyester fibre woven tapes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61067-3-1:1995
IEC 61067-3-1:1995
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Glass and glass polyester fibre woven tapes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Type 1, 2 and 3
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-07-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 61068-1:1997
IEC 61068-1:1991
Specification for polyester fibre woven tapes - Part 1: Definitions, designation and general requirements
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61068-2:1997
IEC 61068-2:1991
Specification for polyester fibre woven tapes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61068-3-1:1995
IEC 61068-3-1:1995 (corrigendum Jan. 1998)
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Polyester fibre woven tapes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Tapes woven on conventional
or shuttleless looms
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1995-08-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 61069-1:1993 + corrigendum Nov. 1993
IEC 61069-1:1991

Industrial-process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment -
Part 1: General considerations and methodology
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

EN 61069-2:1994
IEC 61069-2:1993

Industrial-process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment -
Part 2: Assessment methodology
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61069-3:1996
IEC 61069-3:1996
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Industrial-process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment -
Part 3: Assessment of system functionality
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61069-4:1997
IEC 61069-4:1997 (corrigendum Dec. 1997)
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Industrial process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment -
Part 4: Assessment of system performance
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61069-5:1995
IEC 61069-5:1994
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Industrial-process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment -
Part 5: Assessment of system dependability
dor : 1995-02-15 doa : 1995-05-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 61069-6:1998
IEC 61069-6:1998
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Industrial-process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment -
Part 6: Assessment of system operability
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61069-7:1999
IEC 61069-7:1999
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Industrial-process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment -
Part 7: Assessment of system safety
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61069-8:1999
IEC 61069-8:1999
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Industrial-process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment -
Part 8: Assessment of non-task-related system properties
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61071:2007
IEC 61071:2007
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Capacitors for power electronics
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 61073-1:2009
IEC 61073-1:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Mechanical splices and fusion splice protectors for
optical fibres and cables - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61075:1993
IEC 61075:1991 (Modified)
Loran-C receivers for ships - Minimum performance standards - Methods of testing and required test results
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

EN 61076-1:2006
IEC 61076-1:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 61076-2:1999
IEC 61076-2:1998
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for use in d.c. low-frequency analogue and in digital high-speed data applications - Part 2: Circular
connectors with assessed quality - Sectional specification
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 * Superseded by EN 61076-2:2011
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 61076-2:2011
IEC 61076-2:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2: Sectional specification for circular connectors
dor : 2011-07-26 doa : 2011-10-26 dop : 2012-04-26 dow : 2014-07-26

EN 61076-2-001:2001
IEC 61076-2-001:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 2-001: Circular connectors - Blank detail specification
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61076-2-001:2011
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61076-2-001:2011
IEC 61076-2-001:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-001: Circular connectors - Blank detail
dor : 2011-07-26 doa : 2011-10-26 dop : 2012-04-26 dow : 2014-07-26

EN 61076-2-101:2008
IEC 61076-2-101:2008 (corrigendum Mar. 2010)
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-101: Circular connectors - Detail specification
for M12 connectors with screw-locking
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61076-2-102:2002
IEC 61076-2-102:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 2-102: Circular connectors with assessed quality - Detail specification for
plugs and jacks for external low voltage power supply
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 61076-2-103:2004
IEC 61076-2-103:2004
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 2-103: Circular connectors - Detail specification for a range of multipole
connectors (type 'XLR')
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 61076-2-104:2008
IEC 61076-2-104:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-104: Circular connectors - Detail specification
for circular connectors with M8 screw-locking or snap-locking
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 61076-2-105:2008
IEC 61076-2-105:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-105: Circular connectors - Detail specification
for M5 connectors with screw-locking
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 61076-2-106:2011
IEC 61076-2-106:2011
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-106: Circular connectors - Detail specification
for connectors M 16 x 0,75 with screw-locking and degree of protection IP40 or IP65/67
dor : 2011-07-26 doa : 2011-10-26 dop : 2012-04-26 dow : 2014-07-26

EN 61076-2-107:2010
IEC 61076-2-107:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-107: Detail specification for circular hybrid
connectors M12 with electrical and fibre-optic contacts with screw locking
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 61076-3:2000
IEC 61076-3:1999
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and digital high-speed data applications - Part 3: Rectangular
connectors with assessed quality - Sectional specification
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 * Superseded by EN 61076-3:2008
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61076-3:2008
IEC 61076-3:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3: Rectangular connectors - Sectional
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61076-3-001:2000
IEC 61076-3-001:1999
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and digital high-speed data applications - Part 3-001: Rectangular
connectors with assessed quality - Blank detail specification
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-3:2000 * Superseded by EN 61076-3-001:2008
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61076-3-001:2008
IEC 61076-3-001:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-001: Rectangular connectors - Blank detail
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61076-3-100:2000
IEC 61076-3-100:1999
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and digital high speed data applications - Part 3-100: Rectangular
connectors with assessed quality - Detail specification for a range of shielded connectors with trapezoidal-shaped
shells and non-removable ribbon contacts on a 1,27 mm double row
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-3:2000
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61076-3-101:1997
IEC 61076-3-101:1997 (corrigendum Apr. 2010)
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors with assessed quality, for use in d.c. low-frequency analogue and in digital high-speed data applications -
Part 3: Rectangular connectors - Section 101: Detail specification for a range of shielded connectors with trapezoidal
shaped shells and non-removable rectangular contacts on a 1,27 mm x 2,54 mm centre-line
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61076-3-103:2004
IEC 61076-3-103:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 3-103: Rectangular connectors - Detail specification for single row
connectors with non-removable ribbon cable contacts on 1,25 mm pitch used for high speed serial data (HSSDC)
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995, EN 61076-3:2000 and EN 61076-3-001:2000
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 61076-3-104:2006
IEC 61076-3-104:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-104: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded
free and fixed connectors for data transmissions with frequencies up to 1 000 MHz
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:2006
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61076-3-106:2006
IEC 61076-3-106:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-106: Rectangular connectors - Detail
specification for protective housings for use with 8-way shielded and unshielded connectors for industrial
environments incorporating the IEC 60603-7 series interface
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61076-3-110:2008
IEC 61076-3-110:2007
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-110: Rectangular connectors - Detail
specification for shielded, free and fixed connectors for data transmission with frequencies up to 1 000 MHz
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61076-3-112:2006
IEC 61076-3-112:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 3-112: Rectangular connectors - Detail specification for rectangular
connectors with four contacts for high performance serial bus for consumer audio/video equipment
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-3:2000
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 61076-3-114:2009
IEC 61076-3-114:2009
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-114: Rectangular connectors - Detail
specification for protective housings for use with 8-way shielded and unshielded connectors for frequencies up to
600 MHz for industrial environments incorporating the IEC 60603-7 series interface - Variant 11 related to IEC
61076-3-106 - Bayonet coupling type
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61076-3-115:2010
IEC 61076-3-115:2009
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-115: Rectangular connectors - Detail
specification for protective housings for use with 8-way shielded and unshielded connectors for frequencies up to
600 MHz for industrial environments incorporating the IEC 60603-7 series interface - Variant 12 related to IEC
61076-3-106 - Push-pull type
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61076-3-116:2008
IEC 61076-3-116:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-116: Rectangular connectors - Detail
specification for protective housings for use with 8-way shielded and unshielded connectors for frequencies up to
600 MHz for industrial environments incorporating the IEC 60603-7 series interface - Variant 13 related to IEC
61076-3-106 - Locking lever
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61076-3-117:2009
IEC 61076-3-117:2009
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-117: Rectangular connectors - Detail
specification for protective housings for use with 8-way shielded and unshielded connectors for industrial
environments incorporating the IEC 60603-7 series interface - Variant 14 related to IEC 61076-3-106 - Push pull
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61076-3-118:2010
IEC 61076-3-118:2010
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-118: Rectangular connectors - Detail
specification for a 4 pole + PE power connector with push-pull coupling
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61076-4:1996
IEC 61076-4:1995
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors with assessed quality, for use in d.c., low frequency analogue and in digital high-speed data applications -
Part 4: Sectional specification - Printed board connectors
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61076-4-001:1996
IEC 61076-4-001:1996
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors with assessed quality, for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and in digital high-speed data applications
- Part 4: Printed board connectors - Section 001: Blank detail specification
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61076-4-100:2001
IEC 61076-4-100:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-100: Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail
specification for two-part connector modules having a grid of 2,5 mm for printed boards and backplanes
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61076-4-101:2001
IEC 61076-4-101:2001 (corrigendum Nov. 2003)
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-101: Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail
specification for two-part connector modules, having a basic grid of 2,0 mm for printed boards and backplanes in
accordance with IEC 60917
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 61076-4-102:1997
IEC 61076-4-102:1997
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors with assessed quality, for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and in digital high speed data applications -
Part 4: Printed board connectors - Section 102: Detail specification for two-part single-pole connectors, for multiple
uses on plug-in units, with pre-centring, coding and early mating features, having a metric grid in accordance with
IEC 60917
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-07-01 dop : 1998-01-01 dow : 1998-01-01

EN 61076-4-103:1999
IEC 61076-4-103:1999
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for use in d.c. low-frequency analogue and digital high speed data applications - Part 4-103: Printed
board connectors with assessed quality - Detail specification for two-part connectors with shielding and a basic grid
of 2,5 mm
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 61076-4-104:1999
IEC 61076-4-104:1999
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for use in d.c. low-frequency analogue and digital high speed data applications - Part 4-104: Printed
board connectors with assessed quality - Detail specification for two-part modular connectors, basic grid of 2,0 mm,
with terminations on a multiple grid of 0,5 mm
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 61076-4-105:1998
IEC 61076-4-105:1995

Connectors with assessed quality, for use in d.c., low frequency analogue and in digital high-speed data applications -
Part 4: Printed board connectors - Section 105: Detail specification for 9 mm circular connector with 3 to 8 contacts
for use in a wide range of applications including the telecommunication and audio industry
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61076-4-107:2001
IEC 61076-4-107:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-107: Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail
specification for shielded two-part connectors having a basic grid of 2,0 mm, fixed part with solder and press-in
terminations for printed boards, free part with non-accessible insulation displacement and crimp terminations
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995, EN 61076-4:1996 and EN 61076-4-001:1996
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 61076-4-108:2002
IEC 61076-4-108:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-108: Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail
specification for cable-to-board connectors, with a modular pitch of 25 mm and integrated shielding function,
applicable for transverse packing density of 15 mm, having a basic grid of 2,5 mm in accordance with IEC 60917-1
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61076-4-110:2002
IEC 61076-4-110:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-110: Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail
specification for latched cable connector system having a basic grid of 2,0 mm including full shielding and latching
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61076-4-111:2002
IEC 61076-4-111:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-111: Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail
specification for two-part power connector modules, for printed boards and backplanes having early mating features,
and having a basic grid of 2,5 mm in accordance with IEC 60917-1
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995, EN 61076-4:1996 and EN 61076-4-001:1996
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61076-4-113:2003
IEC 61076-4-113:2002
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Printed board connectors - Part 4-113: Detail specification for two-part
connectors having 5 rows with a grid of 2,54 mm for printed boards and backplanes in bus applications
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 61076-4-114:2003
IEC 61076-4-114:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-114: Printed board connectors - Detail specification for two-part
connector with integrated shielding function having a grid of 1 mm x 1,5 mm
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 and EN 61076-4:1996
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 61076-4-115:2003
IEC 61076-4-115:2003
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-115: Printed board connectors - Backplane connector for InfiniBand
NOTE: To be read with EN 61076-1:1995, EN 61076-4:1996 and EN 61076-4-001:1996
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61076-7:2000
IEC 61076-7:2000
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and digital high speed data applications - Part 7: Cable outlet
accessories with assessed quality, including qualification and capability approval - Sectional specification
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 61076-7-001:2004
IEC 61076-7-001:2004
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-001: Cable outlet accessories - Blank detail specification
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61076-7-100:2006
IEC 61076-7-100:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //

Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 7-100: Cable outlet accessories - Detail
specification for a metric cable sealing consisting of an integrated part of heavy-duty rectangular or circular
connector hoods and a sealing system
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 61077:1991
IEC 61077:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type VHS - Compact VHS video
dor : 1991-09-23 doa : 1992-04-15 dop : 1992-10-15 dow : 1992-10-15

EN 61078:2006
IEC 61078:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Analysis techniques for dependability - Reliability block diagram and boolean methods
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61079-1:1993
IEC 61079-1:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 GHz band - Part 1:
Radiofrequency measurements on outdoor units
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

EN 61079-2:1993
IEC 61079-2:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 GHz band - Part 2: Electrical
measurements on DBS tuner units
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

EN 61079-3:1993 + corrigendum Aug. 1993
IEC 61079-3:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 GHz band - Part 3: Electrical
measurements of overall performance of receiver systems comprising an outdoor unit and a DBS tuner unit
dor : 1991-12-10 doa : 1993-07-01 dop : 1994-04-01 dow : 1994-04-01

EN 61079-5:1993
IEC 61079-5:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 GHz band - Part 5: Electrical
measurements on decoder units for MAC/Packet systems
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-10-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61082-1:2006
IEC 61082-1:2006
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology - Part 1: Rules
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 61083-1:2001
IEC 61083-1:2001
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage impulse tests - Part 1: Requirements for instruments
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 61083-2:1997
IEC 61083-2:1996
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //

Digital recorders for measurements in high-voltage impulse tests - Part 2: Evaluation of software used for the
determination of the parameters of impulse waveforms
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 61086-1:2004
IEC 61086-1:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Coatings for loaded printed wire boards (conformal coatings) - Part 1: Definitions, classification and general
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61086-2:2004
IEC 61086-2:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Coatings for loaded printed wire boards (conformal coatings) - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 61086-3-1:2004
IEC 61086-3-1:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Coatings for loaded printed wire boards (conformal coatings) - Part 3-1: Specifications for individual materials -
Coatings for general purpose (Class 1), high reliability (Class 2) and aerospace (Class 3)
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61094-1:2000
IEC 61094-1:2000
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Measurement microphones - Part 1: Specifications for laboratory standard microphones
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 61094-2:1993
IEC 61094-2:1992

Measurement microphones - Part 2: Primary method for pressure calibration of laboratory standard microphones by
the reciprocity technique
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61094-2:2009
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

EN 61094-2:2009
IEC 61094-2:2009
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Measurement microphones - Part 2: Primary method for pressure calibration of laboratory standard
microphones by the reciprocity technique
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61094-3:1995
IEC 61094-3:1995
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Measurement microphones - Part 3: Primary method for free-field calibration of laboratory standard microphones by
the reciprocity technique
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 61094-4:1995
IEC 61094-4:1995
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Measurement microphones - Part 4: Specifications for working standard microphones
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 61094-5:2001
IEC 61094-5:2001
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Measurement microphones - Part 5: Methods for pressure calibration of working standard microphones by
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61094-6:2005
IEC 61094-6:2004
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Measurement microphones - Part 6: Electrostatic actuators for determination of frequency response
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 61095:1993 + corrigendum Mar. 1993
IEC 61095:1992
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61095:2009
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1994-01-01 dow : 1995-01-01

+ A1:2000 + corrigendum Apr. 2001
IEC 61095:1992/A1:2000
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61095:2009
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61095:2009
IEC 61095:2009
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61096:1993
IEC 61096:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Methods of measuring the characteristics of reproducing equipment for digital audio compact discs
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-11-01 dop : 1993-08-01 dow : 1993-08-01

+ A1:1996
IEC 61096:1992/A1:1996
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61097-1:2007
IEC 61097-1:2007
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 1: Radar transponder - Marine search and rescue
(SART) - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61097-14:2010
IEC 61097-14:2010
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 14: AIS Search And Rescue Transmitter (AIS-SART) -
Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 61098:2007
IEC 61098:2003 (Modified)
Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed personnel surface contamination monitoring assemblies
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 61099:1992
IEC 61099:1992 (corrigendum Dec. 1993)
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Specification for unused synthetic organic esters for electrical purposes
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61099:2010
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-08-01 dop : 1993-05-01 dow : 1993-05-01

EN 61099:2010
IEC 61099:2010
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Specifications for unused synthetic organic esters for electrical purposes
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 61100:1992
IEC 61100:1992
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Classification of insulating liquids according to fire point and net calorific value
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-08-01 dop : 1993-05-01 dow : 1993-05-01

EN 61104:1992
IEC 61104:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Compact disc video system - 12 cm CD-V
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-09-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

EN 61105:1993
IEC 61105:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Reference tapes for video tape recorder systems
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

EN 61106:1993
IEC 61106:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Videodisks - Methods of measurements for parameters
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-11-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

EN 61108-1:2003
IEC 61108-1:2003
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) -
Part 1: Global positioning system (GPS) - Receiver equipment - Performance standards, methods of testing and
required test results
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61108-2:1998
IEC 61108-2:1998
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) -
Part 2: Global navigation satellite system (GLONASS) - Receiver equipment - Performance standards, methods of
testing and required test results
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 61108-3:2010
IEC 61108-3:2010
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) -
Part 3: Galileo receiver equipment - Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 61108-4:2004
IEC 61108-4:2004
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) -
Part 4: Shipborne DGPS and DGLONASS maritime radio beacon receiver equipment - Performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61109:2008
IEC 61109:2008
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Insulators for overhead lines - Composite suspension and tension insulators for a.c. systems with a nominal voltage
greater than 1 000 V - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 61110:1992
IEC 61110:1992
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

System Omega and differential Omega receivers for ships - Operational and performance requirements - Methods of
testing and required test results
dor : 1992-03-24 doa : 1992-11-01 dop : 1993-08-01 dow : 1993-08-01

EN 61111:2009
IEC 61111:2009
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Electrical insulating matting
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61112:2009
IEC 61112:2009
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Electrical insulating blankets
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61114-1:1999
IEC 61114-1:1999
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //
Receiving antennas for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 11/12 GHz band - Part 1: Electrical measurements
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

EN 61114-2:1996
IEC 61114-2:1996
CLC/TC 209 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement on receiving antennas for satellite broadcast transmission in the 11/12 GHz band - Part 2:
Mechanical and environmental tests on individual and collective receiving antennas
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61115:1993
IEC 61115:1992
Expression of performance of sample handling systems for process analyzers
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-04-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

EN 61116:1994
IEC 61116:1992
Electromechanical equipment guide for small hydroelectric installations
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61118:1993
IEC 61118:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape - Type M2
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1993-10-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

EN 61119-1:1994
IEC 61119-1:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio tape cassette system (DAT) - Part 1: Dimensions and characteristics
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61119-2:1994
IEC 61119-2:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio tape cassette system (DAT) - Part 2: DAT calibration tape
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61119-3:1994
IEC 61119-3:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio tape cassette system (DAT) - Part 3: DAT tape properties
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61119-5:1995
IEC 61119-5:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio tape cassette system (DAT) - Part 5: DAT for professional use
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-15 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 61119-6:1994
IEC 61119-6:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio tape cassette system (DAT) - Part 6: Serial copy management system
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61120-1:1993
IEC 61120-1:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Digital audio tape recorder reel to reel system, using 6,3 mm magnetic tape, for professional use - Part 1: General
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

EN 61120-2:1993
IEC 61120-2:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio tape recorder reel to reel system, using 6,3 mm magnetic tape, for professional use - Part 2: Format A
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61120-3:1993
IEC 61120-3:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital audio tape recorder reel to reel system, using 6,3 mm magnetic tape, for professional use - Part 3: Format B
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

EN 61120-4:1992
IEC 61120-4:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio tape recorder reel-to-reel system, using 6,3 mm magnetic tape, for professional use - Part 4: Magnetic
tape properties: definitions and methods of measurement
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-09-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

EN 61120-5:1995
IEC 61120-5:1995
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital audio tape recorder reel-to-reel system, using 6,3 mm magnetic tape, for professional use - Part 5: Reels
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61121:2005
IEC 61121:2002 (Modified) + corrigendum Apr. 2003 + corrigendum Sep. 2003
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59D ELTD (95/13/EC)
Tumble dryers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 61122:1993
IEC 61122:1992
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Still video floppy disk magnetic recording system
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

EN 61124:2006
IEC 61124:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Reliability testing - Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure intensity
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 61125:1993
IEC 61125:1992 + corrigendum Sep. 1992
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Unused hydrocarbon-based insulating liquids - Test methods for evaluating the oxidation stability
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61125:1992/A1:2004
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-06-01

EN 61131-1:2003
IEC 61131-1:2003
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Programmable controllers - Part 1: General information
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 61131-2:2007
IEC 61131-2:2007
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Programmable controllers - Part 2: Equipment requirements and tests
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61131-3:2003
IEC 61131-3:2003
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Programmable controllers - Part 3: Programming languages
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 61131-5:2001
IEC 61131-5:2000
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Programmable controllers - Part 5: Communications
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 61131-7:2000
IEC 61131-7:2000
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Programmable controllers - Part 7: Fuzzy control programming
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61138:2007
IEC 61138:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Cables for portable earthing and short-circuiting equipment
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61140:2002
IEC 61140:2001
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installation and equipment
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2004-12-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 61140:2001/A1:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 61143-1:1994
IEC 61143-1:1992
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Electrical measuring instruments - X-t recorders - Part 1: Definitions and requirements
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1997
IEC 61143-1:1992/A1:1997
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61143-2:1994
IEC 61143-2:1992
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Electrical measuring instruments - X-t recorders - Part 2: Recommended additional test methods
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61144:1993 + corrigendum Dec. 1993
IEC 61144:1992
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Test method for the determination of oxygen index of insulating liquids
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61146-1:1996
IEC 61146-1:1994
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Video cameras (PAL/SECAM/NTSC) - Methods of measurement - Part 1: Non-broadcast single-sensor cameras
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

EN 61146-2:1997
IEC 61146-2:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Video cameras (PAL/SECAM/NTSC) - Methods of measurement - Part 2: Two- and three-sensor professional
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61146-3:1997
IEC 61146-3:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Video cameras (PAL/SECAM/NTSC) - Methods of measurement - Part 3: Non-broadcast camera-recorders
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61146-4:1998
IEC 61146-4:1998
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Video cameras (PAL/SECAM/NTSC) - Methods of measurement - Part 4: Automatic functions of video cameras and
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 61152:1994
IEC 61152:1992 (Modified)
Dimensions of metal-sheathed thermometer elements
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 61157:2007
IEC 61157:2007 (corrigendum Aug. 2008)
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Standard means for the reporting of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61158-2:2008
IEC 61158-2:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 2: Physical layer specification and service
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61158-2:2010
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-2:2010
IEC 61158-2:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 2: Physical layer specification and service
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61158-3-1:2008
IEC 61158-3-1:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-1: Data-link layer service definition - Type 1
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61158-3-2:2008
IEC 61158-3-2:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-2: Data-link layer service definition - Type 2
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-3:2008
IEC 61158-3-3:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-3: Data-link layer service definition - Type 3
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-4:2008
IEC 61158-3-4:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-4: Data-link layer service definition - Type 4
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-7:2008
IEC 61158-3-7:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-7: Data-link layer service definition - Type 7
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-8:2008
IEC 61158-3-8:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-8: Data-link layer service definition - Type 8
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-11:2008
IEC 61158-3-11:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-11: Data-link layer service definition - Type 11
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-12:2008
IEC 61158-3-12:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-12: Data-link layer service definition - Type 12
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-13:2008
IEC 61158-3-13:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-13: Data-link layer service definition - Type 13
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-14:2008
IEC 61158-3-14:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-14: Data-link layer service definition - Type 14
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61158-3-16:2008
IEC 61158-3-16:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-16: Data-link layer service definition - Type 16
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-17:2008
IEC 61158-3-17:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-17: Data-link layer service definition - Type 17
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-18:2008
IEC 61158-3-18:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-18: Data-link layer service definition - Type 18
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-3-19:2008
IEC 61158-3-19:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-19: Data-link layer service definition - Type 19
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-1:2008
IEC 61158-4-1:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-1: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type
1 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-2:2008
IEC 61158-4-2:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-2: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type
2 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-3:2008
IEC 61158-4-3:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-3: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type
3 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-4:2008
IEC 61158-4-4:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-4: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type
4 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-7:2008
IEC 61158-4-7:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-7: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type
7 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61158-4-8:2008
IEC 61158-4-8:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-8: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type
8 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-11:2008
IEC 61158-4-11:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-11: Data-link layer protocol specification -
Type 11 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-12:2008
IEC 61158-4-12:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-12: Data-link layer protocol specification -
Type 12 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-13:2008
IEC 61158-4-13:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-13: Data-link layer protocol specification -
Type 13 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-14:2008
IEC 61158-4-14:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-14: Data-link layer protocol specification -
Type 14 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-16:2008
IEC 61158-4-16:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-16: Data-link layer protocol specification -
Type 16 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-17:2008
IEC 61158-4-17:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-17: Data-link layer protocol specification -
Type 17 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-18:2008
IEC 61158-4-18:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-18: Data-link layer protocol specification -
Type 18 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-4-19:2008
IEC 61158-4-19:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-19: Data-link layer protocol specification -
Type 19 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61158-5-2:2008
IEC 61158-5-2:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-2: Application layer service definition - Type 2
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-3:2008
IEC 61158-5-3:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-3: Application layer service definition - Type 3
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-4:2008
IEC 61158-5-4:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-4: Application layer service definition - Type 4
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-5:2008
IEC 61158-5-5:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-5: Application layer service definition - Type 5
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-7:2008
IEC 61158-5-7:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-7: Application layer service definition - Type 7
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-8:2008
IEC 61158-5-8:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-8: Application layer service definition - Type 8
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-9:2008
IEC 61158-5-9:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-9: Application layer service definition - Type 9
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-10:2008
IEC 61158-5-10:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-10: Application layer service definition - Type
10 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-11:2008
IEC 61158-5-11:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-11: Application layer service definition - Type
11 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61158-5-12:2008
IEC 61158-5-12:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-12: Application layer service definition - Type
12 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-13:2008
IEC 61158-5-13:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-13: Application layer service definition - Type
13 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-14:2008
IEC 61158-5-14:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-14: Application layer service definition - Type
14 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-15:2008
IEC 61158-5-15:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-15: Application layer service definition - Type
15 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-16:2008
IEC 61158-5-16:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-16: Application layer service definition - Type
16 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-17:2008
IEC 61158-5-17:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-17: Application layer service definition - Type
17 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-18:2008
IEC 61158-5-18:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-18: Application layer service definition - Type
18 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-19:2008
IEC 61158-5-19:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-19: Application layer service definition - Type
19 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-5-20:2008
IEC 61158-5-20:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-20: Application layer service definition - Type
20 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61158-6-2:2008
IEC 61158-6-2:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-2: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 2 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-3:2008
IEC 61158-6-3:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-3: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 3 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-4:2008
IEC 61158-6-4:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-4: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 4 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-5:2008
IEC 61158-6-5:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-5: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 5 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-7:2008
IEC 61158-6-7:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-7: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 7 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-8:2008
IEC 61158-6-8:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-8: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 8 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-9:2008
IEC 61158-6-9:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-9: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 9 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-10:2008
IEC 61158-6-10:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-10: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 10 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-11:2008
IEC 61158-6-11:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-11: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 11 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61158-6-12:2008
IEC 61158-6-12:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-12: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 12 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-13:2008
IEC 61158-6-13:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-13: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 13 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-14:2008
IEC 61158-6-14:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-14: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 14 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-15:2008
IEC 61158-6-15:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-15: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 15 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-16:2008
IEC 61158-6-16:2007 (corrigendum Aug. 2008)
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-16: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 16 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-17:2008
IEC 61158-6-17:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-17: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 17 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-18:2008
IEC 61158-6-18:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-18: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 18 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-19:2008
IEC 61158-6-19:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-19: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 19 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61158-6-20:2008
IEC 61158-6-20:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-20: Application layer protocol specification -
Type 20 elements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61160:2005
IEC 61160:2005
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Design review
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61161:2007
IEC 61161:2006
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Radiation force balances and performance requirements
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61162-1:2008
IEC 61162-1:2007
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 1: Single talker and
multiple listeners
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61162-1:2011
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61162-1:2011
IEC 61162-1:2010
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 1: Single talker and
multiple listeners
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 61162-2:1998
IEC 61162-2:1998
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 2: Single talker and
multiple listeners, high-speed transmission
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61162-3:2008
IEC 61162-3:2008
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 3: Serial data
instrument network
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 61162-3:2008/A1:2010
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61162-400:2002
IEC 61162-400:2001
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 400: Multiple talkers
and multiple listeners - Ship systems interconnection - Introduction and general principles
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61162-401:2002
IEC 61162-401:2001
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 401: Multiple talkers
and multiple listeners - Ship systems interconnection - Application profile
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61162-402:2005
IEC 61162-402:2005
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 402: Multiple talkers
and multiple listeners - Ship systems interconnection - Documentation and test requirements
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61162-410:2002
IEC 61162-410:2001
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 410: Multiple talkers
and multiple listeners - Ship systems interconnection - Transport profile requirements and basic transport profile
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61162-420:2002
IEC 61162-420:2001
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 420: Multiple talkers
and multiple listeners - Ship systems interconnection - Companion standard requirements and basic companion
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61162-450:2011
IEC 61162-450:2011
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 450: Multiple talkers
and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection
dor : 2011-07-15 doa : 2011-10-15 dop : 2012-04-15 dow : 2014-07-15

EN 61163-1:2006
IEC 61163-1:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Reliability stress screening - Part 1: Repairable assemblies manufactured in lots
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61164:2004
IEC 61164:2004
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Reliability growth - Statistical test and estimation methods
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 61165:2006
IEC 61165:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Application of Markov techniques
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 61166:1993
IEC 61166:1993

High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers - Guide for seismic qualification of high-voltage alternating current
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-11-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

EN 61167:1994
IEC 61167:1992
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC)
Metal halide lamps
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61167:2011
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1995
IEC 61167:1992/A1:1995
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

+ A2:1997
IEC 61167:1992/A2:1997
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A3:1998
IEC 61167:1992/A3:1998
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61167:2011
IEC 61167:2011
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) //
Metal halide lamps - Performance specification
dor : 2011-05-04 doa : 2011-08-04 dop : 2012-02-04 dow : 2014-05-04

EN 61168:1994
IEC 61168:1993
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
Radiotherapy simulators - Functional performance characteristics
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 61169-1:1994
IEC 61169-1:1992
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and measuring methods
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

+ A1:1996
IEC 61169-1:1992/A1:1996
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

+ A2:1997
IEC 61169-1:1992/A2:1997
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-07-01 dop : 1998-01-01 dow : 1998-01-01

EN 61169-1-1:1997
IEC 61169-1-1:1996
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 1-1: Single, multi-series, dual-language blank detail specification
NOTE: To be read with EN 61169-1:1994
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

EN 61169-2:2007
IEC 61169-2:2007
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors of type 9,52
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61169-8:2007
IEC 61169-8:2007
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 8: Sectional specification - RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer
conductor 6,5 mm (0,256 in) with bayonet lock - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (type BNC)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61169-14:2010
IEC 61169-14:2010
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 14: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 12 mm with
screw coupling - Characteristic impedance 75 ohms (Type 3,5/12)
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 61169-16:2007
IEC 61169-16:2006
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 16: Sectional specification - RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer
conductor 7 mm (0,276 in) with screw coupling - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (75 ohms) (type N)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61169-18:2011
IEC 61169-18:2011
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 18: Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors of type SSMA
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 61169-19:2011
IEC 61169-19:2011
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 19: Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors of type SSMB
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 61169-24:2001
IEC 61169-24:2001
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 24: Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors with screw
coupling, typically for use in 75 ohm cable distribution systems (type F)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61169-24::2009
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61169-24:2009
IEC 61169-24:2009
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 24: Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors with screw
coupling, typically for use in 75 ohm cable networks (type F)
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61169-29:2005
IEC 61169-29:2005
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 29: Sectional specification - Miniature radio frequency coaxial connectors model
screw, snap-on, push-pull or quick-lock, slide-in (rack and panel applications) - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms
(type 1,0/2,3) - 50 omhs and 75 ohms applications
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 61169-31:1999
IEC 61169-31:1999
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 31: RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 1,0 mm (0,039
in) with screw coupling - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (type 1,0)
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61169-32:1999
IEC 61169-32:1999
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 32: RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 1,85 mm (0,072
in) with screw coupling - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (type 1,85)
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61169-33:1997
IEC 61169-33:1996
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 33: Sectional specification for series BMA r.f. connectors
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

EN 61169-35:2011
IEC 61169-35:2011
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 35: Sectional specification for 2,92 series RF connectors
dor : 2011-08-15 doa : 2011-11-15 dop : 2012-05-15 dow : 2014-08-15

EN 61169-36:1997
IEC 61169-36:1996

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 36: Sectional specification for microminiature r.f. coaxial connectors with snap-on
coupling - Characteristic impedance 50 ohm (type MCX)
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

EN 61169-37:2007
IEC 61169-37:2007
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 37: Sectional specification for STWX8 R.F connectors
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61169-38:2009
IEC 61169-38:2008
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 38: Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors model, slide-in
(rack and panel applications) - Characteristic impedance 50 O (type TMA) - 50 O applications
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 61169-39:2011
IEC 61169-39:2009
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 39: Sectional specification for CQM series quick lock RF connectors
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61169-40:2011
IEC 61169-40:2010
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 40: Sectional specification for 2.4 series RF connectors
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-04-03 dop : 2011-10-03 dow : 2014-01-03

EN 61169-41:2011
IEC 61169-41:2011
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 41: Sectional specification for CQA series quick lock R.F. coaxial connectors
dor : 2011-03-30 doa : 2011-06-30 dop : 2011-12-30 dow : 2014-03-30

EN 61174:2001
IEC 61174:2001
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Electronic chart display and information
system (ECDIS) - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61174:2008
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61174:2008
IEC 61174:2008
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Electronic chart display and information
system (ECDIS) - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61175:2005
IEC 61175:2005
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Designation of signals
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61176:1993
IEC 61176:1993
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 //
Hand-held electric mains voltage operated circular saws - Methods for measuring the performance
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-11-01 dop : 1994-08-01 dow : 1994-08-01

EN 61179:1993
IEC 61179:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Helical-scan digital composite video cassette recording system using 19 mm magnetic tape, format D2 (NTSC, PAL,
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-11-01 dop : 1994-07-01 dow : 1994-07-01

EN 61180-1:1994
IEC 61180-1:1992
High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment - Part 1: Definitions, test and procedure requirements
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61180-2:1994
IEC 61180-2:1994
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment - Part 2: Test equipment
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61181:2007
IEC 61181:2007
CLC/BTTF 116-1 IEC/TC 10 //

Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment - Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to factory tests on electrical
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61183:1994
IEC 61183:1994
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Random-incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61184:2008
IEC 61184:2008 (corrigendum Feb. 2009)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Bayonet lampholders
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 61184:2008/A1:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-08-25 dop : 2012-02-25 dow : 2014-05-25

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61185:2005
IEC 61185:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores (ETD-cores) intended for use in power supply applications - Dimensions
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61187:1994 + corrigendum Mar. 1995
IEC 61187:1993 (Modified)
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electrical and electronic measuring equipment - Documentation
dor : 1994-09-01 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

EN 61188-1-1:1997
IEC 61188-1-1:1997
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 1-1: Generic requirements - Flatness
considerations for electronic assemblies
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61188-1-2:1998
IEC 61188-1-2:1998
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 1-2: Generic requirements - Controlled
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 61188-5-1:2002
IEC 61188-5-1:2002
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 5-1: Attachment (land/joint) considerations -
Generic requirements
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 61188-5-2:2003
IEC 61188-5-2:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 5-2: Attachment (land/joint) considerations -
Discrete components
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 61188-5-3:2007
IEC 61188-5-3:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 5-3: Attachment (land/joint) considerations -
Components with gull-wing leads on two sides
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 61188-5-4:2007
IEC 61188-5-4:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 5-4: Attachment (land/joint) considerations -
Components with J leads on two sides
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 61188-5-5:2007
IEC 61188-5-5:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 5-5: Attachment (land/joint) considerations -
Components with gull-wing leads on four sides
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61188-5-6:2003
IEC 61188-5-6:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 5-6: Attachment (land/joint) considerations -
Chip carriers with J-leads on four sides
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61188-5-8:2008
IEC 61188-5-8:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 5-8: Attachment (land/joint) considerations -
Area array components (BGA, FBGA, CGA, LGA)
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 61188-5-1
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61188-7:2009
IEC 61188-7:2009 (corrigendum Jul. 2009)
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards and printed board assemblies - Design and use - Part 7: Electronic component zero orientation for
CAD library construction
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61189-1:1997
IEC 61189-1:1997
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 1:
General test methods and methodology
NOTE: Generic title changed as per corrigendum to Part 2.
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 61189-1:1997/A1:2001
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 61189-2:2006
IEC 61189-2:2006
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 2:
Test methods for materials for interconnection structures
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61189-3:2008
IEC 61189-3:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 3:
Test methods for interconnection structures (printed boards)
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61189-5:2006
IEC 61189-5:2006
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Test methods for electrical materials, interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 5: Test methods for printed
board assemblies
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61189-6:2006
IEC 61189-6:2006
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Test methods for electrical materials, interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 6: Test methods for materials
used in manufacturing electronic assemblies
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61190-1-1:2002
IEC 61190-1-1:2002
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Attachment materials for electronic assembly - Part 1-1: Requirements for soldering fluxes for high-quality
interconnections in electronics assembly
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

EN 61190-1-2:2007
IEC 61190-1-2:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Attachment materials for electronic assembly - Part 1-2: Requirements for soldering pastes for high-quality
interconnects in electronics assembly
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 61190-1-3:2007
IEC 61190-1-3:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Attachment materials for electronic assembly - Part 1-3: Requirements for electronic grade solder alloys and fluxed
and non-fluxed solid solders for electronic soldering applications
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 61190-1-3:2007/A1:2010
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61191-1:1998
IEC 61191-1:1998
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed board assemblies - Part 1: Generic specification - Requirements for soldered electrical and electronic
assemblies using surface mount and related assembly technologies
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61191-2:1998
IEC 61191-2:1998
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Printed board assemblies - Part 2: Sectional specification - Requirements for surface mount soldered assemblies
NOTE: To be read with EN 61191-1:1998
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61191-3:1998
IEC 61191-3:1998
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Printed board assemblies - Part 3: Sectional specification - Requirements for through-hole mount soldered assemblies
NOTE: To be read with EN 61191-1:1998
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61191-4:1998
IEC 61191-4:1998
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Printed board assemblies - Part 4: Sectional specification - Requirements for terminal soldered assemblies
NOTE: To be read with EN 61191-1:1998
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61191-6:2010
IEC 61191-6:2010
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed board assemblies - Part 6: Evaluation criteria for voids in soldered joints of BGA and LGA and measurement
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61192-1:2003
IEC 61192-1:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Workmanship requirements for soldered electronic assemblies - Part 1: General
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61192-2:2003
IEC 61192-2:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Workmanship requirements for soldered electronic assemblies - Part 2: Surface-mount assemblies
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61192-3:2003
IEC 61192-3:2002
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Workmanship requirements for soldered electronic assemblies - Part 3: Through-hole mount assemblies
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 61192-4:2003
IEC 61192-4:2002
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Workmanship requirements for soldered electronic assemblies - Part 4: Terminal assemblies
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61192-5:2007
IEC 61192-5:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Workmanship requirements for soldered electronic assemblies - Part 5: Rework, modification and repair of soldered
electronic assemblies
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 61193-1:2002
IEC 61193-1:2001
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Quality assessment systems - Part 1: Registration and analysis of defects on printed board assemblies
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61193-2:2007
IEC 61193-2:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Quality assessment systems - Part 2: Selection and use of sampling plans for inspection of electronic components and
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 61194:1995
IEC 61194:1992 (Modified)
Characteristic parameters of stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61195:1999
IEC 61195:1999 (corrigendum Aug. 2000)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 61196-2:2003
IEC 61196-2:1995

Radio-frequency cables - Part 2: Sectional specification for semi-rigid radio-frequency and coaxial cables with
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61196-3:1998
IEC 61196-3:1998
Radio frequency cables - Part 3: Sectional specification for coaxial cables for local area networks
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61196-3-2:1997
IEC 61196-3-2:1997

Radio frequency cables - Part 3-2: Coaxial cables for digital communication in horizontal floor wiring - Detail
specification for coaxial cables with solid dielectric for local area networks of 185 m reach and up to 10 Mb/s
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61196-3-3:1997
IEC 61196-3-3:1997

Radio frequency cables - Part 3-3: Coaxial cables for digital communication in horizontal floor wiring - Detail
specification for coaxial cables with foamed dielectric for local area networks of 185 m reach and up to 10 Mb/s
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61196-4:2004
IEC 61196-4:2004
Coaxial communication cables - Part 4: Sectional specification for radiating cables
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61197:1994
IEC 61197:1993
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Linear flame propagation - Test method using a glass-fibre tape
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61198:1994
IEC 61198:1993
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Mineral insulating oils - Methods for the determination of 2-furfural and related compounds
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 61199:1999
IEC 61199:1999
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 61202-1:2009
IEC 61202-1:2009
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic isolators - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

EN 61203:1994
IEC 61203:1992
Synthetic organic esters for electrical purposes - Guide for maintenance of transformer esters in equipment
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61204:1995
IEC 61204:1993 (Modified)
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22E LVD (2006/95/EC)
Low-voltage power supply devices, d.c. output - Performance characteristics
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2001
IEC 61204:1993/A1:2001
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22E //
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 61204-3:2000
IEC 61204-3:2000 (corrigendum Dec. 2000)
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22E EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output - Part 3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61204-6:2001
IEC 61204-6:2000
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22E //

Low-voltage power supplies, DC output - Part 6: Requirements for low-voltage power supplies of assessed
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 61204-7:2006
IEC 61204-7:2006
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22E LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output - Part 7: Safety requirements
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

+ A11:2009
CLC/TC 22X LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61205:1994
IEC 61205:1993
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Dental descaler systems - Measurement and declaration of the output characteristics
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 61206:1995
IEC 61206:1993
Ultrasonics - Continuous-wave Doppler systems - Test procedures
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-15 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

EN 61207-1:1994
IEC 61207-1:1994
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Expression of performance of gas analyzers - Part 1: General
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61207-1:2010
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-06-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61207-1:2010
IEC 61207-1:2010
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Expression of performance of gas analyzers - Part 1: General
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61207-2:1994
IEC 61207-2:1994 + corrigendum May 1994
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Expression of performance of gas analyzers - Part 2: Oxygen in gas (utilizing high-temperature electrochemical
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1994-08-15 dop : 1995-05-15 dow : 1995-05-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61207-3:2002
IEC 61207-3:2002 (corrigendum Jan. 2003 + corrigendum May. 2003)
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Gas analyzers - Expression of performance - Part 3: Paramagnetic oxygen analyzers
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 61207-6:1994
IEC 61207-6:1994
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Expression of performance of gas analyzers - Part 6: Photometric analyzers
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1994-08-15 dop : 1995-05-15 dow : 1995-05-15

EN 61209:1999
IEC 61209:1999
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Integrated bridge systems (IBS) -
Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61210:1995
IEC 61210:1993 (Modified)
CLC/SR 23F IEC/SC 23F LVD (2006/95/EC)
Connecting devices - Flat quick-connect terminations for electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 61210:2010
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 61210:2010
IEC 61210:2010 (Modified)
CLC/SR 23F IEC/SC 23F LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Connecting devices - Flat quick-connect terminations for electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 61211:2005
IEC 61211:2004
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Insulators of ceramic material or glass for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V - Impulse
puncture testing in air
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 61212-1:2006
IEC 61212-1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for electrical
purposes - Part 1: Definitions, designations and general requirements
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 61212-2:2006
IEC 61212-2:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for electrical
purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61212-3-1:2006
IEC 61212-3-1:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for electrical
purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Round laminated rolled tubes
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61212-3-2:2006
IEC 61212-3-2:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for electrical
purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2: Round laminated moulded tubes
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 61212-3-3:2006
IEC 61212-3-3:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for electrical
purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 3: Round laminated moulded rods
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61213:1994
IEC 61213:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Analogue audio recording on video tape - Polarity of magnetization
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

EN 61215:2005
IEC 61215:2005
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 61217:1996
IEC 61217:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Radiotherapy equipment - Coordinates, movements and scales
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-11-01 dop : 1997-05-01 dow : 1997-05-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 61217:1996/A1:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

+ A2:2008
IEC 61217:1996/A2:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61219:1993
IEC 61219:1993 (corrigendum May. 2000)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //

Live working - Earthing or earthing and short-circuiting equipment using lances as short-circuiting device - Lance
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-01-01 dop : 1994-10-01 dow : 1994-10-01

EN 61221:2004
IEC 61221:2004
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //

Petroleum products and lubricants - Triaryl phosphate ester turbine control fluids (category ISO-L-TCD) -
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61223-2-4:1994
IEC 61223-2-4:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //
Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 2-4: Constancy tests - Hard copy cameras
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 2000-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61223-2-5:1994
IEC 61223-2-5:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //
Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 2-5: Constancy tests - Image display devices
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 2000-03-01

EN 61223-2-6:2007
IEC 61223-2-6:2006
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 2-6: Constancy tests - Imaging performance of
computed tomography X-ray equipment
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61223-3-2:2008
IEC 61223-3-2:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 3-2: Acceptance tests - Imaging performance of
mammographic X-ray equipment
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61223-3-3:1996
IEC 61223-3-3:1996
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 3-3: Acceptance tests - Imaging performance of
X-ray equipment for digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-02-01 dop : 1997-08-01 dow : 1997-08-01

EN 61223-3-4:2000
IEC 61223-3-4:2000

Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 3-4: Acceptance tests - Imaging performance of
dental X-ray equipment
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 61223-3-5:2004
IEC 61223-3-5:2004
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 3-5: Acceptance tests - Imaging performance of
computed tomography X-ray equipment
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61226:2010
IEC 61226:2009

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Classification of instrumentation and control
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 61228:2008
IEC 61228:2008
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
Fluorescent ultraviolet lamps used for tanning - Measurement and specification method
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61229:1995
IEC 61229:1993 (Modified) (corrigendum May. 2000)
Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. installations
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:1998
IEC 61229:1993/A1:1998
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A2:2002
IEC 61229:1993/A2:2002
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 61230:1995

IEC 61230:1993 (Modified) (corrigendum Mar. 1997 + corrigendum Jul. 1999 + corrigendum May. 2000 +
corrigendum Dec. 2000)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Live working - Portable equipment for earthing or earthing and short-circuiting
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61230:2008
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A11:1999
CLC/TC 78 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61230:2008
IEC 61230:2008
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Live working - Portable equipment for earthing or earthing and short-circuiting
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61231:2010
IEC 61231:2010
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A //
International lamp coding system (ILCOS)
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 61232:1995 + corrigendum Feb. 1996
IEC 61232:1993 (Modified)
Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes
NOTE: Corrigendum to French version only
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A11:2000
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61234-1:1994
IEC 61234-1:1994
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Method of test for the hydrolitic stability of electrical insulating materials - Part 1: Plastic films
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1995-03-01

EN 61234-2:1998
IEC 61234-2:1997
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulating materials - Methods of test for the hydrolytic stability - Part 2: Moulded thermosets
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61235:1995
IEC 61235:1993 (Modified) (corrigendum Mar. 1997 + corrigendum Jul. 1999 + corrigendum May. 2000)
Live working - Insulating hollow tubes for electrical purposes
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61236:1995
IEC 61236:1993 (Modified) (corrigendum Jul. 1999 + corrigendum May. 2000)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Saddles, pole clamps (stick clamps) and accessories for live working
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61236:2011
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 61236:2011
IEC 61236:2010
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Saddles, stick clamps and their accessories
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2014-02-01

EN 61237-1:1994
IEC 61237-1:1994
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 1: Mechanical measurements
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-06-01 dow : 1995-06-01

EN 61237-2:1995
IEC 61237-2:1995
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 2: Electrical measurements of analogue composite
video signals
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1995-08-01 dop : 1996-05-01 dow : 1996-05-01

EN 61237-3:1995
IEC 61237-3:1995 (corrigendum Apr. 1995)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Methods of measurement for broadcast video tape recorders - Part 3: Electrical measurements for analogue
component video signals
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1995-05-01 dop : 1996-02-01 dow : 1996-02-01

EN 61237-4:1997
IEC 61237-4:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 4: Analogue audio performance measurements
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61238-1:2003
IEC 61238-1:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 //

Compression and mechanical connectors for power cables for rated voltages up to 36 kV (Um = 42 kV) - Part 1: Test
methods and requirements
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 61240:1997
IEC 61240:1994

Piezoelectric devices - Preparation of outline drawings of surface-mounted devices (SMD) for frequency control and
selection - General rules
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61241-0:2006
IEC 61241-0:2004 (Modified) + corrigendum Nov. 2005
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 0: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-0:2009
dor : 2005-09-13 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61241-1:2004 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 61241-1:2004
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 1: Protection by enclosures "tD"
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-31:2009
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61241-2-2:1995
IEC 61241-2-2:1993 + corrigendum May 1994

Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 2: Test methods - Section 2: Method for
determining the electrical resistivity of dust in layers
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 61241-4:2006
IEC 61241-4:2001
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC)
Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 4: Type of protection "pD"
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 61241-10:2004
IEC 61241-10:2004
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 //

Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 10: Classification of areas where combustible
dusts are or may be present
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 61241-11:2006
IEC 61241-11:2005 + corrigendum Feb. 2006
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 11: Protection by intrinsic safety "iD"
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61241-18:2004
IEC 61241-18:2004
CLC/TC 31 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 18: Protection by encapsulation "mD"
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-18:2009
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61242:1997
IEC 61242:1995 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)
Electrical accessories - Cable reels for household and similar purposes
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

+ A1:2008 + corrigendum Oct. 2010
IEC 61242:1995/A1:2008
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 61243-1:2005
IEC 61243-1:2003 (Modified) (corrigendum Oct. 2005)
Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 1: Capacitive type to be used for voltages exceeding 1 kV a.c.
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 61243-1:2003/A1:2009
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61243-2:1997
IEC 61243-2:1995 (Modified) + corrigendum Jun. 1996 (corrigendum Jul. 1999 + corrigendum Mar. 2000)
Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 2: Resistive type to be used for voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV a.c.
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 61243-2:1995/A1:1999
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

+ A2:2002
IEC 61243-2:1995/A2:2002
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 61243-3:1998 + corrigendum Feb. 2002
IEC 61243-3:1998 (corrigendum May. 2000 + corrigendum Dec. 2000)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 3: Two-pole low-voltage type
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61243-3:2010
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2003-07-01

EN 61243-3:2010
IEC 61243-3:2009
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 3: Two-pole low-voltage type
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61243-5:2001
IEC 61243-5:1997 (Modified)
Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 5: Voltage detecting systems (VDS)
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2001-11-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61247:1997
IEC 61247:1995
PM-cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts - Dimensions
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

EN 61248-1:1997
IEC 61248-1:1996
Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61248-2:1997
IEC 61248-2:1996

Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 2: Sectional specification
for signal transformers on the basis of the capability approval procedure
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61248-3:1997
IEC 61248-3:1996

Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 3: Sectional specification
for power transformers on the basis of the capability approval procedure
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61248-4:1997
IEC 61248-4:1996

Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 4: Sectional specification
for power transformers for switched mode power supplies (SMPS) on the basis of the capability approval procedure
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61248-5:1997
IEC 61248-5:1996

Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 5: Sectional specification
for pulse transformers on the basis of the capability approval procedure
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61248-6:1997
IEC 61248-6:1996

Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 6: Sectional specification
for inductors on the basis of the capability approval procedure
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61248-7:1997
IEC 61248-7:1997
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 7: Sectional specification
for high-frequency inductors and intermediate frequency transformers on the basis of the capability approval
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 61249-2-1:2005
IEC 61249-2-1:2005
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-1: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, economic grade, copper-clad
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61249-2-2:2005
IEC 61249-2-2:2005
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-2: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, high electrical grade, copper-clad
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61249-2-4:2002
IEC 61249-2-4:2001
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-4: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Polyester non-woven/woven fibreglass laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test),
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61249-2-5:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2005
IEC 61249-2-5:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-5: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Brominated epoxide cellulose paper reinforced core / woven E-glass reinforced surfaces laminated sheets of
defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61249-2-6:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2005
IEC 61249-2-6:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-6: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Brominated epoxide non-woven/woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability
(vertical burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 61249-2-7:2002 + corrigendum Sep. 2005
IEC 61249-2-7:2002
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-7: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Epoxide woven E-glass laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

EN 61249-2-8:2003
IEC 61249-2-8:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-8: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Modified brominated epoxide woven fibreglass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical
burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61249-2-9:2003
IEC 61249-2-9:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-9: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Bismaleimide/triazine, modified epoxide or unmodified, woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of
defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61249-2-10:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2005
IEC 61249-2-10:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-10: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Cyanate ester, brominated epoxide, modified or unmodified, woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of
defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61249-2-11:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2005
IEC 61249-2-11:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-11: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Polyimide, brominated epoxide modified or unmodified, woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of
defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 61249-2-12:1999
IEC 61249-2-12:1999
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-12: Sectional specification set for reinforced
base materials, clad and unclad - Epoxide non-woven aramid laminate of defined flammability, copper-clad
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 61249-2-13:1999
IEC 61249-2-13:1999
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-13: Sectional specification set for reinforced
base materials, clad and unclad - Cyanate ester non-woven aramid laminate of defined flammability, copper clad
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61249-2-18:2002
IEC 61249-2-18:2002
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-18: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Polyester non-woven fibreglass reinforced laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test),
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61249-2-19:2002
IEC 61249-2-19:2001
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-19: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Epoxide cross-plied linear fibreglass-reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning
test) copper clad
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61249-2-21:2003
IEC 61249-2-21:2003
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-21: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical
burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 61249-2-22:2005
IEC 61249-2-22:2005
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-22: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Modified non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical
burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61249-2-23:2005
CLC/SR 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-23: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, economic grade, copper-clad
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61249-2-26:2005
IEC 61249-2-26:2005
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-26: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Non-halogenated epoxide non-woven/woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability
(vertical burning test), copper-clad
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61249-2-35:2009
IEC 61249-2-35:2008
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-35: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Modified epoxide woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad
for lead-free assembly
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 61249-2-36:2009
IEC 61249-2-36:2008
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-36: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Epoxide woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-
free assembly
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61249-2-37:2009
IEC 61249-2-37:2008
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-37: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Modified non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning
test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 61249-2-38:2009
IEC 61249-2-38:2008
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-38: Reinforced base materials, clad and
unclad - Non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test),
copper-clad for lead-free assembly
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 61249-2-41:2010
IEC 61249-2-41:2010
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-41: Reinforced base materials clad and
unclad - Brominated epoxide cellulose paper/woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of defined flammability
(vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61249-2-42:2010
IEC 61249-2-42:2010
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-42: Reinforced base materials clad and
unclad - Brominated epoxide non-woven / woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of defined flammability
(vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61249-3-3:1999
IEC 61249-3-3:1999
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 3-3: Sectional specification set for
unreinforced base materials, clad and unclad (intended for flexible printed boards) - Adhesive coated flexible
polyester film
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 61249-3-4:1999
IEC 61249-3-4:1999
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 3-4: Sectional specification set for
unreinforced base materials, clad and unclad (intended for flexible printed boards) - Adhesive coated flexible
polyimide film
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 61249-3-5:1999
IEC 61249-3-5:1999
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 3-5: Sectional specification set for
unreinforced base materials, clad and unclad (intended for flexible printed boards) - Transfer adhesive films
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 61249-4-1:2008
IEC 61249-4-1:2008
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-1: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards) - Epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61249-4-2:2005
IEC 61249-4-2:2005
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-2: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad - Multifunctional epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 61249-4-5:2005
IEC 61249-4-5:2005
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-5: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad - Polyimide, modified or unmodified, woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 61249-4-11:2005
IEC 61249-4-11:2005
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-11: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad - Non-halogenated epoxide, woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 61249-4-12:2005
IEC 61249-4-12:2005
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-12: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad - Non-halogenated multifunctional epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 61249-4-14:2009
IEC 61249-4-14:2009
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-14: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards) - Epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined
flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61249-4-15:2009
IEC 61249-4-15:2009
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-15: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards) - Multifunctional epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of
defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61249-4-16:2009
IEC 61249-4-16:2009
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-16: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards) - Multifunctional non-halogenated epoxide woven E-
glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61249-4-17:2009
IEC 61249-4-17:2009
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-17: Sectional specification set for prepreg
materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards) - Non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of
defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61249-5-1:1996
IEC 61249-5-1:1995
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for interconnection structures - Part 5: Sectional specification set for conductive foils and films with or
without coatings - Section 1: Copper foils (for the manufacture of copper-clad base materials)
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 61249-5-4:1996
IEC 61249-5-4:1996
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for interconnection structures - Part 5: Sectional specification set for conductive foils and films with or
without coatings - Section 4: Conductive inks
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61249-7-1:1995
IEC 61249-7-1:1995
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for interconnection structures - Part 7: Sectional specification set for restraining core materials - Section 1:
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 61249-8-7:1996
IEC 61249-8-7:1996
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for interconnection structures - Part 8: Sectional specification set for non-conductive films and coatings -
Section 7: Marking legend inks
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61249-8-8:1997
IEC 61249-8-8:1997
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Materials for interconnection structures - Part 8: Sectional specification set for non-conductive films and coatings -
Section 8: Temporary polymer coatings
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 61252:1995
IEC 61252:1993
Electroacoustics - Specifications for personal sound exposure meters
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-06-15 dop : 1995-12-15 dow : 1995-12-15

+ A1:2001
IEC 61252:1993/A1:2000
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61254:1994
IEC 61254:1993
CLC/SR 59 IEC/TC 59 //
Electric shavers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
dor : 1994-03-08 doa : 1994-06-15 dop : 1995-03-15 dow : 1995-03-15

EN 61255:1994
IEC 61255:1994
CLC/SR 59C IEC/SC 59C //
Household electric heating pads - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61260:1995
IEC 61260:1995
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2001
IEC 61260:1995/A1:2001
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61262-1:1994
IEC 61262-1:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers - Part 1: Determination of
the entrance field size
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61262-2:1994
IEC 61262-2:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers - Part 2: Determination of
the conversion factor
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61262-3:1994
IEC 61262-3:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers - Part 3: Determination of
the luminance distribution and luminance non-uniformity
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61262-4:1994
IEC 61262-4:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers - Part 4: Determination of
the image distortion
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61262-5:1994
IEC 61262-5:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers - Part 5: Determination of
the detective quantum efficiency
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61262-6:1994
IEC 61262-6:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers - Part 6: Determination of
the contrast ratio and veiling glare index
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61262-7:1995
IEC 61262-7:1995
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers - Part 7: Determination of
the modulation transfer function
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61265:1995
IEC 61265:1995 (corrigendum Jun. 1995)
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Instruments for measurement of aircraft noise - Performance requirements for systems to measure
one-third-octave band sound pressure levels in noise certification of transport-category aeroplanes
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-07-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61266:1995
IEC 61266:1994
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //

Ultrasonics - Hand-held probe Doppler foetal heartbeat detectors - Performance requirements and methods of
measurement and reporting
dor : 1995-02-15 doa : 1995-05-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 61267:2006
IEC 61267:2005
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
Medical diagnostic X-ray equipment - Radiation conditions for use in the determination of characteristics
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 61269-1:1997
IEC 61269-1:1994
Fibre optic terminus sets - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 61269-1-1:1997
IEC 61269-1-1:1994
Fibre optic terminus sets - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 61270-1:1996
IEC 61270-1:1996
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Capacitors for microwave ovens - Part 1: General
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61274-1:2008
IEC 61274-1:2007
Adaptors for fibre optic connectors - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61274-1-1:2006
IEC 61274-1-1:2006
Adaptors for fibre optic connectors - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61280-1-1:1998
IEC 61280-1-1:1998
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures - Part 1-1: Test procedures for general communication
subsystems - Transmitter output optical power measurement for single-mode optical fibre cable
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 61280-1-3:1999
IEC 61280-1-3:1998
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures - Part 1-3: Test procedures for general communication
subsystems - Central wavelength and spectral width measurement
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61280-1-3:2010
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61280-1-3:2010
IEC 61280-1-3:2010
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 1-3: General communication subsystems - Central
wavelength and spectral width measurement
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61280-1-4:2003
IEC 61280-1-4:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 1-4: General communication subsystems - Collection
and reduction of two-dimensional nearfield data for multimode fibre laser transmitters
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61280-1-4:2010
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61280-1-4:2010
IEC 61280-1-4:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 1-4: General communication subsystems - Light source
encircled flux measurement method
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 61280-2-1:1999
IEC 61280-2-1:1999
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures - Part 2-1: Test procedures for digital systems - Receiver
sensitivity and overload measurement
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61280-2-1:2010
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 61280-2-1:2010
IEC 61280-2-1:2010
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-1: Digital systems - Receiver sensitivity and overload
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 61280-2-2:2008
IEC 61280-2-2:2008
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-2: Digital systems - Optical eye pattern, waveform and
extinction ratio measurement
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61280-2-3:2009 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 61280-2-3:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-3: Digital systems - Jitter and wander measurements
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 61280-2-5:1998
IEC 61280-2-5:1998
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures - Part 2-5: Test procedures for digital systems - Jitter
transfer function measurement
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 61280-2-8:2003
IEC 61280-2-8:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Digital systems - Part 2-8: Determination of low BER using
Q-factor measurements
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61280-2-9:2002
IEC 61280-2-9:2002
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-9: Digital systems - Optical signal-to-noise ratio
measurement for dense wavelength-division multiplexed systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61280-2-9:2009
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 61280-2-9:2009
IEC 61280-2-9:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-9: Digital systems - Optical signal-to-noise ratio
measurement for dense wavelength-division multiplexed systems
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 61280-2-10:2005
IEC 61280-2-10:2005
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-10: Digital systems - Time-resolved chirp and alpha-
factor measurement of laser transmitters
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 61280-2-11:2006
IEC 61280-2-11:2006
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-11: Digital systems - Averaged Q-factor determination
using amplitude histogram evaluation for optical signal quality monitoring
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61280-4-1:2004
IEC 61280-4-1:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre-optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 4-1: Cable plant and links - Multimode fibre-optic cable
plant attenuation measurement
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61280-4-1:2009
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 61280-4-1:2009
IEC 61280-4-1:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 4-1: Installed cable plant - Multimode attenuation
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 61280-4-2:1999
IEC 61280-4-2:1999
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures - Part 4-2: Fibre optic cable plant - Single-mode fibre
optic cable plant attenuation
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61280-4-4:2006
IEC 61280-4-4:2006
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 4-4: Cable plants and links - Polarization mode
dispersion measurement for installed links
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61281-1:1999
IEC 61281-1:1999
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic communication subsystems - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61284:1997
IEC 61284:1997 (corrigendum Sep. 1998)
CLC/TC 11 IEC/TC 11 //
Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for fittings
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61285:2004
IEC 61285:2004
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control - Safety of analyser houses
dor : 2004-11-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-11-01

EN 61286:2002
IEC 61286:2001 (Modified)

Information technology - Coded graphic character set for use in the preparation of documents used in
electrotechnology and for information interchange
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 61287-1:2006
IEC 61287-1:2005
Railway applications - Power convertors installed on board rolling stock - Part 1: Characteristics and test methods
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61290-1-1:2006
IEC 61290-1-1:2006
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 1-1: Power and gain parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61290-1-2:2005
IEC 61290-1-2:2005
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 1-2: Power and gain parameters - Electrical spectrum analyzer method
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61290-1-3:2005
IEC 61290-1-3:2005
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 1-3: Power and gain parameters - Optical power meter method
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61290-3:2000
IEC 61290-3:2000
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical fibre amplifiers - Basic specification - Part 3: Test methods for noise figure parameters
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61290-3:2008
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 61290-3:2008
IEC 61290-3:2008
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 3: Noise figure parameters
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61290-3-1:2003
IEC 61290-3-1:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 3-1: Noise figure parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61290-3-2:2003
IEC 61290-3-2:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Part 3-2: Test methods for noise figure parameters - Electrical spectrum analyzer method
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61290-3-2:2008
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 61290-3-2:2008
IEC 61290-3-2:2008
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 3-2: Noise figure parameters - Electrical spectrum analyzer method
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61290-5-1:2006
IEC 61290-5-1:2006
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 5-1: Reflectance parameters - Optical spectrum analyzer method
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 61290-5-2:2004
IEC 61290-5-2:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 5-2: Reflectance parameters - Electrical spectrum analyser method
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 61290-5-3:2002
IEC 61290-5-3:2002
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Optical fibre amplifiers - Basic specification - Part 5-3: Test methods for reflectance parameters - Reflectance
tolerance using an electrical spectrum analyser
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 61290-6-1:1998
IEC 61290-6-1:1998
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Optical fibre amplifiers - Basic specification - Part 6-1: Test methods for pump leakage parameters - Optical
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 61290-7-1:2007
IEC 61290-7-1:2007
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 7-1: Out-of-band insertion losses - Filtered optical power meter method
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 61290-10-1:2003
IEC 61290-10-1:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 10-1: Multichannel parameters - Pulse method using an optical switch and
optical spectrum analyzer
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61290-10-1:2009
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 61290-10-1:2009
IEC 61290-10-1:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 10-1: Multichannel parameters - Pulse method using an optical switch and
optical spectrum analyzer
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61290-10-2:2008
IEC 61290-10-2:2007
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 10-2: Multichannel parameters - Pulse method using a gated optical
spectrum analyzer
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61290-10-3:2003
IEC 61290-10-3:2002
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 10-3: Multichannel parameters - Probe methods
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 61290-10-4:2007
IEC 61290-10-4:2007
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 10-4: Multichannel parameters - Interpolated source subtraction method
using an optical spectrum analyzer
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 61290-11-1:2008
IEC 61290-11-1:2008
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 11-1: Polarization mode dispersion parameter - Jones matrix eigenanalysis
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61290-11-2:2005
IEC 61290-11-2:2005
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 11-2: Polarization mode dispersion parameter - Poincar sphere analysis
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 61291-1:2006
IEC 61291-1:2006
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61291-2:2007
IEC 61291-2:2007
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Part 2: Digital applications - Performance specification template
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 61291-4:2008
IEC 61291-4:2008
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Part 4: Multichannel applications - Performance specification template
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 61291-5-2:2002
IEC 61291-5-2:2002
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Part 5-2: Qualification specifications - Reliability qualification for optical fibre amplifiers
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 61291-6-1:2008
IEC 61291-6-1:2008
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Optical amplifiers - Part 6-1: Interfaces - Command set
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61293:1994
IEC 61293:1994
CLC/SR 16 IEC/TC 16 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Marking of electrical equipment with ratings related to electrical supply - Safety requirements
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1994-10-01 dop : 1995-07-01 dow : 1995-07-01

EN 61297:1995
IEC 61297:1995
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Industrial-process control systems - Classification of adaptive controllers for the purpose of evaluation
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61298-1:1995
IEC 61298-1:1995
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Process measurement and control devices - General methods and procedures for evaluating performance - Part 1:
General considerations
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61298-1:2008
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61298-1:2008
IEC 61298-1:2008
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Process measurement and control devices - General methods and procedures for evaluating performance - Part 1:
General considerations
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 61298-2:1995
IEC 61298-2:1995
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Process measurement and control devices - General methods and procedures for evaluating performance - Part 2:
Tests under reference conditions
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61298-2:2008
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61298-2:2008
IEC 61298-2:2008
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Process measurement and control devices - General methods and procedures for evaluating performance - Part 2:
Tests under reference conditions
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 61298-3:1998
IEC 61298-3:1998
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Process measurement and control devices - General methods and procedures for evaluating performance - Part 3:
Tests for the effects of influence quantities
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61298-3:2008
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61298-3:2008
IEC 61298-3:2008
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Process measurement and control devices - General methods and procedures for evaluating performance - Part 3:
Tests for the effects of influence quantities
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61298-4:1995
IEC 61298-4:1995
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Process measurement and control devices - General methods and procedures for evaluating performance - Part 4:
Evaluation report content
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61298-4:2008
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61298-4:2008
IEC 61298-4:2008
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Process measurement and control devices - General methods and procedures for evaluating performance - Part 4:
Evaluation report content
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 61300-1:2003
IEC 61300-1:2003

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 1:
General and guidance
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-1:2011
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 61300-1:2011
IEC 61300-1:2011

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 1:
General and guidance
dor : 2011-04-27 doa : 2011-07-27 dop : 2012-01-27 dow : 2012-04-27

EN 61300-2-1:2009
IEC 61300-2-1:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-1:
Tests - Vibration (sinusoidal)
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61300-2-2:2009 + corrigendum May. 2009
IEC 61300-2-2:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-2:
Tests - Mating durability
NOTE: Corrigendum to EN issued May 2009
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61300-2-4:1997
IEC 61300-2-4:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-4:
Tests - Fibre/cable retention
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-5:2002
IEC 61300-2-5:2002

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-5:
Tests - Torsion/twist
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-2-5:2011
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-2-5:2011
IEC 61300-2-5:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-5:
Tests - Torsion
dor : 2011-03-18 doa : 2011-06-18 dop : 2011-12-18 dow : 2012-03-18

EN 61300-2-6:1997
IEC 61300-2-6:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-6:
Tests - Tensile strength of coupling mechanism
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-2-6:2011
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-6:2011
IEC 61300-2-6:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-6:
Tests - Tensile strength of coupling mechanism
dor : 2011-01-13 doa : 2011-04-13 dop : 2011-10-13 dow : 2012-01-13

EN 61300-2-7:1997
IEC 61300-2-7:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-7:
Tests - Bending moment
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-8:1997
IEC 61300-2-8:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-8:
Tests - Bump
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-9:1997
IEC 61300-2-9:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-9:
Tests - Shock
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-2-9:2010
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-9:2010 + AC:2011
IEC 61300-2-9:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-9:
Tests - Shock
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

+ AC:2011

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-9:
Tests - Shock
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 61300-2-10:1997
IEC 61300-2-10:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-10:
Tests - Crush resistance
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-2-11:1997
IEC 61300-2-11:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-11:
Tests - Axial compression
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-12:2009
IEC 61300-2-12:2009 + corrigendum Jun. 2011

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-12:
Tests - Impact
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61300-2-13:1997
IEC 61300-2-13:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-13:
Tests - Acceleration
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-14:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 61300-2-14:2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-14:
Tests - Optical power handling and damage threshold characterization
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61300-2-15:2008
IEC 61300-2-15:2008

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-15:
Tests - Torque strength of coupling mechanism
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 61300-2-17:2003
IEC 61300-2-17:2003

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-17:
Tests - Cold
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-2-17:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61300-2-17:2011
IEC 61300-2-17:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-17:
Tests - Cold
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-04-03 dop : 2011-10-03 dow : 2012-01-03

EN 61300-2-18:2005
IEC 61300-2-18:2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-18:
Tests - Dry heat - High temperature endurance
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 61300-2-19:2005
IEC 61300-2-19:2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-19:
Tests - Damp heat (steady state)
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-2-21:2010
IEC 61300-2-21:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-21:
Tests - Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61300-2-22:2007
IEC 61300-2-22:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-22:
Tests - Change of temperature
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 61300-2-23:1997
IEC 61300-2-23:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-23:
Tests - Sealing for non-pressurized closures of fibre optic devices
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-2-23:2011
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-23:2011
IEC 61300-2-23:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-23:
Tests - Sealing for non-pressurized closures of fibre optic devices
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 61300-2-24:2010
IEC 61300-2-24:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-24:
Tests - Screen testing of ceramic alignment split sleeve by stress application
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 61300-2-26:2007
IEC 61300-2-26:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-26:
Tests - Salt mist
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 61300-2-27:1997
IEC 61300-2-27:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-27:
Tests - Dust - Laminar flow
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-28:1997
IEC 61300-2-28:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-28:
Tests - Industrial atmosphere (sulphur dioxide)
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-29:1997
IEC 61300-2-29:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-29:
Tests - Low air pressure
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-2-32:1997
IEC 61300-2-32:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-32:
Tests - Water vapour permeation
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-33:2007
IEC 61300-2-33:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-33:
Tests - Assembly and disassembly of fibre optic closures
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 61300-2-34:2009
IEC 61300-2-34:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-34:
Tests - Resistance to solvents and contaminating fluids of interconnecting components and closures
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 61300-2-35:1997
IEC 61300-2-35:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-35:
Tests - Cable nutation
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-36:1997
IEC 61300-2-36:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-36:
Tests - Flammability (fire hazard)
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-2-37:2007
IEC 61300-2-37:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-37:
Tests - Cable bending for fibre optic closures
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61300-2-38:2006
IEC 61300-2-38:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-38:
Tests - Sealing for pressurized fibre optic closures
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61300-2-40:2000
IEC 61300-2-40:2000

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-40:
Tests - Screen testing of attenuation of single-mode tuned angled optical connectors
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61300-2-41:1998
IEC 61300-2-41:1998

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-41:
Tests - Screen testing of attenuation of single-mode tuned non-angled optical fibre connectors
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-2-42:2005
IEC 61300-2-42:2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-42:
Tests - Static side load for connectors
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 61300-2-43:1999
IEC 61300-2-43:1999

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-43:
Tests - Screen testing of return loss of single mode PC optical fibre connectors
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61300-2-44:2005
IEC 61300-2-44:2004

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-44:
Tests - Flexing of the strain relief of fibre optic devices
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-2-44:2008
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 61300-2-44:2008
IEC 61300-2-44:2008

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-44:
Tests - Flexing of the strain relief of fibre optic devices
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61300-2-45:1999
IEC 61300-2-45:1999

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-45:
Tests - Durability test by water immersion
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61300-2-46:2006
IEC 61300-2-46:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-46:
Tests - Damp heat cyclic
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-08-01

EN 61300-2-47:2007
IEC 61300-2-47:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-47:
Tests - Thermal shocks
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-2-47:2010
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 61300-2-47:2010
IEC 61300-2-47:2010 (corrigendum Apr. 2011)

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-47:
Tests - Thermal shocks
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-2-48:2009
IEC 61300-2-48:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-48:
Tests - Temperature-humidity cycling
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 61300-2-49:2007
IEC 61300-2-49:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-49:
Tests - Connector installation test
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 61300-2-50:2007
IEC 61300-2-50:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-50:
Tests - Fibre optic connector proof test with static load - Singlemode and multimode
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 61300-2-51:2007
IEC 61300-2-51:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-51:
Tests - Fibre optic connector test for transmission with applied tensile load - Singlemode and multimode
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 61300-3-1:2005
IEC 61300-3-1:2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-1:
Examinations and measurements - Visual examination
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61300-3-2:2009
IEC 61300-3-2:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-2:
Examinations and measurements - Polarization dependent loss in a single-mode fibre optic device
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61300-3-3:2009
IEC 61300-3-3:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-3:
Examinations and measurements - Active monitoring of changes in attenuation and return loss
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 61300-3-4:2001
IEC 61300-3-4:2001

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-4:
Examinations and measurements - Attenuation
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 61300-3-5:2001
IEC 61300-3-5:2000

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-5:
Examinations and measurements - Wavelength dependence of attenuation
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-3-6:2009
IEC 61300-3-6:2008

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-6:
Examinations and measurements - Return loss
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61300-3-7:2001
IEC 61300-3-7:2000

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-7:
Examinations and measurements - Wavelength dependence of attenuation and return loss
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 61300-3-8:1997
IEC 61300-3-8:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-8:
Examinations and measurements - Ambient light susceptibility
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-3-9:1997
IEC 61300-3-9:1997

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-9:
Examinations and measurements - Far-end crosstalk
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61300-3-10:2007
IEC 61300-3-10:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-10:
Examinations and measurements - Gauge retention force
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61300-3-11:1997
IEC 61300-3-11:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-11:
Examinations and measurements - Engagement and separation forces
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-3-13:1997
IEC 61300-3-13:1995

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-13:
Examinations and measurements - Control stability of a fibre optic switch
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61300-3-14:2007
IEC 61300-3-14:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-14:
Examinations and measurements - Accuracy and repeatability of the attenuation settings of a variable attenuator
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61300-3-15:2007
IEC 61300-3-15:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-15:
Examinations and measurements - Dome eccentricity of a convex polished ferrule endface
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-3-16:2003
IEC 61300-3-16:2003

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-16:
Examinations and measurements - Endface radius of spherically polished ferrules
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 61300-3-17:1999
IEC 61300-3-17:1999

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-17:
Examinations and measurements - Endface angle of angle-polished ferrules
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61300-3-18:2006
IEC 61300-3-18:2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-18:
Examinations and measurements - Keying accuracy of an angled endface connector
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61300-3-19:1997
IEC 61300-3-19:1997

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-19:
Examinations and measurements - Polarization dependence of return loss of a single mode fibre optic component
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61300-3-20:2001 + corrigendum Mar. 2002
IEC 61300-3-20:2001

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-20:
Examinations and measurements - Directivity of fibre optic branching devices
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 61300-3-21:1998
IEC 61300-3-21:1998

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-21:
Examinations and measurements - Switching time and bounce time
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61300-3-22:1997
IEC 61300-3-22:1997

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-22:
Examinations and measurements - Ferrule compression force
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61300-3-22:2011
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61300-3-22:2011
IEC 61300-3-22:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-22:
Examinations and measurements - Ferrule compression force
dor : 2011-01-13 doa : 2011-04-13 dop : 2011-10-13 dow : 2012-01-13

EN 61300-3-23:1998
IEC 61300-3-23:1998

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-23:
Examination and measurements - Fibre position relative to ferrule endface
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-3-24:2007
IEC 61300-3-24:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-24:
Examinations and measurements - Keying accuracy of optical connectors for polarization maintaining fibre
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61300-3-25:1997
IEC 61300-3-25:1997

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-25:
Examinations and measurements - Concentricity of the ferrules and ferrules with fibre installed
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61300-3-26:2002
IEC 61300-3-26:2002

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-26:
Examinations and measurements - Measurement of the angular misalignment between fibre and ferrule axes
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 61300-3-27:1997
IEC 61300-3-27:1997

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-27:
Examinations and measurements - Measurement method for the hole location of a multiway connector plug
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-08-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 1998-02-01

EN 61300-3-28:2002
IEC 61300-3-28:2002

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-28:
Examinations and measurements - Transient loss
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61300-3-29:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 61300-3-29:2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-29:
Examinations and measurements - Measurement techniques for characterizing the amplitude of the spectral transfer
function of DWDM components
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61300-3-30:2003
IEC 61300-3-30:2003

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-30:
Examinations and measurements - Polish angle and fibre position on single ferrule multifibre connectors
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 61300-3-31:2003
IEC 61300-3-31:2003

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-31:
Examinations and measurements - Coupled power ratio measurement for fibre optic sources
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61300-3-32:2006
IEC 61300-3-32:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-32:
Examinations and measurements - Polarization mode dispersion measurement for passive optical components
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-3-33:1999
IEC 61300-3-33:1999

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-33:
Examinations and measurements - Ferrule withdrawal force
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61300-3-34:2009
IEC 61300-3-34:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-34:
Examinations and measurements - Attenuation of random mated connectors
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61300-3-35:2010
IEC 61300-3-35:2009 (corrigendum Jun. 2010)

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-35:
Examinations and measurements - Fibre optic connector endface visual and automated inspection
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 61300-3-36:2000
IEC 61300-3-36:2000

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-36:
Examinations and measurements - Measurement methods for the inside and outside diameters of fibre optic
connector ferrules
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 61300-3-37:2005
IEC 61300-3-37:2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-37:
Examinations and measurements - Endface angle of angle-polished optical fibres
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-10-10 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61300-3-39:1997
IEC 61300-3-39:1997

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-39:
Examinations and measurements - PC optical connector reference plug selection
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61300-3-40:1998
IEC 61300-3-40:1998

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-40:
Examinations and measurements - Extinction ratio of a polarization maintaining (pm) fibre pigtailed connector
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61300-3-42:2008
IEC 61300-3-42:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-42:
Examinations and measurements - Attenuation of single mode alignment sleeves and or adaptors with resilient
alignment sleeves
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61300-3-43:2009
IEC 61300-3-43:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-43:
Examinations and measurements - Mode transfer function measurement for fibre optic sources
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 61300-3-45:2011
IEC 61300-3-45:2011

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-45:
Examinations and measurements - Attenuation of random mated multi-fibre connectors
dor : 2011-06-16 doa : 2011-09-16 dop : 2012-03-16 dow : 2014-06-16

EN 61300-3-46:2011
IEC 61300-3-46:2011

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-46:
Measurement - Bore diameter for guide pin in MT ferrules
dor : 2011-07-21 doa : 2011-10-21 dop : 2012-04-21 dow : 2014-07-21

EN 61302:1995
IEC 61302:1995 (corrigendum Sep. 1995)
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Electrical insulating materials - Method to evaluate the resistance to tracking and erosion - Rotating wheel dip test
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 61303:1995
IEC 61303:1994
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
Medical electrical equipment - Radionuclide calibrators - Particular methods for describing performance
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-03-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 61305-1:1995
IEC 61305-1:1995
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Household high-fidelity audio equipment and systems - Methods of measuring and specifying the performance - Part
1: General
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 61305-2:1998
IEC 61305-2:1997
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Household high-fidelity audio equipment and systems - Methods of measuring and specifying the performance - Part
2: FM radio tuners
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 61305-3:1995
IEC 61305-3:1995
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Household high-fidelity audio equipment and systems - Methods of measuring and specifying the performance - Part
3: Amplifiers
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 61305-5:2003
IEC 61305-5:2003
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Household high-fidelity audio equipment and systems - Methods of measuring and specifying the performance - Part
5: Loudspeakers
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61307:2006
IEC 61307:2006
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
Industrial microwave heating installations - Test methods for the determination of power output
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61307:2011
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 61307:2011
IEC 61307:2011
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
Industrial microwave heating installations - Test methods for the determination of power output
dor : 2011-06-22 doa : 2011-09-22 dop : 2012-03-22 dow : 2014-06-22

EN 61308:2006
IEC 61308:2005
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
High-frequency dielectric heating installations - Test methods for the determination of power output
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 61309:1995
IEC 61309:1995
CLC/SR 59L IEC/SC 59L //
Deep-fat fryers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
dor : 1995-02-15 doa : 1995-05-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 61310-1:2008
IEC 61310-1:2007
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 1: Requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile signals
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61310-2:2008
IEC 61310-2:2007
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 2: Requirements for marking
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61310-3:2008
IEC 61310-3:2007
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 LVD (2006/95/EC) MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //

Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 3: Requirements for the location and operation of
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61313-1:1997
IEC 61313-1:1995
Fibre optic passive components and cable assemblies - Part 1: Capability approval - Generic specification
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

EN 61314-1:2005
IEC 61314-1:2005
Fibre optic fan-outs - Part 1: Generic specification
NOTE: Superserded by EN 61314-1:2009
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 61314-1:2009
IEC 61314-1:2009
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic fan-outs - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61314-1-1:2006
IEC 61314-1-1:2006
Fibre optic fan-outs - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61315:2006
IEC 61315:2005
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Calibration of fibre-optic power meters
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61316:1999
IEC 61316:1999
CLC/SR 23H IEC/SC 23H LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Industrial cable reels
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61318:2008
IEC 61318:2007
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Conformity assessment applicable to tools, devices and equipment
dor : 2008-04-16 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61319-1:1996
IEC 61319-1:1995
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Interconnections of satellite receiving equipment - Part 1: Europe
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A11:1999
CLC/TC 206
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 1999-10-01

EN 61325:1995
IEC 61325:1995
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 kV - Ceramic or glass insulator units for d.c. systems -
Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1995-08-15 dop : 1996-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 61326-1:2006
IEC 61326-1:2005 (corrigendum Feb. 2008 + corrigendum Feb. 2010)
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1: General
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61326-2-1:2006
IEC 61326-2-1:2005
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-1: Particular
requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for sensitive test and
measurement equipment for EMC unprotected applications
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61326-2-2:2006
IEC 61326-2-2:2005 (corrigendum Nov. 2007)
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-2: Particular
requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for portable test, measuring and
monitoring equipment used in low-voltage distribution systems
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61326-2-3:2006
IEC 61326-2-3:2006
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-3: Particular
requirements - Test configuration, operational conditions and performance criteria for transducers with integrated or
remote signal conditioning
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-08-01

EN 61326-2-4:2006
IEC 61326-2-4:2006 + corrigendum Jul. 2011
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-4: Particular
requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for insulation monitoring devices
according to IEC 61557-8 and for equipment for insulation fault location according to IEC 61557-9
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61326-2-5:2006
IEC 61326-2-5:2006
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-5: Particular
requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for field devices with interfaces
according to IEC 61784-1, CP 3/2
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61326-2-6:2006
IEC 61326-2-6:2005 (corrigendum Sep. 2007)
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A IVD (98/79/EC) //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-6: Particular
requirements - In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61326-3-1:2008
IEC 61326-3-1:2008 (corrigendum Aug. 2008)
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 3-1: Immunity
requirements for safety-related systems and for equipment intended to perform safety-related functions (functional
safety) - General industrial applications
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 61326-1:2006
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61326-3-2:2008
IEC 61326-3-2:2008
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 3-2: Immunity
requirements for safety-related systems and for equipment intended to perform safety-related functions (functional
safety) - Industrial applications with specified electromagnetic environment
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 61326-1:2006
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61327:1995
IEC 61327:1995
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Helical-scan digital composite video cassette recording system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape - Format D-3
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61329:1996
IEC 61329:1995
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Sound system equipment - Methods of measuring and specifying the performance of sounders (electroacoustic
transducers for tone production)
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61331-1:2002
IEC 61331-1:1994

Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 1: Determination of attenuation properties of
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61331-2:2002
IEC 61331-2:1994
Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 2: Protective glass plates
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61331-3:1999
IEC 61331-3:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3: Protective clothing and protective devices for
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

EN 61332:2005
IEC 61332:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Soft ferrite material classification
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61333:1998
IEC 61333:1996
Marking on U and E ferrite cores
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 1999-03-01

EN 61334-3-21:1996
IEC 61334-3-21:1996
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 3: Mains signaling requirements - Section 21:
MV phase-to-phase isolated capacitive coupling device
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61334-3-22:2001
IEC 61334-3-22:2001
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 3-22: Mains signaling requirements - MV
phase-to-earth and screen-to-earth intrusive coupling devices
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61334-4-1:1996
IEC 61334-4-1:1996
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 1:
Reference model of the communication system
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61334-4-32:1996
IEC 61334-4-32:1996
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 32:
Data link layer - Logical link control (LLC)
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61334-4-33:1998
IEC 61334-4-33:1998
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4-33: Data communication protocols - Data link
layer - Connection oriented protocol
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61334-4-41:1996
IEC 61334-4-41:1996
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 41:
Application protocols - Distribution line message specification
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61334-4-42:1996
IEC 61334-4-42:1996
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 42:
Application protocols - Application layer
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61334-4-61:1998
IEC 61334-4-61:1998
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4-61: Data communication protocols - Network
layer - Connectionless protocol
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61334-4-511:2000
IEC 61334-4-511:2000
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4-511: Data communication protocols - Systems
management - CIASE protocol
dor : 2000-08-13 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61334-4-512:2002
IEC 61334-4-512:2001
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4-512: Data communication protocols - System
management using profile 61334-5-1 - Management Information Base (MIB)
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61334-5-1:2001
IEC 61334-5-1:2001
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 5-1: Lower layer profiles - The spread
frequency shift keying (S-FSK) profile
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-06-01

EN 61334-6:2000
IEC 61334-6:2000
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 6: A-XDR encoding rule
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61337-1:2004
IEC 61337-1:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Filters using waveguide type dielectric resonators - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61337-2:2004
IEC 61337-2:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Filters using waveguide type dielectric resonators - Part 2: Guidance for use
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61338-1:2005
IEC 61338-1:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Waveguide type dielectric resonators - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 61338-1-3:2000
IEC 61338-1-3:1999
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Waveguide type dielectric resonators - Part 1-3: General information and test conditions - Measurement method of
complex relative permittivity for dielectric resonator materials at microwave frequency
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61338-1-4:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 61338-1-4:2005
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Waveguide type dielectric resonators - Part 1-4: General information and test conditions - Measurement method of
complex relative permittivity for dielectric resonator materials at millimetre-wave frequency
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 61338-2:2004
IEC 61338-2:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Waveguide type dielectric resonators - Part 2: Guidelines for oscillator and filter applications
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 61338-4:2005
IEC 61338-4:2005
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Waveguide type dielectric resonators - Part 4: Sectional specification
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 61338-4-1:2005
IEC 61338-4-1:2005
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Waveguide type dielectric resonators - Part 4-1: Blank detail specification
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 61340-2-1:2002
IEC 61340-2-1:2002
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //
Electrostatics - Part 2-1: Measurement methods - Ability of materials and products to dissipate static electric charge
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 61340-2-3:2000
IEC 61340-2-3:2000
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //

Electrostatics - Part 2-3: Methods of test for determining the resistance and resistivity of solid planar materials used
to avoid electrostatic charge accumulation
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 61340-3-1:2007
IEC 61340-3-1:2006
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //

Electrostatics - Part 3-1: Methods for simulation of electrostatic effects - Human body model (HBM) electrostatic
discharge test waveforms
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61340-3-2:2007
IEC 61340-3-2:2006
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //

Electrostatics - Part 3-2: Methods for simulation of electrostatic effects - Machine model (MM) electrostatic
discharge test waveforms
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61340-4-1:2004
IEC 61340-4-1:2003
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //

Electrostatics - Part 4-1: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrical resistance of floor coverings and
installed floors
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61340-4-3:2001
IEC 61340-4-3:2001
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //
Electrostatics - Part 4-3: Standard test methods for specific applications - Footwear
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 61340-4-4:2005
IEC 61340-4-4:2005
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //

Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible
intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61340-4-5:2004
IEC 61340-4-5:2004
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //

Electrostatics - Part 4-5: Standard test methods for specific applications - Methods for characterizing the electrostatic
protection of footwear and flooring in combination with a person
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61340-5-1:2007
IEC 61340-5-1:2007
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //
Electrostatics - Part 5-1: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - General requirements
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61340-5-3:2010
IEC 61340-5-3:2010
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101 //

Electrostatics - Part 5-3: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - Properties and requirements
classifications for packaging intended for electrostatic discharge sensitive devices
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61341:2011
IEC/TR 61341:2010
Method of measurement of centre beam intensity and beam angle(s) of reflector lamps
dor : 2011-07-04 doa : 2012-01-04 dop : 2012-07-04 dow : 2014-07-04

EN 61345:1998
IEC 61345:1998
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
UV test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61346-1:1996
IEC 61346-1:1996
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference
designations - Part 1: Basic rules
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

EN 61346-2:2000
IEC 61346-2:2000
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference
designations - Part 2: Classification of objects and codes for classes
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 61347-1:2008
IEC 61347-1:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC)
Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety requirements
dor : 2008-04-16 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 61347-1:2007/A1:2010
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-08-01 dop : 2012-02-01 dow : 2014-02-01

EN 61347-2-1:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-1:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for starting devices (other than glow starters)
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A1:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 61347-2-1:2000/A1:2005
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61347-2-2:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-2:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Lamp controlgear - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for
filament lamps
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A1:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 61347-2-2:2000/A1:2005
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 61347-2-2:2000/A2:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 61347-2-3:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-3:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2004
IEC 61347-2-3:2000/A1:2004
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 61347-2-3:2000/A2:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61347-2-3:2011
IEC 61347-2-3:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Lamp control gear - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. and/or d.c. supplied electronic control gear for
fluorescent lamps
dor : 2011-06-23 doa : 2011-09-23 dop : 2012-03-23 dow : 2014-06-23

EN 61347-2-4:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-4:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for d.c. supplied electronic ballasts for general lighting
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 61347-2-5:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-5:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for d.c. supplied electronic ballasts for public transport lighting
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 61347-2-6:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-6:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for d.c. supplied electronic ballasts for aircraft lighting
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 61347-2-7:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-7:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for d.c. supplied electronic ballasts for emergency lighting
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61347-2-8:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-8:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2006-12-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 61347-2-8:2000/A1:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61347-2-9:2001 + corrigendum Jul. 2003 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-9:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps)
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2003
IEC 61347-2-9:2000/A1:2003
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 61347-2-9:2000/A2:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 61347-2-10:2001 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-10:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Lamp controlgear - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for electronic invertors and convertors for high-frequency
operation of cold start tubular discharge lamps (neon tubes)
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 61347-2-10:2000/A1:2008
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 61347-2-11:2001 + corrigendum Jan. 2002 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-11:2001 (corrigendum Dec. 2001)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for miscellaneous electronic circuits used with luminaires
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 61347-2-12:2005 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-12:2005
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Lamp controlgear - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for discharge lamps
(excluding fluorescent lamps)
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 61347-2-12:2005/A1:2010
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 61347-2-13:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 61347-2-13:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Lamp controlgear - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 61355-1:2008
IEC 61355-1:2008
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //

Classification and designation of documents for plants, systems and equipment - Part 1: Rules and classification
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61358:1996
IEC 61358:1996
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Acceptance inspection for direct connected alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 1
and 2)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62058-11:2010 and EN 62058-31:2010
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-07-01 dop : 1997-01-01 dow : 1997-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61360-1:2002
IEC 61360-1:2002

Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 1: Definitions -
Principles and methods
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61306-1:2010
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61360-1:2002/A1:2003
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61360-1:2010
IEC 61360-1:2009

Standard data elements types with associated classification scheme for electric items - Part 1: Definitions - Principles
and methods
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61360-2:2002
IEC 61360-2:2002

Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 2: EXPRESS
dictionary schema
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61360-2:2002/A1:2003
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61360-4:2005 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
IEC 61360-4:2005

Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 4: IEC reference
collection of standard data element types and component classes
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 61360-5:2004
IEC 61360-5:2004

Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 5: Extensions to the
EXPRESS dictionary schema
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-06-01

EN 61362:1998
IEC 61362:1998 (corrigendum Mar. 2000)
CLC/SR 4 IEC/TC 4 //
Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine control systems
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 61373:1999
IEC 61373:1999
Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Shock and vibration tests
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 61373:2010
IEC 61373:2010
Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Shock and vibration tests
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61377-1:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 61377-1:2006

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Part 1: Combined testing of inverter-fed alternating current motors and their
control system
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61377-2:2002
IEC 61377-2:2002

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Combined testing - Part 2: Chopper-fed direct current traction motors and their
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 61377-3:2002
IEC 61377-3:2002

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Part 3: Combined testing of alternating current motors, fed by an indirect
convertor, and their control system
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 61378-1:1998 + corrigendum Nov. 1998
IEC 61378-1:1997
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Convertor transformers - Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

EN 61378-2:2001
IEC 61378-2:2001
CLC/TC 14 IEC/TC 14 //
Convertor transformers - Part 2: Transformers for HVDC applications
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2001-11-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 61386-1:2008
IEC 61386-1:2008
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Conduit systems for cable management - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61386-21:2004 + corrigendum Apr. 2004
IEC 61386-21:2002
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC)
Conduit systems for cable management - Part 21: Particular requirements - Rigid conduit systems
dor : 2003-09-23 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2008-06-30

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 61386-22:2004 + corrigendum Apr. 2004
IEC 61386-22:2002
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC)
Conduit systems for cable management - Part 22: Particular requirements - Pliable conduit systems
dor : 2003-09-23 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2008-06-30

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61386-23:2004 + corrigendum Apr. 2004
IEC 61386-23:2002
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC)
Conduit systems for cable management - Part 23: Particular requirements - Flexible conduit systems
dor : 2003-09-23 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2008-06-30

+ A11:2010
CLC/TC 213 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 61386-24:2010
IEC 61386-24:2004
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC)
Conduit systems for cable management - Part 24: Particular requirements - Conduit systems buried underground
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 61391-1:2006
IEC 61391-1:2006
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //

Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo scanners - Part 1: Techniques for calibrating spatial measurement systems and measurement
of system point-spread function response
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61391-2:2010
IEC 61391-2:2010
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo scanners - Part 2: Measurement of maximum depth of penetration and local dynamic range
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 61395:1998
IEC 61395:1998
CLC/SR 7 IEC/TC 7 //
Overhead electrical conductors - Creep test procedures for stranded conductors
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61400-1:2005
IEC 61400-1:2005
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbines - Part 1: Design requirements
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2006-11-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 61400-1:2005/A1:2010
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 61400-2:2006
IEC 61400-2:2006
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbines - Part 2: Design requirements for small wind turbines
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 61400-3:2009
IEC 61400-3:2009
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbines - Part 3: Design requirements for offshore wind turbines
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 61400-11:2003
IEC 61400-11:2002
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbine generator systems - Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques
dor : 2003-03-18 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2009-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2006
IEC 61400-11:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 61400-12-1:2006
IEC 61400-12-1:2005
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbines - Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 61400-21:2002
IEC 61400-21:2001
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //

Wind turbine generator systems - Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid
connected wind turbines
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61400-21:2008
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61400-21:2008
IEC 61400-21:2008
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //

Wind turbines - Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61400-22:2011
IEC 61400-22:2010
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbines - Part 22: Conformity testing and certification
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61400-24:2010
IEC 61400-24:2010
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbines - Part 24: Lightning protection
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61400-25-1:2007
IEC 61400-25-1:2006
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //

Wind turbines - Part 25-1: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Overall description of
principles and models
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61400-25-2:2007
IEC 61400-25-2:2006
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbines - Part 25-2: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Information models
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61400-25-3:2007
IEC 61400-25-3:2006
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //

Wind turbines - Part 25-3: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Information exchange
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61400-25-4:2008
IEC 61400-25-4:2008
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //

Wind turbines - Part 25-4: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Mapping to
communication profile
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61400-25-5:2007
IEC 61400-25-5:2006
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //
Wind turbines - Part 25-5: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Conformance testing
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61400-25-6:2011
IEC 61400-25-6:2010
CLC/TC 88 IEC/TC 88 //

Wind turbines - Part 25-6: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Logical node classes
and data classes for condition monitoring
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-04-03 dop : 2011-10-03 dow : 2014-01-03

EN 61427:2005
IEC 61427:2005
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Secondary cells and batteries for photovoltaic energy systems (PVES) - General requirements and methods of test
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 61429:1996 + corrigendum Oct. 1998
IEC 61429:1995
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //

Marking of secondary cells and batteries with the international recycling symbol ISO 7000-1135 and indications
regarding directives 93/86/EEC and 91/157/EEC
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

+ A11:1998
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 1999-03-01

EN 61434:1996
IEC 61434:1996
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Guide to the designation of current
in alkaline secondary cell and battery standards
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61439-1:2009
IEC 61439-1:2009 (Modified)
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 1: General rules
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2014-11-01

EN 61439-2:2009
IEC 61439-2:2009
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2014-11-01

EN 61439-5:2011
IEC 61439-5:2010
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 5: Assemblies for power distribution in public networks
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-04-03 dop : 2011-10-03 dow : 2016-01-03

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61442:2005
IEC 61442:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 //

Test methods for accessories for power cables with rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 36 kV (Um = 42
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 61462:2007
IEC 61462:2007
CLC/SR 36C IEC/SC 36C //

Composite hollow insulators - Pressurized and unpressurized insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated
voltage greater than 1 000 V - Definitions, test methods, acceptance criteria and design recommendations
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61466-1:1997
IEC 61466-1:1997 (corrigendum Nov. 2007)
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 kV - Part 1: Standard
strength classes and end fittings
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61466-2:1998
IEC 61466-2:1998
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 kV - Part 2: Dimensional
and electrical characteristics
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 61466-2:1998/A1:2002
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61467:2008
IEC 61467:2008
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Insulators for overhead lines - Insulator strings and sets for lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V - AC
power arc tests
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 61472:2004
IEC 61472:2004 (corrigendum May. 2005 + corrigendum Nov. 2006)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //

Live working - Minimum approach distances for a.c. systems in the voltage range 72,5 kV to 800 kV - A method of
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61477:2002
IEC 61477:2001
Live working - Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61477:2009
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 61477:2001/A1:2002
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61477:2009
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A2:2005
IEC 61477:2001/A2:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61477:2009
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61477:2009 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 61477:2009 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and equipment
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 61478:2001
IEC 61478:2001
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Ladders of insulating material
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 61478:2001/A1:2003 (Modified)
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-04-01 dop : 2004-10-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61479:2001
IEC 61479:2001
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Flexible conductor covers (line hoses) of insulating material
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 61479:2001/A1:2002
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 61481:2001
IEC 61481:2001 (corrigendum Jul. 2005)
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Portable phase comparators for use on voltages from 1 kV to 36 kV a.c.
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 61481:2001/A1:2002
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 61481:2001/A2:2004 (Modified)
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 61482-1-1:2009
IEC 61482-1-1:2009
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //

Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1-1: Test methods - Method 1:
Determination of the arc rating (ATPV or EBT50) of flame resistant materials for clothing
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61482-1-2:2007
IEC 61482-1-2:2007
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //

Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1-2: Test methods - Method 2:
Determination of arc protection class of material and clothing by using a constrained and directed arc (box test)
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61496-1:2004 + corrigendum Feb. 2010
IEC 61496-1:2004 (Modified) (corrigendum Jul. 2008)
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 1: General requirements and tests
dor : 2004-03-16 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 61496-1:2004/A1:2007 + corrigendum Jul. 2008
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 MD (2006/42/EC) //
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61499-1:2005
IEC 61499-1:2005
Function blocks - Part 1: Architecture
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61499-2:2005
IEC 61499-2:2005
Function blocks - Part 2: Software tools requirements
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61499-4:2006
IEC 61499-4:2005
Function blocks - Part 4: Rules for compliance profiles
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61500:2011
IEC 61500:2009

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Data communication in systems performing
category A functions
dor : 2011-08-08 doa : 2012-02-08 dop : 2012-08-08 dow : 2014-08-08

EN 61508-1:2001
IEC 61508-1:1998 + corrigendum May 1999

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 1: General
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61508-1:2010
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 61508-1:2010
IEC 61508-1:2010
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 1: General
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61508-2:2001
IEC 61508-2:2000

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 2: Requirements for
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61508-2:2010
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61508-2:2010
IEC 61508-2:2010
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 2: Requirements for
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61508-3:2001
IEC 61508-3:1998 + corrigendum Apr. 1999

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 3: Software
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61508-3:2010
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 61508-3:2010
IEC 61508-3:2010
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 3: Software
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61508-4:2001
IEC 61508-4:1998 + corrigendum Apr. 1999

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 4: Definitions and
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61508-4:2010
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 61508-4:2010
IEC 61508-4:2010
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 4: Definitions and
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61508-5:2001
IEC 61508-5:1998 + corrigendum Apr. 1999

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 5: Examples of
methods for the determination of safety integrity levels
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61508-5:2010
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 61508-5:2010
IEC 61508-5:2010
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 5: Examples of
methods for the determination of safety integrity levels
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61508-6:2001
IEC 61508-6:2000

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 6: Guidelines on the
application of IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61508-6:2010
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61508-6:2010
IEC 61508-6:2010
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 6: Guidelines on the
application of IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61508-7:2001
IEC 61508-7:2000

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 7: Overview of
techniques and measures
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61508-7:2010
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 61508-7:2010
IEC 61508-7:2010
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 7: Overview of
techniques and measures
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61511-1:2004
IEC 61511-1:2003 + corrigendum Nov. 2004

Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 1: Framework, definitions,
system, hardware and software requirements
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61511-2:2004
IEC 61511-2:2003

Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 2: Guidelines for the
application of IEC 61511-1
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61511-3:2004
IEC 61511-3:2003 + corrigendum Oct. 2004

Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 3: Guidance for the
determination of the required safety integrity levels
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61512-1:1999
IEC 61512-1:1997
Batch control - Part 1: Models and terminology
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61512-2:2002
IEC 61512-2:2001
Batch control - Part 2: Data structures and guidelines for languages
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 61512-3:2008
IEC 61512-3:2008
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //
Batch control - Part 3: General and site recipe models and representation
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61512-4:2010
IEC 61512-4:2009
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //
Batch control - Part 4: Batch production records
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61514:2002
IEC 61514:2000 (Modified)

Industrial-process control systems - Methods of evaluating the performance of valve positioners with pneumatic
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61514-2:2004
IEC 61514-2:2004
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial process control systems - Part 2: Methods of evaluating the performance of intelligent valve positioners
with pneumatic outputs
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61515:1996
IEC 61515:1995
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Mineral insulated thermocouple cables and thermocouples
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 61518:2001 + corrigendum Feb. 2002
IEC 61518:2001
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Mating dimensions between differential pressure (type) measuring instruments and flanged-on shut-off devices up to
413 bar (41,3 MPa)
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 61523-1:2002
IEC 61523-1:2001
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //
Delay and power calculation standards - Part 1: Integrated circuit delay and power calculation systems
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61523-2:2002
IEC 61523-2:2002
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //
Delay and power calculation standards - Part 2: Pre-layout delay calculation specification for CMOS ASIC libraries
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 61526:2007
IEC 61526:2005 (Modified)

Radiation protection instrumentation - Measurement of personal dose equivalents Hp(10) and Hp(0,07) for X,
gamma, neutron and beta radiations - Direct reading personal dose equivalent meters and monitors
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61534-1:2003
IEC 61534-1:2003
CLC/SR 23A IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Powertrack systems - Part 1: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61534-1:2011
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61534-1:2011
IEC 61534-1:2011
CLC/SR 23A IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Powertrack systems - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2011-06-22 doa : 2011-09-22 dop : 2012-03-22 dow : 2014-06-22

EN 61534-21:2006
IEC 61534-21:2006
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Powertrack systems - Part 21: Particular requirements for powertrack systems intended for wall and ceiling mounting
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61534-22:2009
IEC 61534-22:2009
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Powertrack systems - Part 22: Particular requirements for powertrack systems intended for on floor or under floor
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 61535:2009
IEC 61535:2009 (Modified)
CLC/SR 23 IEC/TC 23 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Installation couplers intended for permanent connection in fixed installations
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 61537:2007
IEC 61537:2006
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Cable management - Cable tray systems and cable ladder systems
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 61543:1995 + corrigendum Dec. 1997
IEC 61543:1995
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs) for household and similar use - Electromagnetic compatibility
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1998-07-04

+ A2:2006
IEC 61543:1995/A2:2005
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

+ A11:2003 + corrigendum May. 2004
CLC/TC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-30 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A12:2005
CLC/TC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC)
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 61547:1995
IEC 61547:1995
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/TC 34 EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC immunity requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61547:2009
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A1:2000
IEC 61547:1995/A1:2000
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/TC 34 EMC (2004/108/EC) //
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61547:2009
IEC 61547:2009 (corrigendum Apr. 2010)
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/TC 34 EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC immunity requirements
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61549:2003
IEC 61549:2003
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Miscellaneous lamps
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 61549:2003/A1:2005
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

+ A2:2010
IEC 61549:2003/A2:2010
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61557-1:2007
IEC 61557-1:2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61557-2:2007
IEC 61557-2:2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 2: Insulation resistance
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61557-3:2007
IEC 61557-3:2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 3: Loop impedance
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61557-4:2007
IEC 61557-4:2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 4: Resistance of earth connection and equipotential bonding
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61557-5:2007
IEC 61557-5:2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 5: Resistance to earth
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61557-6:2007
IEC 61557-6:2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 6: Effectiveness of residual current devices (RCD) in TT, TN
and IT systems
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61557-7:2007
IEC 61557-7:2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 7: Phase sequence
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 61557-8:2007
IEC 61557-8:2007 + corrigendum May 2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 8: Insulation monitoring devices for IT systems
dor : 2007-04-11 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 61557-9:1999
IEC 61557-9:1999
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 9: Equipment for insulation fault location in IT systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61557-9:2009
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61557-9:2009
IEC 61557-9:2009
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 9: Equipment for insulation fault location in IT systems
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 61557-10:2001
IEC 61557-10:2000
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 10: Combined measuring equipment for testing, measuring or
monitoring of protective measures
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 61557-11:2009
IEC 61557-11:2009
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 11: Effectiveness of residual current monitors (RCMs) type A
and type B in TT, TN and IT systems
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 61557-12:2008
IEC 61557-12:2007
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing,
measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 12: Performance measuring and monitoring devices (PMD)
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61558-1:1997
IEC 61558-1:1997 (Modified)
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 1: General requirements and tests
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * Superseded by EN 61558-1:2005
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-11-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A1:1998
IEC 61558-1:1997/A1:1998
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A11:2003
CLC/SR 96 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 61558-1:2005 + corrigendum Aug. 2006
IEC 61558-1:2005 (corrigendum Mar. 2008 + corrigendum Mar. 2010)
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 1: General requirements and tests
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : -

+ A1:2009
IEC 61558-1:2005/A1:2009
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61558-2-1:2007
IEC 61558-2-1:2007
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 2-1: Particular requirements and
tests for separating transformers and power supplies incorporating separating transformers for general applications
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with latest edition of EN 61558-1, based on EN 61588-12005.
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61558-2-2:2007
IEC 61558-2-2:2007
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 2-2: Particular requirements and
tests for control transformers and power supplies incorporating control transformers
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with latest edition of EN 61558-1, based on EN 61588-12005.
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61558-2-3:2000
IEC 61558-2-3:1999
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for ignition
transformers for gas and oil burners
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 61558-2-3:2010
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 61558-2-3:2010
IEC 61558-2-3:2010
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-3: Particular requirements and
tests for ignition transformers for gas and oil burners
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61558-2-4:1997
IEC 61558-2-4:1997
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for isolating
transformers for general use
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 61558-2-4:2009
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-11-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 2000-08-01

EN 61558-2-4:2009
IEC 61558-2-4:2009
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1 100 V - Part 2-
4: Particular requirements and tests for isolating transformers and power supply units incorporating isolating
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with latest edition of EN 61558-1, based on EN 61588-12005.
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61558-2-5:1998
IEC 61558-2-5:1997
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for shaver
transformers and shaver supply units
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 61558-2-5:2010
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 2002-01-01

+ A11:2004
CLC/SR 96 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-06-01

EN 61558-2-5:2010
IEC 61558-2-5:2010
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-5: Particular requirements and
tests for transformer for shavers, power supply units for shavers and shaver supply units
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61558-2-6:1997
IEC 61558-2-6:1997
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for safety isolating
transformers for general use
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 61558-2-6:2009
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-11-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 2000-08-01

EN 61558-2-6:2009
IEC 61558-2-6:2009
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1 100 V - Part 2-
6: Particular requirements and tests for safety isolating transformers and power supply units incorporating safety
isolating transformers
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with latest edition of EN 61558-1, based on EN 61588-12005.
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61558-2-7:2007
IEC 61558-2-7:2007 (Modified)
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 2-7: Particular requirements and
tests for transformers and power supplies for toys
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with latest edition of EN 61558-1, based on EN 61588-12005.
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61558-2-8:1998
IEC 61558-2-8:1998
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for bell and chime
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 61558-2-8:2010
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61558-2-8:2010
IEC 61558-2-8:2010
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-8: Particular requirements and
tests for transformers and power supply units for bells and chimes
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61558-2-9:2003
IEC 61558-2-9:2002
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar products - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for
transformers for class III handlamps for tungsten filament lamps
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 61558-2-9:2011
IEC 61558-2-9:2010
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-9: Particular requirements and
tests for transformers and power supply units for class III handlamps for tungsten filament lamps
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61558-2-12:2001
IEC 61558-2-12:2001
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for
constant voltage transformers
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61558-2-12:2011
IEC 61558-2-12:2011
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-12: Particular requirements
and tests for constant voltage transformers and power supply units for constant voltage
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 61558-2-13:2000
IEC 61558-2-13:1999
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for auto-
transformers for general use
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 61558-2-13:2009
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 61558-2-13:2009
IEC 61558-2-13:2009
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1 100 V - Part 2-
13: Particular requirements and tests for auto transformers and power supply units incorporating auto transformers
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with latest edition of EN 61558-1, based on EN 61588-12005.
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61558-2-15:2001 + corrigendum Apr. 2004
IEC 61558-2-15:1999 (Modified)
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for isolating
transformers for the supply of medical locations
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61558-2-16:2009
IEC 61558-2-16:2009
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1 100 V - Part 2-
16: Particular requirements and tests for switch mode power supply units and transformers for switch mode power
supply units
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with latest edition of EN 61558-1, based on EN 61588-12005.
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 61558-2-17:1997
IEC 61558-2-17:1997
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for transformers for
switch mode power supplies
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 61558-2-16:2009
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-11-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61558-2-20:2000
IEC 61558-2-20:2000
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for small
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61558-2-20:2011
IEC 61558-2-20:2010
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-20: Particular requirements
and tests for small reactors
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61558-2-23:2000
IEC 61558-2-23:2000
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for
transformers for construction sites
NOTE: Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997 * Superseded by EN 61558-2-23:2010
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61558-2-23:2010
IEC 61558-2-23:2010
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-23: Particular requirements
and tests for transformers and power supply units for construction sites
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 61566:1997
IEC 61566:1997
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 //

Measurement of exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields - Field strength in the frequency range 100 kHz
to 1 GHz
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61580-1:1996
IEC 61580-1:1996
CLC/TC 46X IEC/SC 46F //
Methods of measurement for waveguides - Part 1: Decoupling and rotation of the plane of polarization
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61580-2:1996
IEC 61580-2:1996
CLC/TC 46X IEC/SC 46F //
Methods of measurement for waveguides - Part 2: Level of intermodulation products
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61580-3:1997
IEC 61580-3:1997
CLC/TC 46X IEC/SC 46F //
Methods of measurement for waveguides - Part 3: Variation of group delay
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61580-4:1998
IEC 61580-4:1997
CLC/TC 46X IEC/SC 46F //
Methods of measurement for waveguides - Part 4: Attenuation of waveguide and waveguide assemblies
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 1999-01-01

EN 61580-6:1997
IEC 61580-6:1995
Methods of measurement for waveguides - Part 6: Return loss on waveguide and waveguide assemblies
NOTE: The reference document was published as IEC 61580:1995
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61580-7:1996
IEC 61580-7:1996
CLC/TC 46X IEC/SC 46F //

Methods of measurement for waveguides - Part 7: Graphical method for the determination of waveguide
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61580-8:1996
IEC 61580-8:1996
CLC/TC 46X IEC/SC 46F //
Methods of measurement for waveguides - Part 8: Waveguide power holding capability
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61580-9:1996
IEC 61580-9:1996
CLC/TC 46X IEC/SC 46F //
Methods of measurement for waveguides - Part 9: Reflection coefficient at rectangular waveguide interfaces
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-10-01 dop : 1997-04-01 dow : 1997-04-01

EN 61582:2006
IEC 61582:2004 (Modified)

Radiation protection instrumentation - In vivo counters - Classification, general requirements and test procedures for
portable, transportable and installed equipment
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61587-1:2007
IEC 61587-1:2007
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 1: Climatic, mechanical
tests and safety aspects for cabinets, racks, subracks and chassis
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61587-2:2001
IEC 61587-2:2000
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 2: Seismic tests for
cabinets and racks
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 61587-3:2006
IEC 61587-3:2006
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 3: Electromagnetic
shielding performance tests for cabinets, racks and subracks
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61591:1997
IEC 61591:1997
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 //
Household range hoods and other cooking fume extractors - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 61591:1997/A1:2005
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

+ A2:2011
IEC 61591:1997/A2:2010
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59K //
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 61595-1:1997
IEC 61595-1:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Multichannel digital audio tape recorder (DATR), reel-to-reel system, for professional use - Part 1: Format A
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 61595-2:1998
IEC 61595-2:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Multichannel digital audio tape recorder (DATR), reel-to-reel system, for professional use - Part 2: Format B
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61595-3:1999
IEC 61595-3:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multichannel digital audio tape recorder (DATR), reel-to-reel system, for professional use - Part 3: 24-bit operation
for 16-bit media
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61596:1997
IEC 61596:1995
Magnetic oxide EP-cores and associated parts for use in inductors and transformers - Dimensions
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

EN 61599:1999
IEC 61599:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Videodisk players - Methods of measurement
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61603-1:1997
IEC 61603-1:1997 + corrigendum May 1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Transmission of audio and/or video and related signals using infra-red radiation - Part 1: General
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 61603-2:1997
IEC 61603-2:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Transmission of audio and/or video and related signals using infra-red radiation - Part 2: Transmission systems for
audio wide band and related signals
NOTE: Partially superseded by EN 60603-8-1:2004 (Subclause 6.8.3)
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61603-2:1997/A1:2004
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61603-3:1998
IEC 61603-3:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Transmission of audio and/or video and related signals using infra-red radiation - Part 3: Transmission systems for
audio signals for conference and similar systems
NOTE: Partially superseded by EN 60603-7:2003 (Subclause 2.6.2)
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 61603-6:2002
IEC 61603-6:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Transmission of audio and/or video and related signals using infra-red radiation - Part 6: Video and audio-visual
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61603-7:2003
IEC 61603-7:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Transmission systems for audio and/or video and related signals using infra-red radiation - Part 7: Digital audio
signals for conference and similar applications
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61603-8-1:2004
IEC 61603-8-1:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Transmission of audio and/or video and related signals using infrared radiation - Part 8-1: Digital audio and related
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 61605:2005
IEC 61605:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Fixed inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Marking codes
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 61606-1:2004
IEC 61606-1:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio and audiovisual equipment - Digital audio parts - Basic measurement methods of audio characteristics - Part 1:
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61606-1:2009
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61606-1:2009
IEC 61606-1:2009
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio and audiovisual equipment - Digital audio parts - Basic measurement methods of audio characteristics - Part 1:
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 61606-2:2004
IEC 61606-2:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio and audiovisual equipment - Digital audio parts - Basic measurement methods of audio characteristics - Part 2:
Consumer use
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61606-2:2009
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 61606-2:2009
IEC 61606-2:2009
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio and audiovisual equipment - Digital audio parts - Basic measurement methods of audio characteristics - Part 2:
Consumer use
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 61606-3:2008
IEC 61606-3:2008
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio and audiovisual equipment - Digital audio parts - Basic measurement methods of audio characteristics - Part 3:
Professional use
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 61606-4:2006
IEC 61606-4:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Audio and audiovisual equipment - Digital audio parts - Basic measurement methods of audio characteristics - Part 4:
Personal computer
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 61609:1999
IEC 61609:1996
Microwave ferrite components - Guide for the drafting of specifications
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2000-01-01

EN 61610:1996
IEC 61610:1995
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Prints and transparencies produced from electronic sources - Assessment of image quality
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 61619:1997
IEC 61619:1997
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //

Insulating liquids - Contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - Method of determination by capillary
column gas chromatography
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-07-01 dop : 1998-01-01 dow : 1998-01-01

EN 61620:1999
IEC 61620:1998
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //

Insulating liquids - Determination of the dielectric dissipation factor by measurement of the conductance and
capacitance - Test method
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61621:1997
IEC 61621:1997
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Dry, solid insulating materials - Resistance test to high-voltage, low-current arc discharges
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61628-1:1997
IEC 61628-1:1997
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Corrugated pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions, designations and general
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-02-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 1998-08-01

EN 61628-2:1999
IEC 61628-2:1998
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Corrugated pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 61628-2:1998/A1:2007
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 61629-1:1996
IEC 61629-1:1996
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Aramid pressboard for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions, designations and general requirements
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61629-2:1996
IEC 61629-2:1996
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Aramid pressboard for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 61631:2001
IEC 61631:2001
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Test method for the mechanical strength of cores made of magnetic oxides
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61642:1997
IEC 61642:1997
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 //
Industrial a.c. networks affected by harmonics - Application of filters and shunt capacitors
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61643-11:2002
IEC 61643-1:1998 (Modified) + corrigendum Dec. 1998 (Modified)
CLC/TC 37A IEC/SC 37A LVD (2006/95/EC)

Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power systems -
Requirements and tests
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-10-01

+ A11:2007
CLC/TC 37A LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61643-21:2001
IEC 61643-21:2000 + corrigendum Mar. 2001
CLC/TC 37A IEC/SC 37A LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low voltage surge protective devices - Part 21: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and
signalling networks - Performance requirements and testing methods
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2003-11-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 61643-21:2000/A1:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 37A IEC/SC 37A LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61643-311:2001
IEC 61643-311:2001
CLC/SR 37B IEC/SC 37B //
Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 311: Specification for gas discharge tubes (GDT)
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61643-321:2002
IEC 61643-321:2001
CLC/SR 37B IEC/SC 37B //

Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 321: Specifications for Avalanche Breakdown Diode
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61643-331:2003
IEC 61643-331:2003
CLC/SR 37B IEC/SC 37B //
Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 331: Specification for metal oxide varistors (MOV)
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 61643-341:2001
IEC 61643-341:2001
CLC/SR 37B IEC/SC 37B //
Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 341: Specification for thyristor surge suppressors (TSS)
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61646:2008
IEC 61646:2008
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61649:2008
IEC 61649:2008
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Weibull analysis
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 61660-1:1997
IEC 61660-1:1997 (corrigendum Mar. 1999 + corrigendum Mar. 2000)
CLC/SR 73 IEC/TC 73 //

Short-circuit currents in d.c. auxiliary installations in power plants and substations - Part 1: Calculation of short-
circuit currents
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 61660-2:1997
IEC 61660-2:1997
CLC/SR 73 IEC/TC 73 //
Short-circuit currents in d.c. auxiliary installations in power plants and substations - Part 2: Calculation of effects
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61666:1997
IEC 61666:1997
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Identification of terminals within a system
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61666:2010
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-08-01 dop : 1998-02-01 dow : 1998-02-01

EN 61666:2010 + corrigendum Oct. 2010
IEC 61666:2010
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Identification of terminals within a system
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61669:2001
IEC 61669:2001
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Equipment for the measurement of real-ear acoustical characteristics of hearing aids
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 61672-1:2003
IEC 61672-1:2002
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 61672-2:2003
IEC 61672-2:2003
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 61672-3:2006
IEC 61672-3:2006
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //
Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 3: Periodic tests
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61674:1997
IEC 61674:1997
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //

Medical electrical equipment - Dosimeters with ionization chambers and/or semi-conductor detectors as used in X-
ray diagnostic imaging
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 61674:1997/A1:2002
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 61675-1:1998
IEC 61675-1:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Part 1: Positron emission tomographs
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-05-01 dop : 1998-11-01 dow : 1998-11-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 61675-1:1998/A1:2008
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61675-2:1998
IEC 61675-2:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //

Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Part 2: Single photon emission computer
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-05-01 dop : 1998-11-01 dow : 1998-11-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 61675-2:1998/A1:2004
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61675-3:1998
IEC 61675-3:1998
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //

Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Part 3: Gamma camera based wholebody
imaging systems
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61676:2002
IEC 61676:2002
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Dosimetric instruments used for non-invasive measurement of X-ray tube voltage in
diagnostic radiology
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 61676:2002/A1:2008
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61683:2000
IEC 61683:1999
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic systems - Power conditioners - Procedure for measuring efficiency
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61685:2001
IEC 61685:2001
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Flow measurement systems - Flow test object
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61689:2007
IEC 61689:2007
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //

Ultrasonics - Physiotherapy systems - Field specifications and methods of measurement in the frequency range 0,5
MHz to 5 MHz
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61690-1:2000
IEC 61690-1:2000
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //
Electronic Design Interchange Format (EDIF) - Part 1: Version 3 0 0
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 61690-2:2000
IEC 61690-2:2000
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //
Electronic Design Interchange Format (EDIF) - Part 2: Version 4 0 0
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61691-2:2001
IEC 61691-2:2001
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //
Behavioural languages - Part 2: VHDL multilogic system for model interoperability
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61691-3-2:2001
IEC 61691-3-2:2001
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //
Behavioural languages - Part 3-2: Mathematical operation in VHDL
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61691-3-3:2001
IEC 61691-3-3:2001
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //
Behavioural languages - Part 3-3: Synthesis in VHDL
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61701:1999
IEC 61701:1995
Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61702:1999
IEC 61702:1995
Rating of direct coupled photovoltaic (PV) pumping systems
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61703:2002
IEC 61703:2001
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Mathematical expressions for reliability, availability, maintainability and maintenance support terms
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 61709:1998
IEC 61709:1996
Electronic components - Reliability - Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61709:1998
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-09-01 dop : 1999-03-01 dow : 1999-03-01

EN 61709:2011
IEC 61709:2011
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Electric components - Reliability - Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion
dor : 2011-07-29 doa : 2011-10-29 dop : 2012-04-29 dow : 2014-07-29

EN 61724:1998
IEC 61724:1998
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic system performance monitoring - Guidelines for measurement, data exchange and analysis
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 61725:1997
IEC 61725:1997
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Analytical expression for daily solar profiles
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61726:2000
IEC 61726:1999

Cable assemblies, cables, connectors and passive microwave components - Screening attenuation measurement by
the reverberation chamber method
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61727:1995
IEC 61727:1995
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Characteristics of the utility interface
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1995-10-01 dop : 1996-04-01 dow : 1996-04-01

EN 61730-1:2007
IEC 61730-1:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61730-2:2007
IEC 61730-2:2004 (Modified)
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61733-1:1996
IEC 61733-1:1995
CLC/SR 95 IEC/TC 95 //
Measuring relays and protection equipment - Protection communication interfacing - Part 1: General
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

EN 61744:2005
IEC 61744:2005
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Calibration of fibre optic chromatic dispersion test sets
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 61746:2005
IEC 61746:2005
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Calibration of optical time-domain reflectometers (OTDR)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61746-1:2011 and EN 61746-2:2011
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61746-1:2011
IEC 61746-1:2009
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Calibration of optical time-domain reflectometers (OTDR) - Part 1: OTDR for single-mode fibres
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61746-2:2011
IEC 61746-2:2010
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Calibration of optical time-domain reflectometers (OTDR) - Part 2: OTDR for multimode fibres
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61747-1:1999
IEC 61747-1:1998
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110
Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2002-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2003
IEC 61747-1:1998/A1:2003
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61747-2:1999
IEC 61747-2:1998
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices - Part 2: Liquid crystal display modules - Sectional specification
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

EN 61747-2-1:2001
IEC 61747-2-1:1998
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110

Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices - Part 2-1: Passive matrix monochrome LCD modules - Blank detail
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61747-2-2:2004
IEC 61747-2-2:2004
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Liquid crystal display devices - Part 2-2: Matrix colour LCD modules - Blank detail specification
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61747-3:2006
IEC 61747-3:2006
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Liquid crystal display devices - Part 3: Liquid crystal display (LCD) cells - Sectional specification
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61747-3-1:2006
IEC 61747-3-1:2006
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Liquid crystal display devices - Part 3-1: Liquid crystal display (LCD) cells - Blank detail specification
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61747-4:1998
IEC 61747-4:1998
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //

Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices - Part 4: Liquid crystal display modules and cells - Essential ratings and
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61747-4-1:2004
IEC 61747-4-1:2004
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Liquid crystal display devices - Part 4-1: Matrix colour LCD modules - Essential ratings and characteristics
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61747-5:1998
IEC 61747-5:1998
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices - Part 5: Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

EN 61747-5-2:2011
IEC 61747-5-2:2011
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //

Liquid crystal display devices - Part 5-2: Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - Visual inspection
of active matrix colour liquid crystal display modules
dor : 2011-07-21 doa : 2011-10-21 dop : 2012-04-21 dow : 2014-07-21

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61747-5-3:2010
IEC 61747-5-3:2009 (Modified)
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110

Liquid crystal display devices - Part 5-3: Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - Glass strength and
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 61747-6:2004
IEC 61747-6:2004
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //

Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices - Part 6: Measuring methods for liquid crystal modules - Transmissive
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 61747-6-2:2011
IEC 61747-6-2:2011
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Liquid crystal display devices - Part 6-2: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Reflective type
dor : 2011-07-15 doa : 2011-10-15 dop : 2012-04-15 dow : 2014-07-15

EN 61747-6-3:2011
IEC 61747-6-3:2011
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //

Liquid crystal display devices - Part 6-3: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Motion artifact
measurement of active matrix liquid crystal display modules
dor : 2011-08-17 doa : 2011-11-17 dop : 2012-05-17 dow : 2014-08-17

EN 61751:1998
IEC 61751:1998
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Laser modules used for telecommunication - Reliability assessment
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61753-1:2007
IEC 61753-1:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 1: General and guidance for
performance standards
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61753-2-1:2000
IEC 61753-2-1:2000

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 2-1: Fibre optic connectors
terminated on single-mode fibre for category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61753-2-3:2001
IEC 61753-2-3:2001

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 2-3: Non-connectorised
single mode 1xN and 2xN non-wavelength-selective branching devices for Category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 61753-021-2:2008
IEC 61753-021-2:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 021-2: Grade C/3 single-
mode fibre optic connectors for category C - Controlled environment
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61753-021-6:2008
IEC 61753-021-6:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 021-6: Grade B/2 single-
mode fibre optic connectors for category O - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61753-022-2:2003
IEC 61753-022-2:2003

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 022-2: Fibre optic
connectors terminated on multimode fibre for category C - Controlled environment
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61753-031-3:2009
IEC 61753-031-3:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 031-3: Non-connectorized
single-mode 1xN and 2xN non-wavelength-selective branching devices (NWBD) for Category U - Uncontrolled
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 61753-051-3:2002
IEC 61753-051-3:2001 (corrigendum Oct. 2004)

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 051-3: Single-mode fibre,
plug-style fixed attenuators for category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61753-052-3:2002
IEC 61753-052-3:2001

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 052-3: Single-mode fibre,
pigtailed-style fixed attenuators for category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61753-053-3:2004
IEC 61753-053-3:2004

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 053-3: Continuously
variable attenuators for category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61753-061-3:2004
IEC 61753-061-3:2004

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 061-3: Single mode fibre
optic pigtailed style isolators for category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61753-062-6:2008
IEC 61753-062-6:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 062-6: Non-connectorized
single-mode fibre optic pigtailed isolators for category O - Uncontrolled environment and sequential test
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61753-083-2:2008
IEC 61753-083-2:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 083-2: Non-connectorised
single-mode fibre optic C-band/L-band WDM devices for category C - Controlled environment
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61753-084-2:2008
IEC 61753-084-2:2007 (corrigendum Aug. 2008)

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 084-2: Non connectorised
single-mode 980/1550 nm WWDM devices for category C - Controlled environment
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61753-086-2:2009
IEC 61753-086-2:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 086-2: Non-connectorised
single-mode bidirectional 1490 / 1550 nm downstream 1310 nm upstream WWDM devices for category C -
Controlled environment
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 61753-086-6:2011
IEC 61753-086-6:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 086-6: Non-connectorized
single-mode bidirectional 1 490 / 1 550 nm downstream and 1 310 nm upstream WWDM devices for category O -
Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2011-01-18 doa : 2011-04-18 dop : 2011-10-18 dow : 2014-01-18

EN 61753-087-2:2011 + AC:2011
IEC 61753-087-2:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 087-2: Non-connectorized
single-mode bidirectional 1310 nm upstream and 1490 nm downstream WWDM devices for category C - Controlled
dor : 2011-01-13 doa : 2011-04-13 dop : 2011-10-13 dow : 2014-01-13

+ AC:2011

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 087-2: Non-connectorized
single-mode bidirectional 1310 nm upstream and 1490 nm downstream WWDM devices for category C - Controlled
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 61753-091-3:2004
IEC 61753-091-3:2004

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 091-3: Single-mode fibre
optic pigtailed style circulators for category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61753-092-6:2007 + corrigendum Jan. 2008
IEC 61753-092-6:2007

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 092-6: Non-connectorized
single-mode circulators for category O - Uncontrolled environment and sequential test
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61753-101-2:2006
IEC 61753-101-2:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 101-2: Fibre management
systems for category C - Controlled environment
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61753-101-3:2008
IEC 61753-101-3:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 101-3: Fibre management
systems for Category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61753-111-7:2010
IEC 61753-111-7:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 111-7: Sealed closures for
category A - Aerial
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 61753-111-8:2010
IEC 61753-111-8:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 111-8: Sealed closures for
category G - Ground
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 61753-111-9:2010
IEC 61753-111-9:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 111-9: Sealed closures for
category S - Subterranean
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 61753-121-2:2010
IEC 61753-121-2:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standards - Part 121-2: Simplex and
duplex cords with singlemode fibre and cylindrical ferrule connectors for category C - Controlled environment
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61753-121-3:2010
IEC 61753-121-3:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 121-3: Simplex and
duplex cords with single-mode fibre and cylindrical ferrule connectors for category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61753-131-3:2011
IEC 61753-131-3:2010

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 131-3: Single-mode
mechanical fibre splice for category U - Uncontrolled environment
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61753-141-2:2011
IEC 61753-141-2:2011

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 141-2: Fibre optic passive
chromatic dispersion compensator using single-mode dispersion compensating fibre for category C - Controlled
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-08-25 dop : 2012-02-25 dow : 2014-05-25

EN 61754-1:1997
IEC 61754-1:1996
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 1: General and guidance
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61754-2:1997
IEC 61754-2:1996
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 2: Type BFOC/2,5 connector family
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 61754-3:2002
IEC 61754-3:1996 (Modified)
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 3: Type LSA connector family
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 61754-4:1997
IEC 61754-4:1997
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 4: Type SC connector family
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A1:1999
IEC 61754-4:1997/A1:1999
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

+ A2:2001
IEC 61754-4:1997/A2:2001
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-06-01

EN 61754-4-1:2003
IEC 61754-4-1:2003

Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 4-1: Type SC connector family - Simplified receptacle SC-PC connector
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61754-5:2005
IEC 61754-5:2005
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 5: Type MT connector family
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61754-6:1997
IEC 61754-6:1997 (corrigendum Aug. 1997)
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 6: Type MU connector family
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

+ A1:2001
IEC 61754-6:1997/A1:2001
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

+ A2:2005
IEC 61754-6:1997/A2:2004
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 61754-6-1:2003
IEC 61754-6-1:2003

Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 6-1: Type MU connector family - Simplified receptacle MU-PC connector
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61754-7:2008
IEC 61754-7:2008

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 7: Type MPO
connector family
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 61754-8:1997
IEC 61754-8:1996
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 8: Type CF08 connector family
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

EN 61754-9:2001
IEC 61754-9:1996 (Modified)
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 9: Type DS connector family
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2002-07-01

EN 61754-10:2005
IEC 61754-10:2005
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 10: Type Mini-MPO connector family
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61754-12:1999
IEC 61754-12:1999
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 12: Type FS connector family
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61754-13:2006
IEC 61754-13:2006
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 13: Type FC-PC connector
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61754-15:2009
IEC 61754-15:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 15: Type LSH
connector family
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 61754-16:2000
IEC 61754-16:1999
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 16: Type PN connector family
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61754-18:2002 + corrigendum Apr. 2002
IEC 61754-18:2001
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 18: Type MT-RJ connector family
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61754-19:2002
IEC 61754-19:2001
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 19: Type SG connector family
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61754-20:2002
IEC 61754-20:2002
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 20: Type LC connector family
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 61754-21:2005
IEC 61754-21:2005
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 21: Type SMI connector family for plastic optical fibre
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 61754-22:2005
IEC 61754-22:2005
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 22: Type F-SMA connector family
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 61754-23:2005
IEC 61754-23:2005
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 23: Type LX.5 connector family
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 61754-24:2010
IEC 61754-24:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 24: Type SC-RJ
connector family
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 61754-24-11:2009
IEC 61754-24-11:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 24-11: Type SC-
RJ connectors with protective housings based on IEC 61076-3-117
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61754-24-21:2009
IEC 61754-24-21:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 24-21: Type SC-
RJ connectors with protective housings based on IEC 61076-3-106, variant 06
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61754-25:2009
IEC 61754-25:2008
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 25: Type RAO connector family
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 61755-1:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 61755-1:2005

Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 1: Optical interfaces for single mode non-dispersion shifted fibres -
General and guidance
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61755-2-1:2006
IEC 61755-2-1:2006

Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 2-1: Optical interface standard single mode non-angled physically
contacting fibres
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-08-01

EN 61755-2-2:2006
IEC 61755-2-2:2006

Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 2-2: Optical interface standard single mode angled physically
contacting fibres
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61755-3-1:2009
IEC 61755-3-1:2006 (Modified) + corrigendum Jan. 2009

Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-1: Optical interface, 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical full
zirconia PC ferrule, single mode fibre
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 61755-3-2:2009
IEC 61755-3-2:2006 (Modified) + corrigendum Jan. 2009

Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-2: Optical interface, 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical full
zirconia ferrules for 8 degrees angled-PC single mode fibres
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 61755-3-5:2006
IEC 61755-3-5:2006

Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-5: Optical Interface - 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical PC
composite ferrule using Cu-Ni-alloy as fibre surrounding material, single mode fibre
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 61755-3-6:2006
IEC 61755-3-6:2006

Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-6: Optical interface - 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical 8
degrees angled-PC composite ferrule using Cu-Ni-alloy as fibre surrounding material, single mode fibre
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 61755-3-7:2009
IEC 61755-3-7:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-7:
Optical interface, 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical PC composite ferrule using titanium as fibre surrounding
material, single mode fibre
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 61755-3-8:2009
IEC 61755-3-8:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-8:
Optical interface, 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical 8 degrees angled-APC composite ferrule using titanium
as fibre surrounding material, single mode fibre
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61756-1:2006
IEC 61756-1:2006

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Interface standard for fibre management systems - Part
1: General and guidance
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 61757-1:1999
IEC 61757-1:1998
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic sensors - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

EN 61758-1:2008
IEC 61758-1:2008

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Interface standard for closures - Part 1: General and
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61760-1:2006
IEC 61760-1:2006
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Surface mounting technology - Part 1: Standard method for the specification of surface mounting components
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 61760-2:2007
IEC 61760-2:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Surface mounting technology - Part 2: Transportation and storage conditions of surface mounting devices (SMD) -
Application guide
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 61760-3:2010
IEC 61760-3:2010
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Surface mounting technology - Part 3: Standard method for the specification of components for Through Hole
Reflow (THR) soldering
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 61770:1999 + corrigendum Aug. 2007
IEC 61770:1998
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61770:2009
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 2000-04-01 dow : 2002-04-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61770:1998/A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

+ A2:2006
IEC 61770:1998/A2:2006
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 61770:2009 + AC:2011
IEC 61770:2008
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ AC:2011
Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 61773:1996
IEC 61773:1996 (corrigendum Mar. 1997)
CLC/TC 11 IEC/TC 11 //
Overhead lines - Testing of foundations for structures
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-02-01 dop : 1997-08-01 dow : 1997-08-01

EN 61784-1:2008
IEC 61784-1:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //
Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 1: Fieldbus profiles
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61784-1:2010
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-1:2010
IEC 61784-1:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //
Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 1: Fieldbus profiles
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61784-2:2008
IEC 61784-2:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 2: Additional fieldbus profiles for real-time networks based on
ISO/IEC 8802-3
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61784-2:2010
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-2:2010
IEC 61784-2:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 2: Additional fieldbus profiles for real-time networks based on
ISO/IEC 8802-3
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61784-3:2008
IEC 61784-3:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3: Functional safety fieldbuses - General rules and profile
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61784-3:2010
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-3:2010
IEC 61784-3:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3: Functional safety fieldbuses - General rules and profile
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61784-3-1:2008
IEC 61784-3-1:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks Profiles Part 3-1: Functional safety fieldbuses Additional specifications for
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61784-3-1:2010
IEC 61784-3-1:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-1: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61784-3-2:2008
IEC 61784-3-2:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-2: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-3-2:2010
IEC 61784-3-2:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-2: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61784-3-3:2008
IEC 61784-3-3:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-3: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-3-3:2010
IEC 61784-3-3:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-3: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61784-3-6:2008
IEC 61784-3-6:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-6: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-3-6:2010
IEC 61784-3-6:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-6: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61784-3-8:2010
IEC 61784-3-8:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-8: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61784-3-12:2010
IEC 61784-3-12:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-12: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
CPF 12
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61784-3-13:2010
IEC 61784-3-13:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-13: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
CPF 13
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61784-3-14:2010
IEC 61784-3-14:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-14: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
CPF 14
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61784-3-18:2011
IEC 61784-3-18:2011
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-18: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for
CPF 18
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-08-25 dop : 2012-02-25 dow : 2014-05-25

EN 61784-5-2:2008
IEC 61784-5-2:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //
Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5-2: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 2
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-5-3:2008
IEC 61784-5-3:2007 (corrigendum Feb. 2009)
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //
Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5-3: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 3
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-5-6:2008
IEC 61784-5-6:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //
Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5-6: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 6
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-5-10:2008
IEC 61784-5-10:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //
Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5-10: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 10
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61784-5-11:2008
IEC 61784-5-11:2007
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //
Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5-11: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 11
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61788-1:2007
IEC 61788-1:2006
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //
Superconductivity - Part 1: Critical current measurement - DC critical current of Nb-Ti composite superconductors
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 61788-2:2007
IEC 61788-2:2006
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //
Superconductivity - Part 2: Critical current measurement - DC critical current of Nb3Sn composite superconductors
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61788-3:2006
IEC 61788-3:2006
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 3: Critical current measurement - DC critical current of Ag- and/or Ag alloy-sheathed Bi-
2212 and Bi-2223 oxide superconductors
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 61788-4:2007
IEC 61788-4:2007
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 4: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb-Ti composite
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61788-4:2011
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 61788-4:2011
IEC 61788-4:2011
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 4: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb-Ti composite
dor : 2011-08-15 doa : 2011-11-15 dop : 2012-05-15 dow : 2014-08-15

EN 61788-5:2001
IEC 61788-5:2000
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 5: Matrix to superconductor volume ratio measurement - Copper to superconductor volume
ratio of Cu/Nb-Ti composite superconductors
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2001-10-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 61788-6:2008
IEC 61788-6:2008
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 6: Mechanical properties measurement - Room temperature tensile test of Cu/Nb-Ti
composite superconductors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61788-6:2011
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 61788-6:2011
IEC 61788-6:2011
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 6: Mechanical properties measurement - Room temperature tensile test of Cu/Nb-Ti
composite superconductors
dor : 2011-08-15 doa : 2011-11-15 dop : 2012-05-15 dow : 2014-08-15

EN 61788-7:2006
IEC 61788-7:2006
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 7: Electronic characteristic measurements - Surface resistance of superconductors at
microwave frequencies
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61788-8:2003
IEC 61788-8:2003
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 8: AC loss measurements - Total AC loss measurement of Cu/Nb-Ti composite
superconducting wires exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field by a pickup coil method
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61788-8:2010
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61788-8:2010
IEC 61788-8:2010
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 8: AC loss measurements - Total AC loss measurement of round superconducting wires
exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field at liquid helium temperature by a pickup coil method
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 61788-9:2005
IEC 61788-9:2005
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 9: Measurements for bulk high temperature superconductors - Trapped flux density of large
grain oxide superconductors
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 61788-10:2006
IEC 61788-10:2006
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 10: Critical temperature measurement - Critical temperature of composite superconductors
by a resistance method
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61788-11:2003
IEC 61788-11:2003
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 11: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb3Sn composite
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61788-11:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61788-11:2011
IEC 61788-11:2011
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 11: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb3Sn composite
dor : 2011-08-15 doa : 2011-11-15 dop : 2012-05-15 dow : 2014-08-15

EN 61788-12:2002
IEC 61788-12:2002
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 12: Matrix to superconductor volume ratio measurement - Copper to non-copper volume
ratio of Nb3Sn composite superconducting wires
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 61788-13:2003
IEC 61788-13:2003
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 13: AC loss measurements - Magnetometer methods for hysteresis loss in Cu/Nb-Ti
multifilamentary composites
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 61788-14:2010
IEC 61788-14:2010
CLC/SR 90 IEC/TC 90 //

Superconductivity - Part 14: Superconducting power devices - General requirements for characteristic tests of current
leads designed for powering superconducting devices
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 61797-1:1996
IEC 61797-1:1996
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

Transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment - Main dimensions of coil
formers - Part 1: Coil formers for laminated cores
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61800-1:1998
IEC 61800-1:1997
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 1: General requirements - Rating specifications for low
voltage adjustable speed d.c. power drive systems
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 61800-2:1998
IEC 61800-2:1998
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 2: General requirements - Rating specifications for low
voltage adjustable frequency a.c. power drive systems
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61800-3:2004
IEC 61800-3:2004
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61800-4:2003
IEC 61800-4:2002
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 4: General requirements - Rating specifications for a.c. power
drive systems above 1 000 V a.c. and not exceeding 35 kV
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 61800-5-1:2007
IEC 61800-5-1:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requirements - Electrical, thermal and energy
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

EN 61800-5-2:2007
IEC 61800-5-2:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-2: Safety requirements - Functional
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61800-7-1:2008
IEC 61800-7-1:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-1: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Interface definition
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61800-7-201:2008
IEC 61800-7-201:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-201: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Profile type 1 specification
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61800-7-202:2008
IEC 61800-7-202:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-202: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Profile type 2 specification
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61800-7-203:2008
IEC 61800-7-203:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-203: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Profile type 3 specification
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61800-7-204:2008
IEC 61800-7-204:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-204: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Profile type 4 specification
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61800-7-301:2008
IEC 61800-7-301:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-301: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Mapping of profile type 1 to network technologies
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61800-7-302:2008
IEC 61800-7-302:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-302: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Mapping of profile type 2 to network technologies
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61800-7-303:2008
IEC 61800-7-303:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-303: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Mapping of profile type 3 to network technologies
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61800-7-304:2008
IEC 61800-7-304:2007
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22G //

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-304: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive
systems - Mapping of profile type 4 to network technologies
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 61803:1999
IEC 61803:1999 (corrigendum Oct. 1999)
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //

Determination of power losses in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations with line-commutated
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-04-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 61803:1999/A1:2010
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 61804-2:2007
IEC 61804-2:2006
Function blocks (FB) for process control - Part 2: Specification of FB concept
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61804-3:2007
IEC 61804-3:2006
Function blocks (FB) for process control - Part 3: Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61804-3:2011
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 61804-3:2011
IEC 61804-3:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65E //
Function Blocks (FB) for process control - Part 3: Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL)
dor : 2011-01-03 doa : 2011-04-03 dop : 2011-10-03 dow : 2014-01-03

EN 61810-1:2008
IEC 61810-1:2008 (corrigendum Feb. 2010)
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 61810-2:2005
IEC 61810-2:2005
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 2: Reliability
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 61810-2:2011
IEC 61810-2:2011
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 2: Reliability
dor : 2011-04-01 doa : 2011-07-01 dop : 2012-01-01 dow : 2014-04-01

EN 61810-2-1:2011
IEC 61810-2-1:2011
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 2-1: Reliability - Procedure for the verification of B10 values
dor : 2011-04-01 doa : 2011-07-01 dop : 2012-01-01 dow : 2014-04-01

EN 61810-7:2006
IEC 61810-7:2006
CLC/SR 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 7: Test and measurement procedures
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 61811-1:1999
IEC 61811-1:1999
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Electromechanical non-specified time all-or-nothing relays of assessed quality - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-08-01 dop : 2000-02-01 dow : 2002-05-01

EN 61811-10:2003
IEC 61811-10:2002
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //

Electromechanical elementary relays of assessed quality - Part 10: Sectional specification - Relays for industrial
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 61811-11:2003
IEC 61811-11:2002
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //

Electromechanical elementary relays of assessed quality - Part 11: Blank detail specification - Relays for industrial
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61811-50:2002
IEC 61811-50:2002
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //

Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 50: Sectional specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing telecom
relays of assessed quality
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 61811-51:2002
IEC 61811-51:2002
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //

Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 51: Blank detail specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing
telecom relays of assessed quality - Non-standardized types and construction
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 61811-52:2002
IEC 61811-52:2002
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //

Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 52: Blank detail specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing
telecom relays of assessed quality - Two change-over contacts, 20 mm x 10 mm base
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 61811-53:2002
IEC 61811-53:2002
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //

Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 53: Blank detail specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing
telecom relays of assessed quality - Two change-over contacts, 14 mm x 9 mm base
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 61811-54:2002
IEC 61811-54:2002
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //

Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 54: Blank detail specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing
telecom relays of assessed quality - Two change-over contacts, 15 mm x 7,5 mm base
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 61811-55:2002
IEC 61811-55:2002 (corrigendum Jun. 2002)
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //

Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 55: Blank detail specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing
telecom relays of assessed quality - Two change-over contacts, 11 mm x 7,5 mm (max.) base
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 61812-1:1996 + corrigendum Feb. 1999
IEC 61812-1:1996
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Specified time relays for industrial use - Part 1: Requirements and tests
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61812-1:2011
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1999-10-01

+ A11:1999
CLC/TC 94 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2002-01-01

EN 61812-1:2011
IEC 61812-1:2011
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Time relays for industrial and residential use - Part 1: Requirements and tests
dor : 2011-06-29 doa : 2011-09-29 dop : 2012-03-29 dow : 2014-06-29

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61817:2001
IEC 61817:2000
Household portable appliances for cooking, grilling and similar use - Methods for measuring performance
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2004-11-01

+ A1:2004
IEC 61817:2000/A1:2004
CLC/TC 59X IEC/SC 59L //
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61821:2003
IEC 61821:2002
CLC/TC 97 IEC/TC 97 //

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - Maintenance of aeronautical ground lighting
constant current series circuits
dor : 2002-12-03 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 61822:2003
IEC 61822:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 97 IEC/TC 97 //
Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - Constant current regulators
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61822:2009
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 61822:2009
IEC 61822:2009
CLC/TC 97 IEC/TC 97 //
Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - Constant current regulators
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61823:2003
IEC 61823:2002 (Modified)
CLC/TC 97 IEC/TC 97 //
Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - AGL series transformers
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 61828:2001
IEC 61828:2001
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Focusing transducers - Definitions and measurement methods for the transmitted fields
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61829:1998
IEC 61829:1995
Crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) array - On-site measurement of I-V characteristics
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1999-02-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

EN 61830:1998
IEC 61830:1997
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Microwave ferrite components - Measuring methods for major properties
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 61834-1:1998
IEC 61834-1:1998
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 1: General specifications
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2001
IEC 61834-1:1998/A1:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 2001-05-04 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

EN 61834-2:1998
IEC 61834-2:1998
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 2: SD format for 525-60 and 625-50 systems
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61834-3:2000
IEC 61834-3:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 3: HD format for 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 61834-4:1998
IEC 61834-4:1998
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 4: Pack header table and contents
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-11-01 dop : 1999-05-01 dow : 2001-05-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 61834-4:1998/A1:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61834-5:1998
IEC 61834-5:1998
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 5: The character information system
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61834-6:2000
IEC 61834-6:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 6: SDL format
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 61834-7:2001
IEC 61834-7:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 7: EDTV2 format
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

EN 61834-8:2001
IEC 61834-8:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 8: PALplus format for the 625-50 system
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61834-9:2001
IEC 61834-9:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 9: DVB format
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

EN 61834-10:2001
IEC 61834-10:2001 (corrigendum Jul. 2001)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 10: DTV format
dor : 2001-04-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-02 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 61834-11:2008
IEC 61834-11:2008
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 11: HDV format for 1080i and 720p systems
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 61835:1998
IEC 61835:1998
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Helical-scan digital component video cassette recording system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape - Format D-5
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61837-1:1999
IEC 61837-1:1999
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead
connections - Part 1: Plastic moulded enclosure outlines
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-09-01 dop : 2000-03-01 dow : 2002-05-01

EN 61837-2:2000
IEC 61837-2:2000
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead
connections - Part 2: Ceramic enclosures
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61837-2:2011
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 61837-2:2011
IEC 61837-2:2011
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead
connections - Part 2: Ceramic enclosures
dor : 2011-07-01 doa : 2011-10-01 dop : 2012-04-01 dow : 2014-07-01

EN 61837-3:2000
IEC 61837-3:2000
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead
connections - Part 3: Metal enclosures
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-06-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 61837-4:2004
IEC 61837-4:2004
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //

Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead
connections - Part 4: Hybrid enclosure outlines
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61842:2002
IEC 61842:2002
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Microphones and earphones for speech communications
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 61843:1997
IEC 61843:1997
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Measuring method for the level of intermodulation products generated in a gyromagnetic device
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-10-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 61846:1998
IEC 61846:1998
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Pressure pulse lithotripters - Characteristics of fields
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 61847:1998
IEC 61847:1998
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Surgical systems - Measurement and declaration of the basic output characteristics
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-04-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 61850-3:2002
IEC 61850-3:2002
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 3: General requirements
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61850-4:2002
IEC 61850-4:2002
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 4: System and project management
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61850-4:2011
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 61850-4:2011
IEC 61850-4:2011
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 4: System and project management
dor : 2011-05-16 doa : 2011-08-16 dop : 2012-02-16 dow : 2014-05-16

EN 61850-5:2003
IEC 61850-5:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61850-6:2004
IEC 61850-6:2004
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication
in electrical substations related to IEDs
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61850-6:2010.
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61850-6:2010
IEC 61850-6:2009
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for
communication in electrical substations related to IEDs
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 61850-7-1:2003
IEC 61850-7-1:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7-1: Basic communication structure for substation and
feeder equipment - Principles and models
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 61850-7-2:2003
IEC 61850-7-2:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7-2: Basic communication structure for substation and
feeder equipment - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61850-7-2:2010
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61850-7-2:2010
IEC 61850-7-2:2010
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-2: Basic information and communication
structure - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 61850-7-3:2003
IEC 61850-7-3:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7-3: Basic communication structure for substation and
feeder equipment - Common data classes
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61850-7-3:2011
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 61850-7-3:2011
IEC 61850-7-3:2010
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-3: Basic communication structure -
Common data classes
dor : 2011-01-20 doa : 2011-04-20 dop : 2011-10-20 dow : 2014-01-20

EN 61850-7-4:2003
IEC 61850-7-4:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7-4: Basic communication structure for substation and
feeder equipment - Compatible logical node classes and data classes
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61850-7-4:2010
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 61850-7-4:2010
IEC 61850-7-4:2010
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-4: Basic communication structure -
Compatible logical node classes and data object classes
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61850-7-410:2007
IEC 61850-7-410:2007
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-410: Hydroelectric power plants -
Communication for monitoring and control
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 61850-7-420:2009
IEC 61850-7-420:2009
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-420: Basic communication structure -
Distributed energy resources logical nodes
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 61850-8-1:2004
IEC 61850-8-1:2004
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 8-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) -
Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61850-8-1:2011
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 61850-8-1:2011
IEC 61850-8-1:2011
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-1: Specific communication service
mapping (SCSM) - Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3
dor : 2011-07-22 doa : 2011-10-22 dop : 2012-04-22 dow : 2014-07-22

EN 61850-9-1:2003
IEC 61850-9-1:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 9-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) -
Sampled values over serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 61850-9-2:2004
IEC 61850-9-2:2004
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 9-2: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) -
Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 61850-10:2005
IEC 61850-10:2005
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 10: Conformance testing
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 61851-1:2001
IEC 61851-1:2001
CLC/TC 69X IEC/TC 69 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1: General requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61851-1:2011
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 61851-1:2011
IEC 61851-1:2010
CLC/TC 69X IEC/TC 69 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2011-04-12 doa : 2011-07-01 dop : 2012-01-01 dow : 2014-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61851-21:2002
IEC 61851-21:2001
CLC/TC 69X IEC/TC 69 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21: Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to an
a.c/d.c. supply
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2005-01-01

EN 61851-22:2002
IEC 61851-22:2001
CLC/TC 69X IEC/TC 69 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 22: AC electric vehicle charging station
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-04-01 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2005-01-01

EN 61853-1:2011
IEC 61853-1:2011
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //

Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating - Part 1: Irradiance and temperature performance
measurements and power rating
dor : 2011-03-02 doa : 2011-06-02 dop : 2011-12-02 dow : 2014-03-02

EN 61854:1998
IEC 61854:1998
CLC/TC 11 IEC/TC 11 //
Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for spacers
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61855:2003
IEC 61855:2003
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 //
Household electrical hair care appliances - Methods of measuring the performance
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61857-1:2005
IEC 61857-1:2004
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulation systems - Procedures for thermal evaluation - Part 1: General requirements - Low-voltage
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61857-1:2009
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 61857-1:2009
IEC 61857-1:2008
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulation systems - Procedures for thermal evaluation - Part 1: General requirements - Low-voltage
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 61857-21:2004
IEC 61857-21:2004
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulation systems - Procedures for thermal evaluation - Part 21: Specific requirements for general-purpose
models - Wire-wound applications
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61857-21:2009
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 61857-21:2009
IEC 61857-21:2009
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulation systems - Procedures for thermal evaluation - Part 21: Specific requirements for general-purpose
models - Wire-wound applications
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61857-22:2008
IEC 61857-22:2008
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulation systems - Procedures for thermal evaluation - Part 22: Specific requirements for encapsulated-
coil model - Wire-wound electrical insulation system (EIS)
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 61858:2008
IEC 61858:2008
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Electrical insulation systems - Thermal evaluation of modifications to an established wire-wound EIS
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 61866:1997
IEC 61866:1997
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Audiovisual systems - Interactive text transmission system (ITTS)
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-01 dop : 1998-07-01 dow : 1998-07-01

EN 61868:1999
IEC 61868:1998
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Mineral insulating oils - Determination of kinematic viscosity at very low temperatures
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

EN 61869-1:2009
IEC 61869-1:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 38X IEC/TC 38 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Instrument transformers - Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: This Part 1 of EN 61869 covers the general requirements formerly found in the stand-alone standards of the
EN 60044 series. The EN 60044 series will be withdrawn when the final part of the EN 61869 series is published.
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61881:1999
IEC 61881:1999
Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61881-1:2011
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 61881-1:2011
IEC 61881-1:2010

Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics - Part 1: Paper/plastic film
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 61883-1:2003
IEC 61883-1:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 1: General
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61883-1:2009
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61883-1:2009
IEC 61883-1:2008
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 1: General
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61883-2:2005
IEC 61883-2:2004
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 2: SD-DVCR data transmission
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61883-3:2005
IEC 61883-3:2004
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 3: HD-DVCR data transmission
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61883-4:2005
IEC 61883-4:2004
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 4: MPEG2-TS data transmission
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61883-5:2005
IEC 61883-5:2004
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 5: SDL-DVCR data transmission
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61883-6:2005
IEC 61883-6:2005
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 6: Audio and music data transmission protocol
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61883-7:2003
IEC 61883-7:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 7: Transmission of ITU-R BO.1294 System B
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61883-8:2009
IEC 61883-8:2008
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 8: Transmission of ITU-R BT.601 style digital video data
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 61897:1998
IEC 61897:1998
CLC/TC 11 IEC/TC 11 //
Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for Stockbridge type aeolian vibration dampers
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

EN 61904:2000
IEC 61904:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Video recording - Helical-scan digital component video cassette recording format using 12,65 mm magnetic tape and
incorporating data compression (Format digital-L)
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 61907:2010
IEC 61907:2009
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Communication network dependability engineering
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61909:2000
IEC 61909:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Audio recording - Minidisc system
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 61914:2009 + corrigendum May. 2009
IEC 61914:2009
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Cable cleats for electrical installations
NOTE: Supersedes EN 50368:2003
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 61915-1:2008
IEC 61915-1:2007
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B //

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Device profiles for networked industrial devices - Part 1: General rules for
the development of device profiles
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61918:2008
IEC 61918:2007 (Modified) (corrigendum Feb. 2009)
Industrial communication networks - Installation of communication networks in industrial premises
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 61920:2004
IEC 61920:2004
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Infrared free air applications
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61921:2003
IEC 61921:2003
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Power capacitors - Low-voltage power factor correction banks
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 61922:2002
IEC 61922:2002
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
High-frequency induction heating installations - Test methods for the determination of power output of the generator
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 61924:2006
IEC 61924:2006
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Integrated navigation systems - Operational
and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 61925:2006
IEC 61925:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia home server systems - Vocabulary of home server
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61926-1:2000
IEC 61926-1:1999
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //

Design automation - Part 1: Standard test language for all systems - Common abbreviated test language for all
systems (C/ATLAS)
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61935-1:2005
IEC 61935-1:2005 (Modified)
Testing of balanced communication cabling in accordance with standards series EN 50173 - Part 1: Installed cabling
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61935-1:2009
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61935-1:2009
IEC 61935-1:2009 (Modified) (corrigendum Oct. 2010)
CLC/TC 46X IEC/TC 46 //

Specification for the testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling - Part 1: Installed balanced
cabling as specified in the standards series EN 50173
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 61935-2:2005 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
IEC 61935-2:2005 (Modified)

Testing of balanced communication cabling in accordance with standards series EN 50173 - Part 2: Patch cords and
work area cords
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61935-2:2010
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 61935-2:2010
IEC 61935-2:2010
CLC/SC 46XA IEC/TC 46 //

Specification for the testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling - Part 2: Cords as specified in
ISO/IEC 11801 and related standards
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61935-2-20:2009
IEC 61935-2-20:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 46X IEC/TC 46 //

Testing of balanced communication cabling in accordance with series EN 50173 - Part 2-20: Patch cords and work
area cords - Blank detail specification for class D applications
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61935-3:2009
IEC 61935-3:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 46X IEC/TC 46 //

Testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling - Part 3: Installed cabling as specified in EN 50173-4
and related standards
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61936-1:2010 + AC:2011
IEC 61936-1:2010 (Modified) (corrigendum Mar. 2011)
CLC/TC 99X IEC/TC 99 //
Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1: Common rules
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2013-11-01

+ AC:2011
Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1: Common rules
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 61937-1:2007
IEC 61937-1:2007
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 1: General
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61937-2:2007
IEC 61937-2:2007
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 2: Burst-info
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 61937-3:2003
IEC 61937-3:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 3: Non-linear PCM
bitstreams according to the AC-3 format
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61937-3:2009
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61937-3:2009
IEC 61937-3:2007
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 3: Non-linear PCM
bitstreams according to the AC-3 and enhanced AC-3 formats
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61937-4:2003
IEC 61937-4:2003 (corrigendum Mar. 2004)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 4: Non-linear PCM
bitstreams according to the MPEG audio format
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 61937-5:2006
IEC 61937-5:2006
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 5: Non-linear PCM
bitstreams according to the DTS (Digital Theater Systems) format(s)
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 61937-6:2006
IEC 61937-6:2006
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 6: Non-linear PCM
bitstreams according to the MPEG-2 AAC and MPEG-4 AAC audio formats
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 61937-7:2005
IEC 61937-7:2004
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 7: Non-linear PCM
bitstreams according to the ATRAC, ATRAC2/3 and ATRAC-X formats
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 61937-8:2007
IEC 61937-8:2006
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 8: Non-linear PCM
bitstreams according to the Windows Media Audio (WMA) Professional format
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61937-9:2007
IEC 61937-9:2007
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 9: Non-linear PCM
bitstreams according to the MAT format
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61937-10:2011
IEC 61937-10:2011
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 10: Non-linear
PCM bitstreams according to the MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding (ALS) format
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-08-25 dop : 2012-02-25 dow : 2014-05-25

EN 61937-11:2010
IEC 61937-11:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 11: MPEG-4 AAC
and its extensions in LATM/LOAS
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 61937-12:2010
IEC 61937-12:2010
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 12: Non-linear
PCM bitstreams according to the DRA formats
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 61938:1997 + corrigendum Feb. 1997
IEC 61938:1996
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Audio, video and audiovisual systems - Interconnections and matching values - Preferred matching values of
analogue signals
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

EN 61943:1999
IEC 61943:1999
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //
Integrated circuits - Manufacturing line approval application guideline
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

EN 61947-1:2002
IEC 61947-1:2002
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Electronic projection - Measurement and documentation of key performance criteria - Part 1: Fixed resolution
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 61947-2:2002
IEC 61947-2:2001
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Electronic projection - Measurement and documentation of key performance criteria - Part 2: Variable resolution
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

EN 61951-1:2003
IEC 61951-1:2003
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single
cells - Part 1: Nickel-cadmium
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

+ A1:2006
IEC 61951-1:2003/A1:2005
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61951-2:2003
IEC 61951-2:2003
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single
cells - Part 2: Nickel-metal hydride
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61951-2:2011
dor : 2003-06-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-06-01

EN 61951-2:2011
IEC 61951-2:2011
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single
cells - Part 2: Nickel-metal hydride
dor : 2011-06-29 doa : 2011-09-29 dop : 2012-03-29 dow : 2014-06-29

EN 61952:2008
IEC 61952:2008
CLC/SR 36B IEC/SC 36B //

Insulators for overhead lines - Composite line post insulators for A.C. systems with a nominal voltage greater than 1
000 V - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 61954:1999
IEC 61954:1999 (corrigendum Dec. 1999)
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //

Power electronics for electrical transmission and distribution systems - Testing of thyristor valves for static VAR
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61954:2011
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 61954:1999/A1:2003
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61954:2011
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61954:2011
IEC 61954:2011
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
Static VAR compensators (SVC) - Testing of thyristor valves
dor : 2011-05-26 doa : 2011-08-26 dop : 2012-02-26 dow : 2014-05-26

EN 61958:2001
IEC 61958:2000
High-voltage prefabricated switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Voltage presence indicating systems
dor : 2001-01-01 doa : 2001-04-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-01-01

EN 61959:2004 + corrigendum Jun. 2004
IEC 61959:2004
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Mechanical tests for sealed portable
secondary cells and batteries
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 61960:2004
IEC 61960:2003
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Secondary lithium cells and
batteries for portable applications
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61960:2011
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61960:2011
IEC 61960:2011
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Secondary lithium cells and
batteries for portable applications
dor : 2011-07-21 doa : 2011-10-21 dop : 2012-04-21 dow : 2014-07-21

EN 61964:1999
IEC 61964:1999
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //
Integrated circuits - Memory devices pin configurations
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-08-01 dop : 2000-02-01 dow : 2002-05-01

EN 61965:2003
IEC 61965:2003
CLC/SR 39 IEC/TC 39 //
Mechanical safety of cathode ray tubes
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 61966-2-1:2000
IEC 61966-2-1:1999
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default
RGB colour space - sRGB
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2003-01-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 61966-2-1:1999/A1:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61966-2-2:2003
IEC 61966-2-2:2003 (corrigendum Aug. 2003)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-2: Colour management -
Extended RGB colour space - scRGB
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 61966-2-4:2006
IEC 61966-2-4:2006 (corrigendum Nov. 2006)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-4: Colour management -
Extended-gamut YCC colour space for video applications - xvYCC
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 61966-2-5:2008
IEC 61966-2-5:2007
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-5: Colour management -
Optional RGB colour space - opRGB
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 61966-3:2000
IEC 61966-3:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 3: Equipment using cathode ray
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61966-4:2000
IEC 61966-4:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 4: Equipment using liquid crystal
display panels
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 61966-5:2001
IEC 61966-5:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 5: Equipment using plasma
display panels
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61966-5:2009
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61966-5:2009
IEC 61966-5:2008
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 5: Equipment using plasma
display panels
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 61966-6:2006
IEC 61966-6:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 6: Front projection displays
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

EN 61966-7-1:2006
IEC 61966-7-1:2006
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 7-1: Colour printers - Reflective
prints - RGB inputs
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 61966-8:2001
IEC 61966-8:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 8: Multimedia colour scanners
dor : 2001-04-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 61966-9:2004
IEC 61966-9:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 9: Digital cameras
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 61966-12-1:2011
IEC 61966-12-1:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 12-1: Metadata for identification
of colour gamut (Gamut ID)
dor : 2011-02-16 doa : 2011-05-16 dop : 2011-11-16 dow : 2014-02-16

EN 61967-1:2002
IEC 61967-1:2002
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 1: General conditions and
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61967-2:2005
IEC 61967-2:2005
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 2: Measurement of radiated
emissions - TEM cell and wideband TEM cell method
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 61967-4:2002
IEC 61967-4:2002
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 4: Measurement of
conducted emissions - 1 ohm/150 ohm direct coupling method
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

+ A1:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 61967-4:2002/A1:2006
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 61967-5:2003
IEC 61967-5:2003
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 5: Measurement of
conducted emissions - Workbench Faraday Cage method
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61967-6:2002
IEC 61967-6:2002 (corrigendum Aug. 2010)
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 6: Measurement of
conducted emissions - Magnetic probe method
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-09-01

+ A1:2008
IEC 61967-6:2002/A1:2008
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 61968-1:2004
IEC 61968-1:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 1: Interface
architecture and general requirements
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 61968-3:2004
IEC 61968-3:2004
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 3: Interface for
network operations
dor : 2004-05-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-05-01

EN 61968-4:2007
IEC 61968-4:2007
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 4: Interfaces for
records and asset management
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61968-9:2009
IEC 61968-9:2009
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 9: Interface for
meter reading and control
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 61968-11:2010
IEC 61968-11:2010
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 11: Common
information model (CIM) extensions for distribution
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61968-13:2008
IEC 61968-13:2008
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 13: CIM RDF
Model exchange format for distribution
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 61969-1:2000
IEC 61969-1:1999
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //
Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 1: Design guidelines
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-05-01 dop : 2000-11-01 dow : 2003-02-01

EN 61969-2:2000
IEC 61969-2:2000
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 2: Sectional specification - Coordination
dimensions for cases and cabinets
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2000-11-01 dow : 2003-02-01

EN 61969-2-1:2000
IEC 61969-2-1:2000
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 2-1: Detail specification - Dimensions for
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-05-01 dop : 2000-11-01 dow : 2003-02-01

EN 61969-2-2:2000
IEC 61969-2-2:2000
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 2-2: Detail specification - Dimensions for
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-05-01 dop : 2000-11-01 dow : 2003-02-01

EN 61969-3:2001
IEC 61969-3:2001
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 3: Sectional specification - Climatic,
mechanical tests and safety aspects for cabinets and cases
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 61970-1:2006
IEC 61970-1:2005
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 1: Guidelines and general requirements
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61970-301:2004
IEC 61970-301:2003
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 301: Common Information Model
(CIM) base
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 61970-402:2008
IEC 61970-402:2008
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 402: Common services
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 61970-403:2008
IEC 61970-403:2008
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 403: Generic data access
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 61970-404:2007
IEC 61970-404:2007
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 404: High Speed Data Access (HSDA)
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 61970-405:2007
IEC 61970-405:2007
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 405: Generic Eventing and Subscription
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 61970-407:2007
IEC 61970-407:2007
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 407: Time Series Data Access (TSDA)
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 61970-453:2008
IEC 61970-453:2008
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 453: CIM based graphics exchange
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 61970-501:2006
IEC 61970-501:2006
CLC/TC 57 IEC/TC 57 //

Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 501: Common Information Model
Resource Description Framework (CIM RDF) schema
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 61975:2010
IEC 61975:2010
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) installations - System tests
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 61977:2010
IEC 61977:2010
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic filters - Generic specification
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61978-1:2001
IEC 61978-1:2000
CLC/SR 86B IEC/SC 86B //
Fibre optic passive dispersion compensators - Part 1: Generic specification
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61978-1:2010
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 61978-1:2010
IEC 61978-1:2009
CLC/SR 86B IEC/SC 86B //

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic passive chromatic dispersion compensators
- Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 61982-1:2006
IEC 61982-1:2006
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 1: Test parameters
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 61982-2:2002 + corrigendum Dec. 2002
IEC 61982-2:2002
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //

Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 2: Dynamic discharge performance test and
dynamic endurance test
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 61982-3:2001
IEC 61982-3:2001
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //

Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 3: Performance and life testing (traffic
compatible, urban use vehicles)
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

EN 61984:2001
IEC 61984:2001
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors - Safety requirements and tests
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61984:2009
dor : 2001-10-01 doa : 2002-01-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-10-01

EN 61984:2009
IEC 61984:2008
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors - Safety requirements and tests
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 61987-1:2007
IEC 61987-1:2006
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //

Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 1:
Measuring equipment with analogue and digital output
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 61987-10:2009
IEC 61987-10:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 10:
Lists of properties (LOPs) for industrial-process measurement and control for electronic data exchange -
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61988-1:2003
IEC 61988-1:2003
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 1: Terminology and letter symbols
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61988-1:2011
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 61988-1:2011
IEC 61988-1:2011
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 1: Terminology and letter symbols
dor : 2011-08-30 doa : 2011-11-30 dop : 2012-05-30 dow : 2014-08-30

EN 61988-2-1:2002
IEC 61988-2-1:2002
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 2-1: Measuring methods - Optical
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

EN 61988-2-2:2003
IEC 61988-2-2:2003
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 2-2: Measuring methods - Optoelectrical
dor : 2003-04-01 doa : 2003-07-01 dop : 2004-01-01 dow : 2006-04-01

EN 61988-2-3:2009
IEC 61988-2-3:2009
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 2-3: Measuring methods - Image quality: defects and degradation
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 61988-3-1:2005
IEC 61988-3-1:2005
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 3-1: Mechanical interface
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 61988-3-2:2009
IEC 61988-3-2:2009
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 3-2: Interface - Electrical interface
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 61988-4:2007
IEC 61988-4:2007
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 4: Climatic and mechanical testing methods
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 61988-5:2009
IEC 61988-5:2009
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Plasma display panels - Part 5: Generic specification
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 61993-1:1999
IEC 61993-1:1999
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Part 1: Shipborne automatic transponder
system installation using VHF digital selective calling (DSC) techniques - Operational and performance
requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 1999-11-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 61993-2:2002
IEC 61993-2:2001
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Automatic identification systems (AIS) - Part
2: Class A shipborne equipment of the universal automatic identification system (AIS) - Operational and
performance requirements, methods of test and required test results
dor : 2002-02-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2005-02-01

EN 61995-1:2008
IEC 61995-1:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC)
Devices for the connection of luminaires for household and similar purposes - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 61995-2:2009
IEC 61995-2:2009
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Devices for the connection of luminaires for household and similar purposes - Part 2: Standard sheets for DCL
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2019-04-01

EN 61996-1:2008
IEC 61996-1:2007
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part
1: Voyage data recorder (VDR) - Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 61996-2:2008
IEC 61996-2:2007
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part
2: Simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) - Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 62002-1:2008
IEC 62002-1:2008 + corrigendum Jul. 2008
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Mobile and portable DVB-T/H radio access - Part 1: Interface specification
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 62002-2:2008
IEC 62002-2:2008
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Mobile and portable DVB-T/H radio access - Part 2: Interface conformance testing
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 62004:2009
IEC 62004:2007 (Modified)
Thermal-resistant aluminium alloy wire for overhead line conductor
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 62005-1:2001
IEC 62005-1:2001
Reliability of fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Part 1: Introductory guide and definitions
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62005-2:2001
IEC 62005-2:2001

Reliability of fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Part 2: Quantitative assessment of
reliability based on accelerated ageing tests - Temperature and humidity; steady state
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

EN 62005-3:2001
IEC 62005-3:2001

Reliability of fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Part 3: Relevant tests for evaluating
failure modes and failure mechanisms for passive components
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-08-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2004-05-01

EN 62005-4:1999
IEC 62005-4:1999
Reliability of fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive optical components - Part 4: Product screening
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 62005-7:2004
IEC 62005-7:2004
Reliability of fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive optical components - Part 7: Life stress modeling
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 62006:2011
IEC 62006:2010
CLC/SR 4 IEC/TC 4 //
Hydraulic machines - Acceptance tests of small hydroelectric installations
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62007-1:2000
IEC 62007-1:1997 + A1:1998

Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications - Part 1: Essential ratings and
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62007-1:2009
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-04-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 62007-1:2009
IEC 62007-1:2008
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications - Part 1: Specification template for essential
ratings and characteristics
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 62007-2:2000
IEC 62007-2:1997 + A1:1998
Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications - Part 2: Measuring methods
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62007-2:2009
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-04-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 62007-2:2009
IEC 62007-2:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications - Part 2: Measuring methods
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62008:2005
IEC 62008:2005
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 //
Performance characteristics and calibration methods for digital data acquisition systems and relevant software
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 62011-1:2002
IEC 62011-1:2002
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial, rigid, moulded, laminated tubes and rods of rectangular and hexagonal cross-section
based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions, designations and general requirements
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 62011-2:2004
IEC 62011-2:2004
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial, rigid, moulded, laminated tubes and rods of rectangular and hexagonal cross-section,
based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 62011-3-1:2003
IEC 62011-3-1:2003
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Insulating materials - Industrial rigid moulded laminated tubes and rods of rectangular and hexagonal cross-section
based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-1: Specifications for individual materials - Tubes and
rods of rectangular and hexagonal cross-section
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 62012-1:2002
IEC 62012-1:2002

Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications to be used in harsh environments - Part 1:
Generic specification
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 62013-1:2006
IEC 62013-1:2005
CLC/SC 31-4 IEC/TC 31 ATEX (94/9/EC) //

Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - Part 1: General requirements - Construction and testing in
relation to the risk of explosion
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60079-35-1:2011
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62013-2:2006
IEC 62013-2:2005
CLC/SC 31-4 IEC/TC 31 //
Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - Part 2: Performance and other safety-related matters
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62014-1:2002
IEC 62014-1:2001
CLC/SR 93 IEC/TC 93 //
Electronic design automation libraries - Part 1: Input/Output buffer information specifications (IBIS version 3.2)
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 62018:2003
IEC 62018:2003
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 //
Power consumption of information technology equipment - Measurement methods
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62019:1999
IEC 62019:1999
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E //
Electrical accessories - Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use - Auxiliary contact units
dor : 1999-05-01 doa : 1999-08-01 dop : 2000-02-01 dow : 2002-05-01

+ A1:2003
IEC 62019:1999/A1:2002
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E //
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A11:2005
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 62020:1998
IEC 62020:1998
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Electrical accessories - Residual current monitors for household and similar uses (RCMs)
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-01-01 dop : 1999-07-01 dow : 2001-07-01

+ A1:2005
IEC 62020:1998/A1:2003 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 62021-1:2003
IEC 62021-1:2003
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Determination of acidity - Part 1: Automatic potentiometric titration
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 62021-2:2007
IEC 62021-2:2007
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Determination of acidity - Part 2: Colourimetric titration
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 62022:2007
IEC 62022:2004 (Modified)

Installed monitors for the control and detection of gamma radiations contained in recyclable or non-recyclable
materials transported by vehicles
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 62023:2000
IEC 62023:2000
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Structuring of technical information and documentation
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-11-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 62024-1:2008
IEC 62024-1:2008 (corrigendum Jul. 2008)
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

High frequency inductive components - Electrical characteristics and measuring methods - Part 1: Nanohenry range
chip inductor
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62024-2:2009
IEC 62024-2:2008
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

High frequency inductive components - Electrical characteristics and measuring methods - Part 2: Rated current of
inductors for DC to DC converters
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 62025-1:2007
IEC 62025-1:2007
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

High frequency inductive components - Non-electrical characteristics and measuring methods - Part 1: Fixed, surface
mounted inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 62025-2:2005
IEC 62025-2:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

High frequency inductive components - Non-electrical characteristics and measuring methods - Part 2: Test methods
for non-electrical characteristics
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 62026-1:2007
IEC 62026-1:2007
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Controller-device interfaces (CDIs) - Part 1: General rules
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 62026-3:2009
IEC 62026-3:2008
CLC/TC 17B IEC/SC 17B EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Controller-device interfaces (CDIs) - Part 3: DeviceNet
NOTE: Supersedes EN 50325-2:2000
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 62027:2000
IEC 62027:2000
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Preparation of parts lists
dor : 2000-06-01 doa : 2000-09-01 dop : 2001-03-01 dow : 2003-06-01

EN 62028:2004
IEC 62028:2002
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
General methods of measurement for digital television receivers
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 62031:2008
IEC 62031:2008
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 62034:2006
IEC 62034:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34D //
Automatic test systems for battery powered emergency escape lighting
dor : 2006-09-12 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 62035:2000
IEC 62035:1999 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) - Safety specifications
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-03-01 dop : 2000-09-01 dow : 2002-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2003
IEC 62035:1999/A1:2003 (Modified)
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC) //
dor : 2003-09-23 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 62037:1999
IEC 62037:1999
CLC/SR 46 IEC/TC 46 //
RF connectors, connector cable assemblies and cables - Intermodulation level measurement
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-01 dop : 2000-07-01 dow : 2002-10-01

EN 62040-1:2008 + corrigendum Feb. 2009
IEC 62040-1:2008 + corrigendum Sep. 2008
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22H LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 1: General and safety requirements for UPS
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 62040-2:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 62040-2:2005
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22H EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-10-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 62040-3:2001
IEC 62040-3:1999 (Modified) (corrigendum Jul. 2003)
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3: Method of specifying the performance and test requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62040-3:2011
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-08-01

+ A11:2009
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62040-3:2011
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 62040-3:2011
IEC 62040-3:2011
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22H //
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3: Method of specifying the performance and test requirements
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-07-18 dop : 2012-01-18 dow : 2014-04-18

EN 62041:2003
IEC 62041:2003
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 //
Power transformers, power supply units, reactors and similar products - EMC requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62041:2010
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 62041:2010
IEC 62041:2010
CLC/SR 96 IEC/TC 96 //
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - EMC requirements
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 62044-1:2002
IEC 62044-1:2002
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Cores made of soft magnetic materials - Measuring methods - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62044-2:2005
IEC 62044-2:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Cores made of soft magnetic materials - Measuring methods - Part 2: Magnetic properties at low excitation level
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

EN 62044-3:2001
IEC 62044-3:2000
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Cores made of soft magnetic materials - Measuring methods - Part 3: Magnetic properties at high excitation level
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-06-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2004-03-01

EN 62047-1:2006
IEC 62047-1:2005
Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 1: Terms and definitions
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 62047-2:2006
IEC 62047-2:2006
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 2: Tensile testing method of thin film materials
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 62047-3:2006
IEC 62047-3:2006
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 3: Thin film standard test piece for tensile testing
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 62047-4:2010
IEC 62047-4:2008
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 4: Generic specification for MEMS
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 62047-5:2011
IEC 62047-5:2011
CLC/SR 47F IEC/SC 47F //
Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 5: RF MEMS switches
dor : 2011-08-17 doa : 2011-11-17 dop : 2012-05-17 dow : 2014-08-17

EN 62047-6:2010
IEC 62047-6:2009
CLC/SR 47F IEC/SC 47F //

Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 6: Axial fatigue testing methods of thin film
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 62047-7:2011
IEC 62047-7:2011
CLC/SR 47F IEC/SC 47F //

Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 7: MEMS BAW filter and duplexer for radio
frequency control and selection
dor : 2011-07-21 doa : 2011-10-21 dop : 2012-04-21 dow : 2014-07-21

EN 62047-8:2011
IEC 62047-8:2011
CLC/SR 47F IEC/SC 47F //

Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 8: Strip bending test method for tensile property
measurement of thin films
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-07-18 dop : 2012-01-18 dow : 2014-04-18

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62047-9:2011
IEC 62047-9:2011
CLC/SR 47F IEC/SC 47F //

Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 9: Wafer to wafer bonding strength measurement
for MEMS
dor : 2011-08-17 doa : 2011-11-17 dop : 2012-05-17 dow : 2014-08-17

EN 62047-10:2011
IEC 62047-10:2011
CLC/SR 47F IEC/SC 47F //

Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 10: Micro-pillar compression test for MEMS
dor : 2011-08-30 doa : 2011-11-30 dop : 2012-05-30 dow : 2014-08-30

EN 62052-11:2003
IEC 62052-11:2003
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62052-21:2004
IEC 62052-21:2004
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - General requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 21: Tariff and load
control equipment
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 62053-11:2003
IEC 62053-11:2003
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 11: Electromechanical meters for active energy
(classes 0,5, 1 and 2)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62053-21:2003
IEC 62053-21:2003
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 21: Static meters for active energy (classes 1
and 2)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62053-22:2003
IEC 62053-22:2003
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 22: Static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S
and 0,5 S)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62053-23:2003
IEC 62053-23:2003
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 23: Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2
and 3)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62053-31:1998
IEC 62053-31:1998
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 31: Pulse output devices for electromechanical
and electronic meters (two wires only)
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62053-52:2005
IEC 62053-52:2005
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements - Part 52: Symbols
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 62053-61:1998
IEC 62053-61:1998
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 61: Power consumption and voltage
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-07-01 dop : 1999-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

EN 62054-11:2004
IEC 62054-11:2004
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) //

Electricity metering (a.c.) - Tariff and load control - Part 11: Particular requirements for electronic ripple control
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 62054-21:2004
IEC 62054-21:2004
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Electricity metering (a.c.) - Tariff and load control - Part 21: Particular requirements for time switches
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-05-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 62055-31:2005
IEC 62055-31:2005 (corrigendum Jul. 2007)
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering - Payment systems - Part 31: Particular requirements - Static payment meters for active energy
(classes 1 and 2)
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 62056-21:2002
IEC 62056-21:2002
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //
Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 21: Direct local data exchange
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 62056-31:2000
IEC 62056-31:1999
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 31: Use of local area networks
on twisted pair with carrier signalling
dor : 1999-12-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : 2002-12-01

EN 62056-42:2002
IEC 62056-42:2002
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 42: Physical layer services and
procedures for connection-oriented asynchronous data exchange
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 62056-46:2002
IEC 62056-46:2002
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 46: Data link layer using HDLC
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

+ A1:2007
IEC 62056-46:2002/A1:2006
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 62056-47:2007
IEC 62056-47:2006
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 47: COSEM transport layers for
IPv4 networks
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 62056-53:2007
IEC 62056-53:2006
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //
Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 53: COSEM application layer
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 62056-61:2007
IEC 62056-61:2006
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 61: Object identification system
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 62056-62:2007
IEC 62056-62:2006
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //
Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 62: Interface classes
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 62058-11:2010
IEC 62058-11:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 MID (2004/22/EC) //
Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Acceptance inspection - Part 11: General acceptance inspection methods
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62058-21:2010
IEC 62058-21:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 MID (2004/22/EC) //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Acceptance inspection - Part 21: Particular requirements for
electromechanical meters for active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2 and class indexes A and B)
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62058-31:2010
IEC 62058-31:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 MID (2004/22/EC) //

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Acceptance inspection - Part 31: Particular requirements for static meters for
active energy (classes 0,2 S, 0,5 S, 1 and 2, and class indexes A, B and C)
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62059-31-1:2008
IEC 62059-31-1:2008
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //

Electricity metering equipment - Dependability - Part 31-1: Accelerated reliability testing - Elevated temperature and
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

EN 62059-41:2006
IEC 62059-41:2006
CLC/TC 13 IEC/TC 13 //
Electricity metering equipment - Dependability - Part 41: Reliability prediction
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62061:2005 + corrigendum Feb. 2010
IEC 62061:2005 (corrigendum Jul. 2005 + corrigendum Apr. 2008)
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 MD (2006/42/EC) MD (98/37/EC) //

Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 62065:2002
IEC 62065:2002
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Track control systems - Operational and
performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 62068-1:2003
IEC 62068-1:2003
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //

Electrical insulation systems - Electrical stresses produced by repetitive impulses - Part 1: General method of
evaluation of electrical endurance
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 62070:2001
IEC 62070:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Broadcast digital video tape recorders - Indentification method for recording and/or reproduction error status
dor : 2001-04-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 62071-1:2006
IEC 62071-1:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan compressed digital video cassette system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape - Format D-7 - Part 1: VTR
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 62071-2:2006
IEC 62071-2:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan compressed digital video cassette system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape - Format D-7 - Part 2:
Compression format
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 62071-3:2006
IEC 62071-3:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan compressed digital video cassette system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape - Format D-7 - Part 3: Data
stream format
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 62074-1:2009
IEC 62074-1:2009

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic WDM devices - Part 1: Generic
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 62075:2008
IEC 62075:2008
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108 //
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Environmentally conscious design
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62076:2006
IEC 62076:2006
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 //
Industrial electroheating installations - Test methods for induction channel and induction crucible furnaces
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 62077:2010
IEC 62077:2010
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic circulators - Generic specification
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 62079:2001
IEC 62079:2001
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Preparation of instructions - Structuring, content and presentation
dor : 2000-11-01 doa : 2001-05-01 dop : 2001-11-01 dow : 2003-11-01

EN 62080:2009
IEC 62080:2001 + A1:2008
CLC/SR 23 IEC/TC 23 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Sound signalling devices for household and similar purposes
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-04-01 dop : 2010-10-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 62083:2001
IEC 62083:2000
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Requirements for the safety of radiotherapy treatment planning systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62083:2009
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-03-01 dop : 2001-09-01 dow : 2003-12-01

EN 62083:2009
IEC 62083:2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical electrical equipment - Requirements for the safety of radiotherapy treatment planning systems
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 62087:2003
IEC 62087:2002
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100
Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 62087:2009
IEC 62087:2008
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 ERP (2009/125/EC)
Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62090:2003
IEC 62090:2002
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Product package labels for electronic components using bar code and two- dimensional symbologies
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-05-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2006-02-01

EN 62093:2005
IEC 62093:2005
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Balance-of-system components for photovoltaic systems - Design qualification natural environments
dor : 2005-04-01 doa : 2005-07-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62094-1:2003
IEC 62094-1:2002
CLC/TC 23BX IEC/SC 23B LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Indicator light units for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2002-12-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-12-01

+ A11:2003
CLC/TC 23BX LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 62097:2009
IEC 62097:2009
CLC/SR 4 IEC/TC 4 //
Hydraulic machines, radial and axial - Performance conversion method from model to prototype
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 62099:2001
IEC 62099:2001
Fibre optic wavelength switches - Generic specification
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2001-09-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2004-06-01

EN 62104:2007
IEC 62104:2003
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100
Characteristics of DAB receivers
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : - dow : -

EN 62105:2002
IEC 62105:1999
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital audio broadcast system - Specification of the receiver data interface (RDI)
NOTE: Identical with EN 50255:1997
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : - dow : -

EN 62106:2001
IEC 62106:2000
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Specification of the radio data system (RDS) for VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequency range from 87,5 to
108,0 MHz
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62106:2009
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-08-01 dop : 2002-07-01 dow : 2002-07-01

EN 62106:2009
IEC 62106:2009 (corrigendum May. 2010)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Specification of the Radio Data System (RDS) for VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequency range from 87,5
MHz to 108,0 MHz
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 62107:2001
IEC 62107:2000
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Super Video Compact Disc - Disc-interchange system-specification
dor : 2000-09-01 doa : 2000-12-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-09-01

EN 62108:2008
IEC 62108:2007
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules and assemblies - Design qualification and type approval
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62109-1:2010
IEC 62109-1:2010
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 62110:2009
IEC 62110:2009
CLC/TC 106X IEC/TC 106 //

Electric and magnetic field levels generated by AC power systems - Measurement procedures with regard to public
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 62115:2005
IEC 62115:2003 (Modified) + A1:2004
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 TOYS (2009/48/EC) TOYS (OLD) (88/378/EEC)
Electric toys - Safety
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2008-01-01

+ A2:2011 + AC:2011
IEC 62115:2003/A2:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 61 TOYS (2009/48/EC) TOYS (OLD) (88/378/EEC) //
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

+ A2:2011/AC:2011
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ IS1:2010
Electric toys - Safety
dor : 2009-11-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 62116:2011
IEC 62116:2008 (Modified)
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Test procedure of islanding prevention measures for utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62121:2001
IEC 62121:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Methods of measurement for minidisc recorders/players
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 62122:2002
IEC 62122:2002
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Methods of measurement for consumer-use digital VTRs - Electronic and mechanical performances
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 62124:2005
IEC 62124:2004
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Photovoltaic (PV) stand-alone systems - Design verification
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 62127-1:2007
IEC 62127-1:2007 (corrigendum Aug. 2008)
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Hydrophones - Part 1: Measurement and characterization of medical ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62127-2:2007
IEC 62127-2:2007 (corrigendum Aug. 2008)
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Hydrophones - Part 2: Calibration for ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 62127-3:2007
IEC 62127-3:2007
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Hydrophones - Part 3: Properties of hydrophones for ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 62129:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 62129:2006
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Calibration of optical spectrum analyzers
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62129-2:2011
IEC 62129-2:2011
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //

Calibration of wavelength/optical frequency measurement instruments - Part 2: Michelson interferometer single
wavelength meters
dor : 2011-06-30 doa : 2011-09-30 dop : 2012-03-30 dow : 2014-06-30

EN 62132-1:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 62132-1:2006
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 1: General conditions and
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62132-2:2011
IEC 62132-2:2010
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity - Part 2: Measurement of radiated immunity - TEM
cell and wideband TEM cell method
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62132-3:2007
IEC 62132-3:2007
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 3: Bulk current injection
(BCI) method
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 62132-4:2006
IEC 62132-4:2006
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 4: Direct RF power
injection method
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62132-5:2006
IEC 62132-5:2005
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Part 5: Workbench Faraday
cage method
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62133:2003
IEC 62133:2002
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable
sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications
dor : 2002-12-03 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-11-01 dow : 2005-12-01

EN 62134-1:2009
IEC 62134-1:2009
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic closures - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 62135-1:2008
IEC 62135-1:2008
CLC/TC 26B IEC/TC 26 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Resistance welding equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements for design, manufacture and installation
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 62135-2:2008
IEC 62135-2:2007
CLC/TC 26B IEC/TC 26 EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Resistance welding equipment - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 62137:2004 + corrigendum Feb. 2005
IEC 62137:2004 (corrigendum Jan. 2005)
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Environmental and endurance testing - Test methods for surface-mount boards of area array type packages FBGA,
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 62137-1-1:2007
IEC 62137-1-1:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Surface mounting technology - Environmental and endurance test methods for surface mount solder joint - Part 1-1:
Pull strength test
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

EN 62137-1-2:2007
IEC 62137-1-2:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Surface mounting technology - Environmental and endurance test methods for surface mount solder joint - Part 1-2:
Shear strength test
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

EN 62137-1-3:2009
IEC 62137-1-3:2008
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Surface mounting technology - Environmental and endurance test methods for surface mount solder joint - Part 1-3:
Cyclic drop test
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 62137-1-4:2009
IEC 62137-1-4:2009
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Surface mounting technology - Environmental and endurance test methods for surface mount solder joint - Part 1-4:
Cyclic bending test
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62137-1-5:2009
IEC 62137-1-5:2009
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Surface mounting technology - Environmental and endurance test methods for surface mount solder joints - Part 1-5:
Mechanical shear fatigue test
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 62138:2009
IEC 62138:2004

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important for safety - Software aspects for computer-based
systems performing category B or C functions
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62141:2006
IEC 62141:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan digital video cassette recording format using 12,65 mm magnetic tape and incorporating MPEG-4
compression - Type D-16 format
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 62148-1:2002
IEC 62148-1:2002
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 1: General and guidance
dor : 2002-04-01 doa : 2002-07-01 dop : 2003-01-01 dow : 2005-04-01

EN 62148-2:2003
IEC 62148-2:2003 (corrigendum Jun. 2003)
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 2: SFF MT-RJ 10-pin transceivers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62148-2:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62148-2:2011
IEC 62148-2:2010
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 2: SFF 10-pin transceivers
dor : 2011-01-10 doa : 2011-04-10 dop : 2011-10-10 dow : 2014-01-10

EN 62148-3:2003
IEC 62148-3:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 3: SFF MT-RJ 20-pin transceivers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62148-3:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62148-3:2011 + AC:2011
IEC 62148-3:2010
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 3: SFF 20-pin transceivers
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

+ AC:2011
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 3: SFF 20-pin transceivers
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62148-4:2003
IEC 62148-4:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 4: PN 1x9 plastic optical fibre
dor : 2003-07-01 doa : 2003-10-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2006-07-01

EN 62148-5:2003
IEC 62148-5:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 5: SC 1x9 fibre optic modules
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62148-6:2003
IEC 62148-6:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 6: ATM-PON transceivers
dor : 2003-10-01 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 62148-7:2003
IEC 62148-7:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 7: SFF LC 10-pin transceivers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62148-2:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62148-8:2003
IEC 62148-8:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 8: SFF LC 20-pin transceivers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62148-3:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62148-9:2003
IEC 62148-9:2003 (corrigendum May. 2003)
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 9: SFF MU duplex 10-pin
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62148-2:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62148-10:2003
IEC 62148-10:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 10: SFF MU duplex 20-pin
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62148-3:2011
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62148-11:2003
IEC 62148-11:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 11: 14-pin modulator-integrated
laser diode transmitters
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62148-11:2009
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 62148-11:2009
IEC 62148-11:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 11: 14-pin active device modules
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62148-12:2004
IEC 62148-12:2004
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 12: Laser transmitters with
coaxial RF connector
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

EN 62148-15:2010
IEC 62148-15:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 15: Discrete vertical cavity
surface emitting laser packages
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 62148-16:2009
IEC 62148-16:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 16: Transmitter and receiver
components for use with LC connector interface
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 62149-1:2004
IEC 62149-1:2004 (corrigendum Apr. 2004)
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 1: General and guidance
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 62149-2:2009
IEC 62149-2:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 2: 850 nm discrete vertical cavity surface
emitting laser devices
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62149-3:2004
IEC 62149-3:2004
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 3: 2,5 Gbit/s modulator-integrated laser
diode transmitters
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 62149-4:2003
IEC 62149-4:2003 + corrigendum Apr. 2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 4: 1 300 nm fibre optic transceivers for
Gigabit Ethernet application
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62149-4:2010
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-06-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62149-4:2010
IEC 62149-4:2010
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 4: 1 300 nm fibre optic transceivers for
Gigabit Ethernet application
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62149-5:2003
IEC 62149-5:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 5: ATM-PON transceivers with LD driver
and CDR ICs
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62149-5:2011
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62149-5:2011
IEC 62149-5:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 5: ATM-PON transceivers with LD driver
and CDR ICs
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62149-6:2003
IEC 62149-6:2003
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 6: 650-nm 250-Mbit/s plastic optical fibre
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : 2004-02-01 dop : 2004-08-01 dow : 2006-11-01

EN 62150-1:2005
IEC 62150-1:2005
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Test and measurement procedures - Part 1: General and guidance
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 62150-2:2004
IEC 62150-2:2004
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Test and measurement procedures - Part 2: ATM-PON transceivers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62150-2:2011
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-02-01 dop : 2005-08-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 62150-2:2011
IEC 62150-2:2010
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Fibre optic active components and devices - Test and measurement procedures - Part 2: ATM-PON transceivers
dor : 2011-01-13 doa : 2011-04-13 dop : 2011-10-13 dow : 2014-01-13

EN 62150-4:2010
IEC 62150-4:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Fibre optic active components and devices - Test and measurement procedures - Part 4: Relative intensity noise using
a time-domain optical detection system
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 62153-1-1:2004
IEC 62153-1-1:2003

Metallic communication cables test methods - Part 1-1: Electrical - Measurement of the pulse/step return loss in the
frequency domain using the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation (IDFT)
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 62153-4-2:2004
IEC 62153-4-2:2003

Metallic communication cables test methods - Part 4-2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Screening and
coupling attenuation - Injection clamp method
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 62153-4-7:2006
IEC 62153-4-7:2006

Metallic communication cables test methods - Part 4-7: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Test method for
measuring the transfer impedance and the screening - or the coupling attenuation - Tube in tube method
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62155:2003
IEC 62155:2003 (Modified)
CLC/SR 36C IEC/SC 36C //

Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated voltages
greater than 1 000 V
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-05-01

EN 62156:2001
IEC 62156:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital video recording with video compression 12,65 mm type D-9 component format 525/60 and 625/50 (digital S)
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 62192:2009
IEC 62192:2009
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Insulating ropes
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 62193:2003
IEC 62193:2003
CLC/TC 78 IEC/TC 78 //
Live working - Telescopic sticks and telescopic measuring sticks
dor : 2003-09-23 doa : 2004-01-01 dop : 2004-07-01 dow : 2006-10-01

EN 62194:2005
IEC 62194:2005
CLC/SR 48D IEC/SC 48D //
Method of evaluating the thermal performance of enclosures
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-09-01

EN 62196-1:2003
IEC 62196-1:2003
CLC/SR 23H IEC/SC 23H LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1: Charging
of electric vehicles up to 250 A a.c. and 400 A d.c.
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2003-12-01 dop : 2004-06-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 62197-1:2006
IEC 62197-1:2006
CLC/SR 48B IEC/SC 48B //
Connectors for electronic equipment - Quality assessment requirements - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 62199:2004
IEC 62199:2004
CLC/TC 36A IEC/SC 36A //
Bushings for d.c. application
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 62208:2003
IEC 62208:2002
CLC/SR 17D IEC/SC 17D LVD (2006/95/EC)
Empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - General requirements
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 62209-1:2006
IEC 62209-1:2005
CLC/TC 106X IEC/TC 106

Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices -
Human models, instrumentation, and procedures - Part 1: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR)
for hand-held devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)
dor : 2006-03-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62209-2:2010
IEC 62209-2:2010 (corrigendum Jun. 2010)
CLC/TC 106X IEC/TC 106 //

Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices -
Human models, instrumentation, and procedures - Part 2: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR)
for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62211:2004
IEC 62211:2003
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Inductive components - Reliability management
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 62216:2011
IEC 62216:2009
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital terrestrial television receivers for the DVB-T system
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2012-04-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62216-1:2002
IEC 62216-1:2001
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Digital terrestrial television receivers for the DVB-T system - Part 1: Baseline receiver specification
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62216-1:2002
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 62217:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 62217:2005
CLC/SR 36 IEC/TC 36 //

Polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage > 1 000 V - General definitions, test methods
and acceptance criteria
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62219:2002
IEC 62219:2002
CLC/SR 7 IEC/TC 7 //
Overhead electrical conductors - Formed wire, concentric lay, stranded conductors
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-08-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-05-01

EN 62220-1:2004
IEC 62220-1:2003
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of digital X-ray imaging devices - Part 1: Determination of the
detective quantum efficiency
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 62220-1-2:2007
IEC 62220-1-2:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of digital X-ray imaging devices - Part 1-2: Determination of the
detective quantum efficiency - Detectors used in mammography
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 62220-1-3:2008
IEC 62220-1-3:2008
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of digital X-ray imaging devices - Part 1-3: Determination of the
detective quantum efficiency - Detectors used in dynamic imaging
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62223:2009
IEC 62223:2009
CLC/SR 36 IEC/TC 36 //
Insulators - Glossary of terms and definitions
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 62226-1:2005
IEC 62226-1:2004
CLC/TC 106X IEC/TC 106 //

Exposure to electric or magnetic fields in the low and intermediate frequency range - Methods for calculating the
current density and internal electric field induced in the human body - Part 1: General
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-05-01 dop : 2005-11-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 62226-2-1:2005
IEC 62226-2-1:2004
CLC/TC 106X IEC/TC 106 //

Exposure to electric or magnetic fields in the low and intermediate frequency range - Methods for calculating the
current density and internal electric field induced in the human body - Part 2-1: Exposure to magnetic fields - 2D
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 62226-3-1:2007
IEC 62226-3-1:2007
CLC/TC 106X IEC/TC 106 //

Exposure to electric or magnetic fields in the low and intermediate frequency range - Methods for calculating the
current density and internal electric field induced in the human body - Part 3-1: Exposure to electric fields -
Analytical and 2D numerical models
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : 2008-06-01 dow : 2010-09-01

EN 62227:2008
IEC 62227:2008
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia home server systems - Digital rights permission code
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 62230:2007
IEC 62230:2006
Electric cables - Spark-test method
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2008-02-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-08-01

EN 62231:2006
IEC 62231:2006
CLC/SR 36C IEC/SC 36C //

Composite station post insulators for substations with a.c. voltages greater than 1 000 V up to 245 kV - Definitions,
test methods and acceptance criteria
dor : 2006-09-12 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 62233:2008 + corrigendum Aug. 2008
IEC 62233:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 61 IEC/TC 106 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus with regard to
human exposure
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 62237:2005
IEC 62237:2003 (Modified)
Live working - Insulating hoses with fittings for use with hydraulic tools and equipment
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62244:2011
IEC 62244:2006 (Modified)

Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed radiation monitors for the detection of radioactive and special
nuclear materials at national borders
dor : 2011-06-27 doa : 2011-12-27 dop : 2012-06-27 dow : 2014-06-27

EN 62246-1:2002
IEC 62246-1:2002
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Reed contacts units - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : 2003-04-01 dow : 2005-07-01

EN 62246-1:2011
IEC 62246-1:2011
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Reed switches - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2011-03-17 doa : 2011-06-17 dop : 2011-12-17 dow : 2014-03-17

EN 62246-2:2008
IEC 62246-2:2007
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Reed contact units - Part 2: Heavy-duty reed switches
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 62252:2004
IEC 62252:2004
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Radar for craft not in compliance with IMO
SOLAS Chapter V - Performance requirements, methods of test and required test results
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 62253:2011
IEC 62253:2011
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Photovoltaic pumping systems - Design qualification and performance measurements
dor : 2011-08-19 doa : 2011-11-19 dop : 2012-05-19 dow : 2014-08-19

EN 62256:2008
IEC 62256:2008
CLC/SR 4 IEC/TC 4 //
Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Rehabilitation and performance improvement
NOTE: IEC document is intended as a guide
dor : 2008-04-16 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 62258-1:2005
IEC 62258-1:2005
CLC/BTTF 97-1 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 1: Requirements for procurement and use
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 62258-1:2010
IEC 62258-1:2009
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 1: Procurement and use
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 62258-2:2005
IEC 62258-2:2005
CLC/BTTF 97-1 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 2: Exchange data formats
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62258-2:2011
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62258-2:2011
IEC 62258-2:2011
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 2: Exchange data formats
dor : 2011-06-29 doa : 2011-09-29 dop : 2012-03-29 dow : 2014-06-29

EN 62258-5:2006
IEC 62258-5:2006
CLC/BTTF 97-1 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 5: Requirements for information concerning electrical simulation
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 62258-6:2006
IEC 62258-6:2006
CLC/BTTF 97-1 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 6: Requirements for information concerning thermal simulation
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 62259:2004
IEC 62259:2003
CLC/TC 21X IEC/SC 21A //

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Nickel-cadmium prismatic
secondary single cells with partial gas recombination
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-12-01

EN 62261-1:2006
IEC 62261-1:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Television METADATA - Part 1: Metadata dictionary structure
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 62261-2:2006
IEC 62261-2:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Television METADATA - Part 2: Data encoding protocol using key-length-value
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2009-12-01

EN 62262:2002
IEC 62262:2002
CLC/SR 70 IEC/TC 70 //
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external mechanical impacts (IK code)
NOTE: Identical with EN 50102:1995 + A1:1998 * No documents circulated
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : - dow : -

EN 62264-1:2008
IEC 62264-1:2003
Enterprise-control system integration - Part 1: Models and terminology
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 62264-2:2008
IEC 62264-2:2004
Enterprise-control system integration - Part 2: Object model attributes
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 62264-3:2007
IEC 62264-3:2007
CLC/SR 65A IEC/SC 65A //
Enterprise-control system integration - Part 3: Activity models of manufacturing operations management
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62267:2009
IEC 62267:2009
Railway applications - Automated urban guided transport (AUGT) - Safety requirements
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

EN 62270:2004
IEC 62270:2004
CLC/SR 4 IEC/TC 4 //
Hydroelectric power plant automation - Guide for computer-based control
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 62271-1:2008
IEC 62271-1:2007
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: Common specifications
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 62271-1:2007/A1:2011
dor : 2011-07-21 doa : 2011-10-21 dop : 2012-04-21 dow : 2014-07-21

EN 62271-3:2006
IEC 62271-3:2006
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Digital interfaces based on IEC 61850
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 62271-100:2001
IEC 62271-100:2001
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 100: High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62271-100:2009
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2001-12-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2004-09-01

+ A1:2002
IEC 62271-100:2001/A1:2002 (corrigendum Oct. 2002 + corrigendum Apr. 2003)
dor : 2002-11-01 doa : 2003-02-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-11-01

+ A2:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 62271-100:2001/A2:2006
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 62271-100:2009
IEC 62271-100:2008
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 100: Alternating-current circuit-breakers
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 62271-101:2006
IEC 62271-101:2006
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 101: Synthetic testing
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ A1:2010
IEC 62271-101:2006/A1:2010
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62271-102:2002 + corrigendum Mar. 2005 + corrigendum Jul. 2008
IEC 62271-102:2001 + corrigendum Apr. 2002 + corrigendum May 2003 (corrigendum Feb. 2005)
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2003-02-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 62271-103:2011
IEC 62271-103:2011

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 103: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52
dor : 2011-07-21 doa : 2011-10-21 dop : 2012-04-21 dow : 2014-07-21

EN 62271-104:2009
IEC 62271-104:2009

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 104: Alternating current switches for rated voltages of 52 kV and
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 62271-105:2003
IEC 62271-105:2002
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 105: Alternating current switch-fuse combinations
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-12-01 dow : 2005-10-01

EN 62271-107:2005
IEC 62271-107:2005

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 107: Alternating current fused circuit-switchers for rated voltages
above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 62271-108:2006
IEC 62271-108:2005

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 108: High-voltage alternating current disconnecting circuit-breakers
for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and above
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-10-01 dow : 2008-12-01

EN 62271-109:2006
IEC 62271-109:2006
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 109: Alternating current series capacitor by-pass switches
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62271-109:2009
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 62271-109:2009
IEC 62271-109:2008
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 109: Alternating-current series capacitor by-pass switches
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 62271-110:2005
IEC 62271-110:2005
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 110: Inductive load switching
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62271-110:2009
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62271-110:2009
IEC 62271-110:2009
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 110: Inductive load switching
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 62271-1:2008 and EN 62271-100:2009
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-07-01 dop : 2010-01-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 62271-200:2004
IEC 62271-200:2003

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 200: AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated
voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 62271-201:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 62271-201:2006

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 201: AC insulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated
voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 62271-202:2007
IEC 62271-202:2006
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 202: High voltage/low voltage prefabricated substation
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 62271-203:2004
IEC 62271-203:2003

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 203: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages
above 52 kV
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-05-01 dop : 2004-11-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 62271-205:2008 + corrigendum Aug. 2008
IEC 62271-205:2008
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 205: Compact switchgear assemblies for rated voltages above 52 kV
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 62271-206:2011
IEC 62271-206:2011

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 206: Voltage presence indicating systems for rated voltages above 1
kV and up to and including 52 kV
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 62271-207:2007
IEC 62271-207:2007

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 207: Seismic qualification for gas-insulated switchgear assemblies for
rated voltages above 52 kV
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 62271-209:2007
IEC 62271-209:2007

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 209: Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear
for rated voltages above 52 kV - Fluid-filled and extruded insulation cables - Fluid-filled and dry-type cable-
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62272-2:2007
IEC 62272-2:2007
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 //

Digital radio mondiale (DRM) - Part 2: Digital radio in the bands below 30 MHz - Methods of measurement for
DRM transmitters
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 62273-1:2007
IEC 62273-1:2007
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103 //

Methods of measurement for radio transmitters - Part 1: Performance characteristics of terrestrial digital television
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 62274:2005
IEC 62274:2005
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62C //
Medical electrical equipment - Safety of radiotherapy record and verify systems
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 62275:2009
IEC 62275:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 213 IEC/SC 23A LVD (2006/95/EC)
Cable management systems - Cable ties for electrical installations
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62276:2005
IEC 62276:2005
CLC/SR 49 IEC/TC 49 //
Single crystal wafers for surface acoustic wave (SAW) device appplications - Specifications and measuring methods
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

EN 62281:2004
IEC 62281:2004
CLC/SR 35 IEC/TC 35 //
Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries during transport
NOTE: Group Safety Publication
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-06-01

EN 62282-2:2004
IEC 62282-2:2004
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 //
Fuel cell technologies - Part 2: Fuel cell modules
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2005-07-01 dow : 2007-10-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 62282-2:2004/A1:2007
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 //
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 62282-3-1:2007
IEC 62282-3-1:2007
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-1: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Safety
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-08-01 dop : 2008-02-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 62282-3-2:2006
IEC 62282-3-2:2006
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 //
Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-2: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Performance test methods
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62282-3-3:2008
IEC 62282-3-3:2007
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-3: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Installation
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 62282-5-1:2007
IEC 62282-5-1:2007
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 //
Fuel cell technologies - Part 5-1: Portable fuel cell power systems - Safety
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-06-01

EN 62282-6-100:2010
IEC 62282-6-100:2010
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 //
Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-100: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 62282-6-200:2008
IEC 62282-6-200:2007
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 //
Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-200: Micro fuel cell power systems - Performance test methods
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 62282-6-300:2009
IEC 62282-6-300:2009
CLC/SR 105 IEC/TC 105 //
Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-300: Micro fuel cell power systems - Fuel cartridge interchangeability
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 62286:2004
IEC 62286:2003
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100
Service diagnostic interface for consumer electronics products and networks - Implementation for IEEE 1394
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 62287-1:2006
IEC 62287-1:2006
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Class B shipborne equipment of the
automatic identification system (AIS) - Part 1: Carrier-sense time division multiple access (CSTDMA) techniques
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62287-1:2011
dor : 2006-04-01 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : 2007-01-01 dow : 2009-04-01

EN 62287-1:2011
IEC 62287-1:2010
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Class B shipborne equipment of the
automatic identification system (AIS) - Part 1: Carrier-sense time division multiple access (CSTDMA) techniques
dor : 2011-01-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2014-01-01

EN 62288:2008
IEC 62288:2008
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Presentation of navigation-related
information on shipborne navigational displays - General requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62289:2003
IEC 62289:2002
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Video recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording format using 12,65 mm magnetic tape and
incorporating MPEG-2 Compression - Format D-10
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

EN 62290-1:2006
IEC 62290-1:2006

Railway applications - Urban guided transport management and command/control systems - Part 1: System
principles and fundamental concepts
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 62290-2:2011
IEC 62290-2:2011

Railway applications - Urban guided transport management and command/control systems - Part 2: Functional
requirements specification
dor : 2011-07-26 doa : 2011-10-26 dop : 2012-04-26 dow : 2014-07-26

EN 62295:2009
IEC 62295:2007
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia systems - Common communication protocol for inter-connectivity on heterogeneous networks
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62297-1:2005
IEC 62297-1:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Triggering messages for broadcast applications - Part 1: Format
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 62297-2:2005
IEC 62297-2:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Triggering messages for broadcast applications - Part 2: Transport methods
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-08-01 dop : 2006-02-01 dow : 2008-05-01

EN 62298-1:2005
IEC 62298-1:2005
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Teleweb application - Part 1: General description
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 62298-2:2005
IEC 62298-2:2005
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Teleweb application - Part 2: Delivery methods
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 62298-3:2005
IEC 62298-3:2005
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Teleweb application - Part 3: Superteletext profile
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 62298-4:2005
IEC 62298-4:2005
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
TeleWeb application - Part 4: Hyperteletext profile
dor : 2005-11-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62300:2005
IEC 62300:2004
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Consumer audio/video equipment digital interface with plastic optical fibre
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 62301:2005
IEC 62301:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 59X IEC/TC 59 //
Household electrical appliances - Measurement of standby power
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50564:2011
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-07-01

EN 62304:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2008
IEC 62304:2006
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A AIMD (90/385/EEC) IVD (98/79/EC) MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical device software - Software life-cycle processes
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 62305-1:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 62305-1:2006
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62305-1:2011
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62305-1:2011
IEC 62305-1:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles
dor : 2011-01-13 doa : 2011-07-13 dop : 2012-01-13 dow : 2014-01-13

EN 62305-2:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 62305-2:2006
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management
NOTE: This standard includes a "Simplified software for risk assessment for structures".
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62305-3:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006 + corrigendum Sep. 2008
IEC 62305-3:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard

NOTE: Corrigendum November 2006 to F/D versions * Corrigendum September 2008 to E version only *
Superseded by EN 62305-3:2011
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

+ A11:2009
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62305-3:2011
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 62305-3:2011
IEC 62305-3:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-07-02 dop : 2012-01-02 dow : 2014-01-02

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62305-4:2006 + corrigendum Nov. 2006
IEC 62305-4:2006
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62305-4:2011
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62305-4:2011
IEC 62305-4:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures
dor : 2011-01-13 doa : 2011-07-13 dop : 2012-01-13 dow : 2014-01-13

EN 62308:2006
IEC 62308:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Equipment reliability - Reliability assessment methods
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 62309:2004
IEC 62309:2004
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Dependability of products containing reused parts - Requirements for functionality and tests
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 62310-1:2005
IEC 62310-1:2005
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22H LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Static transfer systems (STS) - Part 1: General and safety requirements
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

EN 62310-2:2007
IEC 62310-2:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22H EMC (2004/108/EC) //
Static transfer systems (STS) - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 62310-3:2008
IEC 62310-3:2008
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22H //
Static transfer systems (STS) - Part 3: Method for specifying performance and test requirements
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 62311:2008
IEC 62311:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 106X IEC/TC 106 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields
(0 Hz - 300 GHz)
dor : 2007-12-04 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-01-01

EN 62314:2006
IEC 62314:2006
CLC/TC 94 IEC/TC 94 //
Solid-state relays
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

EN 62315-1:2003
IEC 62315-1:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
DTV profiles for uncompressed digital video interfaces - Part 1: General
dor : 2003-12-01 doa : 2004-06-01 dop : 2004-12-01 dow : 2006-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62317-1:2007
IEC 62317-1:2007
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 1: General specification
dor : 2007-08-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-08-01

EN 62317-2:2010 + corrigendum Aug. 2010
IEC 62317-2:2010
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 2: Pot-cores for use in telecommunications, power supply, and filter applications
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 62317-4:2005
IEC 62317-4:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 4: RM-cores and associated parts
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 62317-7:2005
IEC 62317-7:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 7: EER-cores
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 62317-8:2006
IEC 62317-8:2006
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 8: E-cores
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 62317-9:2006
IEC 62317-9:2006
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 9: Planar cores
dor : 2006-07-01 doa : 2006-10-01 dop : 2007-04-01 dow : 2009-07-01

+ A1:2007
IEC 62317-9:2006/A1:2007
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 62317-13:2008
IEC 62317-13:2008
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 13: PQ-cores for use in power supply applications
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : 2009-02-01 dow : 2011-05-01

EN 62317-14:2008
IEC 62317-14:2008
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 14: EFD-cores for use in power supply applications
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 62319-1:2005
IEC 62319-1:2005 (corrigendum Mar. 2009)
CLC/TC 40XB IEC/TC 40 //
Polymeric thermistors - Directly heated positive step function temperature coefficient - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62319-1-1:2005
IEC 62319-1-1:2005
CLC/TC 40XB IEC/TC 40 //

Polymeric thermistors - Directly heated positive step function temperature coefficient - Part 1-1: Blank detail
specification - Current limiting application
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 62320-1:2007
IEC 62320-1:2007
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Automatic Identification System (AIS) - Part
1: AIS Base Stations - Minimum operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 62320-1:2007/A1:2008
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 62320-2:2008
IEC 62320-2:2008
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Automatic identification system (AIS) - Part
2: AIS AtoN Stations - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

EN 62321:2009
IEC 62321:2008
CLC/TC 111X IEC/TC 111 //

Electrotechnical products - Determination of levels of six regulated substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent
chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers)
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 62323:2005
IEC 62323:2005
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Dimensions of half pot-cores made of ferrite for inductive proximity switches
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-06-01

EN 62326-1:2002
IEC 62326-1:2002
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Printed boards - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-06-01

EN 62326-4:1997
IEC 62326-4:1996
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Printed boards - Part 4: Rigid multilayer printed boards with interlayer connections - Sectional specification
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : -

EN 62326-4-1:1997
IEC 62326-4-1:1996
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //

Printed boards - Part 4: Rigid multilayer printed boards with interlayer connections - Sectional specification - Section
1: Capability Detail Specification - Performance levels A, B and C
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62327:2011
IEC 62327:2006 (Modified)

Radiation protection instrumentation - Hand-held instruments for the detection and identification of radionuclides
and for the indication of ambient dose equivalent rate from photon radiation
dor : 2011-06-27 doa : 2011-12-27 dop : 2012-06-27 dow : 2014-06-27

EN 62328-1:2005
IEC 62328-1:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia home server systems - Interchangeable volume/file structure adaptation for broadcasting receivers - Part
1: General description and architecture
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 62328-2:2005
IEC 62328-2:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Multimedia home server systems - Interchangeable volume/file structure adaptation for broadcasting receivers - Part
2: General recording structure
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-08-01

EN 62329-1:2006 + corrigendum Dec. 2006
IEC 62329-1:2005
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Heat shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-05-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62329-2:2006
IEC 62329-2:2006
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //
Heat shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-01-01 dop : 2007-07-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 62329-3-100:2010
IEC 62329-3-100:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 3: Specification requirements for shape dimensions, material requirements
and compatibility performance - Sheet 100: Heat-shrinkable moulded shape dimensions
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 62329-3-101:2010
IEC 62329-3-101:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 3: Specification requirements for shape dimensions, material requirements
and compatibility performance - Sheet 101: Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes, polyolefin, semi-rigid, limited fire
hazard, material requirements and system performance
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 62329-3-102:2010
IEC 62329-3-102:2010
CLC/SR 15 IEC/TC 15 //

Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 3: Specification requirements for shape dimensions, material requirements
and compatibility performance - Sheet 102: Heat-shrinkable elastomeric moulded shapes, semi-rigid, material
requirements and system performance
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 62330-1:2004
IEC 62330-1:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape - Format HD-D5 - Part 1:
VTR specifications
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62330-2:2004
IEC 62330-2:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape - Format HD-D5 - Part 2:
Compression format
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 62330-3:2004
IEC 62330-3:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape - Format HD-D5 - Part 3:
Data stream format
dor : 2004-03-01 doa : 2004-09-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 62333-1:2006
IEC 62333-1:2006
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Noise suppression sheet for digital devices and equipment - Part 1: Definitions and general properties
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 62333-2:2006
IEC 62333-2:2006
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Noise suppression sheet for digital devices and equipment - Part 2: Measuring methods
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-09-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2009-06-01

EN 62333-3:2010
IEC 62333-3:2010
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //

Noise suppression sheet for digital devices and equipment - Part 3: Characterization of parameters of noise
suppression sheet
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 62337:2007
IEC 62337:2006
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the process industry - Specific phases and
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 62339-1:2007
IEC 62339-1:2006
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Modular component interfaces for surface-mount fluid distribution components - Part 1: Elastomeric seals
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

EN 62340:2010
IEC 62340:2007

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Requirements for coping with
Common Cause Failure (CCF)
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 62341-1-1:2009
IEC 62341-1-1:2009
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays - Part 1-1: Generic specifications
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62341-1-2:2009
IEC 62341-1-2:2007
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Organic light emitting diode displays - Part 1-2: Terminology and letter symbols
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 62341-5:2009
IEC 62341-5:2009
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //
Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) displays - Part 5: Environmental testing methods
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 62341-6-1:2011
IEC 62341-6-1:2009
CLC/SR 110 IEC/TC 110 //

Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays - Part 6-1: Measuring methods of optical and electro-optical
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62343-1-2:2008
IEC 62343-1-2:2007
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Dynamic modules - Part 1-2: Performance standards - Dynamic chromatic dispersion compensator with pigtails for
use in controlled environments (Category C)
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 62343-1-3:2006
IEC 62343-1-3:2006
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //

Dynamic modules - Part 1-3: Performance standards - Dynamic gain tilt equalizer with pigtails for use in controlled
environments (Category C)
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-11-01

EN 62343-2:2011
IEC 62343-2:2011
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Dynamic modules - Part 2: Reliability qualification
dor : 2011-04-18 doa : 2011-07-18 dop : 2012-01-18 dow : 2014-04-18

EN 62343-3-1:2010
IEC 62343-3-1:2010
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Dynamic modules - Part 3-1: Performance specification templates - Dynamic channel equalizers
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62343-5-1:2009
IEC 62343-5-1:2009
CLC/SR 86C IEC/SC 86C //
Dynamic modules - Test methods - Part 5-1: Dynamic gain tilt equalizer - Response time measurement
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62345:2005
IEC 62345:2005
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
ID format for 50 mm magneto-optical disc system
dor : 2005-02-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-02-01

EN 62347:2007
IEC 62347:2006
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Guidance on system dependability specifications
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2010-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62353:2008
IEC 62353:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A //
Medical electrical equipment - Recurrent test and test after repair of medical electrical equipment
dor : 2007-09-11 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-08-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 62356-1:2004
IEC 62356-1:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Video recording - 12,65 mm TYPE D-11 format - Part 1: Tape recording
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 62356-2:2004
IEC 62356-2:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Video recording - 12,65 mm type D-11 format - Part 2: Picture compression and data stream
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 62356-3:2004
IEC 62356-3:2003
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Video recording - 12,65 mm type D-11 format - Part 3: Data mapping over SDTI
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 62358:2004
IEC 62358:2004
CLC/SR 51 IEC/TC 51 //
Ferrite cores - Standard inductance factor (AL) and its tolerance
NOTE: Partly superseded by EN 62317-8:2006
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-10-01 dop : 2005-04-01 dow : 2007-07-01

EN 62359:2005
IEC 62359:2005
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //

Ultrasonics - Field characterization - Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical indices related to
medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62359:2011
dor : 2005-09-13 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2006-07-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 62359:2011
IEC 62359:2010
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //

Ultrasonics - Field characterization - Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical indices related to
medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2014-02-01

EN 62363:2011
IEC 62363:2008 (Modified)
Radiation protection instrumentation - Portable photon contamination meters and monitors
dor : 2011-06-20 doa : 2011-12-20 dop : 2012-06-20 dow : 2014-06-20

EN 62365:2005
IEC 62365:2004
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Digital audio - Digital input-output interfacing - Transmission of digital audio over asynchronous transfer mode
(ATM) networks
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62365:2009
dor : 2005-08-01 doa : 2006-02-01 dop : 2006-08-01 dow : 2008-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62365:2009
IEC 62365:2009
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //

Digital audio - Digital input-output interfacing - Transmission of digital audio over asynchronous transfer mode
(ATM) networks
dor : 2009-06-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-06-01

EN 62366:2008
IEC 62366:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A IVD (98/79/EC) MDD (93/42/EEC) //
Medical devices - Application of usability engineering to medical devices
dor : 2007-12-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-12-01

EN 62369-1:2009
IEC 62369-1:2008

Evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from short range devices (SRDs) in various applications
over the frequency range 0 GHz to 300 GHz - Part 1: Fields produced by devices used for electronic article
surveillance, radio frequency identification and similar systems
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 62373:2006
IEC 62373:2006
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Bias-temperature stability test for metal-oxide, semiconductor, field-effect transistors (MOSFET)
dor : 2006-08-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-08-01

EN 62374:2007
IEC 62374:2007
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB) test for gate dielectric films
NOTE: Superseded by EN 62374-1:2010
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 62374-1:2010 + AC:2011
IEC 62374-1:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Part 1: Time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) test for inter-metal layers
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2013-11-01

+ AC:2011
Semiconductor devices - Part 1: Time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) test for inter-metal layers
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 62375:2004
IEC 62375:2004
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Video systems (625/50 progressive) - Video and accompanied data using the vertical blanking interval - Analogue
dor : 2004-09-01 doa : 2005-03-01 dop : 2005-09-01 dow : 2007-09-01

EN 62376:2011
IEC 62376:2010
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Electronic chart system (ECS) - Operational
and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62379-1:2007
IEC 62379-1:2007
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Common control interface for networked digital audio and video products - Part 1: General
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 62379-2:2009
IEC 62379-2:2008
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Common control interface for networked digital audio and video products - Part 2: Audio
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62381:2007
IEC 62381:2006
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Automation systems in the process industry - Factory acceptance test (FAT), site acceptance test (SAT) and site
integration test (SIT)
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 62382:2007
IEC 62382:2006
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Electrical and instrumentation loop check
dor : 2007-02-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2010-02-01

EN 62384:2006
IEC 62384:2006
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance requirements
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

+ A1:2009
IEC 62384:2006/A1:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62386-101:2009
IEC 62386-101:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 101: General requirements - System
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62386-102:2009
IEC 62386-102:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 102: General requirements - Control gear
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62386-201:2009
IEC 62386-201:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 201: Particular requirements for control gear - Fluorescent lamps (device
type 0)
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62386-202:2009
IEC 62386-202:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 202: Particular requirements for control gear - Self-contained emergency
lighting (device type 1)
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62386-203:2009
IEC 62386-203:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 203: Particular requirements for control gear - Discharge lamps
(excluding fluorescent lamps) (device type 2)
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62386-204:2009
IEC 62386-204:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 204: Particular requirements for control gear - Low voltage halogen
lamps (device type 3)
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62386-205:2009
IEC 62386-205:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 205: Particular requirements for control gear - Supply voltage controller
for incandescent lamps (device type 4)
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 62386-206:2009
IEC 62386-206:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 206: Particular requirements for control gear - Conversion from digital
signal into d. c. voltage (device type 5)
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 62386-207:2009
IEC 62386-207:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 207: Particular requirements for control gear - LED modules (device type
dor : 2009-09-01 doa : 2009-12-01 dop : 2010-06-01 dow : 2012-09-01

EN 62386-208:2009
IEC 62386-208:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting Interface - Part 208: Particular requirements for control gear - Switching function (device
type 7)
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62386-209:2011
IEC 62386-209:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 209: Particular requirements for control gear - Colour control (device
type 8)
dor : 2011-07-29 doa : 2011-10-29 dop : 2012-04-29 dow : 2014-07-29

EN 62386-210:2011
IEC 62386-210:2011
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/SC 34C //
Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 210: Particular requirements for control gear - Sequencer (device type 9)
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-08-25 dop : 2012-02-25 dow : 2014-05-25

EN 62388:2008
IEC 62388:2007
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne radar - Performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62389:2006
IEC 62389:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Methods of measurement for DVD players
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-11-01 dop : 2007-05-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 62391-1:2006
IEC 62391-1:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 62391-2:2006
IEC 62391-2:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2: Sectional specification - Electric
double-layer capacitors for power application
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 62391-2-1:2006
IEC 62391-2-1:2006
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //

Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Electric-
double layer capacitors for power application - Assessment level EZ
dor : 2006-05-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-05-01

EN 62395-1:2006
IEC 62395-1:2006
CLC/SR 27 IEC/TC 27 LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Electrical resistance trace heating systems for industrial and commercial applications - Part 1: General and testing
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-09-01

EN 62402:2007
IEC 62402:2007
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Obsolescence management - Application guide
dor : 2007-07-01 doa : 2007-10-01 dop : 2008-04-01 dow : 2010-07-01

EN 62403:2006
IEC 62403:2005
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
High density recording format on CD-R/RW disc system - HD-BURN format
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2009-02-01

EN 62415:2010
IEC 62415:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Constant current electromigration test
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62416:2010
IEC 62416:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Hot carrier test on MOS transistors
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62417:2010
IEC 62417:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Mobile ion tests for metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs)
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62418:2010
IEC 62418:2010
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor devices - Metallization stress void test
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 62419:2009
IEC 62419:2008
CLC/SR 65 IEC/TC 65 //
Control technology - Rules for the designation of measuring instruments
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 62420:2008
IEC 62420:2008
CLC/SR 7 IEC/TC 7 //
Concentric lay stranded overhead electrical conductors containing one or more gap(s)
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 62421:2007
IEC 62421:2007
CLC/SR 91 IEC/TC 91 //
Electronics assembly technology - Electronic modules
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-01-01 dop : 2008-07-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 62423:2009
IEC 62423:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E EMC (2004/108/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)

Type B residual current operated circuit-breakers with and without integral overcurrent protection for household and
similar uses (Type B RCCBs and Type B RCBOs)
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62424:2009
IEC 62424:2008
CLC/SR 65 IEC/TC 65 //

Representation of process control engineering - Requests in P&I diagrams and data exchange between P&ID tools
and PCE-CAE tools
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62428:2008
IEC 62428:2008
CLC/SR 25 IEC/TC 25 //
Electric power engineering - Modal components in three-phase a.c. systems - Quantities and transformations
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 62429:2008
IEC 62429:2007
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Reliability growth - Stress testing for early failures in unique complex systems
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : 2008-12-01 dow : 2011-03-01

EN 62430:2009
IEC 62430:2009
CLC/TC 111X IEC/TC 111 //
Environmentally conscious design for electrical and electronic products
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 62431:2008
IEC 62431:2008
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Reflectivity of electromagnetic wave absorbers in millimetre wave frequency - Measurement methods
dor : 2008-11-01 doa : 2009-02-01 dop : 2009-08-01 dow : 2011-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62433-2:2010
IEC 62433-2:2008
CLC/SR 47A IEC/SC 47A //

EMC IC modelling - Part 2: Models of integrated circuits for EMI behavioural simulation - Conducted emissions
modelling (ICEM-CE)
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 62439:2008
IEC 62439:2008
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //
High availability automation networks

NOTE: Superseded by EN 62439-1:2010 + EN 62439-2:2010 + EN 62439-3:2010 + EN 62439-3:2010 + EN 62439-
4:2010 + EN 62439-5:2010 + EN 62439-6:2010
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 62439-1:2010
IEC 62439-1:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 1: General concepts and
calculation methods
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 62439-2:2010
IEC 62439-2:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 2: Media Redundancy Protocol
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 62439-3:2010
IEC 62439-3:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 3: Parallel Redundancy Protocol
(PRP) and High availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR)
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 62439-4:2010
IEC 62439-4:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 4: Cross-network Redundancy
Protocol (CRP)
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 62439-5:2010
IEC 62439-5:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 5: Beacon Redundancy Protocol
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 62439-6:2010
IEC 62439-6:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 6: Distributed Redundancy
Protocol (DRP)
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 62446:2009
IEC 62446:2009
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //

Grid connected photovoltaic systems Minimum requirements for system documentation, commissioning tests and
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62448:2009
IEC 62448:2009
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia E-publishing and E-books - Generic format for E-publishing
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62453-1:2009
IEC 62453-1:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 1: Overview and guidance
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62453-2:2009
IEC 62453-2:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 2: Concepts and detailed description
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62453-301:2009
IEC 62453-301:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 301: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 1
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62453-302:2009
IEC 62453-302:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 302: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 2
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62453-303-1:2009
IEC 62453-303-1:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 303-1: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CP 3/1
and CP 3/2
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62453-303-2:2009
IEC 62453-303-2:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 303-2: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CP 3/4,
CP 3/5 and CP 3/6
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62453-306:2009
IEC 62453-306:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 306: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 6
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62453-309:2009
IEC 62453-309:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 309: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 9
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 62453-315:2009
IEC 62453-315:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 315: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 15
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62455:2011
IEC 62455:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Internet protocol (IP) and transport stream (TS) based service access
dor : 2011-01-19 doa : 2011-04-19 dop : 2011-10-19 dow : 2014-01-19

EN 62457:2008
IEC 62457:2007
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia home networks - Home network communication protocol over IP for multimedia household appliances
dor : 2008-02-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2011-02-01

EN 62458:2011
IEC 62458:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Electroacoustic transducers - Measurement of large signal parameters
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62459:2011
IEC 62459:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Sound system equipment - Electroacoustic transducers - Measurement of suspension parts
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-05-02 dop : 2011-11-02 dow : 2014-02-02

EN 62460:2008
IEC 62460:2008
CLC/SR 65B IEC/SC 65B //
Temperature - Electromotive force (EMF) tables for pure-element thermocouple combinations
dor : 2008-08-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-08-01

EN 62464-1:2007
IEC 62464-1:2007
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //
Magnetic resonance equipment for medical imaging - Part 1: Determination of essential image quality parameters
dor : 2007-04-01 doa : 2007-07-01 dop : 2008-01-01 dow : 2010-04-01

EN 62464-2:2011
IEC 62464-2:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //
Magnetic resonance equipment for medical imaging - Part 2: Classification criteria for pulse sequences
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2014-02-01

EN 62471:2008
IEC 62471:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 76 IEC/TC 76 ERP (2009/125/EC) LVD (2006/95/EC)
Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-09-01

EN 62475:2010
IEC 62475:2010
CLC/SR 42 IEC/TC 42 //
High-current test techniques - Definitions and requirements for test currents and measuring systems
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 62479:2010
IEC 62479:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 106X IEC/TC 106 LVD (2006/95/EC) RTTED (1999/5/EC) //

Assessment of the compliance of low power electronic and electrical equipment with the basic restrictions related to
human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz to 300 GHz)
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62480:2009
IEC 62480:2008
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia home network - Network interfaces for network adapter
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62481-3:2011
IEC 62481-3:2010
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital living network alliance (DLNA) home networked device interoperability guidelines - Part 3: Link protection
dor : 2010-12-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 62489-1:2010
IEC 62489-1:2010
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing - Part 1: Methods of measuring and
specifying the performance of system components
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 62489-2:2011
IEC 62489-2:2011
CLC/SR 29 IEC/TC 29 //

Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing - Part 2: Methods of calculating and
measuring the low-frequency magnetic field emissions from the loop for assessing conformity with guidelines on
limits for human exposure
dor : 2011-03-02 doa : 2011-06-02 dop : 2011-12-02 dow : 2014-03-02

EN 62490-1:2010
IEC 62490-1:2010
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
ESL measuring method - Part 1: Capacitors with lead terminal for use in electronic equipment
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 62490-2:2010
IEC 62490-2:2010
CLC/TC 40XA IEC/TC 40 //
ESL measuring method - Part 2: Surface mount capacitors for use in electronic equipment
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 62491:2008
IEC 62491:2008
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Labelling of cables and cores
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-07-01

EN 62493:2010
IEC 62493:2009
CLC/TC 34Z IEC/TC 34 LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 62494-1:2008
IEC 62494-1:2008
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //

Medical electrical equipment - Exposure index of digital X-ray imaging systems - Part 1: Definitions and
requirements for general radiography
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 62496-1:2009
IEC 62496-1:2008
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Optical circuit boards - Part 1: General
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-06-01 dop : 2009-12-01 dow : 2012-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62496-2-2:2011
IEC 62496-2-2:2011
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Optical circuit boards - Part 2-2: Measurements - Dimensions of optical circuit boards
dor : 2011-03-03 doa : 2011-06-03 dop : 2011-12-03 dow : 2014-03-03

EN 62496-3:2011
IEC 62496-3:2011
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Optical circuit boards - Part 3: Performance standards - General and guidance
dor : 2011-02-16 doa : 2011-05-16 dop : 2011-11-16 dow : 2014-02-16

EN 62496-3-1:2010
IEC 62496-3-1:2009
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //

Optical circuit boards - Performance standard - Part 3-1: Flexible optical circuit boards using unconnectorized optical
glass fibres
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-05-01

EN 62496-4:2011
IEC 62496-4:2011
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Optical circuit boards - Part 4: Interface standards - General and guidance
dor : 2011-03-02 doa : 2011-06-02 dop : 2011-12-02 dow : 2014-03-02

EN 62501:2009
IEC 62501:2009
CLC/TC 22X IEC/SC 22F //

Voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for high-voltage direct curent (HVDC) power transmission - Electrical
dor : 2009-07-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-07-01

EN 62502:2010
IEC 62502:2010
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Analysis techniques for dependability - Event tree analysis (ETA)
dor : 2010-11-01 doa : 2011-02-01 dop : 2011-08-01 dow : 2013-11-01

EN 62503:2008
IEC 62503:2008
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia quality - Method of assessment of synchronization of audio and video
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-10-01

EN 62507-1:2011
IEC 62507-1:2010
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //

Identification systems enabling unambiguous information interchange - Requirements - Part 1: Principles and
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62508:2010
IEC 62508:2010
CLC/SR 56 IEC/TC 56 //
Guidance on human aspects of dependability
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 62509:2011
IEC 62509:2010
CLC/TC 82 IEC/TC 82 //
Battery charge controllers for photovoltaic systems - Performance and functioning
dor : 2011-01-20 doa : 2011-04-20 dop : 2012-03-02 dow : 2014-01-20

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62514:2010
IEC 62514:2010
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia gateway in home networks - Guidelines
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 62516-1:2009
IEC 62516-1:2009
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB) receivers - Part 1: Basic requirement
dor : 2009-05-01 doa : 2009-08-01 dop : 2010-02-01 dow : 2012-05-01

EN 62516-2:2011
IEC 62516-2:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB) receivers - Part 2: Interactive data services using BIFS
dor : 2011-08-15 doa : 2011-11-15 dop : 2012-05-15 dow : 2014-08-15

EN 62520:2011
IEC 62520:2011
Railway applications - Electric traction - Short-primary type linear induction motors (LIM) fed by power converters
dor : 2011-06-29 doa : 2011-09-29 dop : 2012-03-29 dow : 2014-06-29

EN 62524:2011
IEC 62524:2009
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Reader's format for e-publishing
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62532:2011
IEC 62532:2011
CLC/SR 34A IEC/SC 34A LVD (2006/95/EC) //
Fluorescent induction lamps - Safety specifications
dor : 2011-03-07 doa : 2011-06-07 dop : 2011-12-07 dow : 2014-03-07

EN 62535:2009
IEC 62535:2008
CLC/SR 10 IEC/TC 10 //
Insulating liquids - Test method for detection of potentially corrosive sulphur in used and unused insulating oil
dor : 2008-12-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2011-12-01

EN 62537:2010
IEC 62537:2010
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
Interface for loudspeakers with digital input signals based on IEC 60958
dor : 2010-07-01 doa : 2010-10-01 dop : 2011-04-01 dow : 2013-07-01

EN 62541-3:2010
IEC 62541-3:2010
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
OPC unified architecture - Part 3: Address Space Model
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 62546:2009
IEC 62546:2009
CLC/TC 206 IEC/TC 100 //
High Definiton (HD) recording link guidelines
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-01-01 dop : 2010-07-01 dow : 2012-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62561-4:2011
IEC 62561-4:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 4: Requirements for conductor fasteners
dor : 2011-02-21 doa : 2011-08-21 dop : 2012-02-21 dow : 2014-02-21

EN 62561-5:2011
IEC 62561-5:2011 (Modified)
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //

Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 5: Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and
earth electrode seals
dor : 2011-07-28 doa : 2012-01-28 dop : 2012-07-28 dow : 2014-07-28

EN 62561-6:2011
IEC 62561-6:2011 (Modified)
CLC/TC 81X IEC/TC 81 //
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSC)
dor : 2011-07-28 doa : 2012-01-28 dop : 2012-07-28 dow : 2014-07-28

EN 62562:2011
IEC 62562:2010
CLC/SR 46F IEC/SC 46F //
Cavity resonator method to measure the complex permittivity of low-loss dielectric plates
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : 2011-04-02 dop : 2011-10-02 dow : 2014-01-02

EN 62563-1:2010
IEC 62563-1:2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62B //
Medical electrical equipment - Medical image display systems - Part 1: Evaluation methods
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2013-03-01

EN 62571:2011
IEC 62571:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Digital audiobook file format and player requirements
dor : 2011-05-03 doa : 2011-08-03 dop : 2012-02-03 dow : 2014-05-03

EN 62574:2011
IEC 62574:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Audio, video and multimedia systems - General channel assignment of multichannel audio
dor : 2011-05-12 doa : 2011-08-12 dop : 2012-02-12 dow : 2014-05-12

EN 62576:2010
IEC 62576:2009
CLC/TC 69X IEC/TC 69 //
Electric double-layer capacitors for use in hybrid electric vehicles - Test methods for electrical characteristics
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 62591:2010
IEC 62591:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Wireless communication network and communication profiles -
dor : 2010-06-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-06-01

EN 62605:2011
IEC 62605:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Interchange format for e-dictionaries
dor : 2011-08-15 doa : 2011-11-15 dop : 2012-05-15 dow : 2014-08-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 62614:2010
IEC 62614:2010
CLC/SR 86 IEC/TC 86 //
Fibre optics - Launch condition requirements for measuring multimode attenuation
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : 2011-07-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 62616:2010
IEC 62616:2010
CLC/SR 80 IEC/TC 80 //

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Bridge navigational watch alarm system
dor : 2010-04-01 doa : 2010-07-01 dop : 2011-01-01 dow : 2013-04-01

EN 62631-1:2011
IEC 62631-1:2011
CLC/SR 112 IEC/TC 112 //
Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 1: General
dor : 2011-06-02 doa : 2011-09-02 dop : 2012-03-02 dow : 2014-06-02

EN 62634:2011
IEC 62634:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Radio data system (RDS) - Receiver products and characteristics - Methods of measurement
dor : 2011-08-02 doa : 2011-11-02 dop : 2012-05-02 dow : 2014-08-02

EN 62637-1:2011
IEC 62637-1:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //
Battery charging interface for small handheld multimedia devices - Part 1: 2 mm barrel interface
dor : 2011-05-04 doa : 2011-08-04 dop : 2012-02-04 dow : 2014-05-04

EN 62637-2:2011
IEC 62637-2:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 //

Battery charging interface for small handheld multimedia devices - Part 2: 2 mm barrel type interface conformance
dor : 2011-05-04 doa : 2011-08-04 dop : 2012-02-04 dow : 2014-05-04

EN 62660-1:2011
IEC 62660-1:2010
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 1: Performance testing
dor : 2011-01-20 doa : 2011-04-20 dop : 2012-04-20 dow : 2014-01-20

EN 62660-2:2011
IEC 62660-2:2010
CLC/TC 21X IEC/TC 21 //
Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 2: Reliability and abuse testing
dor : 2011-01-20 doa : 2011-04-20 dop : 2011-10-20 dow : 2014-01-20

EN 62684:2010
IEC 62684:2011
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Interoperability specifications of common external power supply (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones
dor : 2010-11-17 doa : 2011-06-01 dop : 2011-12-01 dow : 2013-12-01

EN 80000-6:2008
IEC 80000-6:2008
CLC/SR 25 IEC/TC 25 //
Quantities and units - Part 6: Electromagnetism
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : 2009-01-01 dow : 2011-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 80000-13:2008
IEC 80000-13:2008
CLC/SR 25 IEC/TC 25 //
Quantities and units - Part 13: Information science and technology
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2011-06-01

EN 80000-14:2009
IEC 80000-14:2008
Quantities and units - Part 14: Telebiometrics related to human physiology
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-04-01

EN 80001-1:2011
IEC 80001-1:2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62A //

Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices - Part 1: Roles, responsibilities and
dor : 2011-02-01 doa : 2011-05-01 dop : 2011-11-01 dow : 2014-02-01

EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011
ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011 (Modified)
CLC/TC 31 IEC/SC 31M ATEX (94/9/EC) //
Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture
dor : 2011-05-25 doa : 2011-11-25 dop : 2012-05-25 dow : 2014-05-25

EN ISO 80369-1:2010
ISO 80369-1:2010 (ISO 80369-1:2010)
Small bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications - Part 1: General requirements
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 80416-1:2001
IEC 80416-1:2001
Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 1: Creation of symbol originals
NOTE: Superseded by EN 80416-1:2009
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 80416-1:2009
IEC 80416-1:2008
Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 1: Creation of graphical symbols for registration
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 80416-2:2001
ISO/IEC 80416-2:2001
Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 2: Form and use of arrows
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2004-07-01

EN 80416-3:2002
IEC 80416-3:2002

Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 3: Guidelines for the application of graphical
dor : 2002-10-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-10-01

+ A1:2011
IEC 80416-3:2002/A1:2011
dor : 2011-08-16 doa : 2011-11-16 dop : 2012-05-16 dow : 2014-08-16

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 80601-2-30:2010
IEC 80601-2-30:2009 + corrigendum Jan. 2010
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2010-12-01 dop : 2011-06-01 dow : 2013-09-01

EN 80601-2-35:2009
IEC 80601-2-35:2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-35: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
heating devices using blankets, pads and mattresses and intended for heating in medical use
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-02-01 dop : 2010-08-01 dow : 2012-11-01

EN 80601-2-58:2009
IEC 80601-2-58:2008
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-58: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
lens removal devices and vitrectomy devices for ophthalmic surgery
dor : 2009-02-01 doa : 2009-05-01 dop : 2009-11-01 dow : 2012-02-01

EN 80601-2-59:2009
IEC 80601-2-59:2008 + corrigendum Apr. 2009
CLC/TC 62 IEC/SC 62D MDD (93/42/EEC) //

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-59: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
screening thermographs for human febrile temperature screening
dor : 2009-11-17 doa : 2010-03-01 dop : 2010-09-01 dow : 2012-12-01

EN 81346-1:2009
IEC 81346-1:2009
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference
designations - Part 1: Basic rules
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 81346-2:2009
IEC 81346-2:2009
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference
designations - Part 2: Classification of objects and codes for classes
dor : 2009-08-01 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-08-01

EN 81714-2:2007
IEC 81714-2:2006

Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products - Part 2: Specification for graphical
symbols in a computer sensible form, including graphical symbols for a reference library, and requirements for their
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 81714-3:2001
IEC 81714-3:1998

Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products - Part 3: Classification of connect
nodes, networks and their encoding
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-12-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 82045-1:2001
IEC 82045-1:2001
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Document management - Part 1: Principles and methods
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-11-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 60000 series

EN 82045-2:2005
IEC 82045-2:2004
CLC/SR 3 IEC/TC 3 //
Document management - Part 2: Metadata elements and information reference model
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 88528-11:2004
IEC 88528-11:2004
CLC/TC 2 IEC/TC 2 //

Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 11: Rotary uninterruptible
power systems - Performance requirements and test methods
dor : 2004-04-01 doa : 2004-07-01 dop : 2005-01-01 dow : 2007-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

European Standards on electronic components - EN 100000

EN 100012:1995
Basic Specification: X-ray inspection of electronic components
dor : 1994-06-06 doa : 1994-09-06 dop : 1995-07-06 dow : 1996-03-06

EN 100014:1991
Basic Specification: CECC assessed process average procedure (60% confidence limit)
dor : 1991-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 111000:1991
Generic Specification: Cathode ray tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 111001:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Cathode ray tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 111100:1991
Sectional Specification: Display storage tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 111101:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Display storage tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 112000:1992
Generic Specification: Image converter and image intensifier tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : 1992-12-08 dop : 1993-06-08 dow : 1993-06-08

EN 112001:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Image converter and image intensifier tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 113000:1991
Generic Specification: Camera tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 113001:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Camera tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 114000:1991
Generic Specification: Photomultiplier tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 114001:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Photomultiplier tubes
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 116000-2:1992

Generic Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 2: Generic data and methods of test for time
delay relays
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61812-1:2011
dor : 1991-10-14 doa : 1992-12-08 dop : 1993-06-08 dow : 2002-12-08

EN 116200:1991

Sectional Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays (including relays for severe environmental
dor : 1991-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 116203:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays for enhanced industrial application
dor : 1992-10-25 doa : 1993-11-23 dop : 1994-05-23 dow : 2003-11-23

EN 116204:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing sealed relays for aggressive industrial application
dor : 1992-10-25 doa : 1993-11-23 dop : 1994-05-23 dow : 2003-11-23

EN 116205-206-207:1995

Blank Detail Specification: Hermetically sealed relays - For severe static environmental conditions (116205) - For
severe mobile environmental conditions (116206) - For severe airborne environmental conditions (116207)
dor : 1994-10-28 doa : 1995-03-06 dop : 1995-09-06 dow : 1996-09-06

EN 116300:1993

Sectional Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays of assessed quality (rated from 5A and
dor : 1992-08-10 doa : 1993-05-01 dop : 1993-11-01 dow : 2003-05-01

EN 116303:1993

Blank Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays of assessed quality (hermetically
sealed, 5 A to 25 A)
dor : 1992-08-10 doa : 1993-05-01 dop : 1993-11-01 dow : 2003-05-01

EN 120001:1992
CLC/SR 110

Blank Detail Specification: Light emitting diodes, light emitting diode arrays, light emitting diode displays without
internal logic and resistor
dor : 1992-02-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 120002:1992
CLC/SR 110
Blank Detail Specification: Infrared emitting diodes, infrared emitting diode arrays
dor : 1992-01-27 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 120003:1992
CLC/SR 110
Blank Detail Specification: Phototransistors, photodarlington transistors, phototransistor arrays
dor : 1992-01-27 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 120004:1992
CLC/SR 110
Blank Detail Specification: Ambient rated photocouplers with phototransistor output
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 120005:1992
CLC/SR 110
Blank Detail Specification: Photodiodes, photodiode arrays (not intended for fibre optic applications)
dor : 1992-01-27 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 120007:1992
CLC/SR 110
Blank Detail Specification: Liquid cristal displays - Monochrome LCDs without electronic circuit
dor : 1992-02-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 122001:1993
Blank Detail Specification: CECC military specification for radio frequency connectors - Type MIL-C-39012
dor : 1993-05-07 doa : 1993-09-03 dop : 1994-03-03 dow : 1995-03-03

EN 122002:1993
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors
dor : 1992-08-13 doa : 1993-03-27 dop : 1993-09-27 dow : 2003-03-27

EN 122003:1994

Blank Detail Specification: Preparation of customer detail specifications (CDS) and detail specifications for standard
production items with capability approval
dor : 1993-12-26 doa : 1994-05-02 dop : 1994-11-02 dow : 1995-11-02

EN 122110:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA
dor : 1993-05-07 doa : 1993-09-03 dop : 1994-03-03 dow : 1995-03-03

EN 122120:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC
dor : 1993-06-28 doa : 1993-11-08 dop : 1994-05-08 dow : 1995-05-08

EN 122130:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB
dor : 1993-05-07 doa : 1993-09-03 dop : 1994-03-03 dow : 1995-03-03

EN 122140:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC
dor : 1993-05-07 doa : 1993-09-03 dop : 1994-03-03 dow : 1995-03-03

EN 122150:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series EIA flange
dor : 1993-05-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 122160:1993 + corrigendum Jan. 1996
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA
dor : 1993-05-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 122170:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMB
dor : 1993-06-28 doa : 1993-11-08 dop : 1994-05-08 dow : 1995-05-08

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 122180:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMC
dor : 1993-11-01 doa : 1994-02-07 dop : 1994-08-07 dow : 1995-08-07

EN 122190:1994
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 7-16
dor : 1993-12-26 doa : 1994-05-02 dop : 1994-11-02 dow : 1995-11-02

EN 122200:1994
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC
dor : 1993-12-26 doa : 1994-05-02 dop : 1994-11-02 dow : 1995-11-02

EN 122340:2002
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MMCX
dor : 2001-11-01 doa : 2002-05-01 dop : 2002-11-01 dow : 2004-11-01

EN 123100:1992
Sectional Specification: Single and double-sided printed boards with plain holes
dor : 1991-12-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1995
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 123200:1992
Sectional Specification: Single and double sided printed boards with plated-through holes
dor : 1991-12-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1995
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 123300:1992
Sectional Specification: Multilayer printed boards
dor : 1991-12-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1995
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 123400:1992
Sectional Specification: Flexible printed boards without through connections
dor : 1991-12-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A2:1995
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 123400-800:1992
Capability Detail Specification: Flexible printed boards without through connections
dor : 1991-12-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 123500:1992
Sectional Specification: Flexible printed boards with through connections
dor : 1991-12-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A2:1995
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

EN 123500-800:1992
Capability Detail Specification: Flexible printed boards with through connections
dor : 1991-12-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 123600:1996
Sectional Specification: Flex-rigid multilayer printed boards with through connections
dor : 1992-02-14 doa : 1993-05-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 2003-05-01

EN 123700:1996
Sectional Specification: Flex-rigid double sided printed board with through connections
dor : 1992-02-14 doa : 1993-05-01 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 2003-05-01

EN 123800:1996
Sectional Specification: Flexible multilayer printed boards with through connections
dor : 1992-05-22 doa : 1994-08-12 dop : 1997-07-01 dow : 2003-08-12

EN 125000:1997
Generic Specification: Cores made of ferrite materials
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

EN 125100:1991
Sectional Specification: Magnetic oxide cores for inductor applications
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 125200:1991
Sectional Specification: Magnetic oxide cores for linear transformers
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 125400:1991
Sectional Specification: Adjusters used with magnetic oxide cores for use in inductors and tuned transformers
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 125401:1991

Blank Detail Specification: Adjusters used with magnetic oxide (ferrite) cores for use in inductors and tuned
dor : 1991-11-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 125500:1996

Sectional Specification: Magnetic oxide ring cores for interference suppression and low level signal transformer
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 129000:1993
Generic Specification: Fixed RF wound inductors
dor : 1993-06-19 doa : 1993-11-13 dop : 1994-05-13 dow : 1995-05-13

+ A1:1995
dor : 1994-12-28 doa : 1995-04-24 dop : 1995-10-24 dow : 1996-10-24

EN 129100:1993
Sectional Specification: Wirewound surface mounting inductors
dor : 1992-04-23 doa : 1993-06-17 dop : 1993-12-17 dow : 2003-06-17

+ A1:1995
dor : 1994-12-28 doa : 1995-04-24 dop : 1995-10-24 dow : 1996-10-24

EN 129101:1993
Blank Detail Specification: Wirewound surface mounting inductors of assessed quality - Assessment level E
dor : 1992-04-23 doa : 1993-06-17 dop : 1993-12-17 dow : 2003-06-17

+ A1:1994
dor : 1994-03-04 doa : 1994-06-27 dop : 1994-12-27 dow : 1995-12-27

+ A2:1995
dor : 1994-12-28 doa : 1995-04-24 dop : 1995-10-24 dow : 1996-10-24

EN 129102:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Wirewound surface mounting inductors of assessed quality - Assessment level P
dor : 1993-08-09 doa : 1993-11-08 dop : 1994-05-08 dow : 1995-05-08

+ A1:1995
dor : 1994-12-28 doa : 1995-04-24 dop : 1995-10-24 dow : 1996-10-24

EN 129200:1994
Sectional Specification: Fixed inductors with ceramic or ferrite core wound with copper wire for RF circuits
dor : 1993-08-09 doa : 1993-11-08 dop : 1994-05-08 dow : 1995-05-08

+ A1:1995
dor : 1994-12-28 doa : 1995-04-24 dop : 1995-10-24 dow : 1996-10-24

EN 129201:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Wirewound inductors with ceramic or ferrite core - Assessment level E
dor : 1993-07-30 doa : 1993-11-08 dop : 1994-05-08 dow : 1995-05-08

+ A1:1995 + corrigendum Apr. 1997
dor : 1994-12-28 doa : 1995-04-24 dop : 1995-10-24 dow : 1996-10-24

EN 129202:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Wirewound inductors with ceramic or ferrite core - Assessment level P
dor : 1993-07-30 doa : 1993-11-08 dop : 1994-04-08 dow : 1995-05-08

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

+ A1:1995 + corrigendum Apr. 1997
dor : 1994-12-28 doa : 1995-04-24 dop : 1995-10-24 dow : 1996-10-24

EN 130100:1997
Sectional Specification: Fixed polyethylene-terephtalate film dielectric metal foil capacitors for direct current
dor : 1992-10-14 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 130101:1997

Blank Detail Specification: Fixed polyethylene-terephtalate film dielectric metal foil capacitors for direct current -
Assessment level E
dor : 1992-10-14 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 130102:1997

Blank Detail Specification: Fixed polyethylene-terephtalate film dielectric metal foil capacitors for direct current -
Assessment level EZ
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 130200:1993
Sectional Specification: Fixed tantalum capacitors with non-solid or solid electrolyte
dor : 1992-01-27 doa : 1991-09-11 dop : 1992-03-11 dow : 2001-09-11

+ A3:1998
NOTE: Includes A2
dor : 1994-10-16 doa : 1995-02-08 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1999-10-01

EN 130201:1993
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode (sub-family 3)
dor : 1992-01-27 doa : 1991-09-11 dop : 1992-03-11 dow : 2001-09-11

+ A2:1998
dor : 1994-10-16 doa : 1995-02-08 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1999-10-01

EN 130202:1998
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed tantalum capacitors with non-solid electrolyte, porous anode (sub-family 2)
dor : 1992-01-12 doa : 1992-09-11 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 130502:1998

Blank Detail Specification: Fixed metallized polycarbonate film dielectric capacitors for direct current - Assessment
level EZ
dor : 1992-10-14 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 1998-10-01

EN 131700:1997

Sectional Specification: Fixed capacitors for direct current with electrodes of thin metal foils and a polycarbonate
film dielectric
dor : 1992-10-14 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 131701:1997

Blank Detail Specification: Fixed capacitors for direct current with electrodes of thin metal foils and a polycarbonate
film dielectric - Assessment level E
dor : 1992-10-14 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 131702:1997

Blank Detail Specification: Fixed capacitors for direct current with electrodes of thin metal foils and a polycarbonate
film dielectric - Assessment level EZ
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 131802:1997
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors - Assessment level EZ
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-04-01 dow : 1998-04-01

EN 132102:1996
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed multilayer ceramic surface mounting capacitors - Assessment level DZ
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 134000:1994
Generic Specification: Variable capacitors (Qualification approval and capability approval)
dor : 1993-07-29 doa : 1993-11-30 dop : 1994-05-31 dow : 2003-11-30

EN 134100:1995
Sectional Specification: Variable capacitors (Qualification approval)
dor : 1993-07-29 doa : 1993-11-30 dop : 1996-05-31 dow : 2003-11-30

EN 134101:1995
Blank Detail Specification: Single turn disc trimmer capacitors (Qualification approval)
dor : 1993-07-29 doa : 1993-11-30 dop : 1995-11-30 dow : 2003-11-30

EN 134102:1995
Blank Detail Specification: Multi turn concentric capacitors (Qualification approval)
dor : 1993-07-29 doa : 1993-11-30 dop : 1995-11-30 dow : 2003-11-30

EN 134103:1995
Blank Detail Specification: Vane type air dielectric capacitor (Qualification approval)
dor : 1993-07-29 doa : 1993-11-30 dop : 1995-11-30 dow : 2003-11-30

EN 134104:1995
Blank Detail Specification: Compression type trimmer capacitors (Qualification approval)
dor : 1993-07-29 doa : 1993-11-30 dop : 1995-11-30 dow : 2003-11-30

EN 135000:1992
Generic Specification: Travelling wave amplifier tubes
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 135001:1992
Blank Detail Specification: C.W. power amplifier travelling wave tubes up to 500 Watts
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 136000:1992
Generic Specification: Magnetrons
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 136001:1992
Blank Detail Specification: Pulsed magnetrons (Excluding frequency agile magnetrons)
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 136002:1992
Blank Detail Specification: C.W. magnetrons for RF heating or cooking applications
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 137000:1995
Generic Specification: Fixed aluminium electrolytic a.c. capacitors with non-solid electrolyte for use with motors
dor : 1995-06-24 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 137100:1995

Sectional Specification: Fixed aluminium electrolytic a.c. capacitors with non-solid electrolyte for motor starter
applications - Qualification approval
dor : 1995-06-24 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 137101:1995

Blank Detail Specification: Fixed aluminium electrolytic a.c. capacitors with non-solid electrolyte for motor starter
applications - Qualification approval
dor : 1995-06-24 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1997-07-01

EN 140100:2008
Sectional Specification: Fixed low power film resistors
dor : 2007-10-01 doa : 2008-04-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-10-01

EN 140101:2008
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed low power film resistors
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 140101-806:2008 + corrigendum Oct. 2009

Detail Specification: Fixed low power film resistors - Metal film resistors on high grade ceramic, conformal coated
or molded, axial or preformed leads
dor : 2007-11-01 doa : 2008-05-01 dop : 2008-11-01 dow : 2010-11-01

EN 140200:1996
Sectional Specification: Fixed power resistors
dor : 1996-03-14 doa : 1996-08-15 dop : 1997-02-15 dow : 1998-02-15

+ A1:2001
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2003-04-01

EN 140201:1996
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed power resistors (Assessment level S)
dor : 1996-03-14 doa : 1996-08-15 dop : 1997-02-15 dow : 1998-02-15

EN 140210:1994
Sectional Specification: Fixed power resistors - Capability approval
dor : 1993-02-13 doa : 1994-03-22 dop : 1994-09-22 dow : 2004-03-22

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 140211:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed power resistors - Capability approval
dor : 1993-02-13 doa : 1994-03-22 dop : 1994-09-22 dow : 2004-03-22

EN 140400:2003
Sectional specification: Fixed low power surface mount (SMD) resistors
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2006-09-01

EN 140401:2002
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed low power non wire-wound surface mount (SMD) resistors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 140401:2009
dor : 2001-12-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 140401:2009
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed low power film surface mount (SMD) resistors
dor : 2009-03-01 doa : 2009-09-01 dop : 2010-03-01 dow : 2012-03-01

EN 140401-801:2007
Detail specification: Fixed low power film SMD resistors - Rectangular - Stability classes 0,1; 0,25; 0,5; 1
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 140401-802:2007
Detail specification: Fixed low power film SMD resistors - Rectangular - Stability classes 1; 2
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A1:2010
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 140401-803:2007
Detail specification: Fixed low power film SMD resistors - Cylindrical - Stability classes 0,05; 0,1; 0,25; 0,5; 1; 2
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-05-01 dow : 2010-05-01

+ A1:2010
dor : 2010-10-01 doa : 2011-04-01 dop : 2011-10-01 dow : 2013-10-01

EN 140401-804:2005

Detail specification: Fixed low power non wire-wound high stability surface mount (SMD) resistors - Rectangular -
Stability classes 0,1; 0,25
NOTE: Superseded by EN 140401-804:2011
dor : 2004-10-01 doa : 2005-04-01 dop : 2005-10-01 dow : 2007-10-01

EN 140401-804:2011
Detail Specification: Fixed low power film high stability SMD resistors - Rectangular - Stability classes 0,1; 0,25
dor : 2011-05-09 doa : 2011-11-09 dop : 2012-05-09 dow : 2014-05-09

EN 140402:1998
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed low power wire wound surface mounting (SMD) resistors
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-10-01 dop : 1999-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 140402-801:2005

Detail specification: Fixed low power wire-wound surface mount (SMD) resistors - Rectangular - Stability classes
0,5; 1; 2
dor : 2004-12-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

EN 143000:1991
Generic Specification: Thermistors
dor : 1991-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 143001:1991

Blank Detail Specification: Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors (Beads in solid glass or
vitreous enamel)
dor : 1991-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 143002:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors (Beads in envelopes)
dor : 1991-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 143003:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors (Disk type)
dor : 1991-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 143004:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors (Rod type)
dor : 1991-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 147000:1993
Generic Specification: Sockets for use with electrical relays of assessed quality
dor : 1992-08-10 doa : 1993-02-11 dop : 1993-08-11 dow : 2003-02-11

EN 147100:1993
Sectional Specification: Relay sockets of assessed quality
dor : 1992-08-10 doa : 1993-02-11 dop : 1993-08-11 dow : 2003-02-11

EN 147101:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Relay sockets of assessed quality
dor : 1992-08-10 doa : 1993-02-11 dop : 1993-08-11 dow : 2003-02-11

EN 153000:1998
Generic specification: Discrete pressure contact power semiconductor devices (Qualification approval)
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1998-11-01 dow : 1998-11-01

EN 163100:1991
Sectional Specification: Film and hybrid integrated circuits

NOTE: Superseded by the EN 165000 series. This document remains valid only for existing approvals until further
dor : 1991-11-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 163101:1991
Blank Detail Specification: Film and hybrid integrated circuits

NOTE: Superseded by the EN 165000 series. This document remains valid only for existing approvals until further
dor : 1991-11-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 165000-1:1996
Film and hybrid integrated circuits - Part 1: Generic specification - Capability approval procedure
NOTE: The EN 165000 series supersedes the EN 163000, CECC 63 000 and CECC 64 000 series
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-07-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 165000-2:1996
Film and hybrid integrated circuits - Part 2: Internal visual inspection and special tests
NOTE: The EN 165000 series supersedes the EN 163000, CECC 63 000 and CECC 64 000 series
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-07-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 165000-3:1996

Film and hybrid integrated circuits - Part 3: Self-audit checklist and report for film and hybrid integrated circuit
NOTE: The EN 165000 series supersedes the EN 163000, CECC 63 000 and CECC 64 000 series
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-07-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 165000-4:1996

Film and hybrid integrated circuits - Part 4: Customer information, product assessment level schedules and blank
detail specification
NOTE: The EN 165000 series supersedes the EN 163000, CECC 63 000 and CECC 64 000 series
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-07-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

EN 165000-5:1997
Film and hybrid integrated circuits - Part 5: Procedure for qualification approval
NOTE: The EN 165000 series supersedes the EN 163000, CECC 63 000 and CECC 64 000 series
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

EN 166100:1998
Sectional Specification: Surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

EN 166101:1999
Blank Detail Specification: Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filters - Capability approval
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2000-01-01

EN 168100:1993
Sectional Specification: Quartz crystal units (Capability approval)
NOTE: Includes A1 and A2
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : 1992-12-08 dop : 1993-06-08 dow : 2002-12-08

EN 168101:1992
Blank Detail Specification: Quartz crystal units (Capability approval)
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 168200:1993
Sectional Specification: Quartz crystal units (Qualification approval)
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : 1992-12-08 dop : 1993-06-08 dow : 2002-12-08

+ A1:1993
dor : 1992-05-25 doa : 1993-06-17 dop : 1993-12-17 dow : 2003-06-17

EN 168201:1992
Blank Detail Specification: Quartz crystal units (Qualification approval)
dor : 1992-01-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

EN 169000:1992
Generic Specification: Quartz crystal controlled oscillators
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60679-1:1998
dor : 1992-12-03 doa : 1993-12-28 dop : 1994-06-28 dow : 2003-12-28

+ A1:1998
dor : 1993-10-15 doa : 1998-05-01 dop : 1998-08-01 dow : 1999-08-01

EN 169100:1993
Sectional Specification: Quartz crystal controlled oscillators (Capability approval)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60679-4:1998
dor : 1993-03-02 doa : 1993-04-05 dop : 1993-10-05 dow : 2003-04-05

EN 169101:1993
Blank Detail Specification: Quartz crystal controlled oscillators (Capability approval)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60679-4-1:1998
dor : 1992-08-31 doa : 1993-06-17 dop : 1993-12-17 dow : 2003-06-17

EN 169200:1995
Sectional Specification: Quartz crystal controlled oscillators (Qualification approval)
dor : 1993-11-01 doa : 1994-01-31 dop : 1996-01-31 dow : 1997-01-31

EN 169201:1995
Blank Detail Specification: Quartz crystal controlled oscillators (Qualification approval)
dor : 1993-11-01 doa : 1994-01-31 dop : 1996-01-31 dow : 1997-01-31

EN 170100:2001
Sectional Specification: Waveguide type dielectric resonators
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 170101:2001
Blank detail Specification: Waveguide type dielectric resonators - Capability approval
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2004-08-01

EN 175101-802:1999

Detail specification: Two-part connectors for printed boards for high number of contacts with basic grid of 2,54 mm
on 3 or 4 rows
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 175101-809:2004 + corrigendum Jun. 2005

Detail specification: Two-part connectors for printed boards having a grid of 2,54 mm, short version in compliance
with CECC 75 101-801, with assessed quality
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2007-02-01

EN 175201-804:1999
Detail Specification: Circular connectors - Round contacts, size diameter 1,6 mm, threaded coupling
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-04-01 dop : 2000-10-01 dow : -

EN 175300:1996
Sectional Specification: Rectangular connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz
dor : 1995-09-08 doa : 1996-03-15 dop : 1996-09-15 dow : 1997-09-15

EN 175301-801:2006
CLC/BTWG 117-1
Detail Specification: High density rectangular connectors, round removable crimp contacts
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

EN 175301-803:2006
CLC/BTWG 117-1
Detail Specification: Rectangular connectors - Flat contacts, 0,8 mm thickness, locking screw not detachable
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2008-10-01

EN 175500:1997

Sectional specification: Cable outlet accessories for connectors, including qualification approval and capability
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

EN 180101:1995
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed fibre optic attenuators
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : -

EN 181000:1994
Generic Specification: Fibre optic branching devices
dor : 1992-01-27 doa : 1993-01-12 dop : 1993-07-12 dow : 2003-01-12

EN 181101:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Non wavelength selective transmissive star
dor : 1993-01-17 doa : 1993-09-14 dop : 1994-03-14 dow : 2003-09-14

EN 181102:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Wavelength selective transmissive star
dor : 1993-01-17 doa : 1993-09-14 dop : 1994-03-14 dow : 2003-09-14

EN 181103:1997

Blank Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Non wavelength selective transmissive star for
telecommunication application
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

EN 181104:1997

Blank Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Wavelength selective transmissive star for
telecommunication application
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 186220:1993
Sectional Specification: Connector sets for optical fibres and cables - Type LSC
dor : 1992-02-13 doa : 1992-12-15 dop : 1993-06-15 dow : 2002-12-15

EN 186230:1993
Sectional Specification: Connector sets for optical fibres and cables - Type LSF
dor : 1992-02-13 doa : 1992-12-15 dop : 1993-06-15 dow : 2002-12-15

EN 187103:2003
Family specification - Optical fibre cables for indoor applications
dor : 2002-03-05 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-08-01 dow : 2005-03-01

EN 187105:2002
Single mode optical cable (duct/direct buried installation)
dor : 2001-12-04 doa : 2002-06-01 dop : 2002-12-01 dow : 2004-12-01

EN 190000:1995
Generic Specification: Monolithic integrated circuits
dor : 1992-11-28 doa : 1994-01-11 dop : 1996-01-11 dow : 2004-01-11

EN 190100:1993
Sectional Specification: Digital monolithic integrated circuits
dor : 1993-01-21 doa : 1993-02-26 dop : 1993-08-26 dow : 2003-02-26

EN 190101:1994
Family Specification: Digital integrated TTL circuits - Series 54, 64, 74, 84
dor : 1994-04-30 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 190102:1994
Family Specification: TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuits - Series 54S, 64S, 74S, 84S
dor : 1994-04-30 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 190103:1994
Family Specification: Digital integrated TTL low power Schottky circuits - Series 54LS, 64LS, 74LS, 84LS
dor : 1994-04-30 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 190106:1994
Family Specification: TTL advanced low power Schottky digital integrated circuits - Series 54ALS, 74ALS
dor : 1994-05-08 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 190107:1994
Family Specification: TTL FAST digital integrated circuits - Series 54F, 74F
dor : 1994-04-30 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 190108:1994
Family Specification: TTL advanced Schottky digital integrated circuits - Series 54AS, 74AS
dor : 1994-05-08 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European Standards : EN 100000 series

EN 190109:1994
Family Specification: Digital integrated HC MOS circuits - Series HC/HCT/HCU
dor : 1994-04-30 doa : 1994-09-01 dop : 1995-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

EN 190110:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Digital microprocessor integrated circuits
dor : 1994-05-08 doa : 1994-08-15 dop : 1995-02-15 dow : 1996-02-15

EN 190116:1993
Family Specification: AC MOS Digital integrated circuits
dor : 1992-12-06 doa : 1994-01-11 dop : 1994-07-11 dow : 2004-01-11

EN 196000:1992
Generic Specification: Electromechanical switches
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61020-1:2009
dor : 1991-04-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:2001
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2000-08-01 dop : 2002-03-01 dow : 2003-08-01

EN 196103:1998
Blank Detail Specification: Rotary switches - Assessment level Y
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61020-1:2009
dor : 1993-06-14 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 196403:1998
Blank Detail Specification: Push button switches - Assessment level Y
dor : 1993-06-14 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-10-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 196500:1993
Sectional Specification: Membrane switches including Blank Detail Specification EN 196501
NOTE: Includes BDS 196501 * Superseded by EN 61020-1:2009
dor : 1993-04-30 doa : 1993-08-08 dop : 1994-02-08 dow : 1995-02-08

+ A1:2001
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61020-1:2009
dor : 1994-03-18 doa : 1994-06-20 dop : 2002-02-01 dow : 2002-02-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

Part 2 : HD Harmonization Documents

This Part 2 of the CENELEC catalogue lists all currently valid Harmonization Documents (HD) ratified by the 31
member National Committees of CENELEC which have been published as at 2011-09-15 .
In 1991 the CENELEC Technical Board decided on a systematic procedure for conversion of identified HDs into ENs
and to avoid production of HDs in the future. HDs that have been withdrawn, renumbered or superseded are listed,
along with superseded ENs and ENVs in the list of Superseded or withdrawn standards in Part 12 of this catalogue.
The Cross reference index given in Part 13 of this catalogue indicates which IEC International Standards have been
endorsed as European Standards or Harmonization Documents.
Edition reference
HDs are the only CENELEC standards that include an indication of the edition number. The first edition bears the
suffix S1 (S stands for status) and ensuing editions are marked S2, S3, etc.

HD 21.1 S4:2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having thermoplastic insulation - Part 1: General
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-1:2011
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2003-09-01

HD 21.3 S3:1995
IEC 60227-3:1993 (Modified)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 3: Non-sheathed cables for
fixed wiring
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-31
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A1:1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-31
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2001-08-01

+ A2:2008
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-31
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

HD 21.4 S2:1990
IEC 60227-4:1979 (Modified)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 4: Sheathed cables for
fixed wiring
NOTE: Reprint
dor : 1981-11-24 doa : 1982-11-01 dop : - dow : -

HD 21.5 S3:1994
IEC 60227-5:1979 (Modified)
CLC/TC 20 IEC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 5: Flexible cables (cords)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-11 (PR=21967) and EN 50525-2-71 (PR=21975)
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

+ A1:1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-11 (PR=21967) and EN 50525-2-71 (PR=21975)
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2001-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

+ A2:2001
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-11 (PR=21967) and EN 50525-2-71 (PR=21975)
dor : 2001-03-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-04-01 dow : 2003-04-01

HD 21.7 S2:1996
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 7: Single core non-
sheathed cables for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90 C
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-31
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

+ A1:1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-31
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2001-08-01

HD 21.8 S2:1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 8: Single core non-
sheathed cables for decorative chains
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2001-08-01

HD 21.9 S2:1995
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 9: Single core non-
sheathed cable for installation at low temperatures
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A1:1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-08-01 dow : 2001-08-01

HD 21.10 S2:2001
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 10: Extensible leads
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-12:2011
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

HD 21.11 S1:1995
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 11: Cables for luminaires
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-72:2011 (PR=21976)
dor : 1995-03-06 doa : 1995-09-01 dop : 1996-03-01 dow : 1996-03-01

+ A1:2001
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-72:2011 (PR=21976)
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

HD 21.12 S1:1994
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 12: Heat-resistant flexible
cables (cords)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-11 (PR=21967)
dor : 1994-07-05 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

+ A1:2001
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-11 (PR=21967)
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 21.13 S1:1995
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 13: Oil resistant PVC
sheathed cables with two or more conductors
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-51 (PR=21974)
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A1:2001
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-51 (PR=21974)
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

HD 21.14 S1:2003
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltage up to and including 450/750 V and having thermoplastic insulation - Part 14: Flexible cables
(cords), insulated and sheathed with halogen-free thermoplastic compounds
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-3-11:2011 (PR=21980)
dor : 2003-05-01 doa : 2003-11-01 dop : 2004-05-01 dow : 2006-05-01

HD 21.15 S1:2006
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having thermoplastic insulation - Part 15: Single core
cables, insulated with halogen-free thermoplastic compound, for fixed wiring
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-3-31:2011 (PR=21982)
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2008-09-01

HD 22.1 S4:2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 1: General
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-1:2011
dor : 2002-09-01 doa : 2003-03-01 dop : 2003-09-01 dow : 2003-09-01

HD 22.3 S4:2004
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 3: Heat resistant
silicone rubber insulated cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-41
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A1:2006
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-41
dor : 2005-12-01 doa : 2006-06-01 dop : 2006-12-01 dow : 2007-12-01

HD 22.4 S4:2004
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 4: Cords and
flexible cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

HD 22.6 S2:1995 + corrigendum Jun. 1995
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 6: Arc welding
NOTE: Corrigendum to French version only * Superseded by EN 50525-2-81 (PR=21977)
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A1:1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-81 (PR=21977)
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-12-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 2000-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

+ A2:2004
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-81 (PR=21977)
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

HD 22.7 S2:1995
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 7: Cables with
increased heat resistance for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 110 C
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-42:2011
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

+ A1:1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-42:2011
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-12-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 2000-06-01

+ A2:2004
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-42:2011
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

HD 22.8 S2:1994
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 8: Polychloroprene
or equivalent synthetic elastomer sheathed cable for decorative chains
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-82:2011 (PR=21978)
dor : 1994-05-15 doa : 1995-01-15 dop : 1995-07-15 dow : 1995-07-15

+ A1:1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-82:2011 (PR=21978)
dor : 1998-08-01 doa : 1998-12-01 dop : 1999-06-01 dow : 2000-06-01

+ A2:2004
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-82:2011 (PR=21978)
dor : 2004-02-01 doa : 2004-08-01 dop : 2005-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

HD 22.9 S3:2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 9: Single core
halogen-free non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring having low emission of smoke
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-3-41:2011 (PR=21983)
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

HD 22.10 S2:2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 10: EPR insulated
and polyurethane sheathed flexible cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

HD 22.11 S2:2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 11: EVA cords and
flexible cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 22.12 S2:2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 12: Heat resistant
EPR cords and flexible cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

HD 22.13 S2:2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 13: Halogen-free
flexible cables having low emission of smoke
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-3-21:2011 (PR=21981)
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

HD 22.14 S3:2007

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 14: Cords for
applications requiring high flexibility
NOTE: Partially superseded by EN 50525-2-22:2011 (Clause 6)
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

HD 22.15 S2:2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 15: Multicore cables
insulated and sheathed with heat resistant silicone rubber
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-83 (PR=21979)
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

HD 22.16 S2:2007

Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation - Part 16: Water resistant
polychloroprene or equivalent synthetic elastomer sheathed cables
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
dor : 2006-12-01 doa : 2007-06-01 dop : 2007-12-01 dow : 2008-12-01

HD 123.1 S1:1977
IEC 60153-1:1964
Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 1: General requirements and measuring methods
dor : 1974-05-07 doa : - dop : 1976-01-01 dow : -

HD 123.2 S1:1977
IEC 60153-2:1974
Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 2: Relevant specifications for ordinary rectangular waveguides
dor : 1976-01-27 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

HD 123.3 S1:1977
IEC 60153-3:1964
Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 3: Relevant specifications for flat rectangular waveguides
dor : 1974-05-07 doa : - dop : 1976-01-01 dow : -

HD 123.4 S1:1977
IEC 60153-4:1973
Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 4: Relevant specifications for circular waveguides
dor : 1975-10-08 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 123.6 S2:1980
IEC 60153-6:1967 + A1:1977
Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 6: Relevant specifications for medium flat rectangular waveguides
dor : 1974-05-07 doa : - dop : 1980-01-01 dow : -

HD 123.7 S1:1977
IEC 60153-7:1972
Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 7: Relevant specifications for square waveguides
dor : 1975-10-08 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

HD 129.3 S2:1983
IEC 60154-3:1982
Flanges for waveguides - Part 3: Relevant specifications for flanges for flat rectangular waveguides
dor : 1983-09-07 doa : 1984-02-01 dop : 1985-02-01 dow : 1985-02-01

HD 129.4 S1:1977
IEC 60154-4:1969
Flanges for waveguides - Part 4: Relevant specifications for flanges for circular waveguides
dor : 1974-05-07 doa : - dop : 1976-01-01 dow : -

HD 129.6 S1:1984
IEC 60154-6:1983
Flanges for waveguides - Part 6: Relevant specifications for flanges for medium flat rectangular waveguides
dor : 1984-09-11 doa : 1985-03-01 dop : 1986-03-01 dow : 1984-03-01

HD 129.7 S1:1977
IEC 60154-7:1974
Flanges for waveguides - Part 7: Relevant specifications for flanges for square waveguides
dor : 1977-03-01 doa : - dop : 1978-01-01 dow : -

HD 134.2 S2:1984
IEC 60169-2:1965 + A1:1982
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 2: Coaxial unmatched connector
dor : 1984-03-01 doa : 1984-09-01 dop : 1985-09-01 dow : 1985-09-01

HD 134.3 S1:1977
IEC 60169-3:1965
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 3: Two pin connector for twin balanced aerial feeders
dor : 1974-05-07 doa : - dop : 1976-01-01 dow : -

HD 134.4 S2:1977
IEC 60169-4:1975

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 4: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 16 mm (0,63 in)
with screw lock - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (Type 7-16)
dor : 1976-09-07 doa : - dop : 1977-07-01 dow : -

HD 134.5 S1:1977
IEC 60169-5:1970
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 5: R.F. coaxial connectors for cables 96 IEC 60050-17 and larger
dor : 1976-06-29 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 134.6 S1:1977
IEC 60169-6:1971
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 6: R.F. coaxial connectors for cables 96 IEC 60075-17 and larger
dor : 1976-06-29 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

HD 134.7 S2:1995
IEC 60169-7:1975 + A1:1993

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 7: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 9,5 mm (0,374
in) with bayonet lock - Characteristic impedance 50 ohm (Type C)
dor : 1995-07-04 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

HD 138 S2:1990
IEC 60261:1989
Sealing test for pressurized waveguide tubing and assemblies
dor : 1990-06-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 145 S1:1977
IEC 60135:1961
Numbering of electrodes and designation of units in electronic tubes and valves
dor : 1974-05-07 doa : - dop : 1976-01-01 dow : -

HD 146 S4:1988

IEC 60067:1966 + IEC 60067A:1967 + IEC 60067B:1969 + IEC 60067C:1970 + IEC 60067D:1977 + IEC
Dimensions of electronic tubes and valves
dor : 1988-03-01 doa : 1988-07-01 dop : 1989-01-01 dow : 1989-01-01

HD 148 S2:1977
IEC 60100:1962 + A1:1969
Methods for the measurement of direct interelectrode capacitances of electronic tubes and valves
dor : 1976-06-29 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

HD 193 S2:1982
IEC 60449:1973 + A1:1979
Voltage bands for electrical installations of buildings
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1980-09-19 doa : 1982-04-01 dop : 1982-10-01 dow : -

HD 307.2.2 S1:1986
IEC 60455-2-2:1984

Specification for solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 2: Methods of
test - Test methods for coating powders for electrical purposes
dor : 1986-06-26 doa : 1987-01-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

HD 307.3.11 S1:1990
IEC 60455-3-11:1988

Specification for solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications
for individual materials - Sheet 11: Epoxy resin-based coating powders
dor : 1990-12-01 doa : 1991-06-01 dop : 1991-12-01 dow : 1991-12-01

HD 308 S2:2001
CLC/TC 64 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Identification of cores in cables and flexible cords
dor : 2001-05-01 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2002-05-01 dow : 2006-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 311.6 S1:1987
IEC 60094-6:1985
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 6: Reel-to-reel systems
dor : 1987-06-15 doa : 1987-12-31 dop : 1988-06-30 dow : 1988-06-30

HD 311.10 S1:1989
IEC 60094-10:1988
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 10: Time and address codes
dor : 1989-08-01 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 323.2.46 S1:1988
IEC 60068-2-46:1982
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2: Tests - Guidance to Test Kd: Hydrogen sulphide test for contacts
and connections
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1988-03-01 doa : - dop : 1989-03-01 dow : -

HD 337 S3:1989
IEC 60098:1987
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Analogue audio disk records and reproducing equipment
dor : 1989-08-01 doa : 1989-12-01 dop : 1990-06-01 dow : 1990-06-01

HD 349 S1:1977
IEC 60301:1971 + A1:1972
Preferred diameters of wire terminations of capacitors and resistors
dor : 1976-06-30 doa : - dop : 1977-07-01 dow : -

HD 350.1 S1:1978
IEC 60339-1:1971

General purpose rigid coaxial transmission lines and their associated flange connectors - Part 1: General
requirements and measuring methods
dor : 1976-06-30 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

HD 351.1 S1:1977
IEC 60457-1:1974

Rigid precision coaxial lines and their associated precision connectors - Part 1: General requirements and measuring
dor : 1976-06-30 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

HD 351.2 S1:1977
IEC 60457-2:1974

Rigid precision coaxial lines and their associated precision connectors - Part 2: 50 ohm 7 mm rigid precision coaxial
line and associated hermaphroditic precision coaxial connector
dor : 1976-06-30 doa : - dop : 1977-01-01 dow : -

HD 351.3 S2:1981
IEC 60457-3:1980

Rigid precision coaxial lines and their associated precision connectors - Part 3: 14 mm rigid precision coaxial line
and associated hermaphroditic precision coaxial connector - Characteristic impedances 50 ohm and 75 ohm
dor : 1981-02-19 doa : - dop : 1981-07-01 dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 351.4 S2:1984
IEC 60457-4:1978

Rigid precision coaxial and their associated precision connectors - Part 4: 21 mm rigid precision coaxial line and
associated hermaphroditic precision coaxial connector - Characteristic impedance 50 ohm (Type 9/21) -
Characteristic impedance 75 ohms (Type 6/21)
dor : 1980-01-21 doa : - dop : 1981-04-01 dow : 1981-04-01

HD 351.5 S1:1986
IEC 60457-5:1984

Rigid precision coaxial lines and their associated precision connectors - Part 5: 50 ohm 3,5 mm rigid precision
coaxial line with provision for mounting connectors
dor : 1986-06-26 doa : 1987-01-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

HD 357 S2:1987
IEC 60516:1975 + A1:1984
A modular instrumentation system for data handling; CAMAC system
dor : 1986-09-10 doa : 1987-03-15 dop : 1987-09-15 dow : 1987-09-15

HD 361 S3:1999 + corrigendum Jun. 1999
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
System for cable designation
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

+ A1:2006
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-06-01 dow : 2009-06-01

HD 363 S1:1977
IEC 60390:1972 + A1:1976
Dimensions of spindle ends for manually operated electronic components
dor : 1977-03-01 doa : - dop : 1978-01-01 dow : -

HD 368 S1:1978
IEC 60258:1968 + A1:1976
CLC/SR 85 IEC/TC 85 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Direct acting recording electrical measuring instruments and their accessories
dor : 1977-12-13 doa : - dop : 1979-01-01 dow : -

HD 369.10 S4:1991
IEC 60574-10:1983 + A1:1988 + A2:1989
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Audiovisual, video and television equipment and systems - Part 10: Audio cassette systems
dor : 1991-03-01 doa : 1991-09-01 dop : 1992-03-01 dow : 1992-03-01

HD 369.18 S1:1989
IEC 60574-18:1987
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Audiovisual, video and television equipment and systems - Part 18: Connectors for automatic slide projectors with
built-in-triacs for audiovisual application
dor : 1989-12-05 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 370 S2:1987
IEC 60547:1976 + A1:1985

Modular plug-in unit and standard 19-inch rack mounting unit based on NIM standard (for electronic nuclear
dor : 1986-12-09 doa : 1987-06-01 dop : 1987-12-01 dow : 1987-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 374 S2:1986
IEC 60552:1977 + A1:1984

CAMAC - Organization of multi-crate systems - Specification of the Branch-highway and CAMAC crate controller
Type A1
dor : 1986-02-27 doa : 1986-07-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

HD 380 S2:1987
IEC 60587:1984

Test methods for evaluating resistance to tracking and erosion of electrical insulating materials used under severe
ambient conditions
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1986-12-09 doa : 1987-06-01 dop : 1987-12-01 dow : 1987-12-01

HD 381 S1:1979
IEC 60589:1977
Methods of test for the determination of ionic impurities in electrical insulating materials by extraction with liquids
dor : 1978-12-07 doa : - dop : 1980-01-01 dow : -

HD 382 S1:1979
IEC 60590:1977
Determination of the aromatic hydrocarbon content of new mineral insulating oils
dor : 1978-12-07 doa : - dop : 1980-01-01 dow : -

HD 384.4.42 S1:1985
IEC 60364-4-42:1980 (Modified)
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 42: Protection against thermal effects
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60364-4-42:2011
dor : 1983-04-13 doa : 1986-01-01 dop : 1986-10-01 dow : 1987-10-01

+ A1:1992
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60364-4-42:2011
dor : 1990-03-05 doa : 1990-09-01 dop : 1992-12-01 dow : 1992-12-01

+ A2:1994
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60364-4-42:2011
dor : 1994-02-14 doa : 1994-05-14 dop : 1994-08-14 dow : -

HD 384.4.43 S2:2001 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
IEC 60364-4-43:1977 (Modified) + A1:1997 (Modified)
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 43: Protection against overcurrent
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60634-4-43:2010
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2002-08-01

HD 384.4.45 S1:1989
IEC 60364-4-45:1984
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 45: Protection against undervoltage
dor : 1988-03-01 doa : 1989-06-01 dop : 1989-12-31 dow : 1989-12-31

HD 384.4.46 S2:2001
IEC 60364-4-46:1981 (Modified)
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 46: Isolation and switching
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2002-06-01 dow : 2003-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 384.4.442 S1:1997

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 44: Protection against overvoltages -
Section 442: Protection of low-voltage installations against faults between high-voltage systems and earth
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

HD 384.4.473 S1:1980 + corrigendum Dec. 2005
IEC 60364-4-473:1977 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 47: Application of protective measures for
safety - Section 473: Measures of protection against overcurrent
dor : 1978-09-29 doa : - dop : 1981-10-01 dow : -

HD 384.4.482 S1:1997 + corrigendum Jul. 1997

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 48: Choice of protective measures as a
function of external influences - Section 482: Protection against fire where particular risks or danger exist
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1997-01-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

HD 384.5.52 S1:1995
IEC 60364-5-52:1993 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Chapter 52: Wiring
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

+ A1:1998 + corrigendum Sep. 1998
NOTE: Corrigendum to English and French versions
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : 1998-06-01 dop : 1998-12-01 dow : 1998-12-01

HD 384.5.56 S1:1985
IEC 60364-5-56:1980 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Chapter 56: Safety
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60634-5-56:2010
dor : 1983-04-13 doa : 1986-01-01 dop : 1986-10-01 dow : 1987-10-01

HD 384.5.523 S2:2001
IEC 60364-5-523:1999 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Section 523: Current-
carrying capacities in wiring systems
dor : 2001-09-01 doa : 2002-03-01 dop : 2002-09-01 dow : 2004-09-01

HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
IEC 60364-5-537:1981 (Modified) + A1:1989

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Chapter 53: Switchgear
and controlgear - Section 537: Devices for isolation and switching
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-04-01 dop : 1999-10-01 dow : 2001-10-01

HD 384.5.551 S1:1997
IEC 60364-5-551:1994

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Chapter 55: Other
equipment - Section 551: Low-voltage generating sets
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60364-5-551:2010
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1997-09-01 dow : 1997-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 384.6.61 S2:2003
IEC 60364-6-61:1986 (Modified) + A1:1993 (Modified) + A2:1997 (Modified)
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 6-61: Verification - Initial verification
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60364-6:2007
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : 2003-04-01 dop : 2004-04-01 dow : 2005-10-01

HD 384.7.702 S2:2002
IEC 60364-7-702:1997 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations - Section 702:
Swimming pools and other basins
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication * Superseded by HD 60364-7-702:2010
dor : 2002-06-01 doa : 2002-12-01 dop : 2003-06-01 dow : 2005-06-01

HD 384.7.708 S2:2005
IEC 60364-7-708:1988 (Modified) + A1:1993 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations - Section 708:
Electrical installations in caravan parks
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2007-07-01

HD 384.7.711 S1:2003
IEC 60364-7-711:1998 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-711: Requirements for special installations or locations - Exhibitions,
shows and stands
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

HD 384.7.714 S1:2000
IEC 60364-7-714:1996 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations - Section 714:
Outdoor lighting installations
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2000-05-01 dow : 2002-08-01

HD 384.7.753 S1:2002

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations - Section 753: Floor
and ceiling heating systems
dor : 2002-05-01 doa : 2002-11-01 dop : 2003-05-01 dow : 2005-05-01

HD 384.7.754 S1:2005

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations - Section 754:
Electrical installations in caravans and motor-caravans
dor : 2004-07-06 doa : 2005-01-01 dop : 2006-01-01 dow : 2007-07-01

HD 391 S3:1988
IEC 60620:1984
Dimensions for the mounting of single-hole, bush-mounted, spindle-operated electronic components
dor : 1988-03-01 doa : 1988-09-01 dop : 1989-03-01 dow : 1989-03-01

HD 395.1 S2:1988
IEC 60601-1:1977 + A1:1984
Safety of medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements

NOTE: The General Standard applies, as far as is reasonable, to medical equipment not covered by a Particular
Standard, in which case HD 395.1 S2 is not to be used after 1994-06-01. After that date EN 60601-1:1990 is to be
dor : 1988-06-28 doa : 1989-01-01 dop : 1989-06-01 dow : 1989-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

+ A1:1993
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-12-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : 1994-06-01

HD 400.1 S1:1980
CEE 20-1:1973 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116
Hand-held motor operated tools - Part I: General specifications

NOTE: Superseded by EN 50144-1. However, HD 400.1 remains valid until all Harmonization Documents which are
to be read with it have been withdrawn
dor : 1978-11-23 doa : - dop : 1981-04-01 dow : 1983-04-01

+ A1:1991
CLC/TC 116
dor : 1990-12-10 doa : 1991-06-01 dop : 1992-06-01 dow : 1992-06-01

HD 400.3N S2:1992
CEE 20-2N:1977 (Modified)
CLC/TC 116 IEC/TC 116

Hand-held motor operated tools - Part II: Particular specifications - Section N: Hedge trimmers and scissor-type
grass shears
NOTE: Partly superseded by EN 50144-2-15 * HD 400.3N remains valid for scissor-type grass shears
dor : 1988-06-28 doa : 1989-01-01 dop : 1992-08-01 dow : 1992-08-01

HD 402 S2:1984
IEC 60304:1982
Standard colours for insulation for low-frequency cables and wires
dor : 1984-03-01 doa : 1984-09-01 dop : 1985-09-01 dow : 1985-09-01

HD 415 S1:1981
IEC 60666:1979
Detection and determination of specified anti-oxidant additives in insulating oils
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60666:2010
dor : 1980-12-11 doa : - dop : 1982-01-01 dow : -

HD 416.1 S1:1981
IEC 60667-1:1980
Specification for vulcanized fibre for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirement
dor : 1980-12-11 doa : - dop : 1982-01-01 dow : -

HD 416.2 S1:1987
IEC 60667-2:1982 + A1:1986
Specification for vulcanized fibre for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
dor : 1987-09-22 doa : 1988-04-02 dop : 1988-10-01 dow : 1988-10-01

HD 416.3.1 S1:1988
IEC 60667-3-1:1986

Specification for vulcanized fibre for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1:
Flat sheets
dor : 1987-12-02 doa : 1988-06-01 dop : 1988-12-01 dow : 1988-12-01

HD 417 S2:1987
IEC 60640:1979 + A1:1984
CAMAC - Serial Highway Interface System
dor : 1986-02-27 doa : 1986-07-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 428.1 S1:1992

Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 to 2500 kVA with highest voltage for equipment
not exceeding 36 kV - Part 1: General requirements and requirements for transformers with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 24 kV
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50464-1:2007
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

+ A1:1995
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50464-1:2007
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

HD 428.3 S1:1994

Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 to 2500 kVA, with highest voltage for equipment
not exceeding 36 kV - Part 3: Supplementary requirements for transformers with highest voltage for equipment equal
to 36 kV
dor : 1993-09-22 doa : 1994-03-01 dop : 1994-09-01 dow : 1994-09-01

HD 429 S1:1983
IEC 60093:1980
Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulating materials
dor : 1982-07-07 doa : 1983-06-01 dop : 1984-01-01 dow : 1984-01-01

HD 431 S1:1983
IEC 60677:1980
Block transfers in CAMAC system
dor : 1982-07-07 doa : 1983-06-01 dop : 1984-01-01 dow : 1984-01-01

HD 437 S1:1984
IEC 60212:1971
Standard conditions for use prior to and during the testing of solid electrical insulating materials
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60212:2011
dor : 1984-03-01 doa : 1984-07-01 dop : 1985-07-01 dow : 1985-07-01

HD 438 S1:1984
IEC 60345:1971
Method of test for electrical resistance and resistivity of insulating materials at elevated temperatures
dor : 1984-03-01 doa : 1984-07-01 dop : 1985-07-01 dow : 1985-07-01

HD 440 S1:1983
IEC 60703:1981
Test methods for electroheating installations with electron guns
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60703:2009
dor : 1983-09-07 doa : 1984-01-01 dop : 1985-01-01 dow : 1985-01-01

HD 442 S1:1983
IEC 60710:1981
Radiation protection equipment for the measuring and monitoring of airborne tritium
dor : 1983-09-07 doa : 1984-01-01 dop : 1985-01-01 dow : 1985-01-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 443 S1:1983
IEC 60711:1981
Occluded-ear simulator for the measurement of earphones coupled to the ear by ear inserts
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60318-4:2010
dor : 1983-09-07 doa : 1984-01-01 dop : 1985-01-01 dow : 1985-01-01

HD 445 S1:1983
IEC 60713:1981
Subroutines for CAMAC
dor : 1983-09-07 doa : 1984-03-01 dop : 1985-03-01 dow : 1985-03-01

HD 450.3 S1:1984
IEC 60118-3:1983
Hearing aids - Part 3: Hearing aid equipment not entirely worn on the listener
dor : 1984-09-11 doa : 1985-03-01 dop : 1986-03-01 dow : 1986-03-01

HD 450.5 S1:1985
IEC 60118-5:1983
Hearing aids - Part 5: Nipples for insert earphones
dor : 1985-03-07 doa : 1985-09-01 dop : 1986-03-01 dow : 1986-03-01

HD 450.9 S1:1987
IEC 60118-9:1985
Hearing aids - Part 9: Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output
dor : 1987-06-15 doa : 1987-12-31 dop : 1988-06-30 dow : 1988-06-30

HD 452.1 S1:1984
IEC 60381-1:1982
Analogue signals for process control systems - Part 1: Direct current signals
dor : 1984-09-11 doa : 1985-03-01 dop : 1986-03-01 dow : 1986-03-01

HD 453 S1:1984
IEC 60729:1982
Multiple controllers in a CAMAC crate
dor : 1984-09-11 doa : 1985-03-01 dop : 1986-03-01 dow : 1986-03-01

HD 457 S1:1985
IEC 60757:1983
Code for designation of colours
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 1984-09-11 doa : 1985-03-01 dop : 1986-03-01 dow : 1986-03-01

HD 461 S1:1987
IEC 60767:1983
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type beta format
dor : 1986-02-27 doa : 1986-07-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

HD 462 S1:1987
IEC 60768:1983

Process stream radiation monitoring equipment in light water nuclear reactors for normal operating and incident
dor : 1986-02-27 doa : 1986-07-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 467.1.2 S1:1986
IEC 60510-1-2:1984
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations - Part 1: Measurements common to sub-
systems and combinations of sub-systems - Section 2: Measurements in the r.f. range
dor : 1986-02-27 doa : 1986-07-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

HD 467.2.3 S1:1990
IEC 60510-2-3:1989
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations - Part 2: Measurements for sub-systems -
Section 3: Low-noise amplifier
dor : 1990-06-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 472 S1:1989 + corrigendum Feb. 2002
IEC 60038:1983 (Modified)
Nominal voltages for low-voltage public electricity supply systems
dor : 1988-11-04 doa : 1989-06-01 dop : 1989-12-01 dow : 1989-12-01

+ A1:1995
dor : 1995-03-24 doa : 1995-10-15 dop : 1996-01-15 dow : -

HD 474 S1:1986
IEC 60120:1984
Dimensions of ball and socket couplings of string insulator units
dor : 1986-06-26 doa : 1987-01-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

HD 475 S1:1986
IEC 60248:1984
Dimensions of planchets used in nuclear electronic instruments
dor : 1986-06-26 doa : 1987-01-01 dop : 1987-07-01 dow : 1987-07-01

HD 477.1 S1:1987
IEC 60487-1:1984
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement of equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 1: Measurement common to sub-
systems and simulated radio-relay systems
dor : 1986-09-10 doa : 1987-03-15 dop : 1987-09-15 dow : 1987-09-15

HD 477.2.1 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-1:1981
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 2: Measurements for sub-
systems - Section 1: General
dor : 1986-09-10 doa : 1987-03-15 dop : 1987-09-15 dow : 1987-09-15

HD 477.2.2 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-2:1981
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement of equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 2: Measurements for sub-systems
- Section 2: Stand-by channel switching equipment
dor : 1986-09-10 doa : 1987-03-15 dop : 1987-09-15 dow : 1987-09-15

HD 477.2.4 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-4:1984
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement of equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 2: Measurements for sub-systems
- Section 4: Frequency modulators
dor : 1986-09-10 doa : 1987-03-15 dop : 1987-09-15 dow : 1987-09-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 477.2.5 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-5:1984
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement of equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 2: Measurements for sub-systems
- Section 5: Frequency demodulators
dor : 1986-09-10 doa : 1987-03-15 dop : 1987-09-15 dow : 1987-09-15

HD 477.2.6 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-6:1984
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement for equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 2: Measurements for sub-
systems - Section 6: Diversity, twin-path and hot stand-by equipment
dor : 1986-09-10 doa : 1987-03-15 dop : 1987-09-15 dow : 1987-09-15

HD 477.3 S1:1988
IEC 60487-3:1975
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102
Methods of measurement for equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 3: Simulated systems
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1989-10-01

HD 477.3.2 S1:1988
IEC 60487-3-2:1981
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement of equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 3: Simulated systems - Section 2:
Measurements in the baseband
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1989-10-01

HD 477.3.3 S1:1989
IEC 60487-3-3:1981
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement of equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 3: Simulated systems - Section 3:
Measurements for monochrome and colour television transmission
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1989-10-01

HD 477.3.4 S1:1989
IEC 60487-3-4:1982
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement of equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 3: Simulated systems - Section 4:
Measurements for f.d.m. transmission
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1989-10-01

HD 477.3.6 S1:1988
IEC 60487-3-6:1984
CLC/SR 102 IEC/TC 102

Methods of measurement of equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems - Part 3: Simulated systems - Section 6:
Measurements for sound-programme transmission
dor : 1988-09-13 doa : 1989-04-01 dop : 1989-10-01 dow : 1989-10-01

HD 478.2.1 S1:1989
IEC 60721-2-1:1982 + A1:1987
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Temperature and
dor : 1989-12-05 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 478.2.2 S1:1990
IEC 60721-2-2:1988
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Precipitation and
dor : 1989-12-05 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 478.2.3 S1:1990
IEC 60721-2-3:1987
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Air pressure
dor : 1989-12-05 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 478.2.4 S1:1989
IEC 60721-2-4:1987 + A1:1988
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Solar radiation
and temperature
dor : 1989-12-05 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 478.2.5 S1:1993
IEC 60721-2-5:1991
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Section 5: Dust,
sand, salt mist
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-12-01 dop : 1994-06-01 dow : 1994-06-01

HD 478.2.6 S1:1993
IEC 60721-2-6:1990
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Earthquake
vibration and shock
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

HD 478.2.7 S1:1990
IEC 60721-2-7:1987
CLC/SR 104 IEC/TC 104
Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Fauna and flora
dor : 1989-12-05 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 480 S1:1987
IEC 60795:1984
Test method for evaluating thermal endurance of flexible sheet materials using the wrapped tube method
dor : 1986-09-10 doa : 1987-03-15 dop : 1987-09-15 dow : 1987-09-15

HD 483.1 S2:1989
IEC 60268-1:1985 + A1:1988
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Sound system equipment - Part 1: General
dor : 1989-08-01 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 483.2 S2:1993
IEC 60268-2:1987 + A1:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Sound system equipment - Part 2: Explanation of general terms and calculation methods
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

HD 483.10 S1:1993
IEC 60268-10:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Sound system equipment - Part 10: Peak programme level meters
dor : 1992-12-09 doa : 1993-06-01 dop : 1993-12-01 dow : 1993-12-01

HD 483.11 S3:1993
IEC 60268-11:1987 + A1:1989 + A2:1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Sound system equipment - Part 11: Application of connectors for the interconnection of sound system components
dor : 1993-07-06 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 483.17 S1:1992
IEC 60268-17:1990 + corrigendum Sep. 1991
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Sound system equipment - Part 17: Standard volume indicators
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-12-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

HD 488 S1:1987
IEC 60628:1985
Gassing of insulating liquids under electrical stress and ionization
dor : 1987-03-05 doa : 1987-09-15 dop : 1988-03-15 dow : 1988-03-15

HD 489 S1:1987
IEC 60803:1984

Recommended dimensions for hexagonal and square crimping-die cavities, identors, gauges, outer conductor crimp
sleeves and centre contact crimp barrels for r.f. cables and connectors
dor : 1987-03-05 doa : 1987-09-15 dop : 1988-03-15 dow : 1988-03-15

HD 493.1 S1:1988
IEC 60297-1:1986
Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 1: Panels and racks
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60297-3-100:2009
dor : 1987-12-02 doa : 1988-06-01 dop : 1988-12-01 dow : 1988-12-01

HD 493.2 S1:1988
IEC 60297-2:1982
Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 2: Cabinets and pitches of rack structures
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60297-3-100:2009
dor : 1987-12-02 doa : 1988-06-01 dop : 1988-12-01 dow : 1988-12-01

HD 516 S2:1997
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Guide to use of low voltage harmonized cables
dor : 1997-07-01 doa : 1997-12-01 dop : 1998-06-01 dow : 1998-06-01

+ A1:2003
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2005-02-01

+ A2:2008
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2008-09-01 doa : 2009-03-01 dop : 2009-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

HD 523.3.201 S1:1993
IEC 60684-3-201:1991

Specification for flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specification requirements for individual types of sleeving -
Sheet 201: Heat shrinkable sleeving, general purpose, flexible, cross-linked PVC, shrink ratio 2:1
dor : 1993-03-09 doa : 1993-09-01 dop : 1994-03-01 dow : 1994-03-01

HD 525.2 S1:1989
IEC 60871-2:1987
Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1 kV - Part 2: Endurance testing
NOTE: The scope of HD 525.2 was increased from 660 V to 1 kV by amendment A1
dor : 1989-06-12 doa : 1989-12-01 dop : 1990-06-01 dow : 1990-06-01

+ A1:1991
dor : 1990-06-11 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1992-03-15 dow : 1992-03-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 527 S1:1989
IEC 60883:1987
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Measuring method for chrominance signal-to-random noise ratio for video tape recorders
dor : 1989-06-01 doa : 1989-12-01 dop : 1990-06-01 dow : 1990-06-01

HD 538.1 S1:1992

Three-phase dry-type distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 100 to 2500 kVA, with highest voltage for equipment
not exceeding 36 kV - Part 1: General requirements and requirements for transformers with highest voltage for
equipment not exceeding 24 kV
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

+ A1:1995
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

HD 538.2 S1:1995

Three-phase dry-type distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 100 to 2500 kVA, with highest voltage for equipment
not exceeding 36 kV - Part 2: Supplementary requirements for transformers with highest voltage for equipment equal
to 36 kV
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

HD 538.3 S1:1997

Three-phase dry-type distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 100 to 2500 kVA, with highest voltage for equipment
not exceeding 36 kV - Part 3: Determination of the power rating of a transformer loaded with non- sinusoidal current
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

HD 541 S1:1991
IEC 60829:1988 (Modified)

Methods of test for the determination of the ignitability of solid electrical insulating materials when exposed to
electrically heated wire sources
NOTE: Clause 6 is superseded by EN 60695-2-1:1996
dor : 1990-03-05 doa : 1990-09-01 dop : 1991-11-01 dow : 1991-11-01

HD 543.2 S1:1995
IEC 60834-2:1993 (Modified)
Performance and testing of teleprotection equipment of power systems - Part 2: Analogue comparison systems
dor : 1994-12-06 doa : 1995-06-01 dop : 1995-12-01 dow : 1995-12-01

HD 544 S1:1989
IEC 60841:1988
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Audio recording - PCM encoder/decoder system
dor : 1989-11-01 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 546.3 S1:1991
IEC 60870-3:1989
Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 3: Interfaces (electrical characteristics)
dor : 1991-02-01 doa : 1991-09-01 dop : 1992-03-01 dow : 1992-03-01

HD 546.4 S1:1992
IEC 60870-4:1990
Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 4: Performance requirements
dor : 1991-12-10 doa : 1992-06-01 dop : 1992-12-01 dow : 1992-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 549 S1:1989
IEC 60914:1988
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Conference systems - Electrical and audio requirements
dor : 1989-11-01 doa : 1990-03-01 dop : 1990-09-01 dow : 1990-09-01

HD 557 S1:1990
IEC 60946:1988
Binary direct voltage signals for process measurement and control systems
dor : 1990-06-11 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 560.1 S1:1990
IEC 60315-1:1988 (corrigendum Jul. 1997)
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Methods of measurement on radio receivers for various classes of emission - Part 1: General considerations and
methods of measurement, including audio-frequency measurements
dor : 1990-05-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 567.6 S1:1990
IEC 60107-6:1989
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100

Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 6: Measurements
under conditions different from broadcast signal standards
dor : 1990-05-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 568 S1:1990
IEC 60167:1964
Methods of test for the determination of the insulation resistance of solid insulating materials
dor : 1990-05-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 570 S1:1990
IEC 60370:1971
Test procedure for thermal endurance of insulating varnishes - Electric strength method
dor : 1990-06-11 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 573 S1:1990
IEC 60558:1982 + A1:1987
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Type C helical video tape recorders
dor : 1990-06-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

+ A1:1995
IEC 60558:1982/A2:1993
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
dor : 1995-05-15 doa : 1996-01-01 dop : 1996-07-01 dow : 1996-07-01

HD 574 S1:1990
IEC 60602:1980 + A1:1987
CLC/SR 100 IEC/TC 100
Type B helical video recorders
dor : 1990-06-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 576 S1:1990
IEC 60822:1988
IEC 60822 VSB - Parallel sub-system Bus of the IEC 60821 VMEbus
dor : 1990-06-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 577 S1:1990
IEC 60864-1:1986 + A1:1987
CLC/SR 103 IEC/TC 103

Standardization of interconnections between broadcasting transmitters or transmitter systems and supervisory
equipment - Part 1: Interface standards for systems using dedicated interconnections
dor : 1990-06-01 doa : 1990-12-15 dop : 1991-06-15 dow : 1991-06-15

HD 578 S1:1992
IEC 60273:1990
Characteristics of indoor and outdoor post insulators for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1 kV
dor : 1991-09-23 doa : 1992-04-01 dop : 1992-10-01 dow : 1992-10-01

HD 582 S1:1991
IEC 60963:1988
Specification for unused polybutenes
dor : 1991-02-01 doa : 1991-09-01 dop : 1992-03-01 dow : 1992-03-01

HD 586.3 S1:2001
Mineral insulated cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V - Part 3: Guide to use
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2003-01-01

HD 588.1 S1:1991
IEC 60060-1:1989 + corrigendum Mar. 1990 (corrigendum Mar. 1992)
High-voltage test techniques - Part 1: General definitions and test requirements
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60060-1:2010
dor : 1991-06-01 doa : 1992-01-01 dop : 1992-07-01 dow : 1992-07-01

HD 592 S1:1991
IEC 60559:1989
Binary floating-point arithmetic for microprocessor systems
dor : 1991-03-15 doa : 1991-09-01 dop : 1992-03-01 dow : 1992-03-01

HD 593.1 S1:1992
IEC 60796-1:1990

Microprocessor system BUS - 8-bit and 16-bit data (MULTIBUS I) - Part 1: Functional description with electrical
and timing specifications
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-12-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

HD 593.2 S1:1992
IEC 60796-2:1990

Microprocessor system BUS - 8-bit and 16-bit data (MULTIBUS I) - Part 2: Mechanichal and pin descriptions for
the system bus configuration, with edge connectors (direct)
dor : 1992-06-16 doa : 1992-12-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

HD 593.3 S1:1991 + corrigendum Sep. 1992
IEC 60796-3:1990

Microprocessor system BUS - 8-bit and 16-bit data (MULTIBUS I) - Part 3: Mechanical and pin descriptions for the
Eurocard configuration with pin and socket (indirect) connectors
NOTE: Corrigendum to English and French versions
dor : 1991-09-23 doa : 1992-04-01 dop : 1993-06-01 dow : 1993-06-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 597 S1:1992 + corrigendum Mar. 1992
IEC 60358:1990
CLC/SR 33 IEC/TC 33 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers
dor : 1991-12-10 doa : 1992-06-01 dop : 1992-12-01 dow : 1992-12-01

HD 599 S1:1992
IEC 60683:1980
Test methods for submerged arc furnaces
dor : 1991-12-10 doa : 1992-06-01 dop : 1992-12-01 dow : 1992-12-01

HD 603 S1:1994
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1 kV
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

+ A1:1997
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1996-10-01 doa : 1997-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

+ A2:2003
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-02-01 doa : 2003-08-01 dop : 2004-02-01 dow : 2006-02-01

+ A3:2007
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

HD 604 S1:1994
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
0,6/1 kV and 1,9/3,3 kV power cables with special fire performance for use in power stations
dor : 1993-12-08 doa : 1994-06-01 dop : 1994-12-01 dow : 1994-12-01

+ A1:1997
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A2:2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2002-07-01 doa : 2003-01-01 dop : 2003-07-01 dow : 2005-07-01

+ A3:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-06-01

HD 605 S2:2008 + corrigendum Feb. 2010
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Electric cables - Additional test methods
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-09-01 dop : 2009-03-01 dow : 2009-03-01

HD 618 S1:1992
IEC 61039:1990
General classification of insulating liquids
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-03-01 dop : 1993-09-01 dow : 1993-09-01

HD 620 S1:1996
Distribution cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV to 20,8/36 (42) kV
NOTE: Superseded by HD 620 S2:2010
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

+ A1:2001
dor : 2000-08-01 doa : 2001-02-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

+ A2:2003
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-09-01 dop : 2004-03-01 dow : 2006-03-01

+ A3:2007 + corrigendum Dec. 2007
dor : 2006-11-01 doa : 2007-05-01 dop : 2007-11-01 dow : 2009-11-01

HD 620 S2:2010

Distribution cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV up to and including 20,8/36 (42)
dor : 2009-12-01 doa : 2010-06-01 dop : 2010-12-01 dow : 2012-12-01

HD 621 S1:1996
Medium voltage impregnated paper insulated distribution cables
dor : 1996-03-05 doa : 1996-09-01 dop : 1997-03-01 dow : 1997-03-01

+ A1:2001
dor : 2000-12-01 doa : 2001-07-01 dop : 2002-01-01 dow : 2004-01-01

HD 622 S1:1996

Power cables having rated voltages from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV up to and including 20,8/36 (42) kV with special fire
performance for use in power stations
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A1:2000
dor : 2000-01-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2003-01-01

+ A2:2005
dor : 2005-05-01 doa : 2005-11-01 dop : 2006-05-01 dow : 2008-05-01

HD 626 S1:1996
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Overhead distribution cables of rated voltage Uo/U(Um): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-06-01 dop : 1996-12-01 dow : 1996-12-01

+ A1:1997
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1996-12-09 doa : 1997-06-01 dop : 1997-12-01 dow : 1997-12-01

+ A2:2002
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2001-06-01 doa : 2002-02-01 dop : 2002-08-01 dow : 2003-08-01

HD 627 S1:1996
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
Multicore and multipair cables for installation above and below ground
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : 1997-06-01 dow : 1997-06-01

+ A1:2000
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 1999-08-01 doa : 2000-02-01 dop : 2001-05-01 dow : 2001-08-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

+ A2:2005
CLC/TC 20 LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2005-06-01 doa : 2005-12-01 dop : 2006-06-01 dow : 2008-06-01

HD 629.1 S2:2006

Test requirements on accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from 3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV -
Part 1: Cables with extruded insulation
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-09-01

+ A1:2008
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-07-01

HD 629.2 S2:2006

Test requirements on accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from 3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV -
Part 2: Cables with impregnated paper insulation
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-09-01 dow : 2008-09-01

+ A1:2008
dor : 2008-07-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : 2009-07-01 dow : 2011-07-01

HD 631.1 S2:2007

Electric cables - Accessories - Material characterisation - Part 1: Fingerprinting and type tests for resinous
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

HD 631.2 S1:2007

Electric cables - Accessories - Material characterisation - Part 2: Fingerprinting and type tests for heat shrinkable
components for low voltage applications
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : 2008-03-01 dop : 2008-09-01 dow : 2010-09-01

HD 631.3 S1:2008

Electric cables - Accessories - Material characterisation - Part 3: Fingerprinting for heat shrinkable components for
medium voltage applications from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV up to 20,8/36 (42) kV
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-06-01

HD 631.4 S1:2008

Electrical cables - Accessories - Material characterisation - Part 4: Fingerprinting for cold shrinkable components for
low and medium voltage applications up to 20,8/36 (42) kV
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : 2008-12-01 dop : 2009-06-01 dow : 2011-06-01

HD 632 S1:1998 + corrigendum Nov. 1998

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 36 kV (Um = 42 kV) up to 150
kV (Um = 170 kV)
NOTE: Corrigendum to English and French versions * Superseded by HD 632 S2:2008
dor : 1998-01-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

+ A1:2002
dor : 2002-03-01 doa : 2002-09-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2005-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 632 S2:2008

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 36 kV (Um = 42 kV) up to 150
kV (Um = 170 kV)
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-04-01 dop : 2009-10-01 dow : 2011-10-01

HD 633 S1:1997

Tests on oil-filled (fluid filled), paper- or polypropylene paper laminate-insulated, metal-sheathed cables and
accessories for alternating voltages up to and including 400 kV (Um = 420 kV)
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

HD 634 S1:1997

Tests on internal gas-pressure cables and accessories for alternating voltages up to and including 275 kV (Um = 300
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

HD 635 S1:1997

Tests on external gas-pressure (gas compression) cables and accessories for alternating voltages up to and including
275 kV (Um = 300 kV)
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-03-01 dop : 1998-09-01 dow : 1998-09-01

HD 636 S1:1996
IEC 60282-2:1995
CLC/SR 32A IEC/SC 32A //
High-voltage fuses - Part 2: Expulsion fuses
dor : 1995-11-28 doa : 1996-03-01 dop : 1996-09-01 dow : 1996-09-01

HD 637 S1:1999 + corrigendum Jun. 2005
Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61936-1:2010 and EN 50522:2010
dor : 1999-01-01 doa : 1999-07-01 dop : 2000-01-01 dow : 2001-01-01

HD 638 S1:2001
Road traffic signal systems
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50556:2011
dor : 2000-04-01 doa : 2000-10-01 dop : 2001-08-01 dow : 2003-04-01

+ A1:2006
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50556:2011
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

HD 639 S1:2002 + corrigendum Jul. 2003
IEC 61540:1997 (Modified) + A1:1998 (Modified)
CLC/TC 23E IEC/SC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)

Electrical accessories - Portable residual current devices without integral overcurrent protection for household and
similar use (PRCDs)
dor : 2001-07-01 doa : 2001-12-31 dop : 2002-10-01 dow : 2005-06-01

+ A1:2003
CLC/TC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2003-03-01 doa : 2003-03-31 dop : 2003-10-01 dow : 2005-06-01

+ A2:2010
CLC/TC 23E LVD (2006/95/EC)
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 60269-2:2007
IEC 60269-2:2006 (Modified)
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage fuses - Part 2: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for
industrial application) - Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to J
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

HD 60269-2:2010
IEC 60269-2:2010 (Modified)
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage fuses - Part 2: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for
industrial application) - Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to J
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

HD 60269-3:2007
IEC 60269-3:2006 (Modified)
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage fuses - Part 3: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for
household or similar applications) - Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to F
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60269-3:2010
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2007-09-01 dop : 2008-03-01 dow : 2010-03-01

HD 60269-3:2010
IEC 60269-3:2010 (Modified)
CLC/SR 32B IEC/SC 32B LVD (2006/95/EC) //

Low-voltage fuses - Part 3: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for
household and similar applications) - Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to F
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

HD 60364-1:2008
IEC 60364-1:2005 (Modified) (corrigendum Aug. 2009)

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics,
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

HD 60364-4-41:2007 + corrigendum Jul. 2007
IEC 60364-4-41:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //
Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-41: Protection for safety - Protection against electric shock
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-02-01

HD 60364-4-42:2011
IEC 60364-4-42:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //
Low voltage electrical installations - Part 4-42: Protection for safety - Protection against thermal effects
dor : 2011-02-14 doa : 2011-08-14 dop : 2012-02-14 dow : 2014-02-14

HD 60364-4-43:2010
IEC 60364-4-43:2008 (Modified) + corrigendum Oct. 2008
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //
Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-43: Protection for safety - Protection against overcurrent
dor : 2010-03-01 doa : 2010-09-01 dop : 2011-03-01 dow : 2013-03-01

HD 60364-4-443:2006
IEC 60364-4-44:2001/A1:2003 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and
electromagnetic disturbances - Clause 443: Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due to switching
dor : 2005-07-01 doa : 2006-01-01 dop : 2007-02-01 dow : 2008-07-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 60364-4-444:2010 + corrigendum Jul. 2010
IEC 60364-4-44:2007 (CLAUSE 444) (Modified) (corrigendum May. 2010)

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-444: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and
electromagnetic disturbances
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : 2010-11-01 dop : 2011-05-01 dow : 2013-05-01

HD 60364-5-51:2006
IEC 60364-5-51:2001 (Modified)
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-51: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Common rules
NOTE: Basic Safety Publication
dor : 2005-09-01 doa : 2006-03-01 dop : 2006-11-01 dow : 2008-09-01

HD 60364-5-51:2009
IEC 60364-5-51:2005 (Modified)
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-51: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Common rules
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-04-01

HD 60364-5-52:2011
IEC 60364-5-52:2009 (Modified) + corrigendum Feb. 2011
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //
Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-52: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Wiring systems
dor : 2011-01-24 doa : 2011-04-24 dop : 2011-10-24 dow : 2014-01-24

HD 60364-5-54:2007
IEC 60364-5-54:2002 (Modified)

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing
arrangements, protective conductors and protective bonding conductors
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60364-5-54:2011
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-06-01

HD 60364-5-54:2011
IEC 60364-5-54:2011
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing
arrangements and protective conductors
dor : 2011-04-27 doa : 2011-10-27 dop : 2012-04-27 dow : 2014-04-27

HD 60364-5-56:2010
IEC 60364-5-56:2009 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //
Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-56: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Safety services
dor : 2009-11-01 doa : 2010-05-01 dop : 2010-11-01 dow : 2012-11-01

HD 60364-5-534:2008
IEC 60364-5-53:2001/A1:2002 (CLAUSE 534) (Modified)

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-53: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Isolation, switching
and control - Clause 534: Devices for protection against overvoltages
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-11-01 dop : 2009-05-01 dow : 2011-05-01

HD 60364-5-551:2010 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 60364-5-55:2001/A2:2008 (CLAUSE 551)

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-55: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Other equipment -
Clause 551: Low-voltage generating sets
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-04-01 dop : 2010-10-01 dow : 2012-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 60364-5-559:2005 + corrigendum Oct. 2007
IEC 60364-5-55:2001 (CLAUSE 559) (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-55: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Other equipment -
Clause 559: Luminaires and lighting installations
dor : 2005-04-12 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : 2006-04-01 dow : 2008-04-01

HD 60364-6:2007
IEC 60364-6:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //
Low voltage electrical installations - Part 6: Verification
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

HD 60364-7-701:2007
IEC 60364-7-701:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-701: Requirements for special installations or locations - Locations
containing a bath or shower
dor : 2006-09-01 doa : 2007-03-01 dop : 2007-09-01 dow : 2009-09-01

HD 60364-7-702:2010
IEC 60364-7-702:2010 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-702: Requirements for special installations or locations - Swimming
pools and fountains
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : 2011-03-01 dop : 2011-09-01 dow : 2013-09-01

HD 60364-7-703:2005
IEC 60364-7-703:2004
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-703: Requirements for special installations or locations - Rooms and
cabins containing sauna heaters
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : 2005-12-01 dow : 2008-03-01

HD 60364-7-704:2007 + corrigendum Apr. 2008
IEC 60364-7-704:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-704: Requirements for special installations or locations - Construction
and demolition site installations
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-02-01

HD 60364-7-705:2007 + corrigendum Apr. 2008
IEC 60364-7-705:2006 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-705: Requirements for special installations or locations - Agricultural
and horticultural premises
dor : 2006-10-01 doa : 2007-04-01 dop : 2007-10-01 dow : 2009-10-01

HD 60364-7-706:2007
IEC 60364-7-706:2005 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-706: Requirements for special installations or locations - Conducting
locations with restricted movement
dor : 2006-02-01 doa : 2006-08-01 dop : 2007-08-01 dow : 2009-02-01

HD 60364-7-708:2009
IEC 60364-7-708:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-708: Requirements for special installations or locations - Caravan parks,
camping parks and similar locations
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Harmonization Documents

HD 60364-7-709:2009 + corrigendum Mar. 2010
IEC 60364-7-709:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-709: Requirements for special installations or locations - Marinas and
similar locations
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-04-01

HD 60364-7-712:2005 + corrigendum Apr. 2006
IEC 60364-7-712:2002

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-712: Requirements for special installations or locations - Solar
photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

HD 60364-7-715:2005
IEC 60364-7-715:1999 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-715: Requirements for special installations or locations - Extra-low-
voltage lighting installations
dor : 2005-03-01 doa : 2005-09-01 dop : 2006-03-01 dow : 2008-03-01

HD 60364-7-717:2004
IEC 60364-7-717:2001 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-717: Requirements for special installations or locations - Mobile or
transportable units
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60364-7-717:2010
dor : 2004-06-01 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-06-01 dow : 2007-06-01

HD 60364-7-717:2010
IEC 60364-7-717:2009 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-717: Requirements for special installations or locations - Mobile or
transportable units
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : 2010-04-01 dop : 2010-10-01 dow : 2012-10-01

HD 60364-7-721:2009 + corrigendum Dec. 2010
IEC 60364-7-721:2007 (Modified)

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-721: Requirements for special installations or locations - Electrical
installations in caravans and motor caravans
NOTE: HD 384.7.754 S1:2005
dor : 2009-04-01 doa : 2009-10-01 dop : 2010-04-01 dow : 2012-04-01

HD 60364-7-729:2009
IEC 60364-7-729:2007 (Modified)
CLC/TC 64 IEC/TC 64 //

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-729: Requirements for special installations or locations - Operating or
maintenance gangways
dor : 2009-04-22 doa : 2009-11-01 dop : 2010-05-01 dow : 2012-05-01

HD 60364-7-740:2006
IEC 60364-7-740:2000 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-740: Requirements for special installations or locations - Temporary
electrical installations for structures, amusement devices and booths at fairgrounds, amusement parks and circuses
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : 2006-04-01 dop : 2007-03-01 dow : 2008-10-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Specifications

Part 3 : TS Technical Specifications

CLC/TS 45545-5:2009

Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles - Part 5: Fire safety requirements for electrical equipment
including that of trolley buses, track guided buses and magnetic levitation vehicles
dor : 2008-06-13 doa : 2009-04-30 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50131-2-7-1:2009
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-7-1: Intrusion detectors - Glass break detectors (acoustic)
dor : 2009-03-06 doa : 2009-09-06 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50131-2-7-2:2009
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-7-2: Intrusion detectors - Glass break detectors (passive)
dor : 2009-03-06 doa : 2009-09-06 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50131-2-7-3:2009
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-7-3: Intrusion detectors - Glass break detectors (active)
dor : 2009-03-06 doa : 2009-09-06 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50131-3:2003
Alarm systems - Intrusion systems - Part 3: Control and indicating equipment
NOTE: Superseded by EN 50131-3:2009
dor : 2003-05-19 doa : 2003-10-30 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50131-4:2006
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 4: Warning devices
dor : 2006-05-25 doa : 2007-02-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50131-7:2008
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 7: Application guidelines
dor : 2008-06-20 doa : 2009-02-12 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50131-7:2010
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 7: Application guidelines
dor : 2010-06-25 doa : 2011-01-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50134-7:2003
Alarm systems - Social alarm systems - Part 7: Application guidelines
dor : 2003-09-22 doa : 2004-03-23 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50136-4:2004

Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 4: Annunciation equipment used in alarm
receiving centres
dor : 2003-05-31 doa : 2004-04-08 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50136-7:2004
Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment - Part 7: Application guidelines
dor : 2003-05-31 doa : 2004-04-08 dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Specifications

CLC/TS 50206-3:2010

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantographs: Characteristics and tests - Part 3: Interface between pantograph
and rolling stock for rail vehicles
dor : 2010-09-27 doa : 2011-03-27 dop : 2010-09-27 dow : 2010-09-27

CLC/TS 50217:2005
CLC/TC 210
Guide for in situ measurements - In situ measurement of disturbance emission
dor : 2004-07-31 doa : 2005-11-11 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50238-2:2010 + AC:2011

Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems - Part 2: Compatibility with
track circuits
dor : 2010-07-07 doa : 2011-01-07 dop : - dow : -

+ AC:2011

Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems - Part 2: Compatibility with
track circuits
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50238-3:2010 + corrigendum Sep. 2010

Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems - Part 3: Compatibility with
axle counters
dor : 2010-07-07 doa : 2011-01-07 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50349:2004
CLC/TC 218
Qualification of electrical installation contractors
dor : 2004-04-24 doa : 2004-10-24 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50398:2009
Alarm systems - Combined and integrated alarm systems - General requirements
dor : 2008-11-14 doa : 2009-05-14 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50429:2005
Optical fibre cables - Sewer cables - Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers
dor : 2004-09-11 doa : 2005-03-11 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50430:2005
Optical fibre cables - Gas pipe cables - Family specification for cables to be installed in high pressure gas pipes
dor : 2004-09-11 doa : 2005-03-11 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50431:2005

Optical fibre cables - Drinking water pipe cables - Family specification for cables to be installed in drinking water
dor : 2004-09-11 doa : 2005-03-11 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50433:2005
Guidelines for paving the way for broadband "Broadband, 25 Mbit/s and more for All"
dor : 2004-09-11 doa : 2005-03-11 dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Specifications

CLC/TS 50457-1:2008
Conductive charging for electric vehicles - Part 1: D.C. charging station
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50457-2:2008

Conductive charging for electric vehicles - Part 2: Communication protocol between off-board charger and electric
dor : 2007-03-01 doa : 2008-07-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50458:2006
Capacitance graded outdoor bushing 52 kV up to 420 kV for oil immersed transformers
dor : 2005-10-15 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50459-1:2005

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management
System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 1: Ergonomic principles for the presentation of ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R
dor : 2005-05-07 doa : 2005-11-07 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50459-2:2005

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management
System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 2: Ergonomic arrangements of ERTMS/ETCS information
dor : 2005-05-07 doa : 2005-11-07 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50459-3:2005

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management
System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 3: Ergonomic arrangements of ERTMS/GSM-R information
dor : 2005-05-07 doa : 2005-11-07 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50459-4:2005

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management
System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 4: Data entry for the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R systems
dor : 2005-05-07 doa : 2005-11-07 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50459-5:2005

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management
System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 5: Symbols
dor : 2005-05-07 doa : 2005-11-07 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50459-6:2005

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management
System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 6: Audible information
dor : 2005-05-07 doa : 2005-11-07 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50466:2006
Long duration storage of electronic components - Specification for implementation
dor : 2005-12-03 doa : 2006-06-03 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50467:2008 + corrigendum May. 2008
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Electrical connectors, requirements and test methods
dor : 2008-02-15 doa : 2008-08-15 dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Specifications

CLC/TS 50502:2008

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Electric equipment in trolley buses - Safety requirements and connection
dor : 2008-05-09 doa : 2008-11-09 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50509:2007
Use of LED signal heads in road traffic signal systems
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : 2007-12-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50534:2010
Railway applications - Generic system architectures for onboard electric auxiliary power systems
dor : 2010-03-26 doa : 2010-09-26 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50535:2010
Railway applications - Onboard auxiliary power converter systems
dor : 2010-03-26 doa : 2010-09-26 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50537-1:2010

Railway applications - Mounted parts of the traction transformer and cooling system - Part 1: HV bushing for
traction transformers
dor : 2010-01-22 doa : 2010-07-22 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50537-2:2010

Railway applications - Mounted parts of the traction transformer and cooling system - Part 2: Pump for insulating
liquid for traction transformers and reactors
dor : 2010-01-22 doa : 2010-07-22 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50537-3:2010

Railway applications - Mounted parts of the traction transformer and cooling system - Part 3: Water pump for
traction converters
dor : 2010-01-22 doa : 2010-07-22 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50537-4:2010

Railway applications - Mounted parts of the traction transformer and cooling system - Part 4: Gas and liquid actuated
(Buchholz) relay for liquid immersed transformers and reactors with conservator for rail vehicles
dor : 2010-01-22 doa : 2010-07-22 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50539-12:2010

Low-voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective devices for specific application including d.c. - Part 12:
Selection and application principles - SPDs connected to photovoltaic installations
dor : 2009-10-30 doa : 2010-04-30 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 50539-22:2010

Low-voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective devices for specific application including d.c. - Part 22:
Selection and application principles - Wind turbine applications
dor : 2009-10-30 doa : 2010-04-30 dop : 2009-10-30 dow : 2009-10-30

CLC/TS 50544:2010
Low voltage d.c. surge protective device for traction systems - Selection and application rules for surge arresters
dor : 2009-12-25 doa : 2010-06-25 dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Specifications

CLC/TS 50562:2011

Railway applications - Fixed installations - Process, measures and demonstration of safety for electric traction
dor : 2011-05-24 doa : 2011-11-24 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 60034-17:2004
IEC/TS 60034-17:2002 + corrigendum Apr. 2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2002
Rotating electrical machines - Part 17: Cage induction motors when fed from converters - Application guide
dor : 2004-06-12 doa : 2004-12-12 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 60034-18-33:2011
IEC/TS 60034-18-33:2010

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-33: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-
wound windings - Multifactor evaluation by endurance under simultaneous thermal and electrical stresses
dor : 2011-02-21 doa : 2011-08-21 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 60034-18-34:2004
IEC/TS 60034-18-34:2000

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-34: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-
wound windings - Evaluation of thermomechanical endurance of insulation systems
dor : 2004-07-03 doa : 2005-01-03 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 60034-18-42:2011
IEC/TS 60034-18-42:2008

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-42: Qualification and acceptance tests for partial discharge resistant electrical
insulation systems (Type II) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters
dor : 2011-01-25 doa : 2011-07-25 dop : 2011-01-25 dow : 2011-01-25

CLC/TS 60034-20-1:2004
IEC/TS 60034-20-1:2002
Rotating electrical machines - Part 20-1: Control motors - Stepping motors
dor : 2004-07-03 doa : 2005-01-03 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 60034-24:2011
IEC/TS 60034-24:2009

Rotating electrical machines - Part 24: Online detection and diagnosis of potential failures at the active parts of
rotating electrical machines and of bearing currents - Application guide
dor : 2011-01-25 doa : 2011-07-25 dop : 2011-01-25 dow : 2011-01-25

CLC/TS 60034-25:2008
IEC/TS 60034-25:2007

Rotating electrical machines - Part 25: Guidance for the design and performance of a.c. motors specifically designed
for converter supply
dor : 2008-07-18 doa : 2009-01-18 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 60034-27:2011
IEC/TS 60034-27:2006

Rotating electrical machines - Part 27: Off-line partial discharge measurements on the stator winding insulation of
rotating electrical machines
dor : 2011-01-25 doa : 2011-07-25 dop : 2011-01-25 dow : 2011-01-25

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Specifications

CLC/TS 60034-31:2011
IEC/TS 60034-31:2010

Rotating electrical machines - Part 31: Selection of energy-efficient motors including variable speed applications -
Application guide
dor : 2011-02-21 doa : 2011-08-21 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 61482-1:2003
IEC 61482-1:2002

Live working - Flame-resistant materials for clothing for thermal protection of workers - Thermal hazards of an
electric arc - Part 1: Test methods
NOTE: Superseded by EN 61482-1-1:2009
dor : 2003-09-08 doa : 2004-03-12 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 61496-2:2006
IEC 61496-2:2006
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 //

Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for equipment using
active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs)
dor : 2006-06-01 doa : 2006-12-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 61496-3:2008
IEC 61496-3:2008
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 //

Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 3: Particular requirements for Active Opto-
electronic Protective Devices responsive to Diffuse Reflection (AOPDDR)
dor : 2008-03-01 doa : 2008-06-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 61643-12:2009
IEC 61643-12:2008 (Modified)

Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 12: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution
systems - Selection and application principles
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with EN 61643-11:2002
dor : 2009-10-30 doa : 2010-04-30 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 61643-22:2006
IEC 61643-22:2004 (Modified)

Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 22: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and
signalling networks - Selection and application principles
dor : 2005-09-10 doa : 2006-07-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 61836:2009
IEC/TS 61836:2007
Solar photovoltaic energy systems - Terms, definitions and symbols
dor : 2009-01-23 doa : 2009-07-23 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 61850-80-1:2010
IEC/TS 61850-80-1:2008

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 80-1: Guideline to exchanging information
from a CDC-based data model using IEC 60870-5-101 or IEC 60870-5-104
dor : 2009-12-11 doa : 2010-06-11 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 61949:2008
IEC/TS 61949:2007
CLC/SR 87 IEC/TC 87 //
Ultrasonics - Field characterization - In situ exposure estimation in finite-amplitude ultrasonic beams
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Specifications

CLC/TS 61970-2:2005
IEC/TS 61970-2:2004
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 2: Glossary
dor : 2004-11-20 doa : 2005-10-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 62046:2008
IEC/TS 62046:2008
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 //
Safety of machinery - Application of protective equipment to detect the presence of persons
dor : 2008-05-01 doa : 2008-08-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 62081:2002
IEC 62081:1999
Arc welding equipment - Installation and use
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60974-9:2010.
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : 2002-10-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 62271-304:2008
IEC/TS 62271-304:2008 (corrigendum Jan. 2010)

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 304: Design classes for indoor enclosed switchgear and controlgear
for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV to be used in severe climatic conditions
dor : 2008-10-01 doa : 2009-01-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 62367:2005
IEC/TS 62367:2004
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108

Safety aspects for xDSL signals on circuits connected to telecommunication networks (DSL: Digital Subscriber
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : 2005-06-01 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 62395-2:2010
IEC/TS 62395-2:2008

Electrical resistance trace heating systems for industrial and commercial applications - Part 2: Application guide for
system design, installation and maintenance
dor : 2010-10-25 doa : 2011-04-25 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TS 62441:2007
IEC/TS 62441:2006
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108
Accidentally caused candle flame ignition for audio/video, communication and information technology equipment
dor : 2007-04-27 doa : 2007-10-27 dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

Part 4 : TR Technical Reports

CLC/TR 50083-5-1:2009
CLC/TC 209

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 5-1: IP gateways and interfaces for
dor : 2009-03-13 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50083-10-1:2009
CLC/TC 209

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 10-1: Guidelines for the
implementation of return paths in cable networks
dor : 2008-12-05 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50090-9-2:2007
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 9-2: Installation requirements - Inspection and testing of
HBES installation
dor : 2007-04-27 doa : 2007-10-27 dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50126-2:2007

Railway applications - The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety
(RAMS) - Part 2: Guide to the application of EN 50126-1 for safety
dor : 2007-01-22 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50126-3:2008

Railway applications - The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety
(RAMS) - Part 3: Guide to the application of EN 50126-1 for rolling stock RAM
dor : 2008-05-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50173-99-1:2007
CLC/TC 215
Cabling guidelines in support of 10 GBASE-T
dor : 2007-11-02 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50173-99-2:2010
CLC/TC 215
Information technology - Implementation of BCT applications using cabling in accordance with EN 50173-4
dor : 2010-01-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50373:2004
Wind turbines - Electromagnetic compatibility
dor : 2004-03-16 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50378-2-1:2008

Passive components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-1: SC(SC2)-
PC connector-type fixed optical attenuators using IEC 60793-2 Category B1.1 singlemode fibre
dor : 2008-06-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50378-2-2:2008

Passive components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-2: SC(SC2)-
APC connector-type fixed optical attenuators using IEC 60793-2 Category B1.1 singlemode fibre
dor : 2008-01-10 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

CLC/TR 50403:2002
Standardization and the liberalization of the energy market
dor : 2002-09-24 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50404:2003 + corrigendum Jul. 2009 + corrigendum Apr. 2010
Electrostatics - Code of practice for the avoidance of hazards due to static electricity
dor : 2003-04-19 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50412-1:2007

Power line communication apparatus and systems used in low-voltage installations in the frequency range 1,6 MHz
to 30 MHz - Part 1: General
dor : 2006-12-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50417:2010

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Interpretations related to European Standards in the EN 60335
dor : 2009-12-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50422:2003 + corrigendum Jun. 2005
Guide for the application of the European Standard EN 50160
dor : 2003-11-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50426:2004
Assessment of inadvertent initiation of bridge wire electro-explosive devices by radio-frequency radiation - Guide
dor : 2004-08-28 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50427:2004
Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation - Guide
dor : 2004-08-28 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50436-3:2010
CLC/BTTF 116-2

Alcohol interlocks - Test methods and performance requirements - Part 3: Guidance for decision makers, purchasers
and users
dor : 2010-06-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50442:2005

Guidelines for product committees on the preparation of standards related to human exposure from electromagnetic
dor : 2004-09-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50448:2005
Guide to levels of competence required in laser safety
dor : 2005-01-08 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50450:2006
CLC/TC 215
Resistibility requirements for equipment having (a) telecommunication port(s)
dor : 2005-12-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50451:2007
Railway applications - Systematic allocation of safety integrity requirements
dor : 2006-02-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

CLC/TR 50452:2007

Railway applications - Radio remote control system of traction vehicle for freight traffic in multiple traction
dor : 2006-02-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50453:2007 + corrigendum Dec. 2007
Evaluation of electromagnetic fields around power transformers
dor : 2006-01-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50454:2008
Guide for the application of aluminium electrolytic capacitors
dor : 2008-02-08 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50455:2008
List of interpretations on the EN 60730 series "Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use"
dor : 2008-03-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50456:2008
Alarm systems - Guidelines to achieving compliance with EC directives for equipment of alarm systems
dor : 2007-07-27 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50459-7:2007

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management
System - Driver-Machine interface - Part 7: Specific Transmission Modules
dor : 2006-06-24 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50460:2005
CLC/TC 209

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - System guidelines for analogue optical
transmission systems
dor : 2005-05-21 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50462:2008
Rules for the determination of uncertainties in the measurement of the losses on power transformers and reactors
dor : 2008-03-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50469:2005
Lightning protection systems - Symbols
dor : 2005-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50473:2007

Recommendations for dimensional co-ordination between enclosures and built-in devices for rail fixing for
household and similar installations
dor : 2006-01-21 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50479:2007

Electrical installation guide - Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Wiring systems - Limitation of
temperature rise of connecting interfaces
dor : 2006-10-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

CLC/TR 50480:2011
Determination of cross-sectional area of conductors and selection of protective devices
dor : 2011-01-02 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50481:2009
CLC/TC 210
Recommendations on filters for shielded enclosures
dor : 2009-03-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50484:2009
CLC/TC 210
Recommendations for shielded enclosures
dor : 2009-03-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50485:2010
CLC/TC 210
Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission measurements in fully anechoic chambers
dor : 2009-12-17 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50488:2006
Railway applications - Safety measures for the personnel working on or near overhead contact lines
dor : 2006-11-24 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50489:2006

Smart tracker chips - Feasibility study on the inclusion of RFID in Electrical and Electronic Equipment for WEEE
dor : 2006-06-17 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50493:2007
National wordings of laser warning labels
dor : 2006-11-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50501-1:2007

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Intercommunication between vehicles and train/wayside - Part 1: Data
dictionary and rules for functional standardisation
dor : 2007-01-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50503:2010
CLC/BTTF 116-1

Guidelines for the inventory control, management, decontamination and/or disposal of electrical equipment and
insulating liquids containing PCBs
dor : 2009-12-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50506-1:2007

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Application Guide for EN 50129 - Part
1: Cross-acceptance
dor : 2007-01-16 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50506-2:2009

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Application Guide for EN 50129 - Part
2: Safety assurance
dor : 2009-07-17 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

CLC/TR 50507:2007
Railway applications - Interference limits of existing track circuits used on European railways
dor : 2007-01-16 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50510:2007
Fibre optic access to end-user - A guideline to building of FTTX fibre optic network
dor : 2007-07-06 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50511:2007

Railway applications - Communications, signalling and processing systems - ERTMS/ETCS - External signalling for
lines equipped with ERTMS/ETCS Level 2
dor : 2007-06-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50515:2008
List of interpretations on published standards on "Alarm Systems"
dor : 2008-07-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50531:2009
Alarm systems - Terms and definitions
dor : 2009-06-03 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50538:2010
CLC/TC 210
Guide to EMC Directive conformity of equipment designed for military purposes
dor : 2010-09-17 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50542:2010
Railway applications - Communication means between safety equipment and man-machine interfaces (MMI)
dor : 2009-12-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50552:2010
CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Open communication system - Interfaces - Medium interface,
twisted pair, class 1
dor : 2010-05-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 50555:2010 + AC:2011
Interruption indexes
dor : 2010-05-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ AC:2011
Interruption indexes
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 60034-16-2:2004
IEC/TR 60034-16-2:1991

Rotating electrical machines - Part 16-2: Excitation systems for synchronous machines - Models for power system
dor : 2004-06-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004
IEC/TR 60034-16-3:1996
Rotating electrical machines - Part 16-3: Excitation systems for synchronous machines - Dynamic performance
dor : 2004-07-03 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 60034-18-32:2004
IEC/TR 60034-18-32:1995

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-32: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-
wound windings - Electrical evaluation of insulation systems used in machines up to and including 50 MVA and 15
NOTE: Superseded by EN 60034-18-32:2010
dor : 2004-07-03 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 60034-18-33:2004
IEC/TR 60034-18-33:1995

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-33: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-
wound windings - Multifactor functional evaluation - Endurance under combined thermal and electrical stresses of
insulation systems used in machines up to and including 50 MVA and 15 kV
NOTE: Superseded by CLC/TS 60034-18-33:2011
dor : 2004-07-03 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 60269-5:2011
IEC/TR 60269-5:2010
Low-voltage fuses - Part 5: Guidance for the application of low-voltage fuses
dor : 2011-04-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 60778:2004
IEC/TR 60778:1984
Brush-holders for slip-rings group R - Type RA
dor : 2004-07-03 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 60890:2002
IEC/TR3 60890:1987 + A1:1995 + corrigendum Mar. 1988

A method of temperature-rise assessment by extrapolation for partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) of low-voltage
switchgear and controlgear
dor : 2002-07-02 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 60919-1:2005
IEC/TR 60919-1:2005

Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 1: Steady-state
dor : 2005-07-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 60919-2:2010
IEC/TR 60919-2:2008

Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 2: Faults and
dor : 2010-09-17 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

CLC/TR 61158-1:2004
IEC/TR 61158-1:2003

Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Part 1:
Overview and guidance for the IEC 61158 series
NOTE: Superseded by CLC/TR 61158-1:2008
dor : 2004-05-22 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 61158-1:2008
IEC/TR 61158-1:2007

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 1: Overview and guidance for the IEC 61158 and
IEC 61784 series
NOTE: Superseded by CLC/TR 61158-1:2010
dor : 2008-09-19 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 61158-1:2010
IEC/TR 61158-1:2010
CLC/TC 65X IEC/SC 65C //

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 1: Overview and guidance for the IEC 61158 and
IEC 61784 series
dor : 2010-09-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 61340-5-2:2008
IEC/TR 61340-5-2:2007 (corrigendum May. 2009)
CLC/SR 101 IEC/TC 101
Electrostatics - Part 5-2: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - User guide
dor : 2008-02-15 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 61491:2010
IEC/TR 61491:2010

Electrical equipment of industrial machines - Serial data link for real-time communication between controls and
dor : 2010-09-17 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 61800-6:2007
IEC/TR 61800-6:2003

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 6: Guide for determination of types of load duty and
corresponding current ratings
dor : 2006-09-02 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 61804-4:2007
IEC/TR 61804-4:2006
Function blocks (FB) for process control - Part 4: EDD interoperability guideline
dor : 2007-04-09 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62061-1:2010
IEC/TR 62061-1:2010
CLC/TC 44X IEC/TC 44 //

Guidance on the application of ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061 in the design of safety-related control systems for
dor : 2010-07-26 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62102:2005
IEC/TR 62102:2001
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108

Electrical safety - Classification of interfaces for equipment to be connected to information and communications
technology networks
dor : 2004-12-07 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

CLC/TR 62102:2006
IEC/TR 62102:2005
CLC/TC 108X IEC/TC 108

Electrical safety - Classification of interfaces for equipment to be connected to information and communications
technology networks
dor : 2005-10-08 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62125:2008
IEC/TR 62125:2007
Environmental statement specific to TC 20 - Electric cables
dor : 2008-01-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62258-3:2007
IEC/TR 62258-3:2005
Semiconductor die products - Part 3: Recommendations for good practice in handling, packing and storage
dor : 2006-12-12 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62258-4:2007
IEC/TR 62258-4:2007
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 4: Questionnaire for die users and suppliers
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62258-7:2007
IEC/TR 62258-7:2007
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 7: XML schema for data exchange
dor : 2007-09-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62258-8:2008
IEC/TR 62258-8:2008
CLC/SR 47 IEC/TC 47 //
Semiconductor die products - Part 8: EXPRESS model schema for data exchange
dor : 2008-06-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62271-208:2010
IEC/TR 62271-208:2009

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 208: Methods to quantify the steady state, power-frequency
electromagnetic fields generated by HV switchgear assemblies and HV/LV prefabricated substations
dor : 2010-03-05 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62271-303:2009
IEC/TR 62271-303:2008
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 303: Use and handling of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
dor : 2009-07-03 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62453-41:2009
IEC/TR 62453-41:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 41: Object model integration profile - Common object model
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62453-61:2009
IEC/TR 62453-61:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool interface (FDT) specification - Part 61: Device type manager (DTM) - Styleguide for common
object model
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

CLC/TR 62453-501:2009
IEC/TR 62453-501:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 501: Communication implementation for common object model
- IEC 61784 CPF 1
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62453-502:2009
IEC/TR 62453-502:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 502: Communication implementation for common object model
- IEC 61784 CPF 2
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62453-503-1:2009
IEC/TR 62453-503-1:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 503-1: Communication implementation for common object
model - IEC 61784 CP 3/1 and CP 3/2
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62453-503-2:2009
IEC/TR 62453-503-2:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 503-2: Communication implementation for common object
model - IEC 61784 CP 3/4, CP 3/5 and CP 3/6
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62453-506:2009
IEC/TR 62453-506:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 506: Communication implementation for common object model
- IEC 61784 CPF 6
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62453-509:2009
IEC/TR 62453-509:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 509: Communication implementation for common object model
- IEC 61784 CPF 9
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62453-515:2009
IEC/TR 62453-515:2009
CLC/SR 65E IEC/SC 65E //

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 515: Communication implementation for common object model
- IEC 61784 CPF 15
dor : 2009-10-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62541-1:2010
IEC/TR 62541-1:2010
OPC unified architecture - Part 1: Overview and concepts
dor : 2010-06-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TR 62541-2:2010
IEC/TR 62541-2:2010
OPC unified architecture - Part 2: Security model
dor : 2010-06-25 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Technical Reports

Part 5 : CWA CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement

CWA 45546-1:2004

Guidelines to standardisers of Collective Transport Systems - Needs of older people and persons with disabilities -
Part 1: Basic Guidelines
dor : 2004-01-28 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CWA 45547:2004
Manual for Determination of Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
dor : 2004-06-16 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CWA 50487:2005 + corrigendum Jan. 2006
CLC/TC 205
SmartHouse Code of Practice
dor : 2005-11-02 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CWA 50560:2010
Interoperability framework requirements specification for service to the home (IFRS)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2


Part 6a: CENELEC Guides

G 1 (2003)
Survey of AG Resolution
G 2 (2001)
Preparation of standards for safety in the design and construction of electrical equipment
G 3 (2001)
Interrelation between regulations and standards
Part 1: Reference to standards the main ways of application
Part 2: Harmonization of regulations and reference to standards
G 4 (2001)
Policy paper on national deviations to harmonization documents with particular reference to the Low Voltage -
Directive (73/23/EEC) of the European Community
G 5 (2001)
Publication of CENELEC results in the field of the Low Voltage Directive in the form of European standards
G 6 (2001)
The recommended marking of the rated voltages of electrical equipment
G 7 (2001)
Relationship with third countries
G 8 (2005)
Procedures for notifications on national work (Vilamoura Procedure)
G 9 (2001)
Formal way of withdrawal of A-deviations and special national conditions in a country
G 10 (2001)
Normative references to documents other than from CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, ISO or IEC
G 11 (2003)
Guidelines for the accession of affiliates to membership of CENELEC
G 12 (2001)
Procedure for the withdrawal of conflicting national standards at the implementation of European standards prepared
under a Part 1 /
Part 2X system
G 13 (2001)
IEC CENELEC Agreement on Common planning of new work and parallel voting
G 14 (2005)
The concept of co-operation agreements
G 15 (2001)
The European Specification =ES=
G 16 (2005)
Implementation of New Approach directives and the Low Voltage directive with respect to the EC declaration of
G 17 (2001)
Procedure for the certification of products not fully covered by safety standards because of technical progress for use
within the CENELEC Certification Agreement (CCA)
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2


G 18 (2001)
Listing of CENELEC standards under the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) and/or the Machinery Directive (MD) -
Guidance document to CENELEC technical bodies
G 19 (2001)
Implementation dates o fratified standards
G 20 (2001)
CEN & CENELEC Standardization policy in the area covered by Article 118A of the EC Treaty
G 21 (2001)
Guidelines for the distribution of European standards (EN) in electronic format
G 22 (2001)
The Establishment of Technical Specifications
G 23 (2002)
CENELEC framework for the conformity assessment in the electrotechnical area
G 24 (2005)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Standardization for Product Committees
G 25 (2005)
Guide on the use of standards for the implementation of the EMC Directive
G 26 (2002)
Coordinated approach for the Handling of Proposals for the Interpretation of CENELEC Standards.
G 27 (2005)
Affiliation with CENELEC

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2


Part 6b: CEN/CENELEC Guides

G 1 (2001)
Status of the European Standard
G 2 (2001)
Consumer Interests and the Preparation of Standards
G 3 (2001)
CEN and CENELEC Cooperation Agreement
G 4 (2003)
General Guidelines
G 5 (2001)
Trade Unions and the Preparation of European Standards
G 6 (2002)
Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities
G 7 (2001)
Participation of a National Standards Institution in the Activities Planned by Another Standards Institution
G 8 (2001)
Standardization and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
G 9 (2001)
Guidelines for the Inclusion of Safety Aspects in Standards
G 10 (2001)
Guidelines for the distribution and sales of CEN/CENELEC publications

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

European specifications

Part 7 : ENV European Prestandards

ENV 50230:1997
Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - Control and monitoring systems: General requirements
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : - dow : -

ENV 50234:1997
Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - Flashing lights: Equipment specifications and tests
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : - dow : -

ENV 50235:1997
Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - Signs: Equipment specifications and tests
dor : 1996-07-02 doa : 1996-12-01 dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

Part 8 : CECC Specifications

CECC 00 016:1990
Basic Specification: Basic requirements for the use of statistical process control (SPC) in the CECC system
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 00 108:1994 + corrigendum Mar. 1998

RP8: Attestation of Conformity - Part 1: The CECC Mark and conditions of use - Part 2: Certificates of approval 00
104 (1982) - Part 3: Procedures for the attestation of conformity
NOTE: Part 1 superseded by CLC/Memorandum 19:1996
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 00 111-0:1993
RP 11: Part 0: An introduction to the types of specifications applicable within the CECC System
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 00 113:1993
RP 13: National Declaration of Implementation (DNM)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 205-801:1994
T0-5 size relays - 2 change-over contacts/1 A
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 205-802:1997

Detail Specification: All-or-nothing relays for severe static environmental conditions - 1/2 Size Crystal Can,
monostable, 2 change-over (DPDT), 2 A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 207-801:1997

Detail Specification: All-or-nothing relays for severe airborne environmental conditions - Monostable non polarized,
2 change-over contacts (2PDT), 1A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 207-802:1997

Detail specification: All-or-nothing relays for severe airborne environmental conditions monostable non-polarized, 2
change-over contacts (2PDT), 1A, sensitive
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 207-803:1997

Detail Specification: All-or-nothing relays for severe airborne environmental conditions 1/2 size crystal can,
monostable non polarized, 2 change-over contacts (2PDT), 2A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 207-804:1999

Detail Specification: All-or-nothing relays for severe airborne environmental conditions - 1/10 size crystal can,
monostable polarized, 2 change-over contacts (2PDT), 0,5 A
dor : 1998-09-22 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 16 207-805:1999

Detail Specification: All-or-nothing relays for severe airborne environmental conditions - TO 5, monostable non-
polarized, 2 change-over contacts (2PDT), 1 A
dor : 1998-09-22 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-801:1999

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 1/2 cubic inch, monostable, 2 change-over
(DPDT), 10 A
dor : 1999-04-29 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-802:1999

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 1 cubic inch, monostable, 4 change-over
(4PDT), 10 A
dor : 1999-04-29 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-803:1997

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 2/10 cubic inch, monostable, 2 change-
over (DPDT), 5 A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1998
dor : 1997-09-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-804:1997

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 4/10 cubic inch, monostable, 4 change-
over (4PDT), 5 A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1998
dor : 1997-09-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-805:1997

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 1 cubic inch, monostable, 3 change-over
(3PDT), 25 A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1998
dor : 1997-09-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-806:1997

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 1,5 cubic inch, monostable, 6 change-over
(6PDT), 10 A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1998
dor : 1997-09-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-807:1997

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 4/10 cubic inch, monostable, 3 change-
over (3PDT), 10 A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

+ A1:1998
dor : 1997-09-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-808:1997

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 2/10 cubic inch, monostable, 1 change-
over (1PDT), 10 A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1998
dor : 1997-09-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-809:1997

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 1/2 cubic inch, monostable, 1 change-over
(1PDT), 25 A
dor : 1996-10-14 doa : - dop : - dow : -

+ A1:1998
dor : 1997-09-18 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 16 303-810:1999

Detail Specification: Electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays - 1/2 cubic inch, bistable (magnetic
latching), 2 change-over (DPDT), 10 A
dor : 1998-08-22 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 000:1992
Generic Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors (Parts 1, 2 and 3)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111:1982
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-801:1984

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Straight plug for semi-rigid cable, without contact, without
insulation (with A1 & A2 and erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-802:1984
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Straight plug for semi-rigid cable (with A1 & A2 and erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-803:1984
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Right angle plug for semi-rigid cable (with A1 and erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-804:1984
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Straight socket for semi-rigid cable (with A1 and erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 111-805:1984

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Fixed socket for semi-rigid cable, square flange (with A1 and
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-806:1984

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Fixed straight socket for semi-rigid cable, narrow flange (with
A1 and erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-807:1984
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Fixed socket, square flange (with erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-808:1984
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Fixed socket, narrow flange (with erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-809:1984
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Straight plug for flexible cable (with erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-810:1984
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Right angle plug for flexible cable (with erratum)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-811:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Straight socket, printed circuit board mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-812:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Right angle socket, printed circuit board mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-813:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Bulkhead socket, rear mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-814:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Bulkhead socket, front mounting, panel seal
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-815:1987

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Straight plug for semi-rigid cable, without contact, without
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-816:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Straight plug for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 111-817:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Right angle plug for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-818:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Straight socket for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-819:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Fixed socket for semi-rigid cable, square flange
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 111-820:1987

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMA - Fixed socket for semi-rigid cable, single hole mounting, rear
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121:1979
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-801:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Plug, clamp outer conductor
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-802:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - plug, crimp outer conductor
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-803:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Right angle plug, clamp outer conductor
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-804:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Socket, 4-hole fixing, cable outlet, clamp outer conductor
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-805:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Free socket, clamped outer conductor
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-806:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Socket, single hole fixing, cable outlet, clamp outer conductors
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-807:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Socket, 4-hole mounting, solder bucket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 121-808:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Socket, single hole fixing, front mounting, solder bucket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-809:1985

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Socket, single hole fixing, front mounting, solder bucket, panel
and barrier sealed
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-810:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Socket, hermetically sealed, single hole fixing, front mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-811:1985

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Right angle socket, single hole fixing, solder bucket, panel and
barrier sealed
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-812:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Right angle adaptor, plug to socket (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-813:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Adaptor, socket to socket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-814:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Adaptor, plug to plug
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-815:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - Fixed adaptor, 4-hole mounting, plug to plug
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 121-816:1985
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series BNC - T-adaptor, plug to plug to socket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131:1984
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-801:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Straight plug, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-802:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Fixed socket, single hole, front mounting, solder bucket, male
centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 131-803:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Printed wiring board socket, male centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-804:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Printed wiring board, right angle socket, male centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-805:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Right angle plug, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-806:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Fixed right angle socket, single hole mounting, solder bucket,
male centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-807:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Straight plug, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-808:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Socket, single hole rear mounting (or free, less nut and washer),
cable outlet, male centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-809:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Right angle plug, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-810:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Socket, single hole rear mounting (or free, less nut and washer)
cable outlet, male centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 131-811:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMB - Fixed socket, single hole rear mounting, solder bucket, male
centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141:1984
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-801:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Straight plug, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 141-802:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Fixed socket, single hole front mounting, solder bucket, male
centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-803:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Printed wiring board socket, male centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-804:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Printed wiring board, right angle socket, male centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-805:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Right angle plug, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-806:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Fixed right angle socket, single hole mounting, solder bucket,
male centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-807:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Straight plug, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-808:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Socket, single hole rear mounting (or free, less nut and washer),
cable outlet, male centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-809:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Right angle plug, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-810:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Socket, single hole rear mounting (or free, less nut and washer),
cable outlet, male centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 141-811:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SMC - Fixed socket, single hole rear mounting, solder bucket, male
centre contact (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 151:1986
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series EIA flange
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 161:1984
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-801:1987

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Straight plug for semi-rigid cable, without contact, without
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-802:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Straight plug for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-803:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Straight plug for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-804:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Right angle plug for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-805:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Straight socket for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-806:1987

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Straight socket, rear mounting, panel seal, female centre contact
for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-807:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Straight socket for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-808:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Fixed socket, 4-hole front mounting, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-809:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Fixed socket, single hole, rear mounting, female centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-810:1987

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Fixed socket, single hole, rear mounting, panel seal, female
centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-811:1987

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Straight socket, printed circuit board mounting, female centre
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 161-812:1987

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Right angle socket, printed circuit board mounting, female
centre contact
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-813:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Adaptor straight, two male centre contacts
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-814:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Adaptor straight, two female centre contacts
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 161-815:1987
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMA - Adaptor right angle, one female, one male centre contacts
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 171:1984
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMB
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 181:1984
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series SSMC
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 191:1984
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 7-16 (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201:1985
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-801:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Straight plug for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-802:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Straight plug for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-803:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Right angle plug for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-804:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Right angle plug for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 201-805:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Straight socket for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-806:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Fixed socket, single hole, rear mounting, panel seal for flexible
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-807:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Fixed socket, single hole, front mounting, solder bucket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-808:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Fixed socket, 4-hole mounting, solder bucket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-809:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Adaptor, socket/socket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-810:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Adaptor, plug/plug
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-811:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Fixed adaptor, socket/socket, single hole mounting, panel sealed
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 201-812:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series TNC - Fixed socket, single hole, front mounting, solder bucket - Panel
and barrier sealed
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 210:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211:1986
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-801:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Plug
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-802:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Plug, crimp type
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 211-803:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Right-angle plug
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-804:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Right-angle plug, crimp type (solder centre contact)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-805:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Free socket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-806:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Free socket, crimp type
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-807:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Socket, single hole front mounting, solder bucket, panel and barrier
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-808:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Socket, 4-hole fixing, solder bucket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-809:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Socket, 4-hole fixing, crimp type
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-810:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Fixed plug, 4-hole fixing, solder bucket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-811:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Socket, single hole rear mounting, cable outlet
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-812:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Plug for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-813:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Socket for semi-rigid cable, single-hole rear mounting, panel and
barrier sealed
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-814:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Socket for semi-rigid cable, 4-hole fixing
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 211-815:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Adaptor, socket/socket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-816:1988
Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Adaptor, plug/plug
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-817:1988

Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Adaptor, socket/socket, single hole mounting, panel and barrier
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-818:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Right-angle plug, crimp type (double centre contact)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-819:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Socket, 4-hole fixing, cable outlet
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 211-820:1988
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series N - Socket, single hole rear mounting, cable outlet
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 220:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221:1985
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-801:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Straight plug for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-802:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Right angle plug for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-803:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Fixed socket for semi-rigid cable, single hole mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-804:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Bulkhead socket, single hole mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 221-805:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Right angle bulkhead socket, single hole mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-806:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Straight socket, printed circuit board mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-807:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Right angle printed circuit board socket
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-808:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Straight socket for semi-rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-809:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Socket, hermetic, for direct soldering to circuit frame (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-810:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Straight plug for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-811:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Straight socket for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-812:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Fixed socket, single hole mounting for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-813:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Right angle plug for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 221-814:1986
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series MCX - Right angle plug for flexible cable, low profile
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 230:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231:1989
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 231-801:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight plug for semi rigid cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-802:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight plug for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-803:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Plug, right angle, for flexible cable
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-804:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket, single hole, rear mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-805:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket, single hole, rear mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-806:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Plug, angle 45, single hole, rear mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-807:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket, single hole, front mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-808:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed plug, single hole, rear mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-809:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Socket, right angle, printed board mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 231-810:1991
Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,0/2,3 - Socket, straight, end launch, stripline component mounting
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 240:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,6/5,6
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 241:1989
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,6/5,6
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 22 250:1993
Sectional Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,4/4,4
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 22 251:1989
Blank Detail Specification: Radio frequency coaxial connectors - Series 1,4/4,4
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 23 100-801:1998
Capability Detail Specification: Single and double-sided printed boards with plain holes
dor : 1997-08-06 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 23 200-801:1998
Capability Detail Specification: Single and double-sided printed boards with plated-through holes
dor : 1997-08-06 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 23 300-801:1998
Capability Detail Specification: Multi-layer printed boards
dor : 1997-08-06 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 23 600-801:1998
Capability Detail Specification: Flex-rigid multilayer printed boards with through connections
dor : 1997-08-06 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 23 700-801:1998
Capability Detail Specification: Flex-rigid double-sided printed boards with through connections
dor : 1997-08-06 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 23 800-801:1998
Capability Detail Specification: Flexible multilayer printed boards with through connections
dor : 1997-08-06 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 25 300:1980
Sectional Specification: Magnetic oxide cores for power applications (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 101-801:1990
Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode (sub-family 3)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 201-801:1993
Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode (sub-family 3)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 201-802:1989
Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode (sub-family 3)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 30 201-803:1989
Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode (sub-family 3)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 202-801:1992
Fixed tantalum capacitors with non-solid electrolyte, porous anode (sub-family 2)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-801:1994
Detail Specification: Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-802:1994
Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-803:1994
Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-804:1994
Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-805:1992
Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-806:1994

Detail Specification: Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte Assessment level E - Rated
capacitance range: 47 to 47 000 F
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-807:1993
Fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
dor : 1992-02-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-808:1993

Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte - Polar, cylindrical, metallic case, insulating sleeve,
rigid terminations - Style A: Solder pins for use in printed boards - Style BA: Solder tags - Clamp mounting - Style
BB: Solder tags, stud mounting - Assessment level E - Rated capacitance range: 68 to 150 000 F
dor : 1992-02-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-809:1993
Fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
dor : 1992-02-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 30 301-810:1996

Detail Specification: Fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte - Polar, cylindrical, metallic
case, screw terminations - Style BC: Clamp mounting, insulating sleeve - Style BD: Stud mounting, insulating sleeve
optional - Assessment level E - Rated capacitance range: 100 to 680 000 F
dor : 1995-05-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 301-811:1996

Detail Specification: Fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte - Polar, cylindrical, metallic
case, insulating sleeve, unidirectional rigid terminations (pins) for use in printed circuits - Assessment level E - Rated
capacitance range: 47 to 68 000 F
dor : 1995-05-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 401:1985

Blank Detail Specification: Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric d.c. capacitors (with A1 &
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 401-801:1992
Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric capacitors for direct current
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 601:1989
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 1 (with A2)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 601-801:1995
Detail Specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric - Class 1B (NP0)
dor : 1995-05-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 701:1989
Blank Detail Specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric - Class 2 (with A2)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 701-801:1995
Detail Specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric - Class 2C1
dor : 1995-05-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 701-802:1995
Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric - Class 2F4
dor : 1995-05-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 801-801:1994
Fixed tantalum surface mounting capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 801-802:2005 + corrigendum Jun. 2005

Detail specification: Fixed tantalum surface mount capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode: Extended
dor : 2003-05-13 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 30 801-803:1994
Fixed tantalum surface mounting capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode - Fused
dor : 1992-07-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 801-804:1994
Fixed tantalum surface mounting capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode - Low profile range
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 30 801-805:1995
Fixed tantalum surface mounting capacitors with solid electrolyte, porous anode - Low ESR range
dor : 1995-05-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 32 101-801:1988
Detail Specification: Fixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitors
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 32 101-804:2001

Detail specification: Fixed multilayer ceramic surface mounting capacitors, class 1, sub-class 1B, type CG, climatic
category 55/125/56, assessment level EZ, with failure rate levels
dor : 2000-07-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 32 101-805:2001

Detail specification: Fixed multilayer ceramic surface mounting capacitors, class 2, sub-classes 2C1 and 2R1,
climatic category 55/125/56, assessment level EZ, with failure rate levels
dor : 2000-07-04 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 32 201-801:1989

Detail Specification: Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric surface mounting capacitors for
direct current (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 40 101-801:1979
Fixed low power non-wirewound resistors - Stability 5% stability (with A1 & A2)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 40 101-802:1979
Fixed low power non-wirewound resistors - Stability 2% (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 40 101-803:1979
Fixed low power non-wirewound resistors - Stability 1% (with A1 & A2)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 40 101-804:1979
Fixed low power non-wirewound resistors - Stability 0,5% (with A1 to A3)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 40 201-801:1998
Fixed power resistors - Wirewound vitreous enamel - Stability class 5
dor : 1998-02-08 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 40 300:1981
Sectional Specification: Fixed precision resistors
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 41 000:1976
Generic specification: Potentiometers (with A1 to A5)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 41 100:1978
Sectional Specification: Lead screw actuated and rotary preset potentiometers (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 41 200:1978
Sectional Specification: Power potentiometers
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 41 300:1979
Sectional Specification: Low power single turn rotary potentiometers
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 41 400:1979
Sectional Specification: Rotary precision potentiometers (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 41 401:1979
Blank Detail Specification: Rotary precision potentiometers (Assessment level S)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 42 000:1978
Generic Specification: Varistors (with A1, A2 & A3)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 42 100:1978
Sectional Specification: Low-voltage varistors primarily for telephony applications (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 42 101:1978
Blank Detail Specification: Low-voltage varistors primarily for telephony applications (Assessment level P)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 42 101-801:1982

Low-voltage varistors primarily for telephony applications - Disc type, with unidirectional wire terminations,
protected, 0,4 W (Assessment level P)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 42 101-802:1982

Low-voltage varistors primarily for telephony applications - Disc type, with unidirectional wire terminations,
protected, 1,0 W (Assessment level P)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 42 101-803:1982

Low-voltage varistors primarily for telephony applications - Disc type, wire terminations, protected, 0,1 W
(Assessment level P)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 42 200:1986
Sectional Specification: Surge suppression varistors
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 42 201:1986
Blank Detail Specification: Surge suppression varistors
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 42 201-802:1991
Surge suppression varistors
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 45 000:1975
Generic Specification: Space-charge controlled tubes
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 45 002:1975
Blank Detail Specification: Industrial heated triodes
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 45 003:1975
Blank Detail Specification: Small power transmitting tubes of anode dissipation up to 1 kW
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 45 004:1977
Blank Detail Specification: Disc seal power tubes
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 46 000:1976
Generic Specification: Cold cathode indicator tubes
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 46 001:1976
Blank Detail Specification: Cold cathode indicator tubes
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 50 000:1986
Generic Specification: Discrete semiconductor devices (with A1 to A3)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 50 002:1980
Blank Detail Specification: Case-rated bipolar transistors for low and high frequency amplification
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 50 005:1980
Blank Detail Specification: Voltage regulator diodes and voltage reference diodes
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 75 101-801:1993
Two-part connectors for printed boards for basic grid of 2,54 mm with common mounting features
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 75 101-803:1994

Detail Specification: Two-part connectors for printed boards having a basic grid of 2,54 mm with common square
male contacts of 0,63 mm x 0,63 mm
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 75 101-804:1994

Two-part connectors for printed boards for basic grid of 2,54 mm with free connectors for non-accessible insulation
displacement termination (with assessed quality)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 75 101-807:1994
Modular two-part connectors for printed boards and backplanes, grid of 2,5 mm - According to IEC 60917
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 75 101-808:1993
Two-part connector modules with a basic grid of 2 mm, for printed boards and backplanes
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 75 101-810:1994

Two-part modular connectors for printed boards and back planes - Basic grid 2 mm with terminations on a multiple
grid of 0,5 mm
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 75 301:1990

Interim example Detail Specification/Blank Detail Specification: Rectangular connectors for frequencies below 3
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 75 301-802:1994

Detail Specification: Rectangular connectors for frequencies below 3MHz, trapezoidal shaped shells and round
contacts, diameter 1 mm with crimp, solder and press-in terminations for printed boards
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 78 005-802:1999
Detail Specification: Termini set of assessed quality for optical fibres and cables - Type LSD-HRL
dor : 1996-10-31 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 80 101-801:1994
Detail Specification: Fibre optic attenuators - Type: Fixed bidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type B1.2
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 80 101-802:1994
Detail Specification: Fibre optic attenuators - Type: Fixed, bidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type B1.2
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 81 101-801:1994

Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Non wavelength selective transmissive star, 1 X 2 ports
unidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type B1.2
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 81 101-803:1994

Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Non wavelength selective transmissive star, 1 X 4 ports
bidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type B1.2
dor : 1994-04-15 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 81 101-804:1994

Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Non wavelength selective transmissive star, 1 X 8 ports,
bidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type A1.a
dor : 1994-04-15 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 81 101-805:1994

Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Non wavelength selective transmissive star, 1 X 8 ports
bidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type B 1.2
dor : 1994-04-15 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 81 101-806:1994

Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Non wavelength selective transmissive star, 1 X 2 ports
bidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type B1.2
dor : 1994-04-15 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 81 102-801:1994

Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Wavelength selective multiplexer/demultiplexer, 1 X 2
ports bidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type B1.2
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 81 102-802:1994

Detail Specification: Fibre optic branching devices - Type: Wavelength selective multiplexer/demultiplexer, 1 X 2
ports bidirectional - Style: Configuration A, fibre type A1a/b/c
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 86 135-802:1993
Connector sets for optical fibres and cables - Type LSA-HRL (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 86 275-802:1999
Detail Specification: Connector sets of assessed quality for optical fibres and cables - Type LSH-HRL universal
dor : 1998-10-15 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 104:1990
Family Specification: C. MOS digital integrated circuits - Series 4000 B and 4000 UB (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 90 105:1986

Blank Detail Specification: Fusible link programmable bipolar read only memories, silicon monolithic integrated
circuits (with A1 & A2)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 114:1994
Blank Detail Specification: Programmable logic arrays (PLA) (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 115:1993
Blank Detail Specification: Digital gate array integrated circuits
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 200:1987
Sectional Specification: Analogue monolithic integrated circuits (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 201:1988
Blank Detail Specification: Integrated voltage regulators (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 202:1989
Blank Detail Specification: Integrated operational amplifiers (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 203:1985
Blank Detail Specification: Integrated analogue switching circuits
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 300:1994
Sectional Specification: Interface monolithic integrated circuits (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 90 302:1985
Blank Detail Specification: Integrated voltage comparators (with A1)
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 96 100:1988

Sectional Specification: Rotary switches - including BDS CECC 96 101: Assessment level D, and BDS CECC 96
102: Assessment level R
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 96 101-801:1992

Manually operated rotary wafer switches - Spindle and panel sealed or non-sealed centre bush mounting - Solder
plug or printed circuit terminations
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 96 200:1988

Sectional Specification: Lever switches - including BDS CECC 96 201: Assessment level D, and BDS CECC 96
202: Assessment level R 96 202: Lever switches
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 96 300:1988

Sectional Specification: Sensitive switches - including BDS CECC 96 301: Assessment level D, and BDS CECC 96
302: Assessment level R
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 96 400:1988

Sectional Specification: Push-button switches - including BDS CECC 96 401: Assessment level D, and BDS CECC
96 402: Assessment level R
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 96 501:1992
Blank Detail Specification: Membrane switches
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 96 600:1994
Sectional Specification: Slide switches
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 200 008:1995
Process Assessment Schedule: GaAs MMIC process approval
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 200 012:1995
Process Assessment Schedule: Printed board designed facilities
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 200 016:1996
Process Assessment Schedule: Base material for printed boards
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 200 017:1995
Process Assessment Schedule: Aluminium etching and oxidation
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 200 018:1996
Process Assessment Schedule: Process for chemical products
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 200 021:1996
Process Assessment Schedule: Mass lamination panels
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 200 025:1998
Process Assessment Schedule: Printed board assembly facilities
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 210 003:1996
Technology Approval Schedule: Printed boards
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CECC specifications

CECC 210 010:1995
Technology Approval Schedule: Fixed capacitors with ceramic dielectric
NOTE: Has been renumbered CECC 230 001
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 210 011:1995
Technology Approval Schedule: Electrolytic capacitors
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 240 001:1996
Technology Approval Schedule: Fixed low power film resistors (leaded/unleaded)
NOTE: Identical with CECC 210 013 (2nd edition) - Published in German only
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 265 001:1998
Technology Approval Schedule: Film and hybrid integrated circuits
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 290 001:1997
Technology Approval Schedule: Manufacture of microelectronic integrated circuits and ASICs
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CECC 299 001:1999
Technology Approval Schedule: Manufacture of electrical connectors
dor : - doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2


Part 9 : Reports

IEC 60364-4-444:1996 (Modified)

Electrical installations of buildings - Protection against electromagnetic interferences (EMI) in installations of
NOTE: Superseded by HD 60364-4-444:2010
dor : 1998-04-01 doa : - dop : - dow : -


CENELEC/ETSI standardization programme for the development of harmonized standards related to
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the field of telecommunications
NOTE: CENELEC/ETSI Technical Report
dor : 1995-09-20 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Technical Report 5: Application requirements and market demands
for infra-red in the context of HBES
dor : 1995-11-30 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CLC/TC 205

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Technical Report 10: Interfaces - Medium interface, Twisted Pair,
Class 1
NOTE: Superseded by CLC/TR 50552:2010
dor : 1995-11-30 doa : - dop : - dow : -

R206-001:1998 + corrigendum Feb. 2000
CLC/TC 206
Guidelines for implementation and use of the common interface for DVB decoder applications
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : - dop : - dow : -

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CEN/CENELEC European standards

Part 10 : CEN/CENELEC European Standards

EN 980:2009_8
Symbols for use in the labelling of medical devices
dor : 2008-04-18 doa : 2008-08-31 dop : 2008-11-30 dow : 2010-05-31

EN ISO 14971:2009
ISO 14971:2007
CEN/CLC/TC 3 IEC/SC 62A AIMD (90/385/EEC) MDD (93/42/EEC)
Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices
dor : 2009-06-13 doa : 2009-10-31 dop : 2010-01-31 dow : 2010-03-21

EN ISO 15225:2010
ISO 15225:2010
Medical devices - Quality management - Medical device nomenclature data structure
dor : 2010-02-27 doa : 2010-08-31 dop : 2010-11-30 dow : 2010-11-30

EN 15900:2010
Energy efficiency services - Definitions and requirements
dor : 2010-04-29 doa : 2010-08-31 dop : 2010-11-30 dow : 2010-11-30

EN 15986:2011
CEN/CLC/TC 3 MDD (93/42/EEC)

Symbol for use in the labelling of medical devices - Requirements for labelling of medical devices containing
dor : 2011-01-22 doa : 2011-06-30 dop : 2011-09-30 dow : 2011-09-30

EN 16001:2009
Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
dor : 2009-06-06 doa : 2009-10-31 dop : 2010-01-31 dow : 2010-01-31

EN ISO/IEC 17000:2004
ISO/IEC 17000:2004
Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principles
dor : 2004-08-08 doa : 2005-02-28 dop : 2005-05-31 dow : 2005-05-31

EN ISO/IEC 17011:2004 + corrigendum Nov. 2004
ISO/IEC 17011:2004
Conformity assessment - General requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies
dor : 2004-07-01 doa : 2004-12-31 dop : 2005-03-31 dow : 2005-03-31

EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004
ISO/IEC 17020:1998
General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection
dor : 2004-07-15 doa : 2004-12-31 dop : 2005-03-31 dow : 2005-03-31

EN ISO/IEC 17021:2011
ISO/IEC 17021:2011

Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems
(ISO/IEC/FDIS 17021:2010)
dor : 2011-01-17 doa : 2011-05-31 dop : 2011-08-31 dow : 2011-08-31

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CEN/CENELEC European standards

EN ISO/IEC 17024:2003
ISO/IEC 17024:2003
Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons
dor : 2003-03-18 doa : 2003-07-31 dop : 2003-10-31 dow : 2003-10-31

EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
ISO/IEC 17025:2005
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
dor : 2005-03-15 doa : 2005-08-31 dop : 2005-11-30 dow : 2005-11-30

EN ISO/IEC 17030:2009
ISO/IEC 17030:2003
Conformity assessment - General requirements for third-party marks of conformity
dor : 2009-05-07 doa : 2009-08-31 dop : 2009-11-30 dow : 2009-11-30

EN ISO/IEC 17040:2005
ISO/IEC 17040:2005

Conformity assessment - General requirements for peer assessment of conformity assessment bodies and
accreditation bodies
dor : 2004-12-10 doa : 2005-04-30 dop : 2005-07-31 dow : 2005-07-31

EN ISO/IEC 17050-1:2010
ISO/IEC 17050-1:2007 (CORRECTED VERSION OF ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004)
Conformity assessment - Supplier's declaration of conformity - Part 1: General requirements
dor : 2010-03-13 doa : 2010-07-31 dop : 2010-10-31 dow : 2010-10-31

EN ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004
ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004
Conformity assessment - Supplier's declaration of conformity - Part 2: Supporting documentation
dor : 2004-09-30 doa : 2005-01-31 dop : 2005-04-30 dow : 2005-04-30

EN 45011:1998
ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996
General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems
dor : 1997-08-08 doa : 1998-05-31 dop : 1998-08-31 dow : 1998-08-31

EN 45020:2006
ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004
Standardization and related activities - General vocabulary
dor : 2006-11-05 doa : 2007-03-31 dop : 2007-06-30 dow : 2007-06-30

EN 45501:1992
Metrological aspects of non-automatic weighing instruments
dor : 1992-09-15 doa : 1993-01-01 dop : 1993-04-01 dow : 1995-12-01

EN 45502-1:1997

Active implantable medical devices - Part 1: General requirements for safety, marking and information to be
provided by the manufacturer
dor : 1997-03-11 doa : 1997-09-01 dop : 1998-03-01 dow : 1998-03-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CEN/CENELEC European standards

EN 45502-2-1:2003

Active implantable medical devices - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for active implantable medical devices
intended to treat bradyarrhythmia (cardiac pacemakers)
dor : 2003-09-01 doa : 2004-03-01 dop : 2004-09-01 dow : 2005-09-01

EN 45502-2-2:2008 + corrigendum Apr. 2009

Active implantable medical devices - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for active implantable medical devices
intended to treat tachyarrhythmia (includes implantable defibrillators)
dor : 2007-05-01 doa : 2007-11-01 dop : 2008-10-01 dow : 2010-05-01

EN 45502-2-3:2010

Active implantable medical devices - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for cochlear and auditory brainstem implant
dor : 2010-02-01 doa : 2010-08-01 dop : 2011-02-01 dow : 2013-02-01

EN 45510-1:1997
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 1: Common clauses
dor : 1997-10-01 doa : 1998-01-31 dop : 1998-04-30 dow : 1998-04-30

EN 45510-2-2:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-2: Electrical equipment - Uninterruptible power supplies
dor : 1998-10-01 doa : 1999-08-01 dop : 1999-11-01 dow : 1999-11-01

EN 45510-2-3:2000

Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-3: Electrical equipment - Stationary batteries and
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 45510-2-4:2000
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-4: Electrical equipment - High power static convertors
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 45510-2-5:2002
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-5: Electrical equipment - Motors
dor : 2001-03-06 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 45510-2-6:2000
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-6: Electrical equipment - Generators
dor : 2000-02-01 doa : 2000-07-01 dop : 2001-01-01 dow : 2003-01-01

EN 45510-2-7:2002
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-7: Electrical equipment - Switchgear and controlgear
dor : 2001-03-06 doa : 2001-10-01 dop : 2003-03-01 dow : 2004-04-01

EN 45510-2-8:2004
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-8: Electrical equipment - Power cables
dor : 2001-03-06 doa : 2004-12-01 dop : 2005-03-01 dow : 2007-03-01

EN 45510-2-9:2008
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-9: Electrical equipment - Cabling systems
dor : 2008-04-01 doa : 2008-10-01 dop : 2009-04-01 dow : 2011-04-01

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CEN/CENELEC European standards

EN 45510-3-1:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 3-1: Boilers - Water tube boilers
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-3-2:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 3-2: Boilers - Shell boilers
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-3-3:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 3-3: Boilers - Boilers with fluidized bed firing
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-4-1:1999

Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-1: Boiler auxiliaries - Equipment for reduction of dust
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-31 dop : 1999-10-31 dow : 1999-10-31

EN 45510-4-2:1999

Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-2: Boiler auxiliaries - Gas-air, steam-air and gas-gas
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-31 dop : 1999-10-31 dow : 1999-10-31

EN 45510-4-3:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-3: Boiler auxiliaries - Draught plant
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-31 dop : 1999-10-31 dow : 1999-10-31

EN 45510-4-4:2002
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-4: Boiler auxiliaries - Fuel preparation equipment
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-11-30 dop : 2003-02-28 dow : 2003-02-28

EN 45510-4-5:2002

Guides for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-5: Boiler auxiliaries - Coal handling and bulk storage
dor : 2001-07-03 doa : 2002-11-30 dop : 2003-02-28 dow : 2003-02-28

EN 45510-4-6:1999

Guides for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-6: Boiler auxiliaries - Flue gas desulphurization (De-
SOx) plant
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-31 dop : 1999-10-31 dow : 1999-10-31

EN 45510-4-7:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-7: Boiler auxiliaries - Ash handling plant
dor : 1999-04-01 doa : 1999-07-31 dop : 1999-10-31 dow : 1999-10-31

EN 45510-4-8:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-8: Boiler auxiliaries - Dust handling plant
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-4-9:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-9: Boiler auxiliaries - Sootblowers
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CEN/CENELEC European standards

EN 45510-4-10:1999

Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4-10: Boiler auxiliaries - Flue gas denitrification (De-NOx)
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-5-1:1998
Guides for procurement of power station equipment - Part 5-1: Steam turbines
dor : 1997-12-11 doa : 1998-04-30 dop : 1998-07-31 dow : 1998-07-31

EN 45510-5-2:1998
Guides for procurement of power station equipment - Part 5-2: Gas turbines
dor : 1997-12-11 doa : 1998-04-30 dop : 1998-07-31 dow : 1998-07-31

EN 45510-5-3:1998
Guides for procurement of power station equipment - Part 5-3: Wind turbines
dor : 1997-12-11 doa : 1998-04-30 dop : 1998-07-31 dow : 1998-07-31

EN 45510-5-4:1998
Guides for procurement of power station equipment - Part 5-4: Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines
dor : 1997-12-11 doa : 1998-04-30 dop : 1998-07-31 dow : 1998-07-31

EN 45510-6-1:1998
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-1: Turbine auxiliaries - Deaerators
dor : 1997-12-11 doa : 1998-04-30 dop : 1998-07-31 dow : 1998-07-31

EN 45510-6-2:1998
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-2: Turbine auxiliaries - Feedwater heaters
dor : 1997-12-11 doa : 1998-04-30 dop : 1998-07-31 dow : 1998-07-31

EN 45510-6-3:1998
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-3: Turbine auxiliaries - Condenser plant
dor : 1997-12-11 doa : 1998-04-30 dop : 1998-07-31 dow : 1998-07-31

EN 45510-6-4:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-4: Turbine auxiliaries - Pumps
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-6-5:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-5: Turbine auxiliaries - Dry cooling systems
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-6-6:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-6: Turbine auxiliaries - Wet and wet/dry cooling towers
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-6-7:1998
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-7: Turbine auxiliaries - Moisture separator reheaters
dor : 1997-12-11 doa : 1998-04-30 dop : 1998-07-31 dow : 1998-07-31

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

CEN/CENELEC European standards

EN 45510-6-8:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-8: Turbine auxiliaries - Cranes
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-6-9:1999
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-9: Turbine auxiliaries - Cooling water systems
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-7-1:1999

Guide for procurement of power station plant, equipment and systems - Part 7-1: Pipework and valves - High
pressure piping systems
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-7-2:1999

Guide for procurement of power station plant, equipment and systems - Part 7-2: Pipework and valves - Boiler and
high pressure piping valves
dor : 1999-10-01 doa : 2000-01-31 dop : 2000-04-30 dow : 2000-04-30

EN 45510-8-1:1998
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 8-1: Control and instrumentation
dor : 1998-03-02 doa : 1998-06-18 dop : 1998-09-18 dow : 1998-09-18

EN 45544-1:1999

Workplace atmospheres - Electrical apparatus used for the direct detection and direct concentration measurement of
toxic gases and vapours - Part 1: General requirements and test methods
dor : 1999-11-15 doa : 2000-02-29 dop : 2000-05-31 dow : 2000-05-31

EN 45544-2:1999

Workplace atmospheres - Electrical apparatus used for the direct detection and direct concentration measurement of
toxic gases and vapours - Part 2: Performance requirements for apparatus used for measuring concentrations in the
region of limit values
dor : 1999-11-15 doa : 2000-02-29 dop : 2000-05-31 dow : 2000-05-31

EN 45544-3:1999

Workplace atmospheres - Electrical apparatus used for the direct detection and direct concentration measurement of
toxic gases and vapours - Part 3: Performance requirements for apparatus used for measuring concentrations well
above limit values
dor : 1999-11-15 doa : 2000-02-29 dop : 2000-05-31 dow : 2000-05-31

EN 45544-4:1999

Workplace atmospheres - Electrical apparatus used for the direct detection and direct concentration measurement of
toxic gases and vapours - Part 4: Guide for selection, installation, use and maintenance
dor : 1999-11-15 doa : 2000-02-29 dop : 2000-05-31 dow : 2000-05-31

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2


Part 11 : Miscellaneous CLC & CEN/CLC publications

This part contains the titles of CENELEC and CEN/CENELEC publications of a more general and informative nature.
These are available for download on the CENELEC website:

CENELEC Articles of Association > Members & Experts > reference material >

CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations > Members & Experts > reference material
>Internal Regulation

CENLEC Directory > Members & Experts > reference material

Report on Technical Activities > News & views > Publications > RTA

MRA fact sheets

CENELEC Memoranda and Standing Documents > Members & Experts >

Policy Opinions > News & views > Policy opinions

Connect - CEN-CENELEC Newsletter > News & views > Newsletters


The brochures listed below can all be downloaded in .pdf. from the CENELEC website. If you would like to
receive a hard copy, please send an e-mail to mentioning the name of the publication
and the number of copies in the subject bar.

CENELEC Annual Report > News & events > Publications > Annual Report

CENELEC Leaflets only available in hard copy:

European Electrotechnical Standardization : Boosting Innovation and Growth (2009)

European Electrotechnical Standardization : Creates Market Access (2009)

CEN-CENELEC Brochures :
Consortium Bridge - Working together with fora and consortia
This ad hoc publication lays down how the European Standardization System contributes to
the European Digital Agenda, how CEN and CENELEC could better cooperate with fora
and consortia and why.
European standardization and the EU 2020 Strategy
This ad hoc publication highlights how European standardization contributes to achieve the
goals of the EU 2020 strategy
CEN and CENELEC - Making European Standards:
General information brochure on the standardization process.
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2


European standardization boosting an internal market for services
Leaflet explaining how services could benefit from standardization

STAIR - An Integrated Approach for Standardization, Innovation and Research
CEN and CENELEC's 'integrated approach' advocates the consideration of standardization
during all stages of a research or innovation project.
Standards @ play
This cartoon-style brochure illustrates to what extent standards are involved in our everyday
lives, even during your leisure time.
Standardization for SMEs: Building on the benefits
CEN-CENELEC publication explaining how SMEs can benefit from using standards, how
to influence the development of standards and how to have better access to them.

CEN, CENELEC and ETSI response to the Council Conclusions (CC) on standardization
and innovation
Standardization supporting innovation and growth
Update of the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI publication listing'10 things standards can do for

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

Part 12 : Superseded or withdrawn standards


EN 15546-1:2008 Superseded by EN ISO 80369-1:2010
EN 41003:1993 Superseded by EN 41003:1996
EN 41003:1996 Superseded by EN 41003:1998
EN 41003:1998 Superseded by EN 41003:2008
EN 45001:1989 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000
EN 45002:1989 Superseded by EN 45003:1995
EN 45003:1989 Superseded by EN 45003:1995
EN 45004:1995 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004
EN 45011:1989 Superseded by EN 45011:1998
EN 45012:1989 Superseded by EN 45012:1998
EN 45012:1998 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17021:2006
EN 45013:1989 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17024:2003
EN 45014:1989 Superseded by EN 45014:1998
EN 45014:1998 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004
EN 45014:1998 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004
EN 45020:1991 Superseded by EN 45020:1993
EN 45020:1993 Superseded by EN 45020:1998
EN 45020:1998 Superseded by EN 45020:2006
EN 45020:1998 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17000:2004
EN 46001:1993 Superseded by EN 46001:1996
EN 46001:1996 Superseded by EN ISO 13485:2000
EN 46002:1993 Superseded by EN 46002:1996
EN 46002:1996 Superseded by EN ISO 13488:2000
EN 46003:1999 Superseded by EN ISO 13485:2003
EN 46003:1999 Withdrawn
EN 50001:1972 Adopted by the CENELCOM members before CENELEC was set up * Withdrawn
EN 50002:1972 Adopted by the CENELCOM members before CENELEC was set up * Withdrawn
EN 50003:1973 Adopted by CENELCOM members before CENELEC was set up * Withdrawn
EN 50004:200X Superseded by HD 194, later on withdrawn
EN 50005:1976 Superseded by EN 60947-1:2007
EN 50006:1975 Superseded by EN 60555-1:1987
EN 50007:1981 Superseded by EN 60947-5-1:1991
EN 50008:1977 Superseded by EN 50008:1988
EN 50008:1988 Withdrawn
EN 50009:200X Withdrawn
EN 50010:1975 Superseded by EN 50010:1988
EN 50010:1988 Withdrawn
EN 50011:1977 Superseded by EN 60947-1:2007
EN 50012:1977 Withdrawn
EN 50013:1977 Superseded by EN 60947-1:2007
EN 50014:1977 Superseded by EN 50014:1992
EN 50014:1977 Withdrawn
EN 50014:1992 Superseded by EN 50014:1997
EN 50014:1992 Withdrawn
EN 50014:1997 Superseded by EN 60079-0:2004
EN 50015:1977 Superseded by EN 50015:1994
EN 50015:1977 This EN, together with its amendment A1:1979, is to be read with EN 50014:1977
EN 50015:1994 Superseded by EN 50015:1998
EN 50015:1994 To be read with EN 50014:1992
EN 50015:1998 Superseded by EN 60079-6:2007
EN 50016:1977 Superseded by EN 50016:1995
EN 50016:1995 Superseded by EN 50016:2002
EN 50016:2002 Superseded by EN 60079-2:2004
EN 50017:1977 Superseded by EN 50017:1994
EN 50017:1977 This EN, together with its amendment A1:1979, is to be read with EN 50014:1977
EN 50017:1994 Superseded by EN 50017:1998
EN 50017:1994 To be read with EN 50014:1992
EN 50017:1998 Superseded by EN 60079-5:2007
EN 50018:1977 Superseded by EN 50018:1994
EN 50018:1977
This EN, together with its amendments A1:1979, A2:1982 and A3:1985 is to be read with
EN 50014:1977
EN 50018:1994 Superseded by EN 50018:2000
EN 50018:2000 Superseded by EN 60079-1:2004
EN 50019:1977 Superseded by EN 50019:1994
EN 50019:1977
This EN, together with its amendments A1:1979, A2:1983, A3:1985, A4:1989 and A5:1990,
is to be read with EN 50014:197 7
EN 50019:1994 Superseded by EN 50019:2000
EN 50019:2000 Superseded by EN 60079-7:2003
EN 50020:1977
This EN, together with its amendments A1:1979, A2:1986, A3:1990, A4:1990 and A5:1990,
is to be read with EN 50014:1977
EN 50020:1977 Superseded by EN 50020:1994
EN 50020:1994 Superseded by EN 50020:2002
EN 50020:2002 Superseded by EN 60079-11:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 50021:1999 Superseded by EN 60079-15:2003
EN 50022:1977 Withdrawn
EN 50023:1977 Withdrawn
EN 50024:1978 Withdrawn
EN 50025:1979 Superseded by EN 50025:1988
EN 50025:1988 Withdrawn
EN 50026:1979 Superseded by EN 50026:1988
EN 50026:1988 Withdrawn
EN 50027:1979 Superseded by EN 60947-1:1991
EN 50028:1987 Superseded by EN 60079-18:2004
EN 50030:200X Superseded by HD 309.1 S1:1979, later on by EN 60521:1995
EN 50032:1980 Withdrawn
EN 50033:1986 Superseded by EN 50033:1991
EN 50033:1991 To be read with EN 50014:1977
EN 50035:1978 Withdrawn
EN 50036:1982 Superseded by EN 50036:1988
EN 50036:1988 Withdrawn
EN 50037:1982 Superseded by EN 50037:1988
EN 50037:1988 Withdrawn
EN 50038:1988 Withdrawn
EN 50038:1980 Superseded by EN 50038:1988
EN 50039:1980 Superseded by EN 60079-25:2004
EN 50040:1980 Superseded by EN 50040:1988
EN 50040:1988 Withdrawn
EN 50042:1980 Superseded by EN 60947-1:2007
EN 50043:1986 Withdrawn
EN 50044:1981 Withdrawn
EN 50045:1980 Withdrawn
EN 50049:1982 Superseded by EN 50049-1:1989
EN 50049-1:1989 Superseded by EN 50049-1:1997
EN 50050:1986 Superseded by EN 50050:2001
EN 50050:2001 Superseded by EN 50050:2006
EN 50051:1985 Superseded by EN 60947-1:1991
EN 50053-1:1987 Withdrawn * Covered by EN 50050:2001
EN 50053-2:1989 Withdrawn * Covered by EN 50050:2001
EN 50053-3:1989 Withdrawn * Covered by EN 50050:2001
EN 50054:1991 Superseded by EN 50054:1998
EN 50054:1998 Superseded by EN 61779-1:2000
EN 50055:1991 Superseded by EN 50055:1998
EN 50055:1998 Superseded by EN 61779-2:2000
EN 50056:1991 Superseded by EN 50056:1998
EN 50056:1998 Superseded by EN 61779-3:2000
EN 50057:1991 Superseded by EN 50057:1998
EN 50057:1998 Superseded by EN 61779-4:2000
EN 50058:1991 Superseded by EN 50058:1998
EN 50058:1998 Superseded by EN 61779-5:2000
EN 50060:1989 Superseded by EN 60974-6:2003
EN 50061:1988 Superseded by EN 45502-2-1:2003
EN 50061:1988 Superseded by EN 45502-2-2:2008
EN 50062:1991 Superseded by EN 61264:1998
EN 50063:1989 Superseded by EN 62135-1:2008
EN 50065-1:1991 Superseded by EN 50065-1:2001
EN 50065-1:2001 Superseded by EN 50065-1:2011
EN 50067:1990 Superseded by EN 50067:1992
EN 50067:1992 Superseded by EN 50067:1998
EN 50067:1998 Superseded by EN 62106:2001
EN 50072:1992 Superseded by EN 60601-2-39:1999
EN 50073:1999 Superseded by EN 60079-29-2:2007
EN 50078:1993 Superseded by EN 60974-7:2000
EN 50081-1:1992 Superseded by EN 61000-6-3:2001
EN 50081-2:1993 Superseded by EN 61000-6-4:2001
EN 50082-1:1992 Superseded by EN 50082-1:1997
EN 50082-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61000-6-1:2001
EN 50082-2:1995 Superseded by EN 61000-6-2:1999
EN 50083-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60728-11:2005
EN 50083-2:1995 Superseded by EN 50083-2:2001
EN 50083-2:2001 Superseded by EN 50083-2:2006
EN 50083-3:1994 Superseded by EN 50083-3:1998
EN 50083-3:1998 Superseded by EN 50083-3:2002
EN 50083-3:2002 Superseded by EN 60728-3:2011
EN 50083-4:1994 Superseded by EN 50083-4:1998
EN 50083-4:1998 Superseded by EN 60728-4:2008
EN 50083-5:1994 Superseded by EN 50083-5:2001
EN 50083-5:2001 Superseded by EN 60728-5:2008
EN 50083-6:1994 Superseded by EN 50083-6:1997
EN 50083-6:1997 Superseded by EN 60728-6:2003
EN 50083-7:1996 Superseded by EN 60728-1:2008
EN 50083-8:2000 Superseded by EN 50083-8:2002
EN 50083-9:1997 Superseded by EN 50083-9:1998
EN 50083-9:1998 Superseded by EN 50083-9:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 50083-10:1999 Superseded by EN 50083-10:2002
EN 50084:1992 Superseded by EN 61770:1999
EN 50085-1:1997 Superseded by EN 50085-1:2005
EN 50085-2-3:1999 Superseded by EN 50085-2-3:2010
EN 50086-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61386-1:2004
EN 50086-2-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61386-21:2004
EN 50086-2-2:1995 Superseded by EN 61386-22:2004
EN 50086-2-3:1995 Superseded by EN 61386-23:2004
EN 50086-2-4:1994 Superseded by EN 61386-24:2010
EN 50087:1993 Corrigendum to French version only
EN 50088:1996 Superseded by EN 62115:2005
EN 50090-2-1:1994 Superseded by EN 50090-1:2011
EN 50090-2-2:1996 Superseded by EN 50491-3:2009
EN 50090-2-2:1996 Superseded by EN 50491-5-1:2010
EN 50090-2-2:1996 Superseded by EN 50491-5-2:2010
EN 50090-2-2:1996 Superseded by EN 50491-5-3:2010
EN 50090-3-2:1995 Superseded by EN 50090-3-2:2004
EN 50091-1:1993 Superseded by EN 50091-1-1:1996
EN 50091-1:1993 Superseded by EN 50091-1-2:1998
EN 50091-1-1:1996 Superseded by EN 62040-1-1:2003
EN 50091-1-2:1998 Superseded by EN 62040-1-2:2003
EN 50091-2:1995 Superseded by EN 62040-2:2006
EN 50097:200X Not used - Published as EN 60601-1-2
EN 50098-1:1994 Superseded by EN 50098-1:1998
EN 50103:1995 Withdrawn
EN 50104:1995 Superseded by EN 50104:1998
EN 50104:1998 Superseded by EN 50104:2002
EN 50104:2002 Superseded by EN 50104:2010
EN 50106:1997 Superseded by EN 50106:2008
EN 50107:1998 Superseded by EN 50107-1:2002
EN 50110-1:1996 Superseded by EN 50110-1:2004
EN 50110-2:1996 Superseded by EN 50110-2:2010
EN 50112:1994 Superseded by EN 50446:2006
EN 50113:1994 Superseded by EN 50446:2006
EN 50116:1996 Superseded by EN 50116:2006
EN 50116:2006 Superseded by EN 50514:2008
EN 50117-1:1995 Superseded by EN 50117-1:2002
EN 50117-2:1996 Superseded by EN 50117-2-1:2002
EN 50117-2-1:2002 Superseded by EN 50117-2-1:2005
EN 50119:2001 Superseded by EN 50119:2009
EN 50121-1:2000 Superseded by EN 50121-1:2006
EN 50121-2:2000 Superseded by EN 50121-2:2006
EN 50121-3-1:2000 Superseded by EN 50121-3-1:2006
EN 50121-3-2:2000 Superseded by EN 50121-3-2:2006
EN 50121-4:2000 Superseded by EN 50121-4:2006
EN 50121-5:2000 Superseded by EN 50121-5:2006
EN 50122-1:1997 Superseded by EN 50122-1:2011
EN 50122-2:1998 Superseded by EN 50122-2:2010
EN 50123-1:1995 Superseded by EN 50123-1:2003
EN 50123-2:1995 Superseded by EN 50123-2:2003
EN 50123-3:1995 Superseded by EN 50123-3:2003
EN 50123-4:1999 Superseded by EN 50123-4:2003
EN 50123-5:1997 Superseded by EN 50123-5:2003
EN 50123-6:1998 Superseded by EN 50123-6:2003
EN 50123-7-2:1999 Superseded by EN 50123-7-2:2003
EN 50123-7-3:1999 Superseded by EN 50123-7-3:2003
EN 50128:2001 Superseded by EN 50128:2011
EN 50130-4:1995 Superseded by EN 50130-4:2011
EN 50130-5:1998 Superseded by EN 50130-5:2011
EN 50131-1:1997 Superseded by EN 50131-1:2006
EN 50131-1:2006/IS1:2009 Superseded by EN 50131-1:2006/IS2:2010
EN 50131-6:1997 Superseded by EN 50131-6:2008
EN 50132-2-1:1997 Withdrawn
EN 50132-4-1:2001 Withdrawn
EN 50134-7:1996 Superseded by CLC/TS 50134-7:2003
EN 50143:1997 Superseded by EN 50143:2009
EN 50144-1:1995 Superseded by EN 50144-1:1998
EN 50144-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60745-1:2003
EN 50144-2-1:1995 Superseded by EN 50144-2-1:1999
EN 50144-2-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60745-2-1:2003
EN 50144-2-2:1995 Superseded by EN 50144-2-2:1999
EN 50144-2-2:1999 Superseded by EN 60745-2-2:2003
EN 50144-2-3:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-3:2007
EN 50144-2-4:1995 Superseded by EN 50144-2-4:1999
EN 50144-2-4:1999 Superseded by EN 60745-2-4:2003
EN 50144-2-5:1996 Superseded by EN 50144-2-5:1999
EN 50144-2-5:1999 Superseded by EN 60745-2-5:2003
EN 50144-2-6:1996 Superseded by EN 50144-2-6:2000
EN 50144-2-6:2000 Superseded by EN 60745-2-6:2003
EN 50144-2-7:1996 Superseded by EN 50144-2-7:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 50144-2-8:1996 Superseded by EN 60745-2-8:2003
EN 50144-2-9:1996 Superseded by EN 60745-2-9:2003
EN 50144-2-10:1996 Superseded by EN 50144-2-10:2001
EN 50144-2-10:2001 Superseded by EN 60745-2-11:2003
EN 50144-2-11:1996 Superseded by EN 60745-2-11:2003
EN 50144-2-13:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-13:2007
EN 50144-2-14:1996 Superseded by EN 50144-2-14:2001
EN 50144-2-14:2001 Superseded by EN 60745-2-14:2003
EN 50144-2-15:1997 Superseded by EN 50144-2-15:2001
EN 50144-2-15:2001 Superseded by EN 60745-2-15:2006
EN 50144-2-16:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-16:2010
EN 50144-2-17:2000 Superseded by EN 60745-2-17:2003
EN 50144-2-18:2000 Superseded by EN 60745-2-17:2003
EN 50146:2000 Superseded by EN 62275:2009
EN 50147-2:1996 Withdrawn
EN 50152-1:1997 Superseded by EN 50152-1:2007
EN 50152-2:1997 Superseded by EN 50152-2:2007
EN 50153:1996 Superseded by EN 50153:2002
EN 50155:1995 Superseded by EN 50155:2001
EN 50155:2001 Superseded by EN 50155:2007
EN 50157-2-1:1996 Superseded by EN 50157-2-1:1998
EN 50159-1:2001 Superseded by EN 50159:2010
EN 50159-2:2001 Superseded by EN 50159:2010
EN 50160:1994 Superseded by EN 50160:1999
EN 50160:1999 Superseded by EN 50160:2007
EN 50160:2007 Superseded by EN 50160:2010
EN 50163:1995 Superseded by EN 50163:2004
EN 50164-1:1999 Superseded by EN 50164-1:2008
EN 50164-2:2002 Superseded by EN 50164-2:2008
EN 50164-4:2008 Superseded by EN 62561-4:2011
EN 50164-5:2009 Superseded by EN 62561-5:2011
EN 50164-6:2009 Superseded by EN 62561-6:2011
EN 50165:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-102:2006
EN 50167:1994 Superseded by EN 50288-2-1:2001
EN 50168:1994 Superseded by EN 50288-2-2:2001
EN 50169:1994 Superseded by EN 50288-2-1:2001
EN 50170:1996 Superseded by EN 61158-3:2004
EN 50170:1996 Superseded by EN 61158-4:2004
EN 50170:1996 Superseded by EN 61158-5:2004
EN 50170:1996 Superseded by EN 61158-6:2004
EN 50170:1996 Superseded by EN 61158-2:2004
EN 50170:1996 Superseded by EN 61784-1:2004
EN 50173:1995 Superseded by EN 50173-1:2002
EN 50173-1:2002 Superseded by EN 50173-1:2007
EN 50173-1:2002 Superseded by EN 50173-2:2007
EN 50174-1:2000 Superseded by EN 50174-1:2009
EN 50174-2:2000 Superseded by EN 50174-2:2009
EN 50176:1996 Superseded by EN 50176:2009
EN 50177:1996 Superseded by EN 50177:2006
EN 50177:2006 Superseded by EN 50177:2009
EN 50180:1997 Superseded by EN 50180:2010
EN 50181:1997 Superseded by EN 50181:2010
EN 50191:2000 Superseded by EN 50191:2010
EN 50192:1995 Superseded by EN 60974-7:2000
EN 50194:2000 Superseded by EN 50194-1:2009
EN 50199:1995 Superseded by EN 60974-10:2003
EN 50200:2000 Superseded by EN 50200:2006
EN 50201:1998 Superseded by EN 50201:2001
EN 50205:1997 Superseded by EN 50205:2002
EN 50206-1:1998 Superseded by EN 50206-1:2010
EN 50206-2:1999 Superseded by EN 50206-2:2010
EN 50207:2000 Superseded by EN 61287-1:2006
EN 50214:1997 Superseded by EN 50214:2006
EN 50215:1999 Superseded by EN 50215:2009
EN 50223:2001 Superseded by EN 50223:2010
EN 50227:1997 Superseded by EN 60947-5-6:2000
EN 50229:1997 Superseded by EN 50229:2001
EN 50229:2001 Superseded by EN 50229:2007
EN 50237:1997 Superseded by EN 60903:2003
EN 50240:2004 Superseded by EN 62135-2:2008
EN 50241-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60079-29-4:2010
EN 50241-2:1999 Superseded by EN 60079-29-4:2010
EN 50242:1998 Superseded by EN 50242:2008
EN 50248:1997 Superseded by EN 50248:2001
EN 50250:1998 Superseded by EN 50250:2002
EN 50254:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-2:2004
EN 50254:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-3:2004
EN 50254:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-4:2004
EN 50254:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-5:2004
EN 50254:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-6:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 50254:1998 Superseded by EN 61784-1:2004
EN 50260-1:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-1:2003/A1:2003
EN 50260-2-1:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-1:2003
EN 50260-2-2:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-2:2003
EN 50260-2-4:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-4:2003
EN 50260-2-5:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-5:2003
EN 50260-2-6:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-6:2003
EN 50260-2-10:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-11:2003
EN 50260-2-14:2002 Superseded by EN 60745-2-17:2003
EN 50261:1999 Withdrawn
EN 50263:1999 Superseded by EN 60255-26:2009
EN 50264-1:2002 Superseded by EN 50264-1:2008
EN 50264-2:2002 Superseded by EN 50264-2-1:2008
EN 50264-3:2002 Superseded by EN 50264-2-2:2008
EN 50265-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60332-1-1:2004
EN 50265-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60332-2-1:2004
EN 50265-2-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60332-1-2:2004
EN 50265-2-2:1998 Superseded by EN 60332-2-2:2004
EN 50266-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60332-3-10:2009
EN 50266-2-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60332-3-21:2009
EN 50266-2-2:2001 Superseded by EN 60332-3-22:2009
EN 50266-2-3:2001 Superseded by EN 60332-3-23:2009
EN 50266-2-4:2001 Superseded by EN 60332-3-24:2009
EN 50266-2-5:2001 Superseded by EN 60332-3-25:2009
EN 50268-1:1999 Superseded by EN 61034-1:2005
EN 50268-2:1999 Superseded by EN 61034-2:2005
EN 50270:1999 Superseded by EN 50270:2006
EN 50271:2001 Superseded by EN 50271:2010
EN 50281-1-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61241-0:2006
EN 50281-1-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61241-1:2004
EN 50281-1-2:1998 Superseded by EN 61241-14:2004
EN 50281-1-2:1998 Superseded by EN 61241-17:2005
EN 50281-3:2002 Superseded by EN 61241-10:2004
EN 50284:1999 Superseded by EN 60079-26:2004
EN 50288-1:2001 Superseded by EN 50288-1:2003
EN 50288-2-1:2001 Superseded by EN 50288-2-1:2003
EN 50288-2-2:2001 Superseded by EN 50288-2-2:2003
EN 50288-3-1:2001 Superseded by EN 50288-3-1:2003
EN 50288-3-2:2001 Superseded by EN 50288-3-2:2003
EN 50288-4-1:2001 Superseded by EN 50288-4-1:2003
EN 50288-4-2:2001 Superseded by EN 50288-4-2:2003
EN 50291:2001 Superseded by EN 50291-1:2010
EN 50298:1998 Superseded by EN 62208:2003
EN 50300:2004 Superseded by EN 60439-5:2006
EN 50301:2001 Superseded by EN 62087:2003
EN 50304:2001 Superseded by EN 50304:2009
EN 50310:2000 Superseded by EN 50310:2006
EN 50310:2006 Superseded by EN 50310:2010
EN 50319:1999 Superseded by EN 60947-5-7:2003
EN 50325-1:2000 Superseded by EN 50325-1:2002
EN 50325-2:2000 Superseded by EN 62026-3:2009
EN 50325-3:2001 Standard exists in English only
EN 50333:2001 Superseded by EN 50514:2008
EN 50338:2000 Superseded by EN 50338:2006
EN 50338:2006 Superseded by EN 60335-2-77:2010
EN 50340:2001 Superseded by EN 50340:2010
EN 50342:2001 Superseded by EN 50342-1:2006
EN 50345:2004 Superseded by EN 50345:2009
EN 50348:2001 Superseded by EN 50348:2010
EN 50356:2002 Superseded by EN 62230:2007
EN 50357:2001 Superseded by EN 62369-1:2009
EN 50361:2001 Superseded by EN 62209-1:2006
EN 50363-0:2005 Superseded by EN 50363-0:2011
EN 50364:2001 Superseded by EN 50364:2010
EN 50366:2003 Superseded by EN 62233:2008
EN 50368:2003 Superseded by EN 61914:2009
EN 50371:2002 Superseded by EN 62479:2010
EN 50377-3-1:2001 Superseded by EN 50377-3-1:2008
EN 50377-6-2:2004 Superseded by EN 50377-6-2:2007
EN 50377-7-4:2004 Superseded by EN 50377-7-4:2011
EN 50377-10-1:2003 Superseded by EN 50377-10-1:2007
EN 50383:2002 Superseded by EN 50383:2010
EN 50386:2002 Superseded by EN 50386:2010
EN 50392:2004 Superseded by EN 62311:2008
EN 50419:2005 Superseded by EN 50419:2006
EN 55011:1991 Superseded by EN 55011:1998
EN 55011:1998 Superseded by EN 55011:2007
EN 55011:2007 Superseded by EN 55011:2009
EN 55012:2002 Superseded by EN 55012:2007
EN 55013:1990 Superseded by EN 55013:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 55014:1987 Superseded by EN 55014-1:1993
EN 55014-1:1993 Superseded by EN 55014-1:2000
EN 55014-1:2000 Superseded by EN 55014-1:2006
EN 55015:1987 Superseded by EN 55015:1993
EN 55015:1993 Superseded by EN 55015:1996
EN 55015:1996 Superseded by EN 55015:2000
EN 55015:2000 Superseded by EN 55015:2006
EN 55016-1-1:2004 Superseded by EN 55016-1-1:2007
EN 55016-1-1:2007 Superseded by EN 55016-1-1:2010
EN 55016-1-3:2004 Superseded by EN 55016-1-3:2006
EN 55016-1-4:2004 Superseded by EN 55016-1-4:2007
EN 55016-1-4:2007 Superseded by EN 55016-1-4:2010
EN 55016-2-1:2004 Superseded by EN 55016-2-1:2009
EN 55016-2-2:2004 Superseded by EN 55016-2-2:2011
EN 55016-2-3:2004 Superseded by EN 55016-2-3:2006
EN 55016-2-3:2006 Superseded by EN 55016-2-3:2010
EN 55020:1988 Superseded by EN 55020:1994
EN 55020:1994 Superseded by EN 55020:2002
EN 55020:2002 Superseded by EN 55020:2007
EN 55020:2002/IS1:2007 Superseded by EN 55020:2007
EN 55020:2002/IS2:2007 Superseded by EN 55020:2007
EN 55022:1987 Superseded by EN 55022:1994
EN 55022:1994 Superseded by EN 55022:1998
EN 55022:1998 Superseded by EN 55022:2006
EN 55022:2006 Superseded by EN 55022:2010
EN 55024:1998 Superseded by EN 55024:2010
EN 55024:1998/IS1:2007 Superseded by EN 55024:2010
EN 55025:2003 Superseded by EN 55025:2008
EN 55103-1:1996 Superseded by EN 55103-1:2009
EN 55103-2:1996 Superseded by EN 55103-2:2009
EN 55104:1995 Superseded by EN 55014-2:1997
EN 60027-2:2007 Superseded by EN 80000-13:2008
EN 60034-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60034-1:1998
EN 60034-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60034-1:2004
EN 60034-1:2004 Superseded by EN 60034-1:2010
EN 60034-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60034-2-1:2007
EN 60034-3:1995 Superseded by EN 60034-3:2005
EN 60034-3:2005 Superseded by EN 60034-3:2008
EN 60034-4:1995 Superseded by EN 60034-4:2008
EN 60034-5:1986 Superseded by EN 60034-5:2001
EN 60034-8:2002 Superseded by EN 60034-8:2007
EN 60034-9:1993 Superseded by EN 60034-9:1997
EN 60034-9:1997 Superseded by EN 60034-9:2005
EN 60034-12:1995 Superseded by EN 60034-12:2002
EN 60034-14:1996 Superseded by EN 60034-14:2004
EN 60034-15:1996 Superseded by EN 60034-15:2009
EN 60034-16-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60034-16-1:2011
EN 60034-18-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60034-18-1:2010
EN 60034-22:1997 Superseded by EN 60034-22:2009
EN 60051-1:1989 Superseded by EN 60051-1:1998
EN 60060-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60060-2:2011
EN 60062:1993 Superseded by EN 60062:2005
EN 60064:1989 Superseded by EN 60064:1995
EN 60065:1993 Superseded by EN 60065:1998
EN 60065:1998 Superseded by EN 60065:2002
EN 60068-2-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60068-2-1:2007
EN 60068-2-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60068-2-2:2007
EN 60068-2-5:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-5:2011
EN 60068-2-6:1995 Superseded by EN 60068-2-6:2008
EN 60068-2-9:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-5:2011
EN 60068-2-14:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-14:2009
EN 60068-2-21:1997 Superseded by EN 60068-2-21:1999
EN 60068-2-21:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-21:2006
EN 60068-2-27:1993 Superseded by EN 60068-2-27:2009
EN 60068-2-29:1993 Superseded by EN 60068-2-27:2009
EN 60068-2-30:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-30:2005
EN 60068-2-31:1993 Superseded by EN 60068-2-31:2008
EN 60068-2-32:1993 Superseded by EN 60068-2-31:2008
EN 60068-2-33:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-14:2009
EN 60068-2-38:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-38:2009
EN 60068-2-47:1993 Superseded by EN 60068-2-47:1999
EN 60068-2-47:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-47:2005
EN 60068-2-50:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-53:2010
EN 60068-2-51:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-53:2010
EN 60068-2-57:1993 Superseded by EN 60068-2-57:2000
EN 60068-2-58:1999 Superseded by EN 60068-2-58:2004
EN 60068-2-62:1995 Superseded by EN 60068-2-75:1997
EN 60068-2-63:1994 Superseded by EN 60068-2-75:1997
EN 60068-2-64:1994 Superseded by EN 60068-2-64:2008
EN 60068-2-69:1996 Superseded by EN 60068-2-69:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60071-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60071-1:2006
EN 60073:1993 Superseded by EN 60073:1996
EN 60073:1996 Superseded by EN 60073:2002
EN 60076-2:1997 Superseded by EN 60076-2:2011
EN 60076-5:2000 Superseded by EN 60076-5:2006
EN 60079-0:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-0:2006
EN 60079-0:2006 Superseded by EN 60079-0:2009
EN 60079-1:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-1:2007
EN 60079-2:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-2:2007
EN 60079-7:2003 Superseded by EN 60079-7:2007
EN 60079-10:1996 Superseded by EN 60079-10:2003
EN 60079-10:2003 Superseded by EN 60079-10-1:2009
EN 60079-14:1997 Superseded by EN 60079-14:2003
EN 60079-14:2003 Superseded by EN 60079-14:2008
EN 60079-15:2003 Superseded by EN 60079-15:2005
EN 60079-15:2005 Superseded by EN 60079-15:2010
EN 60079-17:1997 Superseded by EN 60079-17:2003
EN 60079-17:2003 Superseded by EN 60079-17:2007
EN 60079-18:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-18:2009
EN 60079-19:2007 Superseded by EN 60079-19:2011
EN 60079-25:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-25:2010
EN 60079-26:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-26:2007
EN 60079-27:2006 Superseded by EN 60079-27:2008
EN 60081:1987 Superseded by EN 60081:1989
EN 60081:1989 Superseded by EN 60081:1998
EN 60085:2004 Superseded by EN 60085:2008
EN 60086-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60086-1:1997
EN 60086-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60086-1:2001
EN 60086-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60086-1:2007
EN 60086-1:2007 Superseded by EN 60086-1:2011
EN 60086-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60086-2:1997
EN 60086-2:1997 Superseded by EN 60086-2:2001
EN 60086-2:2001 Superseded by EN 60086-2:2007
EN 60086-2:2007 Superseded by EN 60086-2:2011
EN 60086-3:1996 Superseded by EN 60086-3:2005
EN 60086-3:2005 Superseded by EN 60086-3:2011
EN 60086-4:1996 Superseded by EN 60086-4:2000
EN 60086-4:2000 Superseded by EN 60086-4:2007
EN 60086-5:2000 Superseded by EN 60086-5:2005
EN 60086-5:2005 Superseded by EN 60086-5:2011
EN 60094-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60094-2:1995
EN 60095-1:1993 Superseded by EN 50342:2001
EN 60095-2:1993 Superseded by EN 50342-2:2007
EN 60095-4:1993 Superseded by EN 50342-4:2009
EN 60099-4:1993 Superseded by EN 60099-4:2004
EN 60118-4:1998 Superseded by EN 60118-4:2006
EN 60118-6:1998 Superseded by EN 60118-6:1999
EN 60118-7:1993 Superseded by EN 60118-7:2005
EN 60118-13:1997 Superseded by EN 60118-13:2005
EN 60118-13:2005 Superseded by EN 60118-13:2011
EN 60122-3:2001 Superseded by EN 60122-3:2010
EN 60127-1:1991 Superseded by EN 60127-1:2006
EN 60127-2:1991 Superseded by EN 60127-2:2003
EN 60127-3:1991 Superseded by EN 60127-3:1996
EN 60127-4:1996 Superseded by EN 60127-4:2005
EN 60129:1994 Superseded by EN 62271-102:2002
EN 60130-9:1995 Superseded by EN 60130-9:2000
EN 60130-9:2000 Superseded by EN 60130-9:2011
EN 60133:2001 Superseded by EN 62317-2:2010
EN 60137:1996 Superseded by EN 60137:2003
EN 60137:2003 Superseded by EN 60137:2008
EN 60143-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60143-1:2004
EN 60146-1-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60146-1-1:2010
EN 60155:1989 Superseded by EN 60155:1995
EN 60182-2:1989 Superseded by EN 60182-2:1990
EN 60182-2:1990 Superseded by HD 555.0.1 S1:1992
EN 60182-2:1990 Superseded by HD 555.0.3 S1:1992
EN 60188:1988 Superseded by EN 60188:2001
EN 60191-6:2004 Superseded by EN 60191-6:2009
EN 60191-6-12:2002 Superseded by EN 60191-6-12:2011
EN 60192:1993 Superseded by EN 60192:2001
EN 60204-1:1985 Superseded by EN 60204-1:1992
EN 60204-1:1992 Superseded by EN 60204-1:1997
EN 60204-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60204-1:2006
EN 60204-3-1:1990 Superseded by EN 60204-31:1998
EN 60204-32:1998 Superseded by EN 60204-32:2008
EN 60205:2001 Superseded by EN 60205:2006
EN 60214:1997 Superseded by EN 60214-1:2003
EN 60216-3:2002 Superseded by EN 60216-3:2006
EN 60216-3-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60216-3:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60216-5:2003 Superseded by EN 60216-5:2008
EN 60216-6:2004 Superseded by EN 60216-6:2006
EN 60238:1986 Superseded by EN 60238:1989
EN 60238:1989 Superseded by EN 60238:1992
EN 60238:1992 Superseded by EN 60238:1996
EN 60238:1996 Superseded by EN 60238:1998
EN 60238:1998 Superseded by EN 60238:2004
EN 60239:1997 Superseded by EN 60239:2005
EN 60243-3:1994 Superseded by EN 60243-3:2001
EN 60249-1:1993 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-1:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-2:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-3:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-4:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-5:1994 Superseded by EN 61249-2-7:2002
EN 60249-2-6:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-7:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-8:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-9:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-10:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-11:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-12:1994 Superseded by EN 61249-2-7:2002
EN 60249-2-13:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-14:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-15:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-16:1993 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-17:1993 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-18:1993 Withdrawn
EN 60249-2-19:1993 Withdrawn
EN 60252:1994 Superseded by EN 60252-1:2001
EN 60252-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60252-1:2011
EN 60252-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60252-2:2011
EN 60254-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60254-1:2005
EN 60254-2:1997 Superseded by EN 60254-2:2008
EN 60255-1-00:1997 Superseded by EN 61810-1:1998
EN 60255-3:1998 Superseded by EN 60255-151:2009
EN 60255-6:1994 Superseded by EN 60255-1:2010
EN 60255-22-1:2005 Superseded by EN 60255-22-1:2008
EN 60255-22-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60255-22-2:2008
EN 60255-22-3:2000 Superseded by EN 60255-22-3:2008
EN 60255-22-4:2002 Superseded by EN 60255-22-4:2008
EN 60255-22-5:2002 Superseded by EN 60255-22-5:2011
EN 60255-23:1996 Superseded by EN 61810-2:2005
EN 60255-26:2005 Superseded by EN 60255-26:2009
EN 60257:1990 Superseded by EN 60127-6:1994
EN 60264-3-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60264-3-1:2000
EN 60264-3-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60264-3-2:1999
EN 60264-3-4:1994 Superseded by EN 60264-3-4:1999
EN 60264-3-5:1996 Superseded by EN 60264-3-5:1999
EN 60264-4-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60264-4-1:2010
EN 60265-1:1998 Superseded by EN 62271-103:2011
EN 60265-2:1993 Superseded by EN 62271-104:2009
EN 60268-4:1999 Superseded by EN 60268-4:2004
EN 60268-4:2004 Superseded by EN 60268-4:2010
EN 60268-5:1996 Superseded by EN 60268-5:2003
EN 60268-7:1996 Superseded by EN 60268-7:2011
EN 60268-16:1998 Superseded by EN 60268-16:2003
EN 60268-16:2003 Superseded by EN 60268-16:2011
EN 60269-1:1989 Superseded by EN 60269-1:1998
EN 60269-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60269-1:2007
EN 60269-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60269-1:2007
EN 60269-2:1995 Superseded by HD 60269-2:2007
EN 60269-3:1995 Superseded by EN 60269-1:2007
EN 60269-3:1995 Superseded by HD 60269-3:2007
EN 60269-4:1996 Superseded by EN 60269-4:2007
EN 60269-4:2007 Superseded by EN 60269-4:2009
EN 60269-4-1:2002 Superseded by EN 60269-4:2007
EN 60282-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60282-1:1996
EN 60282-1:1996 Superseded by EN 60282-1:2002
EN 60282-1:2002 Superseded by EN 60282-1:2006
EN 60282-1:2006 Superseded by EN 60282-1:2009
EN 60285:1994 Superseded by EN 61951-1:2003
EN 60286-2:1998 Superseded by EN 60286-2:2009
EN 60286-3:1998 Superseded by EN 60286-3:2007
EN 60286-4:1997 Superseded by EN 60286-4:1998
EN 60286-5:1997 Superseded by EN 60286-5:2004
EN 60286-6:1998 Superseded by EN 60286-6:2004
EN 60289:1994 Superseded by EN 60076-6:2008
EN 60297-4:1995 Superseded by EN 60297-3-101:2004
EN 60297-4:1995 Superseded by EN 60297-3-102:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60297-5-100:2001 Superseded by EN 60297-3-101:2004
EN 60297-5-101:2001 Superseded by EN 60297-3-102:2004
EN 60297-5-102:2001 Superseded by EN 60297-3-101:2004
EN 60297-5-103:2001 Superseded by EN 60297-3-101:2004
EN 60297-5-104:2001 Superseded by EN 60297-3-103:2004
EN 60297-5-105:2001 Superseded by EN 60297-3-103:2004
EN 60297-5-107:2001 Superseded by EN 60297-3-101:2004
EN 60298:1996 Superseded by EN 62271-200:2004
EN 60300-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60300-1:2003
EN 60300-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60300-2:2004
EN 60300-3-12:2004 Superseded by EN 60300-3-12:2011
EN 60309-1:1992 Superseded by EN 60309-1:1997
EN 60309-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60309-1:1999
EN 60309-2:1992 Superseded by EN 60309-2:1998
EN 60309-2:1998 Superseded by EN 60309-2:1999
EN 60310:1996 Superseded by EN 60310:2004
EN 60311:1997 Superseded by EN 60311:2003
EN 60312:1998 Superseded by EN 60312:2008
EN 60315-9:1996 Superseded by EN 62634:2011
EN 60317-0-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-0-1:1998
EN 60317-0-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60317-0-1:2008
EN 60317-0-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-0-2:1998
EN 60317-0-3:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-0-3:1998
EN 60317-0-3:1998 Superseded by EN 60317-0-3:2008
EN 60317-0-4:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-0-4:1998
EN 60317-0-5:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-0-5:2007
EN 60317-1:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60317-3:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60317-7:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60317-8:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-8:2010
EN 60317-11:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-11:2000
EN 60317-11:2000 Withdrawal
EN 60317-12:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-12:2010
EN 60317-13:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-13:2010
EN 60317-14:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60317-15:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-15:2004
EN 60317-16:1994 Withdrawn
EN 60317-17:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-17:2010
EN 60317-18:1995 Superseded by EN 60317-18:2004
EN 60317-22:1995 Superseded by EN 60317-22:2004
EN 60317-24:1995 Withdrawn
EN 60317-25:1996 Superseded by EN 60317-25:2010
EN 60317-27:1994 Superseded by EN 60317-27:1998
EN 60317-30:1996 Withdrawn
EN 60317-34:1996 Superseded by EN 60317-34:1997
EN 60317-34:1997 Withdrawn
EN 60317-45:1998 Withdrawn
EN 60318-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60318-1:2009
EN 60318-2:1998 Superseded by EN 60318-1:2009
EN 60320-1:1987 Superseded by EN 60320-1:1996
EN 60320-1:1996 Superseded by EN 60320-1:2001
EN 60320-2-1:1987 Superseded by EN 60320-2-1:2000
EN 60320-2-2:1991 Superseded by EN 60320-2-2:1998
EN 60335-1:1988 Superseded by EN 60335-1:1994
EN 60335-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60335-1:2002
EN 60335-2-2:1988 Superseded by EN 60335-2-2:1995
EN 60335-2-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-2:2003
EN 60335-2-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-2:2010
EN 60335-2-3:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-3:1995
EN 60335-2-3:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-3:2002
EN 60335-2-4:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-4:1995
EN 60335-2-4:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-4:2002
EN 60335-2-4:2002 Superseded by EN 60335-2-4:2010
EN 60335-2-5:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-5:1995
EN 60335-2-5:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-5:2003
EN 60335-2-6:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-6:1999
EN 60335-2-6:1999 Superseded by EN 60335-2-6:2003
EN 60335-2-7:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-7:1997
EN 60335-2-7:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-7:2001
EN 60335-2-7:2001 Superseded by EN 60335-2-7:2003
EN 60335-2-7:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-7:2010
EN 60335-2-8:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-8:1995
EN 60335-2-8:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-8:2003
EN 60335-2-9:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-9:1995
EN 60335-2-9:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-9:2003
EN 60335-2-10:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-10:1995
EN 60335-2-10:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-10:2003
EN 60335-2-11:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-11:1995
EN 60335-2-11:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-11:2001
EN 60335-2-11:2001 Superseded by EN 60335-2-11:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60335-2-11:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-11:2010
EN 60335-2-12:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-12:1995
EN 60335-2-12:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-12:2003
EN 60335-2-13:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-13:1995
EN 60335-2-13:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-13:2003
EN 60335-2-13:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-13:2010
EN 60335-2-14:1988 Superseded by EN 60335-2-14:1996
EN 60335-2-14:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-14:2003
EN 60335-2-14:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-14:2006
EN 60335-2-15:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-15:1996
EN 60335-2-15:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-15:2002
EN 60335-2-16:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-16:1996
EN 60335-2-16:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-16:2003
EN 60335-2-17:1999 Superseded by EN 60335-2-17:2002
EN 60335-2-19:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-1:1994/A1:1996
EN 60335-2-20:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-1:1994/A1:1996
EN 60335-2-21:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-21:1999
EN 60335-2-21:1999 Superseded by EN 60335-2-21:2003
EN 60335-2-23:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-23:1996
EN 60335-2-23:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-23:2003
EN 60335-2-24:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-24:1994
EN 60335-2-24:1994 Superseded by EN 60335-2-24:1999
EN 60335-2-24:1999 Superseded by EN 60335-2-24:2000
EN 60335-2-24:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-24:2003
EN 60335-2-24:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-24:2010
EN 60335-2-25:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-25:1995
EN 60335-2-25:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-25:1996
EN 60335-2-25:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-25:2002
EN 60335-2-26:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-26:1996
EN 60335-2-26:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-26:2003
EN 60335-2-27:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-27:1992
EN 60335-2-27:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-27:1997
EN 60335-2-27:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-27:2003
EN 60335-2-27:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-27:2010
EN 60335-2-28:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-28:1996
EN 60335-2-28:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-28:2003
EN 60335-2-29:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-29:1996
EN 60335-2-29:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-29:2004
EN 60335-2-30:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-30:1997
EN 60335-2-30:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-30:2003
EN 60335-2-30:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-30:2009
EN 60335-2-31:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-31:1997
EN 60335-2-31:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-31:2003
EN 60335-2-32:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-32:1995
EN 60335-2-32:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-32:2003
EN 60335-2-33:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-14:1996
EN 60335-2-34:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-34:2000
EN 60335-2-34:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-34:2002
EN 60335-2-35:1994 Superseded by EN 60335-2-35:1998
EN 60335-2-35:1998 Superseded by EN 60335-2-35:2002
EN 60335-2-36:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-36:1995
EN 60335-2-36:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-36:2000
EN 60335-2-36:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-36:2002
EN 60335-2-37:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-37:1995
EN 60335-2-37:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-37:2000
EN 60335-2-37:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-37:2002
EN 60335-2-38:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-38:1995
EN 60335-2-38:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-38:2000
EN 60335-2-38:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-38:2003
EN 60335-2-39:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-39:1995
EN 60335-2-39:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-39:2000
EN 60335-2-39:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-39:2003
EN 60335-2-40:1993 Superseded by EN 60335-2-40:1997
EN 60335-2-40:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-40:2003
EN 60335-2-41:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-41:1996
EN 60335-2-41:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-41:2003
EN 60335-2-42:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-42:1995
EN 60335-2-42:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-42:2000
EN 60335-2-42:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-42:2003
EN 60335-2-43:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-43:1997
EN 60335-2-43:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-43:2003
EN 60335-2-44:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-44:1997
EN 60335-2-44:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-44:2002
EN 60335-2-45:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-45:1996
EN 60335-2-45:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-45:2002
EN 60335-2-46:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-42:1995
EN 60335-2-47:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-47:1997
EN 60335-2-47:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-47:2000
EN 60335-2-47:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-47:2003
EN 60335-2-48:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-48:1997
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60335-2-48:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-48:2000
EN 60335-2-48:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-48:2003
EN 60335-2-49:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-49:1997
EN 60335-2-49:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-49:2000
EN 60335-2-49:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-49:2003
EN 60335-2-50:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-50:1997
EN 60335-2-50:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-50:2000
EN 60335-2-50:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-50:2003
EN 60335-2-51:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-51:1997
EN 60335-2-51:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-51:2003
EN 60335-2-52:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-52:1996
EN 60335-2-52:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-52:2003
EN 60335-2-53:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-53:1997
EN 60335-2-53:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-53:2003
EN 60335-2-54:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-54:1997
EN 60335-2-54:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-54:2003
EN 60335-2-54:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-54:2008
EN 60335-2-55:1993 Superseded by EN 60335-2-55:1997
EN 60335-2-55:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-55:2003
EN 60335-2-56:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-56:1997
EN 60335-2-56:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-56:2003
EN 60335-2-57:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-24:2000
EN 60335-2-58:1993 Superseded by EN 60335-2-58:1997
EN 60335-2-58:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-58:2005
EN 60335-2-59:1994 Superseded by EN 60335-2-59:1997
EN 60335-2-59:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-59:2003
EN 60335-2-60:1991 Superseded by EN 60335-2-60:1997
EN 60335-2-60:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-60:2003
EN 60335-2-61:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-61:2003
EN 60335-2-62:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-62:1997
EN 60335-2-62:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-62:2003
EN 60335-2-63:1993 Superseded by EN 60335-2-75:2004
EN 60335-2-64:1993 Superseded by EN 60335-2-64:2000
EN 60335-2-65:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-65:2003
EN 60335-2-66:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-66:2003
EN 60335-2-67:1994 Superseded by EN 60335-2-67:1998
EN 60335-2-67:1998 Superseded by EN 60335-2-67:2003
EN 60335-2-67:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-67:2009
EN 60335-2-68:1994 Superseded by EN 60335-2-68:1998
EN 60335-2-68:1998 Superseded by EN 60335-2-68:2003
EN 60335-2-68:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-68:2009
EN 60335-2-69:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-69:1998
EN 60335-2-69:1998 Superseded by EN 60335-2-69:2003
EN 60335-2-69:2003 Superseded by EN 60335-2-69:2009
EN 60335-2-70:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-70:2002
EN 60335-2-71:1995 Superseded by EN 60335-2-71:2003
EN 60335-2-72:1998 Superseded by EN 60335-2-72:2009
EN 60335-2-73:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-73:2003
EN 60335-2-74:1996 Superseded by EN 60335-2-74:2003
EN 60335-2-75:2002 Superseded by EN 60335-2-75:2004
EN 60335-2-76:1999 Superseded by EN 60335-2-76:2005
EN 60335-2-77:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-77:2006
EN 60335-2-77:2006 Superseded by EN 60335-2-77:2010
EN 60335-2-78:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-78:2003
EN 60335-2-79:1998 Superseded by EN 60335-2-79:2004
EN 60335-2-79:2004 Superseded by EN 60335-2-79:2009
EN 60335-2-80:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-80:2003
EN 60335-2-81:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-81:2003
EN 60335-2-82:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-82:2003
EN 60335-2-84:1998 Superseded by EN 60335-2-84:2003
EN 60335-2-85:1998 Superseded by EN 60335-2-85:2003
EN 60335-2-86:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-86:2003
EN 60335-2-87:1999 Superseded by EN 60335-2-87:2002
EN 60335-2-88:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-88:2002
EN 60335-2-89:2002 Superseded by EN 60335-2-89:2010
EN 60335-2-90:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-90:2002
EN 60335-2-90:2002 Superseded by EN 60335-2-90:2006
EN 60335-2-95:2001 Superseded by EN 60335-2-95:2004
EN 60335-2-97:2000 Superseded by EN 60335-2-97:2006
EN 60335-2-98:1997 Superseded by EN 60335-2-98:2003
EN 60336:1995 Superseded by EN 60336:2005
EN 60349-1:2000 Superseded by EN 60349-1:2010
EN 60349-2:2001 Superseded by EN 60349-2:2010
EN 60350:1999 Superseded by EN 50304:2009
EN 60352-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60352-1:1997
EN 60352-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60352-2:2006
EN 60352-5:1995 Superseded by EN 60352-5:2001
EN 60352-5:2001 Superseded by EN 60352-5:2008
EN 60357:1988 Superseded by EN 60357:2003
EN 60360:1989 Superseded by EN 60360:1998
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60368-3:2001 Superseded by EN 60368-3:2010
EN 60371-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60371-1:2003
EN 60371-2:1997 Superseded by EN 60371-2:2004
EN 60371-3-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60371-3-1:2006
EN 60371-3-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60371-3-2:2006
EN 60371-3-5:1995 Superseded by EN 60371-3-5:2006
EN 60384-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60384-1:2009
EN 60384-6:2005 Withdrawn
EN 60384-6-1:2005 Withdrawn
EN 60384-20:1999 Superseded by EN 60384-20:2008
EN 60384-20-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60384-20-1:2008
EN 60387:1992 Superseded by EN 62053-52:2005
EN 60399:1993 Superseded by EN 60399:2004
EN 60400:1985 Superseded by EN 60400:1989
EN 60400:1989 Superseded by EN 60400:1992
EN 60400:1992 Superseded by EN 60400:1996
EN 60400:1996 Superseded by EN 60400:2000
EN 60400:2000 Superseded by EN 60400:2008
EN 60401-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60401-2:2010
EN 60420:1993 Superseded by EN 62271-105:2003
EN 60423:1994 Superseded by EN 60423:2007
EN 60427:1992 Superseded by EN 60427:2000
EN 60427:2000 Superseded by EN 62271-101:2006
EN 60431:1997 Superseded by EN 62317-4:2005
EN 60432:1988 Superseded by EN 60432-1:1994
EN 60432-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60432-1:2000
EN 60432-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60432-2:2000
EN 60439-1:1990 Superseded by EN 60439-1:1994
EN 60439-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60439-1:1999
EN 60439-1:1999 Superseded by EN 61439-1:2009
EN 60439-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60439-2:2000
EN 60439-4:1991 Superseded by EN 60439-4:2004
EN 60439-5:1996 Superseded by EN 60439-5:2006
EN 60439-5:2006 Superseded by EN 61439-5:2011
EN 60445:1990 Superseded by EN 60445:2000
EN 60445:2000 Superseded by EN 60445:2007
EN 60445:2007 Superseded by EN 60445:2010
EN 60446:1999 Superseded by EN 60446:2007
EN 60446:2007 Superseded by EN 60445:2010
EN 60447:1993 Superseded by EN 60447:2004
EN 60454-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60454-2:2007
EN 60454-3-2:1998 Superseded by EN 60454-3-2:2006
EN 60454-3-3:1998 Superseded by EN 60454-3-2:2006
EN 60454-3-4:1998 Superseded by EN 60454-3-4:2007
EN 60454-3-5:1998 Superseded by EN 60454-3-4:2007
EN 60454-3-8:1998 Superseded by EN 60454-3-8:2006
EN 60454-3-9:1998 Superseded by EN 60454-3-8:2006
EN 60454-3-10:1995 Withdrawn
EN 60454-3-11:1998 Superseded by EN 60454-3-11:2007
EN 60454-3-12:1998 Superseded by EN 60454-3-12:2006
EN 60454-3-13:1995 Superseded by EN 60454-3-8:2006
EN 60454-3-15:2001 Superseded by EN 60454-3-11:2007
EN 60454-3-16:2003 Superseded by EN 60454-3-11:2007
EN 60454-3-17:2001 Superseded by EN 60454-3-11:2007
EN 60454-3-18:2003 Superseded by EN 60454-3-12:2006
EN 60455-3-5:2001 Superseded by EN 60455-3-5:2006
EN 60456:1994 Superseded by EN 60456:1999
EN 60456:1999 Superseded by EN 60456:2005
EN 60456:2005 Superseded by EN 60456:2011
EN 60461:2001 Superseded by EN 60461:2011
EN 60491:1995 Superseded by EN 60065:2002/A1:2006
EN 60505:2000 Superseded by EN 60505:2004
EN 60505:2004 Superseded by EN 60505:2011
EN 60512-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60512-1-100:2001
EN 60512-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60512-1:2001
EN 60512-1-100:2001 Superseded by EN 60512-1-100:2006
EN 60512-9-3:2006 Superseded by EN 60512-9-3:2011
EN 60512-10-4:1996 Superseded by EN 60512-10-4:2003
EN 60512-11-7:1996 Superseded by EN 60512-11-7:2003
EN 60512-11-14:1997 Superseded by EN 60512-11-14:2003
EN 60512-13-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60512-13-1:2006
EN 60514:1995 Superseded by EN 62058-11:2010
EN 60514:1995 Superseded by EN 62058-21:2010
EN 60517:1996 Superseded by EN 62271-203:2004
EN 60519-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60519-1:2003
EN 60519-1:2003 Superseded by EN 60519-1:2011
EN 60519-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60519-2:2006
EN 60519-3:1995 Superseded by EN 60519-3:2005
EN 60519-4:1997 Superseded by EN 60519-4:2006
EN 60519-6:2002 Superseded by EN 60519-6:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60519-9:1995 Superseded by EN 60519-9:2005
EN 60519-11:1997 Superseded by EN 60519-11:2007
EN 60519-21:1998 Superseded by EN 60519-21:2009
EN 60521:1995 Superseded by EN 62053-11:2003
EN 60534-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60534-1:2005
EN 60534-2-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60534-2-1:1998
EN 60534-2-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60534-2-1:2011
EN 60534-2-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60534-2-1:1998
EN 60534-2-3:1993 Superseded by EN 60534-2-3:1998
EN 60534-8-1:2000 Superseded by EN 60534-8-1:2005
EN 60534-8-3:1995 Superseded by EN 60534-8-3:2000
EN 60534-8-3:2000 Superseded by EN 60534-8-3:2011
EN 60534-8-4:1994 Superseded by EN 60534-8-4:2005
EN 60539-1:2002 Superseded by EN 60539-1:2008
EN 60546-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60546-1:2010
EN 60546-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60546-2:2010
EN 60551:1992 Superseded by EN 60076-10:2001
EN 60555-2:1987 Superseded by EN 61000-3-2:1995
EN 60555-3:1987 Superseded by EN 61000-3-3:1995
EN 60567:1992 Superseded by EN 60567:2005
EN 60570:1989 Superseded by EN 60570:1993
EN 60570:1993 Superseded by EN 60570:1996
EN 60570:1996 Superseded by EN 60570:2003
EN 60570-2-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60570:2003
EN 60598-1:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-1:1989
EN 60598-1:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-1:1993
EN 60598-1:1989 Withdrawn
EN 60598-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60598-1:1997
EN 60598-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60598-1:2000
EN 60598-1:2000 Superseded by EN 60598-1:2004
EN 60598-1:2004 Superseded by EN 60598-1:2008
EN 60598-2-1:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-1:1989
EN 60598-2-2:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-2:1989
EN 60598-2-2:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-2-2:1996
EN 60598-2-3:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-3:1989
EN 60598-2-3:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-2-3:1994
EN 60598-2-3:1994 Superseded by EN 60598-2-3:2003
EN 60598-2-4:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-4:1989
EN 60598-2-4:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-2-4:1997
EN 60598-2-5:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-5:1989
EN 60598-2-5:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-2-5:1998
EN 60598-2-6:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-6:1989
EN 60598-2-6:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-2-6:1994
EN 60598-2-7:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-7:1989
EN 60598-2-8:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-8:1989
EN 60598-2-8:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-2-8:1997
EN 60598-2-9:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-9:1989
EN 60598-2-10:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-2-10:2003
EN 60598-2-18:1989 Superseded by EN 60598-2-18:1994
EN 60598-2-19:1988 Superseded by EN 60598-2-19:1989
EN 60598-2-20:1991 Superseded by EN 60598-2-20:1997
EN 60598-2-20:1997 Superseded by EN 60598-2-20:2010
EN 60598-2-22:1990 Superseded by EN 60598-2-22:1998
EN 60601-1:1990 Superseded by EN 60601-1:2006
EN 60601-1-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60601-1-1:2001
EN 60601-1-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60601-1:2006
EN 60601-1-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60601-1-2:2001
EN 60601-1-2:2001 Superseded by EN 60601-1-2:2007
EN 60601-1-3:1994 Superseded by EN 60601-1-3:2008
EN 60601-1-4:1996 Superseded by EN 60601-1:2006
EN 60601-1-6:2004 Superseded by EN 60601-1-6:2007
EN 60601-1-6:2007 Superseded by EN 60601-1-6:2010
EN 60601-1-8:2004 Superseded by EN 60601-1-8:2007
EN 60601-2-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60601-2-2:2000
EN 60601-2-2:2000 Superseded by EN 60601-2-2:2007
EN 60601-2-2:2007 Superseded by EN 60601-2-2:2009
EN 60601-2-4:2003 Superseded by EN 60601-2-4:2011
EN 60601-2-7:1998 Superseded by EN 60601-2-54:2009
EN 60601-2-9:1996 To be read with EN 60601-1:1990, EN 60601-1-1:1993 and EN 60601-1-2:1993
EN 60601-2-17:1996 Superseded by EN 60601-2-17:2004
EN 60601-2-19:1996 Superseded by EN 60601-2-19:2009
EN 60601-2-20:1996 Superseded by EN 60601-2-20:2009
EN 60601-2-21:1994 Superseded by EN 60601-2-21:2009
EN 60601-2-22:1992 Superseded by EN 60601-2-22:1996
EN 60601-2-23:1997 Superseded by EN 60601-2-23:2000
EN 60601-2-26:1994 Superseded by EN 60601-2-26:2003
EN 60601-2-27:1994 Superseded by EN 60601-2-27:2006
EN 60601-2-28:1993 Superseded by EN 60601-2-28:2010
EN 60601-2-28:1993 Superseded by EN 60601-2-54:2009
EN 60601-2-29:1995 Superseded by EN 60601-2-29:1999
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60601-2-29:1999 Superseded by EN 60601-2-29:2008
EN 60601-2-30:1995 Superseded by EN 60601-2-30:2000
EN 60601-2-30:2000 Superseded by EN 80601-2-30:2010
EN 60601-2-31:1995 Superseded by EN 60601-2-31:2008
EN 60601-2-32:1994 Superseded by EN 60601-2-54:2009
EN 60601-2-33:1995 Superseded by EN 60601-2-33:2002
EN 60601-2-33:2002 Superseded by EN 60601-2-33:2010
EN 60601-2-34:1995 Superseded by EN 60601-2-34:2000
EN 60601-2-35:1996 Superseded by EN 80601-2-35:2009
EN 60601-2-37:2001 Superseded by EN 60601-2-37:2008
EN 60601-2-38:1996 Superseded by EN 60601-2-52:2010
EN 60601-2-39:1999 Superseded by EN 60601-2-39:2008
EN 60601-2-41:2000 Superseded by EN 60601-2-41:2009
EN 60601-2-43:2000 Superseded by EN 60601-2-43:2010
EN 60601-2-44:1999 Superseded by EN 60601-2-44:2001
EN 60601-2-44:2001 Superseded by EN 60601-2-44:2009
EN 60601-2-45:1998 Superseded by EN 60601-2-45:2001
EN 60601-2-45:2001 Superseded by EN 60601-2-45:2011
EN 60601-2-46:1998 Superseded by EN 60601-2-46:2011
EN 60601-2-50:2002 Superseded by EN 60601-2-50:2009
EN 60601-2-54:2009 Superseded by EN 60601-2-43:2010
EN 60603-7:1993 Superseded by EN 60603-7:1997
EN 60603-7:1997 Superseded by EN 60603-7:2009
EN 60603-7-1:2002 Superseded by EN 60603-7-1:2009
EN 60603-7-1:2009 Superseded by EN 60603-7-1:2011
EN 60603-7-2:2009 Superseded by EN 60603-7-2:2010
EN 60603-7-3:2009 Superseded by EN 60603-7-3:2010
EN 60603-7-4:2005 Superseded by EN 60603-7-4:2010
EN 60603-7-5:2009 Superseded by EN 60603-7-5:2010
EN 60603-7-7:2002 Superseded by EN 60603-7-7:2006
EN 60603-7-7:2006 Superseded by EN 60603-7-7:2010
EN 60613:1990 Superseded by EN 60613:2010
EN 60617-2:1996 Withdrawn
EN 60622:1995 Superseded by EN 60622:2003
EN 60623:1995 Superseded by EN 60623:2001
EN 60626-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60626-2:2009
EN 60626-3:1996 Superseded by EN 60626-3:2008
EN 60641-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60641-1:2008
EN 60641-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60641-2:2004
EN 60641-3-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60641-3-1:2008
EN 60641-3-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60641-3-2:2008
EN 60644:1993 Superseded by EN 60644:2009
EN 60645-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60645-1:2001
EN 60645-3:1995 Superseded by EN 60645-3:2007
EN 60646:1998 Superseded by EN 62076:2006
EN 60651:1994 Superseded by EN 61672-2:2003
EN 60651:1994 Superseded by EN 61672-1:2003
EN 60662:1987 Superseded by EN 60662:1989
EN 60662:1989 Superseded by EN 60662:1993
EN 60664-1:2003 Superseded by EN 60664-1:2007
EN 60664-5:2003 Superseded by EN 60664-5:2007
EN 60669-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60669-1:1999
EN 60669-2-1:1996 Superseded by EN 60669-2-1:2000
EN 60669-2-1:2000 Superseded by EN 60669-2-1:2004
EN 60669-2-1:2000/IS1:2004 Superseded by EN 60669-2-1:2004
EN 60669-2-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60669-2-2:1997
EN 60669-2-2:1996 Withdrawn
EN 60669-2-2:1997 Superseded by EN 60669-2-2:2006
EN 60669-2-3:1996 Superseded by EN 60669-2-3:1997
EN 60669-2-3:1997 Superseded by EN 60669-2-3:2006
EN 60679-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60679-1:2007
EN 60684-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60684-1:2003
EN 60684-2:1997 Superseded by EN 60684-2:2011
EN 60684-3-209:2003 Superseded by EN 60684-3-209:2010
EN 60684-3-211:1994 Superseded by EN 60684-3-211:2002
EN 60684-3-211:2002 Superseded by EN 60684-3-211:2007
EN 60684-3-212:1998 Superseded by EN 60684-3-212:2006
EN 60684-3-213:1999 Superseded by EN 60684-3-212:2006
EN 60684-3-217:1998 Superseded by EN 60684-3-212:2006
EN 60684-3-218:1998 Superseded by EN 60684-3-212:2006
EN 60684-3-228:1998 Superseded by EN 60684-3-228:2004
EN 60684-3-233:1998 Superseded by EN 60684-3-233:2006
EN 60684-3-246:1995 Superseded by EN 60684-3-246:2002
EN 60684-3-246:2002 Superseded by EN 60684-3-246:2007
EN 60684-3-271:1998 Superseded by EN 60684-3-271:2004
EN 60684-3-271:2004 Superseded by EN 60684-3-271:2011
EN 60684-3-272:1998 Superseded by EN 60684-3-271:2004
EN 60684-3-123 & 124:1995 Superseded by EN 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
EN 60684-3-340 to 342:1994 Superseded by EN 60684-3-340 to 342:2003
EN 60684-3-343 to 345:1994 Superseded by EN 60684-3-343 to 345:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60687:1992 Superseded by EN 62053-22:2003
EN 60691:1987 Superseded by EN 60691:1995
EN 60691:1995 Superseded by EN 60691:2003
EN 60694:1996 Superseded by EN 62271-1:2008
EN 60695-1-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60695-1-1:2000
EN 60695-1-1:2000 Superseded by EN 60695-1-11:2010
EN 60695-1-1:2000 Superseded by EN 60695-1-10:2010
EN 60695-1-30:2002 Superseded by EN 60695-1-30:2008
EN 60695-2-1/0:1996 Superseded by EN 60695-2-10:2001
EN 60695-2-1/1:1996 Superseded by EN 60695-2-11:2001
EN 60695-2-1/2:1996 Superseded by EN 60695-2-12:2001
EN 60695-2-1/3:1996 Superseded by EN 60695-2-13:2001
EN 60695-2-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60695-11-5:2005
EN 60695-2-4/0:1993 Basic Safety Publication
EN 60695-2-4/1:1993 Superseded by EN 60695-11-2:2003
EN 60695-2-12:2001 Superseded by EN 60695-2-12:2010
EN 60695-2-13:2001 Superseded by EN 60695-2-13:2010
EN 60695-4:1995 Superseded by EN 60695-4:2006
EN 60695-5-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60695-5-1:2003
EN 60695-6-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60695-6-1:2005
EN 60695-7-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60695-7-1:2004
EN 60695-7-1:2004 Superseded by EN 60695-7-1:2010
EN 60695-8-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60695-8-1:2008
EN 60695-9-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60695-9-1:2005
EN 60704-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60704-1:1997
EN 60704-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60704-1:2010
EN 60704-2-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60704-2-1:2001
EN 60704-2-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60704-2-2:2010
EN 60704-2-3:1994 Superseded by EN 60704-2-3:2002
EN 60704-2-4:1994 Superseded by EN 60704-2-4:2001
EN 60704-2-5:1994 Superseded by EN 60704-2-5:2005
EN 60704-2-6:1995 Superseded by EN 60704-2-6:2004
EN 60704-2-13:2000 Superseded by EN 60704-2-13:2011
EN 60704-3:1994 Superseded by EN 60704-3:2006
EN 60705:1995 Superseded by EN 60705:1999
EN 60707:1999 Basic Safety Publication * Withdrawn
EN 60707:1999 Superseded by EN 60695-11-10:1999
EN 60707:1999 Superseded by EN 60695-11-10:1999/A1:2003
EN 60721-3-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60721-3-1:1997
EN 60721-3-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60721-3-2:1997
EN 60721-3-3:1993 Superseded by EN 60721-3-3:1995
EN 60721-3-4:1993 Superseded by EN 60721-3-4:1995
EN 60721-3-5:1993 Superseded by EN 60721-3-5:1997
EN 60721-3-7:1993 Superseded by EN 60721-3-7:1995
EN 60726:2003 Superseded by EN 60076-11:2004
EN 60728-3:2006 Superseded by EN 60728-3:2011
EN 60728-6:2003 Superseded by EN 60728-6:2011
EN 60728-7-3:2005 Superseded by EN 60728-7-3:2009
EN 60728-11:2005 Superseded by EN 60728-11:2010
EN 60730-1:1991 Superseded by EN 60730-1:1995
EN 60730-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60730-1:2000
EN 60730-2-1:1991 Superseded by EN 60730-2-1:1997
EN 60730-2-2:1991 Superseded by EN 60730-2-2:2002
EN 60730-2-3:1992 Superseded by EN 60730-2-3:2007
EN 60730-2-4:1993 Superseded by EN 60730-2-4:2007
EN 60730-2-5:1991 Superseded by EN 60730-2-5:1995
EN 60730-2-5:1995 Superseded by EN 60730-2-5:2002
EN 60730-2-6:1995 Superseded by EN 60730-2-6:2008
EN 60730-2-7:1991 Superseded by EN 60730-2-7:2010
EN 60730-2-8:1995 Superseded by EN 60730-2-8:2002
EN 60730-2-9:1995 Superseded by EN 60730-2-9:2002
EN 60730-2-9:2002 Superseded by EN 60730-2-9:2010
EN 60730-2-10:1995 Superseded by EN 60730-2-10:2007
EN 60730-2-11:1993 Superseded by EN 60730-2-11:2008
EN 60730-2-12:1993 Superseded by EN 60730-2-12:2006
EN 60730-2-13:1998 Superseded by EN 60730-2-13:2008
EN 60730-2-15:1995 Superseded by EN 60730-2-15:2010
EN 60730-2-16:1997 Superseded by EN 60730-2-15:2010
EN 60730-2-18:1999 Superseded by EN 60730-2-15:2010
EN 60734:1993 Superseded by EN 60734:2003
EN 60738-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60738-1:2006
EN 60738-1-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60738-1-1:2008
EN 60738-1-2:1999 Superseded by EN 60738-1-2:2008
EN 60738-1-3:1999 Superseded by EN 60738-1-3:2008
EN 60738-1-4:1999 Superseded by EN 60738-1-4:2008
EN 60742:1989 Superseded by EN 60742:1995
EN 60742:1995 Superseded by EN 61558-2-4:1997
EN 60742:1995 Superseded by EN 61558-2-5:1998
EN 60742:1995 Superseded by EN 61558-2-6:1997
EN 60742:1995 Superseded by EN 61558-1:1997
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60742:1995 Superseded by EN 61558-2-7:1997
EN 60742:1995 Superseded by EN 61558-2-9:2003
EN 60742:1995 Superseded by EN 61558-2-8:1998
EN 60743:1996 Superseded by EN 60743:2001
EN 60745-1:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-1:2006
EN 60745-1:2006 Superseded by EN 60745-1:2009
EN 60745-2-1:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-1:2010
EN 60745-2-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-2:2010
EN 60745-2-3:2007 Superseded by EN 60745-2-3:2011
EN 60745-2-4:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-4:2009
EN 60745-2-5:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-5:2007
EN 60745-2-5:2007 Superseded by EN 60745-2-5:2010
EN 60745-2-6:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-6:2010
EN 60745-2-8:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-8:2009
EN 60745-2-9:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-9:2009
EN 60745-2-11:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-11:2010
EN 60745-2-12:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-12:2009
EN 60745-2-13:2007 Superseded by EN 60745-2-13:2009
EN 60745-2-14:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-14:2009
EN 60745-2-15:2006 Superseded by EN 60745-2-15:2009
EN 60745-2-17:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-17:2010
EN 60745-2-18:2004 Superseded by EN 60745-2-18:2009
EN 60745-2-19:2005 Superseded by EN 60745-2-19:2009
EN 60745-2-20:2003 Superseded by EN 60745-2-20:2009
EN 60745-2-21:2007 Superseded by EN 60745-2-21:2009
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-15:2003
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-1:2003
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-14:2003
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-13:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-12:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-11:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-10:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-2:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-9:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-7:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-6:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-4:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-3:2002
EN 60749:1999 Superseded by EN 60749-31:2003
EN 60749-7:2002 Superseded by EN 60749-7:2011
EN 60749-15:2003 Superseded by EN 60749-15:2010
EN 60749-20:2003 Superseded by EN 60749-20:2009
EN 60749-21:2005 Superseded by EN 60749-21:2011
EN 60749-29:2003 Superseded by EN 60749-29:2011
EN 60749-34:2004 Superseded by EN 60749-34:2010
EN 60751:1995 Superseded by EN 60751:2008
EN 60758:2005 Superseded by EN 60758:2009
EN 60763-1:1996 Superseded by EN 60763-1:2011
EN 60763-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60763-2:2007
EN 60763-3-1:1996 Superseded by EN 60763-3-1:2011
EN 60770-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60770-1:2011
EN 60770-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60770-2:2010
EN 60789:1993 Superseded by EN 60789:2005
EN 60793-1-1:2003 Superseded by EN 60793-1-1:2008
EN 60793-1-30:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-1-30:2011
EN 60793-1-31:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-1-31:2010
EN 60793-1-32:2003 Superseded by EN 60793-1-32:2010
EN 60793-1-34:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-1-34:2006
EN 60793-1-41:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-1-41:2003
EN 60793-1-41:2003 Superseded by EN 60793-1-41:2010
EN 60793-1-42:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-1-42:2007
EN 60793-1-44:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-1-44:2011
EN 60793-1-47:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-1-47:2007
EN 60793-1-47:2007 Superseded by EN 60793-1-47:2009
EN 60793-1-48:2003 Superseded by EN 60793-1-48:2007
EN 60793-1-49:2003 Superseded by EN 60793-1-49:2006
EN 60793-2:2004 Superseded by EN 60793-2:2008
EN 60793-2-10:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-2-10:2004
EN 60793-2-10:2004 Superseded by EN 60793-2-10:2007
EN 60793-2-10:2007 Superseded by EN 60793-2-10:2011
EN 60793-2-20:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-2-20:2009
EN 60793-2-30:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-2-30:2009
EN 60793-2-40:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-2-40:2006
EN 60793-2-40:2006 Superseded by EN 60793-2-40:2011
EN 60793-2-50:2002 Superseded by EN 60793-2-50:2004
EN 60793-2-50:2004 Superseded by EN 60793-2-50:2008
EN 60794-1-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60794-1-1:2002
EN 60794-1-2:1999 Superseded by EN 60794-1-2:2003
EN 60794-2-20:2003 Superseded by EN 60794-2-20:2010
EN 60794-2-30:2003 Superseded by EN 60794-2-30:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60794-3:1994 Superseded by EN 60794-3:1998
EN 60794-3:1998 Superseded by EN 60794-3:2002
EN 60794-3-10:2002 Superseded by EN 60794-3-10:2009
EN 60794-3-20:2002 Superseded by EN 60794-3-20:2009
EN 60794-3-30:2003 Superseded by EN 60794-3-30:2008
EN 60799:1987 Superseded by EN 60799:1998
EN 60801-2:1993 Superseded by EN 61000-4-2:1995
EN 60804:1994 Superseded by EN 60804:2000
EN 60804:2000 Superseded by EN 61672-1:2003
EN 60804:2000 Superseded by EN 61672-2:2003
EN 60810:1994 Superseded by EN 60810:2003
EN 60811-2-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60811-2-1:1998
EN 60811-4-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60811-4-1:2004
EN 60811-4-2:1999 Superseded by EN 60811-4-2:2004
EN 60825:1991 Superseded by EN 60825-1:1994
EN 60825-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60825-1:2007
EN 60825-1:1994 Superseded by EN 62471:2008
EN 60825-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60825-2:2000
EN 60825-2:2000 Superseded by EN 60825-2:2004
EN 60825-4:1997 Superseded by EN 60825-4:2006
EN 60831-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60831-1:1996
EN 60831-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60831-2:1996
EN 60832:1996 Superseded by EN 60832-2:2010
EN 60832:1996 Superseded by EN 60832-1:2010
EN 60838-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60838-1:1998
EN 60838-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60838-1:2004
EN 60851-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60851-2:2009
EN 60851-3:1996 Superseded by EN 60851-3:2009
EN 60851-4:1994 Superseded by EN 60851-4:1996
EN 60851-5:1996 Superseded by EN 60851-5:2008
EN 60870-5-101:1996 Superseded by EN 60870-5-101:2003
EN 60870-5-104:2001 Superseded by EN 60870-5-104:2006
EN 60870-6-503:1997 Superseded by EN 60870-6-503:2002
EN 60870-6-802:1997 Superseded by EN 60870-6-802:2002
EN 60871-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60871-1:2005
EN 60872:1993 Superseded by EN 60872-1:1998
EN 60872-1:1998 Superseded by EN 62388:2008
EN 60872-2:1999 Superseded by EN 62388:2008
EN 60872-3:2001 Superseded by EN 62388:2008
EN 60873:1993 Superseded by EN 60873-1:2004
EN 60874-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60874-1:2007
EN 60874-19:1997 Superseded by EN 61754-4-1:2003
EN 60875-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60875-1:2001
EN 60875-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60875-1:2010
EN 60891:1994 Superseded by EN 60891:2010
EN 60893-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60893-1:2004
EN 60893-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60893-2:2004
EN 60893-3-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60893-3-1:2004
EN 60893-3-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60893-3-2:2004
EN 60893-3-3:1995 Superseded by EN 60893-3-3:2004
EN 60893-3-4:1995 Superseded by EN 60893-3-4:2004
EN 60893-3-5:1995 Superseded by EN 60893-3-5:2004
EN 60893-3-6:1995 Superseded by EN 60893-3-6:2004
EN 60893-3-7:1995 Superseded by EN 60893-3-7:2004
EN 60895:1996 Superseded by EN 60895:2003
EN 60896-1:1991 Superseded by EN 60896-11:2003
EN 60896-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60896-21:2004
EN 60898:1991 Superseded by EN 60898-1:2003
EN 60898-2:2001 Superseded by EN 60898-2:2006
EN 60900:1993 Superseded by EN 60900:2004
EN 60901:1990 Superseded by EN 60901:1996
EN 60903:1992 Superseded by EN 60903:2003
EN 60904-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60904-1:2006
EN 60904-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60904-2:2007
EN 60904-3:1993 Superseded by EN 60904-3:2008
EN 60904-5:1995 Superseded by EN 60904-5:2011
EN 60904-6:1994 Superseded by EN 60904-2:2007
EN 60904-7:1998 Superseded by EN 60904-7:2009
EN 60904-10:1998 Superseded by EN 60904-10:2010
EN 60908:1992 Superseded by EN 60908:1999
EN 60909-3:2003 Superseded by EN 60909-3:2010
EN 60917:1990 Superseded by EN 60917-1:1998
EN 60917-0:1992 Superseded by EN 60917-1:1998
EN 60920:1991 Superseded by EN 61347-2-8:2001
EN 60921:1991 Superseded by EN 60921:2004
EN 60922:1991 Superseded by EN 60922:1997
EN 60922:1997 Superseded by EN 61347-2-9:2001
EN 60923:1991 Superseded by EN 60923:1996
EN 60923:1996 Superseded by EN 60923:2005
EN 60924:1991 Superseded by EN 61347-2-4:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60924:1991 Superseded by EN 61347-2-5:2001
EN 60924:1991 Superseded by EN 61347-2-6:2001
EN 60924:1991 Superseded by EN 61347-2-7:2001
EN 60925:1991 Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
EN 60926:1990 Superseded by EN 60926:1996
EN 60926:1996 Superseded by EN 61347-2-1:2001
EN 60927:1990 Superseded by EN 60927:1996
EN 60927:1996 Superseded by EN 60927:2007
EN 60928:1991 Superseded by EN 60928:1995
EN 60928:1995 Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2001
EN 60929:1992 Superseded by EN 60929:2004
EN 60929:2004 Superseded by EN 60929:2006
EN 60929:2006 Superseded by EN 60929:2011
EN 60929:2006 Superseded by EN 62386-101:2009
EN 60929:2006 Superseded by EN 62386-102:2009
EN 60929:2006 Superseded by EN 62386-201:2009
EN 60931-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60931-1:1996
EN 60931-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60931-2:1996
EN 60934:1990 Superseded by EN 60934:1994
EN 60934:1994 Superseded by EN 60934:2001
EN 60936:1993 Superseded by EN 60936-1:2000
EN 60936:1993 Superseded by EN 60936-2:1999
EN 60936-1:2000 Superseded by EN 62388:2008
EN 60936-2:1999 Superseded by EN 62388:2008
EN 60936-3:2002 Superseded by EN 62388:2008
EN 60939-1:2005 Superseded by EN 60939-1:2010
EN 60942:1998 Superseded by EN 60942:2003
EN 60945:1993 Superseded by EN 60945:1995
EN 60945:1995 Superseded by EN 60945:1997
EN 60945:1997 Superseded by EN 60945:2002
EN 60947-1:1991 Superseded by EN 60947-1:1997
EN 60947-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60947-1:1999
EN 60947-1:1999 Superseded by EN 60947-1:2004
EN 60947-1:2004 Superseded by EN 60947-1:2007
EN 60947-2:1991 Superseded by EN 60947-2:1996
EN 60947-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60947-2:2003
EN 60947-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60947-2:2006
EN 60947-3:1992 Superseded by EN 60947-3:1999
EN 60947-3:1999 Superseded by EN 60947-3:2009
EN 60947-4-1:1992 Superseded by EN 60947-4-1:2001
EN 60947-4-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60947-4-1:2010
EN 60947-4-2:1996 Superseded by EN 60947-4-2:2000
EN 60947-5-1:1991 Superseded by EN 60947-5-1:1997
EN 60947-5-1:1997 Superseded by EN 60947-5-1:2004
EN 60947-5-2:1997 Superseded by EN 60947-5-2:1998
EN 60947-5-2:1998 Superseded by EN 60947-5-2:2007
EN 60947-5-4:1997 Superseded by EN 60947-5-4:2003
EN 60947-6-1:1991 Superseded by EN 60947-6-1:2005
EN 60947-6-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60947-6-2:2003
EN 60947-7-1:1991 Superseded by EN 60947-7-1:2002
EN 60947-7-1:2002 Superseded by EN 60947-7-1:2009
EN 60947-7-2:1995 Superseded by EN 60947-7-2:2002
EN 60947-7-2:2002 Superseded by EN 60947-7-2:2009
EN 60947-7-3:2002 Superseded by EN 60947-7-3:2009
EN 60950:1988 Superseded by EN 60950:1992
EN 60950:1992 Superseded by EN 60950:2000
EN 60950:2000 Superseded by EN 60950-1:2001
EN 60950-1:2001 Superseded by EN 60950-1:2006
EN 60952-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60952-1:2004
EN 60952-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60952-2:2004
EN 60952-3:1995 Superseded by EN 60952-3:2004
EN 60958:1990 Superseded by EN 60958-1:2000
EN 60958-1:2000 Superseded by EN 60958-1:2004
EN 60958-1:2004 Superseded by EN 60958-1:2008
EN 60958-3:2000 Superseded by EN 60958-3:2003
EN 60958-3:2003 Superseded by EN 60958-3:2006
EN 60958-4:2000 Superseded by EN 60958-4:2003
EN 60966-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60966-1:1999
EN 60966-2-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60966-2-1:2003
EN 60966-2-1:2003 Superseded by EN 60966-2-1:2009
EN 60966-2-2:1994 Superseded by EN 60966-2-2:2003
EN 60966-2-3:1999 Superseded by EN 60966-2-3:2003
EN 60966-2-3:2003 Superseded by EN 60966-2-3:2009
EN 60966-2-4:1997 Superseded by EN 60966-2-4:2003
EN 60966-2-4:2003 Superseded by EN 60966-2-4:2009
EN 60966-2-5:1999 Superseded by EN 60966-2-5:2003
EN 60966-2-5:2003 Superseded by EN 60966-2-5:2009
EN 60966-2-6:1999 Superseded by EN 60966-2-6:2003
EN 60966-2-6:2003 Superseded by EN 60966-2-6:2009
EN 60966-3:1994 Superseded by EN 60966-3:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 60966-3:2003 Superseded by EN 60966-3:2009
EN 60966-3-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60966-3-1:2003
EN 60966-3-1:2003 Superseded by EN 60966-3-1:2009
EN 60966-3-2:1999 Superseded by EN 60966-3-2:2003
EN 60966-4:1994 Superseded by EN 60966-4:2003
EN 60966-4-1:1994 Superseded by EN 60966-4-1:2003
EN 60967:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-17:1999
EN 60974-1:1990 Superseded by EN 60974-1:1998
EN 60974-1:1998 Superseded by EN 60974-1:2005
EN 60974-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60974-2:2008
EN 60974-3:2003 Superseded by EN 60974-3:2007
EN 60974-4:2007 Superseded by EN 60974-4:2011
EN 60974-5:2002 Superseded by EN 60974-5:2008
EN 60974-6:2003 Superseded by EN 60974-6:2011
EN 60974-7:2000 Superseded by EN 60974-7:2005
EN 60974-8:2004 Superseded by EN 60974-8:2009
EN 60974-10:2003 Superseded by EN 60974-10:2007
EN 60974-11:1995 Superseded by EN 60974-11:2004
EN 60974-11:2004 Superseded by EN 60974-11:2010
EN 60974-12:1995 Superseded by EN 60974-12:2005
EN 60974-12:2005 Superseded by EN 60974-12:2011
EN 60976:1999 Superseded by EN 60976:2007
EN 60998-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60998-1:2004
EN 60998-2-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60998-2-1:2004
EN 60998-2-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60998-2-2:2004
EN 60998-2-3:1993 Superseded by EN 60998-2-3:2004
EN 60998-2-4:1993 Superseded by EN 60998-2-4:2005
EN 60999-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60999-1:2000
EN 61000-2-4:1994 Superseded by EN 61000-2-4:2002
EN 61000-3-2:1995 Superseded by EN 61000-3-2:2000
EN 61000-3-2:2000 Superseded by EN 61000-3-2:2006
EN 61000-3-3:1995 Superseded by EN 61000-3-3:2008
EN 61000-3-3:1995/IS1:2005 Superseded by EN 61000-3-3:2008
EN 61000-4-1:1994 Superseded by EN 61000-4-1:2000
EN 61000-4-1:2000 Superseded by EN 61000-4-1:2007
EN 61000-4-2:1995 Superseded by EN 61000-4-2:2009
EN 61000-4-3:1996 Superseded by EN 61000-4-3:2002
EN 61000-4-3:2002 Superseded by EN 61000-4-3:2006
EN 61000-4-3:2002/IS1:2004 Superseded by EN 61000-4-3:2006
EN 61000-4-4:1995 Superseded by EN 61000-4-4:2004
EN 61000-4-5:1995 Superseded by EN 61000-4-5:2006
EN 61000-4-6:1996 Superseded by EN 61000-4-6:2007
EN 61000-4-6:1996/IS1:2004 Superseded by EN 61000-4-6:2007
EN 61000-4-6:2007 Superseded by EN 61000-4-6:2009
EN 61000-4-6:2007/IS1:2009 Superseded by EN 61000-4-6:2009
EN 61000-4-7:1993 Superseded by EN 61000-4-7:2002
EN 61000-4-8:1993 Superseded by EN 61000-4-8:2010
EN 61000-4-11:1994 Superseded by EN 61000-4-11:2004
EN 61000-4-12:1995 Superseded by EN 61000-4-12:2006
EN 61000-4-12:1995 Superseded by EN 61000-4-18:2007
EN 61000-4-15:1998 Superseded by EN 61000-4-15:2011
EN 61000-4-20:2003 Superseded by EN 61000-4-20:2010
EN 61000-4-21:2003 Superseded by EN 61000-4-21:2011
EN 61000-4-30:2003 Superseded by EN 61000-4-30:2009
EN 61000-6-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61000-6-1:2007
EN 61000-6-1:2001/IS1:2005 Superseded by EN 61000-6-1:2007
EN 61000-6-2:1999 Superseded by EN 61000-6-2:2001
EN 61000-6-2:2001 Superseded by EN 61000-6-2:2005
EN 61000-6-2:2001/IS1:2005 Superseded by EN 61000-6-2:2005
EN 61000-6-3:2001 Superseded by EN 61000-6-3:2007
EN 61000-6-4:2001 Superseded by EN 61000-6-4:2007
EN 61003-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61003-1:2004
EN 61006:1993 Superseded by EN 61006:2004
EN 61008-1:1994 Superseded by EN 61008-1:2004
EN 61009-1:1994 Superseded by EN 61009-1:2004
EN 61010-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61010-1:2001
EN 61010-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61010-1:2010
EN 61010-2-010:1994 Superseded by EN 61010-2-010:2003
EN 61010-2-020:1994 Superseded by EN 61010-2-020:2006
EN 61010-2-031:1994 Superseded by EN 61010-031:2002
EN 61010-2-032:1995 Superseded by EN 61010-2-032:2002
EN 61010-2-041:1996 Superseded by EN 61010-2-040:2005
EN 61010-2-042:1997 Superseded by EN 61010-2-040:2005
EN 61010-2-043:1997 Superseded by EN 61010-2-040:2005
EN 61010-2-045:2000 Superseded by EN 61010-2-040:2005
EN 61010-2-051:1995 Superseded by EN 61010-2-051:2003
EN 61010-2-061:1996 Superseded by EN 61010-2-061:2003
EN 61011:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-76:1999
EN 61011-1:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-76:1999
EN 61011-2:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-76:1999
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 61019-2:1997 Superseded by EN 61019-2:2005
EN 61023:1993 Superseded by EN 61023:1999
EN 61023:1999 Superseded by EN 61023:2007
EN 61027:1993 Superseded by EN 60645-5:2005
EN 61029-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61029-1:2000
EN 61029-1:2000 Superseded by EN 61029-1:2009
EN 61029-2-1:2002 Superseded by EN 61029-2-1:2010
EN 61029-2-4:2003 Superseded by EN 61029-2-4:2011
EN 61029-2-8:2003 Superseded by EN 61029-2-8:2010
EN 61029-2-9:2002 Superseded by EN 61029-2-9:2009
EN 61029-2-11:2003 Superseded by EN 61029-2-11:2009
EN 61036:1992 Superseded by EN 61036:1996
EN 61036:1996 Superseded by EN 62053-21:2003
EN 61037:1992 Superseded by EN 62052-21:2004
EN 61037:1992 Superseded by EN 62054-11:2004
EN 61038:1992 Superseded by EN 62052-21:2004
EN 61038:1992 Superseded by EN 62054-21:2004
EN 61046:1992 Superseded by EN 61046:1994
EN 61046:1994 Superseded by EN 61347-2-2:2001
EN 61047:1992 Superseded by EN 61047:2004
EN 61048:1993 Superseded by EN 61048:2006
EN 61054:1993 Superseded by EN 60774-2:2000
EN 61056-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61056-1:2003
EN 61056-2:1996 Superseded by EN 61056-2:2003
EN 61058-1:1992 Superseded by EN 61058-1:2002
EN 61058-2-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61058-2-1:2011
EN 61058-2-5:1994 Superseded by EN 61058-2-5:2011
EN 61061-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61061-1:2006
EN 61071-1:1996 Superseded by EN 61071:2007
EN 61071-2:1996 Superseded by EN 61071:2007
EN 61073-1:2000 Superseded by EN 61073-1:2009
EN 61074:1993 Withdrawn
EN 61076-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61076-1:2006
EN 61076-2:1999 Superseded by EN 61076-2:2011
EN 61076-2-001:2001 Superseded by EN 61076-2-001:2011
EN 61076-2-101:2003 Superseded by EN 61076-2-101:2008
EN 61076-2-101:2003 Superseded by EN 61076-2-104:2008
EN 61076-3:2000 Superseded by EN 61076-3:2008
EN 61076-3-001:2000 Superseded by EN 61076-3-001:2008
EN 61076-3-104:2003 Superseded by EN 61076-3-104:2006
EN 61076-4-100:1998 Superseded by EN 61076-4-100:2001
EN 61076-4-101:1998 Superseded by EN 61076-4-101:2001
EN 61076-5:2001 To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 * Withdrawn
EN 61076-6:2004 To be read with EN 61076-1:1995 * Withdrawn
EN 61078:1993 Superseded by EN 61078:2006
EN 61082-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61082-1:2006
EN 61082-2:1994 Superseded by EN 61082-1:2006
EN 61082-3:1994 Superseded by EN 61082-1:2006
EN 61082-4:1996 Superseded by EN 61082-1:2006
EN 61083-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61083-1:2001
EN 61086-1:1994 Superseded by EN 61086-1:2004
EN 61086-2:1994 Superseded by EN 61086-2:2004
EN 61086-3-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61086-3-1:2004
EN 61094-1:1994 Superseded by EN 61094-1:2000
EN 61094-2:1993 Superseded by EN 61094-2:2009
EN 61095:1993 Superseded by EN 61095:2009
EN 61097-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61097-1:2007
EN 61099:1992 Superseded by EN 61099:2010
EN 61101:1993 Superseded by EN 62127-1:2007
EN 61101:1993 Superseded by EN 62127-2:2007
EN 61101:1993 Superseded by EN 62127-3:2007
EN 61102:1993 Superseded by EN 62127-1:2007
EN 61102:1993 Superseded by EN 62127-2:2007
EN 61102:1993 Superseded by EN 62127-3:2007
EN 61107:1992 Superseded by EN 61107:1996
EN 61107:1996 Superseded by EN 62056-21:2002
EN 61108-1:1996 Superseded by EN 61108-1:2003
EN 61114-1:1993 Superseded by EN 61114-1:1999
EN 61121:1993 Superseded by EN 61121:1999
EN 61121:1999 Superseded by EN 61121:2005
EN 61129:1994 Superseded by EN 62271-102:2002
EN 61131-1:1994 Superseded by EN 61131-1:2003
EN 61131-2:1994 Superseded by EN 61131-2:2003
EN 61131-2:2003 Superseded by EN 61131-2:2007
EN 61131-3:1993 Superseded by EN 61131-3:2003
EN 61135:1994 Withdrawn
EN 61136-1:1995 Superseded by CLC/TR 61800-6:2007
EN 61138:1997 Superseded by EN 61138:2007
EN 61140:2001 Superseded by EN 61140:2002
EN 61142:1993 Superseded by EN 62056-31:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 61150:1993 Withdrawn
EN 61157:1994 Superseded by EN 61157:2007
EN 61158-2:1994 Superseded by EN 61158-2:2004
EN 61158-2:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-2:2008
EN 61158-2:2008 Superseded by EN 61158-2:2010
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-17:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-18:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-19:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-1:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-2:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-3:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-16:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-14:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-13:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-12:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-11:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-4:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-8:2008
EN 61158-3:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-3-7:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-11:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-12:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-13:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-14:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-16:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-17:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-8:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-19:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-1:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-2:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-3:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-7:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-4:2008
EN 61158-4:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-4-18:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-19:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-20:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-2:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-3:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-4:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-5:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-7:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-8:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-9:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-10:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-11:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-12:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-13:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-14:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-15:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-16:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-17:2008
EN 61158-5:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-5-18:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-10:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-9:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-12:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-13:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-14:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-15:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-16:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-17:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-18:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-19:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-20:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-2:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-3:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-4:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-5:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-7:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-8:2008
EN 61158-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61158-6-11:2008
EN 61161:1994 Superseded by EN 61161:2007
EN 61162-1:1996 Superseded by EN 61162-1:2000
EN 61162-1:2000 Superseded by EN 61162-1:2008
EN 61162-1:2008 Superseded by EN 61162-1:2011
EN 61167:1994 Superseded by EN 61167:2011
EN 61169-2:2001 Superseded by EN 61169-2:2007
EN 61169-24:2001 Superseded by EN 61169-24:2009
EN 61173:1994 Superseded by HD 60364-7-712:2005
EN 61174:1998 Superseded by EN 61174:2001
EN 61174:2001 Superseded by EN 61174:2008
EN 61175:1993 Superseded by EN 61175:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 61181:1993 Superseded by EN 61181:2007
EN 61182-7:1995 Withdrawn
EN 61184:1994 Superseded by EN 61184:1997
EN 61184:1997 Superseded by EN 61184:2008
EN 61185:1997 Superseded by EN 61185:2005
EN 61189-2:1997 Superseded by EN 61189-2:2006
EN 61189-3:1997 Superseded by EN 61189-3:2008
EN 61190-1-2:2002 Superseded by EN 61190-1-2:2007
EN 61190-1-3:2002 Superseded by EN 61190-1-3:2007
EN 61195:1994 Superseded by EN 61195:1999
EN 61196-2:1995 Superseded by EN 61196-2:2003
EN 61199:1994 Superseded by EN 61199:1999
EN 61202-1:2000 Superseded by EN 61202-1:2009
EN 61207-1:1994 Superseded by EN 61207-1:2010
EN 61207-3:1999 Superseded by EN 61207-3:2002
EN 61210:1995 Superseded by EN 61210:2010
EN 61212-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61212-1:2006
EN 61212-2:1996 Superseded by EN 61212-2:2006
EN 61212-3-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61212-3-1:2006
EN 61212-3-2:1995 Superseded by EN 61212-3-2:2006
EN 61212-3-3:1995 Superseded by EN 61212-3-3:2006
EN 61215:1995 Superseded by EN 61215:2005
EN 61220:1995 Superseded by EN 62127-1:2007
EN 61220:1995 Superseded by EN 62127-3:2007
EN 61220:1995 Superseded by EN 62127-2:2007
EN 61221:1995 Superseded by EN 61221:2004
EN 61223-2-6:1994 Superseded by EN 61223-2-6:2007
EN 61223-3-1:1999 Withdrawn
EN 61223-3-2:1996 Superseded by EN 61223-3-2:2008
EN 61228:1994 Superseded by EN 61228:2008
EN 61230:1995 Superseded by EN 61230:2008
EN 61236:1995 Superseded by EN 61236:2011
EN 61241-0:2006 Superseded by EN 60079-0:2009
EN 61241-1:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-31:2009
EN 61241-10:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-10-2:2009
EN 61241-14:2004 Withdrawn
EN 61241-17:2005 Superseded by EN 60079-17:2007
EN 61241-18:2004 Superseded by EN 60079-18:2009
EN 61243-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61243-1:2005
EN 61243-3:1998 Superseded by EN 61243-3:2010
EN 61259:1994 Superseded by EN 62271-102:2002
EN 61264:1998 Superseded by EN 62155:2003
EN 61267:1994 Superseded by EN 61267:2006
EN 61268:1996 Superseded by EN 62053-23:2003
EN 61274-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61274-1:2008
EN 61274-1-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61274-1-1:2006
EN 61277:1998 Withdrawn
EN 61280-1-3:1999 Superseded by EN 61280-1-3:2010
EN 61280-1-4:2003 Superseded by EN 61280-1-4:2010
EN 61280-2-1:1999 Superseded by EN 61280-2-1:2010
EN 61280-2-2:1999 Superseded by EN 61280-2-2:2005
EN 61280-2-2:2005 Superseded by EN 61280-2-2:2008
EN 61280-2-4:1998 Withdrawn
EN 61280-2-5:1998 Superseded by EN 61280-2-3:2009
EN 61280-2-9:2002 Superseded by EN 61280-2-9:2009
EN 61280-4-1:2004 Superseded by EN 61280-4-1:2009
EN 61284:1995 Superseded by EN 61284:1997
EN 61285:1994 Superseded by EN 61285:2004
EN 61286:1995 Superseded by EN 61286:2002
EN 61290-1-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61290-1-1:2006
EN 61290-1-2:1998 Superseded by EN 61290-1-2:2005
EN 61290-1-3:1998 Superseded by EN 61290-1-3:2005
EN 61290-2-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61290-1-1:2006
EN 61290-2-2:1998 Superseded by EN 61290-1-2:2005
EN 61290-2-2:1998 Withdrawn
EN 61290-2-3:1998 Superseded by EN 61290-1-3:2005
EN 61290-2-3:1998 Withdrawn
EN 61290-3:2000 Superseded by EN 61290-3:2008
EN 61290-3-2:2003 Superseded by EN 61290-3-2:2008
EN 61290-5-1:2000 Superseded by EN 61290-5-1:2006
EN 61290-7-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61290-7-1:2007
EN 61290-10-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61290-10-1:2009
EN 61290-10-2:2003 Superseded by EN 61290-10-2:2008
EN 61290-11-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61290-11-1:2008
EN 61291-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61291-1:2006
EN 61291-2:2000 Superseded by EN 61291-2:2007
EN 61291-4:2003 Superseded by EN 61291-4:2008
EN 61298-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61298-1:2008
EN 61298-2:1995 Superseded by EN 61298-2:2008
EN 61298-3:1998 Superseded by EN 61298-3:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 61298-4:1995 Superseded by EN 61298-4:2008
EN 61300-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-1:2003
EN 61300-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61300-1:2011
EN 61300-2-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-1:2003
EN 61300-2-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61300-2-1:2009
EN 61300-2-2:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-2:2003
EN 61300-2-2:2003 Superseded by EN 61300-2-2:2009
EN 61300-2-3:1997 Withdrawn
EN 61300-2-5:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-5:2002
EN 61300-2-5:2002 Superseded by EN 61300-2-5:2011
EN 61300-2-6:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-6:2011
EN 61300-2-9:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-9:2010
EN 61300-2-12:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-12:2005
EN 61300-2-12:2005 Superseded by EN 61300-2-12:2009
EN 61300-2-14:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-14:2006
EN 61300-2-15:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-15:2008
EN 61300-2-16:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-16:2006
EN 61300-2-16:2006 Withdrawn
EN 61300-2-17:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-17:2003
EN 61300-2-17:2003 Superseded by EN 61300-2-17:2011
EN 61300-2-18:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-18:2005
EN 61300-2-19:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-19:2005
EN 61300-2-20:1997 Witdrawn
EN 61300-2-21:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-21:2010
EN 61300-2-22:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-22:2007
EN 61300-2-23:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-23:2011
EN 61300-2-24:2000 Superseded by EN 61300-2-24:2010
EN 61300-2-25:1997 Withdrawn
EN 61300-2-26:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-26:2007
EN 61300-2-30:1997 Withdrawn
EN 61300-2-31:1997 Withdrawn
EN 61300-2-33:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-33:2007
EN 61300-2-34:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-34:2009
EN 61300-2-37:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-37:2007
EN 61300-2-38:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-2-38:2006
EN 61300-2-39:1997 Withdrawn
EN 61300-2-42:1998 Superseded by EN 61300-2-42:2005
EN 61300-2-44:2005 Superseded by EN 61300-2-44:2008
EN 61300-2-47:2004 Superseded by EN 61300-2-47:2007
EN 61300-2-47:2007 Superseded by EN 61300-2-47:2010
EN 61300-2-48:2003 Superseded by EN 61300-2-48:2009
EN 61300-3-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-1:2005
EN 61300-3-2:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-2:1999
EN 61300-3-2:1999 Superseded by EN 61300-3-2:2009
EN 61300-3-3:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-3:2003
EN 61300-3-3:2003 Superseded by EN 61300-3-3:2009
EN 61300-3-4:1998 Superseded by EN 61300-3-4:2001
EN 61300-3-6:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-6:2003
EN 61300-3-6:2003 Superseded by EN 61300-3-6:2009
EN 61300-3-10:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-10:2007
EN 61300-3-12:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-2:2009
EN 61300-3-14:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-14:2007
EN 61300-3-15:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-15:2007
EN 61300-3-16:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-16:2003
EN 61300-3-17:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-17:1999
EN 61300-3-18:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-18:2006
EN 61300-3-22:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-22:2011
EN 61300-3-24:2000 Superseded by EN 61300-3-24:2007
EN 61300-3-26:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-26:2002
EN 61300-3-34:1997 Superseded by EN 61300-3-34:2002
EN 61300-3-34:2002 Superseded by EN 61300-3-34:2009
EN 61307:1996 Superseded by EN 61307:2006
EN 61307:2006 Superseded by EN 61307:2011
EN 61308:1996 Superseded by EN 61308:2006
EN 61310-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61310-1:2008
EN 61310-2:1995 Superseded by EN 61310-2:2008
EN 61310-3:1999 Superseded by EN 61310-3:2008
EN 61314-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61314-1:2005
EN 61314-1:2005 Superseded by EN 61314-1:2009
EN 61315:1997 Superseded by EN 61315:2006
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-1:2006
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-2-1:2006
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-2-2:2006
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-2-3:2006
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-3-2:2008
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-2-5:2006
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-2-6:2006
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-3-1:2008
EN 61326:1997 Superseded by EN 61326-2-4:2006
EN 61330:1996 Superseded by EN 62271-202:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 61332:1997 Superseded by EN 61332:2005
EN 61337-1-1:1997 Superseded by EN 171000:2001
EN 61340-3-1:2002 Superseded by EN 61340-3-1:2007
EN 61340-3-2:2002 Superseded by EN 61340-3-2:2007
EN 61340-5-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61340-5-1:2007
EN 61340-5-2:2001 Superseded by CLC/TR 61340-5-2:2008
EN 61346-1:1996 Superseded by EN 81346-1:2009
EN 61346-2:2000 Superseded by EN 81346-2:2009
EN 61347-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61347-1:2008
EN 61347-2-3:2001 Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
EN 61347-2-4:2001 Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
EN 61347-2-5:2001 Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
EN 61347-2-6:2001 Superseded by EN 61347-2-3:2011
EN 61347-2-7:2001 Superseded by EN 61347-2-7:2006
EN 61355:1997 Superseded by EN 61355-1:2008
EN 61358:1996 Superseded by EN 62058-31:2010
EN 61358:1996 Superseded by EN 62058-11:2010
EN 61360-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61360-1:2002
EN 61360-1:2002 Superseded by EN 61360-1:2010
EN 61360-2:1998 Superseded by EN 61360-2:2002
EN 61360-4:1997 Superseded by EN 61360-4:2005
EN 61373:1999 Superseded by EN 61373:2010
EN 61377:1996 Superseded by EN 61377-1:2006
EN 61386-1:2004 Superseded by EN 61386-1:2008
EN 61400-1:2004 Superseded by EN 61400-1:2005
EN 61400-2:1996 Superseded by EN 61400-2:2006
EN 61400-11:1998 Superseded by EN 61400-11:2003
EN 61400-12:1998 Superseded by EN 61400-12-1:2006
EN 61400-21:2002 Superseded by EN 61400-21:2008
EN 61427:2001 Superseded by EN 61427:2005
EN 61436:1998 Superseded by EN 61951-2:2003
EN 61440:1997 Superseded by EN 61951-1:2003
EN 61477:2002 Superseded by EN 61477:2009
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61800-7-1:2008
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61800-7-204:2008
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61800-7-304:2008
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61784-1:2008
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-6-16:2008
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-5-16:2008
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-4-16:2008
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-3-16:2008
EN 61491:1998 Superseded by EN 61158-2:2008
EN 61496-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61496-1:2004
EN 61496-3:2001 Superseded by CLC/TS 61496-3:2003
EN 61508-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61508-1:2010
EN 61508-2:2001 Superseded by EN 61508-2:2010
EN 61508-3:2001 Superseded by EN 61508-3:2010
EN 61508-4:2001 Superseded by EN 61508-4:2010
EN 61508-5:2001 Superseded by EN 61508-5:2010
EN 61508-6:2001 Superseded by EN 61508-6:2010
EN 61508-7:2001 Superseded by EN 61508-7:2010
EN 61534-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61534-1:2011
EN 61537:2001 Superseded by EN 61537:2007
EN 61547:1995 Superseded by EN 61547:2009
EN 61549:1996 Superseded by EN 61549:2003
EN 61557-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61557-1:2007
EN 61557-2:1997 Superseded by EN 61557-2:2007
EN 61557-3:1997 Superseded by EN 61557-3:2007
EN 61557-4:1997 Superseded by EN 61557-4:2007
EN 61557-5:1997 Superseded by EN 61557-5:2007
EN 61557-6:1998 Superseded by EN 61557-6:2007
EN 61557-7:1997 Superseded by EN 61557-7:2007
EN 61557-8:1997 Superseded by EN 61557-8:2007
EN 61557-9:1999 Superseded by EN 61557-9:2009
EN 61558-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61558-1:2005
EN 61558-2-1:1997 Superseded by EN 61558-2-1:2007
EN 61558-2-2:1998 Superseded by EN 61558-2-2:2007
EN 61558-2-3:2000 Superseded by EN 61558-2-3:2010
EN 61558-2-4:1997 Superseded by EN 61558-2-4:2009
EN 61558-2-5:1998 Superseded by EN 61558-2-5:2010
EN 61558-2-6:1997 Superseded by EN 61558-2-6:2009
EN 61558-2-7:1997 Superseded by EN 61558-2-7:2007
EN 61558-2-8:1998 Superseded by EN 61558-2-8:2010
EN 61558-2-9:2003 Superseded by EN 61558-2-9:2011
EN 61558-2-12:2001 Superseded by EN 61558-2-12:2011
EN 61558-2-13:2000 Superseded by EN 61558-2-13:2009
EN 61558-2-17:1997 Superseded by EN 61558-2-16:2009
EN 61558-2-19:2001 Group Safety Publication * To be read with EN 61558-1:1997
EN 61558-2-20:2000 Superseded by EN 61558-2-20:2011
EN 61558-2-23:2000 Superseded by EN 61558-2-23:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 61587-1:1999 Superseded by EN 61587-1:2007
EN 61605:1997 Superseded by EN 61605:2005
EN 61606:1997 Superseded by EN 61606-1:2004
EN 61606:1997 Superseded by EN 61606-2:2004
EN 61606-1:2004 Superseded by EN 61606-1:2009
EN 61606-2:2004 Superseded by EN 61606-2:2009
EN 61646:1997 Superseded by EN 61646:2008
EN 61663-1:1999 Withdrawn
EN 61663-2:2001 Withdrawn
EN 61666:1997 Superseded by EN 61666:2010
EN 61689:1996 Superseded by EN 61689:2007
EN 61691-1:1997 Withdrawn
EN 61709:1998 Superseded by EN 61709:2011
EN 61721:1999 Withdrawn
EN 61744:2001 Superseded by EN 61744:2005
EN 61746:2001 Superseded by EN 61746:2005
EN 61746:2005 Superseded by EN 61746-1:2011
EN 61746:2005 Superseded by EN 61746-2:2011
EN 61747-3:1999 Superseded by EN 61747-3:2006
EN 61747-3-1:1999 Superseded by EN 61747-3-1:2006
EN 61753-1-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61753-1:2007
EN 61753-2-3:2001 Superseded by EN 61753-031-3:2009
EN 61753-021-2:2002 Superseded by EN 61753-021-2:2008
EN 61754-5:2001 Superseded by EN 61754-5:2005
EN 61754-7:2001 Superseded by EN 61754-7:2005
EN 61754-7:2005 Superseded by EN 61754-7:2008
EN 61754-10:2001 Superseded by EN 61754-10:2005
EN 61754-13:1999 Superseded by EN 61754-13:2006
EN 61754-15:2001 Superseded by EN 61754-15:2009
EN 61760-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61760-1:2006
EN 61760-2:1998 Superseded by EN 61760-2:2007
EN 61770:1999 Superseded by EN 61770:2009
EN 61775-1 Withdrawn
EN 61779-1:2000 Superseded by EN 60079-29-1:2007
EN 61779-2:2000 Superseded by EN 60079-29-1:2007
EN 61779-3:2000 Superseded by EN 60079-29-1:2007
EN 61779-4:2000 Superseded by EN 60079-29-1:2007
EN 61779-5:2000 Superseded by EN 60079-29-1:2007
EN 61784-1:2004 Superseded by EN 61784-1:2008
EN 61784-1:2008 Superseded by EN 61784-1:2010
EN 61784-2:2008 Superseded by EN 61784-2:2010
EN 61784-3:2008 Superseded by EN 61784-3:2010
EN 61784-3-1:2008 Superseded by EN 61784-3-1:2010
EN 61784-3-2:2008 Superseded by EN 61784-3-2:2010
EN 61784-3-3:2008 Superseded by EN 61784-3-3:2010
EN 61784-3-6:2008 Superseded by EN 61784-3-6:2010
EN 61788-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61788-1:2007
EN 61788-2:1999 Superseded by EN 61788-2:2007
EN 61788-3:2001 Superseded by EN 61788-3:2006
EN 61788-4:2001 Superseded by EN 61788-4:2007
EN 61788-4:2007 Superseded by EN 61788-4:2011
EN 61788-6:2001 Superseded by EN 61788-6:2008
EN 61788-6:2008 Superseded by EN 61788-6:2011
EN 61788-7:2002 Superseded by EN 61788-7:2006
EN 61788-8:2003 Superseded by EN 61788-8:2010
EN 61788-10:2002 Superseded by EN 61788-10:2006
EN 61788-11:2003 Superseded by EN 61788-11:2011
EN 61800-3:1996 Superseded by EN 61800-3:2004
EN 61800-5-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61800-5-1:2007
EN 61804-2:2004 Superseded by EN 61804-2:2007
EN 61804-2:2004 Superseded by EN 61804-3:2007
EN 61804-3:2007 Superseded by EN 61804-3:2011
EN 61808:2000 Superseded by EN 61951-2:2003
EN 61809:2000 Superseded by EN 62133:2003
EN 61810-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61810-1:2004
EN 61810-1:2004 Superseded by EN 61810-1:2008
EN 61810-2:2005 Superseded by EN 61810-2:2011
EN 61810-5:1998 Superseded by EN 61810-1:2004
EN 61812-1:1996 Superseded by EN 61812-1:2011
EN 61822:2003 Superseded by EN 61822:2009
EN 61837-2:2000 Superseded by EN 61837-2:2011
EN 61850-4:2002 Superseded by EN 61850-4:2011
EN 61850-6:2004 Superseded by EN 61850-6:2010
EN 61850-7-2:2003 Superseded by EN 61850-7-2:2010
EN 61850-7-3:2003 Superseded by EN 61850-7-3:2011
EN 61850-7-4:2003 Superseded by EN 61850-7-4:2010
EN 61850-8-1:2004 Superseded by EN 61850-8-1:2011
EN 61851-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61851-1:2011
EN 61857-1:1999 Superseded by EN 61857-1:2005
EN 61857-1:2005 Superseded by EN 61857-1:2009
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 61857-21:1999 Superseded by EN 61857-21:2004
EN 61857-21:2004 Superseded by EN 61857-21:2009
EN 61857-22:2002 Superseded by EN 61857-22:2008
EN 61857-23:2002 Superseded by EN 61857-21:2004
EN 61858:2000 Superseded by EN 61858:2005
EN 61858:2005 Superseded by EN 61858:2008
EN 61860:2000 Superseded by EN 62317-9:2006
EN 61881:1999 Superseded by EN 61881-1:2011
EN 61883-1:1998 Superseded by EN 61883-1:2003
EN 61883-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61883-1:2009
EN 61883-2:1998 Superseded by EN 61883-2:2005
EN 61883-3:1998 Superseded by EN 61883-3:2005
EN 61883-4:1998 Superseded by EN 61883-4:2005
EN 61883-5:1998 Superseded by EN 61883-5:2005
EN 61883-6:2002 Superseded by EN 61883-6:2005
EN 61920:1998 Superseded by EN 61920:2004
EN 61935-1:2000 Superseded by EN 61935-1:2005
EN 61935-1:2005 Superseded by EN 61935-1:2009
EN 61935-2:2003 Superseded by EN 61935-2:2005
EN 61935-2:2005 Superseded by EN 61935-2:2010
EN 61937:2000 Superseded by EN 61937-5:2002
EN 61937:2000 Superseded by EN 61937-4:2003
EN 61937:2000 Superseded by EN 61937-3:2003
EN 61937:2000 Superseded by EN 61937-2:2003
EN 61937:2000 Superseded by EN 61937-1:2003
EN 61937:2000 Superseded by EN 61937-6:2002
EN 61937:2000 Superseded by EN 61937-7:2002
EN 61937-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61937-1:2007
EN 61937-2:2003 Superseded by EN 61937-2:2007
EN 61937-3:2003 Superseded by EN 61937-3:2009
EN 61937-5:2002 Superseded by EN 61937-5:2006
EN 61937-6:2002 Superseded by EN 61937-6:2006
EN 61937-7:2002 Superseded by EN 61937-7:2005
EN 61951-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61951-1:2003
EN 61951-2:2001 Superseded by EN 61951-2:2003
EN 61951-2:2003 Superseded by EN 61951-2:2011
EN 61952:2003 Superseded by EN 61952:2008
EN 61953:1998 Superseded by EN 60627:2001
EN 61954:1999 Superseded by EN 61954:2011
EN 61958:2001 Superseded by EN 62271-206:2011
EN 61960:2004 Superseded by EN 61960:2011
EN 61960-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61959:2004
EN 61960-1:2001 Superseded by EN 62133:2003
EN 61960-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61960:2004
EN 61960-2:2001 Superseded by EN 61960:2004
EN 61960-2:2001 Superseded by EN 61959:2004
EN 61960-2:2001 Superseded by EN 62133:2003
EN 61965:2001 Superseded by EN 61965:2003
EN 61966-5:2001 Superseded by EN 61966-5:2009
EN 61966-7-1:2002 Superseded by EN 61966-7-1:2006
EN 61966-9:2000 Superseded by EN 61966-9:2004
EN 61977:2002 Superseded by EN 61977:2010
EN 61978-1:2001 Superseded by EN 61978-1:2010
EN 61984:2001 Superseded by EN 61984:2009
EN 61986:2002 Superseded by EN 60034-29:2008
EN 61988-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61988-1:2011
EN 61996:2000 Superseded by EN 61996-1:2008
EN 61996-2:2006 Superseded by EN 61996-2:2008
EN 62002-1:2006 Superseded by EN 62002-1:2008
EN 62002-2:2006 Superseded by EN 62002-2:2008
EN 62007-1:2000 Superseded by EN 62007-1:2009
EN 62007-2:2000 Superseded by EN 62007-2:2009
EN 62013-1:2002 Superseded by EN 62013-1:2006
EN 62013-1:2006 Superseded by EN 60079-35-1:2011
EN 62013-2:2000 Superseded by EN 62013-2:2006
EN 62024-1:2002 Superseded by EN 62024-1:2008
EN 62025-1:2002 Superseded by EN 62025-1:2007
EN 62040-1-1:2003 Superseded by EN 62040-1:2008
EN 62040-1-2:2003 Superseded by EN 62040-1:2008
EN 62040-3:2001 Superseded by EN 62040-3:2011
EN 62041:2003 Superseded by EN 62041:2010
EN 62056-53:2002 Superseded by EN 62056-53:2007
EN 62056-61:2002 Superseded by EN 62056-61:2007
EN 62056-62:2002 Superseded by EN 62056-62:2007
EN 62071:2001 Superseded by EN 62071-2:2006
EN 62071:2001 Superseded by EN 62071-3:2006
EN 62071:2001 Superseded by EN 62071-1:2006
EN 62077:2001 Superseded by EN 62077:2010
EN 62083:2001 Superseded by EN 62083:2009
EN 62086-1:2005 Superseded by EN 60079-30-1:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 62086-2:2005 Superseded by EN 60079-30-2:2007
EN 62087:2003 Superseded by EN 62087:2009
EN 62092:2001 Superseded by EN 62127-1:2007
EN 62092:2001 Superseded by EN 62127-2:2007
EN 62092:2001 Superseded by EN 62127-3:2007
EN 62106:2001 Superseded by EN 62106:2009
EN 62114:2001 Superseded by EN 60085:2008
EN 62134-1:2002 Superseded by EN 62134-1:2009
EN 62148-2:2003 Superseded by EN 62148-2:2011
EN 62148-3:2003 Superseded by EN 62148-3:2011
EN 62148-7:2003 Superseded by EN 62148-2:2011
EN 62148-8:2003 Superseded by EN 62148-3:2011
EN 62148-9:2003 Superseded by EN 62148-2:2011
EN 62148-10:2003 Superseded by EN 62148-3:2011
EN 62148-11:2003 Superseded by EN 62148-11:2009
EN 62149-4:2003 Superseded by EN 62149-4:2010
EN 62149-5:2003 Superseded by EN 62149-5:2011
EN 62150-2:2004 Superseded by EN 62150-2:2011
EN 62216-1:2002 Superseded by EN 62216:2011
EN 62246-1:2002 Superseded by EN 62246-1:2011
EN 62246-2:2008 Superseded by EN 62246-1:2011
EN 62258-1:2005 Superseded by EN 62258-1:2010
EN 62258-2:2005 Superseded by EN 62258-2:2011
EN 62271-2:2003 Superseded by EN 62271-207:2007
EN 62271-100:2001 Superseded by EN 62271-100:2009
EN 62271-109:2006 Superseded by EN 62271-109:2009
EN 62271-110:2005 Superseded by EN 62271-110:2009
EN 62287-1:2006 Superseded by EN 62287-1:2011
EN 62301:2005 Superseded by EN 50564:2011
EN 62305-1:2006 Superseded by EN 62305-1:2011
EN 62305-3:2006 Superseded by EN 62305-3:2011
EN 62305-4:2006 Superseded by EN 62305-4:2011
EN 62326-1:1997 Superseded by EN 62326-1:2002
EN 62358:2004 Superseded by EN 62317-8:2006
EN 62359:2005 Superseded by EN 62359:2011
EN 62365:2005 Superseded by EN 62365:2009
EN 62439:2008 Superseded by EN 62439-2:2010
EN 62439:2008 Superseded by EN 62439-3:2010
EN 62439:2008 Superseded by EN 62439-1:2010
EN 62439:2008 Superseded by EN 62439-4:2010
EN 62439:2008 Superseded by EN 62439-6:2010
EN 62439:2008 Superseded by EN 62439-5:2010
EN 80416-1:2001 Superseded by EN 80416-1:2009
EN 81714-2:1998 Superseded by EN 81714-2:2007
EN 100015-1:1992 Superseded by EN 61340-5-1:2001
EN 100015-2:1993 Superseded by EN 61340-5-1:2001
EN 100015-3:1993 Superseded by EN 61340-5-2:2001
EN 100015-4:1993 Superseded by EN 61340-5-2:2001
EN 100114-1:1994 Superseded by EN 100114-1:1996
EN 116000-1:1996 Superseded by EN 61811-1:1999
EN 116000-1:1994 Superseded by EN 116000-1:1996
EN 116000-2:1992 Superseded by EN 61812-1:2011
EN 116000-3:1996 Superseded by EN 61810-7:2006
EN 116205:1992 Superseded by EN 116205-206-207:1995
EN 116206:1992 Superseded by EN 116205-206-207:1995
EN 116207:1992 Superseded by EN 116205-206-207:1995
EN 116500:1992 Superseded by EN 61811-50:2002
EN 116501:1992 Superseded by EN 61811-51:2002
EN 116502:1992 Superseded by EN 61811-52:2002
EN 116503:1992 Superseded by EN 61811-53:2002
EN 116504:1995 Superseded by EN 61811-54:2002
EN 117000:1991 Superseded by EN 62314:2006
EN 119000:1996 Superseded by EN 62246-1:2002
EN 120000:1996 Superseded by EN 61747-1:1999
EN 120006:1992 Withdrawn
EN 120008:1993 Withdrawn
EN 123000:1991 Superseded by EN 62326-1:1997
EN 123100-800:1992 Superseded by CECC 23 100-801:1998
EN 123200-800:1992 Superseded by CECC 23 200-801:1998
EN 123300-800:1992 Superseded by CECC 23 300-801:1998
EN 126000:1992 Superseded by EN 61248-1:1997
EN 130000:1993 Superseded by EN 60384-1:2001
EN 130300:1998 Superseded by EN 60384-4:2007
EN 130301:2002 Superseded by EN 60384-4-1:2007
EN 130301:2002 Superseded by EN 60384-4-2:2007
EN 130500:1998 Superseded by EN 60384-6:2005
EN 130501:1998 Superseded by EN 60384-6-1:2005
EN 130800:2000 Superseded by EN 60384-3:2006
EN 130801:2002 Superseded by EN 60384-3-1:2006
EN 130900:1997 Withdrawn
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 130901:1997 Withdrawn
EN 130902:1997 Withdrawn
EN 131200:2002 Superseded by EN 60384-16:2005
EN 131201:2002 Superseded by EN 60384-16-1:2005
EN 131800:1997 Superseded by EN 60384-13:2006
EN 131801:1997 Superseded by EN 60384-13-1:2006
EN 132100:1996 Superseded by EN 60384-21:2004
EN 132100:1996 Superseded by EN 60384-22:2004
EN 132101:1991 Superseded by EN 132101:1996
EN 132101:1996 Superseded by EN 60384-21-1:2004
EN 132101:1996 Superseded by EN 60384-22-1:2004
EN 132400:1994 Superseded by EN 60384-14:2005
EN 132401:1994 Superseded by EN 60384-14-1:2005
EN 132421:1997 Superseded by EN 60384-14-2:2004
EN 132421:1997 Superseded by EN 60384-14-3:2004
EN 133000:1997 Superseded by EN 60939-1:2005
EN 133100:1998 Superseded by EN 60939-1:2005
EN 133101:1998 Superseded by EN 60939-1:2005
EN 133200:1994 Superseded by EN 133200:1999
EN 133200:1999 Superseded by EN 60939-2:2005
EN 133201:1998 Superseded by EN 60939-2-1:2004
EN 133221:1998 Superseded by EN 60939-2-2:2004
EN 138000:1996 Superseded by EN 60938-1:1999
EN 138100:1996 Superseded by EN 60938-2:1999
EN 138101:1996 Superseded by EN 60938-2-1:1999
EN 138121:2001 Withdrawn
EN 140000:1993 Superseded by EN 60115-1:2001
EN 140100:1996 Superseded by EN 140100:2008
EN 140101:1996 Superseded by EN 140101:2008
EN 140400:1996 Superseded by EN 140400:2003
EN 140401:1996 Superseded by EN 140401:2002
EN 140401:2002 Superseded by EN 140401:2009
EN 140401-801:2002 Superseded by EN 140401-801:2007
EN 140401-802:2002 Superseded by EN 140401-802:2007
EN 140401-803:2002 Superseded by EN 140401-803:2007
EN 140401-804:2005 Superseded by EN 140401-804:2011
EN 144000:1993 Superseded by EN 60738-1:1999
EN 144001:1994 Superseded by EN 60738-1-1:1999
EN 144002:1994 Superseded by EN 60738-1-2:1999
EN 144003:1994 Superseded by EN 60738-1-3:1999
EN 144004:1994 Superseded by EN 60738-1-4:1999
EN 150001:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150003:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150004:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150006:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150007:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150008:1992 Withdrawn
EN 150009:1992 Withdrawn
EN 150010:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150011:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150012:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150013:1991 Withdrawn
EN 150014:1996 Withdrawn
EN 150015:1992 Withdrawn
EN 160000:1993 Withdrawn
EN 160100:1997 Withdrawn
EN 160101:1998 Withdrawn
EN 160200-1:1997 Withdrawn
EN 160200-2:1997 Withdrawn
EN 160201:1997 Withdrawn
EN 166000:1995 Superseded by EN 60862-1:2003
EN 168000:1993 Superseded by EN 60122-1:2002
EN 169000:1992 Superseded by EN 60679-1:1998
EN 169100:1993 Superseded by EN 60679-4:1998
EN 169101:1993 Superseded by EN 60679-4-1:1998
EN 170000:1999 Superseded by EN 61338-1:2005
EN 171000:2001 Superseded by EN 61337-1-1:1997
EN 171000:2001 Superseded by EN 61337-1:2004
EN 175101-809:1999 Superseded by EN 175101-809:2004
EN 175200:1991 Superseded by EN 175200:1996
EN 175200:1996 Superseded by EN 61076-2:1999
EN 175300:1992 Superseded by EN 175300:1996
EN 175301-801:1999 Superseded by EN 175301-801:2006
EN 175301-803:1999 Superseded by EN 175301-803:2006
EN 180000:1995 Superseded by EN 60869-1:2000
EN 186000-1:1993 Superseded by EN 60874-1:2007
EN 186001:1993 Superseded by EN 60874-1-1:2007
EN 186002:1993 Superseded by EN 60874-1-1:2007
EN 186003:1993 Superseded by EN 60874-1-1:2007
EN 186004:1993 Superseded by EN 60874-1-1:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

EN 186005:1993 Superseded by EN 60874-1-1:2007
EN 186006-1:1995 Superseded by EN 60874-1-1:2007
EN 186100:1994 Superseded by EN 61754-22:2005
EN 186110:1994 Withdrawn
EN 186130:1994 Superseded by EN 61754-3:2002
EN 186150:1997 Withdrawn
EN 186160:1997 Withdrawn
EN 186170:1998 Withdrawn
EN 186180:1994 Withdrawn
EN 186210:1992 Withdrawn
EN 186240:1994 Withdrawn
EN 186260:1997 Superseded by EN 61754-4-1:2003
EN 186270:1997 Superseded by EN 61754-15:2001
EN 186290:1997 Superseded by EN 61754-7:2005
EN 186300:1999 Superseded by EN 61754-6-1:2003
EN 186310:1999 Withdrawn
EN 187000:1992 Superseded by EN 60794-1-1:2002
EN 187100:1994 Superseded by EN 60794-3:1998
EN 187101:1995 Superseded by EN 60794-3-10:2002
EN 187102:1995 Superseded by EN 60794-3-20:2002
EN 187104:2001 Superseded by EN 60794-3-30:2003
EN 187200:2001 Superseded by EN 60794-4:2003
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-32:2003
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-40:2003
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-41:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-42:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-43:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-44:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-31:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-30:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-22:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-20:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-45:2003
EN 188000:1992 Withdrawn
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-52:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-47:2002
EN 188000:1992 Superseded by EN 60793-1-46:2002
EN 188100:1995 Superseded by EN 60793-2-50:2002
EN 188101:1995 Superseded by EN 60793-2-50:2002
EN 188102:1995 Superseded by EN 60793-2-50:2002
EN 188200:1995 Superseded by EN 60793-2-10:2002
EN 188201:1995 Superseded by EN 60793-2-10:2002
EN 188202:1995 Superseded by EN 60793-2-10:2002
EN 196000:1992 Superseded by EN 61020-1:2009
EN 196103:1998 Superseded by EN 61020-1:2009
EN 196110:2002 Withdrawn
EN 196200 Withdrawn
EN 196500:1993 Superseded by EN 61020-1:2009


HD 1:1968 Superseded by HD 193 S1:1982
HD 2:1968 Superseded by HD 384.4.41 S1:1980
HD 3 S2:1976 Superseded by HD 308 S2:2001
HD 4:1969 Superseded by HD 3 S2:1976
HD 5:1976 Superseded by HD 231 S1:1974
HD 6:1970 Superseded by HD 309.1 S1:1979, later on by EN 60521:1995
HD 7 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 55015:1987
HD 8 S1:1971 Superseded by HD 384.5.523 S1:1991
HD 8 S1:1971 Superseded by R064-001:1991
HD 9:1971 Superseded by EN 50017:1977
HD 10:1971 Superseded by HD 53.1, later on by EN 60034-1:1995
HD 11:1971 Superseded by EN 50014:1977
HD 12:200X Superseded by EN 50015:1977
HD 13:200X Superseded by EN 50019:1977
HD 14:200X Superseded by EN 50016:1977
HD 15:200X Superseded by HD 309.2 S1:1979, later on by EN 60514:1995
HD 16:200X Superseded by HD 3 S2:1976
HD 18:200X Superseded by EN 50014:1977
HD 19 S1:1973 Superseded by EN 55013:1990
HD 20:200X Superseded by EN 50014:1977
HD 21.1 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 21.1 S3:1997
HD 21.1 S3:1997 Superseded by HD 21.1 S4:2002
HD 21.1 S4:2002 Superseded by EN 50525-1:2011
HD 21.2 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 21.2 S3:1997
HD 21.2 S3:1997 Superseded by EN 50395:2005
HD 21.2 S3:1997 Superseded by EN 50396:2005
HD 21.3 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 21.3 S3:1995
HD 21.3 S3:1995 Superseded by EN 50525-2-31:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 21.5 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 21.5 S3:1994
HD 21.5 S3:1994 Superseded by EN 50525-2-11:2011
HD 21.5 S3:1994 Superseded by EN 50525-2-71:2011
HD 21.7 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 21.7 S2:1996
HD 21.7 S2:1996 Superseded by EN 50525-2-31:2011
HD 21.8 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 21.8 S2:1999
HD 21.9 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 21.9 S2:1995
HD 21.10 S1:1993 Superseded by HD 21.10 S2:2001
HD 21.10 S2:2001 Superseded by EN 50525-2-12:2011
HD 21.11 S1:1995 Superseded by EN 50525-2-72:2011
HD 21.12 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 50525-2-11:2011
HD 21.13 S1:1995 Superseded by EN 50525-2-51:2011
HD 21.14 S1:2003 Superseded by EN 50525-3-11:2011
HD 21.15 S1:2006 Superseded by EN 50525-3-31:2011
HD 22.1 S2:1992 Superseded by HD 22.1 S3:1997
HD 22.1 S3:1997 Superseded by HD 22.1 S4:2002
HD 22.1 S4:2002 Superseded by EN 50525-1:2011
HD 22.2 S2:1992 Superseded by HD 22.2 S3:1997
HD 22.2 S3:1997 Superseded by EN 50395:2005
HD 22.2 S3:1997 Superseded by EN 50396:2005
HD 22.3 S2:1992 Superseded by HD 22.3 S3:1995
HD 22.3 S3:1995 Superseded by HD 22.3 S4:2004
HD 22.3 S4:2004 Superseded by EN 50525-2-41:2011
HD 22.4 S2:1992 Superseded by HD 22.4 S3:1995
HD 22.4 S3:1995 Superseded by HD 22.4 S4:2004
HD 22.4 S4:2004 Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
HD 22.6 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 22.6 S2:1995
HD 22.6 S2:1995 Superseded by EN 50525-2-81:2011
HD 22.7 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 22.7 S2:1995
HD 22.7 S2:1995 Superseded by EN 50525-2-42:2011
HD 22.8 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 22.8 S2:1994
HD 22.8 S2:1994 Superseded by EN 50525-2-82:2011
HD 22.9 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 22.9 S2:1995
HD 22.9 S2:1995 Superseded by HD 22.9 S3:2007
HD 22.9 S3:2007 Superseded by EN 50525-3-41:2011
HD 22.10 S1:1994 Superseded by HD 22.10 S2:2007
HD 22.10 S2:2007 Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
HD 22.11 S1:1995 Superseded by HD 22.11 S2:2007
HD 22.11 S2:2007 Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
HD 22.12 S1:1996 Superseded by HD 22.12 S2:2007
HD 22.12 S2:2007 Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
HD 22.13 S1:1996 Superseded by HD 22.13 S2:2007
HD 22.13 S2:2007 Superseded by EN 50525-3-21:2011
HD 22.14 S1:1995 Superseded by HD 22.14 S2:2002
HD 22.14 S2:2002 Superseded by HD 22.14 S3:2007
HD 22.14 S3:2007 Superseded by EN 50525-2-22:2011
HD 22.15 S1:1999 Superseded by HD 22.15 S2:2007
HD 22.15 S2:2007 Superseded by EN 50525-2-83:2011
HD 22.16 S1:2000 Superseded by HD 22.16 S2:2007
HD 22.16 S2:2007 Superseded by EN 50525-2-21:2011
HD 23 S1:1973 Withdrawn * Covered by HD 384.7.708 S1:1992
HD 24 S1:1976 Superseded by EN 60974-1:1990
HD 25:200X Superseded by HD 384.4.43 S1:1980 and HD 384.4.473 S1:1980
HD 26:200X Superseded by HD 334 S1, later on by EN 60062:1993
HD 27 S1:1978 Withdrawn
HD 41 S2:1983 Superseded by HD 41 S3:1989
HD 41 S3:1989 Superseded by EN 60172:1994
HD 42.1 S3:1987 Superseded by HD 555.0.1 S1:1992
HD 42.1 S3:1987 Superseded by HD 555.0.3 S1:1992
HD 42.2 S2:1979 Superseded by EN 60182-2:1989
HD 42.3 S2:1978 Superseded by HD 555.0.2 S1:1992
HD 42.3 S2:1978 Superseded by HD 555.27 S1:1990
HD 42.3 S2:1978 Superseded by HD 555.0.4 S1:1992
HD 42.4 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 43:200X
Superseded by HD 555.0.1 and HD 555.0.3, later on by EN 60317-0-1:1994 and EN 60317-
HD 44:200X Withdrawn
HD 45:200X Withdrawn
HD 46.1 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60264-1:1994
HD 46.2 S2:1977 Superseded by HD 46.2.1 S1:1990
HD 46.2.1 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60264-2-1:1994
HD 46.2.2 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60264-2-2:1994
HD 46.2.3 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60264-2-3:1994
HD 46.3 S1:1978 Superseded by HD 46.3.1 S1:1990
HD 46.3.1 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60264-3-1:1994
HD 46.3.2 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60264-3-2:1994
HD 46.3.3 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60264-3-3:1994
HD 46.3.4 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60264-3-4:1994
HD 46.4.1 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60264-4-1:1994
HD 47:200X Superseded by HD 46.2, later on by EN 60264 series
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 48 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60230:2002
HD 49:200X Superseded by HD 233, later on by EN 60051 series
HD 50:200X Superseded by HD 338, later on withdrawn
HD 51:200X Renumbered HD 312
HD 52:200X Withdrawn
HD 53.1 S2:1985 Superseded by EN 60034-1:1995
HD 53.2 S1:1974 Superseded by EN 60034-2:1996
HD 53.3 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60034-3:1995
HD 53.4 S1:1974 Superseded by HD 53.4 S2:1988
HD 53.4 S2:1988 Superseded by EN 60034-4:1995
HD 53.5 S1:1974 Superseded by EN 60034-5:1986
HD 53.6 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60034-6:1993
HD 53.7 S1:1974 Superseded by EN 60034-7:1993
HD 53.8 S3:1979 Superseded by HD 53.8 S4:1993
HD 53.8 S4:1993 Superseded by HD 53.8 S5:1998
HD 53.8 S5:1998 Superseded by EN 60034-8:2002
HD 53.9 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60034-9:1993
HD 53.12 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60034-12:1995
HD 53.14 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60034-14:1996
HD 53.15 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60034-15:1996
HD 53.16.1 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60034-16-1:1995
HD 54:200X Superseded by HD 231 S1:1974
HD 55:200X Superseded by HD 231 S1:1974
HD 56 S1:1974 Superseded by HD 56 S2:1991
HD 56 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60276:1996
HD 57:200X Withdrawn
HD 58:200X Superseded by HD 207 S1:1977, later on by EN 60110-1:1998
HD 59:200X Superseded by HD 339 S1:1977, later on by EN 60143:1993
HD 60:200X Superseded by HD 211.1, later on by EN 60086-1:1995
HD 61:200X Superseded by HD 211.2, later on by EN 60086-2:1996
HD 62:200X Superseded by HD 211.3, later on by EN 60086-2:1996
HD 63 S2:1979 Superseded by EN 60320-1:1987
HD 64:200X Withdrawn
HD 65.1 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60061-1:1993
HD 65.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60061-2:1993
HD 65.3 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60061-3:1993
HD 66:200X Superseded by EN 60238:1986
HD 67:200X Withdrawn
HD 68:200X Withdrawn
HD 69:200X Withdrawn
HD 70:200X Withdrawn
HD 71:200X Withdrawn
HD 72:200X Withdrawn
HD 73:200X Withdrawn
HD 74:200X Withdrawn
HD 75:200X Renumbered HD 355, later on superseded by EN 60265 series
HD 76:200X Withdrawn
HD 78:200X Superseded by HD 197, later on by EN 60155:1989
HD 79:200X Withdrawn
HD 80:200X Superseded by HD 199, later on by EN 60064:1989
HD 81:200X Superseded by EN 60081:1987
HD 82 S4:1980 Superseded by EN 60188:1988
HD 83:200X Superseded by HD 219, later on by EN 60192:1993
HD 84:200X Superseded by HD 250, later on by EN 60335-1
HD 85:200X Superseded by HD 252, later on by EN 60335-2-2:1988
HD 86:200X Superseded by HD 254, later on by EN 60335-2-8:1990
HD 87 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 61689:1996
HD 88:200X Superseded by HD 225 S1:1977
HD 89:200X Superseded by HD 225 S1:1977
HD 90:200X Superseded by HD 225 S1:1977
HD 91 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60322:2001
HD 92 S1:1974 Superseded by EN 61011:1992
HD 93-1:200X Superseded by EN 60204-1:1986
HD 93.2 S1:1974 Superseded by EN 60204-1:1985
HD 93.3 S2:1980 Superseded by EN 60204-1:1985
HD 94:200X Superseded by EN 60204-1:1986
HD 95.1 S1:1979 Withdrawn
HD 95.2 S2:1979 Withdrawn
HD 95.3 S1:1984 Withdrawn
HD 95.4 S1:1986 Withdrawn
HD 96:200X Superseded by HD 195, later on by EN 60065:1993
HD 97 S1:1978 Withdrawn
HD 98 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 99:200X Withdrawn
HD 100:200X Withdrawn
HD 101:200X Withdrawn
HD 102:200X Withdrawn
HD 103:200X Withdrawn
HD 104:200X Withdrawn
HD 105:200X Withdrawn
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 106:200X Withdrawn
HD 107:200X Withdrawn
HD 108:200X Superseded by HD 204, later on withdrawn
HD 109 S3:1983 Superseded by HD 109.1 S1:1989
HD 109.1 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60127-1:1991
HD 109.2 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60127-2:1991
HD 109.3 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60127-3:1991
HD 109.5 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60127-5:1991
HD 110:200X Withdrawn
HD 111:200X Withdrawn
HD 112:200X Withdrawn
HD 113:200X Withdrawn
HD 114:200X Withdrawn
HD 115:200X Withdrawn
HD 116:200X Withdrawn
HD 117:200X Withdrawn
HD 118:200X Withdrawn
HD 119 S1:1980 Superseded by EN 60257:1990
HD 120 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 121:200X Withdrawn
HD 122:200X Withdrawn
HD 123-5:200X Withdrawn
HD 124:200X Superseded by HD 123.2 S1:1977
HD 125:200X Superseded by HD 123.3 S1:1977
HD 126:200X Superseded by HD 123.4 S1:1977
HD 127:200X Withdrawn
HD 128:200X Superseded by HD 123.4 S1:1977
HD 129.1 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 60154-1:1994
HD 129.2 S2:1983 Superseded by EN 60154-2:1997
HD 130:200X Superseded by HD 129.2, later on by EN 60154-1:1997
HD 131:200X Superseded by HD 129.3 S2:1983
HD 132:200X Renumbered HD 129.4
HD 133:200X Withdrawn
HD 134.1 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 134.7 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 134.7 S2:1995
HD 135:200X Renumbered HD 134.2
HD 136:200X Renumbered HD 134.3
HD 137:200X Superseded by HD 134.4 S2:1977
HD 138 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 138 S2:1990
HD 139:200X Withdrawn
HD 140:200X Withdrawn
HD 141:200X Withdrawn
HD 142 S2:1977 Superseded by HD 142 S3:1991
HD 143.1 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60286-1:1998
HD 143.2 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60286-2:1998
HD 143.3 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 143.3 S2:1992
HD 143.3 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60286-3:1998
HD 144:200X Superseded by HD 236.1 S1:1977
HD 147 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60139:2001
HD 149:200X Withdrawn
HD 150:200X Withdrawn
HD 151:200X Withdrawn
HD 152:200X Withdrawn
HD 153:200X Withdrawn
HD 154:200X Withdrawn
HD 155:200X Withdrawn
HD 156:200X Withdrawn
HD 157:200X Withdrawn
HD 158:200X Withdrawn
HD 159:200X Withdrawn
HD 160:200X Withdrawn
HD 161:200X Withdrawn
HD 162:200X Withdrawn
HD 163:200X Withdrawn
HD 164:200X Withdrawn
HD 165:200X Withdrawn
HD 166:200X Withdrawn
HD 167:200X Withdrawn
HD 168:200X Withdrawn
HD 169:200X Withdrawn
HD 170:200X Withdrawn
HD 171:200X Withdrawn
HD 172:200X Withdrawn
HD 173:200X Withdrawn
HD 174:200X Withdrawn
HD 175:200X Superseded by HD 311.1, later on by EN 60094-1:1993
HD 176:200X Superseded by HD 337
HD 177:200X Withdrawn
HD 178 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 179:200X Withdrawn
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 180:200X Superseded by HD 304, later on by EN 60118-12:1996
HD 181:200X Superseded by HD 305 S1:1977
HD 182:200X Withdrawn
HD 183:200X Withdrawn
HD 184:200X Superseded by HD 425, later on by EN 60651:1994
HD 185:200X Superseded by HD 425, later on by EN 60651:1994
HD 186 S1:1976 Superseded by HD 186 S2:1989
HD 186 S2:1989 Superseded by EN 50334:2001
HD 187 S3:1982 Superseded by HD 187 S4:1989
HD 187 S4:1989 Superseded by HD 187 S5:1992
HD 187 S5:1992 Superseded by EN 60298:1996
HD 188:200X Superseded by HD 53.2, later on by EN 60034-2:1996
HD 189:200X Superseded by HD 53.4, later on by EN 60034-4:1995
HD 190:200X Superseded by HD 53.5, later on by EN 60034-5:1986
HD 191:200X Superseded by HD 53.7, later on by EN 60034-7:1993
HD 192:200X Superseded by HD 53.8
HD 194 S1:1975 Withdrawn
HD 195 S4:1985 Superseded by HD 195 S5:1988
HD 195 S5:1988 Superseded by HD 195 S6:1989
HD 195 S6:1989 Superseded by EN 60065:1993
HD 196 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60309-1:1992
HD 196 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60309-2:1992
HD 197 S3:1979 Superseded by EN 60155:1989
HD 198:200X Superseded by EN 60400:1985
HD 199.1 S2:1980 Superseded by EN 60064:1989
HD 199.2 S2:1980 Superseded by EN 60064:1989
HD 200:200X Superseded by EN 60068-2-32:1993
HD 201 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60285:1994
HD 202:200X Renumbered HD 91
HD 203 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60097:1993
HD 204:200X Withdrawn
HD 205:200X Withdrawn
HD 206:200X Withdrawn
HD 207 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60110-1:1998
HD 208:200X Withdrawn
HD 209:200X Withdrawn
HD 210:200X Renumbered HD 93.1, later on superseded by EN 60204-1:1986
HD 211.1 S5:1985 Superseded by HD 211.1 S6:1988
HD 211.1 S6:1988 Superseded by EN 60086-1:1995
HD 211.2 S7:1987 Superseded by HD 211.2 S8:1989
HD 211.2 S8:1989 Superseded by HD 211.2 S9:1993
HD 211.2 S9:1993 Superseded by EN 60086-2:1996
HD 211-3:200X Superseded by HD 211.2, later on by EN 60086-2:1996
HD 212:200X Withdrawn
HD 213:200X Withdrawn
HD 214 S2:1980 Superseded by EN 60112:2003
HD 215 S1:1974 Superseded by EN 61010-1:1993/A2:1995
HD 216:200X Withdrawn
HD 217 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60432:1988
HD 218-1:200X Superseded by HD 425, later on by EN 60651:1994
HD 218-2:200X Superseded by HD 425, later on by EN 60651:1994
HD 219 S2:1980 Superseded by HD 219 S3:1990
HD 219 S3:1990 Superseded by EN 60192:1993
HD 220 S2:1980 Superseded by EN 60215:1989
HD 221:200X Superseded by HD 220, later on by EN 60215:1989
HD 222 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60399:1993
HD 223:200X Superseded by HD 384.4.41 S1:1980
HD 224:200X Superseded by HD 384.4.41 S1:1980
HD 225 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60349-1:2000
HD 225 S1:1977 Superseded by ENV 60349-2:1993
HD 231 S1:1974 Superseded by EN 50347:2001
HD 232:200X Superseded by HD 53.2, later on by EN 60034-2:1996
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-1:1989
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-2:1989
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-3:1989
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-4:1989
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-5:1989
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-6:1989
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-7:1989
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-8:1989
HD 233 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60051-9:1989
HD 234:200X Superseded by HD 323.1, later on by EN 60068-1:1994
HD 235:200X Superseded by HD 218.2, later on by EN 60651:1994
HD 236.1 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60244-1:2000
HD 236.2 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60244-15:2000
HD 236.3 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60244-15:2000
HD 236.4 S2:1978 Superseded by EN 60244-15:2000
HD 236.5 S4:1979 Superseded by EN 60244-5:1994
HD 236.8 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60244-8:1994
HD 236.9 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60244-9:1994
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 236.10 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60244-10:1993
HD 236.11 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60244-11:1993
HD 236.12.1 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60244-12-1:1993
HD 236.12.2 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60244-12-2:1993
HD 237:200X Renumbered HD 236.2
HD 238:200X Renumbered HD 236.3
HD 239:200X Superseded by HD 236.4 S2:1978
HD 240:200X Superseded by HD 236.5, later on by EN 60244-5:1994
HD 241 S2:1977 Superseded by EN 60445:1990
HD 242 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 243 S7:1988 Superseded by HD 243 S8:1989
HD 243 S8:1989 Superseded by HD 243 S9:1991
HD 243 S9:1991 Superseded by HD 243 S10:1993
HD 243 S10:1993 Superseded by HD 243 S12:1995
HD 243 S12:1995 Superseded by EN 60417-1:1999
HD 243 S12:1995 Superseded by EN 60417-2:1999
HD 244:200X Superseded by EN 60204-1:1986
HD 245.1 S3:1979 Superseded by HD 60027-1:2004
HD 245.2 S1:1983 Superseded by HD 60027-2:2003
HD 245.3 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 245.3 S2:1991
HD 245.3 S2:1991 Superseded by HD 245.3 S3:2001
HD 245.3 S3:2001 Superseded by HD 60027-3:2004
HD 245.4 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60027-4:2007
HD 246.1 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 61082-1:1993
HD 246.2 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 246.3 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 61082-1:1993
HD 246.5 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 61082-3:1994
HD 246.6 S2:1988 Superseded by EN 61082-3:1994
HD 246.7 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 61082-1:1993
HD 246.7 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 61082-2:1994
HD 247:200X Renumbered HD 246.3, later on superseded by EN 61082-1:1993
HD 248:200X Renumbered HD 246.2
HD 249 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60477:1997
HD 249.2 S1:1981 Superseded by EN 60477-2:1997
HD 250 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60335-1:1988
HD 250.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60335-1:1988
HD 251 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 251 S2:1979
HD 251 S3:1982 Superseded by EN 60335-1:1988
HD 251.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60335-1:1988
HD 252 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 252 S2:1979
HD 252 S3:1982 Superseded by EN 60335-2-2:1988
HD 253 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 253 S2:1979
HD 253 S3:1982 Superseded by EN 60335-2-3:1990
HD 254 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 60335-2-8:1990
HD 255 S2:1983 Superseded by EN 60335-2-26:1990
HD 256 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 60335-2-7:1990
HD 256.2 S1:1980 Superseded by HD 256 S2:1984
HD 257 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 60335-2-5:1989
HD 258 S2:1983 Superseded by EN 60335-2-32:1990
HD 259 S1:1976 Superseded by EN 60335-2-16:1989
HD 259.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60335-2-16:1989
HD 260 S2:1983 Superseded by HD 260 S3:1987
HD 260 S3:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-33:1990
HD 261 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60335-2-14:1988
HD 261.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60335-2-14:1988
HD 261.3 S1:1979 Superseded by EN 60335-2-14:1988
HD 261.4 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60335-2-14:1988
HD 262 S1:1976 Superseded by EN 60335-2-73:1996
HD 262 S1:1976 Superseded by EN 60335-2-74:1996
HD 262.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60335-2-73:1996
HD 262.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60335-2-74:1996
HD 262.3 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-73:1996
HD 262.3 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60335-2-74:1996
HD 262.4 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-73:1996
HD 262.4 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-74:1996
HD 263 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60335-2-43:1989
HD 264 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 60335-2-15:1990
HD 265 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 60335-2-9:1990
HD 266 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60335-2-23:1990
HD 266.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60335-2-23:1990
HD 266.3 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60335-2-23:1990
HD 266.4 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60335-2-23:1990
HD 267 S1:1982 Superseded by EN 60335-2-4:1989
HD 268 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 60335-2-11:1989
HD 269 S2:1983 Superseded by EN 60335-2-24:1989
HD 270 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60335-2-25:1990
HD 271 S1:1982 Superseded by EN 50088:1996
HD 272 S2:1983 Superseded by HD 272 S3:1987
HD 272 S3:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-27:1989
HD 273 S1:1983 Superseded by HD 273 S2:1987
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 273 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-28:1990
HD 274 S1:1982 Superseded by HD 274 S2:1990
HD 274 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 50084:1992
HD 275 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60335-2-6:1990
HD 276 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 60335-2-31:1990
HD 277 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 60335-2-34:1996
HD 278 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-30:1992
HD 279 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60335-2-13:1990
HD 280 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60335-2-80:1997
HD 280.3 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-80:1997
HD 281 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60335-2-10:1990
HD 282 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60335-2-35:1994
HD 283 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60335-2-61:1996
HD 284 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-36:1989
HD 285 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-37:1989
HD 286 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-38:1989
HD 287 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-39:1989
HD 288 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60335-2-42:1989
HD 289 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 50106:1997
HD 301 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 61143-1:1994
HD 302 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60929:1992
HD 303 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 304 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60118-12:1996
HD 305 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 306:200X Renumbered HD 123.7
HD 307.1 S2:1981 Superseded by EN 60455-1:1998
HD 307.2 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60455-2:1999
HD 307.3.1 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60455-3-1:2003
HD 307.3.2 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 307.3.2 S2:1997
HD 307.3.2 S2:1997 Superseded by EN 60455-3-2:2003
HD 307.3.3 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60455-3-3:2003
HD 307.3.4 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60455-3-4:2003
HD 307.3.5 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60455-3-5:2001
HD 308 S1:1976 Superseded by HD 308 S2:2001
HD 309.1 S1:1979 Superseded by EN 60521:1995
HD 309.2 S1:1979 Superseded by EN 60514:1995
HD 311.1 S1:1983 Superseded by HD 311.1 S2:1991
HD 311.1 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60094-1:1993
HD 311.2 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 311.2 S2:1989
HD 311.2 S2:1989 Superseded by HD 311.2 S3:1993
HD 311.2 S3:1993 Superseded by EN 60094-2:1993
HD 311.3 S1:1983 Superseded by HD 311.3 S2:1989
HD 311.3 S2:1989 Superseded by EN 60094-3:1996
HD 311.4 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60094-4:1994
HD 311.5 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60094-5:1993
HD 311.7 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60094-7:1993
HD 312 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 61187:1994
HD 313.1 S4:1987 Superseded by HD 313.1 S5:1991
HD 313.1 S5:1991 Superseded by EN 60249-1:1993
HD 313.2.1 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 313.2.1 S2:1990
HD 313.2.1 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60249-2-1:1994
HD 313.2.2 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 313.2.2 S2:1990
HD 313.2.2 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 313.2.2 S3:1992
HD 313.2.2 S3:1992 Superseded by EN 60249-2-2:1994
HD 313.2.3 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 313.2.3 S2:1990
HD 313.2.3 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60249-2-3:1994
HD 313.2.4 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 313.2.4 S2:1990
HD 313.2.4 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60249-2-4:1994
HD 313.2.5 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 313.2.5 S2:1990
HD 313.2.5 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60249-2-5:1994
HD 313.2.6 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 313.2.6 S2:1990
HD 313.2.6 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60249-2-6:1994
HD 313.2.7 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 313.2.7 S2:1990
HD 313.2.7 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60249-2-7:1994
HD 313.2.8 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60249-2-8:1994
HD 313.2.9 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 313.2.9 S2:1990
HD 313.2.9 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 313.2.9 S3:1991
HD 313.2.9 S3:1991 Superseded by EN 60249-2-9:1994
HD 313.2.10 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 313.2.10 S2:1990
HD 313.2.10 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 313.2.10 S3:1991
HD 313.2.10 S3:1991 Superseded by EN 60249-2-10:1994
HD 313.2.11 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 313.2.11 S2:1990
HD 313.2.11 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60249-2-11:1994
HD 313.2.12 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 313.2.12 S2:1990
HD 313.2.12 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60249-2-12:1994
HD 313.2.13 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60249-2-13:1994
HD 313.2.14 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 313.2.14 S2:1992
HD 313.2.14 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60249-2-14:1994
HD 313.2.15 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60249-2-15:1994
HD 314:200X Renumbered HD 42.3, later on superseded by EN 60317 series
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 315:200X Renumbered HD 42.4
HD 316-1:200X Withdrawn
HD 316-2:200X Withdrawn
HD 317:200X Renumbered HD 316.2
HD 318:200X Renumbered HD 93.1, later on superseded by EN 60204-1:1986
HD 319:200X Superseded by HD 21.2
HD 320:200X Superseded by HD 22.2
HD 321 S1:1976 Withdrawn
HD 322:200X Superseded by HD 123.2 S1:1977
HD 323.1 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 323.1 S2:1988
HD 323.1 S2:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-1:1994
HD 323.2.1 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-1:1993
HD 323.2.2 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-2:1993
HD 323.2.3 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-78:2001
HD 323.2.3 S2:1987 Withdrawn
HD 323.2.5 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-5:1999
HD 323.2.6 S2:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-6:1995
HD 323.2.7 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-7:1993
HD 323.2.9 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-9:1999
HD 323.2.10 S2:1987 Superseded by HD 323.2.10 S3:1988
HD 323.2.10 S3:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-10:2005
HD 323.2.11 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-11:1999
HD 323.2.13 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-13:1999
HD 323.2.14 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-14:1999
HD 323.2.17 S2:1987 Superseded by HD 323.2.17 S3:1988
HD 323.2.17 S3:1988 Superseded by HD 323.2.17 S4:1990
HD 323.2.17 S4:1990 Superseded by EN 60068-2-17:1994
HD 323.2.20 S2:1987 Superseded by HD 323.2.20 S3:1988
HD 323.2.20 S3:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-20:2008
HD 323.2.21 S2:1987 Superseded by HD 323.2.21 S3:1988
HD 323.2.21 S3:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-21:1997
HD 323.2.27 S2:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-27:1993
HD 323.2.28 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-3-4:2002
HD 323.2.29 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 323.2.29 S2:1989
HD 323.2.29 S2:1989 Superseded by EN 60068-2-29:1993
HD 323.2.30 S2:1987 Superseded by HD 323.2.30 S3:1988
HD 323.2.30 S3:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-30:1999
HD 323.2.31 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-31:1993
HD 323.2.32 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 323.2.32 S2:1991
HD 323.2.32 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60068-2-32:1993
HD 323.2.33 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-33:1999
HD 323.2.34 S1:1988 Withdrawn
HD 323.2.35 S1:1988 Withdrawn
HD 323.2.36 S1:1988 Withdrawn
HD 323.2.37 S1:1988 Withdrawn
HD 323.2.38 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-38:1999
HD 323.2.39 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-39:1999
HD 323.2.40 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-40:1999
HD 323.2.41 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-41:1999
HD 323.2.44 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-44:1995
HD 323.2.45 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-45:1992
HD 323.2.47 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-47:1993
HD 323.2.48 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-2-48:1999
HD 323.2.50 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-50:1999
HD 323.2.51 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-51:1999
HD 323.2.52 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-52:1996
HD 323.2.54 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-54:2006
HD 323.2.55 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60068-2-55:1993
HD 323.2.56 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60068-2-78:2001
HD 323.2.56 S1:1990 Withdrawn
HD 323.2.57 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60068-2-57:1993
HD 323.2.58 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60068-2-58:1999
HD 323.2.59 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60068-2-59:1993
HD 323.3.1 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-3-1:1999
HD 323.3.2 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60068-3-2:1999
HD 323.3.3 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60068-3-3:1993
HD 323.5.2 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60068-5-2:1999
HD 324 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60446:1999
HD 325:200X Withdrawn
HD 326 S1:1978 Withdrawn
HD 327 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 327 S2:1988
HD 327 S2:1988 Superseded by EN 60491:1995
HD 328:200X Withdrawn
HD 329 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 62155:2003
HD 330 S1:1977 Withdrawn
HD 331 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60447:1993
HD 332:200X Renumbered HD 245.2
HD 333:200X Renumbered HD 245.3
HD 334 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 334 S2:1989
HD 334 S2:1989 Superseded by HD 334 S3:1991
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 334 S3:1991 Superseded by EN 60062:1993
HD 335:200X Superseded by HD 81, later on by EN 60081:1989
HD 336:200X Superseded by HD 82, later on by EN 60188:1988
HD 337 S2:1978 Superseded by HD 337 S3:1989
HD 338:200X Withdrawn
HD 339 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60143-1:1993
HD 340:200X Superseded by HD 66, later on by EN 60238:1986
HD 341:200X Renumbered HD 129.2
HD 342:200X Superseded by HD 93.1, later on by EN 60204-1:1986
HD 343:200X Renumbered HD 109, later on superseded by EN 60127 series
HD 344:200X Superseded by EN 55011:1991
HD 345 S1:1976 Superseded by EN 50209:1998
HD 346:200X Renumbered HD 53.9, later on superseded by EN 60034-9:1993
HD 347 S1:1978 Superseded by HD 53.14 S1:1992
HD 348 S2:1979 Superseded by HD 348 S3:1989
HD 348 S3:1989 Superseded by HD 348 S4:1991
HD 348 S4:1991 Superseded by HD 348 S5:1995
HD 348 S5:1995 Superseded by HD 348 S6:1995
HD 348 S6:1995 Superseded by HD 348 S7:1998
HD 348 S7:1998 Superseded by EN 62271-100:2001
HD 350.2 S1:1978 Withdrawn
HD 352.1 S2:1983 Superseded by EN 60371-1:1995
HD 352.2 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60371-2:1997
HD 352.3.1 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60371-3-1:1995
HD 352.3.2 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 60371-3-2:1995
HD 352.3.3 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 60371-3-3:1995
HD 352.3.4 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 60371-3-4:1995
HD 352.3.5 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 60371-3-5:1995
HD 352.3.6 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 60371-3-6:1995
HD 353 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60398:1999
HD 354 S2:1987 Superseded by EN 60073:1993
HD 355 S1:1978 Superseded by HD 355.1 S2:1991
HD 355.1 S2:1991 Superseded by HD 355.1 S3:1995
HD 355.1 S3:1995 Superseded by EN 60265-1:1998
HD 355.2 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60265-2:1993
HD 356 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60406:1997
HD 358 S1:1978 Superseded by HD 358 S2:1987
HD 358 S2:1987 Superseded by HD 358 S3:1992
HD 358 S3:1992 Superseded by EN 60517:1996
HD 359 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 359 S2:1990
HD 359 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 50214:1997
HD 359 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 50214:2006
HD 359.2 S1:1980 Superseded by HD 359 S2:1990
HD 360 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 360 S2:1990
HD 360 S2:1990 Withdrawn
HD 360.2 S1:1980 Superseded by HD 360 S2:1990
HD 361 S1:1978 Superseded by HD 361 S2:1986
HD 361 S2:1986 Superseded by HD 361 S3:1999
HD 362 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 60974-11:1995
HD 364 S2:1983 Superseded by EN 60526:2004
HD 365 S3:1985 Superseded by EN 60529:1991
HD 366 S1:1977 Superseded by EN 61140:2001
HD 367 S1:1977 Superseded by HD 367 S2:1992
HD 367 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60214:1997
HD 369.1 S1:1978 Withdrawn
HD 369.2 S1:1978 Withdrawn
HD 369.3 S1:1986 Withdrawn
HD 369.4 S1:1984 Superseded by HD 369.4 S2:1993
HD 369.4 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 61938:1997
HD 369.5 S1:1983 Withdrawn
HD 369.5.2 S1:1986 Withdrawn
HD 369.8 S1:1984 Withdrawn
HD 369.10 S2:1985 Superseded by HD 369.10 S3:1989
HD 369.10 S3:1989 Superseded by HD 369.10 S4:1991
HD 369.13 S1:1984 Withdrawn
HD 369.14 S1:1986 Superseded by HD 369.14 S2:1989
HD 369.14 S2:1989 Withdrawn
HD 371 S1:1979 Withdrawn
HD 372 S1:1981 Superseded by EN 60950:1988
HD 373 S1:1979 Withdrawn
HD 375:200X Superseded by HD 468 S1:1987, later on withdrawn
HD 376 S2:1984 Superseded by EN 50304:2001
HD 377 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 60456:1994
HD 378 S1:1978 Superseded by EN 50242:1998
HD 379 S1:1979 Superseded by EN 60580:2000
HD 383 S2:1986 Superseded by EN 60228:2005
HD 384.1 S1:1979 Superseded by HD 384.1 S2:2001
HD 384.1 S2:2001 Superseded by HD 60364-1:2008
HD 384.2 S1:1986 Superseded by HD 384.2 S2:2001
HD 384.2 S2:2001 Withdrawn
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 384.3 S1:1985 Superseded by HD 384.3 S2:1995
HD 384.3 S2:1995 Superseded by HD 60364-1:2008
HD 384.4.41 S1:1980 Superseded by HD 384.4.41 S2:1996
HD 384.4.41 S2:1996 Superseded by HD 60364-4-41:2007
HD 384.4.42 S1:1985 Superseded by HD 60364-4-42:2011
HD 384.4.43 S1:1980 Superseded by HD 384.4.43 S2:2001
HD 384.4.43 S2:2001 Superseded by HD 60364-4-43:2010
HD 384.4.46 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 384.4.46 S2:2001
HD 384.4.47 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 384.4.47 S2:1995
HD 384.4.47 S2:1995 Superseded by HD 60364-4-41:2007
HD 384.4.443 S1:2000 Superseded by HD 60364-4-443:2006
HD 384.5.51 S1:1985 Superseded by HD 384.5.51 S2:1996
HD 384.5.51 S2:1996 Superseded by HD 60364-5-51:2006
HD 384.5.52 S1:1995 Superseded by HD 60364-5-52:2011
HD 384.5.54 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 60364-5-54:2007
HD 384.5.56 S1:1985 Superseded by HD 60364-5-56:2010
HD 384.5.523 S1:1991 Superseded by HD 384.5.523 S2:2001
HD 384.5.523 S2:2001 Superseded by HD 60364-5-52:2011
HD 384.5.537 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
HD 384.5.551 S1:1997 Superseded by HD 60364-5-551:2010
HD 384.6.61 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 384.6.61 S2:2003
HD 384.6.61 S2:2003 Superseded by HD 60364-6:2007
HD 384.7.702 S1:1991 Superseded by HD 384.7.702 S2:2002
HD 384.7.702 S2:2002 Superseded by HD 60364-7-702:2010
HD 384.7.703 S1:1991 Superseded by HD 60364-7-703:2005
HD 384.7.704 S1:2000 Superseded by HD 60364-7-704:2007
HD 384.7.705 S1:1991 Superseded by HD 60364-7-705:2007
HD 384.7.706 S1:1991 Superseded by HD 60364-7-706:2007
HD 384.7.708 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 384.7.708 S2:2005
HD 384.7.708 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 384.7.754 S1:2005
HD 384.7.708 S2:2005 Superseded by HD 60364-7-708:2009
HD 384.7.754 S1:2005 Superseded by HD 60364-7-721:2009
HD 385 S2:1986 Withdrawn
HD 387 S1:1979 Withdrawn
HD 388 S2:1983 Superseded by EN 61050:1992
HD 389 S1:1979 Superseded by EN 50063:1989
HD 389.2 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 50063:1989
HD 390 S1:1979 Superseded by HD 390 S2:1992
HD 390 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60618:1997
HD 392 S2:1985 Superseded by EN 60634:1995
HD 393 S1:1979 Superseded by EN 60423:1994
HD 394.1 S1:1979 Withdrawn
HD 395.1 S1:1979 Superseded by HD 395.1 S2:1988
HD 395.1 S2:1988 Superseded by EN 60601-1:1990
HD 395.2.2 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 60601-2-2:1993
HD 395.2.3 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 60601-2-3:1993
HD 395.2.4 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60601-2-4:2003
HD 395.2.5 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60601-2-5:2000
HD 395.2.6 S1:1987 To be read with HD 395.1 S2:1988
HD 395.2.7 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60601-2-7:1998
HD 395.2.8 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60601-2-8:1997
HD 395.2.9 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60601-2-9:1996
HD 395.2.10 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60601-2-10:2000
HD 395.2.11 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 395.2.11 S2:1990
HD 395.2.11 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60601-2-11:1997
HD 395.2.12 S1:1989 Withdrawn
HD 395.2.13 S1:1989 Withdrawn
HD 395.2.14 S1:1989 Withdrawn
HD 395.2.15 S1:1989 Withdrawn
HD 395.2.16 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60601-2-16:1998
HD 395.2.17 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60601-2-17:1996
HD 395.2.19 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60601-2-19:1996
HD 395.2.20 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60601-2-20:1996
HD 396 S1:1979 Withdrawn
HD 397 S1:1979 Superseded by EN 60599:1999
HD 398.1 S1:1980 Superseded by EN 60076-1:1997
HD 398.2 S1:1980 Superseded by EN 60076-2:1997
HD 398.3 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60076-3:2001
HD 398.4 S1:1980 Superseded by EN 60076-1:1997
HD 398.5 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60076-5:2000
HD 399 S1:1979 Superseded by HD 399 S2:1991
HD 399 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60551:1992
HD 400.1 S1:1980 Superseded by EN 50144-1:1995
HD 400.2A S1:1980 Superseded by EN 50144-2-1:1995
HD 400.2B S1:1980 Superseded by EN 50144-2-2:1995
HD 400.2C S1:1980 Superseded by EN 50144-2-3:2002
HD 400.2D S1:1980 Superseded by EN 50144-2-4:1995
HD 400.2E S2:1988 Superseded by EN 50144-2-5:1996
HD 400.2F S1:1980 Superseded by EN 50144-2-6:1996
HD 400.2G S1:1980 Superseded by EN 50144-2-7:1996
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 400.3H S1:1981 Superseded by EN 50144-2-8:1996
HD 400.3I S1:1981 Superseded by EN 50144-2-9:1996
HD 400.3J S1:1981 Superseded by EN 50144-2-10:1996
HD 400.3K S1:1981 Superseded by EN 60745-2-12:2003
HD 400.3L S2:1988 Superseded by EN 50144-2-13:2002
HD 400.3M S1:1981 Superseded by HD 400.3M S2:1992
HD 400.3M S2:1992 Superseded by EN 50144-2-14:1996
HD 400.3N S1:1981 Superseded by HD 400.3N S2:1992
HD 400.3N S2:1992 Superseded by EN 50144-2-15:1997
HD 400.3O S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50144-2-17:2000
HD 400.3R S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50144-2-18:2000
HD 401 S1:1980 Superseded by EN 61010-1:1993
HD 403 S1:1980 Superseded by EN 60360:1989
HD 404 S1:1980 Withdrawn
HD 405.1 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 50265-1:1998
HD 405.1 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 50265-2-1:1998
HD 405.2 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 50265-1:1998
HD 405.2 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 50265-2-2:1998
HD 405.3 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 50266-1:2001
HD 405.3 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 50266-2-4:2001
HD 405.3 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 50266-2-3:2001
HD 405.3 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 50266-2-2:2001
HD 405.3 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 50266-2-1:2001
HD 407 S1:1980 Withdrawn
HD 407 S1:1980 Superseded by CLC/TS 62081:2002
HD 408 S1:1981 Superseded by HD 408 S2:1990
HD 408 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60129:1994
HD 409 S1:1981 Withdrawn
HD 410.1 S1:1981 Superseded by EN 60641-1:1995
HD 410.2 S1:1981 Superseded by EN 60641-2:1995
HD 411:200X Withdrawn
HD 412:200X Withdrawn
HD 413.1 S1:1981 Superseded by EN 60654-1:1993
HD 413.2 S1:1981 Superseded by HD 413.2 S2:1994
HD 413.2 S2:1994 Superseded by EN 60654-2:1997
HD 413.3 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60654-3:1997
HD 414.1 S1:1981 Withdrawn
HD 414.2 S1:1983 Withdrawn
HD 415 S1:1981 Superseded by EN 60666:2010
HD 417 S1:1981 Superseded by HD 417 S2:1987
HD 418.1 S1:1982 Superseded by EN 60947-2:1991
HD 419.1 S1:1982 Superseded by EN 60947-4-1:1992
HD 419.2 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60947-4-2:2000
HD 419.2 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60947-4-3:2000
HD 419.3 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 61095:1993
HD 420 S1:1982 Superseded by HD 420 S2:1988
HD 420 S2:1988 Superseded by EN 60947-5-1:1991
HD 421 S1:1982 Superseded by EN 60947-4-1:1992
HD 422 S1:1982 Superseded by EN 60947-3:1992
HD 423.1 S1:1982 Superseded by EN 60704-1:1994
HD 423.2.1 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60704-2-1:1994
HD 423.2.2 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60704-2-2:1994
HD 423.2.3 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60704-2-3:1994
HD 423.2.4 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60704-2-4:1994
HD 424 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60644:1993
HD 425 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60651:1994
HD 426.1 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60672-1:1995
HD 426.2 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60672-2:2000
HD 426.3 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60672-3:1997
HD 427 S1:1981 Superseded by CLC/TS 62081:2002
HD 427 S1:1981 Withdrawn
HD 428 S1:1983 Superseded by HD 428.1 S1:1992
HD 428.1 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50464-1:2007
HD 428.2.1 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 50464-2-1:2007
HD 428.2.2 S1:1997 Superseded by EN 50464-2-2:2007
HD 428.2.3 S1:1998 Superseded by EN 50464-2-3:2007
HD 428.3 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 50464-1:2007
HD 428.4 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 50464-3:2007
HD 428.6 S1:2002 Superseded by EN 50464-4:2007
HD 429 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 62631-1:2011
HD 430 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60604:1993
HD 432 S1:1983 Withdrawn
HD 433 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60974-12:1995
HD 434 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 61037:1992
HD 435 S1:1983 Withdrawn
HD 436 S1:1983 Withdrawn
HD 437 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60212:2011
HD 438 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 62631-1:2011
HD 439 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 61237-2:1995
HD 440 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60703:2009
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 441 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60695-11-10:1999
HD 441 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60707:1999
HD 443 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60318-4:2010
HD 444.2.1 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60695-2-1/0:1996
HD 444.2.1 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60695-2-1/1:1996
HD 444.2.1 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60695-2-1/2:1996
HD 444.2.1 S1:1983 Superseded by EN 60695-2-1/3:1996
HD 444.2.2 S1:1983 Superseded by HD 444.2.2 S2:1992
HD 444.2.2 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60695-2-2:1994
HD 444.2.3 S1:1987 Withdrawn
HD 446.1 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60584-1:1995
HD 446.2 S1:1984 Superseded by HD 446.2 S2:1990
HD 446.2 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60584-2:1993
HD 446.3 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 60584-3:2008
HD 447 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60712:1994
HD 448 S1:1984 Superseded by HD 448 S2:1989
HD 448 S2:1989 Superseded by HD 448 S3:1995
HD 448 S3:1995 Superseded by HD 448 S4:1996
HD 448 S4:1996 Superseded by EN 60694:1996
HD 450.0 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60118-0:1993
HD 450.1 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60118-1:1995
HD 450.2 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60118-2:1995
HD 450.4 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60118-4:1998
HD 450.6 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60118-6:1998
HD 450.7 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 60118-7:1993
HD 450.11 S1:1985 Withdrawn
HD 451 S1:1984 Withdrawn
HD 454 S1:1984 Superseded by EN 60735:1991
HD 455 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 61603-1:1997
HD 455 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 61603-2:1997
HD 455 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 61603-3:1998
HD 458 S1:1985 Superseded by EN 60756:1993
HD 459 S1:1985 Superseded by HD 459 S2:1989
HD 459 S2:1989 Superseded by EN 60751:1995
HD 460 S1:1985 Withdrawn
HD 463 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60774-1:1994
HD 464 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60726:2003
HD 465.1 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60254-1:1997
HD 465.2 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60254-2:1997
HD 466.5 S1:1989 Withdrawn
HD 466.6 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 466.6 S2:1992
HD 466.6 S2:1992 Withdrawn
HD 466.8 S1:1986 Withdrawn
HD 468 S1:1987 Withdrawn
HD 469 S1:1987 Withdrawn
HD 470 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60779:2005
HD 476.1 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 60352-1:1994
HD 476.2 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60352-2:1994
HD 478.1 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 478.1 S2:1994
HD 478.1 S2:1994 Superseded by EN 60721-1:1995
HD 478.3.0 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 478.3.0 S2:1989
HD 478.3.0 S2:1989 Superseded by EN 60721-3-0:1993
HD 478.3.1 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60721-3-1:1993
HD 478.3.3 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60721-3-3:1993
HD 478.3.4 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60721-3-4:1993
HD 478.3.6 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60721-3-6:1993
HD 478.3.7 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60721-3-7:1993
HD 479 S1:1986 Superseded by EN 61083-1:2001
HD 481.1 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 61000-4-1:1994
HD 481.2 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60801-2:1993
HD 481.3 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 61000-4-3:1996
HD 482 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60825:1991
HD 483.1 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 483.1 S2:1989
HD 483.2 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 483.2 S2:1993
HD 483.3 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 483.3 S2:1992
HD 483.3 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60268-3:2000
HD 483.5 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 483.5 S2:1994
HD 483.5 S2:1994 Superseded by EN 60268-5:1996
HD 483.11 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 483.11 S2:1991
HD 483.11 S2:1991 Superseded by HD 483.11 S3:1993
HD 483.12 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 483.12 S2:1993
HD 483.12 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60268-12:1995
HD 483.15 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 483.15 S2:1990
HD 483.15 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 483.15 S3:1991
HD 483.15 S3:1991 Superseded by HD 483.15 S4:1992
HD 483.15 S4:1992 Superseded by EN 61938:1997
HD 485 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60812:2006
HD 486 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 61125:1993
HD 487 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60814:1997
HD 490.1 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60851-1:1996
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 490.2 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 490.2 S2:1993
HD 490.2 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60851-2:1996
HD 490.3 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 490.3 S2:1990
HD 490.3 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 490.3 S3:1993
HD 490.3 S3:1993 Superseded by EN 60851-3:1996
HD 490.4 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60851-4:1994
HD 490.5 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 490.5 S2:1991
HD 490.5 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60851-5:1996
HD 490.6 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60851-6:1996
HD 491.1 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60519-1:1993
HD 491.3 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60519-3:1995
HD 491.9 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60519-9:1995
HD 492.1 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 492.1 S2:1989
HD 492.1 S2:1989 Superseded by EN 60282-1:1993
HD 493.1 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60297-3-100:2009
HD 493.2 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60297-3-100:2009
HD 493.3 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 493.3 S2:1993
HD 493.3 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60297-3-101:2004
HD 494 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 494 S2:1990
HD 494 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 494 S3:1992
HD 494 S3:1992 Superseded by HD 494 S4:1994
HD 494 S4:1994 Superseded by EN 60809:1996
HD 495 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60068-2-63:1994
HD 496 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60855:1996
HD 497 S1:1987 Superseded by EN 60867:1994
HD 498 S1:1987 Superseded by HD 498 S2:1992
HD 498 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60868:1993
HD 499 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60804:1994
HD 500 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60379:2004
HD 501 S1:1988 Withdrawn
HD 503 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 503 S2:1993
HD 503 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60810:1994
HD 504 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60873:1993
HD 505.1.1 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 505.1.1 S2:1990
HD 505.1.1 S2:1990 Superseded by HD 505.1.1 S3:1991
HD 505.1.1 S3:1991 Superseded by EN 60811-1-1:1995
HD 505.1.2 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 505.1.2 S2:1991
HD 505.1.2 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60811-1-2:1995
HD 505.1.3 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 505.1.3 S2:1991
HD 505.1.3 S2:1991 Superseded by EN 60811-1-3:1995
HD 505.1.4 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60811-1-4:1995
HD 505.2.1 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60811-2-1:1995
HD 505.3.1 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60811-3-1:1995
HD 505.3.2 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60811-3-2:1995
HD 505.4.1 S1:1988 Superseded by HD 505.4.1 S2:1990
HD 505.4.1 S2:1990 Superseded by EN 60811-4-1:1995
HD 505.4.2 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60811-4-2:1999
HD 505.5.1 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60811-5-1:1999
HD 506 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 50180:1997
HD 507 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60461:2001
HD 509 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 60336:1995
HD 510 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 61262-1:1994
HD 511 S1:1988 Superseded by EN 61262-3:1994
HD 512 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 61262-2:1994
HD 513 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60806:2004
HD 514 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60856:1993
HD 515 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 61262-4:1994
HD 516 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 516 S2:1997
HD 523.2 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 523.2 S2:1993
HD 523.2 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60684-2:1997
HD 523.3.209 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60684-3-209:2003
HD 523.3.300 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60684-3-300:2002
HD 523.3.320 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60684-3-320:2002
HD 523.3.121 & 122 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
HD 523.3.100 to 105 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60684-3-100 to 105:2001
HD 523.3.116 to 118 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 60684-3-116 & 117:2003
HD 523.3.240 to 243 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 60684-3-240 to 243:2002
HD 523.3.400 to 402 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 60684-3-400 to 402:2002
HD 523.3.403 to 405 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60684-3-403 to 405:2002
HD 523.3.406 to 408 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60684-3-406 to 408:2003
HD 523.3.420 to 422 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 60684-3-420 to 422:2002
HD 524 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60821:1994
HD 525.1 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60871-1:1997
HD 526 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60872:1993
HD 528 S1:1989 Superseded by HD 528 S2:1997
HD 528 S2:1997 Superseded by CLC/TR 60890:2002
HD 529 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60908:1992
HD 530.1 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60546-1:1993
HD 530.2 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60546-2:1993
HD 531 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60843-1:1994
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 532 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60889:1997
HD 533 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60909-0:2001
HD 534 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60731:1997
HD 536 S1:1991 Withdrawn
HD 537 S1:1991 Withdrawn
HD 538.1 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50541-1:2011
HD 538.2 S1:1995 Superseded by EN 50541-1:2011
HD 539 S1:1991 Superseded by HD 539 S2:1992
HD 539 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60289:1994
HD 540.2 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60071-2:1997
HD 540.3 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60071-2:1997
HD 540.3 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60071-1:1995
HD 542 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60832:1996
HD 543.1 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60834-1:1999
HD 546.2.1 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60870-2-1:1996
HD 546.2.1 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60870-2-2:1996
HD 547 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60895:1996
HD 548.3 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60044-3:2003
HD 550 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60917-1:1998
HD 551 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60936:1993
HD 552 S1:1989 Superseded by EN 60945:1993
HD 553 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 553 S2:1993
HD 553 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60044-1:1999
HD 554 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60044-2:1999
HD 554 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60044-5:2004
HD 555.0.1 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 555.0.1 S2:1993
HD 555.0.1 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60317-0-1:1994
HD 555.0.2 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 555.0.2 S2:1993
HD 555.0.2 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60317-0-2:1994
HD 555.0.3 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-0-3:1994
HD 555.0.4 S1:1992 Superseded by HD 555.0.4 S2:1993
HD 555.0.4 S2:1993 Superseded by EN 60317-0-4:1994
HD 555.1 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.1 S2:1992
HD 555.1 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-1:1994
HD 555.2 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.2 S2:1992
HD 555.2 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-2:1994
HD 555.3 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-3:1994
HD 555.4 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.4 S2:1992
HD 555.4 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-4:1994
HD 555.7 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.7 S2:1992
HD 555.7 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-7:1994
HD 555.8 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.8 S2:1992
HD 555.8 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-8:1994
HD 555.11 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-11:1994
HD 555.12 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.12 S2:1992
HD 555.12 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-12:1994
HD 555.13 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.13 S2:1992
HD 555.13 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-13:1994
HD 555.14 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.14 S2:1992
HD 555.14 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-14:1994
HD 555.15 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.15 S2:1992
HD 555.15 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-15:1994
HD 555.16 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.16 S2:1992
HD 555.16 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-16:1994
HD 555.17 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.17 S2:1992
HD 555.17 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-17:1994
HD 555.18 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.18 S2:1992
HD 555.18 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-18:1995
HD 555.19 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.19 S2:1992
HD 555.19 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-19:1995
HD 555.20 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.20 S2:1992
HD 555.20 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-20:1995
HD 555.21 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.21 S2:1992
HD 555.21 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-21:1995
HD 555.22 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.22 S2:1992
HD 555.22 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-22:1995
HD 555.23 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.23 S2:1992
HD 555.23 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-23:1995
HD 555.24 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.24 S2:1992
HD 555.24 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-24:1995
HD 555.25 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.25 S2:1992
HD 555.25 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-25:1996
HD 555.26 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.26 S2:1992
HD 555.26 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-26:1996
HD 555.27 S1:1990 Superseded by HD 555.27 S2:1992
HD 555.27 S2:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-27:1994
HD 555.28 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-28:1996
HD 555.29 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-29:1996
HD 555.30 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-30:1996
HD 555.31 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-31:1996
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 555.32 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-32:1996
HD 555.33 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-33:1996
HD 555.34 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60317-34:1996
HD 556 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60942:1998
HD 558 S1:1991 Withdrawn
HD 559.1 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60243-1:1998
HD 559.2 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60243-2:2001
HD 560.3 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60315-3:1999
HD 561 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 61951-1:2003
HD 564 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60239:1997
HD 565 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 60836:2005
HD 566 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60085:2004
HD 568 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 62631-1:2011
HD 571 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 80416-1:2001
HD 572:200X Withdrawn
HD 580 S1:1990 Superseded by EN 60427:1992
HD 581 S1:1991 Withdrawn
HD 583 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60976:1999
HD 584 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60456:1994
HD 585 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60993:2002
HD 586.1 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 60702-1:2002
HD 586.2 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 60702-2:2002
HD 587 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 50482:2008
HD 588.1 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60060-1:2010
HD 590 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60318-6:2008
HD 591 S1:1993 Superseded by EN 50329:2003
HD 594 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 60969:1993
HD 596 S1:1996 Superseded by EN 50386:2002
HD 598 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60676:2002
HD 600 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 61023:1993
HD 601 S1:1991 Superseded by EN 61032:1998
HD 602 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50267-1:1998
HD 602 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50267-2-3:1998
HD 605 S1:1994 Superseded by HD 605 S2:2008
HD 606.1 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50268-1:1999
HD 606.2 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50268-2:1999
HD 607 S1:1996 Superseded by EN 50387:2002
HD 608 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 50288-1:2001
HD 609 S1:1995 Withdrawn
HD 610 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 62076:2006
HD 611.1 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60216-1:2001
HD 611.2 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60216-2:2005
HD 611.3.1 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60216-3:2002
HD 611.4.1 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60216-4-1:2006
HD 611.5 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60216-5:2003
HD 612 S1:1992 Withdrawn
HD 613 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60523:1993
HD 614 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60524:1993
HD 615 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 60564:1993
HD 617 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 61025:2007
HD 618 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 61039:2008
HD 619 S1:1992 Superseded by EN 61041-1:1995
HD 620 S1:1996 Superseded by HD 620 S2:2010
HD 623 S1:1996 Superseded by EN 50393:2006
HD 624.0 S1:1997 Superseded by EN 50290-2-20:2001
HD 624.1 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 50290-2-21:2001
HD 624.2 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 50290-2-22:2001
HD 624.3 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 50290-2-23:2001
HD 624.4 S1:1996 Superseded by EN 50290-2-24:2002
HD 624.5 S1:1995 Superseded by EN 50290-2-25:2002
HD 624.6 S1:1995 Superseded by EN 50290-2-26:2002
HD 624.7 S1:1994 Superseded by EN 50290-2-27:2002
HD 624.8 S1:1995 Superseded by EN 50290-2-28:2002
HD 624.9 S1:1997 Superseded by EN 50290-2-29:2002
HD 625.1 S1:1996 Superseded by EN 60664-1:2003
HD 625.3 S1:1997 Superseded by EN 60664-3:2003
HD 628 S1:1996 Superseded by EN 61442:2005
HD 629.1 S1:1996 Superseded by HD 629.1 S2:2006
HD 629.2 S1:1997 Superseded by HD 629.2 S2:2006
HD 630.2.1 S1:1996 Superseded by HD 630.2.1 S2:1997
HD 630.2.1 S2:1997 Superseded by HD 630.2.1 S3:1998
HD 630.2.1 S3:1998 Superseded by HD 630.2.1 S4:2000
HD 630.2.1 S4:2000 Superseded by HD 630.2.1 S5:2002
HD 630.2.1 S5:2002 Superseded by HD 630.2.1 S6:2003
HD 630.2.1 S6:2003 Superseded by HD 60269-2-1:2005
HD 630.3.1 S1:1996 Superseded by HD 60269-3-1:2004
HD 630.3.1 S1:1996 Superseded by HD 630.3.1 S2:1997
HD 630.3.1 S2:1997 Superseded by HD 60269-3-1:2004
HD 630.3.1 S2:1997 Superseded by HD 630.3.1 S3:2002
HD 630.3.1 S3:2002 Superseded by HD 60269-3-1:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

HD 631.1 S1:1998 Superseded by HD 631.1 S2:2007
HD 632 S1:1998 Superseded by HD 632 S2:2008
HD 637 S1:1999 Superseded by EN 50522:2010
HD 637 S1:1999 Superseded by EN 61936-1:2010
HD 638 S1:2001 Superseded by EN 50556:2011
HD 60027-1:2004 Superseded by EN 60027-1:2006
HD 60027-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60027-2:2007
HD 60027-2:2003 Superseded by EN 60027-6:2007
HD 60027-3:2004 Superseded by EN 60027-3:2007
HD 60269-2:2007 Superseded by HD 60269-2:2010
HD 60269-2-1:2005 Superseded by HD 60269-2:2007
HD 60269-3:2007 Superseded by HD 60269-3:2010
HD 60269-3-1:2004 Superseded by HD 60269-3:2007
HD 60364-5-51:2006 Superseded by HD 60364-5-51:2009
HD 60364-5-54:2007 Superseded by HD 60364-5-54:2011
HD 60364-7-717:2004 Superseded by HD 60364-7-717:2010


CLC/TS 45545-5:2004 Superseded by CLC/TS 45545-5:2009
CLC/TS 50131-2-2:2004 Superseded by EN 50131-2-2:2008
CLC/TS 50131-2-3:2004 Superseded by EN 50131-2-3:2008
CLC/TS 50131-2-4:2004 Superseded by EN 50131-2-4:2008
CLC/TS 50131-2-5:2004 Superseded by EN 50131-2-5:2008
CLC/TS 50131-2-6:2004 Superseded by EN 50131-2-6:2008
CLC/TS 50131-3:2003 Superseded by EN 50131-3:2009
CLC/TS 50131-4:2006 Superseded by EN 50131-4:2009
CLC/TS 50131-7:2003 Superseded by CLC/TS 50131-7:2008
CLC/TS 50131-7:2008 Superseded by CLC/TS 50131-7:2010
CLC/TS 50354:2003 Superseded by EN 61482-1-2:2007
CLC/TS 50398:2002 Superseded by CLC/TS 50398:2009
CLC/TS 50418:2004 Withdrawn
CLC/TS 50502:2007 Superseded by CLC/TS 50502:2008
CLC/TS 60034-25:2005 Superseded by CLC/TS 60034-25:2008
CLC/TS 60034-26:2004 Superseded by EN 60034-26:2006
CLC/TS 61111:2006 Superseded by EN 61111:2009
CLC/TS 61112:2006 Superseded by EN 61112:2009
CLC/TS 61482-1:2003 Superseded by EN 61482-1-1:2009
CLC/TS 61496-2:2003 Superseded by CLC/TS 61496-2:2006
CLC/TS 61496-3:2003 Superseded by CLC/TS 61496-3:2008
CLC/TS 61643-12:2006 Superseded by CLC/TS 61643-12:2009
CLC/TS 62046:2005 Superseded by CLC/TS 62046:2008
CLC/TS 62081:2002 Superseded by EN 60974-9:2010


CLC/TR 50126-3:2006 Superseded by CLC/TR 50126-3:2008
CLC/TR 50417:2003 Superseded by CLC/TR 50417:2010
CLC/TR 50424:2004 Superseded by HD 21.3 S3:1995/A2:2008
CLC/TR 50456:2005 Superseded by CLC/TR 50456:2008
CLC/TR 60034-18-32:2004 Superseded by EN 60034-18-32:2010
CLC/TR 60034-18-33:2004 Superseded by CLC/TS 60034-18-33:2011
CLC/TR 61158-1:2004 Superseded by CLC/TR 61158-1:2008
CLC/TR 61158-1:2008 Superseded by CLC/TR 61158-1:2010
CLC/TR 62102:2005 Superseded by CLC/TR 62102:2006


ENV 40003:1990 + R-IT-06
ENV 41001:1987 Superseded by EN 60603-7:1993
ENV 41003:1988 Superseded by EN 41003:1991
ENV 41004:1992 Withdrawn
ENV 41005:1990 Withdrawn
ENV 41006:1990 Withdrawn
ENV 41007-1:1991 Withdrawn
ENV 41009:1992 Withdrawn
ENV 41101:1986 Withdrawn
ENV 41504:1990 Withdrawn
ENV 50076:1990 Withdrawn
ENV 50091-3:1998 Superseded by EN 62040-3:2001
ENV 50121-1:1996 Superseded by EN 50121-1:2000
ENV 50121-2:1996 Superseded by EN 50121-2:2000
ENV 50121-3-1:1996 Superseded by EN 50121-3-1:2000
ENV 50121-3-2:1996 Superseded by EN 50121-3-2:2000
ENV 50121-4:1996 Superseded by EN 50121-4:2000
ENV 50121-5:1996 Superseded by EN 50121-5:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

ENV 50123-7-1:1998 Superseded by EN 50123-7-1:2003
ENV 50129:1998 Superseded by EN 50129:2003
ENV 50131-1:1996 Superseded by EN 50131-1:1997
ENV 50140:1993 Superseded by EN 61000-4-3:1996
ENV 50141:1993 Superseded by EN 61000-4-6:1996
ENV 50142:1994 Withdrawn
ENV 50152-3-1:1998 Superseded by EN 50152-3-1:2003
ENV 50166-1:1995 Withdrawn
ENV 50166-2:1995 Witdhrawn
ENV 50184:1996 Withdrawn
ENV 50185-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61920:1998
ENV 50185-2:1996 Superseded by EN 61920:1998
ENV 50185-3:1995 Superseded by EN 61920:1998
ENV 50196:1995 Withdrawn
ENV 50213:1998 Withdrawn
ENV 50218:1996 Withdrawn
ENV 50219:1996 Withdrawn
ENV 50231:1997 Superseded by EN 61822:2003
ENV 50232:1997 Superseded by EN 61823:2003
ENV 50247-1:1998 Withdrawn
ENV 50247-2:1998 Withdrawn
ENV 50269:1997 Superseded by EN 60079-7:2003
ENV 50275-2-3:1998 Superseded by CLC/TS 50457-1:2008
ENV 50275-2-4:1998 Superseded by CLC/TS 50457-2:2008
ENV 50354:2001 Superseded by CLC/TS 50354:2003
ENV 55102-1:1993 Withdrawn
ENV 55102-2:1992 Withdrawn
ENV 60349-2:1993 Superseded by EN 60349-2:2001
ENV 60695-2-4/2:1995 Withdrawn
ENV 61000-2-2:1993 Withdrawn
ENV 61024-1:1995 Withdrawn
ENV 61072:1993 Withdrawn
ENV 61111:2001 Withdrawn
ENV 61112:2001 Withdrawn
ENV 61400-1:1995 Superseded by EN 61400-1:2004

CLC Guide

CLC Guide 1:2003 Superseded by CLC Guide 1:2006
CLC Guide 1:2006 Superseded by CLC Guide 1:2009
CLC Guide 1:2009 Superseded by CLC Guide 1:2010
CLC Guide 1:2010 Superseded by CLC Guide 1:2011
CLC Guide 8:2001 Superseded by CLC Guide 8:2005
CLC Guide 8:2005 Superseded by CLC Guide 8:2007
CLC Guide 11:2001 Superseded by CLC Guide 11:2003
CLC Guide 14:1992 Superseded by CLC Guide 14:2005
CLC Guide 16:2001 Superseded by CLC Guide 16:2005
CLC Guide 24:2001 Superseded by CLC Guide 24:2005
CLC Guide 24:2005 Superseded by CLC Guide 24:2009
CLC Guide 25:2001 Superseded by CLC Guide 25:2005
CLC Guide 25:2005 Superseded by CLC Guide 25:2009
CLC Guide 27:2005 Superseded by CLC Guide 27:2006
CLC Guide 27:2006 Superseded by CEN/CLC Guide 12:2007


CEN/CLC Guide 3:2001 Superseded by CEN/CLC Guide 3:2009
CEN/CLC Guide 8:2001 Superseded by CEN/CLC Guide 8:2010
CEN/CLC Guide 10:2001 Superseded by CEN/CLC Guide 10:2010
CEN/CLC Guide 12:2007 Superseded by CEN/CLC Guide 12:2008
CEN/CLC Guide 13:2007 Superseded by CEN/CLC Guide 13:2008


R009-001:1997 Withdrawn
R009-002:1998 Withdrawn
R009-003:1998 Withdrawn
R009-004:2001 Superseded by CLC/TR 50451:2007
R009-005:2001 Superseded by CLC/TR 50452:2007
R013-001:1999 Withdrawn
R014-001:1999 Superseded by CLC/TR 50453:2007
R017-001:1997 Withdrawn
R017-002:1997 Withdrawn
R020-001:2001 Withdrawn
R021-001:1998 Withdrawn
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

R021-002:2001 Withdrawn
R023-001:1995 Superseded by CLC/TR 50473:2007
R032-001:1993 Superseded by HD 630.2.1 S1:1996
R040-001:1998 Superseded by CLC/TR 50454:2008
R044-001:1999 Superseded by CLC/TR 50404:2003
R061-001:2000 Superseded by CLC/TR 50417:2003
R064-001:1991 Withdrawn
R064-002:1994 Superseded by CLC/TR 50479:2007
R064-003:1998 Superseded by CLC/TR 50480:2011
R064-003:1998 Withdrawn
R064-004:1999 Superseded by HD 60364-4-444:2010
R065-001:1999 Withdrawn
R069-001:2002 Withdrawn
R072-001:2000 Superseded by CLC/TR 50455:2008
R079-001:1996 Superseded by R079-001:1998
R079-001:1998 Superseded by CLC/TR 50456:2005
R086-001:1999 Withdrawn
R0BT-002:1998 Superseded by CLC/TR 62102:2005
R0BT-003:2000 Superseded by CLC/TR 50450:2006
R0BT-004:2001 Withdrawn
R106-001:2002 Superseded by CLC/TR 50442:2005
R203-001:1996 Withdrawn
R205-001:1992 Withdrawn
R205-002:1994 Withdrawn
R205-004:1997 Withdrawn
R205-006:1996 Withdrawn
R205-007:1996 Superseded by EN 50090-4-1:2004
R205-008:1996 Superseded by EN 50090-4-2:2004
R205-009:1996 Superseded by EN 50090-5-2:2004
R205-010:1996 Superseded by CLC/TR 50552:2010
R205-011:1996 Superseded by EN 50090-7-1:2004
R205-012:1997 Withdrawn
R210-001:1993 Superseded by CENELEC Guide 24
R210-002:1993 Withdrawn
R210-003:1995 Withdrawn
R210-004:1999 Superseded by CLC/TR 50481:2009
R210-005:1999 Superseded by CLC/TR 50484:2009
R210-006:2000 Withdrawn
R210-008:2002 Superseded by CLC/TR 50538:2010
R210-009:2001 Withdrawn
R210-010:2002 Superseded by CLC/TR 50485:2010
R217-001:1996 Withdrawn
R217-002:1995 Withdrawn
R217-003:1995 Withdrawn
R217-004:1995 Withdrawn
R217-005:1995 Withdrawn
R217-006:1995 Withdrawn
R217-007:1995 Withdrawn
R217-008:1995 Withdrawn
R217-010:1996 Withdrawn
R217-011:1996 Withdrawn
R217-012:1996 Withdrawn
R217-013:1997 Withdrawn
R217-014:1996 Withdrawn
R217-015:1999 Withdrawn
R217-016:1999 Withdrawn
R217-017:1997 Withdrawn
R217-018:1997 Withdrawn
R217-020:2001 Withdrawn
R217-021:2001 Withdrawn


EN ISO 13485:2000 Superseded by EN ISO 13485:2003
EN ISO 13488:2000 Superseded by EN ISO 13485:2003


EN ISO/IEC 17021:2006 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17021:2011
EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
EN ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004 Superseded by EN ISO/IEC 17050-1:2010


ES 59002:1998 Withdrawn
ES 59004:1998 Superseded by CLC/TS 50349:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

ES 59005:1998 Withdrawn
ES 59006:1998 Withdrawn
ES 59007:1999 Withdrawn
ES 59008-1:1999 Superseded by EN 62258-1:2005
ES 59008-2:1999 Superseded by EN 62258-1:2005
ES 59008-3:1999 Superseded by EN 62258-1:2005
ES 59008-4-2:2000 Superseded by CLC/TR 62258-3:2007
ES 59008-4-3:1999 Superseded by EN 62258-6:2006
ES 59008-4-4:1999 Superseded by EN 62258-5:2006
ES 59008-6-1:1999 Superseded by EN 62258-2:2005
ES 59008-6-2:2001 Superseded by EN 61360-4:2005
ES 59009:2000 Withdrawn
ES 59010:2001 Withdrawn
ES 59011:2001 Withdrawn


CECC 00 012:1985 Superseded by EN 100012:1995
CECC 00 114-6:1994 Superseded by EN 100114-6:1996
CECC 00 802:1994 Superseded by EN 61760-1:1998 & EN 60068-2-21:1999
CECC 00 803:1995 Superseded by EN 61191-2:1998
CECC 00 804:1994 Superseded by CECC 00 804:1996
CECC 16 000:1990 Superseded by EN 116000-1:1996
CECC 16 303-801:1995 Superseded by CECC 16 303-801:1997
CECC 16 303-801:1997 Superseded by CECC 16 303-801:1999
CECC 16 303-802:1997 Superseded by CECC 16 303-802:1999
CECC 20 000:1982 Superseded by EN 120000:1996
CECC 22 001:1991 Superseded by EN 122001:1993
CECC 22 110:1982 Superseded by EN 122110:1993
CECC 22 120:1992 Superseded by EN 122120:1993
CECC 22 130:1984 Superseded by EN 122130:1993
CECC 22 140:1984 Superseded by EN 122140:1993
CECC 22 150:1986 Superseded by EN 122150:1993
CECC 22 160:1992 Superseded by EN 122160:1993
CECC 22 180:1993 Superseded by EN 122180:1993
CECC 22 190:1993 Superseded by EN 122190:1994
CECC 25 000:1976 Superseded by EN 125000:1997
CECC 30 100:1985 Superseded by EN 130100:1997
CECC 30 101:1985 Superseded by EN 130101:1997
CECC 30 201:1985 Superseded by EN 130201:1993
CECC 30 202:1986 Superseded by EN 130202:1998
CECC 30 300:1988 Superseded by EN 130300:1998
CECC 30 301:1988 Superseded by EN 130301:2002
CECC 30 302:1978 Withdrawn
CECC 30 400:1984 Superseded by EN 60384-2:2005
CECC 30 500:1987 Superseded by EN 130500:1998
CECC 30 501:1989 Superseded by EN 130501:1998
CECC 30 600:1989 Superseded by EN 60384-8:2005
CECC 30 601-801:1988 Superseded by CECC 30 601-801:1995
CECC 30 700:1989 Superseded by EN 60384-9:2005
CECC 30 701-801:1988 Superseded by CECC 30 701-801:1995
CECC 30 702:1989 Withdrawn
CECC 30 800:1990 Superseded by EN 130800:2000
CECC 30 801:1990 Superseded by EN 130801:2002
CECC 30 801-802:1994 Superseded by CECC 30 801-802:2005
CECC 30 900:1985 Superseded by EN 130900:1997
CECC 30 901:1985 Superseded by EN 130901:1997
CECC 31 100:1981 Withdrawn
CECC 31 101:1981 Withdrawn
CECC 31 200:1981 Superseded by EN 131200:2002
CECC 31 201:1981 Superseded by EN 131201:2002
CECC 31 300:1982 Withdrawn
CECC 31 301:1982 Withdrawn
CECC 31 400:1982 Withdrawn
CECC 31 401:1985 Withdrawn
CECC 31 500:1982 Withdrawn
CECC 31 501:1985 Withdrawn
CECC 31 600:1986 Withdrawn
CECC 31 601:1986 Withdrawn
CECC 31 700:1985 Superseded by EN 131700:1997
CECC 31 701:1986 Superseded by EN 131701:1997
CECC 31 800:1985 Superseded by EN 131800:1997
CECC 31 801:1986 Superseded by EN 131801:1997
CECC 32 100:1988 Superseded by EN 132100:1996
CECC 32 200:1987 Withdrawn
CECC 32 201:1987 Withdrawn
CECC 33 000:1994 Superseded by EN 133000:1997
CECC 40 100:1980 Superseded by EN 140100:1996
CECC 40 101:1981 Superseded by EN 140101:1996
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Superseded or withdrawn standards

CECC 40 101-806:1997 Superseded by EN 140101-806:2008
CECC 40 102:1981 Superseded by EN 140102:1996
CECC 40 103:1986 Superseded by EN 140103:1996
CECC 40 104:1990 Superseded by EN 140104:1996
CECC 40 200:1981 Superseded by EN 140200:1996
CECC 40 201:1981 Superseded by EN 140201:1996
CECC 40 202:1981 Superseded by EN 140202:1996
CECC 40 203:1981 Superseded by EN 140203:1996
CECC 40 400:1989 Superseded by EN 140400:1996
CECC 40 401:1989 Superseded by EN 140401:1996
CECC 40 401-801:1998 Superseded by EN 140401-801:2002
CECC 40 401-802:1998 Superseded by EN 140401-802:2002
CECC 40 401-803:1997 Superseded by EN 140401-803:2002
CECC 40 402-801:2000 Superseded by EN 140402-801:2005
CECC 41 000:1976 Superseded by EN 60393-1:2009
CECC 41 101:1981 Superseded by EN 141101:1992
CECC 42 000:1978 Superseded by EN 61051-1:2008
CECC 44 000:1993 Superseded by EN 144000:1993
CECC 50 008:1991 Superseded by EN 150008:1992
CECC 50 014:1994 Superseded by EN 150014:1996
CECC 63 000:1984 Superseded by EN 165000-1:1996
CECC 69 000:1989 Superseded by EN 169000:1992
CECC 75 101:1984 Superseded by EN 61076-4-001:1996
CECC 75 101-802:1996 Superseded by EN 175101-802:1999
CECC 75 101-809:1996 Superseded by EN 175101-809:1999
CECC 75 201:1990 Superseded by EN 61076-2-001:2001
CECC 75 201-804:1996 Superseded by EN 175201-804:1999
CECC 75 301-801:1994 Superseded by EN 175301-801:1999
CECC 75 301-803:1996 Superseded by EN 175301-803:1999
CECC 78 005-801:1994 Withdrawn
CECC 80 000:1994 Superseded by EN 180000:1995
CECC 80 101:1994 Superseded by EN 180101:1995
CECC 86 104-801:1993 Withdrawn
CECC 86 123-801:1993 Withdrawn
CECC 86 135-801:1994 Withdrawn
CECC 86 139-801:1993 Withdrawn
CECC 86 140:1993 Withdrawn
CECC 86 150:1994 Superseded by EN 186150:1997
CECC 86 160:1994 Superseded by EN 186160:1997
CECC 86 185-801:1994 Withdrawn
CECC 86 185-802:1994 Withdrawn
CECC 86 215-801:1996 Withdrawn
CECC 86 215-802:1996 Withdrawn
CECC 86 225-801:1994 Withdrawn
CECC 86 235-801:1994 Withdrawn
CECC 86 235-802:1994 Withdrawn
CECC 86 265-801:1997 Withdrawn
CECC 86 265-802:1997 Withdrawn
CECC 86 265-803:1997 Withdrawn
CECC 86 265-804:1997 Withdrawn
CECC 86 265-805:1997 Withdrawn
CECC 86 265-806:1997 Withdrawn
CECC 86 275-801:1995 Superseded by CECC 86 275-801:1998
CECC 86 275-801:1998 Superseded by CECC 86 275-801:1999
CECC 86 275-801:1999 Superseded by EN 61754-15:2009
CECC 86 275-801:1999 Withdrawn
CECC 86 275-802:1995 Superseded by CECC 86 275-802:1998
CECC 86 275-802:1998 Superseded by CECC 86 275-802:1999
CECC 86 285-801:1997 Withdrawn
CECC 86 285-802:1997 Withdrawn
CECC 86 305-801:1997 Superseded by EN 50377-10-2:2005
CECC 90 000:1960 Superseded by CECC 90 000:1990
CECC 90 000:1990 Superseded by EN 190000:1995
CECC 90 114:1990 Superseded by CECC 90 114:1994
CECC 96 000:1960 Superseded by EN 196000:1992
CECC 96 601:2002 Withdrawn
CECC 96 700:2002 Withdrawn
CECC 96 701:2002 Withdrawn
CECC 210 001:1995 Superseded by CECC 290 001:1997
CECC 210 010:1994 Superseded by CECC 210 010:1995
CECC 210 013:1994 Superseded by CECC 240 001:1996

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

Part 13 : IEC/CEE HD/EN Cross reference index

IEC 60027-1:1995 EN 60027-1:2006
IEC 60027-2:2005 EN 60027-2:2007
IEC 60027-3:2002 EN 60027-3:2007
IEC 60027-4:2006 EN 60027-4:2007
IEC 60027-6:2006 EN 60027-6:2007
IEC 60027-7:2010 EN 60027-7:2010
IEC 60034-1:2004 EN 60034-1:2004
IEC 60034-1:2010 EN 60034-1:2010
IEC 60034-2-1:2007 EN 60034-2-1:2007
IEC 60034-2-2:2010 EN 60034-2-2:2010
IEC 60034-3:2007 EN 60034-3:2008
IEC 60034-4:2008 EN 60034-4:2008
IEC 60034-5:2000 EN 60034-5:2001
IEC 60034-6:1991 EN 60034-6:1993
IEC 60034-7:1992 EN 60034-7:1993
IEC 60034-8:2007 EN 60034-8:2007
IEC 60034-9:2003 EN 60034-9:2005
IEC 60034-11:2004 EN 60034-11:2004
IEC 60034-12:2002 EN 60034-12:2002
IEC 60034-14:2003 EN 60034-14:2004
IEC 60034-15:1995 EN 60034-15:1996
IEC 60034-15:2009 EN 60034-15:2009
IEC 60034-16-1:1991 EN 60034-16-1:1995
IEC 60034-16-1:2011 EN 60034-16-1:2011
IEC 60034-18-1:1992 EN 60034-18-1:1994
IEC 60034-18-1:2010 EN 60034-18-1:2010
IEC 60034-18-21:1992 EN 60034-18-21:1994
IEC 60034-18-22:2000 EN 60034-18-22:2001
IEC 60034-18-31:1992 EN 60034-18-31:1994
IEC 60034-18-32:2010 EN 60034-18-32:2010
IEC 60034-22:1996 EN 60034-22:1997
IEC 60034-22:2009 EN 60034-22:2009
IEC 60034-26:2006 EN 60034-26:2006
IEC 60034-28:2007 EN 60034-28:2007
IEC 60034-29:2008 EN 60034-29:2008
IEC 60034-30:2008 EN 60034-30:2009
IEC 60038:1983 HD 472 S1:1989
IEC 60041:1991 EN 60041:1994
IEC 60044-1:1996 EN 60044-1:1999
IEC 60044-2:1997 EN 60044-2:1999
IEC 60044-3:2002 EN 60044-3:2003
IEC 60044-5:2004 EN 60044-5:2004
IEC 60044-6:1992 EN 60044-6:1999
IEC 60044-7:1999 EN 60044-7:2000
IEC 60044-8:2002 EN 60044-8:2002
IEC 60045-1:1991 EN 60045-1:1993
IEC 60051-1:1997 EN 60051-1:1998
IEC 60051-2:1984 EN 60051-2:1989
IEC 60051-3:1984 EN 60051-3:1989
IEC 60051-4:1984 EN 60051-4:1989
IEC 60051-5:1985 EN 60051-5:1989
IEC 60051-6:1984 EN 60051-6:1989
IEC 60051-7:1984 EN 60051-7:1989
IEC 60051-8:1984 EN 60051-8:1989
IEC 60051-9:1988 EN 60051-9:1989
IEC 60052:2002 EN 60052:2002
IEC 60059:1999 EN 60059:1999
IEC 60060-1:1989 HD 588.1 S1:1991
IEC 60060-1:2010 EN 60060-1:2010
IEC 60060-2:1994 EN 60060-2:1994
IEC 60060-2:2010 EN 60060-2:2011
IEC 60060-3:2006 EN 60060-3:2006
IEC 60061-1:1969 EN 60061-1:1993
IEC 60061-1L:1987 EN 60061-1:1993
IEC 60061-1N:1992 EN 60061-1:1993
IEC 60061-1P:1994 EN 60061-1:1993/A1:1995
IEC 60061-1Q:1994 EN 60061-1:1993/A2:1995
IEC 60061-1R:1995 EN 60061-1:1993/A3:1995
IEC 60061-1S:1996 EN 60061-1:1993/A4:1996
IEC 60061-1T:1996 EN 60061-1:1993/A5:1996
IEC 60061-1U:1996 EN 60061-1:1993/A6:1996
IEC 60061-1-V:1997 EN 60061-1:1993/A7:1997
IEC 60061-2:1969 EN 60061-2:1993
IEC 60061-2H:1987 EN 60061-2:1993
IEC 60061-2I:1990 EN 60061-2:1993
IEC 60061-2K:1992 EN 60061-2:1993
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60061-2L:1994 EN 60061-2:1993/A1:1995
IEC 60061-2M:1994 EN 60061-2:1993/A2:1995
IEC 60061-2N:1995 EN 60061-2:1993/A3:1995
IEC 60061-2P:1996 EN 60061-2:1993/A4:1996
IEC 60061-2Q:1996 EN 60061-2:1993/A5:1996
IEC 60061-2R:1996 EN 60061-2:1993/A6:1996
IEC 60061-2S:1997 EN 60061-2:1993/A7:1997
IEC 60061-3:1969 EN 60061-3:1993
IEC 60061-3M:1992 EN 60061-3:1993
IEC 60061-3N:1994 EN 60061-3:1993/A1:1995
IEC 60061-3P:1994 EN 60061-3:1993/A2:1995
IEC 60061-3Q:1995 EN 60061-3:1993/A3:1995
IEC 60061-3R:1996 EN 60061-3:1993/A4:1996
IEC 60061-3S:1996 EN 60061-3:1993/A5:1996
IEC 60061-3T:1996 EN 60061-3:1993/A6:1996
IEC 60061-3U:1997 EN 60061-3:1993/A7:1997
IEC 60061-4:1990 EN 60061-4:1992
IEC 60061-4A:1992 EN 60061-4:1992/A1:1995
IEC 60061-4B:1994 EN 60061-4:1992/A1:1995
IEC 60061-4C:1994 EN 60061-4:1992/A2:1995
IEC 60061-4D:1995 EN 60061-4:1992/A3:1995
IEC 60062:2004 EN 60062:2005
IEC 60064:1993 EN 60064:1995
IEC 60065:2001 EN 60065:2002
IEC 60067:1966 HD 146 S4:1988
IEC 60067A:1967 HD 146 S4:1988
IEC 60067B:1969 HD 146 S4:1988
IEC 60067C:1970 HD 146 S4:1988
IEC 60067D:1977 HD 146 S4:1988
IEC 60067E:1986 HD 146 S4:1988
IEC 60068-1:1988 EN 60068-1:1994
IEC 60068-2-1:2007 EN 60068-2-1:2007
IEC 60068-2-2:2007 EN 60068-2-2:2007
IEC 60068-2-5:1975 EN 60068-2-5:1999
IEC 60068-2-5:2010 EN 60068-2-5:2011
IEC 60068-2-6:2007 EN 60068-2-6:2008
IEC 60068-2-7:1983 EN 60068-2-7:1993
IEC 60068-2-9:1975 EN 60068-2-9:1999
IEC 60068-2-10:2005 EN 60068-2-10:2005
IEC 60068-2-11:1981 EN 60068-2-11:1999
IEC 60068-2-13:1983 EN 60068-2-13:1999
IEC 60068-2-14:1984 EN 60068-2-14:1999
IEC 60068-2-14:2009 EN 60068-2-14:2009
IEC 60068-2-17:1994 EN 60068-2-17:1994
IEC 60068-2-18:2000 EN 60068-2-18:2001
IEC 60068-2-20:2008 EN 60068-2-20:2008
IEC 60068-2-21:2006 EN 60068-2-21:2006
IEC 60068-2-27:1987 EN 60068-2-27:1993
IEC 60068-2-27:2008 EN 60068-2-27:2009
IEC 60068-2-29:1987 EN 60068-2-29:1993
IEC 60068-2-30:2005 EN 60068-2-30:2005
IEC 60068-2-31:2008 EN 60068-2-31:2008
IEC 60068-2-33:1971 EN 60068-2-33:1999
IEC 60068-2-38:1974 EN 60068-2-38:1999
IEC 60068-2-38:2009 EN 60068-2-38:2009
IEC 60068-2-39:1976 EN 60068-2-39:1999
IEC 60068-2-40:1976 EN 60068-2-40:1999
IEC 60068-2-41:1976 EN 60068-2-41:1999
IEC 60068-2-42:2003 EN 60068-2-42:2003
IEC 60068-2-43:2003 EN 60068-2-43:2003
IEC 60068-2-44:1995 EN 60068-2-44:1995
IEC 60068-2-45:1980 EN 60068-2-45:1992
IEC 60068-2-46:1982 HD 323.2.46 S1:1988
IEC 60068-2-47:2005 EN 60068-2-47:2005
IEC 60068-2-48:1982 EN 60068-2-48:1999
IEC 60068-2-50:1983 EN 60068-2-50:1999
IEC 60068-2-51:1983 EN 60068-2-51:1999
IEC 60068-2-52:1996 EN 60068-2-52:1996
IEC 60068-2-53:2010 EN 60068-2-53:2010
IEC 60068-2-54:2006 EN 60068-2-54:2006
IEC 60068-2-55:1987 EN 60068-2-55:1993
IEC 60068-2-57:1999 EN 60068-2-57:2000
IEC 60068-2-58:2004 EN 60068-2-58:2004
IEC 60068-2-59:1990 EN 60068-2-59:1993
IEC 60068-2-60:1995 EN 60068-2-60:1996
IEC 60068-2-61:1991 EN 60068-2-61:1993
IEC 60068-2-64:2008 EN 60068-2-64:2008
IEC 60068-2-65:1993 EN 60068-2-65:1994
IEC 60068-2-66:1994 EN 60068-2-66:1994
IEC 60068-2-67:1995 EN 60068-2-67:1996
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60068-2-68:1994 EN 60068-2-68:1996
IEC 60068-2-69:2007 EN 60068-2-69:2007
IEC 60068-2-70:1995 EN 60068-2-70:1996
IEC 60068-2-74:1999 EN 60068-2-74:1999
IEC 60068-2-75:1997 EN 60068-2-75:1997
IEC 60068-2-77:1999 EN 60068-2-77:1999
IEC 60068-2-78:2001 EN 60068-2-78:2001
IEC 60068-2-80:2005 EN 60068-2-80:2005
IEC 60068-2-81:2003 EN 60068-2-81:2003
IEC 60068-2-82:2007 EN 60068-2-82:2007
IEC 60068-3-1:1974 EN 60068-3-1:1999
IEC 60068-3-1A:1978 EN 60068-3-1:1999
IEC 60068-3-2:1976 EN 60068-3-2:1999
IEC 60068-3-3:1991 EN 60068-3-3:1993
IEC 60068-3-4:2001 EN 60068-3-4:2002
IEC 60068-3-5:2001 EN 60068-3-5:2002
IEC 60068-3-6:2001 EN 60068-3-6:2002
IEC 60068-3-7:2001 EN 60068-3-7:2002
IEC 60068-3-8:2003 EN 60068-3-8:2003
IEC 60068-3-11:2007 EN 60068-3-11:2007
IEC 60068-4:1987 EN 60068-4:1996
IEC 60068-5-2:1990 EN 60068-5-2:1999
IEC 60071-1:2006 EN 60071-1:2006
IEC 60071-2:1996 EN 60071-2:1997
IEC 60073:2002 EN 60073:2002
IEC 60076-1:1993 EN 60076-1:1997
IEC 60076-2:1993 EN 60076-2:1997
IEC 60076-2:2011 EN 60076-2:2011
IEC 60076-3:2000 EN 60076-3:2001
IEC 60076-4:2002 EN 60076-4:2002
IEC 60076-5:2006 EN 60076-5:2006
IEC 60076-6:2007 EN 60076-6:2008
IEC 60076-10:2001 EN 60076-10:2001
IEC 60076-11:2004 EN 60076-11:2004
IEC 60076-13:2006 EN 60076-13:2006
IEC 60077-1:1999 EN 60077-1:2002
IEC 60077-2:1999 EN 60077-2:2002
IEC 60077-3:2001 EN 60077-3:2002
IEC 60077-4:2003 EN 60077-4:2003
IEC 60077-5:2003 EN 60077-5:2003
IEC 60079-0:2004 EN 60079-0:2006
IEC 60079-0:2007 EN 60079-0:2009
IEC 60079-1:2007 EN 60079-1:2007
IEC 60079-2:2007 EN 60079-2:2007
IEC 60079-5:2007 EN 60079-5:2007
IEC 60079-6:2007 EN 60079-6:2007
IEC 60079-7:2006 EN 60079-7:2007
IEC 60079-10:2002 EN 60079-10:2003
IEC 60079-10-1:2008 EN 60079-10-1:2009
IEC 60079-10-2:2009 EN 60079-10-2:2009
IEC 60079-11:2006 EN 60079-11:2007
IEC 60079-13:2010 EN 60079-13:2010
IEC 60079-14:2007 EN 60079-14:2008
IEC 60079-15:2005 EN 60079-15:2005
IEC 60079-15:2010 EN 60079-15:2010
IEC 60079-17:2007 EN 60079-17:2007
IEC 60079-18:2004 EN 60079-18:2004
IEC 60079-18:2009 EN 60079-18:2009
IEC 60079-19:2006 EN 60079-19:2007
IEC 60079-19:2010 EN 60079-19:2011
IEC 60079-20-1:2010 EN 60079-20-1:2010
IEC 60079-25:2003 EN 60079-25:2004
IEC 60079-25:2010 EN 60079-25:2010
IEC 60079-26:2006 EN 60079-26:2007
IEC 60079-27:2008 EN 60079-27:2008
IEC 60079-28:2006 EN 60079-28:2007
IEC 60079-29-1:2007 EN 60079-29-1:2007
IEC 60079-29-2:2007 EN 60079-29-2:2007
IEC 60079-29-4:2009 EN 60079-29-4:2010
IEC 60079-30-1:2007 EN 60079-30-1:2007
IEC 60079-30-2:2007 EN 60079-30-2:2007
IEC 60079-31:2008 EN 60079-31:2009
IEC 60079-35-1:2011 EN 60079-35-1:2011
IEC 60081:1997 EN 60081:1998
IEC 60085:2007 EN 60085:2008
IEC 60086-1:2006 EN 60086-1:2007
IEC 60086-1:2011 EN 60086-1:2011
IEC 60086-2:2006 EN 60086-2:2007
IEC 60086-2:2011 EN 60086-2:2011
IEC 60086-3:2004 EN 60086-3:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60086-3:2011 EN 60086-3:2011
IEC 60086-4:2007 EN 60086-4:2007
IEC 60086-5:2005 EN 60086-5:2005
IEC 60086-5:2011 EN 60086-5:2011
IEC 60092-507:2000 EN 60092-507:2000
IEC 60093:1980 HD 429 S1:1983
IEC 60094-1:1981 EN 60094-1:1993
IEC 60094-2:1994 EN 60094-2:1995
IEC 60094-3:1979 EN 60094-3:1996
IEC 60094-4:1986 EN 60094-4:1994
IEC 60094-5:1988 EN 60094-5:1993
IEC 60094-6:1985 HD 311.6 S1:1987
IEC 60094-7:1986 EN 60094-7:1993
IEC 60094-10:1988 HD 311.10 S1:1989
IEC 60095-4:1989 EN 60095-4:1993
IEC 60097:1991 EN 60097:1993
IEC 60098:1987 HD 337 S3:1989
IEC 60099-1:1991 EN 60099-1:1994
IEC 60099-4:2004 EN 60099-4:2004
IEC 60099-5:1996 EN 60099-5:1996
IEC 60099-8:2011 EN 60099-8:2011
IEC 60100:1962 HD 148 S2:1977
IEC 60107-1:1997 EN 60107-1:1997
IEC 60107-2:1997 EN 60107-2:1997
IEC 60107-5:1992 EN 60107-5:1992
IEC 60107-6:1989 HD 567.6 S1:1990
IEC 60107-7:1997 EN 60107-7:1997
IEC 60107-8:1997 EN 60107-8:1997
IEC 60110-1:1998 EN 60110-1:1998
IEC 60112:2003 EN 60112:2003
IEC 60115-1:1999 EN 60115-1:2001
IEC 60115-9:2003 EN 60115-9:2004
IEC 60115-9-1:2003 EN 60115-9-1:2004
IEC 60118-0:1983 EN 60118-0:1993
IEC 60118-1:1995 EN 60118-1:1995
IEC 60118-2:1983 EN 60118-2:1995
IEC 60118-3:1983 HD 450.3 S1:1984
IEC 60118-4:2006 EN 60118-4:2006
IEC 60118-5:1983 HD 450.5 S1:1985
IEC 60118-6:1999 EN 60118-6:1999
IEC 60118-7:2005 EN 60118-7:2005
IEC 60118-8:2005 EN 60118-8:2005
IEC 60118-9:1985 HD 450.9 S1:1987
IEC 60118-12:1996 EN 60118-12:1996
IEC 60118-13:2004 EN 60118-13:2005
IEC 60118-13:2011 EN 60118-13:2011
IEC 60118-14:1998 EN 60118-14:1998
IEC 60120:1984 HD 474 S1:1986
IEC 60122-1:2002 EN 60122-1:2002
IEC 60122-3:2001 EN 60122-3:2001
IEC 60122-3:2010 EN 60122-3:2010
IEC 60127-1:2006 EN 60127-1:2006
IEC 60127-2:2003 EN 60127-2:2003
IEC 60127-3:1988 EN 60127-3:1996
IEC 60127-4:2005 EN 60127-4:2005
IEC 60127-5:1988 EN 60127-5:1991
IEC 60127-6:1994 EN 60127-6:1994
IEC 60127-10:2001 EN 60127-10:2002
IEC 60130-9:2000 EN 60130-9:2000
IEC 60130-9:2011 EN 60130-9:2011
IEC 60130-17:1998 EN 60130-17:1999
IEC 60133:2000 EN 60133:2001
IEC 60135:1961 HD 145 S1:1977
IEC 60137:2003 EN 60137:2003
IEC 60137:2008 EN 60137:2008
IEC 60139:2000 EN 60139:2001
IEC 60143-1:2004 EN 60143-1:2004
IEC 60143-2:1994 EN 60143-2:1994
IEC 60143-3:1998 EN 60143-3:1998
IEC 60143-4:2010 EN 60143-4:2010
IEC 60146-1-1:1991 EN 60146-1-1:1993
IEC 60146-1-1:2009 EN 60146-1-1:2010
IEC 60146-1-3:1991 EN 60146-1-3:1993
IEC 60146-2:1999 EN 60146-2:2000
IEC 60153-1:1964 HD 123.1 S1:1977
IEC 60153-2:1974 HD 123.2 S1:1977
IEC 60153-3:1964 HD 123.3 S1:1977
IEC 60153-4:1973 HD 123.4 S1:1977
IEC 60153-6:1967 HD 123.6 S2:1980
IEC 60153-7:1972 HD 123.7 S1:1977
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60154-1:1982 EN 60154-1:1994
IEC 60154-2:1980 EN 60154-2:1997
IEC 60154-3:1982 HD 129.3 S2:1983
IEC 60154-4:1969 HD 129.4 S1:1977
IEC 60154-6:1983 HD 129.6 S1:1984
IEC 60154-7:1974 HD 129.7 S1:1977
IEC 60155:1993 EN 60155:1995
IEC 60156:1995 EN 60156:1995
IEC 60167:1964 HD 568 S1:1990
IEC 60168:1994 EN 60168:1994
IEC 60169-2:1965 HD 134.2 S2:1984
IEC 60169-3:1965 HD 134.3 S1:1977
IEC 60169-4:1975 HD 134.4 S2:1977
IEC 60169-5:1970 HD 134.5 S1:1977
IEC 60169-6:1971 HD 134.6 S1:1977
IEC 60169-7:1975 HD 134.7 S2:1995
IEC 60169-21:1985 EN 60169-21:1997
IEC 60169-23:1991 EN 60169-23:1993
IEC 60169-24:1991 EN 60169-24:1993
IEC 60169-25:1992 EN 60169-25:1993
IEC 60172:1987 EN 60172:1994
IEC 60188:2001 EN 60188:2001
IEC 60191-1:2007 EN 60191-1:2007
IEC 60191-3:1999 EN 60191-3:1999
IEC 60191-4:1999 EN 60191-4:1999
IEC 60191-6:2004 EN 60191-6:2004
IEC 60191-6:2009 EN 60191-6:2009
IEC 60191-6-1:2001 EN 60191-6-1:2001
IEC 60191-6-2:2001 EN 60191-6-2:2002
IEC 60191-6-3:2000 EN 60191-6-3:2000
IEC 60191-6-4:2003 EN 60191-6-4:2003
IEC 60191-6-5:2001 EN 60191-6-5:2001
IEC 60191-6-6:2001 EN 60191-6-6:2001
IEC 60191-6-8:2001 EN 60191-6-8:2001
IEC 60191-6-10:2003 EN 60191-6-10:2003
IEC 60191-6-12:2002 EN 60191-6-12:2002
IEC 60191-6-12:2011 EN 60191-6-12:2011
IEC 60191-6-13:2007 EN 60191-6-13:2007
IEC 60191-6-16:2007 EN 60191-6-16:2007
IEC 60191-6-17:2011 EN 60191-6-17:2011
IEC 60191-6-18:2010 EN 60191-6-18:2010
IEC 60191-6-19:2010 EN 60191-6-19:2010
IEC 60191-6-20:2010 EN 60191-6-20:2010
IEC 60191-6-21:2010 EN 60191-6-21:2010
IEC 60192:2001 EN 60192:2001
IEC 60193:1999 EN 60193:1999
IEC 60194:2006 EN 60194:2006
IEC 60196:2009 EN 60196:2009
IEC 60204-1:2005 EN 60204-1:2006
IEC 60204-11:2000 EN 60204-11:2000
IEC 60204-31:1996 EN 60204-31:1998
IEC 60204-32:2008 EN 60204-32:2008
IEC 60204-33:2009 EN 60204-33:2011
IEC 60205:2006 EN 60205:2006
IEC 60212:1971 HD 437 S1:1984
IEC 60212:2010 EN 60212:2011
IEC 60214-1:2003 EN 60214-1:2003
IEC 60215:1987 EN 60215:1989
IEC 60216-1:2001 EN 60216-1:2001
IEC 60216-2:2005 EN 60216-2:2005
IEC 60216-3:2006 EN 60216-3:2006
IEC 60216-4-1:2006 EN 60216-4-1:2006
IEC 60216-4-2:2000 EN 60216-4-2:2000
IEC 60216-4-3:2000 EN 60216-4-3:2000
IEC 60216-5:2008 EN 60216-5:2008
IEC 60216-6:2006 EN 60216-6:2006
IEC 60227-3:1993 HD 21.3 S3:1995
IEC 60227-4:1979 HD 21.4 S2:1990
IEC 60227-5:1979 HD 21.5 S3:1994
IEC 60228:2004 EN 60228:2005
IEC 60229:2007 EN 60229:2008
IEC 60230:1966 EN 60230:2002
IEC 60238:2004 EN 60238:2004
IEC 60239:2005 EN 60239:2005
IEC 60240-1:1992 EN 60240-1:1994
IEC 60243-1:1998 EN 60243-1:1998
IEC 60243-2:2001 EN 60243-2:2001
IEC 60243-3:2001 EN 60243-3:2001
IEC 60244-1:1999 EN 60244-1:2000
IEC 60244-5:1992 EN 60244-5:1994
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60244-8:1993 EN 60244-8:1994
IEC 60244-9:1993 EN 60244-9:1994
IEC 60244-10:1986 EN 60244-10:1993
IEC 60244-11:1989 EN 60244-11:1993
IEC 60244-12-1:1989 EN 60244-12-1:1993
IEC 60244-12-2:1989 EN 60244-12-2:1993
IEC 60244-13:1991 EN 60244-13:1993
IEC 60244-14:1997 EN 60244-14:1997
IEC 60244-15:1999 EN 60244-15:2000
IEC 60247:2004 EN 60247:2004
IEC 60248:1984 HD 475 S1:1986
IEC 60252-1:2001 EN 60252-1:2001
IEC 60252-1:2010 EN 60252-1:2011
IEC 60252-2:2003 EN 60252-2:2003
IEC 60252-2:2010 EN 60252-2:2011
IEC 60254-1:2005 EN 60254-1:2005
IEC 60254-2:2008 EN 60254-2:2008
IEC 60255-1:2009 EN 60255-1:2010
IEC 60255-3:1989 EN 60255-3:1998
IEC 60255-5:2000 EN 60255-5:2001
IEC 60255-6:1988 EN 60255-6:1994
IEC 60255-8:1990 EN 60255-8:1998
IEC 60255-11:2008 EN 60255-11:2010
IEC 60255-21-1:1988 EN 60255-21-1:1995
IEC 60255-21-2:1988 EN 60255-21-2:1995
IEC 60255-21-3:1993 EN 60255-21-3:1995
IEC 60255-22-1:2007 EN 60255-22-1:2008
IEC 60255-22-2:2008 EN 60255-22-2:2008
IEC 60255-22-3:2007 EN 60255-22-3:2008
IEC 60255-22-4:2008 EN 60255-22-4:2008
IEC 60255-22-5:2002 EN 60255-22-5:2002
IEC 60255-22-5:2008 EN 60255-22-5:2011
IEC 60255-22-6:2001 EN 60255-22-6:2001
IEC 60255-22-7:2003 EN 60255-22-7:2003
IEC 60255-24:2001 EN 60255-24:2001
IEC 60255-25:2000 EN 60255-25:2000
IEC 60255-26:2004 EN 60255-26:2005
IEC 60255-26:2008 EN 60255-26:2009
IEC 60255-27:2005 EN 60255-27:2005
IEC 60255-151:2009 EN 60255-151:2009
IEC 60258:1968 HD 368 S1:1978
IEC 60261:1989 HD 138 S2:1990
IEC 60264-1:1968 EN 60264-1:1994
IEC 60264-2-1:1989 EN 60264-2-1:1994
IEC 60264-2-2:1990 EN 60264-2-2:1994
IEC 60264-2-3:1990 EN 60264-2-3:1994
IEC 60264-3-1:1999 EN 60264-3-1:2000
IEC 60264-3-2:1999 EN 60264-3-2:1999
IEC 60264-3-3:1990 EN 60264-3-3:1994
IEC 60264-3-4:1999 EN 60264-3-4:1999
IEC 60264-3-5:1999 EN 60264-3-5:1999
IEC 60264-4-1:1989 EN 60264-4-1:1994
IEC 60264-4-1:1997 EN 60264-4-1:2010
IEC 60264-4-2:1992 EN 60264-4-2:1994
IEC 60264-5-1:1997 EN 60264-5-1:1997
IEC 60264-5-2:2001 EN 60264-5-2:2001
IEC 60265-1:1998 EN 60265-1:1998
IEC 60265-2:1988 EN 60265-2:1993
IEC 60268-1:1985 HD 483.1 S2:1989
IEC 60268-2:1987 HD 483.2 S2:1993
IEC 60268-3:2000 EN 60268-3:2000
IEC 60268-4:2004 EN 60268-4:2004
IEC 60268-4:2010 EN 60268-4:2010
IEC 60268-5:2003 EN 60268-5:2003
IEC 60268-7:1996 EN 60268-7:1996
IEC 60268-7:2010 EN 60268-7:2011
IEC 60268-10:1991 HD 483.10 S1:1993
IEC 60268-11:1987 HD 483.11 S3:1993
IEC 60268-12:1987 EN 60268-12:1995
IEC 60268-16:2003 EN 60268-16:2003
IEC 60268-16:2011 EN 60268-16:2011
IEC 60268-17:1990 HD 483.17 S1:1992
IEC 60269-1:2006 EN 60269-1:2007
IEC 60269-2:2006 HD 60269-2:2007
IEC 60269-2:2010 HD 60269-2:2010
IEC 60269-3:2006 HD 60269-3:2007
IEC 60269-3:2010 HD 60269-3:2010
IEC 60269-4:2006 EN 60269-4:2007
IEC 60269-4:2009 EN 60269-4:2009
IEC 60269-6:2010 EN 60269-6:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60270:2000 EN 60270:2001
IEC 60273:1990 HD 578 S1:1992
IEC 60276:1968 EN 60276:1996
IEC 60282-1:2005 EN 60282-1:2006
IEC 60282-1:2009 EN 60282-1:2009
IEC 60282-2:1995 HD 636 S1:1996
IEC 60286-1:1997 EN 60286-1:1998
IEC 60286-2:1997 EN 60286-2:1998
IEC 60286-2:2008 EN 60286-2:2009
IEC 60286-3:2007 EN 60286-3:2007
IEC 60286-3-1:2009 EN 60286-3-1:2009
IEC 60286-3-2:2009 EN 60286-3-2:2009
IEC 60286-4:1997 EN 60286-4:1998
IEC 60286-5:2003 EN 60286-5:2004
IEC 60286-6:2004 EN 60286-6:2004
IEC 60296:2003 EN 60296:2004
IEC 60297-1:1986 HD 493.1 S1:1988
IEC 60297-2:1982 HD 493.2 S1:1988
IEC 60297-3-100:2008 EN 60297-3-100:2009
IEC 60297-3-101:2004 EN 60297-3-101:2004
IEC 60297-3-102:2004 EN 60297-3-102:2004
IEC 60297-3-103:2004 EN 60297-3-103:2004
IEC 60297-3-104:2006 EN 60297-3-104:2006
IEC 60297-3-105:2008 EN 60297-3-105:2009
IEC 60297-3-106:2010 EN 60297-3-106:2010
IEC 60299:1994 EN 60299:1994
IEC 60300-1:2003 EN 60300-1:2003
IEC 60300-2:2004 EN 60300-2:2004
IEC 60300-3-1:2003 EN 60300-3-1:2004
IEC 60300-3-2:2004 EN 60300-3-2:2005
IEC 60300-3-3:2004 EN 60300-3-3:2004
IEC 60300-3-4:2007 EN 60300-3-4:2008
IEC 60300-3-11:2009 EN 60300-3-11:2009
IEC 60300-3-12:2001 EN 60300-3-12:2004
IEC 60300-3-12:2011 EN 60300-3-12:2011
IEC 60300-3-14:2004 EN 60300-3-14:2004
IEC 60300-3-15:2009 EN 60300-3-15:2009
IEC 60300-3-16:2008 EN 60300-3-16:2008
IEC 60301:1971 HD 349 S1:1977
IEC 60304:1982 HD 402 S2:1984
IEC 60305:1995 EN 60305:1996
IEC 60308:2005 EN 60308:2005
IEC 60309-1:1999 EN 60309-1:1999
IEC 60309-2:1999 EN 60309-2:1999
IEC 60309-4:2006 EN 60309-4:2007
IEC 60310:2004 EN 60310:2004
IEC 60311:2002 EN 60311:2003
IEC 60312:2007 EN 60312:2008
IEC 60315-1:1988 HD 560.1 S1:1990
IEC 60315-3:1989 EN 60315-3:1999
IEC 60315-4:1997 EN 60315-4:1998
IEC 60315-7:1995 EN 60315-7:1995
IEC 60315-9:1996 EN 60315-9:1996
IEC 60317-0-1:2008 EN 60317-0-1:2008
IEC 60317-0-2:1997 EN 60317-0-2:1998
IEC 60317-0-3:2008 EN 60317-0-3:2008
IEC 60317-0-4:1997 EN 60317-0-4:1998
IEC 60317-0-5:2006 EN 60317-0-5:2007
IEC 60317-0-6:2001 EN 60317-0-6:2001
IEC 60317-2:1990 EN 60317-2:1994
IEC 60317-4:1990 EN 60317-4:1994
IEC 60317-8:1990 EN 60317-8:1994
IEC 60317-8:2010 EN 60317-8:2010
IEC 60317-12:1990 EN 60317-12:1994
IEC 60317-12:2010 EN 60317-12:2010
IEC 60317-13:1990 EN 60317-13:1994
IEC 60317-13:2010 EN 60317-13:2010
IEC 60317-15:2004 EN 60317-15:2004
IEC 60317-17:1990 EN 60317-17:1994
IEC 60317-17:2010 EN 60317-17:2010
IEC 60317-18:2004 EN 60317-18:2004
IEC 60317-19:1990 EN 60317-19:1995
IEC 60317-20:1990 EN 60317-20:1995
IEC 60317-21:1990 EN 60317-21:1995
IEC 60317-22:2004 EN 60317-22:2004
IEC 60317-23:1990 EN 60317-23:1995
IEC 60317-25:1990 EN 60317-25:1996
IEC 60317-25:2010 EN 60317-25:2010
IEC 60317-26:1990 EN 60317-26:1996
IEC 60317-27:1998 EN 60317-27:1998
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60317-28:1990 EN 60317-28:1996
IEC 60317-29:1990 EN 60317-29:1996
IEC 60317-31:1990 EN 60317-31:1996
IEC 60317-32:1990 EN 60317-32:1996
IEC 60317-33:1990 EN 60317-33:1996
IEC 60317-35:1992 EN 60317-35:1994
IEC 60317-36:1992 EN 60317-36:1994
IEC 60317-37:1992 EN 60317-37:1994
IEC 60317-38:1992 EN 60317-38:1994
IEC 60317-39:1992 EN 60317-39:1994
IEC 60317-40:1992 EN 60317-40:1994
IEC 60317-42:1997 EN 60317-42:1997
IEC 60317-43:1997 EN 60317-43:1997
IEC 60317-44:1997 EN 60317-44:1997
IEC 60317-46:1997 EN 60317-46:1997
IEC 60317-47:1997 EN 60317-47:1997
IEC 60317-48:1999 EN 60317-48:2000
IEC 60317-49:1999 EN 60317-49:2000
IEC 60317-50:1999 EN 60317-50:2000
IEC 60317-51:2001 EN 60317-51:2001
IEC 60317-52:1999 EN 60317-52:1999
IEC 60317-53:1999 EN 60317-53:1999
IEC 60317-55:2007 EN 60317-55:2008
IEC 60317-57:2010 EN 60317-57:2010
IEC 60317-58:2010 EN 60317-58:2010
IEC 60318-1:1998 EN 60318-1:1998
IEC 60318-1:2009 EN 60318-1:2009
IEC 60318-2:1998 EN 60318-2:1998
IEC 60318-3:1998 EN 60318-3:1998
IEC 60318-4:2010 EN 60318-4:2010
IEC 60318-5:2006 EN 60318-5:2006
IEC 60318-6:2007 EN 60318-6:2008
IEC 60320-1:2001 EN 60320-1:2001
IEC 60320-2-1:2000 EN 60320-2-1:2000
IEC 60320-2-2:1998 EN 60320-2-2:1998
IEC 60320-2-3:1998 EN 60320-2-3:1998
IEC 60320-2-4:2005 EN 60320-2-4:2006
IEC 60322:2001 EN 60322:2001
IEC 60325:2002 EN 60325:2004
IEC 60332-1-1:2004 EN 60332-1-1:2004
IEC 60332-1-2:2004 EN 60332-1-2:2004
IEC 60332-1-3:2004 EN 60332-1-3:2004
IEC 60332-2-1:2004 EN 60332-2-1:2004
IEC 60332-2-2:2004 EN 60332-2-2:2004
IEC 60332-3-10:2000 EN 60332-3-10:2009
IEC 60332-3-21:2000 EN 60332-3-21:2009
IEC 60332-3-22:2000 EN 60332-3-22:2009
IEC 60332-3-23:2000 EN 60332-3-23:2009
IEC 60332-3-24:2000 EN 60332-3-24:2009
IEC 60332-3-25:2000 EN 60332-3-25:2009
IEC 60335-1:1991 EN 60335-1:1994
IEC 60335-1:2001 EN 60335-1:2002
IEC 60335-2-2:2002 EN 60335-2-2:2003
IEC 60335-2-2:2009 EN 60335-2-2:2010
IEC 60335-2-3:2002 EN 60335-2-3:2002
IEC 60335-2-4:2002 EN 60335-2-4:2002
IEC 60335-2-4:2008 EN 60335-2-4:2010
IEC 60335-2-5:2002 EN 60335-2-5:2003
IEC 60335-2-6:2002 EN 60335-2-6:2003
IEC 60335-2-7:2002 EN 60335-2-7:2003
IEC 60335-2-7:2008 EN 60335-2-7:2010
IEC 60335-2-8:2002 EN 60335-2-8:2003
IEC 60335-2-9:2002 EN 60335-2-9:2003
IEC 60335-2-10:2002 EN 60335-2-10:2003
IEC 60335-2-11:2002 EN 60335-2-11:2003
IEC 60335-2-11:2008 EN 60335-2-11:2010
IEC 60335-2-12:2002 EN 60335-2-12:2003
IEC 60335-2-13:2002 EN 60335-2-13:2003
IEC 60335-2-13:2009 EN 60335-2-13:2010
IEC 60335-2-14:2006 EN 60335-2-14:2006
IEC 60335-2-15:2002 EN 60335-2-15:2002
IEC 60335-2-16:2002 EN 60335-2-16:2003
IEC 60335-2-17:2002 EN 60335-2-17:2002
IEC 60335-2-21:2002 EN 60335-2-21:2003
IEC 60335-2-23:2003 EN 60335-2-23:2003
IEC 60335-2-24:2002 EN 60335-2-24:2003
IEC 60335-2-24:2010 EN 60335-2-24:2010
IEC 60335-2-25:2002 EN 60335-2-25:2002
IEC 60335-2-26:2002 EN 60335-2-26:2003
IEC 60335-2-27:2002 EN 60335-2-27:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60335-2-27:2002 EN 60335-2-27:2010
IEC 60335-2-28:2002 EN 60335-2-28:2003
IEC 60335-2-29:2002 EN 60335-2-29:2004
IEC 60335-2-30:2002 EN 60335-2-30:2003
IEC 60335-2-30:2009 EN 60335-2-30:2009
IEC 60335-2-31:2002 EN 60335-2-31:2003
IEC 60335-2-32:2002 EN 60335-2-32:2003
IEC 60335-2-34:2002 EN 60335-2-34:2002
IEC 60335-2-35:2002 EN 60335-2-35:2002
IEC 60335-2-36:2002 EN 60335-2-36:2002
IEC 60335-2-37:2002 EN 60335-2-37:2002
IEC 60335-2-38:2002 EN 60335-2-38:2003
IEC 60335-2-39:2002 EN 60335-2-39:2003
IEC 60335-2-40:2002 EN 60335-2-40:2003
IEC 60335-2-41:2002 EN 60335-2-41:2003
IEC 60335-2-42:2002 EN 60335-2-42:2003
IEC 60335-2-43:2002 EN 60335-2-43:2003
IEC 60335-2-44:2002 EN 60335-2-44:2002
IEC 60335-2-45:2002 EN 60335-2-45:2002
IEC 60335-2-47:2002 EN 60335-2-47:2003
IEC 60335-2-48:2002 EN 60335-2-48:2003
IEC 60335-2-49:2002 EN 60335-2-49:2003
IEC 60335-2-50:2002 EN 60335-2-50:2003
IEC 60335-2-51:2002 EN 60335-2-51:2003
IEC 60335-2-52:2002 EN 60335-2-52:2003
IEC 60335-2-53:2002 EN 60335-2-53:2003
IEC 60335-2-54:2002 EN 60335-2-54:2003
IEC 60335-2-54:2008 EN 60335-2-54:2008
IEC 60335-2-55:2002 EN 60335-2-55:2003
IEC 60335-2-56:2002 EN 60335-2-56:2003
IEC 60335-2-58:2002 EN 60335-2-58:2005
IEC 60335-2-59:2002 EN 60335-2-59:2003
IEC 60335-2-60:2002 EN 60335-2-60:2003
IEC 60335-2-61:2002 EN 60335-2-61:2003
IEC 60335-2-62:2002 EN 60335-2-62:2003
IEC 60335-2-64:1997 EN 60335-2-64:2000
IEC 60335-2-65:2002 EN 60335-2-65:2003
IEC 60335-2-66:2002 EN 60335-2-66:2003
IEC 60335-2-67:2002 EN 60335-2-67:2009
IEC 60335-2-68:2002 EN 60335-2-68:2009
IEC 60335-2-69:2002 EN 60335-2-69:2009
IEC 60335-2-70:2002 EN 60335-2-70:2002
IEC 60335-2-71:2002 EN 60335-2-71:2003
IEC 60335-2-72:2002 EN 60335-2-72:2009
IEC 60335-2-73:2002 EN 60335-2-73:2003
IEC 60335-2-74:2002 EN 60335-2-74:2003
IEC 60335-2-75:2002 EN 60335-2-75:2004
IEC 60335-2-76:2002 EN 60335-2-76:2005
IEC 60335-2-77:1996 EN 60335-2-77:2006
IEC 60335-2-77:2002 EN 60335-2-77:2010
IEC 60335-2-78:2002 EN 60335-2-78:2003
IEC 60335-2-79:2002 EN 60335-2-79:2009
IEC 60335-2-80:2002 EN 60335-2-80:2003
IEC 60335-2-81:2002 EN 60335-2-81:2003
IEC 60335-2-82:2002 EN 60335-2-82:2003
IEC 60335-2-83:2001 EN 60335-2-83:2002
IEC 60335-2-84:2002 EN 60335-2-84:2003
IEC 60335-2-85:2002 EN 60335-2-85:2003
IEC 60335-2-86:2002 EN 60335-2-86:2003
IEC 60335-2-87:2002 EN 60335-2-87:2002
IEC 60335-2-88:2002 EN 60335-2-88:2002
IEC 60335-2-89:2002 EN 60335-2-89:2002
IEC 60335-2-89:2010 EN 60335-2-89:2010
IEC 60335-2-90:2006 EN 60335-2-90:2006
IEC 60335-2-91:2002 EN 60335-2-91:2003
IEC 60335-2-92:2002 EN 60335-2-92:2005
IEC 60335-2-95:2002 EN 60335-2-95:2004
IEC 60335-2-96:2002 EN 60335-2-96:2002
IEC 60335-2-97:2002 EN 60335-2-97:2006
IEC 60335-2-98:2002 EN 60335-2-98:2003
IEC 60335-2-99:2003 EN 60335-2-99:2003
IEC 60335-2-101:2002 EN 60335-2-101:2002
IEC 60335-2-102:2004 EN 60335-2-102:2006
IEC 60335-2-103:2002 EN 60335-2-103:2003
IEC 60335-2-105:2004 EN 60335-2-105:2005
IEC 60335-2-106:2007 EN 60335-2-106:2007
IEC 60335-2-108:2008 EN 60335-2-108:2008
IEC 60335-2-109:2010 EN 60335-2-109:2010
IEC 60336:2005 EN 60336:2005
IEC 60339-1:1971 HD 350.1 S1:1978
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60343:1991 EN 60343:1992
IEC 60345:1971 HD 438 S1:1984
IEC 60349-1:1999 EN 60349-1:2000
IEC 60349-1:2010 EN 60349-1:2010
IEC 60349-2:1993 EN 60349-2:2001
IEC 60349-2:2010 EN 60349-2:2010
IEC 60350:1999 EN 50304:2009
IEC 60352-1:1997 EN 60352-1:1997
IEC 60352-2:2006 EN 60352-2:2006
IEC 60352-3:1993 EN 60352-3:1994
IEC 60352-4:1994 EN 60352-4:1994
IEC 60352-5:2008 EN 60352-5:2008
IEC 60352-6:1997 EN 60352-6:1997
IEC 60352-7:2002 EN 60352-7:2002
IEC 60352-8:2011 EN 60352-8:2011
IEC 60357:2002 EN 60357:2003
IEC 60358:1990 HD 597 S1:1992
IEC 60359:2001 EN 60359:2002
IEC 60360:1998 EN 60360:1998
IEC 60364-1:2005 HD 60364-1:2008
IEC 60364-4-41:2005 HD 60364-4-41:2007
IEC 60364-4-42:1980 HD 384.4.42 S1:1985
IEC 60364-4-42:2010 HD 60364-4-42:2011
IEC 60364-4-43:1977 HD 384.4.43 S2:2001
IEC 60364-4-43:2008 HD 60364-4-43:2010
IEC 60364-4-44:2007 HD 60364-4-444:2010
IEC 60364-4-45:1984 HD 384.4.45 S1:1989
IEC 60364-4-46:1981 HD 384.4.46 S2:2001
IEC 60364-4-444:1996 R064-004:1999
IEC 60364-4-473:1977 HD 384.4.473 S1:1980
IEC 60364-5-51:2001 HD 60364-5-51:2006
IEC 60364-5-51:2005 HD 60364-5-51:2009
IEC 60364-5-52:1993 HD 384.5.52 S1:1995
IEC 60364-5-52:2009 HD 60364-5-52:2011
IEC 60364-5-54:2002 HD 60364-5-54:2007
IEC 60364-5-54:2011 HD 60364-5-54:2011
IEC 60364-5-55:2001 HD 60364-5-559:2005
IEC 60364-5-56:1980 HD 384.5.56 S1:1985
IEC 60364-5-56:2009 HD 60364-5-56:2010
IEC 60364-5-523:1999 HD 384.5.523 S2:2001
IEC 60364-5-537:1981 HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
IEC 60364-5-551:1994 HD 384.5.551 S1:1997
IEC 60364-6:2006 HD 60364-6:2007
IEC 60364-6-61:1986 HD 384.6.61 S2:2003
IEC 60364-7-701:2006 HD 60364-7-701:2007
IEC 60364-7-702:1997 HD 384.7.702 S2:2002
IEC 60364-7-702:2010 HD 60364-7-702:2010
IEC 60364-7-703:2004 HD 60364-7-703:2005
IEC 60364-7-704:2005 HD 60364-7-704:2007
IEC 60364-7-705:2006 HD 60364-7-705:2007
IEC 60364-7-706:2005 HD 60364-7-706:2007
IEC 60364-7-708:1988 HD 384.7.708 S2:2005
IEC 60364-7-708:2007 HD 60364-7-708:2009
IEC 60364-7-709:2007 HD 60364-7-709:2009
IEC 60364-7-711:1998 HD 384.7.711 S1:2003
IEC 60364-7-712:2002 HD 60364-7-712:2005
IEC 60364-7-714:1996 HD 384.7.714 S1:2000
IEC 60364-7-715:1999 HD 60364-7-715:2005
IEC 60364-7-717:2001 HD 60364-7-717:2004
IEC 60364-7-717:2009 HD 60364-7-717:2010
IEC 60364-7-721:2007 HD 60364-7-721:2009
IEC 60364-7-729:2007 HD 60364-7-729:2009
IEC 60364-7-740:2000 HD 60364-7-740:2006
IEC 60368-1:2000 EN 60368-1:2000
IEC 60368-2-2:1996 EN 60368-2-2:1999
IEC 60368-3:2001 EN 60368-3:2001
IEC 60368-3:2010 EN 60368-3:2010
IEC 60368-4:2000 EN 60368-4:2000
IEC 60368-4-1:2000 EN 60368-4-1:2000
IEC 60370:1971 HD 570 S1:1990
IEC 60371-1:2003 EN 60371-1:2003
IEC 60371-2:2004 EN 60371-2:2004
IEC 60371-3-1:2006 EN 60371-3-1:2006
IEC 60371-3-2:2005 EN 60371-3-2:2006
IEC 60371-3-3:1983 EN 60371-3-3:1995
IEC 60371-3-4:1992 EN 60371-3-4:1995
IEC 60371-3-5:2005 EN 60371-3-5:2006
IEC 60371-3-6:1992 EN 60371-3-6:1995
IEC 60371-3-7:1995 EN 60371-3-7:1995
IEC 60371-3-8:1995 EN 60371-3-8:1995
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60371-3-9:1995 EN 60371-3-9:1995
IEC 60372:1984 EN 60372:2004
IEC 60375:2003 EN 60375:2003
IEC 60376:2005 EN 60376:2005
IEC 60379:1987 EN 60379:2004
IEC 60381-1:1982 HD 452.1 S1:1984
IEC 60382:1991 EN 60382:1993
IEC 60383-1:1993 EN 60383-1:1996
IEC 60383-2:1993 EN 60383-2:1995
IEC 60384-1:1999 EN 60384-1:2001
IEC 60384-1:2008 EN 60384-1:2009
IEC 60384-2:2005 EN 60384-2:2005
IEC 60384-2-1:2005 EN 60384-2-1:2005
IEC 60384-3:2006 EN 60384-3:2006
IEC 60384-3-1:2006 EN 60384-3-1:2006
IEC 60384-4:2007 EN 60384-4:2007
IEC 60384-4-1:2007 EN 60384-4-1:2007
IEC 60384-4-2:2007 EN 60384-4-2:2007
IEC 60384-8:2005 EN 60384-8:2005
IEC 60384-8-1:2005 EN 60384-8-1:2005
IEC 60384-9:2005 EN 60384-9:2005
IEC 60384-9-1:2005 EN 60384-9-1:2005
IEC 60384-11:2008 EN 60384-11:2008
IEC 60384-11-1:2008 EN 60384-11-1:2008
IEC 60384-13:2006 EN 60384-13:2006
IEC 60384-13-1:2006 EN 60384-13-1:2006
IEC 60384-14:2005 EN 60384-14:2005
IEC 60384-14-1:2005 EN 60384-14-1:2005
IEC 60384-14-2:2004 EN 60384-14-2:2004
IEC 60384-14-3:2004 EN 60384-14-3:2004
IEC 60384-16:2005 EN 60384-16:2005
IEC 60384-16-1:2005 EN 60384-16-1:2005
IEC 60384-17:2005 EN 60384-17:2005
IEC 60384-17-1:2005 EN 60384-17-1:2005
IEC 60384-18:2007 EN 60384-18:2007
IEC 60384-18-1:2007 EN 60384-18-1:2007
IEC 60384-18-2:2007 EN 60384-18-2:2007
IEC 60384-19:2006 EN 60384-19:2006
IEC 60384-19-1:2006 EN 60384-19-1:2006
IEC 60384-20:2008 EN 60384-20:2008
IEC 60384-20-1:2008 EN 60384-20-1:2008
IEC 60384-21:2004 EN 60384-21:2004
IEC 60384-21-1:2004 EN 60384-21-1:2004
IEC 60384-22:2004 EN 60384-22:2004
IEC 60384-22-1:2004 EN 60384-22-1:2004
IEC 60384-23:2005 EN 60384-23:2005
IEC 60384-23-1:2005 EN 60384-23-1:2005
IEC 60384-24:2006 EN 60384-24:2006
IEC 60384-24-1:2006 EN 60384-24-1:2006
IEC 60384-25:2006 EN 60384-25:2006
IEC 60384-25-1:2006 EN 60384-25-1:2006
IEC 60384-26:2010 EN 60384-26:2010
IEC 60384-26-1:2010 EN 60384-26-1:2010
IEC 60390:1972 HD 363 S1:1977
IEC 60393-1:2008 EN 60393-1:2009
IEC 60398:1999 EN 60398:1999
IEC 60399:2004 EN 60399:2004
IEC 60400:2008 EN 60400:2008
IEC 60401-1:2002 EN 60401-1:2005
IEC 60401-2:2003 EN 60401-2:2003
IEC 60401-2:2009 EN 60401-2:2010
IEC 60401-3:2003 EN 60401-3:2003
IEC 60404-2:1996 EN 60404-2:1998
IEC 60404-4:1995 EN 60404-4:1997
IEC 60404-5:1993 EN 60404-5:2007
IEC 60404-6:2003 EN 60404-6:2003
IEC 60404-8-6:1999 EN 60404-8-6:2009
IEC 60404-13:1995 EN 60404-13:2007
IEC 60404-14:2002 EN 60404-14:2002
IEC 60405:2003 EN 60405:2007
IEC 60406:1997 EN 60406:1997
IEC 60422:2005 EN 60422:2006
IEC 60423:2007 EN 60423:2007
IEC 60424-1:1999 EN 60424-1:1999
IEC 60424-2:1997 EN 60424-2:1997
IEC 60424-3:1999 EN 60424-3:1999
IEC 60424-4:2001 EN 60424-4:2001
IEC 60424-5:2009 EN 60424-5:2009
IEC 60426:2007 EN 60426:2007
IEC 60432-1:1999 EN 60432-1:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60432-2:1999 EN 60432-2:2000
IEC 60432-3:2002 EN 60432-3:2003
IEC 60433:1998 EN 60433:1998
IEC 60436:2004 EN 50242:2008
IEC 60437:1997 EN 60437:1997
IEC 60439-1:1999 EN 60439-1:1999
IEC 60439-2:2000 EN 60439-2:2000
IEC 60439-3:1990 EN 60439-3:1991
IEC 60439-4:2004 EN 60439-4:2004
IEC 60439-5:2006 EN 60439-5:2006
IEC 60442:1998 EN 60442:1998
IEC 60444-1:1986 EN 60444-1:1997
IEC 60444-2:1980 EN 60444-2:1997
IEC 60444-3:1986 EN 60444-3:1997
IEC 60444-4:1988 EN 60444-4:1997
IEC 60444-5:1995 EN 60444-5:1997
IEC 60444-6:1995 EN 60444-6:1997
IEC 60444-7:2004 EN 60444-7:2004
IEC 60444-8:2003 EN 60444-8:2003
IEC 60444-9:2007 EN 60444-9:2007
IEC 60444-11:2010 EN 60444-11:2010
IEC 60445:2006 EN 60445:2007
IEC 60445:2010 EN 60445:2010
IEC 60446:2007 EN 60446:2007
IEC 60447:2004 EN 60447:2004
IEC 60449:1973 HD 193 S2:1982
IEC 60450:2004 EN 60450:2004
IEC 60454-1:1992 EN 60454-1:1994
IEC 60454-2:2007 EN 60454-2:2007
IEC 60454-3-1:1998 EN 60454-3-1:1998
IEC 60454-3-2:2006 EN 60454-3-2:2006
IEC 60454-3-4:2007 EN 60454-3-4:2007
IEC 60454-3-6:1998 EN 60454-3-6:1998
IEC 60454-3-7:1998 EN 60454-3-7:1998
IEC 60454-3-8:2006 EN 60454-3-8:2006
IEC 60454-3-11:2007 EN 60454-3-11:2007
IEC 60454-3-12:2006 EN 60454-3-12:2006
IEC 60454-3-14:2001 EN 60454-3-14:2001
IEC 60454-3-19:2003 EN 60454-3-19:2003
IEC 60455-1:1998 EN 60455-1:1998
IEC 60455-2:1998 EN 60455-2:1999
IEC 60455-2-2:1984 HD 307.2.2 S1:1986
IEC 60455-3-1:2003 EN 60455-3-1:2003
IEC 60455-3-2:2003 EN 60455-3-2:2003
IEC 60455-3-3:2003 EN 60455-3-3:2003
IEC 60455-3-4:2003 EN 60455-3-4:2003
IEC 60455-3-5:2006 EN 60455-3-5:2006
IEC 60455-3-11:1988 HD 307.3.11 S1:1990
IEC 60456:2003 EN 60456:2005
IEC 60456:2010 EN 60456:2011
IEC 60457-1:1974 HD 351.1 S1:1977
IEC 60457-2:1974 HD 351.2 S1:1977
IEC 60457-3:1980 HD 351.3 S2:1981
IEC 60457-4:1978 HD 351.4 S2:1984
IEC 60457-5:1984 HD 351.5 S1:1986
IEC 60461:2001 EN 60461:2001
IEC 60461:2010 EN 60461:2011
IEC 60464-1:1998 EN 60464-1:1999
IEC 60464-2:2001 EN 60464-2:2001
IEC 60464-3-1:2001 EN 60464-3-1:2001
IEC 60464-3-2:2001 EN 60464-3-2:2001
IEC 60465:1988 EN 60465:1990
IEC 60470:1999 EN 60470:2000
IEC 60477:1974 EN 60477:1997
IEC 60477-2:1979 EN 60477-2:1997
IEC 60480:2004 EN 60480:2004
IEC 60487-1:1984 HD 477.1 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-1:1981 HD 477.2.1 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-2:1981 HD 477.2.2 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-4:1984 HD 477.2.4 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-5:1984 HD 477.2.5 S1:1987
IEC 60487-2-6:1984 HD 477.2.6 S1:1987
IEC 60487-3:1975 HD 477.3 S1:1988
IEC 60487-3-2:1981 HD 477.3.2 S1:1988
IEC 60487-3-3:1981 HD 477.3.3 S1:1989
IEC 60487-3-4:1982 HD 477.3.4 S1:1989
IEC 60487-3-6:1984 HD 477.3.6 S1:1988
IEC 60495:1993 EN 60495:1994
IEC 60503:1998 EN 60503:1998
IEC 60505:2004 EN 60505:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60505:2011 EN 60505:2011
IEC 60507:1991 EN 60507:1993
IEC 60510-1-2:1984 HD 467.1.2 S1:1986
IEC 60510-2-3:1989 HD 467.2.3 S1:1990
IEC 60510-2-5:1992 EN 60510-2-5:1994
IEC 60510-2-6:1992 EN 60510-2-6:1994
IEC 60510-3-4:1992 EN 60510-3-4:1994
IEC 60512-1:2001 EN 60512-1:2001
IEC 60512-1-1:2002 EN 60512-1-1:2002
IEC 60512-1-2:2002 EN 60512-1-2:2002
IEC 60512-1-3:1997 EN 60512-1-3:1997
IEC 60512-1-4:1997 EN 60512-1-4:1997
IEC 60512-1-100:2006 EN 60512-1-100:2006
IEC 60512-2-1:2002 EN 60512-2-1:2002
IEC 60512-2-2:2003 EN 60512-2-2:2003
IEC 60512-2-3:2002 EN 60512-2-3:2002
IEC 60512-2-6:2002 EN 60512-2-6:2002
IEC 60512-3-1:2002 EN 60512-3-1:2002
IEC 60512-4-1:2003 EN 60512-4-1:2003
IEC 60512-4-2:2002 EN 60512-4-2:2002
IEC 60512-4-3:2002 EN 60512-4-3:2002
IEC 60512-5-1:2002 EN 60512-5-1:2002
IEC 60512-5-2:2002 EN 60512-5-2:2002
IEC 60512-6-1:2002 EN 60512-6-1:2002
IEC 60512-6-2:2002 EN 60512-6-2:2002
IEC 60512-6-3:2002 EN 60512-6-3:2002
IEC 60512-6-4:2002 EN 60512-6-4:2002
IEC 60512-6-5:1997 EN 60512-6-5:1999
IEC 60512-7-1:2010 EN 60512-7-1:2010
IEC 60512-8-1:2010 EN 60512-8-1:2010
IEC 60512-8-2:2011 EN 60512-8-2:2011
IEC 60512-8-3:2011 EN 60512-8-3:2011
IEC 60512-9-1:2010 EN 60512-9-1:2010
IEC 60512-9-3:2006 EN 60512-9-3:2006
IEC 60512-9-3:2011 EN 60512-9-3:2011
IEC 60512-9-4:2011 EN 60512-9-4:2011
IEC 60512-9-5:2010 EN 60512-9-5:2010
IEC 60512-10-4:2003 EN 60512-10-4:2003
IEC 60512-11-1:1995 EN 60512-11-1:1999
IEC 60512-11-2:2002 EN 60512-11-2:2002
IEC 60512-11-3:2002 EN 60512-11-3:2002
IEC 60512-11-4:2002 EN 60512-11-4:2002
IEC 60512-11-5:2002 EN 60512-11-5:2002
IEC 60512-11-6:2002 EN 60512-11-6:2002
IEC 60512-11-7:2003 EN 60512-11-7:2003
IEC 60512-11-8:1995 EN 60512-11-8:1999
IEC 60512-11-9:2002 EN 60512-11-9:2002
IEC 60512-11-10:2002 EN 60512-11-10:2002
IEC 60512-11-11:2002 EN 60512-11-11:2002
IEC 60512-11-12:2002 EN 60512-11-12:2002
IEC 60512-11-13:2002 EN 60512-11-13:2002
IEC 60512-11-14:2003 EN 60512-11-14:2003
IEC 60512-12-1:2006 EN 60512-12-1:2006
IEC 60512-12-2:2006 EN 60512-12-2:2006
IEC 60512-12-3:2006 EN 60512-12-3:2006
IEC 60512-12-4:2006 EN 60512-12-4:2006
IEC 60512-12-5:2006 EN 60512-12-5:2006
IEC 60512-12-6:1996 EN 60512-12-6:1996
IEC 60512-12-7:2001 EN 60512-12-7:2001
IEC 60512-13-1:2006 EN 60512-13-1:2006
IEC 60512-13-2:2006 EN 60512-13-2:2006
IEC 60512-13-5:2006 EN 60512-13-5:2006
IEC 60512-14-2:2006 EN 60512-14-2:2006
IEC 60512-14-4:2006 EN 60512-14-4:2006
IEC 60512-14-5:2006 EN 60512-14-5:2006
IEC 60512-14-6:2006 EN 60512-14-6:2006
IEC 60512-14-7:1997 EN 60512-14-7:1998
IEC 60512-15-1:2008 EN 60512-15-1:2008
IEC 60512-15-2:2008 EN 60512-15-2:2008
IEC 60512-15-3:2008 EN 60512-15-3:2008
IEC 60512-15-4:2008 EN 60512-15-4:2008
IEC 60512-15-5:2008 EN 60512-15-5:2008
IEC 60512-15-6:2008 EN 60512-15-6:2008
IEC 60512-15-7:2008 EN 60512-15-7:2008
IEC 60512-15-8:1995 EN 60512-15-8:1995
IEC 60512-16-1:2008 EN 60512-16-1:2008
IEC 60512-16-2:2008 EN 60512-16-2:2008
IEC 60512-16-3:2008 EN 60512-16-3:2008
IEC 60512-16-4:2008 EN 60512-16-4:2008
IEC 60512-16-5:2008 EN 60512-16-5:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60512-16-6:2008 EN 60512-16-6:2008
IEC 60512-16-7:2008 EN 60512-16-7:2008
IEC 60512-16-8:2008 EN 60512-16-8:2008
IEC 60512-16-9:2008 EN 60512-16-9:2008
IEC 60512-16-11:2008 EN 60512-16-11:2008
IEC 60512-16-13:2008 EN 60512-16-13:2008
IEC 60512-16-14:2008 EN 60512-16-14:2008
IEC 60512-16-16:2008 EN 60512-16-16:2008
IEC 60512-16-17:2008 EN 60512-16-17:2008
IEC 60512-16-18:2008 EN 60512-16-18:2008
IEC 60512-16-20:1996 EN 60512-16-20:1996
IEC 60512-17-1:2010 EN 60512-17-1:2010
IEC 60512-17-2:2011 EN 60512-17-2:2011
IEC 60512-17-3:2010 EN 60512-17-3:2010
IEC 60512-17-4:2010 EN 60512-17-4:2010
IEC 60512-19-1:2010 EN 60512-19-1:2010
IEC 60512-19-3:1997 EN 60512-19-3:1997
IEC 60512-20-1:2010 EN 60512-20-1:2010
IEC 60512-20-2:2000 EN 60512-20-2:2000
IEC 60512-20-3:2010 EN 60512-20-3:2010
IEC 60512-21-1:2010 EN 60512-21-1:2010
IEC 60512-22-1:2010 EN 60512-22-1:2010
IEC 60512-23-2:2010 EN 60512-23-2:2010
IEC 60512-23-3:2000 EN 60512-23-3:2001
IEC 60512-23-4:2001 EN 60512-23-4:2001
IEC 60512-23-7:2005 EN 60512-23-7:2005
IEC 60512-25-1:2001 EN 60512-25-1:2001
IEC 60512-25-2:2002 EN 60512-25-2:2002
IEC 60512-25-3:2001 EN 60512-25-3:2001
IEC 60512-25-4:2001 EN 60512-25-4:2001
IEC 60512-25-5:2004 EN 60512-25-5:2004
IEC 60512-25-6:2004 EN 60512-25-6:2004
IEC 60512-25-7:2004 EN 60512-25-7:2005
IEC 60512-25-9:2008 EN 60512-25-9:2008
IEC 60512-26-100:2008 EN 60512-26-100:2008
IEC 60514:1975 EN 60514:1995
IEC 60516:1975 HD 357 S2:1987
IEC 60519-1:2003 EN 60519-1:2003
IEC 60519-1:2010 EN 60519-1:2011
IEC 60519-2:2006 EN 60519-2:2006
IEC 60519-3:2005 EN 60519-3:2005
IEC 60519-4:2006 EN 60519-4:2006
IEC 60519-6:2002 EN 60519-6:2002
IEC 60519-6:2011 EN 60519-6:2011
IEC 60519-7:2008 EN 60519-7:2008
IEC 60519-8:2005 EN 60519-8:2005
IEC 60519-9:2005 EN 60519-9:2005
IEC 60519-10:2005 EN 60519-10:2005
IEC 60519-11:2007 EN 60519-11:2007
IEC 60519-21:1998 EN 60519-21:1998
IEC 60519-21:2008 EN 60519-21:2009
IEC 60522:1999 EN 60522:1999
IEC 60523:1975 EN 60523:1993
IEC 60524:1975 EN 60524:1993
IEC 60526:1978 EN 60526:2004
IEC 60529:1989 EN 60529:1991
IEC 60531:1999 EN 60531:2000
IEC 60534-1:2005 EN 60534-1:2005
IEC 60534-2-1:1998 EN 60534-2-1:1998
IEC 60534-2-1:2011 EN 60534-2-1:2011
IEC 60534-2-3:1997 EN 60534-2-3:1998
IEC 60534-2-4:2009 EN 60534-2-4:2009
IEC 60534-2-5:2003 EN 60534-2-5:2003
IEC 60534-3-1:2000 EN 60534-3-1:2000
IEC 60534-3-2:2001 EN 60534-3-2:2001
IEC 60534-3-3:1998 EN 60534-3-3:1998
IEC 60534-4:2006 EN 60534-4:2006
IEC 60534-5:2004 EN 60534-5:2004
IEC 60534-6-1:1997 EN 60534-6-1:1997
IEC 60534-6-2:2000 EN 60534-6-2:2001
IEC 60534-7:2010 EN 60534-7:2010
IEC 60534-8-1:2005 EN 60534-8-1:2005
IEC 60534-8-2:1991 EN 60534-8-2:1993
IEC 60534-8-3:2000 EN 60534-8-3:2000
IEC 60534-8-3:2010 EN 60534-8-3:2011
IEC 60534-8-4:2005 EN 60534-8-4:2005
IEC 60534-9:2007 EN 60534-9:2007
IEC 60539-1:2008 EN 60539-1:2008
IEC 60539-2:2003 EN 60539-2:2004
IEC 60544-1:1994 EN 60544-1:1994
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60544-4:2003 EN 60544-4:2003
IEC 60544-5:2003 EN 60544-5:2003
IEC 60546-1:1987 EN 60546-1:1993
IEC 60546-1:2010 EN 60546-1:2010
IEC 60546-2:1987 EN 60546-2:1993
IEC 60546-2:2010 EN 60546-2:2010
IEC 60547:1976 HD 370 S2:1987
IEC 60552:1977 HD 374 S2:1986
IEC 60554-2:2001 EN 60554-2:2002
IEC 60555-1:1982 EN 60555-1:1987
IEC 60556:2006 EN 60556:2006
IEC 60558:1982 HD 573 S1:1990
IEC 60559:1989 HD 592 S1:1991
IEC 60564:1977 EN 60564:1993
IEC 60565:2006 EN 60565:2007
IEC 60567:2005 EN 60567:2005
IEC 60570:2003 EN 60570:2003
IEC 60574-10:1983 HD 369.10 S4:1991
IEC 60574-18:1987 HD 369.18 S1:1989
IEC 60574-21:1992 EN 60574-21:1993
IEC 60580:2000 EN 60580:2000
IEC 60584-1:1995 EN 60584-1:1995
IEC 60584-2:1982 EN 60584-2:1993
IEC 60584-3:2007 EN 60584-3:2008
IEC 60587:1984 HD 380 S2:1987
IEC 60587:2007 EN 60587:2007
IEC 60589:1977 HD 381 S1:1979
IEC 60590:1977 HD 382 S1:1979
IEC 60598-1:2003 EN 60598-1:2004
IEC 60598-1:2008 EN 60598-1:2008
IEC 60598-2-1:1979 EN 60598-2-1:1989
IEC 60598-2-2:1996 EN 60598-2-2:1996
IEC 60598-2-3:2002 EN 60598-2-3:2003
IEC 60598-2-4:1997 EN 60598-2-4:1997
IEC 60598-2-5:1998 EN 60598-2-5:1998
IEC 60598-2-6:1994 EN 60598-2-6:1994
IEC 60598-2-7:1982 EN 60598-2-7:1989
IEC 60598-2-8:1996 EN 60598-2-8:1997
IEC 60598-2-9:1987 EN 60598-2-9:1989
IEC 60598-2-10:2003 EN 60598-2-10:2003
IEC 60598-2-11:2005 EN 60598-2-11:2005
IEC 60598-2-12:2006 EN 60598-2-12:2006
IEC 60598-2-13:2006 EN 60598-2-13:2006
IEC 60598-2-14:2009 EN 60598-2-14:2009
IEC 60598-2-17:1984 EN 60598-2-17:1989
IEC 60598-2-18:1993 EN 60598-2-18:1994
IEC 60598-2-19:1981 EN 60598-2-19:1989
IEC 60598-2-20:1996 EN 60598-2-20:1997
IEC 60598-2-20:2010 EN 60598-2-20:2010
IEC 60598-2-22:1997 EN 60598-2-22:1998
IEC 60598-2-23:1996 EN 60598-2-23:1996
IEC 60598-2-24:1997 EN 60598-2-24:1998
IEC 60598-2-25:1994 EN 60598-2-25:1994
IEC 60599:1999 EN 60599:1999
IEC 60601-1:1977 HD 395.1 S2:1988
IEC 60601-1:1988 EN 60601-1:1990
IEC 60601-1:2005 EN 60601-1:2006
IEC 60601-1-1:2000 EN 60601-1-1:2001
IEC 60601-1-2:2001 EN 60601-1-2:2001
IEC 60601-1-2:2007 EN 60601-1-2:2007
IEC 60601-1-3:1994 EN 60601-1-3:1994
IEC 60601-1-3:2008 EN 60601-1-3:2008
IEC 60601-1-4:1996 EN 60601-1-4:1996
IEC 60601-1-6:2004 EN 60601-1-6:2004
IEC 60601-1-6:2006 EN 60601-1-6:2007
IEC 60601-1-6:2010 EN 60601-1-6:2010
IEC 60601-1-8:2003 EN 60601-1-8:2004
IEC 60601-1-8:2006 EN 60601-1-8:2007
IEC 60601-1-9:2007 EN 60601-1-9:2008
IEC 60601-1-10:2007 EN 60601-1-10:2008
IEC 60601-1-11:2010 EN 60601-1-11:2010
IEC 60601-2-1:1998 EN 60601-2-1:1998
IEC 60601-2-2:2006 EN 60601-2-2:2007
IEC 60601-2-2:2009 EN 60601-2-2:2009
IEC 60601-2-3:1991 EN 60601-2-3:1993
IEC 60601-2-4:2002 EN 60601-2-4:2003
IEC 60601-2-4:2010 EN 60601-2-4:2011
IEC 60601-2-5:2000 EN 60601-2-5:2000
IEC 60601-2-7:1998 EN 60601-2-7:1998
IEC 60601-2-8:1987 EN 60601-2-8:1997
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60601-2-10:1987 EN 60601-2-10:2000
IEC 60601-2-11:1997 EN 60601-2-11:1997
IEC 60601-2-12:2001 EN 60601-2-12:2006
IEC 60601-2-13:2003 EN 60601-2-13:2006
IEC 60601-2-16:1998 EN 60601-2-16:1998
IEC 60601-2-17:2004 EN 60601-2-17:2004
IEC 60601-2-18:1996 EN 60601-2-18:1996
IEC 60601-2-19:1990 EN 60601-2-19:1996
IEC 60601-2-19:2009 EN 60601-2-19:2009
IEC 60601-2-20:1990 EN 60601-2-20:1996
IEC 60601-2-20:2009 EN 60601-2-20:2009
IEC 60601-2-21:1994 EN 60601-2-21:1994
IEC 60601-2-21:2009 EN 60601-2-21:2009
IEC 60601-2-22:1995 EN 60601-2-22:1996
IEC 60601-2-23:1999 EN 60601-2-23:2000
IEC 60601-2-24:1998 EN 60601-2-24:1998
IEC 60601-2-25:1993 EN 60601-2-25:1995
IEC 60601-2-26:2002 EN 60601-2-26:2003
IEC 60601-2-27:2005 EN 60601-2-27:2006
IEC 60601-2-28:1993 EN 60601-2-28:1993
IEC 60601-2-28:2010 EN 60601-2-28:2010
IEC 60601-2-29:1999 EN 60601-2-29:1999
IEC 60601-2-29:2008 EN 60601-2-29:2008
IEC 60601-2-30:1999 EN 60601-2-30:2000
IEC 60601-2-31:2008 EN 60601-2-31:2008
IEC 60601-2-32:1994 EN 60601-2-32:1994
IEC 60601-2-33:2002 EN 60601-2-33:2002
IEC 60601-2-33:2010 EN 60601-2-33:2010
IEC 60601-2-34:2000 EN 60601-2-34:2000
IEC 60601-2-35:1996 EN 60601-2-35:1996
IEC 60601-2-36:1997 EN 60601-2-36:1997
IEC 60601-2-37:2007 EN 60601-2-37:2008
IEC 60601-2-38:1996 EN 60601-2-38:1996
IEC 60601-2-39:2007 EN 60601-2-39:2008
IEC 60601-2-40:1998 EN 60601-2-40:1998
IEC 60601-2-41:2000 EN 60601-2-41:2000
IEC 60601-2-41:2009 EN 60601-2-41:2009
IEC 60601-2-43:2000 EN 60601-2-43:2000
IEC 60601-2-43:2010 EN 60601-2-43:2010
IEC 60601-2-44:2001 EN 60601-2-44:2001
IEC 60601-2-44:2009 EN 60601-2-44:2009
IEC 60601-2-45:2001 EN 60601-2-45:2001
IEC 60601-2-45:2011 EN 60601-2-45:2011
IEC 60601-2-46:1998 EN 60601-2-46:1998
IEC 60601-2-46:2010 EN 60601-2-46:2011
IEC 60601-2-47:2001 EN 60601-2-47:2001
IEC 60601-2-49:2001 EN 60601-2-49:2001
IEC 60601-2-50:2000 EN 60601-2-50:2002
IEC 60601-2-50:2009 EN 60601-2-50:2009
IEC 60601-2-51:2003 EN 60601-2-51:2003
IEC 60601-2-52:2009 EN 60601-2-52:2010
IEC 60601-2-54:2009 EN 60601-2-54:2009
IEC 60601-2-57:2011 EN 60601-2-57:2011
IEC 60601-3-1:1996 EN 60601-3-1:1996
IEC 60602:1980 HD 574 S1:1990
IEC 60603-1:1991 EN 60603-1:1998
IEC 60603-2:1995 EN 60603-2:1998
IEC 60603-3:1987 EN 60603-3:1998
IEC 60603-4:1987 EN 60603-4:1998
IEC 60603-5:1987 EN 60603-5:1998
IEC 60603-6:1987 EN 60603-6:1998
IEC 60603-7:1996 EN 60603-7:1997
IEC 60603-7:2008 EN 60603-7:2009
IEC 60603-7-1:2002 EN 60603-7-1:2002
IEC 60603-7-1:2009 EN 60603-7-1:2009
IEC 60603-7-1:2011 EN 60603-7-1:2011
IEC 60603-7-2:2007 EN 60603-7-2:2009
IEC 60603-7-2:2010 EN 60603-7-2:2010
IEC 60603-7-3:2008 EN 60603-7-3:2009
IEC 60603-7-3:2010 EN 60603-7-3:2010
IEC 60603-7-4:2005 EN 60603-7-4:2005
IEC 60603-7-4:2010 EN 60603-7-4:2010
IEC 60603-7-5:2007 EN 60603-7-5:2009
IEC 60603-7-5:2010 EN 60603-7-5:2010
IEC 60603-7-7:2006 EN 60603-7-7:2006
IEC 60603-7-7:2010 EN 60603-7-7:2010
IEC 60603-7-41:2010 EN 60603-7-41:2010
IEC 60603-7-51:2010 EN 60603-7-51:2010
IEC 60603-7-71:2010 EN 60603-7-71:2010
IEC 60603-8:1990 EN 60603-8:1998
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60603-9:1990 EN 60603-9:1998
IEC 60603-10:1991 EN 60603-10:1998
IEC 60603-12:1992 EN 60603-12:1998
IEC 60603-13:1995 EN 60603-13:1998
IEC 60603-14:1998 EN 60603-14:1999
IEC 60604:1980 EN 60604:1993
IEC 60609-1:2004 EN 60609-1:2005
IEC 60609-2:1997 EN 60609-2:1999
IEC 60613:1989 EN 60613:1990
IEC 60613:2010 EN 60613:2010
IEC 60618:1978 EN 60618:1997
IEC 60619:1993 EN 60619:1993
IEC 60620:1984 HD 391 S3:1988
IEC 60622:2002 EN 60622:2003
IEC 60623:2001 EN 60623:2001
IEC 60626-1:1995 EN 60626-1:1995
IEC 60626-2:1995 EN 60626-2:1995
IEC 60626-2:2009 EN 60626-2:2009
IEC 60626-3:2008 EN 60626-3:2008
IEC 60627:2001 EN 60627:2001
IEC 60628:1985 HD 488 S1:1987
IEC 60630:1994 EN 60630:1998
IEC 60633:1998 EN 60633:1999
IEC 60634:1993 EN 60634:1995
IEC 60640:1979 HD 417 S2:1987
IEC 60641-1:2007 EN 60641-1:2008
IEC 60641-2:2004 EN 60641-2:2004
IEC 60641-3-1:2008 EN 60641-3-1:2008
IEC 60641-3-2:2007 EN 60641-3-2:2008
IEC 60644:1979 EN 60644:1993
IEC 60644:2009 EN 60644:2009
IEC 60645-1:2001 EN 60645-1:2001
IEC 60645-2:1993 EN 60645-2:1997
IEC 60645-3:2007 EN 60645-3:2007
IEC 60645-4:1994 EN 60645-4:1995
IEC 60645-5:2004 EN 60645-5:2005
IEC 60645-6:2009 EN 60645-6:2010
IEC 60645-7:2009 EN 60645-7:2010
IEC 60652:2002 EN 60652:2004
IEC 60654-1:1993 EN 60654-1:1993
IEC 60654-2:1979 EN 60654-2:1997
IEC 60654-3:1983 EN 60654-3:1997
IEC 60654-4:1987 EN 60654-4:1997
IEC 60660:1999 EN 60660:1999
IEC 60661:1999 EN 60661:2001
IEC 60662:1980 EN 60662:1993
IEC 60664-1:2007 EN 60664-1:2007
IEC 60664-3:2003 EN 60664-3:2003
IEC 60664-4:2005 EN 60664-4:2006
IEC 60664-5:2007 EN 60664-5:2007
IEC 60666:1979 HD 415 S1:1981
IEC 60666:2010 EN 60666:2010
IEC 60667-1:1980 HD 416.1 S1:1981
IEC 60667-2:1982 HD 416.2 S1:1987
IEC 60667-3-1:1986 HD 416.3.1 S1:1988
IEC 60669-1:1998 EN 60669-1:1999
IEC 60669-2-1:2002 EN 60669-2-1:2004
IEC 60669-2-2:2006 EN 60669-2-2:2006
IEC 60669-2-3:2006 EN 60669-2-3:2006
IEC 60669-2-4:2004 EN 60669-2-4:2005
IEC 60670-1:2002 EN 60670-1:2005
IEC 60670-21:2004 EN 60670-21:2007
IEC 60670-22:2003 EN 60670-22:2006
IEC 60670-23:2006 EN 60670-23:2008
IEC 60671:2007 EN 60671:2011
IEC 60672-1:1995 EN 60672-1:1995
IEC 60672-2:1999 EN 60672-2:2000
IEC 60672-3:1997 EN 60672-3:1997
IEC 60674-1:1980 EN 60674-1:1998
IEC 60674-2:1988 EN 60674-2:1998
IEC 60674-3-1:1998 EN 60674-3-1:1998
IEC 60674-3-2:1992 EN 60674-3-2:1998
IEC 60674-3-3:1992 EN 60674-3-3:1998
IEC 60674-3-7:1992 EN 60674-3-7:1998
IEC 60674-3-8:2011 EN 60674-3-8:2011
IEC 60674-3-4 to 6:1993 EN 60674-3-4 to 6:1995
IEC 60675:1994 EN 60675:1995
IEC 60676:2002 EN 60676:2002
IEC 60677:1980 HD 431 S1:1983
IEC 60679-1:2007 EN 60679-1:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60679-3:2001 EN 60679-3:2001
IEC 60679-4:1997 EN 60679-4:1998
IEC 60679-4-1:1998 EN 60679-4-1:1998
IEC 60679-5:1998 EN 60679-5:1998
IEC 60679-5-1:1998 EN 60679-5-1:1998
IEC 60679-6:2011 EN 60679-6:2011
IEC 60682:1980 EN 60682:1993
IEC 60683:1980 HD 599 S1:1992
IEC 60684-1:2003 EN 60684-1:2003
IEC 60684-2:1997 EN 60684-2:1997
IEC 60684-2:2011 EN 60684-2:2011
IEC 60684-3-136:1997 EN 60684-3-136:1998
IEC 60684-3-151:1998 EN 60684-3-151:1998
IEC 60684-3-165:2004 EN 60684-3-165:2004
IEC 60684-3-201:1991 HD 523.3.201 S1:1993
IEC 60684-3-205:2011 EN 60684-3-205:2011
IEC 60684-3-209:2003 EN 60684-3-209:2003
IEC 60684-3-209:2010 EN 60684-3-209:2010
IEC 60684-3-211:2007 EN 60684-3-211:2007
IEC 60684-3-212:2005 EN 60684-3-212:2006
IEC 60684-3-214:2005 EN 60684-3-214:2005
IEC 60684-3-216:2001 EN 60684-3-216:2005
IEC 60684-3-228:2004 EN 60684-3-228:2004
IEC 60684-3-229:2003 EN 60684-3-229:2003
IEC 60684-3-233:2006 EN 60684-3-233:2006
IEC 60684-3-246:2007 EN 60684-3-246:2007
IEC 60684-3-247:2011 EN 60684-3-247:2011
IEC 60684-3-248:2007 EN 60684-3-248:2007
IEC 60684-3-271:2004 EN 60684-3-271:2004
IEC 60684-3-271:2011 EN 60684-3-271:2011
IEC 60684-3-280:2010 EN 60684-3-280:2010
IEC 60684-3-281:2010 EN 60684-3-281:2010
IEC 60684-3-282:2010 EN 60684-3-282:2010
IEC 60684-3-283:2010 EN 60684-3-283:2011
IEC 60684-3-300:2002 EN 60684-3-300:2002
IEC 60684-3-320:2002 EN 60684-3-320:2002
IEC 60684-3-409:1999 EN 60684-3-409:1999
IEC 60684-3-116 & 117:2003 EN 60684-3-116 & 117:2003
IEC 60684-3-100 to 105:2001 EN 60684-3-100 to 105:2001
IEC 60684-3-121 to 124:2001 EN 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
IEC 60684-3-145 to 147:2001 EN 60684-3-145 to 147:2001
IEC 60684-3-240 to 243:2002 EN 60684-3-240 to 243:2002
IEC 60684-3-340 to 342:2003 EN 60684-3-340 to 342:2003
IEC 60684-3-343 to 345:2002 EN 60684-3-343 to 345:2002
IEC 60684-3-400 to 402:2002 EN 60684-3-400 to 402:2002
IEC 60684-3-403 to 405:2002 EN 60684-3-403 to 405:2002
IEC 60684-3-406 to 408:2003 EN 60684-3-406 to 408:2003
IEC 60684-3-420 to 422:2002 EN 60684-3-420 to 422:2002
IEC 60688:1992 EN 60688:1992
IEC 60689:2008 EN 60689:2009
IEC 60691:2002 EN 60691:2003
IEC 60694:1996 EN 60694:1996
IEC 60695-1-1:1999 EN 60695-1-1:2000
IEC 60695-1-10:2009 EN 60695-1-10:2010
IEC 60695-1-11:2010 EN 60695-1-11:2010
IEC 60695-1-30:2002 EN 60695-1-30:2002
IEC 60695-1-30:2008 EN 60695-1-30:2008
IEC 60695-2-10:2000 EN 60695-2-10:2001
IEC 60695-2-11:2000 EN 60695-2-11:2001
IEC 60695-2-12:2000 EN 60695-2-12:2001
IEC 60695-2-12:2010 EN 60695-2-12:2010
IEC 60695-2-13:2000 EN 60695-2-13:2001
IEC 60695-2-13:2010 EN 60695-2-13:2010
IEC 60695-4:2005 EN 60695-4:2006
IEC 60695-5-1:2002 EN 60695-5-1:2003
IEC 60695-6-1:2005 EN 60695-6-1:2005
IEC 60695-7-1:2004 EN 60695-7-1:2004
IEC 60695-7-1:2010 EN 60695-7-1:2010
IEC 60695-8-1:2008 EN 60695-8-1:2008
IEC 60695-9-1:2005 EN 60695-9-1:2005
IEC 60695-10-2:2003 EN 60695-10-2:2003
IEC 60695-10-3:2002 EN 60695-10-3:2002
IEC 60695-11-2:2003 EN 60695-11-2:2003
IEC 60695-11-5:2004 EN 60695-11-5:2005
IEC 60695-11-10:1999 EN 60695-11-10:1999
IEC 60695-11-20:1999 EN 60695-11-20:1999
IEC 60700-1:1998 EN 60700-1:1998
IEC 60702-1:2002 EN 60702-1:2002
IEC 60702-2:2002 EN 60702-2:2002
IEC 60703:1981 HD 440 S1:1983
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60703:2008 EN 60703:2009
IEC 60704-1:1982 EN 60704-1:1994
IEC 60704-1:1997 EN 60704-1:1997
IEC 60704-1:2010 EN 60704-1:2010
IEC 60704-2-1:2000 EN 60704-2-1:2001
IEC 60704-2-2:1985 EN 60704-2-2:1994
IEC 60704-2-2:2009 EN 60704-2-2:2010
IEC 60704-2-3:2001 EN 60704-2-3:2002
IEC 60704-2-4:2001 EN 60704-2-4:2001
IEC 60704-2-5:2005 EN 60704-2-5:2005
IEC 60704-2-6:2003 EN 60704-2-6:2004
IEC 60704-2-7:1997 EN 60704-2-7:1998
IEC 60704-2-8:1997 EN 60704-2-8:1997
IEC 60704-2-9:2003 EN 60704-2-9:2003
IEC 60704-2-10:2004 EN 60704-2-10:2004
IEC 60704-2-11:1998 EN 60704-2-11:1999
IEC 60704-2-13:2000 EN 60704-2-13:2000
IEC 60704-2-13:2011 EN 60704-2-13:2011
IEC 60704-3:2006 EN 60704-3:2006
IEC 60705:1999 EN 60705:1999
IEC 60706-2:2006 EN 60706-2:2006
IEC 60706-3:2006 EN 60706-3:2006
IEC 60706-5:2007 EN 60706-5:2007
IEC 60708:2005 EN 60708:2005
IEC 60709:2004 EN 60709:2010
IEC 60710:1981 HD 442 S1:1983
IEC 60711:1981 HD 443 S1:1983
IEC 60712:1993 EN 60712:1994
IEC 60713:1981 HD 445 S1:1983
IEC 60715:1981 EN 60715:2001
IEC 60719:1992 EN 60719:1993
IEC 60721-1:1990 EN 60721-1:1995
IEC 60721-2-1:1982 HD 478.2.1 S1:1989
IEC 60721-2-2:1988 HD 478.2.2 S1:1990
IEC 60721-2-3:1987 HD 478.2.3 S1:1990
IEC 60721-2-4:1987 HD 478.2.4 S1:1989
IEC 60721-2-5:1991 HD 478.2.5 S1:1993
IEC 60721-2-6:1990 HD 478.2.6 S1:1993
IEC 60721-2-7:1987 HD 478.2.7 S1:1990
IEC 60721-3-0:1984 EN 60721-3-0:1993
IEC 60721-3-1:1997 EN 60721-3-1:1997
IEC 60721-3-2:1997 EN 60721-3-2:1997
IEC 60721-3-3:1994 EN 60721-3-3:1995
IEC 60721-3-4:1995 EN 60721-3-4:1995
IEC 60721-3-5:1997 EN 60721-3-5:1997
IEC 60721-3-6:1987 EN 60721-3-6:1993
IEC 60721-3-7:1995 EN 60721-3-7:1995
IEC 60721-3-9:1993 EN 60721-3-9:1993
IEC 60728-1:2007 EN 60728-1:2008
IEC 60728-1-1:2010 EN 60728-1-1:2010
IEC 60728-1-2:2009 EN 60728-1-2:2009
IEC 60728-3:2005 EN 60728-3:2006
IEC 60728-3:2010 EN 60728-3:2011
IEC 60728-4:2007 EN 60728-4:2008
IEC 60728-5:2007 EN 60728-5:2008
IEC 60728-6:2003 EN 60728-6:2003
IEC 60728-6:2011 EN 60728-6:2011
IEC 60728-7-1:2003 EN 60728-7-1:2005
IEC 60728-7-2:2003 EN 60728-7-2:2005
IEC 60728-7-3:2003 EN 60728-7-3:2005
IEC 60728-7-3:2009 EN 60728-7-3:2009
IEC 60728-10:2005 EN 60728-10:2006
IEC 60728-11:2005 EN 60728-11:2005
IEC 60728-11:2010 EN 60728-11:2010
IEC 60728-13:2010 EN 60728-13:2010
IEC 60729:1982 HD 453 S1:1984
IEC 60730-1:1986 EN 60730-1:1991
IEC 60730-1:1993 EN 60730-1:1995
IEC 60730-1:1999 EN 60730-1:2000
IEC 60730-2-2:2001 EN 60730-2-2:2002
IEC 60730-2-3:2006 EN 60730-2-3:2007
IEC 60730-2-4:2006 EN 60730-2-4:2007
IEC 60730-2-5:2000 EN 60730-2-5:2002
IEC 60730-2-6:2007 EN 60730-2-6:2008
IEC 60730-2-7:1990 EN 60730-2-7:1991
IEC 60730-2-7:2008 EN 60730-2-7:2010
IEC 60730-2-8:2000 EN 60730-2-8:2002
IEC 60730-2-9:2000 EN 60730-2-9:2002
IEC 60730-2-9:2008 EN 60730-2-9:2010
IEC 60730-2-10:2006 EN 60730-2-10:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60730-2-11:2006 EN 60730-2-11:2008
IEC 60730-2-12:2005 EN 60730-2-12:2006
IEC 60730-2-13:2006 EN 60730-2-13:2008
IEC 60730-2-14:1995 EN 60730-2-14:1997
IEC 60730-2-15:1994 EN 60730-2-15:1995
IEC 60730-2-15:2008 EN 60730-2-15:2010
IEC 60730-2-16:1995 EN 60730-2-16:1997
IEC 60730-2-18:1997 EN 60730-2-18:1999
IEC 60730-2-19:1997 EN 60730-2-19:2002
IEC 60731:1997 EN 60731:1997
IEC 60734:2001 EN 60734:2003
IEC 60735:1991 EN 60735:1991
IEC 60738-1:2006 EN 60738-1:2006
IEC 60738-1-1:2008 EN 60738-1-1:2008
IEC 60738-1-2:2008 EN 60738-1-2:2008
IEC 60738-1-3:2008 EN 60738-1-3:2008
IEC 60738-1-4:2008 EN 60738-1-4:2008
IEC 60740-1:2005 EN 60740-1:2005
IEC 60743:2001 EN 60743:2001
IEC 60745-1:2006 EN 60745-1:2006
IEC 60745-1:2006 EN 60745-1:2009
IEC 60745-2-1:2003 EN 60745-2-1:2003
IEC 60745-2-1:2003 EN 60745-2-1:2010
IEC 60745-2-2:2003 EN 60745-2-2:2010
IEC 60745-2-2:2003 EN 60745-2-2:2003
IEC 60745-2-3:2006 EN 60745-2-3:2011
IEC 60745-2-3:2006 EN 60745-2-3:2007
IEC 60745-2-4:2002 EN 60745-2-4:2003
IEC 60745-2-4:2002 EN 60745-2-4:2009
IEC 60745-2-5:2006 EN 60745-2-5:2007
IEC 60745-2-5:2010 EN 60745-2-5:2010
IEC 60745-2-6:2003 EN 60745-2-6:2003
IEC 60745-2-6:2003 EN 60745-2-6:2010
IEC 60745-2-8:2003 EN 60745-2-8:2003
IEC 60745-2-8:2003 EN 60745-2-8:2009
IEC 60745-2-9:2003 EN 60745-2-9:2009
IEC 60745-2-11:2003 EN 60745-2-11:2003
IEC 60745-2-11:2003 EN 60745-2-11:2010
IEC 60745-2-12:2003 EN 60745-2-12:2009
IEC 60745-2-12:2003 EN 60745-2-12:2003
IEC 60745-2-13:2006 EN 60745-2-13:2009
IEC 60745-2-14:2003 EN 60745-2-14:2009
IEC 60745-2-15:2006 EN 60745-2-15:2009
IEC 60745-2-16:2008 EN 60745-2-16:2010
IEC 60745-2-17:2003 EN 60745-2-17:2003
IEC 60745-2-17:2010 EN 60745-2-17:2010
IEC 60745-2-18:2003 EN 60745-2-18:2009
IEC 60745-2-19:2005 EN 60745-2-19:2009
IEC 60745-2-20:2003 EN 60745-2-20:2009
IEC 60745-2-20:2003 EN 60745-2-20:2003
IEC 60745-2-21:2002 EN 60745-2-21:2009
IEC 60745-2-22:2011 EN 60745-2-22:2011
IEC 60746-1:2003 EN 60746-1:2003
IEC 60746-2:2003 EN 60746-2:2003
IEC 60746-3:2002 EN 60746-3:2002
IEC 60747-5-1:1997 EN 60747-5-1:2001
IEC 60747-5-2:1997 EN 60747-5-2:2001
IEC 60747-5-5:2007 EN 60747-5-5:2011
IEC 60747-15:2003 EN 60747-15:2004
IEC 60747-16-1:2001 EN 60747-16-1:2002
IEC 60747-16-3:2002 EN 60747-16-3:2002
IEC 60747-16-4:2004 EN 60747-16-4:2004
IEC 60747-16-10:2004 EN 60747-16-10:2004
IEC 60749-1:2002 EN 60749-1:2003
IEC 60749-2:2002 EN 60749-2:2002
IEC 60749-3:2002 EN 60749-3:2002
IEC 60749-4:2002 EN 60749-4:2002
IEC 60749-5:2003 EN 60749-5:2003
IEC 60749-6:2002 EN 60749-6:2002
IEC 60749-7:2002 EN 60749-7:2002
IEC 60749-7:2011 EN 60749-7:2011
IEC 60749-8:2002 EN 60749-8:2003
IEC 60749-9:2002 EN 60749-9:2002
IEC 60749-10:2002 EN 60749-10:2002
IEC 60749-11:2002 EN 60749-11:2002
IEC 60749-12:2002 EN 60749-12:2002
IEC 60749-13:2002 EN 60749-13:2002
IEC 60749-14:2003 EN 60749-14:2003
IEC 60749-15:2003 EN 60749-15:2003
IEC 60749-15:2010 EN 60749-15:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 60749-16:2003 EN 60749-16:2003
IEC 60749-17:2003 EN 60749-17:2003
IEC 60749-18:2002 EN 60749-18:2003
IEC 60749-19:2003 EN 60749-19:2003
IEC 60749-20:2002 EN 60749-20:2003
IEC 60749-20:2008 EN 60749-20:2009
IEC 60749-20-1:2009 EN 60749-20-1:2009
IEC 60749-21:2004 EN 60749-21:2005
IEC 60749-21:2011 EN 60749-21:2011
IEC 60749-22:2002 EN 60749-22:2003
IEC 60749-23:2004 EN 60749-23:2004
IEC 60749-24:2004 EN 60749-24:2004
IEC 60749-25:2003 EN 60749-25:2003
IEC 60749-26:2006 EN 60749-26:2006
IEC 60749-27:2006 EN 60749-27:2006
IEC 60749-29:2003 EN 60749-29:2003
IEC 60749-29:2011 EN 60749-29:2011
IEC 60749-30:2005 EN 60749-30:2005
IEC 60749-31:2002 EN 60749-31:2003
IEC 60749-32:2002 EN 60749-32:2003
IEC 60749-33:2004 EN 60749-33:2004
IEC 60749-34:2004 EN 60749-34:2004
IEC 60749-34:2010 EN 60749-34:2010
IEC 60749-35:2006 EN 60749-35:2006
IEC 60749-36:2003 EN 60749-36:2003
IEC 60749-37:2008 EN 60749-37:2008
IEC 60749-38:2008 EN 60749-38:2008
IEC 60749-39:2006 EN 60749-39:2006
IEC 60749-40:2011 EN 60749-40:2011
IEC 60751:2008 EN 60751:2008
IEC 60756:1991 EN 60756:1993
IEC 60757:1983 HD 457 S1:1985
IEC 60758:2004 EN 60758:2005
IEC 60758:2008 EN 60758:2009
IEC 60761-1:2002 EN 60761-1:2004
IEC 60761-2:2002 EN 60761-2:2004
IEC 60761-3:2002 EN 60761-3:2004
IEC 60761-4:2002 EN 60761-4:2004
IEC 60761-5:2002 EN 60761-5:2004
IEC 60763-1:1983 EN 60763-1:1996
IEC 60763-1:2010 EN 60763-1:2011
IEC 60763-2:2007 EN 60763-2:2007
IEC 60763-3-1:1992 EN 60763-3-1:1996
IEC 60763-3-1:2010 EN 60763-3-1:2011
IEC 60767:1983 HD 461 S1:1987
IEC 60768:1983 HD 462 S1:1987
IEC 60770-1:1999 EN 60770-1:1999
IEC 60770-1:2010 EN 60770-1:2011
IEC 60770-2:2003 EN 60770-2:2003
IEC 60770-2:2010 EN 60770-2:2010
IEC 60770-3:2006 EN 60770-3:2006
IEC 60774-1:1994 EN 60774-1:1994
IEC 60774-2:1999 EN 60774-2:2000
IEC 60774-3:1993 EN 60774-3:1993
IEC 60774-4:2002 EN 60774-4:2003
IEC 60774-5:2004 EN 60774-5:2004
IEC 60779:2005 EN 60779:2005
IEC 60789:2005 EN 60789:2005
IEC 60793-1-1:2008 EN 60793-1-1:2008
IEC 60793-1-20:2001 EN 60793-1-20:2002
IEC 60793-1-21:2001 EN 60793-1-21:2002
IEC 60793-1-22:2001 EN 60793-1-22:2002
IEC 60793-1-30:2001 EN 60793-1-30:2002
IEC 60793-1-30:2010 EN 60793-1-30:2011
IEC 60793-1-31:2001 EN 60793-1-31:2002
IEC 60793-1-31:2010 EN 60793-1-31:2010
IEC 60793-1-32:2001 EN 60793-1-32:2003
IEC 60793-1-32:2010 EN 60793-1-32:2010
IEC 60793-1-33:2001 EN 60793-1-33:2002
IEC 60793-1-34:2006 EN 60793-1-34:2006
IEC 60793-1-40:2001 EN 60793-1-40:2003
IEC 60793-1-41:2003 EN 60793-1-41:2003
IEC 60793-1-41:2010 EN 60793-1-41:2010
IEC 60793-1-42:2007 EN 60793-1-42:2007
IEC 60793-1-43:2001 EN 60793-1-43:2002
IEC 60793-1-44:2001 EN 60793-1-44:2002
IEC 60793-1-44:2011 EN 60793-1-44:2011
IEC 60793-1-45:2001 EN 60793-1-45:2003
IEC 60793-1-46:2001 EN 60793-1-46:2002
IEC 60793-1-47:2006 EN 60793-1-47:2007
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 60793-1-47:2009 EN 60793-1-47:2009
IEC 60793-1-48:2007 EN 60793-1-48:2007
IEC 60793-1-49:2006 EN 60793-1-49:2006
IEC 60793-1-50:2001 EN 60793-1-50:2002
IEC 60793-1-51:2001 EN 60793-1-51:2002
IEC 60793-1-52:2001 EN 60793-1-52:2002
IEC 60793-1-53:2001 EN 60793-1-53:2002
IEC 60793-1-54:2003 EN 60793-1-54:2003
IEC 60793-2:2007 EN 60793-2:2008
IEC 60793-2-10:2007 EN 60793-2-10:2007
IEC 60793-2-10:2011 EN 60793-2-10:2011
IEC 60793-2-20:2001 EN 60793-2-20:2002
IEC 60793-2-20:2007 EN 60793-2-20:2009
IEC 60793-2-30:2002 EN 60793-2-30:2002
IEC 60793-2-30:2007 EN 60793-2-30:2009
IEC 60793-2-40:2006 EN 60793-2-40:2006
IEC 60793-2-40:2009 EN 60793-2-40:2011
IEC 60793-2-50:2004 EN 60793-2-50:2004
IEC 60793-2-50:2008 EN 60793-2-50:2008
IEC 60793-2-60:2008 EN 60793-2-60:2008
IEC 60794-1-1:2001 EN 60794-1-1:2002
IEC 60794-1-2:2003 EN 60794-1-2:2003
IEC 60794-2:2002 EN 60794-2:2003
IEC 60794-2-10:2003 EN 60794-2-10:2003
IEC 60794-2-11:2005 EN 60794-2-11:2005
IEC 60794-2-20:2003 EN 60794-2-20:2003
IEC 60794-2-20:2008 EN 60794-2-20:2010
IEC 60794-2-21:2005 EN 60794-2-21:2006
IEC 60794-2-30:2003 EN 60794-2-30:2003
IEC 60794-2-30:2008 EN 60794-2-30:2008
IEC 60794-2-31:2005 EN 60794-2-31:2006
IEC 60794-2-40:2008 EN 60794-2-40:2008
IEC 60794-2-41:2008 EN 60794-2-41:2008
IEC 60794-2-42:2008 EN 60794-2-42:2008
IEC 60794-2-50:2008 EN 60794-2-50:2008
IEC 60794-3:2001 EN 60794-3:2002
IEC 60794-3-10:2002 EN 60794-3-10:2002
IEC 60794-3-10:2009 EN 60794-3-10:2009
IEC 60794-3-11:2010 EN 60794-3-11:2010
IEC 60794-3-12:2005 EN 60794-3-12:2006
IEC 60794-3-20:2002 EN 60794-3-20:2002
IEC 60794-3-20:2009 EN 60794-3-20:2009
IEC 60794-3-21:2005 EN 60794-3-21:2006
IEC 60794-3-30:2002 EN 60794-3-30:2003
IEC 60794-3-30:2008 EN 60794-3-30:2008
IEC 60794-3-40:2008 EN 60794-3-40:2008
IEC 60794-3-50:2008 EN 60794-3-50:2008
IEC 60794-3-60:2008 EN 60794-3-60:2008
IEC 60794-4:2003 EN 60794-4:2003
IEC 60794-4-10:2006 EN 60794-4-10:2007
IEC 60794-5:2006 EN 60794-5:2007
IEC 60795:1984 HD 480 S1:1987
IEC 60796-1:1990 HD 593.1 S1:1992
IEC 60796-2:1990 HD 593.2 S1:1992
IEC 60796-3:1990 HD 593.3 S1:1991
IEC 60799:1998 EN 60799:1998
IEC 60803:1984 HD 489 S1:1987
IEC 60806:1984 EN 60806:2004
IEC 60809:1995 EN 60809:1996
IEC 60810:2003 EN 60810:2003
IEC 60811-1-1:1993 EN 60811-1-1:1995
IEC 60811-1-2:1985 EN 60811-1-2:1995
IEC 60811-1-3:1993 EN 60811-1-3:1995
IEC 60811-1-4:1985 EN 60811-1-4:1995
IEC 60811-2-1:1998 EN 60811-2-1:1998
IEC 60811-3-1:1985 EN 60811-3-1:1995
IEC 60811-3-2:1985 EN 60811-3-2:1995
IEC 60811-4-1:2004 EN 60811-4-1:2004
IEC 60811-4-2:2004 EN 60811-4-2:2004
IEC 60811-5-1:1990 EN 60811-5-1:1999
IEC 60812:2006 EN 60812:2006
IEC 60814:1997 EN 60814:1997
IEC 60819-1:1995 EN 60819-1:1995
IEC 60819-2:2001 EN 60819-2:2001
IEC 60819-3-1:2001 EN 60819-3-1:2001
IEC 60819-3-2:2001 EN 60819-3-2:2001
IEC 60819-3-3:2006 EN 60819-3-3:2006
IEC 60819-3-4:2001 EN 60819-3-4:2001
IEC 60821:1991 EN 60821:1994
IEC 60822:1988 HD 576 S1:1990
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 60825-1:2007 EN 60825-1:2007
IEC 60825-2:2004 EN 60825-2:2004
IEC 60825-4:2006 EN 60825-4:2006
IEC 60825-12:2004 EN 60825-12:2004
IEC 60829:1988 HD 541 S1:1991
IEC 60831-1:1996 EN 60831-1:1996
IEC 60831-2:1995 EN 60831-2:1996
IEC 60832:1988 EN 60832:1996
IEC 60832-1:2010 EN 60832-1:2010
IEC 60832-2:2010 EN 60832-2:2010
IEC 60834-1:1999 EN 60834-1:1999
IEC 60834-2:1993 HD 543.2 S1:1995
IEC 60835-1-1:1990 EN 60835-1-1:1992
IEC 60835-1-2:1992 EN 60835-1-2:1993
IEC 60835-1-3:1992 EN 60835-1-3:1995
IEC 60835-1-4:1992 EN 60835-1-4:1995
IEC 60835-2-1:1990 EN 60835-2-1:1992
IEC 60835-2-2:1994 EN 60835-2-2:1994
IEC 60835-2-3:1992 EN 60835-2-3:1993
IEC 60835-2-4:1993 EN 60835-2-4:1995
IEC 60835-2-5:1993 EN 60835-2-5:1995
IEC 60835-2-6:1995 EN 60835-2-6:1995
IEC 60835-2-7:1994 EN 60835-2-7:1994
IEC 60835-2-8:1993 EN 60835-2-8:1993
IEC 60835-2-9:1995 EN 60835-2-9:1995
IEC 60835-2-10:1992 EN 60835-2-10:1993
IEC 60835-2-11:1996 EN 60835-2-11:1997
IEC 60835-3-1:1990 EN 60835-3-1:1992
IEC 60835-3-2:1995 EN 60835-3-2:1996
IEC 60835-3-4:1993 EN 60835-3-4:1995
IEC 60835-3-5:1994 EN 60835-3-5:1994
IEC 60835-3-6:1996 EN 60835-3-6:1996
IEC 60835-3-7:1995 EN 60835-3-7:1995
IEC 60835-3-9:1993 EN 60835-3-9:1995
IEC 60835-3-10:1994 EN 60835-3-10:1994
IEC 60835-3-11:1995 EN 60835-3-11:1995
IEC 60835-3-12:1993 EN 60835-3-12:1995
IEC 60835-3-13:1996 EN 60835-3-13:1996
IEC 60835-3-14:1996 EN 60835-3-14:1996
IEC 60836:2005 EN 60836:2005
IEC 60838-1:2004 EN 60838-1:2004
IEC 60838-2-1:1994 EN 60838-2-1:1996
IEC 60838-2-2:2006 EN 60838-2-2:2006
IEC 60841:1988 HD 544 S1:1989
IEC 60843-1:1993 EN 60843-1:1994
IEC 60843-2:1992 EN 60843-2:1995
IEC 60843-3:1993 EN 60843-3:1993
IEC 60843-4:2000 EN 60843-4:2000
IEC 60846:2002 EN 60846:2004
IEC 60848:2002 EN 60848:2002
IEC 60849:1998 EN 60849:1998
IEC 60851-1:1996 EN 60851-1:1996
IEC 60851-2:1996 EN 60851-2:1996
IEC 60851-2:2009 EN 60851-2:2009
IEC 60851-3:1996 EN 60851-3:1996
IEC 60851-3:2009 EN 60851-3:2009
IEC 60851-4:1996 EN 60851-4:1996
IEC 60851-5:2008 EN 60851-5:2008
IEC 60851-6:1996 EN 60851-6:1996
IEC 60852-4:1996 EN 60852-4:1996
IEC 60855:1985 EN 60855:1996
IEC 60856:1986 EN 60856:1993
IEC 60861:2006 EN 60861:2008
IEC 60862-1:2003 EN 60862-1:2003
IEC 60862-2:2002 EN 60862-2:2002
IEC 60862-3:2003 EN 60862-3:2003
IEC 60864-1:1986 HD 577 S1:1990
IEC 60864-2:1997 EN 60864-2:1997
IEC 60865-1:1993 EN 60865-1:1993
IEC 60867:1993 EN 60867:1994
IEC 60869-1:1999 EN 60869-1:2000
IEC 60870-2-1:1995 EN 60870-2-1:1996
IEC 60870-2-2:1996 EN 60870-2-2:1996
IEC 60870-3:1989 HD 546.3 S1:1991
IEC 60870-4:1990 HD 546.4 S1:1992
IEC 60870-5-1:1990 EN 60870-5-1:1993
IEC 60870-5-2:1992 EN 60870-5-2:1993
IEC 60870-5-3:1992 EN 60870-5-3:1992
IEC 60870-5-4:1993 EN 60870-5-4:1993
IEC 60870-5-5:1995 EN 60870-5-5:1995
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 60870-5-6:2006 EN 60870-5-6:2009
IEC 60870-5-101:2003 EN 60870-5-101:2003
IEC 60870-5-102:1996 EN 60870-5-102:1996
IEC 60870-5-103:1997 EN 60870-5-103:1998
IEC 60870-5-104:2006 EN 60870-5-104:2006
IEC 60870-6-2:1995 EN 60870-6-2:1995
IEC 60870-6-501:1995 EN 60870-6-501:1996
IEC 60870-6-502:1995 EN 60870-6-502:1996
IEC 60870-6-503:2002 EN 60870-6-503:2002
IEC 60870-6-601:1994 EN 60870-6-601:1995
IEC 60870-6-701:1998 EN 60870-6-701:1998
IEC 60870-6-702:1998 EN 60870-6-702:1998
IEC 60870-6-802:2002 EN 60870-6-802:2002
IEC 60871-1:2005 EN 60871-1:2005
IEC 60871-2:1987 HD 525.2 S1:1989
IEC 60871-4:1996 EN 60871-4:1996
IEC 60873-1:2003 EN 60873-1:2004
IEC 60873-2:2004 EN 60873-2:2004
IEC 60874-1:2006 EN 60874-1:2007
IEC 60874-1-1:2006 EN 60874-1-1:2007
IEC 60874-17:1995 EN 60874-17:1997
IEC 60874-19:1995 EN 60874-19:1997
IEC 60875-1:2010 EN 60875-1:2010
IEC 60875-1-1:1996 EN 60875-1-1:1998
IEC 60876-1:2001 EN 60876-1:2001
IEC 60880:2006 EN 60880:2009
IEC 60883:1987 HD 527 S1:1989
IEC 60885-2:1987 EN 60885-2:2003
IEC 60885-3:1988 EN 60885-3:2003
IEC 60889:1987 EN 60889:1997
IEC 60891:1987 EN 60891:1994
IEC 60891:2009 EN 60891:2010
IEC 60893-1:2004 EN 60893-1:2004
IEC 60893-2:2003 EN 60893-2:2004
IEC 60893-3-1:2003 EN 60893-3-1:2004
IEC 60893-3-2:2003 EN 60893-3-2:2004
IEC 60893-3-3:2003 EN 60893-3-3:2004
IEC 60893-3-4:2003 EN 60893-3-4:2004
IEC 60893-3-5:2003 EN 60893-3-5:2004
IEC 60893-3-6:2003 EN 60893-3-6:2004
IEC 60893-3-7:2003 EN 60893-3-7:2004
IEC 60895:2002 EN 60895:2003
IEC 60896-11:2002 EN 60896-11:2003
IEC 60896-21:2004 EN 60896-21:2004
IEC 60896-22:2004 EN 60896-22:2004
IEC 60898-1:2002 EN 60898-1:2003
IEC 60898-2:2000 EN 60898-2:2006
IEC 60900:2004 EN 60900:2004
IEC 60901:1996 EN 60901:1996
IEC 60903:2002 EN 60903:2003
IEC 60904-1:2006 EN 60904-1:2006
IEC 60904-2:2007 EN 60904-2:2007
IEC 60904-3:2008 EN 60904-3:2008
IEC 60904-4:2009 EN 60904-4:2009
IEC 60904-5:1993 EN 60904-5:1995
IEC 60904-5:2011 EN 60904-5:2011
IEC 60904-7:1998 EN 60904-7:1998
IEC 60904-7:2008 EN 60904-7:2009
IEC 60904-8:1998 EN 60904-8:1998
IEC 60904-9:2007 EN 60904-9:2007
IEC 60904-10:1998 EN 60904-10:1998
IEC 60904-10:2009 EN 60904-10:2010
IEC 60908:1999 EN 60908:1999
IEC 60909-0:2001 EN 60909-0:2001
IEC 60909-3:2003 EN 60909-3:2003
IEC 60909-3:2009 EN 60909-3:2010
IEC 60914:1988 HD 549 S1:1989
IEC 60915:2006 EN 60915:2007
IEC 60917-1:1998 EN 60917-1:1998
IEC 60917-2:1992 EN 60917-2:1994
IEC 60917-2-1:1993 EN 60917-2-1:1995
IEC 60917-2-2:1994 EN 60917-2-2:1996
IEC 60917-2-3:2006 EN 60917-2-3:2006
IEC 60917-2-4:2010 EN 60917-2-4:2010
IEC 60921:1988 EN 60921:1991
IEC 60921:2004 EN 60921:2004
IEC 60923:1995 EN 60923:1996
IEC 60923:2005 EN 60923:2005
IEC 60925:1989 EN 60925:1991
IEC 60927:1996 EN 60927:1996
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 60927:2007 EN 60927:2007
IEC 60929:2003 EN 60929:2004
IEC 60929:2006 EN 60929:2006
IEC 60929:2011 EN 60929:2011
IEC 60931-1:1996 EN 60931-1:1996
IEC 60931-2:1995 EN 60931-2:1996
IEC 60931-3:1996 EN 60931-3:1996
IEC 60933-3:1992 EN 60933-3:1992
IEC 60933-4:1994 EN 60933-4:1994
IEC 60933-5:1992 EN 60933-5:1993
IEC 60934:2000 EN 60934:2001
IEC 60938-1:1999 EN 60938-1:1999
IEC 60938-2:1999 EN 60938-2:1999
IEC 60938-2-1:1999 EN 60938-2-1:1999
IEC 60938-2-2:1999 EN 60938-2-2:1999
IEC 60939-1:2005 EN 60939-1:2005
IEC 60939-1:2010 EN 60939-1:2010
IEC 60939-2:2005 EN 60939-2:2005
IEC 60939-2-1:2004 EN 60939-2-1:2004
IEC 60939-2-2:2004 EN 60939-2-2:2004
IEC 60942:2003 EN 60942:2003
IEC 60945:2002 EN 60945:2002
IEC 60946:1988 HD 557 S1:1990
IEC 60947-1:2007 EN 60947-1:2007
IEC 60947-2:2006 EN 60947-2:2006
IEC 60947-3:1999 EN 60947-3:1999
IEC 60947-3:2008 EN 60947-3:2009
IEC 60947-4-1:2000 EN 60947-4-1:2001
IEC 60947-4-1:2009 EN 60947-4-1:2010
IEC 60947-4-2:1999 EN 60947-4-2:2000
IEC 60947-4-3:1999 EN 60947-4-3:2000
IEC 60947-5-1:2003 EN 60947-5-1:2004
IEC 60947-5-2:2007 EN 60947-5-2:2007
IEC 60947-5-3:1999 EN 60947-5-3:1999
IEC 60947-5-4:2002 EN 60947-5-4:2003
IEC 60947-5-5:1997 EN 60947-5-5:1997
IEC 60947-5-6:1999 EN 60947-5-6:2000
IEC 60947-5-7:2003 EN 60947-5-7:2003
IEC 60947-5-8:2006 EN 60947-5-8:2006
IEC 60947-5-9:2006 EN 60947-5-9:2007
IEC 60947-6-1:2005 EN 60947-6-1:2005
IEC 60947-6-2:2002 EN 60947-6-2:2003
IEC 60947-7-1:2002 EN 60947-7-1:2002
IEC 60947-7-1:2009 EN 60947-7-1:2009
IEC 60947-7-2:2002 EN 60947-7-2:2002
IEC 60947-7-2:2009 EN 60947-7-2:2009
IEC 60947-7-3:2002 EN 60947-7-3:2002
IEC 60947-7-3:2009 EN 60947-7-3:2009
IEC 60947-8:2003 EN 60947-8:2003
IEC 60948:1988 EN 60948:1990
IEC 60950-1:2005 EN 60950-1:2006
IEC 60950-21:2002 EN 60950-21:2003
IEC 60950-22:2005 EN 60950-22:2006
IEC 60950-23:2005 EN 60950-23:2006
IEC 60952-1:2004 EN 60952-1:2004
IEC 60952-2:2004 EN 60952-2:2004
IEC 60952-3:2004 EN 60952-3:2004
IEC 60953-1:1990 EN 60953-1:1995
IEC 60953-2:1990 EN 60953-2:1995
IEC 60953-3:2001 EN 60953-3:2002
IEC 60958-1:2004 EN 60958-1:2004
IEC 60958-1:2008 EN 60958-1:2008
IEC 60958-3:2006 EN 60958-3:2006
IEC 60958-4:2003 EN 60958-4:2003
IEC 60961:1993 EN 60961:1994
IEC 60963:1988 HD 582 S1:1991
IEC 60964:2009 EN 60964:2010
IEC 60965:2009 EN 60965:2011
IEC 60966-1:1999 EN 60966-1:1999
IEC 60966-2-1:2003 EN 60966-2-1:2003
IEC 60966-2-1:2008 EN 60966-2-1:2009
IEC 60966-2-2:2003 EN 60966-2-2:2003
IEC 60966-2-3:2003 EN 60966-2-3:2003
IEC 60966-2-3:2009 EN 60966-2-3:2009
IEC 60966-2-4:2003 EN 60966-2-4:2003
IEC 60966-2-4:2009 EN 60966-2-4:2009
IEC 60966-2-5:2003 EN 60966-2-5:2003
IEC 60966-2-5:2009 EN 60966-2-5:2009
IEC 60966-2-6:2003 EN 60966-2-6:2003
IEC 60966-2-6:2009 EN 60966-2-6:2009
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 60966-3:2003 EN 60966-3:2003
IEC 60966-3:2008 EN 60966-3:2009
IEC 60966-3-1:2003 EN 60966-3-1:2003
IEC 60966-3-1:2009 EN 60966-3-1:2009
IEC 60966-3-2:2003 EN 60966-3-2:2003
IEC 60966-4:2003 EN 60966-4:2003
IEC 60966-4-1:2003 EN 60966-4-1:2003
IEC 60968:1988 EN 60968:1990
IEC 60969:1988 EN 60969:1993
IEC 60970:2007 EN 60970:2007
IEC 60974-1:2005 EN 60974-1:2005
IEC 60974-2:2007 EN 60974-2:2008
IEC 60974-3:2007 EN 60974-3:2007
IEC 60974-4:2006 EN 60974-4:2007
IEC 60974-4:2010 EN 60974-4:2011
IEC 60974-5:2007 EN 60974-5:2008
IEC 60974-6:2003 EN 60974-6:2003
IEC 60974-6:2010 EN 60974-6:2011
IEC 60974-7:2005 EN 60974-7:2005
IEC 60974-8:2004 EN 60974-8:2004
IEC 60974-8:2009 EN 60974-8:2009
IEC 60974-9:2010 EN 60974-9:2010
IEC 60974-10:2007 EN 60974-10:2007
IEC 60974-11:2004 EN 60974-11:2004
IEC 60974-11:2010 EN 60974-11:2010
IEC 60974-12:2005 EN 60974-12:2005
IEC 60974-12:2011 EN 60974-12:2011
IEC 60974-13:2011 EN 60974-13:2011
IEC 60976:2007 EN 60976:2007
IEC 60983:1995 EN 60983:1996
IEC 60984:1990 EN 60984:1992
IEC 60987:2007 EN 60987:2009
IEC 60990:1999 EN 60990:1999
IEC 60993:1989 EN 60993:2002
IEC 60994:1991 EN 60994:1992
IEC 60998-1:2002 EN 60998-1:2004
IEC 60998-2-1:2002 EN 60998-2-1:2004
IEC 60998-2-2:2002 EN 60998-2-2:2004
IEC 60998-2-3:2002 EN 60998-2-3:2004
IEC 60998-2-4:2004 EN 60998-2-4:2005
IEC 60999-1:1999 EN 60999-1:2000
IEC 60999-2:2003 EN 60999-2:2003
IEC 61000-2-2:2002 EN 61000-2-2:2002
IEC 61000-2-4:2002 EN 61000-2-4:2002
IEC 61000-2-9:1996 EN 61000-2-9:1996
IEC 61000-2-10:1998 EN 61000-2-10:1999
IEC 61000-2-12:2003 EN 61000-2-12:2003
IEC 61000-3-2:2005 EN 61000-3-2:2006
IEC 61000-3-3:2008 EN 61000-3-3:2008
IEC 61000-3-11:2000 EN 61000-3-11:2000
IEC 61000-3-12:2004 EN 61000-3-12:2005
IEC 61000-4-1:2006 EN 61000-4-1:2007
IEC 61000-4-2:1995 EN 61000-4-2:1995
IEC 61000-4-2:2008 EN 61000-4-2:2009
IEC 61000-4-3:2006 EN 61000-4-3:2006
IEC 61000-4-4:2004 EN 61000-4-4:2004
IEC 61000-4-5:2005 EN 61000-4-5:2006
IEC 61000-4-6:2003 EN 61000-4-6:2007
IEC 61000-4-6:2008 EN 61000-4-6:2009
IEC 61000-4-7:2002 EN 61000-4-7:2002
IEC 61000-4-8:1993 EN 61000-4-8:1993
IEC 61000-4-8:2009 EN 61000-4-8:2010
IEC 61000-4-9:1993 EN 61000-4-9:1993
IEC 61000-4-10:1993 EN 61000-4-10:1993
IEC 61000-4-11:2004 EN 61000-4-11:2004
IEC 61000-4-12:2006 EN 61000-4-12:2006
IEC 61000-4-13:2002 EN 61000-4-13:2002
IEC 61000-4-14:1999 EN 61000-4-14:1999
IEC 61000-4-15:1997 EN 61000-4-15:1998
IEC 61000-4-15:2010 EN 61000-4-15:2011
IEC 61000-4-16:1998 EN 61000-4-16:1998
IEC 61000-4-17:1999 EN 61000-4-17:1999
IEC 61000-4-18:2006 EN 61000-4-18:2007
IEC 61000-4-20:2003 EN 61000-4-20:2003
IEC 61000-4-20:2010 EN 61000-4-20:2010
IEC 61000-4-21:2003 EN 61000-4-21:2003
IEC 61000-4-21:2011 EN 61000-4-21:2011
IEC 61000-4-22:2010 EN 61000-4-22:2011
IEC 61000-4-23:2000 EN 61000-4-23:2000
IEC 61000-4-24:1997 EN 61000-4-24:1997
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61000-4-25:2001 EN 61000-4-25:2002
IEC 61000-4-27:2000 EN 61000-4-27:2000
IEC 61000-4-28:1999 EN 61000-4-28:2000
IEC 61000-4-29:2000 EN 61000-4-29:2000
IEC 61000-4-30:2003 EN 61000-4-30:2003
IEC 61000-4-30:2008 EN 61000-4-30:2009
IEC 61000-4-34:2005 EN 61000-4-34:2007
IEC 61000-5-5:1996 EN 61000-5-5:1996
IEC 61000-5-7:2001 EN 61000-5-7:2001
IEC 61000-6-1:2005 EN 61000-6-1:2007
IEC 61000-6-2:2005 EN 61000-6-2:2005
IEC 61000-6-3:2006 EN 61000-6-3:2007
IEC 61000-6-4:2006 EN 61000-6-4:2007
IEC 61003-1:2004 EN 61003-1:2004
IEC 61003-2:2009 EN 61003-2:2009
IEC 61005:2003 EN 61005:2004
IEC 61006:2004 EN 61006:2004
IEC 61007:1994 EN 61007:1997
IEC 61008-1:1996 EN 61008-1:2004
IEC 61008-2-1:1990 EN 61008-2-1:1994
IEC 61009-1:1996 EN 61009-1:2004
IEC 61009-2-1:1991 EN 61009-2-1:1994
IEC 61010-1:2001 EN 61010-1:2001
IEC 61010-1:2010 EN 61010-1:2010
IEC 61010-2-010:2003 EN 61010-2-010:2003
IEC 61010-2-020:2006 EN 61010-2-020:2006
IEC 61010-2-030:2010 EN 61010-2-030:2010
IEC 61010-2-032:2002 EN 61010-2-032:2002
IEC 61010-2-040:2005 EN 61010-2-040:2005
IEC 61010-2-051:2003 EN 61010-2-051:2003
IEC 61010-2-061:2003 EN 61010-2-061:2003
IEC 61010-2-081:2001 EN 61010-2-081:2002
IEC 61010-2-101:2002 EN 61010-2-101:2002
IEC 61010-031:2002 EN 61010-031:2002
IEC 61012:1990 EN 61012:1998
IEC 61014:2003 EN 61014:2003
IEC 61016:1989 EN 61016:2001
IEC 61019-1:2004 EN 61019-1:2005
IEC 61019-2:2005 EN 61019-2:2005
IEC 61020-1:2009 EN 61020-1:2009
IEC 61021-1:1990 EN 61021-1:1997
IEC 61021-2:1995 EN 61021-2:1997
IEC 61023:2007 EN 61023:2007
IEC 61025:2006 EN 61025:2007
IEC 61028:1991 EN 61028:1993
IEC 61029-1:1990 EN 61029-1:2000
IEC 61029-1:1990 EN 61029-1:2009
IEC 61029-2-1:1993 EN 61029-2-1:2010
IEC 61029-2-3:1993 EN 61029-2-3:2011
IEC 61029-2-4:1993 EN 61029-2-4:2011
IEC 61029-2-4:1993 EN 61029-2-4:2003
IEC 61029-2-5:1993 EN 61029-2-5:2002
IEC 61029-2-6:1993 EN 61029-2-6:2010
IEC 61029-2-8:1995 EN 61029-2-8:2010
IEC 61029-2-9:1995 EN 61029-2-9:2002
IEC 61029-2-9:1995 EN 61029-2-9:2009
IEC 61029-2-10:1998 EN 61029-2-10:2010
IEC 61029-2-11:2001 EN 61029-2-11:2003
IEC 61029-2-11:2001 EN 61029-2-11:2009
IEC 61029-2-12:2010 EN 61029-2-12:2011
IEC 61030:1991 EN 61030:1993
IEC 61032:1997 EN 61032:1998
IEC 61033:1991 EN 61033:2006
IEC 61034-1:2005 EN 61034-1:2005
IEC 61034-2:2005 EN 61034-2:2005
IEC 61039:1990 HD 618 S1:1992
IEC 61039:2008 EN 61039:2008
IEC 61040:1990 EN 61040:1992
IEC 61041-1:1990 EN 61041-1:1995
IEC 61041-2:1994 EN 61041-2:1996
IEC 61041-3:1993 EN 61041-3:1995
IEC 61041-4:1997 EN 61041-4:1997
IEC 61041-5:1997 EN 61041-5:1997
IEC 61043:1993 EN 61043:1994
IEC 61044:1990 EN 61044:1992
IEC 61047:2004 EN 61047:2004
IEC 61048:2006 EN 61048:2006
IEC 61049:1991 EN 61049:1993
IEC 61050:1991 EN 61050:1992
IEC 61051-1:2007 EN 61051-1:2008
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IEC 61056-1:2002 EN 61056-1:2003
IEC 61056-2:2002 EN 61056-2:2003
IEC 61057:1991 EN 61057:1993
IEC 61058-1:2000 EN 61058-1:2002
IEC 61058-2-1:1992 EN 61058-2-1:1993
IEC 61058-2-1:2010 EN 61058-2-1:2011
IEC 61058-2-4:1995 EN 61058-2-4:2005
IEC 61058-2-5:1994 EN 61058-2-5:1994
IEC 61058-2-5:2010 EN 61058-2-5:2011
IEC 61061-1:2006 EN 61061-1:2006
IEC 61061-2:1992 EN 61061-2:2001
IEC 61061-3-1:1998 EN 61061-3-1:1998
IEC 61061-3-2:2001 EN 61061-3-2:2001
IEC 61063:1991 EN 61063:1996
IEC 61064:1991 EN 61064:1993
IEC 61065:1991 EN 61065:1993
IEC 61067-1:1991 EN 61067-1:1997
IEC 61067-2:1992 EN 61067-2:1997
IEC 61067-3-1:1995 EN 61067-3-1:1995
IEC 61068-1:1991 EN 61068-1:1997
IEC 61068-2:1991 EN 61068-2:1997
IEC 61068-3-1:1995 EN 61068-3-1:1995
IEC 61069-1:1991 EN 61069-1:1993
IEC 61069-2:1993 EN 61069-2:1994
IEC 61069-3:1996 EN 61069-3:1996
IEC 61069-4:1997 EN 61069-4:1997
IEC 61069-5:1994 EN 61069-5:1995
IEC 61069-6:1998 EN 61069-6:1998
IEC 61069-7:1999 EN 61069-7:1999
IEC 61069-8:1999 EN 61069-8:1999
IEC 61071:2007 EN 61071:2007
IEC 61073-1:2009 EN 61073-1:2009
IEC 61075:1991 EN 61075:1993
IEC 61076-1:2006 EN 61076-1:2006
IEC 61076-2:1998 EN 61076-2:1999
IEC 61076-2:2011 EN 61076-2:2011
IEC 61076-2-001:2001 EN 61076-2-001:2001
IEC 61076-2-001:2011 EN 61076-2-001:2011
IEC 61076-2-101:2008 EN 61076-2-101:2008
IEC 61076-2-102:2002 EN 61076-2-102:2002
IEC 61076-2-103:2004 EN 61076-2-103:2004
IEC 61076-2-104:2008 EN 61076-2-104:2008
IEC 61076-2-105:2008 EN 61076-2-105:2008
IEC 61076-2-106:2011 EN 61076-2-106:2011
IEC 61076-2-107:2010 EN 61076-2-107:2010
IEC 61076-3:1999 EN 61076-3:2000
IEC 61076-3:2008 EN 61076-3:2008
IEC 61076-3-001:1999 EN 61076-3-001:2000
IEC 61076-3-001:2008 EN 61076-3-001:2008
IEC 61076-3-100:1999 EN 61076-3-100:2000
IEC 61076-3-101:1997 EN 61076-3-101:1997
IEC 61076-3-103:2003 EN 61076-3-103:2004
IEC 61076-3-104:2006 EN 61076-3-104:2006
IEC 61076-3-106:2006 EN 61076-3-106:2006
IEC 61076-3-110:2007 EN 61076-3-110:2008
IEC 61076-3-112:2006 EN 61076-3-112:2006
IEC 61076-3-114:2009 EN 61076-3-114:2009
IEC 61076-3-115:2009 EN 61076-3-115:2010
IEC 61076-3-116:2008 EN 61076-3-116:2008
IEC 61076-3-117:2009 EN 61076-3-117:2009
IEC 61076-3-118:2010 EN 61076-3-118:2010
IEC 61076-4:1995 EN 61076-4:1996
IEC 61076-4-001:1996 EN 61076-4-001:1996
IEC 61076-4-100:2001 EN 61076-4-100:2001
IEC 61076-4-101:2001 EN 61076-4-101:2001
IEC 61076-4-102:1997 EN 61076-4-102:1997
IEC 61076-4-103:1999 EN 61076-4-103:1999
IEC 61076-4-104:1999 EN 61076-4-104:1999
IEC 61076-4-105:1995 EN 61076-4-105:1998
IEC 61076-4-107:2001 EN 61076-4-107:2001
IEC 61076-4-108:2002 EN 61076-4-108:2002
IEC 61076-4-110:2001 EN 61076-4-110:2002
IEC 61076-4-111:2002 EN 61076-4-111:2002
IEC 61076-4-113:2002 EN 61076-4-113:2003
IEC 61076-4-114:2003 EN 61076-4-114:2003
IEC 61076-4-115:2003 EN 61076-4-115:2003
IEC 61076-7:2000 EN 61076-7:2000
IEC 61076-7-001:2004 EN 61076-7-001:2004
IEC 61076-7-100:2006 EN 61076-7-100:2006
IEC 61077:1991 EN 61077:1991
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61078:2006 EN 61078:2006
IEC 61079-1:1992 EN 61079-1:1993
IEC 61079-2:1992 EN 61079-2:1993
IEC 61079-3:1993 EN 61079-3:1993
IEC 61079-5:1993 EN 61079-5:1993
IEC 61082-1:2006 EN 61082-1:2006
IEC 61083-1:2001 EN 61083-1:2001
IEC 61083-2:1996 EN 61083-2:1997
IEC 61086-1:2004 EN 61086-1:2004
IEC 61086-2:2004 EN 61086-2:2004
IEC 61086-3-1:2004 EN 61086-3-1:2004
IEC 61094-1:2000 EN 61094-1:2000
IEC 61094-2:1992 EN 61094-2:1993
IEC 61094-2:2009 EN 61094-2:2009
IEC 61094-3:1995 EN 61094-3:1995
IEC 61094-4:1995 EN 61094-4:1995
IEC 61094-5:2001 EN 61094-5:2001
IEC 61094-6:2004 EN 61094-6:2005
IEC 61095:1992 EN 61095:1993
IEC 61095:2009 EN 61095:2009
IEC 61096:1992 EN 61096:1993
IEC 61097-1:2007 EN 61097-1:2007
IEC 61097-14:2010 EN 61097-14:2010
IEC 61098:2003 EN 61098:2007
IEC 61099:1992 EN 61099:1992
IEC 61099:2010 EN 61099:2010
IEC 61100:1992 EN 61100:1992
IEC 61104:1992 EN 61104:1992
IEC 61105:1991 EN 61105:1993
IEC 61106:1993 EN 61106:1993
IEC 61108-1:2003 EN 61108-1:2003
IEC 61108-2:1998 EN 61108-2:1998
IEC 61108-3:2010 EN 61108-3:2010
IEC 61108-4:2004 EN 61108-4:2004
IEC 61109:2008 EN 61109:2008
IEC 61110:1992 EN 61110:1992
IEC 61111:2009 EN 61111:2009
IEC 61112:2009 EN 61112:2009
IEC 61114-1:1999 EN 61114-1:1999
IEC 61114-2:1996 EN 61114-2:1996
IEC 61115:1992 EN 61115:1993
IEC 61116:1992 EN 61116:1994
IEC 61118:1993 EN 61118:1993
IEC 61119-1:1992 EN 61119-1:1994
IEC 61119-2:1991 EN 61119-2:1994
IEC 61119-3:1992 EN 61119-3:1994
IEC 61119-5:1993 EN 61119-5:1995
IEC 61119-6:1992 EN 61119-6:1994
IEC 61120-1:1991 EN 61120-1:1993
IEC 61120-2:1991 EN 61120-2:1993
IEC 61120-3:1991 EN 61120-3:1993
IEC 61120-4:1992 EN 61120-4:1992
IEC 61120-5:1995 EN 61120-5:1995
IEC 61121:2002 EN 61121:2005
IEC 61122:1992 EN 61122:1993
IEC 61124:2006 EN 61124:2006
IEC 61125:1992 EN 61125:1993
IEC 61131-1:2003 EN 61131-1:2003
IEC 61131-2:2007 EN 61131-2:2007
IEC 61131-3:2003 EN 61131-3:2003
IEC 61131-5:2000 EN 61131-5:2001
IEC 61131-7:2000 EN 61131-7:2000
IEC 61138:2007 EN 61138:2007
IEC 61140:2001 EN 61140:2002
IEC 61143-1:1992 EN 61143-1:1994
IEC 61143-2:1992 EN 61143-2:1994
IEC 61144:1992 EN 61144:1993
IEC 61146-1:1994 EN 61146-1:1996
IEC 61146-2:1997 EN 61146-2:1997
IEC 61146-3:1997 EN 61146-3:1997
IEC 61146-4:1998 EN 61146-4:1998
IEC 61152:1992 EN 61152:1994
IEC 61157:2007 EN 61157:2007
IEC 61158-2:2007 EN 61158-2:2008
IEC 61158-2:2010 EN 61158-2:2010
IEC 61158-3-1:2007 EN 61158-3-1:2008
IEC 61158-3-2:2007 EN 61158-3-2:2008
IEC 61158-3-3:2007 EN 61158-3-3:2008
IEC 61158-3-4:2007 EN 61158-3-4:2008
IEC 61158-3-7:2007 EN 61158-3-7:2008
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61158-3-8:2007 EN 61158-3-8:2008
IEC 61158-3-11:2007 EN 61158-3-11:2008
IEC 61158-3-12:2007 EN 61158-3-12:2008
IEC 61158-3-13:2007 EN 61158-3-13:2008
IEC 61158-3-14:2007 EN 61158-3-14:2008
IEC 61158-3-16:2007 EN 61158-3-16:2008
IEC 61158-3-17:2007 EN 61158-3-17:2008
IEC 61158-3-18:2007 EN 61158-3-18:2008
IEC 61158-3-19:2007 EN 61158-3-19:2008
IEC 61158-4-1:2007 EN 61158-4-1:2008
IEC 61158-4-2:2007 EN 61158-4-2:2008
IEC 61158-4-3:2007 EN 61158-4-3:2008
IEC 61158-4-4:2007 EN 61158-4-4:2008
IEC 61158-4-7:2007 EN 61158-4-7:2008
IEC 61158-4-8:2007 EN 61158-4-8:2008
IEC 61158-4-11:2007 EN 61158-4-11:2008
IEC 61158-4-12:2007 EN 61158-4-12:2008
IEC 61158-4-13:2007 EN 61158-4-13:2008
IEC 61158-4-14:2007 EN 61158-4-14:2008
IEC 61158-4-16:2007 EN 61158-4-16:2008
IEC 61158-4-17:2007 EN 61158-4-17:2008
IEC 61158-4-18:2007 EN 61158-4-18:2008
IEC 61158-4-19:2007 EN 61158-4-19:2008
IEC 61158-5-2:2007 EN 61158-5-2:2008
IEC 61158-5-3:2007 EN 61158-5-3:2008
IEC 61158-5-4:2007 EN 61158-5-4:2008
IEC 61158-5-5:2007 EN 61158-5-5:2008
IEC 61158-5-7:2007 EN 61158-5-7:2008
IEC 61158-5-8:2007 EN 61158-5-8:2008
IEC 61158-5-9:2007 EN 61158-5-9:2008
IEC 61158-5-10:2007 EN 61158-5-10:2008
IEC 61158-5-11:2007 EN 61158-5-11:2008
IEC 61158-5-12:2007 EN 61158-5-12:2008
IEC 61158-5-13:2007 EN 61158-5-13:2008
IEC 61158-5-14:2007 EN 61158-5-14:2008
IEC 61158-5-15:2007 EN 61158-5-15:2008
IEC 61158-5-16:2007 EN 61158-5-16:2008
IEC 61158-5-17:2007 EN 61158-5-17:2008
IEC 61158-5-18:2007 EN 61158-5-18:2008
IEC 61158-5-19:2007 EN 61158-5-19:2008
IEC 61158-5-20:2007 EN 61158-5-20:2008
IEC 61158-6-2:2007 EN 61158-6-2:2008
IEC 61158-6-3:2007 EN 61158-6-3:2008
IEC 61158-6-4:2007 EN 61158-6-4:2008
IEC 61158-6-5:2007 EN 61158-6-5:2008
IEC 61158-6-7:2007 EN 61158-6-7:2008
IEC 61158-6-8:2007 EN 61158-6-8:2008
IEC 61158-6-9:2007 EN 61158-6-9:2008
IEC 61158-6-10:2007 EN 61158-6-10:2008
IEC 61158-6-11:2007 EN 61158-6-11:2008
IEC 61158-6-12:2007 EN 61158-6-12:2008
IEC 61158-6-13:2007 EN 61158-6-13:2008
IEC 61158-6-14:2007 EN 61158-6-14:2008
IEC 61158-6-15:2007 EN 61158-6-15:2008
IEC 61158-6-16:2007 EN 61158-6-16:2008
IEC 61158-6-17:2007 EN 61158-6-17:2008
IEC 61158-6-18:2007 EN 61158-6-18:2008
IEC 61158-6-19:2007 EN 61158-6-19:2008
IEC 61158-6-20:2007 EN 61158-6-20:2008
IEC 61160:2005 EN 61160:2005
IEC 61161:2006 EN 61161:2007
IEC 61162-1:2007 EN 61162-1:2008
IEC 61162-1:2010 EN 61162-1:2011
IEC 61162-2:1998 EN 61162-2:1998
IEC 61162-3:2008 EN 61162-3:2008
IEC 61162-400:2001 EN 61162-400:2002
IEC 61162-401:2001 EN 61162-401:2002
IEC 61162-402:2005 EN 61162-402:2005
IEC 61162-410:2001 EN 61162-410:2002
IEC 61162-420:2001 EN 61162-420:2002
IEC 61162-450:2011 EN 61162-450:2011
IEC 61163-1:2006 EN 61163-1:2006
IEC 61164:2004 EN 61164:2004
IEC 61165:2006 EN 61165:2006
IEC 61166:1993 EN 61166:1993
IEC 61167:1992 EN 61167:1994
IEC 61167:2011 EN 61167:2011
IEC 61168:1993 EN 61168:1994
IEC 61169-1:1992 EN 61169-1:1994
IEC 61169-1-1:1996 EN 61169-1-1:1997
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61169-2:2007 EN 61169-2:2007
IEC 61169-8:2007 EN 61169-8:2007
IEC 61169-14:2010 EN 61169-14:2010
IEC 61169-16:2006 EN 61169-16:2007
IEC 61169-18:2011 EN 61169-18:2011
IEC 61169-19:2011 EN 61169-19:2011
IEC 61169-24:2001 EN 61169-24:2001
IEC 61169-24:2009 EN 61169-24:2009
IEC 61169-29:2005 EN 61169-29:2005
IEC 61169-31:1999 EN 61169-31:1999
IEC 61169-32:1999 EN 61169-32:1999
IEC 61169-33:1996 EN 61169-33:1997
IEC 61169-35:2011 EN 61169-35:2011
IEC 61169-36:1996 EN 61169-36:1997
IEC 61169-37:2007 EN 61169-37:2007
IEC 61169-38:2008 EN 61169-38:2009
IEC 61169-39:2009 EN 61169-39:2011
IEC 61169-40:2010 EN 61169-40:2011
IEC 61169-41:2011 EN 61169-41:2011
IEC 61174:2001 EN 61174:2001
IEC 61174:2008 EN 61174:2008
IEC 61175:2005 EN 61175:2005
IEC 61176:1993 EN 61176:1993
IEC 61179:1993 EN 61179:1993
IEC 61180-1:1992 EN 61180-1:1994
IEC 61180-2:1994 EN 61180-2:1994
IEC 61181:2007 EN 61181:2007
IEC 61183:1994 EN 61183:1994
IEC 61184:2008 EN 61184:2008
IEC 61185:2005 EN 61185:2005
IEC 61187:1993 EN 61187:1994
IEC 61188-1-1:1997 EN 61188-1-1:1997
IEC 61188-1-2:1998 EN 61188-1-2:1998
IEC 61188-5-1:2002 EN 61188-5-1:2002
IEC 61188-5-2:2003 EN 61188-5-2:2003
IEC 61188-5-3:2007 EN 61188-5-3:2007
IEC 61188-5-4:2007 EN 61188-5-4:2007
IEC 61188-5-5:2007 EN 61188-5-5:2007
IEC 61188-5-6:2003 EN 61188-5-6:2003
IEC 61188-5-8:2007 EN 61188-5-8:2008
IEC 61188-7:2009 EN 61188-7:2009
IEC 61189-1:1997 EN 61189-1:1997
IEC 61189-2:2006 EN 61189-2:2006
IEC 61189-3:2007 EN 61189-3:2008
IEC 61189-5:2006 EN 61189-5:2006
IEC 61189-6:2006 EN 61189-6:2006
IEC 61190-1-1:2002 EN 61190-1-1:2002
IEC 61190-1-2:2007 EN 61190-1-2:2007
IEC 61190-1-3:2007 EN 61190-1-3:2007
IEC 61191-1:1998 EN 61191-1:1998
IEC 61191-2:1998 EN 61191-2:1998
IEC 61191-3:1998 EN 61191-3:1998
IEC 61191-4:1998 EN 61191-4:1998
IEC 61191-6:2010 EN 61191-6:2010
IEC 61192-1:2003 EN 61192-1:2003
IEC 61192-2:2003 EN 61192-2:2003
IEC 61192-3:2002 EN 61192-3:2003
IEC 61192-4:2002 EN 61192-4:2003
IEC 61192-5:2007 EN 61192-5:2007
IEC 61193-1:2001 EN 61193-1:2002
IEC 61193-2:2007 EN 61193-2:2007
IEC 61194:1992 EN 61194:1995
IEC 61195:1999 EN 61195:1999
IEC 61196-2:1995 EN 61196-2:2003
IEC 61196-3:1998 EN 61196-3:1998
IEC 61196-3-2:1997 EN 61196-3-2:1997
IEC 61196-3-3:1997 EN 61196-3-3:1997
IEC 61196-4:2004 EN 61196-4:2004
IEC 61197:1993 EN 61197:1994
IEC 61198:1993 EN 61198:1994
IEC 61199:1999 EN 61199:1999
IEC 61202-1:2009 EN 61202-1:2009
IEC 61203:1992 EN 61203:1994
IEC 61204:1993 EN 61204:1995
IEC 61204-3:2000 EN 61204-3:2000
IEC 61204-6:2000 EN 61204-6:2001
IEC 61204-7:2006 EN 61204-7:2006
IEC 61205:1993 EN 61205:1994
IEC 61206:1993 EN 61206:1995
IEC 61207-1:1994 EN 61207-1:1994
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61207-1:2010 EN 61207-1:2010
IEC 61207-2:1994 EN 61207-2:1994
IEC 61207-3:2002 EN 61207-3:2002
IEC 61207-6:1994 EN 61207-6:1994
IEC 61209:1999 EN 61209:1999
IEC 61210:1993 EN 61210:1995
IEC 61210:2010 EN 61210:2010
IEC 61211:2004 EN 61211:2005
IEC 61212-1:2006 EN 61212-1:2006
IEC 61212-2:2006 EN 61212-2:2006
IEC 61212-3-1:2006 EN 61212-3-1:2006
IEC 61212-3-2:2006 EN 61212-3-2:2006
IEC 61212-3-3:2006 EN 61212-3-3:2006
IEC 61213:1993 EN 61213:1994
IEC 61215:2005 EN 61215:2005
IEC 61217:1996 EN 61217:1996
IEC 61219:1993 EN 61219:1993
IEC 61221:2004 EN 61221:2004
IEC 61223-2-4:1994 EN 61223-2-4:1994
IEC 61223-2-5:1994 EN 61223-2-5:1994
IEC 61223-2-6:2006 EN 61223-2-6:2007
IEC 61223-3-2:2007 EN 61223-3-2:2008
IEC 61223-3-3:1996 EN 61223-3-3:1996
IEC 61223-3-4:2000 EN 61223-3-4:2000
IEC 61223-3-5:2004 EN 61223-3-5:2004
IEC 61226:2009 EN 61226:2010
IEC 61228:2008 EN 61228:2008
IEC 61229:1993 EN 61229:1995
IEC 61230:1993 EN 61230:1995
IEC 61230:2008 EN 61230:2008
IEC 61231:2010 EN 61231:2010
IEC 61232:1993 EN 61232:1995
IEC 61234-1:1994 EN 61234-1:1994
IEC 61234-2:1997 EN 61234-2:1998
IEC 61235:1993 EN 61235:1995
IEC 61236:1993 EN 61236:1995
IEC 61236:2010 EN 61236:2011
IEC 61237-1:1994 EN 61237-1:1994
IEC 61237-2:1995 EN 61237-2:1995
IEC 61237-3:1995 EN 61237-3:1995
IEC 61237-4:1997 EN 61237-4:1997
IEC 61238-1:2003 EN 61238-1:2003
IEC 61240:1994 EN 61240:1997
IEC 61241-0:2004 EN 61241-0:2006
IEC 61241-1:2004 EN 61241-1:2004
IEC 61241-2-2:1993 EN 61241-2-2:1995
IEC 61241-4:2001 EN 61241-4:2006
IEC 61241-10:2004 EN 61241-10:2004
IEC 61241-11:2005 EN 61241-11:2006
IEC 61241-18:2004 EN 61241-18:2004
IEC 61242:1995 EN 61242:1997
IEC 61243-1:2003 EN 61243-1:2005
IEC 61243-2:1995 EN 61243-2:1997
IEC 61243-3:1998 EN 61243-3:1998
IEC 61243-3:2009 EN 61243-3:2010
IEC 61243-5:1997 EN 61243-5:2001
IEC 61247:1995 EN 61247:1997
IEC 61248-1:1996 EN 61248-1:1997
IEC 61248-2:1996 EN 61248-2:1997
IEC 61248-3:1996 EN 61248-3:1997
IEC 61248-4:1996 EN 61248-4:1997
IEC 61248-5:1996 EN 61248-5:1997
IEC 61248-6:1996 EN 61248-6:1997
IEC 61248-7:1997 EN 61248-7:1997
IEC 61249-2-1:2005 EN 61249-2-1:2005
IEC 61249-2-2:2005 EN 61249-2-2:2005
IEC 61249-2-4:2001 EN 61249-2-4:2002
IEC 61249-2-5:2003 EN 61249-2-5:2003
IEC 61249-2-6:2003 EN 61249-2-6:2003
IEC 61249-2-7:2002 EN 61249-2-7:2002
IEC 61249-2-8:2003 EN 61249-2-8:2003
IEC 61249-2-9:2003 EN 61249-2-9:2003
IEC 61249-2-10:2003 EN 61249-2-10:2003
IEC 61249-2-11:2003 EN 61249-2-11:2003
IEC 61249-2-12:1999 EN 61249-2-12:1999
IEC 61249-2-13:1999 EN 61249-2-13:1999
IEC 61249-2-18:2002 EN 61249-2-18:2002
IEC 61249-2-19:2001 EN 61249-2-19:2002
IEC 61249-2-21:2003 EN 61249-2-21:2003
IEC 61249-2-22:2005 EN 61249-2-22:2005
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61249-2-26:2005 EN 61249-2-26:2005
IEC 61249-2-35:2008 EN 61249-2-35:2009
IEC 61249-2-36:2008 EN 61249-2-36:2009
IEC 61249-2-37:2008 EN 61249-2-37:2009
IEC 61249-2-38:2008 EN 61249-2-38:2009
IEC 61249-2-41:2010 EN 61249-2-41:2010
IEC 61249-2-42:2010 EN 61249-2-42:2010
IEC 61249-3-3:1999 EN 61249-3-3:1999
IEC 61249-3-4:1999 EN 61249-3-4:1999
IEC 61249-3-5:1999 EN 61249-3-5:1999
IEC 61249-4-1:2008 EN 61249-4-1:2008
IEC 61249-4-2:2005 EN 61249-4-2:2005
IEC 61249-4-5:2005 EN 61249-4-5:2005
IEC 61249-4-11:2005 EN 61249-4-11:2005
IEC 61249-4-12:2005 EN 61249-4-12:2005
IEC 61249-4-14:2009 EN 61249-4-14:2009
IEC 61249-4-15:2009 EN 61249-4-15:2009
IEC 61249-4-16:2009 EN 61249-4-16:2009
IEC 61249-4-17:2009 EN 61249-4-17:2009
IEC 61249-5-1:1995 EN 61249-5-1:1996
IEC 61249-5-4:1996 EN 61249-5-4:1996
IEC 61249-7-1:1995 EN 61249-7-1:1995
IEC 61249-8-7:1996 EN 61249-8-7:1996
IEC 61249-8-8:1997 EN 61249-8-8:1997
IEC 61252:1993 EN 61252:1995
IEC 61254:1993 EN 61254:1994
IEC 61255:1994 EN 61255:1994
IEC 61260:1995 EN 61260:1995
IEC 61262-1:1994 EN 61262-1:1994
IEC 61262-2:1994 EN 61262-2:1994
IEC 61262-3:1994 EN 61262-3:1994
IEC 61262-4:1994 EN 61262-4:1994
IEC 61262-5:1994 EN 61262-5:1994
IEC 61262-6:1994 EN 61262-6:1994
IEC 61262-7:1995 EN 61262-7:1995
IEC 61265:1995 EN 61265:1995
IEC 61266:1994 EN 61266:1995
IEC 61267:2005 EN 61267:2006
IEC 61269-1:1994 EN 61269-1:1997
IEC 61269-1-1:1994 EN 61269-1-1:1997
IEC 61270-1:1996 EN 61270-1:1996
IEC 61274-1:2007 EN 61274-1:2008
IEC 61274-1-1:2006 EN 61274-1-1:2006
IEC 61280-1-1:1998 EN 61280-1-1:1998
IEC 61280-1-3:1998 EN 61280-1-3:1999
IEC 61280-1-3:2010 EN 61280-1-3:2010
IEC 61280-1-4:2003 EN 61280-1-4:2003
IEC 61280-1-4:2009 EN 61280-1-4:2010
IEC 61280-2-1:1999 EN 61280-2-1:1999
IEC 61280-2-1:2010 EN 61280-2-1:2010
IEC 61280-2-2:2008 EN 61280-2-2:2008
IEC 61280-2-3:2009 EN 61280-2-3:2009
IEC 61280-2-5:1998 EN 61280-2-5:1998
IEC 61280-2-8:2003 EN 61280-2-8:2003
IEC 61280-2-9:2002 EN 61280-2-9:2002
IEC 61280-2-9:2009 EN 61280-2-9:2009
IEC 61280-2-10:2005 EN 61280-2-10:2005
IEC 61280-2-11:2006 EN 61280-2-11:2006
IEC 61280-4-1:2003 EN 61280-4-1:2004
IEC 61280-4-1:2009 EN 61280-4-1:2009
IEC 61280-4-2:1999 EN 61280-4-2:1999
IEC 61280-4-4:2006 EN 61280-4-4:2006
IEC 61281-1:1999 EN 61281-1:1999
IEC 61284:1997 EN 61284:1997
IEC 61285:2004 EN 61285:2004
IEC 61286:2001 EN 61286:2002
IEC 61287-1:2005 EN 61287-1:2006
IEC 61290-1-1:2006 EN 61290-1-1:2006
IEC 61290-1-2:2005 EN 61290-1-2:2005
IEC 61290-1-3:2005 EN 61290-1-3:2005
IEC 61290-3:2000 EN 61290-3:2000
IEC 61290-3:2008 EN 61290-3:2008
IEC 61290-3-1:2003 EN 61290-3-1:2003
IEC 61290-3-2:2003 EN 61290-3-2:2003
IEC 61290-3-2:2008 EN 61290-3-2:2008
IEC 61290-5-1:2006 EN 61290-5-1:2006
IEC 61290-5-2:2003 EN 61290-5-2:2004
IEC 61290-5-3:2002 EN 61290-5-3:2002
IEC 61290-6-1:1998 EN 61290-6-1:1998
IEC 61290-7-1:2007 EN 61290-7-1:2007
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61290-10-1:2003 EN 61290-10-1:2003
IEC 61290-10-1:2009 EN 61290-10-1:2009
IEC 61290-10-2:2007 EN 61290-10-2:2008
IEC 61290-10-3:2002 EN 61290-10-3:2003
IEC 61290-10-4:2007 EN 61290-10-4:2007
IEC 61290-11-1:2008 EN 61290-11-1:2008
IEC 61290-11-2:2005 EN 61290-11-2:2005
IEC 61291-1:2006 EN 61291-1:2006
IEC 61291-2:2007 EN 61291-2:2007
IEC 61291-4:2008 EN 61291-4:2008
IEC 61291-5-2:2002 EN 61291-5-2:2002
IEC 61291-6-1:2008 EN 61291-6-1:2008
IEC 61293:1994 EN 61293:1994
IEC 61297:1995 EN 61297:1995
IEC 61298-1:1995 EN 61298-1:1995
IEC 61298-1:2008 EN 61298-1:2008
IEC 61298-2:1995 EN 61298-2:1995
IEC 61298-2:2008 EN 61298-2:2008
IEC 61298-3:1998 EN 61298-3:1998
IEC 61298-3:2008 EN 61298-3:2008
IEC 61298-4:1995 EN 61298-4:1995
IEC 61298-4:2008 EN 61298-4:2008
IEC 61300-1:2003 EN 61300-1:2003
IEC 61300-1:2011 EN 61300-1:2011
IEC 61300-2-1:2009 EN 61300-2-1:2009
IEC 61300-2-2:2009 EN 61300-2-2:2009
IEC 61300-2-4:1995 EN 61300-2-4:1997
IEC 61300-2-5:2002 EN 61300-2-5:2002
IEC 61300-2-5:2009 EN 61300-2-5:2011
IEC 61300-2-6:1995 EN 61300-2-6:1997
IEC 61300-2-6:2010 EN 61300-2-6:2011
IEC 61300-2-7:1995 EN 61300-2-7:1997
IEC 61300-2-8:1995 EN 61300-2-8:1997
IEC 61300-2-9:1995 EN 61300-2-9:1997
IEC 61300-2-9:2010 EN 61300-2-9:2010
IEC 61300-2-10:1995 EN 61300-2-10:1997
IEC 61300-2-11:1995 EN 61300-2-11:1997
IEC 61300-2-12:2009 EN 61300-2-12:2009
IEC 61300-2-13:1995 EN 61300-2-13:1997
IEC 61300-2-14:2005 EN 61300-2-14:2006
IEC 61300-2-15:2008 EN 61300-2-15:2008
IEC 61300-2-17:2003 EN 61300-2-17:2003
IEC 61300-2-17:2010 EN 61300-2-17:2011
IEC 61300-2-18:2005 EN 61300-2-18:2005
IEC 61300-2-19:2005 EN 61300-2-19:2005
IEC 61300-2-21:2009 EN 61300-2-21:2010
IEC 61300-2-22:2007 EN 61300-2-22:2007
IEC 61300-2-23:1995 EN 61300-2-23:1997
IEC 61300-2-23:2010 EN 61300-2-23:2011
IEC 61300-2-24:2010 EN 61300-2-24:2010
IEC 61300-2-26:2006 EN 61300-2-26:2007
IEC 61300-2-27:1995 EN 61300-2-27:1997
IEC 61300-2-28:1995 EN 61300-2-28:1997
IEC 61300-2-29:1995 EN 61300-2-29:1997
IEC 61300-2-32:1995 EN 61300-2-32:1997
IEC 61300-2-33:2006 EN 61300-2-33:2007
IEC 61300-2-34:2009 EN 61300-2-34:2009
IEC 61300-2-35:1995 EN 61300-2-35:1997
IEC 61300-2-36:1995 EN 61300-2-36:1997
IEC 61300-2-37:2006 EN 61300-2-37:2007
IEC 61300-2-38:2006 EN 61300-2-38:2006
IEC 61300-2-40:2000 EN 61300-2-40:2000
IEC 61300-2-41:1998 EN 61300-2-41:1998
IEC 61300-2-42:2005 EN 61300-2-42:2005
IEC 61300-2-43:1999 EN 61300-2-43:1999
IEC 61300-2-44:2004 EN 61300-2-44:2005
IEC 61300-2-44:2008 EN 61300-2-44:2008
IEC 61300-2-45:1999 EN 61300-2-45:1999
IEC 61300-2-46:2006 EN 61300-2-46:2006
IEC 61300-2-47:2006 EN 61300-2-47:2007
IEC 61300-2-47:2010 EN 61300-2-47:2010
IEC 61300-2-48:2009 EN 61300-2-48:2009
IEC 61300-2-49:2007 EN 61300-2-49:2007
IEC 61300-2-50:2007 EN 61300-2-50:2007
IEC 61300-2-51:2007 EN 61300-2-51:2007
IEC 61300-3-1:2005 EN 61300-3-1:2005
IEC 61300-3-2:2009 EN 61300-3-2:2009
IEC 61300-3-3:2009 EN 61300-3-3:2009
IEC 61300-3-4:2001 EN 61300-3-4:2001
IEC 61300-3-5:2000 EN 61300-3-5:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 61300-3-6:2008 EN 61300-3-6:2009
IEC 61300-3-7:2000 EN 61300-3-7:2001
IEC 61300-3-8:1995 EN 61300-3-8:1997
IEC 61300-3-9:1997 EN 61300-3-9:1997
IEC 61300-3-10:2006 EN 61300-3-10:2007
IEC 61300-3-11:1995 EN 61300-3-11:1997
IEC 61300-3-13:1995 EN 61300-3-13:1997
IEC 61300-3-14:2006 EN 61300-3-14:2007
IEC 61300-3-15:2006 EN 61300-3-15:2007
IEC 61300-3-16:2003 EN 61300-3-16:2003
IEC 61300-3-17:1999 EN 61300-3-17:1999
IEC 61300-3-18:2005 EN 61300-3-18:2006
IEC 61300-3-19:1997 EN 61300-3-19:1997
IEC 61300-3-20:2001 EN 61300-3-20:2001
IEC 61300-3-21:1998 EN 61300-3-21:1998
IEC 61300-3-22:1997 EN 61300-3-22:1997
IEC 61300-3-22:2010 EN 61300-3-22:2011
IEC 61300-3-23:1998 EN 61300-3-23:1998
IEC 61300-3-24:2006 EN 61300-3-24:2007
IEC 61300-3-25:1997 EN 61300-3-25:1997
IEC 61300-3-26:2002 EN 61300-3-26:2002
IEC 61300-3-27:1997 EN 61300-3-27:1997
IEC 61300-3-28:2002 EN 61300-3-28:2002
IEC 61300-3-29:2005 EN 61300-3-29:2006
IEC 61300-3-30:2003 EN 61300-3-30:2003
IEC 61300-3-31:2003 EN 61300-3-31:2003
IEC 61300-3-32:2006 EN 61300-3-32:2006
IEC 61300-3-33:1999 EN 61300-3-33:1999
IEC 61300-3-34:2009 EN 61300-3-34:2009
IEC 61300-3-35:2009 EN 61300-3-35:2010
IEC 61300-3-36:2000 EN 61300-3-36:2000
IEC 61300-3-37:2005 EN 61300-3-37:2005
IEC 61300-3-39:1997 EN 61300-3-39:1997
IEC 61300-3-40:1998 EN 61300-3-40:1998
IEC 61300-3-42:2007 EN 61300-3-42:2008
IEC 61300-3-43:2009 EN 61300-3-43:2009
IEC 61300-3-45:2011 EN 61300-3-45:2011
IEC 61300-3-46:2011 EN 61300-3-46:2011
IEC 61302:1995 EN 61302:1995
IEC 61303:1994 EN 61303:1995
IEC 61305-1:1995 EN 61305-1:1995
IEC 61305-2:1997 EN 61305-2:1998
IEC 61305-3:1995 EN 61305-3:1995
IEC 61305-5:2003 EN 61305-5:2003
IEC 61307:2006 EN 61307:2006
IEC 61307:2011 EN 61307:2011
IEC 61308:2005 EN 61308:2006
IEC 61309:1995 EN 61309:1995
IEC 61310-1:2007 EN 61310-1:2008
IEC 61310-2:2007 EN 61310-2:2008
IEC 61310-3:2007 EN 61310-3:2008
IEC 61313-1:1995 EN 61313-1:1997
IEC 61314-1:2005 EN 61314-1:2005
IEC 61314-1:2009 EN 61314-1:2009
IEC 61314-1-1:2006 EN 61314-1-1:2006
IEC 61315:2005 EN 61315:2006
IEC 61316:1999 EN 61316:1999
IEC 61318:2007 EN 61318:2008
IEC 61319-1:1995 EN 61319-1:1996
IEC 61325:1995 EN 61325:1995
IEC 61326-1:2005 EN 61326-1:2006
IEC 61326-2-1:2005 EN 61326-2-1:2006
IEC 61326-2-2:2005 EN 61326-2-2:2006
IEC 61326-2-3:2006 EN 61326-2-3:2006
IEC 61326-2-4:2006 EN 61326-2-4:2006
IEC 61326-2-5:2006 EN 61326-2-5:2006
IEC 61326-2-6:2005 EN 61326-2-6:2006
IEC 61326-3-1:2008 EN 61326-3-1:2008
IEC 61326-3-2:2008 EN 61326-3-2:2008
IEC 61327:1995 EN 61327:1995
IEC 61329:1995 EN 61329:1996
IEC 61331-1:1994 EN 61331-1:2002
IEC 61331-2:1994 EN 61331-2:2002
IEC 61331-3:1998 EN 61331-3:1999
IEC 61332:2005 EN 61332:2005
IEC 61333:1996 EN 61333:1998
IEC 61334-3-21:1996 EN 61334-3-21:1996
IEC 61334-3-22:2001 EN 61334-3-22:2001
IEC 61334-4-1:1996 EN 61334-4-1:1996
IEC 61334-4-32:1996 EN 61334-4-32:1996
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61334-4-33:1998 EN 61334-4-33:1998
IEC 61334-4-41:1996 EN 61334-4-41:1996
IEC 61334-4-42:1996 EN 61334-4-42:1996
IEC 61334-4-61:1998 EN 61334-4-61:1998
IEC 61334-4-511:2000 EN 61334-4-511:2000
IEC 61334-4-512:2001 EN 61334-4-512:2002
IEC 61334-5-1:2001 EN 61334-5-1:2001
IEC 61334-6:2000 EN 61334-6:2000
IEC 61337-1:2004 EN 61337-1:2004
IEC 61337-2:2004 EN 61337-2:2004
IEC 61338-1:2004 EN 61338-1:2005
IEC 61338-1-3:1999 EN 61338-1-3:2000
IEC 61338-1-4:2005 EN 61338-1-4:2006
IEC 61338-2:2004 EN 61338-2:2004
IEC 61338-4:2005 EN 61338-4:2005
IEC 61338-4-1:2005 EN 61338-4-1:2005
IEC 61340-2-1:2002 EN 61340-2-1:2002
IEC 61340-2-3:2000 EN 61340-2-3:2000
IEC 61340-3-1:2006 EN 61340-3-1:2007
IEC 61340-3-2:2006 EN 61340-3-2:2007
IEC 61340-4-1:2003 EN 61340-4-1:2004
IEC 61340-4-3:2001 EN 61340-4-3:2001
IEC 61340-4-4:2005 EN 61340-4-4:2005
IEC 61340-4-5:2004 EN 61340-4-5:2004
IEC 61340-5-1:2007 EN 61340-5-1:2007
IEC 61340-5-3:2010 EN 61340-5-3:2010
IEC 61345:1998 EN 61345:1998
IEC 61346-1:1996 EN 61346-1:1996
IEC 61346-2:2000 EN 61346-2:2000
IEC 61347-1:2007 EN 61347-1:2008
IEC 61347-2-1:2000 EN 61347-2-1:2001
IEC 61347-2-2:2000 EN 61347-2-2:2001
IEC 61347-2-3:2000 EN 61347-2-3:2001
IEC 61347-2-3:2011 EN 61347-2-3:2011
IEC 61347-2-4:2000 EN 61347-2-4:2001
IEC 61347-2-5:2000 EN 61347-2-5:2001
IEC 61347-2-6:2000 EN 61347-2-6:2001
IEC 61347-2-7:2006 EN 61347-2-7:2006
IEC 61347-2-8:2000 EN 61347-2-8:2001
IEC 61347-2-9:2000 EN 61347-2-9:2001
IEC 61347-2-10:2000 EN 61347-2-10:2001
IEC 61347-2-11:2001 EN 61347-2-11:2001
IEC 61347-2-12:2005 EN 61347-2-12:2005
IEC 61347-2-13:2006 EN 61347-2-13:2006
IEC 61355-1:2008 EN 61355-1:2008
IEC 61358:1996 EN 61358:1996
IEC 61360-1:2002 EN 61360-1:2002
IEC 61360-1:2009 EN 61360-1:2010
IEC 61360-2:2002 EN 61360-2:2002
IEC 61360-4:2005 EN 61360-4:2005
IEC 61360-5:2004 EN 61360-5:2004
IEC 61362:1998 EN 61362:1998
IEC 61373:1999 EN 61373:1999
IEC 61373:2010 EN 61373:2010
IEC 61377-1:2006 EN 61377-1:2006
IEC 61377-2:2002 EN 61377-2:2002
IEC 61377-3:2002 EN 61377-3:2002
IEC 61378-1:1997 EN 61378-1:1998
IEC 61378-2:2001 EN 61378-2:2001
IEC 61386-1:2008 EN 61386-1:2008
IEC 61386-21:2002 EN 61386-21:2004
IEC 61386-22:2002 EN 61386-22:2004
IEC 61386-23:2002 EN 61386-23:2004
IEC 61386-24:2004 EN 61386-24:2010
IEC 61391-1:2006 EN 61391-1:2006
IEC 61391-2:2010 EN 61391-2:2010
IEC 61395:1998 EN 61395:1998
IEC 61400-1:2005 EN 61400-1:2005
IEC 61400-2:2006 EN 61400-2:2006
IEC 61400-3:2009 EN 61400-3:2009
IEC 61400-11:2002 EN 61400-11:2003
IEC 61400-12-1:2005 EN 61400-12-1:2006
IEC 61400-21:2001 EN 61400-21:2002
IEC 61400-21:2008 EN 61400-21:2008
IEC 61400-22:2010 EN 61400-22:2011
IEC 61400-24:2010 EN 61400-24:2010
IEC 61400-25-1:2006 EN 61400-25-1:2007
IEC 61400-25-2:2006 EN 61400-25-2:2007
IEC 61400-25-3:2006 EN 61400-25-3:2007
IEC 61400-25-4:2008 EN 61400-25-4:2008
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61400-25-5:2006 EN 61400-25-5:2007
IEC 61400-25-6:2010 EN 61400-25-6:2011
IEC 61427:2005 EN 61427:2005
IEC 61429:1995 EN 61429:1996
IEC 61434:1996 EN 61434:1996
IEC 61439-1:2009 EN 61439-1:2009
IEC 61439-2:2009 EN 61439-2:2009
IEC 61439-5:2010 EN 61439-5:2011
IEC 61442:2005 EN 61442:2005
IEC 61462:2007 EN 61462:2007
IEC 61466-1:1997 EN 61466-1:1997
IEC 61466-2:1998 EN 61466-2:1998
IEC 61467:2008 EN 61467:2008
IEC 61472:2004 EN 61472:2004
IEC 61477:2001 EN 61477:2002
IEC 61477:2009 EN 61477:2009
IEC 61478:2001 EN 61478:2001
IEC 61479:2001 EN 61479:2001
IEC 61481:2001 EN 61481:2001
IEC 61482-1:2002 CLC/TS 61482-1:2003
IEC 61482-1-1:2009 EN 61482-1-1:2009
IEC 61482-1-2:2007 EN 61482-1-2:2007
IEC 61496-1:2004 EN 61496-1:2004
IEC 61496-2:2006 CLC/TS 61496-2:2006
IEC 61496-3:2008 CLC/TS 61496-3:2008
IEC 61499-1:2005 EN 61499-1:2005
IEC 61499-2:2005 EN 61499-2:2005
IEC 61499-4:2005 EN 61499-4:2006
IEC 61500:2009 EN 61500:2011
IEC 61508-1:1998 EN 61508-1:2001
IEC 61508-1:2010 EN 61508-1:2010
IEC 61508-2:2000 EN 61508-2:2001
IEC 61508-2:2010 EN 61508-2:2010
IEC 61508-3:1998 EN 61508-3:2001
IEC 61508-3:2010 EN 61508-3:2010
IEC 61508-4:1998 EN 61508-4:2001
IEC 61508-4:2010 EN 61508-4:2010
IEC 61508-5:1998 EN 61508-5:2001
IEC 61508-5:2010 EN 61508-5:2010
IEC 61508-6:2000 EN 61508-6:2001
IEC 61508-6:2010 EN 61508-6:2010
IEC 61508-7:2000 EN 61508-7:2001
IEC 61508-7:2010 EN 61508-7:2010
IEC 61511-1:2003 EN 61511-1:2004
IEC 61511-2:2003 EN 61511-2:2004
IEC 61511-3:2003 EN 61511-3:2004
IEC 61512-1:1997 EN 61512-1:1999
IEC 61512-2:2001 EN 61512-2:2002
IEC 61512-2-5:2003 EN 60512-2-5:2003
IEC 61512-3:2008 EN 61512-3:2008
IEC 61512-4:2009 EN 61512-4:2010
IEC 61514:2000 EN 61514:2002
IEC 61514-2:2004 EN 61514-2:2004
IEC 61515:1995 EN 61515:1996
IEC 61518:2001 EN 61518:2001
IEC 61523-1:2001 EN 61523-1:2002
IEC 61523-2:2002 EN 61523-2:2002
IEC 61526:2005 EN 61526:2007
IEC 61534-1:2003 EN 61534-1:2003
IEC 61534-1:2011 EN 61534-1:2011
IEC 61534-21:2006 EN 61534-21:2006
IEC 61534-22:2009 EN 61534-22:2009
IEC 61535:2009 EN 61535:2009
IEC 61537:2006 EN 61537:2007
IEC 61540:1997 HD 639 S1:2002
IEC 61543:1995 EN 61543:1995
IEC 61547:1995 EN 61547:1995
IEC 61547:2009 EN 61547:2009
IEC 61549:2003 EN 61549:2003
IEC 61557-1:2007 EN 61557-1:2007
IEC 61557-2:2007 EN 61557-2:2007
IEC 61557-3:2007 EN 61557-3:2007
IEC 61557-4:2007 EN 61557-4:2007
IEC 61557-5:2007 EN 61557-5:2007
IEC 61557-6:2007 EN 61557-6:2007
IEC 61557-7:2007 EN 61557-7:2007
IEC 61557-8:2007 EN 61557-8:2007
IEC 61557-9:1999 EN 61557-9:1999
IEC 61557-9:2009 EN 61557-9:2009
IEC 61557-10:2000 EN 61557-10:2001
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61557-11:2009 EN 61557-11:2009
IEC 61557-12:2007 EN 61557-12:2008
IEC 61558-1:1997 EN 61558-1:1997
IEC 61558-1:2005 EN 61558-1:2005
IEC 61558-2-1:2007 EN 61558-2-1:2007
IEC 61558-2-2:2007 EN 61558-2-2:2007
IEC 61558-2-3:1999 EN 61558-2-3:2000
IEC 61558-2-3:2010 EN 61558-2-3:2010
IEC 61558-2-4:1997 EN 61558-2-4:1997
IEC 61558-2-4:2009 EN 61558-2-4:2009
IEC 61558-2-5:1997 EN 61558-2-5:1998
IEC 61558-2-5:2010 EN 61558-2-5:2010
IEC 61558-2-6:1997 EN 61558-2-6:1997
IEC 61558-2-6:2009 EN 61558-2-6:2009
IEC 61558-2-7:2007 EN 61558-2-7:2007
IEC 61558-2-8:1998 EN 61558-2-8:1998
IEC 61558-2-8:2010 EN 61558-2-8:2010
IEC 61558-2-9:2002 EN 61558-2-9:2003
IEC 61558-2-9:2010 EN 61558-2-9:2011
IEC 61558-2-12:2001 EN 61558-2-12:2001
IEC 61558-2-12:2011 EN 61558-2-12:2011
IEC 61558-2-13:1999 EN 61558-2-13:2000
IEC 61558-2-13:2009 EN 61558-2-13:2009
IEC 61558-2-15:1999 EN 61558-2-15:2001
IEC 61558-2-16:2009 EN 61558-2-16:2009
IEC 61558-2-17:1997 EN 61558-2-17:1997
IEC 61558-2-20:2000 EN 61558-2-20:2000
IEC 61558-2-20:2010 EN 61558-2-20:2011
IEC 61558-2-23:2000 EN 61558-2-23:2000
IEC 61558-2-23:2010 EN 61558-2-23:2010
IEC 61566:1997 EN 61566:1997
IEC 61580-1:1996 EN 61580-1:1996
IEC 61580-2:1996 EN 61580-2:1996
IEC 61580-3:1997 EN 61580-3:1997
IEC 61580-4:1997 EN 61580-4:1998
IEC 61580-6:1995 EN 61580-6:1997
IEC 61580-7:1996 EN 61580-7:1996
IEC 61580-8:1996 EN 61580-8:1996
IEC 61580-9:1996 EN 61580-9:1996
IEC 61582:2004 EN 61582:2006
IEC 61587-1:2007 EN 61587-1:2007
IEC 61587-2:2000 EN 61587-2:2001
IEC 61587-3:2006 EN 61587-3:2006
IEC 61591:1997 EN 61591:1997
IEC 61595-1:1997 EN 61595-1:1997
IEC 61595-2:1997 EN 61595-2:1998
IEC 61595-3:1999 EN 61595-3:1999
IEC 61596:1995 EN 61596:1997
IEC 61599:1999 EN 61599:1999
IEC 61603-1:1997 EN 61603-1:1997
IEC 61603-2:1997 EN 61603-2:1997
IEC 61603-3:1997 EN 61603-3:1998
IEC 61603-6:2001 EN 61603-6:2002
IEC 61603-7:2003 EN 61603-7:2003
IEC 61603-8-1:2003 EN 61603-8-1:2004
IEC 61605:2005 EN 61605:2005
IEC 61606-1:2003 EN 61606-1:2004
IEC 61606-1:2009 EN 61606-1:2009
IEC 61606-2:2003 EN 61606-2:2004
IEC 61606-2:2009 EN 61606-2:2009
IEC 61606-3:2008 EN 61606-3:2008
IEC 61606-4:2005 EN 61606-4:2006
IEC 61609:1996 EN 61609:1999
IEC 61610:1995 EN 61610:1996
IEC 61619:1997 EN 61619:1997
IEC 61620:1998 EN 61620:1999
IEC 61621:1997 EN 61621:1997
IEC 61628-1:1997 EN 61628-1:1997
IEC 61628-2:1998 EN 61628-2:1999
IEC 61629-1:1996 EN 61629-1:1996
IEC 61629-2:1996 EN 61629-2:1996
IEC 61631:2001 EN 61631:2001
IEC 61642:1997 EN 61642:1997
IEC 61643-1:1998 EN 61643-11:2002
IEC 61643-12:2008 CLC/TS 61643-12:2009
IEC 61643-21:2000 EN 61643-21:2001
IEC 61643-22:2004 CLC/TS 61643-22:2006
IEC 61643-311:2001 EN 61643-311:2001
IEC 61643-321:2001 EN 61643-321:2002
IEC 61643-331:2003 EN 61643-331:2003
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61643-341:2001 EN 61643-341:2001
IEC 61646:2008 EN 61646:2008
IEC 61649:2008 EN 61649:2008
IEC 61660-1:1997 EN 61660-1:1997
IEC 61660-2:1997 EN 61660-2:1997
IEC 61666:1997 EN 61666:1997
IEC 61666:2010 EN 61666:2010
IEC 61669:2001 EN 61669:2001
IEC 61672-1:2002 EN 61672-1:2003
IEC 61672-2:2003 EN 61672-2:2003
IEC 61672-3:2006 EN 61672-3:2006
IEC 61674:1997 EN 61674:1997
IEC 61675-1:1998 EN 61675-1:1998
IEC 61675-2:1998 EN 61675-2:1998
IEC 61675-3:1998 EN 61675-3:1998
IEC 61676:2002 EN 61676:2002
IEC 61683:1999 EN 61683:2000
IEC 61685:2001 EN 61685:2001
IEC 61689:2007 EN 61689:2007
IEC 61690-1:2000 EN 61690-1:2000
IEC 61690-2:2000 EN 61690-2:2000
IEC 61691-2:2001 EN 61691-2:2001
IEC 61691-3-2:2001 EN 61691-3-2:2001
IEC 61691-3-3:2001 EN 61691-3-3:2001
IEC 61701:1995 EN 61701:1999
IEC 61702:1995 EN 61702:1999
IEC 61703:2001 EN 61703:2002
IEC 61709:1996 EN 61709:1998
IEC 61709:2011 EN 61709:2011
IEC 61724:1998 EN 61724:1998
IEC 61725:1997 EN 61725:1997
IEC 61726:1999 EN 61726:2000
IEC 61727:1995 EN 61727:1995
IEC 61730-1:2004 EN 61730-1:2007
IEC 61730-2:2004 EN 61730-2:2007
IEC 61733-1:1995 EN 61733-1:1996
IEC 61744:2005 EN 61744:2005
IEC 61746:2005 EN 61746:2005
IEC 61746-1:2009 EN 61746-1:2011
IEC 61746-2:2010 EN 61746-2:2011
IEC 61747-1:1998 EN 61747-1:1999
IEC 61747-2:1998 EN 61747-2:1999
IEC 61747-2-1:1998 EN 61747-2-1:2001
IEC 61747-2-2:2004 EN 61747-2-2:2004
IEC 61747-3:2006 EN 61747-3:2006
IEC 61747-3-1:2006 EN 61747-3-1:2006
IEC 61747-4:1998 EN 61747-4:1998
IEC 61747-4-1:2004 EN 61747-4-1:2004
IEC 61747-5:1998 EN 61747-5:1998
IEC 61747-5-2:2011 EN 61747-5-2:2011
IEC 61747-5-3:2009 EN 61747-5-3:2010
IEC 61747-6:2004 EN 61747-6:2004
IEC 61747-6-2:2011 EN 61747-6-2:2011
IEC 61747-6-3:2011 EN 61747-6-3:2011
IEC 61751:1998 EN 61751:1998
IEC 61753-1:2007 EN 61753-1:2007
IEC 61753-2-1:2000 EN 61753-2-1:2000
IEC 61753-2-3:2001 EN 61753-2-3:2001
IEC 61753-021-2:2007 EN 61753-021-2:2008
IEC 61753-021-6:2007 EN 61753-021-6:2008
IEC 61753-022-2:2003 EN 61753-022-2:2003
IEC 61753-031-3:2009 EN 61753-031-3:2009
IEC 61753-051-3:2001 EN 61753-051-3:2002
IEC 61753-052-3:2001 EN 61753-052-3:2002
IEC 61753-053-3:2004 EN 61753-053-3:2004
IEC 61753-061-3:2004 EN 61753-061-3:2004
IEC 61753-062-6:2007 EN 61753-062-6:2008
IEC 61753-083-2:2007 EN 61753-083-2:2008
IEC 61753-084-2:2007 EN 61753-084-2:2008
IEC 61753-086-2:2009 EN 61753-086-2:2009
IEC 61753-086-6:2010 EN 61753-086-6:2011
IEC 61753-087-2:2010 EN 61753-087-2:2011
IEC 61753-091-3:2004 EN 61753-091-3:2004
IEC 61753-092-6:2007 EN 61753-092-6:2007
IEC 61753-101-2:2006 EN 61753-101-2:2006
IEC 61753-101-3:2006 EN 61753-101-3:2008
IEC 61753-111-7:2009 EN 61753-111-7:2010
IEC 61753-111-8:2009 EN 61753-111-8:2010
IEC 61753-111-9:2009 EN 61753-111-9:2010
IEC 61753-121-2:2010 EN 61753-121-2:2010
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Cross Reference Index

IEC 61753-121-3:2010 EN 61753-121-3:2010
IEC 61753-131-3:2010 EN 61753-131-3:2011
IEC 61753-141-2:2011 EN 61753-141-2:2011
IEC 61754-1:1996 EN 61754-1:1997
IEC 61754-2:1996 EN 61754-2:1997
IEC 61754-3:1996 EN 61754-3:2002
IEC 61754-4:1997 EN 61754-4:1997
IEC 61754-4-1:2003 EN 61754-4-1:2003
IEC 61754-5:2005 EN 61754-5:2005
IEC 61754-6:1997 EN 61754-6:1997
IEC 61754-6-1:2003 EN 61754-6-1:2003
IEC 61754-7:2008 EN 61754-7:2008
IEC 61754-8:1996 EN 61754-8:1997
IEC 61754-9:1996 EN 61754-9:2001
IEC 61754-10:2005 EN 61754-10:2005
IEC 61754-12:1999 EN 61754-12:1999
IEC 61754-13:2006 EN 61754-13:2006
IEC 61754-15:2009 EN 61754-15:2009
IEC 61754-16:1999 EN 61754-16:2000
IEC 61754-18:2001 EN 61754-18:2002
IEC 61754-19:2001 EN 61754-19:2002
IEC 61754-20:2002 EN 61754-20:2002
IEC 61754-21:2005 EN 61754-21:2005
IEC 61754-22:2005 EN 61754-22:2005
IEC 61754-23:2005 EN 61754-23:2005
IEC 61754-24:2009 EN 61754-24:2010
IEC 61754-24-11:2009 EN 61754-24-11:2009
IEC 61754-24-21:2009 EN 61754-24-21:2009
IEC 61754-25:2008 EN 61754-25:2009
IEC 61755-1:2005 EN 61755-1:2006
IEC 61755-2-1:2006 EN 61755-2-1:2006
IEC 61755-2-2:2006 EN 61755-2-2:2006
IEC 61755-3-1:2006 EN 61755-3-1:2009
IEC 61755-3-2:2006 EN 61755-3-2:2009
IEC 61755-3-5:2006 EN 61755-3-5:2006
IEC 61755-3-6:2006 EN 61755-3-6:2006
IEC 61755-3-7:2009 EN 61755-3-7:2009
IEC 61755-3-8:2009 EN 61755-3-8:2009
IEC 61756-1:2006 EN 61756-1:2006
IEC 61757-1:1998 EN 61757-1:1999
IEC 61758-1:2008 EN 61758-1:2008
IEC 61760-1:2006 EN 61760-1:2006
IEC 61760-2:2007 EN 61760-2:2007
IEC 61760-3:2010 EN 61760-3:2010
IEC 61770:1998 EN 61770:1999
IEC 61770:2008 EN 61770:2009
IEC 61773:1996 EN 61773:1996
IEC 61784-1:2007 EN 61784-1:2008
IEC 61784-1:2010 EN 61784-1:2010
IEC 61784-2:2007 EN 61784-2:2008
IEC 61784-2:2010 EN 61784-2:2010
IEC 61784-3:2007 EN 61784-3:2008
IEC 61784-3:2010 EN 61784-3:2010
IEC 61784-3-1:2007 EN 61784-3-1:2008
IEC 61784-3-1:2010 EN 61784-3-1:2010
IEC 61784-3-2:2007 EN 61784-3-2:2008
IEC 61784-3-2:2010 EN 61784-3-2:2010
IEC 61784-3-3:2007 EN 61784-3-3:2008
IEC 61784-3-3:2010 EN 61784-3-3:2010
IEC 61784-3-6:2007 EN 61784-3-6:2008
IEC 61784-3-6:2010 EN 61784-3-6:2010
IEC 61784-3-8:2010 EN 61784-3-8:2010
IEC 61784-3-12:2010 EN 61784-3-12:2010
IEC 61784-3-13:2010 EN 61784-3-13:2010
IEC 61784-3-14:2010 EN 61784-3-14:2010
IEC 61784-3-18:2011 EN 61784-3-18:2011
IEC 61784-5-2:2007 EN 61784-5-2:2008
IEC 61784-5-3:2007 EN 61784-5-3:2008
IEC 61784-5-6:2007 EN 61784-5-6:2008
IEC 61784-5-10:2007 EN 61784-5-10:2008
IEC 61784-5-11:2007 EN 61784-5-11:2008
IEC 61788-1:2006 EN 61788-1:2007
IEC 61788-2:2006 EN 61788-2:2007
IEC 61788-3:2006 EN 61788-3:2006
IEC 61788-4:2007 EN 61788-4:2007
IEC 61788-4:2011 EN 61788-4:2011
IEC 61788-5:2000 EN 61788-5:2001
IEC 61788-6:2008 EN 61788-6:2008
IEC 61788-6:2011 EN 61788-6:2011
IEC 61788-7:2006 EN 61788-7:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 61788-8:2003 EN 61788-8:2003
IEC 61788-8:2010 EN 61788-8:2010
IEC 61788-9:2005 EN 61788-9:2005
IEC 61788-10:2006 EN 61788-10:2006
IEC 61788-11:2003 EN 61788-11:2003
IEC 61788-11:2011 EN 61788-11:2011
IEC 61788-12:2002 EN 61788-12:2002
IEC 61788-13:2003 EN 61788-13:2003
IEC 61788-14:2010 EN 61788-14:2010
IEC 61797-1:1996 EN 61797-1:1996
IEC 61800-1:1997 EN 61800-1:1998
IEC 61800-2:1998 EN 61800-2:1998
IEC 61800-3:2004 EN 61800-3:2004
IEC 61800-4:2002 EN 61800-4:2003
IEC 61800-5-1:2007 EN 61800-5-1:2007
IEC 61800-5-2:2007 EN 61800-5-2:2007
IEC 61800-7-1:2007 EN 61800-7-1:2008
IEC 61800-7-201:2007 EN 61800-7-201:2008
IEC 61800-7-202:2007 EN 61800-7-202:2008
IEC 61800-7-203:2007 EN 61800-7-203:2008
IEC 61800-7-204:2007 EN 61800-7-204:2008
IEC 61800-7-301:2007 EN 61800-7-301:2008
IEC 61800-7-302:2007 EN 61800-7-302:2008
IEC 61800-7-303:2007 EN 61800-7-303:2008
IEC 61800-7-304:2007 EN 61800-7-304:2008
IEC 61803:1999 EN 61803:1999
IEC 61804-2:2006 EN 61804-2:2007
IEC 61804-3:2006 EN 61804-3:2007
IEC 61804-3:2010 EN 61804-3:2011
IEC 61810-1:2008 EN 61810-1:2008
IEC 61810-2:2005 EN 61810-2:2005
IEC 61810-2:2011 EN 61810-2:2011
IEC 61810-2-1:2011 EN 61810-2-1:2011
IEC 61810-7:2006 EN 61810-7:2006
IEC 61811-1:1999 EN 61811-1:1999
IEC 61811-10:2002 EN 61811-10:2003
IEC 61811-11:2002 EN 61811-11:2003
IEC 61811-50:2002 EN 61811-50:2002
IEC 61811-51:2002 EN 61811-51:2002
IEC 61811-52:2002 EN 61811-52:2002
IEC 61811-53:2002 EN 61811-53:2002
IEC 61811-54:2002 EN 61811-54:2002
IEC 61811-55:2002 EN 61811-55:2002
IEC 61812-1:1996 EN 61812-1:1996
IEC 61812-1:2011 EN 61812-1:2011
IEC 61817:2000 EN 61817:2001
IEC 61821:2002 EN 61821:2003
IEC 61822:2002 EN 61822:2003
IEC 61822:2009 EN 61822:2009
IEC 61823:2002 EN 61823:2003
IEC 61828:2001 EN 61828:2001
IEC 61829:1995 EN 61829:1998
IEC 61830:1997 EN 61830:1998
IEC 61834-1:1998 EN 61834-1:1998
IEC 61834-2:1998 EN 61834-2:1998
IEC 61834-3:1999 EN 61834-3:2000
IEC 61834-4:1998 EN 61834-4:1998
IEC 61834-5:1998 EN 61834-5:1998
IEC 61834-6:2000 EN 61834-6:2000
IEC 61834-7:2001 EN 61834-7:2001
IEC 61834-8:2001 EN 61834-8:2001
IEC 61834-9:2001 EN 61834-9:2001
IEC 61834-10:2001 EN 61834-10:2001
IEC 61834-11:2008 EN 61834-11:2008
IEC 61835:1998 EN 61835:1998
IEC 61837-1:1999 EN 61837-1:1999
IEC 61837-2:2000 EN 61837-2:2000
IEC 61837-2:2011 EN 61837-2:2011
IEC 61837-3:2000 EN 61837-3:2000
IEC 61837-4:2004 EN 61837-4:2004
IEC 61842:2002 EN 61842:2002
IEC 61843:1997 EN 61843:1997
IEC 61846:1998 EN 61846:1998
IEC 61847:1998 EN 61847:1998
IEC 61850-3:2002 EN 61850-3:2002
IEC 61850-4:2002 EN 61850-4:2002
IEC 61850-4:2011 EN 61850-4:2011
IEC 61850-5:2003 EN 61850-5:2003
IEC 61850-6:2004 EN 61850-6:2004
IEC 61850-6:2009 EN 61850-6:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 61850-7-1:2003 EN 61850-7-1:2003
IEC 61850-7-2:2003 EN 61850-7-2:2003
IEC 61850-7-2:2010 EN 61850-7-2:2010
IEC 61850-7-3:2003 EN 61850-7-3:2003
IEC 61850-7-3:2010 EN 61850-7-3:2011
IEC 61850-7-4:2003 EN 61850-7-4:2003
IEC 61850-7-4:2010 EN 61850-7-4:2010
IEC 61850-7-410:2007 EN 61850-7-410:2007
IEC 61850-7-420:2009 EN 61850-7-420:2009
IEC 61850-8-1:2004 EN 61850-8-1:2004
IEC 61850-8-1:2011 EN 61850-8-1:2011
IEC 61850-9-1:2003 EN 61850-9-1:2003
IEC 61850-9-2:2004 EN 61850-9-2:2004
IEC 61850-10:2005 EN 61850-10:2005
IEC 61851-1:2001 EN 61851-1:2001
IEC 61851-1:2010 EN 61851-1:2011
IEC 61851-21:2001 EN 61851-21:2002
IEC 61851-22:2001 EN 61851-22:2002
IEC 61853-1:2011 EN 61853-1:2011
IEC 61854:1998 EN 61854:1998
IEC 61855:2003 EN 61855:2003
IEC 61857-1:2004 EN 61857-1:2005
IEC 61857-1:2008 EN 61857-1:2009
IEC 61857-21:2004 EN 61857-21:2004
IEC 61857-21:2009 EN 61857-21:2009
IEC 61857-22:2008 EN 61857-22:2008
IEC 61858:2008 EN 61858:2008
IEC 61866:1997 EN 61866:1997
IEC 61868:1998 EN 61868:1999
IEC 61869-1:2007 EN 61869-1:2009
IEC 61881:1999 EN 61881:1999
IEC 61881-1:2010 EN 61881-1:2011
IEC 61883-1:2003 EN 61883-1:2003
IEC 61883-1:2008 EN 61883-1:2009
IEC 61883-2:2004 EN 61883-2:2005
IEC 61883-3:2004 EN 61883-3:2005
IEC 61883-4:2004 EN 61883-4:2005
IEC 61883-5:2004 EN 61883-5:2005
IEC 61883-6:2005 EN 61883-6:2005
IEC 61883-7:2003 EN 61883-7:2003
IEC 61883-8:2008 EN 61883-8:2009
IEC 61897:1998 EN 61897:1998
IEC 61904:2000 EN 61904:2000
IEC 61907:2009 EN 61907:2010
IEC 61909:2000 EN 61909:2000
IEC 61914:2009 EN 61914:2009
IEC 61915-1:2007 EN 61915-1:2008
IEC 61918:2007 EN 61918:2008
IEC 61920:2004 EN 61920:2004
IEC 61921:2003 EN 61921:2003
IEC 61922:2002 EN 61922:2002
IEC 61924:2006 EN 61924:2006
IEC 61925:2005 EN 61925:2006
IEC 61926-1:1999 EN 61926-1:2000
IEC 61935-1:2005 EN 61935-1:2005
IEC 61935-1:2009 EN 61935-1:2009
IEC 61935-2:2005 EN 61935-2:2005
IEC 61935-2:2010 EN 61935-2:2010
IEC 61935-2-20:2008 EN 61935-2-20:2009
IEC 61935-3:2008 EN 61935-3:2009
IEC 61936-1:2010 EN 61936-1:2010
IEC 61937-1:2007 EN 61937-1:2007
IEC 61937-2:2007 EN 61937-2:2007
IEC 61937-3:2003 EN 61937-3:2003
IEC 61937-3:2007 EN 61937-3:2009
IEC 61937-4:2003 EN 61937-4:2003
IEC 61937-5:2006 EN 61937-5:2006
IEC 61937-6:2006 EN 61937-6:2006
IEC 61937-7:2004 EN 61937-7:2005
IEC 61937-8:2006 EN 61937-8:2007
IEC 61937-9:2007 EN 61937-9:2007
IEC 61937-10:2011 EN 61937-10:2011
IEC 61937-11:2010 EN 61937-11:2010
IEC 61937-12:2010 EN 61937-12:2010
IEC 61938:1996 EN 61938:1997
IEC 61943:1999 EN 61943:1999
IEC 61947-1:2002 EN 61947-1:2002
IEC 61947-2:2001 EN 61947-2:2002
IEC 61951-1:2003 EN 61951-1:2003
IEC 61951-2:2003 EN 61951-2:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 61951-2:2011 EN 61951-2:2011
IEC 61952:2008 EN 61952:2008
IEC 61954:1999 EN 61954:1999
IEC 61954:2011 EN 61954:2011
IEC 61958:2000 EN 61958:2001
IEC 61959:2004 EN 61959:2004
IEC 61960:2003 EN 61960:2004
IEC 61960:2011 EN 61960:2011
IEC 61964:1999 EN 61964:1999
IEC 61965:2003 EN 61965:2003
IEC 61966-2-1:1999 EN 61966-2-1:2000
IEC 61966-2-2:2003 EN 61966-2-2:2003
IEC 61966-2-4:2006 EN 61966-2-4:2006
IEC 61966-2-5:2007 EN 61966-2-5:2008
IEC 61966-3:2000 EN 61966-3:2000
IEC 61966-4:2000 EN 61966-4:2000
IEC 61966-5:2000 EN 61966-5:2001
IEC 61966-5:2008 EN 61966-5:2009
IEC 61966-6:2005 EN 61966-6:2006
IEC 61966-7-1:2006 EN 61966-7-1:2006
IEC 61966-8:2001 EN 61966-8:2001
IEC 61966-9:2003 EN 61966-9:2004
IEC 61966-12-1:2011 EN 61966-12-1:2011
IEC 61967-1:2002 EN 61967-1:2002
IEC 61967-2:2005 EN 61967-2:2005
IEC 61967-4:2002 EN 61967-4:2002
IEC 61967-5:2003 EN 61967-5:2003
IEC 61967-6:2002 EN 61967-6:2002
IEC 61968-1:2003 EN 61968-1:2004
IEC 61968-3:2004 EN 61968-3:2004
IEC 61968-4:2007 EN 61968-4:2007
IEC 61968-9:2009 EN 61968-9:2009
IEC 61968-11:2010 EN 61968-11:2010
IEC 61968-13:2008 EN 61968-13:2008
IEC 61969-1:1999 EN 61969-1:2000
IEC 61969-2:2000 EN 61969-2:2000
IEC 61969-2-1:2000 EN 61969-2-1:2000
IEC 61969-2-2:2000 EN 61969-2-2:2000
IEC 61969-3:2001 EN 61969-3:2001
IEC 61970-1:2005 EN 61970-1:2006
IEC 61970-301:2003 EN 61970-301:2004
IEC 61970-402:2008 EN 61970-402:2008
IEC 61970-403:2008 EN 61970-403:2008
IEC 61970-404:2007 EN 61970-404:2007
IEC 61970-405:2007 EN 61970-405:2007
IEC 61970-407:2007 EN 61970-407:2007
IEC 61970-453:2008 EN 61970-453:2008
IEC 61970-501:2006 EN 61970-501:2006
IEC 61975:2010 EN 61975:2010
IEC 61977:2010 EN 61977:2010
IEC 61978-1:2000 EN 61978-1:2001
IEC 61978-1:2009 EN 61978-1:2010
IEC 61982-1:2006 EN 61982-1:2006
IEC 61982-2:2002 EN 61982-2:2002
IEC 61982-3:2001 EN 61982-3:2001
IEC 61984:2001 EN 61984:2001
IEC 61984:2008 EN 61984:2009
IEC 61987-1:2006 EN 61987-1:2007
IEC 61987-10:2009 EN 61987-10:2009
IEC 61988-1:2003 EN 61988-1:2003
IEC 61988-1:2011 EN 61988-1:2011
IEC 61988-2-1:2002 EN 61988-2-1:2002
IEC 61988-2-2:2003 EN 61988-2-2:2003
IEC 61988-2-3:2009 EN 61988-2-3:2009
IEC 61988-3-1:2005 EN 61988-3-1:2005
IEC 61988-3-2:2009 EN 61988-3-2:2009
IEC 61988-4:2007 EN 61988-4:2007
IEC 61988-5:2009 EN 61988-5:2009
IEC 61993-1:1999 EN 61993-1:1999
IEC 61993-2:2001 EN 61993-2:2002
IEC 61995-1:2005 EN 61995-1:2008
IEC 61995-2:2009 EN 61995-2:2009
IEC 61996-1:2007 EN 61996-1:2008
IEC 61996-2:2007 EN 61996-2:2008
IEC 62002-1:2008 EN 62002-1:2008
IEC 62002-2:2008 EN 62002-2:2008
IEC 62004:2007 EN 62004:2009
IEC 62005-1:2001 EN 62005-1:2001
IEC 62005-2:2001 EN 62005-2:2001
IEC 62005-3:2001 EN 62005-3:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 62005-4:1999 EN 62005-4:1999
IEC 62005-7:2004 EN 62005-7:2004
IEC 62006:2010 EN 62006:2011
IEC 62007-1:1997 EN 62007-1:2000
IEC 62007-1:2008 EN 62007-1:2009
IEC 62007-2:1997 EN 62007-2:2000
IEC 62007-2:2009 EN 62007-2:2009
IEC 62008:2005 EN 62008:2005
IEC 62011-1:2002 EN 62011-1:2002
IEC 62011-2:2004 EN 62011-2:2004
IEC 62011-3-1:2003 EN 62011-3-1:2003
IEC 62012-1:2002 EN 62012-1:2002
IEC 62013-1:2005 EN 62013-1:2006
IEC 62013-2:2005 EN 62013-2:2006
IEC 62014-1:2001 EN 62014-1:2002
IEC 62018:2003 EN 62018:2003
IEC 62019:1999 EN 62019:1999
IEC 62020:1998 EN 62020:1998
IEC 62021-1:2003 EN 62021-1:2003
IEC 62021-2:2007 EN 62021-2:2007
IEC 62022:2004 EN 62022:2007
IEC 62023:2000 EN 62023:2000
IEC 62024-1:2008 EN 62024-1:2008
IEC 62024-2:2008 EN 62024-2:2009
IEC 62025-1:2007 EN 62025-1:2007
IEC 62025-2:2005 EN 62025-2:2005
IEC 62026-1:2007 EN 62026-1:2007
IEC 62026-3:2008 EN 62026-3:2009
IEC 62027:2000 EN 62027:2000
IEC 62028:2002 EN 62028:2004
IEC 62031:2008 EN 62031:2008
IEC 62034:2006 EN 62034:2006
IEC 62035:1999 EN 62035:2000
IEC 62037:1999 EN 62037:1999
IEC 62040-1:2008 EN 62040-1:2008
IEC 62040-2:2005 EN 62040-2:2006
IEC 62040-3:1999 EN 62040-3:2001
IEC 62040-3:2011 EN 62040-3:2011
IEC 62041:2003 EN 62041:2003
IEC 62041:2010 EN 62041:2010
IEC 62044-1:2002 EN 62044-1:2002
IEC 62044-2:2005 EN 62044-2:2005
IEC 62044-3:2000 EN 62044-3:2001
IEC 62047-1:2005 EN 62047-1:2006
IEC 62047-2:2006 EN 62047-2:2006
IEC 62047-3:2006 EN 62047-3:2006
IEC 62047-4:2008 EN 62047-4:2010
IEC 62047-5:2011 EN 62047-5:2011
IEC 62047-6:2009 EN 62047-6:2010
IEC 62047-7:2011 EN 62047-7:2011
IEC 62047-8:2011 EN 62047-8:2011
IEC 62047-9:2011 EN 62047-9:2011
IEC 62047-10:2011 EN 62047-10:2011
IEC 62052-11:2003 EN 62052-11:2003
IEC 62052-21:2004 EN 62052-21:2004
IEC 62053-11:2003 EN 62053-11:2003
IEC 62053-21:2003 EN 62053-21:2003
IEC 62053-22:2003 EN 62053-22:2003
IEC 62053-23:2003 EN 62053-23:2003
IEC 62053-31:1998 EN 62053-31:1998
IEC 62053-52:2005 EN 62053-52:2005
IEC 62053-61:1998 EN 62053-61:1998
IEC 62054-11:2004 EN 62054-11:2004
IEC 62054-21:2004 EN 62054-21:2004
IEC 62055-31:2005 EN 62055-31:2005
IEC 62056-21:2002 EN 62056-21:2002
IEC 62056-31:1999 EN 62056-31:2000
IEC 62056-42:2002 EN 62056-42:2002
IEC 62056-46:2002 EN 62056-46:2002
IEC 62056-47:2006 EN 62056-47:2007
IEC 62056-53:2006 EN 62056-53:2007
IEC 62056-61:2006 EN 62056-61:2007
IEC 62056-62:2006 EN 62056-62:2007
IEC 62058-11:2008 EN 62058-11:2010
IEC 62058-21:2008 EN 62058-21:2010
IEC 62058-31:2008 EN 62058-31:2010
IEC 62059-31-1:2008 EN 62059-31-1:2008
IEC 62059-41:2006 EN 62059-41:2006
IEC 62061:2005 EN 62061:2005
IEC 62065:2002 EN 62065:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 62068-1:2003 EN 62068-1:2003
IEC 62070:2001 EN 62070:2001
IEC 62071-1:2005 EN 62071-1:2006
IEC 62071-2:2005 EN 62071-2:2006
IEC 62071-3:2005 EN 62071-3:2006
IEC 62074-1:2009 EN 62074-1:2009
IEC 62075:2008 EN 62075:2008
IEC 62076:2006 EN 62076:2006
IEC 62077:2010 EN 62077:2010
IEC 62079:2001 EN 62079:2001
IEC 62080:2001 EN 62080:2009
IEC 62081:1999 CLC/TS 62081:2002
IEC 62083:2000 EN 62083:2001
IEC 62083:2009 EN 62083:2009
IEC 62087:2002 EN 62087:2003
IEC 62087:2008 EN 62087:2009
IEC 62090:2002 EN 62090:2003
IEC 62093:2005 EN 62093:2005
IEC 62094-1:2002 EN 62094-1:2003
IEC 62097:2009 EN 62097:2009
IEC 62099:2001 EN 62099:2001
IEC 62104:2003 EN 62104:2007
IEC 62105:1999 EN 62105:2002
IEC 62106:2000 EN 62106:2001
IEC 62106:2009 EN 62106:2009
IEC 62107:2000 EN 62107:2001
IEC 62108:2007 EN 62108:2008
IEC 62109-1:2010 EN 62109-1:2010
IEC 62110:2009 EN 62110:2009
IEC 62115:2003 EN 62115:2005
IEC 62116:2008 EN 62116:2011
IEC 62121:2001 EN 62121:2001
IEC 62122:2002 EN 62122:2002
IEC 62124:2004 EN 62124:2005
IEC 62127-1:2007 EN 62127-1:2007
IEC 62127-2:2007 EN 62127-2:2007
IEC 62127-3:2007 EN 62127-3:2007
IEC 62129:2006 EN 62129:2006
IEC 62129-2:2011 EN 62129-2:2011
IEC 62132-1:2006 EN 62132-1:2006
IEC 62132-2:2010 EN 62132-2:2011
IEC 62132-3:2007 EN 62132-3:2007
IEC 62132-4:2006 EN 62132-4:2006
IEC 62132-5:2005 EN 62132-5:2006
IEC 62133:2002 EN 62133:2003
IEC 62134-1:2009 EN 62134-1:2009
IEC 62135-1:2008 EN 62135-1:2008
IEC 62135-2:2007 EN 62135-2:2008
IEC 62137:2004 EN 62137:2004
IEC 62137-1-1:2007 EN 62137-1-1:2007
IEC 62137-1-2:2007 EN 62137-1-2:2007
IEC 62137-1-3:2008 EN 62137-1-3:2009
IEC 62137-1-4:2009 EN 62137-1-4:2009
IEC 62137-1-5:2009 EN 62137-1-5:2009
IEC 62138:2004 EN 62138:2009
IEC 62141:2005 EN 62141:2006
IEC 62148-1:2002 EN 62148-1:2002
IEC 62148-2:2003 EN 62148-2:2003
IEC 62148-2:2010 EN 62148-2:2011
IEC 62148-3:2003 EN 62148-3:2003
IEC 62148-3:2010 EN 62148-3:2011
IEC 62148-4:2003 EN 62148-4:2003
IEC 62148-5:2003 EN 62148-5:2003
IEC 62148-6:2003 EN 62148-6:2003
IEC 62148-7:2003 EN 62148-7:2003
IEC 62148-8:2003 EN 62148-8:2003
IEC 62148-9:2003 EN 62148-9:2003
IEC 62148-10:2003 EN 62148-10:2003
IEC 62148-11:2003 EN 62148-11:2003
IEC 62148-11:2009 EN 62148-11:2009
IEC 62148-12:2004 EN 62148-12:2004
IEC 62148-15:2009 EN 62148-15:2010
IEC 62148-16:2009 EN 62148-16:2009
IEC 62149-1:2004 EN 62149-1:2004
IEC 62149-2:2009 EN 62149-2:2009
IEC 62149-3:2004 EN 62149-3:2004
IEC 62149-4:2003 EN 62149-4:2003
IEC 62149-4:2010 EN 62149-4:2010
IEC 62149-5:2003 EN 62149-5:2003
IEC 62149-5:2009 EN 62149-5:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 62149-6:2003 EN 62149-6:2003
IEC 62150-1:2005 EN 62150-1:2005
IEC 62150-2:2004 EN 62150-2:2004
IEC 62150-2:2010 EN 62150-2:2011
IEC 62150-4:2009 EN 62150-4:2010
IEC 62153-1-1:2003 EN 62153-1-1:2004
IEC 62153-4-2:2003 EN 62153-4-2:2004
IEC 62153-4-7:2006 EN 62153-4-7:2006
IEC 62155:2003 EN 62155:2003
IEC 62156:2001 EN 62156:2001
IEC 62192:2009 EN 62192:2009
IEC 62193:2003 EN 62193:2003
IEC 62194:2005 EN 62194:2005
IEC 62196-1:2003 EN 62196-1:2003
IEC 62197-1:2006 EN 62197-1:2006
IEC 62199:2004 EN 62199:2004
IEC 62208:2002 EN 62208:2003
IEC 62209-1:2005 EN 62209-1:2006
IEC 62209-2:2010 EN 62209-2:2010
IEC 62211:2003 EN 62211:2004
IEC 62216:2009 EN 62216:2011
IEC 62216-1:2001 EN 62216-1:2002
IEC 62217:2005 EN 62217:2006
IEC 62219:2002 EN 62219:2002
IEC 62220-1:2003 EN 62220-1:2004
IEC 62220-1-2:2007 EN 62220-1-2:2007
IEC 62220-1-3:2008 EN 62220-1-3:2008
IEC 62223:2009 EN 62223:2009
IEC 62226-1:2004 EN 62226-1:2005
IEC 62226-2-1:2004 EN 62226-2-1:2005
IEC 62226-3-1:2007 EN 62226-3-1:2007
IEC 62227:2008 EN 62227:2008
IEC 62230:2006 EN 62230:2007
IEC 62231:2006 EN 62231:2006
IEC 62233:2005 EN 62233:2008
IEC 62237:2003 EN 62237:2005
IEC 62244:2006 EN 62244:2011
IEC 62246-1:2002 EN 62246-1:2002
IEC 62246-1:2011 EN 62246-1:2011
IEC 62246-2:2007 EN 62246-2:2008
IEC 62252:2004 EN 62252:2004
IEC 62253:2011 EN 62253:2011
IEC 62256:2008 EN 62256:2008
IEC 62258-1:2005 EN 62258-1:2005
IEC 62258-1:2009 EN 62258-1:2010
IEC 62258-2:2005 EN 62258-2:2005
IEC 62258-2:2011 EN 62258-2:2011
IEC 62258-5:2006 EN 62258-5:2006
IEC 62258-6:2006 EN 62258-6:2006
IEC 62259:2003 EN 62259:2004
IEC 62261-1:2005 EN 62261-1:2006
IEC 62261-2:2005 EN 62261-2:2006
IEC 62262:2002 EN 62262:2002
IEC 62264-1:2003 EN 62264-1:2008
IEC 62264-2:2004 EN 62264-2:2008
IEC 62264-3:2007 EN 62264-3:2007
IEC 62267:2009 EN 62267:2009
IEC 62270:2004 EN 62270:2004
IEC 62271-1:2007 EN 62271-1:2008
IEC 62271-3:2006 EN 62271-3:2006
IEC 62271-100:2001 EN 62271-100:2001
IEC 62271-100:2008 EN 62271-100:2009
IEC 62271-101:2006 EN 62271-101:2006
IEC 62271-102:2001 EN 62271-102:2002
IEC 62271-103:2011 EN 62271-103:2011
IEC 62271-104:2009 EN 62271-104:2009
IEC 62271-105:2002 EN 62271-105:2003
IEC 62271-107:2005 EN 62271-107:2005
IEC 62271-108:2005 EN 62271-108:2006
IEC 62271-109:2006 EN 62271-109:2006
IEC 62271-109:2008 EN 62271-109:2009
IEC 62271-110:2005 EN 62271-110:2005
IEC 62271-110:2009 EN 62271-110:2009
IEC 62271-200:2003 EN 62271-200:2004
IEC 62271-201:2006 EN 62271-201:2006
IEC 62271-202:2006 EN 62271-202:2007
IEC 62271-203:2003 EN 62271-203:2004
IEC 62271-205:2008 EN 62271-205:2008
IEC 62271-206:2011 EN 62271-206:2011
IEC 62271-207:2007 EN 62271-207:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 62271-209:2007 EN 62271-209:2007
IEC 62272-2:2007 EN 62272-2:2007
IEC 62273-1:2007 EN 62273-1:2007
IEC 62274:2005 EN 62274:2005
IEC 62275:2006 EN 62275:2009
IEC 62276:2005 EN 62276:2005
IEC 62281:2004 EN 62281:2004
IEC 62282-2:2004 EN 62282-2:2004
IEC 62282-3-1:2007 EN 62282-3-1:2007
IEC 62282-3-2:2006 EN 62282-3-2:2006
IEC 62282-3-3:2007 EN 62282-3-3:2008
IEC 62282-5-1:2007 EN 62282-5-1:2007
IEC 62282-6-100:2010 EN 62282-6-100:2010
IEC 62282-6-200:2007 EN 62282-6-200:2008
IEC 62282-6-300:2009 EN 62282-6-300:2009
IEC 62286:2003 EN 62286:2004
IEC 62287-1:2006 EN 62287-1:2006
IEC 62287-1:2010 EN 62287-1:2011
IEC 62288:2008 EN 62288:2008
IEC 62289:2002 EN 62289:2003
IEC 62290-1:2006 EN 62290-1:2006
IEC 62290-2:2011 EN 62290-2:2011
IEC 62295:2007 EN 62295:2009
IEC 62297-1:2005 EN 62297-1:2005
IEC 62297-2:2005 EN 62297-2:2005
IEC 62298-1:2005 EN 62298-1:2005
IEC 62298-2:2005 EN 62298-2:2005
IEC 62298-3:2005 EN 62298-3:2005
IEC 62298-4:2005 EN 62298-4:2005
IEC 62300:2004 EN 62300:2005
IEC 62301:2005 EN 62301:2005
IEC 62301:2011 EN 50564:2011
IEC 62304:2006 EN 62304:2006
IEC 62305-1:2006 EN 62305-1:2006
IEC 62305-1:2010 EN 62305-1:2011
IEC 62305-2:2006 EN 62305-2:2006
IEC 62305-3:2006 EN 62305-3:2006
IEC 62305-3:2010 EN 62305-3:2011
IEC 62305-4:2006 EN 62305-4:2006
IEC 62305-4:2010 EN 62305-4:2011
IEC 62308:2006 EN 62308:2006
IEC 62309:2004 EN 62309:2004
IEC 62310-1:2005 EN 62310-1:2005
IEC 62310-2:2006 EN 62310-2:2007
IEC 62310-3:2008 EN 62310-3:2008
IEC 62311:2007 EN 62311:2008
IEC 62314:2006 EN 62314:2006
IEC 62315-1:2003 EN 62315-1:2003
IEC 62317-1:2007 EN 62317-1:2007
IEC 62317-2:2010 EN 62317-2:2010
IEC 62317-4:2005 EN 62317-4:2005
IEC 62317-7:2005 EN 62317-7:2005
IEC 62317-8:2006 EN 62317-8:2006
IEC 62317-9:2006 EN 62317-9:2006
IEC 62317-13:2008 EN 62317-13:2008
IEC 62317-14:2008 EN 62317-14:2008
IEC 62319-1:2005 EN 62319-1:2005
IEC 62319-1-1:2005 EN 62319-1-1:2005
IEC 62320-1:2007 EN 62320-1:2007
IEC 62320-2:2008 EN 62320-2:2008
IEC 62321:2008 EN 62321:2009
IEC 62323:2005 EN 62323:2005
IEC 62326-1:2002 EN 62326-1:2002
IEC 62326-4:1996 EN 62326-4:1997
IEC 62326-4-1:1996 EN 62326-4-1:1997
IEC 62327:2006 EN 62327:2011
IEC 62328-1:2005 EN 62328-1:2005
IEC 62328-2:2005 EN 62328-2:2005
IEC 62329-1:2005 EN 62329-1:2006
IEC 62329-2:2006 EN 62329-2:2006
IEC 62329-3-100:2010 EN 62329-3-100:2010
IEC 62329-3-101:2010 EN 62329-3-101:2010
IEC 62329-3-102:2010 EN 62329-3-102:2010
IEC 62330-1:2003 EN 62330-1:2004
IEC 62330-2:2003 EN 62330-2:2004
IEC 62330-3:2003 EN 62330-3:2004
IEC 62333-1:2006 EN 62333-1:2006
IEC 62333-2:2006 EN 62333-2:2006
IEC 62333-3:2010 EN 62333-3:2010
IEC 62337:2006 EN 62337:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 62339-1:2006 EN 62339-1:2007
IEC 62340:2007 EN 62340:2010
IEC 62341-1-1:2009 EN 62341-1-1:2009
IEC 62341-1-2:2007 EN 62341-1-2:2009
IEC 62341-5:2009 EN 62341-5:2009
IEC 62341-6-1:2009 EN 62341-6-1:2011
IEC 62343-1-2:2007 EN 62343-1-2:2008
IEC 62343-1-3:2006 EN 62343-1-3:2006
IEC 62343-2:2011 EN 62343-2:2011
IEC 62343-3-1:2010 EN 62343-3-1:2010
IEC 62343-5-1:2009 EN 62343-5-1:2009
IEC 62345:2005 EN 62345:2005
IEC 62347:2006 EN 62347:2007
IEC 62353:2007 EN 62353:2008
IEC 62356-1:2003 EN 62356-1:2004
IEC 62356-2:2003 EN 62356-2:2004
IEC 62356-3:2003 EN 62356-3:2004
IEC 62358:2004 EN 62358:2004
IEC 62359:2005 EN 62359:2005
IEC 62359:2010 EN 62359:2011
IEC 62363:2008 EN 62363:2011
IEC 62365:2004 EN 62365:2005
IEC 62365:2009 EN 62365:2009
IEC 62366:2007 EN 62366:2008
IEC 62369-1:2008 EN 62369-1:2009
IEC 62373:2006 EN 62373:2006
IEC 62374:2007 EN 62374:2007
IEC 62374-1:2010 EN 62374-1:2010
IEC 62375:2004 EN 62375:2004
IEC 62376:2010 EN 62376:2011
IEC 62379-1:2007 EN 62379-1:2007
IEC 62379-2:2008 EN 62379-2:2009
IEC 62381:2006 EN 62381:2007
IEC 62382:2006 EN 62382:2007
IEC 62384:2006 EN 62384:2006
IEC 62386-101:2009 EN 62386-101:2009
IEC 62386-102:2009 EN 62386-102:2009
IEC 62386-201:2009 EN 62386-201:2009
IEC 62386-202:2009 EN 62386-202:2009
IEC 62386-203:2009 EN 62386-203:2009
IEC 62386-204:2009 EN 62386-204:2009
IEC 62386-205:2009 EN 62386-205:2009
IEC 62386-206:2009 EN 62386-206:2009
IEC 62386-207:2009 EN 62386-207:2009
IEC 62386-208:2009 EN 62386-208:2009
IEC 62386-209:2011 EN 62386-209:2011
IEC 62386-210:2011 EN 62386-210:2011
IEC 62388:2007 EN 62388:2008
IEC 62389:2005 EN 62389:2006
IEC 62391-1:2006 EN 62391-1:2006
IEC 62391-2:2006 EN 62391-2:2006
IEC 62391-2-1:2006 EN 62391-2-1:2006
IEC 62395-1:2006 EN 62395-1:2006
IEC 62402:2007 EN 62402:2007
IEC 62403:2005 EN 62403:2006
IEC 62415:2010 EN 62415:2010
IEC 62416:2010 EN 62416:2010
IEC 62417:2010 EN 62417:2010
IEC 62418:2010 EN 62418:2010
IEC 62419:2008 EN 62419:2009
IEC 62420:2008 EN 62420:2008
IEC 62421:2007 EN 62421:2007
IEC 62423:2007 EN 62423:2009
IEC 62424:2008 EN 62424:2009
IEC 62428:2008 EN 62428:2008
IEC 62429:2007 EN 62429:2008
IEC 62430:2009 EN 62430:2009
IEC 62431:2008 EN 62431:2008
IEC 62433-2:2008 EN 62433-2:2010
IEC 62439:2008 EN 62439:2008
IEC 62439-1:2010 EN 62439-1:2010
IEC 62439-2:2010 EN 62439-2:2010
IEC 62439-3:2010 EN 62439-3:2010
IEC 62439-4:2010 EN 62439-4:2010
IEC 62439-5:2010 EN 62439-5:2010
IEC 62439-6:2010 EN 62439-6:2010
IEC 62446:2009 EN 62446:2009
IEC 62448:2009 EN 62448:2009
IEC 62453-1:2009 EN 62453-1:2009
IEC 62453-2:2009 EN 62453-2:2009
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 62453-301:2009 EN 62453-301:2009
IEC 62453-302:2009 EN 62453-302:2009
IEC 62453-303-1:2009 EN 62453-303-1:2009
IEC 62453-303-2:2009 EN 62453-303-2:2009
IEC 62453-306:2009 EN 62453-306:2009
IEC 62453-309:2009 EN 62453-309:2009
IEC 62453-315:2009 EN 62453-315:2009
IEC 62455:2010 EN 62455:2011
IEC 62457:2007 EN 62457:2008
IEC 62458:2010 EN 62458:2011
IEC 62459:2010 EN 62459:2011
IEC 62460:2008 EN 62460:2008
IEC 62464-1:2007 EN 62464-1:2007
IEC 62464-2:2010 EN 62464-2:2011
IEC 62471:2006 EN 62471:2008
IEC 62475:2010 EN 62475:2010
IEC 62479:2010 EN 62479:2010
IEC 62480:2008 EN 62480:2009
IEC 62481-3:2010 EN 62481-3:2011
IEC 62489-1:2010 EN 62489-1:2010
IEC 62489-2:2011 EN 62489-2:2011
IEC 62490-1:2010 EN 62490-1:2010
IEC 62490-2:2010 EN 62490-2:2010
IEC 62491:2008 EN 62491:2008
IEC 62493:2009 EN 62493:2010
IEC 62494-1:2008 EN 62494-1:2008
IEC 62496-1:2008 EN 62496-1:2009
IEC 62496-2-2:2011 EN 62496-2-2:2011
IEC 62496-3:2011 EN 62496-3:2011
IEC 62496-3-1:2009 EN 62496-3-1:2010
IEC 62496-4:2011 EN 62496-4:2011
IEC 62501:2009 EN 62501:2009
IEC 62502:2010 EN 62502:2010
IEC 62503:2008 EN 62503:2008
IEC 62507-1:2010 EN 62507-1:2011
IEC 62508:2010 EN 62508:2010
IEC 62509:2010 EN 62509:2011
IEC 62514:2010 EN 62514:2010
IEC 62516-1:2009 EN 62516-1:2009
IEC 62516-2:2011 EN 62516-2:2011
IEC 62520:2011 EN 62520:2011
IEC 62524:2009 EN 62524:2011
IEC 62532:2011 EN 62532:2011
IEC 62535:2008 EN 62535:2009
IEC 62537:2010 EN 62537:2010
IEC 62541-3:2010 EN 62541-3:2010
IEC 62546:2009 EN 62546:2009
IEC 62561-4:2010 EN 62561-4:2011
IEC 62561-5:2011 EN 62561-5:2011
IEC 62561-6:2011 EN 62561-6:2011
IEC 62562:2010 EN 62562:2011
IEC 62563-1:2009 EN 62563-1:2010
IEC 62571:2011 EN 62571:2011
IEC 62574:2011 EN 62574:2011
IEC 62576:2009 EN 62576:2010
IEC 62591:2010 EN 62591:2010
IEC 62605:2011 EN 62605:2011
IEC 62614:2010 EN 62614:2010
IEC 62616:2010 EN 62616:2010
IEC 62631-1:2011 EN 62631-1:2011
IEC 62634:2011 EN 62634:2011
IEC 62637-1:2011 EN 62637-1:2011
IEC 62637-2:2011 EN 62637-2:2011
IEC 62660-1:2010 EN 62660-1:2011
IEC 62660-2:2010 EN 62660-2:2011
IEC 62684:2011 EN 62684:2010
IEC 80000-6:2008 EN 80000-6:2008
IEC 80000-13:2008 EN 80000-13:2008
IEC 80000-14:2008 EN 80000-14:2009
IEC 80001-1:2010 EN 80001-1:2011
IEC 80416-1:2001 EN 80416-1:2001
IEC 80416-1:2008 EN 80416-1:2009
IEC 80416-3:2002 EN 80416-3:2002
IEC 80601-2-30:2009 EN 80601-2-30:2010
IEC 80601-2-35:2009 EN 80601-2-35:2009
IEC 80601-2-58:2008 EN 80601-2-58:2009
IEC 80601-2-59:2008 EN 80601-2-59:2009
IEC 81346-1:2009 EN 81346-1:2009
IEC 81346-2:2009 EN 81346-2:2009
IEC 81714-2:2006 EN 81714-2:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Cross Reference Index

IEC 81714-3:1998 EN 81714-3:2001
IEC 82045-1:2001 EN 82045-1:2001
IEC 82045-2:2004 EN 82045-2:2005
IEC 88528-11:2004 EN 88528-11:2004

CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Part 14 : Alphabetical subject index


A-deviation - Withdrawal - Special national condition - SNC CLC Guide 9:2001
A-VDGS - Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - Guidance System EN 50512:2009
A-XDR encoding rule - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Encoding EN 61334-6:2000
A.C. - Insulator - Composite station post EN 62231:2006
a.c. - Insulator - Overhead line - Composite suspension - Composite tension EN 61109:2008
A.C. - Live working - Approach distances - Calculation method EN 61472:2004
A.C. - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - By-pass switch EN 62271-109:2006
A.C. - Switchgear - Controlgear - Insulation enclosed EN 62271-201:2006
A4 fibre cable - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor EN 60794-2-40:2008
Abbreviated test language - Design automation - Test language - C/ATLAS - Language EN 61926-1:2000
Abbreviation - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-4:2001
Abbreviation - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-4:2010
ABD - Surge - Protective device - Avalanche breakdown diode - Diode EN 61643-321:2002
Abnormal heat - Fire hazard - Heat - Distortion test - Mould stress relief EN 60695-10-3:2002
Abrasation resistance - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Sheath EN 50289-3-7:2001
Abrasation resistance - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Sheath marking EN 50289-3-8:2001
Abrasion - Environmental testing - Test Xb EN 60068-2-70:1996
Absorption rate - Communication - Wireless - Hand-held - Mobile EN 62209-1:2006
Absorption rate - Human exposure - Radio frenquecy - Wireless - Hand-held EN 62209-2:2010
AC - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Motor EN 137000:1995
AC - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Motor starter applications - Qualification EN 137100:1995
AC - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Motor starter applications - Qualification EN 137101:1995
AC - Capacitor - Motor - Safety - Rating EN 60252-1:2011
AC - Capacitor - Motor capacitor - Motor start EN 60252-2:2003
AC - Capacitor - Motor capacitor - Safety - Testing and rating EN 60252-1:2001
AC - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor EN 60871-1:2005
AC - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Filter - Industrial network EN 61642:1997
AC - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Internal fuse EN 60871-4:1996
AC - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Non-self-healing type EN 60931-1:1996
AC - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Non-self-healing type - Internal fuse EN 60931-3:1996
AC - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Self-healing - Safety EN 60831-1:1996
AC - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation EN 60898-1:2003
AC - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation EN 60898-1:2003/IS1:2007
AC - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation EN 60898-1:2003/IS2:2007
AC - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation EN 60898-1:2003/IS3:2007
AC - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation EN 60898-1:2003/IS4:2007
AC - Circuit-breaker - Household - Overcurrent protection - DC EN 60898-2:2006
AC - Contactor - HV - Motor starter EN 60470:2000
AC - Cutting device - Cable - Hydraulic cable EN 50340:2001
AC - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 62271-104:2009
AC - Insulator - Overhead line - Ceramic - Long rod type EN 60433:1998
AC - Insulator - Overhead line - Composite EN 61952:2008
AC - Line - Overhead line EN 50341-1:2001
AC - Line - Overhead line - Normative aspect EN 50341-3:2001
AC - Line - Overhead line - Normative aspect - Index EN 50341-2:2001
AC - Machine - Rotating - Form wound stator coil - Voltage withstand EN 60034-15:1996
AC - Machine - Rotating - Generator - Reciprocating internal combustion EN 60034-22:1997
AC - Measuring instrument - Energy - Watthour meter - Class 1 and 2 EN 61358:1996
AC - Measuring instrument - Watthour meter - Class 2 EN 60514:1995
AC - Motor - Capacitor - Start EN 60252-2:2011
AC - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Rating specifications EN 61800-4:2003
AC - Power installation HD 637 S1:1999
AC - Railway application - Switchgear - Traction system - Application guide EN 50152-3-1:2003
AC - Railway application - Switchgear - Traction system - Current transformer EN 50152-3-2:2001
AC - Railway application - Switchgear - Traction system - Voltage transformer EN 50152-3-3:2001
AC - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment - Circuit-breaker EN 60077-4:2003
AC - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Motor - Indirect convertor EN 61377-3:2002
AC - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Motor - Inverter-fed motor EN 61377-1:2006
AC - Railway applications - Switchgear - Circuit-breaker EN 50152-1:2007
AC - Railway applications - Switchgear - Single-phase disconnector - Earthing switch EN 50152-2:2007
AC - Rotating - Generator - Combustion - Engine driven EN 60034-22:2009
AC - Switchgear - Controlgear - High voltage - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-100:2009
AC - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-100:2001
AC - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-108:2006
AC - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Circuit-switcher EN 62271-107:2005
AC - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Metal-enclosed EN 62271-200:2004
AC - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Switch-fuse combination EN 62271-105:2003
AC - Switchgear and controlgear - Gas-filled compartment EN 50187:1996
AC - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Circuit-breaker - Seismic qualification EN 61166:1993
AC electric vehicle - Charging system - Vehicle EN 61851-22:2002
AC loss measurement - Superconductor - Cu/Nb-Ti composite - Magnetic field - Pickup coil method EN 61788-8:2003
AC loss measurement - Superconductor - Magnetometer method - Hysteresis loss - Multifilamentary composite EN 61788-13:2003
AC MOS - Integrated circuit - Digital integrated circuit EN 190116:1993
AC power arcs test - Insulator - Overhead line EN 61467:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

AC supplied electronic ballast - Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60929:2004
AC supplied electronic ballast - Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60929:2006
AC system - Current - short-circuit - Three-phase - Calculation EN 60909-0:2001
AC system - Current - Short-circuit - Three-phase - Line-to-earth EN 60909-3:2003
AC system - Insulator - Overhead line - Ceramic - Glass EN 60305:1996
AC system - Insulator - Overhead line - Glass insulator unit EN 60383-1:1996
AC system - Power engineering - Modal components - Three-phase EN 62428:2008
AC system - Surge arrester - Metal-oxide - Gap EN 60099-4:2004
AC system - Surge arrester - Non-linear resistor EN 60099-1:1994
AC-3 format - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-3:2003
Acceleration - Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress EN 60512-6-1:2002
Acceleration - Environmental testing - Steady state (Ga) EN 60068-2-7:1993
Acceleration - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-13:1997
Acceleration - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-36:2003
Acceptance - Metering EN 62058-11:2010
Acceptance - Metering - Active energy - Electromechanical meters EN 62058-21:2010
Acceptance - Metering - Active energy - Static meters EN 62058-31:2010
Acceptance test - Medical - Imaging - Consistency test - Magnetic resonance EN 62464-1:2007
Acceptance test - Medical - Imaging - Dental X-ray equipment - Test EN 61223-3-4:2000
Acceptance test - Medical - Imaging - Mammography - X-ray EN 61223-3-2:2008
Acceptance test - Medical - Imaging - Tomography X-ray equipment - Test EN 61223-3-5:2004
Acceptance test - Medical - Imaging - X-ray equipment - Digital subtraction angiography EN 61223-3-3:1996
Access control system - Alarm system - Security applications - Application guidelines EN 50133-7:1999
Access control system - Alarm system - Security applications - Component EN 50133-2-1:2000
Access control system - Alarm system - Security applications - System requirement EN 50133-1:1996
Access control system - MAC/packet system - Eurocrypt EN 50094:1992
Accessibility - Interface - Low-voltage - Standard writer CLC Guide 28:2006
Accessible - Connection - Solderless - Insulation displacement - Test EN 60352-3:1994
Accession - Affiliate - Membership CLC Guide 11:2003
Accessories - Box - Enclosure - Household EN 60670-1:2005
Accessories - Box - Enclosure - Household - Connecting box/enclosure EN 60670-22:2006
Accessories - Box - Enclosure - Household - floor box/enclosure EN 60670-23:2008
Accessories - Box - Enclosure - Household - Suspension means EN 60670-21:2007
Accessories - Cable - Cord set - Interconnection EN 60799:1998
Accessories - Cable - Impulse test EN 60230:2002
Accessories - Cable - Power cable - Impregnated paper insulation - Test HD 629.2 S2:2006
Accessories - Cable - Power cable - Test method EN 50393:2006
Accessories - Cable - Power cable - Test methods EN 61442:2005
Accessories - Conductor - Overhead line - Covered conductor EN 50397-1:2006
Accessories - Conductor - Overhead line - Covered conductor - Test EN 50397-2:2009
Accessories - Connector - Electronic equipment - Cable outlet EN 61076-7-001:2004
Accessories - Lightning - Protection component - LPC EN 50164-5:2009
Accessories - Material characterisation - Cable - Fingerprinting - Cold shrinkable HD 631.4 S1:2008
Accessories - Material characterisation - Cable - Fingerprinting - Heat shrinkable HD 631.3 S1:2008
Accessories - Material characterisation - Cable - Heat shrinkable - Fingerprinting HD 631.2 S1:2007
Accessories - Material characterisation - Cable - Resinous compoun - Fingerprinting HD 631.1 S2:2007
Accessories - Measuring instrument - Analogue EN 60051-8:1989
Accessories - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Definitions EN 60051-1:1998
Accessories - Monitor - Residual current monitor (RCM) - Household use EN 62020:1998
Accessories - Residual current - Portable - Protection - PRCD HD 639 S1:2002
Accessories - Switch - Home and building electronic Systems - HBES EN 50428:2005
Accessory - Transformer - three-phase - Design requirement - Dimension EN 50541-1:2011
Accidental - Ignition - Candle - Flame CLC/TS 62441:2007
Accreditation - Conformity assessment EN ISO/IEC 17011:2004
Accreditation body - Peer assessment - Conformity assessment body EN ISO/IEC 17040:2005
Accumulation - Electrostatics - Solid planar material - Resistivity EN 61340-2-3:2000
Accuracy - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Variable attenuator - Attenuation setting EN 61300-3-14:2007
Acetal - Winding - Wire - Polyvinyl - Copper EN 60317-12:2010
Acetal - Wire - Polyvinyl - Copper - Class 105 EN 60317-17:1994
Acetal - Wire - Polyvinyl - Copper - Class 105 EN 60317-17:2010
Acidity - Insulation - Liquid - Titration - Colourimetric EN 62021-2:2007
Acidity - Insulation - Liquid - Titration - Potentiometric EN 62021-1:2003
Acidity of gas - Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion EN 50267-2-3:1998
Acidity of gas - Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion - Materials EN 50267-2-2:1998
Acoustic - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector CLC/TS 50131-2-7-1:2009
Acoustic - Machinery - Signal - Visual - Tactile EN 61310-1:2008
Acoustic - Semiconductor - Climatic - Microscopy - Plastic encapsulated EN 60749-35:2006
Acoustic coupler - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Calibration - Audiometric earphone EN 60318-2:1998
Acoustic coupler - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Calibration - Supra-aural earphone EN 60318-3:1998
Acoustic noise - Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Measurement EN 61400-11:2003
Acoustic output - Ultrasound - Medical equipment EN 61157:2007
Acoustical - Electroacoustics - Real-ear - Hearing aid - Measurement EN 61669:2001
Acoustical - Household - Airborne - Noise - Fan heater EN 60704-2-2:2010
Acoustical - Household - Airborne - Noise - Range hood EN 60704-2-13:2011
Acoustical - Household appliances - Noise - Airborne - Declared noise EN 60704-3:2006
Acoustical noise - Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Noise - Airborne EN 60704-2-1:2001
Acoustically induced - Environmental testing - Vibration EN 60068-2-65:1994
Acoustics - Underwater - Hydrophone EN 60565:2007
Acrylic - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polycarbonate film - Thermoplastic adhesive EN 60454-3-6:1998
Acrylic - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polyester film - Thermosetting EN 60454-3-2:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Acrylic - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60684-3-420 to 422:2002
Acrylic coating - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass sleeving EN 60684-3-403 to 405:2002
ACS - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Construction site EN 60439-4:2004
ACSI - Communication - Network - Power utility - Automation EN 61850-7-2:2010
ACSI - Communication - Network - Substation - Feeder equipment EN 61850-7-2:2003
ACSS - Conductor - Overhead line - Aluminium - Steel Supported EN 50540:2010
Active - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector CLC/TS 50131-2-7-3:2009
Active - EMF assessment - Implantable - Medical device - Cardiac pacemaker EN 50527-2-1:2011
Active - Medical device - Implantable - Safety - Cochlear implant EN 45502-2-3:2010
Active component - Fibre optic - Test - Measurement EN 62150-1:2005
Active component - Fibre optic - Vertical cavity - Surface emitting - Laser device EN 62149-2:2009
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Module EN 62148-5:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-2:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-3:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-4:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-6:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-7:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-8:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-9:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-10:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transmitter EN 62148-11:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Transmitter EN 62148-12:2004
Active components - Fibre optic - Performance EN 62149-1:2004
Active components - Fibre optic - Performance - Transceiver - Gigabit Ethernet application EN 62149-4:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Performance - Transceiver - LD driver EN 62149-5:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Performance - Transceiver - Plastic EN 62149-6:2003
Active components - Fibre optic - Performance - Transmitter - Laser diode EN 62149-3:2004
Active energy - Metering - Acceptance - Electromechanical meters EN 62058-21:2010
Active energy - Metering - Acceptance - Static meters EN 62058-31:2010
Active energy - Metering equipment - Electromechanical meter EN 50470-2:2006
Active energy - Metering equipment - Electromechanical meter EN 62053-11:2003
Active energy - Metering equipment - Static meter EN 50470-3:2006
Active energy - Metering equipment - Static meter EN 62053-21:2003
Active energy - Metering equipment - Static meter EN 62053-22:2003
Active medical device - Medical device - Implantable - Safety - Marking EN 45502-1:1997
Active wideband - Cable - Television - Sound signal - Network EN 60728-3:2011
Active wideband - Cable network - Television - Signal - Coaxial cable EN 60728-3:2006
Active wideband equipment - Cable network - Television - Signal - Coaxial cable EN 50083-3:2002
Activities - Participation - Institution CEN/CLC Guide 7:2001
Activity dips - Quartz crystal unit - Frequency dips EN 60444-7:2004
Activity model - Enterprise-control - Manufacturing operations EN 62264-3:2007
Actuating - Interface - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Marking - Identification EN 60447:2004
Actuating lever - Connector - Static - Load test - Robustness EN 60512-8-3:2011
Actuation - Machinery - Marking - Indication - Safety EN 61310-2:2008
Actuation - Machinery - Marking - Indication - Safety EN 61310-3:2008
Actuator - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Marking - Coding - Indicator EN 60073:2002
Actuator - Microphone - Measurement - Electrostatic - Frequency response EN 61094-6:2005
Actuator sensor interface (AS-i) - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Controller EN 50295:1999
Adaptive controller - Industrial process - Control system - Evaluation EN 61297:1995
Adaptive equalizer - Digital microwave - Transmission system - Terrestrial radio-relay system EN 60835-2-8:1993
Adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Plug to plug CECC 22 121-814:1985
Adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket to socket CECC 22 121-813:1985
Adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Plug/plug CECC 22 211-816:1988
Adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket/socket CECC 22 211-815:1988
Adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket/socket CECC 22 211-817:1988
Adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Plug/plug CECC 22 201-810:1988
Adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Socket/socket CECC 22 201-809:1988
Adaptor - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Patchcord EN 50377-15-1:2011
Adaptor - Conversion adaptor - Industrial EN 50250:2002
Adaptor - Fibre optic - Cable EN 61274-1-1:2006
Adaptor - Fibre optic - Connector EN 61274-1:2008
Adaptor - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Alignment sleeve - Resilient EN 61300-3-42:2008
Adaptor right angle - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - One female, one male centre contact CECC 22 161-815:1987
Adaptor straight - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Two female centre contact CECC 22 161-814:1987
Adaptor straight - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Two male centre contact CECC 22 161-813:1987
Additif - Oils - Insulating - Mineral - Detection EN 60666:2010
Additional test method - Cable HD 605 S2:2008
Address code - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Time code HD 311.10 S1:1989
Address space - OPC - Architecture EN 62541-3:2010
Addressable - Digital - Lighting - Control gear - Colour EN 62386-209:2011
Addressable - Digital - Lighting - Controlgear - Digital signal EN 62386-206:2009
Addressable - Digital - Lighting - Controlgear - Fluorescent lamp EN 62386-201:2009
Addressable - Digital - Lighting - Controlgear - incandescent lamp EN 62386-205:2009
Addressable - Digital - Lighting - Controlgear - Switching function EN 62386-208:2009
Addressable - Digital - Lighting - Interface EN 62386-101:2009
Addressable - Digital - Lighting - LED module EN 62386-207:2009
Addressable - Lighting - Digital - Control gear - Emergency EN 62386-202:2009
Adhesion - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Sheath EN 50289-3-17:2002
Adhesive - Pressure-sensitive - Tape - Glass fabric - Cellulose acetate woven fabric EN 60454-3-8:2006
Adhesive - Pressure-sensitive - Tape - Polyethylene film - Polypropylene film EN 60454-3-12:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Adhesive - Tape - Pressure-sensitive - Electrical purpose - Test EN 60454-2:2007
Adhesive coated - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Polyester film EN 61249-3-3:1999
Adhesive coated - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Polyimide film EN 61249-3-4:1999
Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Backing material EN 60454-3-19:2003
Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Cellulose paper - Thermosetting adhesive EN 60454-3-4:2007
Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polycarbonate film - Acrylic - Thermoplastic adhesive EN 60454-3-6:1998
Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polyester film - Glass filament - Cellulosic paper EN 60454-3-11:2007
Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polyester film - Thermosetting - Acrylic EN 60454-3-2:2006
Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polyimide film EN 60454-3-7:1998
Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polytetrafluoroethylene film EN 60454-3-14:2001
Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - PVC film EN 60454-3-1:1998
Adjustable - Speed - Power drive EN 61800-7-202:2008
Adjustable - Speed - Power drive EN 61800-7-203:2008
Adjustable - Speed - Power drive EN 61800-7-204:2008
Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-302:2008
Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-303:2008
Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-304:2008
Adjustable frequency - Power drive - Rating specification - LV EN 61800-2:1998
Adjustable speed - Power drive - EMC - Test EN 61800-3:2004
Adjustable speed - Power drive - Functional EN 61800-5-2:2007
Adjustable speed - Power drive - Interface - Profile EN 61800-7-1:2008
Adjustable speed - Power drive - Interface - Profile EN 61800-7-201:2008
Adjustable speed - Power drive - Interface - Profile - Mapping EN 61800-7-301:2008
Adjustable speed - Power drive - Load duty - Rating CLC/TR 61800-6:2007
Adjustable speed - Power drive - Rating specifications - AC EN 61800-4:2003
Adjustable speed - Power drive - Rating specifications - LV - DC EN 61800-1:1998
Adjustable speed - Power drive - Thermal - Energy - Safety EN 61800-5-1:2007
Adjuster - Magnetic oxide core - Ferrite - Inductor - Transformer EN 125401:1991
Adjuster - Magnetic oxide core - Inductor - Transformer EN 125400:1991
Admittance - Audiological - Aural acoustic - Impedance EN 60645-5:2005
Aeolian - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Vibration EN 50289-3-13:2003
Aeolian - Overhead line - Stockbridge type - Vibration damper EN 61897:1998
Aerial - Cable - Bundled cable - Clamp - Ageing test EN 50483-5:2009
Aerial - Cable - Bundled cable - Clamp - Connections EN 50483-4:2009
Aerial - Cable - Bundled cable - Clamp - Environmental test EN 50483-6:2009
Aerial - Cable - Bundled cable - Clamp - Self supporting system EN 50483-2:2009
Aerial - Cable - Bundled cable - Low-voltage EN 50483-1:2009
Aerial - Cable - Bundled cable - Low-voltage - Neutral messenger system EN 50483-3:2009
Aerial - Cable - Multi-pair - Telecommunication network - High bit rate EN 50406-1:2004
Aerial - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication EN 60794-3-20:2002
Aerial - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication EN 60794-3-21:2006
Aerial - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Sealed closure EN 61753-111-7:2010
Aerial - Optic - Fibre - Cable - Outdoor EN 60794-3-10:2009
Aerial - Optic - Fibre - Cable - Outdoor EN 60794-3-20:2009
Aerial - Optical - Fibre - Cable - Outdoor EN 60794-3-11:2010
Aerial cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Electrical power line EN 60794-4:2003
Aerial device - Live working - Insulating boom EN 61057:1993
Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Aeronautical - Individual lamps EN 50490:2008
Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Current - Regulator EN 61822:2009
Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Ground lighting - Circuit EN 61821:2003
Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Guidance System - A-VDGS EN 50512:2009
Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Regulator - Constant current EN 61822:2003
Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Transformer - AGL series EN 61823:2003
Aerodynamic - Industrial process - Noise - Prediction - Valve EN 60534-8-3:2000
Aerodynamic - Valve - Industrial - Noise - Prediction EN 60534-8-3:2011
Aerodynamic flow - Industrial process - Laboratory measurement - Noise - Control valve EN 60534-8-1:2005
Aeronautical - Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - Individual lamps EN 50490:2008
Aerosol monitor - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent - Transuranic aerosol EN 60761-2:2004
Aerospace - Printed board - Coating - Loaded - High reliability EN 61086-3-1:2004
Aesthetic - Medical,Non-laser light - cometic - Safety EN 60601-2-57:2011
Affiliate - Accession - Membership CLC Guide 11:2003
Affiliation CEN/CLC Guide 12:2007
Affiliation CEN/CLC Guide 12:2008
After repair test - Medical - Test - Recurrent EN 62353:2008
Afterloading - Medical equipment - Brachytherapy - Automatically-controlled - Safety EN 60601-2-17:2004
Aftermark electronic equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Vehicle EN 50498:2010
Ag alloy-sheathed - Superconductivity - Critical current - DC - Bi-2212/Bi-2223 oxide EN 61788-3:2006
Ageing in service - Insulating materials - Ionizing radiation EN 60544-5:2003
Ageing oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - Multi-chamber oven EN 60216-4-3:2000
Ageing oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - Precision oven EN 60216-4-2:2000
Ageing oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - single-chamber oven EN 60216-4-1:2006
Ageing procedure - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance EN 60216-1:2001
Ageing test - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Clamp EN 50483-5:2009
Ageing test - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Self-healing - Test EN 60831-2:1996
Ageing test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Temperature EN 62005-2:2001
Aggressive industrial application - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing EN 116204:1994
AGL series - Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Transformer EN 61823:2003
Agreement - Co-operation CEN/CLC Guide 3:2009
Agreement - IEC - CENELEC - Common planning - New work - Parallel voting CLC Guide 13:2001
Agricultural premises - Building - Electrical installation - Horticultural premises HD 60364-7-705:2007
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Alphabetical Index

AIMD - Exposure - Electromagnetic EN 50527-1:2010
Air blown - Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Microduct connector EN 50411-2-8:2009
Air blown - Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Sealed closure EN 50411-2-5:2009
Air blown fibre - Optical fibre - Communication system - Microduct - Non-sealed closure EN 50411-2-9:2010
Air conditioner - Household appliances - Heat pump - Dehumidifier - Safety EN 60335-2-40:2003
Air conditioning system - Household appliances - Humidifier - Heating - Safety EN 60335-2-88:2002
Air flow - Household - Automatic - Water flow - Sensing control EN 60730-2-15:2010
Air gap - Measurement - Voltage EN 60052:2002
Air pressure - Classification - Environmental conditions HD 478.2.3 S1:1990
Air-cleaning - Household appliance - Safety EN 60335-2-65:2003
Air-handling luminaire - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-19:1989
Airborne - Household - Acoustical - Noise - Fan heater EN 60704-2-2:2010
Airborne - Household - Acoustical - Noise - Range hood EN 60704-2-13:2011
Airborne - Household appliances - Acoustical - Noise - Declared noise EN 60704-3:2006
Airborne - Household appliances - Room heater - Thermal storage - Noise EN 60704-2-5:2005
Airborne - Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Noise - Acoustical noise EN 60704-2-1:2001
Airborne acoustical noise - Household appliances EN 60704-1:1997
Airborne acoustical noise - Household appliances EN 60704-1:2010
Airborne acoustical noise - Household appliances - Noise - Dishwasher EN 60704-2-3:2002
Airborne acoustical noise - Household appliances - Shaver EN 60704-2-8:1997
Airborne acoustical noise - Household appliances - Test - Code - Range hood EN 60704-2-13:2000
Airborne acoustical noise - Household appliances - Test - Fan EN 60704-2-7:1998
Airborne acoustical noise - Household appliances - Test - Food preparation appliances EN 60704-2-11:1999
Airborne acoustical noise - Household appliances - Washing machine - Spin extractor EN 60704-2-4:2001
Aircraft battery - Battery EN 60952-3:2004
Aircraft battery - Battery - Design - Construction EN 60952-2:2004
Aircraft battery - Battery - Performance level EN 60952-1:2004
Aircraft lighting - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast EN 61347-2-6:2001
Aircraft noise - Electroacoustics - Instrument - Transport-category aeroplane EN 61265:1995
AIS base station - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Identification - Automatic EN 62320-1:2007
Alarm - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Fire - Intruder EN 50130-4:2011
Alarm - Environment EN 50130-5:2011
Alarm - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Bridge EN 62616:2010
Alarm - Receiving centre - Monitoring EN 50518-1:2010
Alarm - Receiving centre - Monitoring EN 50518-2:2010
Alarm - Receiving centre - Monitoring EN 50518-3:2011
Alarm system CLC/TR 50515:2008
Alarm system - Access control system - Security applications - Application guidelines EN 50133-7:1999
Alarm system - Access control system - Security applications - Component EN 50133-2-1:2000
Alarm system - Access control system - Security applications - System requirement EN 50133-1:1996
Alarm system - Audio - Video - Door entry apparatus EN 50486:2008
Alarm system - CCTV surveillance system - Security EN 50132-1:2010
Alarm system - CCTV surveillance system - Security applications - Application guidelines EN 50132-7:1996
Alarm system - CCTV surveillance system - Security applications - Video transmission EN 50132-5:2001
Alarm system - Combined - Integrated CLC/TS 50398:2009
Alarm system - EC Directive CLC/TR 50456:2008
Alarm system - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Fire component - Intruder EN 50130-4:1995
Alarm system - Environmental - Test method EN 50130-5:1998
Alarm system - Intrusion system EN 50131-1:2006
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Control - Indicator CLC/TS 50131-3:2003
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Control - Indicator EN 50131-3:2009
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Acoustic CLC/TS 50131-2-7-1:2009
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Active CLC/TS 50131-2-7-3:2009
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Infrared - Passive EN 50131-2-2:2008
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Microwave EN 50131-2-3:2008
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Microwave - Infrared EN 50131-2-4:2008
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Opening contact - Magnetic EN 50131-2-6:2008
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Passive CLC/TS 50131-2-7-2:2009
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - PIR/Ultrasonic EN 50131-2-5:2008
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Guidelines CLC/TS 50131-7:2008
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Power supply EN 50131-6:1997
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Power supply EN 50131-6:2008
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Radio frequency EN 50131-5-3:2005
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Security - Fog device EN 50131-8:2009
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Warning device CLC/TS 50131-4:2006
Alarm system - Intrusion system - Warning device EN 50131-4:2009
Alarm system - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Safety EN 60601-1-8:2004
Alarm system - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Safety EN 60601-1-8:2007
Alarm system - Social alarm system CLC/TS 50134-7:2003
Alarm system - Social alarm system - Interconnection - Communication EN 50134-5:2004
Alarm system - Social alarm system - Local unit - Local controller EN 50134-3:2001
Alarm system - Social alarm system - System requirement EN 50134-1:2002
Alarm system - Social alarm system - Trigger device EN 50134-2:1999
Alarm system - Transmission - Annunciation equipment - Receiving centre CLC/TS 50136-4:2004
Alarm system - Transmission - Application guidelines CLC/TS 50136-7:2004
Alarm system - Transmission - Dedicated alarm path - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-2:1998
Alarm system - Transmission - Dedicated alarm path - System requirement EN 50136-1-2:1998
Alarm system - Transmission - Digital communicator - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-3:1998
Alarm system - Transmission - Digital communicator - System requirement EN 50136-1-3:1998
Alarm system - Transmission - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-1:1998
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Alphabetical Index

Alarm system - Transmission - Monitoring - Packet switched - Network PSN EN 50136-1-5:2008
Alarm system - Transmission - System requirement EN 50136-1-1:1998
Alarm system - Transmission - Voice communicator - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-4:1998
Alarm system - Transmission - Voice communicator - System requirement EN 50136-1-4:1998
Alarm systems - Terms - Definitions CLC/TR 50531:2009
Alcohol - Interlock - Test - Performance CLC/TR 50436-3:2010
Alcohol - Interlock - Test - Performance - Drink-driving-offender EN 50436-1:2005
Alcohol - Interlock - Test - Performance - Preventive use EN 50436-2:2007
Alien crosstalk - Connector - Electronic equipment - Signal integrity - Measurement EN 60512-25-9:2008
Alignment pin - Electronic equipment - Structure - Keying EN 60297-3-103:2004
Alignment sleeve - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Resilient - Adaptor EN 61300-3-42:2008
Alkaline - Battery - Nickel-cadmium cell - Prismatic - Rechargeable EN 60623:2001
Alkaline - Battery - Non-acid - Rechargeable - Nickel-cadmium EN 61951-1:2003
Alkaline - Battery - Non-acid - Rechargeable - Nickel-metal hydride EN 61951-2:2003
Alkaline - Battery - Non-acid - Rechargeable - Nickel-metal hydride EN 61951-2:2011
Alkaline - Battery - Secondary cell - Nickel-cadmium - Gas recombination EN 62259:2004
Alkaline - Battery - Secondary cell - Sealed - Portable EN 61959:2004
Alkaline - Lithium cell - Battery - Secondary - Portable EN 61960:2004
Alkaline - Lithium cell - Battery - Secondary - Portable EN 61960:2011
Alkaline - Secondary cell and battery - Non-acid electrolyte EN 61434:1996
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Aggressive industrial application EN 116204:1994
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Enhanced industrial application EN 116203:1994
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Generic specification EN 61811-1:1999
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Heavy load relay EN 116300:1993
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-52:2002
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-53:2002
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-54:2002
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-55:2002
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Telecom relay - Assessed quality EN 61811-50:2002
All-or-nothing - Relay - Electromechanical - Telecom relay - Non-standardized EN 61811-51:2002
All-or-nothing - Relay - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 205-802:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-802:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-803:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-804:1999
All-or-nothing - Relay - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-805:1999
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Bistable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-810:1999
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 1 change-over CECC 16 303-808:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 1 change-over CECC 16 303-809:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-801:1999
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-803:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 3 change-over CECC 16 303-805:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 3 change-over CECC 16 303-807:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 4 change-over CECC 16 303-802:1999
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 4 change-over CECC 16 303-804:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 6 change-over CECC 16 303-806:1997
All-or-nothing - Relay - Severe environmental conditions EN 116200:1991
Alphanumeric - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Conductor - Identification - Colour EN 60446:2007
Alphanumeric system - Man-machine interface - Marking - Identification - Terminal and termination EN 60445:2007
ALS - Digital - Audio - Non-linear - PCM bitstreams EN 61937-10:2011
Alternating voltage - Bushing - Insulated EN 60137:2003
Alternating voltage - Bushing - Insulated - Voltage EN 60137:2008
Alternating voltage - Cable - External gas-pressure cable - Test HD 635 S1:1997
Alternating voltage - Cable - Internal gas-pressure cable - Test HD 634 S1:1997
Alternating voltage - Cable - Metal-sheathed cable - Test HD 633 S1:1997
Alternating-current - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - By-pass switch EN 62271-109:2009
Aluminium - Capacitor - Electrolytic CLC/TR 50454:2008
Aluminium - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electrolyte EN 60384-4:2007
Aluminium - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electrolyte EN 60384-4-1:2007
Aluminium - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electrolyte EN 60384-4-2:2007
Aluminium - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electrolyte EN 60384-18:2007
Aluminium - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electrolyte EN 60384-18-1:2007
Aluminium - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electrolyte EN 60384-18-2:2007
Aluminium - Capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-801:1994
Aluminium - Capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-802:1994
Aluminium - Capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-803:1994
Aluminium - Capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-804:1994
Aluminium - Capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-805:1992
Aluminium - Capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-806:1994
Aluminium - Conductor - Overhead line - Steel Supported - ACSS EN 50540:2010
Aluminium - Winding - Wire - Enamelled - Round EN 60317-0-3:2008
Aluminium - Wire - Polyester - Polyesterimide - Class 200 EN 60317-25:1996
Aluminium - Wire - Polyester - Polyesterimide - Class 200 EN 60317-25:2010
Aluminium alloy - Wire - Overhead line - Conductor - Thermal resistant EN 62004:2009
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - AC - Motor EN 137000:1995
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - AC - Motor starter applications - Qualification EN 137100:1995
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - AC - Motor starter applications - Qualification EN 137101:1995
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Conductive polymer EN 60384-25:2006
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Conductive polymer EN 60384-25-1:2006
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - Printed board CECC 30 301-809:1993
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - Rigid termination - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-811:1996
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Alphabetical Index

Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - Style A ,B and BB CECC 30 301-808:1993
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - Style BC and BD CECC 30 301-807:1993
Aluminium electrolytic - Capacitor - Style BC and BD - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-810:1996
Aluminium etching - Oxidation - PAS CECC 200 017:1995
Aluminium-clad steel wire - Wire EN 61232:1995
Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy - Conductor - Overhead line - Wire EN 50183:2000
Aluminiuml - Capacitor - Electrolytic - Conductive polymer - Polymer EN 60384-26:2010
Aluminum - Capacitor - Electrolytic - Conductive polymer - Polymer EN 60384-26-1:2010
Ambiant condition - Tracking - Erosion - Resistance - Insulation EN 60587:2007
Ambient - Electrical insulation - Varnish - Curing finishing varnish EN 60464-3-1:2001
Ambient light susceptibility - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-8:1997
Ambient-rated - Photocoupler - Phototransistor output EN 120004:1992
Ambulatory - Medical equipment - Electrocardiograph - Essential performance - Safety EN 60601-2-47:2001
Ammeter - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Voltmeter EN 60051-2:1989
Amplification - Transistor - Bipolar transistor - Low-frequency - High-frequency CECC 50 002:1980
Amplifier - Audio - High-fidelity - Household EN 61305-3:1995
Amplifier - Circuit - Semiconductor - Microwave - Integrated EN 60747-16-1:2002
Amplifier - Integrated - Operational CECC 90 202:1989
Amplifier - Optical - Interface - Command set EN 61291-6-1:2008
Amplifier - Optical - Multichannel - Performance - Template EN 61291-4:2008
Amplifier - Optical - Multichannel - Pulse method EN 61290-10-1:2009
Amplifier - Optical - Multichannel parameter - Pulse method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-2:2008
Amplifier - Optical - Multichannel parameter - Subtraction method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-4:2007
Amplifier - Optical - Noise - Figure EN 61290-3:2008
Amplifier - Optical - Noise - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-2:2008
Amplifier - Optical - Polarization - Dispersion - Jones matrix EN 61290-11-1:2008
Amplifier - Optical - Test method - Multichannel parameter - Probe methods EN 61290-10-3:2003
Amplifier - Optical - Test method - Multichannel parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-1:2003
Amplifier - Optical - Test method - Noise figure parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-1:2003
Amplifier - Optical - Test method - Noise figure parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-2:2003
Amplifier - Optical - Test method - Polarization - Dispersion EN 61290-11-2:2005
Amplifier - Optical - Test method - Reflectance parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-2:2004
Amplifier - Optical fibre EN 61291-1:2006
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Digital application - Template - Performance EN 61291-2:2007
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Qualification - Reliability EN 61291-5-2:2002
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Test method - Gain parameter - Electrical spectrum analyzer EN 61290-1-2:2005
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Test method - Gain parameter - Power meter EN 61290-1-3:2005
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Test method - Gain parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-1-1:2006
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Test method - Noise figure parameters EN 61290-3:2000
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Test method - Out-of-band insertion loss - Filtered power meter EN 61290-7-1:2007
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Test method - Pump leakage parameter - Demultiplexer EN 61290-6-1:1998
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Test method - Reflectance parameters - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-1:2006
Amplifier - Optical fibre - Test method - Reflectance parameters - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-3:2002
Amplifier - Sound system equipment EN 60268-3:2000
Amplifier tube - Tube - Travelling wave EN 135000:1992
Amplitude histogram - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Optical signal EN 61280-2-11:2006
Amplitude modulated emission - Radiocommunications - Receiver EN 60315-3:1999
Amplitude-modulated - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Sound broadcasting - Measurement EN 60244-15:2000
Amusement - Building - Electrical installation - Fair - Circus HD 60364-7-740:2006
Amusement machine - Household appliances - Personal service machine - Safety EN 60335-2-82:2003
Anaesthetic system - Medical equipment EN 60601-2-13:2006
Analogue - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Monolithic CECC 90 200:1987
Analogue - Circuit - Switching circuit - Integrated CECC 90 203:1985
Analogue - Industrial process - Chart recorder - Pneumatic EN 60873-2:2004
Analogue - Industrial process - Chart recorder - Pneumatic - Performance EN 60873-1:2004
Analogue - Industrial process - DC signal HD 452.1 S1:1984
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Accessories EN 60051-8:1989
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Accessories - Definitions EN 60051-1:1998
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Ammeter - Voltmeter EN 60051-2:1989
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Frequency meter EN 60051-4:1989
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Multi-function instrument EN 60051-7:1989
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Ohmmeter - Conductance meter EN 60051-6:1989
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Phase meter - Synchroscope EN 60051-5:1989
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Test method EN 60051-9:1989
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Transducer - Conversion EN 60688:1992
Analogue - Measuring instrument - Wattmeter - Varmeter EN 60051-3:1989
Analogue audio performance measurement - Video - Video tape recorder - Broadcast EN 61237-4:1997
Analogue comparison system - Teleprotection - Power system HD 543.2 S1:1995
Analogue disc record - Audio - Reproducing equipment HD 337 S3:1989
Analogue input - Industrial process - Multi-state output - Control EN 61003-2:2009
Analogue input - Industrial process control - Multi-state output - Performance EN 61003-1:2004
Analogue interface - Video system - Vertical blanking interval EN 62375:2004
Analogue output - Industrial-process - Data structure - Process equipment - Digital output EN 61987-1:2007
Analogue output - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device EN 60947-5-7:2003
Analogue pneumatic signal - Industrial process EN 60382:1993
Analogue recording - Video - Audio - Polarity of magnetization EN 61213:1994
Analogue signal - Audio - Video - Audiovisual - Matching value EN 61938:1997
Analogue signal - Industrial process - Controller - Performance EN 60546-1:1993
Analogue signal - Industrial process - Controller - Routine testing EN 60546-2:1993
Analyse - Medical equipment - Recording - Single/multi channel - Electrocardiograph EN 60601-2-51:2003
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Alphabetical Index

Analysis - Dependability - Event tree EN 62502:2010
Analysis - Laboratory equipment - Safety EN 61010-2-081:2002
Analysis - Maintanability - Data - Presentation - Collection EN 60706-3:2006
Analysis - Printed board assembly - Defect - QAS EN 61193-1:2002
Analysis - Weibull EN 61649:2008
Analytical expression - Daily solar profile EN 61725:1997
Analyzer house - Industrial process - Safety EN 61285:2004
Ancillary - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Copper EN 60947-7-1:2009
Ancillary equipment - Furnace - Design - Installation EN 50156-1:2004
Ancillary equipment - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Terminal block EN 60947-7-3:2009
Anechoic chamber - Electomagnetic compatibility - Emission measurement CLC/TR 50485:2010
Anechoic chamber - Electromagnetic compatibility - Shield attenuation EN 50147-1:1996
Anechoic room - EMC - Radiation - Emission - Immunity EN 61000-4-22:2011
Anger type - Medical - Imaging device - Radionuclide - Gamma camera EN 60789:2005
Angle-polished - Optical fibre - Measurement - Endface angle EN 61300-3-37:2005
Angle-polished ferrule - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Endface angle - Measurement EN 61300-3-17:1999
Angled endface connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Keying accuracy - Measurement EN 61300-3-18:2006
Angular misalignment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Measurement EN 61300-3-26:2002
Animal breeding - Household appliances - Heating appliances - Animal rearing - Safety EN 60335-2-71:2003
Animal rearing - Household appliances - Heating appliances - Animal breeding - Safety EN 60335-2-71:2003
Animal-stunning - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-87:2002
Annunciation equipment - Alarm system - Transmission - Receiving centre CLC/TS 50136-4:2004
Anode dissipation up to 1 kW - Tube - Power transmitting tube CECC 45 003:1975
Antenna - Disturbance - Immunity - Radio - Measurement EN 55016-1-4:2010
Antenna - Radio transmission system - Digital microwave - Radio-relay system EN 60835-2-2:1994
Antenna - Radiocommunications - Receiving antenna - Satellite broadcast transmission EN 61114-1:1999
Antenna - Radiocommunications - Satellite broadcast transmission - Mechanical test EN 61114-2:1996
Antenna - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - External intermodulation product EN 60244-14:1997
Antenna - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave EN 60835-3-2:1996
Antenna calibration - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-1-5:2004
Anti-oxidant additive - Insulating liquid - Oil - Detection HD 415 S1:1981
Anti-scatter grid - Imaging equipment - X-ray - Diagnostic - Mammography EN 60627:2001
Anti-tracking - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-280:2010
AOPD - Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Protective equipment - Opto-electronic CLC/TS 61496-2:2006
AOPDDR - Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Protective equipment - Opto-electronic CLC/TS 61496-3:2008
Aperture - Optical fibre - Corrosion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-33:2002
Aperture - Optical fibre - Numerical aperture - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-43:2002
Apparatus - Cable - Fire conditions - Smoke production - Heat release EN 50399:2011
Apparatus - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched EN 50266-1:2001
Apparatus - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame EN 60332-3-10:2009
Apparatus - Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC - Product Committee CLC Guide 24:2009
Apparatus - EMC Directive CLC Guide 25:2009
Apparatus - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Repair - Overhaul EN 60079-19:2007
Apparatus - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Rolling stock EN 50121-3-2:2006
Appareils de traitement de l'information - Caractristiques des perturbations radiolectriques - Limites et
mthodes de mesure
EN 55022:2010
Appliance weigth - Coupler - Household appliances EN 60320-2-4:2006
Appliances - Switch EN 61058-1:2002
Appliances - Switch - Change-over selector EN 61058-2-5:1994
Appliances - Switch - Cord switch EN 61058-2-1:1993
Appliances - Switch - Independently mounted EN 61058-2-4:2005
Applicability - Circuit-breaker - Residual current EN 61008-2-1:1994
Applicability - Circuit-breaker - Residual current - RCBO - Overcurrent protection EN 61009-2-1:1994
Applicable publication - Connector - Electronic equipment - Test - Measurement EN 60512-1-100:2006
Application - Symbol - Graphical symbol - Guideline EN 80416-3:2002
Application guide - Dependability EN 60300-3-15:2009
Application guide - Dependability - Management - Logistic support EN 60300-3-12:2004
Application guide - Dependability - Management - Logistic support EN 60300-3-12:2011
Application guide - Dependability - Management - Maintenance EN 60300-3-14:2004
Application guide - Dependability - Management - Methodology EN 60300-3-1:2004
Application guide - Insulation coordination EN 60071-2:1997
Application guide - Protection equipment - Thermal link EN 60691:2003
Application guide - Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Traction system EN 50152-3-1:2003
Application guide - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Traction system EN 50123-7-1:2003
Application guidelines - Alarm system - Access control system - Security applications EN 50133-7:1999
Application guidelines - Alarm system - CCTV surveillance system - Security applications EN 50132-7:1996
Application guidelines - Alarm system - Transmission CLC/TS 50136-7:2004
Application layer - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol EN 61334-4-42:1996
Application layer - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Media EN 50090-4-1:2004
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-2:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-3:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-4:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-5:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-7:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-8:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-10:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-11:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-12:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-13:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-14:2008
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Alphabetical Index

Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-15:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-16:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-17:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-18:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-19:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-5-20:2008
Application layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-6-2:2008
Application structure - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System EN 50090-3-1:1994
Approach distances - Live working - A.C. - Calculation method EN 61472:2004
Approval application guideline - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Manufacturing line EN 61943:1999
Aquarium - Household appliances - Pond - Garden pond - Safety EN 60335-2-55:2003
Aquarium - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-11:2005
Aqueous - Battery - Primary - Electrolyte EN 60086-5:2011
Aqueous electrolyte - Battery - Primary battery - Safety EN 60086-5:2005
Aramid - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Aromatic polyamide - Paper EN 60819-3-3:2006
Aramid fibre paper - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Mica particles EN 60819-3-4:2001
Aramid laminate - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Cyanate ester - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-13:1999
Aramid laminate - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Epoxide - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-12:1999
Aramid pressboard - Pressboard EN 61629-1:1996
Aramid pressboard - Pressboard - Test EN 61629-2:1996
Arc - Heating installation - Furnace - Submerged arc furnace HD 599 S1:1992
Arc - Live working - Clothing - Thermal protection - Flame resistant CLC/TS 61482-1:2003
Arc - Live working - Clothing - Thermal protection - Flame resistant EN 61482-1-2:2007
Arc - Welding - Electrode - Holder EN 60974-11:2010
Arc - Welding - Inspection - Testing - Periodic EN 60974-4:2011
Arc furnace - Graphite electrode - Furnace EN 60239:2005
Arc furnace - Heating installation - Electroheat - Safety EN 60519-4:2006
Arc rating - Live working - Protection - Clothing - Thermal hazard EN 61482-1-1:2009
Arc stabilizing - Welding - Arc welding - Arc striking EN 60974-3:2007
Arc striking - Welding - Arc welding - Arc stabilizing EN 60974-3:2007
Arc welding EN 50504:2008
Arc welding - Cable - Low voltage - Crosslinked: Elastomeric covering EN 50525-2-81:2011
Arc welding - EMF basic standard EN 50444:2008
Arc welding - Installation - Use CLC/TS 62081:2002
Arc welding - Welding - Arc striking - Arc stabilizing EN 60974-3:2007
Arc welding - Welding - Coupling device - Cable EN 60974-12:2005
Arc welding - Welding - Coupling device - Cable EN 60974-12:2011
Arc welding - Welding - Electrode holder EN 60974-11:2004
Arc welding - Welding - EMC EN 60974-10:2007
Arc welding - Welding - Gas console EN 60974-8:2004
Arc welding - Welding - Gas console EN 60974-8:2009
Arc welding - Welding - In service-inspection EN 60974-4:2007
Arc welding - Welding - Installation - Use EN 60974-9:2010
Arc welding - Welding - Limited duty EN 60974-6:2011
Arc welding - Welding - Limited duty - Manual metal - Power source EN 60974-6:2003
Arc welding - Welding - Liquid cooling system EN 60974-2:2008
Arc welding - Welding - Power source EN 60974-1:2005
Arc welding - Welding - Return current: Clamp EN 60974-13:2011
Arc welding - Welding - Torche EN 60974-7:2005
Arc welding - Welding - Wire feeder EN 60974-5:2008
Arc welding cable - Cable - Rubber insulated HD 22.6 S2:1995
Architecture - Block - Function - Industrial-process - Control EN 61499-1:2005
Architecture - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System EN 50090-2-1:1994
Architecture - Home server - Multimedia - Receiver - Broadcasting EN 62328-1:2005
Architecture - OPC - Address space EN 62541-3:2010
Architecture - OPC - Unified - Overview - Concept CLC/TR 62541-1:2010
Architecture - OPC - Unified - Security - Model CLC/TR 62541-2:2010
Architecture - Railway - Onboard - Supply CLC/TS 50534:2010
Area - Explosive - Atmosphere - Combustible - Dust EN 60079-10-2:2009
Area - Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Classification EN 60079-10-1:2009
Area - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Classification EN 61241-10:2004
Area array component - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint EN 61188-5-8:2008
Aromatic hydrocarbon content - Insulating liquid - Oil - Hydrocarbon HD 382 S1:1979
Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 220 EN 60317-53:1999
Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Temperature index 220 EN 60317-52:1999
Aromatic polyamide - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Aramid - Paper EN 60819-3-3:2006
Aromatic polyimide - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-47:1997
Aromatic polyimide - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-46:1997
Aromatic polyimide tape - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-44:1997
Aromatic polyimide tape - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-43:1997
Array - Programmable logic array (PLA) CECC 90 114:1994
Arrow form - Symbol - Graphical symbol - Arrow use EN 80416-2:2001
Arrow use - Symbol - Graphical symbol - Arrow form EN 80416-2:2001
Article 118A - Standardization policy - EC Treaty CLC Guide 20:2001
Artifact - Liquid - Crystal - Display - Motion EN 61747-6-3:2011
Ash handling plant - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries EN 45510-4-7:1999
ASICs - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Microelectronic - TAS CECC 290 001:1997
Askarel-filled electrical equipment - Electrical equipment - Code of practice EN 50195:1996
Assemblies - Radio frequency - Caxial - Cable - Receiver EN 60966-2-6:2009
Assemblies - Radio frequency - Coaxial - Cable - Receiver EN 60966-2-4:2009
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Assemblies - Radio frequency - Coaxial - Cable - Receiver EN 60966-2-5:2009
Assemblies - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear EN 50123-6:2003
Assembly - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 61439-1:2009
Assembly - Printed board - Design - Manufacture EN 60194:2006
Assembly and disassembly - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Closure - Test EN 61300-2-33:2007
Assembly facility - Printed board - PAS CECC 200 025:1998
Assessed performance - Power supply - DC - LV EN 61204-6:2001
Assessed process - Average procedure EN 100014:1991
Assessed quality - Connector - Printed board - Two-part connector - Backplane EN 61076-4-100:2001
Assessed quality - Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Lead connections - Standard outline EN 60368-3:2001
Assessed quality - Piezoelectric - Filter - Standard outline - Lead connection EN 60368-3:2010
Assessed quality - Quartz - Crystal - Generic EN 60122-1:2002
Assessed quality - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay EN 61811-50:2002
Assessed quality - Relay - Relay socket EN 147100:1993
Assessed quality - Relay - Relay socket EN 147101:1994
Assessed quality - Socket - Electrical relay EN 147000:1993
Assessed quality - Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric EN 61338-4:2005
Assessed quality - Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric EN 61338-4-1:2005
Assessment - Fire hazard - Electrotechnical EN 60695-1-11:2010
Assessment - Fire hazard - Electrotechnical product - Preselection testing - Guidance EN 60695-1-30:2002
Assessment - Fire hazard - Electrotechnical product - Preselection testing - Guidance EN 60695-1-30:2008
Assessment - Fire hazard - Guidance - Test EN 60695-1-1:2000
Assessment - Industrial process - Functionality EN 61069-3:1996
Assessment level DZ - Capacitor - Multilayer - Ceramic surface mounting capacitor EN 132102:1996
Assessment level E - Capacitor - Aluminium - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-806:1994
Assessment level E - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Rigid termination CECC 30 301-811:1996
Assessment level E - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Style BC and BD CECC 30 301-810:1996
Assessment level EZ - Capacitor - Fixed - DC - Polyphenylene sulfide film EN 60384-20-1:2008
Assessment level EZ - Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Polycarbonate film dielectric EN 131702:1997
Assessment level EZ - Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Polyethylene-terephthalate film EN 130102:1997
Assessment level EZ - Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Polypropylene film dielectric EN 131802:1997
Assessment level EZ - Capacitor - Metallized polycarbonate film - DC EN 130502:1998
Assessment level P - Inductor - Wirewound surface mounting EN 129102:1994
Assessment level P - Varistor - Telephony applications - LV CECC 42 101:1978
Assessment level S - Potentiometer - Rotary precision potentiometer CECC 41 401:1979
Assessment level Y - Push-button switch EN 196403:1998
Assessment level Y - Switch - Rotary switch EN 196103:1998
Assessment methodology - Industrial process EN 61069-1:1993
Assessment methodology - Industrial process EN 61069-2:1994
Assessment of image quality - Print - Transparency - Electronic source EN 61610:1996
Asset management - Interface - Distribution management - Record management EN 61968-4:2007
Assisted hearing - Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency - Induction - Loop system EN 62489-1:2010
Assisted hearing - Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency - Loop system - Human exposure EN 62489-2:2011
Asynchronous data exchange - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control EN 62056-42:2002
Asynchronous transfer - Digital - Audio - Input-output interface - Transmission EN 62365:2005
Asynchronous transfer - Digital - Audio - Input-output interface - Transmission EN 62365:2009
ATM-PON - Fibre - Optic - Transceiver - Driver EN 62149-5:2011
ATM-PON - Fibre - Optic - Transceiver - Measurement EN 62150-2:2011
ATM-PON - Fibre optic - Transceivers - Test - Measurement EN 62150-2:2004
Atmosphere - Explosive - Area - Combustible - Dust EN 60079-10-2:2009
Atmosphere - Explosive - Design - Selection - Erection EN 60079-14:2008
Atmosphere - Explosive - Gas - Area - Classification EN 60079-10-1:2009
Atmosphere - Explosive - Gas - Detector - Guide EN 60079-29-2:2007
Atmosphere - Explosive - Gas - Detectors - Flammable EN 60079-29-4:2010
Atmosphere - Explosive - Gas - Flammable - Detection EN 60079-29-1:2007
Atmosphere - Explosive - Gas - Vapour EN 60079-20-1:2010
Atmosphere - Explosive - Heating - Resistance EN 60079-30-1:2007
Atmosphere - Explosive - Heating - Resistance EN 60079-30-2:2007
Atmosphere - Explosive - Inspection - Maintenance EN 60079-17:2007
Atmosphere - Explosive - Intrinsically - Safe EN 60079-25:2010
Atmosphere - Explosive - Pressurized room EN 60079-13:2010
Atmosphere - Explosive - Protection "n" EN 60079-15:2010
Atmosphere - Explosive - Protection - Encapsulation "m" EN 60079-18:2009
Atmosphere - Explosive - Quality system - Equipment - Manufacture EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011
Atmosphere - Explosive - Repair - Overhaul - Reclamation EN 60079-19:2011
Atomic absorption - Cable - Optical cable - Spectrometer - PVC compound EN 50414:2006
Atomization - Laboratory equipment - Spectrometer - Ionization - Thermal EN 61010-2-061:2003
ATRAC format - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-7:2005
Attachable - Live working - Insulation - Stick EN 60832-1:2010
Attachable - Live working - Insulation - Stick EN 60832-2:2010
Attachment - Printed board - Design and use - Land/joint EN 61188-5-1:2002
Attachment - Printed board - Design and use - Land/joint - Area array component EN 61188-5-8:2008
Attachment - Printed board - Design and use - Land/joint - Chip carrier EN 61188-5-6:2003
Attachment - Printed board - Design and use - Land/joint - Discrete component EN 61188-5-2:2003
Attachment - Printed board - Design and use - Land/joint - Gull-wing leads EN 61188-5-3:2007
Attachment - Printed board - Design and use - Land/joint - Gull-wing leads EN 61188-5-5:2007
Attachment - Printed board - Design and use - Land/joint - J Leads components EN 61188-5-4:2007
Attachment material - Electronic assembly - Solder alloy - Solid solder EN 61190-1-3:2007
Attachment material - Electronic assembly - Soldering flux - High-quality interconnection EN 61190-1-1:2002
Attachment material - Electronic assembly - Soldering past - High-quality interconnnects EN 61190-1-2:2007
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Attenuation - Cable - Communication - Metallic - Injection clamp method EN 62153-4-2:2004
Attenuation - Cable - Communication - Test method EN 50289-1-8:2001
Attenuation - Cable - Communication - Test method - Longitudinal EN 50289-1-9:2001
Attenuation - Connector - Electronic equipment - Insertion loss - Measurement EN 60512-25-2:2002
Attenuation - Fibre - Optic - Communication - Cable plant EN 61280-4-1:2009
Attenuation - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Return loss EN 61300-3-3:2009
Attenuation - Fibre - Optic - Launch - Multimode EN 62614:2010
Attenuation - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - single-mode EN 61300-2-41:1998
Attenuation - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Measurement EN 61300-3-4:2001
Attenuation - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Return loss EN 61300-3-7:2001
Attenuation - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Wavelength dependence EN 61300-3-5:2001
Attenuation - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-40:2003
Attenuation - Waveguide - Waveguide assemblies - Measurement method EN 61580-4:1998
Attenuation properties - Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Diagnostic EN 61331-1:2002
Attenuation setting - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Variable attenuator - Accuracy EN 61300-3-14:2007
Attenuator - Fibre optic EN 180101:1995
Attenuator - Fibre optic - Fixed - Bidirectional - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 80 101-801:1994
Attenuator - Fibre optic - Fixed - Bidirectional - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 80 101-802:1994
Attenuator - Fibre optic - Generic specification EN 60869-1:2000
Attenuator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-053-3:2004
Attenuator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Pigtailed-style attenuator EN 61753-052-3:2002
Attenuator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Plug-style attenuator EN 61753-051-3:2002
Attenuator - Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - SC(SC2)-APC connector CLC/TR 50378-2-2:2008
Attenuator - Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - SC(SC2)-PC connector CLC/TR 50378-2-1:2008
Attestation of Conformity - RP 8 - Certificate of approval - Conditions of use CECC 00 108:1994
Attributes - Enterprise-control - Object model EN 62264-2:2008
Audible information - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface CLC/TS 50459-6:2005
Audible sound - Measurement - Filter - Ultrasound EN 61012:1998
Audio - Alarm system - Video - Door entry apparatus EN 50486:2008
Audio - Analogue disc record - Reproducing equipment HD 337 S3:1989
Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Measurement EN 61606-1:2004
Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Measurement EN 61606-1:2009
Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Measurement - Consumer use EN 61606-2:2004
Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Measurement - Consumer use EN 61606-2:2009
Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Personal computer EN 61606-4:2006
Audio - Audiovisual system - Text transmission system EN 61866:1997
Audio - Broadcast - Digital - Receiver data interface - RDI EN 62105:2002
Audio - Broadcasting - DAB command - Receiver - Digital EN 50320:2000
Audio - Compact disc - Digital audio system EN 60908:1999
Audio - Compact disc - Digital audio system EN 61096:1993
Audio - Consumption - Power consumption - Video - Measurement EN 62087:2003
Audio - Control - Interface - Network - Digital EN 62379-2:2009
Audio - Digital - Bitstream - Non-linear EN 61937-3:2009
Audio - Digital - Bitstream - Non-linear - MAT format EN 61937-9:2007
Audio - Digital - Input-output interface - Transmission - Asynchronous transfer EN 62365:2005
Audio - Digital - Input-output interface - Transmission - Asynchronous transfer EN 62365:2009
Audio - Digital - Interface EN 60958-1:2008
Audio - Digital - Non-linear - PCM bitstreams - ALS EN 61937-10:2011
Audio - Digital - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-1:2007
Audio - Digital - Non-linear - PCM encoded - LATM/LOAS EN 61937-11:2010
Audio - Digital audio broadcasting system - Receiver Data Interface (RDI) EN 50255:1997
Audio - Digital audio interface EN 60958-1:2004
Audio - Digital audio interface - Consumer applications EN 60958-3:2006
Audio - Digital audio interface - Professional applications EN 60958-4:2003
Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) - Calibration EN 61119-2:1994
Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) - Dimensions EN 61119-1:1994
Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) - Professional use EN 61119-5:1995
Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) - Properties EN 61119-3:1994
Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) - Serial copy management system EN 61119-6:1994
Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system - Format A EN 61595-1:1997
Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system - Format B EN 61595-2:1998
Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system - Professional use EN 61595-3:1999
Audio - Electroacoustics - Sound level meter - Calibration EN 61183:1994
Audio - High-fidelity - Household EN 61305-1:1995
Audio - High-fidelity - Household - Amplifier EN 61305-3:1995
Audio - High-fidelity - Household - FM radio tuner EN 61305-2:1998
Audio - High-fidelity - Household - Loudspeaker EN 61305-5:2003
Audio - Magnetic tape - Calibration EN 60094-2:1995
Audio - Magnetic tape - Cassette EN 60094-7:1993
Audio - Magnetic tape - Mechanical properties EN 60094-4:1994
Audio - Magnetic tape - Properties EN 60094-5:1993
Audio - Magnetic tape - Sound recording EN 60094-1:1993
Audio - Magnetic tape - Sound recording EN 60094-3:1996
Audio - Multimedia - Quality - Synchronization - Video EN 62503:2008
Audio - PCM encoder/decoder system HD 544 S1:1989
Audio - Power consumption - Video EN 62087:2009
Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape EN 61120-4:1992
Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system HD 311.6 S1:1987
Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system EN 61120-1:1993
Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system - Format A EN 61120-2:1993
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Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system - Format B EN 61120-3:1993
Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system - Reel EN 61120-5:1995
Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Time code - Address code HD 311.10 S1:1989
Audio - Sound system component - Interconnection - Connector HD 483.11 S3:1993
Audio - Sound system equipment HD 483.1 S2:1989
Audio - Terminology - Calculation method HD 483.2 S2:1993
Audio - Video - Analogue recording - Polarity of magnetization EN 61213:1994
Audio - Video - Audiovisual - Analogue signal - Matching value EN 61938:1997
Audio - Video - Connector and cordset - Digital bus EN 60933-4:1994
Audio - Video - Digital interface EN 61883-1:2003
Audio - Video - Digital interface - Data transmission EN 61883-6:2005
Audio - Video - Digital interface - HD-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-3:2005
Audio - Video - Digital interface - MPEG2-TS - Data transmission EN 61883-4:2005
Audio - Video - Digital interface - SD-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-2:2005
Audio - Video - Digital interface - SDL-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-5:2005
Audio - Video - Digital interface - Transmission EN 61883-7:2003
Audio - Video - Electronic apparatus - Safety EN 60065:2002
Audio - Video - Iinformation technology - Routine - Safety testing EN 50514:2008
Audio - Video - Multimedia - Channel assignment - Multichannel EN 62574:2011
Audio - Video - Television - Audio cassette system HD 369.10 S4:1991
Audio - Video - Television - Connector for video system - Y/C EN 60933-5:1993
Audio - Video - Television - Domestic digital bus EN 61030:1993
Audio - Video - Television - ENG camera and portable VTR - Interconnection EN 60933-3:1992
Audio - Video - Television - Slide projector - Built-in-triac HD 369.18 S1:1989
Audio - Video - Television - Tape leader and trailer - Training EN 60574-21:1993
Audio - Video - Television - Volume indicator HD 483.17 S1:1992
Audio - Video - Transmission - Infra-red radiation - Conference EN 61603-3:1998
Audio - Video - Transmission - Infra-red radiation - Conference EN 61603-7:2003
Audio - Video - Transmission - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-1:1997
Audio - Video - Transmission - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-2:1997
Audio - Video - Transmission - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-6:2002
Audio - Video - Transmission - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-8-1:2004
Audio and video application - Connector - Circular connector - Audio-visual equipment - Printed board EN 60603-14:1999
Audio cassette system - Audio - Video - Television HD 369.10 S4:1991
Audio channel - Receiver - Television - Measurement - Monophonic EN 60107-2:1997
Audio recording - Recording - Minidisc system EN 61909:2000
Audio requirement - Conference system - Electrical requirement HD 549 S1:1989
Audio, Audiovisual - Digital - Professional EN 61606-3:2008
Audio-frequency - Electroacoustics - Induction - Loop system - Assisted hearing EN 62489-1:2010
Audio-frequency - Electroacoustics - Loop system - Assisted hearing - Human exposure EN 62489-2:2011
Audio-visual - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - entertainment - Emission EN 55103-1:1996
Audio-visual - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - entertainment - Emission EN 55103-1:2009
Audio-visual - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - entertainment - Immunity EN 55103-2:1996
Audio-visual - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - entertainment - Immunity EN 55103-2:2009
Audio-visual equipment - Connector - Circular connector - Audio and video application - Printed board EN 60603-14:1999
Audio/video - Communication technology - Environment - Design EN 62075:2008
Audio/video - Consumer - Digital interface EN 61883-1:2009
Audio/video - Consumer - Digital interface - Transmission - ITU-R BT.601 EN 61883-8:2009
Audio/video - Digital - Interface - Plastic optical fibre - Consumer EN 62300:2005
Audiobook - Digital - file format - Player requirement EN 62571:2011
Audiological - Aural acoustic - Impedance - Admittance EN 60645-5:2005
Audiometer - Electroacoustics - Pure-tone audiometer EN 60645-1:2001
Audiometer - Measuring instrument - High-frequency audiometry EN 60645-4:1995
Audiometer - Speech audiometry EN 60645-2:1997
Audiometric - Electoacoustics - Short duration - Signal - Test EN 60645-3:2007
Audiometric earphone - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Calibration - Acoustic coupler EN 60318-2:1998
Audiometry - Electroacoustics - Brainstem - Response EN 60645-7:2010
Audiometry - Electroacoustics - Otoacoustic - Emission EN 60645-6:2010
Audiovisual - Audio - Digital audio part - Measurement EN 61606-1:2004
Audiovisual - Audio - Digital audio part - Measurement EN 61606-1:2009
Audiovisual - Audio - Digital audio part - Measurement - Consumer use EN 61606-2:2004
Audiovisual - Audio - Digital audio part - Measurement - Consumer use EN 61606-2:2009
Audiovisual - Audio - Digital audio part - Personal computer EN 61606-4:2006
Audiovisual - Audio - Video - Analogue signal - Matching value EN 61938:1997
Audiovisual system - Audio - Text transmission system EN 61866:1997
Aural acoustic - Audiological - Impedance - Admittance EN 60645-5:2005
Authorized person - Fuse - LV - Industrial HD 60269-2:2007
Authorized person - Fuse - LV - Industrial HD 60269-2:2010
Auto transformer - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply EN 61558-2-13:2009
Auto-transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit EN 61558-2-13:2000
Automated - Medical - Safety - Performance - Sphygmomanometers EN 80601-2-30:2010
Automated - Railway - Urban - Guided - Transport EN 62267:2009
Automatic - Electrostatic - Flammable - Flock - Equipment EN 50223:2001
Automatic - Household - Air flow - Water flow - Sensing control EN 60730-2-15:2010
Automatic - Household appliances - Floor treatment - Safety EN 60335-2-72:2009
Automatic - Household use - Control - Relay:Motor starting relay EN 60730-2-10:2007
Automatic - Lighting - Emergency - Battery powered EN 62034:2006
Automatic - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Identification EN 62320-2:2008
Automatic - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Identification - AIS base station EN 62320-1:2007
Automatic channel installation (ACI) - Television EN 50203:1996
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Automatic control - Household - Control CLC/TR 50455:2008
Automatic control - Household use EN 60730-1:1991
Automatic control - Household use EN 60730-1:1995
Automatic control - Household use EN 60730-1:2000
Automatic control - Household use - Boiler - Sensor EN 60730-2-15:1995
Automatic control - Household use - Burner control system EN 60730-2-5:2002
Automatic control - Household use - Door lock EN 60730-2-12:2006
Automatic control - Household use - Electric actuator EN 60730-2-14:1997
Automatic control - Household use - Energy regulator EN 60730-2-11:2008
Automatic control - Household use - Humidity - Sensing control EN 60730-2-13:2008
Automatic control - Household use - Lamp - Tubular fluorescent - Thermal protector EN 60730-2-3:2007
Automatic control - Household use - Motor - Thermal protector EN 60730-2-2:2002
Automatic control - Household use - Motor compressor - Thermal protector - Hermetic EN 60730-2-4:2007
Automatic control - Household use - Pressure sensing controls EN 60730-2-6:2008
Automatic control - Household use - Sensing control EN 60730-2-18:1999
Automatic control - Household use - Temperature sensing control EN 60730-2-9:2002
Automatic control - Household use - Timer - Time switch EN 60730-2-7:1991
Automatic control - Household use - Valve - Oil valve - Mechanical requirement EN 60730-2-19:2002
Automatic control - Household use - Water level operating control EN 60730-2-16:1997
Automatic control - Household use - Water valve - Mechanical requirements EN 60730-2-8:2002
Automatic gain control circuit - Hearing aid EN 60118-2:1995
Automatic handling - Packaging - Bulk case packaging - Surface mounting EN 60286-6:2004
Automatic handling - Packaging - Stick magazine EN 60286-4:1998
Automatic handling - Packaging - Surface mount - Blister - Carrier tape EN 60286-3-2:2009
Automatic handling - Packaging - Surface mount component - Continuous tape EN 60286-3:2007
Automatic handling - Packaging - Tape packaging - Axial lead EN 60286-1:1998
Automatic handling - Packaging - Tape packaging - Unidirectional lead EN 60286-2:1998
Automatic handling - Packaging - Tape packaging - Unidirectional lead - Continuous tape EN 60286-2:2009
Automatic handling - Packaging - Tray - Matrix tray EN 60286-5:2004
Automatic handling - Packing - Surface mount - Continuous - Pressed carrier tape EN 60286-3-1:2009
Automatic Identification - Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - CSTDMA techniques EN 62287-1:2006
Automatic identification - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Identification EN 61993-2:2002
Automatic network analyzer - Quartz crystal unit - Load resonance frequency - Effective load capacitance EN 60444-11:2010
Automatic network analyzer technique - Quartz crystal unit - Measurement EN 60444-5:1997
Automatic selection - Domestic equipment - Source device EN 50157-2-1:1998
Automatic switching - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Multiple function EN 60947-6-1:2005
Automatically-controlled - Medical equipment - Brachytherapy - Afterloading - Safety EN 60601-2-17:2004
Automation - Communication - Network - Beacon - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-5:2010
Automation - Communication - Network - Concepts - Calculation methods EN 62439-1:2010
Automation - Communication - Network - Cross-network - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-4:2010
Automation - Communication - Network - Distributed redundancy EN 62439-6:2010
Automation - Communication - Network - Energy resources - Logical node EN 61850-7-420:2009
Automation - Communication - Network - Media - Redundancy EN 62439-2:2010
Automation - Communication - Network - Power utility EN 61850-4:2011
Automation - Communication - Network - Power utility CLC/TS 61850-80-1:2010
Automation - Communication - Network - Power utility - ACSI EN 61850-7-2:2010
Automation - Communication - Network - Power utility - Node EN 61850-7-4:2010
Automation - Communication - Network - Power utility - Structure EN 61850-7-3:2011
Automation - Communication - Network - Redundancy protocol - Seamless ring EN 62439-3:2010
Automation - Distribution - Data communication protocol - Management Information Base EN 61334-4-512:2002
Automation - HBES - BACS - EMC requirements - Industrial environment EN 50491-5-3:2010
Automation - HBES - BACS - EMC requirements - Large system EN 50491-5-2:2010
Automation - HBES - BACS - EMC requirements - Test EN 50491-5-1:2010
Automation - HBES - Building - BACS - Environment EN 50491-2:2010
Automation - HBES - Control - BACS EN 50491-3:2009
Automation - High availability - Network EN 62439:2008
Automation - IEEE guide - Control - Computer-based - Hydroelectric EN 62270:2004
Automation - Library - Input/output buffer - Electronic design - Information EN 62014-1:2002
Automation - Process industry - Factory acceptance - Site acceptance - Site integration EN 62381:2007
Automation Island - Data - Digital - Communication - Fieldbus EN 61918:2008
Auxiliaries - Lighting - Lamp - Starting device EN 60927:1996
Auxiliaries - Lighting - Lamp - Starting device EN 60927:2007
Auxiliary contact unit - Electrical accessory - Circuit-breaker - Household use EN 62019:1999
Auxilliaries - Lamp - Ballast - Discharge lamp EN 60923:2005 - Interconnection requirement - Domestic equipment EN 50157-1:1998 - Interconnection requirement - Domestic equipment - Basic system EN 50157-2-2:1998 - Interconnection requirement - Domestic equipment - System oriented application EN 50157-2-3:1998
Availability - Railway - Reliability - Maintainability - RAMS CLC/TR 50126-2:2007
Availability - Railway applications - Reliability - Maintainability - Safety EN 50126-1:1999
Availability - Reliability - Maintainability - Mathematical expression EN 61703:2002
Avalanche breakdown diode - Surge - Protective device - ABD - Diode EN 61643-321:2002
Average procedure - Assessed process EN 100014:1991
Aviation ground lighting installation - Lighting - Flashing light ENV 50234:1997
Aviation ground lighting installation - Lighting - Monitoring system ENV 50230:1997
Aviation ground lighting installation - Lighting - Sign ENV 50235:1997
Awning - Household appliances - Rolling shutter - Blind - Safety EN 60335-2-97:2006
Axial - Connector - Electronic equipment - Housing - Insert retention EN 60512-15-2:2008
Axial - Connector - Static - Load test EN 60512-8-2:2011
Axial - Hydraulic - Radial - Mode - Prototype EN 62097:2009
Axial - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Fatigue test - Thin film EN 62047-6:2010
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Axial compression - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Test EN 61300-2-11:1997
Axial lead - Packaging - Automatic handling - Tape packaging EN 60286-1:1998
Axle counter - Railway application - Rolling stock - Train detection - Compatibility CLC/TS 50238-3:2010


B-stage - Insulating materials - Mica - Film-backed mica paper EN 60371-3-4:1995
B-stage epoxy resin binder - Insulating materials - Mica - Glass-backed mica paper EN 60371-3-6:1995
B10 values - Electromechanical - Elementary - Relay - Reliability EN 61810-2-1:2011
Baby - Medical - Safety - Performance - Incubator EN 60601-2-19:2009
Baby incubator - Medical equipment - Incubator - Safety EN 60601-2-19:1996
Backbone - Information technology - Cabling - Residential - Multi-tenant buildings CLC/TR 50173-99-2:2010
Backbone cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-2-1:2003
Backbone cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-3-1:2003
Backbone cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-4-1:2003
Backbone cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-5-1:2003
Backbone cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-6-1:2003
Backing material - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive EN 60454-3-19:2003
Backpanel - Connector - Two-part connector - Cable connector - Printed board EN 60603-9:1998
Backplane - Connector - InfiniBand equipment EN 61076-4-115:2003
Backplane - Connector - Printed board - Assessed quality - Two-part connector EN 61076-4-100:2001
Backplane - Connector - Printed board - Modular - Two part CECC 75 101-807:1994
Backplane - Connector - Printed board - Two part - Grid of 2 mm CECC 75 101-808:1993
Backplane - Connector - Printed board - Two part - Modular CECC 75 101-810:1994
Backplane - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Bus applications EN 61076-4-113:2003
Backplane - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Early mating feature EN 61076-4-111:2002
Backplane - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - IEC 60917 EN 61076-4-101:2001
Backplane - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Subrack - Plug-in unit EN 60917-2-3:2006
Backsiphonage - Water main - Failure - Hose-sets EN 61770:2009
Backsiphonage - Water main - Hose set failure EN 61770:1999
BACS - HBES - Automation - Control EN 50491-3:2009
BACS - HBES - Automation - EMC requirements - Industrial environment EN 50491-5-3:2010
BACS - HBES - Automation - EMC requirements - Large system EN 50491-5-2:2010
BACS - HBES - Automation - EMC requirements - Test EN 50491-5-1:2010
BACS - HBES - Building - Automation - Environment EN 50491-2:2010
Bain-marie - Household appliances - Commercial - Safety EN 60335-2-50:2003
Balance-of-system - Photovoltaic systems - Design - Natural environment EN 62093:2005
Balanced - Cabling - information technology - Testing - Coaxial EN 61935-1:2009
Ball and socket coupling - Insulator - String insulator unit - Dimensions HD 474 S1:1986
Ball grid array (BGA) - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted EN 60191-6-4:2003
Ball pressure test - Fire hazard - Testing - Heat EN 60695-10-2:2003
Ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Discharge lamp EN 61347-2-9:2001
Ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Electronic ballast - Aircraft lighting EN 61347-2-6:2001
Ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Electronic ballast - Emergency lighting EN 61347-2-7:2006
Ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Electronic ballast - Fluorescent lamp EN 61347-2-3:2001
Ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Electronic ballast - General lighting EN 61347-2-4:2001
Ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Electronic ballast - Public transport lighting EN 61347-2-5:2001
Ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Fluorescent lamp EN 61347-2-8:2001
Ballast - Lamp - Discharge lamp - Auxilliaries EN 60923:2005
Ballast - Lighting - Discharge lamp - Performance EN 60923:1996
Ballast - Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60921:1991
Ballast - Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60921:2004
Ballast-lamp circuit - Input power - Measurement method EN 50294:1998
Band saw - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Saw EN 60745-2-20:2009
Band saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable EN 61029-2-5:2002
Band saw - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety EN 60745-2-20:2003
Bandwidth - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-41:2003
Bandwidth - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-41:2010
Bar and coil - Insulation - Machine - HV EN 50209:1998
Bar code - Label - Package label - Electronic component - Symbology EN 62090:2003
Barbecue - Household appliances - Outdoor - Safety EN 60335-2-78:2003
Barrel - Battery - Hand held - Harging - Multimedia EN 62637-2:2011
Barrel - Battery - Hand held - Multimedia - Harging EN 62637-1:2011
Barrel thread - Lighting - Lampholder - Shade holder ring EN 60399:2004
Base material - Printed board - PAS CECC 200 016:1996
Base station - Electromagnetic field strength - In situ measurement - Human exposure EN 50492:2008
Baseband - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial - Measurement HD 477.3.2 S1:1988
Baseline receiver - Television - Receiver - Digital - DVB-T system EN 62216-1:2002
Basic function - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol EN 60870-5-5:1995
Basic optical cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Test procedure EN 60794-1-2:2003
Basic rule - Industrial installation - Industrial product EN 61346-1:1996
Basic standard - Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations EN 60870-6-2:1995
Basic system - Interconnection requirement - Domestic equipment - EN 50157-2-2:1998
Basic telecontrol task - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol EN 60870-5-101:2003
Basin - Building - Electrical installation - Swimming pool HD 384.7.702 S2:2002
Batch - Control - Batch production - Record EN 61512-4:2010
Batch - Control - Site - Recipe - Model EN 61512-3:2008
Batch control - Data structure - Guidelines - Language EN 61512-2:2002
Batch control - Model - Terminology EN 61512-1:1999
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Alphabetical Index

Batch production - Batch - Control - Record EN 61512-4:2010
Bath tub - Building - Electrical installation - Shower basin HD 60364-7-701:2007
Battery - Aircraft battery EN 60952-3:2004
Battery - Aircraft battery - Design - Construction EN 60952-2:2004
Battery - Aircraft battery - Performance level EN 60952-1:2004
Battery - Alkaline - Nickel-cadmium cell - Prismatic - Rechargeable EN 60623:2001
Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Rechargeable - Nickel-cadmium EN 61951-1:2003
Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Rechargeable - Nickel-metal hydride EN 61951-2:2003
Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Rechargeable - Nickel-metal hydride EN 61951-2:2011
Battery - Connector - Interconnection device - Multi-directional mating - Rechargeable battery EN 60130-17:1999
Battery - Hand held - Barrel - Harging - Multimedia EN 62637-2:2011
Battery - Hand held - Multimedia - Barrel - Harging EN 62637-1:2011
Battery - Lead-acid - Valve-regulated - Dimension - Marking EN 61056-2:2003
Battery - Lead-acid battery - Valve-regulated - Test EN 61056-1:2003
Battery - Lead-acid starter - Housing - Handle EN 50342-5:2010
Battery - Lead-acid starter - Terminal system EN 50342-3:2008
Battery - Lead-acid starter - Truck starter - Dimensions EN 50342-4:2009
Battery - Lead-acid starter battery - Vehicle - Dimensions EN 60095-4:1993
Battery - Lead-acid traction battery EN 60254-1:2005
Battery - Lead-acid traction battery - Dimensions EN 60254-2:2008
Battery - Lead-acid traction battery - Opportunity charging EN 61044:1992
Battery - Lithium cell - Primary - Secondary - Transport EN 62281:2004
Battery - Lithium cell - Secondary - Portable - Alkaline EN 61960:2004
Battery - Lithium cell - Secondary - Portable - Alkaline EN 61960:2011
Battery - Non-acid electrolyte - Sealed nickel-cadmium cell - Prismatic - Rechargeable EN 60622:2003
Battery - Non_aceid electrolyte - Portable - Sealed - Safety EN 62133:2003
Battery - Photovoltaic - Charge EN 62509:2011
Battery - Photovoltaic - Solar - Energy system - Test method EN 61427:2005
Battery - Power station - Electrical equipment - Charger - Stationary EN 45510-2-3:2000
Battery - Primary EN 60086-1:2011
Battery - Primary - Aqueous - Electrolyte EN 60086-5:2011
Battery - Primary - Physical specification - Electrical specification EN 60086-2:2011
Battery - Primary - Watch battery EN 60086-3:2011
Battery - Primary battery EN 60086-1:2007
Battery - Primary battery - Aqueous electrolyte - Safety EN 60086-5:2005
Battery - Primary battery - Lithium battery - Safety EN 60086-4:2007
Battery - Primary battery - Physical specification - Electrical specification EN 60086-2:2007
Battery - Primary battery - Watch battery EN 60086-3:2005
Battery - Road vehicle - Propulsion - Performance - Life testing EN 61982-3:2001
Battery - Secondary - Propulsion - Vehicle - Lithium-ion cell EN 62660-1:2011
Battery - Secondary - Propulsion - Vehicle - Lithium-ion cell EN 62660-2:2011
Battery - Secondary battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-1:2010
Battery - Secondary battery - Portable appliances - Installation - Safety EN 50272-4:2007
Battery - Secondary battery - Propulsion - Road vehicle EN 61982-1:2006
Battery - Secondary battery - Stationary battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-2:2001
Battery - Secondary battery - Traction battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-3:2002
Battery - Secondary cell - Alkaline - Nickel-cadmium - Gas recombination EN 62259:2004
Battery - Secondary cell - Alkaline - Sealed - Portable EN 61959:2004
Battery - Secondary cell - International recycling symbol EN 61429:1996
Battery - Starter - Lead-acid - Dimensions - Marking EN 50342-2:2007
Battery - Starter - Lead-acid - Test - Numbering EN 50342-1:2006
Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Valve regulated - Functional characteristics EN 60896-21:2004
Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Valve regulated - Selection guidelines EN 60896-22:2004
Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Vented type - Test method EN 60896-11:2003
Battery - Vehicle - Road vehicle - Dynamic - Propulsion EN 61982-2:2002
Battery charger - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-29:2004
Battery pack - Motor-operated tool - Hand-held - Battery powered - Safety EN 50260-1:2002
Battery pack - Motor-operated tool - Hand-held - Spray gun - Safety EN 50260-2-7:2002
Battery powered - Lawnmower - Pedestrian - Household - Safety EN 50338:2006
Battery powered - Lighting - Emergency - Automatic EN 62034:2006
Battery powered - Motor-operated tool - Battery pack - Hand-held - Safety EN 50260-1:2002
Bayonet - Lampholder EN 61184:2008
Bayonet coupling - Connector - Protective housing - Industrial environment - Speing clamp EN 61076-3-116:2008
Bayonet coupling - Connector - Rectangular - Protective housing - Industrial environment EN 61076-3-114:2009
Bayonet lock - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 61169-8:2007
BCI - Immunity - Electromagnetic - Integrated circuit - Bulk Current Injection EN 62132-3:2007
BCT cabling - Cable - Coaxial - Indoor - Drop cable EN 50117-4-1:2008
Beacon - Communication - Network - Automation - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-5:2010
Beaconing - Aerodrome - Lighting - Ground lighting - Circuit EN 61821:2003
Beaconing - Aerodrome - Lighting - Regulator - Constant current EN 61822:2003
Beaconing - Aerodrome - Lighting - Transformer - AGL series EN 61823:2003
Beaconing - Lighting - Aerodrome - Aeronautical - Individual lamps EN 50490:2008
Beaconing - Lighting - Aerodrome - Current - Regulator EN 61822:2009
Beaconing - Lighting - Aerodrome - Guidance System - A-VDGS EN 50512:2009
Beam - Ultrasonic - In-situ exposure - In finite-amplitude CLC/TS 61949:2008
Beam angle - Measurement - Intensity - Reflector - Lamp EN 61341:2011
Bed - Medical equipment EN 60601-2-52:2010
Beech veneer - Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Densified EN 61061-3-1:1998
Beech veneer - Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Densified EN 61061-3-2:2001
Behavioural language - Language - VHDL - Mathematical operation EN 61691-3-2:2001
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Behavioural language - Language - VHDL - Multilogic system - Interoperability EN 61691-2:2001
Behavioural language - Language - VHDL - Synthesis EN 61691-3-3:2001
Bell - Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Chime EN 61558-2-8:2010
Bell and chime transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-8:1998
Bench grinder - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Grinder EN 61029-2-4:2003
Bending moment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Test EN 61300-2-7:1997
Bending strength - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-3:2008
Bending strength - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-14:2008
Bending tests - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical EN 50289-3-9:2001
Beta format - Video - Helical-scan video system HD 461 S1:1987
BGA - Printed board - Void - Joints - LGA EN 61191-6:2010
BGA - Semiconductor - Drawing - Surface mounted - Packager EN 60191-6-18:2010
Bi-2212/Bi-2223 oxide - Superconductivity - Critical current - DC - Ag alloy-sheathed EN 61788-3:2006
Bias-temperature - MOSFET - Stability test EN 62373:2006
Biaxial - Insulation - Plastic - Film - Polyethylenenaphthalate EN 60674-3-8:2011
Bidirectional - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - WWDM EN 61753-086-2:2009
Bidirectional - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - WWDM EN 61753-086-6:2011
Bidirectional - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - WWDM EN 61753-087-2:2011
Bidirectional - Fibre optic - Attenuator - Fixed - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 80 101-801:1994
Bidirectional - Fibre optic - Attenuator - Fixed - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 80 101-802:1994
Bidirectional port - Fibre optic - Branching device - Configuration A CECC 81 101-803:1994
Bidirectional port - Fibre optic - Branching device - Configuration A CECC 81 101-804:1994
Bidirectional port - Fibre optic - Branching device - Configuration A CECC 81 101-805:1994
Bidirectional port - Fibre optic - Branching device - Configuration A CECC 81 101-806:1994
BIFS - Terrestrial - T-DMB - Interactive - Data EN 62516-2:2011
Binary direct voltage signal - Industrial process HD 557 S1:1990
Binary floating-point - Microprocessor system HD 592 S1:1991
Bipolar transistor - Transistor - Amplification - Low-frequency - High-frequency CECC 50 002:1980
Bismaleimide/triazine - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Burning test EN 61249-2-9:2003
Bistable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-810:1999
Bitstream - Digital - Audio - Non-linear EN 61937-3:2009
Bitstream - Digital - Audio - Non-linear - MAT format EN 61937-9:2007
Bitstream - Digital - Audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded EN 61937-1:2007
Bitstream - Digital - Non-linear - PCM - DRA format EN 61937-12:2010
Bitstream - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded EN 61937-6:2006
Bitstream - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - AC-3 format EN 61937-3:2003
Bitstream - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - ATRAC format EN 61937-7:2005
Bitstream - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Burst-info EN 61937-2:2007
Bitstream - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Digital Theater System EN 61937-5:2006
Bitstream - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - MPEG audio format EN 61937-4:2003
Bitstream - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Windows Media Audio Professional EN 61937-8:2007
Blank detail specification - Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Capability approval EN 60368-4-1:2000
Blanket - Household appliances - Pad - Heating - Safety EN 60335-2-17:2002
Blanket - Household appliances - Performance EN 60299:1994
Blanket - Live working - Insulating EN 61112:2009
Blanket - Medical - Pad - Mattresses - Heating EN 80601-2-35:2009
Blanket - Medical equipment - Pad - Mattress - Heating EN 60601-2-35:1996
Blind - Household appliances - Rolling shutter - Awning - Safety EN 60335-2-97:2006
Blister - Packaging - Automatic handling - Surface mount - Carrier tape EN 60286-3-2:2009
Block - Function - Compliance profile EN 61499-4:2006
Block - Function - Industrial-process - Control - Architecture EN 61499-1:2005
Block - Function - Industrial-process - Control - Software tools EN 61499-2:2005
Block transfer - Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC HD 431 S1:1983
Blood-pressure - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Cycling non invasive - Safety EN 60601-2-30:2000
Blood-pressure - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Essential performance - Safety EN 60601-2-34:2000
Blowing - Cable - Optical fibre - Micorduct cabling EN 60794-5:2007
BMA connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector EN 61169-33:1997
Board - Optical - Circuit EN 62496-1:2009
Board - Optical - Circuit EN 62496-4:2011
Board - Optical - Circuit - Dimension EN 62496-2-2:2011
Board - Optical - Circuit board EN 62496-3:2011
Board level drop test - Semiconductor - Climatic - Handled electronic products EN 60749-37:2008
Boat - Internal combustion - Engine - Radio disturbance - Vehicle EN 55012:2007
Boat - Vehicle - Combustion engine - Radio disturbance - On-board receiver EN 55025:2008
Bodies performing - Inspection - Various EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004
Body - Certification - Person EN ISO/IEC 17024:2003
Body strength - Environmental testing - Test - Impact shock EN 60068-2-77:1999
Boiler - Household use - Automatic control - Sensor EN 60730-2-15:1995
Boiler - Power station - Fluidized bed firing EN 45510-3-3:1999
Boiler - Power station - Shell boiler EN 45510-3-2:1999
Boiler - Power station - Water tube boiler EN 45510-3-1:1999
Boiler - Power station plant - Pipework - Valve - High pressure EN 45510-7-2:1999
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Ash handling plant EN 45510-4-7:1999
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Coal handling - Bulk storage plant EN 45510-4-5:2002
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Draught plant EN 45510-4-3:1999
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Dust emission - Reduction EN 45510-4-1:1999
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Dust handling plant EN 45510-4-8:1999
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Flue gas - Denitrification plant - De-NOx EN 45510-4-10:1999
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Flue gas - Desulphurization plant EN 45510-4-6:1999
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Fuel preparation EN 45510-4-4:2002
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Alphabetical Index

Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Heater - Gas-air - Steam-air EN 45510-4-2:1999
Boiler auxiliaries - Power station - Sootblower EN 45510-4-9:1999
Boiling pan - Household appliances - Commercial - Safety EN 60335-2-47:2003
Bond strength - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-22:2003
Bond strength - Wire substrate - Enamelled - Impregnating agent EN 61033:2006
Bonding - Information technology - Building - Equipotential - Earthing EN 50310:2006
Bonding - Railway - Earthing - Stray current - Traction EN 50122-2:2010
Bonding - Railway applications - Fixed installation - Earthing - Protective provision EN 50122-1:2011
Bonding layer - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Class 200 EN 60317-38:1994
Bonding layer - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Class 180 EN 60317-36:1994
Bonding layer - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Class 180 EN 60317-37:1994
Bonding layer - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Class 155 EN 60317-35:1994
Bonding layer - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 130 EN 60317-2:1994
Bonding strength - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Wafer to wafer - MEMS EN 62047-9:2011
Bone vibrator - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Coupler - Vibrator EN 60318-6:2008
Bone vibrator output - Hearing aid - Measurement HD 450.9 S1:1987
Boolean - Dependability - Reliability block diagram EN 61078:2006
Bounce test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-55:1993
Bounce time - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Switching time EN 61300-3-21:1998
Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Household EN 60670-1:2005
Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Household - Connecting box/enclosure EN 60670-22:2006
Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Household - floor box/enclosure EN 60670-23:2008
Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Household - Suspension means EN 60670-21:2007
Box - PV - Junction EN 50548:2011
Brachytherapy - Medical equipment - Afterloading - Automatically-controlled - Safety EN 60601-2-17:2004
Bradyarrhythmia - Medical device - Implantable - Safety - Pacemaker EN 45502-2-1:2003
Braided - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile - Uncoated EN 60684-3-300:2002
Braided resin - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Copper EN 60317-0-5:2007
Brainstem - Electroacoustics - Audiometry - Response EN 60645-7:2010
Branching device - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Non-connectorized EN 61753-031-3:2009
Branching device - Fibre optic EN 60875-1-1:1998
Branching device - Fibre optic EN 181000:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Bidirectional port - Configuration A CECC 81 101-803:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Bidirectional port - Configuration A CECC 81 101-804:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Bidirectional port - Configuration A CECC 81 101-805:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Bidirectional port - Configuration A CECC 81 101-806:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Directivity EN 61300-3-20:2001
Branching device - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-2-3:2001
Branching device - Fibre optic - Non-wavelength - Selective transmissive star - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 81 101-801:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Non-wavelength-selective EN 60875-1:2010
Branching device - Fibre optic - Selective transmissive star EN 181101:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Selective transmissive star - Telecommunication EN 181104:1997
Branching device - Fibre optic - Telecommunication EN 181103:1997
Branching device - Fibre optic - Wavelength - Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer - Fibre type A1a/b/c CECC 81 102-802:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Wavelength - Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 81 102-801:1994
Branching device - Fibre optic - Wavelength selective transmissive star EN 181102:1994
Branching network - Digital microwave - Transmission system - Terrestrial radio-relay system EN 60835-2-3:1993
Breakdown - Time dependent - Dielectric - Inter-metal - Layer EN 62374-1:2010
Breakdown by surface discharge - Insulating materials - Test EN 60343:1992
Breakdown test - TDDB - Dielectric - Time dependent EN 62374:2007
Breakdown voltage - Insulating liquid - Test method EN 60156:1995
Breaking device - Emergency - Fireman's switch EN 50425:2008
Bridge - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Alarm EN 62616:2010
Bridge wire - Radiation - Electro-explosive - Radio-frequency - Inadvertent CLC/TR 50426:2004
Broad-band random test - Environmental testing - Vibration - Digital control EN 60068-2-64:2008
Broadband CLC/TS 50433:2005
Broadcast - Cable - Television signal - Sound signal - Optical system EN 60728-13:2010
Broadcast - Digital - Audio - Receiver data interface - RDI EN 62105:2002
Broadcast - Receiver - Sound - Television - Immunity EN 55020:2007
Broadcast - Recorder - Digital video tape - Identification - Error status EN 62070:2001
Broadcast - Transmitter - Exposure - Radio frequency - Electromagnetic field EN 50554:2010
Broadcast - Video - Video tape recorder - Analogue audio performance measurement EN 61237-4:1997
Broadcast application - Message - Triggering message - Format EN 62297-1:2005
Broadcast application - Message - Triggering message - Transport method EN 62297-2:2005
Broadcast site - Exposure - Worker - Electromagnetic field - Risk EN 50496:2008
Broadcast station transmitter - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Transmitter EN 50476:2008
Broadcast transmission - Television - Receiver EN 60107-8:1997
Broadcast transmitter - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Transmitter EN 50420:2006
Broadcast transmitter - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Transmitter EN 50421:2006
Broadcast transmitter - Transmitter - Radio transmitter - Measurement EN 60244-1:2000
Broadcast use - Connector - Sound system equipment EN 60268-12:1995
Broadcast video tape recorder (VTRS) - Video - Spool EN 60503:1998
Broadcasting - DAB command - Receiver - Digital - Audio EN 50320:2000
Broadcasting - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Transmitter EN 50475:2008
Broadcasting - Home server - Multimedia - Receiver - Architecture EN 62328-1:2005
Broadcasting - Home server - Multimedia - Receiver - Recording structure EN 62328-2:2005
Broadcasting - Radio - Data system - VHF/FM - Sound EN 62106:2009
Broadcasting - Receiver - Terrestrial - Digital - Multimedia EN 62516-1:2009
Broadcasting - Transmitter - Standardization - Interface standard EN 60864-2:1997
Brominated epoxide - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Burning Test EN 61249-2-6:2003
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Alphabetical Index

Brominated epoxide - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Cellulose paper EN 61249-2-5:2003
Brominated epoxide - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyimide - Burning test EN 61249-2-11:2003
Brominted epoxide - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Cyanate ester - Burning test EN 61249-2-10:2003
Brush-holder - Machine - Rotating - Commutator - Slip-ring EN 60276:1996
Brush-holder - Slip-ring - Group R - Type RA CLC/TR 60778:2004
Building - Electrical installation - Agricultural premises - Horticultural premises HD 60364-7-705:2007
Building - Electrical installation - Amusement - Fair - Circus HD 60364-7-740:2006
Building - Electrical installation - Bath tub - Shower basin HD 60364-7-701:2007
Building - Electrical installation - Caravan HD 384.7.754 S1:2005
Building - Electrical installation - Caravan park HD 384.7.708 S2:2005
Building - Electrical installation - Conducting location - Restricted movement HD 60364-7-706:2007
Building - Electrical installation - Construction - Demolition HD 60364-7-704:2007
Building - Electrical installation - Definition HD 60364-1:2008
Building - Electrical installation - Earthing arrangement - Conductor - Protection HD 60364-5-54:2007
Building - Electrical installation - Earthing arrangement - Conductor - Protection HD 60364-5-54:2011
Building - Electrical installation - Exhibition - Show - Stand HD 384.7.711 S1:2003
Building - Electrical installation - Extra-low-voltage - Lighting installation HD 60364-7-715:2005
Building - Electrical installation - Fire - Protection - Safety HD 384.4.482 S1:1997
Building - Electrical installation - Floor heating - Ceiling heating HD 384.7.753 S1:2002
Building - Electrical installation - Isolation and switching - Safety HD 384.4.46 S2:2001
Building - Electrical installation - Lighting installation - Outdoor HD 384.7.714 S1:2000
Building - Electrical installation - Mobile unit - Transportable unit HD 60364-7-717:2004
Building - Electrical installation - Overcurrent - Protection HD 384.4.473 S1:1980
Building - Electrical installation - Overvoltage - Protection HD 384.4.442 S1:1997
Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Disturbance - Safety HD 60364-4-443:2006
Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Electric shock - Safety HD 60364-4-41:2007
Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Overcurrent - Safety HD 384.4.43 S2:2001
Building - Electrical installation - Safety - Overvoltage - Electromagnetic interference R064-004:1999
Building - Electrical installation - Sauna heater HD 60364-7-703:2005
Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Current carrying capacities HD 384.5.523 S2:2001
Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Erection - Common rules HD 60364-5-51:2006
Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Erection - Rule HD 60364-5-51:2009
Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Isolation - Switching HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Luminaire - Lighting HD 60364-5-559:2005
Building - Electrical installation - Selection - LV generating set HD 384.5.551 S1:1997
Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Safety services HD 384.5.56 S1:1985
Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Wiring system HD 384.5.52 S1:1995
Building - Electrical installation - Solar - Photovoltaic - Power supply HD 60364-7-712:2005
Building - Electrical installation - Swimming pool - Basin HD 384.7.702 S2:2002
Building - Electrical installation - Switchgear - Controlgear HD 60364-5-534:2008
Building - Electrical installation - Thermal effect - Safety HD 384.4.42 S1:1985
Building - Electrical installation - Undervoltage - Safety HD 384.4.45 S1:1989
Building - Electrical installation - Verification - Initial verification HD 384.6.61 S2:2003
Building - Electrical installation - Verification - Testing - Reporting HD 60364-6:2007
Building - Electrical installation - Voltage band HD 193 S2:1982
Building - HBES - Automation - BACS - Environment EN 50491-2:2010
Building - Home - Electronic - HBES - Structure EN 50090-1:2011
Building - Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Inside EN 50174-2:2000
Building - Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Inside EN 50174-2:2009
Building - Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Outside EN 50174-3:2003
Building - Information technology - Equipotential - Bonding - Earthing EN 50310:2006
Built-in device - Rail fixing - Household - Enclosure - Dimension CLC/TR 50473:2007
Built-in transformer - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-6:1994
Built-in-triac - Audio - Video - Television - Slide projector HD 369.18 S1:1989
Bulk case packaging - Packaging - Automatic handling - Surface mounting EN 60286-6:2004
Bulk container - Electrostatics - Container - Flexible - Intermediate EN 61340-4-4:2005
Bulk Current Injection - Immunity - Electromagnetic - Integrated circuit - BCI EN 62132-3:2007
Bulk storage plant - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Coal handling EN 45510-4-5:2002
Bulkhead socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-804:1986
Bulkhead socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Front mounting CECC 22 111-814:1985
Bulkhead socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Rear mounting CECC 22 111-813:1985
Bump - Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress EN 60512-6-2:2002
Bump - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-8:1997
Bump test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-29:1993
Bunched - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Apparatus EN 50266-1:2001
Bunched - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category A EN 50266-2-2:2001
Bunched - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category A F/R EN 50266-2-1:2001
Bunched - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category B EN 50266-2-3:2001
Bunched - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category C EN 50266-2-4:2001
Bunched - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category D EN 50266-2-5:2001
Bundled cable - Cable - Aerial - Clamp - Ageing test EN 50483-5:2009
Bundled cable - Cable - Aerial - Clamp - Connections EN 50483-4:2009
Bundled cable - Cable - Aerial - Clamp - Environmental test EN 50483-6:2009
Bundled cable - Cable - Aerial - Clamp - Self supporting system EN 50483-2:2009
Bundled cable - Cable - Aerial - Low-voltage EN 50483-1:2009
Bundled cable - Cable - Aerial - Low-voltage - Neutral messenger system EN 50483-3:2009
Buried - Cable - Multi-pair - Telecommunication network - High bit rate EN 50406-2:2004
Buried - Conduit - Cable - Underground EN 61386-24:2010
Buried conduit - Protection - Warning - Cable - Underground EN 50520:2009
Burn-in socket - Semiconductor device - Glossary EN 60191-6-16:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Burner - Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Ignition EN 61558-2-3:2010
Burner control system - Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-2-5:2002
Burning - Cable - Smoke density - Test apparatus EN 61034-1:2005
Burning - Cable - Smoke density - Test procedure EN 61034-2:2005
Burning appliances - Household appliances - Electrical connection - Safety EN 60335-2-102:2006
Burning test - Printed board - Non-halogenated epoxide - Non-woven/woven E-glass - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-26:2005
Burning test - Printed board - Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-23:2005
Burning test - Printed board - Prepreg - Epoxide woven E-glass - Lead-free EN 61249-4-14:2009
Burning test - Printed board - Prepreg material - Unclad - Epoxide woven E-glass EN 61249-4-2:2005
Burning test - Printed board - Prepreg material - Unclad - Polyimide woven E-glass EN 61249-4-5:2005
Burning test - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Bismaleimide/triazine EN 61249-2-9:2003
Burning Test - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Brominated epoxide EN 61249-2-6:2003
Burning test - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Cyanate ester - Brominted epoxide EN 61249-2-10:2003
Burning test - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Modified brominated epoxide EN 61249-2-8:2003
Burning test - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Non-halogenated epoxide EN 61249-2-21:2003
Burning test - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyimide - Brominated epoxide EN 61249-2-11:2003
Burningtest - Printed board - Prepreg material - Not-halogenated - Epoxide woven E-glass EN 61249-4-11:2005
Burried - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication EN 60794-3-10:2002
Burried - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication EN 60794-3-12:2006
Burst immunity - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Test EN 60255-22-1:2008
Burst-info - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-2:2007
BUS - Microprocessor system - MULTIBUS - Connector - Eurocard HD 593.3 S1:1991
BUS - Microprocessor system - MULTIBUS - Edge connector HD 593.2 S1:1992
BUS - Microprocessor system - MULTIBUS - Timing HD 593.1 S1:1992
Bus applications - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Backplane EN 61076-4-113:2003
Bus system - Microprocessor system HD 576 S1:1990
Bus system - Microprocessor system - VMEbus EN 60821:1994
Bus-bar - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-283:2011
Busbar bushing - Bushing - Transformer - Liquid filled EN 50387:2002
Busbar trunking system - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Busway EN 60439-2:2000
Bush - Shaft ends - Shaft operated - Electronic component - Single-hole EN 60915:2007
Bushing - D.C. application EN 62199:2004
Bushing - Insulated - Alternating voltage EN 60137:2003
Bushing - Insulated - Alternating voltage - Voltage EN 60137:2008
Bushing - Plug-in type - Liquid filled - Transformer EN 50181:1997
Bushing - Plug-in type - Liquid filled - Transformer EN 50181:2010
Bushing - Railway - Traction - Transformer - Cooling CLC/TS 50537-1:2010
Bushing - Transformer - Liquid filled EN 50386:2002
Bushing - Transformer - Liquid filled EN 50386:2010
Bushing - Transformer - Liquid filled - Busbar bushing EN 50387:2002
Bushing - Transformer - Liquid filled - Outdoor EN 50243:2002
Bushing - Transformer - Liquid filled transformer EN 50180:1997
Bushing - Transformer - Liquid filled transformer EN 50180:2010
Bushing - Transformer - Oil immersed - Capacitance graded CLC/TS 50458:2006
Bushing - Transformer - Reactor - Cable box EN 50336:2002
Busway - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Busbar trunking system EN 60439-2:2000
Butterfly valve - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Insulating liquid EN 50216-8:2005
By-pass switch - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Alternating-current EN 62271-109:2009
By-pass switch - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - A.C. EN 62271-109:2006


C MOS - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Digital - Series 4000 B and 4000 UB CECC 90 104:1990
C/ATLAS - Design automation - Test language - Abbreviated test language - Language EN 61926-1:2000
Cab heater - Household appliances - Vehicle EN 50408:2008
Cabinet - Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Slotted cable EN 50085-2-3:1999
Cabinet - Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Slotted cable EN 50085-2-3:2010
Cabinet - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions EN 61969-2-1:2000
Cabinet - Electronic equipment - Rack - Mechanical structure - EMC shielding EN 61587-3:2006
Cabinet - Electronic equipment - Rack - Seismic test - Mechanical structure EN 61587-2:2001
Cabinet - Electronic equipment - Rack - Subrack - Chassis EN 61587-1:2007
Cabinet - Electronic equipment - Rack structure - Pitch HD 493.2 S1:1988
Cabinet - Structure - Dimension - Subrack - Chassis EN 60297-3-106:2010
Cabinet - Structure - Rack - Subrack - Chassis EN 60297-3-100:2009
Cabinet - Structure - Subrack - Chassis EN 60917-2-4:2010
Cabinet and case - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Safety EN 61969-3:2001
Cable - Additional test method HD 605 S2:2008
Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Clamp - Ageing test EN 50483-5:2009
Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Clamp - Connections EN 50483-4:2009
Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Clamp - Environmental test EN 50483-6:2009
Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Clamp - Self supporting system EN 50483-2:2009
Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Low-voltage EN 50483-1:2009
Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Low-voltage - Neutral messenger system EN 50483-3:2009
Cable - Circular copper conductor - Dimensions EN 60719:1993
Cable - Cleat EN 50368:2003
Cable - Cleat EN 61914:2009
Cable - Coaxial EN 50117-1:2002
Cable - Coaxial - BCT cabling - Indoor - Drop cable EN 50117-4-1:2008
Cable - Coaxial - Distribution network - Indoor - Drop cable EN 50117-2-1:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Cable - Coaxial - Information technology - Cord EN 61935-2:2010
Cable - Coaxial - Telecom applications - Miniaturized - Digital communication system EN 50117-3-1:2002
Cable - Coaxial cable - Digital communication - Horizontal floor wiring EN 61196-3-2:1997
Cable - Coaxial cable - Digital communication - Horizontal floor wiring EN 61196-3-3:1997
Cable - Coaxial cable - Distribution network - Indoor drop cable EN 50117-2-4:2004
Cable - Coaxial cable - Distribution network - Outdoor drop cable EN 50117-2-2:2004
Cable - Coaxial cable - Distribution network - Outdoor drop cable EN 50117-2-5:2004
Cable - Coaxial cable - Distribution network - Trunk cable EN 50117-2-3:2004
Cable - Coaxial cable - Radio frequency cable - Local area network EN 61196-3:1998
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-1:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-2:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-3:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-1:1999
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-4:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-5:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-6:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-3:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-3-1:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-3-2:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-rigid - Radio frequency EN 60966-4:2003
Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-rigid - Radio frequency EN 60966-4-1:2003
Cable - Communication EN 50290-1-1:2001
Cable - Communication EN 50290-1-2:2004
Cable - Communication - DC resistance - Test method EN 50289-1-2:2001
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-1:2005
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-20:2001
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction - Filling compound EN 50290-2-28:2002
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction - PE insulation EN 50290-2-23:2001
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction - PE sheathing EN 50290-2-24:2002
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction - PVC insulation EN 50290-2-21:2001
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction - PVC sheating EN 50290-2-22:2001
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Cross-linked - PE insulation EN 50290-2-29:2002
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Halogen free - Flame retardant insulation EN 50290-2-26:2002
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Halogen free - Thermoplastic sheathing EN 50290-2-27:2002
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene) EN 50290-2-30:2002
Cable - Communication - Design rule - Polypropylene - Insulation EN 50290-2-25:2002
Cable - Communication - Guide to use EN 50290-4-2:2008
Cable - Communication - Metallic - Attenuation - Injection clamp method EN 62153-4-2:2004
Cable - Communication - Metallic - Coupling attenuation - Tube in tube method EN 62153-4-7:2006
Cable - Communication - Test method EN 50289-1-1:2001
Cable - Communication - Test method - Attenuation EN 50289-1-8:2001
Cable - Communication - Test method - Attenuation - Longitudinal EN 50289-1-9:2001
Cable - Communication - Test method - Capacitance EN 50289-1-5:2001
Cable - Communication - Test method - Crosstalk EN 50289-1-10:2001
Cable - Communication - Test method - Dielectric strength - Strength EN 50289-1-3:2001
Cable - Communication - Test method - Electromagnetic performance EN 50289-1-6:2002
Cable - Communication - Test method - Impedance - Return loss EN 50289-1-11:2001
Cable - Communication - Test method - Resistance - Insulation EN 50289-1-4:2001
Cable - Communication - Test method - Velocity - Propagation EN 50289-1-7:2001
Cable - Communication - Use of cable - Environmental conditions - Safety EN 50290-4-1:2001
Cable - Communication cable - Coaxial cable - Radiating cable EN 61196-4:2004
Cable - Communication cable - Environmental test - Vertical flame spread test EN 50289-4-12:2004
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Climatic sequence EN 50289-4-5:2008
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Damp heat EN 50289-4-7:2008
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Lightning EN 50289-4-14:2003
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Solvent EN 50289-4-4:2008
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Hardware - Connection hardware EN 50289-1-14:2004
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Hydrostatic pressure - Underwater EN 50289-3-15:2003
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Inductance EN 50289-1-12:2005
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Patch cord - Coaxial EN 50289-1-13:2004
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Performance - Field conditions EN 50289-1-16:2007
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Performance - Laboratory EN 50289-1-15:2004
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Torsion - Twisting EN 50289-3-10:2004
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - UV resistance EN 50289-4-17:2011
Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Vibration - Aeolian EN 50289-3-13:2003
Cable - Conductor - Insulated cable EN 60228:2005
Cable - Conduit - Buried - Underground EN 61386-24:2010
Cable - Conduit system EN 61386-1:2008
Cable - Connector - Clamp - Resistance - Rotation EN 60512-17-2:2011
Cable - Connector - Compression connector - Power cable EN 61238-1:2003
Cable - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Clamping EN 60512-17-1:2010
Cable - Connector - Measurement - Clamping - Resistance EN 60512-17-3:2010
Cable - Connector - Measurement - Clamping - Torsion EN 60512-17-4:2010
Cable - Connector - Microwave component - Screening attenuation - Reverberation chamber EN 61726:2000
Cable - Connector - Optical fibre EN 60874-1:2007
Cable - Connector - Optical fibre EN 60874-1-1:2007
Cable - Connector - Optical fibre - Type F-05 EN 60874-17:1997
Cable - Connector - Optical fibre - Type LSA-HRL CECC 86 135-802:1993
Cable - Connector - Optical fibre - Type LSH-HRL universal CECC 86 275-802:1999
Cable - Connector - Optical fibre - Type SC-D EN 60874-19:1997
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Cable - Connector - Radio-frequency - Intermodulation level - Measurement EN 62037:1999
Cable - Connector set - Optical fibre - Type LSC EN 186220:1993
Cable - Connector set - Optical fibre - Type LSF EN 186230:1993
Cable - Cord set - Interconnection - Accessories EN 60799:1998
Cable - Cross-linked insulation HD 22.1 S4:2002
Cable - Crosslinked insulation - EPR - Polyurethane - Flexible cable HD 22.10 S2:2007
Cable - Crosslinked insulation - EVA cord - Flexible cable HD 22.11 S2:2007
Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Flexible cable - Corrosive gas - Smoke emission HD 22.13 S2:2007
Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Halogen-free - Non-sheathed - Low smoke emission HD 22.9 S3:2007
Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Heat-resistant - EPR cord - Flexible cable HD 22.12 S2:2007
Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Insulation - Core - High flexibility HD 22.14 S3:2007
Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Multicore cable - Heat resistant - Silicone rubber HD 22.15 S2:2007
Cable - Cutting device - Hydraulic cable - AC EN 50340:2001
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-1:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-2-1:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-3-1:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-4-1:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-5-1:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-6-1:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Instrumentation EN 50288-7:2005
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-2-2:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-3-2:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-4-2:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-5-2:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-6-2:2003
Cable - Digital communication - Harsh environment - Multicore - Symmetrical pair/quad cable EN 62012-1:2002
Cable - Discharge - Extruded - Power cable - Test EN 60885-3:2003
Cable - Discharge - Test EN 60885-2:2003
Cable - Distribution cable HD 603 S1:1994
Cable - Distribution cable - Medium voltage HD 621 S1:1996
Cable - Distribution cable - Rated voltage HD 620 S1:1996
Cable - Distribution cable - Rated voltage HD 620 S2:2010
Cable - Electric - Test method EN 50395:2005
Cable - Electric cable - Non electrical test methods EN 50396:2005
Cable - Electrical accessories - Reel - Household EN 61242:1997
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Covering - Cross-linked elastomere EN 50363-2-2:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Halgen-free - Thermoplastic sheating compound EN 50363-8:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Halogen-free - Cross-linked sheating compound EN 50363-6:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - Covering EN 50363-0:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - Covering EN 50363-0:2011
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - Cross-linked elastomer EN 50363-1:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - Cross-linked elastomer EN 50363-2-1:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride EN 50363-9-1:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride EN 50363-10-1:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - PVC covering compound EN 50363-4-2:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - PVC insulating compounds EN 50363-3:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - PVC sheating compound EN 50363-4-1:2005
Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing - Thermoplastic polyurethane EN 50363-10-2:2005
Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Halogen-free - Cross-linked insulating compound EN 50363-5:2005
Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulating compound EN 50363-7:2005
Cable - Environment CLC/TR 62125:2008
Cable - External gas-pressure cable - Alternating voltage - Test HD 635 S1:1997
Cable - Fibre - Optic - Indoor - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-30:2008
Cable - Fibre optic - Adaptor EN 61274-1-1:2006
Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion - Acidity of gas EN 50267-2-3:1998
Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion - Acidity of gas - Materials EN 50267-2-2:1998
Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion - Gas evolved - Halogen acid gas EN 50267-2-1:1998
Cable - Fire conditions - Gas evolved - Combustion EN 50267-1:1998
Cable - Fire conditions - Smoke production - Heat release - Apparatus EN 50399:2011
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched - Apparatus EN 50266-1:2001
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched - Category A EN 50266-2-2:2001
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched - Category A F/R EN 50266-2-1:2001
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched - Category B EN 50266-2-3:2001
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched - Category C EN 50266-2-4:2001
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched - Category D EN 50266-2-5:2001
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame - Apparatus EN 60332-3-10:2009
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame - Category A EN 60332-3-22:2009
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame - Category A F/R EN 60332-3-21:2009
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame - Category B EN 60332-3-23:2009
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame - Category C EN 60332-3-24:2009
Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame - Category D EN 60332-3-25:2009
Cable - Fire resistance - Resistance - Emergency circuit - Test EN 50200:2006
Cable - Flexible cable - Cord - Cross-linked insulation HD 22.4 S4:2004
Cable - Flexible cable - Flat - Polyvinyl sheathed EN 50214:2006
Cable - Flexible cord - Core - Identification HD 308 S2:2001
Cable - Hydraulic - Cutting device EN 50340:2010
Cable - Identification - Designation HD 361 S3:1999
Cable - Impulse test - Accessories EN 60230:2002
Cable - Industrial - Labelling - Core EN 62491:2008
Cable - Insulating liquid - Oil - Unused mineral insulating oil EN 60465:1990
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Cable - Insulating materials - Filling compound - DC - Test EN 60811-5-1:1999
Cable - Insulating materials - Polyethylene - Polypropylene - Resistance EN 60811-4-1:2004
Cable - Insulating materials - Polyethylene - Polypropylene - Test EN 60811-4-2:2004
Cable - Internal gas-pressure cable - Alternating voltage - Test HD 634 S1:1997
Cable - Lead - Lead alloy - Sheath - Sleeve EN 50307:2002
Cable - Low voltage EN 50525-1:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Crosslinked: Elastomeric covering - Arc welding EN 50525-2-81:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation - Decorative chain EN 50525-2-82:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Extensible - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-12:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Halogen-free - Crosslinked insulation EN 50525-3-21:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Halogen-free - Crosslinked insulation EN 50525-3-41:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulation EN 50525-3-11:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulation EN 50525-3-31:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Flat divisible - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-72:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Flat tinsel - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-71:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Flexible - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation EN 50525-2-21:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Flexible - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation EN 50525-2-22:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Flexible - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-11:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Multicore - Silicone - Rubber insulation EN 50525-2-83:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Oil resistant - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-51:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Single core - Crosslinked - EVA insulation EN 50525-2-42:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Single core - Silicone - Rubber insulation EN 50525-2-41:2011
Cable - Low voltage - Single core - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-31:2011
Cable - Low-frequency - Polyolefin - Insulation - Moisture barrier EN 60708:2005
Cable - Low-frequency cable - Insulation - Colour code HD 402 S2:1984
Cable - Luminous - Discharge-tube EN 50143:2009
Cable - Luminous-discharge-tube installation EN 50143:1997
Cable - LV harmonized cable HD 516 S2:1997
Cable - Marking - Identification - Core - Inscription EN 50334:2001
Cable - Material characterisation - Accessories - Fingerprinting - Cold shrinkable HD 631.4 S1:2008
Cable - Material characterisation - Accessories - Fingerprinting - Heat shrinkable HD 631.3 S1:2008
Cable - Material characterisation - Accessories - Heat shrinkable - Fingerprinting HD 631.2 S1:2007
Cable - Material characterisation - Accessories - Resinous compoun - Fingerprinting HD 631.1 S2:2007
Cable - Metal-sheathed cable - Alternating voltage - Test HD 633 S1:1997
Cable - Mineral insulated cable - Guide to use HD 586.3 S1:2001
Cable - Mineral insulated cable - Termination EN 60702-1:2002
Cable - Mineral insulated cable - Termination EN 60702-2:2002
Cable - Multi-pair - Digital access - Telecommunication network - Outdoor EN 50407-1:2004
Cable - Multi-pair - Telecommunication network - High bit rate - Aerial EN 50406-1:2004
Cable - Multi-pair - Telecommunication network - High bit rate - Buried EN 50406-2:2004
Cable - Multicore and multipair cable HD 627 S1:1996
Cable - Network - Interconnection - Safety - Television EN 60728-11:2010
Cable - Network - Television - Sound - Electromagnetic Compatibility EN 50083-8:2002
Cable - Network - Television - Sound - Signal EN 60728-1-2:2009
Cable - Network - Television signal - Sound signal - Interactive services EN 60728-1:2008
Cable - Network - Television signal - Sound signal - Optical transmission CLC/TR 50460:2005
Cable - Oil-immersed - Connection - Transformer - Reactor EN 50299:2002
Cable - Optic - Fibre - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-10:2009
Cable - Optic - Fibre - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-20:2009
Cable - Optic - Outdoor - Sewer - Storm EN 60794-3-40:2008
Cable - Optical - Fibre - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-11:2010
Cable - Optical - Single mode - Duct/direct buried EN 187105:2002
Cable - Optical cable - Atomic absorption - Spectrometer - PVC compound EN 50414:2006
Cable - Optical fibre - Aerial cable - Electrical power line EN 60794-4:2003
Cable - Optical fibre - Basic optical cable - Test procedure EN 60794-1-2:2003
Cable - Optical fibre - Gas pipe - High pressure CLC/TS 50430:2005
Cable - Optical fibre - Generic specification EN 60794-1-1:2002
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor EN 187103:2003
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor - A4 fibre cable EN 60794-2-40:2008
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor - Multi-fibre - Distribution cable EN 60794-2-20:2010
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor - Simplex - Duplex EN 60794-2-50:2008
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-41:2008
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-42:2008
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable EN 60794-2:2003
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Multi-fibre - Distribution EN 60794-2-20:2003
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Multi-fibre - Optical distribution cable EN 60794-2-21:2006
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-30:2003
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-31:2006
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-10:2003
Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Simplex fibre - Duplex fibre EN 60794-2-11:2005
Cable - Optical fibre - Micorduct cabling - Blowing EN 60794-5:2007
Cable - Optical fibre - Optical Ground Wire - OPGW - Electrical power line EN 60794-4-10:2007
Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor - Telecommunication - Coastal application EN 60794-3-30:2008
Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable EN 60794-3:2002
Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Aerial EN 60794-3-20:2002
Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Aerial EN 60794-3-21:2006
Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Burried EN 60794-3-10:2002
Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Burried EN 60794-3-12:2006
Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Water crossing EN 60794-3-30:2003
Cable - Optical fibre - Sewer cable - Storm sewer - Sanitary sewer CLC/TS 50429:2005
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Alphabetical Index

Cable - Optical fibre - Termini set - Type LSD-HRL CECC 78 005-802:1999
Cable - Optical fibre - Water pipe - Drinking water CLC/TS 50431:2005
Cable - Overhead distribution HD 626 S1:1996
Cable - Oversheath - Protection - Extrusion EN 60229:2008
Cable - Pipe - Locator - Electromagnetic locator - Performance EN 50249:2002
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride - Insulated cable - Extensible lead HD 21.10 S2:2001
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable for luminaire HD 21.11 S1:1995
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Decorative chain HD 21.8 S2:1999
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Flexible cable - Cord HD 21.5 S3:1994
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Heat-resistant cable - Flexible - Cord HD 21.12 S1:1994
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Internal wiring (t = 90C) HD 21.7 S2:1996
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Non-sheathed cable - Fixed wiring HD 21.3 S3:1995
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Non-sheathed cable - Low temperature HD 21.9 S2:1995
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Oil resistant HD 21.13 S1:1995
Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Sheathed cable HD 21.4 S2:1990
Cable - Portable - Earthing - Short-circuiting equipment EN 61138:2007
Cable - Power cable - Accessories - Test method EN 50393:2006
Cable - Power cable - Accessories - Test methods EN 61442:2005
Cable - Power cable - Control cable - Fire resistance - Emergency circuit EN 50362:2003
Cable - Power cable - Extruded - Insulation HD 632 S2:2008
Cable - Power cable - Extruded insulation HD 632 S1:1998
Cable - Power cable - Extruded insulation - Test HD 629.1 S2:2006
Cable - Power cable - Fire performance HD 604 S1:1994
Cable - Power cable - Impregnated paper insulation - Accessories - Test HD 629.2 S2:2006
Cable - Power cable - Rated voltage - Power station HD 622 S1:1996
Cable - Power station - Electrical equipment - Power cable EN 45510-2-8:2004
Cable - Protection - Warning - Buried conduit - Underground EN 50520:2009
Cable - Radio - Frequency - Coaxial - Connector EN 60966-2-3:2009
Cable - Radio - Frequency - Coaxial - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3:2009
Cable - Radio - Frequency - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3-1:2009
Cable - Radio frequency - Caxial - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-6:2009
Cable - Radio frequency - Coaxial - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-4:2009
Cable - Radio frequency - Coaxial - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-5:2009
Cable - Radio frequency cable - Coaxial cable - Polytetrafluoroethylene insulation EN 61196-2:2003
Cable - Railway application - Rolling stock - Fire performance EN 50355:2003
Cable - Railway application - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-1:2002
Cable - Railway application - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-3:2002
Cable - Railway application - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-4:2002
Cable - Railway applications - Fire performance - High temperature - Rolling stock EN 50382-1:2008
Cable - Railway applications - Fire performance - High temperature - Silicone rubber insulated EN 50382-2:2008
Cable - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-2-1:2008
Cable - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-2-2:2008
Cable - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-3-1:2008
Cable - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-3-2:2008
Cable - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Standard wall EN 50264-1:2008
Cable - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Test method EN 50305:2002
Cable - Reel - Industrial EN 61316:1999
Cable - Rubber insulated - Arc welding cable HD 22.6 S2:1995
Cable - Rubber insulated - Decorative chain - Polychloroprene HD 22.8 S2:1994
Cable - Rubber insulated - Heat-resistance - Internal wiring (t = 110C) HD 22.7 S2:1995
Cable - Rubber insulated - Heat-resistant silicone - Cross-linked insulation HD 22.3 S4:2004
Cable - Rubber insulated - Water resistant - Polychloroprene - Synthetic elastomer HD 22.16 S2:2007
Cable - Sheathing - Liquid EN 50369:2005
Cable - Signal - Television - Two way home network EN 60728-1-1:2010
Cable - Simplex - Duplex - Cord EN 50551-1:2011
Cable - Smoke density - Burning - Test apparatus EN 61034-1:2005
Cable - Smoke density - Burning - Test procedure EN 61034-2:2005
Cable - Spark-test EN 62230:2007
Cable - Telecommunication - Pulse/step return loss - Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation EN 62153-1-1:2004
Cable - Television - MAC-VSB receiver EN 50080:1991
Cable - Television - Sound signal - Active wideband - Network EN 60728-3:2011
Cable - Television signal - Sound signal - IP gateway - Headend CLC/TR 50083-5-1:2009
Cable - Television signal - Sound signal - Optical system - Broadcast EN 60728-13:2010
Cable - Thermocouple - Extension - Compensating - Tolerance EN 60584-3:2008
Cable - Thermoplastic - Insulation - Flexible - Halogen-free HD 21.14 S1:2003
Cable - Thermoplastic insulation HD 21.1 S4:2002
Cable - Thermoplastic insulation - Smoke emission - Corrosive gas - Low HD 21.15 S1:2006
Cable - Tie EN 62275:2009
Cable - Tie - Electrical installation EN 50146:2000
Cable - Tool - Crimping tool EN 50109-2-1:1995
Cable - Tool - Crimping tool - Connector - Contact EN 50109-2-3:1995
Cable - Tool - Crimping tool - Low frequency - Radio frequency EN 50109-1:1995
Cable - Tool - Crimping tool - Radio frequency connector - Centre contact EN 50109-2-4:1995
Cable - Tool - Crimping tool - Radio frequency connector - Open throat tool EN 50109-2-2:1995
Cable - Tool - Crimping tool - Twin-ax cable - Databus EN 50109-2-5:1995
Cable - Tray - Ladder EN 61537:2007
Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system EN 50085-1:1997
Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system EN 50085-1:2005
Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Floor EN 50085-2-2:2008
Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Service pole EN 50085-2-4:2009
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Alphabetical Index

Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Slotted cable - Cabinet EN 50085-2-3:1999
Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Slotted cable - Cabinet EN 50085-2-3:2010
Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Wall mounting - Ceiling mounting EN 50085-2-1:2006
Cable - Welding - Arc welding - Coupling device EN 60974-12:2005
Cable - Welding - Arc welding - Coupling device EN 60974-12:2011
Cable assemblies - Fibre optic - Passive component - Capability EN 61313-1:1997
Cable bending - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Closure EN 61300-2-37:2007
Cable box - Bushing - Transformer - Reactor EN 50336:2002
Cable box - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage EN 50464-2-2:2007
Cable connection - Switchgear - Gas-insulated - Insulation - Fluid-filled cable EN 62271-209:2007
Cable connector - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Backpanel EN 60603-9:1998
Cable distribution system - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Screw coupling EN 61169-24:2001
Cable for luminaire - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable HD 21.11 S1:1995
Cable gland - Metric - Electrical installation EN 50262:1998
Cable joint - Optical fibre - Communication - Closure - Microduct EN 50411-2:2008
Cable joint - Optical fibre - Communication - Microduct connector - Air blown EN 50411-2-8:2009
Cable joint - Optical fibre - Communication - Sealed closure - Air blown EN 50411-2-5:2009
Cable management - Conduit system - Flexible EN 61386-23:2004
Cable management - Conduit system - Outside diameter - Thread - Fitting EN 60423:2007
Cable management - Conduit system - Pliable EN 61386-22:2004
Cable management - Conduit system - Rigid EN 61386-21:2004
Cable network - Television - Signal - Coaxial cable - Active wideband EN 60728-3:2006
Cable network - Television - Signal - Coaxial cable - Active wideband equipment EN 50083-3:2002
Cable network - Television - Signal - Coaxial cable - Passive wideband equipment EN 60728-4:2008
Cable network - Television - Signal - Sound - Headend equipment EN 60728-5:2008
Cable network - Television - Signal - Sound signal - Return path EN 50083-10:2002
Cable network - Television - Sound - Signal - Return path CLC/TR 50083-10-1:2009
Cable nutation - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact retention - Insert EN 60512-15-5:2008
Cable nutation - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-35:1997
Cable outlet - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - High-speed data application EN 61076-7:2000
Cable outlet - Connector - Electronic - Sealing system - Metric EN 61076-7-100:2006
Cable outlet - Connector - Electronic equipment - Accessories EN 61076-7-001:2004
Cable outlet accessories - Connector EN 175500:1997
Cable plant - Fibre - Optic - Communication - Attenuation EN 61280-4-1:2009
Cable plant - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Multimode - Plant attenuation EN 61280-4-1:2004
Cable plant - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Polarization - Dispersion EN 61280-4-4:2006
Cable plant - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Single-mode EN 61280-4-2:1999
Cable tensile performance - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical EN 50289-3-16:2001
Cable-to-board connector - Connector - Printed board - Integrate shielding function EN 61076-4-108:2002
Cable: Radio - Rrequency - Coaxial - Flexible EN 60966-2-1:2009
Cabled distribution system - Television - Multimedia - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 50083-2:2006
Cabled distribution system - Television - Optical equipment EN 60728-6:2003
Cabled distribution system - Television - Optical equipment EN 60728-6:2011
Cabled network - Television - Sound signal - CATV/SMATV headend - DVB/MPEG-2 transport stream EN 50083-9:2002
Cables - Fibre - Optic - Outdoor - Drinking water pipe EN 60794-3-60:2008
Cables - Fibre - Optic - Outdoor - Gas pipe EN 60794-3-50:2008
Cables - Telecommunications - Screened - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-2:2006
Cables - Telecommunications - Un-screened - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-1:2006
Cables - Telecommunications - Un-screened - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-3:2006
Cabling - Coaxial - Information technology EN 61935-3:2009
Cabling - Communication - Cord - Patch cord - Work area cord EN 61935-2-20:2009
Cabling - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Twisted pair EN 50090-9-1:2004
Cabling - Information technology - Backbone - Residential - Multi-tenant buildings CLC/TR 50173-99-2:2010
Cabling - Information technology - Generic cabling system - Data center EN 50173-5:2007
Cabling - Information technology - Generic system EN 50173-1:2007
Cabling - Information technology - Generic system - Industrial premises EN 50173-3:2007
Cabling - Information technology - Generic system - Office premises EN 50173-2:2007
Cabling - Information technology - Generic system - Small office home office - SOHO EN 50173-4:2007
Cabling - Information technology - Guidelines - 10 GBASE-T CLC/TR 50173-99-1:2007
Cabling - Information technology - ISDN basic access EN 50098-1:1998
Cabling - Information technology - ISDN primary access EN 50098-2:1996
Cabling - information technology - Testing - Balanced - Coaxial EN 61935-1:2009
Cabling - Information technology - Testing - Installed cabling EN 50346:2002
Cabling - Railway application - Rolling stock EN 50343:2003
Cabling installation - Information technology - Planning - Building - Inside EN 50174-2:2000
Cabling installation - Information technology - Planning - Building - Inside EN 50174-2:2009
Cabling installation - Information technology - Planning - Building - Outside EN 50174-3:2003
Cabling installation - Information technology - Quality assurance EN 50174-1:2000
Cabling installation - Information technology - Quality assurance EN 50174-1:2009
Cabling system - Communication cabling - Installed cabling - Testing EN 61935-1:2005
Cabling system - Communication cabling - Patch cord - Work area cord EN 61935-2:2005
Cabling system - Power station - Electrical equipment EN 45510-2-9:2008
CAD library - Printed board - Design - Electronic - Zero orientation EN 61188-7:2009
Cadmium - Lead - Hexavalent Chromium - Ether EN 62321:2009
Cage induction - Machine - Rotating - Circuit diagram - Three-phase EN 60034-28:2007
Cage induction - Machine - Rotating machine - Converter - Motor CLC/TS 60034-17:2004
Cage induction - Machine - Rotating machine - Motor - Converter supply CLC/TS 60034-25:2008
Cage induction motor - Rotating machine - Single speed - 3 phase - Starting performance EN 60034-12:2002
Cage-induction - Rotating - Machinery - Efficiency - Motors EN 60034-30:2009
Calculation - Current - short-circuit - Three-phase - AC system EN 60909-0:2001
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Calculation - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance EN 60216-3:2006
Calculation - Magnetic - Parameter EN 60205:2006
Calculation - Short-circuit current EN 60865-1:1993
Calculation method - Audio - Terminology HD 483.2 S2:1993
Calculation method - Live working - Approach distances - A.C. EN 61472:2004
Calculation methods - Communication - Network - Automation - Concepts EN 62439-1:2010
Calibration - Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) EN 61119-2:1994
Calibration - Audio - Electroacoustics - Sound level meter EN 61183:1994
Calibration - Audio - Magnetic tape EN 60094-2:1995
Calibration - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Acoustic coupler - Audiometric earphone EN 60318-2:1998
Calibration - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Acoustic coupler - Supra-aural earphone EN 60318-3:1998
Calibration - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Supra-aural earphone EN 60318-1:1998
Calibration - Electroacoutstics - Microphone - Pressure - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-2:2009
Calibration - Fibre optic - Dispersion - Chromatic - Test EN 61744:2005
Calibration - Fibre optic - Power meter EN 61315:2006
Calibration - Microphone - Measurement - Free-field calibration - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-3:1995
Calibration - Microphone - Measurement - Pressure - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-2:1993
Calibration - Microphone - Measurement - Pressure - Working standard microphone EN 61094-5:2001
Calibration - Optical - Wavelength - Michelson - Interferometer EN 62129-2:2011
Calibration - Photovoltaic - Traceability EN 60904-4:2009
Calibration - Reflectometer - Optical - Time-domain - OTDR EN 61746-2:2011
Calibration - Reflectometer - Optical - Time-domain - OTDRS EN 61746:2005
Calibration - Reflectometer - Optical - Time-domain - OTDRS EN 61746-1:2011
Calibration - Spectrum analyzer - Optical EN 62129:2006
Calibration - Ultrasonic - Hydrophone - Medical EN 62127-2:2007
Calibration laboratory - Laboratory - Testing laboratory - Competence EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Calibration method - Data acquisition - Digital EN 62008:2005
Calibration tape - Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast EN 61041-4:1997
Calibrator - Electroacoustics - Sound calibrator EN 60942:2003
Calorific value - Insulating liquid - Classification - Fire point EN 61100:1992
CAMAC - Modular instrumentation system - Block transfer HD 431 S1:1983
CAMAC - Modular instrumentation system - Data handling HD 357 S2:1987
CAMAC - Modular instrumentation system - Multi-crate system HD 374 S2:1986
CAMAC - Modular instrumentation system - Multiple controllers HD 453 S1:1984
CAMAC - Modular instrumentation system - Serial highway interface HD 417 S2:1987
CAMAC - Modular instrumentation system - Subroutine HD 445 S1:1983
Camera - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Digital EN 61966-9:2004
Camera recorder - Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC EN 61146-4:1998
Camera tube - Tube EN 113000:1991
Camera tube - Tube EN 113001:1991
Camping - Low-voltage - Caravan - Special location HD 60364-7-708:2009
Canceller - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Cross-polarization EN 60835-2-11:1997
Candle - Ignition - Flame - Accidental CLC/TS 62441:2007
CANopen - Communication - Controller-device - Industrial - ISO 11898 (CAN) EN 50325-4:2002
CANopen-Safety - Communication - Safety-relevant - Redundant EN 50325-5:2010
Capability - Fibre optic - Passive component - Cable assemblies EN 61313-1:1997
Capability - Integrated circuit - Hybrid integrated circuit EN 165000-1:1996
Capability - Resistor - Fixed power resistor EN 140210:1994
Capability - Resistor - Fixed power resistor EN 140211:1994
Capability approval - Customer detail specification - Standard production item EN 122003:1994
Capability approval - Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Blank detail specification EN 60368-4-1:2000
Capability approval - Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Sectional specification EN 60368-4:2000
Capability approval - Filter - Wave filter - Surface acoustic wave (SAW) EN 166101:1999
Capability approval - Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 60679-4:1998
Capability approval - Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 60679-4-1:1998
Capability approval - Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 169100:1993
Capability approval - Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 169101:1993
Capability approval - Quartz crystal unit EN 168100:1993
Capability approval - Quartz crystal unit EN 168101:1992
Capability approval - Resonator - Dielectric - Waveguide type EN 170101:2001
Capacitance - Cable - Communication - Test method EN 50289-1-5:2001
Capacitance - Connector - Electronic - Measurement EN 60512-22-1:2010
Capacitance - Insulating liquid - Dielectric dissipation factor - Conductance EN 61620:1999
Capacitance graded - Transformer - Oil immersed - Bushing CLC/TS 50458:2006
Capacitive coupling device - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Signaling - Phase-to-phase EN 61334-3-21:1996
Capacitive type - Live working - Voltage detector EN 61243-1:2005
Capacitor - AC - Motor - Start EN 60252-2:2011
Capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolytic CLC/TR 50454:2008
Capacitor - Aluminium - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-801:1994
Capacitor - Aluminium - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-802:1994
Capacitor - Aluminium - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-803:1994
Capacitor - Aluminium - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-804:1994
Capacitor - Aluminium - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 301-805:1992
Capacitor - Aluminium - Non-solid electrolyte - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-806:1994
Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - AC - Motor EN 137000:1995
Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - AC - Motor starter applications - Qualification EN 137100:1995
Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - AC - Motor starter applications - Qualification EN 137101:1995
Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Printed board CECC 30 301-809:1993
Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Rigid termination - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-811:1996
Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Style A ,B and BB CECC 30 301-808:1993
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Alphabetical Index

Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Style BC and BD CECC 30 301-807:1993
Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Style BC and BD - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-810:1996
Capacitor - Aluminiuml - Electrolytic - Conductive polymer - Polymer EN 60384-26:2010
Capacitor - Aluminum - Electrolytic - Conductive polymer - Polymer EN 60384-26-1:2010
Capacitor - Compression type - Trimmer capacitor EN 134104:1995
Capacitor - Coupling capacitor - Divider HD 597 S1:1992
Capacitor - Dielectric capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - DC CECC 30 401:1985
Capacitor - Dielectric capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - DC CECC 30 401-801:1992
Capacitor - Double layer - Electronic EN 62391-1:2006
Capacitor - Double layer - Electronic - Power application EN 62391-2:2006
Capacitor - Double layer - Electronic - Power application EN 62391-2-1:2006
Capacitor - Double-layer - Hybrid - Vehicle EN 62576:2010
Capacitor - Electrolytic capacitor - TAS CECC 210 011:1995
Capacitor - ESL - Measuring - Lead - Terminal EN 62490-1:2010
Capacitor - ESL - Measuring - Surface mount EN 62490-2:2010
Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic - Dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-21:2004
Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic - Dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-22:2004
Capacitor - Fixed - DC - Polyphenylene sulfide film EN 60384-20:2008
Capacitor - Fixed - DC - Polyphenylene sulfide film - Assessment level EZ EN 60384-20-1:2008
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Aluminium electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-25:2006
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Aluminium electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-25-1:2006
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1 EN 60384-8:2005
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1 EN 60384-8-1:2005
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2 EN 60384-9:2005
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2 EN 60384-9-1:2005
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-21-1:2004
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-22-1:2004
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Metal foil - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60384-11:2008
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Metal foil - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60384-11-1:2008
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene naphthalate film - Fixed surface mount EN 60334-23-1:2005
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene naphthalate film - Fixed surface mount EN 60384-23:2005
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-2-1:2005
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - Metal foil EN 60384-13:2006
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - Metal foil EN 60384-13-1:2006
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Tantalum electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-24:2006
Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Tantalum electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-24-1:2006
Capacitor - Fixed - Metallized - Polyethylene-terephthalate - d.c. EN 60384-2:2005
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-4:2007
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-4-1:2007
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-4-2:2007
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-18:2007
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-18-1:2007
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-18-2:2007
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1 CECC 30 601:1989
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1B (NP0) CECC 30 601-801:1995
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2 CECC 30 701:1989
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2C1 CECC 30 701-801:1995
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2F4 CECC 30 701-802:1995
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - TAS CECC 210 010:1995
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - DC EN 131700:1997
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - DC EN 131701:1997
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection EN 60384-14:2005
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection EN 60384-14-1:2005
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection EN 60384-14-3:2004
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection - Safety EN 60384-14-2:2004
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment EN 60384-1:2009
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Generic specification EN 60384-1:2001
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-16:2005
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-16-1:2005
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - Pulse capacitor EN 60384-17:2005
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - Pulse capacitor EN 60384-17-1:2005
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Metallized - Polyethylene-terephthalate EN 60384-19:2006
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate - Metallized EN 60384-19-1:2006
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Tantalum - Surface mount - Manganese EN 60384-3:2006
Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Tantalum - Surface mount - Manganese EN 60384-3-1:2006
Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 101-801:1990
Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Surface mounting - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 801-801:1994
Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Surface mounting - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 801-804:1994
Capacitor - Induction heating installation EN 60110-1:1998
Capacitor - Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - Discharge lamp circuit EN 61048:2006
Capacitor - Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Discharge lamp circuit EN 61049:1993
Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Polycarbonate film dielectric - Assessment level EZ EN 131702:1997
Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Assessment level EZ EN 130102:1997
Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Polypropylene film dielectric - Assessment level EZ EN 131802:1997
Capacitor - Metallized polycarbonate film - DC - Assessment level EZ EN 130502:1998
Capacitor - Microwave oven EN 61270-1:1996
Capacitor - Motor - AC - Safety - Rating EN 60252-1:2011
Capacitor - Motor capacitor - AC - Motor start EN 60252-2:2003
Capacitor - Motor capacitor - AC - Safety - Testing and rating EN 60252-1:2001
Capacitor - Multi turn - Concentric capacitor EN 134102:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Capacitor - Multilayer - Ceramic chip capacitor CECC 32 101-801:1988
Capacitor - Multilayer - Ceramic surface mounting CECC 32 101-804:2001
Capacitor - Multilayer - Ceramic surface mounting CECC 32 101-805:2001
Capacitor - Multilayer - Ceramic surface mounting capacitor - Assessment level DZ EN 132102:1996
Capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - DC EN 130100:1997
Capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - DC EN 130101:1997
Capacitor - Power capacitor - LV - Facror correction bank EN 61921:2003
Capacitor - Power electronics capacitor EN 61071:2007
Capacitor - Railway - Rolling stock - Power electronics - Paper/plastic EN 61881-1:2011
Capacitor - Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Power electronics EN 61881:1999
Capacitor - Resistor - Electronic - Wire termination HD 349 S1:1977
Capacitor - Resistor - Marking code - Identification EN 60062:2005
Capacitor - Series - Power system - Thyristor EN 60143-4:2010
Capacitor - Series capacitor - Power system EN 60143-1:2004
Capacitor - Series capacitor - Power system - Internal fuse EN 60143-3:1998
Capacitor - Series capacitor bank - Protective equipment EN 60143-2:1994
Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - AC EN 60871-1:2005
Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - AC - Internal fuse EN 60871-4:1996
Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Endurance testing HD 525.2 S1:1989
Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Filter - Industrial network - AC EN 61642:1997
Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Non-self-healing - Test EN 60931-2:1996
Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Non-self-healing type - AC EN 60931-1:1996
Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Non-self-healing type - AC - Internal fuse EN 60931-3:1996
Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Self-healing - AC - Safety EN 60831-1:1996
Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Self-healing - Test - Ageing test EN 60831-2:1996
Capacitor - Single turn disc - Trimmer capacitor EN 134101:1995
Capacitor - Surface mounting capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - DC CECC 32 201-801:1989
Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor EN 130200:1993
Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 202-801:1992
Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Porous anode EN 130202:1998
Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode EN 130201:1993
Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 201-801:1993
Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 201-802:1989
Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 201-803:1989
Capacitor - Tantalum surface mount - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode - Extended range CECC 30 801-802:2005
Capacitor - Tantalum surface mounting capacitor - Fused CECC 30 801-803:1994
Capacitor - Tantalum surface mounting capacitor - Low ESR range CECC 30 801-805:1995
Capacitor - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Voltage transformer EN 60044-5:2004
Capacitor - Vane type air - Dielectric capacitor EN 134103:1995
Capacitor - Variable capacitor EN 134000:1994
Capacitor - Variable capacitor EN 134100:1995
Caplight - Mine - Firedamp - Explosion risk - Test EN 62013-1:2006
Caplight - Mine - Firedamp - Explosive atmosphere EN 60079-35-1:2011
Caplight - Mine - Firedamp - Performance - Safety EN 62013-2:2006
Car - Conductor EN 50374:2004
Car park - Toxic - Tunnel - Carbon monoxide - Nitrogen oxide EN 50545-1:2011
Caravan - Building - Electrical installation HD 384.7.754 S1:2005
Caravan - Low-voltage - Camping - Special location HD 60364-7-708:2009
Caravan - Low-voltage - Motor Caravan - Special location HD 60364-7-721:2009
Caravan park - Building - Electrical installation HD 384.7.708 S2:2005
Carbon - Portable - Dioxide - Monoxide - Indoor ambient air EN 50543:2011
Carbon contact strip - Railway application - Current collection - Pantograph EN 50405:2006
Carbon dioxide - Medical equipment - Transcutaneous oxygen - Pressure - Monitoring EN 60601-3-1:1996
Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises - Maintenance EN 50292:2001
Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises - Recreational vehicle EN 50291-2:2010
Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises - Test method - Performance EN 50291:2001
Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises - Test method - Performance EN 50291-1:2010
Carbon monoxide - Toxic - Car park - Tunnel - Nitrogen oxide EN 50545-1:2011
Cardiac - Medical - External - Pacemaker EN 60601-2-31:2008
Cardiac - Medical - Pacemaker - Implantable - Low-profile connector EN 50077:1993
Cardiac - Medical - safety - Defibrillator EN 60601-2-4:2011
Cardiac - Medical equipment - Defibrillator - Safety EN 60601-2-4:2003
Cardiac pacemaker - EMF assessment - Active - Implantable - Medical device EN 50527-2-1:2011
Carpet - Household appliances - Heated carpet - Room heating - Safety EN 60335-2-106:2007
Carrier - Transistor - Hot - MOS EN 62416:2010
Carrier tape - Packaging - Automatic handling - Surface mount - Blister EN 60286-3-2:2009
Cartridge - Fuel cell - Micro - Power systems - Interchangeability EN 62282-6-300:2009
Cartridge fuse-link - Fuse - Miniature fuse EN 60127-2:2003
Case - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions EN 61969-2-2:2000
Case and cabinets - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions EN 61969-2:2000
Cassette - Audio - Magnetic tape EN 60094-7:1993
Cast aluminium alloy enclosure - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Gas-filled EN 50052:1986
Cast resin partition - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Metal-enclosed EN 50089:1992
Category A - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched EN 50266-2-2:2001
Category A - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame EN 60332-3-22:2009
Category A F/R - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched EN 50266-2-1:2001
Category A F/R - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame EN 60332-3-21:2009
Category A1 - Optical fibre - Product specification - Multimode fibre EN 60793-2-10:2007
Category A2 - Optical fibre - Multimode fibre EN 60793-2-20:2009
Category A2 - Optical fibre - Product specification - Multimode fibre EN 60793-2-20:2002
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Alphabetical Index

Category A3 - Optical fibre - Product specification - Multimode fibre EN 60793-2-30:2002
Category A4 - Optical - Fibre - Multimode EN 60793-2-40:2011
Category A4 - Optical fibre - Product specification - Multimode fibre EN 60793-2-40:2006
Category B - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched EN 50266-2-3:2001
Category B - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame EN 60332-3-23:2009
Category C - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched EN 50266-2-4:2001
Category C - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame EN 60332-3-24:2009
Category D - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Bunched EN 50266-2-5:2001
Category D - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Flame EN 60332-3-25:2009
Cathode - Luminaires - Cold - Tubular - Discharge lamp EN 60598-2-14:2009
Cathode ray - Tube - Safety EN 61965:2003
Cathode ray tube - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management EN 61966-3:2000
Cathode ray tube - Tube EN 111000:1991
Cathode ray tube - Tube EN 111001:1991
Cathode-ray tube - Drawing - Component - Connection - Gauge EN 60139:2001
CATV/SMATV headend - Cabled network - Television - Sound signal - DVB/MPEG-2 transport stream EN 50083-9:2002
Cavitation pitting - Turbine - Hydraulic - Pump-turbine - Storage pump EN 60609-1:2005
Cavitation pitting - Turbine - Pelton turbine - Storage pump - Pump-turbine EN 60609-2:1999
Caxial - Radio frequency - Cable - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-6:2009
CCTV surveillance system - Alarm system - Security EN 50132-1:2010
CCTV surveillance system - Alarm system - Security applications - Application guidelines EN 50132-7:1996
CCTV surveillance system - Alarm system - Security applications - Video transmission EN 50132-5:2001
CD-R/RW disc - Recording - High density - HD-BURN format EN 62403:2006
CDI - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Controller-device interface EN 62026-1:2007
CECC system - Specification type CECC 00 111-0:1993
CECC system - Statistical process control (SPC) CECC 00 016:1990
Ceiling - Powertrack system - Wall EN 61534-21:2006
Ceiling heating - Building - Electrical installation - Floor heating HD 384.7.753 S1:2002
Ceiling mounting - Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Wall mounting EN 50085-2-1:2006
Cell - Fuel - Micro - Power system - Safety EN 62282-6-100:2010
Cell - Fuel cell - Module EN 62282-2:2004
Cell - Fuel cell - Portable - Safety EN 62282-5-1:2007
Cell - Fuel cell - Power system - Micro - Performance EN 62282-6-200:2008
Cell - Fuel cell - Stationary - Power system - Safety EN 62282-3-1:2007
Cell - Fuel cell - Stationary power plant - Test EN 62282-3-2:2006
Cell - Fuel cell - Stationary power system - Installation EN 62282-3-3:2008
Cell - Liquid crystal - Display device - Liquid crystal display (LCD) EN 61747-3:2006
Cell - Liquid crystal - Display device - Liquid crystal display (LCD) EN 61747-3-1:2006
Cell - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Display module - Essential rating EN 61747-4:1998
Cell - Nickel-cadmium - Vented - Electrolyte EN 60993:2002
Cell - Solar cell - Crystalline silicon - Silicon EN 50461:2006
Cellulose acetate woven fabric - Adhesive - Pressure-sensitive - Tape - Glass fabric EN 60454-3-8:2006
Cellulose paper - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Thermosetting adhesive EN 60454-3-4:2007
Cellulose paper - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Brominated epoxide EN 61249-2-5:2003
Cellulosic - Viscometry - Polymerisation - Insulation EN 60450:2004
Cellulosic paper - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polyester film - Glass filament EN 60454-3-11:2007
Cellulosic paper - Test EN 60554-2:2002
CENELEC - Certification Agreement (CCA) CLC Guide 17:2001
CENELEC standard - Interpretation CLC Guide 26:2002
CENELEC/ETSI standardization programme - Electromagnetic compatibility R0BT-001:1995
Central - Power supply EN 50171:2001
Central wavelength - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Spectral width EN 61280-1-3:1999
Centre bush mounting - Switch - Rotary wafer switch - Manually operated CECC 96 101-801:1992
Centre contact - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Radio frequency connector EN 50109-2-4:1995
Centrifuge - Laboratory equipment - Safety - Measurement - Control EN 61010-2-020:2006
Ceramic - Capacitor - Fixed - Dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-21:2004
Ceramic - Capacitor - Fixed - Dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-22:2004
Ceramic - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Screen testing - Measurement EN 61300-2-24:2010
Ceramic - Filter - Piezoelectric filter EN 60368-2-2:1999
Ceramic - Insulating materials - Glass EN 60672-1:1995
Ceramic - Insulating materials - Glass - Test method EN 60672-2:2000
Ceramic - Insulator - Glass - Overhead line - Impulse puncture in air EN 61211:2005
Ceramic - Insulator - Glass - Test EN 61325:1995
Ceramic - Insulator - Hollow - Glass EN 62155:2003
Ceramic - Insulator - Overhead line - AC - Long rod type EN 60433:1998
Ceramic - Insulator - Overhead line - Glass - AC system EN 60305:1996
Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - High power - Measurement method EN 50324-3:2002
Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - Low power - Measurement method EN 50324-2:2002
Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - Term - Definition EN 50324-1:2002
Ceramic - Surface mounted - Piezoelectric - Frequency - Lead EN 61837-2:2011
Ceramic - Thermocouple assembly - Metal - Protection EN 50446:2006
Ceramic and glass - Insulating materials - Individual materials EN 60672-3:1997
Ceramic chip capacitor - Capacitor - Multilayer CECC 32 101-801:1988
Ceramic core - Inductor - Wirewound inductor - Ferrite core EN 129201:1994
Ceramic core - Inductor - Wirewound inductor - Ferrite core EN 129202:1994
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Class 1 EN 60384-8:2005
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Class 1 EN 60384-8-1:2005
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Class 2 EN 60384-9:2005
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Class 2 EN 60384-9-1:2005
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Surface mount EN 60384-21-1:2004
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Alphabetical Index

Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Surface mount EN 60384-22-1:2004
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Class 1 CECC 30 601:1989
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Class 1B (NP0) CECC 30 601-801:1995
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Class 2 CECC 30 701:1989
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Class 2C1 CECC 30 701-801:1995
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Class 2F4 CECC 30 701-802:1995
Ceramic dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - TAS CECC 210 010:1995
Ceramic enclosure - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Lead connection EN 61837-2:2000
Ceramic or glass - Insulating materials - HV EN 60168:1994
Ceramic surface mounting - Capacitor - Multilayer CECC 32 101-804:2001
Ceramic surface mounting - Capacitor - Multilayer CECC 32 101-805:2001
Ceramic surface mounting capacitor - Capacitor - Multilayer - Assessment level DZ EN 132102:1996
Certificate of approval - RP 8 - Attestation of Conformity - Conditions of use CECC 00 108:1994
Certification - Person - Body EN ISO/IEC 17024:2003
Certification - Wind - Turbine - Conformity EN 61400-22:2011
Certification Agreement (CCA) - CENELEC CLC Guide 17:2001
Chain - Luminaire - Lighting chain EN 60598-2-20:2010
Chain saw - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Saw EN 60745-2-13:2009
Chamber - Electromagnetic - Compatibility - EMC - Reverberation EN 61000-4-21:2011
Change-over - Switch - Selector EN 61058-2-5:2011
Change-over selector - Switch - Appliances EN 61058-2-5:1994
Changes monitoring - Optical fibre - Transmittance - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-46:2002
Channel - Dynamic - Equalizer EN 62343-3-1:2010
Channel assignment - Audio - Video - Multimedia - Multichannel EN 62574:2011
Character information system - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette EN 61834-5:1998
Characteristic - Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic - Rating EN 60747-5-2:2001
Characteristics - DAB receiver EN 50248:2001
Characteristics - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Satellite earth station EN 60835-1-2:1993
Characteristics - Insulator - Indoor and outdoor HD 578 S1:1992
Characteristics - Medical - X-ray equipment - Rotating anode EN 60613:1990
Characteristics - Public distribution system - Voltage EN 50160:2007
Characteristics - Public distribution system - Voltage EN 50160:2010
Characteristics - Radio transmitter - Transposer - Sound and television broadcasting EN 60244-12-1:1993
Characteristics - Receiver - DVB receiver EN 50256:1998
characteristics - transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers -
junctions - electric cables - junction boxes - high voltage - low voltage - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
Characteristics determination - Medical - X-ray equipment - Radiation conditions EN 61267:2006
Charching - Vehicle - Conductive charging - Off board charger - Communication CLC/TS 50457-2:2008
Charching - Vehicle - Conductive charging - Station CLC/TS 50457-1:2008
Charge - Photovoltaic - Battery EN 62509:2011
Charger - Power station - Electrical equipment - Battery - Stationary EN 45510-2-3:2000
Charging control - Household - Heating - Room heating - Storage type EN 50350:2004
Charging system - Vehicle EN 61851-1:2001
Charging system - Vehicle - AC electric vehicle EN 61851-22:2002
Charging system - Vehicle - Conductive EN 61851-1:2011
Charging system - Vehicle - Connection - Conductive connection EN 61851-21:2002
Chart - GRAFCET - Language - Sequential function EN 60848:2002
Chart - Maritime, Navigation - Radiocommunication - ECDIS EN 61174:2008
Chart display - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Electronic - Information system EN 61174:2001
Chart recorder - Industrial process - Pneumatic - Analogue EN 60873-2:2004
Chart recorder - Industrial process - Pneumatic - Analogue - Performance EN 60873-1:2004
Chart system - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication EN 62376:2011
Chassis - Electronic equipment - Cabinet - Rack - Subrack EN 61587-1:2007
Chassis - Structure - Dimension - Subrack - Cabinet EN 60297-3-106:2010
Chassis - Structure - Rack - Subrack - Cabinet EN 60297-3-100:2009
Chassis - Structure - Subrack - Cabinet EN 60917-2-4:2010
Chassis 1U - Mechanical - Structure - Dimensions - Design EN 60297-3-105:2009
Checking - Sulphur hexafluoride - SF6 - Treatment EN 60480:2004
Chemical - Connector - Measurement - Resistance - Fluid EN 60512-19-1:2010
Chemical product - PAS CECC 200 018:1996
Chemical properties - Wire - Winding wire - Test method EN 60851-4:1996
Chemical resistance test - Electronic equipment - Fluid resistance - Test EN 60512-19-3:1997
Child - Safety CEN/CLC Guide 14:2009
Child-appealing luminaire - Lighting - Luminaire - Portable luminaire EN 60598-2-10:2003
Chime - Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Bell EN 61558-2-8:2010
Chip - Smart tracker - RFID - EEE equipment CLC/TR 50489:2006
Chip carrier - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint EN 61188-5-6:2003
Chip inductor - High frequency - Inductive component - Nanohenry EN 62024-1:2008
Chlorinated - Sleeving - Insulating - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-205:2011
Chopper-fed traction - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Motor EN 61377-2:2002
CHP - Combined heat and Power - Heat - Power - Determination CWA 45547:2004
Chromatic - Fibre optic - Dispersion - Calibration - Test EN 61744:2005
Chromatic - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Dispersion - Compensator EN 61753-141-2:2011
Chromatic - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Passive - Dispersion compensator EN 61978-1:2010
Chromatic dispersion - Optical fibre - Dispersion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-42:2007
Chromatography - Insulating liquid - Polychlorinated biphenyl - Contamination EN 61619:1997
CIASE protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol - Systems management EN 61334-4-511:2000
CIM - Distribution - Extension EN 61968-11:2010
CIM - Energy - Graphics exchange EN 61970-453:2008
CIM - Energy - Interface - EMS-API - Common information model EN 61970-301:2004
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CIM RDF model exchange format - Interface - Distribution management EN 61968-13:2008
CIM XML - Energy - Interface - EMS-API - Model Data Exchange EN 61970-501:2006
Circuit - Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Ground lighting EN 61821:2003
Circuit - Connecting device - LV - Household EN 60998-1:2004
Circuit - Electric - Magnetic - Convention EN 60375:2003
Circuit - EMC - Modelling - EMI - Simulation EN 62433-2:2010
Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission - Coupling EN 61967-4:2002
Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission - Faraday cage EN 61967-5:2003
Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission - Magnetic probe EN 61967-6:2002
Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Measurement - Definition EN 61967-1:2002
Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Radiated emission - TEM-cell EN 61967-2:2005
Circuit - Integrated circuit - Analogue - Monolithic CECC 90 200:1987
Circuit - Integrated circuit - ASICs - Microelectronic - TAS CECC 290 001:1997
Circuit - Integrated circuit - C MOS - Digital - Series 4000 B and 4000 UB CECC 90 104:1990
Circuit - Integrated circuit - Gate array - Digital CECC 90 115:1993
Circuit - Integrated circuit - Hybrid intergrated circuit EN 163100:1991
Circuit - Integrated circuit - Hybrid intergrated circuit EN 163101:1991
Circuit - Integrated circuit - Manufacturing line - Approval application guideline EN 61943:1999
Circuit - Integrated circuit - Monolithic CECC 90 300:1994
Circuit - Integrated circuit - Silicon monolithic - Memory - Read only CECC 90 105:1986
Circuit - Integrated circuit - TAS CECC 265 001:1998
Circuit - Measurement - EMC - Immunity - TEM cell EN 62132-2:2011
Circuit - Optical - Board EN 62496-1:2009
Circuit - Optical - Board EN 62496-4:2011
Circuit - Optical - Board - Dimension EN 62496-2-2:2011
Circuit - Semiconductor - Microwave - Integrated - Amplifier EN 60747-16-1:2002
Circuit - Semiconductor - Microwave - Integrated - Frequency converter EN 60747-16-3:2002
Circuit - Semiconductor - Monolithic - Microwave - Integrated EN 60747-16-10:2004
Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic EN 60747-5-1:2001
Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic - Measuring method EN 60747-5-3:2001
Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic - Photocoupler - Optocoupler EN 60747-5-5:2011
Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic - Rating - Characteristic EN 60747-5-2:2001
Circuit - Semiconductor - Switch - Microwave - Integrated EN 60747-16-4:2004
Circuit - Switching circuit - Integrated - Analogue CECC 90 203:1985
Circuit board - Optical - Board EN 62496-3:2011
Circuit board - Optical - Flexible - Unconnectorized - Glass fibres EN 62496-3-1:2010
Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003
Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS1:2007
Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS2:2007
Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS3:2007
Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS4:2007
Circuit diagram - Machine - Rotating - Three-phase - Cage induction EN 60034-28:2007
Circuit-breaker - Electrical accessory - Household use - Auxiliary contact unit EN 62019:1999
Circuit-breaker - Equipment EN 60934:2001
Circuit-breaker - Household - Overcurrent protection - AC - DC EN 60898-2:2006
Circuit-breaker - Railway applications - AC - Switchgear EN 50152-1:2007
Circuit-breaker - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment - AC EN 60077-4:2003
Circuit-breaker - Residual - Current operated - Overcurrent protection - Household EN 62423:2009
Circuit-breaker - Residual current - Applicability EN 61008-2-1:1994
Circuit-breaker - Residual current - RCBO - Overcurrent protection - Applicability EN 61009-2-1:1994
Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - Overcurrent protection - RCCB EN 61008-1:2004
Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - Overcurrent protection - RCCB EN 61008-1:2004/IS1:2007
Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - Overcurrent protection - RCCO EN 61009-1:2004
Circuit-breaker - Switchgear - Controlgear - High voltage - AC EN 62271-100:2009
Circuit-breaker - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC EN 62271-100:2001
Circuit-breaker - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC EN 62271-108:2006
Circuit-breaker - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV EN 60947-2:2006
Circuit-breaker - Switchgear - DC - Railway applications EN 50123-2:2003
Circuit-breaker - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - AC - Seismic qualification EN 61166:1993
Circuit-switcher - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC EN 62271-107:2005
Circular - Connector EN 61076-2:2011
Circular - Connector EN 61076-2-001:2011
Circular - Connector - Electronic - Screw-locking EN 61076-2-105:2008
Circular - Connector - Electronic equipment EN 61076-2-001:2001
Circular - Connector - Electronic equipment - Plug - Jack EN 61076-2-102:2002
Circular - Connector - Hybrid - Fibre-optic - Screw locking EN 61076-2-107:2010
Circular - Connector - Radio - Sound EN 60130-9:2011
Circular - Connector - Screw locking EN 61076-2-101:2008
Circular - Connector - Screw locking - Snap-locking EN 61076-2-104:2008
Circular - Connector - Screw-locking - Protection EN 61076-2-106:2011
Circular - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Saw EN 60745-2-5:2010
Circular - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw bench EN 61029-2-1:2010
Circular connector - Connector - Audio and video application - Audio-visual equipment - Printed board EN 60603-14:1999
Circular connector - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - High-speed data application EN 61076-2:1999
Circular connector - Connector - Radio EN 60130-9:2000
Circular connector - Connector - Round contact - Threaded coupling EN 175201-804:1999
Circular copper conductor - Cable - Dimensions EN 60719:1993
Circular saw - Tool - Hand-held - Performance EN 61176:1993
Circular waveguide - Flange - Waveguide HD 129.4 S1:1977
Circular waveguide - Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide HD 123.4 S1:1977
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Alphabetical Index

Circulation pump - Household appliances - Pump - Water installation - Safety EN 60335-2-51:2003
Circulator - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection EN 62077:2010
Circulator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Single-mode EN 61753-092-6:2007
Circulator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-091-3:2004
Circumaural - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Supra-aural - Earphone EN 60318-1:2009
Circus - Building - Electrical installation - Amusement - Fair HD 60364-7-740:2006
Clamp - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Ageing test EN 50483-5:2009
Clamp - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Connections EN 50483-4:2009
Clamp - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Environmental test EN 50483-6:2009
Clamp - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Self supporting system EN 50483-2:2009
Clamp - Connector - Cable - Resistance - Rotation EN 60512-17-2:2011
Clamp - Live working - Saddle - Stick EN 61236:2011
Clamp outer conductor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Plug CECC 22 121-801:1985
Clamp outer conductor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Right angle plug CECC 22 121-803:1985
Clamped outer conductor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Free socket CECC 22 121-805:1985
Clamping - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Cable EN 60512-17-1:2010
Clamping - Connector - Measurement - Cable - Resistance EN 60512-17-3:2010
Clamping - Connector - Measurement - Cable - Torsion EN 60512-17-4:2010
Clamping unit - Connecting device - Conductor - Copper conductor - Safety EN 60999-1:2000
Clamping unit - Connecting device - Copper conductor - Safety EN 60999-2:2003
Class - Industrial - Structure - Classification - Code EN 81346-2:2009
Class 1 - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric EN 60384-8:2005
Class 1 - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric EN 60384-8-1:2005
Class 1 - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric CECC 30 601:1989
Class 1 - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - layer - Media EN 50090-5-1:2005
Class 1 - Home and Building Electronic System - Interface - Twisted pair R205-010:1996
Class 1 and 2 - Measuring instrument - Energy - Watthour meter - AC EN 61358:1996
Class 105 - Wire - Polyvinyl - Acetal - Copper EN 60317-17:1994
Class 105 - Wire - Polyvinyl - Acetal - Copper EN 60317-17:2010
Class 120 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyvinyl - Round copper wire EN 60317-12:1994
Class 120 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyvinyl acetal - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-18:2004
Class 130 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire EN 60317-4:1994
Class 130 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire EN 60317-19:1995
Class 130 - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Bonding layer EN 60317-2:1994
Class 155 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Bonding layer EN 60317-35:1994
Class 155 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire EN 60317-20:1995
Class 155 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire EN 60317-21:1995
Class 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Round copper wire EN 60317-22:2004
Class 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Bonding layer EN 60317-36:1994
Class 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Bonding layer EN 60317-37:1994
Class 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-28:1996
Class 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Round aluminium wire EN 60317-15:2004
Class 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Round copper wire EN 60317-8:1994
Class 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Round copper wire EN 60317-23:1995
Class 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire EN 60317-51:2001
Class 1B (NP0) - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric CECC 30 601-801:1995
Class 2 - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric EN 60384-9:2005
Class 2 - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric EN 60384-9-1:2005
Class 2 - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric CECC 30 701:1989
Class 2 - Measuring instrument - Watthour meter - AC EN 60514:1995
Class 200 - Wire - Polyester - Polyesterimide - Aluminium EN 60317-25:1996
Class 200 - Wire - Polyester - Polyesterimide - Aluminium EN 60317-25:2010
Class 200 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyamide-imide - Round copper wire EN 60317-26:1996
Class 200 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Bonding layer EN 60317-38:1994
Class 200 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-29:1996
Class 200 - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester-amide - Round copper wire EN 60317-42:1997
Class 240 - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-47:1997
Class 240 - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide - Round copper wire EN 60317-46:1997
Class 240 - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide tape - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-44:1997
Class 240 - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide tape - Round copper wire EN 60317-43:1997
Class 2C1 - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric CECC 30 701-801:1995
Class 2F4 - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric CECC 30 701-802:1995
Class B - Optical fibre - Single-mode fibre EN 60793-2-50:2008
Classification - Data EN 61360-1:2010
Classification - Environmental conditions - Air pressure HD 478.2.3 S1:1990
Classification - Environmental conditions - Dust - Sand - Salt mist HD 478.2.5 S1:1993
Classification - Environmental conditions - Earthquake - Vibration and shock HD 478.2.6 S1:1993
Classification - Environmental conditions - Fauna - Flora HD 478.2.7 S1:1990
Classification - Environmental conditions - Ground vehicle installation EN 60721-3-5:1997
Classification - Environmental conditions - Parameter - Introduction EN 60721-3-0:1993
Classification - Environmental conditions - Parameter - Microclimate EN 60721-3-9:1993
Classification - Environmental conditions - Parameter - Severity EN 60721-1:1995
Classification - Environmental conditions - Parameter - Ship EN 60721-3-6:1993
Classification - Environmental conditions - Storage EN 60721-3-1:1997
Classification - Environmental conditions - Temperature - Humidity HD 478.2.1 S1:1989
Classification - Environmental conditions - Temperature - Solar radiation HD 478.2.4 S1:1989
Classification - Environmental conditions - Transportation EN 60721-3-2:1997
Classification - Environmental conditions - Wind - Precipitation HD 478.2.2 S1:1990
Classification - Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Area EN 60079-10-1:2009
Classification - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Hazardous area EN 60079-10:2003
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Alphabetical Index

Classification - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Area EN 61241-10:2004
Classification - Industrial - Structure - Code - Class EN 81346-2:2009
Classification - Industrial installation - Structuring principles - Reference designations - Code EN 61346-2:2000
Classification - Insulating - liquid EN 61039:2008
Classification - Insulating liquid HD 618 S1:1992
Classification - Insulating liquid - Fire point - Calorific value EN 61100:1992
Classification - Insulating materials - Ionizing radiation - Radiation environment EN 60544-4:2003
Classification - Machine - Rotating - Protection - Integral design EN 60034-5:2001
Classification - Semiconductor device - Coding system - Package outline EN 60191-4:1999
Classification - Soft ferrite material EN 61332:2005
Classification - Standard data element type - Electric component EN 61360-1:2002
CLC/TC 61 - Household - Safety - Interpretation CLC/TR 50417:2010
Cleaning - Household - Safety - Liquids - Stream EN 60335-2-54:2008
Cleaning - Household appliance - Surface cleaning - Steam - Safety EN 60335-2-54:2003
Cleaning - Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Water-suction - Safety EN 60335-2-2:2003
Cleaning - Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Water-suction - Safety EN 60335-2-2:2010
Cleaning solvent - Electronic equipment - Soldering test - Flux - Sealing EN 60512-12-6:1996
Cleaning solvent - Environmental testing - Immersion test EN 60068-2-45:1992
Clearance - Insulation coordination - LV - Creepage distance EN 60664-5:2007
Clearance - Railway - Insulation - Creepage distance EN 50124-1:2001
clearance distance - transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers -
junctions - electric cables - junction boxes - high voltage - low voltage - characteristics
EN 50464-2-3:2007
Clearance in air - Transformer - Power transformer - Insulation level - Dielectric test EN 60076-3:2001
Cleat - Cable EN 50368:2003
Cleat - Cable EN 61914:2009
Climatic - Environment - Temperature/humidity - Dynamic - Vibration/shock EN 60068-2-53:2010
Climatic - Semiconductor - Acoustic - Microscopy - Plastic encapsulated EN 60749-35:2006
Climatic - Semiconductor - Board level drop test - Handled electronic products EN 60749-37:2008
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Damp heat - Stress test EN 60749-4:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Drop test - Strain gauge EN 60749-40:2011
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Electrostatic discharge - Human body model (HBM) EN 60749-26:2006
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Electrostatic discharge - Machine model (MM) EN 60749-27:2006
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Flammability - Plastic encapsulated device EN 60749-31:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Flammability - Plastic encapsulated device EN 60749-32:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Latch-up - Test method EN 60749-29:2011
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Moisture resistance - Unbiased autoclave EN 60749-33:2004
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Moisture resistance - Unbiased HAST EN 60749-24:2004
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Non-hermetic - Reliability EN 60749-30:2005
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Plastic-encapsulated SMD - Moisture EN 60749-20:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Soft error test - Memory EN 60749-38:2008
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Solderability - Test method EN 60749-21:2011
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Soldering temperature - through-hole EN 60749-15:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Temperature - Humidity bias life test EN 60749-5:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method EN 60749-1:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Acceleration EN 60749-36:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Bond strength EN 60749-22:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Die shear strength EN 60749-19:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - External visual examination EN 60749-3:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - High temperature EN 60749-23:2004
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Ionizing radiation EN 60749-18:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Latch-up EN 60749-29:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Low air pressure EN 60749-2:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Marking EN 60749-9:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Moisture EN 60749-7:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Moisture EN 60749-7:2011
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Neutron irradiation EN 60749-17:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Noise detection EN 60749-16:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Power cycling EN 60749-34:2004
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Power cycling EN 60749-34:2010
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Salt atmosphere EN 60749-13:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Sealing EN 60749-8:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Shock EN 60749-10:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Solderability EN 60749-21:2005
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Storage at high temperature EN 60749-6:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Temperature change EN 60749-25:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Terminaisons robustness EN 60749-14:2003
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Two-fluid-bath method EN 60749-11:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Test method - Vibration EN 60749-12:2002
Climatic - Semiconductor - Moisture diffusivity - Water solubility - Organic material EN 60749-39:2006
Climatic - Semiconductor - Resistance - Moisture - Heat EN 60749-20:2009
Climatic - Semiconductor - Resistance - Soldering temperature - Through-hole EN 60749-15:2010
Climatic conditions - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Indoor CLC/TS 62271-304:2008
Climatic conditions - Industrial process - Operating conditions EN 60654-1:1993
Climatic sequence - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental EN 50289-4-5:2008
Climatic sequence - Electronic equipment - Climatic test EN 60512-11-1:1999
Climatic sequence - Environmental testing - Test Z/ABDM EN 60068-2-61:1993
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Climatic sequence EN 60512-11-1:1999
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Cold EN 60512-11-10:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Corrosion - Gas corrosion EN 60512-11-14:2003
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Corrosion - Salt mist EN 60512-11-6:2002
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Alphabetical Index

Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Damp heat - Cyclic EN 60512-11-12:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Damp heat - Steady state EN 60512-11-3:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Dry heat EN 60512-11-9:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Gas tightness - Connection EN 60512-11-13:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Low air - Pressure EN 60512-11-11:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Mould growth EN 60512-11-5:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Pressure - Damp heat EN 60512-11-2:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Temperature change EN 60512-11-4:2002
Climatic test - Electronic equipment - Sand - Dust EN 60512-11-8:1999
Clip - Lightning - Protection component - Conductor EN 50164-4:2008
Clock - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-26:2003
Closed transmission - Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Safety EN 50159-1:2001
Closed-loop - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Controller - Physiologic EN 60601-1-10:2008
Closure - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting EN 62134-1:2009
Closure - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Subterranean EN 61753-111-9:2010
Closure - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Assembly and disassembly - Test EN 61300-2-33:2007
Closure - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Cable bending EN 61300-2-37:2007
Closure - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Sealing - Test EN 61300-2-38:2006
Closure - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Interface standard EN 61758-1:2008
Closure - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Passive component - Non-pressurized EN 61300-2-23:2011
Closure - Optical - Fibre - Communication - Single mode EN 50411-3-2:2011
Closure - Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Microduct EN 50411-2:2008
Closure for category A - Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - Organiser EN 50411-2-2:2007
Closure for category S - Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - Organiser EN 50411-2-4:2006
clothe dryer - Household appliance - Dryer - Towel rail - Safety EN 60335-2-43:2003
Clothes - Energy consumption - Washer-dryer - Household use - Performance EN 50229:2007
Clothing - Conductive clothing - Live working EN 60895:2003
Clothing - Live working - Protection - Thermal hazard - Arc rating EN 61482-1-1:2009
Clothing - Live working - Thermal protection - Flame resistant - Arc CLC/TS 61482-1:2003
Clothing - Live working - Thermal protection - Flame resistant - Arc EN 61482-1-2:2007
Clothing - Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Gonad EN 61331-3:1999
CMOS ASIC library - Delay calculation - Power calculation - Pre-layout delay EN 61523-2:2002
Co-operation - Agreement CEN/CLC Guide 3:2009
Coal dust - Firedamp - Endangered atmosphere EN 50303:2000
Coal handling - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Bulk storage plant EN 45510-4-5:2002
Coastal application - Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor - Telecommunication EN 60794-3-30:2008
Coating - Insulation coordination - LV - Pollution - Protection EN 60664-3:2003
Coating - Interconnection structure - Non-conductive film - Marking legend ink EN 61249-8-7:1996
Coating - Interconnection structure - Non-conductive film - Polymer coating EN 61249-8-8:1997
Coating - Optical - Measurement - Strippability EN 60793-1-32:2010
Coating - Optical fibre - Strippability - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-32:2003
Coating - Printed board - Loaded EN 61086-1:2004
Coating - Printed board - Loaded - High reliability - Aerospace EN 61086-3-1:2004
Coating - Printed board - Loaded - Test EN 61086-2:2004
Coating geometry - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-21:2002
Coating material - Stationary - Electrostatic - Non-ignitable - Liquid EN 50348:2010
Coating powder - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying - Flammable EN 50177:2006
Coating powder - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying - Flammable EN 50177:2009
Coating powder - Insulating materials - Solventless polymerisable resinous compound HD 307.2.2 S1:1986
Coaxial - Cable EN 50117-1:2002
Coaxial - Cable - BCT cabling - Indoor - Drop cable EN 50117-4-1:2008
Coaxial - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Patch cord EN 50289-1-13:2004
Coaxial - Cable - Distribution network - Indoor - Drop cable EN 50117-2-1:2005
Coaxial - Cable - Information technology - Cord EN 61935-2:2010
Coaxial - Cable - Radio - Frequency - Connector EN 60966-2-3:2009
Coaxial - Cable - Radio - Frequency - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3:2009
Coaxial - Cable - Telecom applications - Miniaturized - Digital communication system EN 50117-3-1:2002
Coaxial - Cable: Radio - Rrequency - Flexible EN 60966-2-1:2009
Coaxial - Cabling - information technology - Testing - Balanced EN 61935-1:2009
Coaxial - Connector - Radio frequency - CQA - Quick lock EN 61169-41:2011
Coaxial - Connector - Radio frequency - Series MMCX EN 122340:2002
Coaxial - Connector - Radio frequency - SSMA EN 61169-18:2011
Coaxial - Connector - Radio frequency - SSMB EN 61169-19:2011
Coaxial - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Miniature - Rack and panel applications EN 61169-29:2005
Coaxial - Connector - Radio-frequency - Slide-in - Type TMA EN 61169-38:2009
Coaxial - Information technology - Cabling EN 61935-3:2009
Coaxial - Radio frequency - Cable - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-4:2009
Coaxial - Radio frequency - Cable - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-5:2009
Coaxial - Radio-frequency - Connector EN 61169-35:2011
Coaxial - Radio-frequency - Connector - Screw coupling EN 61169-14:2010
Coaxial - Radio-frequency - Connector - Screw coupling EN 61169-24:2009
Coaxial - Transmission line - Flange connector HD 350.1 S1:1978
Coaxial cable - Cable - Communication cable - Radiating cable EN 61196-4:2004
Coaxial cable - Cable - Digital communication - Horizontal floor wiring EN 61196-3-2:1997
Coaxial cable - Cable - Digital communication - Horizontal floor wiring EN 61196-3-3:1997
Coaxial cable - Cable - Distribution network - Indoor drop cable EN 50117-2-4:2004
Coaxial cable - Cable - Distribution network - Outdoor drop cable EN 50117-2-2:2004
Coaxial cable - Cable - Distribution network - Outdoor drop cable EN 50117-2-5:2004
Coaxial cable - Cable - Distribution network - Trunk cable EN 50117-2-3:2004
Coaxial cable - Cable - Radio frequency cable - Local area network EN 61196-3:1998
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Alphabetical Index

Coaxial cable - Cable - Radio frequency cable - Polytetrafluoroethylene insulation EN 61196-2:2003
Coaxial cable - Cable network - Television - Signal - Active wideband EN 60728-3:2006
Coaxial cable - Cable network - Television - Signal - Active wideband equipment EN 50083-3:2002
Coaxial cable - Cable network - Television - Signal - Passive wideband equipment EN 60728-4:2008
Coaxial cable - Distribution - Satellite signal - Dwelling installation - Single EN 50494:2007
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-1:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-2:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-3:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Radio frequency EN 60966-1:1999
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Radio receiver - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-4:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Radio receiver - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-5:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Radio receiver - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-6:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Semi-flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-3:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Semi-flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-3-1:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Semi-flexible - Radio frequency EN 60966-3-2:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Semi-rigid - Radio frequency EN 60966-4:2003
Coaxial cable assemblies - Cable - Semi-rigid - Radio frequency EN 60966-4-1:2003
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency EN 61169-2:2007
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency EN 122002:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency EN 122190:1994
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 000:1992
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Bayonet lock EN 61169-8:2007
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Screw coupling EN 61169-16:2007
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 CECC 22 230:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 CECC 22 231:1989
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,4/4,4 CECC 22 250:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,4/4,4 CECC 22 251:1989
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,6/5,6 CECC 22 240:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,6/5,6 CECC 22 241:1989
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series 7-16 CECC 22 191:1984
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC EN 122120:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC CECC 22 121:1979
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series EIA flange EN 122150:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX CECC 22 220:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX CECC 22 221:1985
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series N CECC 22 210:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series N CECC 22 211:1986
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Free socket CECC 22 211-805:1988
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Plug CECC 22 211-801:1988
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Right-angle plug CECC 22 211-803:1988
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA EN 122110:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA CECC 22 111:1982
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB EN 122130:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC EN 122140:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA EN 122160:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMB CECC 22 171:1984
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMC EN 122180:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMC CECC 22 181:1984
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC EN 122200:1994
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC CECC 22 201:1985
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector HD 134.4 S2:1977
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector HD 134.5 S1:1977
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector HD 134.6 S1:1977
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector HD 134.7 S2:1995
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Screw coupling EN 60169-24:1993
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Screw coupling - Impedance 50 ohms EN 61169-31:1999
Coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Screw coupling - Impedance 50 ohms EN 61169-32:1999
Coaxial connector - Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Hermaphroditic HD 351.2 S1:1977
Coaxial connector - Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Hermaphroditic HD 351.3 S2:1981
Coaxial connector - Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Hermaphroditic HD 351.4 S2:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - 45 angle plug - Single hole,rear mounting CECC 22 231-806:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed plug - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-808:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket - Single hole, front mounting CECC 22 231-807:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-804:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-805:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 231-803:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Socket - Right angle CECC 22 231-809:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Socket - Straight CECC 22 231-810:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 231-802:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 231-801:1991
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC CECC 22 131:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Adaptor - Plug to plug CECC 22 121-814:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Adaptor - Socket to socket CECC 22 121-813:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Fixed adaptor - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 121-815:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Free socket - Clamped outer conductor CECC 22 121-805:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Plug - Clamp outer conductor CECC 22 121-801:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Plug - Crimp outer conductor CECC 22 121-802:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Right angle adaptor - Plug to socket CECC 22 121-812:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Right angle plug - Clamp outer conductor CECC 22 121-803:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Right angle socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 121-811:1985
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Alphabetical Index

Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket - 4-hole fixing CECC 22 121-804:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 121-807:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket - Hermetically sealed CECC 22 121-810:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 121-809:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket - Single hole fixing CECC 22 121-806:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket - Single hole fixing CECC 22 121-808:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-801:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - T-adaptor - Plug to plug to socket CECC 22 121-816:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series EIA flange CECC 22 151:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Bulkhead socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-804:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-803:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Fixed socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-812:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle - Printed circuit board socket CECC 22 221-807:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle bulkhead socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-805:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-813:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle plug - Flexible cable, low profile CECC 22 221-814:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-802:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Socket - Hermetic CECC 22 221-809:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-810:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-801:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-811:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 221-806:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-808:1986
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Adaptor - Plug/plug CECC 22 211-816:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 211-815:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 211-817:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Fixed plug - Solder bucket CECC 22 211-810:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Free socket - Crimp type CECC 22 211-806:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-802:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-812:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Right-angle plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-804:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Right-angle plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-818:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket - 4-hole fixing CECC 22 211-819:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket - Crimp type CECC 22 211-809:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-813:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-814:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket - Single hole front mounting CECC 22 211-807:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket - Single hole rear monting CECC 22 211-811:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 211-820:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket - Solder bucket CECC 22 211-808:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Bulkhead socket - Front mounting CECC 22 111-814:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Bulkhead socket - Rear mounting CECC 22 111-813:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Narrow flange CECC 22 111-808:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-819:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-820:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Square flange CECC 22 111-805:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Square flange CECC 22 111-807:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed straight socket - Narrow flange CECC 22 111-806:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 111-810:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-803:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-817:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Right angle socket - Printed circuit board CECC 22 111-812:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 111-809:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-801:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-802:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-815:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-816:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight socket - Printed circuit board CECC 22 111-811:1985
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-804:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-818:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Fixed right angle socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-806:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-802:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-811:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Printed wiring board - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-804:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Printed wiring board socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-803:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-805:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-809:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-808:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-810:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-807:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC CECC 22 141:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Fixed right angle socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-806:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-802:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-811:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Printed wiring board - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-804:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Printed wiring board socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-803:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-805:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-809:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-808:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-810:1988
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-801:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-807:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA CECC 22 161:1984
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Adaptor right angle - One female, one male centre contact CECC 22 161-815:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Adaptor straight - Two female centre contact CECC 22 161-814:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Adaptor straight - Two male centre contact CECC 22 161-813:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Fixed socket - 4-hole front mounting CECC 22 161-808:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Fixed socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 161-809:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Fixed socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 161-810:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-804:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Right angle socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 161-812:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 161-803:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-801:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-802:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight socket - Female centre contact CECC 22 161-806:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 161-807:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 161-811:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-805:1987
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMB EN 122170:1993
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Adaptor - Plug/plug CECC 22 201-810:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 201-809:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed adaptor - Panel sealed CECC 22 201-811:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed socket - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 201-808:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 201-812:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed socket - Single hole, front mounting CECC 22 201-807:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 201-806:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-803:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-804:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 201-801:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 201-802:1988
Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-805:1988
Coaxial unmatched connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector HD 134.2 S2:1984
Cochlear implant - Medical device - Active - Implantable - Safety EN 45502-2-3:2010
Code - Household appliances - Test - Airborne acoustical noise - Range hood EN 60704-2-13:2000
Code - Industrial - Structure - Classification - Class EN 81346-2:2009
Code - Industrial installation - Structuring principles - Reference designations - Classification EN 61346-2:2000
Code - Time - Control EN 60461:2011
Code of practice - Electrical equipment - Askarel-filled electrical equipment EN 50195:1996
Code of practice - Electrical equipment - Oil-filled electrical equipment - PCB EN 50225:1996
Code of practice - Railway - Fixed CLC/TS 50562:2011
Code of practice - Smarthouse CWA 50487:2005
Coded graphic character - Information technology - Electrotechnology EN 61286:2002
Coding - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Marking - Indicator - Actuator EN 60073:2002
Coding - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Definition EN 60870-5-4:1993
Coding system - International - Lamp - ILCOS EN 61231:2010
Coding system - Semiconductor device - Classification - Package outline EN 60191-4:1999
Coefficient - Thermistor - Step-function - Positive - Inrush current EN 60738-1-3:2008
Coffe maker - Household - Performance - Measuring EN 60661:2001
Cogeneration - Domestic - Distribution network - Connection - Low-voltage EN 50438:2007
Coil - Rotating - Impulse - Withstand level - Stator coil EN 60034-15:2009
Coil former - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Laminated core EN 61797-1:1996
Coil model - Insulation - Thermal evaluation - Encapsulated - Wire-wound EN 61857-22:2008
Cold - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test EN 60512-11-10:2002
Cold - Fibre - Optic, Interconnection EN 61300-2-17:2011
Cold - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61300-2-17:2003
Cold - Luminaires - Cathode - Tubular - Discharge lamp EN 60598-2-14:2009
Cold cathode - Tube - Indicator CECC 46 001:1976
Cold cathode - Tube - Indicator tube CECC 46 000:1976
Cold heat test - Environmental testing - Dry heat test EN 60068-3-1:1999
Cold shrinkable - Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Fingerprinting HD 631.4 S1:2008
Cold test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-1:2007
Cold/low air - Environmental testing - Combined test - Pressure test - Test EN 60068-2-40:1999
Cold/vibration test - Environmental testing - Combined test - Heat EN 60068-2-50:1999
Collaboration tool - Website - Use - Privacy policy CLC Guide 30:2009
Collateral - Medical - Safety - Performance - Usability EN 60601-1-6:2010
Collateral standard - Medical equipment - Alarm system - Safety EN 60601-1-8:2004
Collateral standard - Medical equipment - Alarm system - Safety EN 60601-1-8:2007
Collateral standard - Medical equipment - Controller - Physiologic - Closed-loop EN 60601-1-10:2008
Collateral standard - Medical equipment - Environment - Design - Conscious EN 60601-1-9:2008
Collateral standard - Medical equipment - Healthcare - Home EN 60601-1-11:2010
Collateral standard - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-1-1:2001
Collateral standard - Medical equipment - Usability EN 60601-1-6:2004
Collateral standard - Medical equipment - Usability EN 60601-1-6:2007
Collection - Maintanability - Data - Presentation - Analysis EN 60706-3:2006
Collective - Transport system - Older people - Disabled people CWA 45546-1:2004
Colour - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Control gear EN 62386-209:2011
Colour - Liquid - Crystal - Display - Visual EN 61747-5-2:2011
Colour - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Conductor - Identification - Alphanumeric EN 60446:2007
Colour - Multimedia - Metadata - Gamut ID EN 61966-12-1:2011
Colour - Multimedia - Optional RGB colour space EN 61966-2-5:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Colour - Multimedia - Plasma display EN 61966-5:2009
Colour code - Cable - Low-frequency cable - Insulation HD 402 S2:1984
Colour code - Designation HD 457 S1:1985
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Cathode ray tube EN 61966-3:2000
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Digital - Camera EN 61966-9:2004
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Front projection - TA 2 EN 61966-6:2006
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Liquid crystal - Display panel EN 61966-4:2000
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Plasma display panel EN 61966-5:2001
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Printer - Reflective print EN 61966-7-1:2006
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - RGB colour space EN 61966-2-1:2000
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - RGB colour space EN 61966-2-2:2003
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Scanner EN 61966-8:2001
Colour management - Multimedia - Colour measurement - YCC colour space - Video EN 61966-2-4:2006
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - Cathode ray tube EN 61966-3:2000
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - Digital - Camera EN 61966-9:2004
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - Front projection - TA 2 EN 61966-6:2006
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - Liquid crystal - Display panel EN 61966-4:2000
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - Plasma display panel EN 61966-5:2001
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - Printer - Reflective print EN 61966-7-1:2006
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - RGB colour space EN 61966-2-1:2000
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - RGB colour space EN 61966-2-2:2003
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - Scanner EN 61966-8:2001
Colour measurement - Multimedia - Colour management - YCC colour space - Video EN 61966-2-4:2006
Colourimetric - Insulation - Liquid - Acidity - Titration EN 62021-2:2007
Combined - Alarm system - Integrated CLC/TS 50398:2009
Combined flexible materials - Electrical insulation EN 60626-1:1995
Combined flexible materials - Insulating materials - Test EN 60626-2:1995
Combined flexible materials - Insulating materials - Test EN 60626-2:2009
Combined heat and Power - CHP - Heat - Power - Determination CWA 45547:2004
Combined sequential test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-39:1999
Combined test - Environmental testing - Cold/low air - Pressure test - Test EN 60068-2-40:1999
Combined test - Environmental testing - Cold/vibration test - Heat EN 60068-2-50:1999
Combined test - Environmental testing - Dry heat/vibration test - Heat - Test EN 60068-2-51:1999
Combined test - Environmental testing - Heat/low air - Pressure test - Test EN 60068-2-41:1999
Combined test - Environmental testing - Temperature/low air pressure EN 60068-3-2:1999
Combined transformer - Transformer - Instrument transformer EN 60044-3:2003
Combustible - Detection - Gas - Domestic premises EN 50194-1:2009
Combustible - Electromagnetic compatibility - Detection - Gas - Toxic EN 50270:2006
Combustible - Explosive - Atmosphere - Area - Dust EN 60079-10-2:2009
Combustible - Gas detection - Toxic - Vapour - Oxygen EN 50402:2005
Combustible dust - Explosive atmosphere - Dust EN 61241-0:2006
Combustible dust - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Protection 'pD' EN 61241-4:2006
Combustible dust - Minimum ignition temperature - Test method EN 50281-2-1:1998
Combustible gas - Detection - Domestic premises - Installation - Maintenance EN 50244:2000
Combustible gas - Detection - Recreational vehicle - Performance - Test EN 50194-2:2006
Combustible gas - Gas - Toxic gas - Oxygen - Digital technology EN 50271:2001
Combustible gas - Toxic gas and vapour - Open path apparatus - Detection - Performance requirement EN 50241-2:1999
Combustible gas - Toxic gas and vapour - Open path apparatus - Detection - Test method EN 50241-1:1999
Combustion - Cable - Fire conditions - Acidity of gas EN 50267-2-3:1998
Combustion - Cable - Fire conditions - Acidity of gas - Materials EN 50267-2-2:1998
Combustion - Cable - Fire conditions - Gas evolved EN 50267-1:1998
Combustion - Cable - Fire conditions - Gas evolved - Halogen acid gas EN 50267-2-1:1998
Combustion - Heating appliances - Portable - Flue gas parameter EN 50379-1:2004
Combustion - Heating appliances - Portable - Flue gas parameter - Gas fired heating EN 50379-3:2004
Combustion - Heating appliances - Portable - Flue gas parameter - Statutory inspection EN 50379-2:2004
Combustion - Rotating - AC - Generator - Engine driven EN 60034-22:2009
Combustion engine - Vehicle - Boat - Radio disturbance - On-board receiver EN 55025:2008
cometic - Medical,Non-laser light - Aesthetic - Safety EN 60601-2-57:2011
Command set - Optical - Amplifier - Interface EN 61291-6-1:2008
Command system - Power system - Teleprotection - Performance - Testing EN 60834-1:1999
Command/control - Railway - Urban - Tansport EN 62290-2:2011
Command/control system - Railway - Transport management - Urban guided EN 62290-1:2006
Commercial - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emmission standard - Residential - Light-industrial EN 61000-6-3:2007
Commercial - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Residential - Light-industrial EN 61000-6-1:2007
Commercial - Heating installation - Electroheat - Resistance trace - Industrial EN 60519-10:2005
Commercial - Heating system - Resistance trace - Industrial EN 62395-1:2006
Commercial - Household appliance - dispensing appliance - Vending machine - Safety EN 60335-2-75:2004
Commercial - Household appliances - Bain-marie - Safety EN 60335-2-50:2003
Commercial - Household appliances - Boiling pan - Safety EN 60335-2-47:2003
Commercial - Household appliances - Deep fat fryer - Safety EN 60335-2-37:2002
Commercial - Household appliances - Griddle - Grill - Safety EN 60335-2-38:2003
Commercial - Household appliances - Griller - Toaster - Safety EN 60335-2-48:2003
Commercial - Household appliances - Hood - Safety EN 60335-2-99:2003
Commercial - Household appliances - Hot cupboard - Safety EN 60335-2-49:2003
Commercial - Household appliances - Kitchen machine - Safety EN 60335-2-64:2000
Commercial - Household appliances - Multi-purpose - Cooking pan - Safety EN 60335-2-39:2003
Commercial - Household appliances - Oven - Cooking range - Hob EN 60335-2-36:2002
Commercial - Household appliances - Oven - Forced convection - Steam cooker EN 60335-2-42:2003
Commercial - Household appliances - Sink - Rinsing sink - Safety EN 60335-2-62:2003
Commercial electric conveyor - Household - Dishwasher EN 50416:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Commissioning tests - Grid - Documentation - Inspection EN 62446:2009
Common - IPR Policy - Patent - Property rights - Invention CEN/CLC Guide 8:2010
Common Cause Failure (CCF) - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Safety EN 62340:2010
Common clauses - Power station EN 45510-1:1997
Common control - Interface EN 62379-1:2007
Common data class - Communication - Network - Substation - Feeder equipment EN 61850-7-3:2003
Common information model - Energy - Interface - EMS-API - CIM EN 61970-301:2004
Common interface - DVB decoder applications - Implementation R206-001:1998
Common mating feature - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-1:2002
Common mating feature - Connector - Fixed and free connector - Printed board EN 60603-7:1997
Common mode disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-16:1998
Common mounting features - Connector - Printed board - Two part - Grid of 2,54 mm CECC 75 101-801:1993
Common planning - IEC - CENELEC - Agreement - New work - Parallel voting CLC Guide 13:2001
Common rules - Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Erection HD 60364-5-51:2006
Common services - Energy management - Interface - EMS-API EN 61970-402:2008
Common square male contact - Connector - Printed board - Two part - Grid of 2,54 mm CECC 75 101-803:1994
Communication - Absorption rate - Wireless - Hand-held - Mobile EN 62209-1:2006
Communication - Alarm system - Social alarm system - Interconnection EN 50134-5:2004
Communication - Cable EN 50290-1-1:2001
Communication - Cable EN 50290-1-2:2004
Communication - Cable - DC resistance - Test method EN 50289-1-2:2001
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-1:2005
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-20:2001
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Construction - Filling compound EN 50290-2-28:2002
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Construction - PE insulation EN 50290-2-23:2001
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Construction - PE sheathing EN 50290-2-24:2002
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Construction - PVC insulation EN 50290-2-21:2001
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Construction - PVC sheating EN 50290-2-22:2001
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Cross-linked - PE insulation EN 50290-2-29:2002
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Halogen free - Flame retardant insulation EN 50290-2-26:2002
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Halogen free - Thermoplastic sheathing EN 50290-2-27:2002
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene) EN 50290-2-30:2002
Communication - Cable - Design rule - Polypropylene - Insulation EN 50290-2-25:2002
Communication - Cable - Guide to use EN 50290-4-2:2008
Communication - Cable - Metallic - Attenuation - Injection clamp method EN 62153-4-2:2004
Communication - Cable - Metallic - Coupling attenuation - Tube in tube method EN 62153-4-7:2006
Communication - Cable - Test method EN 50289-1-1:2001
Communication - Cable - Test method - Attenuation EN 50289-1-8:2001
Communication - Cable - Test method - Attenuation - Longitudinal EN 50289-1-9:2001
Communication - Cable - Test method - Capacitance EN 50289-1-5:2001
Communication - Cable - Test method - Crosstalk EN 50289-1-10:2001
Communication - Cable - Test method - Dielectric strength - Strength EN 50289-1-3:2001
Communication - Cable - Test method - Electromagnetic performance EN 50289-1-6:2002
Communication - Cable - Test method - Impedance - Return loss EN 50289-1-11:2001
Communication - Cable - Test method - Resistance - Insulation EN 50289-1-4:2001
Communication - Cable - Test method - Velocity - Propagation EN 50289-1-7:2001
Communication - Cable - Use of cable - Environmental conditions - Safety EN 50290-4-1:2001
Communication - Cabling - Cord - Patch cord - Work area cord EN 61935-2-20:2009
Communication - Connector - Optical fibre - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-10:2010
Communication - Connector - Optical fibre - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-11:2010
Communication - Connector - Optical fibre - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-12:2010
Communication - Connector - Optical fibre - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-13:2010
Communication - Connector - Optical fibre - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-2-2:2009
Communication - Controller - Programmable controller EN 61131-5:2001
Communication - Controller-device - Industrial - ISO 11898 (CAN) EN 50325-1:2002
Communication - Controller-device - Industrial - ISO 11898 (CAN) - CANopen EN 50325-4:2002
Communication - Controller-device - Industrial - ISO 11898 (CAN) - DeviceNet EN 50325-2:2000
Communication - Data - Digital - Fieldbus - Automation Island EN 61918:2008
Communication - Data - Digital - Fieldbus - Industrial control system CLC/TR 61158-1:2004
Communication - Data - Digital - Industrial control system - Data link layer service EN 61158-3-1:2008
Communication - Fibre - Optic - Cable plant - Attenuation EN 61280-4-1:2009
Communication - Fibre - Optic - Digital - Noise ratio EN 61280-2-9:2009
Communication - Fibre - Optic - Light source - Flux measurement EN 61280-1-4:2010
Communication - Fibre - Optic - Wavelength - Spectral width EN 61280-1-3:2010
Communication - Fibre optic - Digital - Eye pattern - Extinction ratio EN 61280-2-2:2008
Communication - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Multimode - Fibre laser transmitter EN 61280-1-4:2003
Communication - Guidance - Network - Dependability - Engineering EN 61907:2010
Communication - Industrial - Fieldbus EN 61784-1:2008
Communication - Industrial - Fieldbus - Physical layer EN 61158-2:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus CLC/TR 61158-1:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus CLC/TR 61158-1:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-2:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-3:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-4:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-5:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-7:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-8:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-10:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-11:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-12:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-13:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-14:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-15:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-16:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-17:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-18:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-19:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-20:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-6-2:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 1 EN 61784-3-1:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 12 EN 61784-3-12:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 13 EN 61784-3-13:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 14 EN 61784-3-14:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 2 EN 61784-3-2:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 3 EN 61784-3-3:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 6 EN 61784-3-6:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 8 EN 61784-3-8:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-2:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-3:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-4:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-7:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-8:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-11:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-12:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-13:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-14:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-16:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-17:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-18:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-19:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-1:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-2:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-3:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-4:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-7:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-8:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-11:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-12:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-13:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-14:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-16:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-17:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-18:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-19:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-1:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-2:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-3:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-6:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-2:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-3:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-6:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-10:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-11:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Physical layer EN 61158-2:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Profile definitions EN 61784-3:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Fieldbus - Real-time network EN 61784-2:2008
Communication - Industrial - Network - Functional safety - Fieldbus EN 61784-3:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Functionnal safety - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-18:2011
Communication - Industrial - Network - Profile - Fieldbus EN 61784-1:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Profile - Real-time EN 61784-2:2010
Communication - Industrial - Network - Wireless - Profile EN 62591:2010
Communication - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement EN 61326-2-5:2006
Communication - Microphone - Earphone - Speech EN 61842:2002
Communication - Multimedia - Inter-connectivity - Heterogeneous network EN 62295:2009
Communication - Network - Automation - Beacon - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-5:2010
Communication - Network - Automation - Concepts - Calculation methods EN 62439-1:2010
Communication - Network - Automation - Cross-network - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-4:2010
Communication - Network - Automation - Distributed redundancy EN 62439-6:2010
Communication - Network - Automation - Energy resources - Logical node EN 61850-7-420:2009
Communication - Network - Automation - Media - Redundancy EN 62439-2:2010
Communication - Network - Automation - Redundancy protocol - Seamless ring EN 62439-3:2010
Communication - Network - Power - Utility automation - Mapping EN 61850-8-1:2011
Communication - Network - Power utility - Automation EN 61850-4:2011
Communication - Network - Power utility - Automation CLC/TS 61850-80-1:2010
Communication - Network - Power utility - Automation - ACSI EN 61850-7-2:2010
Communication - Network - Power utility - Automation - Node EN 61850-7-4:2010
Communication - Network - Power utility - Automation - Structure EN 61850-7-3:2011
Communication - Network - Substation EN 61850-3:2002
Communication - Network - Substation - Conformance EN 61850-10:2005
Communication - Network - Substation - Feeder - Logical node EN 61850-7-4:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Communication - Network - Substation - Feeder equipment - ACSI EN 61850-7-2:2003
Communication - Network - Substation - Feeder equipment - Common data class EN 61850-7-3:2003
Communication - Network - Substation - Feeder equipment - Model EN 61850-7-1:2003
Communication - Network - Substation - Function - Device model EN 61850-5:2003
Communication - Network - Substation - Language - IEDs EN 61850-6:2004
Communication - Network - Substation - Language - IEDs EN 61850-6:2010
Communication - Network - Substation - Management EN 61850-4:2002
Communication - Network - Substation - SCSM - ISO/IEC 8802-3 EN 61850-9-2:2004
Communication - Network - Substation - SCSM - Link EN 61850-9-1:2003
Communication - Network - Substation - SCSM - Mapping EN 61850-8-1:2004
Communication - Optic - Digital - Jitter - Wander EN 61280-2-3:2009
Communication - Optical - Fibre - Closure - Single mode EN 50411-3-2:2011
Communication - Optical fibre - Cable joint - Closure - Microduct EN 50411-2:2008
Communication - Optical fibre - Cable joint - Microduct connector - Air blown EN 50411-2-8:2009
Communication - Optical fibre - Cable joint - Sealed closure - Air blown EN 50411-2-5:2009
Communication - Power line - LV - Immunity EN 50412-2-1:2005
Communication - Power plant - Hydroelectric - Monitoring EN 61850-7-410:2007
Communication - Railway - Cross-acceptance - Signalling - EN 50129 CLC/TR 50506-1:2007
Communication - Railway - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Audible information CLC/TS 50459-6:2005
Communication - Railway - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Data entry CLC/TS 50459-4:2005
Communication - Railway - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic arrangements CLC/TS 50459-2:2005
Communication - Railway - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic arrangements CLC/TS 50459-3:2005
Communication - Railway - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic principles CLC/TS 50459-1:2005
Communication - Railway - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Transmission module CLC/TR 50459-7:2007
Communication - Railway - Safery assurance - Signalling - EN 50129 CLC/TR 50506-2:2009
Communication - Railway - Safety - Man-machine - MMI CLC/TR 50542:2010
Communication - Railway application - Closed transmission - Signalling - Safety EN 50159-1:2001
Communication - Railway application - Open transmission - Signalling - Safety EN 50159-2:2001
Communication - Railway application - Signalling - Protection - Software EN 50128:2001
Communication - Railway application - Signalling - Protection - Software EN 50128:2011
Communication - Railway application - Signalling - Safety EN 50159:2010
Communication - Railway applications - Electronic system - Signalling - Processing EN 50129:2003
Communication - Safety-relevant - Redundant - CANopen-Safety EN 50325-5:2010
Communication - Turbine - Wind - Monitoring EN 61400-25-6:2011
Communication - Vehicle - Charching - Conductive charging - Off board charger CLC/TS 50457-2:2008
Communication cable - Cable - Coaxial cable - Radiating cable EN 61196-4:2004
Communication cable - Cable - Environmental test - Vertical flame spread test EN 50289-4-12:2004
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Environmental - Climatic sequence EN 50289-4-5:2008
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Environmental - Damp heat EN 50289-4-7:2008
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Environmental - Lightning EN 50289-4-14:2003
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Environmental - Solvent EN 50289-4-4:2008
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Hardware - Connection hardware EN 50289-1-14:2004
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Hydrostatic pressure - Underwater EN 50289-3-15:2003
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Inductance EN 50289-1-12:2005
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Patch cord - Coaxial EN 50289-1-13:2004
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Performance - Field conditions EN 50289-1-16:2007
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Performance - Laboratory EN 50289-1-15:2004
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Torsion - Twisting EN 50289-3-10:2004
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - UV resistance EN 50289-4-17:2011
Communication cable - Cable - Test method - Vibration - Aeolian EN 50289-3-13:2003
Communication cable - Test method - Environmental EN 50289-4-1:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Fire test method - Horizontal EN 50289-4-11:2002
Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Pneumatic resistance EN 50289-4-9:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Temperature cycling EN 50289-4-6:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Water penetration EN 50289-4-2:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical EN 50289-3-1:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Abrasation resistance - Sheath EN 50289-3-7:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Abrasation resistance - Sheath marking EN 50289-3-8:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Adhesion - Sheath EN 50289-3-17:2002
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Bending tests EN 50289-3-9:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Cable tensile performance EN 50289-3-16:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Crush resistance EN 50289-3-5:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Cut-through resistance EN 50289-3-11:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Impact resistance EN 50289-3-6:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Shot gun damage EN 50289-3-12:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Tensile strength - Elongation EN 50289-3-2:2001
Communication cable - Test method - Tensile strength - Elongation - Shrinkage EN 50289-3-4:2001
Communication cabling - Cabling system - Installed cabling - Testing EN 61935-1:2005
Communication cabling - Cabling system - Patch cord - Work area cord EN 61935-2:2005
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration EN 62453-301:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration EN 62453-302:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration EN 62453-303-1:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration EN 62453-303-2:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration EN 62453-306:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration EN 62453-309:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration EN 62453-315:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration CLC/TR 62453-501:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration CLC/TR 62453-502:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration CLC/TR 62453-503-1:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration CLC/TR 62453-503-2:2009
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Alphabetical Index

Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration CLC/TR 62453-506:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration CLC/TR 62453-509:2009
Communication profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration CLC/TR 62453-515:2009
Communication profile - Wind - Turbine - Power plant - Mapping EN 61400-25-4:2008
Communication protocol - Multimedia - Home network - Household EN 62457:2008
Communication subsystem - Fibre optic - Generic specification EN 61281-1:1999
Communication system - Laser product - Optical fibre - Safety EN 60825-2:2004
Communication system - Optical fibre - Air blown fibre - Microduct - Non-sealed closure EN 50411-2-9:2010
Communication system - Optical fibre - Fibre - Organiser - Closure for category A EN 50411-2-2:2007
Communication system - Optical fibre - Fibre - Organiser - Closure for category S EN 50411-2-4:2006
Communication system - Optical fibre - Fibre - Organiser - In-line closure EN 50411-2-3:2007
Communication technology - Audio/video - Environment - Design EN 62075:2008
Communication technology - Information technology - Network - Interface - Safety CLC/TR 62102:2005
Communication technology - Information technology - Network - Interface - Safety CLC/TR 62102:2006
Communications - Connector - Adaptor - Optical fibre - Patchcord EN 50377-15-1:2011
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - LSH-HR simplex - Composite ferrule EN 50377-8-4:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - LSH-HR simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-6:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - LSH-HR simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-8:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - LSH-PC simplex - Composite ferrule EN 50377-8-5:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - LSH-PC simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-7:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - LSH-PC simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-9:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - LX.5-APC duplex - Singlemode EN 50377-13-3:2011
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - LX.5-PC duplex - Singlemode EN 50377-13-2:2011
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - MF termination - Singlemode fibre EN 50377-11-1:2008
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Patch cord EN 50377-14-1:2011
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - EC EN 50377-5-1:2003
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - FC-PC EN 50377-2-1:2001
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - LC-APC duxplex EN 50377-7-3:2004
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - LC-PC duplex EN 50377-7-1:2004
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - LC-PC duplex EN 50377-7-2:2004
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - LC-PC simplex EN 50377-7-4:2011
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - LSH-RH EN 50377-8-2:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - LSH_PC simplex EN 50377-8-3:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - MT-RJ EN 50377-9-1:2003
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - MT-RJ EN 50377-9-2:2004
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - MU-PC EN 50377-10-1:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - MU/APC EN 50377-10-2:2005
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - SC-APC simplex EN 50377-4-2:2011
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - SC-PC simplex EN 50377-4-4:2011
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - SC-RJ EN 50377-6-1:2002
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - SC-RJ EN 50377-6-2:2007
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - Product specification - Singlemode fibre EN 50377-7-4:2004
Communications - Connector - Optical fibre - SG terminated - Multimode fibre EN 50377-3-1:2008
Communications - Passive components - Optical fibre - CWDM - Singlemode module EN 50378-3-2:2007
Communications - Passive components - Optical fibre - DWDM module EN 50378-3-1:2007
Communications - Passive components - Optical fibre - SC(SC2)-APC connector - Attenuator CLC/TR 50378-2-2:2008
Communications - Passive components - Optical fibre - SC(SC2)-PC connector - Attenuator CLC/TR 50378-2-1:2008
Communications equipment - Signalling - LV - Immunity - Frequency EN 50065-2-1:2003
Communications equipment - Signalling - LV - Immunity - Industrial environment EN 50065-2-2:2003
Communications equipment - Signalling - LV - Immunity - Supplier and distributor EN 50065-2-3:2003
Commutator - Machine - Rotating - Brush-holder - Slip-ring EN 60276:1996
Commutator separator - Insulating materials - Mica EN 60371-3-1:2006
Compact - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV EN 62271-205:2008
Compact disc - Audio - Digital audio system EN 60908:1999
Compact disc - Audio - Digital audio system EN 61096:1993
Compact disc - Disc - Video - Interchange system EN 62107:2001
Compact disc system - Video EN 61104:1992
Comparative tracking indices - Insulating material - Tracking EN 60112:2003
Comparator - Voltage comparator - Integrated CECC 90 302:1985
Compatibility - Electromagnetic - EMC - Reverberation - Chamber EN 61000-4-21:2011
Compatibility - Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Shape EN 62329-3-100:2010
Compatibility - Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Shape - Elastomer EN 62329-3-102:2010
Compatibility - Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Shape - Polyolefin EN 62329-3-101:2010
Compatibility - Railway - Rolling stock - Detection - Track circuits CLC/TS 50238-2:2010
Compatibility - Railway - Rolling stock - Track circuit CLC/TR 50507:2007
Compatibility - Railway application - Rolling stock - Train detection - Axle counter CLC/TS 50238-3:2010
Compatibility - Railway application - Rolling stock - Train detection - Track circuit EN 50238:2003
Compensating - Thermocouple - Cable - Extension - Tolerance EN 60584-3:2008
Compensator - Fibre optic - Dispersion - Generic specification EN 61978-1:2001
Compensator - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Chromatic - Dispersion EN 61753-141-2:2011
Compensator - Static - VAR - Thyristor - Valve EN 61954:2011
Competence - Laboratory - Testing laboratory - Calibration laboratory EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Competence level - Laser - Safety CLC/TR 50448:2005
Complete vehicle - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Train - Rolling stock EN 50121-3-1:2006
Complex - Resonator - Permittivity - Low-loss - Plate EN 62562:2011
Compliance profile - Block - Function EN 61499-4:2006
Compliance test - Reliability - Failure - Rate - Intensity EN 61124:2006
Component - Alarm system - Access control system - Security applications EN 50133-2-1:2000
Component - Drawing - Cathode-ray tube - Connection - Gauge EN 60139:2001
Component - Electrostatic effect - Simulation - Human body model - Testing EN 61340-3-1:2007
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Component - Electrostatic effect - Simulation - Machine model - Testing EN 61340-3-2:2007
Composite - Insulator - Overhead line - AC EN 61952:2008
Composite - Superconductivity - Matrix - Volume ratio - Copper EN 61788-5:2001
Composite - Superconductor - Critical temperature - Resistance EN 61788-10:2006
Composite ferrule - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-HR simplex EN 50377-8-4:2007
Composite ferrule - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-PC simplex EN 50377-8-5:2007
Composite insulator - Railway application - Fixed installation - Traction - Insulator EN 50151:2003
Composite station post - Insulator - A.C. EN 62231:2006
Composite string insulator unit - Insulator - Overhead line EN 61466-1:1997
Composite string insulator unit - Insulator - Overhead line - Dimensions EN 61466-2:1998
Composite suspension - Insulator - Overhead line - Composite tension - a.c. EN 61109:2008
Composite tension - Insulator - Overhead line - Composite suspension - a.c. EN 61109:2008
Compression - Connection - Solderless - Test - Guidance EN 60352-8:2011
Compression - Recording - Video - Digital - Helical-scan EN 62289:2003
Compression - Video recording - Digital EN 62156:2001
Compression connector - Connector - Power cable - Cable EN 61238-1:2003
Compression force - Fibre optic - Interconnecting - Ferrule - Measurement EN 61300-3-22:2011
Compression format - Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape EN 62330-2:2004
Compression format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Tape EN 62071-2:2006
Compression type - Capacitor - Trimmer capacitor EN 134104:1995
Compressive strength - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-17:2008
Compressor - Household - Refrigeration - Condensing Unit - Safety EN 60335-2-89:2010
Compressor - Household appliances - Refrigeration - Safety EN 60335-2-89:2002
Computation - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Spectral mismatch correction - Mismatch EN 60904-7:2009
Computed tomography - Medical equipment - X-ray - Safety EN 60601-2-44:2001
Computer sensible form - Graphical symbol - Reference library - Interchange EN 81714-2:2007
Computer-based - IEEE guide - Control - Hydroelectric - Automation EN 62270:2004
Computer-based system - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Software EN 60880:2009
Computer-based system - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Software EN 62138:2009
COMTRADE - Relay - Measuring relay - Transient data exchange - Power system EN 60255-24:2001
Concentration measurement - Workplace atmosphere - Toxic gases and vapours - Guide EN 45544-4:1999
Concentration measurement - Workplace atmosphere - Toxic gases and vapours - Performance requirement EN 45544-2:1999
Concentration measurement - Workplace atmosphere - Toxic gases and vapours - Performance requirement EN 45544-3:1999
Concentration measurement - Workplace atmosphere - Toxic gases and vapours - Test method EN 45544-1:1999
Concentrator - Photovoltaic module - Design - CPV EN 62108:2008
Concentric - Conductor - Overhead line - Round wire - Lay stranded EN 50182:2001
Concentric - Lay stranded - Overhead - Conductor - Gap EN 62420:2008
Concentric capacitor - Capacitor - Multi turn EN 134102:1995
Concentric Lay - Conductor - Overhead - Formed wire - Stranded conductor EN 62219:2002
Concentricity of the ferrule - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-25:1997
Concept - OPC - Unified - Architecture - Overview CLC/TR 62541-1:2010
Concepts - Communication - Network - Automation - Calculation methods EN 62439-1:2010
Concrete - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Vibrator EN 60745-2-12:2009
Concrete vibrator - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety EN 60745-2-12:2003
Condenser plant - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries EN 45510-6-3:1998
Condensing Unit - Household - Refrigeration - Compressor - Safety EN 60335-2-89:2010
Conditional connection - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage - Fluctuation - Flicker EN 61000-3-11:2000
Conditions of use - RP 8 - Attestation of Conformity - Certificate of approval CECC 00 108:1994
Conductance - Insulating liquid - Dielectric dissipation factor - Capacitance EN 61620:1999
Conductance meter - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Ohmmeter EN 60051-6:1989
Conducted disturbance - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-1-2:2004
Conducted disturbance - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-2-1:2004
Conducted disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment EN 61000-2-10:1999
Conducted disturbance - Radio disturbance - Immunity EN 55016-2-1:2009
Conducted emission - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Coupling EN 61967-4:2002
Conducted emission - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Faraday cage EN 61967-5:2003
Conducted emission - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Magnetic probe EN 61967-6:2002
Conducting location - Building - Electrical installation - Restricted movement HD 60364-7-706:2007
Conduction - Heating installation - Electroheat - Induction - Melting EN 60519-3:2005
Conductive - Vehicle - Charging system EN 61851-1:2011
Conductive charging - Plug - Socket-outlet - Vehicle coupler - Vehicle inlet EN 62196-1:2003
Conductive charging - Vehicle - Charching - Off board charger - Communication CLC/TS 50457-2:2008
Conductive charging - Vehicle - Charching - Station CLC/TS 50457-1:2008
Conductive clothing - Clothing - Live working EN 60895:2003
Conductive connection - Charging system - Vehicle - Connection EN 61851-21:2002
Conductive foil and film - Interconnection structure - Conductive ink EN 61249-5-4:1996
Conductive foil and film - Interconnection structure - Copper foil EN 61249-5-1:1996
Conductive ink - Interconnection structure - Conductive foil and film EN 61249-5-4:1996
Conductive polymer - Capacitor - Aluminiuml - Electrolytic - Polymer EN 60384-26:2010
Conductive polymer - Capacitor - Aluminum - Electrolytic - Polymer EN 60384-26-1:2010
Conductive polymer - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Aluminium electrolytic EN 60384-25:2006
Conductive polymer - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Aluminium electrolytic EN 60384-25-1:2006
Conductive polymer - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Tantalum electrolytic EN 60384-24:2006
Conductive polymer - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Tantalum electrolytic EN 60384-24-1:2006
Conductivity - Electrochemical analyzer - Electrolytic - Performance EN 60746-3:2002
Conductor - Building - Electrical installation - Earthing arrangement - Protection HD 60364-5-54:2007
Conductor - Building - Electrical installation - Earthing arrangement - Protection HD 60364-5-54:2011
Conductor - Cable - Insulated cable EN 60228:2005
Conductor - Car EN 50374:2004
Conductor - Concentric - Lay stranded - Overhead - Gap EN 62420:2008
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Conductor - Connecting device - Copper conductor - Clamping unit - Safety EN 60999-1:2000
Conductor - Cross-sectional area - Protective device CLC/TR 50480:2011
Conductor - Flat - Quick-connect - Termination - Copper EN 61210:2010
Conductor - Lightning - Protection - Earth - Electrode EN 50164-2:2008
Conductor - Lightning - Protection component - Clip EN 50164-4:2008
Conductor - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Identification - Colour - Alphanumeric EN 60446:2007
Conductor - Overhead - Formed wire - Concentric Lay - Stranded conductor EN 62219:2002
Conductor - Overhead - Line EN 50397-3:2010
Conductor - Overhead line - Aluminium - Steel Supported - ACSS EN 50540:2010
Conductor - Overhead line - Covered conductor - Accessories EN 50397-1:2006
Conductor - Overhead line - Covered conductor - Accessories - Test EN 50397-2:2009
Conductor - Overhead line - Grease EN 50326:2002
Conductor - Overhead line - Round wire - Concentric - Lay stranded EN 50182:2001
Conductor - Overhead line - Wire - Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy EN 50183:2000
Conductor - Overhead line - Wire - Zinc coated steel wire EN 50189:2000
Conductor - Wire - Overhead line - Thermal resistant - Aluminium alloy EN 62004:2009
Conductor cover - Live working - Flexible - Insulating material EN 61479:2001
Conductor current - Measurement method - Touch current - Protective EN 60990:1999
Conduit - Cable - Buried - Underground EN 61386-24:2010
Conduit system - Cable EN 61386-1:2008
Conduit system - Cable management - Flexible EN 61386-23:2004
Conduit system - Cable management - Outside diameter - Thread - Fitting EN 60423:2007
Conduit system - Cable management - Pliable EN 61386-22:2004
Conduit system - Cable management - Rigid EN 61386-21:2004
Conduit system - Electrical installation - Underground EN 50086-2-4:1994
Conference - Audio - Video - Transmission - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-3:1998
Conference - Audio - Video - Transmission - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-7:2003
Conference system - Electrical requirement - Audio requirement HD 549 S1:1989
Configuration A - Fibre optic - Branching device - Bidirectional port CECC 81 101-803:1994
Configuration A - Fibre optic - Branching device - Bidirectional port CECC 81 101-804:1994
Configuration A - Fibre optic - Branching device - Bidirectional port CECC 81 101-805:1994
Configuration A - Fibre optic - Branching device - Bidirectional port CECC 81 101-806:1994
Conflicting - Withdrawal - National standard CLC Guide 12:2001
Conformance - Communication - Network - Substation EN 61850-10:2005
Conformance testing - Mobile - Portable - DVB-T/H radio EN 62002-2:2008
Conformance testing - Telecontrol - EN 60870-5 EN 60870-5-6:2009
Conformance testing - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant EN 61400-25-5:2007
Conformity - EMC - Military purpose CLC/TR 50538:2010
Conformity - Wind - Turbine - Certification EN 61400-22:2011
Conformity assessment - Accreditation EN ISO/IEC 17011:2004
Conformity assessment - Declaration - Supplier - Documentation EN ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004
Conformity Assessment - Framework - Electrotechnical Area CLC Guide 23:2002
Conformity assessment - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System EN 50090-8:2000
Conformity assessment - Live working - Tool - Device - Equipment EN 61318:2008
Conformity assessment - Vocabulary EN ISO/IEC 17000:2004
Conformity assessment body - Peer assessment - Accreditation body EN ISO/IEC 17040:2005
Conical flange - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-5-1:1997
Connect network - Graphical symbol - Technical documentation - Connect node - Encoding EN 81714-3:2001
Connect node - Graphical symbol - Technical documentation - Connect network - Encoding EN 81714-3:2001
Connected equipment - Telecommunication network - Safety EN 41003:2008
Connecting box/enclosure - Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Household EN 60670-22:2006
Connecting device - Conductor - Copper conductor - Clamping unit - Safety EN 60999-1:2000
Connecting device - Copper conductor - Clamping unit - Safety EN 60999-2:2003
Connecting device - Flat quick-connect termination - Copper conductor EN 61210:1995
Connecting device - LV - Circuit - Household EN 60998-1:2004
Connecting device - LV - Insulation piercing clamping unit - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-3:2004
Connecting device - LV - Screw-type clamping unit - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-1:2004
Connecting device - LV - Screwless-type clamping unit - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-2:2004
Connecting device - LV - Twist-on connecting device - Household EN 60998-2-4:2005
Connecting interfaces - Wiring system - Temperature rise - Installation guide CLC/TR 50479:2007
Connection - Cable - Oil-immersed - Transformer - Reactor EN 50299:2002
Connection - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference EN 60384-14:2005
Connection - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference EN 60384-14-1:2005
Connection - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference EN 60384-14-3:2004
Connection - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Safety EN 60384-14-2:2004
Connection - Charging system - Vehicle - Conductive connection EN 61851-21:2002
Connection - Cogeneration - Domestic - Distribution network - Low-voltage EN 50438:2007
Connection - Coupler - Permanent - Fixed installation EN 61535:2009
Connection - Drawing - Cathode-ray tube - Component - Gauge EN 60139:2001
Connection - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Gas tightness EN 60512-11-13:2002
Connection - Environmental testing - Hydrogen sulphide test HD 323.2.46 S1:1988
Connection - Environmental testing - Test Kc - Sulphur dioxide - Contact EN 60068-2-42:2003
Connection - Environmental testing - Test Kd - Hydrogen sulphide - Contact EN 60068-2-43:2003
Connection - High-reliability - Manual soldering - Space product assurance EN 50390:2004
Connection - High-reliability - Wire-wrapping - Space product assurance EN 50389:2005
Connection - Luminaires - Household use EN 61995-1:2008
Connection - Luminaires - Household use - DCL EN 61995-2:2009
Connection - Quartz - Crystal - Outline - Lead connection EN 60122-3:2010
Connection - Railway - Rolling stock - Trolley bus - Safety CLC/TS 50502:2008
Connection - Solderless - Accessible - Insulation displacement - Test EN 60352-3:1994
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Alphabetical Index

Connection - Solderless - Compression - Test - Guidance EN 60352-8:2011
Connection - Solderless - Crimped - Test - Guidance EN 60352-2:2006
Connection - Solderless - Insulation displacement - Test - Guidance EN 60352-4:1994
Connection - Solderless - Insulation piercing - Test - Guidance EN 60352-6:1997
Connection - Solderless - Press-in connection - Test - Guidance EN 60352-5:2008
Connection - Solderless - Spring clamp - Test - Guidance EN 60352-7:2002
Connection - Solderless - Wrapped - Test - Guidance EN 60352-1:1997
Connection hardware - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Hardware EN 50289-1-14:2004
Connection oriented protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol EN 61334-4-33:1998
Connection-Oriented Transport Service - Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations EN 60870-6-601:1995
Connectionless protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol EN 61334-4-61:1998
Connections - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Clamp EN 50483-4:2009
Connector EN 61984:2009
Connector - 8-way - Shielded - Free - Fixed EN 60603-7-1:2009
Connector - 8-way - Shielded - Free - Fixed EN 60603-7-1:2011
Connector - Adaptor - Optical fibre - Communications - Patchcord EN 50377-15-1:2011
Connector - Audio - Sound system component - Interconnection HD 483.11 S3:1993
Connector - Backplane - InfiniBand equipment EN 61076-4-115:2003
Connector - Cable - Clamp - Resistance - Rotation EN 60512-17-2:2011
Connector - Cable - Microwave component - Screening attenuation - Reverberation chamber EN 61726:2000
Connector - Cable - Optical fibre - Type F-05 EN 60874-17:1997
Connector - Cable - Optical fibre - Type SC-D EN 60874-19:1997
Connector - Cable - Radio - Frequency - Coaxial EN 60966-2-3:2009
Connector - Cable outlet accessories EN 175500:1997
Connector - Cable-to-board connector - Printed board - Integrate shielding function EN 61076-4-108:2002
Connector - Circular EN 61076-2:2011
Connector - Circular EN 61076-2-001:2011
Connector - Circular - Electronic equipment EN 61076-2-001:2001
Connector - Circular - Electronic equipment - Plug - Jack EN 61076-2-102:2002
Connector - Circular - Hybrid - Fibre-optic - Screw locking EN 61076-2-107:2010
Connector - Circular - Radio - Sound EN 60130-9:2011
Connector - Circular - Screw locking EN 61076-2-101:2008
Connector - Circular - Screw locking - Snap-locking EN 61076-2-104:2008
Connector - Circular - Screw-locking - Protection EN 61076-2-106:2011
Connector - Circular connector - Audio and video application - Audio-visual equipment - Printed board EN 60603-14:1999
Connector - Circular connector - Radio EN 60130-9:2000
Connector - Circular connector - Round contact - Threaded coupling EN 175201-804:1999
Connector - Coaxial - Radio frequency - Series MMCX EN 122340:2002
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 000:1992
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 CECC 22 230:1993
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 CECC 22 231:1989
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,4/4,4 CECC 22 250:1993
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,4/4,4 CECC 22 251:1989
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,6/5,6 CECC 22 240:1993
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,6/5,6 CECC 22 241:1989
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 7-16 CECC 22 191:1984
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC CECC 22 121:1979
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX CECC 22 220:1993
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX CECC 22 221:1985
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N CECC 22 210:1993
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N CECC 22 211:1986
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Free socket CECC 22 211-805:1988
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Plug CECC 22 211-801:1988
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Right-angle plug CECC 22 211-803:1988
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA CECC 22 111:1982
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMB CECC 22 171:1984
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMC EN 122180:1993
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMC CECC 22 181:1984
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC EN 122200:1994
Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC CECC 22 201:1985
Connector - Compression connector - Power cable - Cable EN 61238-1:2003
Connector - Contact - Termination - Crimping - Deformation EN 60512-16-7:2008
Connector - Contact - Termination - Grounding - Spring holding force EN 60512-16-9:2008
Connector - Contact - Termination - Insulation - Grip effectiveness EN 60512-16-8:2008
Connector - Contact - Termination - Stripping force - Solderless wrapped connection EN 60512-16-11:2008
Connector - Contact - Termination - Un-wrapping - Solderless wrapped connection EN 60512-16-13:2008
Connector - DC - Low-frequency - High-speed data - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3-001:2000
Connector - DC - Low-frequency - High-speed data application - Cable outlet EN 61076-7:2000
Connector - DC - Low-frequency - High-speed data application - Circular connector EN 61076-2:1999
Connector - DC - Low-frequency - High-speed data application - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3:2000
Connector - Edge-socket connector - Printed board EN 60603-6:1998
Connector - Electrical connector - Manufacture - TAS CECC 299 001:1999
Connector - Electronic EN 60512-26-100:2008
Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-3:2009
Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-3:2010
Connector - Electronic - Cable outlet - Sealing system - Metric EN 61076-7-100:2006
Connector - Electronic - Circular - Screw-locking EN 61076-2-105:2008
Connector - Electronic - Contact retention - Retention - Insert EN 60512-15-1:2008
Connector - Electronic - Data transmission - Shielded - Free and fixed EN 61076-3-110:2008
Connector - Electronic - Data transmission - Shielded free - Fixed EN 61076-3-104:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-41:2010
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-51:2010
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-71:2010
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Common mating feature EN 60603-7-1:2002
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-2:2009
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-2:2010
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-4:2005
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-4:2010
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-5:2009
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-5:2010
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-7:2006
Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-7:2010
Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Cable - Clamping EN 60512-17-1:2010
Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Capacitance EN 60512-22-1:2010
Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Endurance EN 60512-9-1:2010
Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Endurance - Cyclic EN 60512-9-5:2010
Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Impact - Free fall EN 60512-7-1:2010
Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Load test - Static EN 60512-8-1:2010
Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Resistance - Shunt EN 60512-21-1:2010
Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Screening - Filtering EN 60512-23-2:2010
Connector - Electronic - Mechanical - Electrical load - Mating (un-mating) EN 60512-9-3:2011
Connector - Electronic - Rectangular - Protective houshing - Industrial environment EN 61076-3-106:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment EN 61076-1:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Attenuation - Insertion loss - Measurement EN 60512-25-2:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Cable outlet - Accessories EN 61076-7-001:2004
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Cold EN 60512-11-10:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Corrosion - Gas corrosion EN 60512-11-14:2003
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Corrosion - Salt mist EN 60512-11-6:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Damp heat - Cyclic EN 60512-11-12:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Damp heat - Steady state EN 60512-11-3:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Dry heat EN 60512-11-9:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Gas tightness - Connection EN 60512-11-13:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Low air - Pressure EN 60512-11-11:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Mould growth EN 60512-11-5:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Pressure - Damp heat EN 60512-11-2:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Temperature change EN 60512-11-4:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Bending strength EN 60512-16-3:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Bending strength EN 60512-16-14:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Compressive strength EN 60512-16-17:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Deflection of contact EN 60512-16-18:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Gauge retention force EN 60512-16-5:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Probe damage EN 60512-16-1:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Restricted entry EN 60512-16-2:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Robustness EN 60512-16-6:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Tensile strength EN 60512-16-4:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Torsional strength EN 60512-16-16:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact insertion - Extraction force EN 60512-15-4:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance EN 60512-2-2:2003
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Contact disturbance EN 60512-2-5:2003
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Continuity - Test EN 60512-2-3:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Housing continuity - Test EN 60512-2-6:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Millivolt - Test EN 60512-2-1:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact retention - Insert - Cable nutation EN 60512-15-5:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Corrosion - Gas corrosion EN 60512-11-7:2003
Connector - Electronic equipment - Coupling device - Effectiveness EN 60512-15-6:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Crosstalk ratio - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-1:2001
Connector - Electronic equipment - Current-carrying capacity - Temperature derating EN 60512-5-2:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Current-carrying capacity - Temperature rise EN 60512-5-1:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Dimension - Mass - Test EN 60512-1-2:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Dynamic stress - Acceleration EN 60512-6-1:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Dynamic stress - Bump EN 60512-6-2:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Dynamic stress - Shock EN 60512-6-3:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Dynamic stress - Vibration - Sinusoidal EN 60512-6-4:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Engaging force - Separating force - Test EN 60512-13-1:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Eye pattern - Jitter EN 60512-25-6:2004
Connector - Electronic equipment - Housing - Insert retention - Axial EN 60512-15-2:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Housing - Insert retention - Torsional EN 60512-15-3:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Immersion - Low(air) pressure EN 60512-14-5:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Immersion - Waterproof EN 60512-14-4:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Impact test - Static load test - Overload EN 60512-10-4:2003
Connector - Electronic equipment - Insertion force - Withdrawal force - Test EN 60512-13-2:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Insulation - Test - Resistance EN 60512-3-1:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Mechanical operation - Electrical load EN 60512-9-3:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Polarizing method - Keying method EN 60512-13-5:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Propagation delay - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-4:2001
Connector - Electronic equipment - Protection - Cover attachment - Robustness EN 60512-15-7:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Quality assessment EN 62197-1:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3-001:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Reflection coefficient - Wave ratio - VSWR EN 60512-25-7:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Connector - Electronic equipment - Rise time degradation - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-3:2001
Connector - Electronic equipment - Screening - Filtering - Reflection EN 60512-23-4:2001
Connector - Electronic equipment - Screening - Filtering - Transfer impedance EN 60512-23-7:2005
Connector - Electronic equipment - Sealing - Interfacial sealing EN 60512-14-6:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Sealing - Leakage - Fine air EN 60512-14-2:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Sealing test - Impacting water EN 60512-14-7:1998
Connector - Electronic equipment - Shielding effectiveness - Test - Measurement EN 60512-23-3:2001
Connector - Electronic equipment - Signal integrity - Alien crosstalk - Measurement EN 60512-25-9:2008
Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - De-wetting - Test EN 60512-12-3:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Wetting - Iron method EN 60512-12-2:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Wetting - Solder bath method EN 60512-12-1:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Wetting balance - Test EN 60512-12-7:2001
Connector - Electronic equipment - Soldering heat - Iron method - Test EN 60512-12-5:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Soldering heat - Solder bath method - Resistance EN 60512-12-4:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Test - Measurement EN 60512-1:2001
Connector - Electronic equipment - Test - Measurement - Applicable publication EN 60512-1-100:2006
Connector - Electronic equipment - Visual examination - Test EN 60512-1-1:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Voltage stress - Crimp barrel - Insulation EN 60512-4-3:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Voltage stress - Partial discharge EN 60512-4-2:2002
Connector - Electronic equipment - Voltage stress - Voltage proof EN 60512-4-1:2003
Connector - Endurance - Durability - Contact retention - Seal EN 60512-9-4:2011
Connector - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Multi-fibre EN 61300-3-45:2011
Connector - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Random mated EN 61300-3-34:2009
Connector - Fibre - Optic - Interface - LSH EN 61754-15:2009
Connector - Fibre - Optic - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24:2010
Connector - Fibre - Optic - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24-11:2009
Connector - Fibre - Optic - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24-21:2009
Connector - Fibre optic - Adaptor EN 61274-1:2008
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Attenuation - single-mode EN 61300-2-41:1998
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61300-3-30:2003
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Controlled environment EN 61753-021-2:2008
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Multimode fibre EN 61753-022-2:2003
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Static side load EN 61300-2-42:2005
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Screen testing - Return loss EN 61300-2-43:1999
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode fibre - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-2-1:2000
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-021-6:2008
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Singlemode - Ferrule EN 61753-121-2:2010
Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnexion - Cord - Ferrule EN 61753-121-3:2010
Connector - Fibre optic - Interface - Type RAO connector EN 61754-25:2009
Connector - Fibre optic - Optical interface - Contacting fibres EN 61755-2-2:2006
Connector - Fibre optic - Optical interface - Cylindrical - Cu-Ni-Alloy EN 61755-3-6:2006
Connector - Fibre optic - Optical interface - Cylindrical PC - Cu-Ni-Alloy EN 61755-3-5:2006
Connector - Fibre optic - Optical interface - Single-mode - Non-angled EN 61755-2-1:2006
Connector - Fibre optic - Optical interface - Type MU connector EN 61754-6-1:2003
Connector - Fibre optic - Optical interface - Ziconia ferrule - 8 degrees angled-PC EN 61755-3-2:2009
Connector - Fibre optic - Optical interface - Ziconia PC ferrule - Single mode EN 61755-3-1:2009
Connector - Fixed - Free - Unshielded - Electronic equipment EN 60603-7:2009
Connector - Fixed and free connector - Printed board - Common mating feature EN 60603-7:1997
Connector - High density - Rectangular - Crimp contact EN 175301-801:2006
Connector - High-speed data - Rectangular - Trapezoidal shaped shell - Non-removable EN 61076-3-101:1997
Connector - High-speed data - Rectangular - Trapezoidal shaped shell - Ribbon contact EN 61076-3-100:2000
Connector - Housing - Industrial - Push pull - Coupling EN 61076-3-117:2009
Connector - Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet - Coupler - Interlock EN 60309-4:2007
Connector - Interconnection - Peritelevision EN 50049-1:1997
Connector - Interconnection device - Multi-directional mating - Battery - Rechargeable battery EN 60130-17:1999
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-1:1997
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - F-SMA connector family EN 61754-22:2005
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type BFOC/2,5 connector EN 61754-2:1997
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type CF08 connector EN 61754-8:1997
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type DS connector EN 61754-9:2001
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type FC-PC connector EN 61754-13:2006
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type FS connector EN 61754-12:1999
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type LC connector EN 61754-20:2002
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type LSA connector EN 61754-3:2002
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type LX.5 connector EN 61754-23:2005
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type Mini-MPO connector EN 61754-10:2005
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type MT connector EN 61754-5:2005
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type MT-RJ connector EN 61754-18:2002
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type MU connector EN 61754-6:1997
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type PN connector EN 61754-16:2000
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type SC connector EN 61754-4:1997
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type SC connector - Simplified receptacle SC-PC EN 61754-4-1:2003
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type SG connector EN 61754-19:2002
Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type SMI connector - Plastic optical fibre EN 61754-21:2005
Connector - Lighting - Lampholder - Miscellaneous lampholders - LED module EN 60838-2-2:2006
Connector - Measurement - Cable - Clamping - Resistance EN 60512-17-3:2010
Connector - Measurement - Cable - Clamping - Torsion EN 60512-17-4:2010
Connector - Measurement - Chemical - Resistance - Fluid EN 60512-19-1:2010
Connector - Measurement - Fire - Flammability - Glow-wire EN 60512-20-3:2010
Connector - Measurement - Fire - Flammability - Needle-flame EN 60512-20-1:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Connector - Microprocessor system - BUS - MULTIBUS - Eurocard HD 593.3 S1:1991
Connector - Multipole - XLR type EN 61076-2-103:2004
Connector - Optical fibre - Cable EN 60874-1:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Cable EN 60874-1-1:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Cable - Type LSA-HRL CECC 86 135-802:1993
Connector - Optical fibre - Cable - Type LSH-HRL universal CECC 86 275-802:1999
Connector - Optical fibre - Communication - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-10:2010
Connector - Optical fibre - Communication - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-11:2010
Connector - Optical fibre - Communication - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-12:2010
Connector - Optical fibre - Communication - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-13:2010
Connector - Optical fibre - Communication - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-2-2:2009
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-HR simplex - Composite ferrule EN 50377-8-4:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-HR simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-6:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-HR simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-8:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-PC simplex - Composite ferrule EN 50377-8-5:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-PC simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-7:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-PC simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-9:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LX.5-APC duplex - Singlemode EN 50377-13-3:2011
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LX.5-PC duplex - Singlemode EN 50377-13-2:2011
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - MF termination - Singlemode fibre EN 50377-11-1:2008
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Patch cord EN 50377-14-1:2011
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - EC EN 50377-5-1:2003
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - FC-PC EN 50377-2-1:2001
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - LC-APC duxplex EN 50377-7-3:2004
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - LC-PC duplex EN 50377-7-1:2004
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - LC-PC duplex EN 50377-7-2:2004
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - LC-PC simplex EN 50377-7-4:2011
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - LSH-RH EN 50377-8-2:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - LSH_PC simplex EN 50377-8-3:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - MT-RJ EN 50377-9-1:2003
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - MT-RJ EN 50377-9-2:2004
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - MU-PC EN 50377-10-1:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - MU/APC EN 50377-10-2:2005
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - SC-APC simplex EN 50377-4-2:2011
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - SC-PC simplex EN 50377-4-4:2011
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - SC-RJ EN 50377-6-1:2002
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - SC-RJ EN 50377-6-2:2007
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification - Singlemode fibre EN 50377-7-4:2004
Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - SG terminated - Multimode fibre EN 50377-3-1:2008
Connector - Photovoltaic - Safety EN 50521:2008
Connector - Printed board EN 60603-1:1998
Connector - Printed board - Assessed quality - Two-part connector - Backplane EN 61076-4-100:2001
Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Modular - Two part CECC 75 101-807:1994
Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Two part - Grid of 2 mm CECC 75 101-808:1993
Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Two part - Modular CECC 75 101-810:1994
Connector - Printed board - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4:1996
Connector - Printed board - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-001:1996
Connector - Printed board - DC - Low-frequency - Telecommunication industry EN 61076-4-105:1998
Connector - Printed board - latching - full shielding EN 61076-4-110:2002
Connector - Printed board - Socket - Integrated circuit - Test EN 60603-12:1998
Connector - Printed board - Two part - Common mounting features - Grid of 2,54 mm CECC 75 101-801:1993
Connector - Printed board - Two part - Common square male contact - Grid of 2,54 mm CECC 75 101-803:1994
Connector - Printed board - Two part - Free connector CECC 75 101-804:1994
Connector - Printed board - Two-part EN 175101-809:2004
Connector - Protective housing - Industrial environment - Bayonet coupling - Speing clamp EN 61076-3-116:2008
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial - CQA - Quick lock EN 61169-41:2011
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial - SSMA EN 61169-18:2011
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial - SSMB EN 61169-19:2011
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 61169-2:2007
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 122002:1993
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 122190:1994
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Bayonet lock EN 61169-8:2007
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling EN 61169-16:2007
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC EN 122120:1993
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series EIA flange EN 122150:1993
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA EN 122110:1993
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB EN 122130:1993
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC EN 122140:1993
Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA EN 122160:1993
Connector - Radio frequency - STWX8 R.F connector EN 61169-37:2007
Connector - Radio frequency connector EN 61169-1-1:1997
Connector - Radio frequency connector EN 122001:1993
Connector - Radio frequency connector - BMA connector EN 61169-33:1997
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector HD 134.4 S2:1977
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector HD 134.5 S1:1977
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector HD 134.6 S1:1977
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector HD 134.7 S2:1995
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling EN 60169-24:1993
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling - Impedance 50 ohms EN 61169-31:1999
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling - Impedance 50 ohms EN 61169-32:1999
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial unmatched connector HD 134.2 S2:1984
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Crimping - Dimensions HD 489 S1:1987
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Microminiature coaxial connector EN 61169-36:1997
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Miniature - Coaxial - Rack and panel applications EN 61169-29:2005
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Rigid coaxial line EN 60169-23:1993
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Screw coupling - Cable distribution system EN 61169-24:2001
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Screw coupling - Type SC-A and SC-B EN 60169-21:1997
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Shielded balanced cable EN 60169-25:1993
Connector - Radio frequency connector - Two pins connector HD 134.3 S1:1977
Connector - Radio-frequency - Cable - Intermodulation level - Measurement EN 62037:1999
Connector - Radio-frequency - Coaxial EN 61169-35:2011
Connector - Radio-frequency - Coaxial - Screw coupling EN 61169-14:2010
Connector - Radio-frequency - Coaxial - Screw coupling EN 61169-24:2009
Connector - Radio-frequency - Coaxial - Slide-in - Type TMA EN 61169-38:2009
Connector - Radio-frequency connector EN 61169-1:1994
Connector - Railway - Rolling stock CLC/TS 50467:2008
Connector - Rectangular - 4 pole - PE power: Push-pull coupling EN 61076-3-118:2010
Connector - Rectangular - Flat contact - Locking screw EN 175301-803:2006
Connector - Rectangular - Frequency below 3 MHz CECC 75 301:1990
Connector - Rectangular - High performance - Serial bus - Consumer equipment EN 61076-3-112:2006
Connector - Rectangular - Printed board - Trapezoidal shell - Round contact CECC 75 301-802:1994
Connector - Rectangular - Protective housing - Industrial environment - Bayonet coupling EN 61076-3-114:2009
Connector - Rectangular - Protective housing - Industrial environment - Push-pull type EN 61076-3-115:2010
Connector - Rectangular - Ribbon cable contact - Single row - High speed serial data EN 61076-3-103:2004
Connector - Rectangular connector EN 175300:1996
Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line HD 351.1 S1:1977
Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Hermaphroditic - Coaxial connector HD 351.2 S1:1977
Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Hermaphroditic - Coaxial connector HD 351.3 S2:1981
Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Hermaphroditic - Coaxial connector HD 351.4 S2:1984
Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Mounting connector HD 351.5 S1:1986
Connector - Safety - Test EN 61984:2001
Connector - Sectional - 2.4 series - RF connector EN 61169-40:2011
Connector - Sound system equipment - Broadcast use EN 60268-12:1995
Connector - Static - Load test - Axial EN 60512-8-2:2011
Connector - Static - Load test - Robustness - Actuating lever EN 60512-8-3:2011
Connector - Thermoelectric sensor EN 50212:1996
Connector - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Contact EN 50109-2-3:1995
Connector - Two-part connector - Cable connector - Printed board - Backpanel EN 60603-9:1998
Connector - Two-part connector - Edge-socket connector - Printed board EN 60603-5:1998
Connector - Two-part connector - Free connector - Printed board EN 60603-13:1998
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 60603-2:1998
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 60603-3:1998
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 60603-4:1998
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 175101-802:1999
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Backplane - Bus applications EN 61076-4-113:2003
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Backplane - Early mating feature EN 61076-4-111:2002
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Backplane - IEC 60917 EN 61076-4-101:2001
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-103:1999
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Inverted type EN 60603-10:1998
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Shielding function EN 61076-4-114:2003
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Square male contact EN 60603-8:1998
Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Termination - Insulation displacement EN 61076-4-107:2001
Connector - Two-part modular connector - Printed board - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-104:1999
Connector - Two-part single-pole connector - Metric grid - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-102:1997
Connector and cordset - Video - Audio - Digital bus EN 60933-4:1994
Connector endface - Fibre - Optic - Cylindrical - Visual inspection EN 61300-3-35:2010
Connector ferrule - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Measurement EN 61300-3-36:2000
Connector for video system - Audio - Video - Television - Y/C EN 60933-5:1993
Connector installation - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Testing EN 61300-2-49:2007
Connector proof test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61300-2-50:2007
Connector set - Optical fibre - Cable - Type LSC EN 186220:1993
Connector set - Optical fibre - Cable - Type LSF EN 186230:1993
Connector system - Hearing aid - Dimensions EN 60118-12:1996
Connectors - Radio-frequency - CQM series - Quick lock EN 61169-39:2011
Conscious - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Environment - Design EN 60601-1-9:2008
Consistency test - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Magnetic resonance EN 62464-1:2007
Constancy test - Medical - Imaging - Hard copy camera - Test EN 61223-2-4:1994
Constancy test - Medical - Imaging - Image display device - Test EN 61223-2-5:1994
Constancy test - Medical - Imaging - X-ray equipment - Tomography EN 61223-2-6:2007
Constant - Current - Electromigration EN 62415:2010
Constant current - Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Regulator EN 61822:2003
Constant voltage - Transformer - Reactors - Power supply - Safety EN 61558-2-12:2011
Construction - Battery - Aircraft battery - Design EN 60952-2:2004
Construction - Building - Electrical installation - Demolition HD 60364-7-704:2007
Construction - Cable - Communication - Design rule EN 50290-2-1:2005
Construction - Cable - Communication - Design rule EN 50290-2-20:2001
Construction - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Filling compound EN 50290-2-28:2002
Construction - Cable - Communication - Design rule - PE insulation EN 50290-2-23:2001
Construction - Cable - Communication - Design rule - PE sheathing EN 50290-2-24:2002
Construction - Cable - Communication - Design rule - PVC insulation EN 50290-2-21:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Construction - Cable - Communication - Design rule - PVC sheating EN 50290-2-22:2001
Construction - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Encapsulation m - Marking EN 60079-18:2004
Construction - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Protection n - Marking EN 60079-15:2005
Construction - Explosive atmosphere - Gas - Test - Marking EN 60079-26:2007
Construction - Explosive atmosphere - Testing - Safety EN 50394-1:2004
Construction - Machine - Rotating - Mounting symbol EN 60034-7:1993
Construction - PV module - Safety EN 61730-1:2007
Construction - Safety - Design - Electrical equipment CLC Guide 2:2001
Construction and installation of equipment - Welding - Resistance welding - Safety EN 50063:1989
Construction site - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - ACS EN 60439-4:2004
Construction site - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-23:2000
Construction site - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-23:2010
Consultant - Task - Responsibilities - New Approach CEN/CLC Guide 15:2009
Consumer - Audio/video - Digital - Interface - Plastic optical fibre EN 62300:2005
Consumer - Audio/video - Digital interface EN 61883-1:2009
Consumer - Audio/video - Digital interface - Transmission - ITU-R BT.601 EN 61883-8:2009
Consumer - Diagnostic interface - Electronic product - Network EN 62286:2004
Consumer - Preparation - European Standard - EN CEN/CLC Guide 2:2001
Consumer - Product information - Standard developer CEN/CLC Guide 11:2006
Consumer applications - Audio - Digital audio interface EN 60958-3:2006
Consumer equipment - Connector - Rectangular - High performance - Serial bus EN 61076-3-112:2006
Consumer use - Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Measurement EN 61606-2:2004
Consumer use - Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Measurement EN 61606-2:2009
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette EN 61834-1:1998
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - DTV format EN 61834-10:2001
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - DVB format EN 61834-9:2001
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - EDTV2 format EN 61834-7:2001
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - HD format EN 61834-3:2000
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Pack header table EN 61834-4:1998
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - PALplus format EN 61834-8:2001
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - SD format EN 61834-2:1998
Consumer use - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - SDL format EN 61834-6:2000
Consumer-use - Digital VTR - Electronic performance - Mechanical performance - Measurement EN 62122:2002
Consumption - Power consumption - Audio - Video - Measurement EN 62087:2003
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Bending strength EN 60512-16-3:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Bending strength EN 60512-16-14:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Compressive strength EN 60512-16-17:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Deflection of contact EN 60512-16-18:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Gauge retention force EN 60512-16-5:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Probe damage EN 60512-16-1:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Restricted entry EN 60512-16-2:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Robustness EN 60512-16-6:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Tensile strength EN 60512-16-4:2008
Contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Termination - Torsional strength EN 60512-16-16:2008
Contact - Connector - Termination - Crimping - Deformation EN 60512-16-7:2008
Contact - Connector - Termination - Grounding - Spring holding force EN 60512-16-9:2008
Contact - Connector - Termination - Insulation - Grip effectiveness EN 60512-16-8:2008
Contact - Connector - Termination - Stripping force - Solderless wrapped connection EN 60512-16-11:2008
Contact - Connector - Termination - Un-wrapping - Solderless wrapped connection EN 60512-16-13:2008
Contact - Electronic equipment - Termination - Mechanical test EN 60512-15-8:1995
Contact - Electronic equipment - Termination - Test EN 60512-16-20:1996
Contact - Environmental testing - Test Kc - Sulphur dioxide - Connection EN 60068-2-42:2003
Contact - Environmental testing - Test Kd - Hydrogen sulphide - Connection EN 60068-2-43:2003
Contact - Relay - Forcibly guided contact - Mechanically linked EN 50205:2002
Contact - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Connector EN 50109-2-3:1995
Contact 1 A - Relay - 2 change-over CECC 16 205-801:1994
Contact disturbance - Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact resistance EN 60512-2-5:2003
Contact insertion - Connector - Electronic equipment - Extraction force EN 60512-15-4:2008
Contact line - Railway - Safety - Overhead - Personnel CLC/TR 50488:2006
Contact line - Railway application - Fixed installation - Overhead EN 50119:2001
Contact line - Railway application - Fixed installation - Overhead EN 50119:2009
Contact power - Discrete pressure - Semiconductor device EN 153000:1998
Contact protection effectiveness - Electronic equipment - Scoop-proof - Test EN 60512-1-4:1997
Contact resistance - Connector - Electronic equipment - Continuity - Test EN 60512-2-3:2002
Contact resistance - Connector - Electronic equipment - Housing continuity - Test EN 60512-2-6:2002
Contact resistance - Connector - Electronic equipment - Millivolt - Test EN 60512-2-1:2002
Contact resistance - Electronic equipment - Connector EN 60512-2-2:2003
Contact resistance - Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact disturbance EN 60512-2-5:2003
Contact retention - Connector - Electronic - Retention - Insert EN 60512-15-1:2008
Contact retention - Connector - Electronic equipment - Insert - Cable nutation EN 60512-15-5:2008
Contact retention - Connector - Endurance - Durability - Seal EN 60512-9-4:2011
Contact unit - Reed EN 62246-1:2011
Contact wire - Railway - Fixed installation - Traction - Copper EN 50149:2001
Contacting fibres - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface EN 61755-2-2:2006
Contactor - AC - HV - Motor starter EN 60470:2000
Contactor - Electromechanical - Household EN 61095:2009
Contactor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Motor starter EN 60947-4-1:2001
Contactor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Motor starter EN 60947-4-1:2010
Contactor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Motor starter EN 60947-4-2:2000
Contactor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Motor-starter EN 60947-4-3:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Container - Electrostatics - Bulk container - Flexible - Intermediate EN 61340-4-4:2005
Container - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging EN 60264-1:1994
Container - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-3-4:1999
Contamination - Environmental testing - Test Xc - Fluid EN 60068-2-74:1999
Contamination - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Solvent - Fluid EN 61300-2-34:2009
Contamination - Insulating liquid - Polychlorinated biphenyl - Chromatography EN 61619:1997
Contamination - Insulating oil - Fibre contamination - Counting method - Microscope EN 50353:2001
Contamination - Radiation - Protection - Instrumentation EN 60325:2004
Content - Instructions - Structuring - Presentation EN 62079:2001
Continuity - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Test EN 60512-2-3:2002
Continuous - Packing - Automatic handling - Surface mount - Pressed carrier tape EN 60286-3-1:2009
Continuous tape - Packaging - Automatic handling - Surface mount component EN 60286-3:2007
Continuous tape - Packaging - Automatic handling - Tape packaging - Unidirectional lead EN 60286-2:2009
Continuous-wave Doppler system - Medical - Ultrasonics - Test EN 61206:1995
Contractor - Qualification - Installation contractor CLC/TS 50349:2004
Contrast ratio - Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier - Veiling glare EN 61262-6:1994
Contro - Transmitter - Industrial - Performance EN 60770-1:2011
Control - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Indicator CLC/TS 50131-3:2003
Control - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Indicator EN 50131-3:2009
Control - Batch - Batch production - Record EN 61512-4:2010
Control - Batch - Site - Recipe - Model EN 61512-3:2008
Control - Block - Function - Industrial-process - Architecture EN 61499-1:2005
Control - Block - Function - Industrial-process - Software tools EN 61499-2:2005
Control - Controller - Industrial-process EN 60546-1:2010
Control - Controller - Industrial-process - Routine testing EN 60546-2:2010
Control - Digital - Lighting - Interface - Gear EN 62386-102:2009
Control - HBES - Automation - BACS EN 50491-3:2009
Control - Household - Automatic control CLC/TR 50455:2008
Control - Household use - Automatic - Relay:Motor starting relay EN 60730-2-10:2007
Control - IEEE guide - Computer-based - Hydroelectric - Automation EN 62270:2004
Control - Industrial process - Analogue input - Multi-state output EN 61003-2:2009
Control - Industrial-process - Measurement - Data structures - Fundamental EN 61987-10:2009
Control - Industrial-process - Valve - Data sheet EN 60534-7:2010
Control - Interface - Network - Digital - Audio EN 62379-2:2009
Control - ISO 13849-1 - Design - Safety-related - Machinery CLC/TR 62061-1:2010
Control - Laboratory - Measurement - Safety EN 61010-1:2010
Control - Laboratory equipment - Centrifuge - Safety - Measurement EN 61010-2-020:2006
Control - Laboratory equipment - Heating of materials - Safety - Measurment EN 61010-2-010:2003
Control - Laboratory equipment - Measurement - Safety EN 61010-1:2001
Control - Laboratory equipment - Measurement - Safety - Testing circuit EN 61010-2-030:2010
Control - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Measurement EN 61326-1:2006
Control - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Measurement - Communication EN 61326-2-5:2006
Control - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Measurement - Immunity EN 61326-3-1:2008
Control - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Measurement - In-vitro diagnostic EN 61326-2-6:2006
Control - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Measurement - Insulation EN 61326-2-4:2006
Control - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Measurement - Portable test EN 61326-2-2:2006
Control - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Measurement - Sensitive test EN 61326-2-1:2006
Control - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Measurement - Transducer EN 61326-2-3:2006
Control - Machine - Rotating machine - Motor - Stepping CLC/TS 60034-20-1:2004
Control - Measurement - Performance EN 61298-1:2008
Control - Measurement - Performance - Influence quantities EN 61298-3:2008
Control - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Separation EN 60709:2010
Control - Power station - Instrumentation EN 45510-8-1:1998
Control - Process industry - Instrumentation - Milestones EN 62337:2007
Control - Test - Routine test EN 50344-1:2001
Control - Time - Code EN 60461:2011
Control - Transmitter - Industrial - Inspection - Routine testing EN 60770-2:2010
Control - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Monitoring EN 61400-25-1:2007
Control - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Monitoring EN 61400-25-2:2007
Control cable - Cable - Power cable - Fire resistance - Emergency circuit EN 50362:2003
Control circuit - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Flow rate switch EN 60947-5-9:2007
Control circuit - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Three-position EN 60947-5-8:2006
Control circuit device - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Analogue output EN 60947-5-7:2003
Control circuit device - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Low energy contact EN 60947-5-4:2003
Control circuit device - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Proximity sensor EN 60947-5-6:2000
Control circuit device - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Proximity switch EN 60947-5-2:2007
Control circuit device - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Proximity switch EN 60947-5-3:1999
Control code - Recorder - Video - Video tape recorder - Time code EN 60461:2001
Control device - Performance EN 61298-1:1995
Control device - Performance - Evaluation report content EN 61298-4:1995
Control device - Performance - Test EN 61298-2:1995
Control fluid - Petroleum product - Lubricant - Triaryl phosphate - Ester turbine EN 61221:2004
Control gear - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Colour EN 62386-209:2011
Control gear - Digital - Lighting - Interface - Discharge lamp EN 62386-203:2009
Control gear - Digital - Lighting - Interface - Halogen lamp EN 62386-204:2009
Control gear - Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Emergency EN 62386-202:2009
Control gear - Lighting - Requirements - Sequencer - Type 9 EN 62386-210:2011
Control room - Nuclear - Power plant - Reactor - Shutdown EN 60965:2011
Control room - Nuclear - Power plant - Room - Design EN 60964:2010
Control switch - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Industrial EN 50041:1981
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Control switch - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Industrial EN 50047:1981
Control system - Hydroturbine EN 61362:1998
Control system - Industrial process - Adaptive controller - Evaluation EN 61297:1995
Control system - Machinery - Functional safety - Programmable EN 62061:2005
Control system - Turbine - Hydraulic - Testing EN 60308:2005
Control technology - Letter - Symbol EN 60027-6:2007
Control technology - Measuring instruments EN 62419:2009
Control transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply - Safety EN 61558-2-2:2007
Control unit - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Thermal protection EN 60947-8:2003
Control valve - Industrial process - Flow capacity - Test EN 60534-2-3:1998
Control valve - Industrial process - Laboratory measurement - Noise - Aerodynamic flow EN 60534-8-1:2005
Control valve - Industrial process - Mounting - Positioner - Rotary actuator EN 60534-6-2:2001
Control valve - Industrial process - Positioner - Linear actuator EN 60534-6-1:1997
Control valve - Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - End-to-end EN 60534-3-3:1998
Control valve - Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - Face-to-face EN 60534-3-1:2000
Control valve - Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - Face-to-face EN 60534-3-2:2001
Control valve - Industrial process - Valve - Inspection - Routine testing EN 60534-4:2006
Control-command - ERTMS - Trackside CLC/TR 50511:2007
Controled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Fibre management EN 61753-101-2:2006
Controlgear - Assembly - Low-voltage - Switchgear EN 61439-1:2009
Controlgear - Building - Electrical installation - Switchgear HD 60364-5-534:2008
Controlgear - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Digital signal EN 62386-206:2009
Controlgear - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Fluorescent lamp EN 62386-201:2009
Controlgear - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - incandescent lamp EN 62386-205:2009
Controlgear - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Switching function EN 62386-208:2009
Controlgear - High voltage - Switchgear EN 62271-103:2011
Controlgear - High-voltage - Prefabricated - Switchgear - Indicator EN 62271-206:2011
Controlgear - High-voltage - Switchgear - AC EN 62271-104:2009
Controlgear - High-voltage - Switchgear - Alternating-current - By-pass switch EN 62271-109:2009
Controlgear - High-voltage - Switchgear - Indoor - Climatic conditions CLC/TS 62271-304:2008
Controlgear - High-voltage - Switchgear - Inductive - Load EN 62271-110:2009
Controlgear - High-voltage - Switchgear - Sulphur hexafluoride CLC/TR 62271-303:2009
Controlgear - Lamp - Ballast - Discharge lamp EN 61347-2-9:2001
Controlgear - Lamp - Ballast - Electronic ballast - Aircraft lighting EN 61347-2-6:2001
Controlgear - Lamp - Ballast - Electronic ballast - Emergency lighting EN 61347-2-7:2006
Controlgear - Lamp - Ballast - Electronic ballast - Fluorescent lamp EN 61347-2-3:2001
Controlgear - Lamp - Ballast - Electronic ballast - General lighting EN 61347-2-4:2001
Controlgear - Lamp - Ballast - Electronic ballast - Public transport lighting EN 61347-2-5:2001
Controlgear - Lamp - Ballast - Fluorescent lamp EN 61347-2-8:2001
Controlgear - Lamp - Convertor - Step-down convertor - Filament lamp EN 61347-2-2:2001
Controlgear - Lamp - Fluorescent EN 61347-2-3:2011
Controlgear - Lamp - Invertor - Convertor - Discharge lamp EN 61347-2-10:2001
Controlgear - Lamp - LED - Electronic controlgear EN 61347-2-13:2006
Controlgear - Lamp - Safety EN 61347-1:2008
Controlgear - Lamp - Starting device - Glow starter EN 61347-2-1:2001
Controlgear - LED module - Performance EN 62384:2006
Controlgear - Low-voltage - Switchgear EN 60947-1:2007
Controlgear - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Ancillary - Copper EN 60947-7-1:2009
Controlgear - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Ancillary equipment - Terminal block EN 60947-7-3:2009
Controlgear - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Disconnector - Fuse EN 60947-3:2009
Controlgear - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Power EN 61439-2:2009
Controlgear - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Public - Network EN 61439-5:2011
Controlgear - Luminaire - Lamp - Electronic circuit EN 61347-2-11:2001
Controlgear - Power station - Electrical equipment - Switchgear EN 45510-2-7:2002
Controlgear - Switchgear - A.C. - Insulation enclosed EN 62271-201:2006
Controlgear - Switchgear - High voltage - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-100:2009
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV EN 62271-1:2008
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - A.C. - By-pass switch EN 62271-109:2006
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-100:2001
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-108:2006
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - AC - Circuit-switcher EN 62271-107:2005
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - AC - Metal-enclosed EN 62271-200:2004
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - AC - Switch-fuse combination EN 62271-105:2003
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - Compact EN 62271-205:2008
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - Digital interface - IEC 61850 EN 62271-3:2006
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - Disconnector - Earthing switch EN 62271-102:2002
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - Gas-insulated - Metal-enclosed EN 62271-203:2004
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - Load switching - Inductive EN 62271-110:2005
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - Seismic - Gas-insulated EN 62271-207:2007
Controlgear - Switchgear - HV - Synthetic testing EN 62271-101:2006
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Circuit-breaker EN 60947-2:2006
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Construction site - ACS EN 60439-4:2004
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-1:2001
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-1:2010
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-2:2000
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Contactor - Motor-starter EN 60947-4-3:2000
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Control circuit device - Analogue output EN 60947-5-7:2003
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Control circuit device - Low energy contact EN 60947-5-4:2003
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Control circuit device - Proximity sensor EN 60947-5-6:2000
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Control circuit device - Proximity switch EN 60947-5-2:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Control circuit device - Proximity switch EN 60947-5-3:1999
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Control unit - Thermal protection EN 60947-8:2003
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Controller-device interface - CDI EN 62026-1:2007
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Controller-device interface - DeviceNet EN 62026-3:2009
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Enclosure - Empty EN 62208:2003
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Flow rate switch - Control circuit EN 60947-5-9:2007
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Multiple function - Automatic switching EN 60947-6-1:2005
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Multiple function - Protective switching EN 60947-6-2:2003
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Protection - Shock EN 50274:2002
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Protective conductor - Copper conductor EN 60947-7-2:2009
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Protective conductor - Copper condutor EN 60947-7-2:2002
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Public network - Power distribution EN 60439-5:2006
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Switch - Disconnector EN 60947-3:1999
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Switch - Electromechanical control circuit device EN 60947-5-1:2004
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Switch - Emergency stop device EN 60947-5-5:1997
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Terminal block - Copper conductor EN 60947-7-1:2002
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Terminal block - Fuse EN 60947-7-3:2002
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV - Three-position - Control circuit EN 60947-5-8:2006
Controlgear - Switchgear - LV. Industrial - Device profile EN 61915-1:2008
Controlgear - Switchgear - Rails - Dimensions - Mechanical support EN 60715:2001
Controlgear - Tubular - Fluorescent - Lamp EN 60929:2011
Controlled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61753-083-2:2008
Controlled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61753-084-2:2008
Controlled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector EN 61753-021-2:2008
Controlled impedance - Printed board - Design and use EN 61188-1-2:1998
Controller - Industrial process - Analogue signal - Performance EN 60546-1:1993
Controller - Industrial process - Analogue signal - Routine testing EN 60546-2:1993
Controller - Industrial-process - Control EN 60546-1:2010
Controller - Industrial-process - Control - Routine testing EN 60546-2:2010
Controller - Medical equiment - Infusion - Pump - Safety EN 60601-2-24:1998
Controller - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Physiologic - Closed-loop EN 60601-1-10:2008
Controller - Programmable controller EN 61131-1:2003
Controller - Programmable controller - Communication EN 61131-5:2001
Controller - Programmable controller - Equipment EN 61131-2:2007
Controller - Programmable controller - Fuzzy control EN 61131-7:2000
Controller - Programmable controller - Programming language EN 61131-3:2003
Controller - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Actuator sensor interface (AS-i) EN 50295:1999
Controller-device - Communication - Industrial - ISO 11898 (CAN) EN 50325-1:2002
Controller-device - Communication - Industrial - ISO 11898 (CAN) - CANopen EN 50325-4:2002
Controller-device - Communication - Industrial - ISO 11898 (CAN) - DeviceNet EN 50325-2:2000
Controller-device interface - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - CDI EN 62026-1:2007
Controller-device interface - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - DeviceNet EN 62026-3:2009
Convenorship - EC - Financial support - Secretariat CEN/CLC Guide 16:2009
Convention - Circuit - Electric - Magnetic EN 60375:2003
Conventional or shuttleless loom - Tape - Polyester fibre EN 61068-3-1:1995
Conversion - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Transducer EN 60688:1992
Conversion adaptor - Adaptor - Industrial EN 50250:2002
Conversion factor - Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier EN 61262-2:1994
Converter - High frequency - Inductive component - Rated current EN 62024-2:2009
Converter - Line commutated - HV - Direct current - Steady-state conditions CLC/TR 60919-1:2005
Converter - Machine - Rotating machine - Cage induction - Motor CLC/TS 60034-17:2004
Converter - Power - Photovoltaic EN 62109-1:2010
Converter - Railway - Power - Onboard CLC/TS 50535:2010
Converter - Railway application - Fixed installation - Substation EN 50328:2003
Converter - Semiconductor - Line commutated EN 60146-1-1:2010
Converter - Voltage - VSC - Valve - HVDC EN 62501:2009
Converter group - Railway application - Fixed installation - Rated value - Test EN 50327:2003
Converter supply - Machine - Rotating machine - Motor - Cage induction CLC/TS 60034-25:2008
Converter-fed - Railway - Rotating - Road - Vehicle EN 60349-2:2010
Converter-fed motor - Railway - Rotating - Rail and road vehicle EN 60349-2:2001
Convertor - Lamp - Controlgear - Invertor - Discharge lamp EN 61347-2-10:2001
Convertor - Lamp - Controlgear - Step-down convertor - Filament lamp EN 61347-2-2:2001
Convertor - Lighting - Filament lamp - Step-down convertor EN 61047:2004
Convertor - Power station - Electrical equipment - Static convertor - High power EN 45510-2-4:2000
Convertor - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Radio transmission system EN 60835-3-5:1994
Convertor - Semiconductor - Line commutated EN 60146-1-1:1993
Convertor - Semiconductor - Self-commutated - DC EN 60146-2:2000
Convertor - Transformer - Reactor - Line commutated EN 60146-1-3:1993
Convertor station - Power loss - HVDC EN 61803:1999
Convertor transformer - Transformer - HVDC application EN 61378-2:2001
Convertor transformer - Transformer - Industrial application EN 61378-1:1998
Convex polished ferrule endface - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Dome eccentricity EN 61300-3-15:2007
Cooking - Household appliance - Portable - Grilling - Performance EN 61817:2001
Cooking - Household appliances - Microwave - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-10:2004
Cooking - Magnetron - CW magnetron - Heating EN 136002:1992
Cooking pan - Household appliances - Commercial - Multi-purpose - Safety EN 60335-2-39:2003
Cooking range - Hob - Oven - Grill - Household use EN 50304:2009
Cooking range - Household appliances - Commercial - Oven - Hob EN 60335-2-36:2002
Cooking range - Household appliances - Hob - Oven - Safety EN 60335-2-6:2003
Coolant - Railway - Traction - Transformer - Pump CLC/TS 50537-3:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Cooling - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Dry cooling system EN 45510-6-5:1999
Cooling - Railway - Traction - Transformer - Bushing CLC/TS 50537-1:2010
Cooling - Railway - Traction - Transformer - Pump CLC/TS 50537-2:2010
Cooling - Railway - Traction - Transformer - Relay CLC/TS 50537-4:2010
Cooling - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Radiator EN 50216-6:2002
Cooling method - Machine - Rotating EN 60034-6:1993
Cooling water system - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries EN 45510-6-9:1999
Cooperation - European Commission - EC - European Free Trade Association - EFTA CEN/CLC Guide 4:2003
Cooperation Agreement CLC Guide 14:2005
Copper - Flat - Quick-connect - Termination - Conductor EN 61210:2010
Copper - Interconnection structure - Restraining core materials EN 61249-7-1:1995
Copper - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Ancillary EN 60947-7-1:2009
Copper - Railway - Fixed installation - Traction - Contact wire EN 50149:2001
Copper - Superconductivity - Matrix - Volume ratio - Composite EN 61788-5:2001
Copper - Winding - Wire - Polyester - Polyesterimide EN 60317-13:2010
Copper - Winding - Wire - Polyesterimide - Enamelled EN 60317-8:2010
Copper - Winding - Wire - Polyvinyl - Acetal EN 60317-12:2010
Copper - Winding wire - Wire - Enamelled - Round EN 60317-0-1:2008
Copper - Wire - Polyvinyl - Acetal - Class 105 EN 60317-17:1994
Copper - Wire - Polyvinyl - Acetal - Class 105 EN 60317-17:2010
Copper - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Braided resin EN 60317-0-5:2007
Copper - Wire - Winding wire - Polyamide-imide EN 60317-57:2010
Copper - Wire - Winding wire - Polyamide-imide EN 60317-58:2010
Copper clad - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Phenolic cellulose parper EN 61249-2-1:2005
Copper clad - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Phenolic cellulose parper EN 61249-2-2:2005
Copper conductor - Connecting device - Clamping unit - Safety EN 60999-2:2003
Copper conductor - Connecting device - Conductor - Clamping unit - Safety EN 60999-1:2000
Copper conductor - Connecting device - Flat quick-connect termination EN 61210:1995
Copper conductor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Protective conductor EN 60947-7-2:2009
Copper conductor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Terminal block EN 60947-7-1:2002
Copper condutor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Protective conductor EN 60947-7-2:2002
Copper foil - Interconnection structure - Conductive foil and film EN 61249-5-1:1996
Copper wire - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Radio frequency circuit EN 129200:1994
Copper-clad - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Cyanate ester - Aramid laminate EN 61249-2-13:1999
Copper-clad - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Epoxide - Aramid laminate EN 61249-2-12:1999
Copper-clad - Interconnection structure - Non-halogenated - Epoxice woven E-glass EN 61249-2-22:2005
Copper-clad - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Lead-free EN 61249-2-35:2009
Copper-clad - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Lead-free EN 61249-2-37:2009
Copper-clad - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Lead-free EN 61249-2-38:2009
Copper-clad - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Lead-free EN 61249-2-41:2010
Copper-clad - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Lead-free EN 61249-2-42:2010
Copper-clad - Printed board - Non-halogenated epoxide - Non-woven/woven E-glass - Burning test EN 61249-2-26:2005
Copper-clad - Printed board - Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose - Burning test EN 61249-2-23:2005
Copper-clad - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Epoxide woven E-glass EN 61249-2-7:2002
copper-clad - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyester - Non-woven fibreglass EN 61249-2-18:2002
Copper-clad - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyester - Non-woven/woven fibreglass EN 61249-2-4:2002
Cord - Cable - Coaxial - Information technology EN 61935-2:2010
Cord - Cable - Flexible cable - Cross-linked insulation HD 22.4 S4:2004
Cord - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Flexible cable HD 21.5 S3:1994
Cord - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Heat-resistant cable - Flexible HD 21.12 S1:1994
Cord - Cable - Simplex - Duplex EN 50551-1:2011
Cord - Communication - Cabling - Patch cord - Work area cord EN 61935-2-20:2009
Cord - Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnexion - Ferrule EN 61753-121-3:2010
Cord - Switch EN 61058-2-1:2011
Cord set - Cable - Interconnection - Accessories EN 60799:1998
Cord switch - Switch - Appliances EN 61058-2-1:1993
Core - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Insulation - High flexibility HD 22.14 S3:2007
Core - Cable - Flexible cord - Identification HD 308 S2:2001
Core - Ferrite - Dimension EN 62317-1:2007
Core - Ferrite - Dimensions - Power supply EN 62317-13:2008
Core - Ferrite - EFD-core - Power supply EN 62317-14:2008
Core - Ferrite - Inductance factor - Tolerance EN 62358:2004
Core - Ferrite - Irregularity - Planar-core EN 60424-5:2009
Core - Ferrite - Magnetic - Soft EN 60401-2:2003
Core - Ferrite - Magnetic - Soft EN 60401-2:2010
Core - Ferrite - Magnetically soft ferrite - Data format - Inductor core EN 60401-3:2003
Core - Ferrite - Magnetically soft ferrite - Physical irregularity EN 60401-1:2005
Core - Ferrite core - E-core EN 62317-8:2006
Core - Ferrite core - Marking EN 61333:1998
Core - Ferrite core - RM-core - Surface irregularities EN 60424-2:1997
Core - Ferrite core - Shape - Dimensions - Planar magnegics applications EN 62317-9:2006
Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities - EDT-core - E-core EN 60424-3:1999
Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities - Limit - General specification EN 60424-1:1999
Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities - Ring core EN 60424-4:2001
Core - Ferrite materials EN 125000:1997
Core - Industrial - Labelling - Cable EN 62491:2008
Core - Magnetic - Soft ferrites - Measuring - Low excitation level EN 62044-2:2005
Core - Magnetic material - Soft - Measuring EN 62044-1:2002
Core - Magnetic material - Soft - Measuring - High excitation level EN 62044-3:2001
Core - Magnetic oxide - EER-core - Power supply EN 62317-7:2005
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Alphabetical Index

Core - Magnetic oxide - ETD-core - Power supply - Dimensions EN 61185:2005
Core - Magnetic oxide core - Power applications CECC 25 300:1980
Core - Marking - Identification - Cable - Inscription EN 50334:2001
Core - Mechanical strength - Magnetic oxide - Test method EN 61631:2001
Core - Switch - Half pot - Magnetic oxide - Inductive proximity EN 62323:2005
Corrosion - Electrolytic - Insulation - Test EN 60426:2007
Corrosion - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Gas corrosion EN 60512-11-14:2003
Corrosion - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Salt mist EN 60512-11-6:2002
Corrosion - Electronic equipment - Connector - Gas corrosion EN 60512-11-7:2003
Corrosion - Fire hazard - Testing - Damage EN 60695-5-1:2003
Corrosion - Optical fibre - Aperture - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-33:2002
Corrosion - Protection - Stray current - DC system EN 50162:2004
Corrosion testing - Salt mist - Photovoltaic (PV) module EN 61701:1999
Corrosive - Insulation - Liquid - Detection - Sulphur EN 62535:2009
Corrosive gas - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Flexible cable - Smoke emission HD 22.13 S2:2007
Corrosive gas - Cable - Thermoplastic insulation - Smoke emission - Low HD 21.15 S1:2006
Corrosive influence - Industrial process - Operating conditions - Erosive influence EN 60654-4:1997
Corrugated pressboard - Corrugated presspaper EN 61628-1:1997
Corrugated pressboard - Corrugated presspaper - Test method EN 61628-2:1999
Corrugated presspaper - Corrugated pressboard EN 61628-1:1997
Corrugated presspaper - Corrugated pressboard - Test method EN 61628-2:1999
COSEM application layer - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control EN 62056-53:2007
COSEM transport layer - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control EN 62056-47:2007
Costing analysis - Dependability - Management - Life cycle EN 60300-3-3:2004
Counter - Lightning - Protection - Strike EN 62561-6:2011
Counting - Insulating liquid - Liquid - Particles - Sizing EN 60970:2007
Counting method - Insulating oil - Contamination - Fibre contamination - Microscope EN 50353:2001
Coupler - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Hearing aid - Earphone EN 60318-5:2006
Coupler - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Vibrator - Bone vibrator EN 60318-6:2008
Coupler - Household appliances EN 60320-1:2001
Coupler - Household appliances - Appliance weigth EN 60320-2-4:2006
Coupler - Household appliances - Interconnection coupler EN 60320-2-2:1998
Coupler - Household appliances - Protection EN 60320-2-3:1998
Coupler - Household appliances - Sewing machine coupler EN 60320-2-1:2000
Coupler - Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet EN 60309-1:1999
Coupler - Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet - Connector - Interlock EN 60309-4:2007
Coupler - Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet - Pin and contact-tube accessories EN 60309-2:1999
Coupler - Permanent - Connection - Fixed installation EN 61535:2009
Coupling - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission EN 61967-4:2002
Coupling - Connector - Housing - Industrial - Push pull EN 61076-3-117:2009
Coupling - Insulator unit - String insulator - Locking device EN 60372:2004
Coupling attenuation - Cable - Communication - Metallic - Tube in tube method EN 62153-4-7:2006
Coupling capacitor - Capacitor - Divider HD 597 S1:1992
Coupling device - Connector - Electronic equipment - Effectiveness EN 60512-15-6:2008
Coupling device - Welding - Arc welding - Cable EN 60974-12:2005
Coupling device - Welding - Arc welding - Cable EN 60974-12:2011
Coupling mechanism - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Tensile strength EN 61300-2-6:2011
Coupling mechanism - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Tensile strength - Test EN 61300-2-6:1997
Coupling mechanism - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Torque strength EN 61300-2-15:2008
Cover attachment - Connector - Electronic equipment - Protection - Robustness EN 60512-15-7:2008
Covered conductor - Conductor - Overhead line - Accessories EN 50397-1:2006
Covered conductor - Conductor - Overhead line - Accessories - Test EN 50397-2:2009
Covering - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Cross-linked elastomere EN 50363-2-2:2005
Covering - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-0:2005
Covering - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-0:2011
CPF 1 - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-1:2010
CPF 12 - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-12:2010
CPF 13 - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-13:2010
CPF 14 - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-14:2010
CPF 2 - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-2:2010
CPF 3 - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-3:2010
CPF 6 - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-6:2010
CPF 8 - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-8:2010
CPV - Photovoltaic module - Concentrator - Design EN 62108:2008
CQA - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial - Quick lock EN 61169-41:2011
CQM series - Connectors - Radio-frequency - Quick lock EN 61169-39:2011
Cracking resistance - Insulating materials - PVC compound - Pressure test EN 60811-3-1:1995
Craft - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunication - Radar EN 62252:2004
Crane - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries EN 45510-6-8:1999
Creation - Symbol - Graphical symbol - Original EN 80416-1:2001
Creation - Symbol - Graphical symbol - Registration EN 80416-1:2009
Creep test procedure - Overhead conductor - Stranded conductor EN 61395:1998
Creepage distance - Insulation coordination - LV - Clearance EN 60664-5:2007
Creepage distance - Railway - Insulation - Clearance EN 50124-1:2001
Crimp barrel - Electronic equipment - Connector - Voltage stress - Insulation EN 60512-4-3:2002
Crimp contact - Connector - High density - Rectangular EN 175301-801:2006
Crimp outer conductor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Plug CECC 22 121-802:1985
Crimp type - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Free socket CECC 22 211-806:1988
Crimp type - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Plug CECC 22 211-802:1988
Crimp type - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Right-angle plug CECC 22 211-804:1988
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Alphabetical Index

Crimp type - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Right-angle plug CECC 22 211-818:1988
Crimp type - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket CECC 22 211-809:1988
Crimped - Connection - Solderless - Test - Guidance EN 60352-2:2006
Crimping - Connector - Contact - Termination - Deformation EN 60512-16-7:2008
Crimping - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Dimensions HD 489 S1:1987
Crimping tool - Tool - Cable EN 50109-2-1:1995
Crimping tool - Tool - Cable - Connector - Contact EN 50109-2-3:1995
Crimping tool - Tool - Cable - Low frequency - Radio frequency EN 50109-1:1995
Crimping tool - Tool - Cable - Radio frequency connector - Centre contact EN 50109-2-4:1995
Crimping tool - Tool - Cable - Radio frequency connector - Open throat tool EN 50109-2-2:1995
Crimping tool - Tool - Cable - Twin-ax cable - Databus EN 50109-2-5:1995
Criteria - Membership CEN/CLC Guide 20:2011
Critical care - Medical equipment - Ventilator - Lung EN 60601-2-12:2006
Critical current - Superconductivity - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-1:2007
Critical current - Superconductivity - DC - Ag alloy-sheathed - Bi-2212/Bi-2223 oxide EN 61788-3:2006
Critical current - Superconductivity - Nb3Sn composite - DC EN 61788-2:2007
Critical temperature - Superconductor - Composite - Resistance EN 61788-10:2006
Cross-acceptance - Railway - Communication - Signalling - EN 50129 CLC/TR 50506-1:2007
Cross-linked - Cable - Communication - Design rule - PE insulation EN 50290-2-29:2002
Cross-linked elastomer - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-1:2005
Cross-linked elastomer - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-2-1:2005
Cross-linked elastomere - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Covering EN 50363-2-2:2005
Cross-linked insulating compound - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Halogen-free EN 50363-5:2005
Cross-linked insulation - Cable HD 22.1 S4:2002
Cross-linked insulation - Cable - Flexible cable - Cord HD 22.4 S4:2004
Cross-linked insulation - Cable - Rubber insulated - Heat-resistant silicone HD 22.3 S4:2004
Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-9-1:2005
Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-10-1:2005
Cross-linked PVC - Insulating materials - Flexible sleeving HD 523.3.201 S1:1993
Cross-linked sheating compound - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Halogen-free EN 50363-6:2005
Cross-network - Communication - Network - Automation - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-4:2010
Cross-polarization - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Canceller EN 60835-2-11:1997
Cross-sectional area - Conductor - Protective device CLC/TR 50480:2011
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Halogen-free EN 50525-3-21:2011
Crosslinked - Cable - Low voltage - Single core - EVA insulation EN 50525-2-42:2011
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - EPR - Polyurethane - Flexible cable HD 22.10 S2:2007
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - EVA cord - Flexible cable HD 22.11 S2:2007
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - Flexible cable - Corrosive gas - Smoke emission HD 22.13 S2:2007
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - Halogen-free - Non-sheathed - Low smoke emission HD 22.9 S3:2007
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - Heat-resistant - EPR cord - Flexible cable HD 22.12 S2:2007
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - Insulation - Core - High flexibility HD 22.14 S3:2007
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Halogen-free EN 50525-3-41:2011
Crosslinked insulation - Cable - Multicore cable - Heat resistant - Silicone rubber HD 22.15 S2:2007
Crosslinked: Elastomeric covering - Cable - Low voltage - Arc welding EN 50525-2-81:2011
Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Decorative chain EN 50525-2-82:2011
Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Flexible EN 50525-2-21:2011
Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Flexible EN 50525-2-22:2011
Crosstalk - Cable - Communication - Test method EN 50289-1-10:2001
Crosstalk ratio - Connector - Electronic equipment - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-1:2001
Crucible furnace - Induction channel - Furnace EN 62076:2006
Crush resistance - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical EN 50289-3-5:2001
Crush resistance - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Test EN 61300-2-10:1997
Crystal - Liquid - Display - Glass strength - Reliability EN 61747-5-3:2010
Crystal - Liquid - Display - Measurement - Reflective type EN 61747-6-2:2011
Crystal - Liquid - Display - Motion - Artifact EN 61747-6-3:2011
Crystal - Liquid - Display - Visual - Colour EN 61747-5-2:2011
Crystal - Quartz - Assessed quality - Generic EN 60122-1:2002
Crystal - Quartz - Outline - Lead connection - Connection EN 60122-3:2010
Crystal - Synthetic - Quartz EN 60758:2009
Crystal - Tuning-fork - Quartz - Measurement - Test EN 60689:2009
Crystallin silicon - Photovoltaic module - Terrestrial - Design EN 61215:2005
Crystalline - Wafer - Solar - Silicon EN 50513:2009
Crystalline silicon - Cell - Solar cell - Silicon EN 50461:2006
Crystalline silicon - Photovoltaic (PV) - On-site measurement EN 61829:1998
CSTDMA - Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Identification EN 62287-1:2011
CSTDMA techniques - Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Automatic Identification EN 62287-1:2006
Cu-Ni-Alloy - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Cylindrical EN 61755-3-6:2006
Cu-Ni-Alloy - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Cylindrical PC EN 61755-3-5:2006
Cu/Nb-Ti composite - Superconductivity - Critical current EN 61788-1:2007
Cu/Nb-Ti composite - Superconductivity - Mechanical - Room - Temperature EN 61788-6:2008
Cu/Nb-Ti composite - Superconductivity - Mechanical - Room - Temperature EN 61788-6:2011
Cu/Nb-Ti composite - Superconductor - AC loss measurement - Magnetic field - Pickup coil method EN 61788-8:2003
Curing finishing varnish - Electrical insulation - Varnish - Ambient EN 60464-3-1:2001
Curing impregnating varnish - Electrical insulation - Varnish - Hot EN 60464-3-2:2001
Current - Constant - Electromigration EN 62415:2010
current - High-current - Test - Measuring EN 62475:2010
Current - Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - Regulator EN 61822:2009
Current - Relay - Protection - Over - Under EN 60255-151:2009
Current - Short-circuit - Line-to-earth - Partial - Three-phase EN 60909-3:2010
Current - short-circuit - Three-phase - AC system - Calculation EN 60909-0:2001
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Alphabetical Index

Current - Short-circuit - Three-phase - AC system - Line-to-earth EN 60909-3:2003
Current - Superconductivity - Power device - Lead EN 61788-14:2010
Current carrying capacities - Building - Electrical installation - Selection HD 384.5.523 S2:2001
Current collection - Railway application - Pantograph - Carbon contact strip EN 50405:2006
Current collection system - Railway application - Pantograph - Overhead line - Free access EN 50367:2006
Current density - Electric field - Magnetic field - Human body - Exposure EN 62226-3-1:2007
Current density - Electric field,Magnetic field - Human body EN 62226-1:2005
Current density - Electric field,Magnetic field - Human body - Exposure EN 62226-2-1:2005
Current limiting - Thermistor - Step-function - Positive - Directly heated EN 60738-1-1:2008
Current limiting fuse - Fuse - HV EN 60282-1:2006
Current measuring device - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Transducer EN 50123-7-2:2003
Current operated - Residual - Circuit-breaker - Overcurrent protection - Household EN 62423:2009
Current rating - IEC standard EN 60059:1999
Current sensor - Laboratory equipment - Hand-held - Measurement - Safety EN 61010-2-032:2002
Current transformer - Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Traction system EN 50152-3-2:2001
Current transformer - Transformer - Instrument transformer EN 60044-1:1999
Current transformer - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Electronic EN 60044-8:2002
Current-carrying capacity - Electronic equipment - Connector - Temperature derating EN 60512-5-2:2002
Current-carrying capacity - Electronic equipment - Connector - Temperature rise EN 60512-5-1:2002
Current-limiting - High-voltage - Fuse EN 60282-1:2009
Customer detail specification - Standard production item - Capability approval EN 122003:1994
Customer information - Integrated circuit - Film and hybrid integrated circuit EN 165000-4:1996
Cut-off - Optical - Fibre - Wavelength EN 60793-1-44:2002
Cut-off - Optical - Fibre - Wavelength EN 60793-1-44:2011
cut-off machine - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety EN 60745-2-22:2011
Cut-through resistance - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical EN 50289-3-11:2001
Cutting device - Cable - Hydraulic cable - AC EN 50340:2001
Cutting device - Hydraulic - Cable EN 50340:2010
Cutting-off grinder - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Grinder EN 61029-2-10:2010
CW magnetron - Magnetron - Heating - Cooking EN 136002:1992
CW power amplifier - Tube - Travelling wave tube EN 135001:1992
CWDM - Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - Singlemode module EN 50378-3-2:2007
Cyanate ester - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Aramid laminate - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-13:1999
Cyanate ester - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Brominted epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-10:2003
Cyclic - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Endurance EN 60512-9-5:2010
Cyclic - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Damp heat EN 60512-11-12:2002
Cyclic - Environment - Testing - Test Z/AD - Temperature/humidity EN 60068-2-38:2009
Cyclic - Environmental testing - Damp heat test EN 60068-2-30:2005
Cyclic - Environmental testing - Test Kb - Salt mist EN 60068-2-52:1996
Cyclic bending test - Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Solder joint EN 62137-1-4:2009
Cyclic drop test - Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Solder joint EN 62137-1-3:2009
Cycling non invasive - Medical equipment - Blood-pressure - Monitoring - Safety EN 60601-2-30:2000
Cylindrical - Fibre - Optic - Connector endface - Visual inspection EN 61300-3-35:2010
Cylindrical - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Cu-Ni-Alloy EN 61755-3-6:2006
Cylindrical - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - SMD EN 140401-803:2007
Cylindrical - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-2-1:1994
Cylindrical PC - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Cu-Ni-Alloy EN 61755-3-5:2006


D-VHS - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - Magnetic tape EN 60774-5:2004
d.c. - Capacitor - Fixed - Metallized - Polyethylene-terephthalate EN 60384-2:2005
d.c. - Low voltage - Surge - Protection - Traction system CLC/TS 50544:2010
D.C. application - Bushing EN 62199:2004
d.c. capacitor - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene-terephthalate film EN 60384-2-1:2005
d.c. capacitor - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film EN 60384-16:2005
d.c. capacitor - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film EN 60384-16-1:2005
DAB - Receiver EN 62104:2007
DAB command - Broadcasting - Receiver - Digital - Audio EN 50320:2000
DAB receiver - Characteristics EN 50248:2001
Daily solar profile - Analytical expression EN 61725:1997
Damage - Fire hazard - Testing - Corrosion EN 60695-5-1:2003
Damage - Lightning - Protection - Physical damage - Life hazard EN 62305-3:2011
Damp heat - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental EN 50289-4-7:2008
Damp heat - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Cyclic EN 60512-11-12:2002
Damp heat - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Pressure EN 60512-11-2:2002
Damp heat - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Steady state EN 60512-11-3:2002
Damp heat - Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance EN 60068-3-4:2002
Damp heat - Environmental testing - Test Cab - Steady state EN 60068-2-78:2001
Damp heat - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive components EN 61300-2-46:2006
Damp heat - Measurement - Testing EN 61300-2-19:2005
Damp heat - Optical fibre - Heat - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-50:2002
Damp heat - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Stress test EN 60749-4:2002
Damp heat test - Environmental testing - Cyclic EN 60068-2-30:2005
Damp heat test - Environmental testing - Steady state (Cx) EN 60068-2-66:1994
Damp heat test - Environmental testing - Steady state (Cy) EN 60068-2-67:1996
Damped magnetic field - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-10:1993
Data - Classification EN 61360-1:2010
Data - Communication - Digital - Fieldbus - Industrial control system CLC/TR 61158-1:2004
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Alphabetical Index

Data - Communication - Digital - Industrial control system - Data link layer service EN 61158-3-1:2008
Data - Digital - Communication - Fieldbus - Automation Island EN 61918:2008
Data - Maintanability - Presentation - Analysis - Collection EN 60706-3:2006
Data - Terrestrial - T-DMB - Interactive - BIFS EN 62516-2:2011
Data access - Energy management - Interface - EMS-API EN 61970-403:2008
Data access - Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - High speed EN 61970-404:2007
Data access - Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Time series EN 61970-407:2007
Data acquisition - Digital - Calibration method EN 62008:2005
Data center - Information technology - Cabling - Generic cabling system EN 50173-5:2007
Data collection - Dependability - Management EN 60300-3-2:2005
Data communication - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Safety EN 61500:2011
Data communication protocol - Distribution - Automation - Management Information Base EN 61334-4-512:2002
Data communication protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier EN 61334-4-1:1996
Data communication protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Application layer EN 61334-4-42:1996
Data communication protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Connection oriented protocol EN 61334-4-33:1998
Data communication protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Connectionless protocol EN 61334-4-61:1998
Data communication protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Logical link EN 61334-4-32:1996
Data communication protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Message EN 61334-4-41:1996
Data communication protocol - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Systems management - CIASE protocol EN 61334-4-511:2000
Data compression - Video-recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Magnetic tape EN 61904:2000
Data dictionary - Railway - Rolling stock - Intercommunication CLC/TR 50501-1:2007
Data entry - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface CLC/TS 50459-4:2005
Data exchange - Die product - Semiconductor - XML schema CLC/TR 62258-7:2007
Data exchange - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control EN 62056-21:2002
Data exchange - Photovoltaic (PV) system - Measurement EN 61724:1998
Data exchange - Process control - P&I diagram - P&ID tools - PCE-CAE tools EN 62424:2009
Data exchange - Semiconductor - Die product - EXPRESS model CLC/TR 62258-8:2008
Data format - Core - Ferrite - Magnetically soft ferrite - Inductor core EN 60401-3:2003
Data handling - Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC HD 357 S2:1987
Data link layer service - Communication - Data - Digital - Industrial control system EN 61158-3-1:2008
Data mapping over SDTI - Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - DCT compression EN 62356-3:2004
Data sheet - Industrial-process - Control - Valve EN 60534-7:2010
Data stream format - Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape EN 62330-3:2004
Data stream format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Tape EN 62071-3:2006
Data structure - Batch control - Guidelines - Language EN 61512-2:2002
Data structure - Industrial-process - Process equipment - Analogue output - Digital output EN 61987-1:2007
Data structures - Industrial-process - Measurement - Control - Fundamental EN 61987-10:2009
Data system - Radio - VHF/FM - Sound - Broadcasting EN 62106:2009
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - 8-way EN 60603-7-3:2009
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - 8-way EN 60603-7-3:2010
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed - 8-way EN 60603-7-41:2010
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed - 8-way EN 60603-7-51:2010
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed - 8-way EN 60603-7-71:2010
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-2:2009
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-2:2010
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-4:2005
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-4:2010
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-5:2009
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-5:2010
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-7:2006
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Free and fixed connector - 8-way EN 60603-7-7:2010
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Shielded - Free and fixed EN 61076-3-110:2008
Data transmission - Connector - Electronic - Shielded free - Fixed EN 61076-3-104:2006
Data transmission - Video - Audio - Digital interface EN 61883-6:2005
Data transmission - Video - Audio - Digital interface - HD-DVCR EN 61883-3:2005
Data transmission - Video - Audio - Digital interface - MPEG2-TS EN 61883-4:2005
Data transmission - Video - Audio - Digital interface - SD-DVCR EN 61883-2:2005
Data transmission - Video - Audio - Digital interface - SDL-DVCR EN 61883-5:2005
data type - Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Interworking model EN 50090-3-3:2009
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-2:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-3:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-4:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-7:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-8:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-11:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-12:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-13:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-14:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-16:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-17:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-18:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-3-19:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-1:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-2:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-3:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-4:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-7:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-8:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-11:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-12:2008
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Alphabetical Index

Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-13:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-14:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-16:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-17:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-18:2008
Data-link layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-4-19:2008
Databus - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Twin-ax cable EN 50109-2-5:1995
Datasheet information - Photovoltaic module - Nameplate information EN 50380:2003
DBS tuner unit - Radiocommunications - Receiver - Satellite broadcast transmission EN 61079-2:1993
DC - Capacitor - Dielectric capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film CECC 30 401:1985
DC - Capacitor - Dielectric capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film CECC 30 401-801:1992
DC - Capacitor - Fixed - Polyphenylene sulfide film EN 60384-20:2008
DC - Capacitor - Fixed - Polyphenylene sulfide film - Assessment level EZ EN 60384-20-1:2008
DC - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor EN 131700:1997
DC - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor EN 131701:1997
DC - Capacitor - Metal foil - Polycarbonate film dielectric - Assessment level EZ EN 131702:1997
DC - Capacitor - Metal foil - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Assessment level EZ EN 130102:1997
DC - Capacitor - Metal foil - Polypropylene film dielectric - Assessment level EZ EN 131802:1997
DC - Capacitor - Metallized polycarbonate film - Assessment level EZ EN 130502:1998
DC - Capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film EN 130100:1997
DC - Capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film EN 130101:1997
DC - Capacitor - Surface mounting capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film CECC 32 201-801:1989
DC - Circuit-breaker - Household - Overcurrent protection - AC EN 60898-2:2006
DC - Connector - Low-frequency - High-speed data - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3-001:2000
DC - Connector - Low-frequency - High-speed data application - Cable outlet EN 61076-7:2000
DC - Connector - Low-frequency - High-speed data application - Circular connector EN 61076-2:1999
DC - Connector - Low-frequency - High-speed data application - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3:2000
DC - Connector - Printed board - Low-frequency EN 61076-4:1996
DC - Connector - Printed board - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-001:1996
DC - Connector - Printed board - Low-frequency - Telecommunication industry EN 61076-4-105:1998
DC - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-103:1999
DC - Connector - Two-part modular connector - Printed board - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-104:1999
DC - Connector - Two-part single-pole connector - Metric grid - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-102:1997
DC - Convertor - Semiconductor - Self-commutated EN 60146-2:2000
DC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Ripple - Input power port EN 61000-4-17:1999
DC - HV - Transmission - Terminology EN 60633:1999
DC - Insulating materials - Filling compound - Cable - Test EN 60811-5-1:1999
DC - Measuring instrument - Potentiometer EN 60523:1993
DC - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Rating specifications - LV EN 61800-1:1998
DC - Power supply - LV - Assessed performance EN 61204-6:2001
DC - Power supply device - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61204-3:2000
DC - Power supply device - LV - Safety EN 61204-7:2006
DC - Power supply device - Performance - Safety EN 61204:1995
DC - Railway applications - Switchgear - Assemblies EN 50123-6:2003
DC - Railway applications - Switchgear - Surge arrester - Limiter EN 50123-5:2003
DC - Railway applications - Switchgear - Traction system - Application guide EN 50123-7-1:2003
DC - Railway applications - Switchgear - Transducer - Current measuring device EN 50123-7-2:2003
DC - Railway applications - Switchgear - Transducer - Voltage measuring device EN 50123-7-3:2003
DC - Superconductivity - Critical current - Ag alloy-sheathed - Bi-2212/Bi-2223 oxide EN 61788-3:2006
DC - Superconductivity - Critical current - Nb3Sn composite EN 61788-2:2007
DC - Switchgear - Railway applications EN 50123-1:2003
DC - Switchgear - Railway applications - Circuit-breaker EN 50123-2:2003
DC - Switchgear - Railway applications - Disconnector EN 50123-3:2003
DC - Switchgear - Railway applications - Disconnector - Earthing switch EN 50123-4:2003
DC - Thyristor - HV - Power transmission - Testing EN 60700-1:1998
DC auxiliary installation - Short-circuit current - Power plant EN 61660-1:1997
DC auxiliary installation - Short-circuit current - Power plant EN 61660-2:1997
DC bridge - Measurement - Resistance EN 60564:1993
DC circuit breaker - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Electrotechnical component EN 60077-3:2002
DC magnetic properties - Magnetic materials - Iron - Steel - Measurement EN 60404-4:1997
DC resistance - Cable - Communication - Test method EN 50289-1-2:2001
DC signal - Industrial process - Analogue HD 452.1 S1:1984
DC supplied electronic ballast - Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60925:1991
DC system - Corrosion - Protection - Stray current EN 50162:2004
DCL - Luminaires - Connection - Household use EN 61995-2:2009
DCT compression - Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Data mapping over SDTI EN 62356-3:2004
DCT compression - Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Picture EN 62356-2:2004
DCT compression - Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Tape recording EN 62356-1:2004
De-NOx - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Flue gas - Denitrification plant EN 45510-4-10:1999
De-wetting - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Test EN 60512-12-3:2006
Deaerator - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries EN 45510-6-1:1998
Declaration - Conformity assessment - Supplier - Documentation EN ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004
Declaration of conformity - Implementation - New Approach - Low Voltage - EC CLC Guide 16:2005
Declared noise - Household appliances - Acoustical - Noise - Airborne EN 60704-3:2006
Decoder applications - Video - Digital video broadcasting EN 50221:1997
Decoder unit - Radiocommunications - Receiver - Satellite broadcast transmission EN 61079-5:1993
Decontamination - Inventory - Disposal - Insulating liquid - PCB CLC/TR 50503:2010
Decorative - Household appliances - Robot EN 50410:2008
Decorative chain - Cable - Low voltage - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation EN 50525-2-82:2011
Decorative chain - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable HD 21.8 S2:1999
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Decorative chain - Cable - Rubber insulated - Polychloroprene HD 22.8 S2:1994
Decoupling filter - Signalling - LV - Filter - Generic specification EN 50065-4-1:2001
Decoupling filter - Signalling - LV - Filter - Safety requirement EN 50065-4-2:2001
Decoupling filter - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Impedance filter EN 50065-4-4:2003
Decoupling filter - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Incoming filter EN 50065-4-3:2003
Decoupling filter - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Phase coupler EN 50065-4-6:2004
Decoupling filter - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Portable EN 50065-4-7:2005
Decoupling filter - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Segmentation filter EN 50065-4-5:2003
Dedicated alarm path - Alarm system - Transmission - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-2:1998
Dedicated alarm path - Alarm system - Transmission - System requirement EN 50136-1-2:1998
Deep fat fryer - Household appliances - Commercial - Safety EN 60335-2-37:2002
Deep fat fryer - Household appliances - Fryer - Frying pan - Safety EN 60335-2-13:2003
Deep fat fryer - Household use EN 61309:1995
Defect - Plasma - Display - Panel - Image EN 61988-2-3:2009
Defect - Printed board assembly - Analysis - QAS EN 61193-1:2002
Defective quantum efficiency - Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier EN 61262-5:1994
Defibrillator - Medical - safety - Cardiac EN 60601-2-4:2011
Defibrillator - Medical device - Implantable - Safety - Tachyarrhythmia EN 45502-2-2:2008
Defibrillator - Medical equipment - Cardiac - Safety EN 60601-2-4:2003
Definition - Building - Electrical installation HD 60364-1:2008
Definition - Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - Term EN 50324-1:2002
Definition - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Measurement EN 61967-1:2002
Definition - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Introductory guide EN 62005-1:2001
Definition - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Coding EN 60870-5-4:1993
Definition - Ultrasonics - Transducer - Transmitted field - Measurement EN 61828:2001
Definitions - Alarm systems - Terms CLC/TR 50531:2009
Definitions - Environmental testing - Drafting - Test method - Term EN 60068-5-2:1999
Definitions - Household appliances - Electromagnetic compatibility - Supply system EN 60555-1:1987
Definitions - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-1:2004
Definitions - Insulation coordination EN 60071-1:2006
Definitions - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Accessories EN 60051-1:1998
Definitions - Measuring instrument - X-t recorder EN 61143-1:1994
Deflection of contact - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-18:2008
Deformation - Connector - Contact - Termination - Crimping EN 60512-16-7:2008
Dehumidifier - Household appliances - Heat pump - Air conditioner - Safety EN 60335-2-40:2003
Delay - Optical fibre - Differential mode delay - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-49:2006
Delay calculation - Power calculation - Integrated circuit EN 61523-1:2002
Delay calculation - Power calculation - Pre-layout delay - CMOS ASIC library EN 61523-2:2002
Delivery methods - Teleweb EN 62298-2:2005
Delivery purpose - Hearing aid - Quality inspection - Performance EN 60118-7:2005
Delivery spool - Packaging - Winding wire - Wire - Thermoplastic EN 60264-4-1:2010
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging EN 60264-2-3:1994
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging EN 60264-4-2:1994
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Conical flange EN 60264-5-1:1997
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Container EN 60264-3-4:1999
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Cylindrical EN 60264-2-1:1994
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Spool container EN 60264-3-5:1999
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Taper barelled EN 60264-3-1:2000
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Thermoplastic EN 60264-3-2:1999
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-2-2:1994
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-3-3:1994
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-4-1:1994
Delivery spool - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-5-2:2001
Demolition - Building - Electrical installation - Construction HD 60364-7-704:2007
Demultiplexer - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Pump leakage parameter EN 61290-6-1:1998
Denitrification plant - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Flue gas - De-NOx EN 45510-4-10:1999
Densified - Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated EN 61061-1:2006
Densified - Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Beech veneer EN 61061-3-1:1998
Densified - Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Beech veneer EN 61061-3-2:2001
Densified - Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Test method EN 61061-2:2001
Density - Insulating materials EN 60811-1-3:1995
Density - Magnetic materials - Resistivity - Stacking factor - Steel sheet EN 60404-13:2007
Dental descaler - Medical - Ultrasonics EN 61205:1994
Dental X-ray equipment - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Test EN 61223-3-4:2000
Dependability EN 62347:2007
Dependability - Analysis - Event tree EN 62502:2010
Dependability - Application guide EN 60300-3-15:2009
Dependability - Guidance - Communication - Network - Engineering EN 61907:2010
Dependability - Guidelines - Maintenance - Support services EN 60300-3-16:2008
Dependability - Human EN 62508:2010
Dependability - Management EN 60300-1:2003
Dependability - Management EN 60300-3-4:2008
Dependability - Management - Data collection EN 60300-3-2:2005
Dependability - Management - Guidance EN 60300-2:2004
Dependability - Management - Life cycle - Costing analysis EN 60300-3-3:2004
Dependability - Management - Logistic support - Application guide EN 60300-3-12:2004
Dependability - Management - Logistic support - Application guide EN 60300-3-12:2011
Dependability - Management - Maintenance - Application guide EN 60300-3-14:2004
Dependability - Management - Methodology - Application guide EN 60300-3-1:2004
Dependability - Metering equipment - Reliability - Temperature - Humidity EN 62059-31-1:2008
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Dependability - Metering equipment - Reliability prediction EN 62059-41:2006
Dependability - Re-used part - Quality - Functionality - Test EN 62309:2004
Dependability - Reliability - Maintenance EN 60300-3-11:2009
Dependability - Reliability block diagram - Boolean EN 61078:2006
Description Language - Function Block - FB - Process control - EDDL EN 61804-3:2011
Design - Audio/video - Communication technology - Environment EN 62075:2008
Design - Battery - Aircraft battery - Construction EN 60952-2:2004
Design - Electromagnetic compatibility - Flickermeter - Functional specification EN 61000-4-15:1998
Design - Electromagnetic compatibility - Flickermeter - Functional specification EN 61000-4-15:2011
Design - Environment EN 62430:2009
Design - Explosive - Atmosphere - Selection - Erection EN 60079-14:2008
Design - Furnace - Ancillary equipment - Installation EN 50156-1:2004
Design - Insulator - Hollow pressurized - Hollow unpressurized EN 61462:2007
Design - ISO 13849-1 - Safety-related - Control - Machinery CLC/TR 62061-1:2010
Design - Mechanical - Structure - Dimensions - Chassis 1U EN 60297-3-105:2009
Design - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Environment - Conscious EN 60601-1-9:2008
Design - Nuclear - Power plant - Control room - Room EN 60964:2010
Design - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Hardware EN 60987:2009
Design - Photovoltaic module - Concentrator - CPV EN 62108:2008
Design - Photovoltaic module - Crystallin silicon - Terrestrial EN 61215:2005
Design - Photovoltaic systems - Balance-of-system - Natural environment EN 62093:2005
Design - Printed board - Electronic - Zero orientation - CAD library EN 61188-7:2009
Design - Printed board - Manufacture - Assembly EN 60194:2006
Design - PV system - Stand alone EN 62124:2005
Design - Resistance - Welding - Manufacture - Installation EN 62135-1:2008
Design - Review EN 61160:2005
Design - Safety - Construction - Electrical equipment CLC Guide 2:2001
Design - Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Small EN 61400-2:2006
Design - Turbine - Wind turbine - Protective measures EN 50308:2004
Design - Wind - Turbine - Offshore EN 61400-3:2009
Design and use - Printed board - Attachment - Land/joint EN 61188-5-1:2002
Design and use - Printed board - Attachment - Land/joint - Area array component EN 61188-5-8:2008
Design and use - Printed board - Attachment - Land/joint - Chip carrier EN 61188-5-6:2003
Design and use - Printed board - Attachment - Land/joint - Discrete component EN 61188-5-2:2003
Design and use - Printed board - Attachment - Land/joint - Gull-wing leads EN 61188-5-3:2007
Design and use - Printed board - Attachment - Land/joint - Gull-wing leads EN 61188-5-5:2007
Design and use - Printed board - Attachment - Land/joint - J Leads components EN 61188-5-4:2007
Design and use - Printed board - Controlled impedance EN 61188-1-2:1998
Design and use - Printed board - Printed board assemblies - Flatness consideration EN 61188-1-1:1997
Design automation - Test language - Abbreviated test language - C/ATLAS - Language EN 61926-1:2000
design characteristic - transformer - three-phase transformer - immersed transformer - distribution transformer -
termination in cables boxes - dimension
EN 50464-2-1:2007
Design guide - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Fine pitch land grid array (FLGA) EN 60191-6-6:2001
Design guide - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Terminal package EN 60191-6-2:2002
Design guide - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Fine-pitch ball grid array EN 60191-6-5:2001
Design guide - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Glass sealed ceramic quad flatpack EN 60191-6-8:2001
Design guideline - Semiconductor device - Open-top socket - Fine-pitch Grid Array EN 60191-6-13:2007
Design guidelines - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure EN 61969-1:2000
Design interchange format - Electronic - Version 3 0 0 EN 61690-1:2000
Design interchange format - Electronic - Version 4 0 0 EN 61690-2:2000
Design phase - Maintanability - Development phase EN 60706-2:2006
Design qualification - Thin-film - Terrestrial - Photovoltaic (PV) module EN 61646:2008
Design requirement - Transformer - three-phase - Dimension - Accessory EN 50541-1:2011
Design requirement - Turbine - Wind turbine EN 61400-1:2005
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Construction EN 50290-2-1:2005
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Construction EN 50290-2-20:2001
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Construction - Filling compound EN 50290-2-28:2002
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Construction - PE insulation EN 50290-2-23:2001
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Construction - PE sheathing EN 50290-2-24:2002
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Construction - PVC insulation EN 50290-2-21:2001
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Construction - PVC sheating EN 50290-2-22:2001
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Cross-linked - PE insulation EN 50290-2-29:2002
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Halogen free - Flame retardant insulation EN 50290-2-26:2002
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Halogen free - Thermoplastic sheathing EN 50290-2-27:2002
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene) EN 50290-2-30:2002
Design rule - Cable - Communication - Polypropylene - Insulation EN 50290-2-25:2002
Designation - Cable - Identification HD 361 S3:1999
Designation - Colour code HD 457 S1:1985
Designed facilities - Printed board - PAS CECC 200 012:1995
Desulphurization plant - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Flue gas EN 45510-4-6:1999
Detection - Carbon monoxide - Domestic premises - Maintenance EN 50292:2001
Detection - Carbon monoxide - Domestic premises - Recreational vehicle EN 50291-2:2010
Detection - Carbon monoxide - Domestic premises - Test method - Performance EN 50291:2001
Detection - Carbon monoxide - Domestic premises - Test method - Performance EN 50291-1:2010
Detection - Combustible - Gas - Domestic premises EN 50194-1:2009
Detection - Combustible gas - Domestic premises - Installation - Maintenance EN 50244:2000
Detection - Combustible gas - Recreational vehicle - Performance - Test EN 50194-2:2006
Detection - Combustible gas - Toxic gas and vapour - Open path apparatus - Performance requirement EN 50241-2:1999
Detection - Combustible gas - Toxic gas and vapour - Open path apparatus - Test method EN 50241-1:1999
Detection - Electromagnetic compatibility - Gas - Combustible - Toxic EN 50270:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Detection - Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Flammable EN 60079-29-1:2007
Detection - Explosive atmosphere - Oxygen - Performance EN 50104:2002
Detection - Explosive atmosphere - Oxygen - Performance EN 50104:2010
Detection - Fibre - Optic - Intensity - Noise EN 62150-4:2010
Detection - Gas - Toxic - Oxygen - Digital EN 50271:2010
Detection - Insulating liquid - Oil - Anti-oxidant additive HD 415 S1:1981
Detection - Insulation - Liquid - Corrosive - Sulphur EN 62535:2009
Detection - Machinery - Safety - Protective equipment - Person CLC/TS 62046:2008
Detection - Oils - Insulating - Mineral - Additif EN 60666:2010
Detection - Radiation - Protection instrumentation - Monitor - Nuclear EN 62244:2011
Detection - Railway - Compatibility - Rolling stock - Track circuits CLC/TS 50238-2:2010
Detection - Storm EN 50536:2011
Detector - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Acoustic CLC/TS 50131-2-7-1:2009
Detector - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Active CLC/TS 50131-2-7-3:2009
Detector - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Infrared - Passive EN 50131-2-2:2008
Detector - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Microwave EN 50131-2-3:2008
Detector - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Microwave - Infrared EN 50131-2-4:2008
Detector - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Opening contact - Magnetic EN 50131-2-6:2008
Detector - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Passive CLC/TS 50131-2-7-2:2009
Detector - Alarm system - Intrusion system - PIR/Ultrasonic EN 50131-2-5:2008
Detector - Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Guide EN 60079-29-2:2007
Detector - Live working - Two-pole - Low-voltage EN 61243-3:2010
Detectors - Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Flammable EN 60079-29-4:2010
Determination - CHP - Combined heat and Power - Heat - Power CWA 45547:2004
Determination - Household appliances - Cooking - Microwave - Noise EN 60704-2-10:2004
Determination - Household appliances - Dryer - Tumble dryer - Noise EN 60704-2-6:2004
Determination - Household appliances - Hair care - Noise EN 60704-2-9:2003
Determination - Household appliances - Heater - Forced convection - Noise EN 60704-2-2:1994
Determination - Insulating materials - Ionic impurities HD 381 S1:1979
Development phase - Maintanability - Design phase EN 60706-2:2006
Device - Live working - Conformity assessment - Tool - Equipment EN 61318:2008
Device model - Communication - Network - Substation - Function EN 61850-5:2003
Device profile - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV. Industrial EN 61915-1:2008
DeviceNet - Communication - Controller-device - Industrial - ISO 11898 (CAN) EN 50325-2:2000
DeviceNet - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Controller-device interface EN 62026-3:2009
Dgital - Noise - Measuring - Parameters EN 62333-3:2010
Diagnosis - Medical - Magnetic - Resonance - Safety EN 60601-2-33:2010
Diagnosis - Medical - Safety - Surgical - Luminaire EN 60601-2-41:2009
Diagnosis - Medical - X-ray - Loading - Tube EN 60613:2010
Diagnosis - Medical - X-ray - Tube - Safety EN 60601-2-28:2010
Diagnosis - Medical - X-ray tube assemblies - Focal spot EN 60336:2005
Diagnosis - Medical equipment - Luminaire - Surgical luminaire - Safety EN 60601-2-41:2000
Diagnostic - Imaging equipment - X-ray - Mammography - Anti-scatter grid EN 60627:2001
Diagnostic - Maintanability - Testability EN 60706-5:2007
Diagnostic - Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Attenuation properties EN 61331-1:2002
Diagnostic - Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Glass plate EN 61331-2:2002
Diagnostic - Medical equiment - X-ray - Generator - Safety EN 60601-2-7:1998
Diagnostic - Medical equipment - Dosimetric - X-ray tube voltage - Radiology EN 61676:2002
Diagnostic - Medical equipment - Laser - Therapeutic - Safety EN 60601-2-22:1996
Diagnostic - Medical equipment - Ultrasonic - Monitoring - Safety EN 60601-2-37:2008
Diagnostic - Medical equipment - X-ray - Radiation protection - Safety EN 60601-1-3:2008
Diagnostic - Medical equipment - X-ray equipment - Radiation protection - Safety EN 60601-1-3:1994
Diagnostic - Ultrasonic - Thermal - Mechanical - Field characterization EN 62359:2005
Diagnostic - Ultrasonics - Thermal - Mechanical - Ultrasonic field EN 62359:2011
Diagnostic interface - Consumer - Electronic product - Network EN 62286:2004
Dialysis - Medical equipment - Peritoneal dialysis - Safety EN 60601-2-39:2008
diamond drills - transportable motor-operated electric tools - safety requirements - protection against electric
shocks - fire protection - protection against mechanical hazards
EN 61029-2-6:2010
Dictionary structure - Metadata - Television EN 62261-1:2006
Die - Semiconductor - Procurement - Use EN 62258-1:2010
Die product - Semiconductor - Data exchange - XML schema CLC/TR 62258-7:2007
Die product - Semiconductor - Die user - Die supplier CLC/TR 62258-4:2007
Die product - Semiconductor - Exchange data format EN 62258-2:2005
Die product - Semiconductor - Exchange data format EN 62258-2:2011
Die product - Semiconductor - EXPRESS model - Data exchange CLC/TR 62258-8:2008
Die product - Semiconductor - Handling - Packing - Storage CLC/TR 62258-3:2007
Die product - Semiconductor - Procurement - Use EN 62258-1:2005
Die product - Semiconductor - Simulation EN 62258-5:2006
Die product - Semiconductor - Thermal - Simulation EN 62258-6:2006
Die shear strength - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-19:2003
Die supplier - Die product - Semiconductor - Die user CLC/TR 62258-4:2007
Die user - Die product - Semiconductor - Die supplier CLC/TR 62258-4:2007
Dielectric - Breakdown test - TDDB - Time dependent EN 62374:2007
Dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic - Surface mount EN 60384-21:2004
Dielectric - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic - Surface mount EN 60384-22:2004
Dielectric - Filter - Resonator - Waveguide type EN 61337-1:2004
Dielectric - Heating installation - Electroheat - High-frequency EN 60519-9:2005
Dielectric - Heating installation - High-frequency - Power output EN 61308:2006
Dielectric - Insulation - Resistive - Solid EN 62631-1:2011
Dielectric - Insulation - Resistivity - Dissipation - Measurement EN 60247:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Dielectric - Resonator - Waveguide type EN 170100:2001
Dielectric - Resonator - Waveguide type - Capability approval EN 170101:2001
Dielectric - Time dependent - Breakdown - Inter-metal - Layer EN 62374-1:2010
Dielectric - Waveguide - Resonator EN 61338-1:2005
Dielectric - Waveguide - Resonator - Assessed quality EN 61338-4:2005
Dielectric - Waveguide - Resonator - Assessed quality EN 61338-4-1:2005
Dielectric - Waveguide - Resonator - Permittivity - Millimeter-wave frequency EN 61338-1-4:2006
Dielectric - Waveguide - Resonator - User guide EN 61338-2:2004
Dielectric capacitor - Capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - DC CECC 30 401:1985
Dielectric capacitor - Capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - DC CECC 30 401-801:1992
Dielectric capacitor - Capacitor - Vane type air EN 134103:1995
Dielectric dissipation factor - Insulating liquid - Conductance - Capacitance EN 61620:1999
Dielectric resonator - Filter - Waveguide - Guide< EN 61337-2:2004
Dielectric resonator - Waveguide - Microwave frequency - Permittivity - Measurement EN 61338-1-3:2000
Dielectric strength - Cable - Communication - Test method - Strength EN 50289-1-3:2001
Dielectric test - Transformer - Power transformer - Insulation level - Clearance in air EN 60076-3:2001
Differential mode delay - Optical fibre - Delay - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-49:2006
Diffusion flame - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire EN 60332-2-2:2004
Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Control gear - Colour EN 62386-209:2011
Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Controlgear - Digital signal EN 62386-206:2009
Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Controlgear - Fluorescent lamp EN 62386-201:2009
Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Controlgear - incandescent lamp EN 62386-205:2009
Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Controlgear - Switching function EN 62386-208:2009
Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Interface EN 62386-101:2009
Digital - Addressable - Lighting - LED module EN 62386-207:2009
Digital - Audio - Bitstream - Non-linear EN 61937-3:2009
Digital - Audio - Bitstream - Non-linear - MAT format EN 61937-9:2007
Digital - Audio - Input-output interface - Transmission - Asynchronous transfer EN 62365:2005
Digital - Audio - Input-output interface - Transmission - Asynchronous transfer EN 62365:2009
Digital - Audio - Interface EN 60958-1:2008
Digital - Audio - Non-linear - PCM bitstreams - ALS EN 61937-10:2011
Digital - Audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-1:2007
Digital - Audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - LATM/LOAS EN 61937-11:2010
Digital - Audio, Audiovisual - Professional EN 61606-3:2008
Digital - Audio/video - Interface - Plastic optical fibre - Consumer EN 62300:2005
Digital - Audiobook - file format - Player requirement EN 62571:2011
Digital - Broadcast - Audio - Receiver data interface - RDI EN 62105:2002
Digital - Broadcasting - DAB command - Receiver - Audio EN 50320:2000
Digital - Circuit - Integrated circuit - C MOS - Series 4000 B and 4000 UB CECC 90 104:1990
Digital - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Gate array CECC 90 115:1993
Digital - Communication - Data - Fieldbus - Industrial control system CLC/TR 61158-1:2004
Digital - Communication - Data - Industrial control system - Data link layer service EN 61158-3-1:2008
Digital - Control - Interface - Network - Audio EN 62379-2:2009
Digital - Data - Communication - Fieldbus - Automation Island EN 61918:2008
Digital - Data acquisition - Calibration method EN 62008:2005
Digital - Fibre - Optic - Communication - Noise ratio EN 61280-2-9:2009
Digital - Fibre optic - Communication - Eye pattern - Extinction ratio EN 61280-2-2:2008
Digital - Gas - Detection - Toxic - Oxygen EN 50271:2010
Digital - Interface - Video - DTV profile - Uncompressed EN 62315-1:2003
Digital - Interoperability - Living network alliance - Home networked - Link protection EN 62481-3:2011
Digital - Lighting - Addressable - Control gear - Emergency EN 62386-202:2009
Digital - Lighting - Interface - Control - Gear EN 62386-102:2009
Digital - Lighting - Interface - Control gear - Discharge lamp EN 62386-203:2009
Digital - Lighting - Interface - Control gear - Halogen lamp EN 62386-204:2009
Digital - Medical - Exposure index - X-ray - Imaging EN 62494-1:2008
Digital - Medical - X-ray - Imaging - Qantum efficiency EN 62220-1-3:2008
Digital - Medical equipment - Imaging device - X-ray - Mammography EN 62220-1-2:2007
Digital - Medical equipment - Imaging device - X-ray - Quantum efficiency EN 62220-1:2004
Digital - Microwave - Terrestrial - Radio-relay system - Satellite earth station EN 60835-1-1:1992
Digital - Microwave - Transmission system - Satellite earth station EN 60835-3-1:1992
Digital - Microwave - Transmission system - Terrestrial - Radio-relay system EN 60835-2-1:1992
Digital - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Camera EN 61966-9:2004
Digital - Multimedia - Home server - Rights permission code EN 62227:2008
Digital - Non-linear - PCM - Bitstream - DRA format EN 61937-12:2010
Digital - Optic - Communication - Jitter - Wander EN 61280-2-3:2009
Digital - Receiver - Television EN 62028:2004
Digital - Receiver - Terrestrial - Multimedia - Broadcasting EN 62516-1:2009
Digital - Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - HDV format EN 61834-11:2008
Digital - Recording - Video - Helical-scan - Compression EN 62289:2003
Digital - Television - Receiver - DVB-T system - Baseline receiver EN 62216-1:2002
Digital - Television - Satellite - Receiver - Low data rate return channel EN 50478:2007
Digital - Terrestrial - Television - Receiver - DVB-T system EN 62216:2011
Digital - Transmitter - Radio transmitter - Television transmitter - Terrestrial EN 62273-1:2007
Digital - Video recording - Compression EN 62156:2001
Digital - Video recording - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - MPEG-4 compression EN 62141:2006
Digital access - Cable - Multi-pair - Telecommunication network - Outdoor EN 50407-1:2004
Digital application - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Template - Performance EN 61291-2:2007
Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-6:2006
Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream - AC-3 format EN 61937-3:2003
Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream - ATRAC format EN 61937-7:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream - Burst-info EN 61937-2:2007
Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream - Digital Theater System EN 61937-5:2006
Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream - MPEG audio format EN 61937-4:2003
Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream - Windows Media Audio Professional EN 61937-8:2007
Digital audio broadcasting system - Audio - Receiver Data Interface (RDI) EN 50255:1997
Digital audio interface - Audio EN 60958-1:2004
Digital audio interface - Audio - Consumer applications EN 60958-3:2006
Digital audio interface - Audio - Professional applications EN 60958-4:2003
Digital audio part - Audio - Audiovisual - Measurement EN 61606-1:2004
Digital audio part - Audio - Audiovisual - Measurement EN 61606-1:2009
Digital audio part - Audio - Audiovisual - Measurement - Consumer use EN 61606-2:2004
Digital audio part - Audio - Audiovisual - Measurement - Consumer use EN 61606-2:2009
Digital audio part - Audio - Audiovisual - Personal computer EN 61606-4:2006
Digital audio system - Audio - Compact disc EN 60908:1999
Digital audio system - Audio - Compact disc EN 61096:1993
Digital audio tape (DAT) - Audio - Calibration EN 61119-2:1994
Digital audio tape (DAT) - Audio - Dimensions EN 61119-1:1994
Digital audio tape (DAT) - Audio - Professional use EN 61119-5:1995
Digital audio tape (DAT) - Audio - Properties EN 61119-3:1994
Digital audio tape (DAT) - Audio - Serial copy management system EN 61119-6:1994
Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Audio - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system - Format A EN 61595-1:1997
Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Audio - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system - Format B EN 61595-2:1998
Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Audio - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system - Professional use EN 61595-3:1999
Digital bus - Video - Audio - Connector and cordset EN 60933-4:1994
Digital communication - Cable - Coaxial cable - Horizontal floor wiring EN 61196-3-2:1997
Digital communication - Cable - Coaxial cable - Horizontal floor wiring EN 61196-3-3:1997
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-1:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-2-1:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-3-1:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-4-1:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-5-1:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-6-1:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Instrumentation EN 50288-7:2005
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-2-2:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-3-2:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-4-2:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-5-2:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Digital Control - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-6-2:2003
Digital communication - Cable - Harsh environment - Multicore - Symmetrical pair/quad cable EN 62012-1:2002
Digital communication system - Cable - Coaxial - Telecom applications - Miniaturized EN 50117-3-1:2002
Digital communicator - Alarm system - Transmission - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-3:1998
Digital communicator - Alarm system - Transmission - System requirement EN 50136-1-3:1998
Digital component - Recording - Magnetic tape - Helical-scan - Video cassette EN 61016:2001
Digital component - Video cassette recording - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape EN 61835:1998
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element EN 50288-1:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-2-1:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-3-1:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-4-1:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-5-1:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Backbone cable EN 50288-6-1:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Instrumentation EN 50288-7:2005
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-2-2:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-3-2:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-4-2:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-5-2:2003
Digital Control - Cable - Digital communication - Multi-element - Patch cord cable EN 50288-6-2:2003
Digital control - Environmental testing - Vibration - Broad-band random test EN 60068-2-64:2008
Digital device - Noise suppression sheet EN 62333-1:2006
Digital device - Noise suppression sheet - Measuring methods EN 62333-2:2006
Digital input - Loudspeaker - Interface - Input signal - IEC 60958 EN 62537:2010
Digital integrated circuit - HC MOS EN 190109:1994
Digital integrated circuit - Integrated circuit - AC MOS EN 190116:1993
Digital integrated TTL circuit - Integrated circuit EN 190101:1994
Digital interface - Consumer - Audio/video EN 61883-1:2009
Digital interface - Consumer - Audio/video - Transmission - ITU-R BT.601 EN 61883-8:2009
Digital interface - Hearing aid EN 60118-14:1998
Digital interface - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Serial data instrument network EN 61162-3:2008
Digital interface - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - High-speed transmission EN 61162-2:1998
Digital interface - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Multiple talker - Multiple listener EN 61162-400:2002
Digital interface - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Multiple talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-410:2002
Digital interface - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Single talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-1:2008
Digital interface - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Single talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-1:2011
Digital interface - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Talker - Listener EN 61162-401:2002
Digital interface - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Talker - Listener EN 61162-402:2005
Digital interface - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Talker - Listener EN 61162-420:2002
Digital interface - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - IEC 61850 EN 62271-3:2006
Digital interface - Video - Audio EN 61883-1:2003
Digital interface - Video - Audio - Data transmission EN 61883-6:2005
Digital interface - Video - Audio - HD-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-3:2005
Digital interface - Video - Audio - MPEG2-TS - Data transmission EN 61883-4:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Digital interface - Video - Audio - SD-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-2:2005
Digital interface - Video - Audio - SDL-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-5:2005
Digital interface - Video - Audio - Transmission EN 61883-7:2003
Digital microprocessor - Integrated circuit EN 190110:1994
Digital microwave - Radio transmission system - Radio-relay system - Antenna EN 60835-2-2:1994
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Antenna EN 60835-3-2:1996
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - High power amplifier EN 60835-3-6:1996
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Low noise amplifier EN 60835-3-4:1995
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Measurement EN 60835-3-14:1996
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Radio transmission - Figure-of-merit EN 60835-3-7:1995
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Radio transmission system - Convertor EN 60835-3-5:1994
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Service channel equipment - SCPC-PSK EN 60835-3-11:1995
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - TDMA traffic earth station EN 60835-3-10:1994
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Terminal equipment - SCPC-PSK EN 60835-3-9:1995
Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - VSAT system - Measurement EN 60835-3-13:1996
Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Cross-polarization - Canceller EN 60835-2-11:1997
Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital signal EN 60835-2-5:1995
Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Measurement - Service channel EN 60835-2-9:1995
Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Protection switching EN 60835-2-6:1995
Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Satellite earth station - Characteristics EN 60835-1-2:1993
Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Satellite earth station - Transmission EN 60835-1-3:1995
Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Satellite earth station - Transmission EN 60835-1-4:1995
Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Transmitter/receiver EN 60835-2-4:1995
Digital microwave - Transmission - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Measurement EN 60835-2-7:1994
Digital microwave - Transmission system - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Adaptive equalizer EN 60835-2-8:1993
Digital microwave - Transmission system - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Branching network EN 60835-2-3:1993
Digital microwave - Transmission system - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Performance EN 60835-2-10:1993
Digital monolithic integrated circuit - Integrated circuit EN 190100:1993
Digital output - Industrial-process - Data structure - Process equipment - Analogue output EN 61987-1:2007
Digital Radio broadcasting - Transmitter - Radio transmitter EN 62272-2:2007
Digital recorder - Measuring instrument - HV impulse test EN 61083-2:1997
Digital satellite radio receiver (DSR) - Radio receiver - Measurement EN 60315-7:1995
Digital selective calling (DSC) - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Transponder - VHF EN 61993-1:1999
Digital signal - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Controlgear EN 62386-206:2009
Digital signal - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system EN 60835-2-5:1995
Digital Subscriber Line - Signal - xDSL - Telecommunication network - DSL CLC/TS 62367:2005
Digital subtraction angiography - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - X-ray equipment EN 61223-3-3:1996
Digital system - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Amplitude histogram - Optical signal EN 61280-2-11:2006
Digital system - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Jitter EN 61280-2-5:1998
Digital system - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Low BER - Q-factor EN 61280-2-8:2003
Digital system - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Optical signal-to-noise - Multiplexed system EN 61280-2-9:2002
Digital system - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Receiver sensitivity - Overload measurement EN 61280-2-1:1999
Digital system - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Receiver sensitivity - Overload measurement EN 61280-2-1:2010
Digital system - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Transmitter - Laser EN 61280-2-10:2005
Digital technology - Gas - Toxic gas - Combustible gas - Oxygen EN 50271:2001
Digital Theater System - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-5:2006
Digital video broadcasting - Video - Decoder applications EN 50221:1997
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Character information system EN 61834-5:1998
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use EN 61834-1:1998
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use - DTV format EN 61834-10:2001
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use - DVB format EN 61834-9:2001
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use - EDTV2 format EN 61834-7:2001
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use - HD format EN 61834-3:2000
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use - Pack header table EN 61834-4:1998
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use - PALplus format EN 61834-8:2001
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use - SD format EN 61834-2:1998
Digital video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Consumer use - SDL format EN 61834-6:2000
Digital video cassette - Video-recording - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Data compression EN 61904:2000
Digital video tape - Recorder - Broadcast - Identification - Error status EN 62070:2001
Digital VTR - Consumer-use - Electronic performance - Mechanical performance - Measurement EN 62122:2002
Dimension - Battery - Lead-acid - Valve-regulated - Marking EN 61056-2:2003
Dimension - Connector - Electronic equipment - Mass - Test EN 60512-1-2:2002
Dimension - Core - Ferrite EN 62317-1:2007
Dimension - Electronic equipment - Structure - Subrack - Plug-in unit EN 60297-3-104:2006
Dimension - Optical - Circuit - Board EN 62496-2-2:2011
Dimension - Rail fixing - Household - Enclosure - Built-in device CLC/TR 50473:2007
Dimension - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - P-VSON EN 60191-6-10:2003
Dimension - Structure - Subrack - Chassis - Cabinet EN 60297-3-106:2010
Dimension - Transformer - three-phase - Design requirement - Accessory EN 50541-1:2011
dimension - transformer - three-phase transformer - immersed transformer - distribution transformer - termination
in cables boxes - design characteristic
EN 50464-2-1:2007
Dimension - Winding - Wire EN 60851-2:2009
Dimensions - Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) EN 61119-1:1994
Dimensions - Battery - Lead-acid starter - Truck starter EN 50342-4:2009
Dimensions - Battery - Lead-acid starter battery - Vehicle EN 60095-4:1993
Dimensions - Battery - Lead-acid traction battery EN 60254-2:2008
Dimensions - Battery - Starter - Lead-acid - Marking EN 50342-2:2007
Dimensions - Cable - Circular copper conductor EN 60719:1993
Dimensions - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Crimping HD 489 S1:1987
Dimensions - Core - Ferrite core - Shape - Planar magnegics applications EN 62317-9:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Dimensions - Core - Magnetic oxide - ETD-core - Power supply EN 61185:2005
Dimensions - Electronic component - Mounting HD 391 S3:1988
Dimensions - Electronic component - Spindle end HD 363 S1:1977
Dimensions - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Cabinet EN 61969-2-1:2000
Dimensions - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Case EN 61969-2-2:2000
Dimensions - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Case and cabinets EN 61969-2:2000
Dimensions - Ferrite - Core - Power supply EN 62317-13:2008
Dimensions - Hearing aid - Connector system EN 60118-12:1996
Dimensions - Industrial process - Valve - Control valve - End-to-end EN 60534-3-3:1998
Dimensions - Industrial process - Valve - Control valve - Face-to-face EN 60534-3-1:2000
Dimensions - Industrial process - Valve - Control valve - Face-to-face EN 60534-3-2:2001
Dimensions - Insulator - Composite string insulator unit - Overhead line EN 61466-2:1998
Dimensions - Insulator - String insulator unit - Ball and socket coupling HD 474 S1:1986
Dimensions - Magnetic oxide EP-core - Inductor - Transformer EN 61596:1997
Dimensions - Mechanical - Structure - Design - Chassis 1U EN 60297-3-105:2009
Dimensions - Nuclear electronic - Planchet HD 475 S1:1986
Dimensions - PM-core - Magnetic oxide EN 61247:1997
Dimensions - Pot-core - Magnetic - Oxide EN 60133:2001
Dimensions - Pressure - Measuring - Shut-off device - Mating EN 61518:2001
Dimensions - RM core - Magnetic oxide EN 62317-4:2005
Dimensions - Switchgear - Controlgear - Rails - Mechanical support EN 60715:2001
Dimensions - Thermometer element - Metal-sheathed EN 61152:1994
Dimensions - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - YUI-2 lamination EN 60852-4:1996
Dimensions - Tube - Valve - Electronic HD 146 S4:1988
Dimensions - Wire - Winding wire - Test method EN 60851-2:1996
Diode - Infrared emitting diode - Diode array EN 120002:1992
Diode - Light emitting - Organic - Display - Environment EN 62341-5:2009
Diode - Light emitting - Organic - Display - OLED EN 62341-1-2:2009
Diode - Light emitting - Organic - Optical - Electro-optical EN 62341-6-1:2011
Diode - Light emitting diode - Diode array - Diode display EN 120001:1992
Diode - Surge - Protective device - Avalanche breakdown diode - ABD EN 61643-321:2002
Diode - Voltage regulator diode - Voltage reference diode CECC 50 005:1980
Diode array - Diode - Infrared emitting diode EN 120002:1992
Diode array - Diode - Light emitting diode - Diode display EN 120001:1992
Diode display - Diode - Light emitting diode - Diode array EN 120001:1992
Diode display - Light - Organic - Emission - OLED EN 62341-1-1:2009
Dioxide - Portable - Carbon - Monoxide - Indoor ambient air EN 50543:2011
Dipole moment - Magnetic materials - Ferromagnetic - Rotation method - Measurement EN 60404-14:2002
Direct acting - Heating installation - Room heater - Performance EN 60675:1995
Direct acting - Recording instrument - Measuring instrument HD 368 S1:1978
Direct arc furnace - Electroheating - Industrial - Furnace - Test method EN 60676:2002
Direct coupled - Pumping system - Photovoltaic - Rating EN 61702:1999
Direct current - Converter - Line commutated - HV - Steady-state conditions CLC/TR 60919-1:2005
Direct heated - Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Rod type EN 143004:1991
Direct interelectrode capacitance - Tube - Valve - Electronic HD 148 S2:1977
Direct voltage - Electric strength - Insulating materials - Test method EN 60243-2:2001
Directivity - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Branching device EN 61300-3-20:2001
Directly heated - Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Disc-type EN 143003:1991
Directly heated - Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Envelope EN 143002:1991
Directly heated - Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Glass EN 143001:1991
Directly heated - Thermistor - Polymeric - Temperature coefficient - Step function EN 62319-1:2005
Directly heated - Thermistor - Polymeric - Temperature coefficient - Step function EN 62319-1-1:2005
Directly heated - Thermistor - Positive temperature - Temperature coefficient EN 60738-1:2006
Directly heated - Thermistor - Step-function - Positive - Current limiting EN 60738-1-1:2008
Directly heated - Thermistor - Temperature - Step-function - Heating element EN 60738-1-2:2008
Directly heated - Thermistor - Temperature - Step-function - Sensing application EN 60738-1-4:2008
Directly heated - Thermistor - Temperature coefficient - Negative coefficient EN 60539-2:2004
Disabilities - Standards developer - Need - Older person CEN/CLC Guide 6:2002
Disabled people - Transport system - Collective - Older people CWA 45546-1:2004
Disc - Compact disc - Video - Interchange system EN 62107:2001
Disc - Magneto-optical disc:ID format EN 62345:2005
Disc seal - Tube - Power tube CECC 45 004:1977
Disc type - Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Unidirectional wire terminations CECC 42 101-801:1982
Disc type - Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Unidirectional wire terminations CECC 42 101-802:1982
Disc type - Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Wire terminations CECC 42 101-803:1982
Disc-type - Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Directly heated EN 143003:1991
Discharge - Cable - Extruded - Power cable - Test EN 60885-3:2003
Discharge - Cable - Test EN 60885-2:2003
Discharge - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Electrostatic - Immunity EN 61000-4-2:2009
Discharge - High-voltage - Test technique - Measurement EN 60270:2001
Discharge lamp - Digital - Lighting - Interface - Control gear EN 62386-203:2009
Discharge lamp - Lamp - Ballast - Auxilliaries EN 60923:2005
Discharge lamp - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast EN 61347-2-9:2001
Discharge lamp - Lamp - Controlgear - Invertor - Convertor EN 61347-2-10:2001
Discharge lamp - Lamp - Electronic ballast EN 61347-2-12:2005
Discharge lamp - Lighting - Ballast - Performance EN 60923:1996
Discharge lamp - Lighting - Lamp - Safety EN 62035:2000
Discharge lamp - Luminaires - Cold - Cathode - Tubular EN 60598-2-14:2009
Discharge lamp circuit - Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - Capacitor EN 61048:2006
Discharge lamp circuit - Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Capacitor EN 61049:1993
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Discharge sensitive - Electrostatics - Protection - Electronic - Packaging EN 61340-5-3:2010
Discharge-tube - Cable - Luminous EN 50143:2009
Disconnector - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Fuse EN 60947-3:2009
Disconnector - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Earthing switch EN 62271-102:2002
Disconnector - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Switch EN 60947-3:1999
Disconnector - Switchgear - DC - Railway applications EN 50123-3:2003
Disconnector - Switchgear - DC - Railway applications - Earthing switch EN 50123-4:2003
Discrete - Semiconductor CECC 50 000:1986
Discrete - Semiconductor - Isolated power EN 60747-15:2004
Discrete component - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint EN 61188-5-2:2003
Discrete device - Semiconductor - Drawing - Outline drawing EN 60191-1:2007
Discrete pressure - Contact power - Semiconductor device EN 153000:1998
Dishwasher - Household - Commercial electric conveyor EN 50416:2005
Dishwasher - Household - Measuring - Performance EN 50242:2008
Dishwasher - Household appliances - Noise - Airborne acoustical noise EN 60704-2-3:2002
Dishwasher - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-5:2003
Dishwashing machine - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-58:2005
Disinfector - Laboratory equipment - Sterilizer - Washer-disinfector - Safety EN 61010-2-040:2005
dispensing appliance - Household appliance - Commercial - Vending machine - Safety EN 60335-2-75:2004
Dispersion - Fibre optic - Chromatic - Calibration - Test EN 61744:2005
Dispersion - Fibre optic - Compensator - Generic specification EN 61978-1:2001
Dispersion - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Chromatic - Compensator EN 61753-141-2:2011
Dispersion - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Cable plant - Polarization EN 61280-4-4:2006
Dispersion - Optical - Amplifier - Polarization - Jones matrix EN 61290-11-1:2008
Dispersion - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Polarization EN 61290-11-2:2005
Dispersion - Optical component - Measurement - Polarisation EN 61300-3-32:2006
Dispersion - Optical fibre - Chromatic dispersion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-42:2007
Dispersion - Optical fibre - Polarization mode - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-48:2007
Dispersion compensator - Dynamic module - Performance - Pigtail - Environment EN 62343-1-2:2008
Dispersion compensator - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Passive - Chromatic EN 61978-1:2010
Display - Diode - Light emitting - Organic - OLED EN 62341-1-2:2009
Display - Light emitting - Diode - Organic - Environment EN 62341-5:2009
Display - Liquid - Crystal - Glass strength - Reliability EN 61747-5-3:2010
Display - Liquid - Crystal - Measurement - Reflective type EN 61747-6-2:2011
Display - Liquid - Crystal - Motion - Artifact EN 61747-6-3:2011
Display - Liquid - Crystal - Visual - Colour EN 61747-5-2:2011
Display - Medical - Image - Evaluation EN 62563-1:2010
Display - Plasma - Panel EN 61988-5:2009
Display - Plasma - Panel - Image - Defect EN 61988-2-3:2009
Display - Plasma - Panel - Interface EN 61988-3-2:2009
Display device - Liquid crystal - Cell - Liquid crystal display (LCD) EN 61747-3:2006
Display device - Liquid crystal - Cell - Liquid crystal display (LCD) EN 61747-3-1:2006
Display module - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device EN 61747-2:1999
Display module - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Cell - Essential rating EN 61747-4:1998
Display panel - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Liquid crystal EN 61966-4:2000
Display panel - Plasma - Mechanical - Environmental - Endurance EN 61988-4:2007
Display panel - Plasma - Mechanical interface EN 61988-3-1:2005
Display panel - Plasma - Optical - Measuring method EN 61988-2-1:2002
Display panel - Plasma - Optoelectrical - Measuring method EN 61988-2-2:2003
Display panel - Plasma - Terminology - Letter symbol EN 61988-1:2003
Display panel - Plasma - Terminology - Letter symbol EN 61988-1:2011
Display storage tube - Tube EN 111100:1991
Display storage tube - Tube EN 111101:1991
Disposal - Inventory - Decontamination - Insulating liquid - PCB CLC/TR 50503:2010
Dissipation - Electrostatics - Static electric charge - Measurement EN 61340-2-1:2002
Dissipation - Insulation - Resistivity - Dielectric - Measurement EN 60247:2004
Dissolved gas - Oil - Gas - Sampling - Free gas EN 60567:2005
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) - Insulating material - Impregnated - Gas - Factory EN 61181:2007
Distance - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Speed EN 61023:2007
Distortion test - Fire hazard - Heat - Abnormal heat - Mould stress relief EN 60695-10-3:2002
Distress - Maritime - Safety - Rescue - Transmitter EN 61097-14:2010
Distributed redundancy - Communication - Network - Automation EN 62439-6:2010
Distribution - Letter - Symbol - Power generation - Transmission EN 60027-7:2010
Distribution - Automation - Data communication protocol - Management Information Base EN 61334-4-512:2002
Distribution - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Multi-fibre EN 60794-2-20:2003
Distribution - CIM - Extension EN 61968-11:2010
Distribution - European standard - EN - Electronic format CLC Guide 21:2001
Distribution - Interface - Meter reading EN 61968-9:2009
Distribution - Power electronics - Transmission - Thyristor valve - VAR compensator EN 61954:1999
Distribution - Public distribution - Voltage CLC/TR 50422:2003
Distribution - Sale CEN/CLC Guide 10:2010
Distribution - Satellite signal - Coaxial cable - Dwelling installation - Single EN 50494:2007
Distribution automation - Line carrier - A-XDR encoding rule - Encoding EN 61334-6:2000
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol EN 61334-4-1:1996
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol - Application layer EN 61334-4-42:1996
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol - Connection oriented protocol EN 61334-4-33:1998
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol - Connectionless protocol EN 61334-4-61:1998
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol - Logical link EN 61334-4-32:1996
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol - Message EN 61334-4-41:1996
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol - Systems management - CIASE protocol EN 61334-4-511:2000
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Alphabetical Index

Distribution automation - Line carrier - Low layer profile - Frequency EN 61334-5-1:2001
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Signaling - Phase-to-earth - Screen-to-earth EN 61334-3-22:2001
Distribution automation - Line carrier - Signaling - Phase-to-phase - Capacitive coupling device EN 61334-3-21:1996
Distribution board - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Unskilled person EN 60439-3:1991
Distribution cable - Cable HD 603 S1:1994
Distribution cable - Cable - Medium voltage HD 621 S1:1996
Distribution cable - Cable - Rated voltage HD 620 S1:1996
Distribution cable - Cable - Rated voltage HD 620 S2:2010
Distribution cable - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Multi-fibre EN 60794-2-20:2010
Distribution management - Interface - CIM RDF model exchange format EN 61968-13:2008
Distribution management - Interface - Interface architecture EN 61968-1:2004
Distribution management - Interface - Interface standard - Network operation EN 61968-3:2004
Distribution management - Interface - Record management - Asset management EN 61968-4:2007
Distribution network - Cable - Coaxial - Indoor - Drop cable EN 50117-2-1:2005
Distribution network - Cable - Coaxial cable - Indoor drop cable EN 50117-2-4:2004
Distribution network - Cable - Coaxial cable - Outdoor drop cable EN 50117-2-2:2004
Distribution network - Cable - Coaxial cable - Outdoor drop cable EN 50117-2-5:2004
Distribution network - Cable - Coaxial cable - Trunk cable EN 50117-2-3:2004
Distribution network - Cogeneration - Domestic - Connection - Low-voltage EN 50438:2007
Distribution system - LV - Earth connection - Equipotential bonding - Resistance EN 61557-4:2007
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Insulation - IT system EN 61557-8:2007
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Insulation fault location - IT system EN 61557-9:1999
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Insulation resistance - Protective measure EN 61557-2:2007
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Loop impedance - Protective measure EN 61557-3:2007
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Parameters - Protective measure EN 61557-12:2008
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Phase sequence - Protective measure EN 61557-7:2007
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-1:2007
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure - Measuring EN 61557-10:2001
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure - Resistance to earth EN 61557-5:2007
Distribution system - LV - Safety - Residual current device (RCD) - Protective measure EN 61557-6:2007
Distribution system - Protective measure - Insulation fault - IT system EN 61557-9:2009
Distribution system - Protective measure - Residual current - Monitor - IT system EN 61557-11:2009
Distribution transformer - Transformer - 3 phase - Dry-type HD 538.3 S1:1997
Distribution transformer - Transformer - Dry-type - 3 phase HD 538.1 S1:1992
Distribution transformer - Transformer - Dry-type - 3 phase - Highest voltage HD 538.2 S1:1995
Distribution transformer - Transformer - Oil - 3 phase HD 428.1 S1:1992
Distribution transformer - Transformer - Oil - 3 phase EN 50464-1:2007
Distribution transformer - Transformer - Oil - 3 phase - Highest voltage HD 428.3 S1:1994
Distribution transformer - Transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage - Cable box EN 50464-2-2:2007
Distribution transformer - Transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage - Non-sinusoidal current EN 50464-4:2007
Distribution transformer - Transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage - Three-phase EN 50464-3:2007
distribution transformer - transformer - three-phase transformer - immersed transformer - termination in cables
boxes - design characteristic - dimension
EN 50464-2-1:2007
distribution transformers - transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - junctions - electric
cables - junction boxes - high voltage - low voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
Disturbance - Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Safety HD 60364-4-443:2006
Disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Immunity - Radio-frequency field EN 61000-4-6:2009
Disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - RF field - Test EN 61000-4-6:2007
Disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Mitigation - Protection - Enclosure EN 61000-5-7:2001
Disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Radio frequency equipment - ISM EN 55011:2007
Disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Radio frequency equipment - ISM EN 55011:2009
Disturbance - Immunity - Radio - Antenna - Measurement EN 55016-1-4:2010
Disturbance - Industrial - Scientific - Medical - Radio-frequency EN 55011:2009/A1:2010
Disturbance - Low-voltage - Protection - Safety - Electromagnetic HD 60364-4-444:2010
Disturbance - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Electrostatic discharge EN 60255-22-2:2008
Disturbance - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Fast transient/burst EN 60255-22-4:2008
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity EN 55016-2-2:2011
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-1-1:2007
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-2-4:2004
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement - Antenna calibration EN 55016-1-5:2004
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-1-2:2004
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-2-1:2004
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement - Disturbance power EN 55016-1-3:2006
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement - Disturbance power EN 55016-2-2:2004
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement - EMC EN 55016-4-2:2004
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement - Radiated disturbance EN 55016-1-4:2007
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measuring EN 55016-1-1:2010
Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measuring - Radiated EN 55016-2-3:2010
Disturbance - Receiver - Sound - Television - Measurement EN 55013:2001
Disturbance - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Radio frequency field EN 60255-22-6:2001
Disturbance - Relay - Protection - Surge immunity - Test EN 60255-22-5:2011
Disturbance - Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Electromagnetic EN 50065-1:2001
Disturbance - Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Electromagnetic EN 50065-1:2001/A1:2010
Disturbance - Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Electromagnetic EN 50065-1:2011
Disturbance emission - Emission - In-situ measurement - Measurement CLC/TS 50217:2005
Disturbance power - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-1-3:2006
Disturbance power - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-2-2:2004
Disturbance test - Relay - Protection equipment - Radiated - Electromagnetic field EN 60255-22-3:2008
Diversity - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment - Twin-path HD 477.2.6 S1:1987
Divider - Capacitor - Coupling capacitor HD 597 S1:1992
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Alphabetical Index

Document - Electrotechnology - Rules EN 61082-1:2006
Document management - Metadata elements - Information reference model EN 82045-2:2005
Document management - Principle - Method EN 82045-1:2001
Documentation - Conformity assessment - Declaration - Supplier EN ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004
Documentation - Environmental testing - Guidance - Damp heat EN 60068-3-4:2002
Documentation - Environmental testing - Guidance - Temperature chamber - Measurement EN 60068-3-7:2002
Documentation - Environmental testing - Guidance - Temperature chamber - Performance EN 60068-3-5:2002
Documentation - Environmental testing - Guidance - Temperature/humidity - Performance EN 60068-3-6:2002
Documentation - Environmental testing - Uncertainty - Environmental chamber EN 60068-3-11:2007
Documentation - Environmental testing - Vibration test EN 60068-3-8:2003
Documentation - Grid - Commissioning tests - Inspection EN 62446:2009
Documentation - Measuring instrument EN 61187:1994
Documentation - Structuring - Technical information EN 62023:2000
Dome eccentricity - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Convex polished ferrule endface EN 61300-3-15:2007
Domestic - Cogeneration - Distribution network - Connection - Low-voltage EN 50438:2007
Domestic digital bus - Audio - Video - Television EN 61030:1993
Domestic equipment - Interconnection requirement - EN 50157-1:1998
Domestic equipment - Interconnection requirement - - Basic system EN 50157-2-2:1998
Domestic equipment - Interconnection requirement - - System oriented application EN 50157-2-3:1998
Domestic equipment - Source device - Automatic selection EN 50157-2-1:1998
Domestic premises - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Maintenance EN 50292:2001
Domestic premises - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Recreational vehicle EN 50291-2:2010
Domestic premises - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Test method - Performance EN 50291:2001
Domestic premises - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Test method - Performance EN 50291-1:2010
Domestic premises - Combustible gas - Detection - Installation - Maintenance EN 50244:2000
Domestic premises - Detection - Combustible - Gas EN 50194-1:2009
Door entry apparatus - Alarm system - Audio - Video EN 50486:2008
Door lock - Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-2-12:2006
Doppler - Medical - Ultrasonics - Heartbeat detector EN 61266:1995
Dose area product meter - Medical - Electrical equipment EN 60580:2000
Dose equivalent - Radiation - Protection - Dosemeter EN 61526:2007
Dosemeter - Radiation - Protection - Dose equivalent EN 61526:2007
Dosimeter - Medical - Ionization chamber - Radiotherapy EN 60731:1997
Dosimeter - Medical - Ionization chamber - X-ray diagnostic - Imaging EN 61674:1997
Dosimetric - Medical equipment - X-ray tube voltage - Radiology - Diagnostic EN 61676:2002
Dosimetry - Insulating materials - Ionizing radiation EN 60544-1:1994
Double layer - Capacitor - Electronic EN 62391-1:2006
Double layer - Capacitor - Electronic - Power application EN 62391-2:2006
Double layer - Capacitor - Electronic - Power application EN 62391-2-1:2006
Double-capped - Lighting - Fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60081:1998
Double-capped fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Safety EN 61195:1999
Double-layer - Capacitor - Hybrid - Vehicle EN 62576:2010
DRA format - Digital - Non-linear - PCM - Bitstream EN 61937-12:2010
Drafting - Environmental testing - Test method - Term - Definitions EN 60068-5-2:1999
Drafting of specification - Microwave - Ferrite component EN 61609:1999
Drain cleaner - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety EN 60745-2-21:2009
Draught plant - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries EN 45510-4-3:1999
Drawing - Cathode-ray tube - Component - Connection - Gauge EN 60139:2001
Drawing - Semiconductor - Outline - Package - J-lead (SOJ) EN 60191-6-20:2010
Drawing - Semiconductor - Outline - Package - SOJ EN 60191-6-21:2010
Drawing - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Discrete device EN 60191-1:2007
Drawing - Semiconductor - Surface mounted - Package - Grid array EN 60191-6-17:2011
Drawing - Semiconductor - Surface mounted - Packager - BGA EN 60191-6-18:2010
Drill - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety EN 60745-2-1:2010
Drill - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety EN 60745-2-1:2003
Drink-driving-offender - Alcohol - Interlock - Test - Performance EN 50436-1:2005
Drinking water - Optical fibre - Cable - Water pipe CLC/TS 50431:2005
Drinking water pipe - Fibre - Optic - Cables - Outdoor EN 60794-3-60:2008
Drive level dependence (DLD) - Quartz crystal unit - Measurement EN 60444-6:1997
Driver - Fibre - Optic - ATM-PON - Transceiver EN 62149-5:2011
Driver-machine interface - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Audible information CLC/TS 50459-6:2005
Driver-machine interface - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Data entry CLC/TS 50459-4:2005
Driver-machine interface - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Ergonomic arrangements CLC/TS 50459-2:2005
Driver-machine interface - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Ergonomic arrangements CLC/TS 50459-3:2005
Driver-machine interface - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Ergonomic principles CLC/TS 50459-1:2005
Driver-machine interface - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Transmission module CLC/TR 50459-7:2007
Driver-Machine interface - Railway applications CLC/TS 50459-5:2005
Drop cable - Cable - Coaxial - BCT cabling - Indoor EN 50117-4-1:2008
Drop cable - Cable - Coaxial - Distribution network - Indoor EN 50117-2-1:2005
Drop test - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Strain gauge EN 60749-40:2011
Dry - Insulating materials - Solid - Low-current arc discharge - Test EN 61621:1997
Dry cooling system - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Cooling EN 45510-6-5:1999
Dry heat - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test EN 60512-11-9:2002
Dry heat - Environmental testing - Test EN 60068-2-2:2007
Dry heat - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Temperature endurance EN 61300-2-18:2005
Dry heat - Optical fibre - Heat - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-51:2002
Dry heat test - Environmental testing - Cold heat test EN 60068-3-1:1999
Dry heat/vibration test - Environmental testing - Combined test - Heat - Test EN 60068-2-51:1999
Dry-type - Transformer - Distribution transformer - 3 phase HD 538.1 S1:1992
Dry-type - Transformer - Distribution transformer - 3 phase HD 538.3 S1:1997
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Alphabetical Index

Dry-type - Transformer - Distribution transformer - 3 phase - Highest voltage HD 538.2 S1:1995
Dry-type transformer - Transformer - Power transformer EN 60076-11:2004
Dryer - Household appliance - clothe dryer - Towel rail - Safety EN 60335-2-43:2003
Dryer - Household appliances - Tumble dryer - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-6:2004
Dryer - Household appliances - Tumble dryer - Safety EN 60335-2-11:2003
Dryer - Tumbler dryer - Household - Performance - Measurement EN 61121:2005
DSL - Signal - xDSL - Telecommunication network - Digital Subscriber Line CLC/TS 62367:2005
DTM - Field - Tool - Interface - Styleguide CLC/TR 62453-61:2009
DTV format - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-10:2001
DTV profile - Interface - Video - Digital - Uncompressed EN 62315-1:2003
Dual wall - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - Heat-shrinkable EN 60684-3-246:2007
dual wall - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - Heat-shrinkable EN 60684-3-248:2007
Dual wall - Sleeving - Insulating - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-247:2011
Duct/direct buried - Cable - Optical - Single mode EN 187105:2002
Ducting system - Cable - Trunking system EN 50085-1:1997
Ducting system - Cable - Trunking system EN 50085-1:2005
Ducting system - Cable - Trunking system - Floor EN 50085-2-2:2008
Ducting system - Cable - Trunking system - Service pole EN 50085-2-4:2009
Ducting system - Cable - Trunking system - Slotted cable - Cabinet EN 50085-2-3:1999
Ducting system - Cable - Trunking system - Slotted cable - Cabinet EN 50085-2-3:2010
Ducting system - Cable - Trunking system - Wall mounting - Ceiling mounting EN 50085-2-1:2006
Duplex - Cable - Simplex - Cord EN 50551-1:2011
Duplex - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Simplex EN 60794-2-50:2008
Duplex cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Simplex cable EN 60794-2-10:2003
Duplex cable - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Simplex cable EN 60794-2-41:2008
Duplex cable - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Simplex cable EN 60794-2-42:2008
Duplex fibre - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Simplex fibre EN 60794-2-11:2005
Duplexer - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - MEMS BAW - Filter EN 62047-7:2011
Durability - Connector - Endurance - Contact retention - Seal EN 60512-9-4:2011
Durability - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Mating EN 61300-2-2:2009
Durability test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Water immersion - Test EN 61300-2-45:1999
During - Insulation - Prior to - Testing - Solid EN 60212:2011
Dust - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Sand EN 60512-11-8:1999
Dust - Environmental conditions - Classification - Sand - Salt mist HD 478.2.5 S1:1993
Dust - Explosive - Atmosphere - Area - Combustible EN 60079-10-2:2009
Dust - Explosive atmosphere - Area - Classification EN 61241-10:2004
Dust - Explosive atmosphere - Combustible dust EN 61241-0:2006
Dust - Explosive atmosphere - Combustible dust - Protection 'pD' EN 61241-4:2006
Dust - Explosive atmosphere - Encapsulation "mD" - Protection EN 61241-18:2004
Dust - Explosive atmosphere - Intrinsically safe - iD apparatus EN 61241-11:2006
Dust - Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Enclosure "tD" EN 61241-1:2004
Dust - Explosive atmospheres - Ignition protection EN 60079-31:2009
Dust - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Laminar flow - Test EN 61300-2-27:1997
Dust and sand - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-68:1996
Dust emission - Household use - Vacuum cleaner EN 60312:2008
Dust emission - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Reduction EN 45510-4-1:1999
Dust handling plant - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries EN 45510-4-8:1999
Dust resistivity - Explosive atmosphere - Layer - Test method EN 61241-2-2:1995
DVB decoder applications - Common interface - Implementation R206-001:1998
DVB format - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-9:2001
DVB receiver - Receiver - Characteristics EN 50256:1998
DVB-IRD - Interface EN 50201:2001
DVB-T system - Digital - Terrestrial - Television - Receiver EN 62216:2011
DVB-T system - Television - Receiver - Digital - Baseline receiver EN 62216-1:2002
DVB-T/H radio - Mobile - Portable - Conformance testing EN 62002-2:2008
DVB-T/H radio - Mobile - Portable - Interface EN 62002-1:2008
DVB/MPEG-2 transport stream - Cabled network - Television - Sound signal - CATV/SMATV headend EN 50083-9:2002
DVD player - Measurement EN 62389:2006
DWDM components - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Spectral transfer function EN 61300-3-29:2006
DWDM module - Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications EN 50378-3-1:2007
Dwelling installation - Distribution - Satellite signal - Coaxial cable - Single EN 50494:2007
Dynamic - Battery - Vehicle - Road vehicle - Propulsion EN 61982-2:2002
Dynamic - Channel - Equalizer EN 62343-3-1:2010
Dynamic - Environment - Climatic - Temperature/humidity - Vibration/shock EN 60068-2-53:2010
Dynamic - Gain - Tilt - Equalizer - Response time EN 62343-5-1:2009
Dynamic - Reliability EN 62343-2:2011
Dynamic interaction - Railway application - Pantograph - Overhead contact line - Measurement EN 50317:2002
Dynamic interaction - Railway application - Pantograph - Overhead contact line - Simulation EN 50318:2002
Dynamic module - Performance - Dispersion compensator - Pigtail - Environment EN 62343-1-2:2008
Dynamic module - Performance - Equalizer - Environment EN 62343-1-3:2006
Dynamic performance - Rotating machine - Synchronous machine - Excitation system CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004
Dynamic range - Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo - Scanner - Penetration depth EN 61391-2:2010
Dynamic stress - Electronic equipment - Connector - Acceleration EN 60512-6-1:2002
Dynamic stress - Electronic equipment - Connector - Bump EN 60512-6-2:2002
Dynamic stress - Electronic equipment - Connector - Shock EN 60512-6-3:2002
Dynamic stress - Electronic equipment - Connector - Vibration - Sinusoidal EN 60512-6-4:2002
Dynamic stress test - Electromechanical component - Electronic equipment - Random vibration - Test EN 60512-6-5:1999
Dynamic test - Environmental testing - Vibration - Impact EN 60068-2-47:2005

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Alphabetical Index


e-book - Multimedia - e-publishing - Format EN 62448:2009
e-book - Multimedia - e-publishing - Interchange format - e-dictionaries EN 62605:2011
E-core - Core - Ferrite core EN 62317-8:2006
E-core - Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities - EDT-core EN 60424-3:1999
E-CTFE - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Expandable braided ethylene EN 60684-3-343 to 345:2002
e-dictionaries - Multimedia - e-publishing - e-book - Interchange format EN 62605:2011
e-publishing - Multimedia - e-book - Format EN 62448:2009
e-publishing - Multimedia - e-book - Interchange format - e-dictionaries EN 62605:2011
Ear - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Human - Insert EN 60318-4:2010
Early mating feature - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Backplane EN 61076-4-111:2002
Earphone - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Coupler - Hearing aid EN 60318-5:2006
Earphone - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Supra-aural - Circumaural EN 60318-1:2009
Earphone - Microphone - Speech - Communication EN 61842:2002
Earphone - Sound - Headphone EN 60268-7:2011
Earphone - Sound system equipment - Headphone EN 60268-7:1996
Earphone - Sound system equipment - Headphone - Portable - One package equipment EN 50332-1:2000
Earphone - Sound system equipment - Headphone - Portable - Set matching EN 50332-2:2003
Earth - Lightning - Protection - Conductor - Electrode EN 50164-2:2008
Earth - Lightning - Protection - Housing - Seal EN 62561-5:2011
Earth connection - Distribution system - LV - Equipotential bonding - Resistance EN 61557-4:2007
Earth-leakage - Tube - Luminous-discharge-tube - Open-circuit - Protection EN 50107-2:2005
Earthing - Cable - Portable - Short-circuiting equipment EN 61138:2007
Earthing - Information technology - Building - Equipotential - Bonding EN 50310:2006
Earthing - Live working - Portable - Short-circuiting EN 61230:2008
Earthing - Live working - Portable equipment - Short-circuiting EN 61230:1995
Earthing - Railway - Bonding - Stray current - Traction EN 50122-2:2010
Earthing - Railway applications - Fixed installation - Bonding - Protective provision EN 50122-1:2011
Earthing arrangement - Building - Electrical installation - Conductor - Protection HD 60364-5-54:2007
Earthing arrangement - Building - Electrical installation - Conductor - Protection HD 60364-5-54:2011
Earthing aspects - Power installations EN 50522:2010
Earthing compound - Lightning - Protection component EN 50164-7:2008
Earthing switch - Railway applications - AC - Switchgear - Single-phase disconnector EN 50152-2:2007
Earthing switch - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Disconnector EN 62271-102:2002
Earthing switch - Switchgear - DC - Railway applications - Disconnector EN 50123-4:2003
Earthquake - Environmental conditions - Classification - Vibration and shock HD 478.2.6 S1:1993
EC - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-5-1:2003
EC - Cooperation - European Commission - European Free Trade Association - EFTA CEN/CLC Guide 4:2003
EC - Financial support - Secretariat - Convenorship CEN/CLC Guide 16:2009
EC - Implementation - New Approach - Low Voltage - Declaration of conformity CLC Guide 16:2005
EC Directive - Alarm system CLC/TR 50456:2008
EC Treaty - Standardization policy - Article 118A CLC Guide 20:2001
ECDIS - Maritime, Navigation - Radiocommunication - Chart EN 61174:2008
EDD - Process control - Function block - Interoperability CLC/TR 61804-4:2007
EDDL - Function Block - FB - Process control - Description Language EN 61804-3:2011
EDDL - Process control - Function block - Language EN 61804-3:2007
Edge connector - Microprocessor system - BUS - MULTIBUS HD 593.2 S1:1992
Edge trimmer - Household appliances - Lawn trimmer - Mains driven - Safety EN 60335-2-91:2003
Edge-socket connector - Connector - Printed board EN 60603-6:1998
Edge-socket connector - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 60603-5:1998
Edison screw lampholder - Lighting - Lampholder EN 60238:2004
EDT-core - Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities - E-core EN 60424-3:1999
EDTV2 format - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-7:2001
EEE equipment - Chip - Smart tracker - RFID CLC/TR 50489:2006
EER-core - Core - Magnetic oxide - Power supply EN 62317-7:2005
EFD-core - Core - Ferrite - Power supply EN 62317-14:2008
Effect analysis - Reliability - Failure mode - FMEA EN 60812:2006
Effective load capacitance - Quartz crystal unit - Load resonance frequency - Automatic network analyzer EN 60444-11:2010
Effectiveness - Connector - Electronic equipment - Coupling device EN 60512-15-6:2008
Efficiency - Energy - Management - Glossary CEN/CLC/TR 16103:2010
Efficiency - Machine - Rotating - Loss - Test EN 60034-2-1:2007
Efficiency - Rotating - Machinery - Cage-induction - Motors EN 60034-30:2009
Efficiency measurement - Photovoltaic (PV) system - Power conditioner EN 61683:2000
EFTA - Cooperation - European Commission - EC - European Free Trade Association CEN/CLC Guide 4:2003
EGLA - Surge arrester - Metal-oxide - Transmission - Overhead line EN 60099-8:2011
EIS - Insulation - Thermal evaluation - Established wire-wound EN 61858:2008
Elastomer - Flexible - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable EN 60684-3-271:2011
Elastomer - Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Shape - Compatibility EN 62329-3-102:2010
Elastomeric compound - Insulating materials - Ozone resistance - Oil immersion - Test EN 60811-2-1:1998
Elastomeric seal - Surface-mount - Fluid distribution - Modular component EN 62339-1:2007
Electical line - Overhead EN 50423-1:2005
Electical line - Overhead - Index - Normative aspect EN 50423-2:2005
Electical line - Overhead - Normative aspect EN 50423-3:2005
Electoacoustics - Audiometric - Short duration - Signal - Test EN 60645-3:2007
Electomagnetic compatibility - Anechoic chamber - Emission measurement CLC/TR 50485:2010
Electric - Cable - Test method EN 50395:2005
Electric - Circuit - Magnetic - Convention EN 60375:2003
Electric actuator - Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-2-14:1997
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Electric cable - Cable - Non electrical test methods EN 50396:2005
electric cables - transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers -
junctions - junction boxes - high voltage - low voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
Electric component - Standard data element type - Classification EN 61360-1:2002
Electric component - Standard data element type - EXPRESS dictionary EN 61360-5:2004
Electric component - Standard data element type - EXPRESS dictionary schema EN 61360-2:2002
Electric component - Standard data element type - IEC reference collection EN 61360-4:2005
Electric field - Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Magnetic field EN 50413:2008
Electric field - Magnetic field - Human body - Current density - Exposure EN 62226-3-1:2007
Electric field,Magnetic field - Human body - Current density EN 62226-1:2005
Electric field,Magnetic field - Human body - Current density - Exposure EN 62226-2-1:2005
Electric lamp - Energy - Measurement method - Household use EN 50285:1999
Electric shock - Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Safety HD 60364-4-41:2007
Electric shock - Protection - Installation - Equipment EN 61140:2002
Electric strength - Insulating materials - Impulse test - Test method EN 60243-3:2001
Electric strength - Insulating materials - Test method - Direct voltage EN 60243-2:2001
Electric strength - Insulating materials - Test method - Power - Frequency EN 60243-1:1998
Electric toaster - Household use - Measuring - Performance EN 60442:1998
Electric tools - Electromagnetic compatibility - Household appliances - Emission EN 55014-1:2006
Electrical - Loop check - Instrumentation EN 62382:2007
Electrical - Test equipment - Erection - Operation EN 50191:2000
Electrical - Test equipment - Erection - Operation EN 50191:2010
Electrical accessories - Cable - Reel - Household EN 61242:1997
Electrical accessory - Circuit-breaker - Household use - Auxiliary contact unit EN 62019:1999
Electrical apparatus - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying equipment EN 50050:2006
Electrical connection - Household appliances - Burning appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-102:2006
Electrical connector - Connector - Manufacture - TAS CECC 299 001:1999
Electrical engagement length - Electronic equipment - Test EN 60512-1-3:1997
Electrical equipment - Askarel-filled electrical equipment - Code of practice EN 50195:1996
Electrical equipment - Marking - Rated voltages CLC Guide 6:2001
Electrical equipment - Marking and identification - Safety requirement EN 61293:1994
Electrical equipment - Mechanical impact - IK code - Protection EN 50102:1995
Electrical equipment - Medical - Dose area product meter EN 60580:2000
Electrical equipment - Oil-filled electrical equipment - PCB - Code of practice EN 50225:1996
Electrical equipment - Power station - Battery - Charger - Stationary EN 45510-2-3:2000
Electrical equipment - Power station - Cable - Power cable EN 45510-2-8:2004
Electrical equipment - Power station - Cabling system EN 45510-2-9:2008
Electrical equipment - Power station - Convertor - Static convertor - High power EN 45510-2-4:2000
Electrical equipment - Power station - Generator EN 45510-2-6:2000
Electrical equipment - Power station - Motor EN 45510-2-5:2002
Electrical equipment - Power station - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 45510-2-7:2002
Electrical equipment - Power station - Uninterruptible power supply EN 45510-2-2:1999
Electrical equipment - Safety - Design - Construction CLC Guide 2:2001
Electrical input circuit - Hearing aid EN 60118-6:1999
Electrical installation - Building - Agricultural premises - Horticultural premises HD 60364-7-705:2007
Electrical installation - Building - Amusement - Fair - Circus HD 60364-7-740:2006
Electrical installation - Building - Bath tub - Shower basin HD 60364-7-701:2007
Electrical installation - Building - Caravan HD 384.7.754 S1:2005
Electrical installation - Building - Caravan park HD 384.7.708 S2:2005
Electrical installation - Building - Conducting location - Restricted movement HD 60364-7-706:2007
Electrical installation - Building - Construction - Demolition HD 60364-7-704:2007
Electrical installation - Building - Definition HD 60364-1:2008
Electrical installation - Building - Earthing arrangement - Conductor - Protection HD 60364-5-54:2007
Electrical installation - Building - Earthing arrangement - Conductor - Protection HD 60364-5-54:2011
Electrical installation - Building - Exhibition - Show - Stand HD 384.7.711 S1:2003
Electrical installation - Building - Extra-low-voltage - Lighting installation HD 60364-7-715:2005
Electrical installation - Building - Fire - Protection - Safety HD 384.4.482 S1:1997
Electrical installation - Building - Floor heating - Ceiling heating HD 384.7.753 S1:2002
Electrical installation - Building - Isolation and switching - Safety HD 384.4.46 S2:2001
Electrical installation - Building - Lighting installation - Outdoor HD 384.7.714 S1:2000
Electrical installation - Building - Mobile unit - Transportable unit HD 60364-7-717:2004
Electrical installation - Building - Overcurrent - Protection HD 384.4.473 S1:1980
Electrical installation - Building - Overvoltage - Protection HD 384.4.442 S1:1997
Electrical installation - Building - Protection - Disturbance - Safety HD 60364-4-443:2006
Electrical installation - Building - Protection - Electric shock - Safety HD 60364-4-41:2007
Electrical installation - Building - Protection - Overcurrent - Safety HD 384.4.43 S2:2001
Electrical installation - Building - Safety - Overvoltage - Electromagnetic interference R064-004:1999
Electrical installation - Building - Sauna heater HD 60364-7-703:2005
Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Current carrying capacities HD 384.5.523 S2:2001
Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Erection - Common rules HD 60364-5-51:2006
Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Erection - Rule HD 60364-5-51:2009
Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Isolation - Switching HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Luminaire - Lighting HD 60364-5-559:2005
Electrical installation - Building - Selection - LV generating set HD 384.5.551 S1:1997
Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Safety services HD 384.5.56 S1:1985
Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Wiring system HD 384.5.52 S1:1995
Electrical installation - Building - Solar - Photovoltaic - Power supply HD 60364-7-712:2005
Electrical installation - Building - Swimming pool - Basin HD 384.7.702 S2:2002
Electrical installation - Building - Switchgear - Controlgear HD 60364-5-534:2008
Electrical installation - Building - Thermal effect - Safety HD 384.4.42 S1:1985
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Alphabetical Index

Electrical installation - Building - Undervoltage - Safety HD 384.4.45 S1:1989
Electrical installation - Building - Verification - Initial verification HD 384.6.61 S2:2003
Electrical installation - Building - Verification - Testing - Reporting HD 60364-6:2007
Electrical installation - Building - Voltage band HD 193 S2:1982
Electrical installation - Cable - Tie EN 50146:2000
Electrical installation - Cable gland - Metric EN 50262:1998
Electrical installation - Conduit system - Underground EN 50086-2-4:1994
Electrical installation - National annexes EN 50110-2:1996
Electrical installation - National annexes EN 50110-2:2010
Electrical installation - Operation EN 50110-1:2004
Electrical installation - Ship - Pleasure craft EN 60092-507:2000
Electrical insulation - Combined flexible materials EN 60626-1:1995
Electrical insulation - Resin - Reactive compound EN 60455-1:1998
Electrical insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Test method EN 60455-2:1999
Electrical insulation - Varnish EN 60464-1:1999
Electrical insulation - Varnish - Ambient - Curing finishing varnish EN 60464-3-1:2001
Electrical insulation - Varnish - Hot - Curing impregnating varnish EN 60464-3-2:2001
Electrical insulation - Varnish - Test method EN 60464-2:2001
Electrical load - Connector - Electronic - Mechanical - Mating (un-mating) EN 60512-9-3:2011
Electrical load - Connector - Electronic equipment - Mechanical operation EN 60512-9-3:2006
Electrical power line - Cable - Optical fibre - Aerial cable EN 60794-4:2003
Electrical power line - Cable - Optical fibre - Optical Ground Wire - OPGW EN 60794-4-10:2007
Electrical properties - Wire - Winding wire - Test method EN 60851-5:2008
Electrical purpose - Non-cellulosic paper EN 60819-1:1995
Electrical purpose - Non-cellulosic paper - Aramid - Aromatic polyamide - Paper EN 60819-3-3:2006
Electrical purpose - Non-cellulosic paper - Aramid fibre paper - Mica particles EN 60819-3-4:2001
Electrical purpose - Non-cellulosic paper - Filled glass paper - Glass paper EN 60819-3-1:2001
Electrical purpose - Non-cellulosic paper - Hybrid inorganic-organic paper - Inorganic-organic EN 60819-3-2:2001
Electrical purpose - Non-cellulosic paper - Test method EN 60819-2:2001
Electrical purpose - Tape - Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive - Test EN 60454-2:2007
Electrical purpose - Tape - Pressure-sensitive adhesive tape EN 60454-1:1994
Electrical relay - Relay - Protection equipment - Insulation - Test EN 60255-5:2001
Electrical relay - Relay - Single input - Energizing quantity EN 60255-3:1998
Electrical relay - Relay - Thermal electrical relay EN 60255-8:1998
Electrical relay - Socket - Assessed quality EN 147000:1993
Electrical requirement - Conference system - Audio requirement HD 549 S1:1989
Electrical specification - Battery - Primary - Physical specification EN 60086-2:2011
Electrical specification - Battery - Primary battery - Physical specification EN 60086-2:2007
Electrical spectrum analyzer - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Gain parameter EN 61290-1-2:2005
Electrical steel sheet and strip - Magnetic materials - Epstein frame - Measurement EN 60404-2:1998
Electrical stress - Insulation - Repetitive impulse - Endurance EN 62068-1:2003
Electrical supply track system - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60570:2003
Electrically operated - Medical equipment - Hospital bed - Safety EN 60601-2-38:1996
Electro-explosive - Radiation - Bridge wire - Radio-frequency - Inadvertent CLC/TR 50426:2004
Electro-heating equipment - Industrial - Test method EN 60398:1999
Electro-optical - Light emitting - Diode - Organic - Optical EN 62341-6-1:2011
Electro-sensitive - Machinery - Protective equipment EN 61496-1:2004
Electro-sensitive - Machinery - Protective equipment - Opto-electronic - AOPD CLC/TS 61496-2:2006
Electro-sensitive - Machinery - Protective equipment - Opto-electronic - AOPDDR CLC/TS 61496-3:2008
Electroacoustic - Sound level - Meter EN 61672-1:2003
Electroacoustic - Sound level - Meter - Pattern evaluation - Test EN 61672-2:2003
Electroacoustical characteristics - Hearing aid - Measurement EN 60118-0:1993
Electroacoustics - Audio - Sound level meter - Calibration EN 61183:1994
Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency - Induction - Loop system - Assisted hearing EN 62489-1:2010
Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency - Loop system - Assisted hearing - Human exposure EN 62489-2:2011
Electroacoustics - Audiometer - Pure-tone audiometer EN 60645-1:2001
Electroacoustics - Audiometry - Brainstem - Response EN 60645-7:2010
Electroacoustics - Audiometry - Otoacoustic - Emission EN 60645-6:2010
Electroacoustics - Calibrator - Sound calibrator EN 60942:2003
Electroacoustics - Filter - Octave-band filter EN 61260:1995
Electroacoustics - Hearing aid - Magnetic field strength - Induction loop EN 60118-4:2006
Electroacoustics - Instrument - Aircraft noise - Transport-category aeroplane EN 61265:1995
Electroacoustics - Occluded-ear simulator HD 443 S1:1983
Electroacoustics - Real-ear - Hearing aid - Acoustical - Measurement EN 61669:2001
Electroacoustics - Simulator - Calibration - Acoustic coupler - Audiometric earphone EN 60318-2:1998
Electroacoustics - Simulator - Calibration - Acoustic coupler - Supra-aural earphone EN 60318-3:1998
Electroacoustics - Simulator - Calibration - Supra-aural earphone EN 60318-1:1998
Electroacoustics - Simulator - Coupler - Hearing aid - Earphone EN 60318-5:2006
Electroacoustics - Simulator - Coupler - Vibrator - Bone vibrator EN 60318-6:2008
Electroacoustics - Simulator - Human - Ear - Insert EN 60318-4:2010
Electroacoustics - Simulator - Supra-aural - Circumaural - Earphone EN 60318-1:2009
Electroacoustics - Sound exposure meter EN 61252:1995
Electroacoustics - Sound level - Meter EN 61672-3:2006
Electroacoutstics - Microphone - Pressure - Calibration - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-2:2009
Electroactoustic - Sound - transducer - Signal parameter - Large EN 62458:2011
Electroactoustic - Sound - transducer - Suspension EN 62459:2011
Electrocardiograph - Medical equipment - Ambulatory - Essential performance - Safety EN 60601-2-47:2001
Electrocardiograph - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Safety EN 60601-2-27:2006
Electrocardiograph - Medical equipment - Recording - Analyse - Single/multi channel EN 60601-2-51:2003
Electrocardiograph - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-25:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Electrochemical analyzer - Electrolytic - Conductivity - Performance EN 60746-3:2002
Electrochemical analyzer - Performance EN 60746-1:2003
Electrochemical analyzer - pH value - Performance EN 60746-2:2003
Electrochemical sensor - Gas analyzer - Oxygen EN 61207-2:1994
Electrode - Arc - Welding - Holder EN 60974-11:2010
Electrode - Lightning - Protection - Conductor - Earth EN 50164-2:2008
Electrode holder - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-11:2004
Electroencephalograph - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-26:2003
Electroheat - Heating installation - Arc furnace - Safety EN 60519-4:2006
Electroheat - Heating installation - Electromagnetic force - Liquid metal - Safety EN 60519-11:2007
Electroheat - Heating installation - Furnace - Electroslag - Safety EN 60519-8:2005
Electroheat - Heating installation - High-frequency - Dielectric EN 60519-9:2005
Electroheat - Heating installation - Induction - Conduction - Melting EN 60519-3:2005
Electroheat - Heating installation - Microwave heating - Industrial - Safety EN 60519-6:2002
Electroheat - Heating installation - Resistance heating - Melting glass equipment EN 60519-21:1998
Electroheat - Heating installation - Resistance heating - Safety EN 60519-2:2006
Electroheat - Heating installation - Resistance trace - Industrial - Commercial EN 60519-10:2005
Electroheat - Heating installation - Safety EN 60519-1:2003
Electroheat - Safety EN 60519-1:2011
Electroheat - Safety - Electron gun - Gun EN 60519-7:2008
Electroheat - Safety - Industrial - Microwave - Heating EN 60519-6:2011
Electroheat - Safety - Resistance - Heating - Melting EN 60519-21:2009
Electroheating - Heating: Electron - Gun EN 60703:2009
Electroheating - Industrial - Furnace - Direct arc furnace - Test method EN 60676:2002
Electrolysers - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-108:2008
Electrolyte - Battery - Primary - Aqueous EN 60086-5:2011
Electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium EN 60384-4:2007
Electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium EN 60384-4-1:2007
Electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium EN 60384-4-2:2007
Electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium EN 60384-18:2007
Electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium EN 60384-18-1:2007
Electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Aluminium EN 60384-18-2:2007
Electrolyte - Cell - Nickel-cadmium - Vented EN 60993:2002
Electrolytic - Capacitor - Aluminium CLC/TR 50454:2008
Electrolytic - Capacitor - Aluminiuml - Conductive polymer - Polymer EN 60384-26:2010
Electrolytic - Capacitor - Aluminum - Conductive polymer - Polymer EN 60384-26-1:2010
Electrolytic - Corrosion - Insulation - Test EN 60426:2007
Electrolytic - Electrochemical analyzer - Conductivity - Performance EN 60746-3:2002
Electrolytic capacitor - Capacitor - TAS CECC 210 011:1995
Electromagnetic - Compatibility - EMC - Reverberation - Chamber EN 61000-4-21:2011
Electromagnetic - Exposure - AIMD EN 50527-1:2010
Electromagnetic - Field strength - Human exposure - Wireless communication EN 50383:2002
Electromagnetic - Filter - Passive - Interference - Suppression EN 60939-1:2010
Electromagnetic - Household - Evaluation - Measurement EN 50366:2003
Electromagnetic - Human - Exposure - Low power EN 62479:2010
Electromagnetic - Human exposure - Electronic Article Surveillance - Radio Frequency Identification EN 50364:2010
Electromagnetic - Immunity - Integrated circuit EN 62132-1:2006
Electromagnetic - Immunity - Integrated circuit - Bulk Current Injection - BCI EN 62132-3:2007
Electromagnetic - Immunity - Integrated circuit - Power injection method EN 62132-4:2006
Electromagnetic - Immunity - Workbench - Faraday Cage EN 62132-5:2006
Electromagnetic - Lighting - Human exposure EN 62493:2010
Electromagnetic - Low-voltage - Protection - Safety - Disturbance HD 60364-4-444:2010
Electromagnetic - Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2001
Electromagnetic - Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2001/A1:2010
Electromagnetic - Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2011
Electromagnetic - Switch - Household installation - Fixed - Remote-control EN 60669-2-2:2006
Electromagnetic - Transformer - Power transformer CLC/TR 50453:2007
Electromagnetic - Wave absorber - Millimetre wave frequency EN 62431:2008
Electromagnetic compatibility - Alarm - Immunity - Fire - Intruder EN 50130-4:2011
Electromagnetic compatibility - Alarm system - Immunity - Fire component - Intruder EN 50130-4:1995
Electromagnetic compatibility - Anechoic chamber - Shield attenuation EN 50147-1:1996
Electromagnetic Compatibility - Cable - Network - Television - Sound EN 50083-8:2002
Electromagnetic compatibility - Cabled distribution system - Television - Multimedia EN 50083-2:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - CENELEC/ETSI standardization programme R0BT-001:1995
Electromagnetic compatibility - Detection - Gas - Combustible - Toxic EN 50270:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Electrostatic - Discharge - Immunity EN 61000-4-2:2009
Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Immunity - Disturbance - Radio-frequency field EN 61000-4-6:2009
Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Immunity - Power frequency - Magnetic field EN 61000-4-8:2010
Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Machine tools - Emission EN 50370-1:2005
Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Machine tools - Immunity EN 50370-2:2003
Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Power quality - Measurement EN 61000-4-30:2009
Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC - Product Committee - Apparatus CLC Guide 24:2009
Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Testing - Measurement EN 61000-4-1:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Vehicle - Aftermark electronic equipment EN 50498:2010
Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission - Immunity - Transverse Waveguide - TEM EN 61000-4-20:2003
Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission - Immunity - Transverse Waveguide - TEM EN 61000-4-20:2010
Electromagnetic compatibility - Emmission standard - Industrial EN 61000-6-4:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Emmission standard - Residential - Commercial - Light-industrial EN 61000-6-3:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment - Conducted disturbance EN 61000-2-10:1999
Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment - LF disturbance EN 61000-2-4:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment - LF disturbance - Signalling EN 61000-2-12:2003
Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment - Radiated disturbance EN 61000-2-9:1996
Electromagnetic compatibility - Flickermeter - Functional specification - Design EN 61000-4-15:1998
Electromagnetic compatibility - Flickermeter - Functional specification - Design EN 61000-4-15:2011
Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonic current - LV - Restricted connection EN 61000-3-12:2005
Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonic current emission (I < 16 A) - Limit EN 61000-3-2:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonics - Mains signalling - Immunity - Measurement EN 61000-4-13:2002
Electromagnetic compatibility - Hearing aid - EMC EN 60118-13:2005
Electromagnetic compatibility - Hearing aid - EMC EN 60118-13:2011
Electromagnetic compatibility - HEMP conducted disturbance - Test EN 61000-4-24:1997
Electromagnetic compatibility - HEMP radiated disturbance - Protective device - Test EN 61000-4-23:2000
Electromagnetic compatibility - Household appliances - Electric tools - Emission EN 55014-1:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Household appliances - Supply system - Definitions EN 60555-1:1987
Electromagnetic compatibility - Household appliances - Tool - Immunity EN 55014-2:1997
Electromagnetic compatibility - Household appliances - Tool - Immunity EN 55014-2:1997/IS1:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunitry test - Testing - Measurement - Unbalance EN 61000-4-27:2000
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Disturbance - RF field - Test EN 61000-4-6:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Industrial environment EN 61000-6-2:2005
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Residential - Commercial - Light-industrial EN 61000-6-1:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Voltage dip - Interruption - Test EN 61000-4-11:2004
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Common mode disturbance EN 61000-4-16:1998
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Damped magnetic field EN 61000-4-10:1993
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2:1995
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Fast transient/burst EN 61000-4-4:2004
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - HEMP - Test method EN 61000-4-25:2002
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Oscillatory wave EN 61000-4-18:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Power frequency - Measurement EN 61000-4-28:2000
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Power frequency magnetic field EN 61000-4-8:1993
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Pulse magnetic field EN 61000-4-9:1993
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Radiated - Radio frequency EN 61000-4-3:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Ring wave immunity EN 61000-4-12:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Ripple - DC - Input power port EN 61000-4-17:1999
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Surge EN 61000-4-5:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Voltage fluctuation EN 61000-4-14:1999
Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting EN 61547:1995
Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - entertainment - Emission EN 55103-1:1996
Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - entertainment - Emission EN 55103-1:2009
Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - entertainment - Immunity EN 55103-2:1996
Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - entertainment - Immunity EN 55103-2:2009
Electromagnetic compatibility - Medical equipment - EMC - Test - Safety EN 60601-1-2:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Medical equipment - Requirement - Test - Safety EN 60601-1-2:2001
Electromagnetic compatibility - Mitigation - Protection - Disturbance - Enclosure EN 61000-5-7:2001
Electromagnetic compatibility - Power quality - Measurement - Test EN 61000-4-30:2003
Electromagnetic compatibility - Power supply device - DC EN 61204-3:2000
Electromagnetic compatibility - Power system - Harmonics - Measurement EN 61000-4-7:2002
Electromagnetic compatibility - Power system - Uninterruptible - UPS - EMC EN 62040-2:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Product standard - Measuring relay - Protection equipment EN 50263:1999
Electromagnetic compatibility - Protective device - HEMP conducted disturbance EN 61000-5-5:1996
Electromagnetic compatibility - Public power supply system - LV - Signalling EN 61000-2-2:2002
Electromagnetic compatibility - Radio frequency equipment - Disturbance - ISM EN 55011:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Radio frequency equipment - Disturbance - ISM EN 55011:2009
Electromagnetic compatibility - Railway applications EN 50121-1:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Railway applications - Outside world EN 50121-2:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Railway applications - Power supply - Fixed installation EN 50121-5:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Apparatus EN 50121-3-2:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Railway applications - Signalling - Telecommunications - Immunity EN 50121-4:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Railway applications - Train - Complete vehicle - Rolling stock EN 50121-3-1:2006
Electromagnetic compatibility - Relay - Protection - EMC EN 60255-26:2009
Electromagnetic compatibility - Residual current device (RCD) EN 61543:1995
Electromagnetic Compatibility - Resistance - Welding - EMC EN 62135-2:2008
Electromagnetic compatibility - Reverberation chamber - Test EN 61000-4-21:2003
Electromagnetic compatibility - Road traffic - Signal - Product standard EN 50293:2000
Electromagnetic compatibility - Telecontrol - Operating conditions EN 60870-2-1:1996
Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing - Measurement - Voltage dips - Immunity test EN 61000-4-29:2000
Electromagnetic Compatibility - Transfer - Static transfer system - STS - EMC EN 62310-2:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility - Turbine - Wind turbine CLC/TR 50373:2004
Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage - Fluctuation - Flicker - Conditional connection EN 61000-3-11:2000
Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage - Fluctuation - Flicker - Public low-voltage supply systems EN 61000-3-3:2008
Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage dips - Immunity test - Input current - Test EN 61000-4-34:2007
Electromagnetic emission - Circuit - Integrated - Conducted emission - Coupling EN 61967-4:2002
Electromagnetic emission - Circuit - Integrated - Conducted emission - Faraday cage EN 61967-5:2003
Electromagnetic emission - Circuit - Integrated - Conducted emission - Magnetic probe EN 61967-6:2002
Electromagnetic emission - Circuit - Integrated - Measurement - Definition EN 61967-1:2002
Electromagnetic emission - Circuit - Integrated - Radiated emission - TEM-cell EN 61967-2:2005
Electromagnetic emission - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection - Test EN 60255-25:2000
Electromagnetic field - Broadcast - Transmitter - Exposure - Radio frequency EN 50554:2010
Electromagnetic field - Exposure - Worker - Broadcast site - Risk EN 50496:2008
Electromagnetic field - Household - Human exposure - Measurement EN 62233:2008
Electromagnetic field - Human - Exposure - Resistance welding EN 50505:2008
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Electronic Article Surveillance - Radio Frequency Identification EN 50357:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Limitation - Electronic Article Surveillance - Radio Frequency
EN 50364:2001
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Low power - Restriction EN 50371:2002
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Magnetic field - Electric field EN 50413:2008
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Restriction EN 62311:2008
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Short range devices - Radio frequency Identification EN 62369-1:2009
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Transmitter - Broadcast station transmitter EN 50476:2008
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Transmitter - Broadcast transmitter EN 50420:2006
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Transmitter - Broadcast transmitter EN 50421:2006
Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Transmitter - Broadcasting EN 50475:2008
Electromagnetic field - Phone - Mobile phone - Human exposure - Restriction EN 50360:2001
Electromagnetic field - Radio frequency - Measurement EN 61566:1997
Electromagnetic field - Relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance test - Radiated EN 60255-22-3:2008
Electromagnetic field - Strength - Human exposure - Wireless - Telecommunication EN 50383:2010
Electromagnetic field - Worker - Exposure EN 50499:2008
Electromagnetic field strength - In situ measurement - Human exposure - Base station EN 50492:2008
Electromagnetic fields - Exposure - Human exposure CLC/TR 50442:2005
Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Wireless telecommunication - General public EN 50385:2002
Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Wireless telecommunication - Occupational EN 50384:2002
Electromagnetic fields - Railway - Exposure - Human EN 50500:2008
Electromagnetic fields - Station - Telecommunications - Human exposure - Radio frequency EN 50401:2006
Electromagnetic fields - Station - Telecommunications - Human exposure - Wireless EN 50400:2006
Electromagnetic force - Heating installation - Electroheat - Liquid metal - Safety EN 60519-11:2007
Electromagnetic interference - Building - Electrical installation - Safety - Overvoltage R064-004:1999
Electromagnetic interference - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Connection EN 60384-14:2005
Electromagnetic interference - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Connection EN 60384-14-1:2005
Electromagnetic interference - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Connection EN 60384-14-3:2004
Electromagnetic interference - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Connection - Safety EN 60384-14-2:2004
Electromagnetic interference - Filter - Passive filter EN 60939-1:2005
Electromagnetic interference - Filter - Passive filter - Test method EN 60939-2:2005
Electromagnetic interference - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Suppression - Generic specification EN 60938-1:1999
Electromagnetic interference - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Suppression - Safety test EN 60938-2-1:1999
Electromagnetic interference - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Suppression - Safety test EN 60938-2-2:1999
Electromagnetic interference - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Suppression - Sectional specification EN 60938-2:1999
Electromagnetic locator - Cable - Pipe - Locator - Performance EN 50249:2002
Electromagnetic performance - Cable - Communication - Test method EN 50289-1-6:2002
Electromagnetism EN 80000-6:2008
Electromechanical - Contactor - Household EN 61095:2009
Electromechanical - Elementary - Relay - Reliability EN 61810-2:2011
Electromechanical - Elementary - Relay - Reliability - B10 values EN 61810-2-1:2011
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Aggressive industrial application EN 116204:1994
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Enhanced industrial application EN 116203:1994
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Generic specification EN 61811-1:1999
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay EN 116300:1993
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-52:2002
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-53:2002
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-54:2002
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-55:2002
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - Assessed quality EN 61811-50:2002
Electromechanical - Relay - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - Non-standardized EN 61811-51:2002
Electromechanical - Relay - Elementary EN 61810-7:2006
Electromechanical - Relay - Elementary - Industrial application EN 61811-10:2003
Electromechanical - Relay - Elementary - Industrial application EN 61811-11:2003
Electromechanical - Relay - Elementary relay EN 61810-1:2008
Electromechanical - Relay - Elementary relay - Reliability EN 61810-2:2005
Electromechanical - Switch - Electronic EN 61020-1:2009
Electromechanical component - Electronic equipment - Dynamic stress test - Random vibration - Test EN 60512-6-5:1999
Electromechanical contactor - Household use EN 61095:1993
Electromechanical control circuit device - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Switch EN 60947-5-1:2004
Electromechanical meter - Metering equipment - Active energy EN 50470-2:2006
Electromechanical meter - Metering equipment - Active energy EN 62053-11:2003
Electromechanical meters - Metering - Acceptance - Active energy EN 62058-21:2010
Electromechanical switch - Switch EN 196000:1992
Electromigration - Constant - Current EN 62415:2010
Electromotive force - Temperature - EMF - Thermocouple combination EN 62460:2008
Electromyograph - Medical equipment - Response equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-40:1998
Electron accelerator - Medical - Functional performance EN 60976:2007
Electron accelerator - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-1:1998
Electron gun - Heating installation - Gun - Safety HD 440 S1:1983
Electron gun - Safety - Electroheat - Gun EN 60519-7:2008
Electronic - Capacitor - Double layer EN 62391-1:2006
Electronic - Capacitor - Double layer - Power application EN 62391-2:2006
Electronic - Capacitor - Double layer - Power application EN 62391-2-1:2006
Electronic - Connector EN 60512-26-100:2008
Electronic - Connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-3:2009
Electronic - Connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-3:2010
Electronic - Connector - Cable outlet - Sealing system - Metric EN 61076-7-100:2006
Electronic - Connector - Circular - Screw-locking EN 61076-2-105:2008
Electronic - Connector - Contact retention - Retention - Insert EN 60512-15-1:2008
Electronic - Connector - Data transmission - Shielded - Free and fixed EN 61076-3-110:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Electronic - Connector - Data transmission - Shielded free - Fixed EN 61076-3-104:2006
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-41:2010
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-51:2010
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-71:2010
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Common mating feature EN 60603-7-1:2002
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-2:2009
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-2:2010
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-4:2005
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-4:2010
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-5:2009
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-5:2010
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-7:2006
Electronic - Connector - Free and fixed connector - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-7:2010
Electronic - Connector - Measurement - Cable - Clamping EN 60512-17-1:2010
Electronic - Connector - Measurement - Capacitance EN 60512-22-1:2010
Electronic - Connector - Measurement - Endurance EN 60512-9-1:2010
Electronic - Connector - Measurement - Endurance - Cyclic EN 60512-9-5:2010
Electronic - Connector - Measurement - Impact - Free fall EN 60512-7-1:2010
Electronic - Connector - Measurement - Load test - Static EN 60512-8-1:2010
Electronic - Connector - Measurement - Resistance - Shunt EN 60512-21-1:2010
Electronic - Connector - Measurement - Screening - Filtering EN 60512-23-2:2010
Electronic - Connector - Mechanical - Electrical load - Mating (un-mating) EN 60512-9-3:2011
Electronic - Connector - Rectangular - Protective houshing - Industrial environment EN 61076-3-106:2006
Electronic - Design interchange format - Version 3 0 0 EN 61690-1:2000
Electronic - Design interchange format - Version 4 0 0 EN 61690-2:2000
Electronic - Electromechanical - Switch EN 61020-1:2009
Electronic - Electrostatics - Protection - Packaging - Discharge sensitive EN 61340-5-3:2010
Electronic - HBES - Home and Building - Layer - Media EN 50090-5-3:2006
Electronic - Home - Building - HBES - Structure EN 50090-1:2011
Electronic - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Chart display - Information system EN 61174:2001
Electronic - Measurement - Expression - Performance EN 60359:2002
Electronic - Printed board - Design - Zero orientation - CAD library EN 61188-7:2009
Electronic - Resistor - Capacitor - Wire termination HD 349 S1:1977
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Abbreviation - Programmable EN 61508-4:2001
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Abbreviation - Programmable EN 61508-4:2010
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Integrity level - Programmable EN 61508-5:2001
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Integrity level - Programmable EN 61508-5:2010
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Measure - Programmable EN 61508-7:2001
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Measure - Programmable EN 61508-7:2010
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Programmable EN 61508-1:2001
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Programmable EN 61508-1:2010
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Programmable EN 61508-2:2001
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Programmable EN 61508-2:2010
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Programmable EN 61508-6:2001
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Programmable EN 61508-6:2010
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Software - Programmable EN 61508-3:2001
Electronic - Safety - Functional safety - Software - Programmable EN 61508-3:2010
Electronic - Taximeter EN 50148:1995
Electronic - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Current transformer EN 60044-8:2002
Electronic - Tube - Valve - Dimensions HD 146 S4:1988
Electronic - Tube - Valve - Direct interelectrode capacitance HD 148 S2:1977
Electronic - Tube - Valve - Unit designation HD 145 S1:1977
Electronic apparatus - Audio - Video - Safety EN 60065:2002
Electronic Article Surveillance - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Limitation - Radio Frequency
EN 50364:2001
Electronic Article Surveillance - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Radio Frequency Identification EN 50357:2001
Electronic Article Surveillance - Human exposure - Electromagnetic - Radio Frequency Identification EN 50364:2010
Electronic assemblies - Printed board - Interconnection structure - Test EN 61189-6:2006
Electronic assemblies - Workmanship - Soldered EN 61192-1:2003
Electronic assemblies - Workmanship - Soldered - Mount assemblies - Through-hole EN 61192-3:2003
Electronic assemblies - Workmanship - Soldered - Rework - Repair EN 61192-5:2007
Electronic assemblies - Workmanship - Soldered - Surface-mount assemblies EN 61192-2:2003
Electronic assemblies - Workmanship - Soldered - Terminal assemblies EN 61192-4:2003
Electronic assembly - Attachment material - Solder alloy - Solid solder EN 61190-1-3:2007
Electronic assembly - Attachment material - Soldering flux - High-quality interconnection EN 61190-1-1:2002
Electronic assembly - Attachment material - Soldering past - High-quality interconnnects EN 61190-1-2:2007
Electronic ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Aircraft lighting EN 61347-2-6:2001
Electronic ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Emergency lighting EN 61347-2-7:2006
Electronic ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Fluorescent lamp EN 61347-2-3:2001
Electronic ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - General lighting EN 61347-2-4:2001
Electronic ballast - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Public transport lighting EN 61347-2-5:2001
Electronic ballast - Lamp - Discharge lamp EN 61347-2-12:2005
Electronic circuit - Luminaire - Lamp - Controlgear EN 61347-2-11:2001
Electronic component - Label - Package label - Bar code - Symbology EN 62090:2003
Electronic component - Medical - X-ray EN 100012:1995
Electronic component - Mounting - Dimensions HD 391 S3:1988
Electronic component - Reliability - Failure rate - Stress model EN 61709:1998
Electronic component - Reliability - Failure rate - Stress model EN 61709:2011
Electronic component - Shaft ends - Bush - Shaft operated - Single-hole EN 60915:2007
Electronic component - Spindle end - Dimensions HD 363 S1:1977
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Electronic component - Storage - Long duration - Implementation CLC/TS 50466:2006
Electronic components - Environmental testing - Solderability - Wetting balance EN 60068-2-54:2006
Electronic components - Sampling plan - Inspection - package EN 61193-2:2007
Electronic controlgear - Lamp - Controlgear - LED EN 61347-2-13:2006
Electronic design - Library - Automation - Input/output buffer - Information EN 62014-1:2002
Electronic device - Electrostatics - Protection EN 61340-5-1:2007
Electronic device - Electrostatics - Protection CLC/TR 61340-5-2:2008
Electronic equipment - Cabinet - Rack - Subrack - Chassis EN 61587-1:2007
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Aluminium electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-25:2006
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Aluminium electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-25-1:2006
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1 EN 60384-8:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1 EN 60384-8-1:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2 EN 60384-9:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2 EN 60384-9-1:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-21-1:2004
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-22-1:2004
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Metal foil - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60384-11:2008
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Metal foil - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60384-11-1:2008
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Polyethylene naphthalate film - Fixed surface mount EN 60334-23-1:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Polyethylene naphthalate film - Fixed surface mount EN 60384-23:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-2-1:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Polypropylene film - Metal foil EN 60384-13:2006
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Polypropylene film - Metal foil EN 60384-13-1:2006
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Tantalum electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-24:2006
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed - Tantalum electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-24-1:2006
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor EN 60384-1:2009
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Generic specification EN 60384-1:2001
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Polypropylene film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-16:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Polypropylene film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-16-1:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Polypropylene film - Pulse capacitor EN 60384-17:2005
Electronic equipment - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Polypropylene film - Pulse capacitor EN 60384-17-1:2005
Electronic equipment - Chemical resistance test - Fluid resistance - Test EN 60512-19-3:1997
Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Climatic sequence EN 60512-11-1:1999
Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Sand - Dust EN 60512-11-8:1999
Electronic equipment - Connector EN 61076-1:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Attenuation - Insertion loss - Measurement EN 60512-25-2:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Cable outlet - Accessories EN 61076-7-001:2004
Electronic equipment - Connector - Circular EN 61076-2-001:2001
Electronic equipment - Connector - Circular - Plug - Jack EN 61076-2-102:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Cold EN 60512-11-10:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Corrosion - Gas corrosion EN 60512-11-14:2003
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Corrosion - Salt mist EN 60512-11-6:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Damp heat - Cyclic EN 60512-11-12:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Damp heat - Steady state EN 60512-11-3:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Dry heat EN 60512-11-9:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Gas tightness - Connection EN 60512-11-13:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Low air - Pressure EN 60512-11-11:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Mould growth EN 60512-11-5:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Pressure - Damp heat EN 60512-11-2:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Temperature change EN 60512-11-4:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Bending strength EN 60512-16-3:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Bending strength EN 60512-16-14:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Compressive strength EN 60512-16-17:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Deflection of contact EN 60512-16-18:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Gauge retention force EN 60512-16-5:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Probe damage EN 60512-16-1:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Restricted entry EN 60512-16-2:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Robustness EN 60512-16-6:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Tensile strength EN 60512-16-4:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact - Termination - Torsional strength EN 60512-16-16:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact insertion - Extraction force EN 60512-15-4:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact resistance EN 60512-2-2:2003
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact resistance - Contact disturbance EN 60512-2-5:2003
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact resistance - Continuity - Test EN 60512-2-3:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact resistance - Housing continuity - Test EN 60512-2-6:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact resistance - Millivolt - Test EN 60512-2-1:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Contact retention - Insert - Cable nutation EN 60512-15-5:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Corrosion - Gas corrosion EN 60512-11-7:2003
Electronic equipment - Connector - Coupling device - Effectiveness EN 60512-15-6:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Crosstalk ratio - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-1:2001
Electronic equipment - Connector - Current-carrying capacity - Temperature derating EN 60512-5-2:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Current-carrying capacity - Temperature rise EN 60512-5-1:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Dimension - Mass - Test EN 60512-1-2:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress - Acceleration EN 60512-6-1:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress - Bump EN 60512-6-2:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress - Shock EN 60512-6-3:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress - Vibration - Sinusoidal EN 60512-6-4:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Engaging force - Separating force - Test EN 60512-13-1:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Eye pattern - Jitter EN 60512-25-6:2004
Electronic equipment - Connector - Fixed - Free - Unshielded EN 60603-7:2009
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Electronic equipment - Connector - Housing - Insert retention - Axial EN 60512-15-2:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Housing - Insert retention - Torsional EN 60512-15-3:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Immersion - Low(air) pressure EN 60512-14-5:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Immersion - Waterproof EN 60512-14-4:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Impact test - Static load test - Overload EN 60512-10-4:2003
Electronic equipment - Connector - Insertion force - Withdrawal force - Test EN 60512-13-2:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Insulation - Test - Resistance EN 60512-3-1:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Mechanical operation - Electrical load EN 60512-9-3:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Polarizing method - Keying method EN 60512-13-5:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Propagation delay - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-4:2001
Electronic equipment - Connector - Protection - Cover attachment - Robustness EN 60512-15-7:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Quality assessment EN 62197-1:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3-001:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Reflection coefficient - Wave ratio - VSWR EN 60512-25-7:2005
Electronic equipment - Connector - Rise time degradation - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-3:2001
Electronic equipment - Connector - Screening - Filtering - Reflection EN 60512-23-4:2001
Electronic equipment - Connector - Screening - Filtering - Transfer impedance EN 60512-23-7:2005
Electronic equipment - Connector - Sealing - Interfacial sealing EN 60512-14-6:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Sealing - Leakage - Fine air EN 60512-14-2:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Sealing test - Impacting water EN 60512-14-7:1998
Electronic equipment - Connector - Signal integrity - Alien crosstalk - Measurement EN 60512-25-9:2008
Electronic equipment - Connector - Solderability - De-wetting - Test EN 60512-12-3:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Solderability - Wetting - Iron method EN 60512-12-2:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Solderability - Wetting - Solder bath method EN 60512-12-1:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Solderability - Wetting balance - Test EN 60512-12-7:2001
Electronic equipment - Connector - Soldering heat - Iron method - Test EN 60512-12-5:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Soldering heat - Solder bath method - Resistance EN 60512-12-4:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Test - Measurement EN 60512-1:2001
Electronic equipment - Connector - Test - Measurement - Applicable publication EN 60512-1-100:2006
Electronic equipment - Connector - Visual examination - Test EN 60512-1-1:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Voltage stress - Crimp barrel - Insulation EN 60512-4-3:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Voltage stress - Partial discharge EN 60512-4-2:2002
Electronic equipment - Connector - Voltage stress - Voltage proof EN 60512-4-1:2003
Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Mechanical test EN 60512-15-8:1995
Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination - Test EN 60512-16-20:1996
Electronic equipment - Contact protection effectiveness - Scoop-proof - Test EN 60512-1-4:1997
Electronic equipment - Electrical engagement length - Test EN 60512-1-3:1997
Electronic equipment - Electromechanical component - Dynamic stress test - Random vibration - Test EN 60512-6-5:1999
Electronic equipment - Flammability test - Fireproofness - Test - Measurement EN 60512-20-2:2000
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Modular order EN 60917-2:1994
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Modular order EN 60917-2-1:1995
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Modular order EN 60917-2-2:1996
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Modular order - Generic standard EN 60917-1:1998
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Cabinet and case - Safety EN 61969-3:2001
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Design guidelines EN 61969-1:2000
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions - Cabinet EN 61969-2-1:2000
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions - Case EN 61969-2-2:2000
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions - Case and cabinets EN 61969-2:2000
Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Subrack - Backplane - Plug-in unit EN 60917-2-3:2006
Electronic equipment - Potentiometer EN 60393-1:2009
Electronic equipment - Power installation EN 50178:1997
Electronic equipment - Rack - Cabinet - Mechanical structure - EMC shielding EN 61587-3:2006
Electronic equipment - Rack - Cabinet - Seismic test - Mechanical structure EN 61587-2:2001
Electronic equipment - Rack structure - Cabinet - Pitch HD 493.2 S1:1988
Electronic equipment - Rack structure - Rack - Panel HD 493.1 S1:1988
Electronic equipment - Railway applications - Rolling stock EN 50155:2007
Electronic equipment - Resistor - Fixed resistor EN 60115-1:2001
Electronic equipment - Resistor - Fixed resistor - Individually measurable EN 60115-9:2004
Electronic equipment - Resistor - Fixed resistor - Individually measurable EN 60115-9-1:2004
Electronic equipment - Return loss - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-5:2004
Electronic equipment - Shielding effectiveness - Connector - Test - Measurement EN 60512-23-3:2001
Electronic equipment - Soldering test - Flux - Cleaning solvent - Sealing EN 60512-12-6:1996
Electronic equipment - Structure - Dimension - Subrack - Plug-in unit EN 60297-3-104:2006
Electronic equipment - Structure - Injector/extractor handle EN 60297-3-102:2004
Electronic equipment - Structure - Keying - Alignment pin EN 60297-3-103:2004
Electronic equipment - Structure - Subrack - Plug-in unit EN 60297-3-101:2004
Electronic equipment - Telecommunication - Letter symbol EN 60027-2:2007
Electronic equipment - Varistor EN 61051-1:2008
Electronic format - Distribution - European standard - EN CLC Guide 21:2001
Electronic module EN 62421:2007
Electronic performance - Digital VTR - Consumer-use - Mechanical performance - Measurement EN 62122:2002
Electronic product - Diagnostic interface - Consumer - Network EN 62286:2004
Electronic projection - Projector - Key performance criteria - Fixed resolution EN 61947-1:2002
Electronic projection - Projector - Key performance criteria - Variable resolution EN 61947-2:2002
Electronic source - Print - Transparency - Assessment of image quality EN 61610:1996
Electronic switch - Switch - Household installation - Fixed-electrical installation EN 60669-2-1:2004
Electronic system - Railway applications - Communication - Signalling - Processing EN 50129:2003
Electronic systems - Lightning - Protection - Stucture EN 62305-4:2006
Electronic systems - Lightning - Protection - Stucture EN 62305-4:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Electronic transformer - Transformer - Voltage transformer EN 60044-7:2000
Electroslag - Heating installation - Electroheat - Furnace - Safety EN 60519-8:2005
Electroslag - Heating installation - Furnace - Remelting furnace EN 60779:2005
Electrostatic - Automatic - Flammable - Flock - Equipment EN 50223:2001
Electrostatic - Electrical apparatus - Explosive atmosphere - Spraying equipment EN 50050:2006
Electrostatic - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Discharge - Immunity EN 61000-4-2:2009
Electrostatic - Explosive atmosphere - Spraying - Flammable - Coating powder EN 50177:2006
Electrostatic - Explosive atmosphere - Spraying - Flammable - Coating powder EN 50177:2009
Electrostatic - Explosive atmosphere - Spraying - Flammable liquid EN 50176:2009
Electrostatic - Microphone - Measurement - Actuator - Frequency response EN 61094-6:2005
Electrostatic - Spraying equipment - Non-flammable - Liquid EN 50348:2001
Electrostatic - Stationary - Ignitable - Flock material EN 50223:2010
Electrostatic - Stationary - Non-ignitable - Liquid - Coating material EN 50348:2010
Electrostatic discharge - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-2:1995
Electrostatic discharge - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance EN 60255-22-2:2008
Electrostatic discharge - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Human body model (HBM) EN 60749-26:2006
Electrostatic discharge - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Machine model (MM) EN 60749-27:2006
Electrostatic effect - Simulation - Human body model - Component - Testing EN 61340-3-1:2007
Electrostatic effect - Simulation - Machine model - Component - Testing EN 61340-3-2:2007
Electrostatic spraying equipment - Explosive atmosphere - Non-flammable - Painting EN 50059:1990
Electrostatic spraying installation - Explosive atmosphere - Flammable liquid EN 50176:1996
Electrostatics - Container - Bulk container - Flexible - Intermediate EN 61340-4-4:2005
Electrostatics - Dissipation - Static electric charge - Measurement EN 61340-2-1:2002
Electrostatics - Electronic device - Protection EN 61340-5-1:2007
Electrostatics - Electronic device - Protection CLC/TR 61340-5-2:2008
Electrostatics - Floor covering - Installed floor - Resistance EN 61340-4-1:2004
Electrostatics - Footwear - Flooring - Protection EN 61340-4-5:2004
Electrostatics - Footwear - Test method EN 61340-4-3:2001
Electrostatics - Hazard avoidance - Static electricity CLC/TR 50404:2003
Electrostatics - Protection - Electronic - Packaging - Discharge sensitive EN 61340-5-3:2010
Electrostatics - Solid planar material - Resistivity - Accumulation EN 61340-2-3:2000
Electrotechnical - Fire hazard - Assessment EN 60695-1-11:2010
Electrotechnical Area - Framework - Conformity Assessment CLC Guide 23:2002
Electrotechnical component - Railway applications - Rolling stock - DC circuit breaker EN 60077-3:2002
Electrotechnical component - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment EN 60077-2:2002
Electrotechnical product - Fire hazard - Assessment - Preselection testing - Guidance EN 60695-1-30:2002
Electrotechnical product - Fire hazard - Assessment - Preselection testing - Guidance EN 60695-1-30:2008
Electrotechnology - Document - Rules EN 61082-1:2006
Electrotechnology - Information technology - Coded graphic character EN 61286:2002
Elementary - Electromechanical - Relay - Reliability EN 61810-2:2011
Elementary - Electromechanical - Relay - Reliability - B10 values EN 61810-2-1:2011
Elementary - Relay - Electromechanical EN 61810-7:2006
Elementary - Relay - Electromechanical - Industrial application EN 61811-10:2003
Elementary - Relay - Electromechanical - Industrial application EN 61811-11:2003
Elementary relay - Relay - Electromechanical EN 61810-1:2008
Elementary relay - Relay - Electromechanical - Reliability EN 61810-2:2005
Elevated temperature - Insulating materials - Resistivity - Test HD 438 S1:1984
Elongation - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Tensile strength EN 50289-3-2:2001
Elongation - Communication cable - Test method - Tensile strength - Shrinkage EN 50289-3-4:2001
EMC - Circuit - Measurement - Immunity - TEM cell EN 62132-2:2011
EMC - Conformity - Military purpose CLC/TR 50538:2010
EMC - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-4-2:2004
EMC - Electromagnetic - Compatibility - Reverberation - Chamber EN 61000-4-21:2011
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Electrostatic - Discharge - Immunity EN 61000-4-2:2009
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Disturbance - Radio-frequency field EN 61000-4-6:2009
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Power frequency - Magnetic field EN 61000-4-8:2010
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Machine tools - Emission EN 50370-1:2005
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Machine tools - Immunity EN 50370-2:2003
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power quality - Measurement EN 61000-4-30:2009
EMC - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Product Committee - Apparatus CLC Guide 24:2009
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing - Measurement EN 61000-4-1:2007
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility - Vehicle - Aftermark electronic equipment EN 50498:2010
EMC - Hearing aid - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 60118-13:2005
EMC - Hearing aid - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 60118-13:2011
EMC - Lighting - Immunity EN 61547:2009
EMC - Medical equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Test - Safety EN 60601-1-2:2007
EMC - Modelling - Circuit - EMI - Simulation EN 62433-2:2010
EMC - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Test EN 61800-3:2004
EMC - Power system - Uninterruptible - UPS - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 62040-2:2006
EMC - Radiation - Emission - Immunity - Anechoic room EN 61000-4-22:2011
EMC - Relay - Protection - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 60255-26:2009
EMC - Resistance - Welding - Electromagnetic Compatibility EN 62135-2:2008
EMC - Transfer - Static transfer system - STS - Electromagnetic Compatibility EN 62310-2:2007
EMC - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply EN 62041:2003
EMC - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply EN 62041:2010
EMC - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-10:2007
EMC Directive - Apparatus CLC Guide 25:2009
EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Control - Measurement EN 61326-1:2006
EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Control - Measurement - Communication EN 61326-2-5:2006
EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Control - Measurement - Immunity EN 61326-3-1:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Control - Measurement - In-vitro diagnostic EN 61326-2-6:2006
EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Control - Measurement - Insulation EN 61326-2-4:2006
EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Control - Measurement - Portable test EN 61326-2-2:2006
EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Control - Measurement - Sensitive test EN 61326-2-1:2006
EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Control - Measurement - Transducer EN 61326-2-3:2006
EMC requirement - Laboratory use - Immunity - Safety related EN 61326-3-2:2008
EMC requirements - HBES - Automation - BACS - Industrial environment EN 50491-5-3:2010
EMC requirements - HBES - Automation - BACS - Large system EN 50491-5-2:2010
EMC requirements - HBES - Automation - BACS - Test EN 50491-5-1:2010
EMC shielding - Electronic equipment - Rack - Cabinet - Mechanical structure EN 61587-3:2006
Emergency - Breaking device - Fireman's switch EN 50425:2008
Emergency - Lighting - Battery powered - Automatic EN 62034:2006
Emergency - Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Control gear EN 62386-202:2009
Emergency - Lighting - Escape EN 50172:2004
Emergency - Sound system EN 60849:1998
Emergency circuit - Cable - Fire resistance - Resistance - Test EN 50200:2006
Emergency circuit - Cable - Power cable - Control cable - Fire resistance EN 50362:2003
Emergency lighting - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast EN 61347-2-7:2006
Emergency lighting - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-22:1998
Emergency stop device - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Switch EN 60947-5-5:1997
EMF - Low frequency - HV - Switchgear - Substations CLC/TR 62271-208:2010
EMF - Temperature - Electromotive force - Thermocouple combination EN 62460:2008
EMF assessment - Active - Implantable - Medical device - Cardiac pacemaker EN 50527-2-1:2011
EMF basic standard - Arc welding EN 50444:2008
EMF product - Welding equipment EN 50445:2008
EMI - EMC - Modelling - Circuit - Simulation EN 62433-2:2010
Emission - Diode display - Light - Organic - OLED EN 62341-1-1:2009
Emission - Disturbance emission - In-situ measurement - Measurement CLC/TS 50217:2005
Emission - Electroacoustics - Audiometry - Otoacoustic EN 60645-6:2010
Emission - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Machine tools EN 50370-1:2005
Emission - Electromagnetic compatibility - Household appliances - Electric tools EN 55014-1:2006
Emission - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Transverse Waveguide - TEM EN 61000-4-20:2003
Emission - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Transverse Waveguide - TEM EN 61000-4-20:2010
Emission - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - entertainment EN 55103-1:1996
Emission - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - entertainment EN 55103-1:2009
Emission - EMC - Radiation - Immunity - Anechoic room EN 61000-4-22:2011
Emission measurement - Electomagnetic compatibility - Anechoic chamber CLC/TR 50485:2010
Emitter - Heating installation - Industrial - Infra-red EN 60240-1:1994
Emmission standard - Electromagnetic compatibility - Industrial EN 61000-6-4:2007
Emmission standard - Electromagnetic compatibility - Residential - Commercial - Light-industrial EN 61000-6-3:2007
Empty - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Enclosure EN 62208:2003
EMS-API - Energy - Interface - CIM XML - Model Data Exchange EN 61970-501:2006
EMS-API - Energy - Interface - Common information model - CIM EN 61970-301:2004
EMS-API - Energy - Interface - Glossary CLC/TS 61970-2:2005
EMS-API - Energy - Interface - Guidelines EN 61970-1:2006
EMS-API - Energy management - Interface - Common services EN 61970-402:2008
EMS-API - Energy management - Interface - Data access EN 61970-403:2008
EMS-API - Energy management - Interface - Eventing - Subscription EN 61970-405:2007
EMS-API - Energy management - Interface - High speed - Data access EN 61970-404:2007
EMS-API - Energy management - Interface - Time series - Data access EN 61970-407:2007
EN - Consumer - Preparation - European Standard CEN/CLC Guide 2:2001
EN - Distribution - European standard - Electronic format CLC Guide 21:2001
EN - European Standard CEN/CLC Guide 1:2001
EN - Low Voltage Directive CLC Guide 5:2001
EN - Trade unions - Preparation - European Standard CEN/CLC Guide 5:2001
EN 50129 - Railway - Cross-acceptance - Communication - Signalling CLC/TR 50506-1:2007
EN 50129 - Railway - Safery assurance - Communication - Signalling CLC/TR 50506-2:2009
EN 60870-5 - Telecontrol - Conformance testing EN 60870-5-6:2009
Enamelled - Winding - Wire - Polyesterimide - Copper EN 60317-8:2010
Enamelled - Winding - Wire - Round - Aluminium EN 60317-0-3:2008
Enamelled - Winding wire - Wire - Round - Copper EN 60317-0-1:2008
Enamelled - Wire substrate - Impregnating agent - Bond strength EN 61033:2006
Enamelled wire - Wire - Temperature index EN 60172:1994
Encapsulated - Insulation - Thermal evaluation - Coil model - Wire-wound EN 61857-22:2008
Encapsulation "m" - Explosive - Atmosphere - Protection EN 60079-18:2009
Encapsulation "mD" - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Protection EN 61241-18:2004
Encapsulation m - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Construction - Marking EN 60079-18:2004
Enclosure "tD" - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Protection EN 61241-1:2004
Enclosure 'd' - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Protection - Flameproof EN 60079-1:2007
Enclosure - Box - Accessories - Household EN 60670-1:2005
Enclosure - Box - Accessories - Household - Connecting box/enclosure EN 60670-22:2006
Enclosure - Box - Accessories - Household - floor box/enclosure EN 60670-23:2008
Enclosure - Box - Accessories - Household - Suspension means EN 60670-21:2007
Enclosure - Electromagnetic compatibility - Mitigation - Protection - Disturbance EN 61000-5-7:2001
Enclosure - Protection - External mechanical impact - Impact EN 62262:2002
Enclosure - Protection - Person - Probe for verification EN 61032:1998
Enclosure - Rail fixing - Household - Built-in device - Dimension CLC/TR 50473:2007
Enclosure - Shielded enclosure CLC/TR 50484:2009
Enclosure - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Empty EN 62208:2003
Enclosure - Thermal performance - Heat load - Sun radiation EN 62194:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Enclosure p - Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Pressurized EN 60079-2:2007
Encoding - Distribution automation - Line carrier - A-XDR encoding rule EN 61334-6:2000
Encoding - Graphical symbol - Technical documentation - Connect node - Connect network EN 81714-3:2001
Encoding protocol - Metadata - Television - Key-length-value EN 62261-2:2006
End-product - Fire hazard - Glow-wire flammability - Flammability - Test EN 60695-2-11:2001
End-to-end - Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - Control valve EN 60534-3-3:1998
End-user - Optic - Fibre optic - FTTX - Network CLC/TR 50510:2007
Endangered atmosphere - Firedamp - Coal dust EN 50303:2000
Endface angle - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Angle-polished ferrule - Measurement EN 61300-3-17:1999
Endface angle - Optical fibre - Measurement - Angle-polished EN 61300-3-37:2005
Endface radius - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Spherically polished ferrule EN 61300-3-16:2003
Endoscopy - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-18:1996
Endurance - Connector - Durability - Contact retention - Seal EN 60512-9-4:2011
Endurance - Connector - Electronic - Measurement EN 60512-9-1:2010
Endurance - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Cyclic EN 60512-9-5:2010
Endurance - Insulation - Electrical stress - Repetitive impulse EN 62068-1:2003
Endurance - Insulation - Thermal EN 60216-5:2008
Endurance - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Environment - Test method EN 61747-5:1998
Endurance - Machine - Rotating machine - Insulation - Thermal CLC/TR 60034-18-33:2004
Endurance - Plasma - Display panel - Mechanical - Environmental EN 61988-4:2007
Endurance - Rotating - Machine - Insulation - Winding EN 60034-18-32:2010
Endurance - Surface mounting - Environment - Solder joint - Cyclic bending test EN 62137-1-4:2009
Endurance - Surface mounting - Environment - Solder joint - Cyclic drop test EN 62137-1-3:2009
Endurance - Surface mounting - Environment - Solder joint - Shear fatigue EN 62137-1-5:2009
Endurance - Surface-mount technology - Environmental - Solder joint - Pull strength EN 62137-1-1:2007
Endurance - Surface-mount technology - Environmental - Solder joint - Shear strength EN 62137-1-2:2007
endurance - Testing - Environmental - Mounting condition EN 62137:2004
Endurance index - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Fixed Time Frame protocol EN 60216-6:2006
Endurance testing - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor HD 525.2 S1:1989
Energizing quantity - Relay - Electrical relay - Single input EN 60255-3:1998
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Covering - Cross-linked elastomere EN 50363-2-2:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Halgen-free - Thermoplastic sheating compound EN 50363-8:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Halogen-free - Cross-linked sheating compound EN 50363-6:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - Covering EN 50363-0:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - Covering EN 50363-0:2011
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - Cross-linked elastomer EN 50363-1:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - Cross-linked elastomer EN 50363-2-1:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride EN 50363-9-1:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride EN 50363-10-1:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - PVC covering compound EN 50363-4-2:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - PVC insulating compounds EN 50363-3:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - PVC sheating compound EN 50363-4-1:2005
Energy - Cable - Insulating - Sheathing - Thermoplastic polyurethane EN 50363-10-2:2005
Energy - Cable - Sheathing - Halogen-free - Cross-linked insulating compound EN 50363-5:2005
Energy - Cable - Sheathing - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulating compound EN 50363-7:2005
Energy - CIM - Graphics exchange EN 61970-453:2008
Energy - Electric lamp - Measurement method - Household use EN 50285:1999
Energy - Interface - EMS-API - CIM XML - Model Data Exchange EN 61970-501:2006
Energy - Interface - EMS-API - Common information model - CIM EN 61970-301:2004
Energy - Interface - EMS-API - Glossary CLC/TS 61970-2:2005
Energy - Interface - EMS-API - Guidelines EN 61970-1:2006
Energy - Laser product - Measurement EN 61040:1992
Energy - Management - Efficiency - Glossary CEN/CLC/TR 16103:2010
Energy - Measuring instrument - Watthour meter - AC - Class 1 and 2 EN 61358:1996
Energy - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Thermal - Safety EN 61800-5-1:2007
Energy - Solar - Photovoltaic CLC/TS 61836:2009
Energy consumption - Clothes - Washer-dryer - Household use - Performance EN 50229:2007
Energy consumption - Household - Washing machine - Measurement EN 60456:2005
Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Common services EN 61970-402:2008
Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Data access EN 61970-403:2008
Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Eventing - Subscription EN 61970-405:2007
Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - High speed - Data access EN 61970-404:2007
Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Time series - Data access EN 61970-407:2007
Energy market - Standardization - Liberalization CLC/TR 50403:2002
Energy measurment - Railway applications - Train EN 50463:2007
Energy rating - Photovoltaic - Performance - Irradiance - Temperature EN 61853-1:2011
Energy regulator - Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-2-11:2008
Energy resources - Communication - Network - Automation - Logical node EN 61850-7-420:2009
Energy system - Battery - Photovoltaic - Solar - Test method EN 61427:2005
ENG camera and portable VTR - Audio - Video - Television - Interconnection EN 60933-3:1992
Engagement and separation force - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-11:1997
Engaging force - Connector - Electronic equipment - Separating force - Test EN 60512-13-1:2006
Engine - Internal combustion - Radio disturbance - Vehicle - Boat EN 55012:2007
Engine driven - Generating set - Internal combustion - Uninterruptible - Power system EN 88528-11:2004
Engine driven - Rotating - AC - Generator - Combustion EN 60034-22:2009
Engineering - Guidance - Communication - Network - Dependability EN 61907:2010
Enhanced industrial application - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing EN 116203:1994
Enterprise-control - Activity model - Manufacturing operations EN 62264-3:2007
Enterprise-control - Model - Terminology EN 62264-1:2008
Enterprise-control - Object model - Attributes EN 62264-2:2008
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Alphabetical Index

entertainment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - Emission EN 55103-1:1996
entertainment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - Emission EN 55103-1:2009
entertainment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - Immunity EN 55103-2:1996
entertainment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - Immunity EN 55103-2:2009
Entrance field size - Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier EN 61262-1:1994
Envelope - Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Directly heated EN 143002:1991
Environment - Alarm EN 50130-5:2011
Environment - Audio/video - Communication technology - Design EN 62075:2008
Environment - Cable CLC/TR 62125:2008
Environment - Climatic - Temperature/humidity - Dynamic - Vibration/shock EN 60068-2-53:2010
Environment - Design EN 62430:2009
Environment - Dynamic module - Performance - Dispersion compensator - Pigtail EN 62343-1-2:2008
Environment - Dynamic module - Performance - Equalizer EN 62343-1-3:2006
Environment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Conducted disturbance EN 61000-2-10:1999
Environment - Electromagnetic compatibility - LF disturbance EN 61000-2-4:2002
Environment - Electromagnetic compatibility - LF disturbance - Signalling EN 61000-2-12:2003
Environment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Radiated disturbance EN 61000-2-9:1996
Environment - HBES - Building - Automation - BACS EN 50491-2:2010
Environment - Light emitting - Diode - Organic - Display EN 62341-5:2009
Environment - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Endurance - Test method EN 61747-5:1998
Environment - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Design - Conscious EN 60601-1-9:2008
Environment - Solar - Radiation - Ground level - Test EN 60068-2-5:2011
Environment - Surface mounting - Endurance - Solder joint - Cyclic bending test EN 62137-1-4:2009
Environment - Surface mounting - Endurance - Solder joint - Cyclic drop test EN 62137-1-3:2009
Environment - Surface mounting - Endurance - Solder joint - Shear fatigue EN 62137-1-5:2009
Environment - Testing EN 60068-1:1994
Environment - Testing - Test N - Temperature change EN 60068-2-14:2009
Environment - Testing - Test Z/AD - Temperature/humidity - Cyclic EN 60068-2-38:2009
Environmental - Alarm system - Test method EN 50130-5:1998
Environmental - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Climatic sequence EN 50289-4-5:2008
Environmental - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Damp heat EN 50289-4-7:2008
Environmental - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Lightning EN 50289-4-14:2003
Environmental - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Solvent EN 50289-4-4:2008
Environmental - Communication cable - Test method EN 50289-4-1:2001
Environmental - Communication cable - Test method - Fire test method - Horizontal EN 50289-4-11:2002
Environmental - Communication cable - Test method - Pneumatic resistance EN 50289-4-9:2001
Environmental - Communication cable - Test method - Temperature cycling EN 50289-4-6:2001
Environmental - Communication cable - Test method - Water penetration EN 50289-4-2:2001
Environmental - Plasma - Display panel - Mechanical - Endurance EN 61988-4:2007
Environmental - Surface-mount technology - Endurance - Solder joint - Pull strength EN 62137-1-1:2007
Environmental - Surface-mount technology - Endurance - Solder joint - Shear strength EN 62137-1-2:2007
Environmental - Testing - endurance - Mounting condition EN 62137:2004
Environmental chamber - Environmental testing - Documentation - Uncertainty EN 60068-3-11:2007
Environmental conditions - Cable - Communication - Use of cable - Safety EN 50290-4-1:2001
Environmental conditions - Classification - Air pressure HD 478.2.3 S1:1990
Environmental conditions - Classification - Dust - Sand - Salt mist HD 478.2.5 S1:1993
Environmental conditions - Classification - Earthquake - Vibration and shock HD 478.2.6 S1:1993
Environmental conditions - Classification - Fauna - Flora HD 478.2.7 S1:1990
Environmental conditions - Classification - Parameter - Introduction EN 60721-3-0:1993
Environmental conditions - Classification - Parameter - Microclimate EN 60721-3-9:1993
Environmental conditions - Classification - Parameter - Severity EN 60721-1:1995
Environmental conditions - Classification - Parameter - Ship EN 60721-3-6:1993
Environmental conditions - Classification - Temperature - Humidity HD 478.2.1 S1:1989
Environmental conditions - Classification - Temperature - Solar radiation HD 478.2.4 S1:1989
Environmental conditions - Classification - Wind - Precipitation HD 478.2.2 S1:1990
Environmental conditions - Ground vehicle installation - Classification EN 60721-3-5:1997
Environmental conditions - Non-stationary use - Portable use EN 60721-3-7:1995
Environmental conditions - Railway applications - Fixed installation EN 50125-2:2002
Environmental conditions - Railway applications - Rolling stock EN 50125-1:1999
Environmental conditions - Railway applications - Signalling - Telecommunications EN 50125-3:2003
Environmental conditions - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 205-802:1997
Environmental conditions - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-802:1997
Environmental conditions - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-803:1997
Environmental conditions - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-804:1999
Environmental conditions - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-805:1999
Environmental conditions - Relay - Hermetically sealed relay EN 116205-206-207:1995
Environmental conditions - Stationary use - Non-weatherprotected location EN 60721-3-4:1995
Environmental conditions - Stationary use - Weatherprotected location EN 60721-3-3:1995
Environmental conditions - Storage - Classification EN 60721-3-1:1997
Environmental conditions - Telecontrol - Operating conditions EN 60870-2-2:1996
Environmental conditions - Transportation - Classification EN 60721-3-2:1997
Environmental test - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Clamp EN 50483-6:2009
Environmental test - Cable - Communication cable - Vertical flame spread test EN 50289-4-12:2004
Environmental testing - Acceleration - Steady state (Ga) EN 60068-2-7:1993
Environmental testing - Bounce test EN 60068-2-55:1993
Environmental testing - Bump test EN 60068-2-29:1993
Environmental testing - Cleaning solvent - Immersion test EN 60068-2-45:1992
Environmental testing - Climatic sequence - Test Z/ABDM EN 60068-2-61:1993
Environmental testing - Cold heat test - Dry heat test EN 60068-3-1:1999
Environmental testing - Cold test EN 60068-2-1:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Environmental testing - Cold/vibration test - Combined test - Heat EN 60068-2-50:1999
Environmental testing - Combined sequential test EN 60068-2-39:1999
Environmental testing - Combined test - Cold/low air - Pressure test - Test EN 60068-2-40:1999
Environmental testing - Combined test - Heat/low air - Pressure test - Test EN 60068-2-41:1999
Environmental testing - Combined test - Temperature/low air pressure EN 60068-3-2:1999
Environmental testing - Connection - Hydrogen sulphide test HD 323.2.46 S1:1988
Environmental testing - Damp heat test - Cyclic EN 60068-2-30:2005
Environmental testing - Damp heat test - Steady state (Cx) EN 60068-2-66:1994
Environmental testing - Damp heat test - Steady state (Cy) EN 60068-2-67:1996
Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Damp heat EN 60068-3-4:2002
Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Temperature chamber - Measurement EN 60068-3-7:2002
Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Temperature chamber - Performance EN 60068-3-5:2002
Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Temperature/humidity - Performance EN 60068-3-6:2002
Environmental testing - Documentation - Uncertainty - Environmental chamber EN 60068-3-11:2007
Environmental testing - Drafting - Test method - Term - Definitions EN 60068-5-2:1999
Environmental testing - Dry heat - Test EN 60068-2-2:2007
Environmental testing - Dry heat/vibration test - Combined test - Heat - Test EN 60068-2-51:1999
Environmental testing - Dust and sand EN 60068-2-68:1996
Environmental testing - Low air pressure EN 60068-2-13:1999
Environmental testing - Mould growth EN 60068-2-10:2005
Environmental testing - Salt mist EN 60068-2-11:1999
Environmental testing - Sealing test EN 60068-2-17:1994
Environmental testing - Seismic test EN 60068-3-3:1993
Environmental testing - Shock - Rough handling - Equipment-type EN 60068-2-31:2008
Environmental testing - Shock test EN 60068-2-27:1993
Environmental testing - Shock test EN 60068-2-27:2009
Environmental testing - Solar radiation - Test - Ground level EN 60068-2-5:1999
Environmental testing - Solar radiation - Test - Guidance EN 60068-2-9:1999
Environmental testing - Solderability - Electronic components - Wetting balance EN 60068-2-54:2006
Environmental testing - Solderability - Resistance - Heat - Leaded device EN 60068-2-20:2008
Environmental testing - Storage effect - Test - Guidance EN 60068-2-48:1999
Environmental testing - Temperature change - Guidance - Test EN 60068-2-33:1999
Environmental testing - Temperature change - Test EN 60068-2-14:1999
Environmental testing - Temperature/humidity cyclic test EN 60068-2-38:1999
Environmental testing - Test - Body strength - Impact shock EN 60068-2-77:1999
Environmental testing - Test - Soldering EN 60068-2-44:1995
Environmental testing - Test Cab - Damp heat - Steady state EN 60068-2-78:2001
Environmental testing - Test Eh - Hammer test EN 60068-2-75:1997
Environmental testing - Test Ei - Shock response - Spectrum synthesis EN 60068-2-81:2003
Environmental testing - Test Fi - Mixed mode EN 60068-2-80:2005
Environmental testing - Test Kb - Salt mist - Cyclic EN 60068-2-52:1996
Environmental testing - Test Kc - Sulphur dioxide - Contact - Connection EN 60068-2-42:2003
Environmental testing - Test Kd - Hydrogen sulphide - Contact - Connection EN 60068-2-43:2003
Environmental testing - Test Ke - Flowing mixed gas corrosion EN 60068-2-60:1996
Environmental testing - Test R - Guidance - Water EN 60068-2-18:2001
Environmental testing - Test summaries EN 60068-4:1996
Environmental testing - Test Td - Soldering heat - Surface mounting device EN 60068-2-58:2004
Environmental testing - Test Te - Solderability - Wetting balance method EN 60068-2-69:2007
Environmental testing - Test U - Termination robustness - Mounting device - Integral EN 60068-2-21:2006
Environmental testing - Test Xb - Abrasion EN 60068-2-70:1996
Environmental testing - Test Xc - Fluid - Contamination EN 60068-2-74:1999
Environmental testing - Vibration - Acoustically induced EN 60068-2-65:1994
Environmental testing - Vibration - Broad-band random test - Digital control EN 60068-2-64:2008
Environmental testing - Vibration - Impact - Dynamic test EN 60068-2-47:2005
Environmental testing - Vibration - Sinusoidal EN 60068-2-6:2008
Environmental testing - Vibration test - Documentation EN 60068-3-8:2003
Environmental testing - Vibration test - Sine beat method EN 60068-2-59:1993
Environmental testing - Vibration test - Time-history method - Test EN 60068-2-57:2000
Environmental testing - Whisker test EN 60068-2-82:2007
Epoxice woven E-glass - Interconnection structure - Non-halogenated - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-22:2005
Epoxide - Interconnecting structure - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - fibreglass EN 61249-2-19:2002
Epoxide - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Aramid laminate - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-12:1999
Epoxide - Interconnection - Woven E-glass - Flammability - Lead-free EN 61249-2-36:2009
Epoxide - Interconnexion - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-35:2009
Epoxide - Interconnexion - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-37:2009
Epoxide - Interconnexion - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-38:2009
Epoxide - Interconnexion - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-41:2010
Epoxide - Interconnexion - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-42:2010
Epoxide woven E-glass - Prepreg material - Unclad - Structure interconnection - Flammability EN 61249-4-1:2008
Epoxide woven E-glass - Printed board - Prepreg - Burning test - Lead-free EN 61249-4-14:2009
Epoxide woven E-glass - Printed board - Prepreg material - Not-halogenated - Burningtest EN 61249-4-11:2005
Epoxide woven E-glass - Printed board - Prepreg material - Not-halogenated - Vertical Burning EN 61249-4-12:2005
Epoxide woven E-glass - Printed board - Prepreg material - Unclad - Burning test EN 61249-4-2:2005
Epoxide woven E-glass - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-7:2002
Epoxy resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-3-2:2004
Epoxy resin - Insulating materials - Solventless polymerisable resinous compound HD 307.3.11 S1:1990
Epoxy resin binder - Insulating materials - Mica - Glass-backed mica paper EN 60371-3-5:2006
Epoxy resin binder - Insulating materials - Mica - Polyester film EN 60371-3-7:1995
Epoxy resinous compound - Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Quartz filled EN 60455-3-2:2003
EPR - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Polyurethane - Flexible cable HD 22.10 S2:2007
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Alphabetical Index

EPR cord - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Heat-resistant - Flexible cable HD 22.12 S2:2007
EPS - Interoperability - Power supply - Mobile - Telephone EN 62684:2010
Epstein frame - Magnetic materials - Electrical steel sheet and strip - Measurement EN 60404-2:1998
Equalizer - Dynamic - Channel EN 62343-3-1:2010
Equalizer - Dynamic - Gain - Tilt - Response time EN 62343-5-1:2009
Equalizer - Dynamic module - Performance - Environment EN 62343-1-3:2006
Equipment - Automatic - Electrostatic - Flammable - Flock EN 50223:2001
Equipment - Circuit-breaker EN 60934:2001
Equipment - Controller - Programmable controller EN 61131-2:2007
Equipment - Explosive - Atmosphere - Quality system - Manufacture EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011
Equipment - Industrial - Installation - Product - Signal EN 61175:2005
Equipment - Live working - Conformity assessment - Tool - Device EN 61318:2008
Equipment - Live working - Tool - Minimum requirement EN 61477:2002
Equipment - Protection - Electric shock - Installation EN 61140:2002
Equipment - Railway applications - Rolling stock EN 60077-1:2002
Equipment - Railway applications - Rolling stock - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 60077-4:2003
Equipment - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Electrotechnical component EN 60077-2:2002
Equipment - Railway applications - Rolling stock - HV - Fuse EN 60077-5:2003
Equipment - Turbine - Hydroelectric installation EN 61116:1994
Equipment classification - Laser products - Safety EN 60825-1:2007
Equipment requirement - Alarm system - Transmission EN 50136-2-1:1998
Equipment requirement - Alarm system - Transmission - Dedicated alarm path EN 50136-2-2:1998
Equipment requirement - Alarm system - Transmission - Digital communicator EN 50136-2-3:1998
Equipment requirement - Alarm system - Transmission - Voice communicator EN 50136-2-4:1998
Equipment-type - Environmental testing - Shock - Rough handling EN 60068-2-31:2008
Equipotential - Information technology - Building - Bonding - Earthing EN 50310:2006
Equipotential bonding - Distribution system - LV - Earth connection - Resistance EN 61557-4:2007
Equivalent cell temperature - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Open-circuit voltage method EN 60904-5:1995
Erection - Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Common rules HD 60364-5-51:2006
Erection - Electrical - Test equipment - Operation EN 50191:2000
Erection - Electrical - Test equipment - Operation EN 50191:2010
Erection - Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Rule HD 60364-5-51:2009
Erection - Explosive - Atmosphere - Design - Selection EN 60079-14:2008
Erection - Low-voltage - Selection - Wiring HD 60364-5-52:2011
Ergonomic arrangements - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface CLC/TS 50459-2:2005
Ergonomic arrangements - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface CLC/TS 50459-3:2005
Ergonomic principles - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface CLC/TS 50459-1:2005
Erosion - Insulating materials - Tracking - Rotating wheel dip test EN 61302:1995
Erosion - Tracking - Resistance - Insulation - Ambiant condition EN 60587:2007
Erosive influence - Industrial process - Operating conditions - Corrosive influence EN 60654-4:1997
Error status - Recorder - Broadcast - Digital video tape - Identification EN 62070:2001
ERTMS - Railway - Communication - Driver-machine interface - Audible information CLC/TS 50459-6:2005
ERTMS - Railway - Communication - Driver-machine interface - Data entry CLC/TS 50459-4:2005
ERTMS - Railway - Communication - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic arrangements CLC/TS 50459-2:2005
ERTMS - Railway - Communication - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic arrangements CLC/TS 50459-3:2005
ERTMS - Railway - Communication - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic principles CLC/TS 50459-1:2005
ERTMS - Railway - Communication - Driver-machine interface - Transmission module CLC/TR 50459-7:2007
ERTMS - Trackside - Control-command CLC/TR 50511:2007
Escape - Lighting - Emergency EN 50172:2004
ESL - Capacitor - Measuring - Lead - Terminal EN 62490-1:2010
ESL - Capacitor - Measuring - Surface mount EN 62490-2:2010
Essential performance - Medical equipment - Ambulatory - Electrocardiograph - Safety EN 60601-2-47:2001
Essential performance - Medical equipment - Blood-pressure - Monitoring - Safety EN 60601-2-34:2000
Essential performance - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-1:2006
Essential rating - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display - Matrix colour LCD module EN 61747-4-1:2004
Essential rating - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Display module - Cell EN 61747-4:1998
Established wire-wound - Insulation - Thermal evaluation - EIS EN 61858:2008
Ester - Insulating liquid - Synthetic organic ester EN 61099:1992
Ester - Unused - Synthetic - Organic EN 61099:2010
Ester turbine - Petroleum product - Lubricant - Triaryl phosphate - Control fluid EN 61221:2004
Estimation - Reliability growth - Statistics EN 61164:2004
ETD-core - Core - Magnetic oxide - Power supply - Dimensions EN 61185:2005
Ether - Lead - Cadmium - Hexavalent Chromium EN 62321:2009
Ethernet - Fibre optic - Performance - Transceiver - Gigabit EN 62149-4:2010
Eurocard - Microprocessor system - BUS - MULTIBUS - Connector HD 593.3 S1:1991
Eurocrypt - Access control system - MAC/packet system EN 50094:1992
Europe - Satellite receiving equipment - Interconnection EN 61319-1:1996
European Commission - Cooperation - EC - European Free Trade Association - EFTA CEN/CLC Guide 4:2003
European Free Trade Association - Cooperation - European Commission - EC - EFTA CEN/CLC Guide 4:2003
European Standard - Consumer - Preparation - EN CEN/CLC Guide 2:2001
European standard - Distribution - EN - Electronic format CLC Guide 21:2001
European Standard - EN CEN/CLC Guide 1:2001
European Standard - Trade unions - Preparation - EN CEN/CLC Guide 5:2001
EVA cord - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Flexible cable HD 22.11 S2:2007
EVA insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Single core - Crosslinked EN 50525-2-42:2011
Evaluation - Household - Electromagnetic - Measurement EN 50366:2003
Evaluation - Industrial process - Control system - Adaptive controller EN 61297:1995
Evaluation - Insulation - Thermal EN 60085:2008
Evaluation - Insulation - Thermal - Low-voltage EN 61857-1:2009
Evaluation - Insulation system - Qualification EN 60505:2004
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Alphabetical Index

Evaluation - Medical - Image - Display EN 62563-1:2010
Evaluation - Qualification - Insulation EN 60505:2011
Evaluation report - Process measurement - Performance evaluation EN 61298-4:2008
Evaluation report content - Control device - Performance EN 61298-4:1995
Event tree - Analysis - Dependability EN 62502:2010
Eventing - Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Subscription EN 61970-405:2007
Excessive - Temperature - Surface - Touchable CLC Guide 29:2007
Exchange data format - Die product - Semiconductor EN 62258-2:2005
Exchange data format - Die product - Semiconductor EN 62258-2:2011
Excitation system - Machine - Rotating machine - Synchronous - Power system CLC/TR 60034-16-2:2004
Excitation system - Rotating - Machine - Synchronous EN 60034-16-1:2011
Excitation system - Rotating machine - Synchronous machine - Dynamic performance CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004
Exhibition - Building - Electrical installation - Show - Stand HD 384.7.711 S1:2003
Exitation system - Machine - Rotating - Synchronous machine EN 60034-16-1:1995
Expandable braided - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60684-3-340 to 342:2003
Expandable braided ethylene - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - E-CTFE EN 60684-3-343 to 345:2002
Explosion risk - Caplight - Mine - Firedamp - Test EN 62013-1:2006
Explosion risk - Safety - Functionning EN 50495:2010
Explosive - Atmosphere - Area - Combustible - Dust EN 60079-10-2:2009
Explosive - Atmosphere - Design - Selection - Erection EN 60079-14:2008
Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Area - Classification EN 60079-10-1:2009
Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Detector - Guide EN 60079-29-2:2007
Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Detectors - Flammable EN 60079-29-4:2010
Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Flammable - Detection EN 60079-29-1:2007
Explosive - Atmosphere - Heating - Resistance EN 60079-30-1:2007
Explosive - Atmosphere - Heating - Resistance EN 60079-30-2:2007
Explosive - Atmosphere - Inspection - Maintenance EN 60079-17:2007
Explosive - Atmosphere - Intrinsically - Safe EN 60079-25:2010
Explosive - Atmosphere - Pressurized room EN 60079-13:2010
Explosive - Atmosphere - Protection "n" EN 60079-15:2010
Explosive - Atmosphere - Protection - Encapsulation "m" EN 60079-18:2009
Explosive - Atmosphere - Quality system - Equipment - Manufacture EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011
Explosive - Atmosphere - Repair - Overhaul - Reclamation EN 60079-19:2011
Explosive - Gas - Atmosphere - Vapour EN 60079-20-1:2010
Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Encapsulation m - Construction - Marking EN 60079-18:2004
Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Hazardous area - Classification EN 60079-10:2003
Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Intrinsic safety i EN 60079-11:2007
Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Protection - Flameproof - Enclosure 'd' EN 60079-1:2007
Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Protection n - Construction - Marking EN 60079-15:2005
Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Repair - Overhaul - Apparatus EN 60079-19:2007
Explosive atmosphere - Caplight - Mine - Firedamp EN 60079-35-1:2011
Explosive atmosphere - Construction - Testing - Safety EN 50394-1:2004
Explosive atmosphere - Detection - Oxygen - Performance EN 50104:2002
Explosive atmosphere - Detection - Oxygen - Performance EN 50104:2010
Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Area - Classification EN 61241-10:2004
Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Combustible dust EN 61241-0:2006
Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Combustible dust - Protection 'pD' EN 61241-4:2006
Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Encapsulation "mD" - Protection EN 61241-18:2004
Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Intrinsically safe - iD apparatus EN 61241-11:2006
Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Protection - Enclosure "tD" EN 61241-1:2004
Explosive atmosphere - Dust resistivity - Layer - Test method EN 61241-2-2:1995
Explosive atmosphere - Electrical apparatus - Electrostatic - Spraying equipment EN 50050:2006
Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying - Flammable - Coating powder EN 50177:2006
Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying - Flammable - Coating powder EN 50177:2009
Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying - Flammable liquid EN 50176:2009
Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic spraying equipment - Non-flammable - Painting EN 50059:1990
Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic spraying installation - Flammable liquid EN 50176:1996
Explosive atmosphere - Fieldbus - FISCO - Intrinsically safe EN 60079-27:2008
Explosive atmosphere - Gas EN 60079-0:2006
Explosive atmosphere - Gas EN 60079-0:2009
Explosive atmosphere - Gas - Construction - Test - Marking EN 60079-26:2007
Explosive atmosphere - Gas - Intrinsic safety system EN 60079-25:2004
Explosive atmosphere - Gas - Safety e EN 60079-7:2007
Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Enclosure p - Pressurized EN 60079-2:2007
Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Oil immersion "o" EN 60079-6:2007
Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Powder filling "q" EN 60079-5:2007
Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Transmission system - Optical radiation EN 60079-28:2007
Explosive atmospheres - Dust - Ignition protection EN 60079-31:2009
Exposure - AIMD - Electromagnetic EN 50527-1:2010
Exposure - Broadcast - Transmitter - Radio frequency - Electromagnetic field EN 50554:2010
Exposure - Electric field - Magnetic field - Human body - Current density EN 62226-3-1:2007
Exposure - Electric field,Magnetic field - Human body - Current density EN 62226-2-1:2005
Exposure - Electromagnetic field - Human - Resistance welding EN 50505:2008
Exposure - Electromagnetic field - Worker EN 50499:2008
Exposure - Electromagnetic fields - Railway - Human EN 50500:2008
Exposure - Filter - Shielded exposure CLC/TR 50481:2009
Exposure - Human - Low power - Electromagnetic EN 62479:2010
Exposure - Human exposure - Electromagnetic fields CLC/TR 50442:2005
Exposure - Measurement - Magnetic - Public EN 62110:2009
Exposure - Worker - Electromagnetic field - Broadcast site - Risk EN 50496:2008
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Alphabetical Index

Exposure - Workers' exposure - Magnetic field - Industrial - Induction heating EN 50519:2010
Exposure index - Medical - Digital - X-ray - Imaging EN 62494-1:2008
EXPRESS dictionary - Standard data element type - Electric component EN 61360-5:2004
EXPRESS dictionary schema - Standard data element type - Electric component EN 61360-2:2002
EXPRESS model - Semiconductor - Die product - Data exchange CLC/TR 62258-8:2008
Expression - Measurement - Electronic - Performance EN 60359:2002
Expulsion fuse - Fuse - HV HD 636 S1:1996
Extended range - Capacitor - Tantalum surface mount - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 801-802:2005
Extensible - Cable - Low voltage - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-12:2011
Extensible lead - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride - Insulated cable HD 21.10 S2:2001
Extension - Distribution - CIM EN 61968-11:2010
Extension - Thermocouple - Cable - Compensating - Tolerance EN 60584-3:2008
External - Medical - Cardiac - Pacemaker EN 60601-2-31:2008
External gas-pressure cable - Cable - Alternating voltage - Test HD 635 S1:1997
External intermodulation product - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Antenna EN 60244-14:1997
External mechanical impact - Protection - Enclosure - Impact EN 62262:2002
External visual examination - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-3:2002
Extinction ratio - Fibre optic - Communication - Digital - Eye pattern EN 61280-2-2:2008
Extinction ratio - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Pigtailed connector - Measurement EN 61300-3-40:1998
Extra-low-voltage - Building - Electrical installation - Lighting installation HD 60364-7-715:2005
Extracorporeally induced - Medical equipment - Lithotripsy - Safety EN 60601-2-36:1997
Extraction force - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact insertion EN 60512-15-4:2008
Extractor - Household - Safety - Spin EN 60335-2-4:2010
Extrapolation - Switchgear and controlgear - Temperature-rise - PTTA - LV CLC/TR 60890:2002
Extruded - Cable - Discharge - Power cable - Test EN 60885-3:2003
Extruded - Power cable - Cable - Insulation HD 632 S2:2008
Extruded fluorosilicone - Insulation - Flexible sleeving EN 60684-3-136:1998
Extruded insulation - Cable - Power cable HD 632 S1:1998
Extruded insulation - Cable - Power cable - Test HD 629.1 S2:2006
Extruded Polychloroprene - Insulation - Flexible sleeving EN 60684-3-116 & 117:2003
Extruded polyolefin - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Flame retarde - Limited hazard EN 60684-3-165:2004
Extruded PTFE sleeving - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - PTFE EN 60684-3-145 to 147:2001
Extruded PVC sleeving - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - PVC EN 60684-3-100 to 105:2001
Extruded PVC/nitrile rubber - Insulation - Flexible sleeving EN 60684-3-151:1998
Extruded silicone sleeving - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Silicone EN 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
Extrusion - Cable - Oversheath - Protection EN 60229:2008
Eye pattern - Electronic equipment - Connector - Jitter EN 60512-25-6:2004
Eye pattern - Fibre optic - Communication - Digital - Extinction ratio EN 61280-2-2:2008


F-SMA connector family - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-22:2005
Fabric steamer - Household appliances - Steamer - Safety EN 60335-2-85:2003
Face-to-face - Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - Control valve EN 60534-3-1:2000
Face-to-face - Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - Control valve EN 60534-3-2:2001
Facror correction bank - Capacitor - Power capacitor - LV EN 61921:2003
Factory - Insulating material - Impregnated - Gas - Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) EN 61181:2007
Factory acceptance - Automation - Process industry - Site acceptance - Site integration EN 62381:2007
Failure - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Test EN 62005-3:2001
Failure - Reliability - Growth - Stress testing - Unique complex EN 62429:2008
Failure - Reliability - Rate - Intensity - Compliance test EN 61124:2006
Failure - Water main - Backsiphonage - Hose-sets EN 61770:2009
Failure mode - Reliability - Effect analysis - FMEA EN 60812:2006
Failure rate - Electronic component - Reliability - Stress model EN 61709:1998
Failure rate - Electronic component - Reliability - Stress model EN 61709:2011
Fair - Building - Electrical installation - Amusement - Circus HD 60364-7-740:2006
Fan - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-80:2003
Fan - Household appliances - Test - Airborne acoustical noise EN 60704-2-7:1998
Fan - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Radiator EN 50216-12:2011
Fan heater - Household - Airborne - Acoustical - Noise EN 60704-2-2:2010
Fan-out - Fibre optic EN 61314-1:2005
Fan-out - Fibre optic EN 61314-1-1:2006
Fan-outs - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device EN 61314-1:2009
Far-end crosstalk - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Measurement EN 61300-3-9:1997
Faraday cage - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission EN 61967-5:2003
Faraday Cage - Immunity - Electromagnetic - Workbench EN 62132-5:2006
Fast transient/burst - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-4:2004
Fast transient/burst - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance EN 60255-22-4:2008
Fastener - Lightning - Protection - LPSC EN 62561-4:2011
Fat - Household - Fryer - Pan - Safety EN 60335-2-13:2010
Fatigue test - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Axial - Thin film EN 62047-6:2010
Fault tree analysis - FTA EN 61025:2007
Fauna - Environmental conditions - Classification - Flora HD 478.2.7 S1:1990
FB - Function Block - Process control - Description Language - EDDL EN 61804-3:2011
FB concept - Process control - Function block EN 61804-2:2007
FC-PC - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-2-1:2001
FDT - Field - Tool - Interface EN 62453-1:2009
Febrile - Medical - Screening - Thermograph - Temperature EN 80601-2-59:2009
Feeder - Communication - Network - Substation - Logical node EN 61850-7-4:2003
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Alphabetical Index

Feeder equipment - Communication - Network - Substation - ACSI EN 61850-7-2:2003
Feeder equipment - Communication - Network - Substation - Common data class EN 61850-7-3:2003
Feeder equipment - Communication - Network - Substation - Model EN 61850-7-1:2003
Feedwater heater - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Heater EN 45510-6-2:1998
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Straight plug CECC 22 131-801:1988
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Right angle plug CECC 22 131-805:1988
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Right angle plug CECC 22 131-809:1988
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Straight plug CECC 22 131-807:1988
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Right angle plug CECC 22 141-805:1988
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Right angle plug CECC 22 141-809:1988
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Straight plug CECC 22 141-801:1988
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Straight plug CECC 22 141-807:1988
Female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight socket CECC 22 161-806:1987
Fence energizer - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-76:2005
Ferrite - Adjuster - Magnetic oxide core - Inductor - Transformer EN 125401:1991
Ferrite - Core - Dimension EN 62317-1:2007
Ferrite - Core - Dimensions - Power supply EN 62317-13:2008
Ferrite - Core - EFD-core - Power supply EN 62317-14:2008
Ferrite - Core - Inductance factor - Tolerance EN 62358:2004
Ferrite - Core - Irregularity - Planar-core EN 60424-5:2009
Ferrite - Core - Magnetic - Soft EN 60401-2:2003
Ferrite - Core - Magnetic - Soft EN 60401-2:2010
Ferrite - Core - Magnetically soft ferrite - Data format - Inductor core EN 60401-3:2003
Ferrite - Core - Magnetically soft ferrite - Physical irregularity EN 60401-1:2005
Ferrite - Pot-core - Telecommunications - Power supply - Filter EN 62317-2:2010
Ferrite component - Microwave - Drafting of specification EN 61609:1999
Ferrite core - Core - E-core EN 62317-8:2006
Ferrite core - Core - Marking EN 61333:1998
Ferrite core - Core - RM-core - Surface irregularities EN 60424-2:1997
Ferrite core - Core - Shape - Dimensions - Planar magnegics applications EN 62317-9:2006
Ferrite core - Core - Surface irregularities - EDT-core - E-core EN 60424-3:1999
Ferrite core - Core - Surface irregularities - Limit - General specification EN 60424-1:1999
Ferrite core - Core - Surface irregularities - Ring core EN 60424-4:2001
Ferrite core - Inductor - Wirewound inductor - Ceramic core EN 129201:1994
Ferrite core - Inductor - Wirewound inductor - Ceramic core EN 129202:1994
Ferrite materials - Core EN 125000:1997
Ferromagnetic - Magnetic materials - Dipole moment - Rotation method - Measurement EN 60404-14:2002
Ferrule - Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Singlemode EN 61753-121-2:2010
Ferrule - Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnexion - Cord EN 61753-121-3:2010
Ferrule - Fibre optic - Interconnecting - Compression force - Measurement EN 61300-3-22:2011
Ferrule - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Withdrawal force EN 61300-3-33:1999
Ferrule compression force - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-22:1997
Ferrule endface - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-23:1998
Fibre - Optic - ATM-PON - Transceiver - Driver EN 62149-5:2011
Fibre - Optic - Cable - Indoor - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-30:2008
Fibre - Optic - Cable - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-10:2009
Fibre - Optic - Cable - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-20:2009
Fibre - Optic - Cables - Outdoor - Drinking water pipe EN 60794-3-60:2008
Fibre - Optic - Cables - Outdoor - Gas pipe EN 60794-3-50:2008
Fibre - Optic - Communication - Cable plant - Attenuation EN 61280-4-1:2009
Fibre - Optic - Communication - Digital - Noise ratio EN 61280-2-9:2009
Fibre - Optic - Communication - Light source - Flux measurement EN 61280-1-4:2010
Fibre - Optic - Communication - Wavelength - Spectral width EN 61280-1-3:2010
Fibre - Optic - Connector - Interface - LSH EN 61754-15:2009
Fibre - Optic - Connector - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24:2010
Fibre - Optic - Connector - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24-11:2009
Fibre - Optic - Connector - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24-21:2009
Fibre - Optic - Cylindrical - Connector endface - Visual inspection EN 61300-3-35:2010
Fibre - Optic - Intensity - Noise - Detection EN 62150-4:2010
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-086-2:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Closure EN 62134-1:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Closure - Subterranean EN 61753-111-9:2010
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Non-connectorized - Branching device EN 61753-031-3:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Sealed closure - Aerial EN 61753-111-7:2010
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Sealed closure - Ground EN 61753-111-8:2010
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Tensile strength - Coupling mechanism EN 61300-2-6:2011
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-131-3:2011
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Fan-outs EN 61314-1:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Guide Pin, MT Ferrules EN 61300-3-46:2011
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Mode Transfer - Measurement EN 61300-3-43:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Torsion EN 61300-2-5:2011
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Temperature-humidity EN 61300-2-48:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Vibration - Sinusoidal EN 61300-2-1:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Attenuation - Return loss EN 61300-3-3:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-086-6:2011
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-087-2:2011
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Circulator EN 62077:2010
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Filter EN 61977:2010
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Isolator EN 61202-1:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Measurement - Guidance EN 61300-1:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Measurement - Return loss EN 61300-3-6:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Multi-fibre - Connector EN 61300-3-45:2011
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Polarization - Loss EN 61300-3-2:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Random mated - Connector EN 61300-3-34:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Splice - Protector EN 61073-1:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Temperature - Humidity EN 61300-2-21:2010
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Titanium EN 61755-3-7:2009
Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Titanium EN 61755-3-8:2009
Fibre - Optic - Launch - Multimode - Attenuation EN 62614:2010
Fibre - Optic - Measurement - Proof test EN 60793-1-30:2011
Fibre - Optic - Package - Interface - 14-pin EN 62148-11:2009
Fibre - Optic - SFF 10-pin - Transceiver EN 62148-2:2011
Fibre - Optic - SFF 20-pin - Transceiver EN 62148-3:2011
Fibre - Optic - Transceiver - Measurement - ATM-PON EN 62150-2:2011
Fibre - Optic - Vertical - Laser - Package EN 62148-15:2010
Fibre - Optic, Interconnection - Cold EN 61300-2-17:2011
Fibre - Optical - Cable - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-11:2010
Fibre - Optical - Closure - Communication - Single mode EN 50411-3-2:2011
Fibre - Optical - Multimode EN 60793-2-10:2011
Fibre - Optical - Multimode - Category A4 EN 60793-2-40:2011
Fibre - Optical - Wavelength - Cut-off EN 60793-1-44:2002
Fibre - Optical - Wavelength - Cut-off EN 60793-1-44:2011
Fibre - Optical fibre - Communication system - Organiser - Closure for category A EN 50411-2-2:2007
Fibre - Optical fibre - Communication system - Organiser - Closure for category S EN 50411-2-4:2006
Fibre - Optical fibre - Communication system - Organiser - In-line closure EN 50411-2-3:2007
Fibre contamination - Insulating oil - Contamination - Counting method - Microscope EN 50353:2001
Fibre curl - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-34:2006
Fibre geometry - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-20:2002
Fibre laser transmitter - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Communication - Multimode EN 61280-1-4:2003
Fibre management - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Controled environment EN 61753-101-2:2006
Fibre management - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Interface EN 61756-1:2006
Fibre management - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Uncontroled environment EN 61753-101-3:2008
Fibre optic - Active component - Test - Measurement EN 62150-1:2005
Fibre optic - Active component - Vertical cavity - Surface emitting - Laser device EN 62149-2:2009
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Module EN 62148-5:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-2:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-3:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-4:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-6:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-7:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-8:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-9:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-10:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transmitter EN 62148-11:2003
Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard - Transmitter EN 62148-12:2004
Fibre optic - Adaptor - Cable EN 61274-1-1:2006
Fibre optic - Adaptor - Connector EN 61274-1:2008
Fibre optic - Attenuator EN 180101:1995
Fibre optic - Attenuator - Fixed - Bidirectional - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 80 101-801:1994
Fibre optic - Attenuator - Fixed - Bidirectional - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 80 101-802:1994
Fibre optic - Attenuator - Generic specification EN 60869-1:2000
Fibre optic - Branching device EN 60875-1-1:1998
Fibre optic - Branching device EN 181000:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Bidirectional port - Configuration A CECC 81 101-803:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Bidirectional port - Configuration A CECC 81 101-804:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Bidirectional port - Configuration A CECC 81 101-805:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Bidirectional port - Configuration A CECC 81 101-806:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Non-wavelength - Selective transmissive star - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 81 101-801:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Non-wavelength-selective EN 60875-1:2010
Fibre optic - Branching device - Selective transmissive star EN 181101:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Selective transmissive star - Telecommunication EN 181104:1997
Fibre optic - Branching device - Telecommunication EN 181103:1997
Fibre optic - Branching device - Wavelength - Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer - Fibre type A1a/b/c CECC 81 102-802:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Wavelength - Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 81 102-801:1994
Fibre optic - Branching device - Wavelength selective transmissive star EN 181102:1994
Fibre optic - Communication - Digital - Eye pattern - Extinction ratio EN 61280-2-2:2008
Fibre optic - Communication subsystem - Generic specification EN 61281-1:1999
Fibre optic - Compensator - Dispersion - Generic specification EN 61978-1:2001
Fibre optic - Connector - Interconnection - Singlemode - Ferrule EN 61753-121-2:2010
Fibre optic - Connector - Interconnexion - Cord - Ferrule EN 61753-121-3:2010
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface EN 61754-1:1997
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - F-SMA connector family EN 61754-22:2005
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type BFOC/2,5 connector EN 61754-2:1997
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type CF08 connector EN 61754-8:1997
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type DS connector EN 61754-9:2001
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type FC-PC connector EN 61754-13:2006
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type FS connector EN 61754-12:1999
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type LC connector EN 61754-20:2002
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type LSA connector EN 61754-3:2002
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type LX.5 connector EN 61754-23:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type Mini-MPO connector EN 61754-10:2005
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type MT connector EN 61754-5:2005
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type MT-RJ connector EN 61754-18:2002
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type MU connector EN 61754-6:1997
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type PN connector EN 61754-16:2000
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type RAO connector EN 61754-25:2009
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type SC connector EN 61754-4:1997
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type SC connector - Simplified receptacle SC-PC EN 61754-4-1:2003
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type SG connector EN 61754-19:2002
Fibre optic - Connector - Interface - Type SMI connector - Plastic optical fibre EN 61754-21:2005
Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Contacting fibres EN 61755-2-2:2006
Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Cylindrical - Cu-Ni-Alloy EN 61755-3-6:2006
Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Cylindrical PC - Cu-Ni-Alloy EN 61755-3-5:2006
Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Single-mode - Non-angled EN 61755-2-1:2006
Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Type MU connector EN 61754-6-1:2003
Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Ziconia ferrule - 8 degrees angled-PC EN 61755-3-2:2009
Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Ziconia PC ferrule - Single mode EN 61755-3-1:2009
Fibre optic - Dispersion - Chromatic - Calibration - Test EN 61744:2005
Fibre optic - Fan-out EN 61314-1:2005
Fibre optic - Fan-out EN 61314-1-1:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting - Ferrule - Compression force - Measurement EN 61300-3-22:2011
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Alignment sleeve - Resilient - Adaptor EN 61300-3-42:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ambient light susceptibility - Measurement EN 61300-3-8:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Angle-polished ferrule - Endface angle - Measurement EN 61300-3-17:1999
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Axial compression - Test EN 61300-2-11:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Bending moment - Test EN 61300-2-7:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Branching device - Directivity EN 61300-3-20:2001
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ceramic - Screen testing - Measurement EN 61300-2-24:2010
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Closure - Assembly and disassembly - Test EN 61300-2-33:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Concentricity of the ferrule - Measurement EN 61300-3-25:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Attenuation - single-mode EN 61300-2-41:1998
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Screen testing - Return loss EN 61300-2-43:1999
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Single-mode fibre - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-2-1:2000
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-021-6:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector installation - Testing EN 61300-2-49:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Convex polished ferrule endface - Dome eccentricity EN 61300-3-15:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Crush resistance - Test EN 61300-2-10:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Durability test - Water immersion - Test EN 61300-2-45:1999
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Dust - Laminar flow - Test EN 61300-2-27:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Engagement and separation force - Measurement EN 61300-3-11:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Extinction ratio - Pigtailed connector - Measurement EN 61300-3-40:1998
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ferrule compression force - Measurement EN 61300-3-22:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ferrule endface - Measurement EN 61300-3-23:1998
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Fibre optic switch - Measurement EN 61300-3-13:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Flammability - Fire hazard - Test EN 61300-2-36:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Gauge retention force - Measurement EN 61300-3-10:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Industrial atmosphere - Sulphur dioxide - Test EN 61300-2-28:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Interface - Non-dispersion shifted fibre EN 61755-1:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Keying accuracy - Angled endface connector - Measurement EN 61300-3-18:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Keying accuracy - Optical connector - Polarization maintaining fibre EN 61300-3-24:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement - Thermal shock - Testing EN 61300-2-47:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement - Thermal shock - Testing EN 61300-2-47:2010
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Multiway connector plug - Measurement EN 61300-3-27:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Optical components - Life stress modeling - Reliability EN 62005-7:2004
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Optical components - Screening - Reliability EN 62005-4:1999
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Acceleration - Test EN 61300-2-13:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Angular misalignment - Measurement EN 61300-3-26:2002
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Attenuation - Measurement EN 61300-3-4:2001
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Attenuation - Return loss EN 61300-3-7:2001
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Attenuation - Wavelength dependence EN 61300-3-5:2001
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Attenuator - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-053-3:2004
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Bump - Test EN 61300-2-8:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Cable bending - Closure EN 61300-2-37:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Cable nutation - Test EN 61300-2-35:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Circulator - Single-mode EN 61753-092-6:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Circulator - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-091-3:2004
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Cold EN 61300-2-17:2003
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector EN 61300-3-30:2003
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector - Controlled environment EN 61753-021-2:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector - Multimode fibre EN 61753-022-2:2003
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector - Static side load EN 61300-2-42:2005
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector ferrule - Measurement EN 61300-3-36:2000
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector proof test EN 61300-2-50:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Controlled environment EN 61753-083-2:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Controlled environment EN 61753-084-2:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Dry heat - Temperature endurance EN 61300-2-18:2005
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Far-end crosstalk - Measurement EN 61300-3-9:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Fibre management - Controled environment EN 61753-101-2:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Fibre management - Interface EN 61756-1:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Fibre management - Uncontroled environment EN 61753-101-3:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Isolator - Pigtailed EN 61753-062-6:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Isolator - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-061-3:2004
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Low air pressure - Test EN 61300-2-29:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Mating - Durability EN 61300-2-2:2009
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Non-pressurized closure - Test EN 61300-2-23:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Optical power - Test EN 61300-2-14:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Performance EN 61753-1:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Power ratio EN 61300-3-31:2003
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Retention - Test EN 61300-2-4:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Salt mist - Test EN 61300-2-26:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Screen testing - Optical connector EN 61300-2-40:2000
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Shock - Test EN 61300-2-9:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Single-mode - Measurement EN 61300-3-19:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Strain relief - Flexing EN 61300-2-44:2005
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Switching time - Bounce time EN 61300-3-21:1998
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Temperature change - Test EN 61300-2-22:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Tensile load - Transmission EN 61300-2-51:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Torsion/twist - Test EN 61300-2-5:2002
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Visual examination EN 61300-3-1:2005
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Water vapour permeation - Test EN 61300-2-32:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive components - Damp heat EN 61300-2-46:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - PC optical connector - Plug selection - Measurement EN 61300-3-39:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Ageing test - Temperature EN 62005-2:2001
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Failure - Test EN 62005-3:2001
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Introductory guide - Definition EN 62005-1:2001
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Sealing - Closure - Test EN 61300-2-38:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Attenuator - Pigtailed-style attenuator EN 61753-052-3:2002
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Attenuator - Plug-style attenuator EN 61753-051-3:2002
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Branching device - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-2-3:2001
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Spectral transfer function - DWDM components EN 61300-3-29:2006
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Spherically polished ferrule - Endface radius EN 61300-3-16:2003
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Tensile strength - Coupling mechanism - Test EN 61300-2-6:1997
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Transient loss - Measurement - Test EN 61300-3-28:2002
Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Variable attenuator - Attenuation setting - Accuracy EN 61300-3-14:2007
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Chromatic - Dispersion - Compensator EN 61753-141-2:2011
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Closure - Interface standard EN 61758-1:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Ferrule - Withdrawal force EN 61300-3-33:1999
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Flexing - Strain relief EN 61300-2-44:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Interface - MPO connector EN 61754-7:2008
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Passive - Chromatic - Dispersion compensator EN 61978-1:2010
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Passive component - Impact EN 61300-2-12:2009
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Passive component - Non-pressurized - Closure EN 61300-2-23:2011
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Shock - Test EN 61300-2-9:2010
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Solvent - Contamination - Fluid EN 61300-2-34:2009
Fibre optic - Interconnection - Torque strength - Coupling mechanism EN 61300-2-15:2008
Fibre optic - Optic - End-user - FTTX - Network CLC/TR 50510:2007
Fibre optic - Optic - Interconnecting - WDM devices EN 62074-1:2009
Fibre optic - Optic - Transmitter - Receiver - LC connector EN 62148-16:2009
Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard - Guidance EN 62148-1:2002
Fibre optic - Passive component - Cable assemblies - Capability EN 61313-1:1997
Fibre optic - Performance - Active components EN 62149-1:2004
Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Transceiver - Gigabit Ethernet application EN 62149-4:2003
Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Transceiver - LD driver EN 62149-5:2003
Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Transceiver - Plastic EN 62149-6:2003
Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Transmitter - Laser diode EN 62149-3:2004
Fibre optic - Performance - Transceiver - Gigabit - Ethernet EN 62149-4:2010
Fibre optic - Power meter - Calibration EN 61315:2006
Fibre optic - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic EN 62007-1:2009
Fibre optic - Semiconductor optoelectronic device - Fibre optic system EN 62007-1:2000
Fibre optic - Semiconductor optoelectronic device - Fibre optic system - Measurement EN 62007-2:2000
Fibre optic - Sensor - Generic EN 61757-1:1999
Fibre optic - Switch - Spatial switch EN 60876-1:2001
Fibre optic - Switch - Wavelength switch EN 62099:2001
Fibre optic - Terminus set EN 61269-1:1997
Fibre optic - Terminus set EN 61269-1-1:1997
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Cable plant - Multimode - Plant attenuation EN 61280-4-1:2004
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Cable plant - Polarization - Dispersion EN 61280-4-4:2006
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Cable plant - Single-mode EN 61280-4-2:1999
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Central wavelength - Spectral width EN 61280-1-3:1999
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Communication - Multimode - Fibre laser transmitter EN 61280-1-4:2003
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Amplitude histogram - Optical signal EN 61280-2-11:2006
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Jitter EN 61280-2-5:1998
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Low BER - Q-factor EN 61280-2-8:2003
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Optical signal-to-noise - Multiplexed system EN 61280-2-9:2002
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Receiver sensitivity - Overload measurement EN 61280-2-1:1999
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Receiver sensitivity - Overload measurement EN 61280-2-1:2010
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Transmitter - Laser EN 61280-2-10:2005
Fibre optic - Test procedure - Single-mode optical fibre cable EN 61280-1-1:1998
Fibre optic - Transceivers - ATM-PON - Test - Measurement EN 62150-2:2004
Fibre optic switch - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-13:1997
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Fibre optic system - Fibre optic - Semiconductor optoelectronic device EN 62007-1:2000
Fibre optic system - Fibre optic - Semiconductor optoelectronic device - Measurement EN 62007-2:2000
Fibre proof test - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-30:2002
Fibre type A1a/b/c - Fibre optic - Branching device - Wavelength - Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer CECC 81 102-802:1994
Fibre type B1.2 - Fibre optic - Attenuator - Fixed - Bidirectional CECC 80 101-801:1994
Fibre type B1.2 - Fibre optic - Attenuator - Fixed - Bidirectional CECC 80 101-802:1994
Fibre type B1.2 - Fibre optic - Branching device - Non-wavelength - Selective transmissive star CECC 81 101-801:1994
Fibre type B1.2 - Fibre optic - Branching device - Wavelength - Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer CECC 81 102-801:1994
Fibre-optic - Connector - Circular - Hybrid - Screw locking EN 61076-2-107:2010
fibreglass - Interconnecting structure - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Epoxide EN 61249-2-19:2002
Field - Tool - Interface EN 62453-2:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-301:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-302:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-303-1:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-303-2:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-306:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-309:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-315:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-501:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-502:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-503-1:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-503-2:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-506:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-509:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-515:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - DTM - Styleguide CLC/TR 62453-61:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - FDT EN 62453-1:2009
Field - Tool - Interface - Object model - Integration profile CLC/TR 62453-41:2009
Field - Ultrasonic - Pressure pulse - Lithotripter EN 61846:1998
Field acceptance test - Turbine - Hydraulic turbine EN 60041:1994
Field characterization - Ultrasonic - Diagnostic - Thermal - Mechanical EN 62359:2005
Field conditions - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Performance EN 50289-1-16:2007
Field measurement - Turbine - Vibration - Pulsation - Test EN 60994:1992
Field strength - Electromagnetic - Human exposure - Wireless communication EN 50383:2002
Fieldbus - Communication - Data - Digital - Industrial control system CLC/TR 61158-1:2004
Fieldbus - Data - Digital - Communication - Automation Island EN 61918:2008
Fieldbus - Explosive atmosphere - FISCO - Intrinsically safe EN 60079-27:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication EN 61784-1:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network CLC/TR 61158-1:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network CLC/TR 61158-1:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-2:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-3:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-4:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-5:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-7:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-8:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-10:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-11:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-12:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-13:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-14:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-15:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-16:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-17:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-18:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-19:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-5-20:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Application layer EN 61158-6-2:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - CPF 1 EN 61784-3-1:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - CPF 12 EN 61784-3-12:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - CPF 13 EN 61784-3-13:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - CPF 14 EN 61784-3-14:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - CPF 2 EN 61784-3-2:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - CPF 3 EN 61784-3-3:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - CPF 6 EN 61784-3-6:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - CPF 8 EN 61784-3-8:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-2:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-3:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-4:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-7:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-8:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-11:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-12:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-13:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-14:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-16:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-17:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-18:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-19:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-1:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-2:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-3:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-4:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-7:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-8:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-11:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-12:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-13:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-14:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-16:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-17:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-18:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-19:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Functional safety EN 61784-3:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Functional safety EN 61784-3-1:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Functional safety EN 61784-3-2:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Functional safety EN 61784-3-3:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Functional safety EN 61784-3-6:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Functionnal safety EN 61784-3-18:2011
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Installation EN 61784-5-2:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Installation EN 61784-5-3:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Installation EN 61784-5-6:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Installation EN 61784-5-10:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Installation EN 61784-5-11:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Physical layer EN 61158-2:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Profile EN 61784-1:2010
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Profile definitions EN 61784-3:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Network - Real-time network EN 61784-2:2008
Fieldbus - Industrial - Communication - Physical layer EN 61158-2:2008
Figure - Optical - Amplifier - Noise EN 61290-3:2008
Figure-of-merit - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Radio transmission EN 60835-3-7:1995
Filament - Transformer - Reactor - Tungsten - Handlamp EN 61558-2-9:2011
Filament lamp - Lamp - Controlgear - Convertor - Step-down convertor EN 61347-2-2:2001
Filament lamp - Lighting - Convertor - Step-down convertor EN 61047:2004
Filament lamp - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-23:1996
Filament lamp - Lighting - Road vehicle EN 60809:1996
file format - Digital - Audiobook - Player requirement EN 62571:2011
Filled glass paper - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Glass paper EN 60819-3-1:2001
Filled polyurethane - Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound EN 60455-3-4:2003
Filling compound - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-28:2002
Filling compound - Insulating materials - DC - Cable - Test EN 60811-5-1:1999
Film - Insulation - Plastic - Polyethylenenaphthalate - Biaxial EN 60674-3-8:2011
Film - Low power - SMD - Resistor - Rectangular EN 140401-804:2011
Film - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Surface mount EN 140401:2009
Film - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Strip bending - Thin EN 62047-8:2011
Film and hybrid integrated circuit - Integrated circuit EN 165000-5:1997
Film and hybrid integrated circuit - Integrated circuit - Customer information EN 165000-4:1996
Film and hybrid integrated circuit - Integrated circuit - Self-audit checklist EN 165000-3:1996
Film and hybrid integrated circuit - Integrated circuit - Test EN 165000-2:1996
Film resistor - Resistor - Fixed - Low power EN 140100:2008
Film resistor - Resistor - Fixed - Low power EN 140101:2008
Film resistor - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Metal film EN 140101-806:2008
Film resistor - Resistor - Low power - TAS CECC 240 001:1996
Film-backed mica paper - Insulating materials - Mica - B-stage EN 60371-3-4:1995
Filter - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Industrial network - AC EN 61642:1997
Filter - Electroacoustics - Octave-band filter EN 61260:1995
Filter - Electromagnetic interference - Passive filter EN 60939-1:2005
Filter - Electromagnetic interference - Passive filter - Test method EN 60939-2:2005
Filter - Ferrite - Pot-core - Telecommunications - Power supply EN 62317-2:2010
Filter - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection EN 61977:2010
Filter - Measurement - Audible sound - Ultrasound EN 61012:1998
Filter - Passive - Electromagnetic - Interference - Suppression EN 60939-1:2010
Filter - Piezoelectric - Assessed quality - Standard outline - Lead connection EN 60368-3:2010
Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Blank detail specification - Capability approval EN 60368-4-1:2000
Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Ceramic EN 60368-2-2:1999
Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Generic specification EN 60368-1:2000
Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Lead connections - Standard outline - Assessed quality EN 60368-3:2001
Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Sectional specification - Capability approval EN 60368-4:2000
Filter - Radio interference - Passive filter - Safety test EN 60939-2-1:2004
Filter - Radio interference - Passive filter - Safety test EN 60939-2-2:2004
Filter - Resonator - Dielectric - Waveguide type EN 61337-1:2004
Filter - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - MEMS BAW - Duplexer EN 62047-7:2011
Filter - Shielded exposure - Exposure CLC/TR 50481:2009
Filter - Signalling - LV - Decoupling filter - Generic specification EN 50065-4-1:2001
Filter - Signalling - LV - Decoupling filter - Safety requirement EN 50065-4-2:2001
Filter - Surface acoustic wave - SAW EN 60862-1:2003
Filter - Surface acoustic wave - SAW - Guidance EN 60862-2:2002
Filter - Surface acoustic wave - SAW - Standard outline EN 60862-3:2003
Filter - Wave filter - Surface acoustic wave (SAW) EN 166100:1998
Filter - Wave filter - Surface acoustic wave (SAW) - Capability approval EN 166101:1999
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Filter - Waveguide - Dielectric resonator - Guide< EN 61337-2:2004
Filtered power meter - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Out-of-band insertion loss EN 61290-7-1:2007
Filtering - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Screening EN 60512-23-2:2010
Filtering - Connector - Electronic equipment - Screening - Reflection EN 60512-23-4:2001
Filtering - Electronic equipment - Connector - Screening - Transfer impedance EN 60512-23-7:2005
Filtration - X-ray tube assemblies - Permanent EN 60522:1999
Financial support - EC - Secretariat - Convenorship CEN/CLC Guide 16:2009
Fine air - Connector - Electronic equipment - Sealing - Leakage EN 60512-14-2:2006
Fine pitch land grid array (FLGA) - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Design guide EN 60191-6-6:2001
Fine-pitch - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Land grid array EN 60191-6-12:2011
Fine-pitch ball grid array - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Design guide EN 60191-6-5:2001
Fine-pitch Grid Array - Semiconductor device - Design guideline - Open-top socket EN 60191-6-13:2007
Fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Rectangular EN 60191-6-12:2002
Fingerprinting - Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Cold shrinkable HD 631.4 S1:2008
Fingerprinting - Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Heat shrinkable HD 631.2 S1:2007
Fingerprinting - Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Heat shrinkable HD 631.3 S1:2008
Fingerprinting - Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Resinous compoun HD 631.1 S2:2007
Fire - Alarm - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Intruder EN 50130-4:2011
Fire - Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Safety HD 384.4.482 S1:1997
Fire - Cable - Low voltage - Halogen-free - Crosslinked insulation EN 50525-3-21:2011
Fire - Cable - Low voltage - Halogen-free - Crosslinked insulation EN 50525-3-41:2011
Fire - Cable - Low voltage - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulation EN 50525-3-11:2011
Fire - Cable - Low voltage - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulation EN 50525-3-31:2011
Fire - Connector - Measurement - Flammability - Glow-wire EN 60512-20-3:2010
Fire - Connector - Measurement - Flammability - Needle-flame EN 60512-20-1:2010
Fire - Hazard - Guidance - Test EN 60695-1-10:2010
Fire - Hazard - Toxicity - Fire effluent EN 60695-7-1:2010
Fire component - Alarm system - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Intruder EN 50130-4:1995
Fire conditions - Cable - Combustion - Acidity of gas EN 50267-2-3:1998
Fire conditions - Cable - Combustion - Acidity of gas - Materials EN 50267-2-2:1998
Fire conditions - Cable - Combustion - Gas evolved - Halogen acid gas EN 50267-2-1:1998
Fire conditions - Cable - Gas evolved - Combustion EN 50267-1:1998
Fire conditions - Cable - Smoke production - Heat release - Apparatus EN 50399:2011
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Bunched - Apparatus EN 50266-1:2001
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Bunched - Category A EN 50266-2-2:2001
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Bunched - Category A F/R EN 50266-2-1:2001
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Bunched - Category B EN 50266-2-3:2001
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Bunched - Category C EN 50266-2-4:2001
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Bunched - Category D EN 50266-2-5:2001
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Flame - Apparatus EN 60332-3-10:2009
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Flame - Category A EN 60332-3-22:2009
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Flame - Category A F/R EN 60332-3-21:2009
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Flame - Category B EN 60332-3-23:2009
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Flame - Category C EN 60332-3-24:2009
Fire conditions - Cable - Vertical - Flame - Category D EN 60332-3-25:2009
Fire conditions - Optical fibre - Flame propagation - Insulated wire - Diffusion flame EN 60332-2-2:2004
Fire conditions - Optical fibre - Flame propagation - Insulated wire - Flaming droplets/particles EN 60332-1-3:2004
Fire conditions - Optical fibre - Flame propagation - Insulated wire - Pre-mixed flame EN 60332-1-2:2004
Fire conditions - Optical fibre - Flame propagation - Insulated wire - Small EN 60332-2-1:2004
Fire conditions - Optical fibre - Flame propagation - Single - Insulated wire EN 60332-1-1:2004
Fire effluent - Fire - Hazard - Toxicity EN 60695-7-1:2010
Fire effluent - Fire hazard - Toxicity - Guidance EN 60695-7-1:2004
Fire hazard - Assessment - Electrotechnical product - Preselection testing - Guidance EN 60695-1-30:2002
Fire hazard - Assessment - Electrotechnical product - Preselection testing - Guidance EN 60695-1-30:2008
Fire hazard - Assessment - Guidance - Test EN 60695-1-1:2000
Fire hazard - Electrotechnical - Assessment EN 60695-1-11:2010
Fire hazard - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Flammability - Test EN 61300-2-36:1997
Fire hazard - Glow-wire - Flammability - Test - GWFI EN 60695-2-12:2010
Fire hazard - Glow-wire - Ignition - Test - GWIT EN 60695-2-13:2010
Fire hazard - Glow-wire apparatus - Test procedure EN 60695-2-10:2001
Fire hazard - Glow-wire flammability - Flammability - End-product - Test EN 60695-2-11:2001
Fire hazard - Glow-wire flammability - Flammability - Test - Material EN 60695-2-12:2001
Fire hazard - Glow-wire ignitability - Ignitability - Material - Test EN 60695-2-13:2001
Fire hazard - Heat - Abnormal heat - Distortion test - Mould stress relief EN 60695-10-3:2002
Fire hazard - Heat release - Test - Guidance EN 60695-8-1:2008
Fire hazard - Smoke obscuration - Guidance EN 60695-6-1:2005
Fire hazard - Terminology - Test EN 60695-4:2006
Fire hazard - Test flame - Flame test method (500 W) EN 60695-11-20:1999
Fire hazard - Test flame - Horizontal flame (50 W) - Vertical flame (50 W) EN 60695-11-10:1999
Fire hazard - Testing - Corrosion - Damage EN 60695-5-1:2003
Fire hazard - Testing - Flame EN 60695-11-2:2003
Fire hazard - Testing - Flame - Needle flame test EN 60695-11-5:2005
Fire hazard - Testing - Flame - Surface spread EN 60695-9-1:2005
Fire hazard - Testing - Heat - Ball pressure test EN 60695-10-2:2003
Fire hazard - Toxicity - Fire effluent - Guidance EN 60695-7-1:2004
Fire performance - Cable - Power cable HD 604 S1:1994
Fire performance - Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable EN 50355:2003
Fire performance - Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Thin wall EN 50306-1:2002
Fire performance - Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Thin wall EN 50306-3:2002
Fire performance - Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Thin wall EN 50306-4:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Fire performance - Railway application - Rolling stock - Single core Cable - Thin wall EN 50306-2:2002
Fire performance - Railway applications - Cable - High temperature - Rolling stock EN 50382-1:2008
Fire performance - Railway applications - Cable - High temperature - Silicone rubber insulated EN 50382-2:2008
Fire performance - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Insulation EN 50264-2-1:2008
Fire performance - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Insulation EN 50264-2-2:2008
Fire performance - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Insulation EN 50264-3-1:2008
Fire performance - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Insulation EN 50264-3-2:2008
Fire performance - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Standard wall EN 50264-1:2008
Fire performance - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Cable - Test method EN 50305:2002
Fire point - Insulating liquid - Classification - Calorific value EN 61100:1992
fire protection - transportable motor-operated electric tools - diamond drills - safety requirements - protection
against electric shocks - protection against mechanical hazards
EN 61029-2-6:2010
Fire resistance - Cable - Power cable - Control cable - Emergency circuit EN 50362:2003
Fire resistance - Cable - Resistance - Emergency circuit - Test EN 50200:2006
Fire test method - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Horizontal EN 50289-4-11:2002
Firedamp - Caplight - Mine - Explosion risk - Test EN 62013-1:2006
Firedamp - Caplight - Mine - Explosive atmosphere EN 60079-35-1:2011
Firedamp - Caplight - Mine - Performance - Safety EN 62013-2:2006
Firedamp - Coal dust - Endangered atmosphere EN 50303:2000
Fireman's switch - Breaking device - Emergency EN 50425:2008
Fireproofness - Electronic equipment - Flammability test - Test - Measurement EN 60512-20-2:2000
FISCO - Explosive atmosphere - Fieldbus - Intrinsically safe EN 60079-27:2008
Fishing machine - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-86:2003
Fitting - Conduit system - Cable management - Outside diameter - Thread EN 60423:2007
Fitting - Live working - Insulating pole - Insulating stick - Tool attachment EN 60832:1996
Fitting - Overhead line - Test EN 61284:1997
Fitting - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor EN 50216-1:2002
Fixed - Capacitor - Ceramic - Dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-21:2004
Fixed - Capacitor - Ceramic - Dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-22:2004
Fixed - Capacitor - DC - Polyphenylene sulfide film EN 60384-20:2008
Fixed - Capacitor - DC - Polyphenylene sulfide film - Assessment level EZ EN 60384-20-1:2008
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Aluminium electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-25:2006
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Aluminium electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-25-1:2006
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1 EN 60384-8:2005
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1 EN 60384-8-1:2005
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2 EN 60384-9:2005
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2 EN 60384-9-1:2005
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-21-1:2004
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric - Surface mount EN 60384-22-1:2004
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Metal foil - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60384-11:2008
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Metal foil - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60384-11-1:2008
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene naphthalate film - Fixed surface mount EN 60334-23-1:2005
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene naphthalate film - Fixed surface mount EN 60384-23:2005
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-2-1:2005
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - Metal foil EN 60384-13:2006
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - Metal foil EN 60384-13-1:2006
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Tantalum electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-24:2006
Fixed - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Tantalum electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-24-1:2006
Fixed - Capacitor - Metallized - Polyethylene-terephthalate - d.c. EN 60384-2:2005
Fixed - Connector - 8-way - Shielded - Free EN 60603-7-1:2009
Fixed - Connector - 8-way - Shielded - Free EN 60603-7-1:2011
Fixed - Connector - Electronic - Data transmission - Shielded free EN 61076-3-104:2006
Fixed - Connector - Free - Unshielded - Electronic equipment EN 60603-7:2009
Fixed - Fibre optic - Attenuator - Bidirectional - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 80 101-801:1994
Fixed - Fibre optic - Attenuator - Bidirectional - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 80 101-802:1994
Fixed - Household appliance - Heater - Immersion heater - Safety EN 60335-2-73:2003
Fixed - Railway - Code of practice CLC/TS 50562:2011
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - Film - Surface mount EN 140401:2009
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - Film resistor EN 140100:2008
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - Film resistor EN 140101:2008
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - Film resistor - Metal film EN 140101-806:2008
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - Non-wirewound - Surface mount EN 140401:2002
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - SMD - Cylindrical EN 140401-803:2007
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - SMD - Rectangular EN 140401-801:2007
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - SMD - Rectangular EN 140401-802:2007
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - Surface mount resistor EN 140400:2003
Fixed - Resistor - Low power - Wire-wound surface mount - SMD EN 140402-801:2005
Fixed - Resistor - Precision resistor CECC 40 300:1981
Fixed - Switch - Household installation - Electromagnetic - Remote-control EN 60669-2-2:2006
Fixed - Switch - Household installation - Time-delay switch - TDS EN 60669-2-3:2006
Fixed adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 121-815:1985
Fixed adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Panel sealed CECC 22 201-811:1988
Fixed and free connector - Connector - Printed board - Common mating feature EN 60603-7:1997
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-4:2007
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-4-1:2007
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-4-2:2007
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-18:2007
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-18-1:2007
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Aluminium - Electrolyte EN 60384-18-2:2007
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1 CECC 30 601:1989
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 1B (NP0) CECC 30 601-801:1995
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2 CECC 30 701:1989
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2C1 CECC 30 701-801:1995
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - Class 2F4 CECC 30 701-802:1995
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Ceramic dielectric - TAS CECC 210 010:1995
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - DC EN 131700:1997
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - DC EN 131701:1997
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection EN 60384-14:2005
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection EN 60384-14-1:2005
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection EN 60384-14-3:2004
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection - Safety EN 60384-14-2:2004
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electronic equipment EN 60384-1:2009
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Generic specification EN 60384-1:2001
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-16:2005
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-16-1:2005
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - Pulse capacitor EN 60384-17:2005
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film - Pulse capacitor EN 60384-17-1:2005
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Metallized - Polyethylene-terephthalate EN 60384-19:2006
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate - Metallized EN 60384-19-1:2006
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Tantalum - Surface mount - Manganese EN 60384-3:2006
Fixed capacitor - Capacitor - Tantalum - Surface mount - Manganese EN 60384-3-1:2006
Fixed inductor - Inductor - Copper wire - Radio frequency circuit EN 129200:1994
Fixed inductor - Inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression - Generic specification EN 60938-1:1999
Fixed inductor - Inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression - Safety test EN 60938-2-1:1999
Fixed inductor - Inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression - Safety test EN 60938-2-2:1999
Fixed inductor - Inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression - Sectional specification EN 60938-2:1999
Fixed inductor - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Marking code EN 61605:2005
Fixed installation - Coupler - Permanent - Connection EN 61535:2009
Fixed installation - Railway - Protective provisions - Mutual interaction EN 50122-3:2010
Fixed installation - Railway - Traction - Contact wire - Copper EN 50149:2001
Fixed installation - Railway application - Converter - Substation EN 50328:2003
Fixed installation - Railway application - Converter group - Rated value - Test EN 50327:2003
Fixed installation - Railway application - Insulation - Synthetic rope - Overhead contact line EN 50345:2009
Fixed installation - Railway application - Overhead - Contact line EN 50119:2001
Fixed installation - Railway application - Overhead - Contact line EN 50119:2009
Fixed installation - Railway application - Traction - Insulation - Overhead contact line EN 50345:2004
Fixed installation - Railway application - Traction - Insulator - Composite insulator EN 50151:2003
Fixed installation - Railway application - Transformer - Traction transformer EN 50329:2003
Fixed installation - Railway applications - Earthing - Bonding - Protective provision EN 50122-1:2011
Fixed installation - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power supply EN 50121-5:2006
Fixed installation - Railway applications - Environmental conditions EN 50125-2:2002
Fixed installation - Railway applications - Protective provision EN 50122-1:1997
Fixed low power - Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Stabiltiy 0,5% CECC 40 101-804:1979
Fixed low power - Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Stabiltiy 1% CECC 40 101-803:1979
Fixed low power - Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Stabiltiy 2% CECC 40 101-802:1979
Fixed low power - Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Stabiltiy 5% CECC 40 101-801:1979
Fixed low power - Resistor - Wirewound resistor EN 140402:1998
Fixed luminaire - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-1:1989
Fixed plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-808:1991
Fixed plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Solder bucket CECC 22 211-810:1988
Fixed power resistor - Resistor EN 140200:1996
Fixed power resistor - Resistor EN 140201:1996
Fixed power resistor - Resistor - Capability EN 140210:1994
Fixed power resistor - Resistor - Capability EN 140211:1994
Fixed power resistor - Resistor - Wirewound - Vitreous enamel CECC 40 201-801:1998
Fixed radio frequency wound inductor - Inductor EN 129000:1993
Fixed resistor - Resistor - Electronic equipment EN 60115-1:2001
Fixed resistor - Resistor - Electronic equipment - Individually measurable EN 60115-9:2004
Fixed resistor - Resistor - Electronic equipment - Individually measurable EN 60115-9-1:2004
Fixed resolution - Projector - Electronic projection - Key performance criteria EN 61947-1:2002
Fixed right angle socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-806:1988
Fixed right angle socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-806:1988
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Single hole, front mounting CECC 22 231-807:1991
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-804:1991
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-805:1991
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-803:1986
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-812:1986
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Narrow flange CECC 22 111-808:1984
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-819:1987
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-820:1987
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Square flange CECC 22 111-805:1984
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Square flange CECC 22 111-807:1984
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-802:1988
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-811:1988
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-802:1988
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-811:1988
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - 4-hole front mounting CECC 22 161-808:1987
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 161-809:1987
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 161-810:1987
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 201-808:1988
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Alphabetical Index

Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 201-812:1988
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Single hole, front mounting CECC 22 201-807:1988
Fixed socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 201-806:1988
Fixed straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Narrow flange CECC 22 111-806:1984
Fixed surface mount - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene naphthalate film EN 60334-23-1:2005
Fixed surface mount - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene naphthalate film EN 60384-23:2005
Fixed tantalum - Capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 101-801:1990
Fixed tantalum - Capacitor - Surface mounting - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 801-801:1994
Fixed tantalum - Capacitor - Surface mounting - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 801-804:1994
Fixed Time Frame protocol - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Endurance index EN 60216-6:2006
Fixed wiring - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Non-sheathed cable HD 21.3 S3:1995
Fixed-electrical installation - Light - Indicator - Household EN 62094-1:2003
Fixed-electrical installation - Switch - Household installation - Electronic switch EN 60669-2-1:2004
Fixed-electrical installation - Switch - Household installation - Isolating switch EN 60669-2-4:2005
Flame - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Apparatus EN 60332-3-10:2009
Flame - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category A EN 60332-3-22:2009
Flame - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category A F/R EN 60332-3-21:2009
Flame - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category B EN 60332-3-23:2009
Flame - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category C EN 60332-3-24:2009
Flame - Cable - Fire conditions - Vertical - Category D EN 60332-3-25:2009
Flame - Fire hazard - Testing EN 60695-11-2:2003
Flame - Fire hazard - Testing - Needle flame test EN 60695-11-5:2005
Flame - Fire hazard - Testing - Surface spread EN 60695-9-1:2005
Flame - Ignition - Candle - Accidental CLC/TS 62441:2007
Flame propagation - Insulating liquid EN 61197:1994
Flame propagation - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Insulated wire - Diffusion flame EN 60332-2-2:2004
Flame propagation - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Insulated wire - Flaming droplets/particles EN 60332-1-3:2004
Flame propagation - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Insulated wire - Pre-mixed flame EN 60332-1-2:2004
Flame propagation - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Insulated wire - Small EN 60332-2-1:2004
Flame propagation - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Single - Insulated wire EN 60332-1-1:2004
Flame resistant - Insulating materials - Mica - Mica paper tape EN 60371-3-8:1995
Flame resistant - Live working - Clothing - Thermal protection - Arc CLC/TS 61482-1:2003
Flame resistant - Live working - Clothing - Thermal protection - Arc EN 61482-1-2:2007
Flame retardant insulation - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Halogen free EN 50290-2-26:2002
Flame retarde - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded polyolefin - Limited hazard EN 60684-3-165:2004
Flame retarded - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyvinylidene fluoride EN 60684-3-228:2004
Flame retarded - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable elastomer - Fluid resistant EN 60684-3-271:2004
Flame test method (500 W) - Fire hazard - Test flame EN 60695-11-20:1999
Flame-retarded - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Fluoroelastomer EN 60684-3-233:2006
Flame-retarded - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Limited-fire EN 60684-3-216:2005
Flameproof - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Protection - Enclosure 'd' EN 60079-1:2007
Flaming droplets/particles - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire EN 60332-1-3:2004
Flammability - Connector - Measurement - Fire - Glow-wire EN 60512-20-3:2010
Flammability - Connector - Measurement - Fire - Needle-flame EN 60512-20-1:2010
Flammability - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Fire hazard - Test EN 61300-2-36:1997
Flammability - Fire hazard - Glow-wire - Test - GWFI EN 60695-2-12:2010
Flammability - Fire hazard - Glow-wire flammability - End-product - Test EN 60695-2-11:2001
Flammability - Fire hazard - Glow-wire flammability - Test - Material EN 60695-2-12:2001
Flammability - Interconnection - Epoxide - Woven E-glass - Lead-free EN 61249-2-36:2009
Flammability - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-35:2009
Flammability - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-37:2009
Flammability - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-38:2009
Flammability - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-41:2010
Flammability - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-42:2010
Flammability - Prepreg material - Unclad - Epoxide woven E-glass - Structure interconnection EN 61249-4-1:2008
Flammability - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Plastic encapsulated device EN 60749-31:2003
Flammability - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Plastic encapsulated device EN 60749-32:2003
Flammability test - Electronic equipment - Fireproofness - Test - Measurement EN 60512-20-2:2000
Flammable - Automatic - Electrostatic - Flock - Equipment EN 50223:2001
Flammable - Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Detection EN 60079-29-1:2007
Flammable - Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Detectors EN 60079-29-4:2010
Flammable - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying - Coating powder EN 50177:2006
Flammable - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying - Coating powder EN 50177:2009
flammable atmosphere - Radiation - Ignition - Radio-frequency - Inadvertent CLC/TR 50427:2004
Flammable liquid - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Spraying EN 50176:2009
Flammable liquid - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic spraying installation EN 50176:1996
Flange - Waveguide EN 60154-1:1994
Flange - Waveguide - Circular waveguide HD 129.4 S1:1977
Flange - Waveguide - Flat rectangular waveguide HD 129.3 S2:1983
Flange - Waveguide - Medium flat rectangular waveguide HD 129.6 S1:1984
Flange - Waveguide - Rectangular waveguide EN 60154-2:1997
Flange - Waveguide - Square waveguide HD 129.7 S1:1977
Flange connector - Transmission line - Coaxial HD 350.1 S1:1978
Flange number - Motor - Induction - Three-phase - Frame number EN 50347:2001
Flashing light - Lighting - Aviation ground lighting installation ENV 50234:1997
Flat - Cable - Flexible cable - Polyvinyl sheathed EN 50214:2006
Flat - Quick-connect - Termination - Copper - Conductor EN 61210:2010
Flat contact - Connector - Rectangular - Locking screw EN 175301-803:2006
Flat divisible - Cable - Low voltage - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-72:2011
Flat quick-connect termination - Connecting device - Copper conductor EN 61210:1995
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Flat rectangular waveguide - Flange - Waveguide HD 129.3 S2:1983
Flat rectangular waveguide - Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide HD 123.3 S1:1977
Flat tinsel - Cable - Low voltage - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-71:2011
Flatness consideration - Printed board - Printed board assemblies - Design and use EN 61188-1-1:1997
Flex-rigid double-sided - Printed board EN 123700:1996
Flex-rigid double-sided - Printed board - Through connection CECC 23 700-801:1998
Flex-rigid multilayer - Printed board EN 123600:1996
Flex-rigid multilayer - Printed board - Through connection CECC 23 600-801:1998
Flexible - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-1:2003
Flexible - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-2:2003
Flexible - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-3:2003
Flexible - Cable - Low voltage - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation EN 50525-2-21:2011
Flexible - Cable - Low voltage - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation EN 50525-2-22:2011
Flexible - Cable - Low voltage - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-11:2011
Flexible - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Heat-resistant cable - Cord HD 21.12 S1:1994
Flexible - Cable - Thermoplastic - Insulation - Halogen-free HD 21.14 S1:2003
Flexible - Cable: Radio - Rrequency - Coaxial EN 60966-2-1:2009
Flexible - Conduit system - Cable management EN 61386-23:2004
Flexible - Electrostatics - Container - Bulk container - Intermediate EN 61340-4-4:2005
Flexible - Insulating - Sleeving EN 60684-2:2011
Flexible - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Elastomer EN 60684-3-271:2011
Flexible - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-209:2010
Flexible - Live working - Conductor cover - Insulating material EN 61479:2001
Flexible - Optical - Circuit board - Unconnectorized - Glass fibres EN 62496-3-1:2010
Flexible cable - Cable - Cord - Cross-linked insulation HD 22.4 S4:2004
Flexible cable - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Corrosive gas - Smoke emission HD 22.13 S2:2007
Flexible cable - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - EPR - Polyurethane HD 22.10 S2:2007
Flexible cable - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - EVA cord HD 22.11 S2:2007
Flexible cable - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Heat-resistant - EPR cord HD 22.12 S2:2007
Flexible cable - Cable - Flat - Polyvinyl sheathed EN 50214:2006
Flexible cable - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cord HD 21.5 S3:1994
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Right angle plug CECC 22 231-803:1991
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight plug CECC 22 231-802:1991
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle plug CECC 22 221-813:1986
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight plug CECC 22 221-810:1986
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight socket CECC 22 221-811:1986
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Right angle plug CECC 22 111-810:1984
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug CECC 22 111-809:1984
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight plug CECC 22 161-803:1987
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight socket CECC 22 161-807:1987
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Right angle plug CECC 22 201-803:1988
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Right angle plug CECC 22 201-804:1988
Flexible cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Straight socket CECC 22 201-805:1988
Flexible cable, low profile - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle plug CECC 22 221-814:1986
Flexible cord - Cable - Core - Identification HD 308 S2:2001
Flexible multilayer - Printed board EN 123800:1996
Flexible multilayer - Printed board - Through connection CECC 23 800-801:1998
Flexible printed board - Printed board EN 123400:1992
Flexible printed board - Printed board EN 123400-800:1992
Flexible printed board - Printed board EN 123500:1992
Flexible printed board - Printed board EN 123500-800:1992
Flexible sheet - Household appliances - Heating - Room heating - Safety EN 60335-2-96:2002
Flexible sheet materials - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance HD 480 S1:1987
Flexible sleeving - Insulating materials - Cross-linked PVC HD 523.3.201 S1:1993
Flexible sleeving - Insulation EN 60684-1:2003
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Expandable braided - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60684-3-340 to 342:2003
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Expandable braided ethylene - E-CTFE EN 60684-3-343 to 345:2002
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Extruded fluorosilicone EN 60684-3-136:1998
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Extruded Polychloroprene EN 60684-3-116 & 117:2003
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Extruded polyolefin - Flame retarde - Limited hazard EN 60684-3-165:2004
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Extruded PTFE sleeving - PTFE EN 60684-3-145 to 147:2001
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Extruded PVC sleeving - PVC EN 60684-3-100 to 105:2001
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Extruded PVC/nitrile rubber EN 60684-3-151:1998
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Extruded silicone sleeving - Silicone EN 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Glass sleeving - Acrylic coating EN 60684-3-403 to 405:2002
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Glass textile - Braided - Uncoated EN 60684-3-300:2002
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Glass textile - PVC coating EN 60684-3-406 to 408:2003
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Glass textile - Silicone elastomer EN 60684-3-400 to 402:2002
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Glass textile sleeving - Polyurethane (PUR)-based coating EN 60684-3-409:1999
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Flame-retarded - Limited-fire EN 60684-3-216:2005
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Fluoroelastomer - Flame-retarded EN 60684-3-233:2006
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-212:2006
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Not flame-retarded EN 60684-3-214:2005
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Polyvinylidene fluoride EN 60684-3-229:2003
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Polyvinylidene fluoride - Flame retarded EN 60684-3-228:2004
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable elastomer - Flame retarded - Fluid resistant EN 60684-3-271:2004
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable polyolefin EN 60684-3-209:2003
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable PTFE EN 60684-3-240 to 243:2002
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Individual - Heat-shrinkable - Dual wall EN 60684-3-246:2007
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Individual - Heat-shrinkable - dual wall EN 60684-3-248:2007
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Alphabetical Index

Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Individual - Heat-shrinkable - polyolefin EN 60684-3-211:2007
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Polyethylene terephthalate - Acrylic EN 60684-3-420 to 422:2002
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Polyethylene terephthalate - Impregnated EN 60684-3-320:2002
Flexible sleeving - Insulation - Test EN 60684-2:1997
Flexing - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Strain relief EN 61300-2-44:2005
Flexing - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Strain relief EN 61300-2-44:2008
Flexlible - Insulation - Materials - Individual EN 60626-3:2008
Flicker - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage - Fluctuation - Conditional connection EN 61000-3-11:2000
Flicker - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage - Fluctuation - Public low-voltage supply systems EN 61000-3-3:2008
Flickermeter - Electromagnetic compatibility - Functional specification - Design EN 61000-4-15:1998
Flickermeter - Electromagnetic compatibility - Functional specification - Design EN 61000-4-15:2011
Flock - Automatic - Electrostatic - Flammable - Equipment EN 50223:2001
Flock material - Stationary - Electrostatic - Ignitable EN 50223:2010
Floodlight - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-5:1998
Floor - Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system EN 50085-2-2:2008
Floor - Powertrack EN 61534-22:2009
floor box/enclosure - Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Household EN 60670-23:2008
Floor cleaning - Household appliances - Floor treatment - Safety EN 60335-2-67:2009
Floor covering - Electrostatics - Installed floor - Resistance EN 61340-4-1:2004
Floor heating - Building - Electrical installation - Ceiling heating HD 384.7.753 S1:2002
Floor treatment - Household appliances - Automatic - Safety EN 60335-2-72:2009
Floor treatment - Household appliances - Floor cleaning - Safety EN 60335-2-67:2009
Floor treatment - Household appliances - Scrubbing machine - Wet scrubbing - Safety EN 60335-2-10:2003
Flooring - Electrostatics - Footwear - Protection EN 61340-4-5:2004
Floppy disc - Video - Recording system - Still video EN 61122:1993
Flora - Environmental conditions - Classification - Fauna HD 478.2.7 S1:1990
Flow capacity - Industrial - Valve EN 60534-2-4:2009
Flow capacity - Industrial process - Control valve - Test EN 60534-2-3:1998
Flow capacity - Industrial process - Valve - Sizing - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-1:1998
Flow capacity - Industrial process - Valve - Sizing - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-1:2011
Flow capacity - Industrial process control - Valve - Fluid flow - Sizing equation EN 60534-2-5:2003
Flow measurement system - Ultrasonics - Flow test object EN 61685:2001
Flow properties - Insulating liquid - Oil - Mineral oil EN 61065:1993
Flow rate switch - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit EN 60947-5-9:2007
Flow test object - Ultrasonics - Flow measurement system EN 61685:2001
Flowing mixed gas corrosion - Environmental testing - Test Ke EN 60068-2-60:1996
Fluctuation - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage - Flicker - Conditional connection EN 61000-3-11:2000
Fluctuation - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage - Flicker - Public low-voltage supply systems EN 61000-3-3:2008
Flue gas - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Denitrification plant - De-NOx EN 45510-4-10:1999
Flue gas - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Desulphurization plant EN 45510-4-6:1999
Flue gas parameter - Heating appliances - Portable - Combustion EN 50379-1:2004
Flue gas parameter - Heating appliances - Portable - Combustion - Gas fired heating EN 50379-3:2004
Flue gas parameter - Heating appliances - Portable - Combustion - Statutory inspection EN 50379-2:2004
Fluid - Connector - Measurement - Chemical - Resistance EN 60512-19-1:2010
Fluid - Environmental testing - Test Xc - Contamination EN 60068-2-74:1999
Fluid - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Solvent - Contamination EN 61300-2-34:2009
Fluid distribution - Surface-mount - Modular component - Elastomeric seal EN 62339-1:2007
Fluid flow - Industrial process - Valve - Flow capacity - Sizing EN 60534-2-1:1998
Fluid flow - Industrial process - Valve - Flow capacity - Sizing EN 60534-2-1:2011
Fluid flow - Industrial process control - Valve - Flow capacity - Sizing equation EN 60534-2-5:2003
Fluid resistance - Electronic equipment - Chemical resistance test - Test EN 60512-19-3:1997
Fluid resistant - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable elastomer - Flame retarded EN 60684-3-271:2004
Fluid-filled cable - Switchgear - Cable connection - Gas-insulated - Insulation EN 62271-209:2007
Fluidized bed firing - Power station - Boiler EN 45510-3-3:1999
Fluorescent - Controlgear - Tubular - Lamp EN 60929:2011
Fluorescent - Induction - Lamp - Safety EN 62532:2011
Fluorescent - Lamp - Controlgear EN 61347-2-3:2011
Fluorescent - Lampholder - Tubular - Lamp - Starterholder EN 60400:2008
Fluorescent - Railway application - Rolling stock - Lamp EN 50311:2003
Fluorescent - Ultraviolet lamp - Tanning EN 61228:2008
Fluorescent lamp - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Controlgear EN 62386-201:2009
Fluorescent lamp - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast EN 61347-2-8:2001
Fluorescent lamp - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast EN 61347-2-3:2001
Fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Double-capped - Performance EN 60081:1998
Fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Glow-starter EN 60155:1995
Fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Tubular - AC supplied electronic ballast - Performance EN 60929:2004
Fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Tubular - AC supplied electronic ballast - Performance EN 60929:2006
Fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Tubular - Capacitor - Discharge lamp circuit EN 61048:2006
Fluoroelastomer - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Flame-retarded EN 60684-3-233:2006
Fluoroethylene-propylene (FEP) film - Insulating materials - Plastic film EN 60674-3-7:1998
Flux - Electronic equipment - Soldering test - Cleaning solvent - Sealing EN 60512-12-6:1996
Flux density - Superconductivity - High temperature - Grain oxide EN 61788-9:2005
Flux measurement - Fibre - Optic - Communication - Light source EN 61280-1-4:2010
FM audio recording - Video - Helical-scan video system - VHS - Magnetic tape EN 60774-2:2000
FM audio recording - Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast EN 61041-3:1995
FM radio tuner - Audio - High-fidelity - Household EN 61305-2:1998
FM sound broadcasting - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Performance EN 60244-13:1993
FM sound broadcasting - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Transposer EN 60244-11:1993
FMEA - Reliability - Failure mode - Effect analysis EN 60812:2006
Focal spot - Medical - X-ray tube assemblies - Diagnosis EN 60336:2005
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Alphabetical Index

Fog device - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Security EN 50131-8:2009
Food - Household appliance - Waste disposer - Safety EN 60335-2-16:2003
Food preparation appliances - Household appliances - Test - Airborne acoustical noise EN 60704-2-11:1999
Food preparation appliances - Performance EN 60619:1993
Foot warmer - Household appliances - Heating mat - Safety EN 60335-2-81:2003
Footwear - Electrostatics - Flooring - Protection EN 61340-4-5:2004
Footwear - Electrostatics - Test method EN 61340-4-3:2001
Footwear - Insulation - Insulating footwear - Low voltage installation EN 50321:1999
Force balance - Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Radiation EN 61161:2007
Forced convection - Household appliances - Commercial - Oven - Steam cooker EN 60335-2-42:2003
Forced convection - Household appliances - Heater - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-2:1994
Forcibly guided contact - Relay - Contact - Mechanically linked EN 50205:2002
Form wound stator coil - Machine - Rotating - AC - Voltage withstand EN 60034-15:1996
Form-wound - Rotating machine - Insulation - Winding CLC/TR 60034-18-32:2004
Form-wound - Rotating machine - Insulation - Winding - Thermomechanical endurance CLC/TS 60034-18-34:2004
Form-wound winding - Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Test EN 60034-18-31:1994
Format - Broadcast application - Message - Triggering message EN 62297-1:2005
Format - Multimedia - e-publishing - e-book EN 62448:2009
Format A - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system EN 61595-1:1997
Format A - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system EN 61120-2:1993
Format B - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system EN 61595-2:1998
Format B - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system EN 61120-3:1993
Format D-3 - Video - Helical-scan video system - Magnetic tape EN 61327:1995
Formed wire - Conductor - Overhead - Concentric Lay - Stranded conductor EN 62219:2002
Foundations - Overhead line - Structure - Testing EN 61773:1996
Fountain - Low-voltage - Swimming pool - Pool HD 60364-7-702:2010
Frame format - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol EN 60870-5-1:1993
Frame number - Motor - Induction - Three-phase - Flange number EN 50347:2001
Framework - Conformity Assessment - Electrotechnical Area CLC Guide 23:2002
Framework - Interoperability - Home - IFRS CWA 50560:2010
Framework - Safety - Process industry - Functional safety - Hardware/software EN 61511-1:2004
Free - Connector - 8-way - Shielded - Fixed EN 60603-7-1:2009
Free - Connector - 8-way - Shielded - Fixed EN 60603-7-1:2011
Free - Connector - Fixed - Unshielded - Electronic equipment EN 60603-7:2009
Free access - Railway application - Current collection system - Pantograph - Overhead line EN 50367:2006
Free air application - Transmission - Infrared EN 61920:2004
Free and fixed - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-41:2010
Free and fixed - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-51:2010
Free and fixed - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-71:2010
Free and fixed - Connector - Electronic - Data transmission - Shielded EN 61076-3-110:2008
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Common mating feature EN 60603-7-1:2002
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-2:2009
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-2:2010
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-4:2005
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-4:2010
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-5:2009
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-5:2010
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-7:2006
Free and fixed connector - Connector - Electronic - 8-way - Data transmission EN 60603-7-7:2010
Free connector - Connector - Printed board - Two part CECC 75 101-804:1994
Free connector - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 60603-13:1998
Free fall - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Impact EN 60512-7-1:2010
Free gas - Oil - Gas - Sampling - Dissolved gas EN 60567:2005
Free socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Clamped outer conductor CECC 22 121-805:1985
Free socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Crimp type CECC 22 211-806:1988
Free socket - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N CECC 22 211-805:1988
Free space - Laser product - Optical communication - Information transmission EN 60825-12:2004
Free-field calibration - Microphone - Measurement - Calibration - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-3:1995
Freight traffic - Railway - Radio - Remote control - Traction vehicle CLC/TR 50452:2007
Freight traffic - Railway applications - Radio remote control - Traction vehicle EN 50239:1999
Frequency - Cable - Radio - Coaxial - Connector EN 60966-2-3:2009
Frequency - Cable - Radio - Coaxial - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3:2009
Frequency - Cable - Radio - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3-1:2009
Frequency - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Low layer profile EN 61334-5-1:2001
Frequency - Electric strength - Insulating materials - Test method - Power EN 60243-1:1998
Frequency - IEC - Standard EN 60196:2009
Frequency - Signalling - LV - Decoupling filter - Impedance filter EN 50065-4-4:2003
Frequency - Signalling - LV - Decoupling filter - Incoming filter EN 50065-4-3:2003
Frequency - Signalling - LV - Decoupling filter - Phase coupler EN 50065-4-6:2004
Frequency - Signalling - LV - Decoupling filter - Portable EN 50065-4-7:2005
Frequency - Signalling - LV - Decoupling filter - Segmentation filter EN 50065-4-5:2003
Frequency - Signalling - LV - Immunity - Communications equipment EN 50065-2-1:2003
Frequency - Signalling - LV - Impedance EN 50065-7:2001
Frequency - Surface mounted - Piezoelectric - Lead - Ceramic EN 61837-2:2011
Frequency band - Signalling - LV - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2001
Frequency band - Signalling - LV - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2001/A1:2010
Frequency band - Signalling - LV - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2011
Frequency below 3 MHz - Connector - Rectangular CECC 75 301:1990
Frequency control - Piezoelectric device - Lead connection - Ceramic enclosure EN 61837-2:2000
Frequency control - Piezoelectric device - Lead connection - Hybrid enclosure outlines EN 61837-4:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Frequency control - Piezoelectric device - Lead connection - Metal enclosure EN 61837-3:2000
Frequency control - Piezoelectric device - Lead connection - Plastic moulded EN 61837-1:1999
Frequency control - Piezoelectric device - Surface mounted device (SMD) EN 61240:1997
Frequency converter - Circuit - Semiconductor - Microwave - Integrated EN 60747-16-3:2002
Frequency demodulator - Radio equipment - Satellite earth station EN 60510-2-6:1994
Frequency demodulator - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment HD 477.2.5 S1:1987
Frequency dips - Quartz crystal unit - Activity dips EN 60444-7:2004
Frequency division multiplex (FDM) - Radio equipment - Satellite earth station EN 60510-3-4:1994
Frequency meter - Measuring instrument - Analogue EN 60051-4:1989
Frequency modulator - Radio equipment - Satellite earth station EN 60510-2-5:1994
Frequency modulator - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment HD 477.2.4 S1:1987
Frequency response - Microphone - Measurement - Actuator - Electrostatic EN 61094-6:2005
Front mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Bulkhead socket CECC 22 111-814:1985
Front projection - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - TA 2 EN 61966-6:2006
Fryer - Household - Fat - Pan - Safety EN 60335-2-13:2010
Fryer - Household appliances - Deep fat fryer - Frying pan - Safety EN 60335-2-13:2003
Frying pan - Household appliances - Fryer - Deep fat fryer - Safety EN 60335-2-13:2003
FTA - Fault tree analysis EN 61025:2007
FTTX - Optic - Fibre optic - End-user - Network CLC/TR 50510:2007
Fuel - Cell - Micro - Power system - Safety EN 62282-6-100:2010
Fuel cell - Cell - Module EN 62282-2:2004
Fuel cell - Cell - Portable - Safety EN 62282-5-1:2007
Fuel cell - Cell - Power system - Micro - Performance EN 62282-6-200:2008
Fuel cell - Cell - Stationary - Power system - Safety EN 62282-3-1:2007
Fuel cell - Cell - Stationary power plant - Test EN 62282-3-2:2006
Fuel cell - Cell - Stationary power system - Installation EN 62282-3-3:2008
Fuel cell - Micro - Power systems - Cartridge - Interchangeability EN 62282-6-300:2009
Fuel cell gas - Gas appliances - Heating appliances - Heat input EN 50465:2008
Fuel preparation - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries EN 45510-4-4:2002
full shielding - Connector - Printed board - latching EN 61076-4-110:2002
Function - Block - Compliance profile EN 61499-4:2006
Function - Block - Industrial-process - Control - Architecture EN 61499-1:2005
Function - Block - Industrial-process - Control - Software tools EN 61499-2:2005
Function - Communication - Network - Substation - Device model EN 61850-5:2003
Function Block - FB - Process control - Description Language - EDDL EN 61804-3:2011
Function block - Process control - EDD - Interoperability CLC/TR 61804-4:2007
Function block - Process control - FB concept EN 61804-2:2007
Function block - Process control - Language - EDDL EN 61804-3:2007
Functional - Power drive - Adjustable speed EN 61800-5-2:2007
Functional characteristics - Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Valve regulated EN 60896-21:2004
Functional performance - Medical - Electron accelerator EN 60976:2007
Functional safety - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3:2010
Functional safety - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-1:2008
Functional safety - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-2:2008
Functional safety - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-3:2008
Functional safety - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-6:2008
Functional safety - Machinery - Control system - Programmable EN 62061:2005
Functional safety - Safety - Abbreviation - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-4:2001
Functional safety - Safety - Abbreviation - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-4:2010
Functional safety - Safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-1:2001
Functional safety - Safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-1:2010
Functional safety - Safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-2:2001
Functional safety - Safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-2:2010
Functional safety - Safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-6:2001
Functional safety - Safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-6:2010
Functional safety - Safety - Integrity level - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-5:2001
Functional safety - Safety - Integrity level - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-5:2010
Functional safety - Safety - Measure - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-7:2001
Functional safety - Safety - Measure - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-7:2010
Functional safety - Safety - Process industry - Framework - Hardware/software EN 61511-1:2004
Functional safety - Safety - Process industry - IEC 61511-1 EN 61511-2:2004
Functional safety - Safety - Process industry - Integrity level EN 61511-3:2004
Functional safety - Safety - Software - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-3:2001
Functional safety - Safety - Software - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-3:2010
Functional specification - Electromagnetic compatibility - Flickermeter - Design EN 61000-4-15:1998
Functional specification - Electromagnetic compatibility - Flickermeter - Design EN 61000-4-15:2011
Functionality - Industrial process - Assessment EN 61069-3:1996
Functionality - Re-used part - Dependability - Quality - Test EN 62309:2004
Functionnal safety - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-18:2011
Functionning - Explosion risk - Safety EN 50495:2010
Fundamental - Industrial-process - Measurement - Control - Data structures EN 61987-10:2009
Furnace - Ancillary equipment - Design - Installation EN 50156-1:2004
Furnace - Electroheating - Industrial - Direct arc furnace - Test method EN 60676:2002
Furnace - Graphite electrode - Arc furnace EN 60239:2005
Furnace - Heating installation - Arc - Submerged arc furnace HD 599 S1:1992
Furnace - Heating installation - Electroheat - Electroslag - Safety EN 60519-8:2005
Furnace - Heating installation - Electroslag - Remelting furnace EN 60779:2005
Furnace - Induction channel - Crucible furnace EN 62076:2006
Fuse - High-voltage - Current-limiting EN 60282-1:2009
Fuse - HV - Current limiting fuse EN 60282-1:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Fuse - HV - Expulsion fuse HD 636 S1:1996
Fuse - HV - Fuse-link - Motor circuit EN 60644:1993
Fuse - HV - Fuse-link - Motor circuit EN 60644:2009
Fuse - Low-voltage - Guidance CLC/TR 60269-5:2011
Fuse - Low-voltage - Protection - Solar - Photovoltaic EN 60269-6:2011
Fuse - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Disconnector EN 60947-3:2009
Fuse - LV EN 60269-1:2007
Fuse - LV - Fuse-link - Protection - Semiconductor EN 60269-4:2007
Fuse - LV - Fuse-link - Protection - Semiconductor EN 60269-4:2009
Fuse - LV - Household - Unskilled person HD 60269-3:2007
Fuse - LV - Household - Unskilled person HD 60269-3:2010
Fuse - LV - Industrial - Authorized person HD 60269-2:2007
Fuse - LV - Industrial - Authorized person HD 60269-2:2010
Fuse - Miniature - User guide EN 60127-10:2002
Fuse - Miniature fuse - Cartridge fuse-link EN 60127-2:2003
Fuse - Miniature fuse - Fuse-holder EN 60127-6:1994
Fuse - Miniature fuse - Fuse-link EN 60127-1:2006
Fuse - Miniature fuse - Fuse-link - Quality assessment EN 60127-5:1991
Fuse - Miniature fuse - Sub-miniature fuse-link EN 60127-3:1996
Fuse - Miniature fuse - Universal Modular Fuse-link - UMF EN 60127-4:2005
Fuse - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment - HV EN 60077-5:2003
Fuse - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Terminal block EN 60947-7-3:2002
Fuse-holder - Fuse - Miniature fuse EN 60127-6:1994
Fuse-link - Fuse - HV - Motor circuit EN 60644:1993
Fuse-link - Fuse - HV - Motor circuit EN 60644:2009
Fuse-link - Fuse - LV - Protection - Semiconductor EN 60269-4:2007
Fuse-link - Fuse - LV - Protection - Semiconductor EN 60269-4:2009
Fuse-link - Fuse - Miniature fuse EN 60127-1:2006
Fuse-link - Fuse - Miniature fuse - Quality assessment EN 60127-5:1991
Fused - Capacitor - Tantalum surface mounting capacitor CECC 30 801-803:1994
Fuzzy control - Controller - Programmable controller EN 61131-7:2000


GaAs MMIC process approval - PAS CECC 200 008:1995
Gain - Dynamic - Tilt - Equalizer - Response time EN 62343-5-1:2009
Gain parameter - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Electrical spectrum analyzer EN 61290-1-2:2005
Gain parameter - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Power meter EN 61290-1-3:2005
Gain parameter - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-1-1:2006
Galileo receiver - Navigation - Radiocommunication - GNSS EN 61108-3:2010
Gamma - Radiation - Monitor - Vehicle EN 62022:2007
Gamma beam therapy - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-11:1997
Gamma camera - Medical - Imaging device - Radionuclide - Anger type EN 60789:2005
Gamma camera - Medical - Radionuclide imaging device - Wholebody imaging system EN 61675-3:1998
Gamma irradiation - Optical fibre - Irradiation - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-54:2003
Gamut ID - Multimedia - Colour - Metadata EN 61966-12-1:2011
Gangway - Low-voltage - Maintenance - Operating - Special location HD 60364-7-729:2009
Gap - Concentric - Lay stranded - Overhead - Conductor EN 62420:2008
Gap - Lightning - Protection component - Isolation - Spark gap EN 50164-3:2006
Gap - Surge arrester - Metal-oxide - AC system EN 60099-4:2004
Garage door - Household appliances - Residential use - Vertical move - Safety EN 60335-2-95:2004
Garden - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-7:1989
Garden pond - Household appliances - Aquarium - Pond - Safety EN 60335-2-55:2003
Gas - Detection - Combustible - Domestic premises EN 50194-1:2009
Gas - Detection - Toxic - Oxygen - Digital EN 50271:2010
Gas - Electromagnetic compatibility - Detection - Combustible - Toxic EN 50270:2006
Gas - Explosive - Atmosphere - Area - Classification EN 60079-10-1:2009
Gas - Explosive - Atmosphere - Detector - Guide EN 60079-29-2:2007
Gas - Explosive - Atmosphere - Detectors - Flammable EN 60079-29-4:2010
Gas - Explosive - Atmosphere - Flammable - Detection EN 60079-29-1:2007
Gas - Explosive - Atmosphere - Vapour EN 60079-20-1:2010
Gas - Explosive atmosphere EN 60079-0:2006
Gas - Explosive atmosphere EN 60079-0:2009
Gas - Explosive atmosphere - Construction - Test - Marking EN 60079-26:2007
Gas - Explosive atmosphere - Intrinsic safety system EN 60079-25:2004
Gas - Explosive atmosphere - Safety e EN 60079-7:2007
Gas - Insulating material - Impregnated - Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) - Factory EN 61181:2007
Gas - Oil - Sampling - Free gas - Dissolved gas EN 60567:2005
Gas - Toxic gas - Combustible gas - Oxygen - Digital technology EN 50271:2001
Gas analysis - Insulating liquid - Oil - Transformer EN 60599:1999
Gas analyzer - Oxygen - Electrochemical sensor EN 61207-2:1994
Gas analyzer - Performance EN 61207-1:1994
Gas analyzer - Performance EN 61207-1:2010
Gas analyzer - Performance - Paramagnetic - Oxygen analyzer EN 61207-3:2002
Gas analyzer - Photometric analyzer EN 61207-6:1994
Gas and oil burner - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Ignition transformer EN 61558-2-3:2000
Gas appliances - Heating appliances - Fuel cell gas - Heat input EN 50465:2008
Gas atmosphere - Explosive - Encapsulation m - Construction - Marking EN 60079-18:2004
Gas atmosphere - Explosive - Hazardous area - Classification EN 60079-10:2003
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Alphabetical Index

Gas atmosphere - Explosive - Intrinsic safety i EN 60079-11:2007
Gas atmosphere - Explosive - Protection - Flameproof - Enclosure 'd' EN 60079-1:2007
Gas atmosphere - Explosive - Protection n - Construction - Marking EN 60079-15:2005
Gas atmosphere - Explosive - Repair - Overhaul - Apparatus EN 60079-19:2007
Gas console - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-8:2004
Gas console - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-8:2009
Gas corrosion - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Corrosion EN 60512-11-14:2003
Gas corrosion - Electronic equipment - Connector - Corrosion EN 60512-11-7:2003
Gas detection - Combustible - Toxic - Vapour - Oxygen EN 50402:2005
Gas discharge tube - Surge - Protective device - LV EN 61643-311:2001
Gas evolved - Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion EN 50267-1:1998
Gas evolved - Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion - Halogen acid gas EN 50267-2-1:1998
Gas fired heating - Heating appliances - Portable - Combustion - Flue gas parameter EN 50379-3:2004
Gas pipe - Fibre - Optic - Cables - Outdoor EN 60794-3-50:2008
Gas pipe - Optical fibre - Cable - High pressure CLC/TS 50430:2005
Gas recombination - Battery - Secondary cell - Alkaline - Nickel-cadmium EN 62259:2004
Gas tightness - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Connection EN 60512-11-13:2002
Gas turbine - Power station - Turbine EN 45510-5-2:1998
Gas-air - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Heater - Steam-air EN 45510-4-2:1999
Gas-filled - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Cast aluminium alloy enclosure EN 50052:1986
Gas-filled - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Welded composite enclosure EN 50069:1991
Gas-filled - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Wrought aluminium alloy enclosure EN 50064:1989
Gas-filled - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Wrougth steel enclosure EN 50068:1991
Gas-filled compartment - Switchgear and controlgear - AC EN 50187:1996
Gas-insulated - Switchgear - Cable connection - Insulation - Fluid-filled cable EN 62271-209:2007
Gas-insulated - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Metal-enclosed EN 62271-203:2004
Gas-insulated - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Seismic EN 62271-207:2007
Gaseous effluent - Radioactivity - Monitoring EN 60761-1:2004
Gaseous effluent - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Aerosol monitor - Transuranic aerosol EN 60761-2:2004
Gaseous effluent - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Iodine monitor EN 60761-4:2004
Gaseous effluent - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Noble gas monitor EN 60761-3:2004
Gaseous effluent - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Tritium monitor EN 60761-5:2004
Gassing - Insulating liquid - Ionization HD 488 S1:1987
Gate array - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Digital CECC 90 115:1993
Gate, Door - Household - Safety - Window EN 60335-2-103:2003
Gateway - Multimedia - Home - Network EN 62514:2010
Gauge - Drawing - Cathode-ray tube - Component - Connection EN 60139:2001
Gauge - Lighting - Lamp cap - Holder - Safety EN 60061-1:1993
Gauge - Lighting - Lamp cap - Holder - Safety EN 60061-2:1993
Gauge - Lighting - Lamp cap - Lampholder - Safety EN 60061-3:1993
Gauge - Lighting - Lamp cap - Lampholder - Safety EN 60061-4:1992
Gauge - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Radiometric EN 60405:2007
Gauge retention force - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-5:2008
Gauge retention force - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-10:2007
Gear - Digital - Lighting - Interface - Control EN 62386-102:2009
General lighting - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast EN 61347-2-4:2001
General public - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Wireless telecommunication EN 50385:2002
General specification - Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities - Limit EN 60424-1:1999
General structure - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol EN 60870-5-3:1992
General video - Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast - NTSC/PAL EN 61041-1:1995
Generating set - Engine driven - Internal combustion - Uninterruptible - Power system EN 88528-11:2004
Generating set - Low-voltage HD 60364-5-551:2010
Generator - Heating installation - High frequency - Induction - Power output EN 61922:2002
Generator - Machine - Rotating - AC - Reciprocating internal combustion EN 60034-22:1997
Generator - Machine - Rotating - Synchronous - Steam turbine EN 60034-3:2008
Generator - Medical equiment - X-ray - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-2-7:1998
Generator - Medical equipment - Therapeutic X-ray - Safety EN 60601-2-8:1997
Generator - Power station - Electrical equipment EN 45510-2-6:2000
Generator - Rotating - AC - Combustion - Engine driven EN 60034-22:2009
Generator - Turbine - Steam turbine - Specification EN 60045-1:1993
Generator system - Turbine - Wind turbine - Acoustic noise - Measurement EN 61400-11:2003
Generator system - Turbine - Wind turbine - Design - Small EN 61400-2:2006
Generator system - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power quality - Grid connected EN 61400-21:2002
Generic - Fibre optic - Sensor EN 61757-1:1999
Generic - Quartz - Crystal - Assessed quality EN 60122-1:2002
Generic cabling system - Information technology - Cabling - Data center EN 50173-5:2007
Generic specification - Attenuator - Fibre optic EN 60869-1:2000
Generic specification - Cable - Optical fibre EN 60794-1-1:2002
Generic specification - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment EN 60384-1:2001
Generic specification - Fibre optic - Communication subsystem EN 61281-1:1999
Generic specification - Fibre optic - Compensator - Dispersion EN 61978-1:2001
Generic specification - Filter - Piezoelectric filter EN 60368-1:2000
Generic specification - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression EN 60938-1:1999
Generic specification - Printed board EN 62326-1:2002
Generic specification - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing EN 61811-1:1999
Generic specification - Signalling - LV - Filter - Decoupling filter EN 50065-4-1:2001
Generic standard - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Modular order EN 60917-1:1998
Generic system - Information technology - Cabling EN 50173-1:2007
Generic system - Information technology - Cabling - Industrial premises EN 50173-3:2007
Generic system - Information technology - Cabling - Office premises EN 50173-2:2007
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Alphabetical Index

Generic system - Information technology - Cabling - Small office home office - SOHO EN 50173-4:2007
Gigabit - Fibre optic - Performance - Transceiver - Ethernet EN 62149-4:2010
Gigabit Ethernet application - Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Transceiver EN 62149-4:2003
Glass - Insulating materials - Ceramic EN 60672-1:1995
Glass - Insulating materials - Ceramic - Test method EN 60672-2:2000
Glass - Insulator - Ceramic - Overhead line - Impulse puncture in air EN 61211:2005
Glass - Insulator - Ceramic - Test EN 61325:1995
Glass - Insulator - Hollow - Ceramic EN 62155:2003
Glass - Insulator - Overhead line - Ceramic - AC system EN 60305:1996
Glass - Tape - Polyester fibre woven tape - Individual materials EN 61067-3-1:1995
Glass - Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Directly heated EN 143001:1991
Glass fabric - Adhesive - Pressure-sensitive - Tape - Cellulose acetate woven fabric EN 60454-3-8:2006
Glass fibres - Optical - Circuit board - Flexible - Unconnectorized EN 62496-3-1:2010
Glass filament - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polyester film - Cellulosic paper EN 60454-3-11:2007
Glass insulator unit - Insulator - Overhead line - AC system EN 60383-1:1996
Glass paper - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Filled glass paper EN 60819-3-1:2001
Glass plate - Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Diagnostic EN 61331-2:2002
Glass polyester fibre woven tape - Tape EN 61067-1:1997
Glass polyester fibre woven tape - Tape - Test EN 61067-2:1997
Glass sealed ceramic quad flatpack - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Design guide EN 60191-6-8:2001
Glass sleeving - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Acrylic coating EN 60684-3-403 to 405:2002
Glass strength - Liquid - Crystal - Display - Reliability EN 61747-5-3:2010
Glass textile - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Braided - Uncoated EN 60684-3-300:2002
Glass textile - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - PVC coating EN 60684-3-406 to 408:2003
Glass textile - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Silicone elastomer EN 60684-3-400 to 402:2002
Glass textile sleeving - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyurethane (PUR)-based coating EN 60684-3-409:1999
Glass transition temperature - Insulating materials - Test EN 61006:2004
Glass-backed mica paper - Insulating materials - Mica - B-stage epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-6:1995
Glass-backed mica paper - Insulating materials - Mica - Epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-5:2006
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Braided resin - Copper EN 60317-0-5:2007
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-0-4:1998
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 155 EN 60317-32:1996
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-31:1996
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-39:1994
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-33:1996
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-40:1994
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-49:2000
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-48:2000
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-50:2000
Glass-fibre - Wire - Winding wire - Wound resin - Round copper wire EN 60317-0-6:2001
Global maritime distress and safety system - Radar - Transponder - Search - Rescue EN 61097-1:2007
Global positioning system - GPS - GNSS - Receiver equipment - Test EN 61108-1:2003
GLONASS - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Receiver equipment - GNSS EN 61108-2:1998
Glossary - Energy - Interface - EMS-API CLC/TS 61970-2:2005
Glossary - Energy - Management - Efficiency CEN/CLC/TR 16103:2010
Glossary - Insulator - Terms EN 62223:2009
Glossary - Semiconductor device - Burn-in socket EN 60191-6-16:2007
Gloves - Live working - Insulating material EN 60903:2003
Glow starter - Lamp - Controlgear - Starting device EN 61347-2-1:2001
Glow-starter - Lighting - Fluorescent lamp EN 60155:1995
Glow-wire - Connector - Measurement - Fire - Flammability EN 60512-20-3:2010
Glow-wire - Fire hazard - Flammability - Test - GWFI EN 60695-2-12:2010
Glow-wire - Fire hazard - Ignition - Test - GWIT EN 60695-2-13:2010
Glow-wire apparatus - Fire hazard - Test procedure EN 60695-2-10:2001
Glow-wire flammability - Fire hazard - Flammability - End-product - Test EN 60695-2-11:2001
Glow-wire flammability - Fire hazard - Flammability - Test - Material EN 60695-2-12:2001
Glow-wire ignitability - Fire hazard - Ignitability - Material - Test EN 60695-2-13:2001
GNSS - Global positioning system - GPS - Receiver equipment - Test EN 61108-1:2003
GNSS - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Receiver equipment - GLONASS EN 61108-2:1998
GNSS - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Galileo receiver EN 61108-3:2010
GNSS - Satellite - Shipborne - Radio beacon receiver - Receiver equipment EN 61108-4:2004
Gonad - Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Clothing EN 61331-3:1999
GPS - Global positioning system - GNSS - Receiver equipment - Test EN 61108-1:2003
GRAFCET - Chart - Language - Sequential function EN 60848:2002
Grain oxide - Superconductivity - High temperature - Flux density EN 61788-9:2005
Graphical symbol - Computer sensible form - Reference library - Interchange EN 81714-2:2007
Graphical symbol - Symbol - Arrow form - Arrow use EN 80416-2:2001
Graphical symbol - Symbol - Creation - Original EN 80416-1:2001
Graphical symbol - Symbol - Creation - Registration EN 80416-1:2009
Graphical symbol - Symbol - Guideline - Application EN 80416-3:2002
Graphical symbol - Technical documentation - Connect node - Connect network - Encoding EN 81714-3:2001
Graphics exchange - Energy - CIM EN 61970-453:2008
Graphite electrode - Furnace - Arc furnace EN 60239:2005
Grass shear - Tool - Motor operated tool - Hedge trimmer - Safety HD 400.3N S2:1992
Grease - Overhead line - Conductor EN 50326:2002
Grid - Documentation - Commissioning tests - Inspection EN 62446:2009
Grid array - Semiconductor - Drawing - Surface mounted - Package EN 60191-6-17:2011
Grid connected - Inverter - Photovoltaic system EN 50530:2010
Grid connected - PV inverters EN 50524:2009
Grid connected - Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Power quality EN 61400-21:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Grid connected - Wind - Turbine - Power quality EN 61400-21:2008
Grid connected tubines - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power performance EN 61400-12-1:2006
Grid of 2 mm - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Two part CECC 75 101-808:1993
Grid of 2,54 mm - Connector - Printed board - Two part - Common mounting features CECC 75 101-801:1993
Grid of 2,54 mm - Connector - Printed board - Two part - Common square male contact CECC 75 101-803:1994
Grid system - Printed board EN 60097:1993
Griddle - Household appliances - Commercial - Grill - Safety EN 60335-2-38:2003
Grill - Cooking range - Hob - Oven - Household use EN 50304:2009
Grill - Household appliances - Commercial - Griddle - Safety EN 60335-2-38:2003
Grill - Household appliances - Toaster - Roaster - Safety EN 60335-2-9:2003
Griller - Household appliances - Commercial - Toaster - Safety EN 60335-2-48:2003
Grilling - Household appliance - Portable - Cooking - Performance EN 61817:2001
Grinder - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Bench grinder EN 61029-2-4:2003
Grinder - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Cutting-off grinder EN 61029-2-10:2010
Grinder - Tool - Motor-operated - Polisher - Sander EN 60745-2-3:2007
Grip effectiveness - Connector - Contact - Termination - Insulation EN 60512-16-8:2008
Ground - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Sealed closure EN 61753-111-8:2010
Ground level - Environment - Solar - Radiation - Test EN 60068-2-5:2011
Ground level - Environmental testing - Solar radiation - Test EN 60068-2-5:1999
Ground lighting - Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Circuit EN 61821:2003
Ground recessed luminaire - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-13:2006
Ground vehicle installation - Environmental conditions - Classification EN 60721-3-5:1997
Grounding - Connector - Contact - Termination - Spring holding force EN 60512-16-9:2008
Group R - Brush-holder - Slip-ring - Type RA CLC/TR 60778:2004
Growth - Reliability - Stress testing - Failure - Unique complex EN 62429:2008
Guidance - Communication - Network - Dependability - Engineering EN 61907:2010
Guidance - Connection - Solderless - Compression - Test EN 60352-8:2011
Guidance - Connection - Solderless - Crimped - Test EN 60352-2:2006
Guidance - Connection - Solderless - Insulation displacement - Test EN 60352-4:1994
Guidance - Connection - Solderless - Insulation piercing - Test EN 60352-6:1997
Guidance - Connection - Solderless - Press-in connection - Test EN 60352-5:2008
Guidance - Connection - Solderless - Spring clamp - Test EN 60352-7:2002
Guidance - Connection - Solderless - Wrapped - Test EN 60352-1:1997
Guidance - Dependability - Management EN 60300-2:2004
Guidance - Environmental testing - Documentation - Damp heat EN 60068-3-4:2002
Guidance - Environmental testing - Documentation - Temperature chamber - Measurement EN 60068-3-7:2002
Guidance - Environmental testing - Documentation - Temperature chamber - Performance EN 60068-3-5:2002
Guidance - Environmental testing - Documentation - Temperature/humidity - Performance EN 60068-3-6:2002
Guidance - Environmental testing - Solar radiation - Test EN 60068-2-9:1999
Guidance - Environmental testing - Storage effect - Test EN 60068-2-48:1999
Guidance - Environmental testing - Temperature change - Test EN 60068-2-33:1999
Guidance - Environmental testing - Test R - Water EN 60068-2-18:2001
Guidance - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Measurement EN 61300-1:2011
Guidance - Fibre optic - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-1:2002
Guidance - Filter - Surface acoustic wave - SAW EN 60862-2:2002
Guidance - Fire - Hazard - Test EN 60695-1-10:2010
Guidance - Fire hazard - Assessment - Electrotechnical product - Preselection testing EN 60695-1-30:2002
Guidance - Fire hazard - Assessment - Electrotechnical product - Preselection testing EN 60695-1-30:2008
Guidance - Fire hazard - Assessment - Test EN 60695-1-1:2000
Guidance - Fire hazard - Heat release - Test EN 60695-8-1:2008
Guidance - Fire hazard - Smoke obscuration EN 60695-6-1:2005
Guidance - Fire hazard - Toxicity - Fire effluent EN 60695-7-1:2004
Guidance - Low-voltage - Fuse CLC/TR 60269-5:2011
Guidance - Measurement - Testing EN 61300-1:2003
Guidance - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-1:2008
Guidance System - Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - A-VDGS EN 50512:2009
Guide - Explosive - Atmosphere - Gas - Detector EN 60079-29-2:2007
Guide - Quartz crystal - Synthetic EN 60758:2005
Guide - Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Toxic gases and vapours EN 45544-4:1999
Guide Pin, MT Ferrules - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device EN 61300-3-46:2011
Guide to use - Cable - Communication EN 50290-4-2:2008
Guide to use - Cable - Mineral insulated cable HD 586.3 S1:2001
Guide< - Filter - Waveguide - Dielectric resonator EN 61337-2:2004
Guided - Railway - Urban - Transport - Automated EN 62267:2009
Guideline - Symbol - Graphical symbol - Application EN 80416-3:2002
Guidelines - Alarm system - Intrusion system CLC/TS 50131-7:2008
Guidelines - Batch control - Data structure - Language EN 61512-2:2002
Guidelines - Dependability - Maintenance - Support services EN 60300-3-16:2008
Guidelines - Energy - Interface - EMS-API EN 61970-1:2006
Guidelines - Information technology - Cabling - 10 GBASE-T CLC/TR 50173-99-1:2007
Gull-wing lead terminal - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted EN 60191-6-1:2001
Gull-wing leads - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint EN 61188-5-3:2007
Gull-wing leads - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint EN 61188-5-5:2007
Gun - Electroheating - Heating: Electron EN 60703:2009
Gun - Heating installation - Electron gun - Safety HD 440 S1:1983
Gun - Safety - Electroheat - Electron gun EN 60519-7:2008
GWFI - Fire hazard - Glow-wire - Flammability - Test EN 60695-2-12:2010
GWIT - Fire hazard - Glow-wire - Ignition - Test EN 60695-2-13:2010
Gyromagnetic device - Intermodulation product - Measurement EN 61843:1997
Gyromagnetic material - Microwave frequencies EN 60556:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index


Haemodiafiltration - Medical equipment - Haemodialysis - Haemofiltration - Safety EN 60601-2-16:1998
Haemodialysis - Medical equipment - Haemodiafiltration - Haemofiltration - Safety EN 60601-2-16:1998
Haemofiltration - Medical equipment - Haemodialysis - Haemodiafiltration - Safety EN 60601-2-16:1998
Hair care - Household - Performance - Measurement EN 61855:2003
Hair care - Household appliances - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-9:2003
Hair care - Household appliances - Skin care - Safety EN 60335-2-23:2003
Hair clipper - Household appliances - Shaver - Safety EN 60335-2-8:2003
Half pot - Switch - Core - Magnetic oxide - Inductive proximity EN 62323:2005
Halgen-free - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Thermoplastic sheating compound EN 50363-8:2005
Halogen - Lighting - Tungsten halogen lamp - Non-vehicle - Performance EN 60357:2003
Halogen acid gas - Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion - Gas evolved EN 50267-2-1:1998
Halogen free - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Flame retardant insulation EN 50290-2-26:2002
Halogen free - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Thermoplastic sheathing EN 50290-2-27:2002
Halogen lamp - Digital - Lighting - Interface - Control gear EN 62386-204:2009
Halogen-free - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Non-sheathed - Low smoke emission HD 22.9 S3:2007
Halogen-free - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Cross-linked sheating compound EN 50363-6:2005
Halogen-free - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Cross-linked insulating compound EN 50363-5:2005
Halogen-free - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Thermoplastic insulating compound EN 50363-7:2005
Halogen-free - Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Crosslinked insulation EN 50525-3-21:2011
Halogen-free - Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Crosslinked insulation EN 50525-3-41:2011
Halogen-free - Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Thermoplastic insulation EN 50525-3-11:2011
Halogen-free - Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Thermoplastic insulation EN 50525-3-31:2011
Halogen-free - Cable - Thermoplastic - Insulation - Flexible HD 21.14 S1:2003
Hammer - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety EN 60745-2-6:2010
Hammer - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety EN 60745-2-6:2003
Hammer test - Environmental testing - Test Eh EN 60068-2-75:1997
Hand held - Battery - Barrel - Harging - Multimedia EN 62637-2:2011
Hand held - Battery - Multimedia - Barrel - Harging EN 62637-1:2011
Hand tool - Live working EN 60900:2004
Hand-held - Absorption rate - Communication - Wireless - Mobile EN 62209-1:2006
Hand-held - Human exposure - Absorption rate - Radio frenquecy - Wireless EN 62209-2:2010
Hand-held - Laboratory equipment - Current sensor - Measurement - Safety EN 61010-2-032:2002
Hand-held - Laboratory equipment - Probe assemblies - Safety EN 61010-031:2002
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Band saw - Saw EN 60745-2-20:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Chain saw - Saw EN 60745-2-13:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Concrete - Vibrator EN 60745-2-12:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - cut-off machine EN 60745-2-22:2011
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Hedge trimmer - Trimmer EN 60745-2-15:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Planner EN 60745-2-14:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Screwdriver - Impact wrench EN 60745-2-2:2010
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Shear - Nibbler EN 60745-2-8:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Strapping tool EN 60745-2-18:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Saw - Jig saw - Sabre saw EN 60745-2-11:2010
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Circular - Saw EN 60745-2-5:2010
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety EN 60745-1:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety - Drain cleaner EN 60745-2-21:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety - Drill EN 60745-2-1:2010
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety - Hammer EN 60745-2-6:2010
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety - Jointer EN 60745-2-19:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety - Tapper EN 60745-2-9:2009
Hand-held - Motor-operated tool - Battery pack - Battery powered - Safety EN 50260-1:2002
Hand-held - Motor-operated tool - Battery pack - Spray gun - Safety EN 50260-2-7:2002
Hand-held - Tool - Circular saw - Performance EN 61176:1993
Hand-held - Tool - Motor operated tool HD 400.1 S1:1980
Hand-held - Tool - Motor operated tool EN 50144-1:1998
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Band saw - Safety EN 60745-2-20:2003
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Concrete vibrator - Safety EN 60745-2-12:2003
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Drill - Safety EN 60745-2-1:2003
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Hammer - Safety EN 60745-2-6:2003
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Router - Trimmer EN 60745-2-17:2003
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Router - Trimmer EN 60745-2-17:2010
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Safety EN 60745-1:2006
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Sander - Polisher EN 60745-2-4:2003
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Sander - Polisher EN 60745-2-4:2009
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Saw - Reciprocating saw EN 60745-2-11:2003
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Screwdriver - Impact wrench EN 60745-2-2:2003
Hand-held - Tool - Motor-operated - Shear - Nibbler EN 60745-2-8:2003
Hand-held instrument - Radiation - Protection - Radionuclide - Photon radiation EN 62327:2011
Handlamp - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-8:1997
Handlamp - Transformer - Reactor - Tungsten - Filament EN 61558-2-9:2011
Handle - Battery - Lead-acid starter - Housing EN 50342-5:2010
Handled electronic products - Semiconductor - Climatic - Board level drop test EN 60749-37:2008
Handling - Die product - Semiconductor - Packing - Storage CLC/TR 62258-3:2007
Handling, Surface mount device - Semiconductor - Moisture - Soldering heat EN 60749-20-1:2009
Hard copy camera - Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - Test EN 61223-2-4:1994
Hard water - Household appliances - Performance - Testing EN 60734:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Hard-drawn aluminium wire - Wire - Overhead line conductor EN 60889:1997
Hardware - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Connection hardware EN 50289-1-14:2004
Hardware - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Design EN 60987:2009
Hardware/software - Safety - Process industry - Functional safety - Framework EN 61511-1:2004
Harging - Battery - Hand held - Barrel - Multimedia EN 62637-2:2011
Harging - Battery - Hand held - Multimedia - Barrel EN 62637-1:2011
Harmonic current - Electromagnetic compatibility - LV - Restricted connection EN 61000-3-12:2005
Harmonic current emission (I < 16 A) - Electromagnetic compatibility - Limit EN 61000-3-2:2006
Harmonics - Electromagnetic compatibility - Mains signalling - Immunity - Measurement EN 61000-4-13:2002
Harmonics - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power system - Measurement EN 61000-4-7:2002
Harmonization - Interrelation - Regulations - Standards - Ways of application CLC Guide 3:2001
Harsh environment - Cable - Digital communication - Multicore - Symmetrical pair/quad cable EN 62012-1:2002
Hazard - Fire - Guidance - Test EN 60695-1-10:2010
Hazard - Fire - Toxicity - Fire effluent EN 60695-7-1:2010
hazard - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Protective provision EN 50153:2002
Hazard avoidance - Electrostatics - Static electricity CLC/TR 50404:2003
Hazardous area - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Classification EN 60079-10:2003
HBES - Automation - BACS - EMC requirements - Industrial environment EN 50491-5-3:2010
HBES - Automation - BACS - EMC requirements - Large system EN 50491-5-2:2010
HBES - Automation - BACS - EMC requirements - Test EN 50491-5-1:2010
HBES - Automation - Control - BACS EN 50491-3:2009
HBES - Building - Automation - BACS - Environment EN 50491-2:2010
HBES - Home - Building - Electronic - Structure EN 50090-1:2011
HBES - Home and Building - Electronic - Layer - Media EN 50090-5-3:2006
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Application structure EN 50090-3-1:1994
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Architecture EN 50090-2-1:1994
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Cabling - Twisted pair EN 50090-9-1:2004
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Conformity assessment EN 50090-8:2000
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Inspection - Testing CLC/TR 50090-9-2:2007
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Interworking model - data type EN 50090-3-3:2009
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - layer - Media - Class 1 EN 50090-5-1:2005
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Layer - Media dependent - Twisted Pair EN 50090-5-2:2004
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Layer - Media independant EN 50090-4-3:2007
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - layer - Media independent EN 50090-4-2:2004
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Management EN 50090-7-1:2004
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Media - Application layer EN 50090-4-1:2004
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Safety EN 50090-2-3:2005
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Technical requirements EN 50090-2-2:1996
HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - User process EN 50090-3-2:2004
HBES - Interface - Medium - Twisted Pair CLC/TR 50552:2010
HBES - Switch - Accessories - Home and building electronic Systems EN 50428:2005
HC MOS - Digital integrated circuit EN 190109:1994
HD - Policy paper - National deviations - Low Voltage Directive CLC Guide 4:2001
HD - Recording - Link EN 62546:2009
HD format - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-3:2000
HD-BURN format - Recording - High density - CD-R/RW disc EN 62403:2006
HD-DVCR - Video - Audio - Digital interface - Data transmission EN 61883-3:2005
HDLC protocol - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control EN 62056-46:2002
HDTV display - Television - Receiver EN 60107-7:1997
HDV format - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital - Video cassette EN 61834-11:2008
Headend - Cable - Television signal - Sound signal - IP gateway CLC/TR 50083-5-1:2009
Headend equipment - Cable network - Television - Signal - Sound EN 60728-5:2008
Headphone - Sound - Earphone EN 60268-7:2011
Headphone - Sound system equipment - Earphone EN 60268-7:1996
Headphone - Sound system equipment - Earphone - Portable - One package equipment EN 50332-1:2000
Headphone - Sound system equipment - Earphone - Portable - Set matching EN 50332-2:2003
Health care building - Lighting - Luminaire - Hospital EN 60598-2-25:1994
Healthcare - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Home EN 60601-1-11:2010
Hearing aid - Automatic gain control circuit EN 60118-2:1995
Hearing aid - Bone vibrator output - Measurement HD 450.9 S1:1987
Hearing aid - Digital interface EN 60118-14:1998
Hearing aid - Dimensions - Connector system EN 60118-12:1996
Hearing aid - Electrical input circuit EN 60118-6:1999
Hearing aid - Electroacoustical characteristics - Measurement EN 60118-0:1993
Hearing aid - Electroacoustics - Magnetic field strength - Induction loop EN 60118-4:2006
Hearing aid - Electroacoustics - Real-ear - Acoustical - Measurement EN 61669:2001
Hearing aid - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Coupler - Earphone EN 60318-5:2006
Hearing aid - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC EN 60118-13:2005
Hearing aid - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC EN 60118-13:2011
Hearing aid - Hearing aid equipment HD 450.3 S1:1984
Hearing aid - In situ working conditions - Simulated - Performance EN 60118-8:2005
Hearing aid - Induction pick-up coil input EN 60118-1:1995
Hearing aid - Nipple - Insert earphone HD 450.5 S1:1985
Hearing aid - Quality inspection - Delivery purpose - Performance EN 60118-7:2005
Hearing aid equipment - Hearing aid HD 450.3 S1:1984
Heartbeat detector - Medical - Ultrasonics - Doppler EN 61266:1995
Heat - CHP - Combined heat and Power - Power - Determination CWA 45547:2004
Heat - Environmental testing - Cold/vibration test - Combined test EN 60068-2-50:1999
Heat - Environmental testing - Dry heat/vibration test - Combined test - Test EN 60068-2-51:1999
Heat - Environmental testing - Solderability - Resistance - Leaded device EN 60068-2-20:2008
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Alphabetical Index

Heat - Fire hazard - Abnormal heat - Distortion test - Mould stress relief EN 60695-10-3:2002
Heat - Fire hazard - Testing - Ball pressure test EN 60695-10-2:2003
Heat - Optical fibre - Damp heat - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-50:2002
Heat - Optical fibre - Dry heat - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-51:2002
Heat - Semiconductor - Climatic - Resistance - Moisture EN 60749-20:2009
Heat exchanger - Transformer - Oil-to-air EN 50216-10:2009
Heat exchanger - Transformer - Oil-to-water - Vertical arrangement EN 50216-9:2009
Heat input - Gas appliances - Heating appliances - Fuel cell gas EN 50465:2008
Heat load - Enclosure - Thermal performance - Sun radiation EN 62194:2005
Heat pump - Household appliances - Air conditioner - Dehumidifier - Safety EN 60335-2-40:2003
Heat release - Cable - Fire conditions - Smoke production - Apparatus EN 50399:2011
Heat release - Fire hazard - Test - Guidance EN 60695-8-1:2008
Heat resistant - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Multicore cable - Silicone rubber HD 22.15 S2:2007
Heat shrinkable - Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Fingerprinting HD 631.2 S1:2007
Heat shrinkable - Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Fingerprinting HD 631.3 S1:2008
Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Shape - Compatibility EN 62329-3-100:2010
Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Shape - Compatibility - Elastomer EN 62329-3-102:2010
Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Shape - Compatibility - Polyolefin EN 62329-3-101:2010
Heat shrinkable - Shape - Moulded EN 62329-1:2006
Heat shrinkable - Shape - Moulded - Test EN 62329-2:2006
Heat test - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60634:1995
Heat-resistance - Cable - Rubber insulated - Internal wiring (t = 110C) HD 22.7 S2:1995
Heat-resistant - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - EPR cord - Flexible cable HD 22.12 S2:2007
Heat-resistant cable - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Flexible - Cord HD 21.12 S1:1994
Heat-resistant silicone - Cable - Rubber insulated - Cross-linked insulation HD 22.3 S4:2004
Heat-shrinkable - Flexible - Insulation - Sleeving - Elastomer EN 60684-3-271:2011
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible - Sleeving - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-209:2010
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Flame-retarded - Limited-fire EN 60684-3-216:2005
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Fluoroelastomer - Flame-retarded EN 60684-3-233:2006
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - Dual wall EN 60684-3-246:2007
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - dual wall EN 60684-3-248:2007
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - polyolefin EN 60684-3-211:2007
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-212:2006
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyolefin - Not flame-retarded EN 60684-3-214:2005
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyvinylidene fluoride EN 60684-3-229:2003
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyvinylidene fluoride - Flame retarded EN 60684-3-228:2004
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Sleeving - Polyolefin - Anti-tracking EN 60684-3-280:2010
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Sleeving - Polyolefin - Bus-bar EN 60684-3-283:2011
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Sleeving - Polyolefin - Semi conductive EN 60684-3-281:2010
Heat-shrinkable - Insulation - Sleeving - Polyolefin - Stress control EN 60684-3-282:2010
Heat-shrinkable - Sleeving - Insulating - Chlorinated - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-205:2011
Heat-shrinkable - Sleeving - Insulating - Polyolefin - Dual wall EN 60684-3-247:2011
Heat-shrinkable elastomer - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Flame retarded - Fluid resistant EN 60684-3-271:2004
Heat-shrinkable polyolefin - Insulation - Flexible sleeving EN 60684-3-209:2003
Heat-shrinkable PTFE - Insulation - Flexible sleeving EN 60684-3-240 to 243:2002
Heat/low air - Environmental testing - Combined test - Pressure test - Test EN 60068-2-41:1999
Heated - Negative temperature - Thermistors EN 60539-1:2008
Heated carpet - Household appliances - Carpet - Room heating - Safety EN 60335-2-106:2007
Heated gullies - Household appliances - Roof drainage - Safety EN 60335-2-83:2002
Heater - Household appliance - Immersion heater - Fixed - Safety EN 60335-2-73:2003
Heater - Household appliance - Thermal-storage room - Safety EN 60335-2-61:2003
Heater - Household appliances - Forced convection - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-2:1994
Heater - Household appliances - Immersion heater - Portable - Safety EN 60335-2-74:2003
Heater - Household appliances - Water-bed heater - Safety EN 60335-2-66:2003
Heater - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Gas-air - Steam-air EN 45510-4-2:1999
Heater - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Feedwater heater EN 45510-6-2:1998
Heater - Storage - Water heater - Measurement - Household EN 60379:2004
Heater - Water heater - Performance EN 50193:1997
Heating - Explosive - Atmosphere - Resistance EN 60079-30-1:2007
Heating - Explosive - Atmosphere - Resistance EN 60079-30-2:2007
Heating - Household - Room heating - Charging control - Storage type EN 50350:2004
Heating - Household appliance - Sauna - Safety EN 60335-2-53:2003
Heating - Household appliances - Blanket - Pad - Safety EN 60335-2-17:2002
Heating - Household appliances - Humidifier - Air conditioning system - Safety EN 60335-2-88:2002
Heating - Household appliances - Room heating - Flexible sheet - Safety EN 60335-2-96:2002
Heating - Industrial - Microwave - Power output EN 61307:2011
Heating - Magnetron - CW magnetron - Cooking EN 136002:1992
Heating - Medical - Blanket - Pad - Mattresses EN 80601-2-35:2009
Heating - Medical equipment - Blanket - Pad - Mattress EN 60601-2-35:1996
Heating - Safety - Electroheat - Industrial - Microwave EN 60519-6:2011
Heating - Safety - Electroheat - Resistance - Melting EN 60519-21:2009
Heating appliances - Gas appliances - Fuel cell gas - Heat input EN 50465:2008
Heating appliances - Household appliances - Animal breeding - Animal rearing - Safety EN 60335-2-71:2003
Heating appliances - Portable - Combustion - Flue gas parameter EN 50379-1:2004
Heating appliances - Portable - Combustion - Flue gas parameter - Gas fired heating EN 50379-3:2004
Heating appliances - Portable - Combustion - Flue gas parameter - Statutory inspection EN 50379-2:2004
Heating element - Thermistor - Temperature - Step-function - Directly heated EN 60738-1-2:2008
Heating equipment - Insulating materials - Mica EN 60371-3-3:1995
Heating installation - Direct acting - Room heater - Performance EN 60675:1995
Heating installation - Electroheat - Arc furnace - Safety EN 60519-4:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Heating installation - Electroheat - Electromagnetic force - Liquid metal - Safety EN 60519-11:2007
Heating installation - Electroheat - Furnace - Electroslag - Safety EN 60519-8:2005
Heating installation - Electroheat - High-frequency - Dielectric EN 60519-9:2005
Heating installation - Electroheat - Induction - Conduction - Melting EN 60519-3:2005
Heating installation - Electroheat - Microwave heating - Industrial - Safety EN 60519-6:2002
Heating installation - Electroheat - Resistance heating - Melting glass equipment EN 60519-21:1998
Heating installation - Electroheat - Resistance heating - Safety EN 60519-2:2006
Heating installation - Electroheat - Resistance trace - Industrial - Commercial EN 60519-10:2005
Heating installation - Electroheat - Safety EN 60519-1:2003
Heating installation - Furnace - Arc - Submerged arc furnace HD 599 S1:1992
Heating installation - Furnace - Electroslag - Remelting furnace EN 60779:2005
Heating installation - Gun - Electron gun - Safety HD 440 S1:1983
Heating installation - High frequency - Induction - Power output - Generator EN 61922:2002
Heating installation - High-frequency - Dielectric - Power output EN 61308:2006
Heating installation - Industrial - Infra-red - Emitter EN 60240-1:1994
Heating installation - Microwave - Power output EN 61307:2006
Heating liquid - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-15:2002
Heating mat - Household appliances - Foot warmer - Safety EN 60335-2-81:2003
Heating of materials - Laboratory equipment - Safety - Measurment - Control EN 61010-2-010:2003
Heating pad - Household use - Performance EN 61255:1994
Heating system - Resistance trace - Industrial - Commercial EN 62395-1:2006
Heating tool - Household appliances - Portable - Safety EN 60335-2-45:2002
Heating: Electron - Electroheating - Gun EN 60703:2009
Heavy load relay - Relay EN 116303:1993
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Bistable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-810:1999
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Electromechanical EN 116300:1993
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 1 change-over CECC 16 303-808:1997
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 1 change-over CECC 16 303-809:1997
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-801:1999
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-803:1997
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 3 change-over CECC 16 303-805:1997
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 3 change-over CECC 16 303-807:1997
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 4 change-over CECC 16 303-802:1999
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 4 change-over CECC 16 303-804:1997
Heavy load relay - Relay - All-or-nothing - Monostable - 6 change-over CECC 16 303-806:1997
Heavy-duty - Reed contact unit - Switch EN 62246-2:2008
Hedge trimmer - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Trimmer EN 60745-2-15:2009
Hedge trimmer - Tool - Motor operated tool - Grass shear - Safety HD 400.3N S2:1992
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital - Video cassette - HDV format EN 61834-11:2008
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Character information system EN 61834-5:1998
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-1:1998
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - DTV format EN 61834-10:2001
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - DVB format EN 61834-9:2001
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - EDTV2 format EN 61834-7:2001
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - HD format EN 61834-3:2000
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - Pack header table EN 61834-4:1998
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - PALplus format EN 61834-8:2001
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - SD format EN 61834-2:1998
Helical-scan - Recording - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - SDL format EN 61834-6:2000
Helical-scan - Recording - Magnetic tape - Digital component - Video cassette EN 61016:2001
Helical-scan - Recording - Video - Digital - Compression EN 62289:2003
Helical-scan - Recording - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - Compression format EN 62330-2:2004
Helical-scan - Recording - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - Data stream format EN 62330-3:2004
Helical-scan - Recording - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - VTR specifications EN 62330-1:2004
Helical-scan - Recording format - Video cassette - DCT compression - Data mapping over SDTI EN 62356-3:2004
Helical-scan - Recording format - Video cassette - DCT compression - Picture EN 62356-2:2004
Helical-scan - Recording format - Video cassette - DCT compression - Tape recording EN 62356-1:2004
Helical-scan - Video - Video tape - Magnetic tape EN 60843-1:1994
Helical-scan - Video - Video tape - Magnetic tape - Video subcode (VSC) EN 60843-4:2000
Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - Tape - Compression format EN 62071-2:2006
Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - Tape - Data stream format EN 62071-3:2006
Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - Tape - VTR specifications EN 62071-1:2006
Helical-scan - Video cassette recording - Digital component - Magnetic tape EN 61835:1998
Helical-scan - Video recording - Digital - Magnetic tape - MPEG-4 compression EN 62141:2006
Helical-scan - Video-recording - Digital video cassette - Magnetic tape - Data compression EN 61904:2000
Helical-scan video system - Video - Beta format HD 461 S1:1987
Helical-scan video system - Video - Magnetic tape - Format D-3 EN 61327:1995
Helical-scan video system - Video - Tape - Type L EN 60961:1994
Helical-scan video system - Video - Tape - Type U EN 60712:1994
Helical-scan video system - Video - Type B HD 574 S1:1990
Helical-scan video system - Video - Type C HD 573 S1:1990
Helical-scan video system - Video - Type D2 EN 61179:1993
Helical-scan video system - Video - Type M2 EN 61118:1993
Helical-scan video system - Video - VHS EN 61077:1991
Helical-scan video system - Video - VHS - Magnetic tape - FM audio recording EN 60774-2:2000
Helical-scan video system - Video - Video tape - High-band specifications for Hi 8 EN 60843-3:1993
Helical-scan video system - Video - Video tape - Magnetic tape - D-VHS EN 60774-5:2004
Helical-scan video system - Video - Video tape - Magnetic tape - S-VHS EN 60774-4:2003
Helical-scan video system - Video - Video tape - Magnetic tape - VHS EN 60774-1:1994
Helical-scan video system - Video - Video tape - PCM multi-track audio system EN 60843-2:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Helical-scan video system - Video - Video tape - S-VHS EN 60774-3:1993
Helium - Superconductivity - Loss measurement - Wire - Transverse EN 61788-8:2010
Helmet - Insulating - LV installation EN 50365:2002
HEMP - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Test method EN 61000-4-25:2002
HEMP conducted disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Protective device EN 61000-5-5:1996
HEMP conducted disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Test EN 61000-4-24:1997
HEMP radiated disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Protective device - Test EN 61000-4-23:2000
Hermaphroditic - Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Coaxial connector HD 351.2 S1:1977
Hermaphroditic - Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Coaxial connector HD 351.3 S2:1981
Hermaphroditic - Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line - Coaxial connector HD 351.4 S2:1984
Hermetic - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Socket CECC 22 221-809:1986
Hermetic - Household use - Automatic control - Motor compressor - Thermal protector EN 60730-2-4:2007
Hermetically sealed - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket CECC 22 121-810:1985
Hermetically sealed relay - Environmental conditions - Relay EN 116205-206-207:1995
Heterogeneous network - Multimedia - Communication - Inter-connectivity EN 62295:2009
Hexavalent Chromium - Lead - Cadmium - Ether EN 62321:2009
HF inductive component - Non-electrical - Inductor - Surface mounted - Telecommunication EN 62025-1:2007
HF inductive component - Non-electrical - Test methods EN 62025-2:2005
High availability - Automation - Network EN 62439:2008
High bit rate - Cable - Multi-pair - Telecommunication network - Aerial EN 50406-1:2004
High bit rate - Cable - Multi-pair - Telecommunication network - Buried EN 50406-2:2004
High density - Connector - Rectangular - Crimp contact EN 175301-801:2006
High density - Recording - CD-R/RW disc - HD-BURN format EN 62403:2006
High excitation level - Core - Magnetic material - Soft - Measuring EN 62044-3:2001
High flexibility - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Insulation - Core HD 22.14 S3:2007
High frequency - Heating installation - Induction - Power output - Generator EN 61922:2002
High frequency - Inductive component - Nanohenry - Chip inductor EN 62024-1:2008
High frequency - Inductive component - Rated current - Converter EN 62024-2:2009
High frequency - Medical - Safety - Surgical EN 60601-2-2:2009
High frequency - Medical equipment - Surgical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-2:2007
High performance - Connector - Rectangular - Serial bus - Consumer equipment EN 61076-3-112:2006
High power - Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - Measurement method EN 50324-3:2002
High power - Power station - Electrical equipment - Convertor - Static convertor EN 45510-2-4:2000
High power amplifier - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave EN 60835-3-6:1996
High pressure - Optical fibre - Cable - Gas pipe CLC/TS 50430:2005
High pressure - Power station plant - Pipework - Valve EN 45510-7-1:1999
High pressure - Power station plant - Pipework - Valve - Boiler EN 45510-7-2:1999
High reliability - Printed board - Coating - Loaded - Aerospace EN 61086-3-1:2004
High speed - Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Data access EN 61970-404:2007
High speed serial data - Connector - Rectangular - Ribbon cable contact - Single row EN 61076-3-103:2004
High stability - Resistor - Non wire-wound - Low power - Surface mount EN 140401-804:2005
High temperature - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - Rolling stock EN 50382-1:2008
High temperature - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - Silicone rubber insulated EN 50382-2:2008
High temperature - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-23:2004
High temperature - Superconductivity - Flux density - Grain oxide EN 61788-9:2005
High voltage - Substation - Prefabricated - Integrated components EN 50532:2010
High voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 62271-103:2011
High voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-100:2009
high voltage - transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers - junctions
- electric cables - junction boxes - low voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
High voltage installations - Insulating sticks - Multipurposes EN 50508:2009
High-band specifications for Hi 8 - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape EN 60843-3:1993
High-band video tape recorder - Video - Tape recorder - Y/C video connector EN 61041-5:1997
High-current - current - Test - Measuring EN 62475:2010
High-fidelity - Audio - Household EN 61305-1:1995
High-fidelity - Audio - Household - Amplifier EN 61305-3:1995
High-fidelity - Audio - Household - FM radio tuner EN 61305-2:1998
High-fidelity - Audio - Household - Loudspeaker EN 61305-5:2003
High-frequency - Heating installation - Dielectric - Power output EN 61308:2006
High-frequency - Heating installation - Electroheat - Dielectric EN 60519-9:2005
High-frequency - Insulation coordination - LV - Voltage stress EN 60664-4:2006
High-frequency - Transistor - Bipolar transistor - Amplification - Low-frequency CECC 50 002:1980
High-frequency audiometry - Measuring instrument - Audiometer EN 60645-4:1995
High-frequency inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - Inductor EN 61248-7:1997
High-pressure - Lamp - Mercury vapour lamp - Performance EN 60188:2001
High-pressure - Lighting - Sodium vapour lamp EN 60662:1993
High-pressure cleaner - Household appliances - Industrial - Steam cleaner - Safety EN 60335-2-79:2009
High-quality interconnection - Electronic assembly - Attachment material - Soldering flux EN 61190-1-1:2002
High-quality interconnnects - Electronic assembly - Attachment material - Soldering past EN 61190-1-2:2007
High-reliability - Connection - Manual soldering - Space product assurance EN 50390:2004
High-reliability - Connection - Wire-wrapping - Space product assurance EN 50389:2005
High-speed data - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3-001:2000
High-speed data - Connector - Rectangular - Trapezoidal shaped shell - Non-removable EN 61076-3-101:1997
High-speed data - Connector - Rectangular - Trapezoidal shaped shell - Ribbon contact EN 61076-3-100:2000
High-speed data application - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - Cable outlet EN 61076-7:2000
High-speed data application - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - Circular connector EN 61076-2:1999
High-speed data application - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3:2000
High-speed transmission - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface EN 61162-2:1998
High-voltage - Fuse - Current-limiting EN 60282-1:2009
High-voltage - Prefabricated - Switchgear - Controlgear - Indicator EN 62271-206:2011
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Alphabetical Index

High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - AC EN 62271-104:2009
High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Alternating-current - By-pass switch EN 62271-109:2009
High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Indoor - Climatic conditions CLC/TS 62271-304:2008
High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Inductive - Load EN 62271-110:2009
High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Sulphur hexafluoride CLC/TR 62271-303:2009
High-voltage - Switchgear and controlgear - Voltage presence - Indicator EN 61958:2001
High-voltage - Test EN 60060-1:2010
High-voltage - Test - Measuring EN 60060-2:2011
High-voltage - Test technique - Discharge - Measurement EN 60270:2001
High-voltage, Direct current - Test - HVDC EN 61975:2010
Highest voltage - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Dry-type - 3 phase HD 538.2 S1:1995
Highest voltage - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil - 3 phase HD 428.3 S1:1994
Highest voltage - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Cable box EN 50464-2-2:2007
Highest voltage - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Non-sinusoidal current EN 50464-4:2007
Highest voltage - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Three-phase EN 50464-3:2007
Hob - Cooking range - Oven - Grill - Household use EN 50304:2009
Hob - Household appliances - Commercial - Oven - Cooking range EN 60335-2-36:2002
Hob - Household appliances - Cooking range - Oven - Safety EN 60335-2-6:2003
Hoisting machine - Machinery - Safety EN 60204-32:2008
Holder - Arc - Welding - Electrode EN 60974-11:2010
Holder - Lighting - Lamp cap - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-1:1993
Holder - Lighting - Lamp cap - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-2:1993
Hollow - Insulator - Ceramic - Glass EN 62155:2003
Hollow metallic waveguide - Waveguide - Circular waveguide HD 123.4 S1:1977
Hollow metallic waveguide - Waveguide - Flat rectangular waveguide HD 123.3 S1:1977
Hollow metallic waveguide - Waveguide - Measuring method HD 123.1 S1:1977
Hollow metallic waveguide - Waveguide - Medium flat rectangular waveguide HD 123.6 S2:1980
Hollow metallic waveguide - Waveguide - Rectangular waveguide HD 123.2 S1:1977
Hollow metallic waveguide - Waveguide - Square waveguide HD 123.7 S1:1977
Hollow pressurized - Insulator - Hollow unpressurized - Design EN 61462:2007
Hollow unpressurized - Insulator - Hollow pressurized - Design EN 61462:2007
Home - Building - Electronic - HBES - Structure EN 50090-1:2011
Home - Interoperability - Framework - IFRS CWA 50560:2010
Home - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Healthcare EN 60601-1-11:2010
Home - Multimedia - Gateway - Network EN 62514:2010
Home and Building - HBES - Electronic - Layer - Media EN 50090-5-3:2006
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Application structure EN 50090-3-1:1994
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Architecture EN 50090-2-1:1994
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Cabling - Twisted pair EN 50090-9-1:2004
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Conformity assessment EN 50090-8:2000
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Inspection - Testing CLC/TR 50090-9-2:2007
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Interworking model - data type EN 50090-3-3:2009
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - layer - Media - Class 1 EN 50090-5-1:2005
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Layer - Media dependent - Twisted Pair EN 50090-5-2:2004
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Layer - Media independant EN 50090-4-3:2007
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - layer - Media independent EN 50090-4-2:2004
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Management EN 50090-7-1:2004
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Media - Application layer EN 50090-4-1:2004
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Safety EN 50090-2-3:2005
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - Technical requirements EN 50090-2-2:1996
Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - User process EN 50090-3-2:2004
Home and Building Electronic System - Infra-red - Technical Report R205-005:1997
Home and Building Electronic System - Interface - Twisted pair - Class 1 R205-010:1996
Home and building electronic Systems - Switch - Accessories - HBES EN 50428:2005
Home electronic system - Numeric keyboard EN 60948:1990
Home network - Multimedia - Communication protocol - Household EN 62457:2008
Home network - Multimedia - Network interface - Network adapter EN 62480:2009
Home networked - Interoperability - Digital - Living network alliance - Link protection EN 62481-3:2011
Home server - Multimedia - Digital - Rights permission code EN 62227:2008
Home server - Multimedia - Receiver - Broadcasting - Architecture EN 62328-1:2005
Home server - Multimedia - Receiver - Broadcasting - Recording structure EN 62328-2:2005
Home server - Multimedia - Vocabulary EN 61925:2006
Hood - Household appliances - Commercial - Safety EN 60335-2-99:2003
Hood - Household appliances - Range hood - Safety EN 60335-2-31:2003
Horizontal - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental - Fire test method EN 50289-4-11:2002
Horizontal flame (50 W) - Fire hazard - Test flame - Vertical flame (50 W) EN 60695-11-10:1999
Horizontal floor wiring - Cable - Coaxial cable - Digital communication EN 61196-3-2:1997
Horizontal floor wiring - Cable - Coaxial cable - Digital communication EN 61196-3-3:1997
Horticultural premises - Building - Electrical installation - Agricultural premises HD 60364-7-705:2007
Hose - Live working - Insulating hose - Hydraulic tool EN 62237:2005
Hose set failure - Water main - Backsiphonage EN 61770:1999
Hose-sets - Water main - Backsiphonage - Failure EN 61770:2009
Hospital - Lighting - Luminaire - Health care building EN 60598-2-25:1994
Hospital bed - Medical equipment - Electrically operated - Safety EN 60601-2-38:1996
Hot - Electrical insulation - Varnish - Curing impregnating varnish EN 60464-3-2:2001
Hot - Transistor - Carrier - MOS EN 62416:2010
Hot cupboard - Household appliances - Commercial - Safety EN 60335-2-49:2003
Household - Airborne - Acoustical - Noise - Fan heater EN 60704-2-2:2010
Household - Airborne - Acoustical - Noise - Range hood EN 60704-2-13:2011
Household - Audio - High-fidelity EN 61305-1:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Household - Audio - High-fidelity - Amplifier EN 61305-3:1995
Household - Audio - High-fidelity - FM radio tuner EN 61305-2:1998
Household - Audio - High-fidelity - Loudspeaker EN 61305-5:2003
Household - Automatic - Air flow - Water flow - Sensing control EN 60730-2-15:2010
Household - Box - Enclosure - Accessories EN 60670-1:2005
Household - Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Connecting box/enclosure EN 60670-22:2006
Household - Box - Enclosure - Accessories - floor box/enclosure EN 60670-23:2008
Household - Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Suspension means EN 60670-21:2007
Household - Circuit-breaker - Overcurrent protection - AC - DC EN 60898-2:2006
Household - Coffe maker - Performance - Measuring EN 60661:2001
Household - Connecting device - LV - Circuit EN 60998-1:2004
Household - Connecting device - LV - Insulation piercing clamping unit - Separate entity EN 60998-2-3:2004
Household - Connecting device - LV - Screw-type clamping unit - Separate entity EN 60998-2-1:2004
Household - Connecting device - LV - Screwless-type clamping unit - Separate entity EN 60998-2-2:2004
Household - Connecting device - LV - Twist-on connecting device EN 60998-2-4:2005
Household - Contactor - Electromechanical EN 61095:2009
Household - Control - Automatic control CLC/TR 50455:2008
Household - Dishwasher - Commercial electric conveyor EN 50416:2005
Household - Dishwasher - Measuring - Performance EN 50242:2008
Household - Dryer - Tumbler dryer - Performance - Measurement EN 61121:2005
Household - Electrical accessories - Cable - Reel EN 61242:1997
Household - Electromagnetic - Evaluation - Measurement EN 50366:2003
Household - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Measurement EN 62233:2008
Household - Energy consumption - Washing machine - Measurement EN 60456:2005
Household - Fryer - Fat - Pan - Safety EN 60335-2-13:2010
Household - Fuse - LV - Unskilled person HD 60269-3:2007
Household - Fuse - LV - Unskilled person HD 60269-3:2010
Household - Hair care - Performance - Measurement EN 61855:2003
Household - Heating - Room heating - Charging control - Storage type EN 50350:2004
Household - Interworking EN 50523-1:2009
Household - Interworking EN 50523-2:2009
Household - Lawnmower - Pedestrian - Battery powered - Safety EN 50338:2006
Household - Light - Indicator - Fixed-electrical installation EN 62094-1:2003
Household - Multimedia - Home network - Communication protocol EN 62457:2008
Household - Overvoltage - Protection EN 50550:2011
Household - Rail fixing - Enclosure - Built-in device - Dimension CLC/TR 50473:2007
Household - Refrigeration - Condensing Unit - Compressor - Safety EN 60335-2-89:2010
Household - Refrigeration - Ice maker - Ice-cream - Safety EN 60335-2-24:2010
Household - Residual - Current operated - Circuit-breaker - Overcurrent protection EN 62423:2009
Household - Safety - CLC/TC 61 - Interpretation CLC/TR 50417:2010
Household - Safety - Cleaning - Liquids - Stream EN 60335-2-54:2008
Household - Safety - Extractor - Spin EN 60335-2-4:2010
Household - Safety - Gate, Door - Window EN 60335-2-103:2003
Household - Safety - Skin exposure - Ultraviolet - Infrared EN 60335-2-27:2010
Household - Safety - Tumble dryer EN 60335-2-11:2010
Household - Safety - UV - Radiation - Water treatment EN 60335-2-109:2010
Household - Safety - Washing machine EN 60335-2-7:2010
Household - Sound - Signal EN 62080:2009
Household - standby power - Power - Measurement EN 50564:2011
Household - Storage - Heater - Water heater - Measurement EN 60379:2004
Household appliance - Air-cleaning - Safety EN 60335-2-65:2003
Household appliance - Cleaning - Surface cleaning - Steam - Safety EN 60335-2-54:2003
Household appliance - Commercial - dispensing appliance - Vending machine - Safety EN 60335-2-75:2004
Household appliance - Dryer - clothe dryer - Towel rail - Safety EN 60335-2-43:2003
Household appliance - Heater - Immersion heater - Fixed - Safety EN 60335-2-73:2003
Household appliance - Heater - Thermal-storage room - Safety EN 60335-2-61:2003
Household appliance - Insect killer - Safety EN 60335-2-59:2003
Household appliance - Portable - Cooking - Grilling - Performance EN 61817:2001
Household appliance - Radiation - Ultraviolet - Infrared - Safety EN 60335-2-27:2003
Household appliance - Sauna - Heating - Safety EN 60335-2-53:2003
Household appliance - Warming plate - Safety EN 60335-2-12:2003
Household appliance - Waste disposer - Food - Safety EN 60335-2-16:2003
Household appliances - Acoustical - Noise - Airborne - Declared noise EN 60704-3:2006
Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise EN 60704-1:1997
Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise EN 60704-1:2010
Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise - Shaver EN 60704-2-8:1997
Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise - Washing machine - Spin extractor EN 60704-2-4:2001
Household appliances - Amusement machine - Personal service machine - Safety EN 60335-2-82:2003
Household appliances - Animal-stunning - Safety EN 60335-2-87:2002
Household appliances - Aquarium - Pond - Garden pond - Safety EN 60335-2-55:2003
Household appliances - Automatic - Floor treatment - Safety EN 60335-2-72:2009
Household appliances - Barbecue - Outdoor - Safety EN 60335-2-78:2003
Household appliances - Battery charger - Safety EN 60335-2-29:2004
Household appliances - Blanket - Pad - Heating - Safety EN 60335-2-17:2002
Household appliances - Blanket - Performance EN 60299:1994
Household appliances - Burning appliances - Electrical connection - Safety EN 60335-2-102:2006
Household appliances - Cab heater - Vehicle EN 50408:2008
Household appliances - Carpet - Heated carpet - Room heating - Safety EN 60335-2-106:2007
Household appliances - Cleaning - Vacuum cleaner - Water-suction - Safety EN 60335-2-2:2003
Household appliances - Cleaning - Vacuum cleaner - Water-suction - Safety EN 60335-2-2:2010
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Alphabetical Index

Household appliances - Clock - Safety EN 60335-2-26:2003
Household appliances - Commercial - Bain-marie - Safety EN 60335-2-50:2003
Household appliances - Commercial - Boiling pan - Safety EN 60335-2-47:2003
Household appliances - Commercial - Deep fat fryer - Safety EN 60335-2-37:2002
Household appliances - Commercial - Griddle - Grill - Safety EN 60335-2-38:2003
Household appliances - Commercial - Griller - Toaster - Safety EN 60335-2-48:2003
Household appliances - Commercial - Hot cupboard - Safety EN 60335-2-49:2003
Household appliances - Commercial - Kitchen machine - Safety EN 60335-2-64:2000
Household appliances - Commercial - Multi-purpose - Cooking pan - Safety EN 60335-2-39:2003
Household appliances - Commercial - Oven - Cooking range - Hob EN 60335-2-36:2002
Household appliances - Commercial - Oven - Forced convection - Steam cooker EN 60335-2-42:2003
Household appliances - Commercial - Sink - Rinsing sink - Safety EN 60335-2-62:2003
Household appliances - Cooking - Microwave - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-10:2004
Household appliances - Cooking range - Hob - Oven - Safety EN 60335-2-6:2003
Household appliances - Coupler EN 60320-1:2001
Household appliances - Coupler - Appliance weigth EN 60320-2-4:2006
Household appliances - Coupler - Interconnection coupler EN 60320-2-2:1998
Household appliances - Coupler - Protection EN 60320-2-3:1998
Household appliances - Coupler - Sewing machine coupler EN 60320-2-1:2000
Household appliances - Dishwasher - Safety EN 60335-2-5:2003
Household appliances - Dishwashing machine - Safety EN 60335-2-58:2005
Household appliances - Dryer - Tumble dryer - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-6:2004
Household appliances - Dryer - Tumble dryer - Safety EN 60335-2-11:2003
Household appliances - Electrolysers - Safety EN 60335-2-108:2008
Household appliances - Electromagnetic compatibility - Electric tools - Emission EN 55014-1:2006
Household appliances - Electromagnetic compatibility - Supply system - Definitions EN 60555-1:1987
Household appliances - Fan - Safety EN 60335-2-80:2003
Household appliances - Fence energizer - Safety EN 60335-2-76:2005
Household appliances - Fishing machine - Safety EN 60335-2-86:2003
Household appliances - Floor treatment - Floor cleaning - Safety EN 60335-2-67:2009
Household appliances - Floor treatment - Scrubbing machine - Wet scrubbing - Safety EN 60335-2-10:2003
Household appliances - Foot warmer - Heating mat - Safety EN 60335-2-81:2003
Household appliances - Fryer - Deep fat fryer - Frying pan - Safety EN 60335-2-13:2003
Household appliances - Garage door - Residential use - Vertical move - Safety EN 60335-2-95:2004
Household appliances - Grill - Toaster - Roaster - Safety EN 60335-2-9:2003
Household appliances - Hair care - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-9:2003
Household appliances - Hard water - Performance - Testing EN 60734:2003
Household appliances - Heat pump - Air conditioner - Dehumidifier - Safety EN 60335-2-40:2003
Household appliances - Heated gullies - Roof drainage - Safety EN 60335-2-83:2002
Household appliances - Heater - Forced convection - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-2:1994
Household appliances - Heater - Immersion heater - Portable - Safety EN 60335-2-74:2003
Household appliances - Heater - Water-bed heater - Safety EN 60335-2-66:2003
Household appliances - Heating - Room heating - Flexible sheet - Safety EN 60335-2-96:2002
Household appliances - Heating appliances - Animal breeding - Animal rearing - Safety EN 60335-2-71:2003
Household appliances - Heating liquid - Safety EN 60335-2-15:2002
Household appliances - Heating tool - Portable - Safety EN 60335-2-45:2002
Household appliances - Hood - Commercial - Safety EN 60335-2-99:2003
Household appliances - Hood - Range hood - Safety EN 60335-2-31:2003
Household appliances - Humidifier - Heating - Air conditioning system - Safety EN 60335-2-88:2002
Household appliances - Humidifier - Safety EN 60335-2-98:2003
Household appliances - Hygiene - Oral hygiene - Safety EN 60335-2-52:2003
Household appliances - Industrial - High-pressure cleaner - Steam cleaner - Safety EN 60335-2-79:2009
Household appliances - Instantaneous water heater - Safety EN 60335-2-35:2002
Household appliances - Iron - Safety EN 60335-2-3:2002
Household appliances - Ironer - Safety EN 60335-2-44:2002
Household appliances - Kitchen machine - Safety EN 60335-2-14:2006
Household appliances - Lawn trimmer - Edge trimmer - Mains driven - Safety EN 60335-2-91:2003
Household appliances - Massage appliance - Safety EN 60335-2-32:2003
Household appliances - Microwave oven - Performance - Measurement method EN 60705:1999
Household appliances - Microwave oven - Safety EN 60335-2-25:2002
Household appliances - Microwave oven - Safety EN 60335-2-90:2006
Household appliances - Milking machine - Safety EN 60335-2-70:2002
Household appliances - Motor compressor - Safety EN 60335-2-34:2002
Household appliances - Noise EN 60704-1:1994
Household appliances - Noise - Airborne acoustical noise - Dishwasher EN 60704-2-3:2002
Household appliances - Pedestrian - Lawnmower - Safety EN 60335-2-77:2006
Household appliances - Plug EN 50075:1990
Household appliances - Projector - Safety EN 60335-2-56:2003
Household appliances - Pump - Circulation pump - Water installation - Safety EN 60335-2-51:2003
Household appliances - Pump - Safety EN 60335-2-41:2003
Household appliances - Refrigerating appliances - Ice maker - Safety EN 60335-2-24:2003
Household appliances - Refrigeration - Compressor - Safety EN 60335-2-89:2002
Household appliances - Robot - Decorative EN 50410:2008
Household appliances - Rolling shutter - Awning - Blind - Safety EN 60335-2-97:2006
Household appliances - Room heater - Safety EN 60335-2-30:2003
Household appliances - Room heater - Safety EN 60335-2-30:2009
Household appliances - Room heater - Thermal storage - Noise - Airborne EN 60704-2-5:2005
Household appliances - Room heater - Thermal storage - Performance EN 60531:2000
Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-1:1994
Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-1:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Household appliances - Safety - Routine test - Test EN 50106:2008
Household appliances - Scarifier - Lawn aerator - Pedestrian-controlled - Safety EN 60335-2-92:2005
Household appliances - Sewing machine - Safety EN 60335-2-28:2003
Household appliances - Shaver - Hair clipper - Safety EN 60335-2-8:2003
Household appliances - Shaver - Performance EN 61254:1994
Household appliances - Shower cabinet - Multifunctional - Safety EN 60335-2-105:2005
Household appliances - Skin care - Hair care - Safety EN 60335-2-23:2003
Household appliances - Spin extractor - Safety EN 60335-2-4:2002
Household appliances - Spray extraction - Safety EN 60335-2-68:2009
Household appliances - Steamer - Fabric steamer - Safety EN 60335-2-85:2003
Household appliances - Test - Airborne acoustical noise - Fan EN 60704-2-7:1998
Household appliances - Test - Airborne acoustical noise - Food preparation appliances EN 60704-2-11:1999
Household appliances - Test - Code - Airborne acoustical noise - Range hood EN 60704-2-13:2000
Household appliances - Toilet - Safety EN 60335-2-84:2003
Household appliances - Tool - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity EN 55014-2:1997
Household appliances - Tool - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity EN 55014-2:1997/IS1:2007
Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Noise - Acoustical noise - Airborne EN 60704-2-1:2001
Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Power brush - Safety EN 60335-2-69:2009
Household appliances - Vaporizer - Safety EN 60335-2-101:2002
Household appliances - Washing machine - Safety EN 60335-2-7:2003
Household appliances - Water heater - Storage - Safety EN 60335-2-21:2003
Household appliances - Whirlpool bath - Safety EN 60335-2-60:2003
Household installation - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - AC EN 60898-1:2003
Household installation - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS1:2007
Household installation - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS2:2007
Household installation - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS3:2007
Household installation - Circuit breaker - Protection - Overcurrent - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS4:2007
Household installation - Switch EN 60669-1:1999
Household installation - Switch - Fixed - Electromagnetic - Remote-control EN 60669-2-2:2006
Household installation - Switch - Fixed - Time-delay switch - TDS EN 60669-2-3:2006
Household installation - Switch - Fixed-electrical installation - Electronic switch EN 60669-2-1:2004
Household installation - Switch - Fixed-electrical installation - Isolating switch EN 60669-2-4:2005
Household range hood - Performance EN 61591:1997
Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-1:1991
Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-1:1995
Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-1:2000
Household use - Automatic control - Boiler - Sensor EN 60730-2-15:1995
Household use - Automatic control - Burner control system EN 60730-2-5:2002
Household use - Automatic control - Door lock EN 60730-2-12:2006
Household use - Automatic control - Electric actuator EN 60730-2-14:1997
Household use - Automatic control - Energy regulator EN 60730-2-11:2008
Household use - Automatic control - Humidity - Sensing control EN 60730-2-13:2008
Household use - Automatic control - Lamp - Tubular fluorescent - Thermal protector EN 60730-2-3:2007
Household use - Automatic control - Motor - Thermal protector EN 60730-2-2:2002
Household use - Automatic control - Motor compressor - Thermal protector - Hermetic EN 60730-2-4:2007
Household use - Automatic control - Pressure sensing controls EN 60730-2-6:2008
Household use - Automatic control - Sensing control EN 60730-2-18:1999
Household use - Automatic control - Temperature sensing control EN 60730-2-9:2002
Household use - Automatic control - Timer - Time switch EN 60730-2-7:1991
Household use - Automatic control - Valve - Oil valve - Mechanical requirement EN 60730-2-19:2002
Household use - Automatic control - Water level operating control EN 60730-2-16:1997
Household use - Automatic control - Water valve - Mechanical requirements EN 60730-2-8:2002
Household use - Control - Automatic - Relay:Motor starting relay EN 60730-2-10:2007
Household use - Cooking range - Hob - Oven - Grill EN 50304:2009
Household use - Deep fat fryer EN 61309:1995
Household use - Electric lamp - Energy - Measurement method EN 50285:1999
Household use - Electric toaster - Measuring - Performance EN 60442:1998
Household use - Electrical accessory - Circuit-breaker - Auxiliary contact unit EN 62019:1999
Household use - Electromechanical contactor EN 61095:1993
Household use - Energy consumption - Clothes - Washer-dryer - Performance EN 50229:2007
Household use - Heating pad - Performance EN 61255:1994
Household use - Iron - Measurement - Performance EN 60311:2003
Household use - Luminaires - Connection EN 61995-1:2008
Household use - Luminaires - Connection - DCL EN 61995-2:2009
Household use - Monitor - Residual current monitor (RCM) - Accessories EN 62020:1998
Household use - Vacuum cleaner - Dust emission EN 60312:2008
Housing - Battery - Lead-acid starter - Handle EN 50342-5:2010
Housing - Connector - Electronic equipment - Insert retention - Axial EN 60512-15-2:2008
Housing - Connector - Electronic equipment - Insert retention - Torsional EN 60512-15-3:2008
Housing - Connector - Industrial - Push pull - Coupling EN 61076-3-117:2009
Housing - Lightning - Protection - Earth - Seal EN 62561-5:2011
Housing continuity - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Test EN 60512-2-6:2002
Human - Dependability EN 62508:2010
Human - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Ear - Insert EN 60318-4:2010
Human - Electromagnetic field - Exposure - Resistance welding EN 50505:2008
Human - Electromagnetic fields - Railway - Exposure EN 50500:2008
Human - Exposure - Low power - Electromagnetic EN 62479:2010
Human body - Electric field - Magnetic field - Current density - Exposure EN 62226-3-1:2007
Human body - Electric field,Magnetic field - Current density EN 62226-1:2005
Human body - Electric field,Magnetic field - Current density - Exposure EN 62226-2-1:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Human body model (HBM) - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Electrostatic discharge EN 60749-26:2006
Human body model - Electrostatic effect - Simulation - Component - Testing EN 61340-3-1:2007
Human exposure - Absorption rate - Radio frenquecy - Wireless - Hand-held EN 62209-2:2010
Human exposure - Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency - Loop system - Assisted hearing EN 62489-2:2011
Human exposure - Electromagnetic - Electronic Article Surveillance - Radio Frequency Identification EN 50364:2010
Human exposure - Electromagnetic - Field strength - Wireless communication EN 50383:2002
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Electronic Article Surveillance - Radio Frequency Identification EN 50357:2001
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Household - Measurement EN 62233:2008
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Limitation - Electronic Article Surveillance - Radio Frequency
EN 50364:2001
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Low power - Restriction EN 50371:2002
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Magnetic field - Electric field EN 50413:2008
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Restriction EN 62311:2008
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Short range devices - Radio frequency Identification EN 62369-1:2009
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Strength - Wireless - Telecommunication EN 50383:2010
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Transmitter - Broadcast station transmitter EN 50476:2008
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Transmitter - Broadcast transmitter EN 50420:2006
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Transmitter - Broadcast transmitter EN 50421:2006
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Transmitter - Broadcasting EN 50475:2008
Human exposure - Electromagnetic field strength - In situ measurement - Base station EN 50492:2008
Human exposure - Electromagnetic fields - Wireless telecommunication - General public EN 50385:2002
Human exposure - Electromagnetic fields - Wireless telecommunication - Occupational EN 50384:2002
Human exposure - Exposure - Electromagnetic fields CLC/TR 50442:2005
Human exposure - Lighting - Electromagnetic EN 62493:2010
Human exposure - Phone - Mobile phone - Electromagnetic field - Restriction EN 50360:2001
Human exposure - Station - Telecommunications - Electromagnetic fields - Radio frequency EN 50401:2006
Human exposure - Station - Telecommunications - Electromagnetic fields - Wireless EN 50400:2006
Human physiology - Telebiometrics EN 80000-14:2009
Humidifier - Household appliances - Heating - Air conditioning system - Safety EN 60335-2-88:2002
Humidifier - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-98:2003
Humidity - Environmental conditions - Classification - Temperature HD 478.2.1 S1:1989
Humidity - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Temperature EN 61300-2-21:2010
Humidity - Household use - Automatic control - Sensing control EN 60730-2-13:2008
Humidity - Metering equipment - Dependability - Reliability - Temperature EN 62059-31-1:2008
Humidity bias life test - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Temperature EN 60749-5:2003
HV - Contactor - AC - Motor starter EN 60470:2000
HV - Converter - Line commutated - Direct current - Steady-state conditions CLC/TR 60919-1:2005
HV - DC - Transmission - Terminology EN 60633:1999
HV - EMF - Low frequency - Switchgear - Substations CLC/TR 62271-208:2010
HV - Fuse - Current limiting fuse EN 60282-1:2006
HV - Fuse - Expulsion fuse HD 636 S1:1996
HV - Fuse - Fuse-link - Motor circuit EN 60644:1993
HV - Fuse - Fuse-link - Motor circuit EN 60644:2009
HV - Insulating materials - Ceramic or glass EN 60168:1994
HV - Insulation - Bar and coil - Machine EN 50209:1998
HV - Insulator - Overhead line EN 60383-2:1995
HV - Insulator - Pollution test EN 60507:1993
HV - Insulator - Radio interference - Test EN 60437:1997
HV - Measurement - Instrument - Software - Impulse test EN 61083-1:2001
HV - Measuring system - Test technique EN 60060-2:1994
HV - Measuring system - Test technique - On-site test EN 60060-3:2006
HV - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment - Fuse EN 60077-5:2003
HV - Substation - LV - Prefabricated EN 62271-202:2007
HV - Switch EN 60265-1:1998
HV - Switch EN 60265-2:1993
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 62271-1:2008
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - A.C. - By-pass switch EN 62271-109:2006
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-100:2001
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-108:2006
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - AC - Circuit-switcher EN 62271-107:2005
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - AC - Metal-enclosed EN 62271-200:2004
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - AC - Switch-fuse combination EN 62271-105:2003
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Compact EN 62271-205:2008
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Digital interface - IEC 61850 EN 62271-3:2006
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Disconnector - Earthing switch EN 62271-102:2002
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Gas-insulated - Metal-enclosed EN 62271-203:2004
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Load switching - Inductive EN 62271-110:2005
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Seismic - Gas-insulated EN 62271-207:2007
HV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Synthetic testing EN 62271-101:2006
HV - Switchgear and controlgear EN 60694:1996
HV - Switchgear and controlgear - AC - Circuit-breaker - Seismic qualification EN 61166:1993
HV - Switchgear and controlgear - Gas-filled - Cast aluminium alloy enclosure EN 50052:1986
HV - Switchgear and controlgear - Gas-filled - Welded composite enclosure EN 50069:1991
HV - Switchgear and controlgear - Gas-filled - Wrought aluminium alloy enclosure EN 50064:1989
HV - Switchgear and controlgear - Gas-filled - Wrougth steel enclosure EN 50068:1991
HV - Switchgear and controlgear - Metal-enclosed - Cast resin partition EN 50089:1992
HV - Test technique HD 588.1 S1:1991
HV - Test technique - LV equipment EN 61180-1:1994
HV - Thyristor - DC - Power transmission - Testing EN 60700-1:1998
HV equipment - Machinery - Safety EN 60204-11:2000
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Alphabetical Index

HV impulse test - Measuring instrument - Digital recorder EN 61083-2:1997
HV test technique - LV equipment EN 61180-2:1994
HVDC - Convertor station - Power loss EN 61803:1999
HVDC - Test - High-voltage, Direct current EN 61975:2010
HVDC - Voltage - Converter - VSC - Valve EN 62501:2009
HVDC application - Transformer - Convertor transformer EN 61378-2:2001
Hybrid - Capacitor - Double-layer - Vehicle EN 62576:2010
Hybrid - Connector - Circular - Fibre-optic - Screw locking EN 61076-2-107:2010
Hybrid - Signal - Sound - Transponder - PSTIB EN 60728-7-3:2009
Hybrid enclosure outlines - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Lead connection EN 61837-4:2004
Hybrid fibre coax - Outside plant status - Media access control layer - MAC EN 60728-7-2:2005
Hybrid fibre coax - Outside plant status - Physical layer - PHY EN 60728-7-1:2005
Hybrid fibre coax - Outside plant status - Power supply - Transponder interface bus - PSTIB EN 60728-7-3:2005
Hybrid inorganic-organic paper - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Inorganic-organic EN 60819-3-2:2001
Hybrid integrated circuit - Integrated circuit - Capability EN 165000-1:1996
Hybrid intergrated circuit - Circuit - Integrated circuit EN 163100:1991
Hybrid intergrated circuit - Circuit - Integrated circuit EN 163101:1991
Hydraulic - Cable - Cutting device EN 50340:2010
Hydraulic - Power station - Turbine - Storage pump - Pump turbine EN 45510-5-4:1998
Hydraulic - Radial - Axial - Mode - Prototype EN 62097:2009
Hydraulic - Small - Hydroelectric EN 62006:2011
Hydraulic - Turbine - Control system - Testing EN 60308:2005
Hydraulic - Turbine - Pump - Storage EN 62256:2008
Hydraulic - Turbine - Pump-turbine - Storage pump - Cavitation pitting EN 60609-1:2005
Hydraulic cable - Cutting device - Cable - AC EN 50340:2001
Hydraulic tool - Live working - Hose - Insulating hose EN 62237:2005
Hydraulic turbine - Turbine - Field acceptance test EN 60041:1994
Hydraulic turbine - Turbine - Storage pump - Pump-turbine - Model acceptance test EN 60193:1999
Hydrocarbon - Insulating liquid - Oil - Aromatic hydrocarbon content HD 382 S1:1979
Hydrocarbon - Insulating liquid - Oxidation stability - Test EN 61125:1993
Hydrocarbon - Insulating liquid - Synthetic aromatic hydrocarbon EN 60867:1994
Hydrodynamic - Industrial process - Valve - Noise - Measurement EN 60534-8-2:1993
Hydrodynamic flow - Industrial process - Valve - Noise EN 60534-8-4:2005
Hydroelectric - Hydraulic - Small EN 62006:2011
Hydroelectric - IEEE guide - Control - Computer-based - Automation EN 62270:2004
Hydroelectric - Power plant - Communication - Monitoring EN 61850-7-410:2007
Hydroelectric installation - Turbine - Equipment EN 61116:1994
Hydrogen sulphide - Environmental testing - Test Kd - Contact - Connection EN 60068-2-43:2003
Hydrogen sulphide test - Environmental testing - Connection HD 323.2.46 S1:1988
Hydrolytic stability - Insulating materials - Moulded thermosets EN 61234-2:1998
Hydrolytic stability - Insulating materials - Plastic film EN 61234-1:1994
Hydrophone - Acoustics - Underwater EN 60565:2007
Hydrophone - Ultrasonic - Medical - Calibration EN 62127-2:2007
Hydrophone - Ultrasonic - Medical - Measurement EN 62127-1:2007
Hydrophone - Ultrasonics - Medical - Properties EN 62127-3:2007
Hydrostatic pressure - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Underwater EN 50289-3-15:2003
Hydroturbine - Control system EN 61362:1998
Hygiene - Household appliances - Oral hygiene - Safety EN 60335-2-52:2003
Hyperteletext profile - Teleweb EN 62298-4:2005
Hysteresis loss - Superconductor - AC loss measurement - Magnetometer method - Multifilamentary composite EN 61788-13:2003


Ice maker - Household - Refrigeration - Ice-cream - Safety EN 60335-2-24:2010
Ice maker - Household appliances - Refrigerating appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-24:2003
Ice-cream - Household - Refrigeration - Ice maker - Safety EN 60335-2-24:2010
iD apparatus - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Intrinsically safe EN 61241-11:2006
Identification - Cable - Designation HD 361 S3:1999
Identification - Cable - Flexible cord - Core HD 308 S2:2001
Identification - Industrial - Installation - Product - Terminal EN 61666:2010
Identification - Interface - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Actuating - Marking EN 60447:2004
Identification - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Conductor - Colour - Alphanumeric EN 60446:2007
Identification - Man-machine interface - Marking - Terminal - Termination EN 60445:2010
Identification - Man-machine interface - Marking - Terminal and termination - Alphanumeric system EN 60445:2007
Identification - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Automatic EN 62320-2:2008
Identification - Marking - Core - Cable - Inscription EN 50334:2001
Identification - Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - CSTDMA EN 62287-1:2011
Identification - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Automatic - AIS base station EN 62320-1:2007
Identification - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Automatic identification EN 61993-2:2002
Identification - Recorder - Broadcast - Digital video tape - Error status EN 62070:2001
Identification - Resistor - Capacitor - Marking code EN 60062:2005
Identification - Unambiguous - Information - Interchange EN 62507-1:2011
IEC - CENELEC - Agreement - Common planning - New work - Parallel voting CLC Guide 13:2001
IEC - Standard - Frequency EN 60196:2009
IEC 60917 - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Backplane EN 61076-4-101:2001
IEC 60958 - Loudspeaker - Interface - Digital input - Input signal EN 62537:2010
IEC 61511-1 - Safety - Process industry - Functional safety EN 61511-2:2004
IEC 61850 - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Digital interface EN 62271-3:2006
IEC feedback on EWI (2010-02-02): No interest CLC/TS 61643-12:2009
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Alphabetical Index

IEC reference collection - Standard data element type - Electric component EN 61360-4:2005
IEC standard - Current rating EN 60059:1999
IEDs - Communication - Network - Substation - Language EN 61850-6:2004
IEDs - Communication - Network - Substation - Language EN 61850-6:2010
IEEE guide - Control - Computer-based - Hydroelectric - Automation EN 62270:2004
IFRS - Interoperability - Framework - Home CWA 50560:2010
Ignitability - Fire hazard - Glow-wire ignitability - Material - Test EN 60695-2-13:2001
Ignitability - Insulating materials - Test HD 541 S1:1991
Ignitable - Stationary - Electrostatic - Flock material EN 50223:2010
Ignition - Candle - Flame - Accidental CLC/TS 62441:2007
Ignition - Fire hazard - Glow-wire - Test - GWIT EN 60695-2-13:2010
Ignition - Radiation - flammable atmosphere - Radio-frequency - Inadvertent CLC/TR 50427:2004
Ignition - Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Burner EN 61558-2-3:2010
Ignition protection - Explosive atmospheres - Dust EN 60079-31:2009
Ignition transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Gas and oil burner EN 61558-2-3:2000
Iinformation technology - Audio - Video - Routine - Safety testing EN 50514:2008
IK code - Electrical equipment - Mechanical impact - Protection EN 50102:1995
ILCOS - International - Lamp - Coding system EN 61231:2010
Image - Medical - Display - Evaluation EN 62563-1:2010
Image - Plasma - Display - Panel - Defect EN 61988-2-3:2009
Image converter tube - Tube - Image intensifier tube EN 112000:1992
Image converter tube - Tube - Image intensifier tube EN 112001:1991
Image display device - Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - Test EN 61223-2-5:1994
Image distortion - Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier EN 61262-4:1994
Image intensifier - Medical - X-ray - Contrast ratio - Veiling glare EN 61262-6:1994
Image intensifier - Medical - X-ray - Conversion factor EN 61262-2:1994
Image intensifier - Medical - X-ray - Defective quantum efficiency EN 61262-5:1994
Image intensifier - Medical - X-ray - Entrance field size EN 61262-1:1994
Image intensifier - Medical - X-ray - Image distortion EN 61262-4:1994
Image intensifier - Medical - X-ray - Luminance distribution EN 61262-3:1994
Image intensifier - Medical - X-ray equipment - Modulation transfert function EN 61262-7:1995
Image intensifier tube - Tube - Image converter tube EN 112000:1992
Image intensifier tube - Tube - Image converter tube EN 112001:1991
Imaging - Medical - Acceptance test - Consistency test - Magnetic resonance EN 62464-1:2007
Imaging - Medical - Acceptance test - Dental X-ray equipment - Test EN 61223-3-4:2000
Imaging - Medical - Acceptance test - Mammography - X-ray EN 61223-3-2:2008
Imaging - Medical - Acceptance test - Tomography X-ray equipment - Test EN 61223-3-5:2004
Imaging - Medical - Acceptance test - X-ray equipment - Digital subtraction angiography EN 61223-3-3:1996
Imaging - Medical - Constancy test - Hard copy camera - Test EN 61223-2-4:1994
Imaging - Medical - Constancy test - Image display device - Test EN 61223-2-5:1994
Imaging - Medical - Constancy test - X-ray equipment - Tomography EN 61223-2-6:2007
Imaging - Medical - Digital - X-ray - Qantum efficiency EN 62220-1-3:2008
Imaging - Medical - Dosimeter - Ionization chamber - X-ray diagnostic EN 61674:1997
Imaging - Medical - Exposure index - Digital - X-ray EN 62494-1:2008
Imaging - Medical - Magnetic - Resonance - Pulse sequence EN 62464-2:2011
Imaging device - Medical - Radionuclide - Gamma camera - Anger type EN 60789:2005
Imaging device - Medical equipment - X-ray - Digital - Mammography EN 62220-1-2:2007
Imaging device - Medical equipment - X-ray - Digital - Quantum efficiency EN 62220-1:2004
Imaging equipment - X-ray - Diagnostic - Mammography - Anti-scatter grid EN 60627:2001
immersed transformer - transformer - three-phase transformer - distribution transformer - termination in cables
boxes - design characteristic - dimension
EN 50464-2-1:2007
Immersion - Connector - Electronic equipment - Low(air) pressure EN 60512-14-5:2006
Immersion - Connector - Electronic equipment - Waterproof EN 60512-14-4:2006
Immersion - Optical fibre - Water immersion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-53:2002
Immersion heater - Household appliance - Heater - Fixed - Safety EN 60335-2-73:2003
Immersion heater - Household appliances - Heater - Portable - Safety EN 60335-2-74:2003
Immersion test - Environmental testing - Cleaning solvent EN 60068-2-45:1992
Immunitry test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing - Measurement - Unbalance EN 61000-4-27:2000
Immunity - Alarm - Electromagnetic compatibility - Fire - Intruder EN 50130-4:2011
Immunity - Alarm system - Electromagnetic compatibility - Fire component - Intruder EN 50130-4:1995
Immunity - Circuit - Measurement - EMC - TEM cell EN 62132-2:2011
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Antenna - Measurement EN 55016-1-4:2010
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement EN 55016-1-1:2007
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement EN 55016-2-4:2004
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement - Antenna calibration EN 55016-1-5:2004
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-1-2:2004
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-2-1:2004
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement - Disturbance power EN 55016-1-3:2006
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement - Disturbance power EN 55016-2-2:2004
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement - EMC EN 55016-4-2:2004
Immunity - Disturbance - Radio - Measurement - Radiated disturbance EN 55016-1-4:2007
Immunity - Electromagnetic - Integrated circuit EN 62132-1:2006
Immunity - Electromagnetic - Integrated circuit - Bulk Current Injection - BCI EN 62132-3:2007
Immunity - Electromagnetic - Integrated circuit - Power injection method EN 62132-4:2006
Immunity - Electromagnetic - Workbench - Faraday Cage EN 62132-5:2006
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Disturbance - RF field - Test EN 61000-4-6:2007
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Disturbance - Radio-frequency field EN 61000-4-6:2009
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Electrostatic - Discharge EN 61000-4-2:2009
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Machine tools EN 50370-2:2003
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Power frequency - Magnetic field EN 61000-4-8:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission - Transverse Waveguide - TEM EN 61000-4-20:2003
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission - Transverse Waveguide - TEM EN 61000-4-20:2010
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonics - Mains signalling - Measurement EN 61000-4-13:2002
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Industrial environment EN 61000-6-2:2005
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - entertainment EN 55103-2:1996
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Lighting control - Audio-visual - entertainment EN 55103-2:2009
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Residential - Commercial - Light-industrial EN 61000-6-1:2007
Immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage dip - Interruption - Test EN 61000-4-11:2004
Immunity - EMC - Radiation - Emission - Anechoic room EN 61000-4-22:2011
Immunity - Household appliances - Tool - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 55014-2:1997
Immunity - Household appliances - Tool - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 55014-2:1997/IS1:2007
Immunity - Information technology equipment - Measurement EN 55024:1998
Immunity - Information technology equipment - Measurement EN 55024:1998/IS1:2007
Immunity - Information technology equipment - Measurement EN 55024:2010
Immunity - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement EN 61326-3-1:2008
Immunity - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Safety related EN 61326-3-2:2008
Immunity - Lighting - EMC EN 61547:2009
Immunity - Power line - Communication - LV EN 50412-2-1:2005
Immunity - Radio - Disturbance EN 55016-2-2:2011
Immunity - Radio - Disturbance - Measuring EN 55016-1-1:2010
Immunity - Radio - Disturbance - Measuring - Radiated EN 55016-2-3:2010
Immunity - Radio disturbance - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-2-1:2009
Immunity - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Signalling - Telecommunications EN 50121-4:2006
Immunity - Receiver - Broadcast - Sound - Television EN 55020:2007
Immunity - Signalling - LV - Communications equipment - Frequency EN 50065-2-1:2003
Immunity - Signalling - LV - Communications equipment - Industrial environment EN 50065-2-2:2003
Immunity - Signalling - LV - Communications equipment - Supplier and distributor EN 50065-2-3:2003
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Common mode disturbance EN 61000-4-16:1998
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Damped magnetic field EN 61000-4-10:1993
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2:1995
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Fast transient/burst EN 61000-4-4:2004
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - HEMP - Test method EN 61000-4-25:2002
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Oscillatory wave EN 61000-4-18:2007
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power frequency - Measurement EN 61000-4-28:2000
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power frequency magnetic field EN 61000-4-8:1993
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Pulse magnetic field EN 61000-4-9:1993
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Radiated - Radio frequency EN 61000-4-3:2006
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Ring wave immunity EN 61000-4-12:2006
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Ripple - DC - Input power port EN 61000-4-17:1999
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Surge EN 61000-4-5:2006
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing - Measurement - Voltage dips EN 61000-4-29:2000
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage dips - Input current - Test EN 61000-4-34:2007
Immunity test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage fluctuation EN 61000-4-14:1999
Impact - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Free fall EN 60512-7-1:2010
Impact - Environmental testing - Vibration - Dynamic test EN 60068-2-47:2005
Impact - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Passive component EN 61300-2-12:2009
Impact - Protection - Enclosure - External mechanical impact EN 62262:2002
Impact resistance - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical EN 50289-3-6:2001
Impact shock - Environmental testing - Test - Body strength EN 60068-2-77:1999
Impact test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Static load test - Overload EN 60512-10-4:2003
Impact wrench - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Screwdriver EN 60745-2-2:2010
Impact wrench - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Screwdriver EN 60745-2-2:2003
Impacting water - Connector - Electronic equipment - Sealing test EN 60512-14-7:1998
Impedance - Audiological - Aural acoustic - Admittance EN 60645-5:2005
Impedance - Cable - Communication - Test method - Return loss EN 50289-1-11:2001
Impedance - Signalling - LV - Frequency EN 50065-7:2001
Impedance 50 ohms - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling EN 61169-31:1999
Impedance 50 ohms - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling EN 61169-32:1999
Impedance filter - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter EN 50065-4-4:2003
Implantable - EMF assessment - Active - Medical device - Cardiac pacemaker EN 50527-2-1:2011
Implantable - Medical - Pacemaker - Cardiac - Low-profile connector EN 50077:1993
Implantable - Medical device - Active - Safety - Cochlear implant EN 45502-2-3:2010
Implantable - Medical device - Active medical device - Safety - Marking EN 45502-1:1997
Implantable - Medical device - Safety - Bradyarrhythmia - Pacemaker EN 45502-2-1:2003
Implantable - Medical device - Safety - Tachyarrhythmia - Defibrillator EN 45502-2-2:2008
Implementation - Common interface - DVB decoder applications R206-001:1998
Implementation - Electronic component - Storage - Long duration CLC/TS 50466:2006
Implementation - National declaration CECC 00 113:1993
Implementation - New Approach - Low Voltage - EC - Declaration of conformity CLC Guide 16:2005
Implementation date - Ratified standard CLC Guide 19:2001
Impregnated - Insulating material - Gas - Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) - Factory EN 61181:2007
Impregnated - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60684-3-320:2002
Impregnated paper insulation - Cable - Power cable - Accessories - Test HD 629.2 S2:2006
Impregnating agent - Wire substrate - Enamelled - Bond strength EN 61033:2006
Impregnating resin - Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Unsaturated polyester EN 60455-3-5:2006
Impulse - Rotating - Withstand level - Stator coil - Coil EN 60034-15:2009
Impulse puncture in air - Insulator - Ceramic - Glass - Overhead line EN 61211:2005
Impulse test - Cable - Accessories EN 60230:2002
Impulse test - Electric strength - Insulating materials - Test method EN 60243-3:2001
Impulse test - Measurement - Instrument - Software - HV EN 61083-1:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

In finite-amplitude - Ultrasonic - In-situ exposure - Beam CLC/TS 61949:2008
In service-inspection - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-4:2007
In situ measurement - Electromagnetic field strength - Human exposure - Base station EN 50492:2008
In situ working conditions - Hearing aid - Simulated - Performance EN 60118-8:2005
In vitro diagnostic - Laboratory equipment - Medical equipment - Measurement - Safety EN 61010-2-101:2002
In vivo counter - Protection - Radiation - Portable equipment - Installed equipment EN 61582:2006
In-line closure - Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - Organiser EN 50411-2-3:2007
In-situ exposure - Ultrasonic - Beam - In finite-amplitude CLC/TS 61949:2008
In-situ measurement - Emission - Disturbance emission - Measurement CLC/TS 50217:2005
In-vitro diagnostic - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement EN 61326-2-6:2006
Inadvertent - Radiation - Bridge wire - Electro-explosive - Radio-frequency CLC/TR 50426:2004
Inadvertent - Radiation - Ignition - flammable atmosphere - Radio-frequency CLC/TR 50427:2004
incandescent lamp - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Controlgear EN 62386-205:2009
Incandescent lamp - Lamp - Maximum outline EN 60630:1998
Incandescent lamp - Lighting - Tungsten filament lamp - Lamp - Safety EN 60432-1:2000
Incandescent lamp - Lighting - Tungsten halogen lamp - Lamp - Safety EN 60432-3:2003
Incandescent lamp - Lighting - Tungsten halogen lamp - Safety EN 60432-2:2000
Inclusion - Safety aspect CEN/CLC Guide 9:2001
Incoming filter - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter EN 50065-4-3:2003
Incubator - Medical - Safety - Performance - Baby EN 60601-2-19:2009
Incubator - Medical - Safety - Performance - Transport EN 60601-2-20:2009
Incubator - Medical equipment - Baby incubator - Safety EN 60601-2-19:1996
Incubator - Medical equipment - Transport incubator - Safety EN 60601-2-20:1996
Independently mounted - Switch - Appliances EN 61058-2-4:2005
Index - Electical line - Overhead - Normative aspect EN 50423-2:2005
Index - Interruption CLC/TR 50555:2010
Index - Line - Overhead line - AC - Normative aspect EN 50341-2:2001
Index determination - Insulating liquid - Oxygen EN 61144:1993
Indication - Machinery - Actuation - Marking - Safety EN 61310-3:2008
Indication - Machinery - Marking - Actuation - Safety EN 61310-2:2008
Indicator - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Control CLC/TS 50131-3:2003
Indicator - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Control EN 50131-3:2009
Indicator - High-voltage - Prefabricated - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 62271-206:2011
Indicator - Light - Household - Fixed-electrical installation EN 62094-1:2003
Indicator - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Marking - Coding - Actuator EN 60073:2002
Indicator - Switchgear and controlgear - High-voltage - Voltage presence EN 61958:2001
Indicator - Tube - Cold cathode CECC 46 001:1976
Indicator tube - Tube - Cold cathode CECC 46 000:1976
Indirect convertor - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Motor - AC EN 61377-3:2002
Individual - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Dual wall EN 60684-3-246:2007
Individual - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - dual wall EN 60684-3-248:2007
Individual - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - polyolefin EN 60684-3-211:2007
Individual - Insulation - Materials - Flexlible EN 60626-3:2008
Individual lamps - Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - Aeronautical EN 50490:2008
Individual materials - Insulating materials - Ceramic and glass EN 60672-3:1997
Individual materials - Magnetic - Soft - Magnetic metallic EN 60404-8-6:2009
Individual materials - Tape - Glass - Polyester fibre woven tape EN 61067-3-1:1995
Individually measurable - Resistor - Fixed resistor - Electronic equipment EN 60115-9:2004
Individually measurable - Resistor - Fixed resistor - Electronic equipment EN 60115-9-1:2004
Indoor - Cable - Coaxial - BCT cabling - Drop cable EN 50117-4-1:2008
Indoor - Cable - Coaxial - Distribution network - Drop cable EN 50117-2-1:2005
Indoor - Cable - Optical fibre EN 187103:2003
Indoor - Cables - Telecommunications - Screened - Residential EN 50441-2:2006
Indoor - Cables - Telecommunications - Un-screened - Residential EN 50441-1:2006
Indoor - Cables - Telecommunications - Un-screened - Residential EN 50441-3:2006
Indoor - Fibre - Optic - Cable - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-30:2008
Indoor - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Climatic conditions CLC/TS 62271-304:2008
Indoor - Insulator - Polymeric - Outdoor - Test methods EN 62217:2006
Indoor - Optical fibre - Cable - A4 fibre cable EN 60794-2-40:2008
Indoor - Optical fibre - Cable - Multi-fibre - Distribution cable EN 60794-2-20:2010
Indoor - Optical fibre - Cable - Simplex - Duplex EN 60794-2-50:2008
Indoor - Optical fibre - Cable - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-41:2008
Indoor - Optical fibre - Cable - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-42:2008
Indoor ambient air - Portable - Carbon - Dioxide - Monoxide EN 50543:2011
Indoor and outdoor - Insulator - Characteristics HD 578 S1:1992
Indoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre EN 60794-2:2003
Indoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Multi-fibre - Distribution EN 60794-2-20:2003
Indoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Multi-fibre - Optical distribution cable EN 60794-2-21:2006
Indoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-30:2003
Indoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-31:2006
Indoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-10:2003
Indoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Simplex fibre - Duplex fibre EN 60794-2-11:2005
Indoor drop cable - Cable - Coaxial cable - Distribution network EN 50117-2-4:2004
Indoor post insulator - Insulator - Organic material EN 60660:1999
Inductance - Cable - Communication cable - Test method EN 50289-1-12:2005
Inductance factor - Core - Ferrite - Tolerance EN 62358:2004
Induction - Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency - Loop system - Assisted hearing EN 62489-1:2010
Induction - Fluorescent - Lamp - Safety EN 62532:2011
Induction - Heating installation - Electroheat - Conduction - Melting EN 60519-3:2005
Induction - Heating installation - High frequency - Power output - Generator EN 61922:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Induction - Motor - Three-phase - Frame number - Flange number EN 50347:2001
Induction channel - Crucible furnace - Furnace EN 62076:2006
Induction heating - Workers' exposure - Exposure - Magnetic field - Industrial EN 50519:2010
Induction heating installation - Capacitor EN 60110-1:1998
Induction loop - Electroacoustics - Hearing aid - Magnetic field strength EN 60118-4:2006
Induction pick-up coil input - Hearing aid EN 60118-1:1995
Inductive - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Load EN 62271-110:2009
Inductive - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Load switching EN 62271-110:2005
Inductive - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Three-phase - Voltage transformer EN 50482:2008
Inductive component - High frequency - Nanohenry - Chip inductor EN 62024-1:2008
Inductive component - High frequency - Rated current - Converter EN 62024-2:2009
Inductive component - Reliability management EN 62211:2004
Inductive proximity - Switch - Core - Half pot - Magnetic oxide EN 62323:2005
Inductive voltage divider - Voltage EN 60618:1997
Inductive voltage transformer - Transformer - Instrument transformer EN 60044-2:1999
Inductor - Adjuster - Magnetic oxide core - Ferrite - Transformer EN 125401:1991
Inductor - Adjuster - Magnetic oxide core - Transformer EN 125400:1991
Inductor - Fixed inductor - Copper wire - Radio frequency circuit EN 129200:1994
Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression - Generic specification EN 60938-1:1999
Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression - Safety test EN 60938-2-1:1999
Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression - Safety test EN 60938-2-2:1999
Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression - Sectional specification EN 60938-2:1999
Inductor - Fixed inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Marking code EN 61605:2005
Inductor - Fixed radio frequency wound inductor EN 129000:1993
Inductor - HF inductive component - Non-electrical - Surface mounted - Telecommunication EN 62025-1:2007
Inductor - Magnetic oxide core - Inductor applications EN 125100:1991
Inductor - Magnetic oxide EP-core - Transformer - Dimensions EN 61596:1997
Inductor - Railway applications - Traction - Transformer - Rolling stock EN 60310:2004
Inductor - Transformer - Lamination EN 60740-1:2005
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment EN 61007:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment EN 61248-1:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment EN 61248-6:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - Coil former - Laminated core EN 61797-1:1996
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - High-frequency inductor EN 61248-7:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - Laminated core package EN 61021-1:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - Power transformer EN 61248-3:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - Power transformer - Switched mode EN 61248-4:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - Pulse transformer EN 61248-5:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - Signal transformer EN 61248-2:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - YEE 2 lamination EN 61021-2:1997
Inductor - Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - YUI-2 lamination - Dimensions EN 60852-4:1996
Inductor - Wirewound inductor - Ceramic core - Ferrite core EN 129201:1994
Inductor - Wirewound inductor - Ceramic core - Ferrite core EN 129202:1994
Inductor - Wirewound surface mounting - Assessment level P EN 129102:1994
Inductor - Wirewound surface mounting inductor EN 129100:1993
Inductor - Wirewound surface mounting inductor EN 129101:1993
Inductor applications - Inductor - Magnetic oxide core EN 125100:1991
Inductor core - Core - Ferrite - Magnetically soft ferrite - Data format EN 60401-3:2003
Industrial - Adaptor - Conversion adaptor EN 50250:2002
Industrial - Cable - Reel EN 61316:1999
Industrial - Communication - Controller-device - ISO 11898 (CAN) EN 50325-1:2002
Industrial - Communication - Controller-device - ISO 11898 (CAN) - CANopen EN 50325-4:2002
Industrial - Communication - Controller-device - ISO 11898 (CAN) - DeviceNet EN 50325-2:2000
Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus EN 61784-1:2008
Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Physical layer EN 61158-2:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus CLC/TR 61158-1:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus CLC/TR 61158-1:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-2:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-3:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-4:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-5:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-7:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-8:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-10:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-11:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-12:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-13:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-14:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-15:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-16:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-17:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-18:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-19:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-20:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-6-2:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 1 EN 61784-3-1:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 12 EN 61784-3-12:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 13 EN 61784-3-13:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 14 EN 61784-3-14:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 2 EN 61784-3-2:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 3 EN 61784-3-3:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 6 EN 61784-3-6:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - CPF 8 EN 61784-3-8:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-2:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-3:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-4:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-7:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-8:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-11:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-12:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-13:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-14:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-16:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-17:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-18:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-19:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-1:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-2:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-3:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-4:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-7:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-8:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-11:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-12:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-13:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-14:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-16:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-17:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-18:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-19:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-1:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-2:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-3:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-6:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-2:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-3:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-6:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-10:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-11:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Physical layer EN 61158-2:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Profile definitions EN 61784-3:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus - Real-time network EN 61784-2:2008
Industrial - Communication - Network - Functional safety - Fieldbus EN 61784-3:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Functionnal safety - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-18:2011
Industrial - Communication - Network - Profile - Fieldbus EN 61784-1:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Profile - Real-time EN 61784-2:2010
Industrial - Communication - Network - Wireless - Profile EN 62591:2010
Industrial - Connector - Housing - Push pull - Coupling EN 61076-3-117:2009
Industrial - Electro-heating equipment - Test method EN 60398:1999
Industrial - Electroheating - Furnace - Direct arc furnace - Test method EN 60676:2002
Industrial - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emmission standard EN 61000-6-4:2007
Industrial - Fuse - LV - Authorized person HD 60269-2:2007
Industrial - Fuse - LV - Authorized person HD 60269-2:2010
Industrial - Heating installation - Electroheat - Microwave heating - Safety EN 60519-6:2002
Industrial - Heating installation - Electroheat - Resistance trace - Commercial EN 60519-10:2005
Industrial - Heating installation - Infra-red - Emitter EN 60240-1:1994
Industrial - Heating system - Resistance trace - Commercial EN 62395-1:2006
Industrial - Household appliances - High-pressure cleaner - Steam cleaner - Safety EN 60335-2-79:2009
Industrial - Installation - Equipment - Product - Signal EN 61175:2005
Industrial - Installation - Product - Identification - Terminal EN 61666:2010
Industrial - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-3-1:2004
Industrial - Insulation - Tube - Rod - Thermosetting resin EN 62011-1:2002
Industrial - Insulation - Tube - Rod - Thermosetting resin EN 62011-2:2004
Industrial - Insulation - Tube - Rod - Thermosetting resin EN 62011-3-1:2003
Industrial - Labelling - Cable - Core EN 62491:2008
Industrial - Microwave - Heating - Power output EN 61307:2011
Industrial - Safety - Electroheat - Microwave - Heating EN 60519-6:2011
Industrial - Scientific - Medical - Radio-frequency - Disturbance EN 55011:2009/A1:2010
Industrial - Structure - Classification - Code - Class EN 81346-2:2009
Industrial - Structuring principle - Reference designation EN 81346-1:2009
Industrial - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Control switch EN 50041:1981
Industrial - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Control switch EN 50047:1981
Industrial - Time - relay - Residential EN 61812-1:2011
Industrial - Transmitter - Contro - Performance EN 60770-1:2011
Industrial - Transmitter - Control - Inspection - Routine testing EN 60770-2:2010
Industrial - Valve - Flow capacity EN 60534-2-4:2009
Industrial - Valve - Noise - Aerodynamic - Prediction EN 60534-8-3:2011
Industrial - Workers' exposure - Exposure - Magnetic field - Induction heating EN 50519:2010
Industrial application - Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary EN 61811-10:2003
Industrial application - Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary EN 61811-11:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Industrial application - Transformer - Convertor transformer EN 61378-1:1998
Industrial atmosphere - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Sulphur dioxide - Test EN 61300-2-28:1997
Industrial control system - Communication - Data - Digital - Data link layer service EN 61158-3-1:2008
Industrial control system - Communication - Data - Digital - Fieldbus CLC/TR 61158-1:2004
Industrial environment - Connector - Electronic - Rectangular - Protective houshing EN 61076-3-106:2006
Industrial environment - Connector - Protective housing - Bayonet coupling - Speing clamp EN 61076-3-116:2008
Industrial environment - Connector - Rectangular - Protective housing - Bayonet coupling EN 61076-3-114:2009
Industrial environment - Connector - Rectangular - Protective housing - Push-pull type EN 61076-3-115:2010
Industrial environment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity EN 61000-6-2:2005
Industrial environment - HBES - Automation - BACS - EMC requirements EN 50491-5-3:2010
Industrial environment - Signalling - LV - Immunity - Communications equipment EN 50065-2-2:2003
Industrial heated triode - Triode CECC 45 002:1975
Industrial installation - Industrial product EN 61666:1997
Industrial installation - Industrial product - Basic rule EN 61346-1:1996
Industrial installation - Structuring principles - Reference designations - Classification - Code EN 61346-2:2000
Industrial network - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Filter - AC EN 61642:1997
Industrial premises - Information technology - Cabling - Generic system EN 50173-3:2007
Industrial process - Analogue - DC signal HD 452.1 S1:1984
Industrial process - Analogue input - Multi-state output - Control EN 61003-2:2009
Industrial process - Analogue pneumatic signal EN 60382:1993
Industrial process - Analyzer house - Safety EN 61285:2004
Industrial process - Assessment methodology EN 61069-1:1993
Industrial process - Assessment methodology EN 61069-2:1994
Industrial process - Binary direct voltage signal HD 557 S1:1990
Industrial process - Chart recorder - Pneumatic - Analogue EN 60873-2:2004
Industrial process - Chart recorder - Pneumatic - Analogue - Performance EN 60873-1:2004
Industrial process - Control system - Adaptive controller - Evaluation EN 61297:1995
Industrial process - Control valve - Flow capacity - Test EN 60534-2-3:1998
Industrial process - Control valve - Mounting - Positioner - Rotary actuator EN 60534-6-2:2001
Industrial process - Control valve - Positioner - Linear actuator EN 60534-6-1:1997
Industrial process - Controller - Analogue signal - Performance EN 60546-1:1993
Industrial process - Controller - Analogue signal - Routine testing EN 60546-2:1993
Industrial process - Functionality - Assessment EN 61069-3:1996
Industrial process - Laboratory measurement - Noise - Aerodynamic flow - Control valve EN 60534-8-1:2005
Industrial process - Measurement - Performance EN 61069-4:1997
Industrial process - Measurement - System assessment - Non-task-related properties EN 61069-8:1999
Industrial process - Measurement - System assessment - System operability EN 61069-6:1998
Industrial process - Measurement - System assessment - System safety EN 61069-7:1999
Industrial process - Mechanical influence EN 60654-3:1997
Industrial process - Noise - Prediction - Aerodynamic - Valve EN 60534-8-3:2000
Industrial process - Operating conditions - Climatic conditions EN 60654-1:1993
Industrial process - Operating conditions - Corrosive influence - Erosive influence EN 60654-4:1997
Industrial process - Power EN 60654-2:1997
Industrial process - System assessment - System dependability EN 61069-5:1995
Industrial process - Valve - Control valve - Inspection - Routine testing EN 60534-4:2006
Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - Control valve - End-to-end EN 60534-3-3:1998
Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - Control valve - Face-to-face EN 60534-3-1:2000
Industrial process - Valve - Dimensions - Control valve - Face-to-face EN 60534-3-2:2001
Industrial process - Valve - Flow capacity - Sizing - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-1:1998
Industrial process - Valve - Flow capacity - Sizing - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-1:2011
Industrial process - Valve - Noise - Hydrodynamic - Measurement EN 60534-8-2:1993
Industrial process - Valve - Noise - Hydrodynamic flow EN 60534-8-4:2005
Industrial process control - Analogue input - Multi-state output - Performance EN 61003-1:2004
Industrial process control - Valve - Flow capacity - Fluid flow - Sizing equation EN 60534-2-5:2003
Industrial process control - Valve - Marking EN 60534-5:2004
Industrial process control - Valve - Terminology EN 60534-1:2005
Industrial product - Industrial installation EN 61666:1997
Industrial product - Industrial installation - Basic rule EN 61346-1:1996
Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet - Coupler EN 60309-1:1999
Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet - Coupler - Connector - Interlock EN 60309-4:2007
Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet - Coupler - Pin and contact-tube accessories EN 60309-2:1999
Industrial use - Relay - Test EN 61812-1:1996
Industrial-process - Block - Function - Control - Architecture EN 61499-1:2005
Industrial-process - Block - Function - Control - Software tools EN 61499-2:2005
Industrial-process - Control - Valve - Data sheet EN 60534-7:2010
Industrial-process - Controller - Control EN 60546-1:2010
Industrial-process - Controller - Control - Routine testing EN 60546-2:2010
Industrial-process - Data structure - Process equipment - Analogue output - Digital output EN 61987-1:2007
Industrial-process - Measurement - Control - Data structures - Fundamental EN 61987-10:2009
Industrial-process - Transmitter - Inspection - Test EN 60770-2:2003
Industrial-process - Transmitter - Intelligent transmitter EN 60770-3:2006
Industrial-process - Transmitter - Performance evaluation EN 60770-1:1999
Industrial-process - Valve - Step input - Measurement - Test EN 60534-9:2007
Industrial-process - Valve positioner - Intelligent - Pneumatic output - Performance EN 61514-2:2004
Industrial-process - Valve positioner - Pneumatic output - Performance EN 61514:2002
Infant - Medical - Safety - Radiant - Warmers EN 60601-2-21:2009
Infant - Medical equipment - Phototherapy - Safety EN 60601-2-50:2002
Infant - Medical equipment - Warmer - Radiant warmer - Safety EN 60601-2-21:1994
InfiniBand equipment - Connector - Backplane EN 61076-4-115:2003
Influence quantities - Measurement - Control - Performance EN 61298-3:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Influence quantities - Process control - Performance EN 61298-3:1998
Information - Identification - Unambiguous - Interchange EN 62507-1:2011
Information - Library - Automation - Input/output buffer - Electronic design EN 62014-1:2002
Information - Science - Technology EN 80000-13:2008
Information exchange - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Monitoring EN 61400-25-3:2007
Information reference model - Document management - Metadata elements EN 82045-2:2005
Information system - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Electronic - Chart display EN 61174:2001
Information technology - Building - Equipotential - Bonding - Earthing EN 50310:2006
Information technology - Cable - Coaxial - Cord EN 61935-2:2010
Information technology - Cabling - Backbone - Residential - Multi-tenant buildings CLC/TR 50173-99-2:2010
Information technology - Cabling - Generic cabling system - Data center EN 50173-5:2007
Information technology - Cabling - Generic system EN 50173-1:2007
Information technology - Cabling - Generic system - Industrial premises EN 50173-3:2007
Information technology - Cabling - Generic system - Office premises EN 50173-2:2007
Information technology - Cabling - Generic system - Small office home office - SOHO EN 50173-4:2007
Information technology - Cabling - Guidelines - 10 GBASE-T CLC/TR 50173-99-1:2007
Information technology - Cabling - ISDN basic access EN 50098-1:1998
Information technology - Cabling - ISDN primary access EN 50098-2:1996
information technology - Cabling - Testing - Balanced - Coaxial EN 61935-1:2009
Information technology - Cabling - Testing - Installed cabling EN 50346:2002
Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Building - Inside EN 50174-2:2000
Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Building - Inside EN 50174-2:2009
Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Building - Outside EN 50174-3:2003
Information technology - Cabling installation - Quality assurance EN 50174-1:2000
Information technology - Cabling installation - Quality assurance EN 50174-1:2009
Information technology - Coaxial - Cabling EN 61935-3:2009
Information technology - Coded graphic character - Electrotechnology EN 61286:2002
Information technology - Communication technology - Network - Interface - Safety CLC/TR 62102:2005
Information technology - Communication technology - Network - Interface - Safety CLC/TR 62102:2006
Information technology - Power consumption - Measurement EN 62018:2003
Information technology - Safety - Outdoor equipment EN 60950-22:2006
Information technology - Safety - Remote power feeding EN 60950-21:2003
Information technology - Safety - Robotic - Integral robotic - Large equipment EN 60950-23:2006
Information technology equipment - Immunity - Measurement EN 55024:1998
Information technology equipment - Immunity - Measurement EN 55024:1998/IS1:2007
Information technology equipment - Immunity - Measurement EN 55024:2010
Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance - Measurement EN 55022:2006
Information technology equipment - Safety EN 60950-1:2006
Information transmission - Laser product - Optical communication - Free space EN 60825-12:2004
Informative interface - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Protection equipment EN 60870-5-103:1998
Infra-red - Heating installation - Industrial - Emitter EN 60240-1:1994
Infra-red - Home and Building Electronic System - Technical Report R205-005:1997
Infra-red radiation - Audio - Video - Transmission - Conference EN 61603-3:1998
Infra-red radiation - Audio - Video - Transmission - Conference EN 61603-7:2003
Infra-red radiation - Audio - Video - Transmission - Signal EN 61603-1:1997
Infra-red radiation - Audio - Video - Transmission - Signal EN 61603-2:1997
Infra-red radiation - Audio - Video - Transmission - Signal EN 61603-6:2002
Infra-red radiation - Audio - Video - Transmission - Signal EN 61603-8-1:2004
Infrared - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Microwave EN 50131-2-4:2008
Infrared - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Passive EN 50131-2-2:2008
Infrared - Household - Safety - Skin exposure - Ultraviolet EN 60335-2-27:2010
Infrared - Household appliance - Radiation - Ultraviolet - Safety EN 60335-2-27:2003
Infrared - Transmission - Free air application EN 61920:2004
Infrared emitting diode - Diode - Diode array EN 120002:1992
Infusion - Medical equiment - Pump - Controller - Safety EN 60601-2-24:1998
Initial verification - Building - Electrical installation - Verification HD 384.6.61 S2:2003
Injection clamp method - Cable - Communication - Metallic - Attenuation EN 62153-4-2:2004
Injector/extractor handle - Electronic equipment - Structure EN 60297-3-102:2004
Inorganic-organic - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Hybrid inorganic-organic paper EN 60819-3-2:2001
Input current - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage dips - Immunity test - Test EN 61000-4-34:2007
Input power - Ballast-lamp circuit - Measurement method EN 50294:1998
Input power port - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Ripple - DC EN 61000-4-17:1999
Input signal - Loudspeaker - Interface - Digital input - IEC 60958 EN 62537:2010
Input-output interface - Digital - Audio - Transmission - Asynchronous transfer EN 62365:2005
Input-output interface - Digital - Audio - Transmission - Asynchronous transfer EN 62365:2009
Input/output buffer - Library - Automation - Electronic design - Information EN 62014-1:2002
Inrush current - Thermistor - Step-function - Positive - Coefficient EN 60738-1-3:2008
Inscription - Marking - Identification - Core - Cable EN 50334:2001
Insect killer - Household appliance - Safety EN 60335-2-59:2003
Insert - Connector - Electronic - Contact retention - Retention EN 60512-15-1:2008
Insert - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact retention - Cable nutation EN 60512-15-5:2008
Insert - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Human - Ear EN 60318-4:2010
Insert earphone - Hearing aid - Nipple HD 450.5 S1:1985
Insert retention - Connector - Electronic equipment - Housing - Axial EN 60512-15-2:2008
Insert retention - Connector - Electronic equipment - Housing - Torsional EN 60512-15-3:2008
Insertion force - Connector - Electronic equipment - Withdrawal force - Test EN 60512-13-2:2006
Insertion loss - Connector - Electronic equipment - Attenuation - Measurement EN 60512-25-2:2002
Inside - Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Building EN 50174-2:2000
Inside - Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Building EN 50174-2:2009
Inspection - Arc - Welding - Testing - Periodic EN 60974-4:2011
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Alphabetical Index

Inspection - Bodies performing - Various EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004
Inspection - Explosive - Atmosphere - Maintenance EN 60079-17:2007
Inspection - Grid - Documentation - Commissioning tests EN 62446:2009
Inspection - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Testing CLC/TR 50090-9-2:2007
Inspection - Industrial process - Valve - Control valve - Routine testing EN 60534-4:2006
Inspection - Sampling plan - Electronic components - package EN 61193-2:2007
Inspection - Transmitter - Industrial - Control - Routine testing EN 60770-2:2010
Inspection - Transmitter - Industrial-process - Test EN 60770-2:2003
Installation - Arc welding - Use CLC/TS 62081:2002
Installation - Arc welding - Welding - Use EN 60974-9:2010
Installation - Battery - Secondary battery - Portable appliances - Safety EN 50272-4:2007
Installation - Battery - Secondary battery - Safety EN 50272-1:2010
Installation - Battery - Secondary battery - Stationary battery - Safety EN 50272-2:2001
Installation - Battery - Secondary battery - Traction battery - Safety EN 50272-3:2002
Installation - Cell - Fuel cell - Stationary power system EN 62282-3-3:2008
Installation - Combustible gas - Detection - Domestic premises - Maintenance EN 50244:2000
Installation - Furnace - Ancillary equipment - Design EN 50156-1:2004
Installation - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-5-2:2008
Installation - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-5-3:2008
Installation - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-5-6:2008
Installation - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-5-10:2008
Installation - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-5-11:2008
Installation - Industrial - Equipment - Product - Signal EN 61175:2005
Installation - Industrial - Product - Identification - Terminal EN 61666:2010
Installation - Protection - Electric shock - Equipment EN 61140:2002
Installation - Resistance - Welding - Design - Manufacture EN 62135-1:2008
Installation contractor - Contractor - Qualification CLC/TS 50349:2004
Installation guide - Wiring system - Temperature rise - Connecting interfaces CLC/TR 50479:2007
Installed cabling - Cabling system - Communication cabling - Testing EN 61935-1:2005
Installed cabling - Information technology - Cabling - Testing EN 50346:2002
Installed equipment - Protection - Radiation - In vivo counter - Portable equipment EN 61582:2006
Installed floor - Electrostatics - Floor covering - Resistance EN 61340-4-1:2004
Installed personnel - Protection - Radiation - Surface contamination EN 61098:2007
Instantaneous water heater - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-35:2002
Institution - Participation - Activities CEN/CLC Guide 7:2001
Instructions - Structuring - Content - Presentation EN 62079:2001
Instrument - Electroacoustics - Aircraft noise - Transport-category aeroplane EN 61265:1995
Instrument - Measurement - Software - HV - Impulse test EN 61083-1:2001
Instrument transformer - Transformer EN 61869-1:2009
Instrument transformer - Transformer - Capacitor - Voltage transformer EN 60044-5:2004
Instrument transformer - Transformer - Combined transformer EN 60044-3:2003
Instrument transformer - Transformer - Current transformer EN 60044-1:1999
Instrument transformer - Transformer - Electronic - Current transformer EN 60044-8:2002
Instrument transformer - Transformer - Inductive voltage transformer EN 60044-2:1999
Instrument transformer - Transformer - Protective current transformer - Transient performance EN 60044-6:1999
Instrument transformer - Transformer - Three-phase - Voltage transformer - Inductive EN 50482:2008
Instrumentation - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-7:2005
Instrumentation - Loop check - Electrical EN 62382:2007
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Gauge - Radiometric EN 60405:2007
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Power plant - Control - Separation EN 60709:2010
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Power plant - Hardware - Design EN 60987:2009
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Power plant - Safety EN 61226:2010
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Power plant - Safety - Common Cause Failure (CCF) EN 62340:2010
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Power plant - Safety - Data communication EN 61500:2011
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Power plant - Safety - Surveillance EN 60671:2011
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Power plant - Software - Computer-based system EN 60880:2009
Instrumentation - Nuclear - Power plant - Software - Computer-based system EN 62138:2009
Instrumentation - Power station - Control EN 45510-8-1:1998
Instrumentation - Process industry - Control - Milestones EN 62337:2007
Instrumentation - Radiation - Protection EN 60846:2004
Instrumentation - Radiation - Protection - Contamination EN 60325:2004
Insulated - Bushing - Alternating voltage EN 60137:2003
Insulated - Bushing - Alternating voltage - Voltage EN 60137:2008
Insulated cable - Cable - Conductor EN 60228:2005
Insulated cable - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride - Extensible lead HD 21.10 S2:2001
Insulated wire - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Diffusion flame EN 60332-2-2:2004
Insulated wire - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Flaming droplets/particles EN 60332-1-3:2004
Insulated wire - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Pre-mixed flame EN 60332-1-2:2004
Insulated wire - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Single EN 60332-1-1:2004
Insulated wire - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Small EN 60332-2-1:2004
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Covering - Cross-linked elastomere EN 50363-2-2:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Halgen-free - Thermoplastic sheating compound EN 50363-8:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Halogen-free - Cross-linked sheating compound EN 50363-6:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Covering EN 50363-0:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Covering EN 50363-0:2011
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Cross-linked elastomer EN 50363-1:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Cross-linked elastomer EN 50363-2-1:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride EN 50363-9-1:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride EN 50363-10-1:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - PVC covering compound EN 50363-4-2:2005
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Alphabetical Index

Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - PVC insulating compounds EN 50363-3:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - PVC sheating compound EN 50363-4-1:2005
Insulating - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Thermoplastic polyurethane EN 50363-10-2:2005
Insulating - Classification - liquid EN 61039:2008
Insulating - Flexible - Sleeving EN 60684-2:2011
Insulating - Helmet - LV installation EN 50365:2002
Insulating - Ladder - Low voltage EN 50528:2010
Insulating - Live working - Blanket EN 61112:2009
Insulating - Live working - Matting EN 61111:2009
Insulating - Oils - Mineral - Detection - Additif EN 60666:2010
Insulating - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Chlorinated - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-205:2011
Insulating - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Dual wall EN 60684-3-247:2011
Insulating boom - Live working - Aerial device EN 61057:1993
Insulating clothing - Protective clothing - LV installation EN 50286:1999
Insulating foam-filled tube - Live working - Solid rod EN 60855:1996
Insulating footwear - Insulation - Footwear - Low voltage installation EN 50321:1999
Insulating hollow tube - Live working EN 61235:1995
Insulating hose - Live working - Hose - Hydraulic tool EN 62237:2005
Insulating liquid - Breakdown voltage - Test method EN 60156:1995
Insulating liquid - Classification HD 618 S1:1992
Insulating liquid - Classification - Fire point - Calorific value EN 61100:1992
Insulating liquid - Dielectric dissipation factor - Conductance - Capacitance EN 61620:1999
Insulating liquid - Ester - Synthetic organic ester EN 61099:1992
Insulating liquid - Flame propagation EN 61197:1994
Insulating liquid - Hydrocarbon - Oxidation stability - Test EN 61125:1993
Insulating liquid - Hydrocarbon - Synthetic aromatic hydrocarbon EN 60867:1994
Insulating liquid - Inventory - Decontamination - Disposal - PCB CLC/TR 50503:2010
Insulating liquid - Ionization - Gassing HD 488 S1:1987
Insulating liquid - Liquid - Particles - Counting - Sizing EN 60970:2007
Insulating liquid - Oil - 2-furfural and related compound EN 61198:1994
Insulating liquid - Oil - Anti-oxidant additive - Detection HD 415 S1:1981
Insulating liquid - Oil - Cable - Unused mineral insulating oil EN 60465:1990
Insulating liquid - Oil - Hydrocarbon - Aromatic hydrocarbon content HD 382 S1:1979
Insulating liquid - Oil - Mineral oil - Flow properties EN 61065:1993
Insulating liquid - Oil - Transformer - Gas analysis EN 60599:1999
Insulating liquid - Oil-impregnated - Pressboard - Karl Fischer titration EN 60814:1997
Insulating liquid - Oxygen - Index determination EN 61144:1993
Insulating liquid - Polybutene - Unused polybutene HD 582 S1:1991
Insulating liquid - Polychlorinated biphenyl - Contamination - Chromatography EN 61619:1997
Insulating liquid - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Butterfly valve EN 50216-8:2005
Insulating liquid - Synthetic organic ester - Maintenance guide EN 61203:1994
Insulating material - Impregnated - Gas - Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) - Factory EN 61181:2007
Insulating material - Live working - Conductor cover - Flexible EN 61479:2001
Insulating material - Live working - Gloves EN 60903:2003
Insulating material - Live working - Ladder EN 61478:2001
Insulating material - Tracking - Comparative tracking indices EN 60112:2003
Insulating materials - Breakdown by surface discharge - Test EN 60343:1992
Insulating materials - Cable - Polyethylene - Polypropylene - Resistance EN 60811-4-1:2004
Insulating materials - Cable - Polyethylene - Polypropylene - Test EN 60811-4-2:2004
Insulating materials - Ceramic - Glass EN 60672-1:1995
Insulating materials - Ceramic - Glass - Test method EN 60672-2:2000
Insulating materials - Ceramic and glass - Individual materials EN 60672-3:1997
Insulating materials - Combined flexible materials - Test EN 60626-2:1995
Insulating materials - Combined flexible materials - Test EN 60626-2:2009
Insulating materials - Density EN 60811-1-3:1995
Insulating materials - Dry - Solid - Low-current arc discharge - Test EN 61621:1997
Insulating materials - Elastomeric compound - Ozone resistance - Oil immersion - Test EN 60811-2-1:1998
Insulating materials - Electric strength - Impulse test - Test method EN 60243-3:2001
Insulating materials - Electric strength - Test method - Direct voltage EN 60243-2:2001
Insulating materials - Electric strength - Test method - Power - Frequency EN 60243-1:1998
Insulating materials - Filling compound - DC - Cable - Test EN 60811-5-1:1999
Insulating materials - Flexible sheet materials - Thermal endurance HD 480 S1:1987
Insulating materials - Flexible sleeving - Cross-linked PVC HD 523.3.201 S1:1993
Insulating materials - Glass transition temperature - Test EN 61006:2004
Insulating materials - HV - Ceramic or glass EN 60168:1994
Insulating materials - Hydrolytic stability - Moulded thermosets EN 61234-2:1998
Insulating materials - Ignitability - Test HD 541 S1:1991
Insulating materials - Ionic impurities - Determination HD 381 S1:1979
Insulating materials - Ionizing radiation - Ageing in service EN 60544-5:2003
Insulating materials - Ionizing radiation - Classification - Radiation environment EN 60544-4:2003
Insulating materials - Ionizing radiation - Dosimetry EN 60544-1:1994
Insulating materials - Mechanical properties EN 60811-1-1:1995
Insulating materials - Mica EN 60371-1:2003
Insulating materials - Mica - Commutator separator EN 60371-3-1:2006
Insulating materials - Mica - Film-backed mica paper - B-stage EN 60371-3-4:1995
Insulating materials - Mica - Glass-backed mica paper - B-stage epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-6:1995
Insulating materials - Mica - Glass-backed mica paper - Epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-5:2006
Insulating materials - Mica - Heating equipment EN 60371-3-3:1995
Insulating materials - Mica - Mica paper EN 60371-3-2:2006
Insulating materials - Mica - Mica paper tape - Flame resistant EN 60371-3-8:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Insulating materials - Mica - Moulding micanite EN 60371-3-9:1995
Insulating materials - Mica - Polyester film - Epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-7:1995
Insulating materials - Mica - Test EN 60371-2:2004
Insulating materials - Plastic film EN 60674-1:1998
Insulating materials - Plastic film - Fluoroethylene-propylene (FEP) film EN 60674-3-7:1998
Insulating materials - Plastic film - Hydrolytic stability EN 61234-1:1994
Insulating materials - Plastic film - Polycarbonate film EN 60674-3-3:1998
Insulating materials - Plastic film - Polyethylene-terephthalate film EN 60674-3-2:1998
Insulating materials - Plastic film - Polypropylene film EN 60674-3-1:1998
Insulating materials - Plastic film - Test method EN 60674-2:1998
Insulating materials - Polyimide film EN 60674-3-4 to 6:1995
Insulating materials - PVC compound - Pressure test - Cracking resistance EN 60811-3-1:1995
Insulating materials - PVC compound - Thermal stability test EN 60811-3-2:1995
Insulating materials - Resistivity - Elevated temperature - Test HD 438 S1:1984
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Definitions EN 60893-1:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Epoxy resin EN 60893-3-2:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 60893-3-1:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Melamine resin EN 60893-3-3:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Phenolic resin EN 60893-3-4:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Polyester resin EN 60893-3-5:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Polyimide resin EN 60893-3-7:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Silicone resin EN 60893-3-6:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin - Test EN 60893-2:2004
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated tube - Thermosetting resin EN 61212-1:2006
Insulating materials - Rigid laminated tube - Thermosetting resin - Test EN 61212-2:2006
Insulating materials - Round laminated tube - Moulded rod EN 61212-3-3:2006
Insulating materials - Round laminated tube - Moulded tube EN 61212-3-2:2006
Insulating materials - Round laminated tube - Rolled tube EN 61212-3-1:2006
Insulating materials - Solid - Insulation resistance HD 568 S1:1990
Insulating materials - Solventless polymerisable resinous compound - Coating powder HD 307.2.2 S1:1986
Insulating materials - Solventless polymerisable resinous compound - Epoxy resin HD 307.3.11 S1:1990
Insulating materials - Standard condition - Test HD 437 S1:1984
Insulating materials - Test at low temperature EN 60811-1-4:1995
Insulating materials - Thermal ageing method EN 50497:2007
Insulating materials - Thermal ageing method EN 60811-1-2:1995
Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Ageing procedure EN 60216-1:2001
Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Calculation EN 60216-3:2006
Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Fixed Time Frame protocol - Endurance index EN 60216-6:2006
Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - Ageing oven - Multi-chamber oven EN 60216-4-3:2000
Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - Ageing oven - Precision oven EN 60216-4-2:2000
Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - Ageing oven - single-chamber oven EN 60216-4-1:2006
Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Test criteria EN 60216-2:2005
Insulating materials - Tracking - Erosion - Rotating wheel dip test EN 61302:1995
Insulating materials - Tracking and erosion - Test HD 380 S2:1987
Insulating materials - Varnish - Thermal endurance - Test HD 570 S1:1990
Insulating materials - Volume and surface resistivity - Test HD 429 S1:1983
Insulating materials - Vulcanized fibre HD 416.1 S1:1981
Insulating materials - Vulcanized fibre - Specification HD 416.3.1 S1:1988
Insulating materials - Vulcanized fibre - Test HD 416.2 S1:1987
Insulating oil - Contamination - Fibre contamination - Counting method - Microscope EN 50353:2001
Insulating oil - Oil - Mineral - Transformer - Switchgear EN 60296:2004
Insulating oil - Wiper - Methodology - Testing EN 50375:2002
Insulating pole - Live working - Insulating stick - Tool attachment - Fitting EN 60832:1996
Insulating stick - Live working - Insulating pole - Tool attachment - Fitting EN 60832:1996
Insulating sticks - Multipurposes - High voltage installations EN 50508:2009
Insulating system - Thermal evaluation - LV EN 61857-1:2005
Insulating system - Thermal evaluation - Wire-wound applications EN 61857-21:2004
Insulation - Bar and coil - Machine - HV EN 50209:1998
Insulation - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Polypropylene EN 50290-2-25:2002
Insulation - Cable - Communication - Test method - Resistance EN 50289-1-4:2001
Insulation - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Core - High flexibility HD 22.14 S3:2007
Insulation - Cable - Low-frequency - Polyolefin - Moisture barrier EN 60708:2005
Insulation - Cable - Low-frequency cable - Colour code HD 402 S2:1984
Insulation - Cable - Thermoplastic - Flexible - Halogen-free HD 21.14 S1:2003
Insulation - Connector - Contact - Termination - Grip effectiveness EN 60512-16-8:2008
Insulation - Connector - Electronic equipment - Test - Resistance EN 60512-3-1:2002
Insulation - Corrosion - Electrolytic - Test EN 60426:2007
Insulation - Dielectric - Resistive - Solid EN 62631-1:2011
Insulation - Distribution system - LV - Safety - IT system EN 61557-8:2007
Insulation - Electrical stress - Repetitive impulse - Endurance EN 62068-1:2003
Insulation - Electronic equipment - Connector - Voltage stress - Crimp barrel EN 60512-4-3:2002
Insulation - Evaluation - Qualification EN 60505:2011
Insulation - Flexible - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Elastomer EN 60684-3-271:2011
Insulation - Flexible - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-209:2010
Insulation - Flexible sleeving EN 60684-1:2003
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Expandable braided - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60684-3-340 to 342:2003
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Expandable braided ethylene - E-CTFE EN 60684-3-343 to 345:2002
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded fluorosilicone EN 60684-3-136:1998
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded Polychloroprene EN 60684-3-116 & 117:2003
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded polyolefin - Flame retarde - Limited hazard EN 60684-3-165:2004
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Alphabetical Index

Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded PTFE sleeving - PTFE EN 60684-3-145 to 147:2001
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded PVC sleeving - PVC EN 60684-3-100 to 105:2001
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded PVC/nitrile rubber EN 60684-3-151:1998
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded silicone sleeving - Silicone EN 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass sleeving - Acrylic coating EN 60684-3-403 to 405:2002
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile - Braided - Uncoated EN 60684-3-300:2002
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile - PVC coating EN 60684-3-406 to 408:2003
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile - Silicone elastomer EN 60684-3-400 to 402:2002
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile sleeving - Polyurethane (PUR)-based coating EN 60684-3-409:1999
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Flame-retarded - Limited-fire EN 60684-3-216:2005
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Fluoroelastomer - Flame-retarded EN 60684-3-233:2006
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-212:2006
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Not flame-retarded EN 60684-3-214:2005
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyvinylidene fluoride EN 60684-3-229:2003
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyvinylidene fluoride - Flame retarded EN 60684-3-228:2004
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable elastomer - Flame retarded - Fluid resistant EN 60684-3-271:2004
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable polyolefin EN 60684-3-209:2003
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable PTFE EN 60684-3-240 to 243:2002
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - Heat-shrinkable - Dual wall EN 60684-3-246:2007
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - Heat-shrinkable - dual wall EN 60684-3-248:2007
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - Heat-shrinkable - polyolefin EN 60684-3-211:2007
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyethylene terephthalate - Acrylic EN 60684-3-420 to 422:2002
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Polyethylene terephthalate - Impregnated EN 60684-3-320:2002
Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Test EN 60684-2:1997
Insulation - Footwear - Insulating footwear - Low voltage installation EN 50321:1999
Insulation - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement EN 61326-2-4:2006
Insulation - Liquid - Acidity - Titration - Colourimetric EN 62021-2:2007
Insulation - Liquid - Acidity - Titration - Potentiometric EN 62021-1:2003
Insulation - Liquid - Detection - Corrosive - Sulphur EN 62535:2009
Insulation - Liquid - Silicone - Unused EN 60836:2005
Insulation - Live working - Rope EN 62192:2009
Insulation - Live working - Stick - Attachable EN 60832-1:2010
Insulation - Live working - Stick - Attachable EN 60832-2:2010
Insulation - Machine - Rotating EN 60034-18-1:1994
Insulation - Machine - Rotating EN 60034-18-1:2010
Insulation - Machine - Rotating - Form-wound winding - Test EN 60034-18-31:1994
Insulation - Machine - Rotating - Wirewound winding - Test EN 60034-18-21:1994
Insulation - Machine - Rotating - Wirewound winding - Test EN 60034-18-22:2001
Insulation - Machine - Rotating machine - Endurance - Thermal CLC/TR 60034-18-33:2004
Insulation - Materials - Individual - Flexlible EN 60626-3:2008
Insulation - Oil - Mineral - Supervision - Maintenance EN 60422:2006
Insulation - Plastic - Film - Polyethylenenaphthalate - Biaxial EN 60674-3-8:2011
Insulation - Power cable - Cable - Extruded HD 632 S2:2008
Insulation - Prior to - During - Testing - Solid EN 60212:2011
Insulation - Railway - Clearance - Creepage distance EN 50124-1:2001
Insulation - Railway - Overvoltage - Protection EN 50124-2:2001
Insulation - Railway application - Fixed installation - Synthetic rope - Overhead contact line EN 50345:2009
Insulation - Railway application - Fixed installation - Traction - Overhead contact line EN 50345:2004
Insulation - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance EN 50264-2-1:2008
Insulation - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance EN 50264-2-2:2008
Insulation - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance EN 50264-3-1:2008
Insulation - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance EN 50264-3-2:2008
Insulation - Relay - Electrical relay - Protection equipment - Test EN 60255-5:2001
Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Filled polyurethane EN 60455-3-4:2003
Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Quartz filled - Epoxy resinous compound EN 60455-3-2:2003
Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Unfilled epoxy EN 60455-3-1:2003
Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Unfilled polyurethane EN 60455-3-3:2003
Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Unsaturated polyester - Impregnating resin EN 60455-3-5:2006
Insulation - Resistivity - Dissipation - Dielectric - Measurement EN 60247:2004
Insulation - Rotating - Machine - Endurance - Winding EN 60034-18-32:2010
Insulation - Rotating machine - Winding - Form-wound CLC/TR 60034-18-32:2004
Insulation - Rotating machine - Winding - Form-wound - Thermomechanical endurance CLC/TS 60034-18-34:2004
Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Anti-tracking EN 60684-3-280:2010
Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Bus-bar EN 60684-3-283:2011
Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Semi conductive EN 60684-3-281:2010
Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Stress control EN 60684-3-282:2010
Insulation - Switchgear - Cable connection - Gas-insulated - Fluid-filled cable EN 62271-209:2007
Insulation - Thermal - Endurance EN 60216-5:2008
Insulation - Thermal - Evaluation EN 60085:2008
Insulation - Thermal - Evaluation - Low-voltage EN 61857-1:2009
Insulation - Thermal - Wire-wound EN 61857-21:2009
Insulation - Thermal evaluation - Encapsulated - Coil model - Wire-wound EN 61857-22:2008
Insulation - Thermal evaluation - Established wire-wound - EIS EN 61858:2008
Insulation - Tracking - Erosion - Resistance - Ambiant condition EN 60587:2007
Insulation - Tube - Rod - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-1:2002
Insulation - Tube - Rod - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-2:2004
Insulation - Tube - Rod - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-3-1:2003
Insulation - Viscometry - Polymerisation - Cellulosic EN 60450:2004
Insulation coordination - Application guide EN 60071-2:1997
Insulation coordination - Definitions EN 60071-1:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Insulation coordination - LV EN 60664-1:2007
Insulation coordination - LV - Clearance - Creepage distance EN 60664-5:2007
Insulation coordination - LV - Coating - Pollution - Protection EN 60664-3:2003
Insulation coordination - LV - Voltage stress - High-frequency EN 60664-4:2006
Insulation displacement - Connection - Solderless - Accessible - Test EN 60352-3:1994
Insulation displacement - Connection - Solderless - Test - Guidance EN 60352-4:1994
Insulation displacement - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Termination EN 61076-4-107:2001
Insulation enclosed - Switchgear - Controlgear - A.C. EN 62271-201:2006
Insulation fault - Distribution system - Protective measure - IT system EN 61557-9:2009
Insulation fault location - Distribution system - LV - Safety - IT system EN 61557-9:1999
Insulation level - Transformer - Power transformer - Dielectric test - Clearance in air EN 60076-3:2001
Insulation piercing - Connection - Solderless - Test - Guidance EN 60352-6:1997
Insulation piercing clamping unit - Connecting device - LV - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-3:2004
Insulation resistance - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-2:2007
Insulation resistance - Insulating materials - Solid HD 568 S1:1990
Insulation system - Evaluation - Qualification EN 60505:2004
Insulator - Ceramic - Glass - Overhead line - Impulse puncture in air EN 61211:2005
Insulator - Ceramic - Glass - Test EN 61325:1995
Insulator - Composite station post - A.C. EN 62231:2006
Insulator - Composite string insulator unit - Overhead line EN 61466-1:1997
Insulator - Composite string insulator unit - Overhead line - Dimensions EN 61466-2:1998
Insulator - Glossary - Terms EN 62223:2009
Insulator - Hollow - Ceramic - Glass EN 62155:2003
Insulator - Hollow pressurized - Hollow unpressurized - Design EN 61462:2007
Insulator - HV - Pollution test EN 60507:1993
Insulator - Indoor and outdoor - Characteristics HD 578 S1:1992
Insulator - Indoor post insulator - Organic material EN 60660:1999
Insulator - Overhead line - AC power arcs test EN 61467:2008
Insulator - Overhead line - Ceramic - AC - Long rod type EN 60433:1998
Insulator - Overhead line - Ceramic - Glass - AC system EN 60305:1996
Insulator - Overhead line - Composite - AC EN 61952:2008
Insulator - Overhead line - Composite suspension - Composite tension - a.c. EN 61109:2008
Insulator - Overhead line - Glass insulator unit - AC system EN 60383-1:1996
Insulator - Overhead line - HV EN 60383-2:1995
Insulator - Polymeric - Indoor - Outdoor - Test methods EN 62217:2006
Insulator - Radio interference - HV - Test EN 60437:1997
Insulator - Railway application - Fixed installation - Traction - Composite insulator EN 50151:2003
Insulator - String insulator unit - Ball and socket coupling - Dimensions HD 474 S1:1986
Insulator unit - String insulator - Coupling - Locking device EN 60372:2004
Integral - Environmental testing - Test U - Termination robustness - Mounting device EN 60068-2-21:2006
Integral design - Machine - Rotating - Protection - Classification EN 60034-5:2001
Integral robotic - Information technology - Safety - Robotic - Large equipment EN 60950-23:2006
Integrate shielding function - Connector - Cable-to-board connector - Printed board EN 61076-4-108:2002
Integrated - Alarm system - Combined CLC/TS 50398:2009
Integrated - Amplifier - Operational CECC 90 202:1989
Integrated - Circuit - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission - Coupling EN 61967-4:2002
Integrated - Circuit - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission - Faraday cage EN 61967-5:2003
Integrated - Circuit - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission - Magnetic probe EN 61967-6:2002
Integrated - Circuit - Electromagnetic emission - Measurement - Definition EN 61967-1:2002
Integrated - Circuit - Electromagnetic emission - Radiated emission - TEM-cell EN 61967-2:2005
Integrated - Circuit - Semiconductor - Microwave - Amplifier EN 60747-16-1:2002
Integrated - Circuit - Semiconductor - Microwave - Frequency converter EN 60747-16-3:2002
Integrated - Circuit - Semiconductor - Monolithic - Microwave EN 60747-16-10:2004
Integrated - Circuit - Semiconductor - Switch - Microwave EN 60747-16-4:2004
Integrated - Circuit - Switching circuit - Analogue CECC 90 203:1985
Integrated - Comparator - Voltage comparator CECC 90 302:1985
Integrated - Regulator - Voltage regulator CECC 90 201:1988
Integrated bridge system (IBS) - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Test method EN 61209:1999
Integrated circuit - Circuit - Analogue - Monolithic CECC 90 200:1987
Integrated circuit - Circuit - ASICs - Microelectronic - TAS CECC 290 001:1997
Integrated circuit - Circuit - C MOS - Digital - Series 4000 B and 4000 UB CECC 90 104:1990
Integrated circuit - Circuit - Gate array - Digital CECC 90 115:1993
Integrated circuit - Circuit - Hybrid intergrated circuit EN 163100:1991
Integrated circuit - Circuit - Hybrid intergrated circuit EN 163101:1991
Integrated circuit - Circuit - Manufacturing line - Approval application guideline EN 61943:1999
Integrated circuit - Circuit - Monolithic CECC 90 300:1994
Integrated circuit - Circuit - Silicon monolithic - Memory - Read only CECC 90 105:1986
Integrated circuit - Circuit - TAS CECC 265 001:1998
Integrated circuit - Connector - Printed board - Socket - Test EN 60603-12:1998
Integrated circuit - Delay calculation - Power calculation EN 61523-1:2002
Integrated circuit - Digital integrated circuit - AC MOS EN 190116:1993
Integrated circuit - Digital integrated TTL circuit EN 190101:1994
Integrated circuit - Digital microprocessor EN 190110:1994
Integrated circuit - Digital monolithic integrated circuit EN 190100:1993
Integrated circuit - Film and hybrid integrated circuit EN 165000-5:1997
Integrated circuit - Film and hybrid integrated circuit - Customer information EN 165000-4:1996
Integrated circuit - Film and hybrid integrated circuit - Self-audit checklist EN 165000-3:1996
Integrated circuit - Film and hybrid integrated circuit - Test EN 165000-2:1996
Integrated circuit - Hybrid integrated circuit - Capability EN 165000-1:1996
Integrated circuit - Immunity - Electromagnetic EN 62132-1:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Integrated circuit - Immunity - Electromagnetic - Bulk Current Injection - BCI EN 62132-3:2007
Integrated circuit - Immunity - Electromagnetic - Power injection method EN 62132-4:2006
Integrated circuit - Memory device - Pin configuration EN 61964:1999
Integrated circuit - Monolithic integrated circuit EN 190000:1995
Integrated circuit - TTL FAST digital integrated circuit EN 190107:1994
Integrated circuit - TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit EN 190102:1994
Integrated circuit - TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit EN 190108:1994
Integrated circuit - TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit - Low power EN 190103:1994
Integrated circuit - TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit - Low power EN 190106:1994
Integrated circuits - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Mechanical standardization EN 60191-3:1999
Integrated components - Substation - High voltage - Prefabricated EN 50532:2010
Integrated system - Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Testing EN 61924:2006
Integrated total - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Power system EN 60870-5-102:1996
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile EN 62453-301:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile EN 62453-302:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile EN 62453-303-1:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile EN 62453-303-2:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile EN 62453-306:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile EN 62453-309:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile EN 62453-315:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile CLC/TR 62453-501:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile CLC/TR 62453-502:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile CLC/TR 62453-503-1:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile CLC/TR 62453-503-2:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile CLC/TR 62453-506:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile CLC/TR 62453-509:2009
Integration - Field - Tool - Interface - Communication profile CLC/TR 62453-515:2009
Integration profile - Field - Tool - Interface - Object model CLC/TR 62453-41:2009
Integrity level - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-5:2001
Integrity level - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-5:2010
Integrity level - Safety - Process industry - Functional safety EN 61511-3:2004
Intelligent - Valve positioner - Pneumatic output - Industrial-process - Performance EN 61514-2:2004
Intelligent transmitter - Transmitter - Industrial-process EN 60770-3:2006
Intelligibility - Sound - Speech - Transmission EN 60268-16:2011
Intelligibility - Sound system equipment - Speech transmission index EN 60268-16:2003
Intensity - Fibre - Optic - Noise - Detection EN 62150-4:2010
Intensity - Measurement - Beam angle - Reflector - Lamp EN 61341:2011
Intensity - Reliability - Failure - Rate - Compliance test EN 61124:2006
Inter-connectivity - Multimedia - Communication - Heterogeneous network EN 62295:2009
Inter-metal - Time dependent - Dielectric - Breakdown - Layer EN 62374-1:2010
Interactive - Terrestrial - T-DMB - Data - BIFS EN 62516-2:2011
Interactive services - Cable - Network - Television signal - Sound signal EN 60728-1:2008
Interchange - Graphical symbol - Computer sensible form - Reference library EN 81714-2:2007
Interchange - Identification - Unambiguous - Information EN 62507-1:2011
Interchange format - Multimedia - e-publishing - e-book - e-dictionaries EN 62605:2011
Interchange system - Disc - Compact disc - Video EN 62107:2001
Interchangeability - Fuel cell - Micro - Power systems - Cartridge EN 62282-6-300:2009
Intercommunication - Railway - Rolling stock - Data dictionary CLC/TR 50501-1:2007
Interconnecting - Fibre - Optic - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-086-2:2009
Interconnecting - Fibre - Optic - Closure EN 62134-1:2009
Interconnecting - Fibre - Optic - Closure - Subterranean EN 61753-111-9:2010
Interconnecting - Fibre - Optic - Non-connectorized - Branching device EN 61753-031-3:2009
Interconnecting - Fibre - Optic - Sealed closure - Aerial EN 61753-111-7:2010
Interconnecting - Fibre - Optic - Sealed closure - Ground EN 61753-111-8:2010
Interconnecting - Fibre - Optic - Tensile strength - Coupling mechanism EN 61300-2-6:2011
Interconnecting - Fibre - Optic - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-131-3:2011
Interconnecting - Fibre optic - Ferrule - Compression force - Measurement EN 61300-3-22:2011
Interconnecting - Optic - Fibre optic - WDM devices EN 62074-1:2009
Interconnecting device - Fibre - Optic - Fan-outs EN 61314-1:2009
Interconnecting device - Fibre - Optic - Guide Pin, MT Ferrules EN 61300-3-46:2011
Interconnecting device - Fibre - Optic - Mode Transfer - Measurement EN 61300-3-43:2009
Interconnecting device - Fibre - Optic - Passive component - Torsion EN 61300-2-5:2011
Interconnecting device - Fibre - Optic - Temperature-humidity EN 61300-2-48:2009
Interconnecting device - Fibre - Optic - Vibration - Sinusoidal EN 61300-2-1:2009
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Alignment sleeve - Resilient - Adaptor EN 61300-3-42:2008
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Ambient light susceptibility - Measurement EN 61300-3-8:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Angle-polished ferrule - Endface angle - Measurement EN 61300-3-17:1999
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Axial compression - Test EN 61300-2-11:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Bending moment - Test EN 61300-2-7:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Branching device - Directivity EN 61300-3-20:2001
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Ceramic - Screen testing - Measurement EN 61300-2-24:2010
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Closure - Assembly and disassembly - Test EN 61300-2-33:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Concentricity of the ferrule - Measurement EN 61300-3-25:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Connector - Attenuation - single-mode EN 61300-2-41:1998
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Connector - Screen testing - Return loss EN 61300-2-43:1999
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Connector - Single-mode fibre - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-2-1:2000
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Connector - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-021-6:2008
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Connector installation - Testing EN 61300-2-49:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Convex polished ferrule endface - Dome eccentricity EN 61300-3-15:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Crush resistance - Test EN 61300-2-10:1997
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Alphabetical Index

Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Durability test - Water immersion - Test EN 61300-2-45:1999
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Dust - Laminar flow - Test EN 61300-2-27:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Engagement and separation force - Measurement EN 61300-3-11:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Extinction ratio - Pigtailed connector - Measurement EN 61300-3-40:1998
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Ferrule compression force - Measurement EN 61300-3-22:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Ferrule endface - Measurement EN 61300-3-23:1998
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Fibre optic switch - Measurement EN 61300-3-13:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Flammability - Fire hazard - Test EN 61300-2-36:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Gauge retention force - Measurement EN 61300-3-10:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Industrial atmosphere - Sulphur dioxide - Test EN 61300-2-28:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Interface - Non-dispersion shifted fibre EN 61755-1:2006
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Keying accuracy - Angled endface connector - Measurement EN 61300-3-18:2006
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Keying accuracy - Optical connector - Polarization maintaining fibre EN 61300-3-24:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Measurement - Thermal shock - Testing EN 61300-2-47:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Measurement - Thermal shock - Testing EN 61300-2-47:2010
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Multiway connector plug - Measurement EN 61300-3-27:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Optical components - Life stress modeling - Reliability EN 62005-7:2004
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Optical components - Screening - Reliability EN 62005-4:1999
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Acceleration - Test EN 61300-2-13:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Angular misalignment - Measurement EN 61300-3-26:2002
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Attenuation - Measurement EN 61300-3-4:2001
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Attenuation - Return loss EN 61300-3-7:2001
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Attenuation - Wavelength dependence EN 61300-3-5:2001
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Attenuator - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-053-3:2004
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Bump - Test EN 61300-2-8:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Cable bending - Closure EN 61300-2-37:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Cable nutation - Test EN 61300-2-35:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Circulator - Single-mode EN 61753-092-6:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Circulator - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-091-3:2004
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Cold EN 61300-2-17:2003
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Connector EN 61300-3-30:2003
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Connector - Controlled environment EN 61753-021-2:2008
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Connector - Multimode fibre EN 61753-022-2:2003
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Connector - Static side load EN 61300-2-42:2005
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Connector ferrule - Measurement EN 61300-3-36:2000
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Connector proof test EN 61300-2-50:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Controlled environment EN 61753-083-2:2008
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Controlled environment EN 61753-084-2:2008
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Dry heat - Temperature endurance EN 61300-2-18:2005
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Far-end crosstalk - Measurement EN 61300-3-9:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Fibre management - Controled environment EN 61753-101-2:2006
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Fibre management - Interface EN 61756-1:2006
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Fibre management - Uncontroled environment EN 61753-101-3:2008
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Isolator - Pigtailed EN 61753-062-6:2008
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Isolator - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-061-3:2004
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Low air pressure - Test EN 61300-2-29:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Mating - Durability EN 61300-2-2:2009
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Non-pressurized closure - Test EN 61300-2-23:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Optical power - Test EN 61300-2-14:2006
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Performance EN 61753-1:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Power ratio EN 61300-3-31:2003
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Retention - Test EN 61300-2-4:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Salt mist - Test EN 61300-2-26:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Screen testing - Optical connector EN 61300-2-40:2000
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Shock - Test EN 61300-2-9:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Single-mode - Measurement EN 61300-3-19:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Strain relief - Flexing EN 61300-2-44:2005
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Switching time - Bounce time EN 61300-3-21:1998
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Temperature change - Test EN 61300-2-22:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Tensile load - Transmission EN 61300-2-51:2007
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Torsion/twist - Test EN 61300-2-5:2002
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Visual examination EN 61300-3-1:2005
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive component - Water vapour permeation - Test EN 61300-2-32:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Passive components - Damp heat EN 61300-2-46:2006
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - PC optical connector - Plug selection - Measurement EN 61300-3-39:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Reliability - Ageing test - Temperature EN 62005-2:2001
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Reliability - Failure - Test EN 62005-3:2001
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Reliability - Introductory guide - Definition EN 62005-1:2001
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Sealing - Closure - Test EN 61300-2-38:2006
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Single-mode - Attenuator - Pigtailed-style attenuator EN 61753-052-3:2002
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Single-mode - Attenuator - Plug-style attenuator EN 61753-051-3:2002
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Single-mode - Branching device - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-2-3:2001
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Spectral transfer function - DWDM components EN 61300-3-29:2006
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Spherically polished ferrule - Endface radius EN 61300-3-16:2003
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Tensile strength - Coupling mechanism - Test EN 61300-2-6:1997
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Transient loss - Measurement - Test EN 61300-3-28:2002
Interconnecting device - Fibre optic - Variable attenuator - Attenuation setting - Accuracy EN 61300-3-14:2007
Interconnecting structure - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Epoxide - fibreglass EN 61249-2-19:2002
Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Adhesive coated - Polyester film EN 61249-3-3:1999
Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Adhesive coated - Polyimide film EN 61249-3-4:1999
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Alphabetical Index

Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Cyanate ester - Aramid laminate - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-13:1999
Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Epoxide - Aramid laminate - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-12:1999
Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Transfer adhesive film EN 61249-3-5:1999
Interconnection - Alarm system - Social alarm system - Communication EN 50134-5:2004
Interconnection - Audio - Sound system component - Connector HD 483.11 S3:1993
Interconnection - Audio - Video - Television - ENG camera and portable VTR EN 60933-3:1992
Interconnection - Cable - Cord set - Accessories EN 60799:1998
Interconnection - Connector - Fibre optic - Singlemode - Ferrule EN 61753-121-2:2010
Interconnection - Epoxide - Woven E-glass - Flammability - Lead-free EN 61249-2-36:2009
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Attenuation - Return loss EN 61300-3-3:2009
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-086-6:2011
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-087-2:2011
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Circulator EN 62077:2010
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Filter EN 61977:2010
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Measurement - Guidance EN 61300-1:2011
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Multi-fibre - Connector EN 61300-3-45:2011
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Polarization - Loss EN 61300-3-2:2009
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Random mated - Connector EN 61300-3-34:2009
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Temperature - Humidity EN 61300-2-21:2010
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Titanium EN 61755-3-7:2009
Interconnection - Fibre - Optic - Titanium EN 61755-3-8:2009
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Chromatic - Dispersion - Compensator EN 61753-141-2:2011
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Closure - Interface standard EN 61758-1:2008
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Ferrule - Withdrawal force EN 61300-3-33:1999
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Flexing - Strain relief EN 61300-2-44:2008
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Interface - MPO connector EN 61754-7:2008
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Passive - Chromatic - Dispersion compensator EN 61978-1:2010
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Passive component - Impact EN 61300-2-12:2009
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Passive component - Non-pressurized - Closure EN 61300-2-23:2011
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Shock - Test EN 61300-2-9:2010
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Solvent - Contamination - Fluid EN 61300-2-34:2009
Interconnection - Fibre optic - Torque strength - Coupling mechanism EN 61300-2-15:2008
Interconnection - Network - Safety - Television - Cable EN 60728-11:2010
Interconnection - Network - Safety aspect EN 60728-11:2005
Interconnection - Optic - Fibre - Isolator EN 61202-1:2009
Interconnection - Optic - Fibre - Measurement - Return loss EN 61300-3-6:2009
Interconnection - Optic - Fibre - Splice - Protector EN 61073-1:2009
Interconnection - Peritelevision - Connector EN 50049-1:1997
Interconnection - Printed board EN 61189-3:2008
Interconnection - Printed board - Prepreg - Non-halogenated - Lead-free EN 61249-4-17:2009
Interconnection - Printed board - Prepreg - Unclad - Lead-free EN 61249-4-15:2009
Interconnection - Printed board - Prepreg - Unclad - Non-halogenated EN 61249-4-16:2009
Interconnection - Radiocommunications - Transmitter HD 577 S1:1990
Interconnection - Road vehicle - Mini-coupler EN 50066:1992
Interconnection - Satellite receiving equipment - Europe EN 61319-1:1996
Interconnection coupler - Coupler - Household appliances EN 60320-2-2:1998
Interconnection device - Connector - Multi-directional mating - Battery - Rechargeable battery EN 60130-17:1999
Interconnection requirement - Domestic equipment - EN 50157-1:1998
Interconnection requirement - Domestic equipment - - Basic system EN 50157-2-2:1998
Interconnection requirement - Domestic equipment - - System oriented application EN 50157-2-3:1998
Interconnection structure - Conductive foil and film - Conductive ink EN 61249-5-4:1996
Interconnection structure - Conductive foil and film - Copper foil EN 61249-5-1:1996
Interconnection structure - Non-conductive film - Coating - Marking legend ink EN 61249-8-7:1996
Interconnection structure - Non-conductive film - Coating - Polymer coating EN 61249-8-8:1997
Interconnection structure - Non-halogenated - Epoxice woven E-glass - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-22:2005
Interconnection structure - Printed board - Electronic assemblies - Test EN 61189-6:2006
Interconnection structure - Printed board - Material - Test EN 61189-2:2006
Interconnection structure - Printed board - Test EN 61189-1:1997
Interconnection structure - Printed board - Test EN 61189-5:2006
Interconnection structure - Restraining core materials - Copper EN 61249-7-1:1995
Interconnexion - Connector - Fibre optic - Cord - Ferrule EN 61753-121-3:2010
Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-35:2009
Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-37:2009
Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-38:2009
Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-41:2010
Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad - Lead-free EN 61249-2-42:2010
Interface - Accessibility - Low-voltage - Standard writer CLC Guide 28:2006
Interface - Audio/video - Digital - Plastic optical fibre - Consumer EN 62300:2005
Interface - Common control EN 62379-1:2007
Interface - Communication technology - Information technology - Network - Safety CLC/TR 62102:2005
Interface - Communication technology - Information technology - Network - Safety CLC/TR 62102:2006
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic EN 61754-1:1997
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - F-SMA connector family EN 61754-22:2005
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type BFOC/2,5 connector EN 61754-2:1997
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type CF08 connector EN 61754-8:1997
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type DS connector EN 61754-9:2001
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type FC-PC connector EN 61754-13:2006
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type FS connector EN 61754-12:1999
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type LC connector EN 61754-20:2002
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type LSA connector EN 61754-3:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type LX.5 connector EN 61754-23:2005
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type Mini-MPO connector EN 61754-10:2005
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type MT connector EN 61754-5:2005
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type MT-RJ connector EN 61754-18:2002
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type MU connector EN 61754-6:1997
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type PN connector EN 61754-16:2000
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type SC connector EN 61754-4:1997
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type SC connector - Simplified receptacle SC-PC EN 61754-4-1:2003
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type SG connector EN 61754-19:2002
Interface - Connector - Fibre optic - Type SMI connector - Plastic optical fibre EN 61754-21:2005
Interface - Control - Network - Digital - Audio EN 62379-2:2009
Interface - Digital - Addressable - Lighting EN 62386-101:2009
Interface - Digital - Audio EN 60958-1:2008
Interface - Digital - Lighting - Control - Gear EN 62386-102:2009
Interface - Digital - Lighting - Control gear - Discharge lamp EN 62386-203:2009
Interface - Digital - Lighting - Control gear - Halogen lamp EN 62386-204:2009
Interface - Distribution - Meter reading EN 61968-9:2009
Interface - Distribution management - CIM RDF model exchange format EN 61968-13:2008
Interface - Distribution management - Interface architecture EN 61968-1:2004
Interface - Distribution management - Interface standard - Network operation EN 61968-3:2004
Interface - Distribution management - Record management - Asset management EN 61968-4:2007
Interface - DVB-IRD EN 50201:2001
Interface - Energy - EMS-API - CIM XML - Model Data Exchange EN 61970-501:2006
Interface - Energy - EMS-API - Common information model - CIM EN 61970-301:2004
Interface - Energy - EMS-API - Glossary CLC/TS 61970-2:2005
Interface - Energy - EMS-API - Guidelines EN 61970-1:2006
Interface - Energy management - EMS-API - Common services EN 61970-402:2008
Interface - Energy management - EMS-API - Data access EN 61970-403:2008
Interface - Energy management - EMS-API - Eventing - Subscription EN 61970-405:2007
Interface - Energy management - EMS-API - High speed - Data access EN 61970-404:2007
Interface - Energy management - EMS-API - Time series - Data access EN 61970-407:2007
Interface - Fibre - Optic - Connector - LSH EN 61754-15:2009
Interface - Fibre - Optic - Connector - SC-RJ EN 61754-24:2010
Interface - Fibre - Optic - Connector - SC-RJ EN 61754-24-11:2009
Interface - Fibre - Optic - Connector - SC-RJ EN 61754-24-21:2009
Interface - Fibre - Optic - Package - 14-pin EN 62148-11:2009
Interface - Fibre optic - Connector - Type RAO connector EN 61754-25:2009
Interface - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Non-dispersion shifted fibre EN 61755-1:2006
Interface - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Fibre management EN 61756-1:2006
Interface - Fibre optic - Interconnection - MPO connector EN 61754-7:2008
Interface - Field - Tool EN 62453-2:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-301:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-302:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-303-1:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-303-2:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-306:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-309:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-315:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-501:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-502:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-503-1:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-503-2:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-506:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-509:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-515:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - DTM - Styleguide CLC/TR 62453-61:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - FDT EN 62453-1:2009
Interface - Field - Tool - Object model - Integration profile CLC/TR 62453-41:2009
Interface - HBES - Medium - Twisted Pair CLC/TR 50552:2010
Interface - Home and Building Electronic System - Twisted pair - Class 1 R205-010:1996
Interface - Loudspeaker - Digital input - Input signal - IEC 60958 EN 62537:2010
Interface - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Actuating - Marking - Identification EN 60447:2004
Interface - Mobile - Portable - DVB-T/H radio EN 62002-1:2008
Interface - Optical - Amplifier - Command set EN 61291-6-1:2008
Interface - Plasma - Display - Panel EN 61988-3-2:2009
Interface - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Profile EN 61800-7-1:2008
Interface - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Profile EN 61800-7-201:2008
Interface - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Profile - Mapping EN 61800-7-301:2008
Interface - Railway - Rolling stock - Pantograph CLC/TS 50206-3:2010
Interface - Telecontrol equipment HD 546.3 S1:1991
Interface - Video - Digital - DTV profile - Uncompressed EN 62315-1:2003
Interface architecture - Interface - Distribution management EN 61968-1:2004
Interface class - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control EN 62056-62:2007
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Module EN 62148-5:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transceiver EN 62148-2:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transceiver EN 62148-3:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transceiver EN 62148-4:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transceiver EN 62148-6:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transceiver EN 62148-7:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transceiver EN 62148-8:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transceiver EN 62148-9:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transceiver EN 62148-10:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transmitter EN 62148-11:2003
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Transmitter EN 62148-12:2004
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Closure EN 61758-1:2008
Interface standard - Fibre optic - Package standard - Guidance EN 62148-1:2002
Interface standard - Interface - Distribution management - Network operation EN 61968-3:2004
Interface standard - Transmitter - Broadcasting - Standardization EN 60864-2:1997
Interfacial sealing - Connector - Electronic equipment - Sealing EN 60512-14-6:2006
Interference - Filter - Passive - Electromagnetic - Suppression EN 60939-1:2010
Interference suppression - Magnetic oxide ring core - Transformer applications EN 125500:1996
Interferometer - Optical - Calibration - Wavelength - Michelson EN 62129-2:2011
Interlayer connection - Printed board - Rigid multilayer printed board EN 62326-4:1997
Interlayer connection - Printed board - Rigid multilayer printed board - Performance EN 62326-4-1:1997
Interlock - Alcohol - Test - Performance CLC/TR 50436-3:2010
Interlock - Alcohol - Test - Performance - Drink-driving-offender EN 50436-1:2005
Interlock - Alcohol - Test - Performance - Preventive use EN 50436-2:2007
Interlock - Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet - Coupler - Connector EN 60309-4:2007
Intermediate - Electrostatics - Container - Bulk container - Flexible EN 61340-4-4:2005
Intermodulation level - Connector - Radio-frequency - Cable - Measurement EN 62037:1999
Intermodulation product - Gyromagnetic device - Measurement EN 61843:1997
Intermodulation product - Waveguide - Measurement method EN 61580-2:1996
Internal combustion - Engine - Radio disturbance - Vehicle - Boat EN 55012:2007
Internal combustion - Generating set - Engine driven - Uninterruptible - Power system EN 88528-11:2004
Internal fuse - Capacitor - Series capacitor - Power system EN 60143-3:1998
Internal fuse - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - AC EN 60871-4:1996
Internal fuse - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Non-self-healing type - AC EN 60931-3:1996
Internal gas-pressure cable - Cable - Alternating voltage - Test HD 634 S1:1997
Internal wiring (t = 110C) - Cable - Rubber insulated - Heat-resistance HD 22.7 S2:1995
Internal wiring (t = 90C) - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable HD 21.7 S2:1996
International - Lamp - Coding system - ILCOS EN 61231:2010
International recycling symbol - Battery - Secondary cell EN 61429:1996
Internet - Protocol - Transport - Stream EN 62455:2011
Interoperability - Digital - Living network alliance - Home networked - Link protection EN 62481-3:2011
Interoperability - Framework - Home - IFRS CWA 50560:2010
Interoperability - Language - Behavioural language - VHDL - Multilogic system EN 61691-2:2001
Interoperability - Power supply - EPS - Mobile - Telephone EN 62684:2010
Interoperability - Process control - Function block - EDD CLC/TR 61804-4:2007
Interoperability - Railway application - Rolling stock - Power supply - Substation EN 50388:2005
Interpretation - CENELEC standard CLC Guide 26:2002
Interpretation - Household - Safety - CLC/TC 61 CLC/TR 50417:2010
Interrelation - Regulations - Standards - Ways of application - Harmonization CLC Guide 3:2001
Interruption - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Voltage dip - Test EN 61000-4-11:2004
Interruption - Index CLC/TR 50555:2010
Interruption - Relay - Protection - Voltage dip - Ripple EN 60255-11:2010
Interventional - Medical - X ray EN 60601-2-43:2010
Interventional procedure - Medical equipment - X-ray - Safety EN 60601-2-43:2000
Interworking - Household EN 50523-1:2009
Interworking - Household EN 50523-2:2009
Interworking model - Home and Building Electronic System - HBES - data type EN 50090-3-3:2009
Intraconnection - Optical fibre - Single-mode EN 60793-2-60:2008
Intrinsic safety i - Explosive - Gas atmosphere EN 60079-11:2007
Intrinsic safety system - Explosive atmosphere - Gas EN 60079-25:2004
Intrinsically - Explosive - Atmosphere - Safe EN 60079-25:2010
Intrinsically safe - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - iD apparatus EN 61241-11:2006
Intrinsically safe - Explosive atmosphere - Fieldbus - FISCO EN 60079-27:2008
Introduction - Environmental conditions - Classification - Parameter EN 60721-3-0:1993
Introductory guide - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Definition EN 62005-1:2001
Intruder - Alarm - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Fire EN 50130-4:2011
Intruder - Alarm system - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Fire component EN 50130-4:1995
Intrusion system - Alarm system EN 50131-1:2006
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Control - Indicator CLC/TS 50131-3:2003
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Control - Indicator EN 50131-3:2009
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Detector - Acoustic CLC/TS 50131-2-7-1:2009
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Detector - Active CLC/TS 50131-2-7-3:2009
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Detector - Infrared - Passive EN 50131-2-2:2008
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Detector - Microwave EN 50131-2-3:2008
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Detector - Microwave - Infrared EN 50131-2-4:2008
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Detector - Opening contact - Magnetic EN 50131-2-6:2008
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Detector - Passive CLC/TS 50131-2-7-2:2009
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Detector - PIR/Ultrasonic EN 50131-2-5:2008
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Guidelines CLC/TS 50131-7:2008
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Power supply EN 50131-6:1997
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Power supply EN 50131-6:2008
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Radio frequency EN 50131-5-3:2005
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Security - Fog device EN 50131-8:2009
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Warning device CLC/TS 50131-4:2006
Intrusion system - Alarm system - Warning device EN 50131-4:2009
Invention - Common - IPR Policy - Patent - Property rights CEN/CLC Guide 8:2010
Inventory - Decontamination - Disposal - Insulating liquid - PCB CLC/TR 50503:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation - Cable - Telecommunication - Pulse/step return loss EN 62153-1-1:2004
Inverted type - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 60603-10:1998
Inverter - Grid connected - Photovoltaic system EN 50530:2010
Inverter - Photovoltaic - Utility-interconnected - Prevention - Islanding EN 62116:2011
Inverter-fed motor - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Motor - AC EN 61377-1:2006
Invertor - Lamp - Controlgear - Convertor - Discharge lamp EN 61347-2-10:2001
Iodine monitor - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent EN 60761-4:2004
Ion - Mobile - Semiconductor - Metal-oxide - Transistor EN 62417:2010
Ionic impurities - Insulating materials - Determination HD 381 S1:1979
Ionization - Insulating liquid - Gassing HD 488 S1:1987
Ionization - Laboratory equipment - Spectrometer - Atomization - Thermal EN 61010-2-061:2003
Ionization chamber - Medical - Dosimeter - Radiotherapy EN 60731:1997
Ionization chamber - Medical - Dosimeter - X-ray diagnostic - Imaging EN 61674:1997
Ionizing radiation - Insulating materials - Ageing in service EN 60544-5:2003
Ionizing radiation - Insulating materials - Classification - Radiation environment EN 60544-4:2003
Ionizing radiation - Insulating materials - Dosimetry EN 60544-1:1994
Ionizing radiation - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-18:2003
IP code - Protection by enclosures EN 60529:1991
IP gateway - Cable - Television signal - Sound signal - Headend CLC/TR 50083-5-1:2009
IPR Policy - Common - Patent - Property rights - Invention CEN/CLC Guide 8:2010
Iron - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-3:2002
Iron - Household use - Measurement - Performance EN 60311:2003
Iron - Magnetic materials - DC magnetic properties - Steel - Measurement EN 60404-4:1997
Iron method - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Wetting EN 60512-12-2:2006
Iron method - Connector - Electronic equipment - Soldering heat - Test EN 60512-12-5:2006
Ironer - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-44:2002
Irradiance - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Temperature EN 60891:1994
Irradiance - Photovoltaic - Performance - Energy rating - Temperature EN 61853-1:2011
Irradiance - Photovoltaic - Temperature EN 60891:2010
Irradiation - Optical fibre - Gamma irradiation - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-54:2003
Irregularity - Ferrite - Core - Planar-core EN 60424-5:2009
ISDN basic access - Information technology - Cabling EN 50098-1:1998
ISDN primary access - Information technology - Cabling EN 50098-2:1996
Islanding - Inverter - Photovoltaic - Utility-interconnected - Prevention EN 62116:2011
ISM - Electromagnetic compatibility - Radio frequency equipment - Disturbance EN 55011:2007
ISM - Electromagnetic compatibility - Radio frequency equipment - Disturbance EN 55011:2009
ISO 11898 (CAN) - Communication - Controller-device - Industrial EN 50325-1:2002
ISO 11898 (CAN) - Communication - Controller-device - Industrial - CANopen EN 50325-4:2002
ISO 11898 (CAN) - Communication - Controller-device - Industrial - DeviceNet EN 50325-2:2000
ISO 13849-1 - Design - Safety-related - Control - Machinery CLC/TR 62061-1:2010
ISO standard - Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-701:1998
ISO standard - Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 EN 60870-6-503:2002
ISO standard - Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 EN 60870-6-702:1998
ISO standard - Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 Object model EN 60870-6-802:2002
ISO/IEC 8802-3 - Communication - Network - Substation - SCSM EN 61850-9-2:2004
Isolated power - Semiconductor - Discrete EN 60747-15:2004
Isolating switch - Switch - Household installation - Fixed-electrical installation EN 60669-2-4:2005
Isolating transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Medical location - Safety EN 61558-2-15:2001
Isolating transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-4:1997
Isolating transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-6:1997
Isolation - Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Switching HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
Isolation - Lightning - Protection component - Gap - Spark gap EN 50164-3:2006
Isolation - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply EN 61558-2-4:2009
Isolation - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply - Safety EN 61558-2-6:2009
Isolation and switching - Building - Electrical installation - Safety HD 384.4.46 S2:2001
Isolator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Pigtailed EN 61753-062-6:2008
Isolator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-061-3:2004
Isolator - Optic - Interconnection - Fibre EN 61202-1:2009
IT - Risk management - Network - Medical EN 80001-1:2011
IT system - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Insulation EN 61557-8:2007
IT system - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Insulation fault location EN 61557-9:1999
IT system - Distribution system - Protective measure - Insulation fault EN 61557-9:2009
IT system - Distribution system - Protective measure - Residual current - Monitor EN 61557-11:2009
ITU-R BT.601 - Consumer - Audio/video - Digital interface - Transmission EN 61883-8:2009
ITU-T recommendations - Telecontrol - Protocol - Basic standard EN 60870-6-2:1995
ITU-T recommendations - Telecontrol - Protocol - Connection-Oriented Transport Service EN 60870-6-601:1995
ITU-T recommendations - Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-701:1998
ITU-T recommendations - Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - TASE.2 EN 60870-6-503:2002
ITU-T recommendations - Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - TASE.2 EN 60870-6-702:1998
ITU-T recommendations - Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - TASE.2 Object model EN 60870-6-802:2002
ITU-T recommendations - Telecontrol - Protocol - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-501:1996
ITU-T recommendations - Telecontrol - Protocol - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-502:1996


J Leads components - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint EN 61188-5-4:2007
J-lead (SOJ) - Semiconductor - Outline - Drawing - Package EN 60191-6-20:2010
Jack - Connector - Circular - Electronic equipment - Plug EN 61076-2-102:2002
Jig saw - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Saw - Sabre saw EN 60745-2-11:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Jitter - Electronic equipment - Connector - Eye pattern EN 60512-25-6:2004
Jitter - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system EN 61280-2-5:1998
Jitter - Optic - Communication - Digital - Wander EN 61280-2-3:2009
Jitter - Oscillator - Quartz crystal - SAW - Measurement EN 60679-6:2011
Jointer - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety EN 60745-2-19:2009
Joints - Printed board - Void - BGA - LGA EN 61191-6:2010
Jones matrix - Optical - Amplifier - Polarization - Dispersion EN 61290-11-1:2008
Junction - PV - Box EN 50548:2011
junction boxes - transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers -
junctions - electric cables - high voltage - low voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
junctions - transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers - electric
cables - junction boxes - high voltage - low voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007


Karl Fischer titration - Insulating liquid - Oil-impregnated - Pressboard EN 60814:1997
Key performance criteria - Projector - Electronic projection - Fixed resolution EN 61947-1:2002
Key performance criteria - Projector - Electronic projection - Variable resolution EN 61947-2:2002
Key-length-value - Metadata - Television - Encoding protocol EN 62261-2:2006
Keying - Electronic equipment - Structure - Alignment pin EN 60297-3-103:2004
Keying accuracy - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Angled endface connector - Measurement EN 61300-3-18:2006
Keying accuracy - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Optical connector - Polarization maintaining fibre EN 61300-3-24:2007
Keying method - Connector - Electronic equipment - Polarizing method EN 60512-13-5:2006
Kinematic viscosity - Mineral insulating oil - Very low temperature EN 61868:1999
Kitchen machine - Household appliances - Commercial - Safety EN 60335-2-64:2000
Kitchen machine - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-14:2006


Label - Package label - Electronic component - Bar code - Symbology EN 62090:2003
Label - Warning - laser - Wording CLC/TR 50493:2007
Labelling - Industrial - Cable - Core EN 62491:2008
Laboratory - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Performance EN 50289-1-15:2004
Laboratory - Measurement - Control - Safety EN 61010-1:2010
Laboratory - Testing laboratory - Calibration laboratory - Competence EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Laboratory AC resistor - Resistor EN 60477-2:1997
Laboratory DC resistor - Resistor EN 60477:1997
Laboratory equipment - Analysis - Safety EN 61010-2-081:2002
Laboratory equipment - Centrifuge - Safety - Measurement - Control EN 61010-2-020:2006
Laboratory equipment - Current sensor - Hand-held - Measurement - Safety EN 61010-2-032:2002
Laboratory equipment - Heating of materials - Safety - Measurment - Control EN 61010-2-010:2003
Laboratory equipment - Measurement - Control - Safety EN 61010-1:2001
Laboratory equipment - Measurement - Control - Safety - Testing circuit EN 61010-2-030:2010
Laboratory equipment - Mechanical mixing - Stirring - Safety EN 61010-2-051:2003
Laboratory equipment - Medical equipment - In vitro diagnostic - Measurement - Safety EN 61010-2-101:2002
Laboratory equipment - Probe assemblies - Hand-held - Safety EN 61010-031:2002
Laboratory equipment - Spectrometer - Atomization - Ionization - Thermal EN 61010-2-061:2003
Laboratory equipment - Sterilizer - Disinfector - Washer-disinfector - Safety EN 61010-2-040:2005
Laboratory measurement - Industrial process - Noise - Aerodynamic flow - Control valve EN 60534-8-1:2005
Laboratory standard microphone - Microphone - Measurement EN 61094-1:2000
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement EN 61326-1:2006
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement - Communication EN 61326-2-5:2006
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement - Immunity EN 61326-3-1:2008
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement - In-vitro diagnostic EN 61326-2-6:2006
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement - Insulation EN 61326-2-4:2006
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement - Portable test EN 61326-2-2:2006
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement - Sensitive test EN 61326-2-1:2006
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement - Transducer EN 61326-2-3:2006
Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Immunity - Safety related EN 61326-3-2:2008
Ladder - Cable - Tray EN 61537:2007
Ladder - Insulating - Low voltage EN 50528:2010
Ladder - Live working - Insulating material EN 61478:2001
Laminar flow - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Dust - Test EN 61300-2-27:1997
Laminated - Pressboard EN 60763-1:2011
Laminated - Pressboard - Precompressed - LB 3.1A.1 - LB 3.1A.2 EN 60763-3-1:2011
Laminated core - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Coil former EN 61797-1:1996
Laminated core package - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61021-1:1997
Laminated precompressed board - Pressboard - Laminated pressboard - Type LB EN 60763-3-1:1996
Laminated pressboard - Pressboard EN 60763-1:1996
Laminated pressboard - Pressboard - Laminated precompressed board - Type LB EN 60763-3-1:1996
Laminated pressboard - Pressboard - Test EN 60763-2:2007
Laminated wood - Wood - Non-impregnated - Densified EN 61061-1:2006
Laminated wood - Wood - Non-impregnated - Densified - Beech veneer EN 61061-3-1:1998
Laminated wood - Wood - Non-impregnated - Densified - Beech veneer EN 61061-3-2:2001
Laminated wood - Wood - Non-impregnated - Densified - Test method EN 61061-2:2001
Lamination - Transformer - Inductor EN 60740-1:2005
Lamp - Ballast - Discharge lamp - Auxilliaries EN 60923:2005
Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Discharge lamp EN 61347-2-9:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast - Aircraft lighting EN 61347-2-6:2001
Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast - Emergency lighting EN 61347-2-7:2006
Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast - Fluorescent lamp EN 61347-2-3:2001
Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast - General lighting EN 61347-2-4:2001
Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast - Public transport lighting EN 61347-2-5:2001
Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Fluorescent lamp EN 61347-2-8:2001
Lamp - Controlgear - Convertor - Step-down convertor - Filament lamp EN 61347-2-2:2001
Lamp - Controlgear - Fluorescent EN 61347-2-3:2011
Lamp - Controlgear - Invertor - Convertor - Discharge lamp EN 61347-2-10:2001
Lamp - Controlgear - LED - Electronic controlgear EN 61347-2-13:2006
Lamp - Controlgear - Safety EN 61347-1:2008
Lamp - Controlgear - Starting device - Glow starter EN 61347-2-1:2001
Lamp - Controlgear - Tubular - Fluorescent EN 60929:2011
Lamp - Discharge lamp - Electronic ballast EN 61347-2-12:2005
Lamp - Fluorescent - Induction - Safety EN 62532:2011
Lamp - High-pressure - Mercury vapour lamp - Performance EN 60188:2001
Lamp - Household use - Automatic control - Tubular fluorescent - Thermal protector EN 60730-2-3:2007
Lamp - Incandescent lamp - Maximum outline EN 60630:1998
Lamp - International - Coding system - ILCOS EN 61231:2010
Lamp - Lampholder - Tubular - Fluorescent - Starterholder EN 60400:2008
Lamp - Lighting - Auxiliaries - Starting device EN 60927:1996
Lamp - Lighting - Auxiliaries - Starting device EN 60927:2007
Lamp - Lighting - Discharge lamp - Safety EN 62035:2000
Lamp - Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Tungsten filament lamp - Safety EN 60432-1:2000
Lamp - Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Tungsten halogen lamp - Safety EN 60432-3:2003
Lamp - Lighting - Road vehicle - Performance EN 60810:2003
Lamp - Lighting - Single-capped fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60901:1996
Lamp - Low pressure - Sodium vapour lamp - Performance EN 60192:2001
Lamp - Luminaire - Controlgear - Electronic circuit EN 61347-2-11:2001
Lamp - Measurement - Intensity - Beam angle - Reflector EN 61341:2011
Lamp - Metal, Halide EN 61167:2011
Lamp - Miscellaneous lamp EN 61549:2003
Lamp - Photobiological EN 62471:2008
Lamp - Railway application - Rolling stock - Fluorescent EN 50311:2003
Lamp cap - Lighting - Holder - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-1:1993
Lamp cap - Lighting - Holder - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-2:1993
Lamp cap - Lighting - Lampholder - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-3:1993
Lamp cap - Lighting - Lampholder - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-4:1992
Lamp cap - Lighting - Temperature rise - Measurement EN 60360:1998
Lampholder - Bayonet EN 61184:2008
Lampholder - Lighting - Barrel thread - Shade holder ring EN 60399:2004
Lampholder - Lighting - Edison screw lampholder EN 60238:2004
Lampholder - Lighting - Lamp cap - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-3:1993
Lampholder - Lighting - Lamp cap - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-4:1992
Lampholder - Lighting - Miscellaneous lampholder EN 60838-1:2004
Lampholder - Lighting - Miscellaneous lampholder EN 60838-2-1:1996
Lampholder - Lighting - Miscellaneous lampholders - Connector - LED module EN 60838-2-2:2006
Lampholder - Tubular - Fluorescent - Lamp - Starterholder EN 60400:2008
Lance earthing - Live working EN 61219:1993
Land grid array - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Fine-pitch EN 60191-6-12:2011
Land/joint - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment EN 61188-5-1:2002
Land/joint - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Area array component EN 61188-5-8:2008
Land/joint - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Chip carrier EN 61188-5-6:2003
Land/joint - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Discrete component EN 61188-5-2:2003
Land/joint - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Gull-wing leads EN 61188-5-3:2007
Land/joint - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Gull-wing leads EN 61188-5-5:2007
Land/joint - Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - J Leads components EN 61188-5-4:2007
Language - Batch control - Data structure - Guidelines EN 61512-2:2002
Language - Behavioural language - VHDL - Mathematical operation EN 61691-3-2:2001
Language - Behavioural language - VHDL - Multilogic system - Interoperability EN 61691-2:2001
Language - Behavioural language - VHDL - Synthesis EN 61691-3-3:2001
Language - Chart - GRAFCET - Sequential function EN 60848:2002
Language - Communication - Network - Substation - IEDs EN 61850-6:2004
Language - Communication - Network - Substation - IEDs EN 61850-6:2010
Language - Design automation - Test language - Abbreviated test language - C/ATLAS EN 61926-1:2000
Language - Process control - Function block - EDDL EN 61804-3:2007
Large - Rotating - Loss - Separate EN 60034-2-2:2010
Large - Sound - Electroactoustic - transducer - Signal parameter EN 62458:2011
Large equipment - Information technology - Safety - Robotic - Integral robotic EN 60950-23:2006
Large system - HBES - Automation - BACS - EMC requirements EN 50491-5-2:2010
Laser - Fibre - Optic - Vertical - Package EN 62148-15:2010
Laser - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Transmitter EN 61280-2-10:2005
laser - Label - Warning - Wording CLC/TR 50493:2007
Laser - Medical equipment - Diagnostic - Therapeutic - Safety EN 60601-2-22:1996
Laser - Safety - Competence level CLC/TR 50448:2005
Laser device - Fibre optic - Active component - Vertical cavity - Surface emitting EN 62149-2:2009
Laser diode - Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Transmitter EN 62149-3:2004
Laser guard - Laser product - Safety EN 60825-4:2006
Laser module - Telecommunication - Reliability EN 61751:1998
Laser product - Energy - Measurement EN 61040:1992
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Alphabetical Index

Laser product - Laser guard - Safety EN 60825-4:2006
Laser product - Optical communication - Free space - Information transmission EN 60825-12:2004
Laser product - Optical fibre - Communication system - Safety EN 60825-2:2004
Laser products - Safety - Equipment classification EN 60825-1:2007
Laser vision - Video - Videodisk - PAL EN 60856:1993
Latch-up - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-29:2003
Latch-up - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-29:2011
latching - Connector - Printed board - full shielding EN 61076-4-110:2002
LATM/LOAS - Digital - Audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded EN 61937-11:2010
Launch - Fibre - Optic - Multimode - Attenuation EN 62614:2010
Lawn aerator - Household appliances - Scarifier - Pedestrian-controlled - Safety EN 60335-2-92:2005
Lawn trimmer - Household appliances - Edge trimmer - Mains driven - Safety EN 60335-2-91:2003
Lawnmower - Household appliances - Pedestrian - Safety EN 60335-2-77:2006
Lawnmower - Pedestrian - Battery powered - Household - Safety EN 50338:2006
Lay stranded - Concentric - Overhead - Conductor - Gap EN 62420:2008
Lay stranded - Conductor - Overhead line - Round wire - Concentric EN 50182:2001
Layer - Explosive atmosphere - Dust resistivity - Test method EN 61241-2-2:1995
Layer - HBES - Home and Building - Electronic - Media EN 50090-5-3:2006
layer - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Media - Class 1 EN 50090-5-1:2005
Layer - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Media dependent - Twisted Pair EN 50090-5-2:2004
Layer - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Media independant EN 50090-4-3:2007
layer - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Media independent EN 50090-4-2:2004
Layer - Time dependent - Dielectric - Breakdown - Inter-metal EN 62374-1:2010
LB 3.1A.1 - Pressboard - Laminated - Precompressed - LB 3.1A.2 EN 60763-3-1:2011
LB 3.1A.2 - Pressboard - Laminated - Precompressed - LB 3.1A.1 EN 60763-3-1:2011
LC connector - Optic - Fibre optic - Transmitter - Receiver EN 62148-16:2009
LC-APC duxplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-7-3:2004
LC-PC duplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-7-1:2004
LC-PC duplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-7-2:2004
LC-PC simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-7-4:2011
LCD module - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Matrix colour EN 61747-2-2:2004
LCD module - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Monochrome - Matrix EN 61747-2-1:2001
LD driver - Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Transceiver EN 62149-5:2003
Lead - Cadmium - Hexavalent Chromium - Ether EN 62321:2009
Lead - Capacitor - ESL - Measuring - Terminal EN 62490-1:2010
Lead - Lead alloy - Sheath - Sleeve - Cable EN 50307:2002
Lead - Superconductivity - Power device - Current EN 61788-14:2010
Lead - Surface mounted - Piezoelectric - Frequency - Ceramic EN 61837-2:2011
Lead alloy - Lead - Sheath - Sleeve - Cable EN 50307:2002
Lead connection - Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Standard outline EN 60679-3:2001
Lead connection - Piezoelectric - Filter - Assessed quality - Standard outline EN 60368-3:2010
Lead connection - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Ceramic enclosure EN 61837-2:2000
Lead connection - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Hybrid enclosure outlines EN 61837-4:2004
Lead connection - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Metal enclosure EN 61837-3:2000
Lead connection - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Plastic moulded EN 61837-1:1999
Lead connection - Quartz - Crystal - Outline - Connection EN 60122-3:2010
Lead connection - Quartz crystal - Standard outline EN 60122-3:2001
Lead connections - Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Standard outline - Assessed quality EN 60368-3:2001
Lead-acid - Battery - Starter - Dimensions - Marking EN 50342-2:2007
Lead-acid - Battery - Starter - Test - Numbering EN 50342-1:2006
Lead-acid - Battery - Valve-regulated - Dimension - Marking EN 61056-2:2003
Lead-acid battery - Battery - Stationary - Valve regulated - Functional characteristics EN 60896-21:2004
Lead-acid battery - Battery - Stationary - Valve regulated - Selection guidelines EN 60896-22:2004
Lead-acid battery - Battery - Stationary - Vented type - Test method EN 60896-11:2003
Lead-acid battery - Battery - Valve-regulated - Test EN 61056-1:2003
Lead-acid starter - Battery - Housing - Handle EN 50342-5:2010
Lead-acid starter - Battery - Terminal system EN 50342-3:2008
Lead-acid starter - Battery - Truck starter - Dimensions EN 50342-4:2009
Lead-acid starter battery - Battery - Vehicle - Dimensions EN 60095-4:1993
Lead-acid traction battery - Battery EN 60254-1:2005
Lead-acid traction battery - Battery - Dimensions EN 60254-2:2008
Lead-acid traction battery - Battery - Opportunity charging EN 61044:1992
Lead-free - Interconnection - Epoxide - Woven E-glass - Flammability EN 61249-2-36:2009
Lead-free - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-35:2009
Lead-free - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-37:2009
Lead-free - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-38:2009
Lead-free - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-41:2010
Lead-free - Interconnexion - Epoxide - Flammability - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-42:2010
Lead-free - Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Non-halogenated EN 61249-4-17:2009
Lead-free - Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Unclad EN 61249-4-15:2009
Lead-free - Printed board - Prepreg - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burning test EN 61249-4-14:2009
Leaded device - Environmental testing - Solderability - Resistance - Heat EN 60068-2-20:2008
Leadscrew actuated - Potentiometer - Rotary preset CECC 41 100:1978
Leakage - Connector - Electronic equipment - Sealing - Fine air EN 60512-14-2:2006
LED - Lamp - Controlgear - Electronic controlgear EN 61347-2-13:2006
LED module - Controlgear - Performance EN 62384:2006
LED module - Digital - Addressable - Lighting EN 62386-207:2009
LED module - Lighting - Lampholder - Miscellaneous lampholders - Connector EN 60838-2-2:2006
LED module - Lighting - Safety EN 62031:2008
LED signal head - Road traffic signal CLC/TS 50509:2007
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Alphabetical Index

Length - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-22:2002
Lens - Medical - Surgery - Vitrectomy - Ophthalmic EN 80601-2-58:2009
Letter - Symbol - Control technology EN 60027-6:2007
Letter - Symbol - Logarithmic quantity EN 60027-3:2007
Letter - Symbol - Power generation - Transmission - Distribution EN 60027-7:2010
Letter - Symbol - Rotatin machine EN 60027-4:2007
Letter symbol - Plasma - Display panel - Terminology EN 61988-1:2003
Letter symbol - Plasma - Display panel - Terminology EN 61988-1:2011
Letter symbol - Symbol EN 60027-1:2006
Letter symbol - Telecommunication - Electronic equipment EN 60027-2:2007
Lever switch - Switch CECC 96 200:1988
LF disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment EN 61000-2-4:2002
LF disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment - Signalling EN 61000-2-12:2003
LGA - Printed board - Void - Joints - BGA EN 61191-6:2010
Liberalization - Energy market - Standardization CLC/TR 50403:2002
Library - Automation - Input/output buffer - Electronic design - Information EN 62014-1:2002
Life cycle - Dependability - Management - Costing analysis EN 60300-3-3:2004
Life hazard - Lightning - Protection - Physical damage EN 62305-3:2006
Life hazard - Lightning - Protection - Physical damage - Damage EN 62305-3:2011
Life stress modeling - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Optical components - Reliability EN 62005-7:2004
Life testing - Battery - Road vehicle - Propulsion - Performance EN 61982-3:2001
Life-cycle process - Software - Medical EN 62304:2006
Light - Diode display - Organic - Emission - OLED EN 62341-1-1:2009
Light - Indicator - Household - Fixed-electrical installation EN 62094-1:2003
Light emitting - Diode - Organic - Display - Environment EN 62341-5:2009
Light emitting - Diode - Organic - Display - OLED EN 62341-1-2:2009
Light emitting - Diode - Organic - Optical - Electro-optical EN 62341-6-1:2011
Light emitting diode - Diode - Diode array - Diode display EN 120001:1992
Light rail vehicle - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Metro EN 50206-2:1999
Light rail vehicle - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Metro EN 50206-2:2010
Light source - Fibre - Optic - Communication - Flux measurement EN 61280-1-4:2010
Light water - Nuclear - Radiation monitoring equipment HD 462 S1:1987
Light-industrial - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emmission standard - Residential - Commercial EN 61000-6-3:2007
Light-industrial - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Residential - Commercial EN 61000-6-1:2007
Lighting - Aerodrome - Beaconing - Ground lighting - Circuit EN 61821:2003
Lighting - Aerodrome - Beaconing - Regulator - Constant current EN 61822:2003
Lighting - Aerodrome - Beaconing - Transformer - AGL series EN 61823:2003
Lighting - Aviation ground lighting installation - Flashing light ENV 50234:1997
Lighting - Aviation ground lighting installation - Monitoring system ENV 50230:1997
Lighting - Aviation ground lighting installation - Sign ENV 50235:1997
Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - Aeronautical - Individual lamps EN 50490:2008
Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - Current - Regulator EN 61822:2009
Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - Guidance System - A-VDGS EN 50512:2009
Lighting - Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Luminaire HD 60364-5-559:2005
Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Control gear - Colour EN 62386-209:2011
Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Control gear - Emergency EN 62386-202:2009
Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Controlgear - Digital signal EN 62386-206:2009
Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Controlgear - Fluorescent lamp EN 62386-201:2009
Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Controlgear - incandescent lamp EN 62386-205:2009
Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Controlgear - Switching function EN 62386-208:2009
Lighting - Digital - Addressable - Interface EN 62386-101:2009
Lighting - Digital - Addressable - LED module EN 62386-207:2009
Lighting - Digital - Interface - Control - Gear EN 62386-102:2009
Lighting - Digital - Interface - Control gear - Discharge lamp EN 62386-203:2009
Lighting - Digital - Interface - Control gear - Halogen lamp EN 62386-204:2009
Lighting - Discharge lamp - Ballast - Performance EN 60923:1996
Lighting - Double-capped - Fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60081:1998
Lighting - Double-capped fluorescent lamp - Safety EN 61195:1999
Lighting - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61547:1995
Lighting - EMC - Immunity EN 61547:2009
Lighting - Emergency - Battery powered - Automatic EN 62034:2006
Lighting - Emergency - Escape EN 50172:2004
Lighting - Filament lamp - Convertor - Step-down convertor EN 61047:2004
Lighting - Filament lamp - Road vehicle EN 60809:1996
Lighting - Fluorescent lamp - Glow-starter EN 60155:1995
Lighting - High-pressure - Sodium vapour lamp EN 60662:1993
Lighting - Human exposure - Electromagnetic EN 62493:2010
Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Tungsten filament lamp - Lamp - Safety EN 60432-1:2000
Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Tungsten halogen lamp - Lamp - Safety EN 60432-3:2003
Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Tungsten halogen lamp - Safety EN 60432-2:2000
Lighting - Lamp - Auxiliaries - Starting device EN 60927:1996
Lighting - Lamp - Auxiliaries - Starting device EN 60927:2007
Lighting - Lamp - Discharge lamp - Safety EN 62035:2000
Lighting - Lamp - Single-capped fluorescent lamp - Performance EN 60901:1996
Lighting - Lamp cap - Holder - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-1:1993
Lighting - Lamp cap - Holder - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-2:1993
Lighting - Lamp cap - Lampholder - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-3:1993
Lighting - Lamp cap - Lampholder - Gauge - Safety EN 60061-4:1992
Lighting - Lamp cap - Temperature rise - Measurement EN 60360:1998
Lighting - Lampholder - Barrel thread - Shade holder ring EN 60399:2004
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Alphabetical Index

Lighting - Lampholder - Edison screw lampholder EN 60238:2004
Lighting - Lampholder - Miscellaneous lampholder EN 60838-2-1:1996
Lighting - Lampholder - Miscellaneous lampholders - Connector - LED module EN 60838-2-2:2006
Lighting - LED module - Safety EN 62031:2008
Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-1:2004
Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-1:2008
Lighting - Luminaire - Air-handling luminaire EN 60598-2-19:1989
Lighting - Luminaire - Aquarium EN 60598-2-11:2005
Lighting - Luminaire - Built-in transformer EN 60598-2-6:1994
Lighting - Luminaire - Child-appealing luminaire - Portable luminaire EN 60598-2-10:2003
Lighting - Luminaire - Electrical supply track system EN 60570:2003
Lighting - Luminaire - Emergency lighting EN 60598-2-22:1998
Lighting - Luminaire - Filament lamp EN 60598-2-23:1996
Lighting - Luminaire - Fixed luminaire EN 60598-2-1:1989
Lighting - Luminaire - Floodlight EN 60598-2-5:1998
Lighting - Luminaire - Garden EN 60598-2-7:1989
Lighting - Luminaire - Ground recessed luminaire EN 60598-2-13:2006
Lighting - Luminaire - Handlamp EN 60598-2-8:1997
Lighting - Luminaire - Heat test EN 60634:1995
Lighting - Luminaire - Hospital - Health care building EN 60598-2-25:1994
Lighting - Luminaire - Lighting chain EN 60598-2-20:1997
Lighting - Luminaire - Particular requirement - Portable luminaire EN 60598-2-4:1997
Lighting - Luminaire - Photo and film luminaire EN 60598-2-9:1989
Lighting - Luminaire - Recessed luminaire EN 60598-2-2:1996
Lighting - Luminaire - Road lighting - Street lighting EN 60598-2-3:2003
Lighting - Luminaire - Socket-oulet - Nightlight EN 60598-2-12:2006
Lighting - Luminaire - Stage lighting - Television - Photography EN 60598-2-17:1989
Lighting - Luminaire - Surface temperature EN 60598-2-24:1998
Lighting - Luminaire - Swimming pool EN 60598-2-18:1994
Lighting - Metal halide lamp EN 61167:1994
Lighting - Miniature lamp EN 60983:1996
Lighting - Miscellaneous lampholder - Lampholder EN 60838-1:2004
Lighting - Photography - Topflash/Flipflash EN 60604:1993
Lighting - Quartz glass lamp - Pinch temperature EN 60682:1993
Lighting - Radio disturbance - Measurement EN 55015:2006
Lighting - Requirements - Control gear - Sequencer - Type 9 EN 62386-210:2011
Lighting - Road vehicle - Lamp - Performance EN 60810:2003
Lighting - Self-ballasted lamp - Performance - Safety EN 60968:1990
Lighting - Self-ballasted lamp - Performance - Safety EN 60969:1993
Lighting - Single-capped fluorescent lamp - Safety EN 61199:1999
Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - AC supplied electronic ballast - Performance EN 60929:2004
Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - AC supplied electronic ballast - Performance EN 60929:2006
Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - Capacitor - Discharge lamp circuit EN 61048:2006
Lighting - Tubular discharge lamp - Neon-transformer - Safety EN 61050:1992
Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Ballast - Performance EN 60921:1991
Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Ballast - Performance EN 60921:2004
Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Capacitor - Discharge lamp circuit EN 61049:1993
Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - DC supplied electronic ballast - Performance EN 60925:1991
Lighting - Tungsten filament lamp - Performance EN 60064:1995
Lighting - Tungsten halogen lamp - Halogen - Non-vehicle - Performance EN 60357:2003
Lighting chain - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-20:1997
Lighting chain - Luminaire - Chain EN 60598-2-20:2010
Lighting control - Electromagnetic compatibility - Audio-visual - entertainment - Emission EN 55103-1:1996
Lighting control - Electromagnetic compatibility - Audio-visual - entertainment - Emission EN 55103-1:2009
Lighting control - Electromagnetic compatibility - Audio-visual - entertainment - Immunity EN 55103-2:1996
Lighting control - Electromagnetic compatibility - Audio-visual - entertainment - Immunity EN 55103-2:2009
Lighting installation - Building - Electrical installation - Extra-low-voltage HD 60364-7-715:2005
Lighting installation - Building - Electrical installation - Outdoor HD 384.7.714 S1:2000
Lightning - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental EN 50289-4-14:2003
Lightning - Protection EN 62305-1:2006
Lightning - Protection EN 62305-1:2011
Lightning - Protection - Conductor - Earth - Electrode EN 50164-2:2008
Lightning - Protection - Earth - Housing - Seal EN 62561-5:2011
Lightning - Protection - LPSC - Fastener EN 62561-4:2011
Lightning - Protection - Physical damage - Damage - Life hazard EN 62305-3:2011
Lightning - Protection - Physical damage - Life hazard EN 62305-3:2006
Lightning - Protection - Risk management EN 62305-2:2006
Lightning - Protection - Strike - Counter EN 62561-6:2011
Lightning - Protection - Stucture - Electronic systems EN 62305-4:2006
Lightning - Protection - Stucture - Electronic systems EN 62305-4:2011
Lightning - Protection - Symbol CLC/TR 50469:2005
Lightning - Protection component - Clip - Conductor EN 50164-4:2008
Lightning - Protection component - Earthing compound EN 50164-7:2008
Lightning - Protection component - Isolation - Gap - Spark gap EN 50164-3:2006
Lightning - Protection component - LPC - Accessories EN 50164-5:2009
Lightning - Protection component - Strike counter EN 50164-6:2009
Lightning - Wind - Turbine - Protection EN 61400-24:2010
Lightning impulse - Transformer - Power transformer - Power reactor - Switching impulse EN 60076-4:2002
Limit - Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities - General specification EN 60424-1:1999
Limit - Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonic current emission (I < 16 A) EN 61000-3-2:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Limitation - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Electronic Article Surveillance - Radio Frequency
EN 50364:2001
Limited duty - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-6:2011
Limited duty - Welding - Arc welding - Manual metal - Power source EN 60974-6:2003
Limited hazard - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded polyolefin - Flame retarde EN 60684-3-165:2004
Limited-fire - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Flame-retarded EN 60684-3-216:2005
Limiter - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Surge arrester EN 50123-5:2003
Line - Conductor - Overhead EN 50397-3:2010
Line - Overhead line - AC EN 50341-1:2001
Line - Overhead line - AC - Normative aspect EN 50341-3:2001
Line - Overhead line - AC - Normative aspect - Index EN 50341-2:2001
Line carrier - Distribution automation - A-XDR encoding rule - Encoding EN 61334-6:2000
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Data communication protocol EN 61334-4-1:1996
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Data communication protocol - Application layer EN 61334-4-42:1996
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Data communication protocol - Connection oriented protocol EN 61334-4-33:1998
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Data communication protocol - Connectionless protocol EN 61334-4-61:1998
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Data communication protocol - Logical link EN 61334-4-32:1996
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Data communication protocol - Message EN 61334-4-41:1996
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Data communication protocol - Systems management - CIASE protocol EN 61334-4-511:2000
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Low layer profile - Frequency EN 61334-5-1:2001
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Signaling - Phase-to-earth - Screen-to-earth EN 61334-3-22:2001
Line carrier - Distribution automation - Signaling - Phase-to-phase - Capacitive coupling device EN 61334-3-21:1996
Line commutated - Converter - HV - Direct current - Steady-state conditions CLC/TR 60919-1:2005
Line commutated - Convertor - Semiconductor EN 60146-1-1:1993
Line commutated - Convertor - Transformer - Reactor EN 60146-1-3:1993
Line commutated - Semiconductor - Converter EN 60146-1-1:2010
Line-to-earth - Current - Short-circuit - Three-phase - AC system EN 60909-3:2003
Line-to-earth - Short-circuit - Current - Partial - Three-phase EN 60909-3:2010
Linear actuator - Industrial process - Control valve - Positioner EN 60534-6-1:1997
Linear induction - Railway - Traction - Short-primary - Power converter EN 62520:2011
Linear transformer - Transformer - Magnetic oxide core EN 125200:1991
Linearity - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Measurement EN 60904-10:1998
Linearity - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Measurement EN 60904-10:2010
Link - Communication - Network - Substation - SCSM EN 61850-9-1:2003
Link - HD - Recording EN 62546:2009
Link protection - Interoperability - Digital - Living network alliance - Home networked EN 62481-3:2011
liquid - Classification - Insulating EN 61039:2008
Liquid - Crystal - Display - Glass strength - Reliability EN 61747-5-3:2010
Liquid - Crystal - Display - Measurement - Reflective type EN 61747-6-2:2011
Liquid - Crystal - Display - Motion - Artifact EN 61747-6-3:2011
Liquid - Crystal - Display - Visual - Colour EN 61747-5-2:2011
Liquid - Insulating liquid - Particles - Counting - Sizing EN 60970:2007
Liquid - Insulation - Acidity - Titration - Colourimetric EN 62021-2:2007
Liquid - Insulation - Acidity - Titration - Potentiometric EN 62021-1:2003
Liquid - Insulation - Detection - Corrosive - Sulphur EN 62535:2009
Liquid - Insulation - Silicone - Unused EN 60836:2005
Liquid - Sheathing - Cable EN 50369:2005
Liquid - Spraying equipment - Electrostatic - Non-flammable EN 50348:2001
Liquid - Stationary - Electrostatic - Non-ignitable - Coating material EN 50348:2010
Liquid cooling system - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-2:2008
Liquid cristal display - Monochrome LCD EN 120007:1992
Liquid crystal - Display device - Cell - Liquid crystal display (LCD) EN 61747-3:2006
Liquid crystal - Display device - Cell - Liquid crystal display (LCD) EN 61747-3-1:2006
Liquid crystal - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Display panel EN 61966-4:2000
Liquid crystal - Solid-state display - Matrix colour LCD module - Essential rating EN 61747-4-1:2004
Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device EN 61747-1:1999
Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Display module EN 61747-2:1999
Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Display module - Cell - Essential rating EN 61747-4:1998
Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Environment - Endurance - Test method EN 61747-5:1998
Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - LCD module - Matrix colour EN 61747-2-2:2004
Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - LCD module - Monochrome - Matrix EN 61747-2-1:2001
Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Module - Transmissive type EN 61747-6:2004
Liquid crystal display (LCD) - Liquid crystal - Display device - Cell EN 61747-3:2006
Liquid crystal display (LCD) - Liquid crystal - Display device - Cell EN 61747-3-1:2006
Liquid effluent - Radionuclide - Surface water - Water - Monitoring EN 60861:2008
Liquid filled - Bushing - Transformer EN 50386:2002
Liquid filled - Bushing - Transformer EN 50386:2010
Liquid filled - Bushing - Transformer - Busbar bushing EN 50387:2002
Liquid filled - Bushing - Transformer - Outdoor EN 50243:2002
Liquid filled - Plug-in type - Bushing - Transformer EN 50181:1997
Liquid filled - Plug-in type - Bushing - Transformer EN 50181:2010
Liquid filled transformer - Transformer - Bushing EN 50180:1997
Liquid filled transformer - Transformer - Bushing EN 50180:2010
Liquid immersed - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Relay EN 50216-2:2002
liquid level - transformer - power transformer - reactor fitting - pressure device EN 50216-3:2002
Liquid level - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Pressure device EN 50216-5:2002
Liquid metal - Heating installation - Electroheat - Electromagnetic force - Safety EN 60519-11:2007
Liquid-filled - Transformer - Power transformer - Self-protected EN 60076-13:2006
Liquid-immersed - Transformer - Power - Temperature - Rise EN 60076-2:2011
Liquids - Household - Safety - Cleaning - Stream EN 60335-2-54:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

List - Part list - Preparation EN 62027:2000
Listener - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Talker EN 61162-450:2011
Listener - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Talker EN 61162-401:2002
Listener - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Talker EN 61162-402:2005
Listener - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Talker EN 61162-420:2002
Lithium battery - Battery - Primary battery - Safety EN 60086-4:2007
Lithium cell - Battery - Primary - Secondary - Transport EN 62281:2004
Lithium cell - Battery - Secondary - Portable - Alkaline EN 61960:2004
Lithium cell - Battery - Secondary - Portable - Alkaline EN 61960:2011
Lithium-ion cell - Battery - Secondary - Propulsion - Vehicle EN 62660-1:2011
Lithium-ion cell - Battery - Secondary - Propulsion - Vehicle EN 62660-2:2011
Lithotripsy - Medical equipment - Extracorporeally induced - Safety EN 60601-2-36:1997
Lithotripter - Ultrasonic - Pressure pulse - Field EN 61846:1998
Live working - Aerial device - Insulating boom EN 61057:1993
Live working - Approach distances - A.C. - Calculation method EN 61472:2004
Live working - Clothing - Conductive clothing EN 60895:2003
Live working - Clothing - Thermal protection - Flame resistant - Arc CLC/TS 61482-1:2003
Live working - Clothing - Thermal protection - Flame resistant - Arc EN 61482-1-2:2007
Live working - Conductor cover - Flexible - Insulating material EN 61479:2001
Live working - Conformity assessment - Tool - Device - Equipment EN 61318:2008
Live working - Detector - Two-pole - Low-voltage EN 61243-3:2010
Live working - Gloves - Insulating material EN 60903:2003
Live working - Hand tool EN 60900:2004
Live working - Hose - Insulating hose - Hydraulic tool EN 62237:2005
Live working - Insulating - Blanket EN 61112:2009
Live working - Insulating - Matting EN 61111:2009
Live working - Insulating foam-filled tube - Solid rod EN 60855:1996
Live working - Insulating hollow tube EN 61235:1995
Live working - Insulating pole - Insulating stick - Tool attachment - Fitting EN 60832:1996
Live working - Insulation - Rope EN 62192:2009
Live working - Insulation - Stick - Attachable EN 60832-1:2010
Live working - Insulation - Stick - Attachable EN 60832-2:2010
Live working - Ladder - Insulating material EN 61478:2001
Live working - Lance earthing EN 61219:1993
Live working - Phase comparator - Portable - LV EN 61481:2001
Live working - Portable - Earthing - Short-circuiting EN 61230:2008
Live working - Portable equipment - Earthing - Short-circuiting EN 61230:1995
Live working - Protection - Clothing - Thermal hazard - Arc rating EN 61482-1-1:2009
Live working - Rigid protective cover EN 61229:1995
Live working - Saddle - Pole clamp EN 61236:1995
Live working - Saddle - Stick - Clamp EN 61236:2011
Live working - Sleeve EN 60984:1992
Live working - Stick - Telescopic EN 62193:2003
Live working - Tool EN 61477:2009
Live working - Tool - Equipment - Minimum requirement EN 61477:2002
Live working - Tool and equipment - Terminology EN 60743:2001
Live working - Voltage detector - Capacitive type EN 61243-1:2005
Live working - Voltage detector - LV - Two-pole EN 61243-3:1998
Live working - Voltage detector - Resistive type EN 61243-2:1997
Live working - Voltage detector - Voltage detecting system (VDS) - VDS EN 61243-5:2001
Live-line washing system - Power installation EN 50186-1:1998
Live-line washing system - Power installation EN 50186-2:1998
Living network alliance - Interoperability - Digital - Home networked - Link protection EN 62481-3:2011
Load - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Inductive EN 62271-110:2009
Load control - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Asynchronous data exchange EN 62056-42:2002
Load control - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - COSEM application layer EN 62056-53:2007
Load control - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - COSEM transport layer EN 62056-47:2007
Load control - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Data exchange EN 62056-21:2002
Load control - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - HDLC protocol EN 62056-46:2002
Load control - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Interface class EN 62056-62:2007
Load control - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Local area network EN 62056-31:2000
Load control - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Object identification system EN 62056-61:2007
Load control - Metering equipment - Tariff - Receiver - Ripple control EN 62054-11:2004
Load control - Metering equipment - Tariff - Time switch EN 62054-21:2004
Load control - Metering equipment - Test - Tariff EN 62052-21:2004
Load duty - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Rating CLC/TR 61800-6:2007
Load resonance - Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Measurement EN 60444-4:1997
Load resonance frequency - Quartz crystal unit - Effective load capacitance - Automatic network analyzer EN 60444-11:2010
Load switching - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Inductive EN 62271-110:2005
Load test - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Static EN 60512-8-1:2010
Load test - Connector - Static - Axial EN 60512-8-2:2011
Load test - Connector - Static - Robustness - Actuating lever EN 60512-8-3:2011
Loaded - Printed board - Coating EN 61086-1:2004
Loaded - Printed board - Coating - High reliability - Aerospace EN 61086-3-1:2004
Loaded - Printed board - Coating - Test EN 61086-2:2004
Loading - Machine - Rotating - Superposition - Temperature rise EN 60034-29:2008
Loading - Medical - X-ray - Tube - Diagnosis EN 60613:2010
Loading test - Overhead line EN 60652:2004
Local area network - Cable - Coaxial cable - Radio frequency cable EN 61196-3:1998
Local area network - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control EN 62056-31:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Local controller - Alarm system - Social alarm system - Local unit EN 50134-3:2001
Local unit - Alarm system - Social alarm system - Local controller EN 50134-3:2001
Locator - Cable - Pipe - Electromagnetic locator - Performance EN 50249:2002
Locking device - Insulator unit - String insulator - Coupling EN 60372:2004
Locking screw - Connector - Rectangular - Flat contact EN 175301-803:2006
Logarithmic quantity - Letter - Symbol EN 60027-3:2007
Logical link - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol EN 61334-4-32:1996
Logical node - Communication - Network - Automation - Energy resources EN 61850-7-420:2009
Logical node - Communication - Network - Substation - Feeder EN 61850-7-4:2003
Logistic support - Dependability - Management - Application guide EN 60300-3-12:2004
Logistic support - Dependability - Management - Application guide EN 60300-3-12:2011
Long duration - Electronic component - Storage - Implementation CLC/TS 50466:2006
Long rod type - Insulator - Overhead line - Ceramic - AC EN 60433:1998
Longitudinal - Cable - Communication - Test method - Attenuation EN 50289-1-9:2001
Loop check - Electrical - Instrumentation EN 62382:2007
Loop impedance - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-3:2007
Loop system - Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency - Assisted hearing - Human exposure EN 62489-2:2011
Loop system - Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency - Induction - Assisted hearing EN 62489-1:2010
Loran-C receiver - Ship - Receiver EN 61075:1993
Loss - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Polarization EN 61300-3-2:2009
Loss - Machine - Rotating - Efficiency - Test EN 60034-2-1:2007
Loss - Optic - Macrobending - Measurement EN 60793-1-47:2009
Loss - Rotating - Separate - Large EN 60034-2-2:2010
Loss measurement - Power transformer - Reactor - Uncertainties CLC/TR 50462:2008
Loss measurement - Superconductivity - Wire - Transverse - Helium EN 61788-8:2010
Lot - Reliability - Stress screening - Repairable EN 61163-1:2006
Loudspeaker - Audio - High-fidelity - Household EN 61305-5:2003
Loudspeaker - Interface - Digital input - Input signal - IEC 60958 EN 62537:2010
Loudspeaker - Sound system equipment EN 60268-5:2003
Low - Cable - Thermoplastic insulation - Smoke emission - Corrosive gas HD 21.15 S1:2006
Low air - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Pressure EN 60512-11-11:2002
Low air pressure - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-13:1999
Low air pressure - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-29:1997
Low air pressure - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-2:2002
Low BER - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Q-factor EN 61280-2-8:2003
Low data rate return channel - Television - Satellite - Digital - Receiver EN 50478:2007
Low energy contact - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device EN 60947-5-4:2003
Low ESR range - Capacitor - Tantalum surface mounting capacitor CECC 30 801-805:1995
Low excitation level - Core - Magnetic - Soft ferrites - Measuring EN 62044-2:2005
Low frequency - EMF - HV - Switchgear - Substations CLC/TR 62271-208:2010
Low frequency - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Radio frequency EN 50109-1:1995
Low layer profile - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Frequency EN 61334-5-1:2001
Low noise amplifier - Radio equipment - Satellite earth station HD 467.2.3 S1:1990
Low noise amplifier - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave EN 60835-3-4:1995
Low power - Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - Measurement method EN 50324-2:2002
Low power - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Restriction EN 50371:2002
Low power - Film - SMD - Resistor - Rectangular EN 140401-804:2011
Low power - Human - Exposure - Electromagnetic EN 62479:2010
Low power - Integrated circuit - TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit EN 190103:1994
Low power - Integrated circuit - TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit EN 190106:1994
Low power - Potentiometer - Single turn rotary potentiometer CECC 41 300:1979
Low power - Resistor - Film resistor - TAS CECC 240 001:1996
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - Film - Surface mount EN 140401:2009
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - Film resistor EN 140100:2008
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - Film resistor EN 140101:2008
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - Film resistor - Metal film EN 140101-806:2008
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - Non-wirewound - Surface mount EN 140401:2002
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - SMD - Cylindrical EN 140401-803:2007
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - SMD - Rectangular EN 140401-801:2007
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - SMD - Rectangular EN 140401-802:2007
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - Surface mount resistor EN 140400:2003
Low power - Resistor - Fixed - Wire-wound surface mount - SMD EN 140402-801:2005
Low power - Resistor - Non wire-wound - High stability - Surface mount EN 140401-804:2005
Low pressure - Lamp - Sodium vapour lamp - Performance EN 60192:2001
Low smoke emission - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Halogen-free - Non-sheathed HD 22.9 S3:2007
Low temperature - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Non-sheathed cable HD 21.9 S2:1995
Low voltage - Cable EN 50525-1:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Crosslinked: Elastomeric covering - Arc welding EN 50525-2-81:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation - Decorative chain EN 50525-2-82:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Extensible - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-12:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Fire - Halogen-free - Crosslinked insulation EN 50525-3-21:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Fire - Halogen-free - Crosslinked insulation EN 50525-3-41:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Fire - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulation EN 50525-3-11:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Fire - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulation EN 50525-3-31:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Flat divisible - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-72:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Flat tinsel - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-71:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Flexible - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation EN 50525-2-21:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Flexible - Crosslinked: Elastomeric insulation EN 50525-2-22:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Flexible - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-11:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Multicore - Silicone - Rubber insulation EN 50525-2-83:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Low voltage - Cable - Oil resistant - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-51:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Single core - Crosslinked - EVA insulation EN 50525-2-42:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Single core - Silicone - Rubber insulation EN 50525-2-41:2011
Low voltage - Cable - Single core - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-31:2011
Low voltage - d.c. - Surge - Protection - Traction system CLC/TS 50544:2010
Low Voltage - Implementation - New Approach - EC - Declaration of conformity CLC Guide 16:2005
Low voltage - Insulating - Ladder EN 50528:2010
Low voltage - Protection - Safety - Thermal effect HD 60364-4-42:2011
Low voltage - Surge - Protection - Photovoltaic CLC/TS 50539-12:2010
Low voltage - Surge - Protection - Wind - Turbine CLC/TS 50539-22:2010
low voltage - transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers - junctions
- electric cables - junction boxes - high voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
Low Voltage Directive - EN CLC Guide 5:2001
Low Voltage Directive - LVD - Machinery Directive - MD CLC Guide 18:2001
Low Voltage Directive - Policy paper - National deviations - HD CLC Guide 4:2001
Low voltage installation - Insulation - Footwear - Insulating footwear EN 50321:1999
Low(air) pressure - Connector - Electronic equipment - Immersion EN 60512-14-5:2006
Low-current arc discharge - Insulating materials - Dry - Solid - Test EN 61621:1997
Low-frequency - Cable - Polyolefin - Insulation - Moisture barrier EN 60708:2005
Low-frequency - Connector - DC - High-speed data - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3-001:2000
Low-frequency - Connector - DC - High-speed data application - Cable outlet EN 61076-7:2000
Low-frequency - Connector - DC - High-speed data application - Circular connector EN 61076-2:1999
Low-frequency - Connector - DC - High-speed data application - Rectangular connector EN 61076-3:2000
Low-frequency - Connector - Printed board - DC EN 61076-4:1996
Low-frequency - Connector - Printed board - DC EN 61076-4-001:1996
Low-frequency - Connector - Printed board - DC - Telecommunication industry EN 61076-4-105:1998
Low-frequency - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - DC EN 61076-4-103:1999
Low-frequency - Connector - Two-part modular connector - Printed board - DC EN 61076-4-104:1999
Low-frequency - Connector - Two-part single-pole connector - Metric grid - DC EN 61076-4-102:1997
Low-frequency - Transistor - Bipolar transistor - Amplification - High-frequency CECC 50 002:1980
Low-frequency cable - Cable - Insulation - Colour code HD 402 S2:1984
Low-loss - Resonator - Complex - Permittivity - Plate EN 62562:2011
Low-profile connector - Medical - Pacemaker - Cardiac - Implantable EN 50077:1993
Low-voltage - Accessibility - Interface - Standard writer CLC Guide 28:2006
Low-voltage - Assembly - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 61439-1:2009
Low-voltage - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial EN 50483-1:2009
Low-voltage - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Neutral messenger system EN 50483-3:2009
Low-voltage - Caravan - Camping - Special location HD 60364-7-708:2009
Low-voltage - Caravan - Motor Caravan - Special location HD 60364-7-721:2009
Low-voltage - Cogeneration - Domestic - Distribution network - Connection EN 50438:2007
Low-voltage - Fuse - Guidance CLC/TR 60269-5:2011
Low-voltage - Fuse - Protection - Solar - Photovoltaic EN 60269-6:2011
Low-voltage - Gangway - Maintenance - Operating - Special location HD 60364-7-729:2009
Low-voltage - Generating set HD 60364-5-551:2010
Low-voltage - Insulation - Thermal - Evaluation EN 61857-1:2009
Low-voltage - Live working - Detector - Two-pole EN 61243-3:2010
Low-voltage - Marina - Special location HD 60364-7-709:2009
Low-voltage - Mobile - Ttransportable HD 60364-7-717:2010
Low-voltage - Protection - Safety - Disturbance - Electromagnetic HD 60364-4-444:2010
Low-voltage - Safety HD 60364-5-56:2010
Low-voltage - Safety - Protection - Overcurrent HD 60364-4-43:2010
Low-voltage - Selection - Erection - Wiring HD 60364-5-52:2011
Low-voltage - Swimming pool - Pool - Fountain HD 60364-7-702:2010
Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 60947-1:2007
Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Ancillary - Copper EN 60947-7-1:2009
Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Ancillary equipment - Terminal block EN 60947-7-3:2009
Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Disconnector - Fuse EN 60947-3:2009
Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Power EN 61439-2:2009
Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Public - Network EN 61439-5:2011
LPC - Lightning - Protection component - Accessories EN 50164-5:2009
LPSC - Lightning - Protection - Fastener EN 62561-4:2011
LSH - Fibre - Optic - Connector - Interface EN 61754-15:2009
LSH-HR simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Composite ferrule EN 50377-8-4:2007
LSH-HR simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-6:2007
LSH-HR simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-8:2007
LSH-PC simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Composite ferrule EN 50377-8-5:2007
LSH-PC simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-7:2007
LSH-PC simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-9:2007
LSH-RH - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-8-2:2007
LSH_PC simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-8-3:2007
Lubricant - Petroleum product - Triaryl phosphate - Ester turbine - Control fluid EN 61221:2004
Luminaire - Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Lighting HD 60364-5-559:2005
Luminaire - Lamp - Controlgear - Electronic circuit EN 61347-2-11:2001
Luminaire - Lighting EN 60598-1:2004
Luminaire - Lighting EN 60598-1:2008
Luminaire - Lighting - Air-handling luminaire EN 60598-2-19:1989
Luminaire - Lighting - Aquarium EN 60598-2-11:2005
Luminaire - Lighting - Built-in transformer EN 60598-2-6:1994
Luminaire - Lighting - Child-appealing luminaire - Portable luminaire EN 60598-2-10:2003
Luminaire - Lighting - Electrical supply track system EN 60570:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Luminaire - Lighting - Emergency lighting EN 60598-2-22:1998
Luminaire - Lighting - Filament lamp EN 60598-2-23:1996
Luminaire - Lighting - Fixed luminaire EN 60598-2-1:1989
Luminaire - Lighting - Floodlight EN 60598-2-5:1998
Luminaire - Lighting - Garden EN 60598-2-7:1989
Luminaire - Lighting - Ground recessed luminaire EN 60598-2-13:2006
Luminaire - Lighting - Handlamp EN 60598-2-8:1997
Luminaire - Lighting - Heat test EN 60634:1995
Luminaire - Lighting - Hospital - Health care building EN 60598-2-25:1994
Luminaire - Lighting - Lighting chain EN 60598-2-20:1997
Luminaire - Lighting - Particular requirement - Portable luminaire EN 60598-2-4:1997
Luminaire - Lighting - Photo and film luminaire EN 60598-2-9:1989
Luminaire - Lighting - Recessed luminaire EN 60598-2-2:1996
Luminaire - Lighting - Road lighting - Street lighting EN 60598-2-3:2003
Luminaire - Lighting - Socket-oulet - Nightlight EN 60598-2-12:2006
Luminaire - Lighting - Stage lighting - Television - Photography EN 60598-2-17:1989
Luminaire - Lighting - Surface temperature EN 60598-2-24:1998
Luminaire - Lighting - Swimming pool EN 60598-2-18:1994
Luminaire - Lighting chain - Chain EN 60598-2-20:2010
Luminaire - Medical - Safety - Surgical - Diagnosis EN 60601-2-41:2009
Luminaire - Medical equipment - Surgical luminaire - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-41:2000
Luminaires - Cold - Cathode - Tubular - Discharge lamp EN 60598-2-14:2009
Luminaires - Connection - Household use EN 61995-1:2008
Luminaires - Connection - Household use - DCL EN 61995-2:2009
Luminance distribution - Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier EN 61262-3:1994
Luminous - Cable - Discharge-tube EN 50143:2009
Luminous-discharge-tube - Tube - Earth-leakage - Open-circuit - Protection EN 50107-2:2005
Luminous-discharge-tube installation - Cable EN 50143:1997
Luminous-discharge-tube installation - Tube EN 50107-1:2002
Lung - Medical equipment - Ventilator - Critical care EN 60601-2-12:2006
LV - Capacitor - Power capacitor - Facror correction bank EN 61921:2003
LV - Connecting device - Circuit - Household EN 60998-1:2004
LV - Connecting device - Insulation piercing clamping unit - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-3:2004
LV - Connecting device - Screw-type clamping unit - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-1:2004
LV - Connecting device - Screwless-type clamping unit - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-2:2004
LV - Connecting device - Twist-on connecting device - Household EN 60998-2-4:2005
LV - Distribution system - Earth connection - Equipotential bonding - Resistance EN 61557-4:2007
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Insulation - IT system EN 61557-8:2007
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Insulation fault location - IT system EN 61557-9:1999
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Insulation resistance - Protective measure EN 61557-2:2007
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Loop impedance - Protective measure EN 61557-3:2007
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Parameters - Protective measure EN 61557-12:2008
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Phase sequence - Protective measure EN 61557-7:2007
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-1:2007
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Protective measure - Measuring EN 61557-10:2001
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Protective measure - Resistance to earth EN 61557-5:2007
LV - Distribution system - Safety - Residual current device (RCD) - Protective measure EN 61557-6:2007
LV - Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonic current - Restricted connection EN 61000-3-12:2005
LV - Electromagnetic compatibility - Public power supply system - Signalling EN 61000-2-2:2002
LV - Fuse EN 60269-1:2007
LV - Fuse - Fuse-link - Protection - Semiconductor EN 60269-4:2007
LV - Fuse - Fuse-link - Protection - Semiconductor EN 60269-4:2009
LV - Fuse - Household - Unskilled person HD 60269-3:2007
LV - Fuse - Household - Unskilled person HD 60269-3:2010
LV - Fuse - Industrial - Authorized person HD 60269-2:2007
LV - Fuse - Industrial - Authorized person HD 60269-2:2010
LV - Insulating system - Thermal evaluation EN 61857-1:2005
LV - Insulation coordination EN 60664-1:2007
LV - Insulation coordination - Clearance - Creepage distance EN 60664-5:2007
LV - Insulation coordination - Coating - Pollution - Protection EN 60664-3:2003
LV - Insulation coordination - Voltage stress - High-frequency EN 60664-4:2006
LV - Live working - Phase comparator - Portable EN 61481:2001
LV - Live working - Voltage detector - Two-pole EN 61243-3:1998
LV - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Rating specifications - DC EN 61800-1:1998
LV - Power drive - Rating specification - Adjustable frequency EN 61800-2:1998
LV - Power line - Communication - Immunity EN 50412-2-1:2005
LV - Power line communication CLC/TR 50412-1:2007
LV - Power supply - DC - Assessed performance EN 61204-6:2001
LV - Power supply device - DC - Safety EN 61204-7:2006
LV - Public electricity - Supply system - Nominal voltage HD 472 S1:1989
LV - Signalling - Filter - Decoupling filter - Generic specification EN 50065-4-1:2001
LV - Signalling - Filter - Decoupling filter - Safety requirement EN 50065-4-2:2001
LV - Signalling - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Impedance filter EN 50065-4-4:2003
LV - Signalling - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Incoming filter EN 50065-4-3:2003
LV - Signalling - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Phase coupler EN 50065-4-6:2004
LV - Signalling - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Portable EN 50065-4-7:2005
LV - Signalling - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Segmentation filter EN 50065-4-5:2003
LV - Signalling - Frequency - Impedance EN 50065-7:2001
LV - Signalling - Frequency band - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2001
LV - Signalling - Frequency band - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2001/A1:2010
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Alphabetical Index

LV - Signalling - Frequency band - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2011
LV - Signalling - Immunity - Communications equipment - Frequency EN 50065-2-1:2003
LV - Signalling - Immunity - Communications equipment - Industrial environment EN 50065-2-2:2003
LV - Signalling - Immunity - Communications equipment - Supplier and distributor EN 50065-2-3:2003
LV - Substation - HV - Prefabricated EN 62271-202:2007
LV - Surge - Protective device - Gas discharge tube EN 61643-311:2001
LV - Surge - Protective device - Power system - Test EN 61643-11:2002
LV - Surge - Protective device - Telecommunications network - Signalling network CLC/TS 61643-22:2006
LV - Surge - Protective device - Thyristor surge suppressor EN 61643-341:2001
LV - Surge - Protective device - Varistor - Metal oxide EN 61643-331:2003
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Circuit-breaker EN 60947-2:2006
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Construction site - ACS EN 60439-4:2004
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-1:2001
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-1:2010
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-2:2000
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Contactor - Motor-starter EN 60947-4-3:2000
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Control circuit device - Analogue output EN 60947-5-7:2003
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Control circuit device - Low energy contact EN 60947-5-4:2003
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Control circuit device - Proximity sensor EN 60947-5-6:2000
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Control circuit device - Proximity switch EN 60947-5-2:2007
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Control circuit device - Proximity switch EN 60947-5-3:1999
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Control unit - Thermal protection EN 60947-8:2003
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Controller-device interface - CDI EN 62026-1:2007
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Controller-device interface - DeviceNet EN 62026-3:2009
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Enclosure - Empty EN 62208:2003
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Flow rate switch - Control circuit EN 60947-5-9:2007
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Multiple function - Automatic switching EN 60947-6-1:2005
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Multiple function - Protective switching EN 60947-6-2:2003
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Protection - Shock EN 50274:2002
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Protective conductor - Copper conductor EN 60947-7-2:2009
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Protective conductor - Copper condutor EN 60947-7-2:2002
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Public network - Power distribution EN 60439-5:2006
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Switch - Disconnector EN 60947-3:1999
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Switch - Electromechanical control circuit device EN 60947-5-1:2004
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Switch - Emergency stop device EN 60947-5-5:1997
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Terminal block - Copper conductor EN 60947-7-1:2002
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Terminal block - Fuse EN 60947-7-3:2002
LV - Switchgear - Controlgear - Three-position - Control circuit EN 60947-5-8:2006
LV - Switchgear and controlgear - Busbar trunking system - Busway EN 60439-2:2000
LV - Switchgear and controlgear - Controller - Actuator sensor interface (AS-i) EN 50295:1999
LV - Switchgear and controlgear - Industrial - Control switch EN 50041:1981
LV - Switchgear and controlgear - Industrial - Control switch EN 50047:1981
LV - Switchgear and controlgear - Temperature-rise - Extrapolation - PTTA CLC/TR 60890:2002
LV - Switchgear and controlgear - Type tested assemblies EN 60439-1:1999
LV - Switchgear and controlgear - Unskilled person - Distribution board EN 60439-3:1991
LV - Varistor - Telephony applications CECC 42 100:1978
LV - Varistor - Telephony applications - Assessment level P CECC 42 101:1978
LV - Varistor - Telephony applications - Disc type - Unidirectional wire terminations CECC 42 101-801:1982
LV - Varistor - Telephony applications - Disc type - Unidirectional wire terminations CECC 42 101-802:1982
LV - Varistor - Telephony applications - Disc type - Wire terminations CECC 42 101-803:1982
LV equipment - HV - Test technique EN 61180-1:1994
LV equipment - HV test technique EN 61180-2:1994
LV generating set - Building - Electrical installation - Selection HD 384.5.551 S1:1997
LV harmonized cable - Cable HD 516 S2:1997
LV installation - Helmet - Insulating EN 50365:2002
LV installation - Insulating clothing - Protective clothing EN 50286:1999
LV. Industrial - Switchgear - Controlgear - Device profile EN 61915-1:2008
LVD - Low Voltage Directive - Machinery Directive - MD CLC Guide 18:2001
LX.5-APC duplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Singlemode EN 50377-13-3:2011
LX.5-PC duplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Singlemode EN 50377-13-2:2011


MAC - Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - Media access control layer EN 60728-7-2:2005
MAC-VSB receiver - Cable - Television EN 50080:1991
MAC/packet system - Access control system - Eurocrypt EN 50094:1992
Machine - Insulation - Bar and coil - HV EN 50209:1998
Machine - Rotating - AC - Form wound stator coil - Voltage withstand EN 60034-15:1996
Machine - Rotating - AC - Generator - Reciprocating internal combustion EN 60034-22:1997
Machine - Rotating - Circuit diagram - Three-phase - Cage induction EN 60034-28:2007
Machine - Rotating - Commutator - Brush-holder - Slip-ring EN 60276:1996
Machine - Rotating - Construction - Mounting symbol EN 60034-7:1993
Machine - Rotating - Cooling method EN 60034-6:1993
Machine - Rotating - Excitation system - Synchronous EN 60034-16-1:2011
Machine - Rotating - Exitation system - Synchronous machine EN 60034-16-1:1995
Machine - Rotating - Generator - Synchronous - Steam turbine EN 60034-3:2008
Machine - Rotating - Insulation EN 60034-18-1:1994
Machine - Rotating - Insulation EN 60034-18-1:2010
Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Endurance - Winding EN 60034-18-32:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Form-wound winding - Test EN 60034-18-31:1994
Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Wirewound winding - Test EN 60034-18-21:1994
Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Wirewound winding - Test EN 60034-18-22:2001
Machine - Rotating - Loading - Superposition - Temperature rise EN 60034-29:2008
Machine - Rotating - Loss - Efficiency - Test EN 60034-2-1:2007
Machine - Rotating - Noise limit EN 60034-9:2005
Machine - Rotating - Protection - Integral design - Classification EN 60034-5:2001
Machine - Rotating - Rating - Performance EN 60034-1:2004
Machine - Rotating - Rating - Performance EN 60034-1:2010
Machine - Rotating - Synchronous machine - Quantity EN 60034-4:2008
Machine - Rotating - Thermal protection - Protection EN 60034-11:2004
Machine - Rotating - Unbalanced voltages - Three-phase induction - Motor EN 60034-26:2006
Machine - Rotating - Vibration - Measurement EN 60034-14:2004
Machine - Rotating machine - Converter - Cage induction - Motor CLC/TS 60034-17:2004
Machine - Rotating machine - Excitation system - Synchronous - Power system CLC/TR 60034-16-2:2004
Machine - Rotating machine - Insulation - Endurance - Thermal CLC/TR 60034-18-33:2004
Machine - Rotating machine - Motor - Cage induction - Converter supply CLC/TS 60034-25:2008
Machine - Rotating machine - Motor - Control - Stepping CLC/TS 60034-20-1:2004
Machine - Rotating machine - Terminal marking - Rotation direction EN 60034-8:2007
Machine - Vehicle - Rotating - Rail and road vehicle EN 60349-1:2000
Machine - Vehicle - Rotating - Rail and road vehicle EN 60349-1:2010
Machine model (MM) - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Electrostatic discharge EN 60749-27:2006
Machine model - Electrostatic effect - Simulation - Component - Testing EN 61340-3-2:2007
Machine tools - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Emission EN 50370-1:2005
Machine tools - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Immunity EN 50370-2:2003
Machinery - Actuation - Marking - Indication - Safety EN 61310-3:2008
Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Protective equipment EN 61496-1:2004
Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Protective equipment - Opto-electronic - AOPD CLC/TS 61496-2:2006
Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Protective equipment - Opto-electronic - AOPDDR CLC/TS 61496-3:2008
Machinery - Functional safety - Control system - Programmable EN 62061:2005
Machinery - Hoisting machine - Safety EN 60204-32:2008
Machinery - HV equipment - Safety EN 60204-11:2000
Machinery - ISO 13849-1 - Design - Safety-related - Control CLC/TR 62061-1:2010
Machinery - Marking - Indication - Actuation - Safety EN 61310-2:2008
Machinery - Rotating - Efficiency - Cage-induction - Motors EN 60034-30:2009
Machinery - Safety EN 60204-1:2006
Machinery - Safety - Protective equipment - Person - Detection CLC/TS 62046:2008
Machinery - Semiconductor - Safety EN 60204-33:2011
Machinery - Sewing machine - Safety EN 60204-31:1998
Machinery - Signal - Visual - Acoustic - Tactile EN 61310-1:2008
Machinery Directive - Low Voltage Directive - LVD - MD CLC Guide 18:2001
Macrobending - Optic - Loss - Measurement EN 60793-1-47:2009
Macrobending loss - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-47:2007
Magnetic - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Opening contact EN 50131-2-6:2008
Magnetic - Circuit - Electric - Convention EN 60375:2003
Magnetic - Core - Ferrite - Soft EN 60401-2:2003
Magnetic - Core - Ferrite - Soft EN 60401-2:2010
Magnetic - Core - Soft ferrites - Measuring - Low excitation level EN 62044-2:2005
Magnetic - Individual materials - Soft - Magnetic metallic EN 60404-8-6:2009
Magnetic - Measurement - Public - Exposure EN 62110:2009
Magnetic - Medical - Resonance - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-33:2010
Magnetic - Medical - Resonance - Imaging - Pulse sequence EN 62464-2:2011
Magnetic - Parameter - Calculation EN 60205:2006
Magnetic - Pot-core - Oxide - Dimensions EN 60133:2001
Magnetic field - Electric field - Human body - Current density - Exposure EN 62226-3-1:2007
Magnetic field - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Immunity - Power frequency EN 61000-4-8:2010
Magnetic field - Human exposure - Electromagnetic field - Electric field EN 50413:2008
Magnetic field - Superconductor - AC loss measurement - Cu/Nb-Ti composite - Pickup coil method EN 61788-8:2003
Magnetic field - Workers' exposure - Exposure - Industrial - Induction heating EN 50519:2010
Magnetic field strength - Electroacoustics - Hearing aid - Induction loop EN 60118-4:2006
Magnetic material - Core - Soft - Measuring EN 62044-1:2002
Magnetic material - Core - Soft - Measuring - High excitation level EN 62044-3:2001
Magnetic materials - DC magnetic properties - Iron - Steel - Measurement EN 60404-4:1997
Magnetic materials - Density - Resistivity - Stacking factor - Steel sheet EN 60404-13:2007
Magnetic materials - Dipole moment - Ferromagnetic - Rotation method - Measurement EN 60404-14:2002
Magnetic materials - Electrical steel sheet and strip - Epstein frame - Measurement EN 60404-2:1998
Magnetic materials - Magnetically soft metallic material - Powder material - Ring method EN 60404-6:2003
Magnetic materials - Permanent magnet - Properties - Measurement EN 60404-5:2007
Magnetic metallic - Magnetic - Individual materials - Soft EN 60404-8-6:2009
Magnetic oxide - Core - EER-core - Power supply EN 62317-7:2005
Magnetic oxide - Core - ETD-core - Power supply - Dimensions EN 61185:2005
Magnetic oxide - Core - Mechanical strength - Test method EN 61631:2001
Magnetic oxide - PM-core - Dimensions EN 61247:1997
Magnetic oxide - RM core - Dimensions EN 62317-4:2005
Magnetic oxide - Switch - Core - Half pot - Inductive proximity EN 62323:2005
Magnetic oxide core - Adjuster - Ferrite - Inductor - Transformer EN 125401:1991
Magnetic oxide core - Adjuster - Inductor - Transformer EN 125400:1991
Magnetic oxide core - Core - Power applications CECC 25 300:1980
Magnetic oxide core - Inductor - Inductor applications EN 125100:1991
Magnetic oxide core - Transformer - Linear transformer EN 125200:1991
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Magnetic oxide EP-core - Inductor - Transformer - Dimensions EN 61596:1997
Magnetic oxide ring core - Interference suppression - Transformer applications EN 125500:1996
Magnetic probe - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Conducted emission EN 61967-6:2002
Magnetic resonance - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Consistency test EN 62464-1:2007
Magnetic resonance - Medical equipment - Medical diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-33:2002
Magnetic tape - Audio - Calibration EN 60094-2:1995
Magnetic tape - Audio - Cassette EN 60094-7:1993
Magnetic tape - Audio - Mechanical properties EN 60094-4:1994
Magnetic tape - Audio - Properties EN 60094-5:1993
Magnetic tape - Audio - Recorder EN 61120-4:1992
Magnetic tape - Audio - Recorder - Reel-to-reel system HD 311.6 S1:1987
Magnetic tape - Audio - Recorder - Reel-to-reel system EN 61120-1:1993
Magnetic tape - Audio - Recorder - Reel-to-reel system - Format A EN 61120-2:1993
Magnetic tape - Audio - Recorder - Reel-to-reel system - Format B EN 61120-3:1993
Magnetic tape - Audio - Recorder - Reel-to-reel system - Reel EN 61120-5:1995
Magnetic tape - Audio - Recorder - Time code - Address code HD 311.10 S1:1989
Magnetic tape - Audio - Sound recording EN 60094-1:1993
Magnetic tape - Audio - Sound recording EN 60094-3:1996
Magnetic tape - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital component - Video cassette EN 61016:2001
Magnetic tape - Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - Compression format EN 62330-2:2004
Magnetic tape - Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - Data stream format EN 62330-3:2004
Magnetic tape - Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - VTR specifications EN 62330-1:2004
Magnetic tape - Video - Helical-scan - Video tape EN 60843-1:1994
Magnetic tape - Video - Helical-scan - Video tape - Video subcode (VSC) EN 60843-4:2000
Magnetic tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Format D-3 EN 61327:1995
Magnetic tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - VHS - FM audio recording EN 60774-2:2000
Magnetic tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - D-VHS EN 60774-5:2004
Magnetic tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - S-VHS EN 60774-4:2003
Magnetic tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - VHS EN 60774-1:1994
Magnetic tape - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Tape - Compression format EN 62071-2:2006
Magnetic tape - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Tape - Data stream format EN 62071-3:2006
Magnetic tape - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Tape - VTR specifications EN 62071-1:2006
Magnetic tape - Video cassette recording - Helical-scan - Digital component EN 61835:1998
Magnetic tape - Video recording - Helical-scan - Digital - MPEG-4 compression EN 62141:2006
Magnetic tape - Video-recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Data compression EN 61904:2000
Magnetically soft ferrite - Core - Ferrite - Data format - Inductor core EN 60401-3:2003
Magnetically soft ferrite - Core - Ferrite - Physical irregularity EN 60401-1:2005
Magnetically soft metallic material - Magnetic materials - Powder material - Ring method EN 60404-6:2003
Magneto-optical disc:ID format - Disc EN 62345:2005
Magnetometer method - Superconductor - AC loss measurement - Hysteresis loss - Multifilamentary composite EN 61788-13:2003
Magnetron EN 136000:1992
Magnetron - CW magnetron - Heating - Cooking EN 136002:1992
Magnetron - Pulsed magnetron EN 136001:1992
Main line vehicle - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph EN 50206-1:1998
Main line vehicle - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph EN 50206-1:2010
Mains driven - Household appliances - Lawn trimmer - Edge trimmer - Safety EN 60335-2-91:2003
Mains signalling - Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonics - Immunity - Measurement EN 61000-4-13:2002
Maintainability - Railway - Reliability - Availability - RAMS CLC/TR 50126-2:2007
Maintainability - Railway applications - Reliability - Availability - Safety EN 50126-1:1999
Maintainability - Reliability - Availability - Mathematical expression EN 61703:2002
Maintanability - Data - Presentation - Analysis - Collection EN 60706-3:2006
Maintanability - Design phase - Development phase EN 60706-2:2006
Maintanability - Testability - Diagnostic EN 60706-5:2007
Maintenance - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises EN 50292:2001
Maintenance - Combustible gas - Detection - Domestic premises - Installation EN 50244:2000
Maintenance - Dependability - Guidelines - Support services EN 60300-3-16:2008
Maintenance - Dependability - Management - Application guide EN 60300-3-14:2004
Maintenance - Dependability - Reliability EN 60300-3-11:2009
Maintenance - Explosive - Atmosphere - Inspection EN 60079-17:2007
Maintenance - Insulation - Oil - Mineral - Supervision EN 60422:2006
Maintenance - Low-voltage - Gangway - Operating - Special location HD 60364-7-729:2009
Maintenance guide - Insulating liquid - Synthetic organic ester EN 61203:1994
Major properties - Microwave ferrite component EN 61830:1998
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Fixed right angle socket CECC 22 131-806:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Fixed socket CECC 22 131-802:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Fixed socket CECC 22 131-811:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Printed wiring board CECC 22 131-804:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Printed wiring board socket CECC 22 131-803:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Socket CECC 22 131-808:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Socket CECC 22 131-810:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Fixed right angle socket CECC 22 141-806:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Fixed socket CECC 22 141-802:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Fixed socket CECC 22 141-811:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Printed wiring board CECC 22 141-804:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Printed wiring board socket CECC 22 141-803:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Socket CECC 22 141-808:1988
Male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Socket CECC 22 141-810:1988
Mammographic cassette - Medical - X-ray diagnosis - Radiographic cassette EN 60406:1997
Mammography - Imaging equipment - X-ray - Diagnostic - Anti-scatter grid EN 60627:2001
Mammography - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - X-ray EN 61223-3-2:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Mammography - Medical - Safety - X-ray - Stereotactic EN 60601-2-45:2011
Mammography - Medical equipment - Imaging device - X-ray - Digital EN 62220-1-2:2007
Mammography - Medical equipment - X-ray - Stereotactic device - Safety EN 60601-2-45:2001
Man-machine - Railway - Communication - Safety - MMI CLC/TR 50542:2010
Man-machine interface (MMI) - Conductor - Identification - Colour - Alphanumeric EN 60446:2007
Man-machine interface (MMI) - Interface - Actuating - Marking - Identification EN 60447:2004
Man-machine interface (MMI) - Marking - Coding - Indicator - Actuator EN 60073:2002
Man-machine interface - Marking - Identification - Terminal - Termination EN 60445:2010
Man-machine interface - Marking - Identification - Terminal and termination - Alphanumeric system EN 60445:2007
Management - Communication - Network - Substation EN 61850-4:2002
Management - Dependability EN 60300-1:2003
Management - Dependability EN 60300-3-4:2008
Management - Dependability - Data collection EN 60300-3-2:2005
Management - Dependability - Guidance EN 60300-2:2004
Management - Dependability - Life cycle - Costing analysis EN 60300-3-3:2004
Management - Dependability - Logistic support - Application guide EN 60300-3-12:2004
Management - Dependability - Logistic support - Application guide EN 60300-3-12:2011
Management - Dependability - Maintenance - Application guide EN 60300-3-14:2004
Management - Dependability - Methodology - Application guide EN 60300-3-1:2004
Management - Energy - Efficiency - Glossary CEN/CLC/TR 16103:2010
Management - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System EN 50090-7-1:2004
Management - Risk EN 31010:2010
Management Information Base - Distribution - Automation - Data communication protocol EN 61334-4-512:2002
Manganese - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Tantalum - Surface mount EN 60384-3:2006
Manganese - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Tantalum - Surface mount EN 60384-3-1:2006
Manual metal - Welding - Arc welding - Limited duty - Power source EN 60974-6:2003
Manual soldering - Connection - High-reliability - Space product assurance EN 50390:2004
Manually operated - Switch - Rotary wafer switch - Centre bush mounting CECC 96 101-801:1992
Manufacture - Connector - Electrical connector - TAS CECC 299 001:1999
Manufacture - Explosive - Atmosphere - Quality system - Equipment EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011
Manufacture - Printed board - Design - Assembly EN 60194:2006
Manufacture - Resistance - Welding - Design - Installation EN 62135-1:2008
Manufacturing line - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Approval application guideline EN 61943:1999
Manufacturing operations - Enterprise-control - Activity model EN 62264-3:2007
Mapping - Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Network technologies EN 61800-7-302:2008
Mapping - Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Network technologies EN 61800-7-303:2008
Mapping - Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Network technologies EN 61800-7-304:2008
Mapping - Communication - Network - Power - Utility automation EN 61850-8-1:2011
Mapping - Communication - Network - Substation - SCSM EN 61850-8-1:2004
Mapping - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Interface - Profile EN 61800-7-301:2008
Mapping - Wind - Turbine - Power plant - Communication profile EN 61400-25-4:2008
Marina - Low-voltage - Special location HD 60364-7-709:2009
Maritime - Distress - Safety - Rescue - Transmitter EN 61097-14:2010
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Automatic - Identification EN 62320-2:2008
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Automatic Identification - CSTDMA techniques EN 62287-1:2006
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Bridge - Alarm EN 62616:2010
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Chart system EN 62376:2011
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Digital interface - Serial data instrument network EN 61162-3:2008
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Identification - CSTDMA EN 62287-1:2011
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Integrated system - Testing EN 61924:2006
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Shipborne EN 62288:2008
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Shipborne - Voyage data recorder EN 61996-1:2008
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Shipborne - Voyage data recorder EN 61996-2:2008
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Speed - Distance EN 61023:2007
Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Talker - Listener EN 61162-450:2011
Maritime - Radio-communication - Navigation - Radar - Shipborne radar EN 62388:2008
Maritime navigation - Radiocommunication - Radar - Craft EN 62252:2004
Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - High-speed transmission EN 61162-2:1998
Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Electronic - Chart display - Information system EN 61174:2001
Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Integrated bridge system (IBS) - Test method EN 61209:1999
Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Receiver equipment - GNSS - GLONASS EN 61108-2:1998
Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Ship - Testing EN 60945:2002
Maritime, Navigation - Radiocommunication - Chart - ECDIS EN 61174:2008
Marking - Battery - Lead-acid - Valve-regulated - Dimension EN 61056-2:2003
Marking - Battery - Starter - Lead-acid - Dimensions EN 50342-2:2007
Marking - Core - Ferrite core EN 61333:1998
Marking - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Encapsulation m - Construction EN 60079-18:2004
Marking - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Protection n - Construction EN 60079-15:2005
Marking - Explosive atmosphere - Gas - Construction - Test EN 60079-26:2007
Marking - Identification - Core - Cable - Inscription EN 50334:2001
Marking - Industrial process control - Valve EN 60534-5:2004
Marking - Interface - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Actuating - Identification EN 60447:2004
Marking - Machinery - Actuation - Indication - Safety EN 61310-3:2008
Marking - Machinery - Indication - Actuation - Safety EN 61310-2:2008
Marking - Man-machine interface (MMI) - Coding - Indicator - Actuator EN 60073:2002
Marking - Man-machine interface - Identification - Terminal - Termination EN 60445:2010
Marking - Man-machine interface - Identification - Terminal and termination - Alphanumeric system EN 60445:2007
Marking - Medical device - Active medical device - Implantable - Safety EN 45502-1:1997
Marking - Rated voltages - Electrical equipment CLC Guide 6:2001
Marking - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-9:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Marking and identification - Electrical equipment - Safety requirement EN 61293:1994
Marking code - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61605:2005
Marking code - Resistor - Capacitor - Identification EN 60062:2005
Marking legend ink - Interconnection structure - Non-conductive film - Coating EN 61249-8-7:1996
Markov technique EN 61165:2006
Mass - Connector - Electronic equipment - Dimension - Test EN 60512-1-2:2002
Mass lamination panel - PAS CECC 200 021:1996
Massage appliance - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-32:2003
MAT format - Digital - Audio - Bitstream - Non-linear EN 61937-9:2007
Matching value - Audio - Video - Audiovisual - Analogue signal EN 61938:1997
Material - Fire hazard - Glow-wire flammability - Flammability - Test EN 60695-2-12:2001
Material - Fire hazard - Glow-wire ignitability - Ignitability - Test EN 60695-2-13:2001
Material - Printed board - Interconnection structure - Test EN 61189-2:2006
Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Fingerprinting - Cold shrinkable HD 631.4 S1:2008
Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Fingerprinting - Heat shrinkable HD 631.3 S1:2008
Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Heat shrinkable - Fingerprinting HD 631.2 S1:2007
Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Resinous compoun - Fingerprinting HD 631.1 S2:2007
Materials - Cable - Fire conditions - Combustion - Acidity of gas EN 50267-2-2:1998
Materials - Insulation - Individual - Flexlible EN 60626-3:2008
Mathematical expression - Reliability - Availability - Maintainability EN 61703:2002
Mathematical operation - Language - Behavioural language - VHDL EN 61691-3-2:2001
Mating (un-mating) - Connector - Electronic - Mechanical - Electrical load EN 60512-9-3:2011
Mating - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Durability EN 61300-2-2:2009
Mating - Pressure - Measuring - Shut-off device - Dimensions EN 61518:2001
Matrix - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - LCD module - Monochrome EN 61747-2-1:2001
Matrix - Superconductivity - Volume ratio - Copper - Composite EN 61788-5:2001
Matrix - Superconductor - Volume ratio measurement - Nb3Sn composite - Wire EN 61788-12:2002
Matrix colour - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - LCD module EN 61747-2-2:2004
Matrix colour LCD module - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display - Essential rating EN 61747-4-1:2004
Matrix tray - Packaging - Automatic handling - Tray EN 60286-5:2004
Matting - Live working - Insulating EN 61111:2009
Mattress - Medical equipment - Blanket - Pad - Heating EN 60601-2-35:1996
Mattresses - Medical - Blanket - Pad - Heating EN 80601-2-35:2009
Maximum outline - Lamp - Incandescent lamp EN 60630:1998
MD - Low Voltage Directive - LVD - Machinery Directive CLC Guide 18:2001
Measure - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-7:2001
Measure - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-7:2010
Measurement - Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part EN 61606-1:2004
Measurement - Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part EN 61606-1:2009
Measurement - Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Consumer use EN 61606-2:2004
Measurement - Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part - Consumer use EN 61606-2:2009
Measurement - Circuit - EMC - Immunity - TEM cell EN 62132-2:2011
Measurement - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Definition EN 61967-1:2002
Measurement - Connector - Cable - Clamping - Resistance EN 60512-17-3:2010
Measurement - Connector - Cable - Clamping - Torsion EN 60512-17-4:2010
Measurement - Connector - Chemical - Resistance - Fluid EN 60512-19-1:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic - Cable - Clamping EN 60512-17-1:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic - Capacitance EN 60512-22-1:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic - Endurance EN 60512-9-1:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic - Endurance - Cyclic EN 60512-9-5:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic - Impact - Free fall EN 60512-7-1:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic - Load test - Static EN 60512-8-1:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic - Resistance - Shunt EN 60512-21-1:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic - Screening - Filtering EN 60512-23-2:2010
Measurement - Connector - Electronic equipment - Attenuation - Insertion loss EN 60512-25-2:2002
Measurement - Connector - Electronic equipment - Crosstalk ratio - Test EN 60512-25-1:2001
Measurement - Connector - Electronic equipment - Propagation delay - Test EN 60512-25-4:2001
Measurement - Connector - Electronic equipment - Rise time degradation - Test EN 60512-25-3:2001
Measurement - Connector - Electronic equipment - Signal integrity - Alien crosstalk EN 60512-25-9:2008
Measurement - Connector - Electronic equipment - Test EN 60512-1:2001
Measurement - Connector - Electronic equipment - Test - Applicable publication EN 60512-1-100:2006
Measurement - Connector - Fire - Flammability - Glow-wire EN 60512-20-3:2010
Measurement - Connector - Fire - Flammability - Needle-flame EN 60512-20-1:2010
Measurement - Connector - Radio-frequency - Cable - Intermodulation level EN 62037:1999
Measurement - Consumption - Power consumption - Audio - Video EN 62087:2003
Measurement - Control - Performance EN 61298-1:2008
Measurement - Control - Performance - Influence quantities EN 61298-3:2008
Measurement - Damp heat - Testing EN 61300-2-19:2005
Measurement - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Service channel EN 60835-2-9:1995
Measurement - Digital VTR - Consumer-use - Electronic performance - Mechanical performance EN 62122:2002
Measurement - Disturbance - Immunity - Radio - Antenna EN 55016-1-4:2010
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity EN 55016-1-1:2007
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity EN 55016-2-4:2004
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Antenna calibration EN 55016-1-5:2004
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-1-2:2004
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-2-1:2004
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Disturbance power EN 55016-1-3:2006
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Disturbance power EN 55016-2-2:2004
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - EMC EN 55016-4-2:2004
Measurement - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Radiated disturbance EN 55016-1-4:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Measurement - Dryer - Tumbler dryer - Household - Performance EN 61121:2005
Measurement - DVD player EN 62389:2006
Measurement - Electroacoustics - Real-ear - Hearing aid - Acoustical EN 61669:2001
Measurement - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Power quality EN 61000-4-30:2009
Measurement - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Testing EN 61000-4-1:2007
Measurement - Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonics - Mains signalling - Immunity EN 61000-4-13:2002
Measurement - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunitry test - Testing - Unbalance EN 61000-4-27:2000
Measurement - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Power frequency EN 61000-4-28:2000
Measurement - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power quality - Test EN 61000-4-30:2003
Measurement - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power system - Harmonics EN 61000-4-7:2002
Measurement - Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing - Voltage dips - Immunity test EN 61000-4-29:2000
Measurement - Electromagnetic field - Household - Human exposure EN 62233:2008
Measurement - Electronic - Expression - Performance EN 60359:2002
Measurement - Electronic equipment - Flammability test - Fireproofness - Test EN 60512-20-2:2000
Measurement - Electronic equipment - Return loss - Test EN 60512-25-5:2004
Measurement - Electronic equipment - Shielding effectiveness - Connector - Test EN 60512-23-3:2001
Measurement - Electrostatics - Dissipation - Static electric charge EN 61340-2-1:2002
Measurement - Emission - Disturbance emission - In-situ measurement CLC/TS 50217:2005
Measurement - Energy consumption - Household - Washing machine EN 60456:2005
Measurement - Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Temperature chamber EN 60068-3-7:2002
Measurement - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Mode Transfer EN 61300-3-43:2009
Measurement - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Guidance EN 61300-1:2011
Measurement - Fibre - Optic - Transceiver - ATM-PON EN 62150-2:2011
Measurement - Fibre optic - Active component - Test EN 62150-1:2005
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting - Ferrule - Compression force EN 61300-3-22:2011
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ambient light susceptibility EN 61300-3-8:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Angle-polished ferrule - Endface angle EN 61300-3-17:1999
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ceramic - Screen testing EN 61300-2-24:2010
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Concentricity of the ferrule EN 61300-3-25:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Engagement and separation force EN 61300-3-11:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Extinction ratio - Pigtailed connector EN 61300-3-40:1998
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ferrule compression force EN 61300-3-22:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ferrule endface EN 61300-3-23:1998
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Fibre optic switch EN 61300-3-13:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Gauge retention force EN 61300-3-10:2007
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Keying accuracy - Angled endface connector EN 61300-3-18:2006
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Multiway connector plug EN 61300-3-27:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Angular misalignment EN 61300-3-26:2002
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Attenuation EN 61300-3-4:2001
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector ferrule EN 61300-3-36:2000
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Far-end crosstalk EN 61300-3-9:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Single-mode EN 61300-3-19:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - PC optical connector - Plug selection EN 61300-3-39:1997
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Thermal shock - Testing EN 61300-2-47:2007
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Thermal shock - Testing EN 61300-2-47:2010
Measurement - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Transient loss - Test EN 61300-3-28:2002
Measurement - Fibre optic - Semiconductor optoelectronic device - Fibre optic system EN 62007-2:2000
Measurement - Fibre optic - Transceivers - ATM-PON - Test EN 62150-2:2004
Measurement - Filter - Audible sound - Ultrasound EN 61012:1998
Measurement - Hair care - Household - Performance EN 61855:2003
Measurement - Hearing aid - Bone vibrator output HD 450.9 S1:1987
Measurement - Hearing aid - Electroacoustical characteristics EN 60118-0:1993
Measurement - High-voltage - Test technique - Discharge EN 60270:2001
Measurement - Household - Electromagnetic - Evaluation EN 50366:2003
Measurement - Household - standby power - Power EN 50564:2011
Measurement - Industrial process - Performance EN 61069-4:1997
Measurement - Industrial process - System assessment - Non-task-related properties EN 61069-8:1999
Measurement - Industrial process - System assessment - System operability EN 61069-6:1998
Measurement - Industrial process - System assessment - System safety EN 61069-7:1999
Measurement - Industrial process - Valve - Noise - Hydrodynamic EN 60534-8-2:1993
Measurement - Industrial-process - Control - Data structures - Fundamental EN 61987-10:2009
Measurement - Information technology - Power consumption EN 62018:2003
Measurement - Information technology equipment - Immunity EN 55024:1998
Measurement - Information technology equipment - Immunity EN 55024:1998/IS1:2007
Measurement - Information technology equipment - Immunity EN 55024:2010
Measurement - Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance EN 55022:2006
Measurement - Instrument - Software - HV - Impulse test EN 61083-1:2001
Measurement - Insulation - Resistivity - Dissipation - Dielectric EN 60247:2004
Measurement - Intensity - Beam angle - Reflector - Lamp EN 61341:2011
Measurement - Intermodulation product - Gyromagnetic device EN 61843:1997
Measurement - Iron - Household use - Performance EN 60311:2003
Measurement - Laboratory - Control - Safety EN 61010-1:2010
Measurement - Laboratory equipment - Centrifuge - Safety - Control EN 61010-2-020:2006
Measurement - Laboratory equipment - Control - Safety EN 61010-1:2001
Measurement - Laboratory equipment - Control - Safety - Testing circuit EN 61010-2-030:2010
Measurement - Laboratory equipment - Current sensor - Hand-held - Safety EN 61010-2-032:2002
Measurement - Laboratory equipment - Medical equipment - In vitro diagnostic - Safety EN 61010-2-101:2002
Measurement - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control EN 61326-1:2006
Measurement - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Communication EN 61326-2-5:2006
Measurement - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Immunity EN 61326-3-1:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Measurement - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - In-vitro diagnostic EN 61326-2-6:2006
Measurement - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Insulation EN 61326-2-4:2006
Measurement - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Portable test EN 61326-2-2:2006
Measurement - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Sensitive test EN 61326-2-1:2006
Measurement - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Transducer EN 61326-2-3:2006
Measurement - Laser product - Energy EN 61040:1992
Measurement - Lighting - Lamp cap - Temperature rise EN 60360:1998
Measurement - Lighting - Radio disturbance EN 55015:2006
Measurement - Liquid - Crystal - Display - Reflective type EN 61747-6-2:2011
Measurement - Machine - Rotating - Vibration EN 60034-14:2004
Measurement - Magnetic - Public - Exposure EN 62110:2009
Measurement - Magnetic materials - DC magnetic properties - Iron - Steel EN 60404-4:1997
Measurement - Magnetic materials - Dipole moment - Ferromagnetic - Rotation method EN 60404-14:2002
Measurement - Magnetic materials - Electrical steel sheet and strip - Epstein frame EN 60404-2:1998
Measurement - Magnetic materials - Permanent magnet - Properties EN 60404-5:2007
Measurement - Microphone - Actuator - Electrostatic - Frequency response EN 61094-6:2005
Measurement - Microphone - Calibration - Free-field calibration - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-3:1995
Measurement - Microphone - Calibration - Pressure - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-2:1993
Measurement - Microphone - Laboratory standard microphone EN 61094-1:2000
Measurement - Microphone - Pressure - Calibration - Working standard microphone EN 61094-5:2001
Measurement - Microphone - Working standard microphone EN 61094-4:1995
Measurement - Minidisc - Recorder/player EN 62121:2001
Measurement - Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Return loss EN 61300-3-6:2009
Measurement - Optic - Fibre - Proof test EN 60793-1-30:2011
Measurement - Optic - Macrobending - Loss EN 60793-1-47:2009
Measurement - Optical - Coating - Strippability EN 60793-1-32:2010
Measurement - Optical component - Polarisation - Dispersion EN 61300-3-32:2006
Measurement - Optical fibre - Aperture - Corrosion - Test EN 60793-1-33:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Aperture - Numerical aperture - Test EN 60793-1-43:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Attenuation - Test EN 60793-1-40:2003
Measurement - Optical fibre - Bandwidth - Test EN 60793-1-41:2003
Measurement - Optical fibre - Bandwidth - Test EN 60793-1-41:2010
Measurement - Optical fibre - Coating - Strippability - Test EN 60793-1-32:2003
Measurement - Optical fibre - Coating geometry - Test EN 60793-1-21:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Damp heat - Heat - Test EN 60793-1-50:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Delay - Differential mode delay - Test EN 60793-1-49:2006
Measurement - Optical fibre - Dispersion - Chromatic dispersion - Test EN 60793-1-42:2007
Measurement - Optical fibre - Dispersion - Polarization mode - Test EN 60793-1-48:2007
Measurement - Optical fibre - Dry heat - Heat - Test EN 60793-1-51:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Endface angle - Angle-polished EN 61300-3-37:2005
Measurement - Optical fibre - Fibre curl - Test EN 60793-1-34:2006
Measurement - Optical fibre - Fibre geometry - Test EN 60793-1-20:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Fibre proof test - Test EN 60793-1-30:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Immersion - Water immersion - Test EN 60793-1-53:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Irradiation - Gamma irradiation - Test EN 60793-1-54:2003
Measurement - Optical fibre - Length - Test EN 60793-1-22:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Macrobending loss - Test EN 60793-1-47:2007
Measurement - Optical fibre - Mode field diameter - Test EN 60793-1-45:2003
Measurement - Optical fibre - Temperature change - Test EN 60793-1-52:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Tensile strength - Test EN 60793-1-31:2002
Measurement - Optical fibre - Tensile strength - Test EN 60793-1-31:2010
Measurement - Optical fibre - Test - Guidance EN 60793-1-1:2008
Measurement - Optical fibre - Transmittance - Changes monitoring - Test EN 60793-1-46:2002
Measurement - Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Jitter - SAW EN 60679-6:2011
Measurement - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Linearity EN 60904-10:1998
Measurement - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Linearity EN 60904-10:2010
Measurement - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Photovoltaic (PV) current-voltage EN 60904-1:2006
Measurement - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Spectral response EN 60904-8:1998
Measurement - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Terrestrial - Solar device - Spectral irradiance data EN 60904-3:2008
Measurement - Photovoltaic (PV) system - Data exchange EN 61724:1998
Measurement - Power - Standby power EN 62301:2005
Measurement - Quartz crystal unit - Automatic network analyzer technique EN 60444-5:1997
Measurement - Quartz crystal unit - Drive level dependence (DLD) EN 60444-6:1997
Measurement - Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Load resonance EN 60444-4:1997
Measurement - Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Parallel capacitance C0 EN 60444-3:1997
Measurement - Radio equipment - Satellite earth station HD 467.1.2 S1:1986
Measurement - Radio frequency - Electromagnetic field EN 61566:1997
Measurement - Radio receiver - Digital satellite radio receiver (DSR) EN 60315-7:1995
Measurement - Radio receiver - Radio data system (RDS) reception EN 60315-9:1996
Measurement - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial HD 477.2.1 S1:1987
Measurement - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial HD 477.2.2 S1:1987
Measurement - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial - Baseband HD 477.3.2 S1:1988
Measurement - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial - Sub-system HD 477.1 S1:1987
Measurement - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Sound broadcasting - Amplitude-modulated EN 60244-15:2000
Measurement - Railway application - Pantograph - Overhead contact line - Dynamic interaction EN 50317:2002
Measurement - Receiver - Radio receiver HD 560.1 S1:1990
Measurement - Receiver - Satellite broadcast transmission EN 61079-3:1993
Measurement - Receiver - Sound - Television - Disturbance EN 55013:2001
Measurement - Receiver - Television - Audio channel - Monophonic EN 60107-2:1997
Measurement - Resistance - DC bridge EN 60564:1993
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Measurement - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave EN 60835-3-14:1996
Measurement - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - VSAT system EN 60835-3-13:1996
Measurement - Satellite earth station - Performance EN 60835-3-12:1995
Measurement - Semiconductor - Package - Warpage - Temperature EN 60191-6-19:2010
Measurement - Storage - Heater - Water heater - Household EN 60379:2004
Measurement - Television - Receiver - Radio and video frequencies EN 60107-1:1997
Measurement - Testing - Guidance EN 61300-1:2003
Measurement - Transmission - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system EN 60835-2-7:1994
Measurement - Transmitter - Radio transmitter - Broadcast transmitter EN 60244-1:2000
Measurement - Tuning-fork - Quartz - Crystal - Test EN 60689:2009
Measurement - Turbine - Steam turbine - Noise EN 61063:1996
Measurement - Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Acoustic noise EN 61400-11:2003
Measurement - Ultrasonic - Hydrophone - Medical EN 62127-1:2007
Measurement - Ultrasonics - Surgical system EN 61847:1998
Measurement - Ultrasonics - Transducer - Transmitted field - Definition EN 61828:2001
Measurement - Valve - Industrial-process - Step input - Test EN 60534-9:2007
Measurement - Video - Video tape - Properties EN 60735:1991
Measurement - Video - Video tape recorder EN 61237-3:1995
Measurement - Voltage - Air gap EN 60052:2002
Measurement - Waveguide - Dielectric resonator - Microwave frequency - Permittivity EN 61338-1-3:2000
Measurement method - Ballast-lamp circuit - Input power EN 50294:1998
Measurement method - Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - High power EN 50324-3:2002
Measurement method - Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - Low power EN 50324-2:2002
Measurement method - Electric lamp - Energy - Household use EN 50285:1999
Measurement method - Household appliances - Microwave oven - Performance EN 60705:1999
Measurement method - Touch current - Conductor current - Protective EN 60990:1999
Measurement method - Video - Videodisk - Parameter EN 61106:1993
Measurement method - Videodisk player EN 61599:1999
Measurement method - Waveguide - Attenuation - Waveguide assemblies EN 61580-4:1998
Measurement method - Waveguide - Intermodulation product EN 61580-2:1996
Measurement method - Waveguide - Performance EN 61580-7:1996
Measurement method - Waveguide - Plane of polarization EN 61580-1:1996
Measurement method - Waveguide - Variation of group delay EN 61580-3:1997
Measurement method - Waveguide - Waveguide assemblies EN 61580-6:1997
Measurement method - Waveguide - Waveguide power holding capability EN 61580-8:1996
Measurements - Photovoltaic - Pumping - Qualification - Performance EN 62253:2011
Measuring - Capacitor - ESL - Lead - Terminal EN 62490-1:2010
Measuring - Capacitor - ESL - Surface mount EN 62490-2:2010
Measuring - Coffe maker - Household - Performance EN 60661:2001
Measuring - Core - Magnetic - Soft ferrites - Low excitation level EN 62044-2:2005
Measuring - Core - Magnetic material - Soft EN 62044-1:2002
Measuring - Core - Magnetic material - Soft - High excitation level EN 62044-3:2001
Measuring - current - High-current - Test EN 62475:2010
Measuring - Dishwasher - Household - Performance EN 50242:2008
Measuring - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-10:2001
Measuring - Electric toaster - Household use - Performance EN 60442:1998
Measuring - High-voltage - Test EN 60060-2:2011
Measuring - Noise - Dgital - Parameters EN 62333-3:2010
Measuring - Pressure - Shut-off device - Dimensions - Mating EN 61518:2001
Measuring - Radio - Disturbance - Immunity EN 55016-1-1:2010
Measuring - Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Radiated EN 55016-2-3:2010
Measuring - Relay - Protection EN 60255-1:2010
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Accessories EN 60051-8:1989
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Accessories - Definitions EN 60051-1:1998
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Ammeter - Voltmeter EN 60051-2:1989
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Frequency meter EN 60051-4:1989
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Multi-function instrument EN 60051-7:1989
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Ohmmeter - Conductance meter EN 60051-6:1989
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Phase meter - Synchroscope EN 60051-5:1989
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Test method EN 60051-9:1989
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Transducer - Conversion EN 60688:1992
Measuring instrument - Analogue - Wattmeter - Varmeter EN 60051-3:1989
Measuring instrument - Audiometer - High-frequency audiometry EN 60645-4:1995
Measuring instrument - Digital recorder - HV impulse test EN 61083-2:1997
Measuring instrument - Documentation EN 61187:1994
Measuring instrument - Energy - Watthour meter - AC - Class 1 and 2 EN 61358:1996
Measuring instrument - Potentiometer - DC EN 60523:1993
Measuring instrument - Recording instrument - Direct acting HD 368 S1:1978
Measuring instrument - Resistive volt ratio box EN 60524:1993
Measuring instrument - Sound intensity - Pressure sensing microphone EN 61043:1994
Measuring instrument - Watthour meter - AC - Class 2 EN 60514:1995
Measuring instrument - Weighing instrument EN 45501:1992
Measuring instrument - X-t recorder - Definitions EN 61143-1:1994
Measuring instrument - X-t recorder - Test EN 61143-2:1994
Measuring instrument - X-Y recorder EN 61028:1993
Measuring instruments - Control technology EN 62419:2009
Measuring method - Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic EN 60747-5-3:2001
Measuring method - Plasma - Display panel - Optical EN 61988-2-1:2002
Measuring method - Plasma - Display panel - Optoelectrical EN 61988-2-2:2003
Measuring method - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Quad flat pack (QFP) EN 60191-6-3:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Measuring method - Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide HD 123.1 S1:1977
Measuring methods - Noise suppression sheet - Digital device EN 62333-2:2006
Measuring relay - Electromagnetic compatibility - Product standard - Protection equipment EN 50263:1999
Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance - Electrostatic discharge EN 60255-22-2:2008
Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance - Fast transient/burst EN 60255-22-4:2008
Measuring relay - Relay - Electromagnetic emission - Protection - Test EN 60255-25:2000
Measuring relay - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Test EN 60255-26:2005
Measuring relay - Relay - Protection equipment EN 60255-6:1994
Measuring relay - Relay - Protection equipment - Burst immunity - Test EN 60255-22-1:2008
Measuring relay - Relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance - Radio frequency field EN 60255-22-6:2001
Measuring relay - Relay - Protection equipment - Measuring relay - Test EN 60255-26:2005
Measuring relay - Relay - Protection equipment - Power frequency immunity - Test EN 60255-22-7:2003
Measuring relay - Relay - Protection equipment - Product safety EN 60255-27:2005
Measuring relay - Relay - Protection equipment - Surbe immunity - Test EN 60255-22-5:2002
Measuring relay - Relay - Protection equipment - Vibration - Shock and bump test EN 60255-21-2:1995
Measuring relay - Relay - Transient data exchange - Power system - COMTRADE EN 60255-24:2001
Measuring relay - Relay - Vibration - Protection equipment - Seismic test EN 60255-21-3:1995
Measuring relay - Relay - Vibration test - Protection equipment - Seismic test EN 60255-21-1:1995
Measuring system - HV - Test technique EN 60060-2:1994
Measuring system - HV - Test technique - On-site test EN 60060-3:2006
Measurment - Laboratory equipment - Heating of materials - Safety - Control EN 61010-2-010:2003
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method EN 50289-3-1:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Abrasation resistance - Sheath EN 50289-3-7:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Abrasation resistance - Sheath marking EN 50289-3-8:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Adhesion - Sheath EN 50289-3-17:2002
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Bending tests EN 50289-3-9:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Cable tensile performance EN 50289-3-16:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Crush resistance EN 50289-3-5:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Cut-through resistance EN 50289-3-11:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Impact resistance EN 50289-3-6:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Shot gun damage EN 50289-3-12:2001
Mechanical - Communication cable - Test method - Tensile strength - Elongation EN 50289-3-2:2001
Mechanical - Connector - Electronic - Electrical load - Mating (un-mating) EN 60512-9-3:2011
Mechanical - Plasma - Display panel - Environmental - Endurance EN 61988-4:2007
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Damp heat - Stress test EN 60749-4:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Drop test - Strain gauge EN 60749-40:2011
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Electrostatic discharge - Human body model (HBM) EN 60749-26:2006
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Electrostatic discharge - Machine model (MM) EN 60749-27:2006
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Flammability - Plastic encapsulated device EN 60749-31:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Flammability - Plastic encapsulated device EN 60749-32:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Latch-up - Test method EN 60749-29:2011
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Moisture resistance - Unbiased autoclave EN 60749-33:2004
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Moisture resistance - Unbiased HAST EN 60749-24:2004
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Non-hermetic - Reliability EN 60749-30:2005
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Plastic-encapsulated SMD - Moisture EN 60749-20:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Soft error test - Memory EN 60749-38:2008
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Solderability - Test method EN 60749-21:2011
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Soldering temperature - through-hole EN 60749-15:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Temperature - Humidity bias life test EN 60749-5:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-1:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Acceleration EN 60749-36:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Bond strength EN 60749-22:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Die shear strength EN 60749-19:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - External visual examination EN 60749-3:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - High temperature EN 60749-23:2004
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Ionizing radiation EN 60749-18:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Latch-up EN 60749-29:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Low air pressure EN 60749-2:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Marking EN 60749-9:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Moisture EN 60749-7:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Moisture EN 60749-7:2011
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Neutron irradiation EN 60749-17:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Noise detection EN 60749-16:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Power cycling EN 60749-34:2004
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Power cycling EN 60749-34:2010
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Salt atmosphere EN 60749-13:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Sealing EN 60749-8:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Shock EN 60749-10:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Solderability EN 60749-21:2005
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Storage at high temperature EN 60749-6:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Temperature change EN 60749-25:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Terminaisons robustness EN 60749-14:2003
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Two-fluid-bath method EN 60749-11:2002
Mechanical - Semiconductor - Climatic - Test method - Vibration EN 60749-12:2002
Mechanical - Structure - Dimensions - Design - Chassis 1U EN 60297-3-105:2009
Mechanical - Superconductivity - Room - Temperature - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-6:2008
Mechanical - Superconductivity - Room - Temperature - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-6:2011
Mechanical - Ultrasonic - Diagnostic - Thermal - Field characterization EN 62359:2005
Mechanical - Ultrasonics - Thermal - Diagnostic - Ultrasonic field EN 62359:2011
Mechanical impact - Electrical equipment - IK code - Protection EN 50102:1995
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Mechanical influence - Industrial process EN 60654-3:1997
Mechanical interface - Plasma - Display panel EN 61988-3-1:2005
Mechanical measurement - Video - Video tape recorder EN 61237-1:1994
Mechanical mixing - Laboratory equipment - Stirring - Safety EN 61010-2-051:2003
Mechanical operation - Connector - Electronic equipment - Electrical load EN 60512-9-3:2006
Mechanical performance - Digital VTR - Consumer-use - Electronic performance - Measurement EN 62122:2002
Mechanical properties - Audio - Magnetic tape EN 60094-4:1994
Mechanical properties - Insulating materials EN 60811-1-1:1995
Mechanical properties - Wire - Winding wire - Test method EN 60851-3:1996
Mechanical property - Winding - Wire EN 60851-3:2009
Mechanical requirement - Household use - Automatic control - Valve - Oil valve EN 60730-2-19:2002
Mechanical requirements - Household use - Automatic control - Water valve EN 60730-2-8:2002
Mechanical standardization - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Integrated circuits EN 60191-3:1999
Mechanical strength - Core - Magnetic oxide - Test method EN 61631:2001
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Modular order EN 60917-2:1994
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Modular order EN 60917-2-1:1995
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Modular order EN 60917-2-2:1996
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Modular order - Generic standard EN 60917-1:1998
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosure - Cabinet and case - Safety EN 61969-3:2001
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosure - Design guidelines EN 61969-1:2000
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions - Cabinet EN 61969-2-1:2000
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions - Case EN 61969-2-2:2000
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosure - Dimensions - Case and cabinets EN 61969-2:2000
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Rack - Cabinet - EMC shielding EN 61587-3:2006
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Rack - Cabinet - Seismic test EN 61587-2:2001
Mechanical structure - Electronic equipment - Subrack - Backplane - Plug-in unit EN 60917-2-3:2006
Mechanical support - Switchgear - Controlgear - Rails - Dimensions EN 60715:2001
Mechanical test - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-15-8:1995
Mechanical test - Radiocommunications - Antenna - Satellite broadcast transmission EN 61114-2:1996
Mechanically linked - Relay - Contact - Forcibly guided contact EN 50205:2002
Media - Communication - Network - Automation - Redundancy EN 62439-2:2010
Media - HBES - Home and Building - Electronic - Layer EN 50090-5-3:2006
Media - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Application layer EN 50090-4-1:2004
Media - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - layer - Class 1 EN 50090-5-1:2005
Media access control layer - Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - MAC EN 60728-7-2:2005
Media dependent - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Layer - Twisted Pair EN 50090-5-2:2004
Media independant - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Layer EN 50090-4-3:2007
Media independent - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - layer EN 50090-4-2:2004
Medical - Blanket - Pad - Mattresses - Heating EN 80601-2-35:2009
Medical - Digital - X-ray - Imaging - Qantum efficiency EN 62220-1-3:2008
Medical - Dosimeter - Ionization chamber - Radiotherapy EN 60731:1997
Medical - Dosimeter - Ionization chamber - X-ray diagnostic - Imaging EN 61674:1997
Medical - Electrical equipment - Dose area product meter EN 60580:2000
Medical - Electron accelerator - Functional performance EN 60976:2007
Medical - Exposure index - Digital - X-ray - Imaging EN 62494-1:2008
Medical - External - Cardiac - Pacemaker EN 60601-2-31:2008
Medical - Image - Display - Evaluation EN 62563-1:2010
Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Consistency test - Magnetic resonance EN 62464-1:2007
Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Dental X-ray equipment - Test EN 61223-3-4:2000
Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Mammography - X-ray EN 61223-3-2:2008
Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Tomography X-ray equipment - Test EN 61223-3-5:2004
Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - X-ray equipment - Digital subtraction angiography EN 61223-3-3:1996
Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - Hard copy camera - Test EN 61223-2-4:1994
Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - Image display device - Test EN 61223-2-5:1994
Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - X-ray equipment - Tomography EN 61223-2-6:2007
Medical - Imaging device - Radionuclide - Gamma camera - Anger type EN 60789:2005
Medical - Industrial - Scientific - Radio-frequency - Disturbance EN 55011:2009/A1:2010
Medical - Lens - Surgery - Vitrectomy - Ophthalmic EN 80601-2-58:2009
Medical - Magnetic - Resonance - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-33:2010
Medical - Magnetic - Resonance - Imaging - Pulse sequence EN 62464-2:2011
Medical - Nerve - Muscle - Stimulator - Safety EN 60601-2-10:2000
Medical - Pacemaker - Cardiac - Implantable - Low-profile connector EN 50077:1993
Medical - Radionuclide calibrator - Performance EN 61303:1995
Medical - Radionuclide imaging device - Gamma camera - Wholebody imaging system EN 61675-3:1998
Medical - Radionuclide imaging device - Positron emission tomograph EN 61675-1:1998
Medical - Radionuclide imaging device - Single photon emission tomograph EN 61675-2:1998
Medical - Radiotherapy - Simulator - Performance EN 61168:1994
Medical - Radiotherapy - Treatment - Planning - Safety EN 62083:2001
Medical - Radiotherapy equipment EN 61217:1996
Medical - Risk management - IT - Network EN 80001-1:2011
Medical - Safety HD 395.1 S2:1988
Medical - safety - Cardiac - Defibrillator EN 60601-2-4:2011
Medical - Safety - High frequency - Surgical EN 60601-2-2:2009
Medical - Safety - Infant - Radiant - Warmers EN 60601-2-21:2009
Medical - Safety - Mammography - X-ray - Stereotactic EN 60601-2-45:2011
Medical - Safety - Performance - Automated - Sphygmomanometers EN 80601-2-30:2010
Medical - Safety - Performance - Baby - Incubator EN 60601-2-19:2009
Medical - Safety - Performance - Transport - Incubator EN 60601-2-20:2009
Medical - Safety - Performance - Usability - Collateral EN 60601-1-6:2010
Medical - Safety - Performance - X-ray - Tomography EN 60601-2-44:2009
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Medical - Safety - Performance: Infant - Phototherapy EN 60601-2-50:2009
Medical - Safety - Radiotherapy - Planning system EN 62083:2009
Medical - Safety - Surgical - Diagnosis - Luminaire EN 60601-2-41:2009
Medical - Screening - Thermograph - Febrile - Temperature EN 80601-2-59:2009
Medical - Short-wave - Therapy - Safety EN 60601-2-3:1993
Medical - Software - Life-cycle process EN 62304:2006
Medical - Test - Recurrent - After repair test EN 62353:2008
Medical - Ultrasonic - Hydrophone - Calibration EN 62127-2:2007
Medical - Ultrasonic - Hydrophone - Measurement EN 62127-1:2007
Medical - Ultrasonics - Continuous-wave Doppler system - Test EN 61206:1995
Medical - Ultrasonics - Dental descaler EN 61205:1994
Medical - Ultrasonics - Heartbeat detector - Doppler EN 61266:1995
Medical - Ultrasonics - Hydrophone - Properties EN 62127-3:2007
Medical - Usability engineering EN 62366:2008
Medical - X ray - Interventional EN 60601-2-43:2010
Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Clothing - Gonad EN 61331-3:1999
Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Diagnostic - Attenuation properties EN 61331-1:2002
Medical - X-radiation - Protective device - Diagnostic - Glass plate EN 61331-2:2002
Medical - X-ray - Electronic component EN 100012:1995
Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier - Contrast ratio - Veiling glare EN 61262-6:1994
Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier - Conversion factor EN 61262-2:1994
Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier - Defective quantum efficiency EN 61262-5:1994
Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier - Entrance field size EN 61262-1:1994
Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier - Image distortion EN 61262-4:1994
Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier - Luminance distribution EN 61262-3:1994
Medical - X-ray - Loading - Tube - Diagnosis EN 60613:2010
Medical - X-ray - Tube - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-28:2010
Medical - X-ray diagnosis - Radiographic cassette - Mammographic cassette EN 60406:1997
Medical - X-ray equipment - Image intensifier - Modulation transfert function EN 61262-7:1995
Medical - X-ray equipment - Plug and socket connection EN 60526:2004
Medical - X-ray equipment - Radiation conditions - Characteristics determination EN 61267:2006
Medical - X-ray equipment - Rotating anode - Characteristics EN 60613:1990
Medical - X-ray equipment - Rotating anode - Radiation EN 60806:2004
Medical - X-ray tube assemblies - Diagnosis - Focal spot EN 60336:2005
Medical device - Active - Implantable - Safety - Cochlear implant EN 45502-2-3:2010
Medical device - Active medical device - Implantable - Safety - Marking EN 45502-1:1997
Medical device - EMF assessment - Active - Implantable - Cardiac pacemaker EN 50527-2-1:2011
Medical device - Implantable - Safety - Bradyarrhythmia - Pacemaker EN 45502-2-1:2003
Medical device - Implantable - Safety - Tachyarrhythmia - Defibrillator EN 45502-2-2:2008
Medical diagnosis - Medical equipment - Magnetic resonance - Safety EN 60601-2-33:2002
Medical equiment - Infusion - Pump - Controller - Safety EN 60601-2-24:1998
Medical equiment - X-ray - Diagnostic - Generator - Safety EN 60601-2-7:1998
Medical equipment - Ambulatory - Electrocardiograph - Essential performance - Safety EN 60601-2-47:2001
Medical equipment - Anaesthetic system EN 60601-2-13:2006
Medical equipment - Bed EN 60601-2-52:2010
Medical equipment - Blanket - Pad - Mattress - Heating EN 60601-2-35:1996
Medical equipment - Blood-pressure - Monitoring - Cycling non invasive - Safety EN 60601-2-30:2000
Medical equipment - Blood-pressure - Monitoring - Essential performance - Safety EN 60601-2-34:2000
Medical equipment - Brachytherapy - Afterloading - Automatically-controlled - Safety EN 60601-2-17:2004
Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Alarm system - Safety EN 60601-1-8:2004
Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Alarm system - Safety EN 60601-1-8:2007
Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Controller - Physiologic - Closed-loop EN 60601-1-10:2008
Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Environment - Design - Conscious EN 60601-1-9:2008
Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Healthcare - Home EN 60601-1-11:2010
Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Safety EN 60601-1-1:2001
Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Usability EN 60601-1-6:2004
Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Usability EN 60601-1-6:2007
Medical equipment - Defibrillator - Cardiac - Safety EN 60601-2-4:2003
Medical equipment - Dosimetric - X-ray tube voltage - Radiology - Diagnostic EN 61676:2002
Medical equipment - Electrically operated - Hospital bed - Safety EN 60601-2-38:1996
Medical equipment - Electrocardiograph - Monitoring - Safety EN 60601-2-27:2006
Medical equipment - Electrocardiograph - Safety EN 60601-2-25:1995
Medical equipment - Electroencephalograph - Safety EN 60601-2-26:2003
Medical equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Test - Safety EN 60601-1-2:2007
Medical equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirement - Test - Safety EN 60601-1-2:2001
Medical equipment - Electromyograph - Response equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-40:1998
Medical equipment - Electron accelerator - Safety EN 60601-2-1:1998
Medical equipment - Endoscopy - Safety EN 60601-2-18:1996
Medical equipment - Essential performance - Safety EN 60601-1:2006
Medical equipment - Gamma beam therapy - Safety EN 60601-2-11:1997
Medical equipment - Haemodialysis - Haemodiafiltration - Haemofiltration - Safety EN 60601-2-16:1998
Medical equipment - Imaging device - X-ray - Digital - Mammography EN 62220-1-2:2007
Medical equipment - Imaging device - X-ray - Digital - Quantum efficiency EN 62220-1:2004
Medical equipment - Incubator - Baby incubator - Safety EN 60601-2-19:1996
Medical equipment - Incubator - Transport incubator - Safety EN 60601-2-20:1996
Medical equipment - Laboratory equipment - In vitro diagnostic - Measurement - Safety EN 61010-2-101:2002
Medical equipment - Laser - Diagnostic - Therapeutic - Safety EN 60601-2-22:1996
Medical equipment - Lithotripsy - Extracorporeally induced - Safety EN 60601-2-36:1997
Medical equipment - Luminaire - Surgical luminaire - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-41:2000
Medical equipment - Magnetic resonance - Medical diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-33:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Medical equipment - Mammography - X-ray - Stereotactic device - Safety EN 60601-2-45:2001
Medical equipment - Monitoring - Multifunction - Patient - Safety EN 60601-2-49:2001
Medical equipment - Monitoring - Transcutaneous - Pressure - Safety EN 60601-2-23:2000
Medical equipment - Operating table - Safety EN 60601-2-46:1998
Medical equipment - Operating table - Safety EN 60601-2-46:2011
Medical equipment - Peritoneal dialysis - Dialysis - Safety EN 60601-2-39:2008
Medical equipment - Phototherapy - Infant - Safety EN 60601-2-50:2002
Medical equipment - Programmable electrical medical system - Safety EN 60601-1-4:1996
Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Record system - Verify system - Safety EN 62274:2005
Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Simulator - Safety EN 60601-2-29:1999
Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Simulator - Safety EN 60601-2-29:2008
Medical equipment - Recording - Analyse - Single/multi channel - Electrocardiograph EN 60601-2-51:2003
Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-1:1990
Medical equipment - Surgical equipment - High frequency - Safety EN 60601-2-2:2007
Medical equipment - Therapeutic X-ray - Generator - Safety EN 60601-2-8:1997
Medical equipment - Transcutaneous oxygen - Carbon dioxide - Pressure - Monitoring EN 60601-3-1:1996
Medical equipment - Ultrasonic - Diagnostic - Monitoring - Safety EN 60601-2-37:2008
Medical equipment - Ultrasonic - Physiotherapy - Safety EN 60601-2-5:2000
Medical equipment - Ultrasound - Acoustic output EN 61157:2007
Medical equipment - Ventilator - Lung - Critical care EN 60601-2-12:2006
Medical equipment - Warmer - Infant - Radiant warmer - Safety EN 60601-2-21:1994
Medical equipment - X-ray - Computed tomography - Safety EN 60601-2-44:2001
Medical equipment - X-ray - Interventional procedure - Safety EN 60601-2-43:2000
Medical equipment - X-ray - Radiation protection - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-1-3:2008
Medical equipment - X-ray equipment - Radiation protection - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-1-3:1994
Medical equipment - X-ray equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-32:1994
Medical equipment - X-ray source assemblies - X-ray tube assemblies - Safety EN 60601-2-28:1993
Medical location - Transformer - Power transformer - Isolating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-15:2001
Medical,Non-laser light - cometic - Aesthetic - Safety EN 60601-2-57:2011
Medical,X-ray - Radiography - Radioscopy - Safety EN 60601-2-54:2009
Medium - HBES - Interface - Twisted Pair CLC/TR 50552:2010
Medium flat rectangular waveguide - Flange - Waveguide HD 129.6 S1:1984
Medium flat rectangular waveguide - Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide HD 123.6 S2:1980
Medium voltage - Cable - Distribution cable HD 621 S1:1996
Medium-sized - Writing standard - Micro - Small - SME CEN/CLC Guide 17:2010
Melamine resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-3-3:2004
Melting - Heating installation - Electroheat - Induction - Conduction EN 60519-3:2005
Melting - Safety - Electroheat - Resistance - Heating EN 60519-21:2009
Melting glass equipment - Heating installation - Electroheat - Resistance heating EN 60519-21:1998
Membership - Accession - Affiliate CLC Guide 11:2003
Membership - Criteria CEN/CLC Guide 20:2011
Membrane switch - Switch EN 196500:1993
Membrane switch - Switch CECC 96 501:1992
Memory - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Silicon monolithic - Read only CECC 90 105:1986
Memory - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Soft error test EN 60749-38:2008
Memory device - Integrated circuit - Pin configuration EN 61964:1999
MEMS - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical EN 62047-4:2010
MEMS - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Wafer to wafer - Bonding strength EN 62047-9:2011
MEMS - Semiconductor - Microelectromechanical - Micro-pillar EN 62047-10:2011
MEMS BAW - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Filter - Duplexer EN 62047-7:2011
Mercury vapour lamp - High-pressure - Lamp - Performance EN 60188:2001
Message - Broadcast application - Triggering message - Format EN 62297-1:2005
Message - Broadcast application - Triggering message - Transport method EN 62297-2:2005
Message - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol EN 61334-4-41:1996
Metadata - Multimedia - Colour - Gamut ID EN 61966-12-1:2011
Metadata - Television - Dictionary structure EN 62261-1:2006
Metadata - Television - Encoding protocol - Key-length-value EN 62261-2:2006
Metadata elements - Document management - Information reference model EN 82045-2:2005
Metal - Thermocouple assembly - Ceramic - Protection EN 50446:2006
Metal enclosure - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Lead connection EN 61837-3:2000
Metal film - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Film resistor EN 140101-806:2008
Metal foil - Capacitor - DC - Polycarbonate film dielectric - Assessment level EZ EN 131702:1997
Metal foil - Capacitor - DC - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Assessment level EZ EN 130102:1997
Metal foil - Capacitor - DC - Polypropylene film dielectric - Assessment level EZ EN 131802:1997
Metal foil - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60384-11:2008
Metal foil - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polyethylene terephthalate EN 60384-11-1:2008
Metal foil - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film EN 60384-13:2006
Metal foil - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film EN 60384-13-1:2006
Metal halide lamp - Lighting EN 61167:1994
Metal oxide - Surge - Protective device - LV - Varistor EN 61643-331:2003
Metal, Halide - Lamp EN 61167:2011
Metal-enclosed - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC EN 62271-200:2004
Metal-enclosed - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Gas-insulated EN 62271-203:2004
Metal-enclosed - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Cast resin partition EN 50089:1992
Metal-oxide - Mobile - Ion - Semiconductor - Transistor EN 62417:2010
Metal-oxide - Surge arrester - AC system - Gap EN 60099-4:2004
Metal-oxide - Surge arrester - EGLA - Transmission - Overhead line EN 60099-8:2011
Metal-sheathed - Thermometer element - Dimensions EN 61152:1994
Metal-sheathed cable - Cable - Alternating voltage - Test HD 633 S1:1997
Metallic - Cable - Communication - Attenuation - Injection clamp method EN 62153-4-2:2004
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Alphabetical Index

Metallic - Cable - Communication - Coupling attenuation - Tube in tube method EN 62153-4-7:2006
Metallization - Semiconductor - Stress - Void test EN 62418:2010
Metallized - Capacitor - Fixed - Polyethylene-terephthalate - d.c. EN 60384-2:2005
Metallized - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate EN 60384-19:2006
Metallized - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate EN 60384-19-1:2006
Metallized polycarbonate film - Capacitor - DC - Assessment level EZ EN 130502:1998
Meter - Electroacoustic - Sound level EN 61672-1:2003
Meter - Electroacoustic - Sound level - Pattern evaluation - Test EN 61672-2:2003
Meter - Electroacoustics - Sound level EN 61672-3:2006
Meter reading - Interface - Distribution EN 61968-9:2009
Meter reading - Metering - Tariff - Load control - Asynchronous data exchange EN 62056-42:2002
Meter reading - Metering - Tariff - Load control - COSEM application layer EN 62056-53:2007
Meter reading - Metering - Tariff - Load control - COSEM transport layer EN 62056-47:2007
Meter reading - Metering - Tariff - Load control - Data exchange EN 62056-21:2002
Meter reading - Metering - Tariff - Load control - HDLC protocol EN 62056-46:2002
Meter reading - Metering - Tariff - Load control - Interface class EN 62056-62:2007
Meter reading - Metering - Tariff - Load control - Local area network EN 62056-31:2000
Meter reading - Metering - Tariff - Load control - Object identification system EN 62056-61:2007
Metering - Acceptance EN 62058-11:2010
Metering - Acceptance - Active energy - Electromechanical meters EN 62058-21:2010
Metering - Acceptance - Active energy - Static meters EN 62058-31:2010
Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control - Asynchronous data exchange EN 62056-42:2002
Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control - COSEM application layer EN 62056-53:2007
Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control - COSEM transport layer EN 62056-47:2007
Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control - Data exchange EN 62056-21:2002
Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control - HDLC protocol EN 62056-46:2002
Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control - Interface class EN 62056-62:2007
Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control - Local area network EN 62056-31:2000
Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control - Object identification system EN 62056-61:2007
Metering equipment - Active energy - Electromechanical meter EN 62053-11:2003
Metering equipment - Active energy - Static meter EN 62053-21:2003
Metering equipment - Active energy - Static meter EN 62053-22:2003
Metering equipment - Dependability - Reliability - Temperature - Humidity EN 62059-31-1:2008
Metering equipment - Dependability - Reliability prediction EN 62059-41:2006
Metering equipment - Electromechanical meter - Active energy EN 50470-2:2006
Metering equipment - Payment system - Payment meter EN 62055-31:2005
Metering equipment - Power consumption - Voltage requirement EN 62053-61:1998
Metering equipment - Pulse output device - Two wires EN 62053-31:1998
Metering equipment - Reactive energy - Static meter EN 62053-23:2003
Metering equipment - Static meter - Active energy EN 50470-3:2006
Metering equipment - Symbols EN 62053-52:2005
Metering equipment - Tariff - Load control - Receiver - Ripple control EN 62054-11:2004
Metering equipment - Tariff - Load control - Time switch EN 62054-21:2004
Metering equipment - Test EN 50470-1:2006
Metering equipment - Test EN 62052-11:2003
Metering equipment - Test - Tariff - Load control EN 62052-21:2004
Method - Document management - Principle EN 82045-1:2001
Methode A - Turbine - Steam turbine - Thermal acceptance test EN 60953-1:1995
Methode B - Turbine - Steam turbine - Thermal acceptance test EN 60953-2:1995
Methodology - Dependability - Management - Application guide EN 60300-3-1:2004
Methodology - Wiper - Insulating oil - Testing EN 50375:2002
Metric - Cable gland - Electrical installation EN 50262:1998
Metric - Connector - Electronic - Cable outlet - Sealing system EN 61076-7-100:2006
Metric grid - Connector - Two-part single-pole connector - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-102:1997
Metro - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Light rail vehicle EN 50206-2:1999
Metro - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Light rail vehicle EN 50206-2:2010
MF termination - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Singlemode fibre EN 50377-11-1:2008
Mica - Insulating materials EN 60371-1:2003
Mica - Insulating materials - Commutator separator EN 60371-3-1:2006
Mica - Insulating materials - Film-backed mica paper - B-stage EN 60371-3-4:1995
Mica - Insulating materials - Glass-backed mica paper - B-stage epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-6:1995
Mica - Insulating materials - Glass-backed mica paper - Epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-5:2006
Mica - Insulating materials - Heating equipment EN 60371-3-3:1995
Mica - Insulating materials - Mica paper EN 60371-3-2:2006
Mica - Insulating materials - Mica paper tape - Flame resistant EN 60371-3-8:1995
Mica - Insulating materials - Moulding micanite EN 60371-3-9:1995
Mica - Insulating materials - Polyester film - Epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-7:1995
Mica - Insulating materials - Test EN 60371-2:2004
Mica paper - Insulating materials - Mica EN 60371-3-2:2006
Mica paper tape - Insulating materials - Mica - Flame resistant EN 60371-3-8:1995
Mica particles - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Aramid fibre paper EN 60819-3-4:2001
Michelson - Optical - Calibration - Wavelength - Interferometer EN 62129-2:2011
Micorduct cabling - Cable - Optical fibre - Blowing EN 60794-5:2007
Micro - Cell - Fuel cell - Power system - Performance EN 62282-6-200:2008
Micro - Fuel - Cell - Power system - Safety EN 62282-6-100:2010
Micro - Fuel cell - Power systems - Cartridge - Interchangeability EN 62282-6-300:2009
Micro - Writing standard - Small - Medium-sized - SME CEN/CLC Guide 17:2010
Micro electromechanical - Semiconductor EN 62047-1:2006
Micro electromechanical - Semiconductor - Tensile-testing - Thin film EN 62047-3:2006
Micro electromechanical - Semiconductor - Tensile-testing - Thin film materials EN 62047-2:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Micro-electromechanical - Semiconductor - Axial - Fatigue test - Thin film EN 62047-6:2010
Micro-electromechanical - Semiconductor - MEMS EN 62047-4:2010
Micro-electromechanical - Semiconductor - MEMS BAW - Filter - Duplexer EN 62047-7:2011
Micro-electromechanical - Semiconductor - RF MEMS - Switch EN 62047-5:2011
Micro-electromechanical - Semiconductor - Strip bending - Thin - Film EN 62047-8:2011
Micro-electromechanical - Semiconductor - Wafer to wafer - Bonding strength - MEMS EN 62047-9:2011
Micro-pillar - Semiconductor - Microelectromechanical - MEMS EN 62047-10:2011
Microclimate - Environmental conditions - Classification - Parameter EN 60721-3-9:1993
Microduct - Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Closure EN 50411-2:2008
Microduct - Optical fibre - Communication system - Air blown fibre - Non-sealed closure EN 50411-2-9:2010
Microduct connector - Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Air blown EN 50411-2-8:2009
Microelectromechanical - Semiconductor - Micro-pillar - MEMS EN 62047-10:2011
Microelectronic - Circuit - Integrated circuit - ASICs - TAS CECC 290 001:1997
Microminiature coaxial connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector EN 61169-36:1997
Microphone - Earphone - Speech - Communication EN 61842:2002
Microphone - Electroacoutstics - Pressure - Calibration - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-2:2009
Microphone - Measurement - Actuator - Electrostatic - Frequency response EN 61094-6:2005
Microphone - Measurement - Calibration - Free-field calibration - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-3:1995
Microphone - Measurement - Calibration - Pressure - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-2:1993
Microphone - Measurement - Laboratory standard microphone EN 61094-1:2000
Microphone - Measurement - Pressure - Calibration - Working standard microphone EN 61094-5:2001
Microphone - Measurement - Working standard microphone EN 61094-4:1995
Microphone - Sound EN 60268-4:2010
Microphone - Sound system equipment EN 60268-4:2004
Microprocessor system - Binary floating-point HD 592 S1:1991
Microprocessor system - BUS - MULTIBUS - Connector - Eurocard HD 593.3 S1:1991
Microprocessor system - BUS - MULTIBUS - Edge connector HD 593.2 S1:1992
Microprocessor system - BUS - MULTIBUS - Timing HD 593.1 S1:1992
Microprocessor system - Bus system HD 576 S1:1990
Microprocessor system - Bus system - VMEbus EN 60821:1994
Microscope - Insulating oil - Contamination - Fibre contamination - Counting method EN 50353:2001
Microscopy - Semiconductor - Climatic - Acoustic - Plastic encapsulated EN 60749-35:2006
Microwave - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector EN 50131-2-3:2008
Microwave - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Infrared EN 50131-2-4:2008
Microwave - Circuit - Semiconductor - Integrated - Amplifier EN 60747-16-1:2002
Microwave - Circuit - Semiconductor - Integrated - Frequency converter EN 60747-16-3:2002
Microwave - Circuit - Semiconductor - Monolithic - Integrated EN 60747-16-10:2004
Microwave - Circuit - Semiconductor - Switch - Integrated EN 60747-16-4:2004
Microwave - Digital - Terrestrial - Radio-relay system - Satellite earth station EN 60835-1-1:1992
Microwave - Digital - Transmission system - Satellite earth station EN 60835-3-1:1992
Microwave - Digital - Transmission system - Terrestrial - Radio-relay system EN 60835-2-1:1992
Microwave - Ferrite component - Drafting of specification EN 61609:1999
Microwave - Heating installation - Power output EN 61307:2006
Microwave - Household appliances - Cooking - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-10:2004
Microwave - Industrial - Heating - Power output EN 61307:2011
Microwave - Safety - Electroheat - Industrial - Heating EN 60519-6:2011
Microwave component - Cable - Connector - Screening attenuation - Reverberation chamber EN 61726:2000
Microwave ferrite component - Major properties EN 61830:1998
Microwave frequencies - Gyromagnetic material EN 60556:2006
Microwave frequencies - Superconductivity - Surface resistance EN 61788-7:2006
Microwave frequency - Waveguide - Dielectric resonator - Permittivity - Measurement EN 61338-1-3:2000
Microwave heating - Heating installation - Electroheat - Industrial - Safety EN 60519-6:2002
Microwave oven - Capacitor EN 61270-1:1996
Microwave oven - Household appliances - Performance - Measurement method EN 60705:1999
Microwave oven - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-25:2002
Microwave oven - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-90:2006
Milestones - Process industry - Instrumentation - Control EN 62337:2007
Military purpose - EMC - Conformity CLC/TR 50538:2010
Milking machine - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-70:2002
Millimeter-wave frequency - Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric - Permittivity EN 61338-1-4:2006
Millimetre wave frequency - Electromagnetic - Wave absorber EN 62431:2008
Millivolt - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Test EN 60512-2-1:2002
Mine - Caplight - Firedamp - Explosion risk - Test EN 62013-1:2006
Mine - Caplight - Firedamp - Explosive atmosphere EN 60079-35-1:2011
Mine - Caplight - Firedamp - Performance - Safety EN 62013-2:2006
Mineral - Insulation - Oil - Supervision - Maintenance EN 60422:2006
Mineral - Oil - Insulating oil - Transformer - Switchgear EN 60296:2004
Mineral - Oils - Insulating - Detection - Additif EN 60666:2010
Mineral insulated cable - Cable - Guide to use HD 586.3 S1:2001
Mineral insulated cable - Cable - Termination EN 60702-1:2002
Mineral insulated cable - Cable - Termination EN 60702-2:2002
Mineral insulated thermocouple cable - Thermocouple EN 61515:1996
Mineral insulating oil - Kinematic viscosity - Very low temperature EN 61868:1999
Mineral oil - Insulating liquid - Oil - Flow properties EN 61065:1993
Mini-coupler - Road vehicle - Interconnection EN 50066:1992
Miniature - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial - Rack and panel applications EN 61169-29:2005
Miniature - Fuse - User guide EN 60127-10:2002
Miniature fuse - Fuse - Cartridge fuse-link EN 60127-2:2003
Miniature fuse - Fuse - Fuse-holder EN 60127-6:1994
Miniature fuse - Fuse - Fuse-link EN 60127-1:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Miniature fuse - Fuse - Fuse-link - Quality assessment EN 60127-5:1991
Miniature fuse - Fuse - Sub-miniature fuse-link EN 60127-3:1996
Miniature fuse - Fuse - Universal Modular Fuse-link - UMF EN 60127-4:2005
Miniature lamp - Lighting EN 60983:1996
Miniaturized - Cable - Coaxial - Telecom applications - Digital communication system EN 50117-3-1:2002
Minidisc - Recorder/player - Measurement EN 62121:2001
Minidisc system - Recording - Audio recording EN 61909:2000
Minimum ignition temperature - Combustible dust - Test method EN 50281-2-1:1998
Minimum requirement - Live working - Tool - Equipment EN 61477:2002
Miscellaneous lamp - Lamp EN 61549:2003
Miscellaneous lampholder - Lighting - Lampholder EN 60838-1:2004
Miscellaneous lampholder - Lighting - Lampholder EN 60838-2-1:1996
Miscellaneous lampholders - Lighting - Lampholder - Connector - LED module EN 60838-2-2:2006
Mismatch - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Spectral mismatch correction - Computation EN 60904-7:2009
Mitigation - Electromagnetic compatibility - Protection - Disturbance - Enclosure EN 61000-5-7:2001
Mitre saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw EN 61029-2-9:2002
Mitre saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw EN 61029-2-9:2009
Mitre-bench saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw EN 61029-2-11:2003
Mitre-bench saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw EN 61029-2-11:2009
Mixed mode - Environmental testing - Test Fi EN 60068-2-80:2005
MMI - Railway - Communication - Safety - Man-machine CLC/TR 50542:2010
Mobile - Absorption rate - Communication - Wireless - Hand-held EN 62209-1:2006
Mobile - Interoperability - Power supply - EPS - Telephone EN 62684:2010
Mobile - Ion - Semiconductor - Metal-oxide - Transistor EN 62417:2010
Mobile - Low-voltage - Ttransportable HD 60364-7-717:2010
Mobile - Portable - DVB-T/H radio - Conformance testing EN 62002-2:2008
Mobile - Portable - DVB-T/H radio - Interface EN 62002-1:2008
Mobile phone - Phone - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Restriction EN 50360:2001
Mobile unit - Building - Electrical installation - Transportable unit HD 60364-7-717:2004
Modal components - Power engineering - Three-phase - AC system EN 62428:2008
Mode - Hydraulic - Radial - Axial - Prototype EN 62097:2009
Mode field diameter - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-45:2003
Mode Transfer - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-43:2009
Model - Batch - Control - Site - Recipe EN 61512-3:2008
Model - Batch control - Terminology EN 61512-1:1999
Model - Communication - Network - Substation - Feeder equipment EN 61850-7-1:2003
Model - Enterprise-control - Terminology EN 62264-1:2008
Model - OPC - Unified - Architecture - Security CLC/TR 62541-2:2010
Model acceptance test - Turbine - Hydraulic turbine - Storage pump - Pump-turbine EN 60193:1999
Model Data Exchange - Energy - Interface - EMS-API - CIM XML EN 61970-501:2006
Modelling - EMC - Circuit - EMI - Simulation EN 62433-2:2010
Modified brominated epoxide - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Burning test EN 61249-2-8:2003
Modular - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Two part CECC 75 101-807:1994
Modular - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Two part CECC 75 101-810:1994
Modular component - Surface-mount - Fluid distribution - Elastomeric seal EN 62339-1:2007
Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC - Block transfer HD 431 S1:1983
Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC - Data handling HD 357 S2:1987
Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC - Multi-crate system HD 374 S2:1986
Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC - Multiple controllers HD 453 S1:1984
Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC - Serial highway interface HD 417 S2:1987
Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC - Subroutine HD 445 S1:1983
Modular order - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure EN 60917-2:1994
Modular order - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure EN 60917-2-1:1995
Modular order - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure EN 60917-2-2:1996
Modular order - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Generic standard EN 60917-1:1998
Modular system - Nuclear instrumentation - Plug-in unit - NIM standard HD 370 S2:1987
Modulation transfert function - Medical - X-ray equipment - Image intensifier EN 61262-7:1995
Module - Cell - Fuel cell EN 62282-2:2004
Module - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-5:2003
Module - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Transmissive type EN 61747-6:2004
Moisture - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Separator - Reheater EN 45510-6-7:1998
Moisture - Semiconductor - Climatic - Resistance - Heat EN 60749-20:2009
Moisture - Semiconductor - Handling, Surface mount device - Soldering heat EN 60749-20-1:2009
Moisture - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Plastic-encapsulated SMD EN 60749-20:2003
Moisture - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-7:2002
Moisture - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-7:2011
Moisture barrier - Cable - Low-frequency - Polyolefin - Insulation EN 60708:2005
Moisture diffusivity - Semiconductor - Climatic - Water solubility - Organic material EN 60749-39:2006
Moisture resistance - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Unbiased autoclave EN 60749-33:2004
Moisture resistance - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Unbiased HAST EN 60749-24:2004
Monitor - Distribution system - Protective measure - Residual current - IT system EN 61557-11:2009
Monitor - Radiation - Gamma - Vehicle EN 62022:2007
Monitor - Radiation - Protection instrumentation - Detection - Nuclear EN 62244:2011
Monitor - Residual current monitor (RCM) - Household use - Accessories EN 62020:1998
Monitoring - Alarm - Receiving centre EN 50518-1:2010
Monitoring - Alarm - Receiving centre EN 50518-2:2010
Monitoring - Alarm - Receiving centre EN 50518-3:2011
Monitoring - Alarm system - Transmission - Packet switched - Network PSN EN 50136-1-5:2008
Monitoring - Medical equipment - Blood-pressure - Cycling non invasive - Safety EN 60601-2-30:2000
Monitoring - Medical equipment - Blood-pressure - Essential performance - Safety EN 60601-2-34:2000
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Alphabetical Index

Monitoring - Medical equipment - Electrocardiograph - Safety EN 60601-2-27:2006
Monitoring - Medical equipment - Multifunction - Patient - Safety EN 60601-2-49:2001
Monitoring - Medical equipment - Transcutaneous - Pressure - Safety EN 60601-2-23:2000
Monitoring - Medical equipment - Transcutaneous oxygen - Carbon dioxide - Pressure EN 60601-3-1:1996
Monitoring - Medical equipment - Ultrasonic - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-2-37:2008
Monitoring - Power plant - Hydroelectric - Communication EN 61850-7-410:2007
Monitoring - Radioactivity - Gaseous effluent EN 60761-1:2004
Monitoring - Radioactivity - Gaseous effluent - Aerosol monitor - Transuranic aerosol EN 60761-2:2004
Monitoring - Radioactivity - Gaseous effluent - Iodine monitor EN 60761-4:2004
Monitoring - Radioactivity - Gaseous effluent - Noble gas monitor EN 60761-3:2004
Monitoring - Radioactivity - Gaseous effluent - Tritium monitor EN 60761-5:2004
Monitoring - Radionuclide - Liquid effluent - Surface water - Water EN 60861:2008
Monitoring - Turbine - Wind - Communication EN 61400-25-6:2011
Monitoring - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Control EN 61400-25-1:2007
Monitoring - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Control EN 61400-25-2:2007
Monitoring - Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Information exchange EN 61400-25-3:2007
Monitoring system - Lighting - Aviation ground lighting installation ENV 50230:1997
Monochrome - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - LCD module - Matrix EN 61747-2-1:2001
Monochrome LCD - Liquid cristal display EN 120007:1992
Monolithic - Circuit - Integrated circuit CECC 90 300:1994
Monolithic - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Analogue CECC 90 200:1987
Monolithic - Circuit - Semiconductor - Microwave - Integrated EN 60747-16-10:2004
Monolithic integrated circuit - Integrated circuit EN 190000:1995
Monophonic - Receiver - Television - Audio channel - Measurement EN 60107-2:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - 2 change-over CECC 16 205-802:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-802:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-803:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-804:1999
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-805:1999
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 1 change-over CECC 16 303-808:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 1 change-over CECC 16 303-809:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-801:1999
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-803:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 3 change-over CECC 16 303-805:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 3 change-over CECC 16 303-807:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 4 change-over CECC 16 303-802:1999
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 4 change-over CECC 16 303-804:1997
Monostable - Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - 6 change-over CECC 16 303-806:1997
Monostable - Relay - Severe airborne environmental conditions CECC 16 207-801:1997
Monoxide - Portable - Carbon - Dioxide - Indoor ambient air EN 50543:2011
MOS - Transistor - Hot - Carrier EN 62416:2010
MOSFET - Stability test - Bias-temperature EN 62373:2006
Motion - Liquid - Crystal - Display - Artifact EN 61747-6-3:2011
Motional capacitance - Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network EN 60444-2:1997
Motor - AC - Capacitor - Start EN 60252-2:2011
Motor - Capacitor - AC - Safety - Rating EN 60252-1:2011
Motor - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - AC EN 137000:1995
Motor - Household use - Automatic control - Thermal protector EN 60730-2-2:2002
Motor - Induction - Three-phase - Frame number - Flange number EN 50347:2001
Motor - Machine - Rotating - Unbalanced voltages - Three-phase induction EN 60034-26:2006
Motor - Machine - Rotating machine - Cage induction - Converter supply CLC/TS 60034-25:2008
Motor - Machine - Rotating machine - Control - Stepping CLC/TS 60034-20-1:2004
Motor - Machine - Rotating machine - Converter - Cage induction CLC/TS 60034-17:2004
Motor - Power station - Electrical equipment EN 45510-2-5:2002
Motor - Railway applications - Rolling stock - AC - Indirect convertor EN 61377-3:2002
Motor - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Chopper-fed traction EN 61377-2:2002
Motor - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Inverter-fed motor - AC EN 61377-1:2006
Motor capacitor - Capacitor - AC - Motor start EN 60252-2:2003
Motor capacitor - Capacitor - AC - Safety - Testing and rating EN 60252-1:2001
Motor Caravan - Low-voltage - Caravan - Special location HD 60364-7-721:2009
Motor circuit - Fuse - HV - Fuse-link EN 60644:1993
Motor circuit - Fuse - HV - Fuse-link EN 60644:2009
Motor compressor - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-34:2002
Motor compressor - Household use - Automatic control - Thermal protector - Hermetic EN 60730-2-4:2007
Motor operated tool - Tool - Hand-held HD 400.1 S1:1980
Motor operated tool - Tool - Hand-held EN 50144-1:1998
Motor operated tool - Tool - Hedge trimmer - Grass shear - Safety HD 400.3N S2:1992
Motor operated tool - Tool - Spray gun - Safety EN 50144-2-7:2000
Motor operated tool - Tool - Tacker - Safety EN 50144-2-16:2003
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Band saw EN 61029-2-5:2002
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Grinder - Bench grinder EN 61029-2-4:2003
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Grinder - Cutting-off grinder EN 61029-2-10:2010
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Planer - Thicknesser EN 61029-2-3:2011
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Safety EN 61029-1:2000
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Saw - Mitre saw EN 61029-2-9:2002
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Saw - Mitre saw EN 61029-2-9:2009
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Saw - Mitre-bench saw EN 61029-2-11:2003
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Saw - Mitre-bench saw EN 61029-2-11:2009
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Saw bench - Circular EN 61029-2-1:2010
Motor operated tool - Tool - Transportable - Single spindle - Moulder EN 61029-2-8:2010
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Alphabetical Index

Motor start - Capacitor - Motor capacitor - AC EN 60252-2:2003
Motor starter - Contactor - AC - HV EN 60470:2000
Motor starter - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Contactor EN 60947-4-1:2001
Motor starter - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Contactor EN 60947-4-1:2010
Motor starter - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Contactor EN 60947-4-2:2000
Motor starter applications - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - AC - Qualification EN 137100:1995
Motor starter applications - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - AC - Qualification EN 137101:1995
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - Band saw - Saw EN 60745-2-20:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - Chain saw - Saw EN 60745-2-13:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - Concrete - Vibrator EN 60745-2-12:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - cut-off machine EN 60745-2-22:2011
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - Hedge trimmer - Trimmer EN 60745-2-15:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - Planner EN 60745-2-14:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - Screwdriver - Impact wrench EN 60745-2-2:2010
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - Shear - Nibbler EN 60745-2-8:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety - Strapping tool EN 60745-2-18:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Saw - Jig saw - Sabre saw EN 60745-2-11:2010
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Tool - Circular - Saw EN 60745-2-5:2010
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Tool - Safety EN 60745-1:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Tool - Safety - Drain cleaner EN 60745-2-21:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Tool - Safety - Drill EN 60745-2-1:2010
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Tool - Safety - Hammer EN 60745-2-6:2010
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Tool - Safety - Jointer EN 60745-2-19:2009
Motor-operated - Hand-held - Tool - Safety - Tapper EN 60745-2-9:2009
Motor-operated - Safety - Transportable EN 61029-1:2009
Motor-operated - Safety - Transportable - Tool, Threading EN 61029-2-12:2011
Motor-operated - Tool - Grinder - Polisher - Sander EN 60745-2-3:2007
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Band saw - Safety EN 60745-2-20:2003
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Concrete vibrator - Safety EN 60745-2-12:2003
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Drill - Safety EN 60745-2-1:2003
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Hammer - Safety EN 60745-2-6:2003
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Router - Trimmer EN 60745-2-17:2003
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Router - Trimmer EN 60745-2-17:2010
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Safety EN 60745-1:2006
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Sander - Polisher EN 60745-2-4:2003
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Sander - Polisher EN 60745-2-4:2009
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Saw - Reciprocating saw EN 60745-2-11:2003
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Screwdriver - Impact wrench EN 60745-2-2:2003
Motor-operated - Tool - Hand-held - Shear - Nibbler EN 60745-2-8:2003
Motor-operated tool - Battery pack - Hand-held - Battery powered - Safety EN 50260-1:2002
Motor-operated tool - Battery pack - Hand-held - Spray gun - Safety EN 50260-2-7:2002
Motor-starter - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Contactor EN 60947-4-3:2000
Motors - Rotating - Machinery - Efficiency - Cage-induction EN 60034-30:2009
Mould growth - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test EN 60512-11-5:2002
Mould growth - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-10:2005
Mould stress relief - Fire hazard - Heat - Abnormal heat - Distortion test EN 60695-10-3:2002
Moulded - Heat shrinkable - Shape - Compatibility EN 62329-3-100:2010
Moulded - Heat shrinkable - Shape - Compatibility - Elastomer EN 62329-3-102:2010
Moulded - Heat shrinkable - Shape - Compatibility - Polyolefin EN 62329-3-101:2010
Moulded - Shape - Heat shrinkable EN 62329-1:2006
Moulded - Shape - Heat shrinkable - Test EN 62329-2:2006
Moulded rod - Insulating materials - Round laminated tube EN 61212-3-3:2006
Moulded thermosets - Insulating materials - Hydrolytic stability EN 61234-2:1998
Moulded tube - Insulating materials - Round laminated tube EN 61212-3-2:2006
Moulder - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Single spindle EN 61029-2-8:2010
Moulding micanite - Insulating materials - Mica EN 60371-3-9:1995
Mount assemblies - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered - Through-hole EN 61192-3:2003
Mounting - Electronic component - Dimensions HD 391 S3:1988
Mounting - Industrial process - Control valve - Positioner - Rotary actuator EN 60534-6-2:2001
Mounting condition - Testing - Environmental - endurance EN 62137:2004
Mounting connector - Connector - Rigid precision coaxial line HD 351.5 S1:1986
Mounting device - Environmental testing - Test U - Termination robustness - Integral EN 60068-2-21:2006
Mounting symbol - Machine - Rotating - Construction EN 60034-7:1993
MPEG audio format - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-4:2003
MPEG-4 compression - Video recording - Helical-scan - Digital - Magnetic tape EN 62141:2006
MPEG2-TS - Video - Audio - Digital interface - Data transmission EN 61883-4:2005
MPO connector - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Interface EN 61754-7:2008
MT-RJ - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-9-1:2003
MT-RJ - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-9-2:2004
MU-PC - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-10-1:2007
MU/APC - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-10-2:2005
Multi turn - Capacitor - Concentric capacitor EN 134102:1995
Multi-chamber oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - Ageing oven EN 60216-4-3:2000
Multi-crate system - Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC HD 374 S2:1986
Multi-directional mating - Connector - Interconnection device - Battery - Rechargeable battery EN 60130-17:1999
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control EN 50288-1:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Backbone cable EN 50288-2-1:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Backbone cable EN 50288-3-1:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Backbone cable EN 50288-4-1:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Backbone cable EN 50288-5-1:2003
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Alphabetical Index

Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Backbone cable EN 50288-6-1:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Instrumentation EN 50288-7:2005
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Patch cord cable EN 50288-2-2:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Patch cord cable EN 50288-3-2:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Patch cord cable EN 50288-4-2:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Patch cord cable EN 50288-5-2:2003
Multi-element - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Patch cord cable EN 50288-6-2:2003
Multi-fibre - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Distribution EN 60794-2-20:2003
Multi-fibre - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Optical distribution cable EN 60794-2-21:2006
Multi-fibre - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Connector EN 61300-3-45:2011
Multi-fibre - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Distribution cable EN 60794-2-20:2010
Multi-function instrument - Measuring instrument - Analogue EN 60051-7:1989
Multi-layer printed board - Printed board CECC 23 300-801:1998
Multi-pair - Cable - Digital access - Telecommunication network - Outdoor EN 50407-1:2004
Multi-pair - Cable - Telecommunication network - High bit rate - Aerial EN 50406-1:2004
Multi-pair - Cable - Telecommunication network - High bit rate - Buried EN 50406-2:2004
Multi-purpose - Household appliances - Commercial - Cooking pan - Safety EN 60335-2-39:2003
Multi-state output - Industrial process - Analogue input - Control EN 61003-2:2009
Multi-state output - Industrial process control - Analogue input - Performance EN 61003-1:2004
Multi-tenant buildings - Information technology - Cabling - Backbone - Residential CLC/TR 50173-99-2:2010
MULTIBUS - Microprocessor system - BUS - Connector - Eurocard HD 593.3 S1:1991
MULTIBUS - Microprocessor system - BUS - Edge connector HD 593.2 S1:1992
MULTIBUS - Microprocessor system - BUS - Timing HD 593.1 S1:1992
Multichannel - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Reel-to-reel system - Format A EN 61595-1:1997
Multichannel - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Reel-to-reel system - Format B EN 61595-2:1998
Multichannel - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Reel-to-reel system - Professional use EN 61595-3:1999
Multichannel - Audio - Video - Multimedia - Channel assignment EN 62574:2011
Multichannel - Optical - Amplifier - Performance - Template EN 61291-4:2008
Multichannel - Optical - Amplifier - Pulse method EN 61290-10-1:2009
Multichannel - Television - Receiver - NICAM EN 60107-5:1992
Multichannel parameter - Optical - Amplifier - Pulse method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-2:2008
Multichannel parameter - Optical - Amplifier - Subtraction method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-4:2007
Multichannel parameter - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Probe methods EN 61290-10-3:2003
Multichannel parameter - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-1:2003
Multicore - Cable - Digital communication - Harsh environment - Symmetrical pair/quad cable EN 62012-1:2002
Multicore - Cable - Low voltage - Silicone - Rubber insulation EN 50525-2-83:2011
Multicore and multipair cable - Cable HD 627 S1:1996
Multicore cable - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Heat resistant - Silicone rubber HD 22.15 S2:2007
Multifilamentary composite - Superconductor - AC loss measurement - Magnetometer method - Hysteresis loss EN 61788-13:2003
Multifunction - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Patient - Safety EN 60601-2-49:2001
Multifunctional - Household appliances - Shower cabinet - Safety EN 60335-2-105:2005
Multilayer - Capacitor - Ceramic chip capacitor CECC 32 101-801:1988
Multilayer - Capacitor - Ceramic surface mounting CECC 32 101-804:2001
Multilayer - Capacitor - Ceramic surface mounting CECC 32 101-805:2001
Multilayer - Capacitor - Ceramic surface mounting capacitor - Assessment level DZ EN 132102:1996
Multilayer printed board - Printed board EN 123300:1992
Multilogic system - Language - Behavioural language - VHDL - Interoperability EN 61691-2:2001
Multimedia - Audio - Video - Channel assignment - Multichannel EN 62574:2011
Multimedia - Battery - Hand held - Barrel - Harging EN 62637-1:2011
Multimedia - Battery - Hand held - Barrel - Harging EN 62637-2:2011
Multimedia - Cabled distribution system - Television - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 50083-2:2006
Multimedia - Colour - Metadata - Gamut ID EN 61966-12-1:2011
Multimedia - Colour - Optional RGB colour space EN 61966-2-5:2008
Multimedia - Colour - Plasma display EN 61966-5:2009
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Cathode ray tube EN 61966-3:2000
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Digital - Camera EN 61966-9:2004
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Front projection - TA 2 EN 61966-6:2006
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Liquid crystal - Display panel EN 61966-4:2000
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Plasma display panel EN 61966-5:2001
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Printer - Reflective print EN 61966-7-1:2006
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - RGB colour space EN 61966-2-1:2000
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - RGB colour space EN 61966-2-2:2003
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Scanner EN 61966-8:2001
Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - YCC colour space - Video EN 61966-2-4:2006
Multimedia - Communication - Inter-connectivity - Heterogeneous network EN 62295:2009
Multimedia - e-publishing - e-book - Format EN 62448:2009
Multimedia - e-publishing - e-book - Interchange format - e-dictionaries EN 62605:2011
Multimedia - Gateway - Home - Network EN 62514:2010
Multimedia - Home network - Communication protocol - Household EN 62457:2008
Multimedia - Home network - Network interface - Network adapter EN 62480:2009
Multimedia - Home server - Digital - Rights permission code EN 62227:2008
Multimedia - Home server - Receiver - Broadcasting - Architecture EN 62328-1:2005
Multimedia - Home server - Receiver - Broadcasting - Recording structure EN 62328-2:2005
Multimedia - Home server - Vocabulary EN 61925:2006
Multimedia - Quality - Synchronization - Audio - Video EN 62503:2008
Multimedia - Receiver - Terrestrial - Digital - Broadcasting EN 62516-1:2009
Multimode - Fibre - Optic - Launch - Attenuation EN 62614:2010
Multimode - Fibre - Optical EN 60793-2-10:2011
Multimode - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Cable plant - Plant attenuation EN 61280-4-1:2004
Multimode - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Communication - Fibre laser transmitter EN 61280-1-4:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Multimode - Optical - Fibre - Category A4 EN 60793-2-40:2011
Multimode - Optical fibre EN 60793-2-30:2009
Multimode fibre - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - SG terminated EN 50377-3-1:2008
Multimode fibre - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector EN 61753-022-2:2003
Multimode fibre - Optical fibre - Category A2 EN 60793-2-20:2009
Multimode fibre - Optical fibre - Product specification - Category A1 EN 60793-2-10:2007
Multimode fibre - Optical fibre - Product specification - Category A2 EN 60793-2-20:2002
Multimode fibre - Optical fibre - Product specification - Category A3 EN 60793-2-30:2002
Multimode fibre - Optical fibre - Product specification - Category A4 EN 60793-2-40:2006
Multiple controllers - Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC HD 453 S1:1984
Multiple function - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Automatic switching EN 60947-6-1:2005
Multiple function - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Protective switching EN 60947-6-2:2003
Multiple listener - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Multiple talker EN 61162-400:2002
Multiple listeners - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Multiple talker EN 61162-410:2002
Multiple listeners - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Single talker EN 61162-1:2008
Multiple listeners - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Single talker EN 61162-1:2011
Multiple talker - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Multiple listener EN 61162-400:2002
Multiple talker - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Multiple listeners EN 61162-410:2002
Multiplexed system - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Optical signal-to-noise EN 61280-2-9:2002
Multipole - Connector - XLR type EN 61076-2-103:2004
Multipurposes - Insulating sticks - High voltage installations EN 50508:2009
Multiway connector plug - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement EN 61300-3-27:1997
Muscle - Medical - Nerve - Stimulator - Safety EN 60601-2-10:2000
Mutual interaction - Railway - Fixed installation - Protective provisions EN 50122-3:2010


Nameplate information - Photovoltaic module - Datasheet information EN 50380:2003
Nanohenry - High frequency - Inductive component - Chip inductor EN 62024-1:2008
Narrow flange - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket CECC 22 111-808:1984
Narrow flange - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed straight socket CECC 22 111-806:1984
National annexes - Electrical installation EN 50110-2:1996
National annexes - Electrical installation EN 50110-2:2010
National declaration - Implementation CECC 00 113:1993
National deviations - Policy paper - HD - Low Voltage Directive CLC Guide 4:2001
National standard - Withdrawal - Conflicting CLC Guide 12:2001
National work - Vilamoura Procedure - Notification CLC Guide 8:2007
Natural environment - Photovoltaic systems - Balance-of-system - Design EN 62093:2005
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Automatic - Identification EN 62320-2:2008
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Automatic Identification - CSTDMA techniques EN 62287-1:2006
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Bridge - Alarm EN 62616:2010
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Chart system EN 62376:2011
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Digital interface - Serial data instrument network EN 61162-3:2008
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Identification - CSTDMA EN 62287-1:2011
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Integrated system - Testing EN 61924:2006
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Shipborne EN 62288:2008
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Shipborne - Voyage data recorder EN 61996-1:2008
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Shipborne - Voyage data recorder EN 61996-2:2008
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Speed - Distance EN 61023:2007
Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Talker - Listener EN 61162-450:2011
Navigation - Radio-communication - Maritime - Radar - Shipborne radar EN 62388:2008
Navigation - Radiocommunication - GNSS - Galileo receiver EN 61108-3:2010
Navigation - Radiocommunication - Identification - Automatic - AIS base station EN 62320-1:2007
Navigation - Radiocommunication - Track control system - Test method EN 62065:2002
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Multiple talker - Multiple listener EN 61162-400:2002
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Multiple talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-410:2002
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Single talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-1:2008
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Single talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-1:2011
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Talker - Listener EN 61162-401:2002
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Talker - Listener EN 61162-402:2005
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Talker - Listener EN 61162-420:2002
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Identification - Automatic identification EN 61993-2:2002
Navigation - Radiocommunications - Transponder - Digital selective calling (DSC) - VHF EN 61993-1:1999
Nb-Ti composite - Superconductivity - Residual - Resistance - Ratio measurement EN 61788-4:2011
Nb-Ti composite - Superconductivity - Superconductor - Residual resistance ratio EN 61788-4:2007
Nb3Sn composite - Superconductivity - Critical current - DC EN 61788-2:2007
Nb3Sn composite - Superconductivity - Residual - Resistance - Ratio measurement EN 61788-11:2011
Nb3Sn composite - Superconductor - Matrix - Volume ratio measurement - Wire EN 61788-12:2002
Nb3Sn composite - Superconductor - Residual resistance ratio EN 61788-11:2003
Need - Standards developer - Older person - Disabilities CEN/CLC Guide 6:2002
Needle flame test - Fire hazard - Testing - Flame EN 60695-11-5:2005
Needle-flame - Connector - Measurement - Fire - Flammability EN 60512-20-1:2010
Negative coefficient - Thermistor - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated EN 60539-2:2004
Negative temperature - Heated - Thermistors EN 60539-1:2008
Negative temperature coefficient - Thermistor - Direct heated - Rod type EN 143004:1991
Negative temperature coefficient - Thermistor - Directly heated - Disc-type EN 143003:1991
Negative temperature coefficient - Thermistor - Directly heated - Envelope EN 143002:1991
Negative temperature coefficient - Thermistor - Directly heated - Glass EN 143001:1991
Neon-transformer - Lighting - Tubular discharge lamp - Safety EN 61050:1992
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Nerve - Medical - Muscle - Stimulator - Safety EN 60601-2-10:2000
Network - Cable - Television - Sound - Electromagnetic Compatibility EN 50083-8:2002
Network - Cable - Television - Sound - Signal EN 60728-1-2:2009
Network - Cable - Television - Sound signal - Active wideband EN 60728-3:2011
Network - Cable - Television signal - Sound signal - Interactive services EN 60728-1:2008
Network - Cable - Television signal - Sound signal - Optical transmission CLC/TR 50460:2005
Network - Communication - Automation - Beacon - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-5:2010
Network - Communication - Automation - Concepts - Calculation methods EN 62439-1:2010
Network - Communication - Automation - Cross-network - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-4:2010
Network - Communication - Automation - Distributed redundancy EN 62439-6:2010
Network - Communication - Automation - Energy resources - Logical node EN 61850-7-420:2009
Network - Communication - Automation - Media - Redundancy EN 62439-2:2010
Network - Communication - Automation - Redundancy protocol - Seamless ring EN 62439-3:2010
Network - Communication - Power - Utility automation - Mapping EN 61850-8-1:2011
Network - Communication - Power utility - Automation EN 61850-4:2011
Network - Communication - Power utility - Automation CLC/TS 61850-80-1:2010
Network - Communication - Power utility - Automation - ACSI EN 61850-7-2:2010
Network - Communication - Power utility - Automation - Node EN 61850-7-4:2010
Network - Communication - Power utility - Automation - Structure EN 61850-7-3:2011
Network - Communication - Substation EN 61850-3:2002
Network - Communication - Substation - Conformance EN 61850-10:2005
Network - Communication - Substation - Feeder - Logical node EN 61850-7-4:2003
Network - Communication - Substation - Feeder equipment - ACSI EN 61850-7-2:2003
Network - Communication - Substation - Feeder equipment - Common data class EN 61850-7-3:2003
Network - Communication - Substation - Feeder equipment - Model EN 61850-7-1:2003
Network - Communication - Substation - Function - Device model EN 61850-5:2003
Network - Communication - Substation - Language - IEDs EN 61850-6:2004
Network - Communication - Substation - Language - IEDs EN 61850-6:2010
Network - Communication - Substation - Management EN 61850-4:2002
Network - Communication - Substation - SCSM - ISO/IEC 8802-3 EN 61850-9-2:2004
Network - Communication - Substation - SCSM - Link EN 61850-9-1:2003
Network - Communication - Substation - SCSM - Mapping EN 61850-8-1:2004
Network - Communication technology - Information technology - Interface - Safety CLC/TR 62102:2005
Network - Communication technology - Information technology - Interface - Safety CLC/TR 62102:2006
Network - Control - Interface - Digital - Audio EN 62379-2:2009
Network - Diagnostic interface - Consumer - Electronic product EN 62286:2004
Network - Guidance - Communication - Dependability - Engineering EN 61907:2010
Network - High availability - Automation EN 62439:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus CLC/TR 61158-1:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus CLC/TR 61158-1:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-2:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-3:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-4:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-5:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-7:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-8:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-10:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-11:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-12:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-13:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-14:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-15:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-16:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-17:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-18:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-19:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-5-20:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Application layer EN 61158-6-2:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - CPF 1 EN 61784-3-1:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - CPF 12 EN 61784-3-12:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - CPF 13 EN 61784-3-13:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - CPF 14 EN 61784-3-14:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - CPF 2 EN 61784-3-2:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - CPF 3 EN 61784-3-3:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - CPF 6 EN 61784-3-6:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - CPF 8 EN 61784-3-8:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-2:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-3:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-4:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-7:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-8:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-11:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-12:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-13:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-14:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-16:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-17:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-18:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-3-19:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-1:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-2:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-3:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-4:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-7:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-8:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-11:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-12:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-13:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-14:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-16:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-17:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-18:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Data-link layer EN 61158-4-19:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-1:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-2:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-3:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Functional safety EN 61784-3-6:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-2:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-3:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-6:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-10:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Installation EN 61784-5-11:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Physical layer EN 61158-2:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Profile definitions EN 61784-3:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus - Real-time network EN 61784-2:2008
Network - Industrial - Communication - Functional safety - Fieldbus EN 61784-3:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Functionnal safety - Fieldbus EN 61784-3-18:2011
Network - Industrial - Communication - Profile - Fieldbus EN 61784-1:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Profile - Real-time EN 61784-2:2010
Network - Industrial - Communication - Wireless - Profile EN 62591:2010
Network - Interconnection - Safety - Television - Cable EN 60728-11:2010
Network - Interconnection - Safety aspect EN 60728-11:2005
Network - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Public EN 61439-5:2011
Network - Multimedia - Gateway - Home EN 62514:2010
Network - Optic - Fibre optic - End-user - FTTX CLC/TR 50510:2007
Network - Risk management - IT - Medical EN 80001-1:2011
Network access - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Transport profile EN 60870-5-104:2006
Network adapter - Multimedia - Home network - Network interface EN 62480:2009
Network interface - Multimedia - Home network - Network adapter EN 62480:2009
Network operation - Interface - Distribution management - Interface standard EN 61968-3:2004
Network PSN - Alarm system - Transmission - Monitoring - Packet switched EN 50136-1-5:2008
Network technologies - Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Mapping EN 61800-7-302:2008
Network technologies - Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Mapping EN 61800-7-303:2008
Network technologies - Adjustable - Speed - Power drive - Mapping EN 61800-7-304:2008
Neutral messenger system - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Low-voltage EN 50483-3:2009
Neutron ambient dose equivalent meters - Radiation - Protection EN 61005:2004
Neutron irradiation - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-17:2003
New Approach - Implementation - Low Voltage - EC - Declaration of conformity CLC Guide 16:2005
New Approach - Task - Responsibilities - Consultant CEN/CLC Guide 15:2009
New work - IEC - CENELEC - Agreement - Common planning - Parallel voting CLC Guide 13:2001
Nibbler - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Shear EN 60745-2-8:2009
Nibbler - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Shear EN 60745-2-8:2003
NICAM - Television - Receiver - Multichannel EN 60107-5:1992
Nickel-cadmium - Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Rechargeable EN 61951-1:2003
Nickel-cadmium - Battery - Secondary cell - Alkaline - Gas recombination EN 62259:2004
Nickel-cadmium - Cell - Vented - Electrolyte EN 60993:2002
Nickel-cadmium cell - Battery - Alkaline - Prismatic - Rechargeable EN 60623:2001
Nickel-metal hydride - Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Rechargeable EN 61951-2:2003
Nickel-metal hydride - Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Rechargeable EN 61951-2:2011
Nightlight - Lighting - Luminaire - Socket-oulet EN 60598-2-12:2006
NIM standard - Nuclear instrumentation - Plug-in unit - Modular system HD 370 S2:1987
Nipple - Hearing aid - Insert earphone HD 450.5 S1:1985
Nitrogen oxide - Toxic - Car park - Tunnel - Carbon monoxide EN 50545-1:2011
Noble gas monitor - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent EN 60761-3:2004
Node - Communication - Network - Power utility - Automation EN 61850-7-4:2010
Noise - Dgital - Measuring - Parameters EN 62333-3:2010
Noise - Fibre - Optic - Intensity - Detection EN 62150-4:2010
Noise - Household - Airborne - Acoustical - Fan heater EN 60704-2-2:2010
Noise - Household - Airborne - Acoustical - Range hood EN 60704-2-13:2011
Noise - Household appliances EN 60704-1:1994
Noise - Household appliances - Acoustical - Airborne - Declared noise EN 60704-3:2006
Noise - Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise - Dishwasher EN 60704-2-3:2002
Noise - Household appliances - Cooking - Microwave - Determination EN 60704-2-10:2004
Noise - Household appliances - Dryer - Tumble dryer - Determination EN 60704-2-6:2004
Noise - Household appliances - Hair care - Determination EN 60704-2-9:2003
Noise - Household appliances - Heater - Forced convection - Determination EN 60704-2-2:1994
Noise - Household appliances - Room heater - Thermal storage - Airborne EN 60704-2-5:2005
Noise - Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Acoustical noise - Airborne EN 60704-2-1:2001
Noise - Industrial process - Laboratory measurement - Aerodynamic flow - Control valve EN 60534-8-1:2005
Noise - Industrial process - Prediction - Aerodynamic - Valve EN 60534-8-3:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Noise - Industrial process - Valve - Hydrodynamic - Measurement EN 60534-8-2:1993
Noise - Industrial process - Valve - Hydrodynamic flow EN 60534-8-4:2005
Noise - Optical - Amplifier - Figure EN 61290-3:2008
Noise - Optical - Amplifier - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-2:2008
Noise - Turbine - Steam turbine - Measurement EN 61063:1996
Noise - Valve - Industrial - Aerodynamic - Prediction EN 60534-8-3:2011
Noise detection - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-16:2003
Noise figure parameter - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-1:2003
Noise figure parameter - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-2:2003
Noise figure parameters - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method EN 61290-3:2000
Noise limit - Machine - Rotating EN 60034-9:2005
Noise ratio - Fibre - Optic - Communication - Digital EN 61280-2-9:2009
Noise suppression sheet - Digital device EN 62333-1:2006
Noise suppression sheet - Digital device - Measuring methods EN 62333-2:2006
Nominal voltage - Public electricity - Supply system - LV HD 472 S1:1989
Non electrical test methods - Cable - Electric cable EN 50396:2005
Non wire-wound - Resistor - Low power - High stability - Surface mount EN 140401-804:2005
Non-acid - Battery - Alkaline - Rechargeable - Nickel-cadmium EN 61951-1:2003
Non-acid - Battery - Alkaline - Rechargeable - Nickel-metal hydride EN 61951-2:2003
Non-acid - Battery - Alkaline - Rechargeable - Nickel-metal hydride EN 61951-2:2011
Non-acid electrolyte - Battery - Sealed nickel-cadmium cell - Prismatic - Rechargeable EN 60622:2003
Non-acid electrolyte - Secondary cell and battery - Alkaline EN 61434:1996
Non-angled - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Single-mode EN 61755-2-1:2006
Non-broadcast - Video - Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Single-sensor camera EN 61146-1:1996
Non-broadcast - Video - Video tape recorder - Calibration tape EN 61041-4:1997
Non-broadcast - Video - Video tape recorder - FM audio recording EN 61041-3:1995
Non-broadcast - Video - Video tape recorder - General video - NTSC/PAL EN 61041-1:1995
Non-broadcast - Video - Video tape recorder - SECAM EN 61041-2:1996
Non-broadcast - Video - Video tape recorder - Time base stability EN 60756:1993
Non-broadcast camera-recorder - Video - Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC EN 61146-3:1997
Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose EN 60819-1:1995
Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Aramid - Aromatic polyamide - Paper EN 60819-3-3:2006
Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Aramid fibre paper - Mica particles EN 60819-3-4:2001
Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Filled glass paper - Glass paper EN 60819-3-1:2001
Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Hybrid inorganic-organic paper - Inorganic-organic EN 60819-3-2:2001
Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Test method EN 60819-2:2001
Non-conductive film - Interconnection structure - Coating - Marking legend ink EN 61249-8-7:1996
Non-conductive film - Interconnection structure - Coating - Polymer coating EN 61249-8-8:1997
Non-connectorized - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Branching device EN 61753-031-3:2009
Non-dispersion shifted fibre - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Interface EN 61755-1:2006
Non-electrical - HF inductive component - Inductor - Surface mounted - Telecommunication EN 62025-1:2007
Non-electrical - HF inductive component - Test methods EN 62025-2:2005
Non-flammable - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic spraying equipment - Painting EN 50059:1990
Non-flammable - Spraying equipment - Electrostatic - Liquid EN 50348:2001
Non-halogenated - Interconnection structure - Epoxice woven E-glass - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-22:2005
Non-halogenated - Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Lead-free EN 61249-4-17:2009
Non-halogenated - Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Unclad EN 61249-4-16:2009
Non-halogenated epoxide - Printed board - Non-woven/woven E-glass - Burning test - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-26:2005
Non-halogenated epoxide - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Burning test EN 61249-2-21:2003
Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose - Printed board - Burning test - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-23:2005
Non-hermetic - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Reliability EN 60749-30:2005
Non-ignitable - Stationary - Electrostatic - Liquid - Coating material EN 50348:2010
Non-impregnated - Wood - Laminated wood - Densified EN 61061-1:2006
Non-impregnated - Wood - Laminated wood - Densified - Beech veneer EN 61061-3-1:1998
Non-impregnated - Wood - Laminated wood - Densified - Beech veneer EN 61061-3-2:2001
Non-impregnated - Wood - Laminated wood - Densified - Test method EN 61061-2:2001
Non-linear - Digital - Audio - Bitstream EN 61937-3:2009
Non-linear - Digital - Audio - Bitstream - MAT format EN 61937-9:2007
Non-linear - Digital - Audio - PCM bitstreams - ALS EN 61937-10:2011
Non-linear - Digital - Audio - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-1:2007
Non-linear - Digital - Audio - PCM encoded - LATM/LOAS EN 61937-11:2010
Non-linear - Digital - PCM - Bitstream - DRA format EN 61937-12:2010
Non-linear - Digital audio - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-6:2006
Non-linear - Digital audio - PCM encoded - Bitstream - AC-3 format EN 61937-3:2003
Non-linear - Digital audio - PCM encoded - Bitstream - ATRAC format EN 61937-7:2005
Non-linear - Digital audio - PCM encoded - Bitstream - Burst-info EN 61937-2:2007
Non-linear - Digital audio - PCM encoded - Bitstream - Digital Theater System EN 61937-5:2006
Non-linear - Digital audio - PCM encoded - Bitstream - MPEG audio format EN 61937-4:2003
Non-linear - Digital audio - PCM encoded - Bitstream - Windows Media Audio Professional EN 61937-8:2007
Non-linear resistor - Surge arrester - AC system EN 60099-1:1994
Non-pressurized - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Passive component - Closure EN 61300-2-23:2011
Non-pressurized closure - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-23:1997
Non-removable - Connector - High-speed data - Rectangular - Trapezoidal shaped shell EN 61076-3-101:1997
Non-sealed closure - Optical fibre - Communication system - Air blown fibre - Microduct EN 50411-2-9:2010
Non-self-healing - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Test EN 60931-2:1996
Non-self-healing type - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - AC EN 60931-1:1996
Non-self-healing type - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - AC - Internal fuse EN 60931-3:1996
Non-sheathed - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Halogen-free - Low smoke emission HD 22.9 S3:2007
Non-sheathed cable - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Fixed wiring HD 21.3 S3:1995
Non-sheathed cable - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Low temperature HD 21.9 S2:1995
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Non-sinusoidal current - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage EN 50464-4:2007
Non-solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Aluminium CECC 30 301-801:1994
Non-solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Aluminium CECC 30 301-802:1994
Non-solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Aluminium CECC 30 301-803:1994
Non-solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Aluminium CECC 30 301-804:1994
Non-solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Aluminium CECC 30 301-805:1992
Non-solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Aluminium - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-806:1994
Non-solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Porous anode CECC 30 202-801:1992
Non-standard broadcast signal - Television - Receiver HD 567.6 S1:1990
Non-standardized - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay EN 61811-51:2002
Non-stationary use - Environmental conditions - Portable use EN 60721-3-7:1995
Non-task-related properties - Industrial process - Measurement - System assessment EN 61069-8:1999
Non-vehicle - Lighting - Tungsten halogen lamp - Halogen - Performance EN 60357:2003
Non-wavelength - Fibre optic - Branching device - Selective transmissive star - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 81 101-801:1994
Non-wavelength-selective - Fibre optic - Branching device EN 60875-1:2010
Non-weatherprotected location - Environmental conditions - Stationary use EN 60721-3-4:1995
Non-wirewound - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Surface mount EN 140401:2002
Non-wirewound resistor - Resistor - Fixed low power - Stabiltiy 0,5% CECC 40 101-804:1979
Non-wirewound resistor - Resistor - Fixed low power - Stabiltiy 1% CECC 40 101-803:1979
Non-wirewound resistor - Resistor - Fixed low power - Stabiltiy 2% CECC 40 101-802:1979
Non-wirewound resistor - Resistor - Fixed low power - Stabiltiy 5% CECC 40 101-801:1979
Non-woven fibreglass - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyester - copper-clad EN 61249-2-18:2002
Non-woven/woven E-glass - Printed board - Non-halogenated epoxide - Burning test - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-26:2005
Non-woven/woven fibreglass - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyester - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-4:2002
Non_aceid electrolyte - Battery - Portable - Sealed - Safety EN 62133:2003
Normative aspect - Electical line - Overhead EN 50423-3:2005
Normative aspect - Electical line - Overhead - Index EN 50423-2:2005
Normative aspect - Line - Overhead line - AC EN 50341-3:2001
Normative aspect - Line - Overhead line - AC - Index EN 50341-2:2001
Normative reference - Other organisations CLC Guide 10:2001
Not flame-retarded - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-214:2005
Not-halogenated - Printed board - Prepreg material - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burningtest EN 61249-4-11:2005
Not-halogenated - Printed board - Prepreg material - Epoxide woven E-glass - Vertical Burning EN 61249-4-12:2005
Notification - Vilamoura Procedure - National work CLC Guide 8:2007
NTSC/PAL - Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast - General video EN 61041-1:1995
Nuclear - Instrumentation - Gauge - Radiometric EN 60405:2007
Nuclear - Light water - Radiation monitoring equipment HD 462 S1:1987
Nuclear - Power plant - Control room - Reactor - Shutdown EN 60965:2011
Nuclear - Power plant - Control room - Room - Design EN 60964:2010
Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Control - Separation EN 60709:2010
Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Hardware - Design EN 60987:2009
Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Safety EN 61226:2010
Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Safety - Common Cause Failure (CCF) EN 62340:2010
Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Safety - Data communication EN 61500:2011
Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Safety - Surveillance EN 60671:2011
Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Software - Computer-based system EN 60880:2009
Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Software - Computer-based system EN 62138:2009
Nuclear - Radiation - Protection instrumentation - Monitor - Detection EN 62244:2011
Nuclear - Tritium - Radiation monitoring equipment HD 442 S1:1983
Nuclear electronic - Planchet - Dimensions HD 475 S1:1986
Nuclear instrumentation - Plug-in unit - NIM standard - Modular system HD 370 S2:1987
Numbering - Battery - Starter - Lead-acid - Test EN 50342-1:2006
Numeric keyboard - Home electronic system EN 60948:1990
Numerical aperture - Optical fibre - Aperture - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-43:2002


Object identification system - Metering - Meter reading - Tariff - Load control EN 62056-61:2007
Object model - Enterprise-control - Attributes EN 62264-2:2008
Object model - Field - Tool - Interface - Integration profile CLC/TR 62453-41:2009
Obsolescence management EN 62402:2007
Occluded-ear simulator - Electroacoustics HD 443 S1:1983
Occupational - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Wireless telecommunication EN 50384:2002
Octave-band filter - Electroacoustics - Filter EN 61260:1995
Off board charger - Vehicle - Charching - Conductive charging - Communication CLC/TS 50457-2:2008
Office premises - Information technology - Cabling - Generic system EN 50173-2:2007
Offshore - Wind - Turbine - Design EN 61400-3:2009
Ohmmeter - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Conductance meter EN 60051-6:1989
Oil - Gas - Sampling - Free gas - Dissolved gas EN 60567:2005
Oil - Insulating liquid - 2-furfural and related compound EN 61198:1994
Oil - Insulating liquid - Anti-oxidant additive - Detection HD 415 S1:1981
Oil - Insulating liquid - Cable - Unused mineral insulating oil EN 60465:1990
Oil - Insulating liquid - Hydrocarbon - Aromatic hydrocarbon content HD 382 S1:1979
Oil - Insulating liquid - Mineral oil - Flow properties EN 61065:1993
Oil - Insulating liquid - Transformer - Gas analysis EN 60599:1999
Oil - Insulation - Mineral - Supervision - Maintenance EN 60422:2006
Oil - Mineral - Insulating oil - Transformer - Switchgear EN 60296:2004
Oil - Transformer - Distribution transformer - 3 phase HD 428.1 S1:1992
Oil - Transformer - Distribution transformer - 3 phase EN 50464-1:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Oil - Transformer - Distribution transformer - 3 phase - Highest voltage HD 428.3 S1:1994
Oil - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Pump EN 50216-7:2002
Oil - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Winding EN 50216-11:2008
oil bath transformers - transformers - three-phase transformers - distribution transformers - junctions - electric
cables - junction boxes - high voltage - low voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
Oil immersed - Transformer - Bushing - Capacitance graded CLC/TS 50458:2006
Oil immersed - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Highest voltage - Cable box EN 50464-2-2:2007
Oil immersed - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Highest voltage - Non-sinusoidal current EN 50464-4:2007
Oil immersed - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Highest voltage - Three-phase EN 50464-3:2007
Oil immersion "o" - Explosive atmosphere - Protection EN 60079-6:2007
Oil immersion - Insulating materials - Elastomeric compound - Ozone resistance - Test EN 60811-2-1:1998
Oil resistant - Cable - Low voltage - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-51:2011
Oil resistant - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable HD 21.13 S1:1995
Oil valve - Household use - Automatic control - Valve - Mechanical requirement EN 60730-2-19:2002
Oil-filled electrical equipment - Electrical equipment - PCB - Code of practice EN 50225:1996
Oil-immersed - Cable - Connection - Transformer - Reactor EN 50299:2002
Oil-impregnated - Insulating liquid - Pressboard - Karl Fischer titration EN 60814:1997
Oil-to-air - Heat exchanger - Transformer EN 50216-10:2009
Oil-to-water - Heat exchanger - Transformer - Vertical arrangement EN 50216-9:2009
Oils - Insulating - Mineral - Detection - Additif EN 60666:2010
Older people - Transport system - Collective - Disabled people CWA 45546-1:2004
Older person - Standards developer - Need - Disabilities CEN/CLC Guide 6:2002
OLED - Diode - Light emitting - Organic - Display EN 62341-1-2:2009
OLED - Diode display - Light - Organic - Emission EN 62341-1-1:2009
Omega receiver - Ship - Receiver EN 61110:1992
On-board receiver - Vehicle - Boat - Combustion engine - Radio disturbance EN 55025:2008
On-site measurement - Photovoltaic (PV) - Crystalline silicon EN 61829:1998
On-site test - Measuring system - HV - Test technique EN 60060-3:2006
Onboard - Railway - Architecture - Supply CLC/TS 50534:2010
Onboard - Railway - Power - Converter CLC/TS 50535:2010
One female, one male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Adaptor right angle CECC 22 161-815:1987
One package equipment - Sound system equipment - Headphone - Earphone - Portable EN 50332-1:2000
OPC - Architecture - Address space EN 62541-3:2010
OPC - Unified - Architecture - Overview - Concept CLC/TR 62541-1:2010
OPC - Unified - Architecture - Security - Model CLC/TR 62541-2:2010
Open construction - Railway - Rolling stock - Power resistor - Resistor EN 60322:2001
Open path apparatus - Combustible gas - Toxic gas and vapour - Detection - Performance requirement EN 50241-2:1999
Open path apparatus - Combustible gas - Toxic gas and vapour - Detection - Test method EN 50241-1:1999
Open throat tool - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Radio frequency connector EN 50109-2-2:1995
Open transmission - Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Safety EN 50159-2:2001
Open-circuit - Tube - Luminous-discharge-tube - Earth-leakage - Protection EN 50107-2:2005
Open-circuit voltage method - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Equivalent cell temperature EN 60904-5:1995
Open-top socket - Semiconductor device - Design guideline - Fine-pitch Grid Array EN 60191-6-13:2007
Opening contact - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Magnetic EN 50131-2-6:2008
Operating - Low-voltage - Gangway - Maintenance - Special location HD 60364-7-729:2009
Operating conditions - Industrial process - Climatic conditions EN 60654-1:1993
Operating conditions - Industrial process - Corrosive influence - Erosive influence EN 60654-4:1997
Operating conditions - Telecontrol - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 60870-2-1:1996
Operating conditions - Telecontrol - Environmental conditions EN 60870-2-2:1996
Operating table - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-46:1998
Operating table - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-46:2011
Operation - Electrical - Test equipment - Erection EN 50191:2000
Operation - Electrical - Test equipment - Erection EN 50191:2010
Operation - Electrical installation EN 50110-1:2004
Operational - Amplifier - Integrated CECC 90 202:1989
OPGW - Cable - Optical fibre - Optical Ground Wire - Electrical power line EN 60794-4-10:2007
Ophthalmic - Medical - Lens - Surgery - Vitrectomy EN 80601-2-58:2009
Opportunity charging - Battery - Lead-acid traction battery EN 61044:1992
Optic - Cable - Outdoor - Sewer - Storm EN 60794-3-40:2008
Optic - Communication - Digital - Jitter - Wander EN 61280-2-3:2009
Optic - Fibre - ATM-PON - Transceiver - Driver EN 62149-5:2011
Optic - Fibre - Cable - Indoor - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-30:2008
Optic - Fibre - Cable - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-10:2009
Optic - Fibre - Cable - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-20:2009
Optic - Fibre - Cables - Outdoor - Drinking water pipe EN 60794-3-60:2008
Optic - Fibre - Cables - Outdoor - Gas pipe EN 60794-3-50:2008
Optic - Fibre - Communication - Cable plant - Attenuation EN 61280-4-1:2009
Optic - Fibre - Communication - Digital - Noise ratio EN 61280-2-9:2009
Optic - Fibre - Communication - Light source - Flux measurement EN 61280-1-4:2010
Optic - Fibre - Communication - Wavelength - Spectral width EN 61280-1-3:2010
Optic - Fibre - Connector - Interface - LSH EN 61754-15:2009
Optic - Fibre - Connector - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24:2010
Optic - Fibre - Connector - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24-11:2009
Optic - Fibre - Connector - Interface - SC-RJ EN 61754-24-21:2009
Optic - Fibre - Cylindrical - Connector endface - Visual inspection EN 61300-3-35:2010
Optic - Fibre - Intensity - Noise - Detection EN 62150-4:2010
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-086-2:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting - Closure EN 62134-1:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting - Closure - Subterranean EN 61753-111-9:2010
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting - Non-connectorized - Branching device EN 61753-031-3:2009
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Alphabetical Index

Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting - Sealed closure - Aerial EN 61753-111-7:2010
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting - Sealed closure - Ground EN 61753-111-8:2010
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting - Tensile strength - Coupling mechanism EN 61300-2-6:2011
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-131-3:2011
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting device - Fan-outs EN 61314-1:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting device - Guide Pin, MT Ferrules EN 61300-3-46:2011
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting device - Mode Transfer - Measurement EN 61300-3-43:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Torsion EN 61300-2-5:2011
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting device - Temperature-humidity EN 61300-2-48:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnecting device - Vibration - Sinusoidal EN 61300-2-1:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Attenuation - Return loss EN 61300-3-3:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-086-6:2011
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Bidirectional - WWDM EN 61753-087-2:2011
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Circulator EN 62077:2010
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Filter EN 61977:2010
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Measurement - Guidance EN 61300-1:2011
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Measurement - Return loss EN 61300-3-6:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Multi-fibre - Connector EN 61300-3-45:2011
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Polarization - Loss EN 61300-3-2:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Random mated - Connector EN 61300-3-34:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Splice - Protector EN 61073-1:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Temperature - Humidity EN 61300-2-21:2010
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Titanium EN 61755-3-7:2009
Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Titanium EN 61755-3-8:2009
Optic - Fibre - Launch - Multimode - Attenuation EN 62614:2010
Optic - Fibre - Measurement - Proof test EN 60793-1-30:2011
Optic - Fibre - Package - Interface - 14-pin EN 62148-11:2009
Optic - Fibre - SFF 10-pin - Transceiver EN 62148-2:2011
Optic - Fibre - SFF 20-pin - Transceiver EN 62148-3:2011
Optic - Fibre - Transceiver - Measurement - ATM-PON EN 62150-2:2011
Optic - Fibre - Vertical - Laser - Package EN 62148-15:2010
Optic - Fibre optic - End-user - FTTX - Network CLC/TR 50510:2007
Optic - Fibre optic - Interconnecting - WDM devices EN 62074-1:2009
Optic - Fibre optic - Transmitter - Receiver - LC connector EN 62148-16:2009
Optic - Interconnection - Fibre - Isolator EN 61202-1:2009
Optic - Macrobending - Loss - Measurement EN 60793-1-47:2009
Optic - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic, Fibre EN 62007-2:2009
Optic, Interconnection - Fibre - Cold EN 61300-2-17:2011
Optical - Amplifier - Interface - Command set EN 61291-6-1:2008
Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel - Performance - Template EN 61291-4:2008
Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel - Pulse method EN 61290-10-1:2009
Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel parameter - Pulse method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-2:2008
Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel parameter - Subtraction method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-4:2007
Optical - Amplifier - Noise - Figure EN 61290-3:2008
Optical - Amplifier - Noise - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-2:2008
Optical - Amplifier - Polarization - Dispersion - Jones matrix EN 61290-11-1:2008
Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Multichannel parameter - Probe methods EN 61290-10-3:2003
Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Multichannel parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-1:2003
Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Noise figure parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-1:2003
Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Noise figure parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-2:2003
Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Polarization - Dispersion EN 61290-11-2:2005
Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Reflectance parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-2:2004
Optical - Board - Circuit board EN 62496-3:2011
Optical - Cable - Single mode - Duct/direct buried EN 187105:2002
Optical - Calibration - Wavelength - Michelson - Interferometer EN 62129-2:2011
Optical - Circuit - Board EN 62496-1:2009
Optical - Circuit - Board EN 62496-4:2011
Optical - Circuit - Board - Dimension EN 62496-2-2:2011
Optical - Circuit board - Flexible - Unconnectorized - Glass fibres EN 62496-3-1:2010
Optical - Fibre - Cable - Outdoor - Aerial EN 60794-3-11:2010
Optical - Fibre - Closure - Communication - Single mode EN 50411-3-2:2011
Optical - Fibre - Multimode EN 60793-2-10:2011
Optical - Fibre - Multimode - Category A4 EN 60793-2-40:2011
Optical - Fibre - Wavelength - Cut-off EN 60793-1-44:2002
Optical - Fibre - Wavelength - Cut-off EN 60793-1-44:2011
Optical - Light emitting - Diode - Organic - Electro-optical EN 62341-6-1:2011
Optical - Measurement - Coating - Strippability EN 60793-1-32:2010
Optical - Plasma - Display panel - Measuring method EN 61988-2-1:2002
Optical - Reflectometer - Calibration - Time-domain - OTDR EN 61746-2:2011
Optical - Reflectometer - Calibration - Time-domain - OTDRS EN 61746:2005
Optical - Reflectometer - Calibration - Time-domain - OTDRS EN 61746-1:2011
Optical - Spectrum analyzer - Calibration EN 62129:2006
Optical cable - Cable - Atomic absorption - Spectrometer - PVC compound EN 50414:2006
Optical communication - Laser product - Free space - Information transmission EN 60825-12:2004
Optical component - Measurement - Polarisation - Dispersion EN 61300-3-32:2006
Optical components - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Life stress modeling - Reliability EN 62005-7:2004
Optical components - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Screening - Reliability EN 62005-4:1999
Optical connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Keying accuracy - Polarization maintaining fibre EN 61300-3-24:2007
Optical connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Screen testing EN 61300-2-40:2000
Optical distribution cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Multi-fibre EN 60794-2-21:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Optical equipment - Cabled distribution system - Television EN 60728-6:2003
Optical equipment - Cabled distribution system - Television EN 60728-6:2011
Optical fibre EN 60793-2:2008
Optical fibre - Amplifier EN 61291-1:2006
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Digital application - Template - Performance EN 61291-2:2007
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Qualification - Reliability EN 61291-5-2:2002
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Gain parameter - Electrical spectrum analyzer EN 61290-1-2:2005
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Gain parameter - Power meter EN 61290-1-3:2005
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Gain parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-1-1:2006
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Noise figure parameters EN 61290-3:2000
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Out-of-band insertion loss - Filtered power meter EN 61290-7-1:2007
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Pump leakage parameter - Demultiplexer EN 61290-6-1:1998
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Reflectance parameters - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-1:2006
Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Reflectance parameters - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-3:2002
Optical fibre - Aperture - Corrosion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-33:2002
Optical fibre - Aperture - Numerical aperture - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-43:2002
Optical fibre - Attenuation - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-40:2003
Optical fibre - Bandwidth - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-41:2003
Optical fibre - Bandwidth - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-41:2010
Optical fibre - Cable - Aerial cable - Electrical power line EN 60794-4:2003
Optical fibre - Cable - Basic optical cable - Test procedure EN 60794-1-2:2003
Optical fibre - Cable - Connector - Type F-05 EN 60874-17:1997
Optical fibre - Cable - Connector - Type SC-D EN 60874-19:1997
Optical fibre - Cable - Gas pipe - High pressure CLC/TS 50430:2005
Optical fibre - Cable - Generic specification EN 60794-1-1:2002
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor EN 187103:2003
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - A4 fibre cable EN 60794-2-40:2008
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Multi-fibre - Distribution cable EN 60794-2-20:2010
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Simplex - Duplex EN 60794-2-50:2008
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-41:2008
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-42:2008
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor cable EN 60794-2:2003
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor cable - Multi-fibre - Distribution EN 60794-2-20:2003
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor cable - Multi-fibre - Optical distribution cable EN 60794-2-21:2006
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor cable - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-30:2003
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor cable - Ribbon cable EN 60794-2-31:2006
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor cable - Simplex cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-10:2003
Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor cable - Simplex fibre - Duplex fibre EN 60794-2-11:2005
Optical fibre - Cable - Micorduct cabling - Blowing EN 60794-5:2007
Optical fibre - Cable - Optical Ground Wire - OPGW - Electrical power line EN 60794-4-10:2007
Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor - Telecommunication - Coastal application EN 60794-3-30:2008
Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor cable EN 60794-3:2002
Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Aerial EN 60794-3-20:2002
Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Aerial EN 60794-3-21:2006
Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Burried EN 60794-3-10:2002
Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Burried EN 60794-3-12:2006
Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication - Water crossing EN 60794-3-30:2003
Optical fibre - Cable - Sewer cable - Storm sewer - Sanitary sewer CLC/TS 50429:2005
Optical fibre - Cable - Termini set - Type LSD-HRL CECC 78 005-802:1999
Optical fibre - Cable - Water pipe - Drinking water CLC/TS 50431:2005
Optical fibre - Coating - Strippability - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-32:2003
Optical fibre - Coating geometry - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-21:2002
Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Closure - Microduct EN 50411-2:2008
Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Microduct connector - Air blown EN 50411-2-8:2009
Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Sealed closure - Air blown EN 50411-2-5:2009
Optical fibre - Communication system - Air blown fibre - Microduct - Non-sealed closure EN 50411-2-9:2010
Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - Organiser - Closure for category A EN 50411-2-2:2007
Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - Organiser - Closure for category S EN 50411-2-4:2006
Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - Organiser - In-line closure EN 50411-2-3:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Adaptor - Communications - Patchcord EN 50377-15-1:2011
Optical fibre - Connector - Cable EN 60874-1:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Cable EN 60874-1-1:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Cable - Type LSA-HRL CECC 86 135-802:1993
Optical fibre - Connector - Cable - Type LSH-HRL universal CECC 86 275-802:1999
Optical fibre - Connector - Communication - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-10:2010
Optical fibre - Connector - Communication - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-11:2010
Optical fibre - Connector - Communication - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-12:2010
Optical fibre - Connector - Communication - Titanium composite EN 50377-8-13:2010
Optical fibre - Connector - Communication - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-2-2:2009
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - LSH-HR simplex - Composite ferrule EN 50377-8-4:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - LSH-HR simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-6:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - LSH-HR simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-8:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - LSH-PC simplex - Composite ferrule EN 50377-8-5:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - LSH-PC simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-7:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - LSH-PC simplex - Zirconia ferrule EN 50377-8-9:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - LX.5-APC duplex - Singlemode EN 50377-13-3:2011
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - LX.5-PC duplex - Singlemode EN 50377-13-2:2011
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - MF termination - Singlemode fibre EN 50377-11-1:2008
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Patch cord EN 50377-14-1:2011
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - EC EN 50377-5-1:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - FC-PC EN 50377-2-1:2001
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - LC-APC duxplex EN 50377-7-3:2004
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - LC-PC duplex EN 50377-7-1:2004
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - LC-PC duplex EN 50377-7-2:2004
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - LC-PC simplex EN 50377-7-4:2011
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - LSH-RH EN 50377-8-2:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - LSH_PC simplex EN 50377-8-3:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - MT-RJ EN 50377-9-1:2003
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - MT-RJ EN 50377-9-2:2004
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - MU-PC EN 50377-10-1:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - MU/APC EN 50377-10-2:2005
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - SC-APC simplex EN 50377-4-2:2011
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - SC-PC simplex EN 50377-4-4:2011
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - SC-RJ EN 50377-6-1:2002
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - SC-RJ EN 50377-6-2:2007
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - Product specification - Singlemode fibre EN 50377-7-4:2004
Optical fibre - Connector - Communications - SG terminated - Multimode fibre EN 50377-3-1:2008
Optical fibre - Connector set - Cable - Type LSC EN 186220:1993
Optical fibre - Connector set - Cable - Type LSF EN 186230:1993
Optical fibre - Damp heat - Heat - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-50:2002
Optical fibre - Delay - Differential mode delay - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-49:2006
Optical fibre - Dispersion - Chromatic dispersion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-42:2007
Optical fibre - Dispersion - Polarization mode - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-48:2007
Optical fibre - Dry heat - Heat - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-51:2002
Optical fibre - Fibre curl - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-34:2006
Optical fibre - Fibre geometry - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-20:2002
Optical fibre - Fibre proof test - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-30:2002
Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire - Diffusion flame EN 60332-2-2:2004
Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire - Flaming droplets/particles EN 60332-1-3:2004
Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire - Pre-mixed flame EN 60332-1-2:2004
Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire - Small EN 60332-2-1:2004
Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Single - Insulated wire EN 60332-1-1:2004
Optical fibre - Immersion - Water immersion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-53:2002
Optical fibre - Irradiation - Gamma irradiation - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-54:2003
Optical fibre - Laser product - Communication system - Safety EN 60825-2:2004
Optical fibre - Length - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-22:2002
Optical fibre - Macrobending loss - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-47:2007
Optical fibre - Measurement - Endface angle - Angle-polished EN 61300-3-37:2005
Optical fibre - Measurement - Test - Guidance EN 60793-1-1:2008
Optical fibre - Mode field diameter - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-45:2003
Optical fibre - Multimode EN 60793-2-30:2009
Optical fibre - Multimode fibre - Category A2 EN 60793-2-20:2009
Optical fibre - Passive components - Communications - CWDM - Singlemode module EN 50378-3-2:2007
Optical fibre - Passive components - Communications - DWDM module EN 50378-3-1:2007
Optical fibre - Passive components - Communications - SC(SC2)-APC connector - Attenuator CLC/TR 50378-2-2:2008
Optical fibre - Passive components - Communications - SC(SC2)-PC connector - Attenuator CLC/TR 50378-2-1:2008
Optical fibre - Product specification - Multimode fibre - Category A1 EN 60793-2-10:2007
Optical fibre - Product specification - Multimode fibre - Category A2 EN 60793-2-20:2002
Optical fibre - Product specification - Multimode fibre - Category A3 EN 60793-2-30:2002
Optical fibre - Product specification - Multimode fibre - Category A4 EN 60793-2-40:2006
Optical fibre - Product specification - Single-mode fibre EN 60793-2-50:2004
Optical fibre - Single-mode - Intraconnection EN 60793-2-60:2008
Optical fibre - Single-mode fibre - Class B EN 60793-2-50:2008
Optical fibre - Temperature change - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-52:2002
Optical fibre - Tensile strength - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-31:2002
Optical fibre - Tensile strength - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-31:2010
Optical fibre - Transmittance - Changes monitoring - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-46:2002
Optical Ground Wire - Cable - Optical fibre - OPGW - Electrical power line EN 60794-4-10:2007
Optical interface - Fibre optic - Connector - Contacting fibres EN 61755-2-2:2006
Optical interface - Fibre optic - Connector - Cylindrical - Cu-Ni-Alloy EN 61755-3-6:2006
Optical interface - Fibre optic - Connector - Cylindrical PC - Cu-Ni-Alloy EN 61755-3-5:2006
Optical interface - Fibre optic - Connector - Single-mode - Non-angled EN 61755-2-1:2006
Optical interface - Fibre optic - Connector - Type MU connector EN 61754-6-1:2003
Optical interface - Fibre optic - Connector - Ziconia ferrule - 8 degrees angled-PC EN 61755-3-2:2009
Optical interface - Fibre optic - Connector - Ziconia PC ferrule - Single mode EN 61755-3-1:2009
Optical power - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-14:2006
Optical radiation - Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Transmission system EN 60079-28:2007
Optical signal - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Amplitude histogram EN 61280-2-11:2006
Optical signal-to-noise - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Multiplexed system EN 61280-2-9:2002
Optical system - Cable - Television signal - Sound signal - Broadcast EN 60728-13:2010
Optical transmission - Cable - Network - Television signal - Sound signal CLC/TR 50460:2005
Optional RGB colour space - Multimedia - Colour EN 61966-2-5:2008
Opto-electronic - Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Protective equipment - AOPD CLC/TS 61496-2:2006
Opto-electronic - Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Protective equipment - AOPDDR CLC/TS 61496-3:2008
Optocoupler - Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic - Photocoupler EN 60747-5-5:2011
Optoelectrical - Plasma - Display panel - Measuring method EN 61988-2-2:2003
Optoelectronic - Circuit - Semiconductor EN 60747-5-1:2001
Optoelectronic - Circuit - Semiconductor - Measuring method EN 60747-5-3:2001
Optoelectronic - Circuit - Semiconductor - Photocoupler - Optocoupler EN 60747-5-5:2011
Optoelectronic - Circuit - Semiconductor - Rating - Characteristic EN 60747-5-2:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Optoelectronic - Semiconductor - Fibre optic EN 62007-1:2009
Optoelectronic, Fibre - Semiconductor - Optic EN 62007-2:2009
Oral hygiene - Household appliances - Hygiene - Safety EN 60335-2-52:2003
Organic - Diode - Light emitting - Display - OLED EN 62341-1-2:2009
Organic - Diode display - Light - Emission - OLED EN 62341-1-1:2009
Organic - Ester - Unused - Synthetic EN 61099:2010
Organic - Light emitting - Diode - Display - Environment EN 62341-5:2009
Organic - Light emitting - Diode - Optical - Electro-optical EN 62341-6-1:2011
Organic material - Insulator - Indoor post insulator EN 60660:1999
Organic material - Semiconductor - Climatic - Moisture diffusivity - Water solubility EN 60749-39:2006
Organiser - Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - Closure for category A EN 50411-2-2:2007
Organiser - Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - Closure for category S EN 50411-2-4:2006
Organiser - Optical fibre - Communication system - Fibre - In-line closure EN 50411-2-3:2007
Original - Symbol - Graphical symbol - Creation EN 80416-1:2001
Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 60679-1:2007
Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 169000:1992
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Capability approval EN 60679-4:1998
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Capability approval EN 60679-4-1:1998
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Capability approval EN 169100:1993
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Capability approval EN 169101:1993
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Jitter - SAW - Measurement EN 60679-6:2011
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Lead connection - Standard outline EN 60679-3:2001
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Qualification approval EN 60679-5:1998
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Qualification approval EN 60679-5-1:1998
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Qualification approval EN 169200:1995
Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Qualification approval EN 169201:1995
Oscillatory wave - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-18:2007
OTDR - Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - Time-domain EN 61746-2:2011
OTDRS - Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - Time-domain EN 61746:2005
OTDRS - Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - Time-domain EN 61746-1:2011
Other organisations - Normative reference CLC Guide 10:2001
Otoacoustic - Electroacoustics - Audiometry - Emission EN 60645-6:2010
Out-of-band insertion loss - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Filtered power meter EN 61290-7-1:2007
Outdoor - Building - Electrical installation - Lighting installation HD 384.7.714 S1:2000
Outdoor - Bushing - Transformer - Liquid filled EN 50243:2002
Outdoor - Cable - Multi-pair - Digital access - Telecommunication network EN 50407-1:2004
Outdoor - Fibre - Optic - Cables - Drinking water pipe EN 60794-3-60:2008
Outdoor - Fibre - Optic - Cables - Gas pipe EN 60794-3-50:2008
Outdoor - Household appliances - Barbecue - Safety EN 60335-2-78:2003
Outdoor - Insulator - Polymeric - Indoor - Test methods EN 62217:2006
Outdoor - Optic - Cable - Sewer - Storm EN 60794-3-40:2008
Outdoor - Optic - Fibre - Cable - Aerial EN 60794-3-10:2009
Outdoor - Optic - Fibre - Cable - Aerial EN 60794-3-20:2009
Outdoor - Optical - Fibre - Cable - Aerial EN 60794-3-11:2010
Outdoor - Optical fibre - Cable - Telecommunication - Coastal application EN 60794-3-30:2008
Outdoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre EN 60794-3:2002
Outdoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Telecommunication - Aerial EN 60794-3-20:2002
Outdoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Telecommunication - Aerial EN 60794-3-21:2006
Outdoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Telecommunication - Burried EN 60794-3-10:2002
Outdoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Telecommunication - Burried EN 60794-3-12:2006
Outdoor cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Telecommunication - Water crossing EN 60794-3-30:2003
Outdoor drop cable - Cable - Coaxial cable - Distribution network EN 50117-2-2:2004
Outdoor drop cable - Cable - Coaxial cable - Distribution network EN 50117-2-5:2004
Outdoor enclosure - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Cabinet and case - Safety EN 61969-3:2001
Outdoor enclosure - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Design guidelines EN 61969-1:2000
Outdoor enclosure - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Dimensions - Cabinet EN 61969-2-1:2000
Outdoor enclosure - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Dimensions - Case EN 61969-2-2:2000
Outdoor enclosure - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Dimensions - Case and cabinets EN 61969-2:2000
Outdoor equipment - Information technology - Safety EN 60950-22:2006
Outdoor unit - Radiocommunications - Receiver - Satellite broadcast transmission EN 61079-1:1993
Outline - Quartz - Crystal - Lead connection - Connection EN 60122-3:2010
Outline - Semiconductor - Drawing - Package - J-lead (SOJ) EN 60191-6-20:2010
Outline - Semiconductor - Drawing - Package - SOJ EN 60191-6-21:2010
Outline drawing - Semi-conductor - Surface mounted - Package EN 60191-6:2009
Outline drawing - Semiconductor - Drawing - Discrete device EN 60191-1:2007
Outline drawing - Semiconductor - P-VSON - Dimension EN 60191-6-10:2003
Outline drawing - Semiconductor - Surface mounted - Ball grid array (BGA) EN 60191-6-4:2003
Outline drawing - Semiconductor - Surface mounted - Fine pitch land grid array (FLGA) - Design guide EN 60191-6-6:2001
Outline drawing - Semiconductor - Surface mounted - Fine-pitch - Land grid array EN 60191-6-12:2011
Outline drawing - Semiconductor - Surface mounted - Terminal package - Design guide EN 60191-6-2:2002
Outline drawing - Semiconductor device - Integrated circuits - Mechanical standardization EN 60191-3:1999
Outline drawing - Semiconductor device - Surface mounted - Design guide - Fine-pitch ball grid array EN 60191-6-5:2001
Outline drawing - Semiconductor device - Surface mounted - Design guide - Glass sealed ceramic quad flatpack EN 60191-6-8:2001
Outline drawing - Semiconductor device - Surface mounted - Fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) - Rectangular EN 60191-6-12:2002
Outline drawing - Semiconductor device - Surface mounted - Gull-wing lead terminal EN 60191-6-1:2001
Outline drawing - Semiconductor device - Surface mounted - Package - Rule EN 60191-6:2004
Outline drawing - Semiconductor device - Surface mounted - Quad flat pack (QFP) - Measuring method EN 60191-6-3:2000
Outside - Information technology - Cabling installation - Planning - Building EN 50174-3:2003
Outside diameter - Conduit system - Cable management - Thread - Fitting EN 60423:2007
Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - Media access control layer - MAC EN 60728-7-2:2005
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Alphabetical Index

Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - Physical layer - PHY EN 60728-7-1:2005
Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - Power supply - Transponder interface bus - PSTIB EN 60728-7-3:2005
Outside world - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 50121-2:2006
Oven - Cooking range - Hob - Grill - Household use EN 50304:2009
Oven - Household appliances - Commercial - Cooking range - Hob EN 60335-2-36:2002
Oven - Household appliances - Commercial - Forced convection - Steam cooker EN 60335-2-42:2003
Oven - Household appliances - Cooking range - Hob - Safety EN 60335-2-6:2003
Oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Ageing oven - Multi-chamber oven EN 60216-4-3:2000
Oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Ageing oven - Precision oven EN 60216-4-2:2000
Oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Ageing oven - single-chamber oven EN 60216-4-1:2006
Over - Relay - Protection - Current - Under EN 60255-151:2009
Overcurrent - Building - Electrical installation - Protection HD 384.4.473 S1:1980
Overcurrent - Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Safety HD 384.4.43 S2:2001
Overcurrent - Circuit breaker - Protection - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003
Overcurrent - Circuit breaker - Protection - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS1:2007
Overcurrent - Circuit breaker - Protection - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS2:2007
Overcurrent - Circuit breaker - Protection - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS3:2007
Overcurrent - Circuit breaker - Protection - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS4:2007
Overcurrent - Low-voltage - Safety - Protection HD 60364-4-43:2010
Overcurrent protection - Circuit-breaker - Household - AC - DC EN 60898-2:2006
Overcurrent protection - Circuit-breaker - Residual current - RCBO - Applicability EN 61009-2-1:1994
Overcurrent protection - Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - RCCB EN 61008-1:2004
Overcurrent protection - Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - RCCB EN 61008-1:2004/IS1:2007
Overcurrent protection - Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - RCCO EN 61009-1:2004
Overcurrent protection - Residual - Current operated - Circuit-breaker - Household EN 62423:2009
Overhaul - Explosive - Atmosphere - Repair - Reclamation EN 60079-19:2011
Overhaul - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Repair - Apparatus EN 60079-19:2007
Overhead - Concentric - Lay stranded - Conductor - Gap EN 62420:2008
Overhead - Conductor - Formed wire - Concentric Lay - Stranded conductor EN 62219:2002
Overhead - Conductor - Line EN 50397-3:2010
Overhead - Electical line EN 50423-1:2005
Overhead - Electical line - Index - Normative aspect EN 50423-2:2005
Overhead - Electical line - Normative aspect EN 50423-3:2005
Overhead - Railway - Safety - Contact line - Personnel CLC/TR 50488:2006
Overhead - Railway application - Fixed installation - Contact line EN 50119:2001
Overhead - Railway application - Fixed installation - Contact line EN 50119:2009
Overhead conductor - Stranded conductor - Creep test procedure EN 61395:1998
Overhead contact line - Railway application - Fixed installation - Insulation - Synthetic rope EN 50345:2009
Overhead contact line - Railway application - Fixed installation - Traction - Insulation EN 50345:2004
Overhead contact line - Railway application - Pantograph - Dynamic interaction - Measurement EN 50317:2002
Overhead contact line - Railway application - Pantograph - Dynamic interaction - Simulation EN 50318:2002
Overhead distribution - Cable HD 626 S1:1996
Overhead line - Conductor - Aluminium - Steel Supported - ACSS EN 50540:2010
Overhead line - Conductor - Covered conductor - Accessories EN 50397-1:2006
Overhead line - Conductor - Covered conductor - Accessories - Test EN 50397-2:2009
Overhead line - Conductor - Grease EN 50326:2002
Overhead line - Conductor - Round wire - Concentric - Lay stranded EN 50182:2001
Overhead line - Conductor - Wire - Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy EN 50183:2000
Overhead line - Conductor - Wire - Zinc coated steel wire EN 50189:2000
Overhead line - Fitting - Test EN 61284:1997
Overhead line - Foundations - Structure - Testing EN 61773:1996
Overhead line - Insulator - AC power arcs test EN 61467:2008
Overhead line - Insulator - Ceramic - AC - Long rod type EN 60433:1998
Overhead line - Insulator - Ceramic - Glass - AC system EN 60305:1996
Overhead line - Insulator - Ceramic - Glass - Impulse puncture in air EN 61211:2005
Overhead line - Insulator - Composite - AC EN 61952:2008
Overhead line - Insulator - Composite string insulator unit EN 61466-1:1997
Overhead line - Insulator - Composite string insulator unit - Dimensions EN 61466-2:1998
Overhead line - Insulator - Composite suspension - Composite tension - a.c. EN 61109:2008
Overhead line - Insulator - Glass insulator unit - AC system EN 60383-1:1996
Overhead line - Insulator - HV EN 60383-2:1995
Overhead line - Line - AC EN 50341-1:2001
Overhead line - Line - AC - Normative aspect EN 50341-3:2001
Overhead line - Line - AC - Normative aspect - Index EN 50341-2:2001
Overhead line - Loading test EN 60652:2004
Overhead line - Railway application - Current collection system - Pantograph - Free access EN 50367:2006
Overhead line - Spacer - Test EN 61854:1998
Overhead line - Stockbridge type - Aeolian - Vibration damper EN 61897:1998
Overhead line - Surge arrester - Metal-oxide - EGLA - Transmission EN 60099-8:2011
Overhead line - Wire - Conductor - Thermal resistant - Aluminium alloy EN 62004:2009
Overhead line conductor - Wire - Hard-drawn aluminium wire EN 60889:1997
Overload - Electronic equipment - Connector - Impact test - Static load test EN 60512-10-4:2003
Overload measurement - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Receiver sensitivity EN 61280-2-1:1999
Overload measurement - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Receiver sensitivity EN 61280-2-1:2010
Oversheath - Cable - Protection - Extrusion EN 60229:2008
Overview - OPC - Unified - Architecture - Concept CLC/TR 62541-1:2010
Overvoltage - Building - Electrical installation - Protection HD 384.4.442 S1:1997
Overvoltage - Building - Electrical installation - Safety - Electromagnetic interference R064-004:1999
Overvoltage - Protection - Household EN 50550:2011
Overvoltage - Railway - Insulation - Protection EN 50124-2:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Oxidation - Aluminium etching - PAS CECC 200 017:1995
Oxidation stability - Insulating liquid - Hydrocarbon - Test EN 61125:1993
Oxide - Pot-core - Magnetic - Dimensions EN 60133:2001
Oxygen - Explosive atmosphere - Detection - Performance EN 50104:2002
Oxygen - Explosive atmosphere - Detection - Performance EN 50104:2010
Oxygen - Gas - Detection - Toxic - Digital EN 50271:2010
Oxygen - Gas - Toxic gas - Combustible gas - Digital technology EN 50271:2001
Oxygen - Gas analyzer - Electrochemical sensor EN 61207-2:1994
Oxygen - Gas detection - Combustible - Toxic - Vapour EN 50402:2005
Oxygen - Insulating liquid - Index determination EN 61144:1993
Oxygen analyzer - Gas analyzer - Performance - Paramagnetic EN 61207-3:2002
Ozone resistance - Insulating materials - Elastomeric compound - Oil immersion - Test EN 60811-2-1:1998


P&I diagram - Process control - Data exchange - P&ID tools - PCE-CAE tools EN 62424:2009
P&ID tools - Process control - P&I diagram - Data exchange - PCE-CAE tools EN 62424:2009
P-VSON - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Dimension EN 60191-6-10:2003
Pacemaker - Medical - Cardiac - Implantable - Low-profile connector EN 50077:1993
Pacemaker - Medical - External - Cardiac EN 60601-2-31:2008
Pacemaker - Medical device - Implantable - Safety - Bradyarrhythmia EN 45502-2-1:2003
Pack header table - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-4:1998
Package - Fibre - Optic - Interface - 14-pin EN 62148-11:2009
Package - Fibre - Optic - Vertical - Laser EN 62148-15:2010
package - Sampling plan - Electronic components - Inspection EN 61193-2:2007
Package - Semi-conductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted EN 60191-6:2009
Package - Semiconductor - Drawing - Surface mounted - Grid array EN 60191-6-17:2011
Package - Semiconductor - Measurement - Warpage - Temperature EN 60191-6-19:2010
Package - Semiconductor - Outline - Drawing - J-lead (SOJ) EN 60191-6-20:2010
Package - Semiconductor - Outline - Drawing - SOJ EN 60191-6-21:2010
Package - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Rule EN 60191-6:2004
Package label - Label - Electronic component - Bar code - Symbology EN 62090:2003
Package outline - Semiconductor device - Coding system - Classification EN 60191-4:1999
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Module EN 62148-5:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-2:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-3:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-4:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-6:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-7:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-8:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-9:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transceiver EN 62148-10:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transmitter EN 62148-11:2003
Package standard - Fibre optic - Active components - Interface standard - Transmitter EN 62148-12:2004
Package standard - Fibre optic - Interface standard - Guidance EN 62148-1:2002
Packager - Semiconductor - Drawing - Surface mounted - BGA EN 60191-6-18:2010
Packaging - Automatic handling - Bulk case packaging - Surface mounting EN 60286-6:2004
Packaging - Automatic handling - Stick magazine EN 60286-4:1998
Packaging - Automatic handling - Surface mount - Blister - Carrier tape EN 60286-3-2:2009
Packaging - Automatic handling - Surface mount component - Continuous tape EN 60286-3:2007
Packaging - Automatic handling - Tape packaging - Axial lead EN 60286-1:1998
Packaging - Automatic handling - Tape packaging - Unidirectional lead EN 60286-2:1998
Packaging - Automatic handling - Tape packaging - Unidirectional lead - Continuous tape EN 60286-2:2009
Packaging - Automatic handling - Tray - Matrix tray EN 60286-5:2004
Packaging - Electrostatics - Protection - Electronic - Discharge sensitive EN 61340-5-3:2010
Packaging - Winding wire - Wire - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic EN 60264-4-1:2010
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Container EN 60264-1:1994
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Cylindrical - Delivery spool EN 60264-2-1:1994
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool EN 60264-2-3:1994
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool EN 60264-4-2:1994
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Conical flange EN 60264-5-1:1997
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Container EN 60264-3-4:1999
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Spool container EN 60264-3-5:1999
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Taper barelled EN 60264-3-1:2000
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic EN 60264-3-2:1999
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-2-2:1994
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-3-3:1994
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-4-1:1994
Packaging - Wire - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-5-2:2001
Packet switched - Alarm system - Transmission - Monitoring - Network PSN EN 50136-1-5:2008
Packing - Automatic handling - Surface mount - Continuous - Pressed carrier tape EN 60286-3-1:2009
Packing - Die product - Semiconductor - Handling - Storage CLC/TR 62258-3:2007
Pad - Household appliances - Blanket - Heating - Safety EN 60335-2-17:2002
Pad - Medical - Blanket - Mattresses - Heating EN 80601-2-35:2009
Pad - Medical equipment - Blanket - Mattress - Heating EN 60601-2-35:1996
Painting - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic spraying equipment - Non-flammable EN 50059:1990
PAL - Video - Videodisk - Laser vision EN 60856:1993
PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Video - Video camera - Non-broadcast - Single-sensor camera EN 61146-1:1996
PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Video - Video camera - Non-broadcast camera-recorder EN 61146-3:1997
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Alphabetical Index

PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Video - Video camera - Sensor professional camera EN 61146-2:1997
PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Video camera - Camera recorder EN 61146-4:1998
PALplus format - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-8:2001
Pan - Household - Fryer - Fat - Safety EN 60335-2-13:2010
Panel - Electronic equipment - Rack structure - Rack HD 493.1 S1:1988
Panel - Plasma - Display EN 61988-5:2009
Panel - Plasma - Display - Image - Defect EN 61988-2-3:2009
Panel - Plasma - Display - Interface EN 61988-3-2:2009
Panel and barrier sealed - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Right angle socket CECC 22 121-811:1985
Panel and barrier sealed - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket CECC 22 121-809:1985
Panel and barrier sealed - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed socket CECC 22 201-812:1988
Panel sealed - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed adaptor CECC 22 201-811:1988
Pantograph - Railway - Rolling stock - Interface CLC/TS 50206-3:2010
Pantograph - Railway application - Current collection - Carbon contact strip EN 50405:2006
Pantograph - Railway application - Current collection system - Overhead line - Free access EN 50367:2006
Pantograph - Railway application - Overhead contact line - Dynamic interaction - Measurement EN 50317:2002
Pantograph - Railway application - Overhead contact line - Dynamic interaction - Simulation EN 50318:2002
Pantograph - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Main line vehicle EN 50206-1:1998
Pantograph - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Main line vehicle EN 50206-1:2010
Pantograph - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Metro - Light rail vehicle EN 50206-2:1999
Pantograph - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Metro - Light rail vehicle EN 50206-2:2010
Paper - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose - Aramid - Aromatic polyamide EN 60819-3-3:2006
Paper tape - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-27:1998
Paper/plastic - Railway - Rolling stock - Capacitor - Power electronics EN 61881-1:2011
Parallel capacitance C0 - Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Measurement EN 60444-3:1997
Parallel voting - IEC - CENELEC - Agreement - Common planning - New work CLC Guide 13:2001
Paramagnetic - Gas analyzer - Performance - Oxygen analyzer EN 61207-3:2002
Parameter - Environmental conditions - Classification - Introduction EN 60721-3-0:1993
Parameter - Environmental conditions - Classification - Microclimate EN 60721-3-9:1993
Parameter - Environmental conditions - Classification - Severity EN 60721-1:1995
Parameter - Environmental conditions - Classification - Ship EN 60721-3-6:1993
Parameter - Magnetic - Calculation EN 60205:2006
Parameter - Stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system EN 61194:1995
Parameter - Video - Videodisk - Measurement method EN 61106:1993
Parameters - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-12:2008
Parameters - Noise - Dgital - Measuring EN 62333-3:2010
Part list - List - Preparation EN 62027:2000
Partial - Short-circuit - Current - Line-to-earth - Three-phase EN 60909-3:2010
Partial discharge - Electronic equipment - Connector - Voltage stress EN 60512-4-2:2002
Participation - Institution - Activities CEN/CLC Guide 7:2001
Particles - Insulating liquid - Liquid - Counting - Sizing EN 60970:2007
Particular requirement - Lighting - Luminaire - Portable luminaire EN 60598-2-4:1997
Partner - Standardization Body CEN/CLC Guide 13:2007
Partner - Standardization Body CEN/CLC Guide 13:2008
Partnership - Technical Liaison CLC Guide 31:2009
PAS - Aluminium etching - Oxidation CECC 200 017:1995
PAS - Chemical product CECC 200 018:1996
PAS - GaAs MMIC process approval CECC 200 008:1995
PAS - Mass lamination panel CECC 200 021:1996
PAS - Printed board - Assembly facility CECC 200 025:1998
PAS - Printed board - Base material CECC 200 016:1996
PAS - Printed board - Designed facilities CECC 200 012:1995
Passive - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector CLC/TS 50131-2-7-2:2009
Passive - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector - Infrared EN 50131-2-2:2008
Passive - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Chromatic - Dispersion compensator EN 61978-1:2010
Passive - Filter - Electromagnetic - Interference - Suppression EN 60939-1:2010
Passive component - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Torsion EN 61300-2-5:2011
Passive component - Fibre optic - Cable assemblies - Capability EN 61313-1:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Acceleration - Test EN 61300-2-13:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Angular misalignment - Measurement EN 61300-3-26:2002
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Attenuation - Measurement EN 61300-3-4:2001
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Attenuation - Return loss EN 61300-3-7:2001
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Attenuation - Wavelength dependence EN 61300-3-5:2001
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Attenuator - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-053-3:2004
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Bump - Test EN 61300-2-8:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Cable bending - Closure EN 61300-2-37:2007
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Cable nutation - Test EN 61300-2-35:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Circulator - Single-mode EN 61753-092-6:2007
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Circulator - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-091-3:2004
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Cold EN 61300-2-17:2003
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector EN 61300-3-30:2003
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Controlled environment EN 61753-021-2:2008
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Multimode fibre EN 61753-022-2:2003
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Static side load EN 61300-2-42:2005
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector ferrule - Measurement EN 61300-3-36:2000
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector proof test EN 61300-2-50:2007
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Controlled environment EN 61753-083-2:2008
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Controlled environment EN 61753-084-2:2008
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Dry heat - Temperature endurance EN 61300-2-18:2005
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Far-end crosstalk - Measurement EN 61300-3-9:1997
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Alphabetical Index

Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Fibre management - Controled environment EN 61753-101-2:2006
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Fibre management - Interface EN 61756-1:2006
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Fibre management - Uncontroled environment EN 61753-101-3:2008
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Isolator - Pigtailed EN 61753-062-6:2008
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Isolator - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-061-3:2004
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Low air pressure - Test EN 61300-2-29:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Mating - Durability EN 61300-2-2:2009
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Non-pressurized closure - Test EN 61300-2-23:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Optical power - Test EN 61300-2-14:2006
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Performance EN 61753-1:2007
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Power ratio EN 61300-3-31:2003
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Retention - Test EN 61300-2-4:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Salt mist - Test EN 61300-2-26:2007
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Screen testing - Optical connector EN 61300-2-40:2000
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Shock - Test EN 61300-2-9:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Measurement EN 61300-3-19:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Strain relief - Flexing EN 61300-2-44:2005
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Switching time - Bounce time EN 61300-3-21:1998
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Temperature change - Test EN 61300-2-22:2007
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Tensile load - Transmission EN 61300-2-51:2007
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Torsion/twist - Test EN 61300-2-5:2002
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Visual examination EN 61300-3-1:2005
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Water vapour permeation - Test EN 61300-2-32:1997
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Impact EN 61300-2-12:2009
Passive component - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Non-pressurized - Closure EN 61300-2-23:2011
Passive components - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Damp heat EN 61300-2-46:2006
Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - CWDM - Singlemode module EN 50378-3-2:2007
Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - DWDM module EN 50378-3-1:2007
Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - SC(SC2)-APC connector - Attenuator CLC/TR 50378-2-2:2008
Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - SC(SC2)-PC connector - Attenuator CLC/TR 50378-2-1:2008
Passive filter - Filter - Electromagnetic interference EN 60939-1:2005
Passive filter - Filter - Electromagnetic interference - Test method EN 60939-2:2005
Passive filter - Filter - Radio interference - Safety test EN 60939-2-1:2004
Passive filter - Filter - Radio interference - Safety test EN 60939-2-2:2004
Passive wideband equipment - Cable network - Television - Signal - Coaxial cable EN 60728-4:2008
Patch cord - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Coaxial EN 50289-1-13:2004
Patch cord - Cabling system - Communication cabling - Work area cord EN 61935-2:2005
Patch cord - Communication - Cabling - Cord - Work area cord EN 61935-2-20:2009
Patch cord - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications EN 50377-14-1:2011
Patch cord cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-2-2:2003
Patch cord cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-3-2:2003
Patch cord cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-4-2:2003
Patch cord cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-5-2:2003
Patch cord cable - Cable - Digital communication - Digital Control - Multi-element EN 50288-6-2:2003
Patchcord - Connector - Adaptor - Optical fibre - Communications EN 50377-15-1:2011
Patent - Common - IPR Policy - Property rights - Invention CEN/CLC Guide 8:2010
Patient - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Multifunction - Safety EN 60601-2-49:2001
Pattern evaluation - Electroacoustic - Sound level - Meter - Test EN 61672-2:2003
Payment meter - Metering equipment - Payment system EN 62055-31:2005
Payment system - Metering equipment - Payment meter EN 62055-31:2005
PC optical connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Plug selection - Measurement EN 61300-3-39:1997
PCB - Electrical equipment - Oil-filled electrical equipment - Code of practice EN 50225:1996
PCB - Inventory - Decontamination - Disposal - Insulating liquid CLC/TR 50503:2010
PCE-CAE tools - Process control - P&I diagram - Data exchange - P&ID tools EN 62424:2009
PCM - Digital - Non-linear - Bitstream - DRA format EN 61937-12:2010
PCM bitstreams - Digital - Audio - Non-linear - ALS EN 61937-10:2011
PCM encoded - Digital - Audio - Non-linear - Bitstream EN 61937-1:2007
PCM encoded - Digital - Audio - Non-linear - LATM/LOAS EN 61937-11:2010
PCM encoded - Digital audio - Non-linear - Bitstream EN 61937-6:2006
PCM encoded - Digital audio - Non-linear - Bitstream - AC-3 format EN 61937-3:2003
PCM encoded - Digital audio - Non-linear - Bitstream - ATRAC format EN 61937-7:2005
PCM encoded - Digital audio - Non-linear - Bitstream - Burst-info EN 61937-2:2007
PCM encoded - Digital audio - Non-linear - Bitstream - Digital Theater System EN 61937-5:2006
PCM encoded - Digital audio - Non-linear - Bitstream - MPEG audio format EN 61937-4:2003
PCM encoded - Digital audio - Non-linear - Bitstream - Windows Media Audio Professional EN 61937-8:2007
PCM encoder/decoder system - Audio HD 544 S1:1989
PCM multi-track audio system - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape EN 60843-2:1995
PE insulation - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-23:2001
PE insulation - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Cross-linked EN 50290-2-29:2002
PE power: Push-pull coupling - Connector - Rectangular - 4 pole EN 61076-3-118:2010
PE sheathing - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-24:2002
Peak programme level meter - Sound system HD 483.10 S1:1993
Pedestrian - Household appliances - Lawnmower - Safety EN 60335-2-77:2006
Pedestrian - Lawnmower - Battery powered - Household - Safety EN 50338:2006
Pedestrian-controlled - Household appliances - Scarifier - Lawn aerator - Safety EN 60335-2-92:2005
Peer assessment - Conformity assessment body - Accreditation body EN ISO/IEC 17040:2005
Pelton turbine - Turbine - Storage pump - Pump-turbine - Cavitation pitting EN 60609-2:1999
Penetration depth - Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo - Scanner - Dynamic range EN 61391-2:2010
Performance - Alcohol - Interlock - Test CLC/TR 50436-3:2010
Performance - Alcohol - Interlock - Test - Drink-driving-offender EN 50436-1:2005
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Alphabetical Index

Performance - Alcohol - Interlock - Test - Preventive use EN 50436-2:2007
Performance - Battery - Road vehicle - Propulsion - Life testing EN 61982-3:2001
Performance - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Field conditions EN 50289-1-16:2007
Performance - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Laboratory EN 50289-1-15:2004
Performance - Cable - Pipe - Locator - Electromagnetic locator EN 50249:2002
Performance - Caplight - Mine - Firedamp - Safety EN 62013-2:2006
Performance - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises - Test method EN 50291:2001
Performance - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises - Test method EN 50291-1:2010
Performance - Cell - Fuel cell - Power system - Micro EN 62282-6-200:2008
Performance - Coffe maker - Household - Measuring EN 60661:2001
Performance - Combustible gas - Detection - Recreational vehicle - Test EN 50194-2:2006
Performance - Control device EN 61298-1:1995
Performance - Control device - Evaluation report content EN 61298-4:1995
Performance - Control device - Test EN 61298-2:1995
Performance - Controlgear - LED module EN 62384:2006
Performance - Digital microwave - Transmission system - Terrestrial radio-relay system EN 60835-2-10:1993
Performance - Dishwasher - Household - Measuring EN 50242:2008
Performance - Dryer - Tumbler dryer - Household - Measurement EN 61121:2005
Performance - Dynamic module - Dispersion compensator - Pigtail - Environment EN 62343-1-2:2008
Performance - Dynamic module - Equalizer - Environment EN 62343-1-3:2006
Performance - Electric toaster - Household use - Measuring EN 60442:1998
Performance - Electrochemical analyzer EN 60746-1:2003
Performance - Electrochemical analyzer - Electrolytic - Conductivity EN 60746-3:2002
Performance - Electrochemical analyzer - pH value EN 60746-2:2003
Performance - Energy consumption - Clothes - Washer-dryer - Household use EN 50229:2007
Performance - Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Temperature chamber EN 60068-3-5:2002
Performance - Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Temperature/humidity EN 60068-3-6:2002
Performance - Explosive atmosphere - Detection - Oxygen EN 50104:2002
Performance - Explosive atmosphere - Detection - Oxygen EN 50104:2010
Performance - Fibre optic - Active components EN 62149-1:2004
Performance - Fibre optic - Active components - Transceiver - Gigabit Ethernet application EN 62149-4:2003
Performance - Fibre optic - Active components - Transceiver - LD driver EN 62149-5:2003
Performance - Fibre optic - Active components - Transceiver - Plastic EN 62149-6:2003
Performance - Fibre optic - Active components - Transmitter - Laser diode EN 62149-3:2004
Performance - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61753-1:2007
Performance - Fibre optic - Transceiver - Gigabit - Ethernet EN 62149-4:2010
Performance - Food preparation appliances EN 60619:1993
Performance - Gas analyzer EN 61207-1:1994
Performance - Gas analyzer EN 61207-1:2010
Performance - Gas analyzer - Paramagnetic - Oxygen analyzer EN 61207-3:2002
Performance - Hair care - Household - Measurement EN 61855:2003
Performance - Hearing aid - In situ working conditions - Simulated EN 60118-8:2005
Performance - Hearing aid - Quality inspection - Delivery purpose EN 60118-7:2005
Performance - Heater - Water heater EN 50193:1997
Performance - Heating installation - Direct acting - Room heater EN 60675:1995
Performance - Heating pad - Household use EN 61255:1994
Performance - High-pressure - Lamp - Mercury vapour lamp EN 60188:2001
Performance - Household appliance - Portable - Cooking - Grilling EN 61817:2001
Performance - Household appliances - Blanket EN 60299:1994
Performance - Household appliances - Hard water - Testing EN 60734:2003
Performance - Household appliances - Microwave oven - Measurement method EN 60705:1999
Performance - Household appliances - Room heater - Thermal storage EN 60531:2000
Performance - Household appliances - Shaver EN 61254:1994
Performance - Household range hood EN 61591:1997
Performance - Industrial process - Chart recorder - Pneumatic - Analogue EN 60873-1:2004
Performance - Industrial process - Controller - Analogue signal EN 60546-1:1993
Performance - Industrial process - Measurement EN 61069-4:1997
Performance - Industrial process control - Analogue input - Multi-state output EN 61003-1:2004
Performance - Iron - Household use - Measurement EN 60311:2003
Performance - Lighting - Discharge lamp - Ballast EN 60923:1996
Performance - Lighting - Double-capped - Fluorescent lamp EN 60081:1998
Performance - Lighting - Lamp - Single-capped fluorescent lamp EN 60901:1996
Performance - Lighting - Road vehicle - Lamp EN 60810:2003
Performance - Lighting - Self-ballasted lamp - Safety EN 60968:1990
Performance - Lighting - Self-ballasted lamp - Safety EN 60969:1993
Performance - Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - AC supplied electronic ballast EN 60929:2004
Performance - Lighting - Tubular - Fluorescent lamp - AC supplied electronic ballast EN 60929:2006
Performance - Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Ballast EN 60921:1991
Performance - Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - Ballast EN 60921:2004
Performance - Lighting - Tubular fluorescent lamp - DC supplied electronic ballast EN 60925:1991
Performance - Lighting - Tungsten filament lamp EN 60064:1995
Performance - Lighting - Tungsten halogen lamp - Halogen - Non-vehicle EN 60357:2003
Performance - Low pressure - Lamp - Sodium vapour lamp EN 60192:2001
Performance - Machine - Rotating - Rating EN 60034-1:2004
Performance - Machine - Rotating - Rating EN 60034-1:2010
Performance - Measurement - Control EN 61298-1:2008
Performance - Measurement - Control - Influence quantities EN 61298-3:2008
Performance - Measurement - Electronic - Expression EN 60359:2002
Performance - Medical - Radionuclide calibrator EN 61303:1995
Performance - Medical - Radiotherapy - Simulator EN 61168:1994
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Alphabetical Index

Performance - Medical - Safety - Automated - Sphygmomanometers EN 80601-2-30:2010
Performance - Medical - Safety - Baby - Incubator EN 60601-2-19:2009
Performance - Medical - Safety - Transport - Incubator EN 60601-2-20:2009
Performance - Medical - Safety - Usability - Collateral EN 60601-1-6:2010
Performance - Medical - Safety - X-ray - Tomography EN 60601-2-44:2009
Performance - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel - Template EN 61291-4:2008
Performance - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Digital application - Template EN 61291-2:2007
Performance - Photovoltaic - Energy rating - Irradiance - Temperature EN 61853-1:2011
Performance - Photovoltaic - Pumping - Qualification - Measurements EN 62253:2011
Performance - Power problem - Uninterruptible - UPS - Test requirement EN 62040-3:2001
Performance - Power problem - Uninterruptible - UPS - Test requirement EN 62040-3:2011
Performance - Power supply device - DC - Safety EN 61204:1995
Performance - Power system - Teleprotection - Testing - Command system EN 60834-1:1999
Performance - Printed board - Rigid multilayer printed board - Interlayer connection EN 62326-4-1:1997
Performance - Process analyzer - Sample handling EN 61115:1993
Performance - Process control - Influence quantities EN 61298-3:1998
Performance - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - FM sound broadcasting EN 60244-13:1993
Performance - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Television transmitter EN 60244-5:1994
Performance - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Television transposer EN 60244-9:1994
Performance - Satellite earth station - Measurement EN 60835-3-12:1995
Performance - Sound system equipment - Sounder EN 61329:1996
Performance - Tap-changer - Test EN 60214-1:2003
Performance - Telecontrol equipment HD 546.4 S1:1992
Performance - Tool - Hand-held - Circular saw EN 61176:1993
Performance - Transfer system - Static - Test EN 62310-3:2008
Performance - Transmitter - Industrial - Contro EN 60770-1:2011
Performance - Turbine - Steam turbine - Thermal acceptance test - Retrofitted EN 60953-3:2002
Performance - Valve positioner - Intelligent - Pneumatic output - Industrial-process EN 61514-2:2004
Performance - Valve positioner - Pneumatic output - Industrial-process EN 61514:2002
Performance - Waveguide - Measurement method EN 61580-7:1996
Performance evaluation - Process measurement EN 61298-2:2008
Performance evaluation - Process measurement - Evaluation report EN 61298-4:2008
Performance evaluation - Transmitter - Industrial-process EN 60770-1:1999
Performance level - Battery - Aircraft battery EN 60952-1:2004
Performance requirement - Combustible gas - Toxic gas and vapour - Open path apparatus - Detection EN 50241-2:1999
Performance requirement - Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Toxic gases and vapours EN 45544-2:1999
Performance requirement - Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Toxic gases and vapours EN 45544-3:1999
Performance: Infant - Medical - Safety - Phototherapy EN 60601-2-50:2009
Periodic - Arc - Welding - Inspection - Testing EN 60974-4:2011
Peritelevision - Interconnection - Connector EN 50049-1:1997
Peritoneal dialysis - Medical equipment - Dialysis - Safety EN 60601-2-39:2008
Permanent - Coupler - Connection - Fixed installation EN 61535:2009
Permanent - Filtration - X-ray tube assemblies EN 60522:1999
Permanent magnet - Magnetic materials - Properties - Measurement EN 60404-5:2007
Permittivity - Resonator - Complex - Low-loss - Plate EN 62562:2011
Permittivity - Waveguide - Dielectric resonator - Microwave frequency - Measurement EN 61338-1-3:2000
Permittivity - Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric - Millimeter-wave frequency EN 61338-1-4:2006
Person - Certification - Body EN ISO/IEC 17024:2003
Person - Machinery - Safety - Protective equipment - Detection CLC/TS 62046:2008
Person - Protection - Enclosure - Probe for verification EN 61032:1998
Personal computer - Audio - Audiovisual - Digital audio part EN 61606-4:2006
Personal service machine - Household appliances - Amusement machine - Safety EN 60335-2-82:2003
Personnel - Railway - Safety - Overhead - Contact line CLC/TR 50488:2006
Petroleum product - Lubricant - Triaryl phosphate - Ester turbine - Control fluid EN 61221:2004
pH value - Electrochemical analyzer - Performance EN 60746-2:2003
Phase comparator - Live working - Portable - LV EN 61481:2001
Phase coupler - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter EN 50065-4-6:2004
Phase meter - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Synchroscope EN 60051-5:1989
Phase sequence - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-7:2007
Phase-to-earth - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Signaling - Screen-to-earth EN 61334-3-22:2001
Phase-to-phase - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Signaling - Capacitive coupling device EN 61334-3-21:1996
Phenolic cellulose parper - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Copper clad EN 61249-2-1:2005
Phenolic cellulose parper - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Copper clad EN 61249-2-2:2005
Phenolic resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-3-4:2004
Phone - Mobile phone - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Restriction EN 50360:2001
Photo and film luminaire - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-9:1989
Photobiological - Lamp EN 62471:2008
Photocoupler - Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic - Optocoupler EN 60747-5-5:2011
Photocoupler - Phototransistor output - Ambient-rated EN 120004:1992
Photodarlington transistor - Transistor - Phototransistor - Phototransistor array EN 120003:1992
Photodiode - Photodiode array EN 120005:1992
Photodiode array - Photodiode EN 120005:1992
Photography - Lighting - Luminaire - Stage lighting - Television EN 60598-2-17:1989
Photography - Lighting - Topflash/Flipflash EN 60604:1993
Photometric analyzer - Gas analyzer EN 61207-6:1994
Photomultiplier tube - Tube EN 114000:1991
Photomultiplier tube - Tube EN 114001:1991
Photon radiation - Radiation - Protection - Radionuclide - Hand-held instrument EN 62327:2011
Phototherapy - Medical - Safety - Performance: Infant EN 60601-2-50:2009
Phototherapy - Medical equipment - Infant - Safety EN 60601-2-50:2002
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Alphabetical Index

Phototransistor - Transistor - Photodarlington transistor - Phototransistor array EN 120003:1992
Phototransistor array - Transistor - Phototransistor - Photodarlington transistor EN 120003:1992
Phototransistor output - Photocoupler - Ambient-rated EN 120004:1992
Photovoltaic (PV) - Crystalline silicon - On-site measurement EN 61829:1998
Photovoltaic (PV) current-voltage - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Measurement EN 60904-1:2006
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Equivalent cell temperature - Open-circuit voltage method EN 60904-5:1995
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Linearity - Measurement EN 60904-10:1998
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Linearity - Measurement EN 60904-10:2010
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Photovoltaic (PV) current-voltage - Measurement EN 60904-1:2006
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Simulator - Solar simulator EN 60904-9:2007
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Solar device - Reference device EN 60904-2:2007
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Spectral mismatch correction - Mismatch - Computation EN 60904-7:2009
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Spectral mismatch error - Testing EN 60904-7:1998
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Spectral response - Measurement EN 60904-8:1998
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Temperature - Irradiance EN 60891:1994
Photovoltaic (PV) device - Terrestrial - Solar device - Spectral irradiance data - Measurement EN 60904-3:2008
Photovoltaic (PV) module - Corrosion testing - Salt mist EN 61701:1999
Photovoltaic (PV) module - Test - UV test EN 61345:1998
Photovoltaic (PV) module - Thin-film - Terrestrial - Design qualification EN 61646:2008
Photovoltaic (PV) system - Measurement - Data exchange EN 61724:1998
Photovoltaic (PV) system - Power conditioner - Efficiency measurement EN 61683:2000
Photovoltaic (PV) system - Utility interface EN 61727:1995
Photovoltaic - Battery - Charge EN 62509:2011
Photovoltaic - Battery - Solar - Energy system - Test method EN 61427:2005
Photovoltaic - Building - Electrical installation - Solar - Power supply HD 60364-7-712:2005
Photovoltaic - Connector - Safety EN 50521:2008
Photovoltaic - Inverter - Utility-interconnected - Prevention - Islanding EN 62116:2011
Photovoltaic - Low voltage - Surge - Protection CLC/TS 50539-12:2010
Photovoltaic - Low-voltage - Fuse - Protection - Solar EN 60269-6:2011
Photovoltaic - Performance - Energy rating - Irradiance - Temperature EN 61853-1:2011
Photovoltaic - Power - Converter EN 62109-1:2010
Photovoltaic - Pumping - Qualification - Performance - Measurements EN 62253:2011
Photovoltaic - Pumping system - Direct coupled - Rating EN 61702:1999
Photovoltaic - Solar - Energy CLC/TS 61836:2009
Photovoltaic - Temperature - Irradiance EN 60891:2010
Photovoltaic - Traceability - Calibration EN 60904-4:2009
Photovoltaic module - Concentrator - Design - CPV EN 62108:2008
Photovoltaic module - Crystallin silicon - Terrestrial - Design EN 61215:2005
Photovoltaic module - Datasheet information - Nameplate information EN 50380:2003
Photovoltaic system - Inverter - Grid connected EN 50530:2010
Photovoltaic systems - Balance-of-system - Design - Natural environment EN 62093:2005
PHY - Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - Physical layer EN 60728-7-1:2005
Physical damage - Lightning - Protection - Damage - Life hazard EN 62305-3:2011
Physical damage - Lightning - Protection - Life hazard EN 62305-3:2006
Physical irregularity - Core - Ferrite - Magnetically soft ferrite EN 60401-1:2005
Physical layer - Industrial - Communication - Fieldbus EN 61158-2:2008
Physical layer - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61158-2:2010
Physical layer - Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - PHY EN 60728-7-1:2005
Physical specification - Battery - Primary - Electrical specification EN 60086-2:2011
Physical specification - Battery - Primary battery - Electrical specification EN 60086-2:2007
Physiologic - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Controller - Closed-loop EN 60601-1-10:2008
Physiotherapy - Medical equipment - Ultrasonic - Safety EN 60601-2-5:2000
Physiotherapy system - Ultrasonics EN 61689:2007
Pi-network - Quartz crystal unit - Load resonance - Measurement EN 60444-4:1997
Pi-network - Quartz crystal unit - Motional capacitance EN 60444-2:1997
Pi-network - Quartz crystal unit - Parallel capacitance C0 - Measurement EN 60444-3:1997
Pi-network - Quartz crystal unit - Resonance frequency - Resonance resistance EN 60444-1:1997
Pickup coil method - Superconductor - AC loss measurement - Cu/Nb-Ti composite - Magnetic field EN 61788-8:2003
Picture - Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - DCT compression EN 62356-2:2004
Piezoelectric - Filter - Assessed quality - Standard outline - Lead connection EN 60368-3:2010
Piezoelectric - Quartz crystal unit - Resonance - Spurious EN 60444-9:2007
Piezoelectric - Surface mounted - Frequency - Lead - Ceramic EN 61837-2:2011
Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Lead connection - Ceramic enclosure EN 61837-2:2000
Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Lead connection - Hybrid enclosure outlines EN 61837-4:2004
Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Lead connection - Metal enclosure EN 61837-3:2000
Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Lead connection - Plastic moulded EN 61837-1:1999
Piezoelectric device - Surface mounted device (SMD) - Frequency control EN 61240:1997
Piezoelectric filter - Filter - Blank detail specification - Capability approval EN 60368-4-1:2000
Piezoelectric filter - Filter - Ceramic EN 60368-2-2:1999
Piezoelectric filter - Filter - Generic specification EN 60368-1:2000
Piezoelectric filter - Filter - Lead connections - Standard outline - Assessed quality EN 60368-3:2001
Piezoelectric filter - Filter - Sectional specification - Capability approval EN 60368-4:2000
Piezoelectric properties - Ceramic - High power - Measurement method EN 50324-3:2002
Piezoelectric properties - Ceramic - Low power - Measurement method EN 50324-2:2002
Piezoelectric properties - Ceramic - Term - Definition EN 50324-1:2002
Pigtail - Dynamic module - Performance - Dispersion compensator - Environment EN 62343-1-2:2008
Pigtailed - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Isolator EN 61753-062-6:2008
Pigtailed connector - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Extinction ratio - Measurement EN 61300-3-40:1998
Pigtailed-style attenuator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Attenuator EN 61753-052-3:2002
Pin and contact-tube accessories - Industrial purpose - Plug - Socket-outlet - Coupler EN 60309-2:1999
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Alphabetical Index

Pin configuration - Integrated circuit - Memory device EN 61964:1999
Pinch temperature - Lighting - Quartz glass lamp EN 60682:1993
Pipe - Cable - Locator - Electromagnetic locator - Performance EN 50249:2002
Pipework - Power station plant - Valve - Boiler - High pressure EN 45510-7-2:1999
Pipework - Power station plant - Valve - High pressure EN 45510-7-1:1999
PIR/Ultrasonic - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Detector EN 50131-2-5:2008
Pitch - Electronic equipment - Rack structure - Cabinet HD 493.2 S1:1988
Plain hole - Printed board - Single and double-sided EN 123100:1992
Plain hole - Printed board - Single and double-sided CECC 23 100-801:1998
Planar magnegics applications - Core - Ferrite core - Shape - Dimensions EN 62317-9:2006
Planar-core - Ferrite - Core - Irregularity EN 60424-5:2009
Planchet - Nuclear electronic - Dimensions HD 475 S1:1986
Plane of polarization - Waveguide - Measurement method EN 61580-1:1996
Planer - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Thicknesser EN 61029-2-3:2011
Planner - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety EN 60745-2-14:2009
Planning - Information technology - Cabling installation - Building - Inside EN 50174-2:2000
Planning - Information technology - Cabling installation - Building - Inside EN 50174-2:2009
Planning - Information technology - Cabling installation - Building - Outside EN 50174-3:2003
Planning - Medical - Radiotherapy - Treatment - Safety EN 62083:2001
Planning system - Medical - Safety - Radiotherapy EN 62083:2009
Plant EN 61355-1:2008
Plant attenuation - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Cable plant - Multimode EN 61280-4-1:2004
Plasma - Display - Panel EN 61988-5:2009
Plasma - Display - Panel - Image - Defect EN 61988-2-3:2009
Plasma - Display - Panel - Interface EN 61988-3-2:2009
Plasma - Display panel - Mechanical - Environmental - Endurance EN 61988-4:2007
Plasma - Display panel - Mechanical interface EN 61988-3-1:2005
Plasma - Display panel - Optical - Measuring method EN 61988-2-1:2002
Plasma - Display panel - Optoelectrical - Measuring method EN 61988-2-2:2003
Plasma - Display panel - Terminology - Letter symbol EN 61988-1:2003
Plasma - Display panel - Terminology - Letter symbol EN 61988-1:2011
Plasma display - Multimedia - Colour EN 61966-5:2009
Plasma display panel - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management EN 61966-5:2001
Plastic - Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Transceiver EN 62149-6:2003
Plastic - Insulation - Film - Polyethylenenaphthalate - Biaxial EN 60674-3-8:2011
Plastic encapsulated - Semiconductor - Climatic - Acoustic - Microscopy EN 60749-35:2006
Plastic encapsulated device - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Flammability EN 60749-31:2003
Plastic encapsulated device - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Flammability EN 60749-32:2003
Plastic film - Insulating materials EN 60674-1:1998
Plastic film - Insulating materials - Fluoroethylene-propylene (FEP) film EN 60674-3-7:1998
Plastic film - Insulating materials - Hydrolytic stability EN 61234-1:1994
Plastic film - Insulating materials - Polycarbonate film EN 60674-3-3:1998
Plastic film - Insulating materials - Polyethylene-terephthalate film EN 60674-3-2:1998
Plastic film - Insulating materials - Polypropylene film EN 60674-3-1:1998
Plastic film - Insulating materials - Test method EN 60674-2:1998
Plastic moulded - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control - Lead connection EN 61837-1:1999
Plastic optical fibre - Audio/video - Digital - Interface - Consumer EN 62300:2005
Plastic optical fibre - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type SMI connector EN 61754-21:2005
Plastic-encapsulated SMD - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Moisture EN 60749-20:2003
Plate - Resonator - Complex - Permittivity - Low-loss EN 62562:2011
Plated-through hole - Printed board - Single and double-sided EN 123200:1992
Plated-through hole - Printed board - Single and double-sided CECC 23 200-801:1998
Platinum - Sensor - Thermometer - Resistance - Temperature EN 60751:2008
Player requirement - Digital - Audiobook - file format EN 62571:2011
Pleasure craft - Ship - Electrical installation EN 60092-507:2000
Pliable - Conduit system - Cable management EN 61386-22:2004
Plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Clamp outer conductor CECC 22 121-801:1985
Plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Crimp outer conductor CECC 22 121-802:1985
Plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Crimp type CECC 22 211-802:1988
Plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-812:1988
Plug - Connector - Circular - Electronic equipment - Jack EN 61076-2-102:2002
Plug - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N CECC 22 211-801:1988
Plug - Household appliances EN 50075:1990
Plug - Industrial purpose - Socket-outlet - Coupler EN 60309-1:1999
Plug - Industrial purpose - Socket-outlet - Coupler - Connector - Interlock EN 60309-4:2007
Plug - Industrial purpose - Socket-outlet - Coupler - Pin and contact-tube accessories EN 60309-2:1999
Plug - Socket-outlet - Vehicle coupler - Vehicle inlet - Conductive charging EN 62196-1:2003
Plug and socket connection - Medical - X-ray equipment EN 60526:2004
Plug selection - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - PC optical connector - Measurement EN 61300-3-39:1997
Plug to plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Adaptor CECC 22 121-814:1985
Plug to plug to socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - T-adaptor CECC 22 121-816:1985
Plug to socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Right angle adaptor CECC 22 121-812:1985
Plug-in type - Bushing - Liquid filled - Transformer EN 50181:1997
Plug-in type - Bushing - Liquid filled - Transformer EN 50181:2010
Plug-in unit - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Subrack - Backplane EN 60917-2-3:2006
Plug-in unit - Electronic equipment - Structure - Dimension - Subrack EN 60297-3-104:2006
Plug-in unit - Electronic equipment - Structure - Subrack EN 60297-3-101:2004
Plug-in unit - Nuclear instrumentation - NIM standard - Modular system HD 370 S2:1987
Plug-style attenuator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Attenuator EN 61753-051-3:2002
Plug/plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Adaptor CECC 22 211-816:1988
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Plug/plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Adaptor CECC 22 201-810:1988
PM-core - Magnetic oxide - Dimensions EN 61247:1997
Pneumatic - Industrial process - Chart recorder - Analogue EN 60873-2:2004
Pneumatic - Industrial process - Chart recorder - Analogue - Performance EN 60873-1:2004
Pneumatic output - Valve positioner - Industrial-process - Performance EN 61514:2002
Pneumatic output - Valve positioner - Intelligent - Industrial-process - Performance EN 61514-2:2004
Pneumatic resistance - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental EN 50289-4-9:2001
Point spread function - Ultrasonic - Scanner - Pulse-echo - Spatial measurement EN 61391-1:2006
Polarisation - Optical component - Measurement - Dispersion EN 61300-3-32:2006
Polarity of magnetization - Video - Audio - Analogue recording EN 61213:1994
Polarization - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Loss EN 61300-3-2:2009
Polarization - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Cable plant - Dispersion EN 61280-4-4:2006
Polarization - Optical - Amplifier - Dispersion - Jones matrix EN 61290-11-1:2008
Polarization - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Dispersion EN 61290-11-2:2005
Polarization maintaining fibre - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Keying accuracy - Optical connector EN 61300-3-24:2007
Polarization mode - Optical fibre - Dispersion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-48:2007
Polarizing method - Connector - Electronic equipment - Keying method EN 60512-13-5:2006
Pole clamp - Live working - Saddle EN 61236:1995
Policy paper - National deviations - HD - Low Voltage Directive CLC Guide 4:2001
Polisher - Tool - Motor-operated - Grinder - Sander EN 60745-2-3:2007
Polisher - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Sander EN 60745-2-4:2003
Polisher - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Sander EN 60745-2-4:2009
Pollution - Insulation coordination - LV - Coating - Protection EN 60664-3:2003
Pollution test - Insulator - HV EN 60507:1993
Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene) - Cable - Communication - Design rule EN 50290-2-30:2002
Polyamide - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Solderable EN 60317-55:2008
Polyamide-imide - Wire - Winding wire - Copper EN 60317-57:2010
Polyamide-imide - Wire - Winding wire - Copper EN 60317-58:2010
Polyamide-imide - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Round copper wire EN 60317-13:1994
Polyamide-imide - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-26:1996
Polybutene - Insulating liquid - Unused polybutene HD 582 S1:1991
Polycarbonate film - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Acrylic - Thermoplastic adhesive EN 60454-3-6:1998
Polycarbonate film - Insulating materials - Plastic film EN 60674-3-3:1998
Polycarbonate film dielectric - Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Assessment level EZ EN 131702:1997
Polychlorinated biphenyl - Insulating liquid - Contamination - Chromatography EN 61619:1997
Polychloroprene - Cable - Rubber insulated - Decorative chain HD 22.8 S2:1994
Polychloroprene - Cable - Rubber insulated - Water resistant - Synthetic elastomer HD 22.16 S2:2007
Polyester - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Non-woven fibreglass - copper-clad EN 61249-2-18:2002
Polyester - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Non-woven/woven fibreglass - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-4:2002
Polyester - Winding - Wire - Polyesterimide - Copper EN 60317-13:2010
Polyester - Wire - Polyesterimide - Aluminium - Class 200 EN 60317-25:1996
Polyester - Wire - Polyesterimide - Aluminium - Class 200 EN 60317-25:2010
Polyester - Wire - Winding wire - Bonding layer - Class 200 EN 60317-38:1994
Polyester - Wire - Winding wire - Polyamide-imide - Round copper wire EN 60317-13:1994
Polyester - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-29:1996
Polyester - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-22:2004
Polyester fibre - Tape - Conventional or shuttleless loom EN 61068-3-1:1995
Polyester fibre woven tape - Tape EN 61068-1:1997
Polyester fibre woven tape - Tape - Glass - Individual materials EN 61067-3-1:1995
Polyester fibre woven tape - Tape - Test EN 61068-2:1997
Polyester film - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Glass filament - Cellulosic paper EN 60454-3-11:2007
Polyester film - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Thermosetting - Acrylic EN 60454-3-2:2006
Polyester film - Insulating materials - Mica - Epoxy resin binder EN 60371-3-7:1995
Polyester film - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Adhesive coated EN 61249-3-3:1999
Polyester resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-3-5:2004
Polyester-amide - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-42:1997
Polyesterimide - Winding - Wire - Enamelled - Copper EN 60317-8:2010
Polyesterimide - Winding - Wire - Polyester - Copper EN 60317-13:2010
Polyesterimide - Wire - Polyester - Aluminium - Class 200 EN 60317-25:1996
Polyesterimide - Wire - Polyester - Aluminium - Class 200 EN 60317-25:2010
Polyesterimide - Wire - Winding wire - Bonding layer - Class 180 EN 60317-36:1994
Polyesterimide - Wire - Winding wire - Bonding layer - Class 180 EN 60317-37:1994
Polyesterimide - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-28:1996
Polyesterimide - Wire - Winding wire - Round aluminium wire - Class 180 EN 60317-15:2004
Polyesterimide - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-8:1994
Polyesterimide - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-23:1995
Polyethylene - Cable - Insulating materials - Polypropylene - Resistance EN 60811-4-1:2004
Polyethylene - Cable - Insulating materials - Polypropylene - Test EN 60811-4-2:2004
Polyethylene film - Adhesive - Pressure-sensitive - Tape - Polypropylene film EN 60454-3-12:2006
Polyethylene naphthalate film - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Fixed surface mount EN 60334-23-1:2005
Polyethylene naphthalate film - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Fixed surface mount EN 60384-23:2005
Polyethylene terephthalate - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Metal foil EN 60384-11:2008
Polyethylene terephthalate - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Metal foil EN 60384-11-1:2008
Polyethylene terephthalate - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Acrylic EN 60684-3-420 to 422:2002
Polyethylene terephthalate - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Expandable braided EN 60684-3-340 to 342:2003
Polyethylene terephthalate - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Impregnated EN 60684-3-320:2002
Polyethylene-terephthalate - Capacitor - Fixed - Metallized - d.c. EN 60384-2:2005
Polyethylene-terephthalate - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Metallized EN 60384-19:2006
Polyethylene-terephthalate - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Metallized EN 60384-19-1:2006
Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Capacitor - DC EN 130100:1997
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Alphabetical Index

Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Capacitor - DC EN 130101:1997
Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Capacitor - Dielectric capacitor - DC CECC 30 401:1985
Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Capacitor - Dielectric capacitor - DC CECC 30 401-801:1992
Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-2-1:2005
Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Assessment level EZ EN 130102:1997
Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Capacitor - Surface mounting capacitor - DC CECC 32 201-801:1989
Polyethylene-terephthalate film - Insulating materials - Plastic film EN 60674-3-2:1998
Polyethylenenaphthalate - Insulation - Plastic - Film - Biaxial EN 60674-3-8:2011
Polyimide - Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Brominated epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-11:2003
Polyimide film - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive EN 60454-3-7:1998
Polyimide film - Insulating materials EN 60674-3-4 to 6:1995
Polyimide film - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Adhesive coated EN 61249-3-4:1999
Polyimide resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-3-7:2004
Polyimide woven E-glass - Printed board - Prepreg material - Unclad - Burning test EN 61249-4-5:2005
Polymer - Capacitor - Aluminiuml - Electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-26:2010
Polymer - Capacitor - Aluminum - Electrolytic - Conductive polymer EN 60384-26-1:2010
Polymer coating - Interconnection structure - Non-conductive film - Coating EN 61249-8-8:1997
Polymeric - Insulator - Indoor - Outdoor - Test methods EN 62217:2006
Polymeric - Thermistor - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated - Step function EN 62319-1:2005
Polymeric - Thermistor - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated - Step function EN 62319-1-1:2005
Polymerisation - Viscometry - Insulation - Cellulosic EN 60450:2004
Polyolefin - Cable - Low-frequency - Insulation - Moisture barrier EN 60708:2005
Polyolefin - Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Shape - Compatibility EN 62329-3-101:2010
Polyolefin - Insulation - Flexible - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable EN 60684-3-209:2010
Polyolefin - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable EN 60684-3-212:2006
Polyolefin - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Not flame-retarded EN 60684-3-214:2005
polyolefin - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Individual - Heat-shrinkable EN 60684-3-211:2007
Polyolefin - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Anti-tracking EN 60684-3-280:2010
Polyolefin - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Bus-bar EN 60684-3-283:2011
Polyolefin - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Semi conductive EN 60684-3-281:2010
Polyolefin - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Stress control EN 60684-3-282:2010
Polyolefin - Sleeving - Insulating - Heat-shrinkable - Chlorinated EN 60684-3-205:2011
Polyolefin - Sleeving - Insulating - Heat-shrinkable - Dual wall EN 60684-3-247:2011
Polyphenylene sulfide film - Capacitor - Fixed - DC EN 60384-20:2008
Polyphenylene sulfide film - Capacitor - Fixed - DC - Assessment level EZ EN 60384-20-1:2008
Polypropylene - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Insulation EN 50290-2-25:2002
Polypropylene - Cable - Insulating materials - Polyethylene - Resistance EN 60811-4-1:2004
Polypropylene - Cable - Insulating materials - Polyethylene - Test EN 60811-4-2:2004
Polypropylene film - Adhesive - Pressure-sensitive - Tape - Polyethylene film EN 60454-3-12:2006
Polypropylene film - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Metal foil EN 60384-13:2006
Polypropylene film - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Metal foil EN 60384-13-1:2006
Polypropylene film - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-16:2005
Polypropylene film - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - d.c. capacitor EN 60384-16-1:2005
Polypropylene film - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Pulse capacitor EN 60384-17:2005
Polypropylene film - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Pulse capacitor EN 60384-17-1:2005
Polypropylene film - Insulating materials - Plastic film EN 60674-3-1:1998
Polypropylene film dielectric - Capacitor - Metal foil - DC - Assessment level EZ EN 131802:1997
Polytetrafluoroethylene film - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive EN 60454-3-14:2001
Polytetrafluoroethylene insulation - Cable - Radio frequency cable - Coaxial cable EN 61196-2:2003
Polyurethane (PUR)-based coating - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile sleeving EN 60684-3-409:1999
Polyurethane - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - EPR - Flexible cable HD 22.10 S2:2007
Polyurethane - Wire - Winding wire - Bonding layer - Class 155 EN 60317-35:1994
Polyurethane - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 130 EN 60317-4:1994
Polyurethane - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 130 EN 60317-19:1995
Polyurethane - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 155 EN 60317-20:1995
Polyurethane - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 155 EN 60317-21:1995
Polyurethane - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-51:2001
Polyurethane - Wire - Winding wire - Solderable - Polyamide EN 60317-55:2008
Polyvinyl - Winding - Wire - Acetal - Copper EN 60317-12:2010
Polyvinyl - Wire - Acetal - Copper - Class 105 EN 60317-17:1994
Polyvinyl - Wire - Acetal - Copper - Class 105 EN 60317-17:2010
Polyvinyl - Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 120 EN 60317-12:1994
Polyvinyl acetal - Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire - Class 120 EN 60317-18:2004
Polyvinyl chloride - Cable - Insulated cable - Extensible lead HD 21.10 S2:2001
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Cable for luminaire HD 21.11 S1:1995
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Decorative chain HD 21.8 S2:1999
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Flexible cable - Cord HD 21.5 S3:1994
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Heat-resistant cable - Flexible - Cord HD 21.12 S1:1994
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Internal wiring (t = 90C) HD 21.7 S2:1996
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Non-sheathed cable - Fixed wiring HD 21.3 S3:1995
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Non-sheathed cable - Low temperature HD 21.9 S2:1995
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Oil resistant HD 21.13 S1:1995
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable - Cable - Sheathed cable HD 21.4 S2:1990
Polyvinyl sheathed - Cable - Flexible cable - Flat EN 50214:2006
Polyvinylidene fluoride - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable EN 60684-3-229:2003
Polyvinylidene fluoride - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Flame retarded EN 60684-3-228:2004
Pond - Household appliances - Aquarium - Garden pond - Safety EN 60335-2-55:2003
Pool - Low-voltage - Swimming pool - Fountain HD 60364-7-702:2010
Porous anode - Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Solid electrolyte CECC 30 101-801:1990
Porous anode - Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Surface mounting - Solid electrolyte CECC 30 801-801:1994
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Alphabetical Index

Porous anode - Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Surface mounting - Solid electrolyte CECC 30 801-804:1994
Porous anode - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor EN 130202:1998
Porous anode - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte CECC 30 202-801:1992
Porous anode - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Solid electrolyte EN 130201:1993
Porous anode - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Solid electrolyte CECC 30 201-801:1993
Porous anode - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Solid electrolyte CECC 30 201-802:1989
Porous anode - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Solid electrolyte CECC 30 201-803:1989
Porous anode - Capacitor - Tantalum surface mount - Solid electrolyte - Extended range CECC 30 801-802:2005
Port - Telecommunication - Resistibility CLC/TR 50450:2006
Portable - Accessories - Residual current - Protection - PRCD HD 639 S1:2002
Portable - Battery - Non_aceid electrolyte - Sealed - Safety EN 62133:2003
Portable - Battery - Secondary cell - Alkaline - Sealed EN 61959:2004
Portable - Cable - Earthing - Short-circuiting equipment EN 61138:2007
Portable - Carbon - Dioxide - Monoxide - Indoor ambient air EN 50543:2011
Portable - Cell - Fuel cell - Safety EN 62282-5-1:2007
Portable - Heating appliances - Combustion - Flue gas parameter EN 50379-1:2004
Portable - Heating appliances - Combustion - Flue gas parameter - Gas fired heating EN 50379-3:2004
Portable - Heating appliances - Combustion - Flue gas parameter - Statutory inspection EN 50379-2:2004
Portable - Household appliance - Cooking - Grilling - Performance EN 61817:2001
Portable - Household appliances - Heater - Immersion heater - Safety EN 60335-2-74:2003
Portable - Household appliances - Heating tool - Safety EN 60335-2-45:2002
Portable - Lithium cell - Battery - Secondary - Alkaline EN 61960:2004
Portable - Lithium cell - Battery - Secondary - Alkaline EN 61960:2011
Portable - Live working - Earthing - Short-circuiting EN 61230:2008
Portable - Live working - Phase comparator - LV EN 61481:2001
Portable - Mobile - DVB-T/H radio - Conformance testing EN 62002-2:2008
Portable - Mobile - DVB-T/H radio - Interface EN 62002-1:2008
Portable - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter EN 50065-4-7:2005
Portable - Sound system equipment - Headphone - Earphone - One package equipment EN 50332-1:2000
Portable - Sound system equipment - Headphone - Earphone - Set matching EN 50332-2:2003
Portable appliances - Battery - Secondary battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-4:2007
Portable equipment - Live working - Earthing - Short-circuiting EN 61230:1995
Portable equipment - Protection - Radiation - In vivo counter - Installed equipment EN 61582:2006
Portable luminaire - Lighting - Luminaire - Child-appealing luminaire EN 60598-2-10:2003
Portable luminaire - Lighting - Luminaire - Particular requirement EN 60598-2-4:1997
Portable test - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement EN 61326-2-2:2006
Portable use - Environmental conditions - Non-stationary use EN 60721-3-7:1995
Positioner - Industrial process - Control valve - Linear actuator EN 60534-6-1:1997
Positioner - Industrial process - Control valve - Mounting - Rotary actuator EN 60534-6-2:2001
Positive - Thermistor - Step-function - Coefficient - Inrush current EN 60738-1-3:2008
Positive - Thermistor - Step-function - Directly heated - Current limiting EN 60738-1-1:2008
Positive temperature - Thermistor - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated EN 60738-1:2006
Positron emission tomograph - Medical - Radionuclide imaging device EN 61675-1:1998
Pot-core - Ferrite - Telecommunications - Power supply - Filter EN 62317-2:2010
Pot-core - Magnetic - Oxide - Dimensions EN 60133:2001
Potentiometer CECC 41 000:1976
Potentiometer - Electronic equipment EN 60393-1:2009
Potentiometer - Low power - Single turn rotary potentiometer CECC 41 300:1979
Potentiometer - Measuring instrument - DC EN 60523:1993
Potentiometer - Power potentiometer CECC 41 200:1978
Potentiometer - Rotary precision potentiometer CECC 41 400:1979
Potentiometer - Rotary precision potentiometer - Assessment level S CECC 41 401:1979
Potentiometer - Rotary preset - Leadscrew actuated CECC 41 100:1978
Potentiometric - Insulation - Liquid - Acidity - Titration EN 62021-1:2003
Powder filling "q" - Explosive atmosphere - Protection EN 60079-5:2007
Powder material - Magnetic materials - Magnetically soft metallic material - Ring method EN 60404-6:2003
Power - CHP - Combined heat and Power - Heat - Determination CWA 45547:2004
Power - Communication - Network - Utility automation - Mapping EN 61850-8-1:2011
Power - Converter - Photovoltaic EN 62109-1:2010
Power - Electric strength - Insulating materials - Test method - Frequency EN 60243-1:1998
Power - Household - standby power - Measurement EN 50564:2011
Power - Industrial process EN 60654-2:1997
Power - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 61439-2:2009
Power - Railway - Onboard - Converter CLC/TS 50535:2010
Power - Standby power - Measurement EN 62301:2005
Power - Transformer - Temperature - Rise - Liquid-immersed EN 60076-2:2011
Power application - Capacitor - Double layer - Electronic EN 62391-2:2006
Power application - Capacitor - Double layer - Electronic EN 62391-2-1:2006
Power applications - Core - Magnetic oxide core CECC 25 300:1980
Power brush - Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Safety EN 60335-2-69:2009
Power cable - Cable - Accessories - Test method EN 50393:2006
Power cable - Cable - Accessories - Test methods EN 61442:2005
Power cable - Cable - Control cable - Fire resistance - Emergency circuit EN 50362:2003
Power cable - Cable - Discharge - Extruded - Test EN 60885-3:2003
Power cable - Cable - Extruded - Insulation HD 632 S2:2008
Power cable - Cable - Extruded insulation HD 632 S1:1998
Power cable - Cable - Extruded insulation - Test HD 629.1 S2:2006
Power cable - Cable - Fire performance HD 604 S1:1994
Power cable - Cable - Impregnated paper insulation - Accessories - Test HD 629.2 S2:2006
Power cable - Cable - Rated voltage - Power station HD 622 S1:1996
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Alphabetical Index

Power cable - Connector - Compression connector - Cable EN 61238-1:2003
Power cable - Power station - Electrical equipment - Cable EN 45510-2-8:2004
Power calculation - Delay calculation - Integrated circuit EN 61523-1:2002
Power calculation - Delay calculation - Pre-layout delay - CMOS ASIC library EN 61523-2:2002
Power capacitor - Capacitor - LV - Facror correction bank EN 61921:2003
Power conditioner - Photovoltaic (PV) system - Efficiency measurement EN 61683:2000
Power consumption - Audio - Video EN 62087:2009
Power consumption - Consumption - Audio - Video - Measurement EN 62087:2003
Power consumption - Information technology - Measurement EN 62018:2003
Power consumption - Metering equipment - Voltage requirement EN 62053-61:1998
Power converter - Railway - Traction - Short-primary - Linear induction EN 62520:2011
Power converter - Rolling stock EN 61287-1:2006
Power cycling - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-34:2004
Power cycling - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-34:2010
Power device - Superconductivity - Current - Lead EN 61788-14:2010
Power distribution - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Public network EN 60439-5:2006
Power drive - Adjustable - Speed EN 61800-7-202:2008
Power drive - Adjustable - Speed EN 61800-7-203:2008
Power drive - Adjustable - Speed EN 61800-7-204:2008
Power drive - Adjustable - Speed - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-302:2008
Power drive - Adjustable - Speed - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-303:2008
Power drive - Adjustable - Speed - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-304:2008
Power drive - Adjustable speed - Functional EN 61800-5-2:2007
Power drive - Adjustable speed - Interface - Profile EN 61800-7-1:2008
Power drive - Adjustable speed - Interface - Profile EN 61800-7-201:2008
Power drive - Adjustable speed - Interface - Profile - Mapping EN 61800-7-301:2008
Power drive - Adjustable speed - Load duty - Rating CLC/TR 61800-6:2007
Power drive - Adjustable speed - Rating specifications - AC EN 61800-4:2003
Power drive - Adjustable speed - Rating specifications - LV - DC EN 61800-1:1998
Power drive - Adjustable speed - Thermal - Energy - Safety EN 61800-5-1:2007
Power drive - EMC - Adjustable speed - Test EN 61800-3:2004
Power drive - Rating specification - Adjustable frequency - LV EN 61800-2:1998
Power electronics - Railway - Rolling stock - Capacitor - Paper/plastic EN 61881-1:2011
Power electronics - Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitor EN 61881:1999
Power electronics - Transmission - Distribution - Thyristor valve - VAR compensator EN 61954:1999
Power electronics capacitor - Capacitor EN 61071:2007
Power engineering - Modal components - Three-phase - AC system EN 62428:2008
Power frequency - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Immunity - Magnetic field EN 61000-4-8:2010
Power frequency - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Measurement EN 61000-4-28:2000
Power frequency immunity - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Test EN 60255-22-7:2003
Power frequency magnetic field - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-8:1993
Power generation - Letter - Symbol - Transmission - Distribution EN 60027-7:2010
Power injection method - Immunity - Electromagnetic - Integrated circuit EN 62132-4:2006
Power installation EN 61936-1:2010
Power installation - AC HD 637 S1:1999
Power installation - Electronic equipment EN 50178:1997
Power installation - Live-line washing system EN 50186-1:1998
Power installation - Live-line washing system EN 50186-2:1998
Power installations - Earthing aspects EN 50522:2010
Power line - Communication - LV - Immunity EN 50412-2-1:2005
Power line communication - LV CLC/TR 50412-1:2007
Power loss - Convertor station - HVDC EN 61803:1999
Power measurement - Ultrasonics - Radiation - Force balance EN 61161:2007
Power meter - Fibre optic - Calibration EN 61315:2006
Power meter - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Gain parameter EN 61290-1-3:2005
Power output - Heating installation - High frequency - Induction - Generator EN 61922:2002
Power output - Heating installation - High-frequency - Dielectric EN 61308:2006
Power output - Heating installation - Microwave EN 61307:2006
Power output - Industrial - Microwave - Heating EN 61307:2011
Power performance - Turbine - Wind turbine - Grid connected tubines EN 61400-12-1:2006
Power plant - Hydroelectric - Communication - Monitoring EN 61850-7-410:2007
Power plant - Nuclear - Control room - Reactor - Shutdown EN 60965:2011
Power plant - Nuclear - Control room - Room - Design EN 60964:2010
Power plant - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Control - Separation EN 60709:2010
Power plant - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Hardware - Design EN 60987:2009
Power plant - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Safety EN 61226:2010
Power plant - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Safety - Common Cause Failure (CCF) EN 62340:2010
Power plant - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Safety - Data communication EN 61500:2011
Power plant - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Safety - Surveillance EN 60671:2011
Power plant - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Software - Computer-based system EN 60880:2009
Power plant - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Software - Computer-based system EN 62138:2009
Power plant - Short-circuit current - DC auxiliary installation EN 61660-1:1997
Power plant - Short-circuit current - DC auxiliary installation EN 61660-2:1997
Power plant - Turbine - Wind turbine - Conformance testing EN 61400-25-5:2007
Power plant - Turbine - Wind turbine - Monitoring - Control EN 61400-25-1:2007
Power plant - Turbine - Wind turbine - Monitoring - Control EN 61400-25-2:2007
Power plant - Turbine - Wind turbine - Monitoring - Information exchange EN 61400-25-3:2007
Power plant - Wind - Turbine - Mapping - Communication profile EN 61400-25-4:2008
Power potentiometer - Potentiometer CECC 41 200:1978
Power problem - Uninterruptible - UPS - Performance - Test requirement EN 62040-3:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Power problem - Uninterruptible - UPS - Performance - Test requirement EN 62040-3:2011
Power quality - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Measurement EN 61000-4-30:2009
Power quality - Electromagnetic compatibility - Measurement - Test EN 61000-4-30:2003
Power quality - Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Grid connected EN 61400-21:2002
Power quality - Wind - Turbine - Grid connected EN 61400-21:2008
Power ratio - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61300-3-31:2003
Power reactor - Transformer - Power transformer - Lightning impulse - Switching impulse EN 60076-4:2002
Power resistor - Railway - Rolling stock - Resistor - Open construction EN 60322:2001
Power source - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-1:2005
Power source - Welding - Arc welding - Limited duty - Manual metal EN 60974-6:2003
Power station - Boiler - Fluidized bed firing EN 45510-3-3:1999
Power station - Boiler - Shell boiler EN 45510-3-2:1999
Power station - Boiler - Water tube boiler EN 45510-3-1:1999
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Ash handling plant EN 45510-4-7:1999
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Coal handling - Bulk storage plant EN 45510-4-5:2002
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Draught plant EN 45510-4-3:1999
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Dust emission - Reduction EN 45510-4-1:1999
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Dust handling plant EN 45510-4-8:1999
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Flue gas - Denitrification plant - De-NOx EN 45510-4-10:1999
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Flue gas - Desulphurization plant EN 45510-4-6:1999
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Fuel preparation EN 45510-4-4:2002
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Heater - Gas-air - Steam-air EN 45510-4-2:1999
Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Sootblower EN 45510-4-9:1999
Power station - Cable - Power cable - Rated voltage HD 622 S1:1996
Power station - Common clauses EN 45510-1:1997
Power station - Control - Instrumentation EN 45510-8-1:1998
Power station - Electrical equipment - Battery - Charger - Stationary EN 45510-2-3:2000
Power station - Electrical equipment - Cable - Power cable EN 45510-2-8:2004
Power station - Electrical equipment - Cabling system EN 45510-2-9:2008
Power station - Electrical equipment - Convertor - Static convertor - High power EN 45510-2-4:2000
Power station - Electrical equipment - Generator EN 45510-2-6:2000
Power station - Electrical equipment - Motor EN 45510-2-5:2002
Power station - Electrical equipment - Switchgear - Controlgear EN 45510-2-7:2002
Power station - Electrical equipment - Uninterruptible power supply EN 45510-2-2:1999
Power station - Turbine - Gas turbine EN 45510-5-2:1998
Power station - Turbine - Hydraulic - Storage pump - Pump turbine EN 45510-5-4:1998
Power station - Turbine - Steam turbine EN 45510-5-1:1998
Power station - Turbine - Wind turbine EN 45510-5-3:1998
Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Condenser plant EN 45510-6-3:1998
Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Cooling - Dry cooling system EN 45510-6-5:1999
Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Cooling water system EN 45510-6-9:1999
Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Crane EN 45510-6-8:1999
Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Deaerator EN 45510-6-1:1998
Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Heater - Feedwater heater EN 45510-6-2:1998
Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Moisture - Separator - Reheater EN 45510-6-7:1998
Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Wet cooling tower - Wet/dry cooling tower EN 45510-6-6:1999
Power station equipment - Turbine auxiliaries - Pump EN 45510-6-4:1999
Power station plant - Pipework - Valve - Boiler - High pressure EN 45510-7-2:1999
Power station plant - Pipework - Valve - High pressure EN 45510-7-1:1999
Power supply - Alarm system - Intrusion system EN 50131-6:1997
Power supply - Alarm system - Intrusion system EN 50131-6:2008
Power supply - Building - Electrical installation - Solar - Photovoltaic HD 60364-7-712:2005
Power supply - Central EN 50171:2001
Power supply - Core - Ferrite - EFD-core EN 62317-14:2008
Power supply - Core - Magnetic oxide - EER-core EN 62317-7:2005
Power supply - Core - Magnetic oxide - ETD-core - Dimensions EN 61185:2005
Power supply - DC - LV - Assessed performance EN 61204-6:2001
Power supply - Ferrite - Core - Dimensions EN 62317-13:2008
Power supply - Ferrite - Pot-core - Telecommunications - Filter EN 62317-2:2010
Power supply - Interoperability - EPS - Mobile - Telephone EN 62684:2010
Power supply - Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - Transponder interface bus - PSTIB EN 60728-7-3:2005
Power supply - Railway application - Rolling stock - Substation - Interoperability EN 50388:2005
Power supply - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Fixed installation EN 50121-5:2006
Power supply - Transformer - Power transformer - Control transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-2:2007
Power supply - Transformer - Power transformer - EMC EN 62041:2003
Power supply - Transformer - Power transformer - Toy - Safety EN 61558-2-7:2007
Power supply - Transformer - Reactor - Auto transformer EN 61558-2-13:2009
Power supply - Transformer - Reactor - EMC EN 62041:2010
Power supply - Transformer - Reactor - Isolation EN 61558-2-4:2009
Power supply - Transformer - Reactor - Isolation - Safety EN 61558-2-6:2009
Power supply - Transformer - Reactor - Separating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-1:2007
Power supply - Transformer - Reactor - Small - Safety EN 61558-2-20:2011
Power supply - Transformer - Reactor - Switch mode EN 61558-2-16:2009
Power supply - Transformer - Reactors - Constant voltage - Safety EN 61558-2-12:2011
Power supply device - DC - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61204-3:2000
Power supply device - DC - LV - Safety EN 61204-7:2006
Power supply device - DC - Performance - Safety EN 61204:1995
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Auto-transformer EN 61558-2-13:2000
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Bell and chime transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-8:1998
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Construction site - Safety EN 61558-2-23:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Ignition transformer - Gas and oil burner EN 61558-2-3:2000
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Isolating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-4:1997
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Isolating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-6:1997
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor - Safety EN 61558-2-20:2000
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor - Test EN 61558-1:2005
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Safety EN 61558-1:1997
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Shaver transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-5:1998
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Switch mode - Safety EN 61558-2-17:1997
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Tungsten filament lamp - Safety EN 61558-2-9:2003
Power supply unit - Transformer - Power transformer - Voltage transformer EN 61558-2-12:2001
Power supply unit - Transformer - Reactor - Construction site - Safety EN 61558-2-23:2010
Power system - Capacitor - Series - Thyristor EN 60143-4:2010
Power system - Capacitor - Series capacitor EN 60143-1:2004
Power system - Capacitor - Series capacitor - Internal fuse EN 60143-3:1998
Power system - Cell - Fuel cell - Micro - Performance EN 62282-6-200:2008
Power system - Cell - Fuel cell - Stationary - Safety EN 62282-3-1:2007
Power system - Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonics - Measurement EN 61000-4-7:2002
Power system - Fuel - Cell - Micro - Safety EN 62282-6-100:2010
Power system - Generating set - Engine driven - Internal combustion - Uninterruptible EN 88528-11:2004
Power system - Machine - Rotating machine - Excitation system - Synchronous CLC/TR 60034-16-2:2004
Power system - Relay - Measuring relay - Transient data exchange - COMTRADE EN 60255-24:2001
Power system - Surge - Protective device - LV - Test EN 61643-11:2002
Power system - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Integrated total EN 60870-5-102:1996
Power system - Teleprotection - Analogue comparison system HD 543.2 S1:1995
Power system - Teleprotection - Performance - Testing - Command system EN 60834-1:1999
Power system - Uninterruptible - UPS - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC EN 62040-2:2006
Power system - UPS - Uninterruptible - Safety EN 62040-1:2008
Power systems - Fuel cell - Micro - Cartridge - Interchangeability EN 62282-6-300:2009
Power transformer - Electromagnetic - Transformer CLC/TR 50453:2007
Power transformer - Reactor - Loss measurement - Uncertainties CLC/TR 50462:2008
Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Butterfly valve - Insulating liquid EN 50216-8:2005
Power transformer - Transformer EN 60076-1:1997
Power transformer - Transformer - Dry-type transformer EN 60076-11:2004
Power transformer - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61248-3:1997
Power transformer - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Switched mode EN 61248-4:1997
Power transformer - Transformer - Insulation level - Dielectric test - Clearance in air EN 60076-3:2001
Power transformer - Transformer - Isolating transformer - Medical location - Safety EN 61558-2-15:2001
Power transformer - Transformer - Power reactor - Lightning impulse - Switching impulse EN 60076-4:2002
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply - Control transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-2:2007
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply - EMC EN 62041:2003
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply - Toy - Safety EN 61558-2-7:2007
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Auto-transformer EN 61558-2-13:2000
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Bell and chime transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-8:1998
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Construction site - Safety EN 61558-2-23:2000
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Ignition transformer - Gas and oil burner EN 61558-2-3:2000
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Isolating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-4:1997
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Isolating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-6:1997
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Reactor - Safety EN 61558-2-20:2000
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Reactor - Test EN 61558-1:2005
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-1:1997
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Shaver transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-5:1998
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Switch mode - Safety EN 61558-2-17:1997
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Tungsten filament lamp - Safety EN 61558-2-9:2003
Power transformer - Transformer - Power supply unit - Voltage transformer EN 61558-2-12:2001
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor EN 60076-6:2008
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor - Fitting EN 50216-1:2002
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor fitting - Cooling - Radiator EN 50216-6:2002
power transformer - transformer - reactor fitting - liquid level - pressure device EN 50216-3:2002
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor fitting - Liquid level - Pressure device EN 50216-5:2002
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor fitting - Oil - Pump EN 50216-7:2002
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor fitting - Oil - Winding EN 50216-11:2008
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor fitting - Radiator - Fan EN 50216-12:2011
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor fitting - Relay - Liquid immersed EN 50216-2:2002
Power transformer - Transformer - Reactor fitting - Thermometer pocket - Wheel assembly EN 50216-4:2002
Power transformer - Transformer - Self-protected - Liquid-filled EN 60076-13:2006
Power transformer - Transformer - Short-circuit withstand EN 60076-5:2006
Power transformer - Transformer - Sound level EN 60076-10:2001
Power transformer - Transformer - Temperature rise EN 60076-2:1997
Power transmission - Thyristor - HV - DC - Testing EN 60700-1:1998
Power transmitting tube - Tube - Anode dissipation up to 1 kW CECC 45 003:1975
Power tube - Tube - Disc seal CECC 45 004:1977
Power utility - Communication - Network - Automation EN 61850-4:2011
Power utility - Communication - Network - Automation CLC/TS 61850-80-1:2010
Power utility - Communication - Network - Automation - ACSI EN 61850-7-2:2010
Power utility - Communication - Network - Automation - Node EN 61850-7-4:2010
Power utility - Communication - Network - Automation - Structure EN 61850-7-3:2011
Power-line carrier - Terminal - Single-sideband EN 60495:1994
Powertrack - Floor EN 61534-22:2009
Powertrack system EN 61534-1:2003
Powertrack system - Wall - Ceiling EN 61534-21:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

PRCD - Accessories - Residual current - Portable - Protection HD 639 S1:2002
Pre-layout delay - Delay calculation - Power calculation - CMOS ASIC library EN 61523-2:2002
Pre-mixed flame - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire EN 60332-1-2:2004
Precipitation - Environmental conditions - Classification - Wind HD 478.2.2 S1:1990
Precision oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - Ageing oven EN 60216-4-2:2000
Precision resistor - Resistor - Fixed CECC 40 300:1981
Precompressed - Pressboard - Laminated - LB 3.1A.1 - LB 3.1A.2 EN 60763-3-1:2011
Prediction - Industrial process - Noise - Aerodynamic - Valve EN 60534-8-3:2000
Prediction - Valve - Industrial - Noise - Aerodynamic EN 60534-8-3:2011
Prefabricated - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Indicator EN 62271-206:2011
Prefabricated - Substation - High voltage - Integrated components EN 50532:2010
Prefabricated - Substation - HV - LV EN 62271-202:2007
Preparation - Consumer - European Standard - EN CEN/CLC Guide 2:2001
Preparation - List - Part list EN 62027:2000
Preparation - Trade unions - European Standard - EN CEN/CLC Guide 5:2001
Prepreg - Printed board - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burning test - Lead-free EN 61249-4-14:2009
Prepreg - Printed board - Interconnection - Non-halogenated - Lead-free EN 61249-4-17:2009
Prepreg - Printed board - Interconnection - Unclad - Lead-free EN 61249-4-15:2009
Prepreg - Printed board - Interconnection - Unclad - Non-halogenated EN 61249-4-16:2009
Prepreg material - Printed board - Not-halogenated - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burningtest EN 61249-4-11:2005
Prepreg material - Printed board - Not-halogenated - Epoxide woven E-glass - Vertical Burning EN 61249-4-12:2005
Prepreg material - Printed board - Unclad - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burning test EN 61249-4-2:2005
Prepreg material - Printed board - Unclad - Polyimide woven E-glass - Burning test EN 61249-4-5:2005
Prepreg material - Unclad - Epoxide woven E-glass - Structure interconnection - Flammability EN 61249-4-1:2008
Preselection testing - Fire hazard - Assessment - Electrotechnical product - Guidance EN 60695-1-30:2002
Preselection testing - Fire hazard - Assessment - Electrotechnical product - Guidance EN 60695-1-30:2008
Presentation - Instructions - Structuring - Content EN 62079:2001
Presentation - Maintanability - Data - Analysis - Collection EN 60706-3:2006
Press-in connection - Connection - Solderless - Test - Guidance EN 60352-5:2008
Pressboard - Aramid pressboard EN 61629-1:1996
Pressboard - Aramid pressboard - Test EN 61629-2:1996
Pressboard - Insulating liquid - Oil-impregnated - Karl Fischer titration EN 60814:1997
Pressboard - Laminated EN 60763-1:2011
Pressboard - Laminated - Precompressed - LB 3.1A.1 - LB 3.1A.2 EN 60763-3-1:2011
Pressboard - Laminated pressboard EN 60763-1:1996
Pressboard - Laminated pressboard - Laminated precompressed board - Type LB EN 60763-3-1:1996
Pressboard - Laminated pressboard - Test EN 60763-2:2007
Pressboard - Presspaper EN 60641-1:2008
Pressboard - Presspaper EN 60641-3-1:2008
Pressboard - Presspaper - Test EN 60641-2:2004
Pressboard - Presspaper - Types P EN 60641-3-2:2008
Pressed carrier tape - Packing - Automatic handling - Surface mount - Continuous EN 60286-3-1:2009
Presspaper - Pressboard EN 60641-1:2008
Presspaper - Pressboard EN 60641-3-1:2008
Presspaper - Pressboard - Test EN 60641-2:2004
Presspaper - Pressboard - Types P EN 60641-3-2:2008
Pressure - Electroacoutstics - Microphone - Calibration - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-2:2009
Pressure - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Damp heat EN 60512-11-2:2002
Pressure - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Low air EN 60512-11-11:2002
Pressure - Measuring - Shut-off device - Dimensions - Mating EN 61518:2001
Pressure - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Transcutaneous - Safety EN 60601-2-23:2000
Pressure - Medical equipment - Transcutaneous oxygen - Carbon dioxide - Monitoring EN 60601-3-1:1996
Pressure - Microphone - Measurement - Calibration - Reciprocity technique EN 61094-2:1993
Pressure - Microphone - Measurement - Calibration - Working standard microphone EN 61094-5:2001
pressure device - transformer - power transformer - reactor fitting - liquid level EN 50216-3:2002
Pressure device - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Liquid level EN 50216-5:2002
Pressure pulse - Ultrasonic - Lithotripter - Field EN 61846:1998
Pressure sensing controls - Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-2-6:2008
Pressure sensing microphone - Measuring instrument - Sound intensity EN 61043:1994
Pressure test - Environmental testing - Combined test - Cold/low air - Test EN 60068-2-40:1999
Pressure test - Environmental testing - Combined test - Heat/low air - Test EN 60068-2-41:1999
Pressure test - Insulating materials - PVC compound - Cracking resistance EN 60811-3-1:1995
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive - Tape - Glass fabric - Cellulose acetate woven fabric EN 60454-3-8:2006
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive - Tape - Polyethylene film - Polypropylene film EN 60454-3-12:2006
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive tape - Backing material EN 60454-3-19:2003
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive tape - Cellulose paper - Thermosetting adhesive EN 60454-3-4:2007
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive tape - Polycarbonate film - Acrylic - Thermoplastic adhesive EN 60454-3-6:1998
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive tape - Polyester film - Glass filament - Cellulosic paper EN 60454-3-11:2007
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive tape - Polyester film - Thermosetting - Acrylic EN 60454-3-2:2006
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive tape - Polyimide film EN 60454-3-7:1998
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive tape - Polytetrafluoroethylene film EN 60454-3-14:2001
Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive tape - PVC film EN 60454-3-1:1998
Pressure-sensitive - Tape - Adhesive - Electrical purpose - Test EN 60454-2:2007
Pressure-sensitive adhesive tape - Tape - Electrical purpose EN 60454-1:1994
Pressurized - Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Enclosure p EN 60079-2:2007
Pressurized room - Explosive - Atmosphere EN 60079-13:2010
Pressurized waveguide tubing - Waveguide - Sealing test HD 138 S2:1990
Prevention - Inverter - Photovoltaic - Utility-interconnected - Islanding EN 62116:2011
Preventive use - Alcohol - Interlock - Test - Performance EN 50436-2:2007
Primary - Battery EN 60086-1:2011
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Alphabetical Index

Primary - Battery - Aqueous - Electrolyte EN 60086-5:2011
Primary - Battery - Physical specification - Electrical specification EN 60086-2:2011
Primary - Battery - Watch battery EN 60086-3:2011
Primary - Lithium cell - Battery - Secondary - Transport EN 62281:2004
Primary battery - Battery EN 60086-1:2007
Primary battery - Battery - Aqueous electrolyte - Safety EN 60086-5:2005
Primary battery - Battery - Lithium battery - Safety EN 60086-4:2007
Primary battery - Battery - Physical specification - Electrical specification EN 60086-2:2007
Primary battery - Battery - Watch battery EN 60086-3:2005
Principle - Document management - Method EN 82045-1:2001
Print - Transparency - Electronic source - Assessment of image quality EN 61610:1996
Printed board - Assembly facility - PAS CECC 200 025:1998
Printed board - Base material - PAS CECC 200 016:1996
Printed board - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic CECC 30 301-809:1993
Printed board - Coating - Loaded EN 61086-1:2004
Printed board - Coating - Loaded - High reliability - Aerospace EN 61086-3-1:2004
Printed board - Coating - Loaded - Test EN 61086-2:2004
Printed board - Connector EN 60603-1:1998
Printed board - Connector - Assessed quality - Two-part connector - Backplane EN 61076-4-100:2001
Printed board - Connector - Backplane - Modular - Two part CECC 75 101-807:1994
Printed board - Connector - Backplane - Two part - Grid of 2 mm CECC 75 101-808:1993
Printed board - Connector - Backplane - Two part - Modular CECC 75 101-810:1994
Printed board - Connector - Cable-to-board connector - Integrate shielding function EN 61076-4-108:2002
Printed board - Connector - Circular connector - Audio and video application - Audio-visual equipment EN 60603-14:1999
Printed board - Connector - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4:1996
Printed board - Connector - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-001:1996
Printed board - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - Telecommunication industry EN 61076-4-105:1998
Printed board - Connector - Edge-socket connector EN 60603-6:1998
Printed board - Connector - Fixed and free connector - Common mating feature EN 60603-7:1997
Printed board - Connector - latching - full shielding EN 61076-4-110:2002
Printed board - Connector - Rectangular - Trapezoidal shell - Round contact CECC 75 301-802:1994
Printed board - Connector - Socket - Integrated circuit - Test EN 60603-12:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two part - Common mounting features - Grid of 2,54 mm CECC 75 101-801:1993
Printed board - Connector - Two part - Common square male contact - Grid of 2,54 mm CECC 75 101-803:1994
Printed board - Connector - Two part - Free connector CECC 75 101-804:1994
Printed board - Connector - Two-part EN 175101-809:2004
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector EN 60603-2:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector EN 60603-3:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector EN 60603-4:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector EN 175101-802:1999
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Backplane - Bus applications EN 61076-4-113:2003
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Backplane - Early mating feature EN 61076-4-111:2002
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Backplane - IEC 60917 EN 61076-4-101:2001
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Cable connector - Backpanel EN 60603-9:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-103:1999
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Edge-socket connector EN 60603-5:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Free connector EN 60603-13:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Inverted type EN 60603-10:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Shielding function EN 61076-4-114:2003
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Square male contact EN 60603-8:1998
Printed board - Connector - Two-part connector - Termination - Insulation displacement EN 61076-4-107:2001
Printed board - Connector - Two-part modular connector - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-104:1999
Printed board - Design - Electronic - Zero orientation - CAD library EN 61188-7:2009
Printed board - Design - Manufacture - Assembly EN 60194:2006
Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint EN 61188-5-1:2002
Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint - Area array component EN 61188-5-8:2008
Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint - Chip carrier EN 61188-5-6:2003
Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint - Discrete component EN 61188-5-2:2003
Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint - Gull-wing leads EN 61188-5-3:2007
Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint - Gull-wing leads EN 61188-5-5:2007
Printed board - Design and use - Attachment - Land/joint - J Leads components EN 61188-5-4:2007
Printed board - Design and use - Controlled impedance EN 61188-1-2:1998
Printed board - Designed facilities - PAS CECC 200 012:1995
Printed board - Flex-rigid double-sided EN 123700:1996
Printed board - Flex-rigid double-sided - Through connection CECC 23 700-801:1998
Printed board - Flex-rigid multilayer EN 123600:1996
Printed board - Flex-rigid multilayer - Through connection CECC 23 600-801:1998
Printed board - Flexible multilayer EN 123800:1996
Printed board - Flexible multilayer - Through connection CECC 23 800-801:1998
Printed board - Flexible printed board EN 123400:1992
Printed board - Flexible printed board EN 123400-800:1992
Printed board - Flexible printed board EN 123500:1992
Printed board - Flexible printed board EN 123500-800:1992
Printed board - Generic specification EN 62326-1:2002
Printed board - Grid system EN 60097:1993
Printed board - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials - Epoxide - fibreglass EN 61249-2-19:2002
Printed board - Interconnection EN 61189-3:2008
Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Non-halogenated - Lead-free EN 61249-4-17:2009
Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Unclad - Lead-free EN 61249-4-15:2009
Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Unclad - Non-halogenated EN 61249-4-16:2009
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Printed board - Interconnection structure - Electronic assemblies - Test EN 61189-6:2006
Printed board - Interconnection structure - Material - Test EN 61189-2:2006
Printed board - Interconnection structure - Test EN 61189-1:1997
Printed board - Interconnection structure - Test EN 61189-5:2006
Printed board - Multi-layer printed board CECC 23 300-801:1998
Printed board - Multilayer printed board EN 123300:1992
Printed board - Non-halogenated epoxide - Non-woven/woven E-glass - Burning test - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-26:2005
Printed board - Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose - Burning test - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-23:2005
Printed board - Prepreg - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burning test - Lead-free EN 61249-4-14:2009
Printed board - Prepreg material - Not-halogenated - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burningtest EN 61249-4-11:2005
Printed board - Prepreg material - Not-halogenated - Epoxide woven E-glass - Vertical Burning EN 61249-4-12:2005
Printed board - Prepreg material - Unclad - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burning test EN 61249-4-2:2005
Printed board - Prepreg material - Unclad - Polyimide woven E-glass - Burning test EN 61249-4-5:2005
Printed board - Printed board assemblies - Design and use - Flatness consideration EN 61188-1-1:1997
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Bismaleimide/triazine - Burning test EN 61249-2-9:2003
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Brominated epoxide - Burning Test EN 61249-2-6:2003
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Brominated epoxide - Cellulose paper EN 61249-2-5:2003
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Cyanate ester - Brominted epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-10:2003
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Epoxide woven E-glass - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-7:2002
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Modified brominated epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-8:2003
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Non-halogenated epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-21:2003
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Phenolic cellulose parper - Copper clad EN 61249-2-1:2005
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Phenolic cellulose parper - Copper clad EN 61249-2-2:2005
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyester - Non-woven fibreglass - copper-clad EN 61249-2-18:2002
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyester - Non-woven/woven fibreglass - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-4:2002
Printed board - Reinforced base materials - Polyimide - Brominated epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-11:2003
Printed board - Rigid multilayer printed board - Interlayer connection EN 62326-4:1997
Printed board - Rigid multilayer printed board - Interlayer connection - Performance EN 62326-4-1:1997
Printed board - Rigid printed board - TAS CECC 210 003:1996
Printed board - Single and double-sided - Plain hole EN 123100:1992
Printed board - Single and double-sided - Plain hole CECC 23 100-801:1998
Printed board - Single and double-sided - Plated-through hole EN 123200:1992
Printed board - Single and double-sided - Plated-through hole CECC 23 200-801:1998
Printed board - Soldered assemblies - Surface mount technology EN 61191-1:1998
Printed board - Surface mount soldered assemblies EN 61191-2:1998
Printed board - Terminal soldered assemblies EN 61191-4:1998
Printed board - Through-hole mount soldered assemblies EN 61191-3:1998
Printed board - Void - Joints - BGA - LGA EN 61191-6:2010
Printed board assemblies - Printed board - Design and use - Flatness consideration EN 61188-1-1:1997
Printed board assembly - Analysis - Defect - QAS EN 61193-1:2002
Printed circuit board - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Right angle socket CECC 22 111-812:1985
Printed circuit board - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight socket CECC 22 111-811:1985
Printed circuit board mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight socket CECC 22 221-806:1986
Printed circuit board mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Right angle socket CECC 22 161-812:1987
Printed circuit board mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight socket CECC 22 161-811:1987
Printed circuit board socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle CECC 22 221-807:1986
Printed wiring board - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-804:1988
Printed wiring board - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-804:1988
Printed wiring board socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-803:1988
Printed wiring board socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-803:1988
Printer - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Reflective print EN 61966-7-1:2006
Prior to - Insulation - During - Testing - Solid EN 60212:2011
Prismatic - Battery - Alkaline - Nickel-cadmium cell - Rechargeable EN 60623:2001
Prismatic - Battery - Non-acid electrolyte - Sealed nickel-cadmium cell - Rechargeable EN 60622:2003
Privacy policy - Website - Collaboration tool - Use CLC Guide 30:2009
Probe assemblies - Laboratory equipment - Hand-held - Safety EN 61010-031:2002
Probe damage - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-1:2008
Probe for verification - Protection - Person - Enclosure EN 61032:1998
Probe methods - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Multichannel parameter EN 61290-10-3:2003
Procedure - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol EN 60870-5-2:1993
Process analyzer - Sample handling - Performance EN 61115:1993
Process control - Function block - EDD - Interoperability CLC/TR 61804-4:2007
Process control - Function Block - FB - Description Language - EDDL EN 61804-3:2011
Process control - Function block - FB concept EN 61804-2:2007
Process control - Function block - Language - EDDL EN 61804-3:2007
Process control - P&I diagram - Data exchange - P&ID tools - PCE-CAE tools EN 62424:2009
Process control - Performance - Influence quantities EN 61298-3:1998
Process equipment - Industrial-process - Data structure - Analogue output - Digital output EN 61987-1:2007
Process industry - Automation - Factory acceptance - Site acceptance - Site integration EN 62381:2007
Process industry - Instrumentation - Control - Milestones EN 62337:2007
Process industry - Safety - Functional safety - Framework - Hardware/software EN 61511-1:2004
Process industry - Safety - Functional safety - IEC 61511-1 EN 61511-2:2004
Process industry - Safety - Functional safety - Integrity level EN 61511-3:2004
Process measurement - Performance evaluation EN 61298-2:2008
Process measurement - Performance evaluation - Evaluation report EN 61298-4:2008
Processing - Railway applications - Electronic system - Communication - Signalling EN 50129:2003
Procurement - Die product - Semiconductor - Use EN 62258-1:2005
Procurement - Semiconductor - Die - Use EN 62258-1:2010
Product - Industrial - Installation - Equipment - Signal EN 61175:2005
Product - Industrial - Installation - Identification - Terminal EN 61666:2010
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Alphabetical Index

Product certification system EN 45011:1998
Product Committee - Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC - Apparatus CLC Guide 24:2009
Product information - Consumer - Standard developer CEN/CLC Guide 11:2006
Product safety - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment EN 60255-27:2005
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - EC EN 50377-5-1:2003
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - FC-PC EN 50377-2-1:2001
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LC-APC duxplex EN 50377-7-3:2004
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LC-PC duplex EN 50377-7-1:2004
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LC-PC duplex EN 50377-7-2:2004
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LC-PC simplex EN 50377-7-4:2011
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-RH EN 50377-8-2:2007
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH_PC simplex EN 50377-8-3:2007
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - MT-RJ EN 50377-9-1:2003
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - MT-RJ EN 50377-9-2:2004
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - MU-PC EN 50377-10-1:2007
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - MU/APC EN 50377-10-2:2005
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - SC-APC simplex EN 50377-4-2:2011
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - SC-PC simplex EN 50377-4-4:2011
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - SC-RJ EN 50377-6-1:2002
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - SC-RJ EN 50377-6-2:2007
Product specification - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Singlemode fibre EN 50377-7-4:2004
Product specification - Optical fibre - Multimode fibre - Category A1 EN 60793-2-10:2007
Product specification - Optical fibre - Multimode fibre - Category A2 EN 60793-2-20:2002
Product specification - Optical fibre - Multimode fibre - Category A3 EN 60793-2-30:2002
Product specification - Optical fibre - Multimode fibre - Category A4 EN 60793-2-40:2006
Product specification - Optical fibre - Single-mode fibre EN 60793-2-50:2004
Product standard - Electromagnetic compatibility - Measuring relay - Protection equipment EN 50263:1999
Product standard - Electromagnetic compatibility - Road traffic - Signal EN 50293:2000
Professional - Audio, Audiovisual - Digital EN 61606-3:2008
Professional applications - Audio - Digital audio interface EN 60958-4:2003
Professional use - Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) EN 61119-5:1995
Professional use - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Reel-to-reel system EN 61595-3:1999
Profile - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-1:2010
Profile - Industrial - Communication - Network - Real-time EN 61784-2:2010
Profile - Industrial - Communication - Network - Wireless EN 62591:2010
Profile - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Interface EN 61800-7-1:2008
Profile - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Interface EN 61800-7-201:2008
Profile - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Interface - Mapping EN 61800-7-301:2008
Profile definitions - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-3:2008
Programmable - Machinery - Functional safety - Control system EN 62061:2005
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Abbreviation - Electronic EN 61508-4:2001
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Abbreviation - Electronic EN 61508-4:2010
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic EN 61508-1:2001
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic EN 61508-1:2010
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic EN 61508-2:2001
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic EN 61508-2:2010
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic EN 61508-6:2001
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic EN 61508-6:2010
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Integrity level - Electronic EN 61508-5:2001
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Integrity level - Electronic EN 61508-5:2010
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Measure - Electronic EN 61508-7:2001
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Measure - Electronic EN 61508-7:2010
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Software - Electronic EN 61508-3:2001
Programmable - Safety - Functional safety - Software - Electronic EN 61508-3:2010
Programmable controller - Controller EN 61131-1:2003
Programmable controller - Controller - Communication EN 61131-5:2001
Programmable controller - Controller - Equipment EN 61131-2:2007
Programmable controller - Controller - Fuzzy control EN 61131-7:2000
Programmable controller - Controller - Programming language EN 61131-3:2003
Programmable electrical medical system - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-1-4:1996
Programmable logic array (PLA) - Array CECC 90 114:1994
Programme - Reliability growth EN 61014:2003
Programming language - Controller - Programmable controller EN 61131-3:2003
Projector - Electronic projection - Key performance criteria - Fixed resolution EN 61947-1:2002
Projector - Electronic projection - Key performance criteria - Variable resolution EN 61947-2:2002
Projector - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-56:2003
Proof test - Optic - Fibre - Measurement EN 60793-1-30:2011
Propagation - Cable - Communication - Test method - Velocity EN 50289-1-7:2001
Propagation delay - Connector - Electronic equipment - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-4:2001
Properties - Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) EN 61119-3:1994
Properties - Audio - Magnetic tape EN 60094-5:1993
Properties - Magnetic materials - Permanent magnet - Measurement EN 60404-5:2007
Properties - Ultrasonics - Hydrophone - Medical EN 62127-3:2007
Properties - Video - Video tape - Measurement EN 60735:1991
Property rights - Common - IPR Policy - Patent - Invention CEN/CLC Guide 8:2010
Propulsion - Battery - Road vehicle - Performance - Life testing EN 61982-3:2001
Propulsion - Battery - Secondary - Vehicle - Lithium-ion cell EN 62660-1:2011
Propulsion - Battery - Secondary - Vehicle - Lithium-ion cell EN 62660-2:2011
Propulsion - Battery - Secondary battery - Road vehicle EN 61982-1:2006
Propulsion - Battery - Vehicle - Road vehicle - Dynamic EN 61982-2:2002
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Alphabetical Index

Protection "n" - Explosive - Atmosphere EN 60079-15:2010
Protection 'pD' - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Combustible dust EN 61241-4:2006
Protection - Accessories - Residual current - Portable - PRCD HD 639 S1:2002
Protection - Building - Electrical installation - Disturbance - Safety HD 60364-4-443:2006
Protection - Building - Electrical installation - Earthing arrangement - Conductor HD 60364-5-54:2007
Protection - Building - Electrical installation - Earthing arrangement - Conductor HD 60364-5-54:2011
Protection - Building - Electrical installation - Electric shock - Safety HD 60364-4-41:2007
Protection - Building - Electrical installation - Fire - Safety HD 384.4.482 S1:1997
Protection - Building - Electrical installation - Overcurrent HD 384.4.473 S1:1980
Protection - Building - Electrical installation - Overcurrent - Safety HD 384.4.43 S2:2001
Protection - Building - Electrical installation - Overvoltage HD 384.4.442 S1:1997
Protection - Cable - Oversheath - Extrusion EN 60229:2008
Protection - Circuit breaker - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003
Protection - Circuit breaker - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS1:2007
Protection - Circuit breaker - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS2:2007
Protection - Circuit breaker - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS3:2007
Protection - Circuit breaker - Overcurrent - Household installation - AC EN 60898-1:2003/IS4:2007
Protection - Connector - Circular - Screw-locking EN 61076-2-106:2011
Protection - Connector - Electronic equipment - Cover attachment - Robustness EN 60512-15-7:2008
Protection - Corrosion - Stray current - DC system EN 50162:2004
Protection - Coupler - Household appliances EN 60320-2-3:1998
Protection - Electric shock - Installation - Equipment EN 61140:2002
Protection - Electrical equipment - Mechanical impact - IK code EN 50102:1995
Protection - Electromagnetic compatibility - Mitigation - Disturbance - Enclosure EN 61000-5-7:2001
Protection - Electrostatics - Electronic - Packaging - Discharge sensitive EN 61340-5-3:2010
Protection - Electrostatics - Electronic device EN 61340-5-1:2007
Protection - Electrostatics - Electronic device CLC/TR 61340-5-2:2008
Protection - Electrostatics - Footwear - Flooring EN 61340-4-5:2004
Protection - Enclosure - External mechanical impact - Impact EN 62262:2002
Protection - Explosive - Atmosphere - Encapsulation "m" EN 60079-18:2009
Protection - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Flameproof - Enclosure 'd' EN 60079-1:2007
Protection - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Encapsulation "mD" EN 61241-18:2004
Protection - Explosive atmosphere - Dust - Enclosure "tD" EN 61241-1:2004
Protection - Explosive atmosphere - Enclosure p - Pressurized EN 60079-2:2007
Protection - Explosive atmosphere - Oil immersion "o" EN 60079-6:2007
Protection - Explosive atmosphere - Powder filling "q" EN 60079-5:2007
Protection - Explosive atmosphere - Transmission system - Optical radiation EN 60079-28:2007
Protection - Fuse - LV - Fuse-link - Semiconductor EN 60269-4:2007
Protection - Fuse - LV - Fuse-link - Semiconductor EN 60269-4:2009
Protection - Insulation coordination - LV - Coating - Pollution EN 60664-3:2003
Protection - Lightning EN 62305-1:2006
Protection - Lightning EN 62305-1:2011
Protection - Lightning - Conductor - Earth - Electrode EN 50164-2:2008
Protection - Lightning - Earth - Housing - Seal EN 62561-5:2011
Protection - Lightning - LPSC - Fastener EN 62561-4:2011
Protection - Lightning - Physical damage - Damage - Life hazard EN 62305-3:2011
Protection - Lightning - Physical damage - Life hazard EN 62305-3:2006
Protection - Lightning - Risk management EN 62305-2:2006
Protection - Lightning - Strike - Counter EN 62561-6:2011
Protection - Lightning - Stucture - Electronic systems EN 62305-4:2006
Protection - Lightning - Stucture - Electronic systems EN 62305-4:2011
Protection - Lightning - Symbol CLC/TR 50469:2005
Protection - Live working - Clothing - Thermal hazard - Arc rating EN 61482-1-1:2009
Protection - Low voltage - d.c. - Surge - Traction system CLC/TS 50544:2010
Protection - Low voltage - Safety - Thermal effect HD 60364-4-42:2011
Protection - Low voltage - Surge - Photovoltaic CLC/TS 50539-12:2010
Protection - Low voltage - Surge - Wind - Turbine CLC/TS 50539-22:2010
Protection - Low-voltage - Fuse - Solar - Photovoltaic EN 60269-6:2011
Protection - Low-voltage - Safety - Disturbance - Electromagnetic HD 60364-4-444:2010
Protection - Low-voltage - Safety - Overcurrent HD 60364-4-43:2010
Protection - Machine - Rotating - Integral design - Classification EN 60034-5:2001
Protection - Machine - Rotating - Thermal protection EN 60034-11:2004
Protection - Overvoltage - Household EN 50550:2011
Protection - Person - Enclosure - Probe for verification EN 61032:1998
Protection - Radiation - Dosemeter - Dose equivalent EN 61526:2007
Protection - Radiation - In vivo counter - Portable equipment - Installed equipment EN 61582:2006
Protection - Radiation - Instrumentation EN 60846:2004
Protection - Radiation - Instrumentation - Contamination EN 60325:2004
Protection - Radiation - Neutron ambient dose equivalent meters EN 61005:2004
Protection - Radiation - Radionuclide - Photon radiation - Hand-held instrument EN 62327:2011
Protection - Radiation - Surface contamination - Installed personnel EN 61098:2007
Protection - Railway - Insulation - Overvoltage EN 50124-2:2001
Protection - Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Software EN 50128:2001
Protection - Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Software EN 50128:2011
Protection - Relay - Current - Over - Under EN 60255-151:2009
Protection - Relay - Disturbance - Surge immunity - Test EN 60255-22-5:2011
Protection - Relay - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC EN 60255-26:2009
Protection - Relay - Measuring EN 60255-1:2010
Protection - Relay - Measuring relay - Electromagnetic emission - Test EN 60255-25:2000
Protection - Relay - Voltage dip - Interruption - Ripple EN 60255-11:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Protection - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Shock EN 50274:2002
Protection - Thermocouple assembly - Metal - Ceramic EN 50446:2006
Protection - Tube - Luminous-discharge-tube - Earth-leakage - Open-circuit EN 50107-2:2005
Protection - Warning - Cable - Buried conduit - Underground EN 50520:2009
Protection - Wind - Turbine - Lightning EN 61400-24:2010
protection against electric shocks - transportable motor-operated electric tools - diamond drills - safety
requirements - fire protection - protection against mechanical hazards
EN 61029-2-6:2010
protection against mechanical hazards - transportable motor-operated electric tools - diamond drills - safety
requirements - protection against electric shocks - fire protection
EN 61029-2-6:2010
Protection by enclosures - IP code EN 60529:1991
Protection communication interfacing - Relay - Protection equipment EN 61733-1:1996
Protection component - Lightning - Clip - Conductor EN 50164-4:2008
Protection component - Lightning - Earthing compound EN 50164-7:2008
Protection component - Lightning - Isolation - Gap - Spark gap EN 50164-3:2006
Protection component - Lightning - LPC - Accessories EN 50164-5:2009
Protection component - Lightning - Strike counter EN 50164-6:2009
Protection equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Product standard - Measuring relay EN 50263:1999
Protection equipment - Measuring relay - Disturbance - Electrostatic discharge EN 60255-22-2:2008
Protection equipment - Measuring relay - Disturbance - Fast transient/burst EN 60255-22-4:2008
Protection equipment - Relay - Disturbance test - Radiated - Electromagnetic field EN 60255-22-3:2008
Protection equipment - Relay - Electrical relay - Insulation - Test EN 60255-5:2001
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay EN 60255-6:1994
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Burst immunity - Test EN 60255-22-1:2008
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Disturbance - Radio frequency field EN 60255-22-6:2001
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Measuring relay - Test EN 60255-26:2005
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Power frequency immunity - Test EN 60255-22-7:2003
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Product safety EN 60255-27:2005
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Surbe immunity - Test EN 60255-22-5:2002
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Vibration - Seismic test EN 60255-21-3:1995
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Vibration - Shock and bump test EN 60255-21-2:1995
Protection equipment - Relay - Measuring relay - Vibration test - Seismic test EN 60255-21-1:1995
Protection equipment - Relay - Protection communication interfacing EN 61733-1:1996
Protection equipment - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Informative interface EN 60870-5-103:1998
Protection equipment - Thermal link - Application guide EN 60691:2003
Protection instrumentation - Radiation - Monitor - Detection - Nuclear EN 62244:2011
Protection n - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Construction - Marking EN 60079-15:2005
Protection switching - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system EN 60835-2-6:1995
Protective - Measurement method - Touch current - Conductor current EN 60990:1999
Protective clothing - Insulating clothing - LV installation EN 50286:1999
Protective conductor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Copper conductor EN 60947-7-2:2009
Protective conductor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Copper condutor EN 60947-7-2:2002
Protective current transformer - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Transient performance EN 60044-6:1999
Protective device - Conductor - Cross-sectional area CLC/TR 50480:2011
Protective device - Electromagnetic compatibility - HEMP conducted disturbance EN 61000-5-5:1996
Protective device - Electromagnetic compatibility - HEMP radiated disturbance - Test EN 61000-4-23:2000
Protective device - Medical - X-radiation - Clothing - Gonad EN 61331-3:1999
Protective device - Medical - X-radiation - Diagnostic - Attenuation properties EN 61331-1:2002
Protective device - Medical - X-radiation - Diagnostic - Glass plate EN 61331-2:2002
Protective device - Surge - Avalanche breakdown diode - ABD - Diode EN 61643-321:2002
Protective device - Surge - LV - Gas discharge tube EN 61643-311:2001
Protective device - Surge - LV - Power system - Test EN 61643-11:2002
Protective device - Surge - LV - Telecommunications network - Signalling network CLC/TS 61643-22:2006
Protective device - Surge - LV - Thyristor surge suppressor EN 61643-341:2001
Protective device - Surge - LV - Varistor - Metal oxide EN 61643-331:2003
Protective device - Surge - Telecommunications - Signalling - Test method EN 61643-21:2001
Protective equipment - Capacitor - Series capacitor bank EN 60143-2:1994
Protective equipment - Machinery - Electro-sensitive EN 61496-1:2004
Protective equipment - Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Opto-electronic - AOPD CLC/TS 61496-2:2006
Protective equipment - Machinery - Electro-sensitive - Opto-electronic - AOPDDR CLC/TS 61496-3:2008
Protective equipment - Machinery - Safety - Person - Detection CLC/TS 62046:2008
Protective houshing - Connector - Electronic - Rectangular - Industrial environment EN 61076-3-106:2006
Protective housing - Connector - Industrial environment - Bayonet coupling - Speing clamp EN 61076-3-116:2008
Protective housing - Connector - Rectangular - Industrial environment - Bayonet coupling EN 61076-3-114:2009
Protective housing - Connector - Rectangular - Industrial environment - Push-pull type EN 61076-3-115:2010
Protective measure - Distribution system - Insulation fault - IT system EN 61557-9:2009
Protective measure - Distribution system - LV - Safety EN 61557-1:2007
Protective measure - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Insulation resistance EN 61557-2:2007
Protective measure - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Loop impedance EN 61557-3:2007
Protective measure - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Measuring EN 61557-10:2001
Protective measure - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Parameters EN 61557-12:2008
Protective measure - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Phase sequence EN 61557-7:2007
Protective measure - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Residual current device (RCD) EN 61557-6:2007
Protective measure - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Resistance to earth EN 61557-5:2007
Protective measure - Distribution system - Residual current - Monitor - IT system EN 61557-11:2009
Protective measures - Turbine - Wind turbine - Design EN 50308:2004
Protective provision - Railway applications - Fixed installation EN 50122-1:1997
Protective provision - Railway applications - Fixed installation - Earthing - Bonding EN 50122-1:2011
Protective provision - Railway applications - Rolling stock - hazard EN 50153:2002
Protective provision - Railway applications - Stray current - Traction system EN 50122-2:1998
Protective provisions - Railway - Fixed installation - Mutual interaction EN 50122-3:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Protective switching - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Multiple function EN 60947-6-2:2003
Protector - Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Splice EN 61073-1:2009
Protocol - Internet - Transport - Stream EN 62455:2011
Protocol - Telecontrol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-701:1998
Protocol - Telecontrol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 EN 60870-6-503:2002
Protocol - Telecontrol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 EN 60870-6-702:1998
Protocol - Telecontrol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 Object model EN 60870-6-802:2002
Protocol - Telecontrol - ITU-T recommendations - Basic standard EN 60870-6-2:1995
Protocol - Telecontrol - ITU-T recommendations - Connection-Oriented Transport Service EN 60870-6-601:1995
Protocol - Telecontrol - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-501:1996
Protocol - Telecontrol - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-502:1996
Prototype - Hydraulic - Radial - Axial - Mode EN 62097:2009
Proximity sensor - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device EN 60947-5-6:2000
Proximity switch - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device EN 60947-5-2:2007
Proximity switch - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device EN 60947-5-3:1999
PSTIB - Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - Power supply - Transponder interface bus EN 60728-7-3:2005
PSTIB - Signal - Sound - Hybrid - Transponder EN 60728-7-3:2009
PTFE - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded PTFE sleeving EN 60684-3-145 to 147:2001
PTTA - Switchgear and controlgear - Temperature-rise - Extrapolation - LV CLC/TR 60890:2002
Public - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Network EN 61439-5:2011
Public - Measurement - Magnetic - Exposure EN 62110:2009
Public distribution - Distribution - Voltage CLC/TR 50422:2003
Public distribution system - Voltage - Characteristics EN 50160:2007
Public distribution system - Voltage - Characteristics EN 50160:2010
Public electricity - Supply system - LV - Nominal voltage HD 472 S1:1989
Public low-voltage supply systems - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage - Fluctuation - Flicker EN 61000-3-3:2008
Public network - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Power distribution EN 60439-5:2006
Public power supply system - Electromagnetic compatibility - LV - Signalling EN 61000-2-2:2002
Public transport lighting - Lamp - Controlgear - Ballast - Electronic ballast EN 61347-2-5:2001
Pull strength - Surface-mount technology - Environmental - Endurance - Solder joint EN 62137-1-1:2007
Pulsation - Turbine - Vibration - Field measurement - Test EN 60994:1992
Pulse capacitor - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film EN 60384-17:2005
Pulse capacitor - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electronic equipment - Polypropylene film EN 60384-17-1:2005
Pulse magnetic field - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-9:1993
Pulse method - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel EN 61290-10-1:2009
Pulse method - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-2:2008
Pulse output device - Metering equipment - Two wires EN 62053-31:1998
Pulse sequence - Medical - Magnetic - Resonance - Imaging EN 62464-2:2011
Pulse transformer - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61248-5:1997
Pulse-echo - Ultrasonic - Scanner - Spatial measurement - Point spread function EN 61391-1:2006
Pulse-echo - Ultrasonics - Scanner - Penetration depth - Dynamic range EN 61391-2:2010
Pulse/step return loss - Cable - Telecommunication - Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation EN 62153-1-1:2004
Pulsed magnetron - Magnetron EN 136001:1992
Pump - Household appliances - Circulation pump - Water installation - Safety EN 60335-2-51:2003
Pump - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-41:2003
Pump - Medical equiment - Infusion - Controller - Safety EN 60601-2-24:1998
Pump - Power station equipment - Turbine auxiliaries EN 45510-6-4:1999
Pump - Railway - Traction - Transformer - Coolant CLC/TS 50537-3:2010
Pump - Railway - Traction - Transformer - Cooling CLC/TS 50537-2:2010
Pump - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Oil EN 50216-7:2002
Pump - Turbine - Hydraulic - Storage EN 62256:2008
Pump leakage parameter - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Demultiplexer EN 61290-6-1:1998
Pump turbine - Power station - Turbine - Hydraulic - Storage pump EN 45510-5-4:1998
Pump-turbine - Turbine - Hydraulic - Storage pump - Cavitation pitting EN 60609-1:2005
Pump-turbine - Turbine - Hydraulic turbine - Storage pump - Model acceptance test EN 60193:1999
Pump-turbine - Turbine - Pelton turbine - Storage pump - Cavitation pitting EN 60609-2:1999
Pumping - Photovoltaic - Qualification - Performance - Measurements EN 62253:2011
Pumping system - Photovoltaic - Direct coupled - Rating EN 61702:1999
Pure-tone audiometer - Electroacoustics - Audiometer EN 60645-1:2001
Push button switch - Switch CECC 96 400:1988
Push pull - Connector - Housing - Industrial - Coupling EN 61076-3-117:2009
Push-button switch - Assessment level Y EN 196403:1998
Push-pull type - Connector - Rectangular - Protective housing - Industrial environment EN 61076-3-115:2010
PV - Junction - Box EN 50548:2011
PV inverters - Grid connected EN 50524:2009
PV module - Safety - Construction EN 61730-1:2007
PV module - Safety - Testing EN 61730-2:2007
PV system - Stand alone - Design EN 62124:2005
PVC - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded PVC sleeving EN 60684-3-100 to 105:2001
PVC coating - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile EN 60684-3-406 to 408:2003
PVC compound - Cable - Optical cable - Atomic absorption - Spectrometer EN 50414:2006
PVC compound - Insulating materials - Pressure test - Cracking resistance EN 60811-3-1:1995
PVC compound - Insulating materials - Thermal stability test EN 60811-3-2:1995
PVC covering compound - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-4-2:2005
PVC film - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive EN 60454-3-1:1998
PVC insulating compounds - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-3:2005
PVC insulation - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-21:2001
PVC insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Extensible - Thermoplastic EN 50525-2-12:2011
PVC insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Flat divisible - Thermoplastic EN 50525-2-72:2011
PVC insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Flat tinsel - Thermoplastic EN 50525-2-71:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

PVC insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Flexible - Thermoplastic EN 50525-2-11:2011
PVC insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Oil resistant - Thermoplastic EN 50525-2-51:2011
PVC insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Single core - Thermoplastic EN 50525-2-31:2011
PVC sheating - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Construction EN 50290-2-22:2001
PVC sheating compound - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-4-1:2005


Q-factor - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Low BER EN 61280-2-8:2003
Qantum efficiency - Medical - Digital - X-ray - Imaging EN 62220-1-3:2008
QAS - Printed board assembly - Analysis - Defect EN 61193-1:2002
Quad flat pack (QFP) - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Measuring method EN 60191-6-3:2000
Qualification - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - AC - Motor starter applications EN 137100:1995
Qualification - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - AC - Motor starter applications EN 137101:1995
Qualification - Contractor - Installation contractor CLC/TS 50349:2004
Qualification - Evaluation - Insulation EN 60505:2011
Qualification - Insulation system - Evaluation EN 60505:2004
Qualification - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Reliability EN 61291-5-2:2002
Qualification - Photovoltaic - Pumping - Performance - Measurements EN 62253:2011
Qualification approval - Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 60679-5:1998
Qualification approval - Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 60679-5-1:1998
Qualification approval - Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 169200:1995
Qualification approval - Oscillator - Quartz crystal EN 169201:1995
Qualification approval - Quartz crystal unit EN 168200:1993
Qualification approval - Quartz crystal unit EN 168201:1992
Quality - Multimedia - Synchronization - Audio - Video EN 62503:2008
Quality - Re-used part - Dependability - Functionality - Test EN 62309:2004
Quality assessment - Connector - Electronic equipment EN 62197-1:2006
Quality assessment - Fuse - Miniature fuse - Fuse-link EN 60127-5:1991
Quality assurance - Information technology - Cabling installation EN 50174-1:2000
Quality assurance - Information technology - Cabling installation EN 50174-1:2009
Quality inspection - Hearing aid - Delivery purpose - Performance EN 60118-7:2005
Quality system - Explosive - Atmosphere - Equipment - Manufacture EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011
Quantity - Machine - Rotating - Synchronous machine EN 60034-4:2008
Quantum efficiency - Medical equipment - Imaging device - X-ray - Digital EN 62220-1:2004
Quartz - Crystal - Assessed quality - Generic EN 60122-1:2002
Quartz - Crystal - Outline - Lead connection - Connection EN 60122-3:2010
Quartz - Synthetic - Crystal EN 60758:2009
Quartz - Tuning-fork - Crystal - Measurement - Test EN 60689:2009
Quartz crystal - Oscillator EN 60679-1:2007
Quartz crystal - Oscillator EN 169000:1992
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Capability approval EN 60679-4:1998
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Capability approval EN 60679-4-1:1998
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Capability approval EN 169100:1993
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Capability approval EN 169101:1993
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Jitter - SAW - Measurement EN 60679-6:2011
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Lead connection - Standard outline EN 60679-3:2001
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Qualification approval EN 60679-5:1998
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Qualification approval EN 60679-5-1:1998
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Qualification approval EN 169200:1995
Quartz crystal - Oscillator - Qualification approval EN 169201:1995
Quartz crystal - Standard outline - Lead connection EN 60122-3:2001
Quartz crystal - Synthetic - Guide EN 60758:2005
Quartz crystal unit - Activity dips - Frequency dips EN 60444-7:2004
Quartz crystal unit - Automatic network analyzer technique - Measurement EN 60444-5:1997
Quartz crystal unit - Capability approval EN 168100:1993
Quartz crystal unit - Capability approval EN 168101:1992
Quartz crystal unit - Drive level dependence (DLD) - Measurement EN 60444-6:1997
Quartz crystal unit - Load resonance frequency - Effective load capacitance - Automatic network analyzer EN 60444-11:2010
Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Load resonance - Measurement EN 60444-4:1997
Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Motional capacitance EN 60444-2:1997
Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Parallel capacitance C0 - Measurement EN 60444-3:1997
Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Resonance frequency - Resonance resistance EN 60444-1:1997
Quartz crystal unit - Qualification approval EN 168200:1993
Quartz crystal unit - Qualification approval EN 168201:1992
Quartz crystal unit - Resonance - Spurious - Piezoelectric EN 60444-9:2007
Quartz crystal unit - Test fixture - Surface mounted EN 60444-8:2003
Quartz filled - Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Epoxy resinous compound EN 60455-3-2:2003
Quartz glass lamp - Lighting - Pinch temperature EN 60682:1993
Quick lock - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial - CQA EN 61169-41:2011
Quick lock - Connectors - Radio-frequency - CQM series EN 61169-39:2011
Quick-connect - Flat - Termination - Copper - Conductor EN 61210:2010


Rack - Electronic equipment - Cabinet - Mechanical structure - EMC shielding EN 61587-3:2006
Rack - Electronic equipment - Cabinet - Seismic test - Mechanical structure EN 61587-2:2001
Rack - Electronic equipment - Cabinet - Subrack - Chassis EN 61587-1:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Rack - Electronic equipment - Rack structure - Panel HD 493.1 S1:1988
Rack - Structure - Subrack - Chassis - Cabinet EN 60297-3-100:2009
Rack and panel applications - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Miniature - Coaxial EN 61169-29:2005
Rack structure - Electronic equipment - Cabinet - Pitch HD 493.2 S1:1988
Rack structure - Electronic equipment - Rack - Panel HD 493.1 S1:1988
Radar - Global maritime distress and safety system - Transponder - Search - Rescue EN 61097-1:2007
Radar - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunication - Craft EN 62252:2004
Radar - Radio-communication - Maritime - Navigation - Shipborne radar EN 62388:2008
Radial - Hydraulic - Axial - Mode - Prototype EN 62097:2009
Radiant - Medical - Safety - Infant - Warmers EN 60601-2-21:2009
Radiant warmer - Medical equipment - Warmer - Infant - Safety EN 60601-2-21:1994
Radiated - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Radio frequency EN 61000-4-3:2006
Radiated - Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measuring EN 55016-2-3:2010
Radiated - Relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance test - Electromagnetic field EN 60255-22-3:2008
Radiated disturbance - Disturbance - Radio - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-1-4:2007
Radiated disturbance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment EN 61000-2-9:1996
Radiated emission - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - TEM-cell EN 61967-2:2005
Radiating cable - Cable - Communication cable - Coaxial cable EN 61196-4:2004
Radiation - Bridge wire - Electro-explosive - Radio-frequency - Inadvertent CLC/TR 50426:2004
Radiation - EMC - Emission - Immunity - Anechoic room EN 61000-4-22:2011
Radiation - Environment - Solar - Ground level - Test EN 60068-2-5:2011
Radiation - Gamma - Monitor - Vehicle EN 62022:2007
Radiation - Household - Safety - UV - Water treatment EN 60335-2-109:2010
Radiation - Household appliance - Ultraviolet - Infrared - Safety EN 60335-2-27:2003
Radiation - Ignition - flammable atmosphere - Radio-frequency - Inadvertent CLC/TR 50427:2004
Radiation - Medical - X-ray equipment - Rotating anode EN 60806:2004
Radiation - Protection - Dosemeter - Dose equivalent EN 61526:2007
Radiation - Protection - In vivo counter - Portable equipment - Installed equipment EN 61582:2006
Radiation - Protection - Instrumentation EN 60846:2004
Radiation - Protection - Instrumentation - Contamination EN 60325:2004
Radiation - Protection - Neutron ambient dose equivalent meters EN 61005:2004
Radiation - Protection - Radionuclide - Photon radiation - Hand-held instrument EN 62327:2011
Radiation - Protection - Surface contamination - Installed personnel EN 61098:2007
Radiation - Protection instrumentation - Monitor - Detection - Nuclear EN 62244:2011
Radiation - Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Force balance EN 61161:2007
Radiation conditions - Medical - X-ray equipment - Characteristics determination EN 61267:2006
Radiation environment - Insulating materials - Ionizing radiation - Classification EN 60544-4:2003
Radiation monitoring equipment - Nuclear - Light water HD 462 S1:1987
Radiation monitoring equipment - Nuclear - Tritium HD 442 S1:1983
Radiation protection - Medical equipment - X-ray - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-1-3:2008
Radiation protection - Medical equipment - X-ray equipment - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-1-3:1994
Radiator - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Cooling EN 50216-6:2002
Radiator - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Fan EN 50216-12:2011
Radio - Cable - Frequency - Coaxial - Connector EN 60966-2-3:2009
Radio - Cable - Frequency - Coaxial - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3:2009
Radio - Cable - Frequency - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3-1:2009
Radio - Connector - Circular - Sound EN 60130-9:2011
Radio - Connector - Circular connector EN 60130-9:2000
Radio - Data system - VHF/FM - Sound - Broadcasting EN 62106:2009
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity EN 55016-2-2:2011
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Antenna - Measurement EN 55016-1-4:2010
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-1-1:2007
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement EN 55016-2-4:2004
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement - Antenna calibration EN 55016-1-5:2004
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-1-2:2004
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-2-1:2004
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement - Disturbance power EN 55016-1-3:2006
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement - Disturbance power EN 55016-2-2:2004
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement - EMC EN 55016-4-2:2004
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measurement - Radiated disturbance EN 55016-1-4:2007
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measuring EN 55016-1-1:2010
Radio - Disturbance - Immunity - Measuring - Radiated EN 55016-2-3:2010
Radio - Railway - Remote control - Traction vehicle - Freight traffic CLC/TR 50452:2007
Radio and video frequencies - Television - Receiver - Measurement EN 60107-1:1997
Radio beacon receiver - Satellite - GNSS - Shipborne - Receiver equipment EN 61108-4:2004
Radio data system (RDS) - VHF/FM sound broadcasting EN 62106:2001
Radio data system (RDS) reception - Radio receiver - Measurement EN 60315-9:1996
Radio disturbance - Immunity - Conducted disturbance EN 55016-2-1:2009
Radio disturbance - Information technology equipment - Measurement EN 55022:2006
Radio disturbance - Internal combustion - Engine - Vehicle - Boat EN 55012:2007
Radio disturbance - Lighting - Measurement EN 55015:2006
Radio disturbance - Vehicle - Boat - Combustion engine - On-board receiver EN 55025:2008
Radio equipment - Satellite earth station - Frequency demodulator EN 60510-2-6:1994
Radio equipment - Satellite earth station - Frequency division multiplex (FDM) EN 60510-3-4:1994
Radio equipment - Satellite earth station - Frequency modulator EN 60510-2-5:1994
Radio equipment - Satellite earth station - Low noise amplifier HD 467.2.3 S1:1990
Radio equipment - Satellite earth station - Measurement HD 467.1.2 S1:1986
Radio frenquecy - Human exposure - Absorption rate - Wireless - Hand-held EN 62209-2:2010
Radio frequency - Alarm system - Intrusion system EN 50131-5-3:2005
Radio frequency - Broadcast - Transmitter - Exposure - Electromagnetic field EN 50554:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies EN 60966-1:1999
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Flexible EN 60966-2-1:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Flexible EN 60966-2-2:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Flexible EN 60966-2-3:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - TV receiver EN 60966-2-4:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - TV receiver EN 60966-2-5:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - TV receiver EN 60966-2-6:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3-1:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-flexible EN 60966-3-2:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-rigid EN 60966-4:2003
Radio frequency - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Semi-rigid EN 60966-4-1:2003
Radio frequency - Caxial - Cable - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-6:2009
Radio frequency - Coaxial - Cable - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-4:2009
Radio frequency - Coaxial - Cable - Assemblies - Receiver EN 60966-2-5:2009
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - 45 angle plug - Single hole,rear mounting CECC 22 231-806:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed plug - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-808:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket - Single hole, front mounting CECC 22 231-807:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-804:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-805:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 231-803:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Socket - Right angle CECC 22 231-809:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Socket - Straight CECC 22 231-810:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 231-802:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 231-801:1991
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC CECC 22 131:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Adaptor - Plug to plug CECC 22 121-814:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Adaptor - Socket to socket CECC 22 121-813:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Fixed adaptor - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 121-815:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Free socket - Clamped outer conductor CECC 22 121-805:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Plug - Clamp outer conductor CECC 22 121-801:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Plug - Crimp outer conductor CECC 22 121-802:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Right angle adaptor - Plug to socket CECC 22 121-812:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Right angle plug - Clamp outer conductor CECC 22 121-803:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Right angle socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 121-811:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Socket - 4-hole fixing CECC 22 121-804:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Socket - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 121-807:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Socket - Hermetically sealed CECC 22 121-810:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 121-809:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Socket - Single hole fixing CECC 22 121-806:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Socket - Single hole fixing CECC 22 121-808:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-801:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series BNC - T-adaptor - Plug to plug to socket CECC 22 121-816:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series EIA flange CECC 22 151:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Bulkhead socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-804:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-803:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Fixed socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-812:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Right angle - Printed circuit board socket CECC 22 221-807:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Right angle bulkhead socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-805:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-813:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Right angle plug - Flexible cable, low profile CECC 22 221-814:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-802:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Socket - Hermetic CECC 22 221-809:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-810:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-801:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-811:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Straight socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 221-806:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series MCX - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-808:1986
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Adaptor - Plug/plug CECC 22 211-816:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 211-815:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 211-817:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Fixed plug - Solder bucket CECC 22 211-810:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Free socket - Crimp type CECC 22 211-806:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-802:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-812:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Right-angle plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-804:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Right-angle plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-818:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Socket - 4-hole fixing CECC 22 211-819:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Socket - Crimp type CECC 22 211-809:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-813:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-814:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Socket - Single hole front mounting CECC 22 211-807:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Socket - Single hole rear monting CECC 22 211-811:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 211-820:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series N - Socket - Solder bucket CECC 22 211-808:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Bulkhead socket - Front mounting CECC 22 111-814:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Bulkhead socket - Rear mounting CECC 22 111-813:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Narrow flange CECC 22 111-808:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-819:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-820:1987
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Square flange CECC 22 111-805:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Fixed socket - Square flange CECC 22 111-807:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Fixed straight socket - Narrow flange CECC 22 111-806:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 111-810:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-803:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-817:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Right angle socket - Printed circuit board CECC 22 111-812:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 111-809:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-801:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-802:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-815:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-816:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Straight socket - Printed circuit board CECC 22 111-811:1985
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-804:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMA - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-818:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Fixed right angle socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-806:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-802:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-811:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Printed wiring board - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-804:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Printed wiring board socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-803:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-805:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-809:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-808:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-810:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMB - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-807:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC CECC 22 141:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Fixed right angle socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-806:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-802:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-811:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Printed wiring board - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-804:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Printed wiring board socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-803:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-805:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-809:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-808:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-810:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-801:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SMC - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-807:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA CECC 22 161:1984
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Adaptor right angle - One female, one male centre contact CECC 22 161-815:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Adaptor straight - Two female centre contact CECC 22 161-814:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Adaptor straight - Two male centre contact CECC 22 161-813:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Fixed socket - 4-hole front mounting CECC 22 161-808:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Fixed socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 161-809:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Fixed socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 161-810:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-804:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Right angle socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 161-812:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 161-803:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-801:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-802:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Straight socket - Female centre contact CECC 22 161-806:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 161-807:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Straight socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 161-811:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-805:1987
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series SSMB EN 122170:1993
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Adaptor - Plug/plug CECC 22 201-810:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 201-809:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Fixed adaptor - Panel sealed CECC 22 201-811:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Fixed socket - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 201-808:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Fixed socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 201-812:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Fixed socket - Single hole, front mounting CECC 22 201-807:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 201-806:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-803:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-804:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 201-801:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 201-802:1988
Radio frequency - Coaxial connector - Series TNC - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-805:1988
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial - CQA - Quick lock EN 61169-41:2011
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial - Series MMCX EN 122340:2002
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial - SSMA EN 61169-18:2011
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial - SSMB EN 61169-19:2011
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector EN 61169-2:2007
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector EN 122002:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector EN 122190:1994
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector CECC 22 000:1992
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Bayonet lock EN 61169-8:2007
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling EN 61169-16:2007
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 CECC 22 230:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series 1,0/2,3 CECC 22 231:1989
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series 1,4/4,4 CECC 22 250:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series 1,4/4,4 CECC 22 251:1989
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series 1,6/5,6 CECC 22 240:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series 1,6/5,6 CECC 22 241:1989
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series 7-16 CECC 22 191:1984
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series BNC EN 122120:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series BNC CECC 22 121:1979
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series EIA flange EN 122150:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series MCX CECC 22 220:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series MCX CECC 22 221:1985
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series N CECC 22 210:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series N CECC 22 211:1986
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series N - Free socket CECC 22 211-805:1988
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series N - Plug CECC 22 211-801:1988
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series N - Right-angle plug CECC 22 211-803:1988
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series SMA EN 122110:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series SMA CECC 22 111:1982
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series SMB EN 122130:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series SMC EN 122140:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series SSMA EN 122160:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series SSMB CECC 22 171:1984
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series SSMC EN 122180:1993
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series SSMC CECC 22 181:1984
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series TNC EN 122200:1994
Radio frequency - Connector - Coaxial connector - Series TNC CECC 22 201:1985
Radio frequency - Connector - STWX8 R.F connector EN 61169-37:2007
Radio frequency - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Radiated EN 61000-4-3:2006
Radio frequency - Electromagnetic field - Measurement EN 61566:1997
Radio frequency - Station - Telecommunications - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure EN 50401:2006
Radio frequency - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Low frequency EN 50109-1:1995
Radio frequency cable - Cable - Coaxial cable - Local area network EN 61196-3:1998
Radio frequency cable - Cable - Coaxial cable - Polytetrafluoroethylene insulation EN 61196-2:2003
Radio frequency circuit - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Copper wire EN 129200:1994
Radio frequency connector - Connector EN 61169-1-1:1997
Radio frequency connector - Connector EN 122001:1993
Radio frequency connector - Connector - BMA connector EN 61169-33:1997
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Coaxial connector HD 134.4 S2:1977
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Coaxial connector HD 134.5 S1:1977
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Coaxial connector HD 134.6 S1:1977
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Coaxial connector HD 134.7 S2:1995
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling EN 60169-24:1993
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling - Impedance 50 ohms EN 61169-31:1999
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Coaxial connector - Screw coupling - Impedance 50 ohms EN 61169-32:1999
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Coaxial unmatched connector HD 134.2 S2:1984
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Crimping - Dimensions HD 489 S1:1987
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Microminiature coaxial connector EN 61169-36:1997
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Miniature - Coaxial - Rack and panel applications EN 61169-29:2005
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Rigid coaxial line EN 60169-23:1993
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Screw coupling - Cable distribution system EN 61169-24:2001
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Screw coupling - Type SC-A and SC-B EN 60169-21:1997
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Shielded balanced cable EN 60169-25:1993
Radio frequency connector - Connector - Two pins connector HD 134.3 S1:1977
Radio frequency connector - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Centre contact EN 50109-2-4:1995
Radio frequency connector - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Open throat tool EN 50109-2-2:1995
Radio frequency equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Disturbance - ISM EN 55011:2007
Radio frequency equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Disturbance - ISM EN 55011:2009
Radio frequency field - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance EN 60255-22-6:2001
Radio Frequency Identification - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Electronic Article Surveillance EN 50357:2001
Radio Frequency Identification - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Limitation - Electronic Article
EN 50364:2001
Radio frequency Identification - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Short range devices EN 62369-1:2009
Radio Frequency Identification - Human exposure - Electromagnetic - Electronic Article Surveillance EN 50364:2010
Radio interference - Filter - Passive filter - Safety test EN 60939-2-1:2004
Radio interference - Filter - Passive filter - Safety test EN 60939-2-2:2004
Radio interference - Insulator - HV - Test EN 60437:1997
Radio receiver - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-4:2003
Radio receiver - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-5:2003
Radio receiver - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - TV receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-6:2003
Radio receiver - Digital satellite radio receiver (DSR) - Measurement EN 60315-7:1995
Radio receiver - Radio data system (RDS) reception - Measurement EN 60315-9:1996
Radio receiver - Receiver EN 60315-4:1998
Radio receiver - Receiver - Measurement HD 560.1 S1:1990
Radio remote control - Railway applications - Traction vehicle - Freight traffic EN 50239:1999
Radio transmission - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Figure-of-merit EN 60835-3-7:1995
Radio transmission system - Digital microwave - Radio-relay system - Antenna EN 60835-2-2:1994
Radio transmission system - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Convertor EN 60835-3-5:1994
Radio transmitter - Digital Radio broadcasting - Transmitter EN 62272-2:2007
Radio transmitter - Transmitter - Broadcast transmitter - Measurement EN 60244-1:2000
Radio transmitter - Transmitter - Television transmitter - Terrestrial - Digital EN 62273-1:2007
Radio transmitter - Transposer - Sound and television broadcasting - Characteristics EN 60244-12-1:1993
Radio transmitter - Transposer - Sound and television broadcasting - Specification EN 60244-12-2:1993
Radio-communication - Maritime - Navigation - Radar - Shipborne radar EN 62388:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Radio-frequency - Connector - Cable - Intermodulation level - Measurement EN 62037:1999
Radio-frequency - Connector - Coaxial EN 61169-35:2011
Radio-frequency - Connector - Coaxial - Screw coupling EN 61169-14:2010
Radio-frequency - Connector - Coaxial - Screw coupling EN 61169-24:2009
Radio-frequency - Connector - Coaxial - Slide-in - Type TMA EN 61169-38:2009
Radio-frequency - Connectors - CQM series - Quick lock EN 61169-39:2011
Radio-frequency - Industrial - Scientific - Medical - Disturbance EN 55011:2009/A1:2010
Radio-frequency - Radiation - Bridge wire - Electro-explosive - Inadvertent CLC/TR 50426:2004
Radio-frequency - Radiation - Ignition - flammable atmosphere - Inadvertent CLC/TR 50427:2004
Radio-frequency connector - Connector EN 61169-1:1994
Radio-frequency field - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Immunity - Disturbance EN 61000-4-6:2009
Radio-relay system - Digital - Microwave - Terrestrial - Satellite earth station EN 60835-1-1:1992
Radio-relay system - Digital - Microwave - Transmission system - Terrestrial EN 60835-2-1:1992
Radio-relay system - Radio transmission system - Digital microwave - Antenna EN 60835-2-2:1994
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial - Baseband - Measurement HD 477.3.2 S1:1988
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial - Measurement HD 477.2.1 S1:1987
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial - Measurement HD 477.2.2 S1:1987
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial - Sub-system - Measurement HD 477.1 S1:1987
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment - Diversity - Twin-path HD 477.2.6 S1:1987
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment - Frequency demodulator HD 477.2.5 S1:1987
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment - Frequency modulator HD 477.2.4 S1:1987
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment - Sound programme HD 477.3.6 S1:1988
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment - Telephony HD 477.3.4 S1:1989
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment - Television HD 477.3.3 S1:1989
Radio-relay system - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Simulated system HD 477.3 S1:1988
Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent EN 60761-1:2004
Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent - Aerosol monitor - Transuranic aerosol EN 60761-2:2004
Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent - Iodine monitor EN 60761-4:2004
Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent - Noble gas monitor EN 60761-3:2004
Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent - Tritium monitor EN 60761-5:2004
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Automatic - Identification EN 62320-2:2008
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Bridge - Alarm EN 62616:2010
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Chart system EN 62376:2011
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Digital interface - Serial data instrument network EN 61162-3:2008
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Shipborne EN 62288:2008
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Shipborne - Voyage data recorder EN 61996-1:2008
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Shipborne - Voyage data recorder EN 61996-2:2008
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Speed - Distance EN 61023:2007
Radiocommunication - Maritime - Navigation - Talker - Listener EN 61162-450:2011
Radiocommunication - Maritime navigation - Radar - Craft EN 62252:2004
Radiocommunication - Maritime, Navigation - Chart - ECDIS EN 61174:2008
Radiocommunication - Navigation - GNSS - Galileo receiver EN 61108-3:2010
Radiocommunication - Navigation - Identification - Automatic - AIS base station EN 62320-1:2007
Radiocommunication - Navigation - Maritime - Automatic Identification - CSTDMA techniques EN 62287-1:2006
Radiocommunication - Navigation - Maritime - Identification - CSTDMA EN 62287-1:2011
Radiocommunication - Navigation - Maritime - Integrated system - Testing EN 61924:2006
Radiocommunication - Navigation - Track control system - Test method EN 62065:2002
Radiocommunications - Antenna - Receiving antenna - Satellite broadcast transmission EN 61114-1:1999
Radiocommunications - Antenna - Satellite broadcast transmission - Mechanical test EN 61114-2:1996
Radiocommunications - Maritime navigation - Digital interface - High-speed transmission EN 61162-2:1998
Radiocommunications - Maritime navigation - Electronic - Chart display - Information system EN 61174:2001
Radiocommunications - Maritime navigation - Integrated bridge system (IBS) - Test method EN 61209:1999
Radiocommunications - Maritime navigation - Receiver equipment - GNSS - GLONASS EN 61108-2:1998
Radiocommunications - Maritime navigation - Ship - Testing EN 60945:2002
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Digital interface - Multiple talker - Multiple listener EN 61162-400:2002
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Digital interface - Multiple talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-410:2002
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Digital interface - Single talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-1:2008
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Digital interface - Single talker - Multiple listeners EN 61162-1:2011
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Digital interface - Talker - Listener EN 61162-401:2002
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Digital interface - Talker - Listener EN 61162-402:2005
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Digital interface - Talker - Listener EN 61162-420:2002
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Identification - Automatic identification EN 61993-2:2002
Radiocommunications - Navigation - Transponder - Digital selective calling (DSC) - VHF EN 61993-1:1999
Radiocommunications - Receiver - Amplitude modulated emission EN 60315-3:1999
Radiocommunications - Receiver - Satellite broadcast transmission - DBS tuner unit EN 61079-2:1993
Radiocommunications - Receiver - Satellite broadcast transmission - Decoder unit EN 61079-5:1993
Radiocommunications - Receiver - Satellite broadcast transmission - Outdoor unit EN 61079-1:1993
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - External intermodulation product - Antenna EN 60244-14:1997
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - FM sound broadcasting - Performance EN 60244-13:1993
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - FM sound broadcasting - Transposer EN 60244-11:1993
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Interconnection HD 577 S1:1990
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Safety EN 60215:1989
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Sound broadcasting - Amplitude-modulated - Measurement EN 60244-15:2000
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Television transmitter - Performance EN 60244-5:1994
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Television transmitter - Transposer EN 60244-10:1993
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Television transposer - Performance EN 60244-9:1994
Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Vestigial-sideband demodulator EN 60244-8:1994
Radiographic cassette - Medical - X-ray diagnosis - Mammographic cassette EN 60406:1997
Radiography - Medical,X-ray - Radioscopy - Safety EN 60601-2-54:2009
Radiology - Medical equipment - Dosimetric - X-ray tube voltage - Diagnostic EN 61676:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Radiometric - Nuclear - Instrumentation - Gauge EN 60405:2007
Radionuclide - Liquid effluent - Surface water - Water - Monitoring EN 60861:2008
Radionuclide - Medical - Imaging device - Gamma camera - Anger type EN 60789:2005
Radionuclide - Radiation - Protection - Photon radiation - Hand-held instrument EN 62327:2011
Radionuclide calibrator - Medical - Performance EN 61303:1995
Radionuclide imaging device - Medical - Gamma camera - Wholebody imaging system EN 61675-3:1998
Radionuclide imaging device - Medical - Positron emission tomograph EN 61675-1:1998
Radionuclide imaging device - Medical - Single photon emission tomograph EN 61675-2:1998
Radioscopy - Medical,X-ray - Radiography - Safety EN 60601-2-54:2009
Radiotherapy - Medical - Dosimeter - Ionization chamber EN 60731:1997
Radiotherapy - Medical - Safety - Planning system EN 62083:2009
Radiotherapy - Medical - Simulator - Performance EN 61168:1994
Radiotherapy - Medical - Treatment - Planning - Safety EN 62083:2001
Radiotherapy - Medical equipment - Record system - Verify system - Safety EN 62274:2005
Radiotherapy - Medical equipment - Simulator - Safety EN 60601-2-29:1999
Radiotherapy - Medical equipment - Simulator - Safety EN 60601-2-29:2008
Radiotherapy equipment - Medical EN 61217:1996
Rail and road vehicle - Railway - Rotating - Converter-fed motor EN 60349-2:2001
Rail and road vehicle - Vehicle - Machine - Rotating EN 60349-1:2000
Rail and road vehicle - Vehicle - Machine - Rotating EN 60349-1:2010
Rail fixing - Household - Enclosure - Built-in device - Dimension CLC/TR 50473:2007
Rails - Switchgear - Controlgear - Dimensions - Mechanical support EN 60715:2001
Railway - Architecture - Onboard - Supply CLC/TS 50534:2010
Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Audible information CLC/TS 50459-6:2005
Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Data entry CLC/TS 50459-4:2005
Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic arrangements CLC/TS 50459-2:2005
Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic arrangements CLC/TS 50459-3:2005
Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Ergonomic principles CLC/TS 50459-1:2005
Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface - Transmission module CLC/TR 50459-7:2007
Railway - Communication - Safety - Man-machine - MMI CLC/TR 50542:2010
Railway - Compatibility - Rolling stock - Detection - Track circuits CLC/TS 50238-2:2010
Railway - Cross-acceptance - Communication - Signalling - EN 50129 CLC/TR 50506-1:2007
Railway - Earthing - Bonding - Stray current - Traction EN 50122-2:2010
Railway - Electromagnetic fields - Exposure - Human EN 50500:2008
Railway - Fixed - Code of practice CLC/TS 50562:2011
Railway - Fixed installation - Protective provisions - Mutual interaction EN 50122-3:2010
Railway - Fixed installation - Traction - Contact wire - Copper EN 50149:2001
Railway - Insulation - Clearance - Creepage distance EN 50124-1:2001
Railway - Insulation - Overvoltage - Protection EN 50124-2:2001
Railway - Power - Onboard - Converter CLC/TS 50535:2010
Railway - Radio - Remote control - Traction vehicle - Freight traffic CLC/TR 50452:2007
Railway - Reliability - Availability - Maintainability - RAMS CLC/TR 50126-2:2007
Railway - Rolling stock - Capacitor - Power electronics - Paper/plastic EN 61881-1:2011
Railway - Rolling stock - Connector CLC/TS 50467:2008
Railway - Rolling stock - Intercommunication - Data dictionary CLC/TR 50501-1:2007
Railway - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Interface CLC/TS 50206-3:2010
Railway - Rolling stock - Power resistor - Resistor - Open construction EN 60322:2001
Railway - Rolling stock - Shock - Vibration - Test EN 61373:2010
Railway - Rolling stock - Track circuit - Compatibility CLC/TR 50507:2007
Railway - Rolling stock - Trolley bus - Connection - Safety CLC/TS 50502:2008
Railway - Rotating - Rail and road vehicle - Converter-fed motor EN 60349-2:2001
Railway - Rotating - Road - Vehicle - Converter-fed EN 60349-2:2010
Railway - Safery assurance - Communication - Signalling - EN 50129 CLC/TR 50506-2:2009
Railway - Safety - Overhead - Contact line - Personnel CLC/TR 50488:2006
Railway - Safety integrity CLC/TR 50451:2007
Railway - Traction - Short-primary - Linear induction - Power converter EN 62520:2011
Railway - Traction - Transformer - Coolant - Pump CLC/TS 50537-3:2010
Railway - Traction - Transformer - Cooling - Bushing CLC/TS 50537-1:2010
Railway - Traction - Transformer - Cooling - Pump CLC/TS 50537-2:2010
Railway - Traction - Transformer - Cooling - Relay CLC/TS 50537-4:2010
Railway - Transport management - Urban guided - Command/control system EN 62290-1:2006
Railway - Urban - Guided - Transport - Automated EN 62267:2009
Railway - Urban - Tansport - Command/control EN 62290-2:2011
Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Traction system - Application guide EN 50152-3-1:2003
Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Traction system - Current transformer EN 50152-3-2:2001
Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Traction system - Voltage transformer EN 50152-3-3:2001
Railway application - Closed transmission - Communication - Signalling - Safety EN 50159-1:2001
Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Protection - Software EN 50128:2001
Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Protection - Software EN 50128:2011
Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Safety EN 50159:2010
Railway application - Current collection - Pantograph - Carbon contact strip EN 50405:2006
Railway application - Current collection system - Pantograph - Overhead line - Free access EN 50367:2006
Railway application - Fixed installation - Converter - Substation EN 50328:2003
Railway application - Fixed installation - Converter group - Rated value - Test EN 50327:2003
Railway application - Fixed installation - Insulation - Synthetic rope - Overhead contact line EN 50345:2009
Railway application - Fixed installation - Overhead - Contact line EN 50119:2001
Railway application - Fixed installation - Overhead - Contact line EN 50119:2009
Railway application - Fixed installation - Traction - Insulation - Overhead contact line EN 50345:2004
Railway application - Fixed installation - Traction - Insulator - Composite insulator EN 50151:2003
Railway application - Fixed installation - Transformer - Traction transformer EN 50329:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Railway application - Open transmission - Communication - Signalling - Safety EN 50159-2:2001
Railway application - Pantograph - Overhead contact line - Dynamic interaction - Measurement EN 50317:2002
Railway application - Pantograph - Overhead contact line - Dynamic interaction - Simulation EN 50318:2002
Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance EN 50355:2003
Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-1:2002
Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-3:2002
Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-4:2002
Railway application - Rolling stock - Cabling EN 50343:2003
Railway application - Rolling stock - Lamp - Fluorescent EN 50311:2003
Railway application - Rolling stock - Power supply - Substation - Interoperability EN 50388:2005
Railway application - Rolling stock - Single core Cable - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-2:2002
Railway application - Rolling stock - Train detection - Compatibility - Axle counter CLC/TS 50238-3:2010
Railway application - Rolling stock - Train detection - Compatibility - Track circuit EN 50238:2003
Railway applications - AC - Switchgear - Circuit-breaker EN 50152-1:2007
Railway applications - AC - Switchgear - Single-phase disconnector - Earthing switch EN 50152-2:2007
Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - High temperature - Rolling stock EN 50382-1:2008
Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - High temperature - Silicone rubber insulated EN 50382-2:2008
Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-2-1:2008
Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-2-2:2008
Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-3-1:2008
Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-3-2:2008
Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Standard wall EN 50264-1:2008
Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Assemblies EN 50123-6:2003
Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Surge arrester - Limiter EN 50123-5:2003
Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Traction system - Application guide EN 50123-7-1:2003
Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Transducer - Current measuring device EN 50123-7-2:2003
Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Transducer - Voltage measuring device EN 50123-7-3:2003
Railway applications - Driver-Machine interface CLC/TS 50459-5:2005
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 50121-1:2006
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Outside world EN 50121-2:2006
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power supply - Fixed installation EN 50121-5:2006
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Rolling stock - Apparatus EN 50121-3-2:2006
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Signalling - Telecommunications - Immunity EN 50121-4:2006
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Train - Complete vehicle - Rolling stock EN 50121-3-1:2006
Railway applications - Electronic system - Communication - Signalling - Processing EN 50129:2003
Railway applications - Fixed installation - Earthing - Bonding - Protective provision EN 50122-1:2011
Railway applications - Fixed installation - Environmental conditions EN 50125-2:2002
Railway applications - Fixed installation - Protective provision EN 50122-1:1997
Railway applications - Protective provision - Stray current - Traction system EN 50122-2:1998
Railway applications - Radio remote control - Traction vehicle - Freight traffic EN 50239:1999
Railway applications - Reliability - Availability - Maintainability - Safety EN 50126-1:1999
Railway applications - Rolling stock CLC/TR 50126-3:2008
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance - Test method EN 50305:2002
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Electronic equipment EN 50155:2007
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Electrotechnical component - DC circuit breaker EN 60077-3:2002
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Environmental conditions EN 50125-1:1999
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment EN 60077-1:2002
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 60077-4:2003
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment - Electrotechnical component EN 60077-2:2002
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Equipment - HV - Fuse EN 60077-5:2003
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Motor - AC - Indirect convertor EN 61377-3:2002
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Motor - Chopper-fed traction EN 61377-2:2002
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Motor - Inverter-fed motor - AC EN 61377-1:2006
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Main line vehicle EN 50206-1:1998
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Main line vehicle EN 50206-1:2010
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Metro - Light rail vehicle EN 50206-2:1999
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantograph - Metro - Light rail vehicle EN 50206-2:2010
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Protective provision - hazard EN 50153:2002
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Testing EN 50215:1999
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Testing EN 50215:2009
Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitor - Power electronics EN 61881:1999
Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Shock test - Vibration test EN 61373:1999
Railway applications - Signalling - Telecommunications - Environmental conditions EN 50125-3:2003
Railway applications - Switchgear - DC EN 50123-1:2003
Railway applications - Switchgear - DC - Circuit-breaker EN 50123-2:2003
Railway applications - Switchgear - DC - Disconnector EN 50123-3:2003
Railway applications - Switchgear - DC - Disconnector - Earthing switch EN 50123-4:2003
Railway applications - Traction - Transformer - Inductor - Rolling stock EN 60310:2004
Railway applications - Traction system - Supply voltage EN 50163:2004
Railway applications - Train - Energy measurment EN 50463:2007
RAMS - Railway - Reliability - Availability - Maintainability CLC/TR 50126-2:2007
Random mated - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Connector EN 61300-3-34:2009
Random vibration - Electromechanical component - Electronic equipment - Dynamic stress test - Test EN 60512-6-5:1999
Range hood - Household - Airborne - Acoustical - Noise EN 60704-2-13:2011
Range hood - Household appliances - Hood - Safety EN 60335-2-31:2003
Range hood - Household appliances - Test - Code - Airborne acoustical noise EN 60704-2-13:2000
Rate - Reliability - Failure - Intensity - Compliance test EN 61124:2006
Rated current - High frequency - Inductive component - Converter EN 62024-2:2009
Rated value - Railway application - Fixed installation - Converter group - Test EN 50327:2003
Rated voltage - Cable - Distribution cable HD 620 S1:1996
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Rated voltage - Cable - Distribution cable HD 620 S2:2010
Rated voltage - Cable - Power cable - Power station HD 622 S1:1996
Rated voltages - Marking - Electrical equipment CLC Guide 6:2001
Ratified standard - Implementation date CLC Guide 19:2001
Rating - Capacitor - Motor - AC - Safety EN 60252-1:2011
Rating - Circuit - Semiconductor - Optoelectronic - Characteristic EN 60747-5-2:2001
Rating - Machine - Rotating - Performance EN 60034-1:2004
Rating - Machine - Rotating - Performance EN 60034-1:2010
Rating - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Load duty CLC/TR 61800-6:2007
Rating - Pumping system - Photovoltaic - Direct coupled EN 61702:1999
Rating specification - Power drive - Adjustable frequency - LV EN 61800-2:1998
Rating specifications - Power drive - Adjustable speed - AC EN 61800-4:2003
Rating specifications - Power drive - Adjustable speed - LV - DC EN 61800-1:1998
Ratio measurement - Superconductivity - Residual - Resistance - Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-4:2011
Ratio measurement - Superconductivity - Residual - Resistance - Nb3Sn composite EN 61788-11:2011
RCBO - Circuit-breaker - Residual current - Overcurrent protection - Applicability EN 61009-2-1:1994
RCCB - Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - Overcurrent protection EN 61008-1:2004
RCCB - Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - Overcurrent protection EN 61008-1:2004/IS1:2007
RCCO - Circuit-breaker - Residual current operated - Overcurrent protection EN 61009-1:2004
RDI - Broadcast - Digital - Audio - Receiver data interface EN 62105:2002
RDS - Receiver EN 62634:2011
Re-used part - Dependability - Quality - Functionality - Test EN 62309:2004
Reactive compound - Electrical insulation - Resin EN 60455-1:1998
Reactive compound - Electrical insulation - Resin - Test method EN 60455-2:1999
Reactive compound - Insulation - Resin - Filled polyurethane EN 60455-3-4:2003
Reactive compound - Insulation - Resin - Quartz filled - Epoxy resinous compound EN 60455-3-2:2003
Reactive compound - Insulation - Resin - Unfilled epoxy EN 60455-3-1:2003
Reactive compound - Insulation - Resin - Unfilled polyurethane EN 60455-3-3:2003
Reactive compound - Insulation - Resin - Unsaturated polyester - Impregnating resin EN 60455-3-5:2006
Reactive energy - Metering equipment - Static meter EN 62053-23:2003
Reactor - Bushing - Transformer - Cable box EN 50336:2002
Reactor - Cable - Oil-immersed - Connection - Transformer EN 50299:2002
Reactor - Convertor - Transformer - Line commutated EN 60146-1-3:1993
Reactor - Nuclear - Power plant - Control room - Shutdown EN 60965:2011
Reactor - Power transformer - Loss measurement - Uncertainties CLC/TR 50462:2008
Reactor - Safety - Transformer - Bell - Chime EN 61558-2-8:2010
Reactor - Safety - Transformer - Ignition - Burner EN 61558-2-3:2010
Reactor - Safety - Transformer - Shaver EN 61558-2-5:2010
Reactor - Transformer - Power supply - Auto transformer EN 61558-2-13:2009
Reactor - Transformer - Power supply - EMC EN 62041:2010
Reactor - Transformer - Power supply - Isolation EN 61558-2-4:2009
Reactor - Transformer - Power supply - Isolation - Safety EN 61558-2-6:2009
Reactor - Transformer - Power supply - Separating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-1:2007
Reactor - Transformer - Power supply - Switch mode EN 61558-2-16:2009
Reactor - Transformer - Power supply unit - Construction site - Safety EN 61558-2-23:2010
Reactor - Transformer - Power transformer EN 60076-6:2008
Reactor - Transformer - Power transformer - Fitting EN 50216-1:2002
Reactor - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-20:2000
Reactor - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Test EN 61558-1:2005
Reactor - Transformer - Small - Power supply - Safety EN 61558-2-20:2011
Reactor - Transformer - Tungsten - Handlamp - Filament EN 61558-2-9:2011
Reactor fitting - Power transformer - Butterfly valve - Insulating liquid EN 50216-8:2005
Reactor fitting - Transformer - Power transformer - Cooling - Radiator EN 50216-6:2002
reactor fitting - transformer - power transformer - liquid level - pressure device EN 50216-3:2002
Reactor fitting - Transformer - Power transformer - Liquid level - Pressure device EN 50216-5:2002
Reactor fitting - Transformer - Power transformer - Oil - Pump EN 50216-7:2002
Reactor fitting - Transformer - Power transformer - Oil - Winding EN 50216-11:2008
Reactor fitting - Transformer - Power transformer - Radiator - Fan EN 50216-12:2011
Reactor fitting - Transformer - Power transformer - Relay - Liquid immersed EN 50216-2:2002
Reactor fitting - Transformer - Power transformer - Thermometer pocket - Wheel assembly EN 50216-4:2002
Reactors - Transformer - Power supply - Constant voltage - Safety EN 61558-2-12:2011
Read only - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Silicon monolithic - Memory CECC 90 105:1986
Real-ear - Electroacoustics - Hearing aid - Acoustical - Measurement EN 61669:2001
Real-time - Industrial - Communication - Network - Profile EN 61784-2:2010
Real-time network - Industrial - Communication - Network - Fieldbus EN 61784-2:2008
Rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Bulkhead socket CECC 22 111-813:1985
Receiver - Broadcast - Sound - Television - Immunity EN 55020:2007
Receiver - Broadcasting - DAB command - Digital - Audio EN 50320:2000
Receiver - DAB EN 62104:2007
Receiver - Digital - Terrestrial - Television - DVB-T system EN 62216:2011
Receiver - DVB receiver - Characteristics EN 50256:1998
Receiver - Home server - Multimedia - Broadcasting - Architecture EN 62328-1:2005
Receiver - Home server - Multimedia - Broadcasting - Recording structure EN 62328-2:2005
Receiver - Metering equipment - Tariff - Load control - Ripple control EN 62054-11:2004
Receiver - Optic - Fibre optic - Transmitter - LC connector EN 62148-16:2009
Receiver - Radio frequency - Caxial - Cable - Assemblies EN 60966-2-6:2009
Receiver - Radio frequency - Coaxial - Cable - Assemblies EN 60966-2-4:2009
Receiver - Radio frequency - Coaxial - Cable - Assemblies EN 60966-2-5:2009
Receiver - Radio receiver EN 60315-4:1998
Receiver - Radio receiver - Measurement HD 560.1 S1:1990
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Alphabetical Index

Receiver - Radiocommunications - Amplitude modulated emission EN 60315-3:1999
Receiver - Radiocommunications - Satellite broadcast transmission - DBS tuner unit EN 61079-2:1993
Receiver - Radiocommunications - Satellite broadcast transmission - Decoder unit EN 61079-5:1993
Receiver - Radiocommunications - Satellite broadcast transmission - Outdoor unit EN 61079-1:1993
Receiver - RDS EN 62634:2011
Receiver - Satellite broadcast transmission - Measurement EN 61079-3:1993
Receiver - Ship - Loran-C receiver EN 61075:1993
Receiver - Ship - Omega receiver EN 61110:1992
Receiver - Sound - Television - Disturbance - Measurement EN 55013:2001
Receiver - Television - Audio channel - Measurement - Monophonic EN 60107-2:1997
Receiver - Television - Broadcast transmission EN 60107-8:1997
Receiver - Television - Digital EN 62028:2004
Receiver - Television - Digital - DVB-T system - Baseline receiver EN 62216-1:2002
Receiver - Television - HDTV display EN 60107-7:1997
Receiver - Television - Multichannel - NICAM EN 60107-5:1992
Receiver - Television - Non-standard broadcast signal HD 567.6 S1:1990
Receiver - Television - Radio and video frequencies - Measurement EN 60107-1:1997
Receiver - Television - Satellite - Digital - Low data rate return channel EN 50478:2007
Receiver - Terrestrial - Digital - Multimedia - Broadcasting EN 62516-1:2009
Receiver Data Interface (RDI) - Audio - Digital audio broadcasting system EN 50255:1997
Receiver data interface - Broadcast - Digital - Audio - RDI EN 62105:2002
Receiver equipment - Global positioning system - GPS - GNSS - Test EN 61108-1:2003
Receiver equipment - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - GNSS - GLONASS EN 61108-2:1998
Receiver equipment - Satellite - GNSS - Shipborne - Radio beacon receiver EN 61108-4:2004
Receiver sensitivity - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Overload measurement EN 61280-2-1:1999
Receiver sensitivity - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Overload measurement EN 61280-2-1:2010
Receiving antenna - Radiocommunications - Antenna - Satellite broadcast transmission EN 61114-1:1999
Receiving centre - Alarm - Monitoring EN 50518-1:2010
Receiving centre - Alarm - Monitoring EN 50518-2:2010
Receiving centre - Alarm - Monitoring EN 50518-3:2011
Receiving centre - Alarm system - Transmission - Annunciation equipment CLC/TS 50136-4:2004
Recessed luminaire - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-2:1996
Rechargeable - Battery - Alkaline - Nickel-cadmium cell - Prismatic EN 60623:2001
Rechargeable - Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Nickel-cadmium EN 61951-1:2003
Rechargeable - Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Nickel-metal hydride EN 61951-2:2003
Rechargeable - Battery - Alkaline - Non-acid - Nickel-metal hydride EN 61951-2:2011
Rechargeable - Battery - Non-acid electrolyte - Sealed nickel-cadmium cell - Prismatic EN 60622:2003
Rechargeable battery - Connector - Interconnection device - Multi-directional mating - Battery EN 60130-17:1999
Recipe - Batch - Control - Site - Model EN 61512-3:2008
Reciprocating internal combustion - Machine - Rotating - AC - Generator EN 60034-22:1997
Reciprocating saw - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Saw EN 60745-2-11:2003
Reciprocity technique - Electroacoutstics - Microphone - Pressure - Calibration EN 61094-2:2009
Reciprocity technique - Microphone - Measurement - Calibration - Free-field calibration EN 61094-3:1995
Reciprocity technique - Microphone - Measurement - Calibration - Pressure EN 61094-2:1993
Reclamation - Explosive - Atmosphere - Repair - Overhaul EN 60079-19:2011
Recommendations - Surge arrester - Selection EN 60099-5:1996
Record - Batch - Control - Batch production EN 61512-4:2010
Record management - Interface - Distribution management - Asset management EN 61968-4:2007
Record system - Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Verify system - Safety EN 62274:2005
Recorder - Audio - Magnetic tape EN 61120-4:1992
Recorder - Audio - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system HD 311.6 S1:1987
Recorder - Audio - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system EN 61120-1:1993
Recorder - Audio - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system - Format A EN 61120-2:1993
Recorder - Audio - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system - Format B EN 61120-3:1993
Recorder - Audio - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system - Reel EN 61120-5:1995
Recorder - Audio - Magnetic tape - Time code - Address code HD 311.10 S1:1989
Recorder - Broadcast - Digital video tape - Identification - Error status EN 62070:2001
Recorder - Video - Video tape recorder - Time code - Control code EN 60461:2001
Recorder/player - Minidisc - Measurement EN 62121:2001
Recording - Audio recording - Minidisc system EN 61909:2000
Recording - HD - Link EN 62546:2009
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital - Video cassette - HDV format EN 61834-11:2008
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Character information system EN 61834-5:1998
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-1:1998
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - DTV format EN 61834-10:2001
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - DVB format EN 61834-9:2001
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - EDTV2 format EN 61834-7:2001
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - HD format EN 61834-3:2000
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - Pack header table EN 61834-4:1998
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - PALplus format EN 61834-8:2001
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - SD format EN 61834-2:1998
Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use - SDL format EN 61834-6:2000
Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - Compression format EN 62330-2:2004
Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - Data stream format EN 62330-3:2004
Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape - VTR specifications EN 62330-1:2004
Recording - High density - CD-R/RW disc - HD-BURN format EN 62403:2006
Recording - Magnetic tape - Helical-scan - Digital component - Video cassette EN 61016:2001
Recording - Medical equipment - Analyse - Single/multi channel - Electrocardiograph EN 60601-2-51:2003
Recording - Video - Digital - Helical-scan - Compression EN 62289:2003
Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - DCT compression - Data mapping over SDTI EN 62356-3:2004
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Alphabetical Index

Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - DCT compression - Picture EN 62356-2:2004
Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - DCT compression - Tape recording EN 62356-1:2004
Recording instrument - Measuring instrument - Direct acting HD 368 S1:1978
Recording structure - Home server - Multimedia - Receiver - Broadcasting EN 62328-2:2005
Recording system - Video - Floppy disc - Still video EN 61122:1993
Recreational vehicle - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises EN 50291-2:2010
Recreational vehicle - Combustible gas - Detection - Performance - Test EN 50194-2:2006
Rectangular - Connector - 4 pole - PE power: Push-pull coupling EN 61076-3-118:2010
Rectangular - Connector - Electronic - Protective houshing - Industrial environment EN 61076-3-106:2006
Rectangular - Connector - Flat contact - Locking screw EN 175301-803:2006
Rectangular - Connector - Frequency below 3 MHz CECC 75 301:1990
Rectangular - Connector - High density - Crimp contact EN 175301-801:2006
Rectangular - Connector - High performance - Serial bus - Consumer equipment EN 61076-3-112:2006
Rectangular - Connector - High-speed data - Trapezoidal shaped shell - Non-removable EN 61076-3-101:1997
Rectangular - Connector - High-speed data - Trapezoidal shaped shell - Ribbon contact EN 61076-3-100:2000
Rectangular - Connector - Printed board - Trapezoidal shell - Round contact CECC 75 301-802:1994
Rectangular - Connector - Protective housing - Industrial environment - Bayonet coupling EN 61076-3-114:2009
Rectangular - Connector - Protective housing - Industrial environment - Push-pull type EN 61076-3-115:2010
Rectangular - Connector - Ribbon cable contact - Single row - High speed serial data EN 61076-3-103:2004
Rectangular - Low power - Film - SMD - Resistor EN 140401-804:2011
Rectangular - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - SMD EN 140401-801:2007
Rectangular - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - SMD EN 140401-802:2007
Rectangular - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) EN 60191-6-12:2002
Rectangular connector - Connector EN 175300:1996
Rectangular connector - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - High-speed data EN 61076-3-001:2000
Rectangular connector - Connector - DC - Low-frequency - High-speed data application EN 61076-3:2000
Rectangular connector - Connector - Electronic equipment EN 61076-3:2008
Rectangular connector - Connector - Electronic equipment EN 61076-3-001:2008
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire EN 60317-0-2:1998
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Temperature index 220 EN 60317-53:1999
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide - Class 240 EN 60317-47:1997
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide tape - Class 240 EN 60317-44:1997
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre EN 60317-0-4:1998
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Temperature index 155 EN 60317-32:1996
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-31:1996
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-39:1994
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-33:1996
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-40:1994
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Paper tape EN 60317-27:1998
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Class 200 EN 60317-29:1996
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Class 180 EN 60317-28:1996
Rectangular copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyvinyl acetal - Class 120 EN 60317-18:2004
Rectangular waveguide - Waveguide - Flange EN 60154-2:1997
Rectangular waveguide - Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide HD 123.2 S1:1977
Rectangular waveguide interface - Waveguide - Reflection coefficient EN 61580-9:1996
Recurrent - Medical - Test - After repair test EN 62353:2008
Reduction - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Dust emission EN 45510-4-1:1999
Redundancy - Communication - Network - Automation - Media EN 62439-2:2010
Redundancy protocol - Communication - Network - Automation - Beacon EN 62439-5:2010
Redundancy protocol - Communication - Network - Automation - Cross-network EN 62439-4:2010
Redundancy protocol - Communication - Network - Automation - Seamless ring EN 62439-3:2010
Redundant - Communication - Safety-relevant - CANopen-Safety EN 50325-5:2010
Reed - Contact unit EN 62246-1:2011
Reed contact unit EN 62246-1:2002
Reed contact unit - Switch - Heavy-duty EN 62246-2:2008
Reel - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel-to-reel system EN 61120-5:1995
Reel - Cable - Industrial EN 61316:1999
Reel - Electrical accessories - Cable - Household EN 61242:1997
Reel-to-reel system - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Format A EN 61595-1:1997
Reel-to-reel system - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Format B EN 61595-2:1998
Reel-to-reel system - Audio - Digital audio tape recorder (DATR) - Multichannel - Professional use EN 61595-3:1999
Reel-to-reel system - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape HD 311.6 S1:1987
Reel-to-reel system - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape EN 61120-1:1993
Reel-to-reel system - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Format A EN 61120-2:1993
Reel-to-reel system - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Format B EN 61120-3:1993
Reel-to-reel system - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Reel EN 61120-5:1995
Reference designation - Industrial - Structuring principle EN 81346-1:2009
Reference designations - Industrial installation - Structuring principles - Classification - Code EN 61346-2:2000
Reference device - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Solar device EN 60904-2:2007
Reference library - Graphical symbol - Computer sensible form - Interchange EN 81714-2:2007
Reference table - Thermocouple EN 60584-1:1995
Reference tape - Video - Video tape recorder EN 61105:1993
Reflectance parameter - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-2:2004
Reflectance parameters - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-1:2006
Reflectance parameters - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-3:2002
Reflection - Connector - Electronic equipment - Screening - Filtering EN 60512-23-4:2001
Reflection coefficient - Connector - Electronic equipment - Wave ratio - VSWR EN 60512-25-7:2005
Reflection coefficient - Waveguide - Rectangular waveguide interface EN 61580-9:1996
Reflective print - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Printer EN 61966-7-1:2006
Reflective type - Liquid - Crystal - Display - Measurement EN 61747-6-2:2011
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Alphabetical Index

Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - Time-domain - OTDR EN 61746-2:2011
Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - Time-domain - OTDRS EN 61746:2005
Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - Time-domain - OTDRS EN 61746-1:2011
Reflector - Measurement - Intensity - Beam angle - Lamp EN 61341:2011
Refrigerating appliances - Household appliances - Ice maker - Safety EN 60335-2-24:2003
Refrigeration - Household - Condensing Unit - Compressor - Safety EN 60335-2-89:2010
Refrigeration - Household - Ice maker - Ice-cream - Safety EN 60335-2-24:2010
Refrigeration - Household appliances - Compressor - Safety EN 60335-2-89:2002
Registration - Symbol - Graphical symbol - Creation EN 80416-1:2009
Regulations - Interrelation - Standards - Ways of application - Harmonization CLC Guide 3:2001
Regulator - Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - Constant current EN 61822:2003
Regulator - Lighting - Beaconing - Aerodrome - Current EN 61822:2009
Regulator - Voltage regulator - Integrated CECC 90 201:1988
Reheater - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Moisture - Separator EN 45510-6-7:1998
Reinforced base materials - Interconnecting structure - Adhesive coated - Polyester film EN 61249-3-3:1999
Reinforced base materials - Interconnecting structure - Adhesive coated - Polyimide film EN 61249-3-4:1999
Reinforced base materials - Interconnecting structure - Cyanate ester - Aramid laminate - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-13:1999
Reinforced base materials - Interconnecting structure - Epoxide - Aramid laminate - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-12:1999
Reinforced base materials - Interconnecting structure - Printed board - Epoxide - fibreglass EN 61249-2-19:2002
Reinforced base materials - Interconnecting structure - Transfer adhesive film EN 61249-3-5:1999
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Bismaleimide/triazine - Burning test EN 61249-2-9:2003
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Brominated epoxide - Burning Test EN 61249-2-6:2003
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Brominated epoxide - Cellulose paper EN 61249-2-5:2003
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Cyanate ester - Brominted epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-10:2003
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Epoxide woven E-glass - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-7:2002
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Modified brominated epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-8:2003
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Non-halogenated epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-21:2003
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Phenolic cellulose parper - Copper clad EN 61249-2-1:2005
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Phenolic cellulose parper - Copper clad EN 61249-2-2:2005
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Polyester - Non-woven fibreglass - copper-clad EN 61249-2-18:2002
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Polyester - Non-woven/woven fibreglass - Copper-clad EN 61249-2-4:2002
Reinforced base materials - Printed board - Polyimide - Brominated epoxide - Burning test EN 61249-2-11:2003
Relationship - Third countries CLC Guide 7:2001
Relay - 2 change-over - Contact 1 A CECC 16 205-801:1994
Relay - All-or-nothing - Electromechanical - Heavy load relay EN 116300:1993
Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 205-802:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-802:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-803:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-804:1999
Relay - All-or-nothing - Environmental conditions - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 207-805:1999
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Bistable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-810:1999
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 1 change-over CECC 16 303-808:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 1 change-over CECC 16 303-809:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-801:1999
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 2 change-over CECC 16 303-803:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 3 change-over CECC 16 303-805:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 3 change-over CECC 16 303-807:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 4 change-over CECC 16 303-802:1999
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 4 change-over CECC 16 303-804:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Heavy load relay - Monostable - 6 change-over CECC 16 303-806:1997
Relay - All-or-nothing - Severe environmental conditions EN 116200:1991
Relay - Contact - Forcibly guided contact - Mechanically linked EN 50205:2002
Relay - Electrical relay - Protection equipment - Insulation - Test EN 60255-5:2001
Relay - Electrical relay - Single input - Energizing quantity EN 60255-3:1998
Relay - Electrical relay - Thermal electrical relay EN 60255-8:1998
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Aggressive industrial application EN 116204:1994
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Enhanced industrial application EN 116203:1994
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Generic specification EN 61811-1:1999
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-52:2002
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-53:2002
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-54:2002
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-55:2002
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - Assessed quality EN 61811-50:2002
Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Telecom relay - Non-standardized EN 61811-51:2002
Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary EN 61810-7:2006
Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary - Industrial application EN 61811-10:2003
Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary - Industrial application EN 61811-11:2003
Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary - Reliability EN 61810-2:2011
Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary - Reliability - B10 values EN 61810-2-1:2011
Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary relay EN 61810-1:2008
Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary relay - Reliability EN 61810-2:2005
Relay - Environmental conditions - Hermetically sealed relay EN 116205-206-207:1995
Relay - Heavy load relay EN 116303:1993
Relay - Industrial use - Test EN 61812-1:1996
Relay - Measuring relay - Electromagnetic emission - Protection - Test EN 60255-25:2000
Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment EN 60255-6:1994
Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Burst immunity - Test EN 60255-22-1:2008
Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance - Radio frequency field EN 60255-22-6:2001
Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Measuring relay - Test EN 60255-26:2005
Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Power frequency immunity - Test EN 60255-22-7:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Product safety EN 60255-27:2005
Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Surbe immunity - Test EN 60255-22-5:2002
Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Vibration - Shock and bump test EN 60255-21-2:1995
Relay - Measuring relay - Transient data exchange - Power system - COMTRADE EN 60255-24:2001
Relay - Measuring relay - Vibration - Protection equipment - Seismic test EN 60255-21-3:1995
Relay - Measuring relay - Vibration test - Protection equipment - Seismic test EN 60255-21-1:1995
Relay - Protection - Current - Over - Under EN 60255-151:2009
Relay - Protection - Disturbance - Surge immunity - Test EN 60255-22-5:2011
Relay - Protection - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC EN 60255-26:2009
Relay - Protection - Measuring EN 60255-1:2010
Relay - Protection - Voltage dip - Interruption - Ripple EN 60255-11:2010
Relay - Protection equipment - Disturbance test - Radiated - Electromagnetic field EN 60255-22-3:2008
Relay - Protection equipment - Protection communication interfacing EN 61733-1:1996
Relay - Railway - Traction - Transformer - Cooling CLC/TS 50537-4:2010
Relay - Relay socket - Assessed quality EN 147100:1993
Relay - Relay socket - Assessed quality EN 147101:1994
Relay - Severe airborne environmental conditions - Monostable CECC 16 207-801:1997
Relay - Solid state EN 62314:2006
relay - Time - Industrial - Residential EN 61812-1:2011
Relay - Time-delay relay EN 116000-2:1992
Relay - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Liquid immersed EN 50216-2:2002
Relay socket - Relay - Assessed quality EN 147100:1993
Relay socket - Relay - Assessed quality EN 147101:1994
Relay:Motor starting relay - Household use - Control - Automatic EN 60730-2-10:2007
Release source - Ventilation - Transportable EN 50381:2004
Reliability - Availability - Maintainability - Mathematical expression EN 61703:2002
Reliability - Dependability - Maintenance EN 60300-3-11:2009
Reliability - Dynamic EN 62343-2:2011
Reliability - Electromechanical - Elementary - Relay EN 61810-2:2011
Reliability - Electromechanical - Elementary - Relay - B10 values EN 61810-2-1:2011
Reliability - Electronic component - Failure rate - Stress model EN 61709:1998
Reliability - Electronic component - Failure rate - Stress model EN 61709:2011
Reliability - Failure - Rate - Intensity - Compliance test EN 61124:2006
Reliability - Failure mode - Effect analysis - FMEA EN 60812:2006
Reliability - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ageing test - Temperature EN 62005-2:2001
Reliability - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Failure - Test EN 62005-3:2001
Reliability - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Introductory guide - Definition EN 62005-1:2001
Reliability - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Optical components - Life stress modeling EN 62005-7:2004
Reliability - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Optical components - Screening EN 62005-4:1999
Reliability - Growth - Stress testing - Failure - Unique complex EN 62429:2008
Reliability - Laser module - Telecommunication EN 61751:1998
Reliability - Liquid - Crystal - Display - Glass strength EN 61747-5-3:2010
Reliability - Metering equipment - Dependability - Temperature - Humidity EN 62059-31-1:2008
Reliability - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Qualification EN 61291-5-2:2002
Reliability - Railway - Availability - Maintainability - RAMS CLC/TR 50126-2:2007
Reliability - Railway applications - Availability - Maintainability - Safety EN 50126-1:1999
Reliability - Relay - Electromechanical - Elementary relay EN 61810-2:2005
Reliability - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Non-hermetic EN 60749-30:2005
Reliability - Stress screening - Repairable - Lot EN 61163-1:2006
Reliability assessment EN 62308:2006
Reliability block diagram - Dependability - Boolean EN 61078:2006
Reliability growth - Programme EN 61014:2003
Reliability growth - Statistics - Estimation EN 61164:2004
Reliability management - Inductive component EN 62211:2004
Reliability prediction - Metering equipment - Dependability EN 62059-41:2006
Remelting furnace - Heating installation - Furnace - Electroslag EN 60779:2005
Remote control - Railway - Radio - Traction vehicle - Freight traffic CLC/TR 50452:2007
Remote power feeding - Information technology - Safety EN 60950-21:2003
Remote-control - Switch - Household installation - Fixed - Electromagnetic EN 60669-2-2:2006
Repair - Explosive - Atmosphere - Overhaul - Reclamation EN 60079-19:2011
Repair - Explosive - Gas atmosphere - Overhaul - Apparatus EN 60079-19:2007
Repair - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered - Rework EN 61192-5:2007
Repairable - Reliability - Stress screening - Lot EN 61163-1:2006
Repetitive impulse - Insulation - Electrical stress - Endurance EN 62068-1:2003
Reporting - Building - Electrical installation - Verification - Testing HD 60364-6:2007
Reproducing equipment - Audio - Analogue disc record HD 337 S3:1989
Requirement - Medical equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Test - Safety EN 60601-1-2:2001
Requirements - Lighting - Control gear - Sequencer - Type 9 EN 62386-210:2011
Rescue - Global maritime distress and safety system - Radar - Transponder - Search EN 61097-1:2007
Rescue - Maritime - Distress - Safety - Transmitter EN 61097-14:2010
Residential - Cables - Telecommunications - Screened - Indoor EN 50441-2:2006
Residential - Cables - Telecommunications - Un-screened - Indoor EN 50441-1:2006
Residential - Cables - Telecommunications - Un-screened - Indoor EN 50441-3:2006
Residential - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emmission standard - Commercial - Light-industrial EN 61000-6-3:2007
Residential - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Commercial - Light-industrial EN 61000-6-1:2007
Residential - Information technology - Cabling - Backbone - Multi-tenant buildings CLC/TR 50173-99-2:2010
Residential - Time - relay - Industrial EN 61812-1:2011
Residential use - Household appliances - Garage door - Vertical move - Safety EN 60335-2-95:2004
Residual - Current operated - Circuit-breaker - Overcurrent protection - Household EN 62423:2009
Residual - Superconductivity - Resistance - Ratio measurement - Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-4:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Residual - Superconductivity - Resistance - Ratio measurement - Nb3Sn composite EN 61788-11:2011
Residual current - Accessories - Portable - Protection - PRCD HD 639 S1:2002
Residual current - Circuit-breaker - Applicability EN 61008-2-1:1994
Residual current - Circuit-breaker - RCBO - Overcurrent protection - Applicability EN 61009-2-1:1994
Residual current - Distribution system - Protective measure - Monitor - IT system EN 61557-11:2009
Residual current device (RCD) - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-6:2007
Residual current device (RCD) - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61543:1995
Residual current monitor (RCM) - Monitor - Household use - Accessories EN 62020:1998
Residual current operated - Circuit-breaker - Overcurrent protection - RCCB EN 61008-1:2004
Residual current operated - Circuit-breaker - Overcurrent protection - RCCB EN 61008-1:2004/IS1:2007
Residual current operated - Circuit-breaker - Overcurrent protection - RCCO EN 61009-1:2004
Residual resistance ratio - Superconductivity - Superconductor - Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-4:2007
Residual resistance ratio - Superconductor - Nb3Sn composite EN 61788-11:2003
Resilient - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Alignment sleeve - Adaptor EN 61300-3-42:2008
Resin - Electrical insulation - Reactive compound EN 60455-1:1998
Resin - Electrical insulation - Reactive compound - Test method EN 60455-2:1999
Resin - Insulation - Reactive compound - Filled polyurethane EN 60455-3-4:2003
Resin - Insulation - Reactive compound - Quartz filled - Epoxy resinous compound EN 60455-3-2:2003
Resin - Insulation - Reactive compound - Unfilled epoxy EN 60455-3-1:2003
Resin - Insulation - Reactive compound - Unfilled polyurethane EN 60455-3-3:2003
Resin - Insulation - Reactive compound - Unsaturated polyester - Impregnating resin EN 60455-3-5:2006
Resinous compoun - Material characterisation - Cable - Accessories - Fingerprinting HD 631.1 S2:2007
Resistance - Cable - Communication - Test method - Insulation EN 50289-1-4:2001
Resistance - Cable - Fire resistance - Emergency circuit - Test EN 50200:2006
Resistance - Cable - Insulating materials - Polyethylene - Polypropylene EN 60811-4-1:2004
Resistance - Connector - Cable - Clamp - Rotation EN 60512-17-2:2011
Resistance - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Shunt EN 60512-21-1:2010
Resistance - Connector - Electronic equipment - Insulation - Test EN 60512-3-1:2002
Resistance - Connector - Electronic equipment - Soldering heat - Solder bath method EN 60512-12-4:2006
Resistance - Connector - Measurement - Cable - Clamping EN 60512-17-3:2010
Resistance - Connector - Measurement - Chemical - Fluid EN 60512-19-1:2010
Resistance - Distribution system - LV - Earth connection - Equipotential bonding EN 61557-4:2007
Resistance - Electrostatics - Floor covering - Installed floor EN 61340-4-1:2004
Resistance - Environmental testing - Solderability - Heat - Leaded device EN 60068-2-20:2008
Resistance - Explosive - Atmosphere - Heating EN 60079-30-1:2007
Resistance - Explosive - Atmosphere - Heating EN 60079-30-2:2007
Resistance - Measurement - DC bridge EN 60564:1993
Resistance - Safety - Electroheat - Heating - Melting EN 60519-21:2009
Resistance - Semiconductor - Climatic - Moisture - Heat EN 60749-20:2009
Resistance - Semiconductor - Climatic - Soldering temperature - Through-hole EN 60749-15:2010
Resistance - Sensor - Thermometer - Platinum - Temperature EN 60751:2008
Resistance - Superconductivity - Residual - Ratio measurement - Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-4:2011
Resistance - Superconductivity - Residual - Ratio measurement - Nb3Sn composite EN 61788-11:2011
Resistance - Superconductor - Critical temperature - Composite EN 61788-10:2006
Resistance - Tracking - Erosion - Insulation - Ambiant condition EN 60587:2007
Resistance - Welding - Design - Manufacture - Installation EN 62135-1:2008
Resistance - Welding - Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EN 62135-2:2008
Resistance heating - Heating installation - Electroheat - Melting glass equipment EN 60519-21:1998
Resistance heating - Heating installation - Electroheat - Safety EN 60519-2:2006
Resistance to earth - Distribution system - LV - Safety - Protective measure EN 61557-5:2007
Resistance trace - Heating installation - Electroheat - Industrial - Commercial EN 60519-10:2005
Resistance trace - Heating system - Industrial - Commercial EN 62395-1:2006
Resistance welding - Electromagnetic field - Human - Exposure EN 50505:2008
Resistance welding - Welding - Construction and installation of equipment - Safety EN 50063:1989
Resistibility - Telecommunication - Port CLC/TR 50450:2006
Resistibility - Telecommunication port EN 50468:2009
Resistive - Insulation - Dielectric - Solid EN 62631-1:2011
Resistive type - Live working - Voltage detector EN 61243-2:1997
Resistive volt ratio box - Measuring instrument EN 60524:1993
Resistivity - Electrostatics - Solid planar material - Accumulation EN 61340-2-3:2000
Resistivity - Insulating materials - Elevated temperature - Test HD 438 S1:1984
Resistivity - Insulation - Dissipation - Dielectric - Measurement EN 60247:2004
Resistivity - Magnetic materials - Density - Stacking factor - Steel sheet EN 60404-13:2007
Resistor - Capacitor - Electronic - Wire termination HD 349 S1:1977
Resistor - Capacitor - Marking code - Identification EN 60062:2005
Resistor - Film resistor - Low power - TAS CECC 240 001:1996
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Film - Surface mount EN 140401:2009
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Film resistor EN 140100:2008
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Film resistor EN 140101:2008
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Film resistor - Metal film EN 140101-806:2008
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Non-wirewound - Surface mount EN 140401:2002
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - SMD - Cylindrical EN 140401-803:2007
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - SMD - Rectangular EN 140401-801:2007
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - SMD - Rectangular EN 140401-802:2007
Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Wire-wound surface mount - SMD EN 140402-801:2005
Resistor - Fixed low power - Wirewound resistor EN 140402:1998
Resistor - Fixed power resistor EN 140200:1996
Resistor - Fixed power resistor EN 140201:1996
Resistor - Fixed power resistor - Capability EN 140210:1994
Resistor - Fixed power resistor - Capability EN 140211:1994
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Resistor - Fixed power resistor - Wirewound - Vitreous enamel CECC 40 201-801:1998
Resistor - Fixed resistor - Electronic equipment EN 60115-1:2001
Resistor - Fixed resistor - Electronic equipment - Individually measurable EN 60115-9:2004
Resistor - Fixed resistor - Electronic equipment - Individually measurable EN 60115-9-1:2004
Resistor - Laboratory AC resistor EN 60477-2:1997
Resistor - Laboratory DC resistor EN 60477:1997
Resistor - Low power - Film - SMD - Rectangular EN 140401-804:2011
Resistor - Low power - Fixed - Surface mount resistor EN 140400:2003
Resistor - Non wire-wound - Low power - High stability - Surface mount EN 140401-804:2005
Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Fixed low power - Stabiltiy 0,5% CECC 40 101-804:1979
Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Fixed low power - Stabiltiy 1% CECC 40 101-803:1979
Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Fixed low power - Stabiltiy 2% CECC 40 101-802:1979
Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Fixed low power - Stabiltiy 5% CECC 40 101-801:1979
Resistor - Precision resistor - Fixed CECC 40 300:1981
Resistor - Railway - Rolling stock - Power resistor - Open construction EN 60322:2001
Resonance - Medical - Magnetic - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-33:2010
Resonance - Medical - Magnetic - Imaging - Pulse sequence EN 62464-2:2011
Resonance - Quartz crystal unit - Spurious - Piezoelectric EN 60444-9:2007
Resonance frequency - Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Resonance resistance EN 60444-1:1997
Resonance resistance - Quartz crystal unit - Pi-network - Resonance frequency EN 60444-1:1997
Resonator - Complex - Permittivity - Low-loss - Plate EN 62562:2011
Resonator - Dielectric - Waveguide type EN 170100:2001
Resonator - Dielectric - Waveguide type - Capability approval EN 170101:2001
Resonator - Filter - Dielectric - Waveguide type EN 61337-1:2004
Resonator - Surface acoustic wave - SAW EN 61019-1:2005
Resonator - Surface acoustic wave - SAW EN 61019-2:2005
Resonator - Waveguide - Dielectric EN 61338-1:2005
Resonator - Waveguide - Dielectric - Assessed quality EN 61338-4:2005
Resonator - Waveguide - Dielectric - Assessed quality EN 61338-4-1:2005
Resonator - Waveguide - Dielectric - Permittivity - Millimeter-wave frequency EN 61338-1-4:2006
Resonator - Waveguide - Dielectric - User guide EN 61338-2:2004
Response - Electroacoustics - Audiometry - Brainstem EN 60645-7:2010
Response equipment - Medical equipment - Electromyograph - Safety EN 60601-2-40:1998
Response time - Dynamic - Gain - Tilt - Equalizer EN 62343-5-1:2009
Responsibilities - Task - New Approach - Consultant CEN/CLC Guide 15:2009
Restraining core materials - Interconnection structure - Copper EN 61249-7-1:1995
Restricted connection - Electromagnetic compatibility - Harmonic current - LV EN 61000-3-12:2005
Restricted entry - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-2:2008
Restricted movement - Building - Electrical installation - Conducting location HD 60364-7-706:2007
Restriction - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure EN 62311:2008
Restriction - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Low power EN 50371:2002
Restriction - Phone - Mobile phone - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure EN 50360:2001
Retention - Connector - Electronic - Contact retention - Insert EN 60512-15-1:2008
Retention - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-4:1997
Retrofitted - Turbine - Steam turbine - Thermal acceptance test - Performance EN 60953-3:2002
Return current: Clamp - Arc welding - Welding EN 60974-13:2011
Return loss - Cable - Communication - Test method - Impedance EN 50289-1-11:2001
Return loss - Electronic equipment - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-5:2004
Return loss - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Attenuation EN 61300-3-3:2009
Return loss - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Screen testing EN 61300-2-43:1999
Return loss - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Attenuation EN 61300-3-7:2001
Return loss - Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Measurement EN 61300-3-6:2009
Return path - Cable network - Television - Signal - Sound signal EN 50083-10:2002
Return path - Cable network - Television - Sound - Signal CLC/TR 50083-10-1:2009
Reverberation - Electromagnetic - Compatibility - EMC - Chamber EN 61000-4-21:2011
Reverberation chamber - Cable - Connector - Microwave component - Screening attenuation EN 61726:2000
Reverberation chamber - Electromagnetic compatibility - Test EN 61000-4-21:2003
Review - Design EN 61160:2005
Rework - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered - Repair EN 61192-5:2007
RF connector - Connector - Sectional - 2.4 series EN 61169-40:2011
RF field - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Disturbance - Test EN 61000-4-6:2007
RF MEMS - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Switch EN 62047-5:2011
RFID - Chip - Smart tracker - EEE equipment CLC/TR 50489:2006
RGB colour space - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management EN 61966-2-1:2000
RGB colour space - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management EN 61966-2-2:2003
Ribbon cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable EN 60794-2-30:2003
Ribbon cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable EN 60794-2-31:2006
Ribbon cable - Fibre - Optic - Cable - Indoor EN 60794-2-30:2008
Ribbon cable contact - Connector - Rectangular - Single row - High speed serial data EN 61076-3-103:2004
Ribbon contact - Connector - High-speed data - Rectangular - Trapezoidal shaped shell EN 61076-3-100:2000
Right angle - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Socket CECC 22 231-809:1991
Right angle - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Printed circuit board socket CECC 22 221-807:1986
Right angle adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Plug to socket CECC 22 121-812:1985
Right angle bulkhead socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-805:1986
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Flexible cable CECC 22 231-803:1991
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Clamp outer conductor CECC 22 121-803:1985
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-813:1986
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Flexible cable, low profile CECC 22 221-814:1986
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-802:1986
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Flexible cable CECC 22 111-810:1984
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Alphabetical Index

Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-803:1984
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-817:1987
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-805:1988
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-809:1988
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-805:1988
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-809:1988
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-804:1987
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-803:1988
Right angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-804:1988
Right angle socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 121-811:1985
Right angle socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Printed circuit board CECC 22 111-812:1985
Right angle socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 161-812:1987
Right-angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Crimp type CECC 22 211-804:1988
Right-angle plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Crimp type CECC 22 211-818:1988
Right-angle plug - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N CECC 22 211-803:1988
Rights permission code - Multimedia - Home server - Digital EN 62227:2008
Rigid - Conduit system - Cable management EN 61386-21:2004
Rigid coaxial line - Connector - Radio frequency connector EN 60169-23:1993
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Definitions EN 60893-1:2004
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Epoxy resin EN 60893-3-2:2004
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 60893-3-1:2004
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Melamine resin EN 60893-3-3:2004
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Phenolic resin EN 60893-3-4:2004
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Polyester resin EN 60893-3-5:2004
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Polyimide resin EN 60893-3-7:2004
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Silicone resin EN 60893-3-6:2004
Rigid laminated sheet - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Test EN 60893-2:2004
Rigid laminated tube - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin EN 61212-1:2006
Rigid laminated tube - Insulating materials - Thermosetting resin - Test EN 61212-2:2006
Rigid multilayer printed board - Printed board - Interlayer connection EN 62326-4:1997
Rigid multilayer printed board - Printed board - Interlayer connection - Performance EN 62326-4-1:1997
Rigid precision coaxial line - Connector HD 351.1 S1:1977
Rigid precision coaxial line - Connector - Hermaphroditic - Coaxial connector HD 351.2 S1:1977
Rigid precision coaxial line - Connector - Hermaphroditic - Coaxial connector HD 351.3 S2:1981
Rigid precision coaxial line - Connector - Hermaphroditic - Coaxial connector HD 351.4 S2:1984
Rigid precision coaxial line - Connector - Mounting connector HD 351.5 S1:1986
Rigid printed board - Printed board - TAS CECC 210 003:1996
Rigid protective cover - Live working EN 61229:1995
Rigid termination - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-811:1996
Ring core - Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities EN 60424-4:2001
Ring method - Magnetic materials - Magnetically soft metallic material - Powder material EN 60404-6:2003
Ring wave immunity - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-12:2006
Rinsing sink - Household appliances - Commercial - Sink - Safety EN 60335-2-62:2003
Ripple - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - DC - Input power port EN 61000-4-17:1999
Ripple - Relay - Protection - Voltage dip - Interruption EN 60255-11:2010
Ripple control - Metering equipment - Tariff - Load control - Receiver EN 62054-11:2004
Rise - Transformer - Power - Temperature - Liquid-immersed EN 60076-2:2011
Rise time degradation - Connector - Electronic equipment - Test - Measurement EN 60512-25-3:2001
Risk - Exposure - Worker - Electromagnetic field - Broadcast site EN 50496:2008
Risk - Management EN 31010:2010
Risk management - IT - Network - Medical EN 80001-1:2011
Risk management - Lightning - Protection EN 62305-2:2006
RM core - Magnetic oxide - Dimensions EN 62317-4:2005
RM-core - Core - Ferrite core - Surface irregularities EN 60424-2:1997
Road - Railway - Rotating - Vehicle - Converter-fed EN 60349-2:2010
Road - Traffic - Signal EN 50556:2011
Road lighting - Lighting - Luminaire - Street lighting EN 60598-2-3:2003
Road traffic - Electromagnetic compatibility - Signal - Product standard EN 50293:2000
Road traffic - Traffic - Signal HD 638 S1:2001
Road traffic signal - LED signal head CLC/TS 50509:2007
Road vehicle - Battery - Propulsion - Performance - Life testing EN 61982-3:2001
Road vehicle - Battery - Secondary battery - Propulsion EN 61982-1:2006
Road vehicle - Battery - Vehicle - Dynamic - Propulsion EN 61982-2:2002
Road vehicle - Lighting - Filament lamp EN 60809:1996
Road vehicle - Lighting - Lamp - Performance EN 60810:2003
Road vehicle - Mini-coupler - Interconnection EN 50066:1992
Roaster - Household appliances - Grill - Toaster - Safety EN 60335-2-9:2003
Robot - Household appliances - Decorative EN 50410:2008
Robotic - Information technology - Safety - Integral robotic - Large equipment EN 60950-23:2006
Robustness - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-6:2008
Robustness - Connector - Electronic equipment - Protection - Cover attachment EN 60512-15-7:2008
Robustness - Connector - Static - Load test - Actuating lever EN 60512-8-3:2011
Rod - Insulation - Tube - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-1:2002
Rod - Insulation - Tube - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-2:2004
Rod - Insulation - Tube - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-3-1:2003
Rod type - Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Direct heated EN 143004:1991
Rolled tube - Insulating materials - Round laminated tube EN 61212-3-1:2006
Rolling shutter - Household appliances - Awning - Blind - Safety EN 60335-2-97:2006
Rolling stock - Power converter EN 61287-1:2006
Rolling stock - Railway - Capacitor - Power electronics - Paper/plastic EN 61881-1:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Rolling stock - Railway - Compatibility - Detection - Track circuits CLC/TS 50238-2:2010
Rolling stock - Railway - Connector CLC/TS 50467:2008
Rolling stock - Railway - Intercommunication - Data dictionary CLC/TR 50501-1:2007
Rolling stock - Railway - Pantograph - Interface CLC/TS 50206-3:2010
Rolling stock - Railway - Power resistor - Resistor - Open construction EN 60322:2001
Rolling stock - Railway - Shock - Vibration - Test EN 61373:2010
Rolling stock - Railway - Track circuit - Compatibility CLC/TR 50507:2007
Rolling stock - Railway - Trolley bus - Connection - Safety CLC/TS 50502:2008
Rolling stock - Railway application - Cable - Fire performance EN 50355:2003
Rolling stock - Railway application - Cable - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-1:2002
Rolling stock - Railway application - Cable - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-3:2002
Rolling stock - Railway application - Cable - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-4:2002
Rolling stock - Railway application - Cabling EN 50343:2003
Rolling stock - Railway application - Lamp - Fluorescent EN 50311:2003
Rolling stock - Railway application - Power supply - Substation - Interoperability EN 50388:2005
Rolling stock - Railway application - Single core Cable - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-2:2002
Rolling stock - Railway application - Train detection - Compatibility - Axle counter CLC/TS 50238-3:2010
Rolling stock - Railway application - Train detection - Compatibility - Track circuit EN 50238:2003
Rolling stock - Railway applications CLC/TR 50126-3:2008
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - High temperature EN 50382-1:2008
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-2-1:2008
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-2-2:2008
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-3-1:2008
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - Insulation EN 50264-3-2:2008
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - Standard wall EN 50264-1:2008
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - Test method EN 50305:2002
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Apparatus EN 50121-3-2:2006
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Train - Complete vehicle EN 50121-3-1:2006
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Electronic equipment EN 50155:2007
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Electrotechnical component - DC circuit breaker EN 60077-3:2002
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Environmental conditions EN 50125-1:1999
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Equipment EN 60077-1:2002
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Equipment - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 60077-4:2003
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Equipment - Electrotechnical component EN 60077-2:2002
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Equipment - HV - Fuse EN 60077-5:2003
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Motor - AC - Indirect convertor EN 61377-3:2002
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Motor - Chopper-fed traction EN 61377-2:2002
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Motor - Inverter-fed motor - AC EN 61377-1:2006
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Pantograph - Main line vehicle EN 50206-1:1998
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Pantograph - Main line vehicle EN 50206-1:2010
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Pantograph - Metro - Light rail vehicle EN 50206-2:1999
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Pantograph - Metro - Light rail vehicle EN 50206-2:2010
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Protective provision - hazard EN 50153:2002
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Testing EN 50215:1999
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Testing EN 50215:2009
Rolling stock - Railway applications - Traction - Transformer - Inductor EN 60310:2004
Rolling stock equipment - Railway applications - Capacitor - Power electronics EN 61881:1999
Rolling stock equipment - Railway applications - Shock test - Vibration test EN 61373:1999
Roof drainage - Household appliances - Heated gullies - Safety EN 60335-2-83:2002
Room - Nuclear - Power plant - Control room - Design EN 60964:2010
Room - Superconductivity - Mechanical - Temperature - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-6:2008
Room - Superconductivity - Mechanical - Temperature - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-6:2011
Room heater - Heating installation - Direct acting - Performance EN 60675:1995
Room heater - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-30:2003
Room heater - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-30:2009
Room heater - Household appliances - Thermal storage - Noise - Airborne EN 60704-2-5:2005
Room heater - Household appliances - Thermal storage - Performance EN 60531:2000
Room heating - Household - Heating - Charging control - Storage type EN 50350:2004
Room heating - Household appliances - Carpet - Heated carpet - Safety EN 60335-2-106:2007
Room heating - Household appliances - Heating - Flexible sheet - Safety EN 60335-2-96:2002
Rope - Live working - Insulation EN 62192:2009
Rotary actuator - Industrial process - Control valve - Mounting - Positioner EN 60534-6-2:2001
Rotary precision potentiometer - Potentiometer CECC 41 400:1979
Rotary precision potentiometer - Potentiometer - Assessment level S CECC 41 401:1979
Rotary preset - Potentiometer - Leadscrew actuated CECC 41 100:1978
Rotary switch - Switch CECC 96 100:1988
Rotary switch - Switch - Assessment level Y EN 196103:1998
Rotary wafer switch - Switch - Manually operated - Centre bush mounting CECC 96 101-801:1992
Rotatin machine - Letter - Symbol EN 60027-4:2007
Rotating - AC - Generator - Combustion - Engine driven EN 60034-22:2009
Rotating - Impulse - Withstand level - Stator coil - Coil EN 60034-15:2009
Rotating - Loss - Separate - Large EN 60034-2-2:2010
Rotating - Machine - AC - Form wound stator coil - Voltage withstand EN 60034-15:1996
Rotating - Machine - AC - Generator - Reciprocating internal combustion EN 60034-22:1997
Rotating - Machine - Circuit diagram - Three-phase - Cage induction EN 60034-28:2007
Rotating - Machine - Commutator - Brush-holder - Slip-ring EN 60276:1996
Rotating - Machine - Construction - Mounting symbol EN 60034-7:1993
Rotating - Machine - Cooling method EN 60034-6:1993
Rotating - Machine - Excitation system - Synchronous EN 60034-16-1:2011
Rotating - Machine - Exitation system - Synchronous machine EN 60034-16-1:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Rotating - Machine - Generator - Synchronous - Steam turbine EN 60034-3:2008
Rotating - Machine - Insulation EN 60034-18-1:1994
Rotating - Machine - Insulation EN 60034-18-1:2010
Rotating - Machine - Insulation - Endurance - Winding EN 60034-18-32:2010
Rotating - Machine - Insulation - Form-wound winding - Test EN 60034-18-31:1994
Rotating - Machine - Insulation - Wirewound winding - Test EN 60034-18-21:1994
Rotating - Machine - Insulation - Wirewound winding - Test EN 60034-18-22:2001
Rotating - Machine - Loading - Superposition - Temperature rise EN 60034-29:2008
Rotating - Machine - Loss - Efficiency - Test EN 60034-2-1:2007
Rotating - Machine - Noise limit EN 60034-9:2005
Rotating - Machine - Protection - Integral design - Classification EN 60034-5:2001
Rotating - Machine - Rating - Performance EN 60034-1:2004
Rotating - Machine - Rating - Performance EN 60034-1:2010
Rotating - Machine - Synchronous machine - Quantity EN 60034-4:2008
Rotating - Machine - Thermal protection - Protection EN 60034-11:2004
Rotating - Machine - Unbalanced voltages - Three-phase induction - Motor EN 60034-26:2006
Rotating - Machine - Vibration - Measurement EN 60034-14:2004
Rotating - Machinery - Efficiency - Cage-induction - Motors EN 60034-30:2009
Rotating - Railway - Rail and road vehicle - Converter-fed motor EN 60349-2:2001
Rotating - Railway - Road - Vehicle - Converter-fed EN 60349-2:2010
Rotating - Vehicle - Machine - Rail and road vehicle EN 60349-1:2000
Rotating - Vehicle - Machine - Rail and road vehicle EN 60349-1:2010
Rotating anode - Medical - X-ray equipment - Characteristics EN 60613:1990
Rotating anode - Medical - X-ray equipment - Radiation EN 60806:2004
Rotating machine - Insulation - Winding - Form-wound CLC/TR 60034-18-32:2004
Rotating machine - Insulation - Winding - Form-wound - Thermomechanical endurance CLC/TS 60034-18-34:2004
Rotating machine - Machine - Converter - Cage induction - Motor CLC/TS 60034-17:2004
Rotating machine - Machine - Excitation system - Synchronous - Power system CLC/TR 60034-16-2:2004
Rotating machine - Machine - Insulation - Endurance - Thermal CLC/TR 60034-18-33:2004
Rotating machine - Machine - Motor - Cage induction - Converter supply CLC/TS 60034-25:2008
Rotating machine - Machine - Motor - Control - Stepping CLC/TS 60034-20-1:2004
Rotating machine - Machine - Terminal marking - Rotation direction EN 60034-8:2007
Rotating machine - Single speed - 3 phase - Cage induction motor - Starting performance EN 60034-12:2002
Rotating machine - Synchronous machine - Dynamic performance - Excitation system CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004
Rotating wheel dip test - Insulating materials - Tracking - Erosion EN 61302:1995
Rotation - Connector - Cable - Clamp - Resistance EN 60512-17-2:2011
Rotation direction - Machine - Rotating machine - Terminal marking EN 60034-8:2007
Rotation method - Magnetic materials - Dipole moment - Ferromagnetic - Measurement EN 60404-14:2002
Rough handling - Environmental testing - Shock - Equipment-type EN 60068-2-31:2008
Round - Winding - Wire - Enamelled - Aluminium EN 60317-0-3:2008
Round - Winding wire - Wire - Enamelled - Copper EN 60317-0-1:2008
Round aluminium wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Class 180 EN 60317-15:2004
Round contact - Connector - Circular connector - Threaded coupling EN 175201-804:1999
Round contact - Connector - Rectangular - Printed board - Trapezoidal shell CECC 75 301-802:1994
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Temperature index 220 EN 60317-52:1999
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide - Class 240 EN 60317-46:1997
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide tape - Class 240 EN 60317-43:1997
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Class 130 - Bonding layer EN 60317-2:1994
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-49:2000
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-48:2000
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-50:2000
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Wound resin EN 60317-0-6:2001
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyamide-imide - Class 200 EN 60317-26:1996
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Class 180 EN 60317-22:2004
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Polyamide-imide EN 60317-13:1994
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyester-amide - Class 200 EN 60317-42:1997
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Class 180 EN 60317-8:1994
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Class 180 EN 60317-23:1995
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Class 130 EN 60317-4:1994
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Class 130 EN 60317-19:1995
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Class 155 EN 60317-20:1995
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Class 155 EN 60317-21:1995
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Class 180 EN 60317-51:2001
Round copper wire - Wire - Winding wire - Polyvinyl - Class 120 EN 60317-12:1994
Round laminated tube - Insulating materials - Moulded rod EN 61212-3-3:2006
Round laminated tube - Insulating materials - Moulded tube EN 61212-3-2:2006
Round laminated tube - Insulating materials - Rolled tube EN 61212-3-1:2006
Round wire - Conductor - Overhead line - Concentric - Lay stranded EN 50182:2001
Router - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Trimmer EN 60745-2-17:2003
Router - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Trimmer EN 60745-2-17:2010
Routine - Audio - Video - Iinformation technology - Safety testing EN 50514:2008
Routine test - Household appliances - Safety - Test EN 50106:2008
Routine test - Test - Control EN 50344-1:2001
Routine testing - Controller - Industrial-process - Control EN 60546-2:2010
Routine testing - Industrial process - Controller - Analogue signal EN 60546-2:1993
Routine testing - Industrial process - Valve - Control valve - Inspection EN 60534-4:2006
Routine testing - Transmitter - Industrial - Control - Inspection EN 60770-2:2010
RP 8 - Attestation of Conformity - Certificate of approval - Conditions of use CECC 00 108:1994
Rrequency - Cable: Radio - Coaxial - Flexible EN 60966-2-1:2009
Rubber insulated - Cable - Arc welding cable HD 22.6 S2:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Rubber insulated - Cable - Decorative chain - Polychloroprene HD 22.8 S2:1994
Rubber insulated - Cable - Heat-resistance - Internal wiring (t = 110C) HD 22.7 S2:1995
Rubber insulated - Cable - Heat-resistant silicone - Cross-linked insulation HD 22.3 S4:2004
Rubber insulated - Cable - Water resistant - Polychloroprene - Synthetic elastomer HD 22.16 S2:2007
Rubber insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Multicore - Silicone EN 50525-2-83:2011
Rubber insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Single core - Silicone EN 50525-2-41:2011
Rule - Electrical installation - Building - Selection - Erection HD 60364-5-51:2009
Rule - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Package EN 60191-6:2004
Rules - Electrotechnology - Document EN 61082-1:2006


S-VHS - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape EN 60774-3:1993
S-VHS - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - Magnetic tape EN 60774-4:2003
Sabre saw - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Saw - Jig saw EN 60745-2-11:2010
Saddle - Live working - Pole clamp EN 61236:1995
Saddle - Live working - Stick - Clamp EN 61236:2011
Safe - Explosive - Atmosphere - Intrinsically EN 60079-25:2010
Safery assurance - Railway - Communication - Signalling - EN 50129 CLC/TR 50506-2:2009
Safety - Audio - Video - Electronic apparatus EN 60065:2002
Safety - Battery - Non_aceid electrolyte - Portable - Sealed EN 62133:2003
Safety - Battery - Primary battery - Aqueous electrolyte EN 60086-5:2005
Safety - Battery - Primary battery - Lithium battery EN 60086-4:2007
Safety - Battery - Secondary battery - Installation EN 50272-1:2010
Safety - Battery - Secondary battery - Portable appliances - Installation EN 50272-4:2007
Safety - Battery - Secondary battery - Stationary battery - Installation EN 50272-2:2001
Safety - Battery - Secondary battery - Traction battery - Installation EN 50272-3:2002
Safety - Building - Electrical installation - Fire - Protection HD 384.4.482 S1:1997
Safety - Building - Electrical installation - Isolation and switching HD 384.4.46 S2:2001
Safety - Building - Electrical installation - Overvoltage - Electromagnetic interference R064-004:1999
Safety - Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Disturbance HD 60364-4-443:2006
Safety - Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Electric shock HD 60364-4-41:2007
Safety - Building - Electrical installation - Protection - Overcurrent HD 384.4.43 S2:2001
Safety - Building - Electrical installation - Thermal effect HD 384.4.42 S1:1985
Safety - Building - Electrical installation - Undervoltage HD 384.4.45 S1:1989
Safety - Cable - Communication - Use of cable - Environmental conditions EN 50290-4-1:2001
Safety - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Electromagnetic interference - Connection EN 60384-14-2:2004
Safety - Capacitor - Motor - AC - Rating EN 60252-1:2011
Safety - Capacitor - Motor capacitor - AC - Testing and rating EN 60252-1:2001
Safety - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Self-healing - AC EN 60831-1:1996
Safety - Caplight - Mine - Firedamp - Performance EN 62013-2:2006
Safety - Cell - Fuel cell - Portable EN 62282-5-1:2007
Safety - Cell - Fuel cell - Stationary - Power system EN 62282-3-1:2007
Safety - Child CEN/CLC Guide 14:2009
Safety - Communication technology - Information technology - Network - Interface CLC/TR 62102:2005
Safety - Communication technology - Information technology - Network - Interface CLC/TR 62102:2006
Safety - Connecting device - Conductor - Copper conductor - Clamping unit EN 60999-1:2000
Safety - Connecting device - Copper conductor - Clamping unit EN 60999-2:2003
Safety - Connector - Photovoltaic EN 50521:2008
Safety - Connector - Test EN 61984:2001
Safety - Design - Construction - Electrical equipment CLC Guide 2:2001
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Insulation - IT system EN 61557-8:2007
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Insulation fault location - IT system EN 61557-9:1999
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Insulation resistance - Protective measure EN 61557-2:2007
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Loop impedance - Protective measure EN 61557-3:2007
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Parameters - Protective measure EN 61557-12:2008
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Phase sequence - Protective measure EN 61557-7:2007
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Protective measure EN 61557-1:2007
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Protective measure - Measuring EN 61557-10:2001
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Protective measure - Resistance to earth EN 61557-5:2007
Safety - Distribution system - LV - Residual current device (RCD) - Protective measure EN 61557-6:2007
Safety - Electroheat EN 60519-1:2011
Safety - Electroheat - Electron gun - Gun EN 60519-7:2008
Safety - Electroheat - Industrial - Microwave - Heating EN 60519-6:2011
Safety - Electroheat - Resistance - Heating - Melting EN 60519-21:2009
Safety - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Outdoor enclosure - Cabinet and case EN 61969-3:2001
Safety - Explosion risk - Functionning EN 50495:2010
Safety - Explosive atmosphere - Construction - Testing EN 50394-1:2004
Safety - Fluorescent - Induction - Lamp EN 62532:2011
Safety - Fuel - Cell - Micro - Power system EN 62282-6-100:2010
Safety - Functional safety - Abbreviation - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-4:2001
Safety - Functional safety - Abbreviation - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-4:2010
Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-1:2001
Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-1:2010
Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-2:2001
Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-2:2010
Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-6:2001
Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-6:2010
Safety - Functional safety - Integrity level - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-5:2001
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Alphabetical Index

Safety - Functional safety - Integrity level - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-5:2010
Safety - Functional safety - Measure - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-7:2001
Safety - Functional safety - Measure - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-7:2010
Safety - Functional safety - Software - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-3:2001
Safety - Functional safety - Software - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-3:2010
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Band saw - Saw EN 60745-2-20:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Chain saw - Saw EN 60745-2-13:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Concrete - Vibrator EN 60745-2-12:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - cut-off machine EN 60745-2-22:2011
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Hedge trimmer - Trimmer EN 60745-2-15:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Planner EN 60745-2-14:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Screwdriver - Impact wrench EN 60745-2-2:2010
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Shear - Nibbler EN 60745-2-8:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Strapping tool EN 60745-2-18:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool EN 60745-1:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Drain cleaner EN 60745-2-21:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Drill EN 60745-2-1:2010
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Hammer EN 60745-2-6:2010
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Jointer EN 60745-2-19:2009
Safety - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Tapper EN 60745-2-9:2009
Safety - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System EN 50090-2-3:2005
Safety - Heating installation - Electroheat EN 60519-1:2003
Safety - Heating installation - Electroheat - Arc furnace EN 60519-4:2006
Safety - Heating installation - Electroheat - Electromagnetic force - Liquid metal EN 60519-11:2007
Safety - Heating installation - Electroheat - Furnace - Electroslag EN 60519-8:2005
Safety - Heating installation - Electroheat - Microwave heating - Industrial EN 60519-6:2002
Safety - Heating installation - Electroheat - Resistance heating EN 60519-2:2006
Safety - Heating installation - Gun - Electron gun HD 440 S1:1983
Safety - Household - CLC/TC 61 - Interpretation CLC/TR 50417:2010
Safety - Household - Cleaning - Liquids - Stream EN 60335-2-54:2008
Safety - Household - Extractor - Spin EN 60335-2-4:2010
Safety - Household - Fryer - Fat - Pan EN 60335-2-13:2010
Safety - Household - Gate, Door - Window EN 60335-2-103:2003
Safety - Household - Refrigeration - Condensing Unit - Compressor EN 60335-2-89:2010
Safety - Household - Refrigeration - Ice maker - Ice-cream EN 60335-2-24:2010
Safety - Household - Skin exposure - Ultraviolet - Infrared EN 60335-2-27:2010
Safety - Household - Tumble dryer EN 60335-2-11:2010
Safety - Household - UV - Radiation - Water treatment EN 60335-2-109:2010
Safety - Household - Washing machine EN 60335-2-7:2010
Safety - Household appliance - Air-cleaning EN 60335-2-65:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Cleaning - Surface cleaning - Steam EN 60335-2-54:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Commercial - dispensing appliance - Vending machine EN 60335-2-75:2004
Safety - Household appliance - Dryer - clothe dryer - Towel rail EN 60335-2-43:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Heater - Immersion heater - Fixed EN 60335-2-73:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Heater - Thermal-storage room EN 60335-2-61:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Insect killer EN 60335-2-59:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Radiation - Ultraviolet - Infrared EN 60335-2-27:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Sauna - Heating EN 60335-2-53:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Warming plate EN 60335-2-12:2003
Safety - Household appliance - Waste disposer - Food EN 60335-2-16:2003
Safety - Household appliances EN 60335-1:1994
Safety - Household appliances EN 60335-1:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Amusement machine - Personal service machine EN 60335-2-82:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Animal-stunning EN 60335-2-87:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Aquarium - Pond - Garden pond EN 60335-2-55:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Automatic - Floor treatment EN 60335-2-72:2009
Safety - Household appliances - Barbecue - Outdoor EN 60335-2-78:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Battery charger EN 60335-2-29:2004
Safety - Household appliances - Blanket - Pad - Heating EN 60335-2-17:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Burning appliances - Electrical connection EN 60335-2-102:2006
Safety - Household appliances - Carpet - Heated carpet - Room heating EN 60335-2-106:2007
Safety - Household appliances - Cleaning - Vacuum cleaner - Water-suction EN 60335-2-2:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Cleaning - Vacuum cleaner - Water-suction EN 60335-2-2:2010
Safety - Household appliances - Clock EN 60335-2-26:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Bain-marie EN 60335-2-50:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Boiling pan EN 60335-2-47:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Deep fat fryer EN 60335-2-37:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Griddle - Grill EN 60335-2-38:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Griller - Toaster EN 60335-2-48:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Hot cupboard EN 60335-2-49:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Kitchen machine EN 60335-2-64:2000
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Multi-purpose - Cooking pan EN 60335-2-39:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Commercial - Sink - Rinsing sink EN 60335-2-62:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Cooking range - Hob - Oven EN 60335-2-6:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Dishwasher EN 60335-2-5:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Dishwashing machine EN 60335-2-58:2005
Safety - Household appliances - Dryer - Tumble dryer EN 60335-2-11:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Electrolysers EN 60335-2-108:2008
Safety - Household appliances - Fan EN 60335-2-80:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Fence energizer EN 60335-2-76:2005
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Alphabetical Index

Safety - Household appliances - Fishing machine EN 60335-2-86:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Floor treatment - Floor cleaning EN 60335-2-67:2009
Safety - Household appliances - Floor treatment - Scrubbing machine - Wet scrubbing EN 60335-2-10:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Foot warmer - Heating mat EN 60335-2-81:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Fryer - Deep fat fryer - Frying pan EN 60335-2-13:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Garage door - Residential use - Vertical move EN 60335-2-95:2004
Safety - Household appliances - Grill - Toaster - Roaster EN 60335-2-9:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Heat pump - Air conditioner - Dehumidifier EN 60335-2-40:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Heated gullies - Roof drainage EN 60335-2-83:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Heater - Immersion heater - Portable EN 60335-2-74:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Heater - Water-bed heater EN 60335-2-66:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Heating - Room heating - Flexible sheet EN 60335-2-96:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Heating appliances - Animal breeding - Animal rearing EN 60335-2-71:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Heating liquid EN 60335-2-15:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Heating tool - Portable EN 60335-2-45:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Hood - Commercial EN 60335-2-99:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Hood - Range hood EN 60335-2-31:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Humidifier EN 60335-2-98:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Humidifier - Heating - Air conditioning system EN 60335-2-88:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Hygiene - Oral hygiene EN 60335-2-52:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Industrial - High-pressure cleaner - Steam cleaner EN 60335-2-79:2009
Safety - Household appliances - Instantaneous water heater EN 60335-2-35:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Iron EN 60335-2-3:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Ironer EN 60335-2-44:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Kitchen machine EN 60335-2-14:2006
Safety - Household appliances - Lawn trimmer - Edge trimmer - Mains driven EN 60335-2-91:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Massage appliance EN 60335-2-32:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Microwave oven EN 60335-2-25:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Microwave oven EN 60335-2-90:2006
Safety - Household appliances - Milking machine EN 60335-2-70:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Motor compressor EN 60335-2-34:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Pedestrian - Lawnmower EN 60335-2-77:2006
Safety - Household appliances - Projector EN 60335-2-56:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Pump EN 60335-2-41:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Pump - Circulation pump - Water installation EN 60335-2-51:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Refrigerating appliances - Ice maker EN 60335-2-24:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Refrigeration - Compressor EN 60335-2-89:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Rolling shutter - Awning - Blind EN 60335-2-97:2006
Safety - Household appliances - Room heater EN 60335-2-30:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Room heater EN 60335-2-30:2009
Safety - Household appliances - Routine test - Test EN 50106:2008
Safety - Household appliances - Scarifier - Lawn aerator - Pedestrian-controlled EN 60335-2-92:2005
Safety - Household appliances - Sewing machine EN 60335-2-28:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Shaver - Hair clipper EN 60335-2-8:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Shower cabinet - Multifunctional EN 60335-2-105:2005
Safety - Household appliances - Skin care - Hair care EN 60335-2-23:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Spin extractor EN 60335-2-4:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Spray extraction EN 60335-2-68:2009
Safety - Household appliances - Steamer - Fabric steamer EN 60335-2-85:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Toilet EN 60335-2-84:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Vacuum cleaner - Power brush EN 60335-2-69:2009
Safety - Household appliances - Vaporizer EN 60335-2-101:2002
Safety - Household appliances - Washing machine EN 60335-2-7:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Water heater - Storage EN 60335-2-21:2003
Safety - Household appliances - Whirlpool bath EN 60335-2-60:2003
Safety - Industrial process - Analyzer house EN 61285:2004
Safety - Information technology - Outdoor equipment EN 60950-22:2006
Safety - Information technology - Remote power feeding EN 60950-21:2003
Safety - Information technology - Robotic - Integral robotic - Large equipment EN 60950-23:2006
Safety - Information technology equipment EN 60950-1:2006
Safety - Laboratory - Measurement - Control EN 61010-1:2010
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Analysis EN 61010-2-081:2002
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Centrifuge - Measurement - Control EN 61010-2-020:2006
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Current sensor - Hand-held - Measurement EN 61010-2-032:2002
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Heating of materials - Measurment - Control EN 61010-2-010:2003
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Measurement - Control EN 61010-1:2001
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Measurement - Control - Testing circuit EN 61010-2-030:2010
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Mechanical mixing - Stirring EN 61010-2-051:2003
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Medical equipment - In vitro diagnostic - Measurement EN 61010-2-101:2002
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Probe assemblies - Hand-held EN 61010-031:2002
Safety - Laboratory equipment - Sterilizer - Disinfector - Washer-disinfector EN 61010-2-040:2005
Safety - Lamp - Controlgear EN 61347-1:2008
Safety - Laser - Competence level CLC/TR 50448:2005
Safety - Laser product - Laser guard EN 60825-4:2006
Safety - Laser product - Optical fibre - Communication system EN 60825-2:2004
Safety - Laser products - Equipment classification EN 60825-1:2007
Safety - Lawnmower - Pedestrian - Battery powered - Household EN 50338:2006
Safety - Lighting - Double-capped fluorescent lamp EN 61195:1999
Safety - Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Tungsten filament lamp - Lamp EN 60432-1:2000
Safety - Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Tungsten halogen lamp EN 60432-2:2000
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Safety - Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Tungsten halogen lamp - Lamp EN 60432-3:2003
Safety - Lighting - Lamp - Discharge lamp EN 62035:2000
Safety - Lighting - Lamp cap - Holder - Gauge EN 60061-1:1993
Safety - Lighting - Lamp cap - Holder - Gauge EN 60061-2:1993
Safety - Lighting - Lamp cap - Lampholder - Gauge EN 60061-3:1993
Safety - Lighting - Lamp cap - Lampholder - Gauge EN 60061-4:1992
Safety - Lighting - LED module EN 62031:2008
Safety - Lighting - Self-ballasted lamp - Performance EN 60968:1990
Safety - Lighting - Self-ballasted lamp - Performance EN 60969:1993
Safety - Lighting - Single-capped fluorescent lamp EN 61199:1999
Safety - Lighting - Tubular discharge lamp - Neon-transformer EN 61050:1992
Safety - Low voltage - Protection - Thermal effect HD 60364-4-42:2011
Safety - Low-voltage HD 60364-5-56:2010
Safety - Low-voltage - Protection - Disturbance - Electromagnetic HD 60364-4-444:2010
Safety - Low-voltage - Protection - Overcurrent HD 60364-4-43:2010
Safety - Machinery EN 60204-1:2006
Safety - Machinery - Actuation - Marking - Indication EN 61310-3:2008
Safety - Machinery - Hoisting machine EN 60204-32:2008
Safety - Machinery - HV equipment EN 60204-11:2000
Safety - Machinery - Marking - Indication - Actuation EN 61310-2:2008
Safety - Machinery - Protective equipment - Person - Detection CLC/TS 62046:2008
Safety - Machinery - Semiconductor EN 60204-33:2011
Safety - Machinery - Sewing machine EN 60204-31:1998
Safety - Maritime - Distress - Rescue - Transmitter EN 61097-14:2010
Safety - Medical HD 395.1 S2:1988
safety - Medical - Cardiac - Defibrillator EN 60601-2-4:2011
Safety - Medical - High frequency - Surgical EN 60601-2-2:2009
Safety - Medical - Infant - Radiant - Warmers EN 60601-2-21:2009
Safety - Medical - Magnetic - Resonance - Diagnosis EN 60601-2-33:2010
Safety - Medical - Mammography - X-ray - Stereotactic EN 60601-2-45:2011
Safety - Medical - Nerve - Muscle - Stimulator EN 60601-2-10:2000
Safety - Medical - Performance - Automated - Sphygmomanometers EN 80601-2-30:2010
Safety - Medical - Performance - Baby - Incubator EN 60601-2-19:2009
Safety - Medical - Performance - Transport - Incubator EN 60601-2-20:2009
Safety - Medical - Performance - Usability - Collateral EN 60601-1-6:2010
Safety - Medical - Performance - X-ray - Tomography EN 60601-2-44:2009
Safety - Medical - Performance: Infant - Phototherapy EN 60601-2-50:2009
Safety - Medical - Radiotherapy - Planning system EN 62083:2009
Safety - Medical - Radiotherapy - Treatment - Planning EN 62083:2001
Safety - Medical - Short-wave - Therapy EN 60601-2-3:1993
Safety - Medical - Surgical - Diagnosis - Luminaire EN 60601-2-41:2009
Safety - Medical - X-ray - Tube - Diagnosis EN 60601-2-28:2010
Safety - Medical device - Active - Implantable - Cochlear implant EN 45502-2-3:2010
Safety - Medical device - Active medical device - Implantable - Marking EN 45502-1:1997
Safety - Medical device - Implantable - Bradyarrhythmia - Pacemaker EN 45502-2-1:2003
Safety - Medical device - Implantable - Tachyarrhythmia - Defibrillator EN 45502-2-2:2008
Safety - Medical equiment - Infusion - Pump - Controller EN 60601-2-24:1998
Safety - Medical equiment - X-ray - Diagnostic - Generator EN 60601-2-7:1998
Safety - Medical equipment EN 60601-1:1990
Safety - Medical equipment - Ambulatory - Electrocardiograph - Essential performance EN 60601-2-47:2001
Safety - Medical equipment - Blood-pressure - Monitoring - Cycling non invasive EN 60601-2-30:2000
Safety - Medical equipment - Blood-pressure - Monitoring - Essential performance EN 60601-2-34:2000
Safety - Medical equipment - Brachytherapy - Afterloading - Automatically-controlled EN 60601-2-17:2004
Safety - Medical equipment - Collateral standard EN 60601-1-1:2001
Safety - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Alarm system EN 60601-1-8:2004
Safety - Medical equipment - Collateral standard - Alarm system EN 60601-1-8:2007
Safety - Medical equipment - Defibrillator - Cardiac EN 60601-2-4:2003
Safety - Medical equipment - Electrically operated - Hospital bed EN 60601-2-38:1996
Safety - Medical equipment - Electrocardiograph EN 60601-2-25:1995
Safety - Medical equipment - Electrocardiograph - Monitoring EN 60601-2-27:2006
Safety - Medical equipment - Electroencephalograph EN 60601-2-26:2003
Safety - Medical equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Test EN 60601-1-2:2007
Safety - Medical equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirement - Test EN 60601-1-2:2001
Safety - Medical equipment - Electromyograph - Response equipment EN 60601-2-40:1998
Safety - Medical equipment - Electron accelerator EN 60601-2-1:1998
Safety - Medical equipment - Endoscopy EN 60601-2-18:1996
Safety - Medical equipment - Essential performance EN 60601-1:2006
Safety - Medical equipment - Gamma beam therapy EN 60601-2-11:1997
Safety - Medical equipment - Haemodialysis - Haemodiafiltration - Haemofiltration EN 60601-2-16:1998
Safety - Medical equipment - Incubator - Baby incubator EN 60601-2-19:1996
Safety - Medical equipment - Incubator - Transport incubator EN 60601-2-20:1996
Safety - Medical equipment - Laser - Diagnostic - Therapeutic EN 60601-2-22:1996
Safety - Medical equipment - Lithotripsy - Extracorporeally induced EN 60601-2-36:1997
Safety - Medical equipment - Luminaire - Surgical luminaire - Diagnosis EN 60601-2-41:2000
Safety - Medical equipment - Magnetic resonance - Medical diagnosis EN 60601-2-33:2002
Safety - Medical equipment - Mammography - X-ray - Stereotactic device EN 60601-2-45:2001
Safety - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Multifunction - Patient EN 60601-2-49:2001
Safety - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Transcutaneous - Pressure EN 60601-2-23:2000
Safety - Medical equipment - Operating table EN 60601-2-46:1998
Safety - Medical equipment - Operating table EN 60601-2-46:2011
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Safety - Medical equipment - Peritoneal dialysis - Dialysis EN 60601-2-39:2008
Safety - Medical equipment - Phototherapy - Infant EN 60601-2-50:2002
Safety - Medical equipment - Programmable electrical medical system EN 60601-1-4:1996
Safety - Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Record system - Verify system EN 62274:2005
Safety - Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Simulator EN 60601-2-29:1999
Safety - Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Simulator EN 60601-2-29:2008
Safety - Medical equipment - Surgical equipment - High frequency EN 60601-2-2:2007
Safety - Medical equipment - Therapeutic X-ray - Generator EN 60601-2-8:1997
Safety - Medical equipment - Ultrasonic - Diagnostic - Monitoring EN 60601-2-37:2008
Safety - Medical equipment - Ultrasonic - Physiotherapy EN 60601-2-5:2000
Safety - Medical equipment - Warmer - Infant - Radiant warmer EN 60601-2-21:1994
Safety - Medical equipment - X-ray - Computed tomography EN 60601-2-44:2001
Safety - Medical equipment - X-ray - Interventional procedure EN 60601-2-43:2000
Safety - Medical equipment - X-ray - Radiation protection - Diagnostic EN 60601-1-3:2008
Safety - Medical equipment - X-ray equipment EN 60601-2-32:1994
Safety - Medical equipment - X-ray equipment - Radiation protection - Diagnostic EN 60601-1-3:1994
Safety - Medical equipment - X-ray source assemblies - X-ray tube assemblies EN 60601-2-28:1993
Safety - Medical,Non-laser light - cometic - Aesthetic EN 60601-2-57:2011
Safety - Medical,X-ray - Radiography - Radioscopy EN 60601-2-54:2009
Safety - Motor-operated tool - Battery pack - Hand-held - Battery powered EN 50260-1:2002
Safety - Motor-operated tool - Battery pack - Hand-held - Spray gun EN 50260-2-7:2002
Safety - Network - Interconnection - Television - Cable EN 60728-11:2010
Safety - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation EN 61226:2010
Safety - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Common Cause Failure (CCF) EN 62340:2010
Safety - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Data communication EN 61500:2011
Safety - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Surveillance EN 60671:2011
Safety - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Thermal - Energy EN 61800-5-1:2007
Safety - Power supply device - DC - LV EN 61204-7:2006
Safety - Power supply device - DC - Performance EN 61204:1995
Safety - Process industry - Functional safety - Framework - Hardware/software EN 61511-1:2004
Safety - Process industry - Functional safety - IEC 61511-1 EN 61511-2:2004
Safety - Process industry - Functional safety - Integrity level EN 61511-3:2004
Safety - PV module - Construction EN 61730-1:2007
Safety - PV module - Testing EN 61730-2:2007
Safety - Radiocommunications - Transmitter EN 60215:1989
Safety - Railway - Communication - Man-machine - MMI CLC/TR 50542:2010
Safety - Railway - Overhead - Contact line - Personnel CLC/TR 50488:2006
Safety - Railway - Rolling stock - Trolley bus - Connection CLC/TS 50502:2008
Safety - Railway application - Closed transmission - Communication - Signalling EN 50159-1:2001
Safety - Railway application - Communication - Signalling EN 50159:2010
Safety - Railway application - Open transmission - Communication - Signalling EN 50159-2:2001
Safety - Railway applications - Reliability - Availability - Maintainability EN 50126-1:1999
Safety - Telecommunication network - Connected equipment EN 41003:2008
Safety - Tool - Motor operated tool - Hedge trimmer - Grass shear HD 400.3N S2:1992
Safety - Tool - Motor operated tool - Spray gun EN 50144-2-7:2000
Safety - Tool - Motor operated tool - Tacker EN 50144-2-16:2003
Safety - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable EN 61029-1:2000
Safety - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held EN 60745-1:2006
Safety - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Band saw EN 60745-2-20:2003
Safety - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Concrete vibrator EN 60745-2-12:2003
Safety - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Drill EN 60745-2-1:2003
Safety - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Hammer EN 60745-2-6:2003
Safety - Toy EN 62115:2005
Safety - Transfer - Static transfer system - STS EN 62310-1:2005
Safety - Transformer - Power supply - Reactor - Separating transformer EN 61558-2-1:2007
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Isolating transformer - Medical location EN 61558-2-15:2001
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply - Control transformer EN 61558-2-2:2007
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply - Toy EN 61558-2-7:2007
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit EN 61558-1:1997
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Bell and chime transformer EN 61558-2-8:1998
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Construction site EN 61558-2-23:2000
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Isolating transformer EN 61558-2-4:1997
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Isolating transformer EN 61558-2-6:1997
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Reactor EN 61558-2-20:2000
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Shaver transformer EN 61558-2-5:1998
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Switch mode EN 61558-2-17:1997
Safety - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Tungsten filament lamp EN 61558-2-9:2003
Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Bell - Chime EN 61558-2-8:2010
Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Ignition - Burner EN 61558-2-3:2010
Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply - Isolation EN 61558-2-6:2009
Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply unit - Construction site EN 61558-2-23:2010
Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Shaver EN 61558-2-5:2010
Safety - Transformer - Reactor - Small - Power supply EN 61558-2-20:2011
Safety - Transformer - Reactors - Power supply - Constant voltage EN 61558-2-12:2011
Safety - Transportable - Motor-operated EN 61029-1:2009
Safety - Transportable - Motor-operated - Tool, Threading EN 61029-2-12:2011
Safety - Tube - Cathode ray EN 61965:2003
Safety - UPS - Uninterruptible - Power system EN 62040-1:2008
Safety - Welding - Resistance welding - Construction and installation of equipment EN 50063:1989
Safety aspect - Inclusion CEN/CLC Guide 9:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Safety aspect - Network - Interconnection EN 60728-11:2005
Safety e - Explosive atmosphere - Gas EN 60079-7:2007
Safety integrity - Railway CLC/TR 50451:2007
Safety related - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Immunity EN 61326-3-2:2008
Safety requirement - Electrical equipment - Marking and identification EN 61293:1994
Safety requirement - Signalling - LV - Filter - Decoupling filter EN 50065-4-2:2001
safety requirements - transportable motor-operated electric tools - diamond drills - protection against electric
shocks - fire protection - protection against mechanical hazards
EN 61029-2-6:2010
Safety services - Building - Electrical installation - Selection HD 384.5.56 S1:1985
Safety test - Filter - Radio interference - Passive filter EN 60939-2-1:2004
Safety test - Filter - Radio interference - Passive filter EN 60939-2-2:2004
Safety test - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression EN 60938-2-1:1999
Safety test - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression EN 60938-2-2:1999
Safety testing - Audio - Video - Iinformation technology - Routine EN 50514:2008
Safety-related - ISO 13849-1 - Design - Control - Machinery CLC/TR 62061-1:2010
Safety-relevant - Communication - Redundant - CANopen-Safety EN 50325-5:2010
Sale - Distribution CEN/CLC Guide 10:2010
Salt atmosphere - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-13:2002
Salt mist - Corrosion testing - Photovoltaic (PV) module EN 61701:1999
Salt mist - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Corrosion EN 60512-11-6:2002
Salt mist - Environmental conditions - Classification - Dust - Sand HD 478.2.5 S1:1993
Salt mist - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-11:1999
Salt mist - Environmental testing - Test Kb - Cyclic EN 60068-2-52:1996
Salt mist - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-26:2007
Sample handling - Process analyzer - Performance EN 61115:1993
Sampling - Oil - Gas - Free gas - Dissolved gas EN 60567:2005
Sampling plan - Electronic components - Inspection - package EN 61193-2:2007
Sand - Electronic equipment - Climatic test - Dust EN 60512-11-8:1999
Sand - Environmental conditions - Classification - Dust - Salt mist HD 478.2.5 S1:1993
Sander - Tool - Motor-operated - Grinder - Polisher EN 60745-2-3:2007
Sander - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Polisher EN 60745-2-4:2003
Sander - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Polisher EN 60745-2-4:2009
Sanitary sewer - Optical fibre - Cable - Sewer cable - Storm sewer CLC/TS 50429:2005
Satellite - GNSS - Shipborne - Radio beacon receiver - Receiver equipment EN 61108-4:2004
Satellite - Television - Digital - Receiver - Low data rate return channel EN 50478:2007
Satellite broadcast transmission - Radiocommunications - Antenna - Mechanical test EN 61114-2:1996
Satellite broadcast transmission - Radiocommunications - Antenna - Receiving antenna EN 61114-1:1999
Satellite broadcast transmission - Radiocommunications - Receiver - DBS tuner unit EN 61079-2:1993
Satellite broadcast transmission - Radiocommunications - Receiver - Decoder unit EN 61079-5:1993
Satellite broadcast transmission - Radiocommunications - Receiver - Outdoor unit EN 61079-1:1993
Satellite broadcast transmission - Receiver - Measurement EN 61079-3:1993
Satellite earth station - Digital - Microwave - Terrestrial - Radio-relay system EN 60835-1-1:1992
Satellite earth station - Digital - Microwave - Transmission system EN 60835-3-1:1992
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Antenna EN 60835-3-2:1996
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - High power amplifier EN 60835-3-6:1996
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Low noise amplifier EN 60835-3-4:1995
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Measurement EN 60835-3-14:1996
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Radio transmission - Figure-of-merit EN 60835-3-7:1995
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Radio transmission system - Convertor EN 60835-3-5:1994
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Service channel equipment - SCPC-PSK EN 60835-3-11:1995
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Terminal equipment - SCPC-PSK EN 60835-3-9:1995
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Characteristics EN 60835-1-2:1993
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Transmission EN 60835-1-3:1995
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Transmission EN 60835-1-4:1995
Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - VSAT system - Measurement EN 60835-3-13:1996
Satellite earth station - Measurement - Performance EN 60835-3-12:1995
Satellite earth station - Radio equipment - Frequency demodulator EN 60510-2-6:1994
Satellite earth station - Radio equipment - Frequency division multiplex (FDM) EN 60510-3-4:1994
Satellite earth station - Radio equipment - Frequency modulator EN 60510-2-5:1994
Satellite earth station - Radio equipment - Low noise amplifier HD 467.2.3 S1:1990
Satellite earth station - Radio equipment - Measurement HD 467.1.2 S1:1986
Satellite earth station - TDMA traffic earth station - Digital microwave EN 60835-3-10:1994
Satellite receiving equipment - Interconnection - Europe EN 61319-1:1996
Satellite signal - Distribution - Coaxial cable - Dwelling installation - Single EN 50494:2007
Sauna - Household appliance - Heating - Safety EN 60335-2-53:2003
Sauna heater - Building - Electrical installation HD 60364-7-703:2005
SAW - Filter - Surface acoustic wave EN 60862-1:2003
SAW - Filter - Surface acoustic wave - Guidance EN 60862-2:2002
SAW - Filter - Surface acoustic wave - Standard outline EN 60862-3:2003
Saw - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Jig saw - Sabre saw EN 60745-2-11:2010
Saw - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Band saw EN 60745-2-20:2009
Saw - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Chain saw EN 60745-2-13:2009
Saw - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Circular EN 60745-2-5:2010
SAW - Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Jitter - Measurement EN 60679-6:2011
SAW - Resonator - Surface acoustic wave EN 61019-1:2005
SAW - Resonator - Surface acoustic wave EN 61019-2:2005
SAW - Surface acoustic wave - Single Crystal Wafer EN 62276:2005
Saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Mitre saw EN 61029-2-9:2002
Saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Mitre saw EN 61029-2-9:2009
Saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Mitre-bench saw EN 61029-2-11:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Saw - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Mitre-bench saw EN 61029-2-11:2009
Saw - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Reciprocating saw EN 60745-2-11:2003
Saw bench - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Circular EN 61029-2-1:2010
SC(SC2)-APC connector - Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - Attenuator CLC/TR 50378-2-2:2008
SC(SC2)-PC connector - Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - Attenuator CLC/TR 50378-2-1:2008
SC-APC simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-4-2:2011
SC-PC simplex - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-4-4:2011
SC-RJ - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-6-1:2002
SC-RJ - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-6-2:2007
SC-RJ - Fibre - Optic - Connector - Interface EN 61754-24:2010
SC-RJ - Fibre - Optic - Connector - Interface EN 61754-24-11:2009
SC-RJ - Fibre - Optic - Connector - Interface EN 61754-24-21:2009
Scanner - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management EN 61966-8:2001
Scanner - Ultrasonic - Pulse-echo - Spatial measurement - Point spread function EN 61391-1:2006
Scanner - Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo - Penetration depth - Dynamic range EN 61391-2:2010
Scarifier - Household appliances - Lawn aerator - Pedestrian-controlled - Safety EN 60335-2-92:2005
Science - Information - Technology EN 80000-13:2008
Scientific - Industrial - Medical - Radio-frequency - Disturbance EN 55011:2009/A1:2010
Scoop-proof - Electronic equipment - Contact protection effectiveness - Test EN 60512-1-4:1997
SCPC-PSK - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Service channel equipment EN 60835-3-11:1995
SCPC-PSK - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Terminal equipment EN 60835-3-9:1995
Screen testing - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Ceramic - Measurement EN 61300-2-24:2010
Screen testing - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Return loss EN 61300-2-43:1999
Screen testing - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Optical connector EN 61300-2-40:2000
Screen-to-earth - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Signaling - Phase-to-earth EN 61334-3-22:2001
Screened - Cables - Telecommunications - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-2:2006
Screening - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Filtering EN 60512-23-2:2010
Screening - Connector - Electronic equipment - Filtering - Reflection EN 60512-23-4:2001
Screening - Electronic equipment - Connector - Filtering - Transfer impedance EN 60512-23-7:2005
Screening - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Optical components - Reliability EN 62005-4:1999
Screening - Medical - Thermograph - Febrile - Temperature EN 80601-2-59:2009
Screening attenuation - Cable - Connector - Microwave component - Reverberation chamber EN 61726:2000
Screw coupling - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 61169-16:2007
Screw coupling - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Cable distribution system EN 61169-24:2001
Screw coupling - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector EN 60169-24:1993
Screw coupling - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector - Impedance 50 ohms EN 61169-31:1999
Screw coupling - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Coaxial connector - Impedance 50 ohms EN 61169-32:1999
Screw coupling - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Type SC-A and SC-B EN 60169-21:1997
Screw coupling - Radio-frequency - Connector - Coaxial EN 61169-14:2010
Screw coupling - Radio-frequency - Connector - Coaxial EN 61169-24:2009
Screw locking - Connector - Circular EN 61076-2-101:2008
Screw locking - Connector - Circular - Hybrid - Fibre-optic EN 61076-2-107:2010
Screw locking - Connector - Circular - Snap-locking EN 61076-2-104:2008
Screw-locking - Connector - Circular - Protection EN 61076-2-106:2011
Screw-locking - Connector - Electronic - Circular EN 61076-2-105:2008
Screw-type clamping unit - Connecting device - LV - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-1:2004
Screwdriver - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Impact wrench EN 60745-2-2:2010
Screwdriver - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Impact wrench EN 60745-2-2:2003
Screwless-type clamping unit - Connecting device - LV - Household - Separate entity EN 60998-2-2:2004
Scrubbing machine - Household appliances - Floor treatment - Wet scrubbing - Safety EN 60335-2-10:2003
SCSM - Communication - Network - Substation - ISO/IEC 8802-3 EN 61850-9-2:2004
SCSM - Communication - Network - Substation - Link EN 61850-9-1:2003
SCSM - Communication - Network - Substation - Mapping EN 61850-8-1:2004
SD format - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-2:1998
SD-DVCR - Video - Audio - Digital interface - Data transmission EN 61883-2:2005
SDL format - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Consumer use EN 61834-6:2000
SDL-DVCR - Video - Audio - Digital interface - Data transmission EN 61883-5:2005
Seal - Connector - Endurance - Durability - Contact retention EN 60512-9-4:2011
Seal - Lightning - Protection - Earth - Housing EN 62561-5:2011
Sealed - Battery - Non_aceid electrolyte - Portable - Safety EN 62133:2003
Sealed - Battery - Secondary cell - Alkaline - Portable EN 61959:2004
Sealed closure - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Aerial EN 61753-111-7:2010
Sealed closure - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Ground EN 61753-111-8:2010
Sealed closure - Optical fibre - Communication - Cable joint - Air blown EN 50411-2-5:2009
Sealed nickel-cadmium cell - Battery - Non-acid electrolyte - Prismatic - Rechargeable EN 60622:2003
Sealing - Connector - Electronic equipment - Interfacial sealing EN 60512-14-6:2006
Sealing - Connector - Electronic equipment - Leakage - Fine air EN 60512-14-2:2006
Sealing - Electronic equipment - Soldering test - Flux - Cleaning solvent EN 60512-12-6:1996
Sealing - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Closure - Test EN 61300-2-38:2006
Sealing - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-8:2003
Sealing system - Connector - Electronic - Cable outlet - Metric EN 61076-7-100:2006
Sealing test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Impacting water EN 60512-14-7:1998
Sealing test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-17:1994
Sealing test - Waveguide - Pressurized waveguide tubing HD 138 S2:1990
Seamless ring - Communication - Network - Automation - Redundancy protocol EN 62439-3:2010
Search - Global maritime distress and safety system - Radar - Transponder - Rescue EN 61097-1:2007
SECAM - Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast EN 61041-2:1996
Secondary - Battery - Propulsion - Vehicle - Lithium-ion cell EN 62660-1:2011
Secondary - Battery - Propulsion - Vehicle - Lithium-ion cell EN 62660-2:2011
Secondary - Lithium cell - Battery - Portable - Alkaline EN 61960:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Secondary - Lithium cell - Battery - Portable - Alkaline EN 61960:2011
Secondary - Lithium cell - Battery - Primary - Transport EN 62281:2004
Secondary battery - Battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-1:2010
Secondary battery - Battery - Portable appliances - Installation - Safety EN 50272-4:2007
Secondary battery - Battery - Propulsion - Road vehicle EN 61982-1:2006
Secondary battery - Battery - Stationary battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-2:2001
Secondary battery - Battery - Traction battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-3:2002
Secondary cell - Battery - Alkaline - Nickel-cadmium - Gas recombination EN 62259:2004
Secondary cell - Battery - Alkaline - Sealed - Portable EN 61959:2004
Secondary cell - Battery - International recycling symbol EN 61429:1996
Secondary cell and battery - Alkaline - Non-acid electrolyte EN 61434:1996
Secretariat - EC - Financial support - Convenorship CEN/CLC Guide 16:2009
Sectional - Connector - 2.4 series - RF connector EN 61169-40:2011
Sectional specification - Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Capability approval EN 60368-4:2000
Sectional specification - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Suppression EN 60938-2:1999
Security - Alarm system - CCTV surveillance system EN 50132-1:2010
Security - Alarm system - Intrusion system - Fog device EN 50131-8:2009
Security - OPC - Unified - Architecture - Model CLC/TR 62541-2:2010
Security applications - Alarm system - Access control system - Application guidelines EN 50133-7:1999
Security applications - Alarm system - Access control system - Component EN 50133-2-1:2000
Security applications - Alarm system - Access control system - System requirement EN 50133-1:1996
Security applications - Alarm system - CCTV surveillance system - Application guidelines EN 50132-7:1996
Security applications - Alarm system - CCTV surveillance system - Video transmission EN 50132-5:2001
Segmentation filter - Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter EN 50065-4-5:2003
Seismic - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Gas-insulated EN 62271-207:2007
Seismic qualification - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 61166:1993
Seismic test - Electronic equipment - Rack - Cabinet - Mechanical structure EN 61587-2:2001
Seismic test - Environmental testing EN 60068-3-3:1993
Seismic test - Relay - Measuring relay - Vibration - Protection equipment EN 60255-21-3:1995
Seismic test - Relay - Measuring relay - Vibration test - Protection equipment EN 60255-21-1:1995
Selection - Building - Electrical installation - Current carrying capacities HD 384.5.523 S2:2001
Selection - Building - Electrical installation - Erection - Common rules HD 60364-5-51:2006
Selection - Building - Electrical installation - Isolation - Switching HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
Selection - Building - Electrical installation - Luminaire - Lighting HD 60364-5-559:2005
Selection - Building - Electrical installation - LV generating set HD 384.5.551 S1:1997
Selection - Building - Electrical installation - Safety services HD 384.5.56 S1:1985
Selection - Building - Electrical installation - Wiring system HD 384.5.52 S1:1995
Selection - Electrical installation - Building - Erection - Rule HD 60364-5-51:2009
Selection - Explosive - Atmosphere - Design - Erection EN 60079-14:2008
Selection - Low-voltage - Erection - Wiring HD 60364-5-52:2011
Selection - Surge arrester - Recommendations EN 60099-5:1996
Selection guidelines - Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Valve regulated EN 60896-22:2004
Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer - Fibre optic - Branching device - Wavelength - Fibre type A1a/b/c CECC 81 102-802:1994
Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer - Fibre optic - Branching device - Wavelength - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 81 102-801:1994
Selective transmissive star - Fibre optic - Branching device EN 181101:1994
Selective transmissive star - Fibre optic - Branching device - Non-wavelength - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 81 101-801:1994
Selective transmissive star - Fibre optic - Branching device - Telecommunication EN 181104:1997
Selector - Switch - Change-over EN 61058-2-5:2011
Self supporting system - Cable - Bundled cable - Aerial - Clamp EN 50483-2:2009
Self-audit checklist - Integrated circuit - Film and hybrid integrated circuit EN 165000-3:1996
Self-ballasted lamp - Lighting - Performance - Safety EN 60968:1990
Self-ballasted lamp - Lighting - Performance - Safety EN 60969:1993
Self-commutated - Convertor - Semiconductor - DC EN 60146-2:2000
Self-healing - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - AC - Safety EN 60831-1:1996
Self-healing - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Test - Ageing test EN 60831-2:1996
Self-protected - Transformer - Power transformer - Liquid-filled EN 60076-13:2006
Semi conductive - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-281:2010
Semi-conductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Package EN 60191-6:2009
Semi-flexible - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-3:2003
Semi-flexible - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-3-1:2003
Semi-flexible - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-3-2:2003
Semi-flexible - Cable - Radio - Frequency EN 60966-3-1:2009
Semi-flexible - Cable - Radio - Frequency - Coaxial EN 60966-3:2009
Semi-rigid - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-4:2003
Semi-rigid - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio frequency EN 60966-4-1:2003
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight plug CECC 22 231-801:1991
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Fixed socket CECC 22 221-803:1986
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle plug CECC 22 221-802:1986
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight plug CECC 22 221-801:1986
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Straight socket CECC 22 221-808:1986
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Plug CECC 22 211-812:1988
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket CECC 22 211-813:1988
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket CECC 22 211-814:1988
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket CECC 22 111-819:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket CECC 22 111-820:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Right angle plug CECC 22 111-803:1984
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Right angle plug CECC 22 111-817:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug CECC 22 111-801:1984
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug CECC 22 111-802:1984
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug CECC 22 111-815:1987
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight plug CECC 22 111-816:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight socket CECC 22 111-804:1984
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Straight socket CECC 22 111-818:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Right angle plug CECC 22 161-804:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight plug CECC 22 161-801:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight plug CECC 22 161-802:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Straight socket CECC 22 161-805:1987
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Straight plug CECC 22 201-801:1988
Semi-rigid cable - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Straight plug CECC 22 201-802:1988
Semiconductor - Circuit - Microwave - Integrated - Amplifier EN 60747-16-1:2002
Semiconductor - Circuit - Microwave - Integrated - Frequency converter EN 60747-16-3:2002
Semiconductor - Circuit - Monolithic - Microwave - Integrated EN 60747-16-10:2004
Semiconductor - Circuit - Optoelectronic EN 60747-5-1:2001
Semiconductor - Circuit - Optoelectronic - Measuring method EN 60747-5-3:2001
Semiconductor - Circuit - Optoelectronic - Photocoupler - Optocoupler EN 60747-5-5:2011
Semiconductor - Circuit - Optoelectronic - Rating - Characteristic EN 60747-5-2:2001
Semiconductor - Circuit - Switch - Microwave - Integrated EN 60747-16-4:2004
Semiconductor - Climatic - Acoustic - Microscopy - Plastic encapsulated EN 60749-35:2006
Semiconductor - Climatic - Board level drop test - Handled electronic products EN 60749-37:2008
Semiconductor - Climatic - Moisture diffusivity - Water solubility - Organic material EN 60749-39:2006
Semiconductor - Climatic - Resistance - Moisture - Heat EN 60749-20:2009
Semiconductor - Climatic - Resistance - Soldering temperature - Through-hole EN 60749-15:2010
Semiconductor - Converter - Line commutated EN 60146-1-1:2010
Semiconductor - Convertor - Line commutated EN 60146-1-1:1993
Semiconductor - Convertor - Self-commutated - DC EN 60146-2:2000
Semiconductor - Die - Procurement - Use EN 62258-1:2010
Semiconductor - Die product - Data exchange - XML schema CLC/TR 62258-7:2007
Semiconductor - Die product - Die user - Die supplier CLC/TR 62258-4:2007
Semiconductor - Die product - Exchange data format EN 62258-2:2005
Semiconductor - Die product - Exchange data format EN 62258-2:2011
Semiconductor - Die product - EXPRESS model - Data exchange CLC/TR 62258-8:2008
Semiconductor - Die product - Handling - Packing - Storage CLC/TR 62258-3:2007
Semiconductor - Die product - Procurement - Use EN 62258-1:2005
Semiconductor - Die product - Simulation EN 62258-5:2006
Semiconductor - Die product - Thermal - Simulation EN 62258-6:2006
Semiconductor - Discrete CECC 50 000:1986
Semiconductor - Discrete - Isolated power EN 60747-15:2004
Semiconductor - Drawing - Outline drawing - Discrete device EN 60191-1:2007
Semiconductor - Drawing - Surface mounted - Package - Grid array EN 60191-6-17:2011
Semiconductor - Drawing - Surface mounted - Packager - BGA EN 60191-6-18:2010
Semiconductor - Fuse - LV - Fuse-link - Protection EN 60269-4:2007
Semiconductor - Fuse - LV - Fuse-link - Protection EN 60269-4:2009
Semiconductor - Handling, Surface mount device - Moisture - Soldering heat EN 60749-20-1:2009
Semiconductor - Machinery - Safety EN 60204-33:2011
Semiconductor - Measurement - Package - Warpage - Temperature EN 60191-6-19:2010
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Damp heat - Stress test EN 60749-4:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Drop test - Strain gauge EN 60749-40:2011
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Electrostatic discharge - Human body model (HBM) EN 60749-26:2006
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Electrostatic discharge - Machine model (MM) EN 60749-27:2006
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Flammability - Plastic encapsulated device EN 60749-31:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Flammability - Plastic encapsulated device EN 60749-32:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Latch-up - Test method EN 60749-29:2011
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Moisture resistance - Unbiased autoclave EN 60749-33:2004
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Moisture resistance - Unbiased HAST EN 60749-24:2004
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Non-hermetic - Reliability EN 60749-30:2005
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Plastic-encapsulated SMD - Moisture EN 60749-20:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Soft error test - Memory EN 60749-38:2008
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Solderability - Test method EN 60749-21:2011
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Soldering temperature - through-hole EN 60749-15:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Temperature - Humidity bias life test EN 60749-5:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-1:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Acceleration EN 60749-36:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Bond strength EN 60749-22:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Die shear strength EN 60749-19:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - External visual examination EN 60749-3:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - High temperature EN 60749-23:2004
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Ionizing radiation EN 60749-18:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Latch-up EN 60749-29:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Low air pressure EN 60749-2:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Marking EN 60749-9:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Moisture EN 60749-7:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Moisture EN 60749-7:2011
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Neutron irradiation EN 60749-17:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Noise detection EN 60749-16:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Power cycling EN 60749-34:2004
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Power cycling EN 60749-34:2010
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Salt atmosphere EN 60749-13:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Sealing EN 60749-8:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Shock EN 60749-10:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Solderability EN 60749-21:2005
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Alphabetical Index

Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Storage at high temperature EN 60749-6:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Temperature change EN 60749-25:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Terminaisons robustness EN 60749-14:2003
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Two-fluid-bath method EN 60749-11:2002
Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method - Vibration EN 60749-12:2002
Semiconductor - Metallization - Stress - Void test EN 62418:2010
Semiconductor - Micro electromechanical EN 62047-1:2006
Semiconductor - Micro electromechanical - Tensile-testing - Thin film EN 62047-3:2006
Semiconductor - Micro electromechanical - Tensile-testing - Thin film materials EN 62047-2:2006
Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Axial - Fatigue test - Thin film EN 62047-6:2010
Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - MEMS EN 62047-4:2010
Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - MEMS BAW - Filter - Duplexer EN 62047-7:2011
Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - RF MEMS - Switch EN 62047-5:2011
Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Strip bending - Thin - Film EN 62047-8:2011
Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Wafer to wafer - Bonding strength - MEMS EN 62047-9:2011
Semiconductor - Microelectromechanical - Micro-pillar - MEMS EN 62047-10:2011
Semiconductor - Mobile - Ion - Metal-oxide - Transistor EN 62417:2010
Semiconductor - Optoelectronic - Fibre optic EN 62007-1:2009
Semiconductor - Optoelectronic, Fibre - Optic EN 62007-2:2009
Semiconductor - Outline - Drawing - Package - J-lead (SOJ) EN 60191-6-20:2010
Semiconductor - Outline - Drawing - Package - SOJ EN 60191-6-21:2010
Semiconductor - Outline drawing - P-VSON - Dimension EN 60191-6-10:2003
Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Ball grid array (BGA) EN 60191-6-4:2003
Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Fine pitch land grid array (FLGA) - Design guide EN 60191-6-6:2001
Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Fine-pitch - Land grid array EN 60191-6-12:2011
Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Terminal package - Design guide EN 60191-6-2:2002
Semiconductor device - Coding system - Classification - Package outline EN 60191-4:1999
Semiconductor device - Design guideline - Open-top socket - Fine-pitch Grid Array EN 60191-6-13:2007
Semiconductor device - Discrete pressure - Contact power EN 153000:1998
Semiconductor device - Glossary - Burn-in socket EN 60191-6-16:2007
Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Integrated circuits - Mechanical standardization EN 60191-3:1999
Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Design guide - Fine-pitch ball grid array EN 60191-6-5:2001
Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Design guide - Glass sealed ceramic quad flatpack EN 60191-6-8:2001
Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) - Rectangular EN 60191-6-12:2002
Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Gull-wing lead terminal EN 60191-6-1:2001
Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Package - Rule EN 60191-6:2004
Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Quad flat pack (QFP) - Measuring method EN 60191-6-3:2000
Semiconductor optoelectronic device - Fibre optic - Fibre optic system EN 62007-1:2000
Semiconductor optoelectronic device - Fibre optic - Fibre optic system - Measurement EN 62007-2:2000
Sensing application - Thermistor - Temperature - Step-function - Directly heated EN 60738-1-4:2008
Sensing control - Household - Automatic - Air flow - Water flow EN 60730-2-15:2010
Sensing control - Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-2-18:1999
Sensing control - Household use - Automatic control - Humidity EN 60730-2-13:2008
Sensitive switch - Switch CECC 96 300:1988
Sensitive test - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement EN 61326-2-1:2006
Sensor - Fibre optic - Generic EN 61757-1:1999
Sensor - Household use - Automatic control - Boiler EN 60730-2-15:1995
Sensor - Thermometer - Platinum - Resistance - Temperature EN 60751:2008
Sensor professional camera - Video - Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC EN 61146-2:1997
Separate - Rotating - Loss - Large EN 60034-2-2:2010
Separate entity - Connecting device - LV - Insulation piercing clamping unit - Household EN 60998-2-3:2004
Separate entity - Connecting device - LV - Screw-type clamping unit - Household EN 60998-2-1:2004
Separate entity - Connecting device - LV - Screwless-type clamping unit - Household EN 60998-2-2:2004
Separating force - Connector - Electronic equipment - Engaging force - Test EN 60512-13-1:2006
Separating transformer - Transformer - Power supply - Reactor - Safety EN 61558-2-1:2007
Separation - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Control EN 60709:2010
Separator - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Moisture - Reheater EN 45510-6-7:1998
Sequencer - Lighting - Requirements - Control gear - Type 9 EN 62386-210:2011
Sequential function - Chart - GRAFCET - Language EN 60848:2002
Serial bus - Connector - Rectangular - High performance - Consumer equipment EN 61076-3-112:2006
Serial copy management system - Audio - Digital audio tape (DAT) EN 61119-6:1994
Serial data instrument network - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Digital interface EN 61162-3:2008
Serial highway interface - Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC HD 417 S2:1987
Series - Capacitor - Power system - Thyristor EN 60143-4:2010
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - 45 angle plug - Single hole,rear mounting CECC 22 231-806:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed plug - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-808:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Single hole, front mounting CECC 22 231-807:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-804:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 231-805:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 231-803:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Right angle CECC 22 231-809:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Straight CECC 22 231-810:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 231-802:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 231-801:1991
Series 1,0/2,3 - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 230:1993
Series 1,0/2,3 - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 231:1989
Series 1,4/4,4 - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 250:1993
Series 1,4/4,4 - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 251:1989
Series 1,6/5,6 - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 240:1993
Series 1,6/5,6 - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 241:1989
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Alphabetical Index

Series 4000 B and 4000 UB - Circuit - Integrated circuit - C MOS - Digital CECC 90 104:1990
Series 7-16 - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 191:1984
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 131:1984
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor - Plug to plug CECC 22 121-814:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor - Socket to socket CECC 22 121-813:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed adaptor - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 121-815:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Free socket - Clamped outer conductor CECC 22 121-805:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Plug - Clamp outer conductor CECC 22 121-801:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Plug - Crimp outer conductor CECC 22 121-802:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle adaptor - Plug to socket CECC 22 121-812:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Clamp outer conductor CECC 22 121-803:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 121-811:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - 4-hole fixing CECC 22 121-804:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 121-807:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Hermetically sealed CECC 22 121-810:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 121-809:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Single hole fixing CECC 22 121-806:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Single hole fixing CECC 22 121-808:1985
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-801:1988
Series BNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - T-adaptor - Plug to plug to socket CECC 22 121-816:1985
Series BNC - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 121:1979
Series BNC - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 122120:1993
Series capacitor - Capacitor - Power system EN 60143-1:2004
Series capacitor - Capacitor - Power system - Internal fuse EN 60143-3:1998
Series capacitor bank - Capacitor - Protective equipment EN 60143-2:1994
Series EIA flange - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 151:1986
Series EIA flange - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 122150:1993
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Bulkhead socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-804:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-803:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-812:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle - Printed circuit board socket CECC 22 221-807:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle bulkhead socket - Single hole mounting CECC 22 221-805:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-813:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Flexible cable, low profile CECC 22 221-814:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-802:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Hermetic CECC 22 221-809:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-810:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-801:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-811:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 221-806:1986
Series MCX - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-808:1986
Series MCX - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 220:1993
Series MCX - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 221:1985
Series MMCX - Connector - Coaxial - Radio frequency EN 122340:2002
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor - Plug/plug CECC 22 211-816:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 211-815:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 211-817:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed plug - Solder bucket CECC 22 211-810:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Free socket - Crimp type CECC 22 211-806:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-802:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-812:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right-angle plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-804:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right-angle plug - Crimp type CECC 22 211-818:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - 4-hole fixing CECC 22 211-819:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Crimp type CECC 22 211-809:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-813:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-814:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Single hole front mounting CECC 22 211-807:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Single hole rear monting CECC 22 211-811:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 211-820:1988
Series N - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Solder bucket CECC 22 211-808:1988
Series N - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 210:1993
Series N - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 211:1986
Series N - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Free socket CECC 22 211-805:1988
Series N - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Plug CECC 22 211-801:1988
Series N - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right-angle plug CECC 22 211-803:1988
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Bulkhead socket - Front mounting CECC 22 111-814:1985
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Bulkhead socket - Rear mounting CECC 22 111-813:1985
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Narrow flange CECC 22 111-808:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-819:1987
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-820:1987
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Square flange CECC 22 111-805:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Square flange CECC 22 111-807:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed straight socket - Narrow flange CECC 22 111-806:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 111-810:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-803:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-817:1987
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle socket - Printed circuit board CECC 22 111-812:1985
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 111-809:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-801:1984
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-802:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-815:1987
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-816:1987
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Printed circuit board CECC 22 111-811:1985
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-804:1984
Series SMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-818:1987
Series SMA - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 111:1982
Series SMA - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 122110:1993
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed right angle socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-806:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-802:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-811:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Printed wiring board - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-804:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Printed wiring board socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-803:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-805:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-809:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-808:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-810:1988
Series SMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-807:1988
Series SMB - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 122130:1993
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 141:1984
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed right angle socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-806:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-802:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-811:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Printed wiring board - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-804:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Printed wiring board socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-803:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-805:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-809:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-808:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Socket - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-810:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-801:1988
Series SMC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-807:1988
Series SMC - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 122140:1993
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 161:1984
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor right angle - One female, one male centre contact CECC 22 161-815:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor straight - Two female centre contact CECC 22 161-814:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor straight - Two male centre contact CECC 22 161-813:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - 4-hole front mounting CECC 22 161-808:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 161-809:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 161-810:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-804:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 161-812:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 161-803:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-801:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-802:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Female centre contact CECC 22 161-806:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 161-807:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 161-811:1987
Series SSMA - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-805:1987
Series SSMA - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial connector EN 122160:1993
Series SSMB - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency EN 122170:1993
Series SSMB - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 171:1984
Series SSMC - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency EN 122180:1993
Series SSMC - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 181:1984
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor - Plug/plug CECC 22 201-810:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Adaptor - Socket/socket CECC 22 201-809:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed adaptor - Panel sealed CECC 22 201-811:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 201-808:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 201-812:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Single hole, front mounting CECC 22 201-807:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Fixed socket - Single hole, rear mounting CECC 22 201-806:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-803:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Right angle plug - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-804:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 201-801:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight plug - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 201-802:1988
Series TNC - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Straight socket - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-805:1988
Series TNC - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency EN 122200:1994
Series TNC - Connector - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency CECC 22 201:1985
Service channel - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Measurement EN 60835-2-9:1995
Service channel equipment - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - SCPC-PSK EN 60835-3-11:1995
Service pole - Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system EN 50085-2-4:2009
Set matching - Sound system equipment - Headphone - Earphone - Portable EN 50332-2:2003
Severe airborne environmental conditions - Relay - Monostable CECC 16 207-801:1997
Severe environmental conditions - Relay - All-or-nothing EN 116200:1991
Severity - Environmental conditions - Classification - Parameter EN 60721-1:1995
Sewer - Optic - Cable - Outdoor - Storm EN 60794-3-40:2008
Sewer cable - Optical fibre - Cable - Storm sewer - Sanitary sewer CLC/TS 50429:2005
Sewing machine - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-28:2003
Sewing machine - Machinery - Safety EN 60204-31:1998
Sewing machine coupler - Coupler - Household appliances EN 60320-2-1:2000
SF6 - Sulphur hexafluoride - Checking - Treatment EN 60480:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

SF6 grade - Technical grade EN 60376:2005
SFF 10-pin - Fibre - Optic - Transceiver EN 62148-2:2011
SFF 20-pin - Fibre - Optic - Transceiver EN 62148-3:2011
SG terminated - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Multimode fibre EN 50377-3-1:2008
Shade holder ring - Lighting - Lampholder - Barrel thread EN 60399:2004
Shaft ends - Bush - Shaft operated - Electronic component - Single-hole EN 60915:2007
Shaft operated - Shaft ends - Bush - Electronic component - Single-hole EN 60915:2007
Shape - Core - Ferrite core - Dimensions - Planar magnegics applications EN 62317-9:2006
Shape - Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Compatibility EN 62329-3-100:2010
Shape - Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Compatibility - Elastomer EN 62329-3-102:2010
Shape - Heat shrinkable - Moulded - Compatibility - Polyolefin EN 62329-3-101:2010
Shape - Moulded - Heat shrinkable EN 62329-1:2006
Shape - Moulded - Heat shrinkable - Test EN 62329-2:2006
Shaver - Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise EN 60704-2-8:1997
Shaver - Household appliances - Hair clipper - Safety EN 60335-2-8:2003
Shaver - Household appliances - Performance EN 61254:1994
Shaver - Safety - Transformer - Reactor EN 61558-2-5:2010
Shaver transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-5:1998
Shear - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Nibbler EN 60745-2-8:2009
Shear - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Nibbler EN 60745-2-8:2003
Shear fatigue - Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Solder joint EN 62137-1-5:2009
Shear strength - Surface-mount technology - Environmental - Endurance - Solder joint EN 62137-1-2:2007
Sheath - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Abrasation resistance EN 50289-3-7:2001
Sheath - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Adhesion EN 50289-3-17:2002
Sheath - Lead - Lead alloy - Sleeve - Cable EN 50307:2002
Sheath marking - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Abrasation resistance EN 50289-3-8:2001
Sheathed cable - Cable - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable HD 21.4 S2:1990
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Halogen-free - Cross-linked insulating compound EN 50363-5:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Halogen-free - Thermoplastic insulating compound EN 50363-7:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Covering EN 50363-0:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Covering EN 50363-0:2011
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Cross-linked elastomer EN 50363-1:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Cross-linked elastomer EN 50363-2-1:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride EN 50363-9-1:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride EN 50363-10-1:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - PVC covering compound EN 50363-4-2:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - PVC insulating compounds EN 50363-3:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - PVC sheating compound EN 50363-4-1:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Thermoplastic polyurethane EN 50363-10-2:2005
Sheathing - Cable - Liquid EN 50369:2005
Shell boiler - Power station - Boiler EN 45510-3-2:1999
Shield attenuation - Electromagnetic compatibility - Anechoic chamber EN 50147-1:1996
Shielded - Connector - 8-way - Free - Fixed EN 60603-7-1:2009
Shielded - Connector - 8-way - Free - Fixed EN 60603-7-1:2011
Shielded - Connector - Electronic - Data transmission - Free and fixed EN 61076-3-110:2008
Shielded balanced cable - Connector - Radio frequency connector EN 60169-25:1993
Shielded enclosure - Enclosure CLC/TR 50484:2009
Shielded exposure - Filter - Exposure CLC/TR 50481:2009
Shielded free - Connector - Electronic - Data transmission - Fixed EN 61076-3-104:2006
Shielding effectiveness - Electronic equipment - Connector - Test - Measurement EN 60512-23-3:2001
Shielding function - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 61076-4-114:2003
Ship - Electrical installation - Pleasure craft EN 60092-507:2000
Ship - Environmental conditions - Classification - Parameter EN 60721-3-6:1993
Ship - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Testing EN 60945:2002
Ship - Receiver - Loran-C receiver EN 61075:1993
Ship - Receiver - Omega receiver EN 61110:1992
Shipborne - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication EN 62288:2008
Shipborne - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Voyage data recorder EN 61996-1:2008
Shipborne - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Voyage data recorder EN 61996-2:2008
Shipborne - Satellite - GNSS - Radio beacon receiver - Receiver equipment EN 61108-4:2004
Shipborne radar - Radio-communication - Maritime - Navigation - Radar EN 62388:2008
Shock - Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress EN 60512-6-3:2002
Shock - Environmental testing - Rough handling - Equipment-type EN 60068-2-31:2008
Shock - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-9:1997
Shock - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Test EN 61300-2-9:2010
Shock - Railway - Rolling stock - Vibration - Test EN 61373:2010
Shock - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-10:2002
Shock - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Protection EN 50274:2002
Shock and bump test - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Vibration EN 60255-21-2:1995
Shock response - Environmental testing - Test Ei - Spectrum synthesis EN 60068-2-81:2003
Shock test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-27:1993
Shock test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-27:2009
Shock test - Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Vibration test EN 61373:1999
Short duration - Electoacoustics - Audiometric - Signal - Test EN 60645-3:2007
Short range devices - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Radio frequency Identification EN 62369-1:2009
Short-circuit - Current - Line-to-earth - Partial - Three-phase EN 60909-3:2010
short-circuit - Current - Three-phase - AC system - Calculation EN 60909-0:2001
Short-circuit - Current - Three-phase - AC system - Line-to-earth EN 60909-3:2003
Short-circuit current - Calculation EN 60865-1:1993
Short-circuit current - DC auxiliary installation - Power plant EN 61660-1:1997
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Short-circuit current - DC auxiliary installation - Power plant EN 61660-2:1997
Short-circuit withstand - Transformer - Power transformer EN 60076-5:2006
Short-circuiting - Live working - Portable - Earthing EN 61230:2008
Short-circuiting - Live working - Portable equipment - Earthing EN 61230:1995
Short-circuiting equipment - Cable - Portable - Earthing EN 61138:2007
Short-primary - Railway - Traction - Linear induction - Power converter EN 62520:2011
Short-wave - Medical - Therapy - Safety EN 60601-2-3:1993
Shot gun damage - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical EN 50289-3-12:2001
Show - Building - Electrical installation - Exhibition - Stand HD 384.7.711 S1:2003
Shower basin - Building - Electrical installation - Bath tub HD 60364-7-701:2007
Shower cabinet - Household appliances - Multifunctional - Safety EN 60335-2-105:2005
Shrinkage - Communication cable - Test method - Tensile strength - Elongation EN 50289-3-4:2001
Shunt - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Resistance EN 60512-21-1:2010
Shunt capacitor - Capacitor - AC EN 60871-1:2005
Shunt capacitor - Capacitor - AC - Internal fuse EN 60871-4:1996
Shunt capacitor - Capacitor - Endurance testing HD 525.2 S1:1989
Shunt capacitor - Capacitor - Filter - Industrial network - AC EN 61642:1997
Shunt capacitor - Capacitor - Non-self-healing - Test EN 60931-2:1996
Shunt power capacitor - Capacitor - Non-self-healing type - AC EN 60931-1:1996
Shunt power capacitor - Capacitor - Non-self-healing type - AC - Internal fuse EN 60931-3:1996
Shunt power capacitor - Capacitor - Self-healing - AC - Safety EN 60831-1:1996
Shunt power capacitor - Capacitor - Self-healing - Test - Ageing test EN 60831-2:1996
Shut-off device - Pressure - Measuring - Dimensions - Mating EN 61518:2001
Shutdown - Nuclear - Power plant - Control room - Reactor EN 60965:2011
Sign - Lighting - Aviation ground lighting installation ENV 50235:1997
Signal - Audio - Video - Transmission - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-1:1997
Signal - Audio - Video - Transmission - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-2:1997
Signal - Audio - Video - Transmission - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-6:2002
Signal - Audio - Video - Transmission - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-8-1:2004
Signal - Cable - Network - Television - Sound EN 60728-1-2:2009
Signal - Cable - Television - Two way home network EN 60728-1-1:2010
Signal - Cable network - Television - Coaxial cable - Active wideband EN 60728-3:2006
Signal - Cable network - Television - Coaxial cable - Active wideband equipment EN 50083-3:2002
Signal - Cable network - Television - Coaxial cable - Passive wideband equipment EN 60728-4:2008
Signal - Cable network - Television - Sound - Headend equipment EN 60728-5:2008
Signal - Cable network - Television - Sound - Return path CLC/TR 50083-10-1:2009
Signal - Cable network - Television - Sound signal - Return path EN 50083-10:2002
Signal - Electoacoustics - Audiometric - Short duration - Test EN 60645-3:2007
Signal - Electromagnetic compatibility - Road traffic - Product standard EN 50293:2000
Signal - Industrial - Installation - Equipment - Product EN 61175:2005
Signal - Machinery - Visual - Acoustic - Tactile EN 61310-1:2008
Signal - Road - Traffic EN 50556:2011
Signal - Sound - Household EN 62080:2009
Signal - Sound - Hybrid - Transponder - PSTIB EN 60728-7-3:2009
Signal - Traffic - Road traffic HD 638 S1:2001
Signal - xDSL - Telecommunication network - Digital Subscriber Line - DSL CLC/TS 62367:2005
Signal integrity - Connector - Electronic equipment - Alien crosstalk - Measurement EN 60512-25-9:2008
Signal parameter - Sound - Electroactoustic - transducer - Large EN 62458:2011
Signal transformer - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61248-2:1997
Signal-noise ratio - Video - Video tape recorder HD 527 S1:1989
Signaling - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Phase-to-earth - Screen-to-earth EN 61334-3-22:2001
Signaling - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Phase-to-phase - Capacitive coupling device EN 61334-3-21:1996
Signalling - Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment - LF disturbance EN 61000-2-12:2003
Signalling - Electromagnetic compatibility - Public power supply system - LV EN 61000-2-2:2002
Signalling - LV - Filter - Decoupling filter - Generic specification EN 50065-4-1:2001
Signalling - LV - Filter - Decoupling filter - Safety requirement EN 50065-4-2:2001
Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Impedance filter EN 50065-4-4:2003
Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Incoming filter EN 50065-4-3:2003
Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Phase coupler EN 50065-4-6:2004
Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Portable EN 50065-4-7:2005
Signalling - LV - Frequency - Decoupling filter - Segmentation filter EN 50065-4-5:2003
Signalling - LV - Frequency - Impedance EN 50065-7:2001
Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2001
Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2001/A1:2010
Signalling - LV - Frequency band - Electromagnetic - Disturbance EN 50065-1:2011
Signalling - LV - Immunity - Communications equipment - Frequency EN 50065-2-1:2003
Signalling - LV - Immunity - Communications equipment - Industrial environment EN 50065-2-2:2003
Signalling - LV - Immunity - Communications equipment - Supplier and distributor EN 50065-2-3:2003
Signalling - Railway - Cross-acceptance - Communication - EN 50129 CLC/TR 50506-1:2007
Signalling - Railway - Safery assurance - Communication - EN 50129 CLC/TR 50506-2:2009
Signalling - Railway application - Closed transmission - Communication - Safety EN 50159-1:2001
Signalling - Railway application - Communication - Protection - Software EN 50128:2001
Signalling - Railway application - Communication - Protection - Software EN 50128:2011
Signalling - Railway application - Communication - Safety EN 50159:2010
Signalling - Railway application - Open transmission - Communication - Safety EN 50159-2:2001
Signalling - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Telecommunications - Immunity EN 50121-4:2006
Signalling - Railway applications - Electronic system - Communication - Processing EN 50129:2003
Signalling - Railway applications - Telecommunications - Environmental conditions EN 50125-3:2003
Signalling - Surge - Protective device - Telecommunications - Test method EN 61643-21:2001
Signalling network - Surge - Protective device - LV - Telecommunications network CLC/TS 61643-22:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Silicon - Cell - Solar cell - Crystalline silicon EN 50461:2006
Silicon - Wafer - Solar - Crystalline EN 50513:2009
Silicon monolithic - Circuit - Integrated circuit - Memory - Read only CECC 90 105:1986
Silicone - Cable - Low voltage - Multicore - Rubber insulation EN 50525-2-83:2011
Silicone - Cable - Low voltage - Single core - Rubber insulation EN 50525-2-41:2011
Silicone - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Extruded silicone sleeving EN 60684-3-121 to 124:2001
Silicone - Insulation - Liquid - Unused EN 60836:2005
Silicone elastomer - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile EN 60684-3-400 to 402:2002
Silicone resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-3-6:2004
Silicone rubber - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Multicore cable - Heat resistant HD 22.15 S2:2007
Silicone rubber insulated - Railway applications - Cable - Fire performance - High temperature EN 50382-2:2008
Simplex - Cable - Duplex - Cord EN 50551-1:2011
Simplex - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Duplex EN 60794-2-50:2008
Simplex cable - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-10:2003
Simplex cable - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-41:2008
Simplex cable - Optical fibre - Cable - Indoor - Duplex cable EN 60794-2-42:2008
Simplex fibre - Cable - Optical fibre - Indoor cable - Duplex fibre EN 60794-2-11:2005
Simplified receptacle SC-PC - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Type SC connector EN 61754-4-1:2003
Simulated - Hearing aid - In situ working conditions - Performance EN 60118-8:2005
Simulated system - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial radio-relay system HD 477.3 S1:1988
Simulation - Die product - Semiconductor EN 62258-5:2006
Simulation - Die product - Semiconductor - Thermal EN 62258-6:2006
Simulation - Electrostatic effect - Human body model - Component - Testing EN 61340-3-1:2007
Simulation - Electrostatic effect - Machine model - Component - Testing EN 61340-3-2:2007
Simulation - EMC - Modelling - Circuit - EMI EN 62433-2:2010
Simulation - Railway application - Pantograph - Overhead contact line - Dynamic interaction EN 50318:2002
Simulator - Electroacoustics - Calibration - Acoustic coupler - Audiometric earphone EN 60318-2:1998
Simulator - Electroacoustics - Calibration - Acoustic coupler - Supra-aural earphone EN 60318-3:1998
Simulator - Electroacoustics - Calibration - Supra-aural earphone EN 60318-1:1998
Simulator - Electroacoustics - Coupler - Hearing aid - Earphone EN 60318-5:2006
Simulator - Electroacoustics - Coupler - Vibrator - Bone vibrator EN 60318-6:2008
Simulator - Electroacoustics - Human - Ear - Insert EN 60318-4:2010
Simulator - Electroacoustics - Supra-aural - Circumaural - Earphone EN 60318-1:2009
Simulator - Medical - Radiotherapy - Performance EN 61168:1994
Simulator - Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Safety EN 60601-2-29:1999
Simulator - Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Safety EN 60601-2-29:2008
Simulator - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Solar simulator EN 60904-9:2007
Sine beat method - Environmental testing - Vibration test EN 60068-2-59:1993
Single - Distribution - Satellite signal - Coaxial cable - Dwelling installation EN 50494:2007
Single - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire EN 60332-1-1:2004
Single and double-sided - Printed board - Plain hole EN 123100:1992
Single and double-sided - Printed board - Plain hole CECC 23 100-801:1998
Single and double-sided - Printed board - Plated-through hole EN 123200:1992
Single and double-sided - Printed board - Plated-through hole CECC 23 200-801:1998
Single core - Cable - Low voltage - Crosslinked - EVA insulation EN 50525-2-42:2011
Single core - Cable - Low voltage - Silicone - Rubber insulation EN 50525-2-41:2011
Single core - Cable - Low voltage - Thermoplastic - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-31:2011
Single core Cable - Railway application - Rolling stock - Fire performance - Thin wall EN 50306-2:2002
Single Crystal Wafer - Surface acoustic wave - SAW EN 62276:2005
Single hole fixing - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket CECC 22 121-806:1985
Single hole fixing - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Socket CECC 22 121-808:1985
Single hole front mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket CECC 22 211-807:1988
Single hole mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Bulkhead socket CECC 22 221-804:1986
Single hole mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Fixed socket CECC 22 221-812:1986
Single hole mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Right angle bulkhead socket CECC 22 221-805:1986
Single hole rear monting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket CECC 22 211-811:1988
Single hole rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket CECC 22 211-820:1988
Single hole rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Fixed socket CECC 22 161-809:1987
Single hole rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Fixed socket CECC 22 161-810:1987
Single hole, front mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket CECC 22 231-807:1991
Single hole, front mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed socket CECC 22 201-807:1988
Single hole, rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed plug CECC 22 231-808:1991
Single hole, rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket CECC 22 231-804:1991
Single hole, rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Fixed socket CECC 22 231-805:1991
Single hole, rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Fixed socket CECC 22 201-806:1988
Single hole,rear mounting - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - 45 angle plug CECC 22 231-806:1991
Single input - Relay - Electrical relay - Energizing quantity EN 60255-3:1998
Single mode - Cable - Optical - Duct/direct buried EN 187105:2002
Single mode - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Ziconia PC ferrule EN 61755-3-1:2009
Single mode - Optical - Fibre - Closure - Communication EN 50411-3-2:2011
Single photon emission tomograph - Medical - Radionuclide imaging device EN 61675-2:1998
Single row - Connector - Rectangular - Ribbon cable contact - High speed serial data EN 61076-3-103:2004
Single speed - Rotating machine - 3 phase - Cage induction motor - Starting performance EN 60034-12:2002
Single spindle - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Moulder EN 61029-2-8:2010
Single talker - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Multiple listeners EN 61162-1:2008
Single talker - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Multiple listeners EN 61162-1:2011
Single turn disc - Capacitor - Trimmer capacitor EN 134101:1995
Single turn rotary potentiometer - Potentiometer - Low power CECC 41 300:1979
Single-capped fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Lamp - Performance EN 60901:1996
Single-capped fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Safety EN 61199:1999
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

single-chamber oven - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Oven - Ageing oven EN 60216-4-1:2006
Single-hole - Shaft ends - Bush - Shaft operated - Electronic component EN 60915:2007
Single-mode - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Non-angled EN 61755-2-1:2006
Single-mode - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Attenuator - Pigtailed-style attenuator EN 61753-052-3:2002
Single-mode - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Attenuator - Plug-style attenuator EN 61753-051-3:2002
Single-mode - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Branching device - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-2-3:2001
single-mode - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Attenuation EN 61300-2-41:1998
Single-mode - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Circulator EN 61753-092-6:2007
Single-mode - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Measurement EN 61300-3-19:1997
Single-mode - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Cable plant EN 61280-4-2:1999
Single-mode - Optical fibre - Intraconnection EN 60793-2-60:2008
Single-mode fibre - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Uncontrolled environment EN 61753-2-1:2000
Single-mode fibre - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Circulator EN 61753-091-3:2004
Single-mode fibre - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Isolator EN 61753-061-3:2004
Single-mode fibre - Optical fibre - Class B EN 60793-2-50:2008
Single-mode fibre - Optical fibre - Product specification EN 60793-2-50:2004
Single-mode optical fibre cable - Fibre optic - Test procedure EN 61280-1-1:1998
Single-phase disconnector - Railway applications - AC - Switchgear - Earthing switch EN 50152-2:2007
Single-sensor camera - Video - Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Non-broadcast EN 61146-1:1996
Single-sideband - Terminal - Power-line carrier EN 60495:1994
Single/multi channel - Medical equipment - Recording - Analyse - Electrocardiograph EN 60601-2-51:2003
Singlemode - Connector - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Ferrule EN 61753-121-2:2010
Singlemode - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LX.5-APC duplex EN 50377-13-3:2011
Singlemode - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LX.5-PC duplex EN 50377-13-2:2011
Singlemode fibre - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - MF termination EN 50377-11-1:2008
Singlemode fibre - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - Product specification EN 50377-7-4:2004
Singlemode module - Passive components - Optical fibre - Communications - CWDM EN 50378-3-2:2007
Sink - Household appliances - Commercial - Rinsing sink - Safety EN 60335-2-62:2003
Sinusoidal - Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress - Vibration EN 60512-6-4:2002
Sinusoidal - Environmental testing - Vibration EN 60068-2-6:2008
Sinusoidal - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Vibration EN 61300-2-1:2009
Site - Batch - Control - Recipe - Model EN 61512-3:2008
Site acceptance - Automation - Process industry - Factory acceptance - Site integration EN 62381:2007
Site integration - Automation - Process industry - Factory acceptance - Site acceptance EN 62381:2007
Sizing - Industrial process - Valve - Flow capacity - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-1:1998
Sizing - Industrial process - Valve - Flow capacity - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-1:2011
Sizing - Insulating liquid - Liquid - Particles - Counting EN 60970:2007
Sizing equation - Industrial process control - Valve - Flow capacity - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-5:2003
Skin care - Household appliances - Hair care - Safety EN 60335-2-23:2003
Skin exposure - Household - Safety - Ultraviolet - Infrared EN 60335-2-27:2010
Sleeve - Lead - Lead alloy - Sheath - Cable EN 50307:2002
Sleeve - Live working EN 60984:1992
Sleeving - Flexible - Insulating EN 60684-2:2011
Sleeving - Flexible - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Elastomer EN 60684-3-271:2011
Sleeving - Insulating - Heat-shrinkable - Chlorinated - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-205:2011
Sleeving - Insulating - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Dual wall EN 60684-3-247:2011
Sleeving - Insulation - Flexible - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-209:2010
Sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Anti-tracking EN 60684-3-280:2010
Sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Bus-bar EN 60684-3-283:2011
Sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Semi conductive EN 60684-3-281:2010
Sleeving - Insulation - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin - Stress control EN 60684-3-282:2010
Slide projector - Audio - Video - Television - Built-in-triac HD 369.18 S1:1989
Slide switch - Switch CECC 96 600:1994
Slide-in - Connector - Radio-frequency - Coaxial - Type TMA EN 61169-38:2009
Slip-ring - Brush-holder - Group R - Type RA CLC/TR 60778:2004
Slip-ring - Machine - Rotating - Commutator - Brush-holder EN 60276:1996
Slotted cable - Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Cabinet EN 50085-2-3:1999
Slotted cable - Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Cabinet EN 50085-2-3:2010
Small - Hydraulic - Hydroelectric EN 62006:2011
Small - Optical fibre - Fire conditions - Flame propagation - Insulated wire EN 60332-2-1:2004
Small - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply - Safety EN 61558-2-20:2011
Small - Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Design EN 61400-2:2006
Small - Writing standard - Micro - Medium-sized - SME CEN/CLC Guide 17:2010
Small office home office - Information technology - Cabling - Generic system - SOHO EN 50173-4:2007
Smart tracker - Chip - RFID - EEE equipment CLC/TR 50489:2006
Smarthouse - Code of practice CWA 50487:2005
SMD - Low power - Film - Resistor - Rectangular EN 140401-804:2011
SMD - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Cylindrical EN 140401-803:2007
SMD - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Rectangular EN 140401-801:2007
SMD - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Rectangular EN 140401-802:2007
SMD - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Wire-wound surface mount EN 140402-801:2005
SME - Writing standard - Micro - Small - Medium-sized CEN/CLC Guide 17:2010
Smoke density - Cable - Burning - Test apparatus EN 61034-1:2005
Smoke density - Cable - Burning - Test procedure EN 61034-2:2005
Smoke emission - Cable - Crosslinked insulation - Flexible cable - Corrosive gas HD 22.13 S2:2007
Smoke emission - Cable - Thermoplastic insulation - Corrosive gas - Low HD 21.15 S1:2006
Smoke obscuration - Fire hazard - Guidance EN 60695-6-1:2005
Smoke production - Cable - Fire conditions - Heat release - Apparatus EN 50399:2011
Snap-locking - Connector - Circular - Screw locking EN 61076-2-104:2008
SNC - Withdrawal - A-deviation - Special national condition CLC Guide 9:2001
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Social alarm system - Alarm system CLC/TS 50134-7:2003
Social alarm system - Alarm system - Interconnection - Communication EN 50134-5:2004
Social alarm system - Alarm system - Local unit - Local controller EN 50134-3:2001
Social alarm system - Alarm system - System requirement EN 50134-1:2002
Social alarm system - Alarm system - Trigger device EN 50134-2:1999
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Right angle CECC 22 231-809:1991
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Straight CECC 22 231-810:1991
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - 4-hole fixing CECC 22 121-804:1985
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - 4-hole mounting CECC 22 121-807:1985
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Hermetically sealed CECC 22 121-810:1985
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Panel and barrier sealed CECC 22 121-809:1985
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Single hole fixing CECC 22 121-806:1985
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Single hole fixing CECC 22 121-808:1985
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Hermetic CECC 22 221-809:1986
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - 4-hole fixing CECC 22 211-819:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Crimp type CECC 22 211-809:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-813:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 211-814:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Single hole front mounting CECC 22 211-807:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Single hole rear monting CECC 22 211-811:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Single hole rear mounting CECC 22 211-820:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Solder bucket CECC 22 211-808:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-808:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Male centre contact CECC 22 131-810:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-808:1988
Socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Male centre contact CECC 22 141-810:1988
Socket - Connector - Printed board - Integrated circuit - Test EN 60603-12:1998
Socket - Electrical relay - Assessed quality EN 147000:1993
Socket to socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Adaptor CECC 22 121-813:1985
Socket-oulet - Lighting - Luminaire - Nightlight EN 60598-2-12:2006
Socket-outlet - Industrial purpose - Plug - Coupler EN 60309-1:1999
Socket-outlet - Industrial purpose - Plug - Coupler - Connector - Interlock EN 60309-4:2007
Socket-outlet - Industrial purpose - Plug - Coupler - Pin and contact-tube accessories EN 60309-2:1999
Socket-outlet - Plug - Vehicle coupler - Vehicle inlet - Conductive charging EN 62196-1:2003
Socket/socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Adaptor CECC 22 211-815:1988
Socket/socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Adaptor CECC 22 211-817:1988
Socket/socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Adaptor CECC 22 201-809:1988
Sodium vapour lamp - Lighting - High-pressure EN 60662:1993
Sodium vapour lamp - Low pressure - Lamp - Performance EN 60192:2001
Soft - Core - Ferrite - Magnetic EN 60401-2:2003
Soft - Core - Ferrite - Magnetic EN 60401-2:2010
Soft - Core - Magnetic material - Measuring EN 62044-1:2002
Soft - Core - Magnetic material - Measuring - High excitation level EN 62044-3:2001
Soft - Magnetic - Individual materials - Magnetic metallic EN 60404-8-6:2009
Soft error test - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Memory EN 60749-38:2008
Soft ferrite material - Classification EN 61332:2005
Soft ferrites - Core - Magnetic - Measuring - Low excitation level EN 62044-2:2005
Software - Measurement - Instrument - HV - Impulse test EN 61083-1:2001
Software - Medical - Life-cycle process EN 62304:2006
Software - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Computer-based system EN 60880:2009
Software - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Computer-based system EN 62138:2009
Software - Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Protection EN 50128:2001
Software - Railway application - Communication - Signalling - Protection EN 50128:2011
Software - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-3:2001
Software - Safety - Functional safety - Electronic - Programmable EN 61508-3:2010
Software tools - Block - Function - Industrial-process - Control EN 61499-2:2005
SOHO - Information technology - Cabling - Generic system - Small office home office EN 50173-4:2007
SOJ - Semiconductor - Outline - Drawing - Package EN 60191-6-21:2010
Solar - Battery - Photovoltaic - Energy system - Test method EN 61427:2005
Solar - Building - Electrical installation - Photovoltaic - Power supply HD 60364-7-712:2005
Solar - Environment - Radiation - Ground level - Test EN 60068-2-5:2011
Solar - Low-voltage - Fuse - Protection - Photovoltaic EN 60269-6:2011
Solar - Photovoltaic - Energy CLC/TS 61836:2009
Solar - Wafer - Silicon - Crystalline EN 50513:2009
Solar cell - Cell - Crystalline silicon - Silicon EN 50461:2006
Solar device - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Reference device EN 60904-2:2007
Solar device - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Terrestrial - Spectral irradiance data - Measurement EN 60904-3:2008
Solar radiation - Environmental conditions - Classification - Temperature HD 478.2.4 S1:1989
Solar radiation - Environmental testing - Test - Ground level EN 60068-2-5:1999
Solar radiation - Environmental testing - Test - Guidance EN 60068-2-9:1999
Solar simulator - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Simulator EN 60904-9:2007
Solder alloy - Electronic assembly - Attachment material - Solid solder EN 61190-1-3:2007
Solder bath method - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Wetting EN 60512-12-1:2006
Solder bath method - Connector - Electronic equipment - Soldering heat - Resistance EN 60512-12-4:2006
Solder bucket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Fixed plug CECC 22 211-810:1988
Solder bucket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series N - Socket CECC 22 211-808:1988
Solder joint - Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Cyclic bending test EN 62137-1-4:2009
Solder joint - Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Cyclic drop test EN 62137-1-3:2009
Solder joint - Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Shear fatigue EN 62137-1-5:2009
Solder joint - Surface-mount technology - Environmental - Endurance - Pull strength EN 62137-1-1:2007
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Alphabetical Index

Solder joint - Surface-mount technology - Environmental - Endurance - Shear strength EN 62137-1-2:2007
Solderability - Connector - Electronic equipment - De-wetting - Test EN 60512-12-3:2006
Solderability - Connector - Electronic equipment - Wetting - Iron method EN 60512-12-2:2006
Solderability - Connector - Electronic equipment - Wetting - Solder bath method EN 60512-12-1:2006
Solderability - Connector - Electronic equipment - Wetting balance - Test EN 60512-12-7:2001
Solderability - Environmental testing - Electronic components - Wetting balance EN 60068-2-54:2006
Solderability - Environmental testing - Resistance - Heat - Leaded device EN 60068-2-20:2008
Solderability - Environmental testing - Test Te - Wetting balance method EN 60068-2-69:2007
Solderability - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-21:2005
Solderability - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-21:2011
Solderable - Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Polyamide EN 60317-55:2008
Soldered - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies EN 61192-1:2003
Soldered - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Mount assemblies - Through-hole EN 61192-3:2003
Soldered - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Rework - Repair EN 61192-5:2007
Soldered - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Surface-mount assemblies EN 61192-2:2003
Soldered - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Terminal assemblies EN 61192-4:2003
Soldered assemblies - Printed board - Surface mount technology EN 61191-1:1998
Soldering - Environmental testing - Test EN 60068-2-44:1995
Soldering - Surface mounting - Through Hole Reflow - THR EN 61760-3:2010
Soldering flux - Electronic assembly - Attachment material - High-quality interconnection EN 61190-1-1:2002
Soldering heat - Connector - Electronic equipment - Iron method - Test EN 60512-12-5:2006
Soldering heat - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solder bath method - Resistance EN 60512-12-4:2006
Soldering heat - Environmental testing - Test Td - Surface mounting device EN 60068-2-58:2004
Soldering heat - Semiconductor - Handling, Surface mount device - Moisture EN 60749-20-1:2009
Soldering past - Electronic assembly - Attachment material - High-quality interconnnects EN 61190-1-2:2007
Soldering temperature - Semiconductor - Climatic - Resistance - Through-hole EN 60749-15:2010
Soldering temperature - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - through-hole EN 60749-15:2003
Soldering test - Electronic equipment - Flux - Cleaning solvent - Sealing EN 60512-12-6:1996
Solderless - Connection - Accessible - Insulation displacement - Test EN 60352-3:1994
Solderless - Connection - Compression - Test - Guidance EN 60352-8:2011
Solderless - Connection - Crimped - Test - Guidance EN 60352-2:2006
Solderless - Connection - Insulation displacement - Test - Guidance EN 60352-4:1994
Solderless - Connection - Insulation piercing - Test - Guidance EN 60352-6:1997
Solderless - Connection - Press-in connection - Test - Guidance EN 60352-5:2008
Solderless - Connection - Spring clamp - Test - Guidance EN 60352-7:2002
Solderless - Connection - Wrapped - Test - Guidance EN 60352-1:1997
Solderless wrapped connection - Connector - Contact - Termination - Stripping force EN 60512-16-11:2008
Solderless wrapped connection - Connector - Contact - Termination - Un-wrapping EN 60512-16-13:2008
Solid - Insulating materials - Dry - Low-current arc discharge - Test EN 61621:1997
Solid - Insulating materials - Insulation resistance HD 568 S1:1990
Solid - Insulation - Dielectric - Resistive EN 62631-1:2011
Solid - Insulation - Prior to - During - Testing EN 60212:2011
Solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Porous anode CECC 30 101-801:1990
Solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Surface mounting - Porous anode CECC 30 801-801:1994
Solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Surface mounting - Porous anode CECC 30 801-804:1994
Solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Porous anode EN 130201:1993
Solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Porous anode CECC 30 201-801:1993
Solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Porous anode CECC 30 201-802:1989
Solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Tantalum capacitor - Porous anode CECC 30 201-803:1989
Solid electrolyte - Capacitor - Tantalum surface mount - Porous anode - Extended range CECC 30 801-802:2005
Solid planar material - Electrostatics - Resistivity - Accumulation EN 61340-2-3:2000
Solid rod - Live working - Insulating foam-filled tube EN 60855:1996
Solid solder - Electronic assembly - Attachment material - Solder alloy EN 61190-1-3:2007
Solid state - Relay EN 62314:2006
Solid-state display - Liquid crystal - Matrix colour LCD module - Essential rating EN 61747-4-1:2004
Solid-state display device - Liquid crystal EN 61747-1:1999
Solid-state display device - Liquid crystal - Display module EN 61747-2:1999
Solid-state display device - Liquid crystal - Display module - Cell - Essential rating EN 61747-4:1998
Solid-state display device - Liquid crystal - Environment - Endurance - Test method EN 61747-5:1998
Solid-state display device - Liquid crystal - LCD module - Matrix colour EN 61747-2-2:2004
Solid-state display device - Liquid crystal - LCD module - Monochrome - Matrix EN 61747-2-1:2001
Solid-state display device - Liquid crystal - Module - Transmissive type EN 61747-6:2004
Solvent - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental EN 50289-4-4:2008
Solvent - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Contamination - Fluid EN 61300-2-34:2009
Solventless polymerisable resinous compound - Insulating materials - Coating powder HD 307.2.2 S1:1986
Solventless polymerisable resinous compound - Insulating materials - Epoxy resin HD 307.3.11 S1:1990
Sootblower - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries EN 45510-4-9:1999
Sound - Cable - Network - Television - Electromagnetic Compatibility EN 50083-8:2002
Sound - Cable - Network - Television - Signal EN 60728-1-2:2009
Sound - Cable network - Television - Signal - Headend equipment EN 60728-5:2008
Sound - Cable network - Television - Signal - Return path CLC/TR 50083-10-1:2009
Sound - Connector - Circular - Radio EN 60130-9:2011
Sound - Electroactoustic - transducer - Signal parameter - Large EN 62458:2011
Sound - Electroactoustic - transducer - Suspension EN 62459:2011
Sound - Headphone - Earphone EN 60268-7:2011
Sound - Intelligibility - Speech - Transmission EN 60268-16:2011
Sound - Microphone EN 60268-4:2010
Sound - Radio - Data system - VHF/FM - Broadcasting EN 62106:2009
Sound - Receiver - Broadcast - Television - Immunity EN 55020:2007
Sound - Receiver - Television - Disturbance - Measurement EN 55013:2001
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Alphabetical Index

Sound - Signal - Household EN 62080:2009
Sound - Signal - Hybrid - Transponder - PSTIB EN 60728-7-3:2009
Sound and television broadcasting - Radio transmitter - Transposer - Characteristics EN 60244-12-1:1993
Sound and television broadcasting - Radio transmitter - Transposer - Specification EN 60244-12-2:1993
Sound broadcasting - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Amplitude-modulated - Measurement EN 60244-15:2000
Sound calibrator - Electroacoustics - Calibrator EN 60942:2003
Sound exposure meter - Electroacoustics EN 61252:1995
Sound intensity - Measuring instrument - Pressure sensing microphone EN 61043:1994
Sound level - Electroacoustic - Meter EN 61672-1:2003
Sound level - Electroacoustic - Meter - Pattern evaluation - Test EN 61672-2:2003
Sound level - Electroacoustics - Meter EN 61672-3:2006
Sound level - Transformer - Power transformer EN 60076-10:2001
Sound level meter - Audio - Electroacoustics - Calibration EN 61183:1994
Sound programme - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment HD 477.3.6 S1:1988
Sound recording - Audio - Magnetic tape EN 60094-1:1993
Sound recording - Audio - Magnetic tape EN 60094-3:1996
Sound signal - Cable - Network - Television signal - Interactive services EN 60728-1:2008
Sound signal - Cable - Network - Television signal - Optical transmission CLC/TR 50460:2005
Sound signal - Cable - Television - Active wideband - Network EN 60728-3:2011
Sound signal - Cable - Television signal - IP gateway - Headend CLC/TR 50083-5-1:2009
Sound signal - Cable - Television signal - Optical system - Broadcast EN 60728-13:2010
Sound signal - Cable network - Television - Signal - Return path EN 50083-10:2002
Sound signal - Cabled network - Television - CATV/SMATV headend - DVB/MPEG-2 transport stream EN 50083-9:2002
Sound system - Emergency EN 60849:1998
Sound system - Peak programme level meter HD 483.10 S1:1993
Sound system component - Audio - Interconnection - Connector HD 483.11 S3:1993
Sound system equipment - Amplifier EN 60268-3:2000
Sound system equipment - Audio HD 483.1 S2:1989
Sound system equipment - Connector - Broadcast use EN 60268-12:1995
Sound system equipment - Headphone - Earphone EN 60268-7:1996
Sound system equipment - Headphone - Earphone - Portable - One package equipment EN 50332-1:2000
Sound system equipment - Headphone - Earphone - Portable - Set matching EN 50332-2:2003
Sound system equipment - Intelligibility - Speech transmission index EN 60268-16:2003
Sound system equipment - Loudspeaker EN 60268-5:2003
Sound system equipment - Microphone EN 60268-4:2004
Sound system equipment - Sounder - Performance EN 61329:1996
Sounder - Sound system equipment - Performance EN 61329:1996
Source device - Domestic equipment - Automatic selection EN 50157-2-1:1998
Space product assurance - Connection - High-reliability - Manual soldering EN 50390:2004
Space product assurance - Connection - High-reliability - Wire-wrapping EN 50389:2005
Space-charge controlled tube - Tube CECC 45 000:1975
Spacer - Overhead line - Test EN 61854:1998
Spark gap - Lightning - Protection component - Isolation - Gap EN 50164-3:2006
Spark-test - Cable EN 62230:2007
Spatial measurement - Ultrasonic - Scanner - Pulse-echo - Point spread function EN 61391-1:2006
Spatial switch - Switch - Fibre optic EN 60876-1:2001
Special location - Low-voltage - Caravan - Camping HD 60364-7-708:2009
Special location - Low-voltage - Caravan - Motor Caravan HD 60364-7-721:2009
Special location - Low-voltage - Gangway - Maintenance - Operating HD 60364-7-729:2009
Special location - Low-voltage - Marina HD 60364-7-709:2009
Special national condition - Withdrawal - A-deviation - SNC CLC Guide 9:2001
Specification - Insulating materials - Vulcanized fibre HD 416.3.1 S1:1988
Specification - Radio transmitter - Transposer - Sound and television broadcasting EN 60244-12-2:1993
Specification - Turbine - Steam turbine - Generator EN 60045-1:1993
Specification type - CECC system CECC 00 111-0:1993
Spectral irradiance data - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Terrestrial - Solar device - Measurement EN 60904-3:2008
Spectral mismatch correction - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Mismatch - Computation EN 60904-7:2009
Spectral mismatch error - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Testing EN 60904-7:1998
Spectral response - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Measurement EN 60904-8:1998
Spectral transfer function - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - DWDM components EN 61300-3-29:2006
Spectral width - Fibre - Optic - Communication - Wavelength EN 61280-1-3:2010
Spectral width - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Central wavelength EN 61280-1-3:1999
Spectrometer - Cable - Optical cable - Atomic absorption - PVC compound EN 50414:2006
Spectrometer - Laboratory equipment - Atomization - Ionization - Thermal EN 61010-2-061:2003
Spectrum analyzer - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel parameter - Pulse method EN 61290-10-2:2008
Spectrum analyzer - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel parameter - Subtraction method EN 61290-10-4:2007
Spectrum analyzer - Optical - Amplifier - Noise EN 61290-3-2:2008
Spectrum analyzer - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Multichannel parameter EN 61290-10-1:2003
Spectrum analyzer - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Noise figure parameter EN 61290-3-1:2003
Spectrum analyzer - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Noise figure parameter EN 61290-3-2:2003
Spectrum analyzer - Optical - Amplifier - Test method - Reflectance parameter EN 61290-5-2:2004
Spectrum analyzer - Optical - Calibration EN 62129:2006
Spectrum analyzer - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Gain parameter EN 61290-1-1:2006
Spectrum analyzer - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Reflectance parameters EN 61290-5-1:2006
Spectrum analyzer - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Test method - Reflectance parameters EN 61290-5-3:2002
Spectrum synthesis - Environmental testing - Test Ei - Shock response EN 60068-2-81:2003
Speech - Microphone - Earphone - Communication EN 61842:2002
Speech - Sound - Intelligibility - Transmission EN 60268-16:2011
Speech audiometry - Audiometer EN 60645-2:1997
Speech transmission index - Sound system equipment - Intelligibility EN 60268-16:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Speed - Adjustable - Power drive EN 61800-7-202:2008
Speed - Adjustable - Power drive EN 61800-7-203:2008
Speed - Adjustable - Power drive EN 61800-7-204:2008
Speed - Adjustable - Power drive - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-302:2008
Speed - Adjustable - Power drive - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-303:2008
Speed - Adjustable - Power drive - Mapping - Network technologies EN 61800-7-304:2008
Speed - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Distance EN 61023:2007
Speed control system - Turbine - Steam turbine - Test EN 61064:1993
Speing clamp - Connector - Protective housing - Industrial environment - Bayonet coupling EN 61076-3-116:2008
Spherically polished ferrule - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Endface radius EN 61300-3-16:2003
Sphygmomanometers - Medical - Safety - Performance - Automated EN 80601-2-30:2010
Spin - Household - Safety - Extractor EN 60335-2-4:2010
Spin extractor - Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise - Washing machine EN 60704-2-4:2001
Spin extractor - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-4:2002
Spindle end - Electronic component - Dimensions HD 363 S1:1977
Splice - Optic - Fibre - Interconnection - Protector EN 61073-1:2009
Spool - Video - Broadcast video tape recorder (VTRS) EN 60503:1998
Spool container - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-3-5:1999
Spray extraction - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-68:2009
Spray gun - Motor-operated tool - Battery pack - Hand-held - Safety EN 50260-2-7:2002
Spray gun - Tool - Motor operated tool - Safety EN 50144-2-7:2000
Spraying - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Flammable - Coating powder EN 50177:2006
Spraying - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Flammable - Coating powder EN 50177:2009
Spraying - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic - Flammable liquid EN 50176:2009
Spraying equipment - Electrical apparatus - Explosive atmosphere - Electrostatic EN 50050:2006
Spraying equipment - Electrostatic - Non-flammable - Liquid EN 50348:2001
Spring clamp - Connection - Solderless - Test - Guidance EN 60352-7:2002
Spring holding force - Connector - Contact - Termination - Grounding EN 60512-16-9:2008
Spurious - Quartz crystal unit - Resonance - Piezoelectric EN 60444-9:2007
Square flange - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket CECC 22 111-805:1984
Square flange - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Fixed socket CECC 22 111-807:1984
Square male contact - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board EN 60603-8:1998
Square waveguide - Flange - Waveguide HD 129.7 S1:1977
Square waveguide - Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide HD 123.7 S1:1977
SSMA - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial EN 61169-18:2011
SSMB - Connector - Radio frequency - Coaxial EN 61169-19:2011
Stability test - MOSFET - Bias-temperature EN 62373:2006
Stabiltiy 0,5% - Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Fixed low power CECC 40 101-804:1979
Stabiltiy 1% - Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Fixed low power CECC 40 101-803:1979
Stabiltiy 2% - Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Fixed low power CECC 40 101-802:1979
Stabiltiy 5% - Resistor - Non-wirewound resistor - Fixed low power CECC 40 101-801:1979
Stacking factor - Magnetic materials - Density - Resistivity - Steel sheet EN 60404-13:2007
Stage lighting - Lighting - Luminaire - Television - Photography EN 60598-2-17:1989
Stand - Building - Electrical installation - Exhibition - Show HD 384.7.711 S1:2003
Stand alone - PV system - Design EN 62124:2005
Stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system - Parameter EN 61194:1995
Standard - IEC - Frequency EN 60196:2009
Standard condition - Insulating materials - Test HD 437 S1:1984
Standard data element type - Classification - Electric component EN 61360-1:2002
Standard data element type - Electric component - EXPRESS dictionary EN 61360-5:2004
Standard data element type - Electric component - EXPRESS dictionary schema EN 61360-2:2002
Standard data element type - Electric component - IEC reference collection EN 61360-4:2005
Standard developer - Product information - Consumer CEN/CLC Guide 11:2006
Standard outline - Filter - Piezoelectric filter - Lead connections - Assessed quality EN 60368-3:2001
Standard outline - Filter - Surface acoustic wave - SAW EN 60862-3:2003
Standard outline - Oscillator - Quartz crystal - Lead connection EN 60679-3:2001
Standard outline - Piezoelectric - Filter - Assessed quality - Lead connection EN 60368-3:2010
Standard outline - Quartz crystal - Lead connection EN 60122-3:2001
Standard production item - Customer detail specification - Capability approval EN 122003:1994
Standard wall - Railway applications - Cable - Rolling stock - Fire performance EN 50264-1:2008
Standard writer - Accessibility - Interface - Low-voltage CLC Guide 28:2006
Standardization - Energy market - Liberalization CLC/TR 50403:2002
Standardization - Transmitter - Broadcasting - Interface standard EN 60864-2:1997
Standardization - Vocabulary EN 45020:2006
Standardization Body - Partner CEN/CLC Guide 13:2007
Standardization Body - Partner CEN/CLC Guide 13:2008
Standardization policy - Article 118A - EC Treaty CLC Guide 20:2001
Standards - Interrelation - Regulations - Ways of application - Harmonization CLC Guide 3:2001
Standards developer - Need - Older person - Disabilities CEN/CLC Guide 6:2002
standby power - Household - Power - Measurement EN 50564:2011
Standby power - Power - Measurement EN 62301:2005
Start - AC - Motor - Capacitor EN 60252-2:2011
Starter - Battery - Lead-acid - Dimensions - Marking EN 50342-2:2007
Starter - Battery - Lead-acid - Test - Numbering EN 50342-1:2006
Starterholder - Lampholder - Tubular - Fluorescent - Lamp EN 60400:2008
Starting device - Lamp - Controlgear - Glow starter EN 61347-2-1:2001
Starting device - Lighting - Lamp - Auxiliaries EN 60927:1996
Starting device - Lighting - Lamp - Auxiliaries EN 60927:2007
Starting performance - Rotating machine - Single speed - 3 phase - Cage induction motor EN 60034-12:2002
Static - Connector - Electronic - Measurement - Load test EN 60512-8-1:2010
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Static - Connector - Load test - Axial EN 60512-8-2:2011
Static - Connector - Load test - Robustness - Actuating lever EN 60512-8-3:2011
Static - Transfer system - Performance - Test EN 62310-3:2008
Static - VAR - Compensator - Thyristor - Valve EN 61954:2011
Static convertor - Power station - Electrical equipment - Convertor - High power EN 45510-2-4:2000
Static electric charge - Electrostatics - Dissipation - Measurement EN 61340-2-1:2002
Static electricity - Electrostatics - Hazard avoidance CLC/TR 50404:2003
Static load test - Electronic equipment - Connector - Impact test - Overload EN 60512-10-4:2003
Static meter - Metering equipment - Active energy EN 50470-3:2006
Static meter - Metering equipment - Active energy EN 62053-21:2003
Static meter - Metering equipment - Active energy EN 62053-22:2003
Static meter - Metering equipment - Reactive energy EN 62053-23:2003
Static meters - Metering - Acceptance - Active energy EN 62058-31:2010
Static side load - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Connector EN 61300-2-42:2005
Static transfer system - Transfer - STS - Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EN 62310-2:2007
Static transfer system - Transfer - STS - Safety EN 62310-1:2005
Station - Telecommunications - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Radio frequency EN 50401:2006
Station - Telecommunications - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Wireless EN 50400:2006
Station - Vehicle - Charching - Conductive charging CLC/TS 50457-1:2008
Stationary - Battery - Lead-acid battery - Valve regulated - Functional characteristics EN 60896-21:2004
Stationary - Battery - Lead-acid battery - Valve regulated - Selection guidelines EN 60896-22:2004
Stationary - Battery - Lead-acid battery - Vented type - Test method EN 60896-11:2003
Stationary - Cell - Fuel cell - Power system - Safety EN 62282-3-1:2007
Stationary - Electrostatic - Ignitable - Flock material EN 50223:2010
Stationary - Electrostatic - Non-ignitable - Liquid - Coating material EN 50348:2010
Stationary - Power station - Electrical equipment - Battery - Charger EN 45510-2-3:2000
Stationary battery - Battery - Secondary battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-2:2001
Stationary power plant - Cell - Fuel cell - Test EN 62282-3-2:2006
Stationary power system - Cell - Fuel cell - Installation EN 62282-3-3:2008
Stationary use - Environmental conditions - Non-weatherprotected location EN 60721-3-4:1995
Stationary use - Environmental conditions - Weatherprotected location EN 60721-3-3:1995
Statistical process control (SPC) - CECC system CECC 00 016:1990
Statistics - Reliability growth - Estimation EN 61164:2004
Stator coil - Rotating - Impulse - Withstand level - Coil EN 60034-15:2009
Statutory inspection - Heating appliances - Portable - Combustion - Flue gas parameter EN 50379-2:2004
Steady state (Cx) - Environmental testing - Damp heat test EN 60068-2-66:1994
Steady state (Cy) - Environmental testing - Damp heat test EN 60068-2-67:1996
Steady state (Ga) - Environmental testing - Acceleration EN 60068-2-7:1993
Steady state - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test - Damp heat EN 60512-11-3:2002
Steady state - Environmental testing - Test Cab - Damp heat EN 60068-2-78:2001
Steady-state conditions - Converter - Line commutated - HV - Direct current CLC/TR 60919-1:2005
Steam - Household appliance - Cleaning - Surface cleaning - Safety EN 60335-2-54:2003
Steam cleaner - Household appliances - Industrial - High-pressure cleaner - Safety EN 60335-2-79:2009
Steam cooker - Household appliances - Commercial - Oven - Forced convection EN 60335-2-42:2003
Steam turbine - Machine - Rotating - Generator - Synchronous EN 60034-3:2008
Steam turbine - Power station - Turbine EN 45510-5-1:1998
Steam turbine - Turbine - Generator - Specification EN 60045-1:1993
Steam turbine - Turbine - Noise - Measurement EN 61063:1996
Steam turbine - Turbine - Speed control system - Test EN 61064:1993
Steam turbine - Turbine - Thermal acceptance test - Methode A EN 60953-1:1995
Steam turbine - Turbine - Thermal acceptance test - Methode B EN 60953-2:1995
Steam turbine - Turbine - Thermal acceptance test - Retrofitted - Performance EN 60953-3:2002
Steam-air - Power station - Boiler auxiliaries - Heater - Gas-air EN 45510-4-2:1999
Steamer - Household appliances - Fabric steamer - Safety EN 60335-2-85:2003
Steel - Magnetic materials - DC magnetic properties - Iron - Measurement EN 60404-4:1997
Steel sheet - Magnetic materials - Density - Resistivity - Stacking factor EN 60404-13:2007
Steel Supported - Conductor - Overhead line - Aluminium - ACSS EN 50540:2010
Step function - Thermistor - Polymeric - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated EN 62319-1:2005
Step function - Thermistor - Polymeric - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated EN 62319-1-1:2005
Step input - Valve - Industrial-process - Measurement - Test EN 60534-9:2007
Step-down convertor - Lamp - Controlgear - Convertor - Filament lamp EN 61347-2-2:2001
Step-down convertor - Lighting - Filament lamp - Convertor EN 61047:2004
Step-function - Thermistor - Positive - Coefficient - Inrush current EN 60738-1-3:2008
Step-function - Thermistor - Positive - Directly heated - Current limiting EN 60738-1-1:2008
Step-function - Thermistor - Temperature - Directly heated - Heating element EN 60738-1-2:2008
Step-function - Thermistor - Temperature - Directly heated - Sensing application EN 60738-1-4:2008
Stepping - Machine - Rotating machine - Motor - Control CLC/TS 60034-20-1:2004
Stereotactic - Medical - Safety - Mammography - X-ray EN 60601-2-45:2011
Stereotactic device - Medical equipment - Mammography - X-ray - Safety EN 60601-2-45:2001
Sterilizer - Laboratory equipment - Disinfector - Washer-disinfector - Safety EN 61010-2-040:2005
Stick - Live working - Insulation - Attachable EN 60832-1:2010
Stick - Live working - Insulation - Attachable EN 60832-2:2010
Stick - Live working - Saddle - Clamp EN 61236:2011
Stick - Live working - Telescopic EN 62193:2003
Stick magazine - Packaging - Automatic handling EN 60286-4:1998
Still video - Video - Recording system - Floppy disc EN 61122:1993
Stimulator - Medical - Nerve - Muscle - Safety EN 60601-2-10:2000
Stirring - Laboratory equipment - Mechanical mixing - Safety EN 61010-2-051:2003
Stockbridge type - Overhead line - Aeolian - Vibration damper EN 61897:1998
Storage - Die product - Semiconductor - Handling - Packing CLC/TR 62258-3:2007
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Storage - Electronic component - Long duration - Implementation CLC/TS 50466:2006
Storage - Environmental conditions - Classification EN 60721-3-1:1997
Storage - Heater - Water heater - Measurement - Household EN 60379:2004
Storage - Household appliances - Water heater - Safety EN 60335-2-21:2003
Storage - Turbine - Hydraulic - Pump EN 62256:2008
Storage at high temperature - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-6:2002
Storage conditions - Surface mounting device - Transportation conditions EN 61760-2:2007
Storage effect - Environmental testing - Test - Guidance EN 60068-2-48:1999
Storage pump - Power station - Turbine - Hydraulic - Pump turbine EN 45510-5-4:1998
Storage pump - Turbine - Hydraulic - Pump-turbine - Cavitation pitting EN 60609-1:2005
Storage pump - Turbine - Hydraulic turbine - Pump-turbine - Model acceptance test EN 60193:1999
Storage pump - Turbine - Pelton turbine - Pump-turbine - Cavitation pitting EN 60609-2:1999
Storage type - Household - Heating - Room heating - Charging control EN 50350:2004
Storm - Detection EN 50536:2011
Storm - Optic - Cable - Outdoor - Sewer EN 60794-3-40:2008
Storm sewer - Optical fibre - Cable - Sewer cable - Sanitary sewer CLC/TS 50429:2005
Straight - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Socket CECC 22 231-810:1991
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Flexible cable CECC 22 231-802:1991
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series 1,0/2,3 - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 231-801:1991
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-801:1988
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-810:1986
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-801:1986
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Flexible cable CECC 22 111-809:1984
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-801:1984
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-802:1984
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-815:1987
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-816:1987
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMB - Female centre contact CECC 22 131-807:1988
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-801:1988
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMC - Female centre contact CECC 22 141-807:1988
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Flexible cable CECC 22 161-803:1987
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-801:1987
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-802:1987
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 201-801:1988
Straight plug - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 201-802:1988
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Flexible cable CECC 22 221-811:1986
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 221-806:1986
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series MCX - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 221-808:1986
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Printed circuit board CECC 22 111-811:1985
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-804:1984
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 111-818:1987
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Female centre contact CECC 22 161-806:1987
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Flexible cable CECC 22 161-807:1987
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Printed circuit board mounting CECC 22 161-811:1987
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Semi-rigid cable CECC 22 161-805:1987
Straight socket - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series TNC - Flexible cable CECC 22 201-805:1988
Strain gauge - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Drop test EN 60749-40:2011
Strain relief - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Flexing EN 61300-2-44:2005
Strain relief - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Flexing EN 61300-2-44:2008
Stranded conductor - Conductor - Overhead - Formed wire - Concentric Lay EN 62219:2002
Stranded conductor - Overhead conductor - Creep test procedure EN 61395:1998
Strapping tool - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety EN 60745-2-18:2009
Stray current - Corrosion - Protection - DC system EN 50162:2004
Stray current - Railway - Earthing - Bonding - Traction EN 50122-2:2010
Stray current - Railway applications - Protective provision - Traction system EN 50122-2:1998
Stream - Household - Safety - Cleaning - Liquids EN 60335-2-54:2008
Stream - Internet - Protocol - Transport EN 62455:2011
Street lighting - Lighting - Luminaire - Road lighting EN 60598-2-3:2003
Strength - Cable - Communication - Test method - Dielectric strength EN 50289-1-3:2001
Strength - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Wireless - Telecommunication EN 50383:2010
Stress - Semiconductor - Metallization - Void test EN 62418:2010
Stress control - Insulation - Sleeving - Heat-shrinkable - Polyolefin EN 60684-3-282:2010
Stress model - Electronic component - Reliability - Failure rate EN 61709:1998
Stress model - Electronic component - Reliability - Failure rate EN 61709:2011
Stress screening - Reliability - Repairable - Lot EN 61163-1:2006
Stress test - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Damp heat EN 60749-4:2002
Stress testing - Reliability - Growth - Failure - Unique complex EN 62429:2008
Strike - Lightning - Protection - Counter EN 62561-6:2011
Strike counter - Lightning - Protection component EN 50164-6:2009
String insulator - Insulator unit - Coupling - Locking device EN 60372:2004
String insulator unit - Insulator - Ball and socket coupling - Dimensions HD 474 S1:1986
Strip bending - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Thin - Film EN 62047-8:2011
Strippability - Optical - Measurement - Coating EN 60793-1-32:2010
Strippability - Optical fibre - Coating - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-32:2003
Stripping force - Connector - Contact - Termination - Solderless wrapped connection EN 60512-16-11:2008
Structure - Communication - Network - Power utility - Automation EN 61850-7-3:2011
Structure - Dimension - Subrack - Chassis - Cabinet EN 60297-3-106:2010
Structure - Electronic equipment - Dimension - Subrack - Plug-in unit EN 60297-3-104:2006
Structure - Electronic equipment - Injector/extractor handle EN 60297-3-102:2004
Structure - Electronic equipment - Keying - Alignment pin EN 60297-3-103:2004
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Structure - Electronic equipment - Subrack - Plug-in unit EN 60297-3-101:2004
Structure - Home - Building - Electronic - HBES EN 50090-1:2011
Structure - Industrial - Classification - Code - Class EN 81346-2:2009
Structure - Mechanical - Dimensions - Design - Chassis 1U EN 60297-3-105:2009
Structure - Overhead line - Foundations - Testing EN 61773:1996
Structure - Rack - Subrack - Chassis - Cabinet EN 60297-3-100:2009
Structure - Subrack - Chassis - Cabinet EN 60917-2-4:2010
Structure interconnection - Prepreg material - Unclad - Epoxide woven E-glass - Flammability EN 61249-4-1:2008
Structuring - Documentation - Technical information EN 62023:2000
Structuring - Instructions - Content - Presentation EN 62079:2001
Structuring principle - Industrial - Reference designation EN 81346-1:2009
Structuring principles - Industrial installation - Reference designations - Classification - Code EN 61346-2:2000
STS - Transfer - Static transfer system - Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EN 62310-2:2007
STS - Transfer - Static transfer system - Safety EN 62310-1:2005
Stucture - Lightning - Protection - Electronic systems EN 62305-4:2006
Stucture - Lightning - Protection - Electronic systems EN 62305-4:2011
STWX8 R.F connector - Connector - Radio frequency EN 61169-37:2007
Style A ,B and BB - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic CECC 30 301-808:1993
Style BC and BD - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic CECC 30 301-807:1993
Style BC and BD - Capacitor - Aluminium electrolytic - Assessment level E CECC 30 301-810:1996
Styleguide - Field - Tool - Interface - DTM CLC/TR 62453-61:2009
Sub-miniature fuse-link - Fuse - Miniature fuse EN 60127-3:1996
Sub-system - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial - Measurement HD 477.1 S1:1987
Submerged arc furnace - Heating installation - Furnace - Arc HD 599 S1:1992
Subrack - Electronic equipment - Cabinet - Rack - Chassis EN 61587-1:2007
Subrack - Electronic equipment - Mechanical structure - Backplane - Plug-in unit EN 60917-2-3:2006
Subrack - Electronic equipment - Structure - Dimension - Plug-in unit EN 60297-3-104:2006
Subrack - Electronic equipment - Structure - Plug-in unit EN 60297-3-101:2004
Subrack - Structure - Chassis - Cabinet EN 60917-2-4:2010
Subrack - Structure - Dimension - Chassis - Cabinet EN 60297-3-106:2010
Subrack - Structure - Rack - Chassis - Cabinet EN 60297-3-100:2009
Subroutine - Modular instrumentation system - CAMAC HD 445 S1:1983
Subscription - Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Eventing EN 61970-405:2007
Substation - Communication - Network EN 61850-3:2002
Substation - Communication - Network - Conformance EN 61850-10:2005
Substation - Communication - Network - Feeder - Logical node EN 61850-7-4:2003
Substation - Communication - Network - Feeder equipment - ACSI EN 61850-7-2:2003
Substation - Communication - Network - Feeder equipment - Common data class EN 61850-7-3:2003
Substation - Communication - Network - Feeder equipment - Model EN 61850-7-1:2003
Substation - Communication - Network - Function - Device model EN 61850-5:2003
Substation - Communication - Network - Language - IEDs EN 61850-6:2004
Substation - Communication - Network - Language - IEDs EN 61850-6:2010
Substation - Communication - Network - Management EN 61850-4:2002
Substation - Communication - Network - SCSM - ISO/IEC 8802-3 EN 61850-9-2:2004
Substation - Communication - Network - SCSM - Link EN 61850-9-1:2003
Substation - Communication - Network - SCSM - Mapping EN 61850-8-1:2004
Substation - High voltage - Prefabricated - Integrated components EN 50532:2010
Substation - HV - LV - Prefabricated EN 62271-202:2007
Substation - Railway application - Fixed installation - Converter EN 50328:2003
Substation - Railway application - Rolling stock - Power supply - Interoperability EN 50388:2005
Substations - EMF - Low frequency - HV - Switchgear CLC/TR 62271-208:2010
Subterranean - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Closure EN 61753-111-9:2010
Subtraction method - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-4:2007
Sulphur - Insulation - Liquid - Detection - Corrosive EN 62535:2009
Sulphur dioxide - Environmental testing - Test Kc - Contact - Connection EN 60068-2-42:2003
Sulphur dioxide - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Industrial atmosphere - Test EN 61300-2-28:1997
Sulphur hexafluoride - High-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear CLC/TR 62271-303:2009
Sulphur hexafluoride - SF6 - Checking - Treatment EN 60480:2004
Sun radiation - Enclosure - Thermal performance - Heat load EN 62194:2005
Superconductivity - Critical current - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-1:2007
Superconductivity - Critical current - DC - Ag alloy-sheathed - Bi-2212/Bi-2223 oxide EN 61788-3:2006
Superconductivity - Critical current - Nb3Sn composite - DC EN 61788-2:2007
Superconductivity - High temperature - Flux density - Grain oxide EN 61788-9:2005
Superconductivity - Loss measurement - Wire - Transverse - Helium EN 61788-8:2010
Superconductivity - Matrix - Volume ratio - Copper - Composite EN 61788-5:2001
Superconductivity - Mechanical - Room - Temperature - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-6:2008
Superconductivity - Mechanical - Room - Temperature - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-6:2011
Superconductivity - Power device - Current - Lead EN 61788-14:2010
Superconductivity - Residual - Resistance - Ratio measurement - Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-4:2011
Superconductivity - Residual - Resistance - Ratio measurement - Nb3Sn composite EN 61788-11:2011
Superconductivity - Superconductor - Residual resistance ratio - Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-4:2007
Superconductivity - Surface resistance - Microwave frequencies EN 61788-7:2006
Superconductor - AC loss measurement - Cu/Nb-Ti composite - Magnetic field - Pickup coil method EN 61788-8:2003
Superconductor - AC loss measurement - Magnetometer method - Hysteresis loss - Multifilamentary composite EN 61788-13:2003
Superconductor - Critical temperature - Composite - Resistance EN 61788-10:2006
Superconductor - Matrix - Volume ratio measurement - Nb3Sn composite - Wire EN 61788-12:2002
Superconductor - Residual resistance ratio - Nb3Sn composite EN 61788-11:2003
Superconductor - Superconductivity - Residual resistance ratio - Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-4:2007
Superposition - Machine - Rotating - Loading - Temperature rise EN 60034-29:2008
Superteletext profile - Teleweb EN 62298-3:2005
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Supervision - Insulation - Oil - Mineral - Maintenance EN 60422:2006
Supplier - Conformity assessment - Declaration - Documentation EN ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004
Supplier and distributor - Signalling - LV - Immunity - Communications equipment EN 50065-2-3:2003
Supply - Railway - Architecture - Onboard CLC/TS 50534:2010
Supply system - Household appliances - Electromagnetic compatibility - Definitions EN 60555-1:1987
Supply system - Public electricity - LV - Nominal voltage HD 472 S1:1989
Supply voltage - Railway applications - Traction system EN 50163:2004
Support services - Dependability - Guidelines - Maintenance EN 60300-3-16:2008
Suppression - Filter - Passive - Electromagnetic - Interference EN 60939-1:2010
Suppression - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Generic specification EN 60938-1:1999
Suppression - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Safety test EN 60938-2-1:1999
Suppression - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Safety test EN 60938-2-2:1999
Suppression - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Electromagnetic interference - Sectional specification EN 60938-2:1999
Supra-aural - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Circumaural - Earphone EN 60318-1:2009
Supra-aural earphone - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Calibration EN 60318-1:1998
Supra-aural earphone - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Calibration - Acoustic coupler EN 60318-3:1998
Surbe immunity - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Test EN 60255-22-5:2002
Surface - Temperature - Excessive - Touchable CLC Guide 29:2007
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) - Filter - Wave filter EN 166100:1998
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) - Filter - Wave filter - Capability approval EN 166101:1999
Surface acoustic wave - Filter - SAW EN 60862-1:2003
Surface acoustic wave - Filter - SAW - Guidance EN 60862-2:2002
Surface acoustic wave - Filter - SAW - Standard outline EN 60862-3:2003
Surface acoustic wave - Resonator - SAW EN 61019-1:2005
Surface acoustic wave - Resonator - SAW EN 61019-2:2005
Surface acoustic wave - SAW - Single Crystal Wafer EN 62276:2005
Surface cleaning - Household appliance - Cleaning - Steam - Safety EN 60335-2-54:2003
Surface contamination - Protection - Radiation - Installed personnel EN 61098:2007
Surface emitting - Fibre optic - Active component - Vertical cavity - Laser device EN 62149-2:2009
Surface irregularities - Core - Ferrite core - EDT-core - E-core EN 60424-3:1999
Surface irregularities - Core - Ferrite core - Limit - General specification EN 60424-1:1999
Surface irregularities - Core - Ferrite core - Ring core EN 60424-4:2001
Surface irregularities - Core - Ferrite core - RM-core EN 60424-2:1997
Surface mount - Capacitor - ESL - Measuring EN 62490-2:2010
Surface mount - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic - Dielectric EN 60384-21:2004
Surface mount - Capacitor - Fixed - Ceramic - Dielectric EN 60384-22:2004
Surface mount - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric EN 60384-21-1:2004
Surface mount - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Ceramic dielectric EN 60384-22-1:2004
Surface mount - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Tantalum - Manganese EN 60384-3:2006
Surface mount - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Tantalum - Manganese EN 60384-3-1:2006
Surface mount - Packaging - Automatic handling - Blister - Carrier tape EN 60286-3-2:2009
Surface mount - Packing - Automatic handling - Continuous - Pressed carrier tape EN 60286-3-1:2009
Surface mount - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Film EN 140401:2009
Surface mount - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - Non-wirewound EN 140401:2002
Surface mount - Resistor - Non wire-wound - Low power - High stability EN 140401-804:2005
Surface mount component - Packaging - Automatic handling - Continuous tape EN 60286-3:2007
Surface mount resistor - Resistor - Low power - Fixed EN 140400:2003
Surface mount soldered assemblies - Printed board EN 61191-2:1998
Surface mount technology - Printed board - Soldered assemblies EN 61191-1:1998
Surface mounted - HF inductive component - Non-electrical - Inductor - Telecommunication EN 62025-1:2007
Surface mounted - Piezoelectric - Frequency - Lead - Ceramic EN 61837-2:2011
Surface mounted - Quartz crystal unit - Test fixture EN 60444-8:2003
Surface mounted - Semi-conductor - Outline drawing - Package EN 60191-6:2009
Surface mounted - Semiconductor - Drawing - Package - Grid array EN 60191-6-17:2011
Surface mounted - Semiconductor - Drawing - Packager - BGA EN 60191-6-18:2010
Surface mounted - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Ball grid array (BGA) EN 60191-6-4:2003
Surface mounted - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Fine pitch land grid array (FLGA) - Design guide EN 60191-6-6:2001
Surface mounted - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Fine-pitch - Land grid array EN 60191-6-12:2011
Surface mounted - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Terminal package - Design guide EN 60191-6-2:2002
Surface mounted - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Design guide - Fine-pitch ball grid array EN 60191-6-5:2001
Surface mounted - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Design guide - Glass sealed ceramic quad flatpack EN 60191-6-8:2001
Surface mounted - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) - Rectangular EN 60191-6-12:2002
Surface mounted - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Gull-wing lead terminal EN 60191-6-1:2001
Surface mounted - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Package - Rule EN 60191-6:2004
Surface mounted - Semiconductor device - Outline drawing - Quad flat pack (QFP) - Measuring method EN 60191-6-3:2000
Surface mounted device (SMD) - Piezoelectric device - Frequency control EN 61240:1997
Surface mounting - Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 801-801:1994
Surface mounting - Capacitor - Fixed tantalum - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 801-804:1994
Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Solder joint - Cyclic bending test EN 62137-1-4:2009
Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Solder joint - Cyclic drop test EN 62137-1-3:2009
Surface mounting - Environment - Endurance - Solder joint - Shear fatigue EN 62137-1-5:2009
Surface mounting - Packaging - Automatic handling - Bulk case packaging EN 60286-6:2004
Surface mounting - Through Hole Reflow - THR - Soldering EN 61760-3:2010
Surface mounting capacitor - Capacitor - Polyethylene-terephthalate film - DC CECC 32 201-801:1989
Surface mounting component - Surface mounting device EN 61760-1:2006
Surface mounting device - Environmental testing - Test Td - Soldering heat EN 60068-2-58:2004
Surface mounting device - Surface mounting component EN 61760-1:2006
Surface mounting device - Transportation conditions - Storage conditions EN 61760-2:2007
Surface resistance - Superconductivity - Microwave frequencies EN 61788-7:2006
Surface spread - Fire hazard - Testing - Flame EN 60695-9-1:2005
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Surface temperature - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-24:1998
Surface water - Radionuclide - Liquid effluent - Water - Monitoring EN 60861:2008
Surface-mount - Fluid distribution - Modular component - Elastomeric seal EN 62339-1:2007
Surface-mount assemblies - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered EN 61192-2:2003
Surface-mount technology - Environmental - Endurance - Solder joint - Pull strength EN 62137-1-1:2007
Surface-mount technology - Environmental - Endurance - Solder joint - Shear strength EN 62137-1-2:2007
Surge - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-5:2006
Surge - Low voltage - d.c. - Protection - Traction system CLC/TS 50544:2010
Surge - Low voltage - Protection - Photovoltaic CLC/TS 50539-12:2010
Surge - Low voltage - Protection - Wind - Turbine CLC/TS 50539-22:2010
Surge - Protective device - Avalanche breakdown diode - ABD - Diode EN 61643-321:2002
Surge - Protective device - LV - Gas discharge tube EN 61643-311:2001
Surge - Protective device - LV - Power system - Test EN 61643-11:2002
Surge - Protective device - LV - Telecommunications network - Signalling network CLC/TS 61643-22:2006
Surge - Protective device - LV - Thyristor surge suppressor EN 61643-341:2001
Surge - Protective device - LV - Varistor - Metal oxide EN 61643-331:2003
Surge - Protective device - Telecommunications - Signalling - Test method EN 61643-21:2001
Surge arrester - Metal-oxide - AC system - Gap EN 60099-4:2004
Surge arrester - Metal-oxide - EGLA - Transmission - Overhead line EN 60099-8:2011
Surge arrester - Non-linear resistor - AC system EN 60099-1:1994
Surge arrester - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Limiter EN 50123-5:2003
Surge arrester - Selection - Recommendations EN 60099-5:1996
Surge immunity - Relay - Protection - Disturbance - Test EN 60255-22-5:2011
Surge suppression - Varistor CECC 42 200:1986
Surge suppression - Varistor CECC 42 201:1986
Surge suppression - Varistor CECC 42 201-802:1991
Surgery - Medical - Lens - Vitrectomy - Ophthalmic EN 80601-2-58:2009
Surgical - Medical - Safety - Diagnosis - Luminaire EN 60601-2-41:2009
Surgical - Medical - Safety - High frequency EN 60601-2-2:2009
Surgical equipment - Medical equipment - High frequency - Safety EN 60601-2-2:2007
Surgical luminaire - Medical equipment - Luminaire - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-41:2000
Surgical system - Ultrasonics - Measurement EN 61847:1998
Surveillance - Nuclear - Power plant - Instrumentation - Safety EN 60671:2011
Suspension - Sound - Electroactoustic - transducer EN 62459:2011
Suspension means - Box - Enclosure - Accessories - Household EN 60670-21:2007
Swimming pool - Building - Electrical installation - Basin HD 384.7.702 S2:2002
Swimming pool - Lighting - Luminaire EN 60598-2-18:1994
Swimming pool - Low-voltage - Pool - Fountain HD 60364-7-702:2010
Switch - Accessories - Home and building electronic Systems - HBES EN 50428:2005
Switch - Appliances EN 61058-1:2002
Switch - Appliances - Change-over selector EN 61058-2-5:1994
Switch - Appliances - Cord switch EN 61058-2-1:1993
Switch - Appliances - Independently mounted EN 61058-2-4:2005
Switch - Change-over - Selector EN 61058-2-5:2011
Switch - Circuit - Semiconductor - Microwave - Integrated EN 60747-16-4:2004
Switch - Cord EN 61058-2-1:2011
Switch - Core - Half pot - Magnetic oxide - Inductive proximity EN 62323:2005
Switch - Electromechanical - Electronic EN 61020-1:2009
Switch - Electromechanical switch EN 196000:1992
Switch - Fibre optic - Wavelength switch EN 62099:2001
Switch - Household installation EN 60669-1:1999
Switch - Household installation - Fixed - Electromagnetic - Remote-control EN 60669-2-2:2006
Switch - Household installation - Fixed - Time-delay switch - TDS EN 60669-2-3:2006
Switch - Household installation - Fixed-electrical installation - Electronic switch EN 60669-2-1:2004
Switch - Household installation - Fixed-electrical installation - Isolating switch EN 60669-2-4:2005
Switch - HV EN 60265-1:1998
Switch - HV EN 60265-2:1993
Switch - Lever switch CECC 96 200:1988
Switch - Membrane switch EN 196500:1993
Switch - Membrane switch CECC 96 501:1992
Switch - Push button switch CECC 96 400:1988
Switch - Reed contact unit - Heavy-duty EN 62246-2:2008
Switch - Rotary switch CECC 96 100:1988
Switch - Rotary switch - Assessment level Y EN 196103:1998
Switch - Rotary wafer switch - Manually operated - Centre bush mounting CECC 96 101-801:1992
Switch - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - RF MEMS EN 62047-5:2011
Switch - Sensitive switch CECC 96 300:1988
Switch - Slide switch CECC 96 600:1994
Switch - Spatial switch - Fibre optic EN 60876-1:2001
Switch - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Disconnector EN 60947-3:1999
Switch - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Electromechanical control circuit device EN 60947-5-1:2004
Switch - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Emergency stop device EN 60947-5-5:1997
Switch mode - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-17:1997
Switch mode - Transformer - Reactor - Power supply EN 61558-2-16:2009
Switch-fuse combination - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC EN 62271-105:2003
Switched mode - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Power transformer EN 61248-4:1997
Switchgear - Assembly - Low-voltage - Controlgear EN 61439-1:2009
Switchgear - Building - Electrical installation - Controlgear HD 60364-5-534:2008
Switchgear - Cable connection - Gas-insulated - Insulation - Fluid-filled cable EN 62271-209:2007
Switchgear - Controlgear - A.C. - Insulation enclosed EN 62271-201:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Switchgear - Controlgear - High voltage - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-100:2009
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV EN 62271-1:2008
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - A.C. - By-pass switch EN 62271-109:2006
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-100:2001
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 62271-108:2006
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC - Circuit-switcher EN 62271-107:2005
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC - Metal-enclosed EN 62271-200:2004
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - AC - Switch-fuse combination EN 62271-105:2003
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Compact EN 62271-205:2008
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Digital interface - IEC 61850 EN 62271-3:2006
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Disconnector - Earthing switch EN 62271-102:2002
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Gas-insulated - Metal-enclosed EN 62271-203:2004
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Load switching - Inductive EN 62271-110:2005
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Seismic - Gas-insulated EN 62271-207:2007
Switchgear - Controlgear - HV - Synthetic testing EN 62271-101:2006
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Circuit-breaker EN 60947-2:2006
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Construction site - ACS EN 60439-4:2004
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-1:2001
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-1:2010
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Contactor - Motor starter EN 60947-4-2:2000
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Contactor - Motor-starter EN 60947-4-3:2000
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device - Analogue output EN 60947-5-7:2003
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device - Low energy contact EN 60947-5-4:2003
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device - Proximity sensor EN 60947-5-6:2000
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device - Proximity switch EN 60947-5-2:2007
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit device - Proximity switch EN 60947-5-3:1999
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control unit - Thermal protection EN 60947-8:2003
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Controller-device interface - CDI EN 62026-1:2007
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Controller-device interface - DeviceNet EN 62026-3:2009
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Enclosure - Empty EN 62208:2003
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Flow rate switch - Control circuit EN 60947-5-9:2007
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Multiple function - Automatic switching EN 60947-6-1:2005
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Multiple function - Protective switching EN 60947-6-2:2003
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Protection - Shock EN 50274:2002
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Protective conductor - Copper conductor EN 60947-7-2:2009
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Protective conductor - Copper condutor EN 60947-7-2:2002
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Public network - Power distribution EN 60439-5:2006
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Switch - Disconnector EN 60947-3:1999
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Switch - Electromechanical control circuit device EN 60947-5-1:2004
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Switch - Emergency stop device EN 60947-5-5:1997
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Terminal block - Copper conductor EN 60947-7-1:2002
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Terminal block - Fuse EN 60947-7-3:2002
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Three-position - Control circuit EN 60947-5-8:2006
Switchgear - Controlgear - LV. Industrial - Device profile EN 61915-1:2008
Switchgear - Controlgear - Rails - Dimensions - Mechanical support EN 60715:2001
Switchgear - DC - Railway applications EN 50123-1:2003
Switchgear - DC - Railway applications - Circuit-breaker EN 50123-2:2003
Switchgear - DC - Railway applications - Disconnector EN 50123-3:2003
Switchgear - DC - Railway applications - Disconnector - Earthing switch EN 50123-4:2003
Switchgear - EMF - Low frequency - HV - Substations CLC/TR 62271-208:2010
Switchgear - High voltage - Controlgear EN 62271-103:2011
Switchgear - High-voltage - Controlgear - AC EN 62271-104:2009
Switchgear - High-voltage - Controlgear - Alternating-current - By-pass switch EN 62271-109:2009
Switchgear - High-voltage - Controlgear - Indoor - Climatic conditions CLC/TS 62271-304:2008
Switchgear - High-voltage - Controlgear - Inductive - Load EN 62271-110:2009
Switchgear - High-voltage - Controlgear - Sulphur hexafluoride CLC/TR 62271-303:2009
Switchgear - High-voltage - Prefabricated - Controlgear - Indicator EN 62271-206:2011
Switchgear - Low-voltage - Controlgear EN 60947-1:2007
Switchgear - Low-voltage - Controlgear - Ancillary - Copper EN 60947-7-1:2009
Switchgear - Low-voltage - Controlgear - Ancillary equipment - Terminal block EN 60947-7-3:2009
Switchgear - Low-voltage - Controlgear - Disconnector - Fuse EN 60947-3:2009
Switchgear - Low-voltage - Controlgear - Power EN 61439-2:2009
Switchgear - Low-voltage - Controlgear - Public - Network EN 61439-5:2011
Switchgear - Oil - Mineral - Insulating oil - Transformer EN 60296:2004
Switchgear - Power station - Electrical equipment - Controlgear EN 45510-2-7:2002
Switchgear - Railway application - AC - Traction system - Application guide EN 50152-3-1:2003
Switchgear - Railway application - AC - Traction system - Current transformer EN 50152-3-2:2001
Switchgear - Railway application - AC - Traction system - Voltage transformer EN 50152-3-3:2001
Switchgear - Railway applications - AC - Circuit-breaker EN 50152-1:2007
Switchgear - Railway applications - AC - Single-phase disconnector - Earthing switch EN 50152-2:2007
Switchgear - Railway applications - DC - Assemblies EN 50123-6:2003
Switchgear - Railway applications - DC - Surge arrester - Limiter EN 50123-5:2003
Switchgear - Railway applications - DC - Traction system - Application guide EN 50123-7-1:2003
Switchgear - Railway applications - DC - Transducer - Current measuring device EN 50123-7-2:2003
Switchgear - Railway applications - DC - Transducer - Voltage measuring device EN 50123-7-3:2003
Switchgear and controlgear - AC - Gas-filled compartment EN 50187:1996
Switchgear and controlgear - High-voltage - Voltage presence - Indicator EN 61958:2001
Switchgear and controlgear - HV EN 60694:1996
Switchgear and controlgear - HV - AC - Circuit-breaker - Seismic qualification EN 61166:1993
Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Gas-filled - Cast aluminium alloy enclosure EN 50052:1986
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Gas-filled - Welded composite enclosure EN 50069:1991
Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Gas-filled - Wrought aluminium alloy enclosure EN 50064:1989
Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Gas-filled - Wrougth steel enclosure EN 50068:1991
Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Metal-enclosed - Cast resin partition EN 50089:1992
Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Busbar trunking system - Busway EN 60439-2:2000
Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Controller - Actuator sensor interface (AS-i) EN 50295:1999
Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Industrial - Control switch EN 50041:1981
Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Industrial - Control switch EN 50047:1981
Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Type tested assemblies EN 60439-1:1999
Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Unskilled person - Distribution board EN 60439-3:1991
Switchgear and controlgear - Temperature-rise - Extrapolation - PTTA - LV CLC/TR 60890:2002
Switching - Building - Electrical installation - Selection - Isolation HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
Switching circuit - Circuit - Integrated - Analogue CECC 90 203:1985
Switching function - Digital - Addressable - Lighting - Controlgear EN 62386-208:2009
Switching impulse - Transformer - Power transformer - Power reactor - Lightning impulse EN 60076-4:2002
Switching time - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Bounce time EN 61300-3-21:1998
Symbol - Graphical symbol - Arrow form - Arrow use EN 80416-2:2001
Symbol - Graphical symbol - Creation - Original EN 80416-1:2001
Symbol - Graphical symbol - Creation - Registration EN 80416-1:2009
Symbol - Graphical symbol - Guideline - Application EN 80416-3:2002
Symbol - Letter - Control technology EN 60027-6:2007
Symbol - Letter - Logarithmic quantity EN 60027-3:2007
Symbol - Letter - Power generation - Transmission - Distribution EN 60027-7:2010
Symbol - Letter - Rotatin machine EN 60027-4:2007
Symbol - Letter symbol EN 60027-1:2006
Symbol - Lightning - Protection CLC/TR 50469:2005
Symbology - Label - Package label - Electronic component - Bar code EN 62090:2003
Symbols - Metering equipment EN 62053-52:2005
Symmetrical pair/quad cable - Cable - Digital communication - Harsh environment - Multicore EN 62012-1:2002
Synchronization - Multimedia - Quality - Audio - Video EN 62503:2008
Synchronous - Machine - Rotating - Generator - Steam turbine EN 60034-3:2008
Synchronous - Machine - Rotating machine - Excitation system - Power system CLC/TR 60034-16-2:2004
Synchronous - Rotating - Machine - Excitation system EN 60034-16-1:2011
Synchronous machine - Machine - Rotating - Exitation system EN 60034-16-1:1995
Synchronous machine - Machine - Rotating - Quantity EN 60034-4:2008
Synchronous machine - Rotating machine - Dynamic performance - Excitation system CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004
Synchroscope - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Phase meter EN 60051-5:1989
Synthesis - Language - Behavioural language - VHDL EN 61691-3-3:2001
Synthetic - Ester - Unused - Organic EN 61099:2010
Synthetic - Quartz - Crystal EN 60758:2009
Synthetic - Quartz crystal - Guide EN 60758:2005
Synthetic aromatic hydrocarbon - Insulating liquid - Hydrocarbon EN 60867:1994
Synthetic elastomer - Cable - Rubber insulated - Water resistant - Polychloroprene HD 22.16 S2:2007
Synthetic organic ester - Insulating liquid - Ester EN 61099:1992
Synthetic organic ester - Insulating liquid - Maintenance guide EN 61203:1994
Synthetic rope - Railway application - Fixed installation - Insulation - Overhead contact line EN 50345:2009
Synthetic testing - Switchgear - Controlgear - HV EN 62271-101:2006
System assessment - Industrial process - Measurement - Non-task-related properties EN 61069-8:1999
System assessment - Industrial process - Measurement - System operability EN 61069-6:1998
System assessment - Industrial process - Measurement - System safety EN 61069-7:1999
System assessment - Industrial process - System dependability EN 61069-5:1995
System dependability - Industrial process - System assessment EN 61069-5:1995
System operability - Industrial process - Measurement - System assessment EN 61069-6:1998
System oriented application - Interconnection requirement - Domestic equipment - EN 50157-2-3:1998
System requirement - Alarm system - Access control system - Security applications EN 50133-1:1996
System requirement - Alarm system - Social alarm system EN 50134-1:2002
System requirement - Alarm system - Transmission EN 50136-1-1:1998
System requirement - Alarm system - Transmission - Dedicated alarm path EN 50136-1-2:1998
System requirement - Alarm system - Transmission - Digital communicator EN 50136-1-3:1998
System requirement - Alarm system - Transmission - Voice communicator EN 50136-1-4:1998
System safety - Industrial process - Measurement - System assessment EN 61069-7:1999
Systems management - Distribution automation - Line carrier - Data communication protocol - CIASE protocol EN 61334-4-511:2000


T-adaptor - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series BNC - Plug to plug to socket CECC 22 121-816:1985
T-DMB - Terrestrial - Interactive - Data - BIFS EN 62516-2:2011
TA 2 - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Front projection EN 61966-6:2006
Tachyarrhythmia - Medical device - Implantable - Safety - Defibrillator EN 45502-2-2:2008
Tacker - Tool - Motor operated tool - Safety EN 50144-2-16:2003
Tactile - Machinery - Signal - Visual - Acoustic EN 61310-1:2008
Talker - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Listener EN 61162-450:2011
Talker - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Listener EN 61162-401:2002
Talker - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Listener EN 61162-402:2005
Talker - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital interface - Listener EN 61162-420:2002
Tanning - Ultraviolet lamp - Fluorescent EN 61228:2008
Tansport - Railway - Urban - Command/control EN 62290-2:2011
Tantalum - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Surface mount - Manganese EN 60384-3:2006
Tantalum - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Surface mount - Manganese EN 60384-3-1:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Tantalum capacitor - Capacitor EN 130200:1993
Tantalum capacitor - Capacitor - Non-solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 202-801:1992
Tantalum capacitor - Capacitor - Porous anode EN 130202:1998
Tantalum capacitor - Capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode EN 130201:1993
Tantalum capacitor - Capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 201-801:1993
Tantalum capacitor - Capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 201-802:1989
Tantalum capacitor - Capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode CECC 30 201-803:1989
Tantalum electrolytic - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Conductive polymer EN 60384-24:2006
Tantalum electrolytic - Capacitor - Fixed - Electronic equipment - Conductive polymer EN 60384-24-1:2006
Tantalum surface mount - Capacitor - Solid electrolyte - Porous anode - Extended range CECC 30 801-802:2005
Tantalum surface mounting capacitor - Capacitor - Fused CECC 30 801-803:1994
Tantalum surface mounting capacitor - Capacitor - Low ESR range CECC 30 801-805:1995
Tap-changer - Performance - Test EN 60214-1:2003
Tape - Adhesive - Pressure-sensitive - Glass fabric - Cellulose acetate woven fabric EN 60454-3-8:2006
Tape - Adhesive - Pressure-sensitive - Polyethylene film - Polypropylene film EN 60454-3-12:2006
Tape - Glass - Polyester fibre woven tape - Individual materials EN 61067-3-1:1995
Tape - Glass polyester fibre woven tape EN 61067-1:1997
Tape - Glass polyester fibre woven tape - Test EN 61067-2:1997
Tape - Polyester fibre - Conventional or shuttleless loom EN 61068-3-1:1995
Tape - Polyester fibre woven tape EN 61068-1:1997
Tape - Polyester fibre woven tape - Test EN 61068-2:1997
Tape - Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive - Electrical purpose - Test EN 60454-2:2007
Tape - Pressure-sensitive adhesive tape - Electrical purpose EN 60454-1:1994
Tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Type L EN 60961:1994
Tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Type U EN 60712:1994
Tape - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Compression format EN 62071-2:2006
Tape - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Data stream format EN 62071-3:2006
Tape - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - VTR specifications EN 62071-1:2006
Tape leader and trailer - Audio - Video - Television - Training EN 60574-21:1993
Tape packaging - Packaging - Automatic handling - Axial lead EN 60286-1:1998
Tape packaging - Packaging - Automatic handling - Unidirectional lead EN 60286-2:1998
Tape packaging - Packaging - Automatic handling - Unidirectional lead - Continuous tape EN 60286-2:2009
Tape recorder - Video - High-band video tape recorder - Y/C video connector EN 61041-5:1997
Tape recording - Recording format - Video cassette - Helical-scan - DCT compression EN 62356-1:2004
Taper barelled - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-3-1:2000
Tapper - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Tool - Safety EN 60745-2-9:2009
Tariff - Metering - Meter reading - Load control - Asynchronous data exchange EN 62056-42:2002
Tariff - Metering - Meter reading - Load control - COSEM application layer EN 62056-53:2007
Tariff - Metering - Meter reading - Load control - COSEM transport layer EN 62056-47:2007
Tariff - Metering - Meter reading - Load control - Data exchange EN 62056-21:2002
Tariff - Metering - Meter reading - Load control - HDLC protocol EN 62056-46:2002
Tariff - Metering - Meter reading - Load control - Interface class EN 62056-62:2007
Tariff - Metering - Meter reading - Load control - Local area network EN 62056-31:2000
Tariff - Metering - Meter reading - Load control - Object identification system EN 62056-61:2007
Tariff - Metering equipment - Load control - Receiver - Ripple control EN 62054-11:2004
Tariff - Metering equipment - Load control - Time switch EN 62054-21:2004
Tariff - Metering equipment - Test - Load control EN 62052-21:2004
TAS - Capacitor - Electrolytic capacitor CECC 210 011:1995
TAS - Capacitor - Fixed capacitor - Ceramic dielectric CECC 210 010:1995
TAS - Circuit - Integrated circuit CECC 265 001:1998
TAS - Circuit - Integrated circuit - ASICs - Microelectronic CECC 290 001:1997
TAS - Connector - Electrical connector - Manufacture CECC 299 001:1999
TAS - Printed board - Rigid printed board CECC 210 003:1996
TAS - Resistor - Film resistor - Low power CECC 240 001:1996
TASE.1 - Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations EN 60870-6-701:1998
TASE.1 - Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations EN 60870-6-501:1996
TASE.1 - Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations EN 60870-6-502:1996
TASE.2 - Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations EN 60870-6-503:2002
TASE.2 - Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations EN 60870-6-702:1998
TASE.2 Object model - Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations EN 60870-6-802:2002
Task - Responsibilities - New Approach - Consultant CEN/CLC Guide 15:2009
Taximeter - Electronic EN 50148:1995
TDDB - Breakdown test - Dielectric - Time dependent EN 62374:2007
TDMA traffic earth station - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave EN 60835-3-10:1994
TDS - Switch - Household installation - Fixed - Time-delay switch EN 60669-2-3:2006
Technical documentation - Graphical symbol - Connect node - Connect network - Encoding EN 81714-3:2001
Technical grade - SF6 grade EN 60376:2005
Technical information - Structuring - Documentation EN 62023:2000
Technical Liaison - Partnership CLC Guide 31:2009
Technical Report - Home and Building Electronic System - Infra-red R205-005:1997
Technical requirements - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System EN 50090-2-2:1996
Technical Specification CLC Guide 22:2001
Technology - Information - Science EN 80000-13:2008
Telebiometrics - Human physiology EN 80000-14:2009
Telecom applications - Cable - Coaxial - Miniaturized - Digital communication system EN 50117-3-1:2002
Telecom relay - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-52:2002
Telecom relay - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-53:2002
Telecom relay - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-54:2002
Telecom relay - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - 2 change-over contact EN 61811-55:2002
Telecom relay - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Assessed quality EN 61811-50:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Telecom relay - Relay - Electromechanical - All-or-nothing - Non-standardized EN 61811-51:2002
Telecommunication - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Aerial EN 60794-3-20:2002
Telecommunication - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Aerial EN 60794-3-21:2006
Telecommunication - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Burried EN 60794-3-10:2002
Telecommunication - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Burried EN 60794-3-12:2006
Telecommunication - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Water crossing EN 60794-3-30:2003
Telecommunication - Cable - Pulse/step return loss - Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation EN 62153-1-1:2004
Telecommunication - Electromagnetic field - Strength - Human exposure - Wireless EN 50383:2010
Telecommunication - Electronic equipment - Letter symbol EN 60027-2:2007
Telecommunication - Fibre optic - Branching device EN 181103:1997
Telecommunication - Fibre optic - Branching device - Selective transmissive star EN 181104:1997
Telecommunication - HF inductive component - Non-electrical - Inductor - Surface mounted EN 62025-1:2007
Telecommunication - Laser module - Reliability EN 61751:1998
Telecommunication - Optical fibre - Cable - Outdoor - Coastal application EN 60794-3-30:2008
Telecommunication - Port - Resistibility CLC/TR 50450:2006
Telecommunication equipment - Inductor - Fixed inductor - Marking code EN 61605:2005
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor EN 61007:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor EN 61248-1:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor EN 61248-6:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - Coil former - Laminated core EN 61797-1:1996
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - High-frequency inductor EN 61248-7:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - Laminated core package EN 61021-1:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - Power transformer EN 61248-3:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - Power transformer - Switched mode EN 61248-4:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - Pulse transformer EN 61248-5:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - Signal transformer EN 61248-2:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - YEE 2 lamination EN 61021-2:1997
Telecommunication equipment - Transformer - Inductor - YUI-2 lamination - Dimensions EN 60852-4:1996
Telecommunication industry - Connector - Printed board - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-105:1998
Telecommunication network - Cable - Multi-pair - Digital access - Outdoor EN 50407-1:2004
Telecommunication network - Cable - Multi-pair - High bit rate - Aerial EN 50406-1:2004
Telecommunication network - Cable - Multi-pair - High bit rate - Buried EN 50406-2:2004
Telecommunication network - Connected equipment - Safety EN 41003:2008
Telecommunication network - Signal - xDSL - Digital Subscriber Line - DSL CLC/TS 62367:2005
Telecommunication port - Resistibility EN 50468:2009
Telecommunications - Cables - Screened - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-2:2006
Telecommunications - Cables - Un-screened - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-1:2006
Telecommunications - Cables - Un-screened - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-3:2006
Telecommunications - Ferrite - Pot-core - Power supply - Filter EN 62317-2:2010
Telecommunications - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Signalling - Immunity EN 50121-4:2006
Telecommunications - Railway applications - Signalling - Environmental conditions EN 50125-3:2003
Telecommunications - Station - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Radio frequency EN 50401:2006
Telecommunications - Station - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Wireless EN 50400:2006
Telecommunications - Surge - Protective device - Signalling - Test method EN 61643-21:2001
Telecommunications network - Surge - Protective device - LV - Signalling network CLC/TS 61643-22:2006
Telecontrol - Conformance testing - EN 60870-5 EN 60870-5-6:2009
Telecontrol - Operating conditions - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 60870-2-1:1996
Telecontrol - Operating conditions - Environmental conditions EN 60870-2-2:1996
Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-701:1998
Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 EN 60870-6-503:2002
Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 EN 60870-6-702:1998
Telecontrol - Protocol - ISO standard - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 Object model EN 60870-6-802:2002
Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations - Basic standard EN 60870-6-2:1995
Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations - Connection-Oriented Transport Service EN 60870-6-601:1995
Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-501:1996
Telecontrol - Protocol - ITU-T recommendations - TASE.1 EN 60870-6-502:1996
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Basic function EN 60870-5-5:1995
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Basic telecontrol task EN 60870-5-101:2003
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Definition - Coding EN 60870-5-4:1993
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Frame format EN 60870-5-1:1993
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - General structure EN 60870-5-3:1992
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Integrated total - Power system EN 60870-5-102:1996
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Network access - Transport profile EN 60870-5-104:2006
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Procedure EN 60870-5-2:1993
Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Protection equipment - Informative interface EN 60870-5-103:1998
Telecontrol equipment - Interface HD 546.3 S1:1991
Telecontrol equipment - Performance HD 546.4 S1:1992
Telephone - Interoperability - Power supply - EPS - Mobile EN 62684:2010
Telephony - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment HD 477.3.4 S1:1989
Telephony applications - Varistor - LV CECC 42 100:1978
Telephony applications - Varistor - LV - Assessment level P CECC 42 101:1978
Telephony applications - Varistor - LV - Disc type - Unidirectional wire terminations CECC 42 101-801:1982
Telephony applications - Varistor - LV - Disc type - Unidirectional wire terminations CECC 42 101-802:1982
Telephony applications - Varistor - LV - Disc type - Wire terminations CECC 42 101-803:1982
Teleprotection - Power system - Analogue comparison system HD 543.2 S1:1995
Teleprotection - Power system - Performance - Testing - Command system EN 60834-1:1999
Telescopic - Live working - Stick EN 62193:2003
Television - Audio - Video - Audio cassette system HD 369.10 S4:1991
Television - Audio - Video - Connector for video system - Y/C EN 60933-5:1993
Television - Audio - Video - Domestic digital bus EN 61030:1993
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Television - Audio - Video - ENG camera and portable VTR - Interconnection EN 60933-3:1992
Television - Audio - Video - Slide projector - Built-in-triac HD 369.18 S1:1989
Television - Audio - Video - Tape leader and trailer - Training EN 60574-21:1993
Television - Audio - Video - Volume indicator HD 483.17 S1:1992
Television - Automatic channel installation (ACI) EN 50203:1996
Television - Cable - MAC-VSB receiver EN 50080:1991
Television - Cable - Network - Sound - Electromagnetic Compatibility EN 50083-8:2002
Television - Cable - Network - Sound - Signal EN 60728-1-2:2009
Television - Cable - Signal - Two way home network EN 60728-1-1:2010
Television - Cable - Sound signal - Active wideband - Network EN 60728-3:2011
Television - Cable network - Signal - Coaxial cable - Active wideband EN 60728-3:2006
Television - Cable network - Signal - Coaxial cable - Active wideband equipment EN 50083-3:2002
Television - Cable network - Signal - Coaxial cable - Passive wideband equipment EN 60728-4:2008
Television - Cable network - Signal - Sound - Headend equipment EN 60728-5:2008
Television - Cable network - Signal - Sound signal - Return path EN 50083-10:2002
Television - Cable network - Sound - Signal - Return path CLC/TR 50083-10-1:2009
Television - Cabled distribution system - Multimedia - Electromagnetic compatibility EN 50083-2:2006
Television - Cabled distribution system - Optical equipment EN 60728-6:2003
Television - Cabled distribution system - Optical equipment EN 60728-6:2011
Television - Cabled network - Sound signal - CATV/SMATV headend - DVB/MPEG-2 transport stream EN 50083-9:2002
Television - Digital - Terrestrial - Receiver - DVB-T system EN 62216:2011
Television - Lighting - Luminaire - Stage lighting - Photography EN 60598-2-17:1989
Television - Metadata - Dictionary structure EN 62261-1:2006
Television - Metadata - Encoding protocol - Key-length-value EN 62261-2:2006
Television - Network - Interconnection - Safety - Cable EN 60728-11:2010
Television - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment HD 477.3.3 S1:1989
Television - Receiver - Audio channel - Measurement - Monophonic EN 60107-2:1997
Television - Receiver - Broadcast - Sound - Immunity EN 55020:2007
Television - Receiver - Broadcast transmission EN 60107-8:1997
Television - Receiver - Digital EN 62028:2004
Television - Receiver - Digital - DVB-T system - Baseline receiver EN 62216-1:2002
Television - Receiver - HDTV display EN 60107-7:1997
Television - Receiver - Multichannel - NICAM EN 60107-5:1992
Television - Receiver - Non-standard broadcast signal HD 567.6 S1:1990
Television - Receiver - Radio and video frequencies - Measurement EN 60107-1:1997
Television - Receiver - Sound - Disturbance - Measurement EN 55013:2001
Television - Satellite - Digital - Receiver - Low data rate return channel EN 50478:2007
Television signal - Cable - Network - Sound signal - Interactive services EN 60728-1:2008
Television signal - Cable - Network - Sound signal - Optical transmission CLC/TR 50460:2005
Television signal - Cable - Sound signal - IP gateway - Headend CLC/TR 50083-5-1:2009
Television signal - Cable - Sound signal - Optical system - Broadcast EN 60728-13:2010
Television transmitter - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Performance EN 60244-5:1994
Television transmitter - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Transposer EN 60244-10:1993
Television transmitter - Transmitter - Radio transmitter - Terrestrial - Digital EN 62273-1:2007
Television transposer - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Performance EN 60244-9:1994
Teleweb EN 62298-1:2005
Teleweb - Delivery methods EN 62298-2:2005
Teleweb - Hyperteletext profile EN 62298-4:2005
Teleweb - Superteletext profile EN 62298-3:2005
TEM - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission - Immunity - Transverse Waveguide EN 61000-4-20:2003
TEM - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission - Immunity - Transverse Waveguide EN 61000-4-20:2010
TEM cell - Circuit - Measurement - EMC - Immunity EN 62132-2:2011
TEM-cell - Circuit - Integrated - Electromagnetic emission - Radiated emission EN 61967-2:2005
Temperature - Electromotive force - EMF - Thermocouple combination EN 62460:2008
Temperature - Environmental conditions - Classification - Humidity HD 478.2.1 S1:1989
Temperature - Environmental conditions - Classification - Solar radiation HD 478.2.4 S1:1989
Temperature - Excessive - Surface - Touchable CLC Guide 29:2007
Temperature - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Humidity EN 61300-2-21:2010
Temperature - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Ageing test EN 62005-2:2001
Temperature - Medical - Screening - Thermograph - Febrile EN 80601-2-59:2009
Temperature - Metering equipment - Dependability - Reliability - Humidity EN 62059-31-1:2008
Temperature - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Irradiance EN 60891:1994
Temperature - Photovoltaic - Irradiance EN 60891:2010
Temperature - Photovoltaic - Performance - Energy rating - Irradiance EN 61853-1:2011
Temperature - Semiconductor - Measurement - Package - Warpage EN 60191-6-19:2010
Temperature - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Humidity bias life test EN 60749-5:2003
Temperature - Sensor - Thermometer - Platinum - Resistance EN 60751:2008
Temperature - Superconductivity - Mechanical - Room - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-6:2008
Temperature - Superconductivity - Mechanical - Room - Cu/Nb-Ti composite EN 61788-6:2011
Temperature - Thermistor - Step-function - Directly heated - Heating element EN 60738-1-2:2008
Temperature - Thermistor - Step-function - Directly heated - Sensing application EN 60738-1-4:2008
Temperature - Transformer - Power - Rise - Liquid-immersed EN 60076-2:2011
Temperature chamber - Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Measurement EN 60068-3-7:2002
Temperature chamber - Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Performance EN 60068-3-5:2002
Temperature change - Electronic equipment - Connector - Climatic test EN 60512-11-4:2002
Temperature change - Environment - Testing - Test N EN 60068-2-14:2009
Temperature change - Environmental testing - Guidance - Test EN 60068-2-33:1999
Temperature change - Environmental testing - Test EN 60068-2-14:1999
Temperature change - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-22:2007
Temperature change - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-52:2002
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Alphabetical Index

Temperature change - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-25:2003
Temperature coefficient - Thermistor - Directly heated - Negative coefficient EN 60539-2:2004
Temperature coefficient - Thermistor - Polymeric - Directly heated - Step function EN 62319-1:2005
Temperature coefficient - Thermistor - Polymeric - Directly heated - Step function EN 62319-1-1:2005
Temperature coefficient - Thermistor - Positive temperature - Directly heated EN 60738-1:2006
Temperature cycling - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental EN 50289-4-6:2001
Temperature derating - Electronic equipment - Connector - Current-carrying capacity EN 60512-5-2:2002
Temperature endurance - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Dry heat EN 61300-2-18:2005
Temperature index - Wire - Enamelled wire EN 60172:1994
Temperature index 155 - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-32:1996
Temperature index 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-31:1996
Temperature index 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-39:1994
Temperature index 180 - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire EN 60317-49:2000
Temperature index 200 - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-33:1996
Temperature index 200 - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-40:1994
Temperature index 200 - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire EN 60317-48:2000
Temperature index 200 - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire EN 60317-50:2000
Temperature index 220 - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-53:1999
Temperature index 220 - Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Round copper wire EN 60317-52:1999
Temperature rise - Electronic equipment - Connector - Current-carrying capacity EN 60512-5-1:2002
Temperature rise - Lighting - Lamp cap - Measurement EN 60360:1998
Temperature rise - Machine - Rotating - Loading - Superposition EN 60034-29:2008
Temperature rise - Transformer - Power transformer EN 60076-2:1997
Temperature rise - Wiring system - Connecting interfaces - Installation guide CLC/TR 50479:2007
Temperature sensing control - Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-2-9:2002
Temperature-humidity - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device EN 61300-2-48:2009
Temperature-rise - Switchgear and controlgear - Extrapolation - PTTA - LV CLC/TR 60890:2002
Temperature/humidity - Environment - Climatic - Dynamic - Vibration/shock EN 60068-2-53:2010
Temperature/humidity - Environment - Testing - Test Z/AD - Cyclic EN 60068-2-38:2009
Temperature/humidity - Environmental testing - Documentation - Guidance - Performance EN 60068-3-6:2002
Temperature/humidity cyclic test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-38:1999
Temperature/low air pressure - Environmental testing - Combined test EN 60068-3-2:1999
Template - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel - Performance EN 61291-4:2008
Template - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Digital application - Performance EN 61291-2:2007
Tensile load - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Transmission EN 61300-2-51:2007
Tensile strength - Communication cable - Test method - Elongation - Shrinkage EN 50289-3-4:2001
Tensile strength - Communication cable - Test method - Mechanical - Elongation EN 50289-3-2:2001
Tensile strength - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-4:2008
Tensile strength - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Coupling mechanism EN 61300-2-6:2011
Tensile strength - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Coupling mechanism - Test EN 61300-2-6:1997
Tensile strength - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-31:2002
Tensile strength - Optical fibre - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-31:2010
Tensile-testing - Semiconductor - Micro electromechanical - Thin film EN 62047-3:2006
Tensile-testing - Semiconductor - Micro electromechanical - Thin film materials EN 62047-2:2006
Term - Ceramic - Piezoelectric properties - Definition EN 50324-1:2002
Term - Environmental testing - Drafting - Test method - Definitions EN 60068-5-2:1999
Terminaisons robustness - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-14:2003
Terminal - Capacitor - ESL - Measuring - Lead EN 62490-1:2010
Terminal - Industrial - Installation - Product - Identification EN 61666:2010
Terminal - Man-machine interface - Marking - Identification - Termination EN 60445:2010
Terminal - Power-line carrier - Single-sideband EN 60495:1994
Terminal and termination - Man-machine interface - Marking - Identification - Alphanumeric system EN 60445:2007
Terminal assemblies - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered EN 61192-4:2003
Terminal block - Low-voltage - Switchgear - Controlgear - Ancillary equipment EN 60947-7-3:2009
Terminal block - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Copper conductor EN 60947-7-1:2002
Terminal block - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Fuse EN 60947-7-3:2002
Terminal equipment - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - SCPC-PSK EN 60835-3-9:1995
Terminal marking - Machine - Rotating machine - Rotation direction EN 60034-8:2007
Terminal package - Semiconductor - Outline drawing - Surface mounted - Design guide EN 60191-6-2:2002
Terminal soldered assemblies - Printed board EN 61191-4:1998
Terminal system - Battery - Lead-acid starter EN 50342-3:2008
Termination - Cable - Mineral insulated cable EN 60702-1:2002
Termination - Cable - Mineral insulated cable EN 60702-2:2002
Termination - Connector - Contact - Crimping - Deformation EN 60512-16-7:2008
Termination - Connector - Contact - Grounding - Spring holding force EN 60512-16-9:2008
Termination - Connector - Contact - Insulation - Grip effectiveness EN 60512-16-8:2008
Termination - Connector - Contact - Stripping force - Solderless wrapped connection EN 60512-16-11:2008
Termination - Connector - Contact - Un-wrapping - Solderless wrapped connection EN 60512-16-13:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Bending strength EN 60512-16-3:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Bending strength EN 60512-16-14:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Compressive strength EN 60512-16-17:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Deflection of contact EN 60512-16-18:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Gauge retention force EN 60512-16-5:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Probe damage EN 60512-16-1:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Restricted entry EN 60512-16-2:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Robustness EN 60512-16-6:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Tensile strength EN 60512-16-4:2008
Termination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Torsional strength EN 60512-16-16:2008
Termination - Connector - Two-part connector - Printed board - Insulation displacement EN 61076-4-107:2001
Termination - Electronic equipment - Contact - Mechanical test EN 60512-15-8:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Termination - Electronic equipment - Contact - Test EN 60512-16-20:1996
Termination - Flat - Quick-connect - Copper - Conductor EN 61210:2010
Termination - Man-machine interface - Marking - Identification - Terminal EN 60445:2010
termination in cables boxes - transformer - three-phase transformer - immersed transformer - distribution
transformer - design characteristic - dimension
EN 50464-2-1:2007
Termination robustness - Environmental testing - Test U - Mounting device - Integral EN 60068-2-21:2006
Termini set - Cable - Optical fibre - Type LSD-HRL CECC 78 005-802:1999
Terminology - Audio - Calculation method HD 483.2 S2:1993
Terminology - Batch control - Model EN 61512-1:1999
Terminology - DC - HV - Transmission EN 60633:1999
Terminology - Enterprise-control - Model EN 62264-1:2008
Terminology - Fire hazard - Test EN 60695-4:2006
Terminology - Industrial process control - Valve EN 60534-1:2005
Terminology - Live working - Tool and equipment EN 60743:2001
Terminology - Plasma - Display panel - Letter symbol EN 61988-1:2003
Terminology - Plasma - Display panel - Letter symbol EN 61988-1:2011
Terminus set - Fibre optic EN 61269-1:1997
Terminus set - Fibre optic EN 61269-1-1:1997
Terms - Alarm systems - Definitions CLC/TR 50531:2009
Terms - Insulator - Glossary EN 62223:2009
Terrestrial - Digital - Microwave - Radio-relay system - Satellite earth station EN 60835-1-1:1992
Terrestrial - Digital - Microwave - Transmission system - Radio-relay system EN 60835-2-1:1992
Terrestrial - Digital - Television - Receiver - DVB-T system EN 62216:2011
Terrestrial - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Solar device - Spectral irradiance data - Measurement EN 60904-3:2008
Terrestrial - Photovoltaic module - Crystallin silicon - Design EN 61215:2005
Terrestrial - Radio-relay system - Baseband - Measurement HD 477.3.2 S1:1988
Terrestrial - Radio-relay system - Measurement HD 477.2.1 S1:1987
Terrestrial - Radio-relay system - Measurement HD 477.2.2 S1:1987
Terrestrial - Radio-relay system - Sub-system - Measurement HD 477.1 S1:1987
Terrestrial - Receiver - Digital - Multimedia - Broadcasting EN 62516-1:2009
Terrestrial - T-DMB - Interactive - Data - BIFS EN 62516-2:2011
Terrestrial - Thin-film - Photovoltaic (PV) module - Design qualification EN 61646:2008
Terrestrial - Transmitter - Radio transmitter - Television transmitter - Digital EN 62273-1:2007
Terrestrial equipment - Radio-relay system - Diversity - Twin-path HD 477.2.6 S1:1987
Terrestrial equipment - Radio-relay system - Frequency demodulator HD 477.2.5 S1:1987
Terrestrial equipment - Radio-relay system - Frequency modulator HD 477.2.4 S1:1987
Terrestrial equipment - Radio-relay system - Sound programme HD 477.3.6 S1:1988
Terrestrial equipment - Radio-relay system - Telephony HD 477.3.4 S1:1989
Terrestrial equipment - Radio-relay system - Television HD 477.3.3 S1:1989
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Cross-polarization - Canceller EN 60835-2-11:1997
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Digital signal EN 60835-2-5:1995
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Measurement - Service channel EN 60835-2-9:1995
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Protection switching EN 60835-2-6:1995
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Characteristics EN 60835-1-2:1993
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Transmission EN 60835-1-3:1995
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Satellite earth station - Transmission EN 60835-1-4:1995
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Transmission system - Adaptive equalizer EN 60835-2-8:1993
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Transmission system - Branching network EN 60835-2-3:1993
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Transmission system - Performance EN 60835-2-10:1993
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Digital microwave - Transmitter/receiver EN 60835-2-4:1995
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Radio-relay system - Simulated system HD 477.3 S1:1988
Terrestrial radio-relay system - Transmission - Digital microwave - Measurement EN 60835-2-7:1994
Test - Alcohol - Interlock - Performance CLC/TR 50436-3:2010
Test - Alcohol - Interlock - Performance - Drink-driving-offender EN 50436-1:2005
Test - Alcohol - Interlock - Performance - Preventive use EN 50436-2:2007
Test - Battery - Lead-acid battery - Valve-regulated EN 61056-1:2003
Test - Battery - Starter - Lead-acid - Numbering EN 50342-1:2006
Test - Cable - Discharge EN 60885-2:2003
Test - Cable - Discharge - Extruded - Power cable EN 60885-3:2003
Test - Cable - External gas-pressure cable - Alternating voltage HD 635 S1:1997
Test - Cable - Fire resistance - Resistance - Emergency circuit EN 50200:2006
Test - Cable - Insulating materials - Polyethylene - Polypropylene EN 60811-4-2:2004
Test - Cable - Internal gas-pressure cable - Alternating voltage HD 634 S1:1997
Test - Cable - Metal-sheathed cable - Alternating voltage HD 633 S1:1997
Test - Cable - Power cable - Extruded insulation HD 629.1 S2:2006
Test - Cable - Power cable - Impregnated paper insulation - Accessories HD 629.2 S2:2006
Test - Capacitor - Shunt capacitor - Non-self-healing EN 60931-2:1996
Test - Capacitor - Shunt power capacitor - Self-healing - Ageing test EN 60831-2:1996
Test - Caplight - Mine - Firedamp - Explosion risk EN 62013-1:2006
Test - Cell - Fuel cell - Stationary power plant EN 62282-3-2:2006
Test - Cellulosic paper EN 60554-2:2002
Test - Combustible gas - Detection - Recreational vehicle - Performance EN 50194-2:2006
Test - Conductor - Overhead line - Covered conductor - Accessories EN 50397-2:2009
Test - Connection - Solderless - Accessible - Insulation displacement EN 60352-3:1994
Test - Connection - Solderless - Compression - Guidance EN 60352-8:2011
Test - Connection - Solderless - Crimped - Guidance EN 60352-2:2006
Test - Connection - Solderless - Insulation displacement - Guidance EN 60352-4:1994
Test - Connection - Solderless - Insulation piercing - Guidance EN 60352-6:1997
Test - Connection - Solderless - Press-in connection - Guidance EN 60352-5:2008
Test - Connection - Solderless - Spring clamp - Guidance EN 60352-7:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Test - Connection - Solderless - Wrapped - Guidance EN 60352-1:1997
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Continuity EN 60512-2-3:2002
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Housing continuity EN 60512-2-6:2002
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact resistance - Millivolt EN 60512-2-1:2002
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Crosstalk ratio - Measurement EN 60512-25-1:2001
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Dimension - Mass EN 60512-1-2:2002
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Engaging force - Separating force EN 60512-13-1:2006
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Insertion force - Withdrawal force EN 60512-13-2:2006
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Insulation - Resistance EN 60512-3-1:2002
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Measurement EN 60512-1:2001
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Measurement - Applicable publication EN 60512-1-100:2006
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Propagation delay - Measurement EN 60512-25-4:2001
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Rise time degradation - Measurement EN 60512-25-3:2001
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - De-wetting EN 60512-12-3:2006
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Wetting balance EN 60512-12-7:2001
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Soldering heat - Iron method EN 60512-12-5:2006
Test - Connector - Electronic equipment - Visual examination EN 60512-1-1:2002
Test - Connector - Printed board - Socket - Integrated circuit EN 60603-12:1998
Test - Connector - Safety EN 61984:2001
Test - Control device - Performance EN 61298-2:1995
Test - Corrosion - Electrolytic - Insulation EN 60426:2007
Test - current - High-current - Measuring EN 62475:2010
Test - Electoacoustics - Audiometric - Short duration - Signal EN 60645-3:2007
Test - Electroacoustic - Sound level - Meter - Pattern evaluation EN 61672-2:2003
Test - Electromagnetic compatibility - HEMP conducted disturbance EN 61000-4-24:1997
Test - Electromagnetic compatibility - HEMP radiated disturbance - Protective device EN 61000-4-23:2000
Test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Disturbance - RF field EN 61000-4-6:2007
Test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Voltage dip - Interruption EN 61000-4-11:2004
Test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Power quality - Measurement EN 61000-4-30:2003
Test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Reverberation chamber EN 61000-4-21:2003
Test - Electromagnetic compatibility - Voltage dips - Immunity test - Input current EN 61000-4-34:2007
Test - Electromechanical component - Electronic equipment - Dynamic stress test - Random vibration EN 60512-6-5:1999
Test - Electronic equipment - Chemical resistance test - Fluid resistance EN 60512-19-3:1997
Test - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-20:1996
Test - Electronic equipment - Contact protection effectiveness - Scoop-proof EN 60512-1-4:1997
Test - Electronic equipment - Electrical engagement length EN 60512-1-3:1997
Test - Electronic equipment - Flammability test - Fireproofness - Measurement EN 60512-20-2:2000
Test - Electronic equipment - Return loss - Measurement EN 60512-25-5:2004
Test - Electronic equipment - Shielding effectiveness - Connector - Measurement EN 60512-23-3:2001
Test - Environment - Solar - Radiation - Ground level EN 60068-2-5:2011
Test - Environmental testing - Body strength - Impact shock EN 60068-2-77:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Combined test - Cold/low air - Pressure test EN 60068-2-40:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Combined test - Heat/low air - Pressure test EN 60068-2-41:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Dry heat EN 60068-2-2:2007
Test - Environmental testing - Dry heat/vibration test - Combined test - Heat EN 60068-2-51:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Solar radiation - Ground level EN 60068-2-5:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Solar radiation - Guidance EN 60068-2-9:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Soldering EN 60068-2-44:1995
Test - Environmental testing - Storage effect - Guidance EN 60068-2-48:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Temperature change EN 60068-2-14:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Temperature change - Guidance EN 60068-2-33:1999
Test - Environmental testing - Vibration test - Time-history method EN 60068-2-57:2000
Test - Explosive atmosphere - Gas - Construction - Marking EN 60079-26:2007
Test - Fibre optic - Active component - Measurement EN 62150-1:2005
Test - Fibre optic - Dispersion - Chromatic - Calibration EN 61744:2005
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Axial compression EN 61300-2-11:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Bending moment EN 61300-2-7:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Closure - Assembly and disassembly EN 61300-2-33:2007
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Crush resistance EN 61300-2-10:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Durability test - Water immersion EN 61300-2-45:1999
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Dust - Laminar flow EN 61300-2-27:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Flammability - Fire hazard EN 61300-2-36:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Industrial atmosphere - Sulphur dioxide EN 61300-2-28:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Acceleration EN 61300-2-13:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Bump EN 61300-2-8:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Cable nutation EN 61300-2-35:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Low air pressure EN 61300-2-29:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Non-pressurized closure EN 61300-2-23:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Optical power EN 61300-2-14:2006
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Retention EN 61300-2-4:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Salt mist EN 61300-2-26:2007
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Shock EN 61300-2-9:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Temperature change EN 61300-2-22:2007
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Torsion/twist EN 61300-2-5:2002
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Water vapour permeation EN 61300-2-32:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Reliability - Failure EN 62005-3:2001
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Sealing - Closure EN 61300-2-38:2006
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Tensile strength - Coupling mechanism EN 61300-2-6:1997
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Transient loss - Measurement EN 61300-3-28:2002
Test - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Shock EN 61300-2-9:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Test - Fibre optic - Transceivers - ATM-PON - Measurement EN 62150-2:2004
Test - Fire - Hazard - Guidance EN 60695-1-10:2010
Test - Fire hazard - Assessment - Guidance EN 60695-1-1:2000
Test - Fire hazard - Glow-wire - Flammability - GWFI EN 60695-2-12:2010
Test - Fire hazard - Glow-wire - Ignition - GWIT EN 60695-2-13:2010
Test - Fire hazard - Glow-wire flammability - Flammability - End-product EN 60695-2-11:2001
Test - Fire hazard - Glow-wire flammability - Flammability - Material EN 60695-2-12:2001
Test - Fire hazard - Glow-wire ignitability - Ignitability - Material EN 60695-2-13:2001
Test - Fire hazard - Heat release - Guidance EN 60695-8-1:2008
Test - Fire hazard - Terminology EN 60695-4:2006
Test - Global positioning system - GPS - GNSS - Receiver equipment EN 61108-1:2003
Test - HBES - Automation - BACS - EMC requirements EN 50491-5-1:2010
Test - High-voltage EN 60060-1:2010
Test - High-voltage - Measuring EN 60060-2:2011
Test - High-voltage, Direct current - HVDC EN 61975:2010
Test - Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise - Fan EN 60704-2-7:1998
Test - Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise - Food preparation appliances EN 60704-2-11:1999
Test - Household appliances - Code - Airborne acoustical noise - Range hood EN 60704-2-13:2000
Test - Household appliances - Safety - Routine test EN 50106:2008
Test - Industrial process - Control valve - Flow capacity EN 60534-2-3:1998
Test - Insulating liquid - Hydrocarbon - Oxidation stability EN 61125:1993
Test - Insulating materials - Breakdown by surface discharge EN 60343:1992
Test - Insulating materials - Combined flexible materials EN 60626-2:1995
Test - Insulating materials - Combined flexible materials EN 60626-2:2009
Test - Insulating materials - Dry - Solid - Low-current arc discharge EN 61621:1997
Test - Insulating materials - Elastomeric compound - Ozone resistance - Oil immersion EN 60811-2-1:1998
Test - Insulating materials - Filling compound - DC - Cable EN 60811-5-1:1999
Test - Insulating materials - Glass transition temperature EN 61006:2004
Test - Insulating materials - Ignitability HD 541 S1:1991
Test - Insulating materials - Mica EN 60371-2:2004
Test - Insulating materials - Resistivity - Elevated temperature HD 438 S1:1984
Test - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Thermosetting resin EN 60893-2:2004
Test - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated tube - Thermosetting resin EN 61212-2:2006
Test - Insulating materials - Standard condition HD 437 S1:1984
Test - Insulating materials - Tracking and erosion HD 380 S2:1987
Test - Insulating materials - Varnish - Thermal endurance HD 570 S1:1990
Test - Insulating materials - Volume and surface resistivity HD 429 S1:1983
Test - Insulating materials - Vulcanized fibre HD 416.2 S1:1987
Test - Insulation - Flexible sleeving EN 60684-2:1997
Test - Insulator - Ceramic - Glass EN 61325:1995
Test - Insulator - Radio interference - HV EN 60437:1997
Test - Integrated circuit - Film and hybrid integrated circuit EN 165000-2:1996
Test - Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Form-wound winding EN 60034-18-31:1994
Test - Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Wirewound winding EN 60034-18-21:1994
Test - Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Wirewound winding EN 60034-18-22:2001
Test - Machine - Rotating - Loss - Efficiency EN 60034-2-1:2007
Test - Measuring instrument - X-t recorder EN 61143-2:1994
Test - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Dental X-ray equipment EN 61223-3-4:2000
Test - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Tomography X-ray equipment EN 61223-3-5:2004
Test - Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - Hard copy camera EN 61223-2-4:1994
Test - Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - Image display device EN 61223-2-5:1994
Test - Medical - Recurrent - After repair test EN 62353:2008
Test - Medical - Ultrasonics - Continuous-wave Doppler system EN 61206:1995
Test - Medical equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Safety EN 60601-1-2:2007
Test - Medical equipment - Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirement - Safety EN 60601-1-2:2001
Test - Metering equipment EN 50470-1:2006
Test - Metering equipment EN 62052-11:2003
Test - Metering equipment - Tariff - Load control EN 62052-21:2004
Test - Optical fibre - Aperture - Corrosion - Measurement EN 60793-1-33:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Aperture - Numerical aperture - Measurement EN 60793-1-43:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Attenuation - Measurement EN 60793-1-40:2003
Test - Optical fibre - Bandwidth - Measurement EN 60793-1-41:2003
Test - Optical fibre - Bandwidth - Measurement EN 60793-1-41:2010
Test - Optical fibre - Coating - Strippability - Measurement EN 60793-1-32:2003
Test - Optical fibre - Coating geometry - Measurement EN 60793-1-21:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Damp heat - Heat - Measurement EN 60793-1-50:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Delay - Differential mode delay - Measurement EN 60793-1-49:2006
Test - Optical fibre - Dispersion - Chromatic dispersion - Measurement EN 60793-1-42:2007
Test - Optical fibre - Dispersion - Polarization mode - Measurement EN 60793-1-48:2007
Test - Optical fibre - Dry heat - Heat - Measurement EN 60793-1-51:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Fibre curl - Measurement EN 60793-1-34:2006
Test - Optical fibre - Fibre geometry - Measurement EN 60793-1-20:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Fibre proof test - Measurement EN 60793-1-30:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Immersion - Water immersion - Measurement EN 60793-1-53:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Irradiation - Gamma irradiation - Measurement EN 60793-1-54:2003
Test - Optical fibre - Length - Measurement EN 60793-1-22:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Macrobending loss - Measurement EN 60793-1-47:2007
Test - Optical fibre - Measurement - Guidance EN 60793-1-1:2008
Test - Optical fibre - Mode field diameter - Measurement EN 60793-1-45:2003
Test - Optical fibre - Temperature change - Measurement EN 60793-1-52:2002
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Test - Optical fibre - Tensile strength - Measurement EN 60793-1-31:2002
Test - Optical fibre - Tensile strength - Measurement EN 60793-1-31:2010
Test - Optical fibre - Transmittance - Changes monitoring - Measurement EN 60793-1-46:2002
Test - Overhead line - Fitting EN 61284:1997
Test - Overhead line - Spacer EN 61854:1998
Test - Power drive - EMC - Adjustable speed EN 61800-3:2004
Test - Pressboard - Aramid pressboard EN 61629-2:1996
Test - Pressboard - Laminated pressboard EN 60763-2:2007
Test - Pressboard - Presspaper EN 60641-2:2004
Test - Printed board - Coating - Loaded EN 61086-2:2004
Test - Printed board - Interconnection structure EN 61189-1:1997
Test - Printed board - Interconnection structure EN 61189-5:2006
Test - Printed board - Interconnection structure - Electronic assemblies EN 61189-6:2006
Test - Printed board - Interconnection structure - Material EN 61189-2:2006
Test - Railway - Rolling stock - Shock - Vibration EN 61373:2010
Test - Railway application - Fixed installation - Converter group - Rated value EN 50327:2003
Test - Re-used part - Dependability - Quality - Functionality EN 62309:2004
Test - Relay - Electrical relay - Protection equipment - Insulation EN 60255-5:2001
Test - Relay - Industrial use EN 61812-1:1996
Test - Relay - Measuring relay - Electromagnetic emission - Protection EN 60255-25:2000
Test - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Burst immunity EN 60255-22-1:2008
Test - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Measuring relay EN 60255-26:2005
Test - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Power frequency immunity EN 60255-22-7:2003
Test - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Surbe immunity EN 60255-22-5:2002
Test - Relay - Protection - Disturbance - Surge immunity EN 60255-22-5:2011
Test - Routine test - Control EN 50344-1:2001
Test - Shape - Moulded - Heat shrinkable EN 62329-2:2006
Test - Surge - Protective device - LV - Power system EN 61643-11:2002
Test - Tap-changer - Performance EN 60214-1:2003
Test - Tape - Glass polyester fibre woven tape EN 61067-2:1997
Test - Tape - Polyester fibre woven tape EN 61068-2:1997
Test - Tape - Pressure-sensitive - Adhesive - Electrical purpose EN 60454-2:2007
Test - Transfer system - Static - Performance EN 62310-3:2008
Test - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Reactor EN 61558-1:2005
Test - Transmitter - Industrial-process - Inspection EN 60770-2:2003
Test - Tuning-fork - Quartz - Crystal - Measurement EN 60689:2009
Test - Turbine - Steam turbine - Speed control system EN 61064:1993
Test - Turbine - Vibration - Pulsation - Field measurement EN 60994:1992
Test - UV test - Photovoltaic (PV) module EN 61345:1998
Test - Valve - Industrial-process - Step input - Measurement EN 60534-9:2007
Test apparatus - Cable - Smoke density - Burning EN 61034-1:2005
Test at low temperature - Insulating materials EN 60811-1-4:1995
Test Cab - Environmental testing - Damp heat - Steady state EN 60068-2-78:2001
Test criteria - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance EN 60216-2:2005
Test Eh - Environmental testing - Hammer test EN 60068-2-75:1997
Test Ei - Environmental testing - Shock response - Spectrum synthesis EN 60068-2-81:2003
Test equipment - Electrical - Erection - Operation EN 50191:2000
Test equipment - Electrical - Erection - Operation EN 50191:2010
Test Fi - Environmental testing - Mixed mode EN 60068-2-80:2005
Test fixture - Quartz crystal unit - Surface mounted EN 60444-8:2003
Test flame - Fire hazard - Flame test method (500 W) EN 60695-11-20:1999
Test flame - Fire hazard - Horizontal flame (50 W) - Vertical flame (50 W) EN 60695-11-10:1999
Test Kb - Environmental testing - Salt mist - Cyclic EN 60068-2-52:1996
Test Kc - Environmental testing - Sulphur dioxide - Contact - Connection EN 60068-2-42:2003
Test Kd - Environmental testing - Hydrogen sulphide - Contact - Connection EN 60068-2-43:2003
Test Ke - Environmental testing - Flowing mixed gas corrosion EN 60068-2-60:1996
Test language - Design automation - Abbreviated test language - C/ATLAS - Language EN 61926-1:2000
Test method - Alarm system - Environmental EN 50130-5:1998
Test method - Battery - Photovoltaic - Solar - Energy system EN 61427:2005
Test method - Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Vented type EN 60896-11:2003
Test method - Cable - Communication EN 50289-1-1:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - Attenuation EN 50289-1-8:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - Attenuation - Longitudinal EN 50289-1-9:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - Capacitance EN 50289-1-5:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - Crosstalk EN 50289-1-10:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - DC resistance EN 50289-1-2:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - Dielectric strength - Strength EN 50289-1-3:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - Electromagnetic performance EN 50289-1-6:2002
Test method - Cable - Communication - Impedance - Return loss EN 50289-1-11:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - Resistance - Insulation EN 50289-1-4:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication - Velocity - Propagation EN 50289-1-7:2001
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Environmental - Climatic sequence EN 50289-4-5:2008
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Environmental - Damp heat EN 50289-4-7:2008
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Environmental - Lightning EN 50289-4-14:2003
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Environmental - Solvent EN 50289-4-4:2008
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Hardware - Connection hardware EN 50289-1-14:2004
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Hydrostatic pressure - Underwater EN 50289-3-15:2003
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Inductance EN 50289-1-12:2005
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Patch cord - Coaxial EN 50289-1-13:2004
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Performance - Field conditions EN 50289-1-16:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Performance - Laboratory EN 50289-1-15:2004
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Torsion - Twisting EN 50289-3-10:2004
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - UV resistance EN 50289-4-17:2011
Test method - Cable - Communication cable - Vibration - Aeolian EN 50289-3-13:2003
Test method - Cable - Electric EN 50395:2005
Test method - Cable - Power cable - Accessories EN 50393:2006
Test method - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises - Performance EN 50291:2001
Test method - Carbon monoxide - Detection - Domestic premises - Performance EN 50291-1:2010
Test method - Combustible dust - Minimum ignition temperature EN 50281-2-1:1998
Test method - Combustible gas - Toxic gas and vapour - Open path apparatus - Detection EN 50241-1:1999
Test method - Communication cable - Environmental EN 50289-4-1:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Environmental - Fire test method - Horizontal EN 50289-4-11:2002
Test method - Communication cable - Environmental - Pneumatic resistance EN 50289-4-9:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Environmental - Temperature cycling EN 50289-4-6:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Environmental - Water penetration EN 50289-4-2:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical EN 50289-3-1:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Abrasation resistance - Sheath EN 50289-3-7:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Abrasation resistance - Sheath marking EN 50289-3-8:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Adhesion - Sheath EN 50289-3-17:2002
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Bending tests EN 50289-3-9:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Cable tensile performance EN 50289-3-16:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Crush resistance EN 50289-3-5:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Cut-through resistance EN 50289-3-11:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Impact resistance EN 50289-3-6:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Shot gun damage EN 50289-3-12:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Mechanical - Tensile strength - Elongation EN 50289-3-2:2001
Test method - Communication cable - Tensile strength - Elongation - Shrinkage EN 50289-3-4:2001
Test method - Core - Mechanical strength - Magnetic oxide EN 61631:2001
Test method - Corrugated pressboard - Corrugated presspaper EN 61628-2:1999
Test method - Electric strength - Insulating materials - Direct voltage EN 60243-2:2001
Test method - Electric strength - Insulating materials - Impulse test EN 60243-3:2001
Test method - Electric strength - Insulating materials - Power - Frequency EN 60243-1:1998
Test method - Electrical insulation - Resin - Reactive compound EN 60455-2:1999
Test method - Electrical insulation - Varnish EN 60464-2:2001
Test method - Electro-heating equipment - Industrial EN 60398:1999
Test method - Electroheating - Industrial - Furnace - Direct arc furnace EN 60676:2002
Test method - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - HEMP EN 61000-4-25:2002
Test method - Electrostatics - Footwear EN 61340-4-3:2001
Test method - Environmental testing - Drafting - Term - Definitions EN 60068-5-2:1999
Test method - Explosive atmosphere - Dust resistivity - Layer EN 61241-2-2:1995
Test method - Filter - Electromagnetic interference - Passive filter EN 60939-2:2005
Test method - Insulating liquid - Breakdown voltage EN 60156:1995
Test method - Insulating materials - Ceramic - Glass EN 60672-2:2000
Test method - Insulating materials - Plastic film EN 60674-2:1998
Test method - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Environment - Endurance EN 61747-5:1998
Test method - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Integrated bridge system (IBS) EN 61209:1999
Test method - Measuring instrument - Analogue EN 60051-9:1989
Test method - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Track control system EN 62065:2002
Test method - Non-cellulosic paper - Electrical purpose EN 60819-2:2001
Test method - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel parameter - Probe methods EN 61290-10-3:2003
Test method - Optical - Amplifier - Multichannel parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-10-1:2003
Test method - Optical - Amplifier - Noise figure parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-1:2003
Test method - Optical - Amplifier - Noise figure parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-3-2:2003
Test method - Optical - Amplifier - Polarization - Dispersion EN 61290-11-2:2005
Test method - Optical - Amplifier - Reflectance parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-2:2004
Test method - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Gain parameter - Electrical spectrum analyzer EN 61290-1-2:2005
Test method - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Gain parameter - Power meter EN 61290-1-3:2005
Test method - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Gain parameter - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-1-1:2006
Test method - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Noise figure parameters EN 61290-3:2000
Test method - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Out-of-band insertion loss - Filtered power meter EN 61290-7-1:2007
Test method - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Pump leakage parameter - Demultiplexer EN 61290-6-1:1998
Test method - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Reflectance parameters - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-1:2006
Test method - Optical fibre - Amplifier - Reflectance parameters - Spectrum analyzer EN 61290-5-3:2002
Test method - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance EN 50305:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic EN 60749-1:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Acceleration EN 60749-36:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Bond strength EN 60749-22:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Die shear strength EN 60749-19:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - External visual examination EN 60749-3:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - High temperature EN 60749-23:2004
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Ionizing radiation EN 60749-18:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Latch-up EN 60749-29:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Latch-up EN 60749-29:2011
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Low air pressure EN 60749-2:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Marking EN 60749-9:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Moisture EN 60749-7:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Moisture EN 60749-7:2011
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Neutron irradiation EN 60749-17:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Noise detection EN 60749-16:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Power cycling EN 60749-34:2004
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Power cycling EN 60749-34:2010
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Salt atmosphere EN 60749-13:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Sealing EN 60749-8:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Shock EN 60749-10:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Solderability EN 60749-21:2005
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Solderability EN 60749-21:2011
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Storage at high temperature EN 60749-6:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Temperature change EN 60749-25:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Terminaisons robustness EN 60749-14:2003
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Two-fluid-bath method EN 60749-11:2002
Test method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Vibration EN 60749-12:2002
Test method - Surge - Protective device - Telecommunications - Signalling EN 61643-21:2001
Test method - Wire - Winding wire EN 60851-1:1996
Test method - Wire - Winding wire - Chemical properties EN 60851-4:1996
Test method - Wire - Winding wire - Dimensions EN 60851-2:1996
Test method - Wire - Winding wire - Electrical properties EN 60851-5:2008
Test method - Wire - Winding wire - Mechanical properties EN 60851-3:1996
Test method - Wire - Winding wire - Thermal properties EN 60851-6:1996
Test method - Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Densified EN 61061-2:2001
Test method - Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Toxic gases and vapours EN 45544-1:1999
Test methods - Cable - Power cable - Accessories EN 61442:2005
Test methods - HF inductive component - Non-electrical EN 62025-2:2005
Test methods - Insulator - Polymeric - Indoor - Outdoor EN 62217:2006
Test N - Environment - Testing - Temperature change EN 60068-2-14:2009
Test procedure - Cable - Optical fibre - Basic optical cable EN 60794-1-2:2003
Test procedure - Cable - Smoke density - Burning EN 61034-2:2005
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Cable plant - Multimode - Plant attenuation EN 61280-4-1:2004
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Cable plant - Polarization - Dispersion EN 61280-4-4:2006
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Cable plant - Single-mode EN 61280-4-2:1999
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Central wavelength - Spectral width EN 61280-1-3:1999
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Communication - Multimode - Fibre laser transmitter EN 61280-1-4:2003
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Digital system - Amplitude histogram - Optical signal EN 61280-2-11:2006
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Digital system - Jitter EN 61280-2-5:1998
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Digital system - Low BER - Q-factor EN 61280-2-8:2003
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Digital system - Optical signal-to-noise - Multiplexed system EN 61280-2-9:2002
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Digital system - Receiver sensitivity - Overload measurement EN 61280-2-1:1999
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Digital system - Receiver sensitivity - Overload measurement EN 61280-2-1:2010
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Digital system - Transmitter - Laser EN 61280-2-10:2005
Test procedure - Fibre optic - Single-mode optical fibre cable EN 61280-1-1:1998
Test procedure - Fire hazard - Glow-wire apparatus EN 60695-2-10:2001
Test R - Environmental testing - Guidance - Water EN 60068-2-18:2001
Test requirement - Power problem - Uninterruptible - UPS - Performance EN 62040-3:2001
Test requirement - Power problem - Uninterruptible - UPS - Performance EN 62040-3:2011
Test summaries - Environmental testing EN 60068-4:1996
Test Td - Environmental testing - Soldering heat - Surface mounting device EN 60068-2-58:2004
Test Te - Environmental testing - Solderability - Wetting balance method EN 60068-2-69:2007
Test technique - High-voltage - Discharge - Measurement EN 60270:2001
Test technique - HV HD 588.1 S1:1991
Test technique - HV - LV equipment EN 61180-1:1994
Test technique - Measuring system - HV EN 60060-2:1994
Test technique - Measuring system - HV - On-site test EN 60060-3:2006
Test U - Environmental testing - Termination robustness - Mounting device - Integral EN 60068-2-21:2006
Test Xb - Environmental testing - Abrasion EN 60068-2-70:1996
Test Xc - Environmental testing - Fluid - Contamination EN 60068-2-74:1999
Test Z/ABDM - Environmental testing - Climatic sequence EN 60068-2-61:1993
Test Z/AD - Environment - Testing - Temperature/humidity - Cyclic EN 60068-2-38:2009
Testability - Maintanability - Diagnostic EN 60706-5:2007
Testing - Arc - Welding - Inspection - Periodic EN 60974-4:2011
Testing - Building - Electrical installation - Verification - Reporting HD 60364-6:2007
Testing - Cabling - information technology - Balanced - Coaxial EN 61935-1:2009
Testing - Cabling system - Communication cabling - Installed cabling EN 61935-1:2005
Testing - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Measurement EN 61000-4-1:2007
Testing - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunitry test - Measurement - Unbalance EN 61000-4-27:2000
Testing - Electromagnetic compatibility - Measurement - Voltage dips - Immunity test EN 61000-4-29:2000
Testing - Electrostatic effect - Simulation - Human body model - Component EN 61340-3-1:2007
Testing - Electrostatic effect - Simulation - Machine model - Component EN 61340-3-2:2007
Testing - Environment EN 60068-1:1994
Testing - Environment - Test N - Temperature change EN 60068-2-14:2009
Testing - Environment - Test Z/AD - Temperature/humidity - Cyclic EN 60068-2-38:2009
Testing - Environmental - endurance - Mounting condition EN 62137:2004
Testing - Explosive atmosphere - Construction - Safety EN 50394-1:2004
Testing - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector installation EN 61300-2-49:2007
Testing - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement - Thermal shock EN 61300-2-47:2007
Testing - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement - Thermal shock EN 61300-2-47:2010
Testing - Fire hazard - Corrosion - Damage EN 60695-5-1:2003
Testing - Fire hazard - Flame EN 60695-11-2:2003
Testing - Fire hazard - Flame - Needle flame test EN 60695-11-5:2005
Testing - Fire hazard - Flame - Surface spread EN 60695-9-1:2005
Testing - Fire hazard - Heat - Ball pressure test EN 60695-10-2:2003
Testing - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Inspection CLC/TR 50090-9-2:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Testing - Household appliances - Hard water - Performance EN 60734:2003
Testing - Information technology - Cabling - Installed cabling EN 50346:2002
Testing - Insulation - Prior to - During - Solid EN 60212:2011
Testing - Maritime navigation - Radiocommunications - Ship EN 60945:2002
Testing - Measurement - Damp heat EN 61300-2-19:2005
Testing - Measurement - Guidance EN 61300-1:2003
Testing - Navigation - Maritime - Radiocommunication - Integrated system EN 61924:2006
Testing - Overhead line - Foundations - Structure EN 61773:1996
Testing - Photovoltaic (PV) device - Spectral mismatch error EN 60904-7:1998
Testing - Power system - Teleprotection - Performance - Command system EN 60834-1:1999
Testing - PV module - Safety EN 61730-2:2007
Testing - Railway applications - Rolling stock EN 50215:1999
Testing - Railway applications - Rolling stock EN 50215:2009
Testing - Thyristor - HV - DC - Power transmission EN 60700-1:1998
Testing - Turbine - Hydraulic - Control system EN 60308:2005
Testing - Wiper - Insulating oil - Methodology EN 50375:2002
Testing and rating - Capacitor - Motor capacitor - AC - Safety EN 60252-1:2001
Testing circuit - Laboratory equipment - Measurement - Control - Safety EN 61010-2-030:2010
Testing laboratory - Laboratory - Calibration laboratory - Competence EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Text transmission system - Audio - Audiovisual system EN 61866:1997
Therapeutic - Medical equipment - Laser - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-2-22:1996
Therapeutic X-ray - Medical equipment - Generator - Safety EN 60601-2-8:1997
Therapy - Medical - Short-wave - Safety EN 60601-2-3:1993
Thermal - Die product - Semiconductor - Simulation EN 62258-6:2006
Thermal - Insulation - Endurance EN 60216-5:2008
Thermal - Insulation - Evaluation EN 60085:2008
Thermal - Insulation - Evaluation - Low-voltage EN 61857-1:2009
Thermal - Insulation - Wire-wound EN 61857-21:2009
Thermal - Laboratory equipment - Spectrometer - Atomization - Ionization EN 61010-2-061:2003
Thermal - Machine - Rotating machine - Insulation - Endurance CLC/TR 60034-18-33:2004
Thermal - Power drive - Adjustable speed - Energy - Safety EN 61800-5-1:2007
Thermal - Ultrasonic - Diagnostic - Mechanical - Field characterization EN 62359:2005
Thermal - Ultrasonics - Mechanical - Diagnostic - Ultrasonic field EN 62359:2011
Thermal acceptance test - Turbine - Steam turbine - Methode A EN 60953-1:1995
Thermal acceptance test - Turbine - Steam turbine - Methode B EN 60953-2:1995
Thermal acceptance test - Turbine - Steam turbine - Retrofitted - Performance EN 60953-3:2002
Thermal ageing method - Insulating materials EN 50497:2007
Thermal ageing method - Insulating materials EN 60811-1-2:1995
Thermal effect - Building - Electrical installation - Safety HD 384.4.42 S1:1985
Thermal effect - Low voltage - Protection - Safety HD 60364-4-42:2011
Thermal electrical relay - Relay - Electrical relay EN 60255-8:1998
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Ageing procedure EN 60216-1:2001
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Calculation EN 60216-3:2006
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Fixed Time Frame protocol - Endurance index EN 60216-6:2006
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Flexible sheet materials HD 480 S1:1987
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Oven - Ageing oven - Multi-chamber oven EN 60216-4-3:2000
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Oven - Ageing oven - Precision oven EN 60216-4-2:2000
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Oven - Ageing oven - single-chamber oven EN 60216-4-1:2006
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Test criteria EN 60216-2:2005
Thermal endurance - Insulating materials - Varnish - Test HD 570 S1:1990
Thermal evaluation - Insulating system - LV EN 61857-1:2005
Thermal evaluation - Insulating system - Wire-wound applications EN 61857-21:2004
Thermal evaluation - Insulation - Encapsulated - Coil model - Wire-wound EN 61857-22:2008
Thermal evaluation - Insulation - Established wire-wound - EIS EN 61858:2008
Thermal hazard - Live working - Protection - Clothing - Arc rating EN 61482-1-1:2009
Thermal link - Protection equipment - Application guide EN 60691:2003
Thermal performance - Enclosure - Heat load - Sun radiation EN 62194:2005
Thermal properties - Wire - Winding wire - Test method EN 60851-6:1996
Thermal protection - Live working - Clothing - Flame resistant - Arc CLC/TS 61482-1:2003
Thermal protection - Live working - Clothing - Flame resistant - Arc EN 61482-1-2:2007
Thermal protection - Machine - Rotating - Protection EN 60034-11:2004
Thermal protection - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control unit EN 60947-8:2003
Thermal protector - Household use - Automatic control - Lamp - Tubular fluorescent EN 60730-2-3:2007
Thermal protector - Household use - Automatic control - Motor EN 60730-2-2:2002
Thermal protector - Household use - Automatic control - Motor compressor - Hermetic EN 60730-2-4:2007
Thermal resistant - Wire - Overhead line - Conductor - Aluminium alloy EN 62004:2009
Thermal shock - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement - Testing EN 61300-2-47:2007
Thermal shock - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement - Testing EN 61300-2-47:2010
Thermal stability test - Insulating materials - PVC compound EN 60811-3-2:1995
Thermal storage - Household appliances - Room heater - Noise - Airborne EN 60704-2-5:2005
Thermal storage - Household appliances - Room heater - Performance EN 60531:2000
Thermal-storage room - Household appliance - Heater - Safety EN 60335-2-61:2003
Thermistor EN 143000:1991
Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Direct heated - Rod type EN 143004:1991
Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Directly heated - Disc-type EN 143003:1991
Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Directly heated - Envelope EN 143002:1991
Thermistor - Negative temperature coefficient - Directly heated - Glass EN 143001:1991
Thermistor - Polymeric - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated - Step function EN 62319-1:2005
Thermistor - Polymeric - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated - Step function EN 62319-1-1:2005
Thermistor - Positive temperature - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated EN 60738-1:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Thermistor - Step-function - Positive - Coefficient - Inrush current EN 60738-1-3:2008
Thermistor - Step-function - Positive - Directly heated - Current limiting EN 60738-1-1:2008
Thermistor - Temperature - Step-function - Directly heated - Heating element EN 60738-1-2:2008
Thermistor - Temperature - Step-function - Directly heated - Sensing application EN 60738-1-4:2008
Thermistor - Temperature coefficient - Directly heated - Negative coefficient EN 60539-2:2004
Thermistors - Heated - Negative temperature EN 60539-1:2008
Thermocouple - Cable - Extension - Compensating - Tolerance EN 60584-3:2008
Thermocouple - Mineral insulated thermocouple cable EN 61515:1996
Thermocouple - Reference table EN 60584-1:1995
Thermocouple - Tolerance EN 60584-2:1993
Thermocouple assembly - Metal - Ceramic - Protection EN 50446:2006
Thermocouple combination - Temperature - Electromotive force - EMF EN 62460:2008
Thermoelectric sensor - Connector EN 50212:1996
Thermograph - Medical - Screening - Febrile - Temperature EN 80601-2-59:2009
Thermomechanical endurance - Rotating machine - Insulation - Winding - Form-wound CLC/TS 60034-18-34:2004
Thermometer - Sensor - Platinum - Resistance - Temperature EN 60751:2008
Thermometer element - Metal-sheathed - Dimensions EN 61152:1994
Thermometer pocket - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Wheel assembly EN 50216-4:2002
Thermoplastic - Cable - Insulation - Flexible - Halogen-free HD 21.14 S1:2003
Thermoplastic - Cable - Low voltage - Extensible - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-12:2011
Thermoplastic - Cable - Low voltage - Flat divisible - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-72:2011
Thermoplastic - Cable - Low voltage - Flat tinsel - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-71:2011
Thermoplastic - Cable - Low voltage - Flexible - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-11:2011
Thermoplastic - Cable - Low voltage - Oil resistant - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-51:2011
Thermoplastic - Cable - Low voltage - Single core - PVC insulation EN 50525-2-31:2011
Thermoplastic - Packaging - Winding wire - Wire - Delivery spool EN 60264-4-1:2010
Thermoplastic - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-3-2:1999
Thermoplastic adhesive - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polycarbonate film - Acrylic EN 60454-3-6:1998
Thermoplastic insulating compound - Cable - Energy - Sheathing - Halogen-free EN 50363-7:2005
Thermoplastic insulation - Cable HD 21.1 S4:2002
Thermoplastic insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Halogen-free EN 50525-3-11:2011
Thermoplastic insulation - Cable - Low voltage - Fire - Halogen-free EN 50525-3-31:2011
Thermoplastic insulation - Cable - Smoke emission - Corrosive gas - Low HD 21.15 S1:2006
Thermoplastic material - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-2-2:1994
Thermoplastic material - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-3-3:1994
Thermoplastic material - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-4-1:1994
Thermoplastic material - Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-5-2:2001
Thermoplastic polyurethane - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Sheathing EN 50363-10-2:2005
Thermoplastic sheathing - Cable - Communication - Design rule - Halogen free EN 50290-2-27:2002
Thermoplastic sheating compound - Cable - Energy - Insulating - Halgen-free EN 50363-8:2005
Thermosetting - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Polyester film - Acrylic EN 60454-3-2:2006
Thermosetting adhesive - Adhesive tape - Pressure-sensitive - Cellulose paper EN 60454-3-4:2007
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Definitions EN 60893-1:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Epoxy resin EN 60893-3-2:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Industrial EN 60893-3-1:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Melamine resin EN 60893-3-3:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Phenolic resin EN 60893-3-4:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Polyester resin EN 60893-3-5:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Polyimide resin EN 60893-3-7:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Silicone resin EN 60893-3-6:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated sheet - Test EN 60893-2:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated tube EN 61212-1:2006
Thermosetting resin - Insulating materials - Rigid laminated tube - Test EN 61212-2:2006
Thermosetting resin - Insulation - Tube - Rod - Industrial EN 62011-1:2002
Thermosetting resin - Insulation - Tube - Rod - Industrial EN 62011-2:2004
Thermosetting resin - Insulation - Tube - Rod - Industrial EN 62011-3-1:2003
Thicknesser - Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Planer EN 61029-2-3:2011
Thin - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Strip bending - Film EN 62047-8:2011
Thin film - Semiconductor - Micro electromechanical - Tensile-testing EN 62047-3:2006
Thin film - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Axial - Fatigue test EN 62047-6:2010
Thin film materials - Semiconductor - Micro electromechanical - Tensile-testing EN 62047-2:2006
Thin wall - Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance EN 50306-1:2002
Thin wall - Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance EN 50306-3:2002
Thin wall - Railway application - Rolling stock - Cable - Fire performance EN 50306-4:2002
Thin wall - Railway application - Rolling stock - Single core Cable - Fire performance EN 50306-2:2002
Thin-film - Terrestrial - Photovoltaic (PV) module - Design qualification EN 61646:2008
Third countries - Relationship CLC Guide 7:2001
THR - Surface mounting - Through Hole Reflow - Soldering EN 61760-3:2010
Thread - Conduit system - Cable management - Outside diameter - Fitting EN 60423:2007
Threaded coupling - Connector - Circular connector - Round contact EN 175201-804:1999
Three-phase - Current - short-circuit - AC system - Calculation EN 60909-0:2001
Three-phase - Current - Short-circuit - AC system - Line-to-earth EN 60909-3:2003
Three-phase - Machine - Rotating - Circuit diagram - Cage induction EN 60034-28:2007
Three-phase - Motor - Induction - Frame number - Flange number EN 50347:2001
Three-phase - Power engineering - Modal components - AC system EN 62428:2008
Three-phase - Short-circuit - Current - Line-to-earth - Partial EN 60909-3:2010
three-phase - Transformer - Design requirement - Dimension - Accessory EN 50541-1:2011
Three-phase - Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage EN 50464-3:2007
Three-phase - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Voltage transformer - Inductive EN 50482:2008
Three-phase induction - Machine - Rotating - Unbalanced voltages - Motor EN 60034-26:2006
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Alphabetical Index

three-phase transformer - transformer - immersed transformer - distribution transformer - termination in cables
boxes - design characteristic - dimension
EN 50464-2-1:2007
three-phase transformers - transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers - junctions - electric
cables - junction boxes - high voltage - low voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
Three-position - Switchgear - Controlgear - LV - Control circuit EN 60947-5-8:2006
Through connection - Printed board - Flex-rigid double-sided CECC 23 700-801:1998
Through connection - Printed board - Flex-rigid multilayer CECC 23 600-801:1998
Through connection - Printed board - Flexible multilayer CECC 23 800-801:1998
Through Hole Reflow - Surface mounting - THR - Soldering EN 61760-3:2010
Through-hole - Semiconductor - Climatic - Resistance - Soldering temperature EN 60749-15:2010
through-hole - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Soldering temperature EN 60749-15:2003
Through-hole - Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered - Mount assemblies EN 61192-3:2003
Through-hole mount soldered assemblies - Printed board EN 61191-3:1998
Thyristor - Capacitor - Series - Power system EN 60143-4:2010
Thyristor - HV - DC - Power transmission - Testing EN 60700-1:1998
Thyristor - Static - VAR - Compensator - Valve EN 61954:2011
Thyristor surge suppressor - Surge - Protective device - LV EN 61643-341:2001
Thyristor valve - Power electronics - Transmission - Distribution - VAR compensator EN 61954:1999
Tie - Cable EN 62275:2009
Tie - Cable - Electrical installation EN 50146:2000
Tilt - Dynamic - Gain - Equalizer - Response time EN 62343-5-1:2009
Time - Control - Code EN 60461:2011
Time - relay - Industrial - Residential EN 61812-1:2011
Time base stability - Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast EN 60756:1993
Time code - Audio - Recorder - Magnetic tape - Address code HD 311.10 S1:1989
Time code - Recorder - Video - Video tape recorder - Control code EN 60461:2001
Time dependent - Breakdown test - TDDB - Dielectric EN 62374:2007
Time dependent - Dielectric - Breakdown - Inter-metal - Layer EN 62374-1:2010
Time series - Energy management - Interface - EMS-API - Data access EN 61970-407:2007
Time switch - Household use - Automatic control - Timer EN 60730-2-7:1991
Time switch - Metering equipment - Tariff - Load control EN 62054-21:2004
Time-delay relay - Relay EN 116000-2:1992
Time-delay switch - Switch - Household installation - Fixed - TDS EN 60669-2-3:2006
Time-domain - Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - OTDR EN 61746-2:2011
Time-domain - Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - OTDRS EN 61746:2005
Time-domain - Reflectometer - Calibration - Optical - OTDRS EN 61746-1:2011
Time-history method - Environmental testing - Vibration test - Test EN 60068-2-57:2000
Timer - Household use - Automatic control - Time switch EN 60730-2-7:1991
Timing - Microprocessor system - BUS - MULTIBUS HD 593.1 S1:1992
Titanium - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection EN 61755-3-7:2009
Titanium - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection EN 61755-3-8:2009
Titanium composite - Connector - Optical fibre - Communication EN 50377-8-10:2010
Titanium composite - Connector - Optical fibre - Communication EN 50377-8-11:2010
Titanium composite - Connector - Optical fibre - Communication EN 50377-8-12:2010
Titanium composite - Connector - Optical fibre - Communication EN 50377-8-13:2010
Titration - Insulation - Liquid - Acidity - Colourimetric EN 62021-2:2007
Titration - Insulation - Liquid - Acidity - Potentiometric EN 62021-1:2003
Toaster - Household appliances - Commercial - Griller - Safety EN 60335-2-48:2003
Toaster - Household appliances - Grill - Roaster - Safety EN 60335-2-9:2003
Toilet - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-84:2003
Tolerance - Core - Ferrite - Inductance factor EN 62358:2004
Tolerance - Thermocouple EN 60584-2:1993
Tolerance - Thermocouple - Cable - Extension - Compensating EN 60584-3:2008
Tomography - Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - X-ray equipment EN 61223-2-6:2007
Tomography - Medical - Safety - Performance - X-ray EN 60601-2-44:2009
Tomography X-ray equipment - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Test EN 61223-3-5:2004
Tool - Crimping tool - Cable EN 50109-2-1:1995
Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Connector - Contact EN 50109-2-3:1995
Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Low frequency - Radio frequency EN 50109-1:1995
Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Radio frequency connector - Centre contact EN 50109-2-4:1995
Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Radio frequency connector - Open throat tool EN 50109-2-2:1995
Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Twin-ax cable - Databus EN 50109-2-5:1995
Tool - Field - Interface EN 62453-2:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-301:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-302:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-303-1:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-303-2:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-306:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-309:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration EN 62453-315:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-501:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-502:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-503-1:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-503-2:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-506:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-509:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Communication profile - Integration CLC/TR 62453-515:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - DTM - Styleguide CLC/TR 62453-61:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - FDT EN 62453-1:2009
Tool - Field - Interface - Object model - Integration profile CLC/TR 62453-41:2009
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Alphabetical Index

Tool - Hand-held - Circular saw - Performance EN 61176:1993
Tool - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Circular - Saw EN 60745-2-5:2010
Tool - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety EN 60745-1:2009
Tool - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Drain cleaner EN 60745-2-21:2009
Tool - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Drill EN 60745-2-1:2010
Tool - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Hammer EN 60745-2-6:2010
Tool - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Jointer EN 60745-2-19:2009
Tool - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Tapper EN 60745-2-9:2009
Tool - Household appliances - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity EN 55014-2:1997
Tool - Household appliances - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity EN 55014-2:1997/IS1:2007
Tool - Live working EN 61477:2009
Tool - Live working - Conformity assessment - Device - Equipment EN 61318:2008
Tool - Live working - Equipment - Minimum requirement EN 61477:2002
Tool - Motor operated tool - Hand-held HD 400.1 S1:1980
Tool - Motor operated tool - Hand-held EN 50144-1:1998
Tool - Motor operated tool - Hedge trimmer - Grass shear - Safety HD 400.3N S2:1992
Tool - Motor operated tool - Spray gun - Safety EN 50144-2-7:2000
Tool - Motor operated tool - Tacker - Safety EN 50144-2-16:2003
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Band saw EN 61029-2-5:2002
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Grinder - Bench grinder EN 61029-2-4:2003
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Grinder - Cutting-off grinder EN 61029-2-10:2010
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Planer - Thicknesser EN 61029-2-3:2011
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Safety EN 61029-1:2000
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw - Mitre saw EN 61029-2-9:2002
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw - Mitre saw EN 61029-2-9:2009
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw - Mitre-bench saw EN 61029-2-11:2003
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw - Mitre-bench saw EN 61029-2-11:2009
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Saw bench - Circular EN 61029-2-1:2010
Tool - Motor operated tool - Transportable - Single spindle - Moulder EN 61029-2-8:2010
Tool - Motor-operated - Grinder - Polisher - Sander EN 60745-2-3:2007
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Band saw - Safety EN 60745-2-20:2003
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Concrete vibrator - Safety EN 60745-2-12:2003
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Drill - Safety EN 60745-2-1:2003
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Hammer - Safety EN 60745-2-6:2003
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Router - Trimmer EN 60745-2-17:2003
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Router - Trimmer EN 60745-2-17:2010
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Safety EN 60745-1:2006
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Sander - Polisher EN 60745-2-4:2003
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Sander - Polisher EN 60745-2-4:2009
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Saw - Reciprocating saw EN 60745-2-11:2003
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Screwdriver - Impact wrench EN 60745-2-2:2003
Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Shear - Nibbler EN 60745-2-8:2003
Tool and equipment - Live working - Terminology EN 60743:2001
Tool attachment - Live working - Insulating pole - Insulating stick - Fitting EN 60832:1996
Tool, Threading - Safety - Transportable - Motor-operated EN 61029-2-12:2011
Topflash/Flipflash - Lighting - Photography EN 60604:1993
Torche - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-7:2005
Torque strength - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Coupling mechanism EN 61300-2-15:2008
Torsion - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Twisting EN 50289-3-10:2004
Torsion - Connector - Measurement - Cable - Clamping EN 60512-17-4:2010
Torsion - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61300-2-5:2011
Torsion/twist - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-5:2002
Torsional - Connector - Electronic equipment - Housing - Insert retention EN 60512-15-3:2008
Torsional strength - Connector - Electronic equipment - Contact - Termination EN 60512-16-16:2008
Touch current - Measurement method - Conductor current - Protective EN 60990:1999
Touchable - Temperature - Excessive - Surface CLC Guide 29:2007
Towel rail - Household appliance - Dryer - clothe dryer - Safety EN 60335-2-43:2003
Toxic - Car park - Tunnel - Carbon monoxide - Nitrogen oxide EN 50545-1:2011
Toxic - Electromagnetic compatibility - Detection - Gas - Combustible EN 50270:2006
Toxic - Gas - Detection - Oxygen - Digital EN 50271:2010
Toxic - Gas detection - Combustible - Vapour - Oxygen EN 50402:2005
Toxic gas - Gas - Combustible gas - Oxygen - Digital technology EN 50271:2001
Toxic gas and vapour - Combustible gas - Open path apparatus - Detection - Performance requirement EN 50241-2:1999
Toxic gas and vapour - Combustible gas - Open path apparatus - Detection - Test method EN 50241-1:1999
Toxic gases and vapours - Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Guide EN 45544-4:1999
Toxic gases and vapours - Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Performance requirement EN 45544-2:1999
Toxic gases and vapours - Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Performance requirement EN 45544-3:1999
Toxic gases and vapours - Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Test method EN 45544-1:1999
Toxicity - Fire - Hazard - Fire effluent EN 60695-7-1:2010
Toxicity - Fire hazard - Fire effluent - Guidance EN 60695-7-1:2004
Toy - Safety EN 62115:2005
Toy - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply - Safety EN 61558-2-7:2007
Traceability - Photovoltaic - Calibration EN 60904-4:2009
Track circuit - Railway - Rolling stock - Compatibility CLC/TR 50507:2007
Track circuit - Railway application - Rolling stock - Train detection - Compatibility EN 50238:2003
Track circuits - Railway - Compatibility - Rolling stock - Detection CLC/TS 50238-2:2010
Track control system - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Test method EN 62065:2002
Tracking - Erosion - Resistance - Insulation - Ambiant condition EN 60587:2007
Tracking - Insulating material - Comparative tracking indices EN 60112:2003
Tracking - Insulating materials - Erosion - Rotating wheel dip test EN 61302:1995
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Alphabetical Index

Tracking and erosion - Insulating materials - Test HD 380 S2:1987
Trackside - ERTMS - Control-command CLC/TR 50511:2007
Traction - Railway - Earthing - Bonding - Stray current EN 50122-2:2010
Traction - Railway - Fixed installation - Contact wire - Copper EN 50149:2001
Traction - Railway - Short-primary - Linear induction - Power converter EN 62520:2011
Traction - Railway - Transformer - Coolant - Pump CLC/TS 50537-3:2010
Traction - Railway - Transformer - Cooling - Bushing CLC/TS 50537-1:2010
Traction - Railway - Transformer - Cooling - Pump CLC/TS 50537-2:2010
Traction - Railway - Transformer - Cooling - Relay CLC/TS 50537-4:2010
Traction - Railway application - Fixed installation - Insulation - Overhead contact line EN 50345:2004
Traction - Railway application - Fixed installation - Insulator - Composite insulator EN 50151:2003
Traction - Railway applications - Transformer - Inductor - Rolling stock EN 60310:2004
Traction battery - Battery - Secondary battery - Installation - Safety EN 50272-3:2002
Traction system - Low voltage - d.c. - Surge - Protection CLC/TS 50544:2010
Traction system - Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Application guide EN 50152-3-1:2003
Traction system - Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Current transformer EN 50152-3-2:2001
Traction system - Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Voltage transformer EN 50152-3-3:2001
Traction system - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Application guide EN 50123-7-1:2003
Traction system - Railway applications - Protective provision - Stray current EN 50122-2:1998
Traction system - Railway applications - Supply voltage EN 50163:2004
Traction transformer - Railway application - Fixed installation - Transformer EN 50329:2003
Traction vehicle - Railway - Radio - Remote control - Freight traffic CLC/TR 50452:2007
Traction vehicle - Railway applications - Radio remote control - Freight traffic EN 50239:1999
Trade unions - Preparation - European Standard - EN CEN/CLC Guide 5:2001
Traffic - Road - Signal EN 50556:2011
Traffic - Road traffic - Signal HD 638 S1:2001
Train - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Complete vehicle - Rolling stock EN 50121-3-1:2006
Train - Railway applications - Energy measurment EN 50463:2007
Train detection - Railway application - Rolling stock - Compatibility - Axle counter CLC/TS 50238-3:2010
Train detection - Railway application - Rolling stock - Compatibility - Track circuit EN 50238:2003
Training - Audio - Video - Television - Tape leader and trailer EN 60574-21:1993
Transceiver - Fibre - Optic - ATM-PON - Driver EN 62149-5:2011
Transceiver - Fibre - Optic - Measurement - ATM-PON EN 62150-2:2011
Transceiver - Fibre - Optic - SFF 10-pin EN 62148-2:2011
Transceiver - Fibre - Optic - SFF 20-pin EN 62148-3:2011
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-2:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-3:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-4:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-6:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-7:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-8:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-9:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-10:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Gigabit Ethernet application EN 62149-4:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - LD driver EN 62149-5:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Plastic EN 62149-6:2003
Transceiver - Fibre optic - Performance - Gigabit - Ethernet EN 62149-4:2010
Transceivers - Fibre optic - ATM-PON - Test - Measurement EN 62150-2:2004
Transcutaneous - Medical equipment - Monitoring - Pressure - Safety EN 60601-2-23:2000
Transcutaneous oxygen - Medical equipment - Carbon dioxide - Pressure - Monitoring EN 60601-3-1:1996
Transducer - Laboratory use - EMC requirement - Control - Measurement EN 61326-2-3:2006
Transducer - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Conversion EN 60688:1992
Transducer - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Current measuring device EN 50123-7-2:2003
Transducer - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Voltage measuring device EN 50123-7-3:2003
transducer - Sound - Electroactoustic - Signal parameter - Large EN 62458:2011
transducer - Sound - Electroactoustic - Suspension EN 62459:2011
Transducer - Ultrasonics - Transmitted field - Definition - Measurement EN 61828:2001
Transfer - Static transfer system - STS - Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EN 62310-2:2007
Transfer - Static transfer system - STS - Safety EN 62310-1:2005
Transfer adhesive film - Interconnecting structure - Reinforced base materials EN 61249-3-5:1999
Transfer impedance - Electronic equipment - Connector - Screening - Filtering EN 60512-23-7:2005
Transfer system - Static - Performance - Test EN 62310-3:2008
Transformer - Adjuster - Magnetic oxide core - Ferrite - Inductor EN 125401:1991
Transformer - Adjuster - Magnetic oxide core - Inductor EN 125400:1991
Transformer - Aerodrome - Lighting - Beaconing - AGL series EN 61823:2003
Transformer - Bushing - Liquid filled EN 50386:2002
Transformer - Bushing - Liquid filled EN 50386:2010
Transformer - Bushing - Liquid filled - Busbar bushing EN 50387:2002
Transformer - Bushing - Liquid filled - Outdoor EN 50243:2002
Transformer - Bushing - Reactor - Cable box EN 50336:2002
Transformer - Cable - Oil-immersed - Connection - Reactor EN 50299:2002
Transformer - Convertor - Reactor - Line commutated EN 60146-1-3:1993
Transformer - Convertor transformer - HVDC application EN 61378-2:2001
Transformer - Convertor transformer - Industrial application EN 61378-1:1998
Transformer - Distribution transformer - 3 phase - Dry-type HD 538.3 S1:1997
Transformer - Distribution transformer - Dry-type - 3 phase HD 538.1 S1:1992
Transformer - Distribution transformer - Dry-type - 3 phase - Highest voltage HD 538.2 S1:1995
Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil - 3 phase HD 428.1 S1:1992
Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil - 3 phase EN 50464-1:2007
Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil - 3 phase - Highest voltage HD 428.3 S1:1994
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage - Cable box EN 50464-2-2:2007
Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage - Non-sinusoidal current EN 50464-4:2007
Transformer - Distribution transformer - Oil immersed - Highest voltage - Three-phase EN 50464-3:2007
Transformer - Electromagnetic - Power transformer CLC/TR 50453:2007
Transformer - Heat exchanger - Oil-to-air EN 50216-10:2009
Transformer - Heat exchanger - Oil-to-water - Vertical arrangement EN 50216-9:2009
Transformer - Inductor - Lamination EN 60740-1:2005
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61007:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61248-1:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61248-6:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Coil former - Laminated core EN 61797-1:1996
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Laminated core package EN 61021-1:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Power transformer EN 61248-3:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Power transformer - Switched mode EN 61248-4:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Pulse transformer EN 61248-5:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Signal transformer EN 61248-2:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - YEE 2 lamination EN 61021-2:1997
Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - YUI-2 lamination - Dimensions EN 60852-4:1996
Transformer - Instrument transformer EN 61869-1:2009
Transformer - Instrument transformer - Capacitor - Voltage transformer EN 60044-5:2004
Transformer - Instrument transformer - Combined transformer EN 60044-3:2003
Transformer - Instrument transformer - Current transformer EN 60044-1:1999
Transformer - Instrument transformer - Electronic - Current transformer EN 60044-8:2002
Transformer - Instrument transformer - Inductive voltage transformer EN 60044-2:1999
Transformer - Instrument transformer - Protective current transformer - Transient performance EN 60044-6:1999
Transformer - Instrument transformer - Three-phase - Voltage transformer - Inductive EN 50482:2008
Transformer - Insulating liquid - Oil - Gas analysis EN 60599:1999
Transformer - Linear transformer - Magnetic oxide core EN 125200:1991
Transformer - Liquid filled transformer - Bushing EN 50180:1997
Transformer - Liquid filled transformer - Bushing EN 50180:2010
Transformer - Magnetic oxide EP-core - Inductor - Dimensions EN 61596:1997
Transformer - Oil - Mineral - Insulating oil - Switchgear EN 60296:2004
Transformer - Oil immersed - Bushing - Capacitance graded CLC/TS 50458:2006
Transformer - Plug-in type - Bushing - Liquid filled EN 50181:1997
Transformer - Plug-in type - Bushing - Liquid filled EN 50181:2010
Transformer - Power - Temperature - Rise - Liquid-immersed EN 60076-2:2011
Transformer - Power supply - Reactor - Separating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-1:2007
Transformer - Power transformer EN 60076-1:1997
Transformer - Power transformer - Dry-type transformer EN 60076-11:2004
Transformer - Power transformer - Insulation level - Dielectric test - Clearance in air EN 60076-3:2001
Transformer - Power transformer - Isolating transformer - Medical location - Safety EN 61558-2-15:2001
Transformer - Power transformer - Power reactor - Lightning impulse - Switching impulse EN 60076-4:2002
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply - Control transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-2:2007
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply - EMC EN 62041:2003
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply - Toy - Safety EN 61558-2-7:2007
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Auto-transformer EN 61558-2-13:2000
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Bell and chime transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-8:1998
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Construction site - Safety EN 61558-2-23:2000
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Ignition transformer - Gas and oil burner EN 61558-2-3:2000
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Isolating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-4:1997
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Isolating transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-6:1997
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Reactor - Safety EN 61558-2-20:2000
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Reactor - Test EN 61558-1:2005
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-1:1997
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Shaver transformer - Safety EN 61558-2-5:1998
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Switch mode - Safety EN 61558-2-17:1997
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Tungsten filament lamp - Safety EN 61558-2-9:2003
Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Voltage transformer EN 61558-2-12:2001
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor EN 60076-6:2008
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor - Fitting EN 50216-1:2002
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Cooling - Radiator EN 50216-6:2002
transformer - power transformer - reactor fitting - liquid level - pressure device EN 50216-3:2002
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Liquid level - Pressure device EN 50216-5:2002
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Oil - Pump EN 50216-7:2002
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Oil - Winding EN 50216-11:2008
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Radiator - Fan EN 50216-12:2011
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Relay - Liquid immersed EN 50216-2:2002
Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Thermometer pocket - Wheel assembly EN 50216-4:2002
Transformer - Power transformer - Self-protected - Liquid-filled EN 60076-13:2006
Transformer - Power transformer - Short-circuit withstand EN 60076-5:2006
Transformer - Power transformer - Sound level EN 60076-10:2001
Transformer - Power transformer - Temperature rise EN 60076-2:1997
Transformer - Railway - Traction - Coolant - Pump CLC/TS 50537-3:2010
Transformer - Railway - Traction - Cooling - Bushing CLC/TS 50537-1:2010
Transformer - Railway - Traction - Cooling - Pump CLC/TS 50537-2:2010
Transformer - Railway - Traction - Cooling - Relay CLC/TS 50537-4:2010
Transformer - Railway application - Fixed installation - Traction transformer EN 50329:2003
Transformer - Railway applications - Traction - Inductor - Rolling stock EN 60310:2004
Transformer - Reactor - Power supply - Auto transformer EN 61558-2-13:2009
Transformer - Reactor - Power supply - EMC EN 62041:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Transformer - Reactor - Power supply - Isolation EN 61558-2-4:2009
Transformer - Reactor - Power supply - Isolation - Safety EN 61558-2-6:2009
Transformer - Reactor - Power supply - Switch mode EN 61558-2-16:2009
Transformer - Reactor - Power supply unit - Construction site - Safety EN 61558-2-23:2010
Transformer - Reactor - Small - Power supply - Safety EN 61558-2-20:2011
Transformer - Reactor - Tungsten - Handlamp - Filament EN 61558-2-9:2011
Transformer - Reactors - Power supply - Constant voltage - Safety EN 61558-2-12:2011
Transformer - Safety - Reactor - Bell - Chime EN 61558-2-8:2010
Transformer - Safety - Reactor - Ignition - Burner EN 61558-2-3:2010
Transformer - Safety - Reactor - Shaver EN 61558-2-5:2010
Transformer - Telecommunication equipment - Inductor - High-frequency inductor EN 61248-7:1997
Transformer - three-phase - Design requirement - Dimension - Accessory EN 50541-1:2011
transformer - three-phase transformer - immersed transformer - distribution transformer - termination in cables
boxes - design characteristic - dimension
EN 50464-2-1:2007
Transformer - Voltage transformer - Electronic transformer EN 60044-7:2000
Transformer applications - Magnetic oxide ring core - Interference suppression EN 125500:1996
transformers - three-phase transformers - oil bath transformers - distribution transformers - junctions - electric
cables - junction boxes - high voltage - low voltage - characteristics - clearance distance
EN 50464-2-3:2007
Transient data exchange - Relay - Measuring relay - Power system - COMTRADE EN 60255-24:2001
Transient loss - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Measurement - Test EN 61300-3-28:2002
Transient performance - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Protective current transformer EN 60044-6:1999
Transistor - Bipolar transistor - Amplification - Low-frequency - High-frequency CECC 50 002:1980
Transistor - Hot - Carrier - MOS EN 62416:2010
Transistor - Mobile - Ion - Semiconductor - Metal-oxide EN 62417:2010
Transistor - Phototransistor - Photodarlington transistor - Phototransistor array EN 120003:1992
Transmission - Alarm system - Annunciation equipment - Receiving centre CLC/TS 50136-4:2004
Transmission - Alarm system - Application guidelines CLC/TS 50136-7:2004
Transmission - Alarm system - Dedicated alarm path - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-2:1998
Transmission - Alarm system - Dedicated alarm path - System requirement EN 50136-1-2:1998
Transmission - Alarm system - Digital communicator - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-3:1998
Transmission - Alarm system - Digital communicator - System requirement EN 50136-1-3:1998
Transmission - Alarm system - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-1:1998
Transmission - Alarm system - Monitoring - Packet switched - Network PSN EN 50136-1-5:2008
Transmission - Alarm system - System requirement EN 50136-1-1:1998
Transmission - Alarm system - Voice communicator - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-4:1998
Transmission - Alarm system - Voice communicator - System requirement EN 50136-1-4:1998
Transmission - Audio - Video - Infra-red radiation - Conference EN 61603-3:1998
Transmission - Audio - Video - Infra-red radiation - Conference EN 61603-7:2003
Transmission - Audio - Video - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-1:1997
Transmission - Audio - Video - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-2:1997
Transmission - Audio - Video - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-6:2002
Transmission - Audio - Video - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-8-1:2004
Transmission - Consumer - Audio/video - Digital interface - ITU-R BT.601 EN 61883-8:2009
Transmission - DC - HV - Terminology EN 60633:1999
Transmission - Digital - Audio - Input-output interface - Asynchronous transfer EN 62365:2005
Transmission - Digital - Audio - Input-output interface - Asynchronous transfer EN 62365:2009
Transmission - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Measurement EN 60835-2-7:1994
Transmission - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Satellite earth station EN 60835-1-3:1995
Transmission - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Satellite earth station EN 60835-1-4:1995
Transmission - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Tensile load EN 61300-2-51:2007
Transmission - Infrared - Free air application EN 61920:2004
Transmission - Letter - Symbol - Power generation - Distribution EN 60027-7:2010
Transmission - Power electronics - Distribution - Thyristor valve - VAR compensator EN 61954:1999
Transmission - Sound - Intelligibility - Speech EN 60268-16:2011
Transmission - Surge arrester - Metal-oxide - EGLA - Overhead line EN 60099-8:2011
Transmission - Video - Audio - Digital interface EN 61883-7:2003
Transmission line - Coaxial - Flange connector HD 350.1 S1:1978
Transmission module - Railway - Communication - ERTMS - Driver-machine interface CLC/TR 50459-7:2007
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - Basic function EN 60870-5-5:1995
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - Basic telecontrol task EN 60870-5-101:2003
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - Definition - Coding EN 60870-5-4:1993
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - Frame format EN 60870-5-1:1993
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - General structure EN 60870-5-3:1992
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - Integrated total - Power system EN 60870-5-102:1996
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - Network access - Transport profile EN 60870-5-104:2006
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - Procedure EN 60870-5-2:1993
Transmission protocol - Telecontrol - Protection equipment - Informative interface EN 60870-5-103:1998
Transmission system - Digital - Microwave - Satellite earth station EN 60835-3-1:1992
Transmission system - Digital - Microwave - Terrestrial - Radio-relay system EN 60835-2-1:1992
Transmission system - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Adaptive equalizer EN 60835-2-8:1993
Transmission system - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Branching network EN 60835-2-3:1993
Transmission system - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system - Performance EN 60835-2-10:1993
Transmission system - Explosive atmosphere - Protection - Optical radiation EN 60079-28:2007
Transmissive type - Liquid crystal - Solid-state display device - Module EN 61747-6:2004
Transmittance - Optical fibre - Changes monitoring - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-46:2002
Transmitted field - Ultrasonics - Transducer - Definition - Measurement EN 61828:2001
Transmitter - Broadcast - Exposure - Radio frequency - Electromagnetic field EN 50554:2010
Transmitter - Broadcasting - Standardization - Interface standard EN 60864-2:1997
Transmitter - Digital Radio broadcasting - Radio transmitter EN 62272-2:2007
Transmitter - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Broadcast station transmitter EN 50476:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Transmitter - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Broadcast transmitter EN 50420:2006
Transmitter - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Broadcast transmitter EN 50421:2006
Transmitter - Electromagnetic field - Human exposure - Broadcasting EN 50475:2008
Transmitter - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-11:2003
Transmitter - Fibre optic - Active components - Package standard - Interface standard EN 62148-12:2004
Transmitter - Fibre optic - Performance - Active components - Laser diode EN 62149-3:2004
Transmitter - Fibre optic - Test procedure - Digital system - Laser EN 61280-2-10:2005
Transmitter - Industrial - Contro - Performance EN 60770-1:2011
Transmitter - Industrial - Control - Inspection - Routine testing EN 60770-2:2010
Transmitter - Industrial-process - Inspection - Test EN 60770-2:2003
Transmitter - Industrial-process - Intelligent transmitter EN 60770-3:2006
Transmitter - Industrial-process - Performance evaluation EN 60770-1:1999
Transmitter - Maritime - Distress - Safety - Rescue EN 61097-14:2010
Transmitter - Optic - Fibre optic - Receiver - LC connector EN 62148-16:2009
Transmitter - Radio transmitter - Broadcast transmitter - Measurement EN 60244-1:2000
Transmitter - Radio transmitter - Television transmitter - Terrestrial - Digital EN 62273-1:2007
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - External intermodulation product - Antenna EN 60244-14:1997
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - FM sound broadcasting - Performance EN 60244-13:1993
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - FM sound broadcasting - Transposer EN 60244-11:1993
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - Interconnection HD 577 S1:1990
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - Safety EN 60215:1989
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - Sound broadcasting - Amplitude-modulated - Measurement EN 60244-15:2000
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - Television transmitter - Performance EN 60244-5:1994
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - Television transmitter - Transposer EN 60244-10:1993
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - Television transposer - Performance EN 60244-9:1994
Transmitter - Radiocommunications - Vestigial-sideband demodulator EN 60244-8:1994
Transmitter/receiver - Digital microwave - Terrestrial radio-relay system EN 60835-2-4:1995
Transparency - Print - Electronic source - Assessment of image quality EN 61610:1996
Transponder - Global maritime distress and safety system - Radar - Search - Rescue EN 61097-1:2007
Transponder - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Digital selective calling (DSC) - VHF EN 61993-1:1999
Transponder - Signal - Sound - Hybrid - PSTIB EN 60728-7-3:2009
Transponder interface bus - Outside plant status - Hybrid fibre coax - Power supply - PSTIB EN 60728-7-3:2005
Transport - Internet - Protocol - Stream EN 62455:2011
Transport - Lithium cell - Battery - Primary - Secondary EN 62281:2004
Transport - Medical - Safety - Performance - Incubator EN 60601-2-20:2009
Transport - Railway - Urban - Guided - Automated EN 62267:2009
Transport incubator - Medical equipment - Incubator - Safety EN 60601-2-20:1996
Transport management - Railway - Urban guided - Command/control system EN 62290-1:2006
Transport method - Broadcast application - Message - Triggering message EN 62297-2:2005
Transport profile - Telecontrol - Transmission protocol - Network access EN 60870-5-104:2006
Transport system - Collective - Older people - Disabled people CWA 45546-1:2004
Transport-category aeroplane - Electroacoustics - Instrument - Aircraft noise EN 61265:1995
Transportable - Release source - Ventilation EN 50381:2004
Transportable - Safety - Motor-operated EN 61029-1:2009
Transportable - Safety - Motor-operated - Tool, Threading EN 61029-2-12:2011
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Band saw EN 61029-2-5:2002
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Grinder - Bench grinder EN 61029-2-4:2003
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Grinder - Cutting-off grinder EN 61029-2-10:2010
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Planer - Thicknesser EN 61029-2-3:2011
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Safety EN 61029-1:2000
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Saw - Mitre saw EN 61029-2-9:2002
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Saw - Mitre saw EN 61029-2-9:2009
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Saw - Mitre-bench saw EN 61029-2-11:2003
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Saw - Mitre-bench saw EN 61029-2-11:2009
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Saw bench - Circular EN 61029-2-1:2010
Transportable - Tool - Motor operated tool - Single spindle - Moulder EN 61029-2-8:2010
transportable motor-operated electric tools - diamond drills - safety requirements - protection against electric
shocks - fire protection - protection against mechanical hazards
EN 61029-2-6:2010
Transportable unit - Building - Electrical installation - Mobile unit HD 60364-7-717:2004
Transportation - Environmental conditions - Classification EN 60721-3-2:1997
Transportation conditions - Surface mounting device - Storage conditions EN 61760-2:2007
Transposer - Radio transmitter - Sound and television broadcasting - Characteristics EN 60244-12-1:1993
Transposer - Radio transmitter - Sound and television broadcasting - Specification EN 60244-12-2:1993
Transposer - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - FM sound broadcasting EN 60244-11:1993
Transposer - Radiocommunications - Transmitter - Television transmitter EN 60244-10:1993
Transuranic aerosol - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent - Aerosol monitor EN 60761-2:2004
Transverse - Superconductivity - Loss measurement - Wire - Helium EN 61788-8:2010
Transverse Waveguide - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission - Immunity - TEM EN 61000-4-20:2003
Transverse Waveguide - Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission - Immunity - TEM EN 61000-4-20:2010
Trapezoidal shaped shell - Connector - High-speed data - Rectangular - Non-removable EN 61076-3-101:1997
Trapezoidal shaped shell - Connector - High-speed data - Rectangular - Ribbon contact EN 61076-3-100:2000
Trapezoidal shell - Connector - Rectangular - Printed board - Round contact CECC 75 301-802:1994
Travelling wave - Tube - Amplifier tube EN 135000:1992
Travelling wave tube - Tube - CW power amplifier EN 135001:1992
Tray - Cable - Ladder EN 61537:2007
Tray - Packaging - Automatic handling - Matrix tray EN 60286-5:2004
Treatment - Medical - Radiotherapy - Planning - Safety EN 62083:2001
Treatment - Sulphur hexafluoride - SF6 - Checking EN 60480:2004
Triaryl phosphate - Petroleum product - Lubricant - Ester turbine - Control fluid EN 61221:2004
Trigger device - Alarm system - Social alarm system EN 50134-2:1999
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Triggering message - Broadcast application - Message - Format EN 62297-1:2005
Triggering message - Broadcast application - Message - Transport method EN 62297-2:2005
Trimmer - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Hedge trimmer EN 60745-2-15:2009
Trimmer - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Router EN 60745-2-17:2003
Trimmer - Tool - Motor-operated - Hand-held - Router EN 60745-2-17:2010
Trimmer capacitor - Capacitor - Compression type EN 134104:1995
Trimmer capacitor - Capacitor - Single turn disc EN 134101:1995
Triode - Industrial heated triode CECC 45 002:1975
Tritium - Nuclear - Radiation monitoring equipment HD 442 S1:1983
Tritium monitor - Radioactivity - Monitoring - Gaseous effluent EN 60761-5:2004
Trolley bus - Railway - Rolling stock - Connection - Safety CLC/TS 50502:2008
Truck starter - Battery - Lead-acid starter - Dimensions EN 50342-4:2009
Trunk cable - Cable - Coaxial cable - Distribution network EN 50117-2-3:2004
Trunking system - Cable - Ducting system EN 50085-1:1997
Trunking system - Cable - Ducting system EN 50085-1:2005
Trunking system - Cable - Ducting system - Floor EN 50085-2-2:2008
Trunking system - Cable - Ducting system - Service pole EN 50085-2-4:2009
Trunking system - Cable - Ducting system - Slotted cable - Cabinet EN 50085-2-3:1999
Trunking system - Cable - Ducting system - Slotted cable - Cabinet EN 50085-2-3:2010
Trunking system - Cable - Ducting system - Wall mounting - Ceiling mounting EN 50085-2-1:2006
TTL FAST digital integrated circuit - Integrated circuit EN 190107:1994
TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit - Integrated circuit EN 190102:1994
TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit - Integrated circuit EN 190108:1994
TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit - Integrated circuit - Low power EN 190103:1994
TTL-Schottky digital integrated circuit - Integrated circuit - Low power EN 190106:1994
Ttransportable - Low-voltage - Mobile HD 60364-7-717:2010
Tube - Amplifier tube - Travelling wave EN 135000:1992
Tube - Camera tube EN 113000:1991
Tube - Camera tube EN 113001:1991
Tube - Cathode ray - Safety EN 61965:2003
Tube - Cathode ray tube EN 111000:1991
Tube - Cathode ray tube EN 111001:1991
Tube - Cold cathode - Indicator CECC 46 001:1976
Tube - CW power amplifier - Travelling wave tube EN 135001:1992
Tube - Display storage tube EN 111100:1991
Tube - Display storage tube EN 111101:1991
Tube - Image converter tube - Image intensifier tube EN 112000:1992
Tube - Image converter tube - Image intensifier tube EN 112001:1991
Tube - Indicator tube - Cold cathode CECC 46 000:1976
Tube - Insulation - Rod - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-1:2002
Tube - Insulation - Rod - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-2:2004
Tube - Insulation - Rod - Thermosetting resin - Industrial EN 62011-3-1:2003
Tube - Luminous-discharge-tube - Earth-leakage - Open-circuit - Protection EN 50107-2:2005
Tube - Luminous-discharge-tube installation EN 50107-1:2002
Tube - Medical - X-ray - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-28:2010
Tube - Medical - X-ray - Loading - Diagnosis EN 60613:2010
Tube - Photomultiplier tube EN 114000:1991
Tube - Photomultiplier tube EN 114001:1991
Tube - Power transmitting tube - Anode dissipation up to 1 kW CECC 45 003:1975
Tube - Power tube - Disc seal CECC 45 004:1977
Tube - Space-charge controlled tube CECC 45 000:1975
Tube - Valve - Electronic - Dimensions HD 146 S4:1988
Tube - Valve - Electronic - Direct interelectrode capacitance HD 148 S2:1977
Tube - Valve - Electronic - Unit designation HD 145 S1:1977
Tube in tube method - Cable - Communication - Metallic - Coupling attenuation EN 62153-4-7:2006
Tubular - Controlgear - Fluorescent - Lamp EN 60929:2011
Tubular - Lampholder - Fluorescent - Lamp - Starterholder EN 60400:2008
Tubular - Lighting - Fluorescent lamp - AC supplied electronic ballast - Performance EN 60929:2004
Tubular - Lighting - Fluorescent lamp - AC supplied electronic ballast - Performance EN 60929:2006
Tubular - Lighting - Fluorescent lamp - Capacitor - Discharge lamp circuit EN 61048:2006
Tubular - Luminaires - Cold - Cathode - Discharge lamp EN 60598-2-14:2009
Tubular discharge lamp - Lighting - Neon-transformer - Safety EN 61050:1992
Tubular fluorescent - Household use - Automatic control - Lamp - Thermal protector EN 60730-2-3:2007
Tubular fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Ballast - Performance EN 60921:1991
Tubular fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Ballast - Performance EN 60921:2004
Tubular fluorescent lamp - Lighting - Capacitor - Discharge lamp circuit EN 61049:1993
Tubular fluorescent lamp - Lighting - DC supplied electronic ballast - Performance EN 60925:1991
Tumble dryer - Household - Safety EN 60335-2-11:2010
Tumble dryer - Household appliances - Dryer - Noise - Determination EN 60704-2-6:2004
Tumble dryer - Household appliances - Dryer - Safety EN 60335-2-11:2003
Tumbler dryer - Dryer - Household - Performance - Measurement EN 61121:2005
Tungsten - Transformer - Reactor - Handlamp - Filament EN 61558-2-9:2011
Tungsten filament lamp - Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Lamp - Safety EN 60432-1:2000
Tungsten filament lamp - Lighting - Performance EN 60064:1995
Tungsten filament lamp - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit - Safety EN 61558-2-9:2003
Tungsten halogen lamp - Lighting - Halogen - Non-vehicle - Performance EN 60357:2003
Tungsten halogen lamp - Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Lamp - Safety EN 60432-3:2003
Tungsten halogen lamp - Lighting - Incandescent lamp - Safety EN 60432-2:2000
Tuning-fork - Quartz - Crystal - Measurement - Test EN 60689:2009
Tunnel - Toxic - Car park - Carbon monoxide - Nitrogen oxide EN 50545-1:2011
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Alphabetical Index

Turbine - Hydraulic - Control system - Testing EN 60308:2005
Turbine - Hydraulic - Pump - Storage EN 62256:2008
Turbine - Hydraulic - Pump-turbine - Storage pump - Cavitation pitting EN 60609-1:2005
Turbine - Hydraulic turbine - Field acceptance test EN 60041:1994
Turbine - Hydraulic turbine - Storage pump - Pump-turbine - Model acceptance test EN 60193:1999
Turbine - Hydroelectric installation - Equipment EN 61116:1994
Turbine - Low voltage - Surge - Protection - Wind CLC/TS 50539-22:2010
Turbine - Pelton turbine - Storage pump - Pump-turbine - Cavitation pitting EN 60609-2:1999
Turbine - Power station - Gas turbine EN 45510-5-2:1998
Turbine - Power station - Hydraulic - Storage pump - Pump turbine EN 45510-5-4:1998
Turbine - Power station - Steam turbine EN 45510-5-1:1998
Turbine - Power station - Wind turbine EN 45510-5-3:1998
Turbine - Steam turbine - Generator - Specification EN 60045-1:1993
Turbine - Steam turbine - Noise - Measurement EN 61063:1996
Turbine - Steam turbine - Speed control system - Test EN 61064:1993
Turbine - Steam turbine - Thermal acceptance test - Methode A EN 60953-1:1995
Turbine - Steam turbine - Thermal acceptance test - Methode B EN 60953-2:1995
Turbine - Steam turbine - Thermal acceptance test - Retrofitted - Performance EN 60953-3:2002
Turbine - Vibration - Pulsation - Field measurement - Test EN 60994:1992
Turbine - Wind - Communication - Monitoring EN 61400-25-6:2011
Turbine - Wind - Conformity - Certification EN 61400-22:2011
Turbine - Wind - Design - Offshore EN 61400-3:2009
Turbine - Wind - Lightning - Protection EN 61400-24:2010
Turbine - Wind - Power plant - Mapping - Communication profile EN 61400-25-4:2008
Turbine - Wind - Power quality - Grid connected EN 61400-21:2008
Turbine - Wind turbine - Design requirement EN 61400-1:2005
Turbine - Wind turbine - Electromagnetic compatibility CLC/TR 50373:2004
Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Acoustic noise - Measurement EN 61400-11:2003
Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Design - Small EN 61400-2:2006
Turbine - Wind turbine - Generator system - Power quality - Grid connected EN 61400-21:2002
Turbine - Wind turbine - Power performance - Grid connected tubines EN 61400-12-1:2006
Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Conformance testing EN 61400-25-5:2007
Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Monitoring - Control EN 61400-25-1:2007
Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Monitoring - Control EN 61400-25-2:2007
Turbine - Wind turbine - Power plant - Monitoring - Information exchange EN 61400-25-3:2007
Turbine - Wind turbine - Protective measures - Design EN 50308:2004
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station - Condenser plant EN 45510-6-3:1998
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station - Cooling - Dry cooling system EN 45510-6-5:1999
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station - Cooling water system EN 45510-6-9:1999
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station - Crane EN 45510-6-8:1999
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station - Deaerator EN 45510-6-1:1998
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station - Heater - Feedwater heater EN 45510-6-2:1998
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station - Moisture - Separator - Reheater EN 45510-6-7:1998
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station - Wet cooling tower - Wet/dry cooling tower EN 45510-6-6:1999
Turbine auxiliaries - Power station equipment - Pump EN 45510-6-4:1999
TV receiver - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-4:2003
TV receiver - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-5:2003
TV receiver - Cable - Coaxial cable assemblies - Radio receiver - Radio frequency EN 60966-2-6:2003
Twin-ax cable - Tool - Crimping tool - Cable - Databus EN 50109-2-5:1995
Twin-path - Radio-relay system - Terrestrial equipment - Diversity HD 477.2.6 S1:1987
Twist-on connecting device - Connecting device - LV - Household EN 60998-2-4:2005
Twisted pair - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Cabling EN 50090-9-1:2004
Twisted Pair - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System - Layer - Media dependent EN 50090-5-2:2004
Twisted Pair - HBES - Interface - Medium CLC/TR 50552:2010
Twisted pair - Home and Building Electronic System - Interface - Class 1 R205-010:1996
Twisting - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Torsion EN 50289-3-10:2004
Two female centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Adaptor straight CECC 22 161-814:1987
Two male centre contact - Coaxial connector - Radio frequency - Series SSMA - Adaptor straight CECC 22 161-813:1987
Two part - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Grid of 2 mm CECC 75 101-808:1993
Two part - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Modular CECC 75 101-807:1994
Two part - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Modular CECC 75 101-810:1994
Two part - Connector - Printed board - Common mounting features - Grid of 2,54 mm CECC 75 101-801:1993
Two part - Connector - Printed board - Common square male contact - Grid of 2,54 mm CECC 75 101-803:1994
Two part - Connector - Printed board - Free connector CECC 75 101-804:1994
Two pins connector - Connector - Radio frequency connector HD 134.3 S1:1977
Two way home network - Cable - Signal - Television EN 60728-1-1:2010
Two wires - Metering equipment - Pulse output device EN 62053-31:1998
Two-fluid-bath method - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-11:2002
Two-part - Connector - Printed board EN 175101-809:2004
Two-part connector - Connector - Cable connector - Printed board - Backpanel EN 60603-9:1998
Two-part connector - Connector - Edge-socket connector - Printed board EN 60603-5:1998
Two-part connector - Connector - Free connector - Printed board EN 60603-13:1998
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board EN 60603-2:1998
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board EN 60603-3:1998
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board EN 60603-4:1998
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board EN 175101-802:1999
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - Assessed quality - Backplane EN 61076-4-100:2001
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Bus applications EN 61076-4-113:2003
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - Early mating feature EN 61076-4-111:2002
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - Backplane - IEC 60917 EN 61076-4-101:2001
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Alphabetical Index

Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-103:1999
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - Inverted type EN 60603-10:1998
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - Shielding function EN 61076-4-114:2003
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - Square male contact EN 60603-8:1998
Two-part connector - Connector - Printed board - Termination - Insulation displacement EN 61076-4-107:2001
Two-part modular connector - Connector - Printed board - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-104:1999
Two-part single-pole connector - Connector - Metric grid - DC - Low-frequency EN 61076-4-102:1997
Two-pole - Live working - Detector - Low-voltage EN 61243-3:2010
Two-pole - Live working - Voltage detector - LV EN 61243-3:1998
Type 9 - Lighting - Requirements - Control gear - Sequencer EN 62386-210:2011
Type B - Video - Helical-scan video system HD 574 S1:1990
Type BFOC/2,5 connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-2:1997
Type C - Video - Helical-scan video system HD 573 S1:1990
Type CF08 connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-8:1997
Type D2 - Video - Helical-scan video system EN 61179:1993
Type DS connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-9:2001
Type F-05 - Cable - Connector - Optical fibre EN 60874-17:1997
Type FC-PC connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-13:2006
Type FS connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-12:1999
Type L - Video - Helical-scan video system - Tape EN 60961:1994
Type LB - Pressboard - Laminated pressboard - Laminated precompressed board EN 60763-3-1:1996
Type LC connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-20:2002
Type LSA connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-3:2002
Type LSA-HRL - Connector - Optical fibre - Cable CECC 86 135-802:1993
Type LSC - Connector set - Optical fibre - Cable EN 186220:1993
Type LSD-HRL - Cable - Optical fibre - Termini set CECC 78 005-802:1999
Type LSF - Connector set - Optical fibre - Cable EN 186230:1993
Type LSH-HRL universal - Connector - Optical fibre - Cable CECC 86 275-802:1999
Type LX.5 connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-23:2005
Type M2 - Video - Helical-scan video system EN 61118:1993
Type Mini-MPO connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-10:2005
Type MT connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-5:2005
Type MT-RJ connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-18:2002
Type MU connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-6:1997
Type MU connector - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface EN 61754-6-1:2003
Type PN connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-16:2000
Type RA - Brush-holder - Slip-ring - Group R CLC/TR 60778:2004
Type RAO connector - Fibre optic - Connector - Interface EN 61754-25:2009
Type SC connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-4:1997
Type SC connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Simplified receptacle SC-PC EN 61754-4-1:2003
Type SC-A and SC-B - Connector - Radio frequency connector - Screw coupling EN 60169-21:1997
Type SC-D - Cable - Connector - Optical fibre EN 60874-19:1997
Type SG connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic EN 61754-19:2002
Type SMI connector - Connector - Interface - Fibre optic - Plastic optical fibre EN 61754-21:2005
Type tested assemblies - Switchgear and controlgear - LV EN 60439-1:1999
Type TMA - Connector - Radio-frequency - Coaxial - Slide-in EN 61169-38:2009
Type U - Video - Helical-scan video system - Tape EN 60712:1994
Types P - Pressboard - Presspaper EN 60641-3-2:2008


Ultrasonic - Diagnostic - Thermal - Mechanical - Field characterization EN 62359:2005
Ultrasonic - Hydrophone - Medical - Calibration EN 62127-2:2007
Ultrasonic - Hydrophone - Medical - Measurement EN 62127-1:2007
Ultrasonic - In-situ exposure - Beam - In finite-amplitude CLC/TS 61949:2008
Ultrasonic - Medical equipment - Diagnostic - Monitoring - Safety EN 60601-2-37:2008
Ultrasonic - Medical equipment - Physiotherapy - Safety EN 60601-2-5:2000
Ultrasonic - Pressure pulse - Lithotripter - Field EN 61846:1998
Ultrasonic - Scanner - Pulse-echo - Spatial measurement - Point spread function EN 61391-1:2006
Ultrasonic field - Ultrasonics - Thermal - Mechanical - Diagnostic EN 62359:2011
Ultrasonics - Flow measurement system - Flow test object EN 61685:2001
Ultrasonics - Hydrophone - Medical - Properties EN 62127-3:2007
Ultrasonics - Medical - Continuous-wave Doppler system - Test EN 61206:1995
Ultrasonics - Medical - Dental descaler EN 61205:1994
Ultrasonics - Medical - Heartbeat detector - Doppler EN 61266:1995
Ultrasonics - Physiotherapy system EN 61689:2007
Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Radiation - Force balance EN 61161:2007
Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo - Scanner - Penetration depth - Dynamic range EN 61391-2:2010
Ultrasonics - Surgical system - Measurement EN 61847:1998
Ultrasonics - Thermal - Mechanical - Diagnostic - Ultrasonic field EN 62359:2011
Ultrasonics - Transducer - Transmitted field - Definition - Measurement EN 61828:2001
Ultrasound - Measurement - Filter - Audible sound EN 61012:1998
Ultrasound - Medical equipment - Acoustic output EN 61157:2007
Ultraviolet - Household - Safety - Skin exposure - Infrared EN 60335-2-27:2010
Ultraviolet - Household appliance - Radiation - Infrared - Safety EN 60335-2-27:2003
Ultraviolet lamp - Fluorescent - Tanning EN 61228:2008
UMF - Fuse - Miniature fuse - Universal Modular Fuse-link EN 60127-4:2005
Un-screened - Cables - Telecommunications - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-1:2006
Un-screened - Cables - Telecommunications - Indoor - Residential EN 50441-3:2006
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Alphabetical Index

Un-wrapping - Connector - Contact - Termination - Solderless wrapped connection EN 60512-16-13:2008
Unambiguous - Identification - Information - Interchange EN 62507-1:2011
Unbalance - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunitry test - Testing - Measurement EN 61000-4-27:2000
Unbalanced voltages - Machine - Rotating - Three-phase induction - Motor EN 60034-26:2006
Unbiased autoclave - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Moisture resistance EN 60749-33:2004
Unbiased HAST - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Moisture resistance EN 60749-24:2004
Uncertainties - Power transformer - Reactor - Loss measurement CLC/TR 50462:2008
Uncertainty - Environmental testing - Documentation - Environmental chamber EN 60068-3-11:2007
Unclad - Prepreg material - Epoxide woven E-glass - Structure interconnection - Flammability EN 61249-4-1:2008
Unclad - Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Lead-free EN 61249-4-15:2009
Unclad - Printed board - Interconnection - Prepreg - Non-halogenated EN 61249-4-16:2009
Unclad - Printed board - Prepreg material - Epoxide woven E-glass - Burning test EN 61249-4-2:2005
Unclad - Printed board - Prepreg material - Polyimide woven E-glass - Burning test EN 61249-4-5:2005
Uncoated - Insulation - Flexible sleeving - Glass textile - Braided EN 60684-3-300:2002
Uncompressed - Interface - Video - Digital - DTV profile EN 62315-1:2003
Unconnectorized - Optical - Circuit board - Flexible - Glass fibres EN 62496-3-1:2010
Uncontroled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Fibre management EN 61753-101-3:2008
Uncontrolled environment - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting EN 61753-131-3:2011
Uncontrolled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector EN 61753-021-6:2008
Uncontrolled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Connector - Single-mode fibre EN 61753-2-1:2000
Uncontrolled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Attenuator EN 61753-053-3:2004
Uncontrolled environment - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Single-mode - Branching device EN 61753-2-3:2001
Under - Relay - Protection - Current - Over EN 60255-151:2009
Underground - Conduit - Cable - Buried EN 61386-24:2010
Underground - Conduit system - Electrical installation EN 50086-2-4:1994
Underground - Protection - Warning - Cable - Buried conduit EN 50520:2009
Undervoltage - Building - Electrical installation - Safety HD 384.4.45 S1:1989
Underwater - Acoustics - Hydrophone EN 60565:2007
Underwater - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Hydrostatic pressure EN 50289-3-15:2003
Unfilled epoxy - Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound EN 60455-3-1:2003
Unfilled polyurethane - Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound EN 60455-3-3:2003
Unidirectional lead - Packaging - Automatic handling - Tape packaging EN 60286-2:1998
Unidirectional lead - Packaging - Automatic handling - Tape packaging - Continuous tape EN 60286-2:2009
Unidirectional wire terminations - Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Disc type CECC 42 101-801:1982
Unidirectional wire terminations - Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Disc type CECC 42 101-802:1982
Unified - OPC - Architecture - Overview - Concept CLC/TR 62541-1:2010
Unified - OPC - Architecture - Security - Model CLC/TR 62541-2:2010
Uninterruptible - Generating set - Engine driven - Internal combustion - Power system EN 88528-11:2004
Uninterruptible - Power problem - UPS - Performance - Test requirement EN 62040-3:2001
Uninterruptible - Power problem - UPS - Performance - Test requirement EN 62040-3:2011
Uninterruptible - Power system - UPS - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC EN 62040-2:2006
Uninterruptible - UPS - Power system - Safety EN 62040-1:2008
Uninterruptible power supply - Power station - Electrical equipment EN 45510-2-2:1999
Unique complex - Reliability - Growth - Stress testing - Failure EN 62429:2008
Unit designation - Tube - Valve - Electronic HD 145 S1:1977
Universal Modular Fuse-link - Fuse - Miniature fuse - UMF EN 60127-4:2005
Unsaturated polyester - Insulation - Resin - Reactive compound - Impregnating resin EN 60455-3-5:2006
Unshielded - Connector - Fixed - Free - Electronic equipment EN 60603-7:2009
Unskilled person - Fuse - LV - Household HD 60269-3:2007
Unskilled person - Fuse - LV - Household HD 60269-3:2010
Unskilled person - Switchgear and controlgear - LV - Distribution board EN 60439-3:1991
Unused - Ester - Synthetic - Organic EN 61099:2010
Unused - Insulation - Liquid - Silicone EN 60836:2005
Unused mineral insulating oil - Insulating liquid - Oil - Cable EN 60465:1990
Unused polybutene - Insulating liquid - Polybutene HD 582 S1:1991
UPS - Power problem - Uninterruptible - Performance - Test requirement EN 62040-3:2001
UPS - Power problem - Uninterruptible - Performance - Test requirement EN 62040-3:2011
UPS - Power system - Uninterruptible - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC EN 62040-2:2006
UPS - Uninterruptible - Power system - Safety EN 62040-1:2008
Urban - Railway - Guided - Transport - Automated EN 62267:2009
Urban - Railway - Tansport - Command/control EN 62290-2:2011
Urban guided - Railway - Transport management - Command/control system EN 62290-1:2006
Usability - Medical - Safety - Performance - Collateral EN 60601-1-6:2010
Usability - Medical equipment - Collateral standard EN 60601-1-6:2004
Usability - Medical equipment - Collateral standard EN 60601-1-6:2007
Usability engineering - Medical EN 62366:2008
Use - Arc welding - Installation CLC/TS 62081:2002
Use - Arc welding - Welding - Installation EN 60974-9:2010
Use - Die product - Semiconductor - Procurement EN 62258-1:2005
Use - Semiconductor - Die - Procurement EN 62258-1:2010
Use - Website - Collaboration tool - Privacy policy CLC Guide 30:2009
Use of cable - Cable - Communication - Environmental conditions - Safety EN 50290-4-1:2001
User guide - Fuse - Miniature EN 60127-10:2002
User guide - Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric EN 61338-2:2004
User process - HBES - Home and Building Electronic System EN 50090-3-2:2004
Utility automation - Communication - Network - Power - Mapping EN 61850-8-1:2011
Utility interface - Photovoltaic (PV) system EN 61727:1995
Utility-interconnected - Inverter - Photovoltaic - Prevention - Islanding EN 62116:2011
UV - Household - Safety - Radiation - Water treatment EN 60335-2-109:2010
UV resistance - Cable - Communication cable - Test method EN 50289-4-17:2011
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UV test - Test - Photovoltaic (PV) module EN 61345:1998


Vacuum cleaner - Household appliances - Cleaning - Water-suction - Safety EN 60335-2-2:2003
Vacuum cleaner - Household appliances - Cleaning - Water-suction - Safety EN 60335-2-2:2010
Vacuum cleaner - Household appliances - Noise - Acoustical noise - Airborne EN 60704-2-1:2001
Vacuum cleaner - Household appliances - Power brush - Safety EN 60335-2-69:2009
Vacuum cleaner - Household use - Dust emission EN 60312:2008
Valve - Household use - Automatic control - Oil valve - Mechanical requirement EN 60730-2-19:2002
Valve - Industrial - Flow capacity EN 60534-2-4:2009
Valve - Industrial - Noise - Aerodynamic - Prediction EN 60534-8-3:2011
Valve - Industrial process - Control valve - Inspection - Routine testing EN 60534-4:2006
Valve - Industrial process - Dimensions - Control valve - End-to-end EN 60534-3-3:1998
Valve - Industrial process - Dimensions - Control valve - Face-to-face EN 60534-3-1:2000
Valve - Industrial process - Dimensions - Control valve - Face-to-face EN 60534-3-2:2001
Valve - Industrial process - Flow capacity - Sizing - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-1:1998
Valve - Industrial process - Flow capacity - Sizing - Fluid flow EN 60534-2-1:2011
Valve - Industrial process - Noise - Hydrodynamic - Measurement EN 60534-8-2:1993
Valve - Industrial process - Noise - Hydrodynamic flow EN 60534-8-4:2005
Valve - Industrial process - Noise - Prediction - Aerodynamic EN 60534-8-3:2000
Valve - Industrial process control - Flow capacity - Fluid flow - Sizing equation EN 60534-2-5:2003
Valve - Industrial process control - Marking EN 60534-5:2004
Valve - Industrial process control - Terminology EN 60534-1:2005
Valve - Industrial-process - Control - Data sheet EN 60534-7:2010
Valve - Industrial-process - Step input - Measurement - Test EN 60534-9:2007
Valve - Power station plant - Pipework - Boiler - High pressure EN 45510-7-2:1999
Valve - Power station plant - Pipework - High pressure EN 45510-7-1:1999
Valve - Static - VAR - Compensator - Thyristor EN 61954:2011
Valve - Tube - Electronic - Dimensions HD 146 S4:1988
Valve - Tube - Electronic - Direct interelectrode capacitance HD 148 S2:1977
Valve - Tube - Electronic - Unit designation HD 145 S1:1977
Valve - Voltage - Converter - VSC - HVDC EN 62501:2009
Valve positioner - Intelligent - Pneumatic output - Industrial-process - Performance EN 61514-2:2004
Valve positioner - Pneumatic output - Industrial-process - Performance EN 61514:2002
Valve regulated - Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Functional characteristics EN 60896-21:2004
Valve regulated - Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Selection guidelines EN 60896-22:2004
Valve-regulated - Battery - Lead-acid - Dimension - Marking EN 61056-2:2003
Valve-regulated - Battery - Lead-acid battery - Test EN 61056-1:2003
Vane type air - Capacitor - Dielectric capacitor EN 134103:1995
Vaporizer - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-101:2002
Vapour - Explosive - Gas - Atmosphere EN 60079-20-1:2010
Vapour - Gas detection - Combustible - Toxic - Oxygen EN 50402:2005
VAR - Static - Compensator - Thyristor - Valve EN 61954:2011
VAR compensator - Power electronics - Transmission - Distribution - Thyristor valve EN 61954:1999
Variable attenuator - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Attenuation setting - Accuracy EN 61300-3-14:2007
Variable capacitor - Capacitor EN 134000:1994
Variable capacitor - Capacitor EN 134100:1995
Variable resolution - Projector - Electronic projection - Key performance criteria EN 61947-2:2002
Variation of group delay - Waveguide - Measurement method EN 61580-3:1997
Various - Inspection - Bodies performing EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004
Varistor CECC 42 000:1978
Varistor - Electronic equipment EN 61051-1:2008
Varistor - Surge - Protective device - LV - Metal oxide EN 61643-331:2003
Varistor - Surge suppression CECC 42 200:1986
Varistor - Surge suppression CECC 42 201:1986
Varistor - Surge suppression CECC 42 201-802:1991
Varistor - Telephony applications - LV CECC 42 100:1978
Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Assessment level P CECC 42 101:1978
Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Disc type - Unidirectional wire terminations CECC 42 101-801:1982
Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Disc type - Unidirectional wire terminations CECC 42 101-802:1982
Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Disc type - Wire terminations CECC 42 101-803:1982
Varmeter - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Wattmeter EN 60051-3:1989
Varnish - Electrical insulation EN 60464-1:1999
Varnish - Electrical insulation - Ambient - Curing finishing varnish EN 60464-3-1:2001
Varnish - Electrical insulation - Hot - Curing impregnating varnish EN 60464-3-2:2001
Varnish - Electrical insulation - Test method EN 60464-2:2001
Varnish - Insulating materials - Thermal endurance - Test HD 570 S1:1990
VDS - Live working - Voltage detector - Voltage detecting system (VDS) EN 61243-5:2001
Vehicle - Battery - Lead-acid starter battery - Dimensions EN 60095-4:1993
Vehicle - Battery - Road vehicle - Dynamic - Propulsion EN 61982-2:2002
Vehicle - Battery - Secondary - Propulsion - Lithium-ion cell EN 62660-1:2011
Vehicle - Battery - Secondary - Propulsion - Lithium-ion cell EN 62660-2:2011
Vehicle - Boat - Combustion engine - Radio disturbance - On-board receiver EN 55025:2008
Vehicle - Capacitor - Double-layer - Hybrid EN 62576:2010
Vehicle - Charching - Conductive charging - Off board charger - Communication CLC/TS 50457-2:2008
Vehicle - Charching - Conductive charging - Station CLC/TS 50457-1:2008
Vehicle - Charging system EN 61851-1:2001
Vehicle - Charging system - AC electric vehicle EN 61851-22:2002
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Alphabetical Index

Vehicle - Charging system - Connection - Conductive connection EN 61851-21:2002
Vehicle - Conductive - Charging system EN 61851-1:2011
Vehicle - Electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - Aftermark electronic equipment EN 50498:2010
Vehicle - Household appliances - Cab heater EN 50408:2008
Vehicle - Internal combustion - Engine - Radio disturbance - Boat EN 55012:2007
Vehicle - Machine - Rotating - Rail and road vehicle EN 60349-1:2000
Vehicle - Machine - Rotating - Rail and road vehicle EN 60349-1:2010
Vehicle - Radiation - Gamma - Monitor EN 62022:2007
Vehicle - Railway - Rotating - Road - Converter-fed EN 60349-2:2010
Vehicle coupler - Plug - Socket-outlet - Vehicle inlet - Conductive charging EN 62196-1:2003
Vehicle inlet - Plug - Socket-outlet - Vehicle coupler - Conductive charging EN 62196-1:2003
Veiling glare - Medical - X-ray - Image intensifier - Contrast ratio EN 61262-6:1994
Velocity - Cable - Communication - Test method - Propagation EN 50289-1-7:2001
Vending machine - Household appliance - Commercial - dispensing appliance - Safety EN 60335-2-75:2004
Vented - Cell - Nickel-cadmium - Electrolyte EN 60993:2002
Vented type - Battery - Stationary - Lead-acid battery - Test method EN 60896-11:2003
Ventilation - Release source - Transportable EN 50381:2004
Ventilator - Medical equipment - Lung - Critical care EN 60601-2-12:2006
Verification - Building - Electrical installation - Initial verification HD 384.6.61 S2:2003
Verification - Building - Electrical installation - Testing - Reporting HD 60364-6:2007
Verify system - Medical equipment - Radiotherapy - Record system - Safety EN 62274:2005
Version 3 0 0 - Design interchange format - Electronic EN 61690-1:2000
Version 4 0 0 - Design interchange format - Electronic EN 61690-2:2000
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Bunched - Apparatus EN 50266-1:2001
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Bunched - Category A EN 50266-2-2:2001
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Bunched - Category A F/R EN 50266-2-1:2001
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Bunched - Category B EN 50266-2-3:2001
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Bunched - Category C EN 50266-2-4:2001
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Bunched - Category D EN 50266-2-5:2001
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Flame - Apparatus EN 60332-3-10:2009
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Flame - Category A EN 60332-3-22:2009
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Flame - Category A F/R EN 60332-3-21:2009
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Flame - Category B EN 60332-3-23:2009
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Flame - Category C EN 60332-3-24:2009
Vertical - Cable - Fire conditions - Flame - Category D EN 60332-3-25:2009
Vertical - Fibre - Optic - Laser - Package EN 62148-15:2010
Vertical arrangement - Heat exchanger - Transformer - Oil-to-water EN 50216-9:2009
Vertical blanking interval - Video system - Analogue interface EN 62375:2004
Vertical Burning - Printed board - Prepreg material - Not-halogenated - Epoxide woven E-glass EN 61249-4-12:2005
Vertical cavity - Fibre optic - Active component - Surface emitting - Laser device EN 62149-2:2009
Vertical flame (50 W) - Fire hazard - Test flame - Horizontal flame (50 W) EN 60695-11-10:1999
Vertical flame spread test - Cable - Communication cable - Environmental test EN 50289-4-12:2004
Vertical move - Household appliances - Garage door - Residential use - Safety EN 60335-2-95:2004
Very low temperature - Mineral insulating oil - Kinematic viscosity EN 61868:1999
Vestigial-sideband demodulator - Radiocommunications - Transmitter EN 60244-8:1994
VHDL - Language - Behavioural language - Mathematical operation EN 61691-3-2:2001
VHDL - Language - Behavioural language - Multilogic system - Interoperability EN 61691-2:2001
VHDL - Language - Behavioural language - Synthesis EN 61691-3-3:2001
VHF - Navigation - Radiocommunications - Transponder - Digital selective calling (DSC) EN 61993-1:1999
VHF/FM - Radio - Data system - Sound - Broadcasting EN 62106:2009
VHF/FM sound broadcasting - Radio data system (RDS) EN 62106:2001
VHS - Video - Helical-scan video system EN 61077:1991
VHS - Video - Helical-scan video system - Magnetic tape - FM audio recording EN 60774-2:2000
VHS - Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - Magnetic tape EN 60774-1:1994
Vibration - Cable - Communication cable - Test method - Aeolian EN 50289-3-13:2003
Vibration - Electronic equipment - Connector - Dynamic stress - Sinusoidal EN 60512-6-4:2002
Vibration - Environmental testing - Acoustically induced EN 60068-2-65:1994
Vibration - Environmental testing - Broad-band random test - Digital control EN 60068-2-64:2008
Vibration - Environmental testing - Impact - Dynamic test EN 60068-2-47:2005
Vibration - Environmental testing - Sinusoidal EN 60068-2-6:2008
Vibration - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting device - Sinusoidal EN 61300-2-1:2009
Vibration - Machine - Rotating - Measurement EN 60034-14:2004
Vibration - Railway - Rolling stock - Shock - Test EN 61373:2010
Vibration - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Seismic test EN 60255-21-3:1995
Vibration - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Shock and bump test EN 60255-21-2:1995
Vibration - Semiconductor - Mechanical - Climatic - Test method EN 60749-12:2002
Vibration - Turbine - Pulsation - Field measurement - Test EN 60994:1992
Vibration and shock - Environmental conditions - Classification - Earthquake HD 478.2.6 S1:1993
Vibration damper - Overhead line - Stockbridge type - Aeolian EN 61897:1998
Vibration test - Environmental testing - Documentation EN 60068-3-8:2003
Vibration test - Environmental testing - Sine beat method EN 60068-2-59:1993
Vibration test - Environmental testing - Time-history method - Test EN 60068-2-57:2000
Vibration test - Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Shock test EN 61373:1999
Vibration test - Relay - Measuring relay - Protection equipment - Seismic test EN 60255-21-1:1995
Vibration/shock - Environment - Climatic - Temperature/humidity - Dynamic EN 60068-2-53:2010
Vibrator - Electroacoustics - Simulator - Coupler - Bone vibrator EN 60318-6:2008
Vibrator - Hand-held - Motor-operated - Safety - Concrete EN 60745-2-12:2009
Video - Alarm system - Audio - Door entry apparatus EN 50486:2008
Video - Audio - Analogue recording - Polarity of magnetization EN 61213:1994
Video - Audio - Audiovisual - Analogue signal - Matching value EN 61938:1997
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Video - Audio - Connector and cordset - Digital bus EN 60933-4:1994
Video - Audio - Digital interface EN 61883-1:2003
Video - Audio - Digital interface - Data transmission EN 61883-6:2005
Video - Audio - Digital interface - HD-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-3:2005
Video - Audio - Digital interface - MPEG2-TS - Data transmission EN 61883-4:2005
Video - Audio - Digital interface - SD-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-2:2005
Video - Audio - Digital interface - SDL-DVCR - Data transmission EN 61883-5:2005
Video - Audio - Digital interface - Transmission EN 61883-7:2003
Video - Audio - Electronic apparatus - Safety EN 60065:2002
Video - Audio - Iinformation technology - Routine - Safety testing EN 50514:2008
Video - Audio - Multimedia - Channel assignment - Multichannel EN 62574:2011
Video - Audio - Television - Audio cassette system HD 369.10 S4:1991
Video - Audio - Television - Connector for video system - Y/C EN 60933-5:1993
Video - Audio - Television - Domestic digital bus EN 61030:1993
Video - Audio - Television - ENG camera and portable VTR - Interconnection EN 60933-3:1992
Video - Audio - Television - Slide projector - Built-in-triac HD 369.18 S1:1989
Video - Audio - Television - Tape leader and trailer - Training EN 60574-21:1993
Video - Audio - Television - Volume indicator HD 483.17 S1:1992
Video - Audio - Transmission - Infra-red radiation - Conference EN 61603-3:1998
Video - Audio - Transmission - Infra-red radiation - Conference EN 61603-7:2003
Video - Audio - Transmission - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-1:1997
Video - Audio - Transmission - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-2:1997
Video - Audio - Transmission - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-6:2002
Video - Audio - Transmission - Signal - Infra-red radiation EN 61603-8-1:2004
Video - Compact disc system EN 61104:1992
Video - Consumption - Power consumption - Audio - Measurement EN 62087:2003
Video - Decoder applications - Digital video broadcasting EN 50221:1997
Video - Disc - Compact disc - Interchange system EN 62107:2001
Video - Helical-scan - Video tape - Magnetic tape EN 60843-1:1994
Video - Helical-scan - Video tape - Magnetic tape - Video subcode (VSC) EN 60843-4:2000
Video - Helical-scan video system - Beta format HD 461 S1:1987
Video - Helical-scan video system - Magnetic tape - Format D-3 EN 61327:1995
Video - Helical-scan video system - Tape - Type L EN 60961:1994
Video - Helical-scan video system - Tape - Type U EN 60712:1994
Video - Helical-scan video system - Type B HD 574 S1:1990
Video - Helical-scan video system - Type C HD 573 S1:1990
Video - Helical-scan video system - Type D2 EN 61179:1993
Video - Helical-scan video system - Type M2 EN 61118:1993
Video - Helical-scan video system - VHS EN 61077:1991
Video - Helical-scan video system - VHS - Magnetic tape - FM audio recording EN 60774-2:2000
Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - High-band specifications for Hi 8 EN 60843-3:1993
Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - Magnetic tape - D-VHS EN 60774-5:2004
Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - Magnetic tape - S-VHS EN 60774-4:2003
Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - Magnetic tape - VHS EN 60774-1:1994
Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - PCM multi-track audio system EN 60843-2:1995
Video - Helical-scan video system - Video tape - S-VHS EN 60774-3:1993
Video - Interface - Digital - DTV profile - Uncompressed EN 62315-1:2003
Video - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - YCC colour space EN 61966-2-4:2006
Video - Multimedia - Quality - Synchronization - Audio EN 62503:2008
Video - Power consumption - Audio EN 62087:2009
Video - Recorder - Video tape recorder - Time code - Control code EN 60461:2001
Video - Recording - Digital - Helical-scan - Compression EN 62289:2003
Video - Recording system - Floppy disc - Still video EN 61122:1993
Video - Spool - Broadcast video tape recorder (VTRS) EN 60503:1998
Video - Tape recorder - High-band video tape recorder - Y/C video connector EN 61041-5:1997
Video - Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Non-broadcast - Single-sensor camera EN 61146-1:1996
Video - Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Non-broadcast camera-recorder EN 61146-3:1997
Video - Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Sensor professional camera EN 61146-2:1997
Video - Video tape - Properties - Measurement EN 60735:1991
Video - Video tape recorder - Broadcast - Analogue audio performance measurement EN 61237-4:1997
Video - Video tape recorder - Measurement EN 61237-3:1995
Video - Video tape recorder - Mechanical measurement EN 61237-1:1994
Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast - Calibration tape EN 61041-4:1997
Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast - FM audio recording EN 61041-3:1995
Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast - General video - NTSC/PAL EN 61041-1:1995
Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast - SECAM EN 61041-2:1996
Video - Video tape recorder - Non-broadcast - Time base stability EN 60756:1993
Video - Video tape recorder - Reference tape EN 61105:1993
Video - Video tape recorder - Signal-noise ratio HD 527 S1:1989
Video - Video tape recorder - Video signal EN 61237-2:1995
Video - Videodisk - Laser vision - PAL EN 60856:1993
Video - Videodisk - Parameter - Measurement method EN 61106:1993
Video camera - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Camera recorder EN 61146-4:1998
Video camera - Video - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Non-broadcast - Single-sensor camera EN 61146-1:1996
Video camera - Video - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Non-broadcast camera-recorder EN 61146-3:1997
Video camera - Video - PAL/SECAM/NTSC - Sensor professional camera EN 61146-2:1997
Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Tape - Compression format EN 62071-2:2006
Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Tape - Data stream format EN 62071-3:2006
Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Tape - VTR specifications EN 62071-1:2006
Video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Digital - HDV format EN 61834-11:2008
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Compression format EN 62330-2:2004
Video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Data stream format EN 62330-3:2004
Video cassette - Recording - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - VTR specifications EN 62330-1:2004
Video cassette - Recording - Magnetic tape - Helical-scan - Digital component EN 61016:2001
Video cassette - Recording format - Helical-scan - DCT compression - Data mapping over SDTI EN 62356-3:2004
Video cassette - Recording format - Helical-scan - DCT compression - Picture EN 62356-2:2004
Video cassette - Recording format - Helical-scan - DCT compression - Tape recording EN 62356-1:2004
Video cassette recording - Helical-scan - Digital component - Magnetic tape EN 61835:1998
Video recording - Digital - Compression EN 62156:2001
Video recording - Helical-scan - Digital - Magnetic tape - MPEG-4 compression EN 62141:2006
Video signal - Video - Video tape recorder EN 61237-2:1995
Video subcode (VSC) - Video - Helical-scan - Video tape - Magnetic tape EN 60843-4:2000
Video system - Vertical blanking interval - Analogue interface EN 62375:2004
Video tape - Video - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape EN 60843-1:1994
Video tape - Video - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Video subcode (VSC) EN 60843-4:2000
Video tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - High-band specifications for Hi 8 EN 60843-3:1993
Video tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Magnetic tape - D-VHS EN 60774-5:2004
Video tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Magnetic tape - S-VHS EN 60774-4:2003
Video tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - Magnetic tape - VHS EN 60774-1:1994
Video tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - PCM multi-track audio system EN 60843-2:1995
Video tape - Video - Helical-scan video system - S-VHS EN 60774-3:1993
Video tape - Video - Properties - Measurement EN 60735:1991
Video tape recorder - Recorder - Video - Time code - Control code EN 60461:2001
Video tape recorder - Video - Broadcast - Analogue audio performance measurement EN 61237-4:1997
Video tape recorder - Video - Measurement EN 61237-3:1995
Video tape recorder - Video - Mechanical measurement EN 61237-1:1994
Video tape recorder - Video - Non-broadcast - Calibration tape EN 61041-4:1997
Video tape recorder - Video - Non-broadcast - FM audio recording EN 61041-3:1995
Video tape recorder - Video - Non-broadcast - General video - NTSC/PAL EN 61041-1:1995
Video tape recorder - Video - Non-broadcast - SECAM EN 61041-2:1996
Video tape recorder - Video - Non-broadcast - Time base stability EN 60756:1993
Video tape recorder - Video - Reference tape EN 61105:1993
Video tape recorder - Video - Signal-noise ratio HD 527 S1:1989
Video tape recorder - Video - Video signal EN 61237-2:1995
Video transmission - Alarm system - CCTV surveillance system - Security applications EN 50132-5:2001
Video-recording - Helical-scan - Digital video cassette - Magnetic tape - Data compression EN 61904:2000
Videodisk - Video - Laser vision - PAL EN 60856:1993
Videodisk - Video - Parameter - Measurement method EN 61106:1993
Videodisk player - Measurement method EN 61599:1999
Vilamoura Procedure - Notification - National work CLC Guide 8:2007
Viscometry - Polymerisation - Insulation - Cellulosic EN 60450:2004
Visual - Liquid - Crystal - Display - Colour EN 61747-5-2:2011
Visual - Machinery - Signal - Acoustic - Tactile EN 61310-1:2008
Visual examination - Connector - Electronic equipment - Test EN 60512-1-1:2002
Visual examination - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component EN 61300-3-1:2005
Visual inspection - Fibre - Optic - Cylindrical - Connector endface EN 61300-3-35:2010
Vitrectomy - Medical - Lens - Surgery - Ophthalmic EN 80601-2-58:2009
Vitreous enamel - Resistor - Fixed power resistor - Wirewound CECC 40 201-801:1998
VMEbus - Microprocessor system - Bus system EN 60821:1994
Vocabulary - Conformity assessment EN ISO/IEC 17000:2004
Vocabulary - Multimedia - Home server EN 61925:2006
Vocabulary - Standardization EN 45020:2006
Voice communicator - Alarm system - Transmission - Equipment requirement EN 50136-2-4:1998
Voice communicator - Alarm system - Transmission - System requirement EN 50136-1-4:1998
Void - Printed board - Joints - BGA - LGA EN 61191-6:2010
Void test - Semiconductor - Metallization - Stress EN 62418:2010
Voltage - Bushing - Insulated - Alternating voltage EN 60137:2008
Voltage - Converter - VSC - Valve - HVDC EN 62501:2009
Voltage - Distribution - Public distribution CLC/TR 50422:2003
Voltage - Electromagnetic compatibility - Fluctuation - Flicker - Conditional connection EN 61000-3-11:2000
Voltage - Electromagnetic compatibility - Fluctuation - Flicker - Public low-voltage supply systems EN 61000-3-3:2008
Voltage - Inductive voltage divider EN 60618:1997
Voltage - Measurement - Air gap EN 60052:2002
Voltage - Public distribution system - Characteristics EN 50160:2007
Voltage - Public distribution system - Characteristics EN 50160:2010
Voltage band - Building - Electrical installation HD 193 S2:1982
Voltage comparator - Comparator - Integrated CECC 90 302:1985
Voltage detecting system (VDS) - Live working - Voltage detector - VDS EN 61243-5:2001
Voltage detector - Live working - Capacitive type EN 61243-1:2005
Voltage detector - Live working - LV - Two-pole EN 61243-3:1998
Voltage detector - Live working - Resistive type EN 61243-2:1997
Voltage detector - Live working - Voltage detecting system (VDS) - VDS EN 61243-5:2001
Voltage dip - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity - Interruption - Test EN 61000-4-11:2004
Voltage dip - Relay - Protection - Interruption - Ripple EN 60255-11:2010
Voltage dips - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test - Input current - Test EN 61000-4-34:2007
Voltage dips - Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing - Measurement - Immunity test EN 61000-4-29:2000
Voltage fluctuation - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity test EN 61000-4-14:1999
Voltage measuring device - Railway applications - DC - Switchgear - Transducer EN 50123-7-3:2003
Voltage presence - Switchgear and controlgear - High-voltage - Indicator EN 61958:2001
Voltage proof - Electronic equipment - Connector - Voltage stress EN 60512-4-1:2003
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Voltage reference diode - Diode - Voltage regulator diode CECC 50 005:1980
Voltage regulator - Regulator - Integrated CECC 90 201:1988
Voltage regulator diode - Diode - Voltage reference diode CECC 50 005:1980
Voltage requirement - Metering equipment - Power consumption EN 62053-61:1998
Voltage stress - Electronic equipment - Connector - Crimp barrel - Insulation EN 60512-4-3:2002
Voltage stress - Electronic equipment - Connector - Partial discharge EN 60512-4-2:2002
Voltage stress - Electronic equipment - Connector - Voltage proof EN 60512-4-1:2003
Voltage stress - Insulation coordination - LV - High-frequency EN 60664-4:2006
Voltage transformer - Railway application - AC - Switchgear - Traction system EN 50152-3-3:2001
Voltage transformer - Transformer - Electronic transformer EN 60044-7:2000
Voltage transformer - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Capacitor EN 60044-5:2004
Voltage transformer - Transformer - Instrument transformer - Three-phase - Inductive EN 50482:2008
Voltage transformer - Transformer - Power transformer - Power supply unit EN 61558-2-12:2001
Voltage withstand - Machine - Rotating - AC - Form wound stator coil EN 60034-15:1996
Voltmeter - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Ammeter EN 60051-2:1989
Volume and surface resistivity - Insulating materials - Test HD 429 S1:1983
Volume indicator - Audio - Video - Television HD 483.17 S1:1992
Volume ratio - Superconductivity - Matrix - Copper - Composite EN 61788-5:2001
Volume ratio measurement - Superconductor - Matrix - Nb3Sn composite - Wire EN 61788-12:2002
Voyage data recorder - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Shipborne EN 61996-1:2008
Voyage data recorder - Maritime - Navigation - Radiocommunication - Shipborne EN 61996-2:2008
VSAT system - Satellite earth station - Digital microwave - Measurement EN 60835-3-13:1996
VSC - Voltage - Converter - Valve - HVDC EN 62501:2009
VSWR - Connector - Electronic equipment - Reflection coefficient - Wave ratio EN 60512-25-7:2005
VTR specifications - Recording - Helical-scan - Video cassette - Magnetic tape EN 62330-1:2004
VTR specifications - Video cassette - Helical-scan - Magnetic tape - Tape EN 62071-1:2006
Vulcanized fibre - Insulating materials HD 416.1 S1:1981
Vulcanized fibre - Insulating materials - Specification HD 416.3.1 S1:1988
Vulcanized fibre - Insulating materials - Test HD 416.2 S1:1987


Wafer - Solar - Silicon - Crystalline EN 50513:2009
Wafer to wafer - Semiconductor - Micro-electromechanical - Bonding strength - MEMS EN 62047-9:2011
Wall - Powertrack system - Ceiling EN 61534-21:2006
Wall mounting - Cable - Trunking system - Ducting system - Ceiling mounting EN 50085-2-1:2006
Wander - Optic - Communication - Digital - Jitter EN 61280-2-3:2009
Warmer - Medical equipment - Infant - Radiant warmer - Safety EN 60601-2-21:1994
Warmers - Medical - Safety - Infant - Radiant EN 60601-2-21:2009
Warming plate - Household appliance - Safety EN 60335-2-12:2003
Warning - Label - laser - Wording CLC/TR 50493:2007
Warning - Protection - Cable - Buried conduit - Underground EN 50520:2009
Warning device - Alarm system - Intrusion system CLC/TS 50131-4:2006
Warning device - Alarm system - Intrusion system EN 50131-4:2009
Warpage - Semiconductor - Measurement - Package - Temperature EN 60191-6-19:2010
Washer-disinfector - Laboratory equipment - Sterilizer - Disinfector - Safety EN 61010-2-040:2005
Washer-dryer - Energy consumption - Clothes - Household use - Performance EN 50229:2007
Washing machine - Energy consumption - Household - Measurement EN 60456:2005
Washing machine - Household - Safety EN 60335-2-7:2010
Washing machine - Household appliances - Airborne acoustical noise - Spin extractor EN 60704-2-4:2001
Washing machine - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-7:2003
Waste disposer - Household appliance - Food - Safety EN 60335-2-16:2003
Watch battery - Battery - Primary EN 60086-3:2011
Watch battery - Battery - Primary battery EN 60086-3:2005
Water - Environmental testing - Test R - Guidance EN 60068-2-18:2001
Water - Radionuclide - Liquid effluent - Surface water - Monitoring EN 60861:2008
Water crossing - Cable - Optical fibre - Outdoor cable - Telecommunication EN 60794-3-30:2003
Water flow - Household - Automatic - Air flow - Sensing control EN 60730-2-15:2010
Water heater - Heater - Performance EN 50193:1997
Water heater - Household appliances - Storage - Safety EN 60335-2-21:2003
Water heater - Storage - Heater - Measurement - Household EN 60379:2004
Water immersion - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Durability test - Test EN 61300-2-45:1999
Water immersion - Optical fibre - Immersion - Measurement - Test EN 60793-1-53:2002
Water installation - Household appliances - Pump - Circulation pump - Safety EN 60335-2-51:2003
Water level operating control - Household use - Automatic control EN 60730-2-16:1997
Water main - Backsiphonage - Failure - Hose-sets EN 61770:2009
Water main - Backsiphonage - Hose set failure EN 61770:1999
Water penetration - Communication cable - Test method - Environmental EN 50289-4-2:2001
Water pipe - Optical fibre - Cable - Drinking water CLC/TS 50431:2005
Water resistant - Cable - Rubber insulated - Polychloroprene - Synthetic elastomer HD 22.16 S2:2007
Water solubility - Semiconductor - Climatic - Moisture diffusivity - Organic material EN 60749-39:2006
Water treatment - Household - Safety - UV - Radiation EN 60335-2-109:2010
Water tube boiler - Power station - Boiler EN 45510-3-1:1999
Water valve - Household use - Automatic control - Mechanical requirements EN 60730-2-8:2002
Water vapour permeation - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Test EN 61300-2-32:1997
Water-bed heater - Household appliances - Heater - Safety EN 60335-2-66:2003
Water-suction - Household appliances - Cleaning - Vacuum cleaner - Safety EN 60335-2-2:2003
Water-suction - Household appliances - Cleaning - Vacuum cleaner - Safety EN 60335-2-2:2010
Waterproof - Connector - Electronic equipment - Immersion EN 60512-14-4:2006
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Watthour meter - Measuring instrument - AC - Class 2 EN 60514:1995
Watthour meter - Measuring instrument - Energy - AC - Class 1 and 2 EN 61358:1996
Wattmeter - Measuring instrument - Analogue - Varmeter EN 60051-3:1989
Wave absorber - Electromagnetic - Millimetre wave frequency EN 62431:2008
Wave filter - Filter - Surface acoustic wave (SAW) EN 166100:1998
Wave filter - Filter - Surface acoustic wave (SAW) - Capability approval EN 166101:1999
Wave ratio - Connector - Electronic equipment - Reflection coefficient - VSWR EN 60512-25-7:2005
Waveguide - Attenuation - Waveguide assemblies - Measurement method EN 61580-4:1998
Waveguide - Dielectric resonator - Microwave frequency - Permittivity - Measurement EN 61338-1-3:2000
Waveguide - Filter - Dielectric resonator - Guide< EN 61337-2:2004
Waveguide - Flange EN 60154-1:1994
Waveguide - Flange - Circular waveguide HD 129.4 S1:1977
Waveguide - Flange - Flat rectangular waveguide HD 129.3 S2:1983
Waveguide - Flange - Medium flat rectangular waveguide HD 129.6 S1:1984
Waveguide - Flange - Rectangular waveguide EN 60154-2:1997
Waveguide - Flange - Square waveguide HD 129.7 S1:1977
Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide - Circular waveguide HD 123.4 S1:1977
Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide - Flat rectangular waveguide HD 123.3 S1:1977
Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide - Measuring method HD 123.1 S1:1977
Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide - Medium flat rectangular waveguide HD 123.6 S2:1980
Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide - Rectangular waveguide HD 123.2 S1:1977
Waveguide - Hollow metallic waveguide - Square waveguide HD 123.7 S1:1977
Waveguide - Intermodulation product - Measurement method EN 61580-2:1996
Waveguide - Performance - Measurement method EN 61580-7:1996
Waveguide - Plane of polarization - Measurement method EN 61580-1:1996
Waveguide - Pressurized waveguide tubing - Sealing test HD 138 S2:1990
Waveguide - Rectangular waveguide interface - Reflection coefficient EN 61580-9:1996
Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric EN 61338-1:2005
Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric - Assessed quality EN 61338-4:2005
Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric - Assessed quality EN 61338-4-1:2005
Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric - Permittivity - Millimeter-wave frequency EN 61338-1-4:2006
Waveguide - Resonator - Dielectric - User guide EN 61338-2:2004
Waveguide - Variation of group delay - Measurement method EN 61580-3:1997
Waveguide - Waveguide assemblies - Measurement method EN 61580-6:1997
Waveguide - Waveguide power holding capability - Measurement method EN 61580-8:1996
Waveguide assemblies - Waveguide - Attenuation - Measurement method EN 61580-4:1998
Waveguide assemblies - Waveguide - Measurement method EN 61580-6:1997
Waveguide power holding capability - Waveguide - Measurement method EN 61580-8:1996
Waveguide type - Filter - Resonator - Dielectric EN 61337-1:2004
Waveguide type - Resonator - Dielectric EN 170100:2001
Waveguide type - Resonator - Dielectric - Capability approval EN 170101:2001
Wavelength - Fibre - Optic - Communication - Spectral width EN 61280-1-3:2010
Wavelength - Fibre optic - Branching device - Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer - Fibre type A1a/b/c CECC 81 102-802:1994
Wavelength - Fibre optic - Branching device - Selective multiplexer/demultiplexer - Fibre type B1.2 CECC 81 102-801:1994
Wavelength - Optical - Calibration - Michelson - Interferometer EN 62129-2:2011
Wavelength - Optical - Fibre - Cut-off EN 60793-1-44:2002
Wavelength - Optical - Fibre - Cut-off EN 60793-1-44:2011
Wavelength dependence - Fibre optic - Interconnecting device - Passive component - Attenuation EN 61300-3-5:2001
Wavelength selective transmissive star - Fibre optic - Branching device EN 181102:1994
Wavelength switch - Fibre optic - Switch EN 62099:2001
Ways of application - Interrelation - Regulations - Standards - Harmonization CLC Guide 3:2001
WDM devices - Optic - Fibre optic - Interconnecting EN 62074-1:2009
Weatherprotected location - Environmental conditions - Stationary use EN 60721-3-3:1995
Website - Collaboration tool - Use - Privacy policy CLC Guide 30:2009
Weibull - Analysis EN 61649:2008
Weighing instrument - Measuring instrument EN 45501:1992
Welded composite enclosure - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Gas-filled EN 50069:1991
Welding - Arc - Electrode - Holder EN 60974-11:2010
Welding - Arc - Inspection - Testing - Periodic EN 60974-4:2011
Welding - Arc welding - Arc striking - Arc stabilizing EN 60974-3:2007
Welding - Arc welding - Coupling device - Cable EN 60974-12:2005
Welding - Arc welding - Coupling device - Cable EN 60974-12:2011
Welding - Arc welding - Electrode holder EN 60974-11:2004
Welding - Arc welding - EMC EN 60974-10:2007
Welding - Arc welding - Gas console EN 60974-8:2004
Welding - Arc welding - Gas console EN 60974-8:2009
Welding - Arc welding - In service-inspection EN 60974-4:2007
Welding - Arc welding - Installation - Use EN 60974-9:2010
Welding - Arc welding - Limited duty EN 60974-6:2011
Welding - Arc welding - Limited duty - Manual metal - Power source EN 60974-6:2003
Welding - Arc welding - Liquid cooling system EN 60974-2:2008
Welding - Arc welding - Power source EN 60974-1:2005
Welding - Arc welding - Return current: Clamp EN 60974-13:2011
Welding - Arc welding - Torche EN 60974-7:2005
Welding - Arc welding - Wire feeder EN 60974-5:2008
Welding - Resistance - Design - Manufacture - Installation EN 62135-1:2008
Welding - Resistance - Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EN 62135-2:2008
Welding - Resistance welding - Construction and installation of equipment - Safety EN 50063:1989
Welding equipment - EMF product EN 50445:2008
Wet cooling tower - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Wet/dry cooling tower EN 45510-6-6:1999
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Wet scrubbing - Household appliances - Floor treatment - Scrubbing machine - Safety EN 60335-2-10:2003
Wet/dry cooling tower - Power station - Turbine auxiliaries - Wet cooling tower EN 45510-6-6:1999
Wetting - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Iron method EN 60512-12-2:2006
Wetting - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Solder bath method EN 60512-12-1:2006
Wetting balance - Connector - Electronic equipment - Solderability - Test EN 60512-12-7:2001
Wetting balance - Environmental testing - Solderability - Electronic components EN 60068-2-54:2006
Wetting balance method - Environmental testing - Test Te - Solderability EN 60068-2-69:2007
Wheel assembly - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Thermometer pocket EN 50216-4:2002
Whirlpool bath - Household appliances - Safety EN 60335-2-60:2003
Whisker test - Environmental testing EN 60068-2-82:2007
Wholebody imaging system - Medical - Radionuclide imaging device - Gamma camera EN 61675-3:1998
Wind - Environmental conditions - Classification - Precipitation HD 478.2.2 S1:1990
Wind - Low voltage - Surge - Protection - Turbine CLC/TS 50539-22:2010
Wind - Turbine - Communication - Monitoring EN 61400-25-6:2011
Wind - Turbine - Conformity - Certification EN 61400-22:2011
Wind - Turbine - Design - Offshore EN 61400-3:2009
Wind - Turbine - Lightning - Protection EN 61400-24:2010
Wind - Turbine - Power plant - Mapping - Communication profile EN 61400-25-4:2008
Wind - Turbine - Power quality - Grid connected EN 61400-21:2008
Wind turbine - Power station - Turbine EN 45510-5-3:1998
Wind turbine - Turbine - Design requirement EN 61400-1:2005
Wind turbine - Turbine - Electromagnetic compatibility CLC/TR 50373:2004
Wind turbine - Turbine - Generator system - Acoustic noise - Measurement EN 61400-11:2003
Wind turbine - Turbine - Generator system - Design - Small EN 61400-2:2006
Wind turbine - Turbine - Generator system - Power quality - Grid connected EN 61400-21:2002
Wind turbine - Turbine - Power performance - Grid connected tubines EN 61400-12-1:2006
Wind turbine - Turbine - Power plant - Conformance testing EN 61400-25-5:2007
Wind turbine - Turbine - Power plant - Monitoring - Control EN 61400-25-1:2007
Wind turbine - Turbine - Power plant - Monitoring - Control EN 61400-25-2:2007
Wind turbine - Turbine - Power plant - Monitoring - Information exchange EN 61400-25-3:2007
Wind turbine - Turbine - Protective measures - Design EN 50308:2004
Winding - Rotating - Machine - Insulation - Endurance EN 60034-18-32:2010
Winding - Rotating machine - Insulation - Form-wound CLC/TR 60034-18-32:2004
Winding - Rotating machine - Insulation - Form-wound - Thermomechanical endurance CLC/TS 60034-18-34:2004
Winding - Transformer - Power transformer - Reactor fitting - Oil EN 50216-11:2008
Winding - Wire - Dimension EN 60851-2:2009
Winding - Wire - Enamelled - Round - Aluminium EN 60317-0-3:2008
Winding - Wire - Mechanical property EN 60851-3:2009
Winding - Wire - Polyester - Polyesterimide - Copper EN 60317-13:2010
Winding - Wire - Polyesterimide - Enamelled - Copper EN 60317-8:2010
Winding - Wire - Polyvinyl - Acetal - Copper EN 60317-12:2010
Winding wire - Packaging - Wire - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic EN 60264-4-1:2010
Winding wire - Wire - Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 220 EN 60317-53:1999
Winding wire - Wire - Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Round copper wire - Temperature index 220 EN 60317-52:1999
Winding wire - Wire - Aromatic polyimide - Rectangular copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-47:1997
Winding wire - Wire - Aromatic polyimide - Round copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-46:1997
Winding wire - Wire - Aromatic polyimide tape - Rectangular copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-44:1997
Winding wire - Wire - Aromatic polyimide tape - Round copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-43:1997
Winding wire - Wire - Enamelled - Round - Copper EN 60317-0-1:2008
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Braided resin - Copper EN 60317-0-5:2007
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-0-4:1998
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 155 EN 60317-32:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-31:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-39:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-33:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-40:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-49:2000
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-48:2000
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-50:2000
Winding wire - Wire - Glass-fibre - Wound resin - Round copper wire EN 60317-0-6:2001
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Container EN 60264-1:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Cylindrical - Delivery spool EN 60264-2-1:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-2-3:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-4-2:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Conical flange EN 60264-5-1:1997
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Container EN 60264-3-4:1999
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Spool container EN 60264-3-5:1999
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Taper barelled EN 60264-3-1:2000
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic EN 60264-3-2:1999
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-2-2:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-3-3:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-4-1:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-5-2:2001
Winding wire - Wire - Paper tape - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-27:1998
Winding wire - Wire - Polyamide-imide - Copper EN 60317-57:2010
Winding wire - Wire - Polyamide-imide - Copper EN 60317-58:2010
Winding wire - Wire - Polyamide-imide - Round copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-26:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Polyester - Bonding layer - Class 200 EN 60317-38:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Polyester - Polyamide-imide - Round copper wire EN 60317-13:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Polyester - Rectangular copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-29:1996
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Winding wire - Wire - Polyester - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-22:2004
Winding wire - Wire - Polyester-amide - Round copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-42:1997
Winding wire - Wire - Polyesterimide - Bonding layer - Class 180 EN 60317-36:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Polyesterimide - Bonding layer - Class 180 EN 60317-37:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Polyesterimide - Rectangular copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-28:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Polyesterimide - Round aluminium wire - Class 180 EN 60317-15:2004
Winding wire - Wire - Polyesterimide - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-8:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Polyesterimide - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-23:1995
Winding wire - Wire - Polyurethane - Bonding layer - Class 155 EN 60317-35:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 130 EN 60317-4:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 130 EN 60317-19:1995
Winding wire - Wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 155 EN 60317-20:1995
Winding wire - Wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 155 EN 60317-21:1995
Winding wire - Wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-51:2001
Winding wire - Wire - Polyurethane - Solderable - Polyamide EN 60317-55:2008
Winding wire - Wire - Polyvinyl - Round copper wire - Class 120 EN 60317-12:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Polyvinyl acetal - Rectangular copper wire - Class 120 EN 60317-18:2004
Winding wire - Wire - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-0-2:1998
Winding wire - Wire - Round copper wire - Class 130 - Bonding layer EN 60317-2:1994
Winding wire - Wire - Test method EN 60851-1:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Test method - Chemical properties EN 60851-4:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Test method - Dimensions EN 60851-2:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Test method - Electrical properties EN 60851-5:2008
Winding wire - Wire - Test method - Mechanical properties EN 60851-3:1996
Winding wire - Wire - Test method - Thermal properties EN 60851-6:1996
Window - Household - Safety - Gate, Door EN 60335-2-103:2003
Windows Media Audio Professional - Digital audio - Non-linear - PCM encoded - Bitstream EN 61937-8:2007
Wiper - Insulating oil - Methodology - Testing EN 50375:2002
Wire - Aluminium-clad steel wire EN 61232:1995
Wire - Conductor - Overhead line - Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy EN 50183:2000
Wire - Conductor - Overhead line - Zinc coated steel wire EN 50189:2000
Wire - Enamelled wire - Temperature index EN 60172:1994
Wire - Hard-drawn aluminium wire - Overhead line conductor EN 60889:1997
Wire - Overhead line - Conductor - Thermal resistant - Aluminium alloy EN 62004:2009
Wire - Packaging - Winding wire - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic EN 60264-4-1:2010
Wire - Polyester - Polyesterimide - Aluminium - Class 200 EN 60317-25:1996
Wire - Polyester - Polyesterimide - Aluminium - Class 200 EN 60317-25:2010
Wire - Polyvinyl - Acetal - Copper - Class 105 EN 60317-17:1994
Wire - Polyvinyl - Acetal - Copper - Class 105 EN 60317-17:2010
Wire - Superconductivity - Loss measurement - Transverse - Helium EN 61788-8:2010
Wire - Superconductor - Matrix - Volume ratio measurement - Nb3Sn composite EN 61788-12:2002
Wire - Winding - Dimension EN 60851-2:2009
Wire - Winding - Enamelled - Round - Aluminium EN 60317-0-3:2008
Wire - Winding - Mechanical property EN 60851-3:2009
Wire - Winding - Polyester - Polyesterimide - Copper EN 60317-13:2010
Wire - Winding - Polyesterimide - Enamelled - Copper EN 60317-8:2010
Wire - Winding - Polyvinyl - Acetal - Copper EN 60317-12:2010
Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 220 EN 60317-53:1999
Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyamid (aramid) - Round copper wire - Temperature index 220 EN 60317-52:1999
Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide - Rectangular copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-47:1997
Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide - Round copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-46:1997
Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide tape - Rectangular copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-44:1997
Wire - Winding wire - Aromatic polyimide tape - Round copper wire - Class 240 EN 60317-43:1997
Wire - Winding wire - Enamelled - Round - Copper EN 60317-0-1:2008
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Braided resin - Copper EN 60317-0-5:2007
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-0-4:1998
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 155 EN 60317-32:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-31:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-39:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-33:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Rectangular copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-40:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire - Temperature index 180 EN 60317-49:2000
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-48:2000
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire - Temperature index 200 EN 60317-50:2000
Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Wound resin - Round copper wire EN 60317-0-6:2001
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Container EN 60264-1:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Cylindrical - Delivery spool EN 60264-2-1:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-2-3:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool EN 60264-4-2:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Conical flange EN 60264-5-1:1997
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Container EN 60264-3-4:1999
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Spool container EN 60264-3-5:1999
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Taper barelled EN 60264-3-1:2000
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic EN 60264-3-2:1999
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-2-2:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-3-3:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-4-1:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Packaging - Delivery spool - Thermoplastic material EN 60264-5-2:2001
Wire - Winding wire - Paper tape - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-27:1998
Wire - Winding wire - Polyamide-imide - Copper EN 60317-57:2010
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Wire - Winding wire - Polyamide-imide - Copper EN 60317-58:2010
Wire - Winding wire - Polyamide-imide - Round copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-26:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Bonding layer - Class 200 EN 60317-38:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Polyamide-imide - Round copper wire EN 60317-13:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Rectangular copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-29:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Polyester - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-22:2004
Wire - Winding wire - Polyester-amide - Round copper wire - Class 200 EN 60317-42:1997
Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Bonding layer - Class 180 EN 60317-36:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Bonding layer - Class 180 EN 60317-37:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Rectangular copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-28:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Round aluminium wire - Class 180 EN 60317-15:2004
Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-8:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Polyesterimide - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-23:1995
Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Bonding layer - Class 155 EN 60317-35:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 130 EN 60317-4:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 130 EN 60317-19:1995
Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 155 EN 60317-20:1995
Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 155 EN 60317-21:1995
Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Round copper wire - Class 180 EN 60317-51:2001
Wire - Winding wire - Polyurethane - Solderable - Polyamide EN 60317-55:2008
Wire - Winding wire - Polyvinyl - Round copper wire - Class 120 EN 60317-12:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Polyvinyl acetal - Rectangular copper wire - Class 120 EN 60317-18:2004
Wire - Winding wire - Rectangular copper wire EN 60317-0-2:1998
Wire - Winding wire - Round copper wire - Class 130 - Bonding layer EN 60317-2:1994
Wire - Winding wire - Test method EN 60851-1:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Test method - Chemical properties EN 60851-4:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Test method - Dimensions EN 60851-2:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Test method - Electrical properties EN 60851-5:2008
Wire - Winding wire - Test method - Mechanical properties EN 60851-3:1996
Wire - Winding wire - Test method - Thermal properties EN 60851-6:1996
Wire feeder - Welding - Arc welding EN 60974-5:2008
Wire substrate - Enamelled - Impregnating agent - Bond strength EN 61033:2006
Wire termination - Resistor - Capacitor - Electronic HD 349 S1:1977
Wire terminations - Varistor - Telephony applications - LV - Disc type CECC 42 101-803:1982
Wire-wound - Insulation - Thermal EN 61857-21:2009
Wire-wound - Insulation - Thermal evaluation - Encapsulated - Coil model EN 61857-22:2008
Wire-wound applications - Insulating system - Thermal evaluation EN 61857-21:2004
Wire-wound surface mount - Resistor - Fixed - Low power - SMD EN 140402-801:2005
Wire-wrapping - Connection - High-reliability - Space product assurance EN 50389:2005
Wireless - Absorption rate - Communication - Hand-held - Mobile EN 62209-1:2006
Wireless - Electromagnetic field - Strength - Human exposure - Telecommunication EN 50383:2010
Wireless - Human exposure - Absorption rate - Radio frenquecy - Hand-held EN 62209-2:2010
Wireless - Industrial - Communication - Network - Profile EN 62591:2010
Wireless - Station - Telecommunications - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure EN 50400:2006
Wireless communication - Electromagnetic - Field strength - Human exposure EN 50383:2002
Wireless telecommunication - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - General public EN 50385:2002
Wireless telecommunication - Electromagnetic fields - Human exposure - Occupational EN 50384:2002
Wirewound - Resistor - Fixed power resistor - Vitreous enamel CECC 40 201-801:1998
Wirewound inductor - Inductor - Ceramic core - Ferrite core EN 129201:1994
Wirewound inductor - Inductor - Ceramic core - Ferrite core EN 129202:1994
Wirewound resistor - Resistor - Fixed low power EN 140402:1998
Wirewound surface mounting - Inductor - Assessment level P EN 129102:1994
Wirewound surface mounting inductor - Inductor EN 129100:1993
Wirewound surface mounting inductor - Inductor EN 129101:1993
Wirewound winding - Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Test EN 60034-18-21:1994
Wirewound winding - Machine - Rotating - Insulation - Test EN 60034-18-22:2001
Wiring - Low-voltage - Selection - Erection HD 60364-5-52:2011
Wiring system - Building - Electrical installation - Selection HD 384.5.52 S1:1995
Wiring system - Temperature rise - Connecting interfaces - Installation guide CLC/TR 50479:2007
Withdrawal - A-deviation - Special national condition - SNC CLC Guide 9:2001
Withdrawal - Conflicting - National standard CLC Guide 12:2001
Withdrawal force - Connector - Electronic equipment - Insertion force - Test EN 60512-13-2:2006
Withdrawal force - Fibre optic - Interconnection - Ferrule EN 61300-3-33:1999
Withstand level - Rotating - Impulse - Stator coil - Coil EN 60034-15:2009
Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Densified EN 61061-1:2006
Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Densified - Beech veneer EN 61061-3-1:1998
Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Densified - Beech veneer EN 61061-3-2:2001
Wood - Laminated wood - Non-impregnated - Densified - Test method EN 61061-2:2001
Wording - Label - Warning - laser CLC/TR 50493:2007
Work area cord - Cabling system - Communication cabling - Patch cord EN 61935-2:2005
Work area cord - Communication - Cabling - Cord - Patch cord EN 61935-2-20:2009
Workbench - Immunity - Electromagnetic - Faraday Cage EN 62132-5:2006
Worker - Electromagnetic field - Exposure EN 50499:2008
Worker - Exposure - Electromagnetic field - Broadcast site - Risk EN 50496:2008
Workers' exposure - Exposure - Magnetic field - Industrial - Induction heating EN 50519:2010
Working standard microphone - Microphone - Measurement EN 61094-4:1995
Working standard microphone - Microphone - Measurement - Pressure - Calibration EN 61094-5:2001
Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered EN 61192-1:2003
Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered - Mount assemblies - Through-hole EN 61192-3:2003
Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered - Rework - Repair EN 61192-5:2007
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered - Surface-mount assemblies EN 61192-2:2003
Workmanship - Electronic assemblies - Soldered - Terminal assemblies EN 61192-4:2003
Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Toxic gases and vapours - Guide EN 45544-4:1999
Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Toxic gases and vapours - Performance requirement EN 45544-2:1999
Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Toxic gases and vapours - Performance requirement EN 45544-3:1999
Workplace atmosphere - Concentration measurement - Toxic gases and vapours - Test method EN 45544-1:1999
Wound resin - Wire - Winding wire - Glass-fibre - Round copper wire EN 60317-0-6:2001
Woven E-glass - Interconnection - Epoxide - Flammability - Lead-free EN 61249-2-36:2009
Wrapped - Connection - Solderless - Test - Guidance EN 60352-1:1997
Writing standard - Micro - Small - Medium-sized - SME CEN/CLC Guide 17:2010
Wrought aluminium alloy enclosure - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Gas-filled EN 50064:1989
Wrougth steel enclosure - Switchgear and controlgear - HV - Gas-filled EN 50068:1991
WWDM - Fibre - Optic - Interconnecting - Bidirectional EN 61753-086-2:2009
WWDM - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Bidirectional EN 61753-086-6:2011
WWDM - Fibre - Optic - Interconnection - Bidirectional EN 61753-087-2:2011


X ray - Medical - Interventional EN 60601-2-43:2010
X-radiation - Medical - Protective device - Clothing - Gonad EN 61331-3:1999
X-radiation - Medical - Protective device - Diagnostic - Attenuation properties EN 61331-1:2002
X-radiation - Medical - Protective device - Diagnostic - Glass plate EN 61331-2:2002
X-ray - Imaging equipment - Diagnostic - Mammography - Anti-scatter grid EN 60627:2001
X-ray - Medical - Digital - Imaging - Qantum efficiency EN 62220-1-3:2008
X-ray - Medical - Electronic component EN 100012:1995
X-ray - Medical - Exposure index - Digital - Imaging EN 62494-1:2008
X-ray - Medical - Image intensifier - Contrast ratio - Veiling glare EN 61262-6:1994
X-ray - Medical - Image intensifier - Conversion factor EN 61262-2:1994
X-ray - Medical - Image intensifier - Defective quantum efficiency EN 61262-5:1994
X-ray - Medical - Image intensifier - Entrance field size EN 61262-1:1994
X-ray - Medical - Image intensifier - Image distortion EN 61262-4:1994
X-ray - Medical - Image intensifier - Luminance distribution EN 61262-3:1994
X-ray - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Mammography EN 61223-3-2:2008
X-ray - Medical - Loading - Tube - Diagnosis EN 60613:2010
X-ray - Medical - Safety - Mammography - Stereotactic EN 60601-2-45:2011
X-ray - Medical - Safety - Performance - Tomography EN 60601-2-44:2009
X-ray - Medical - Tube - Diagnosis - Safety EN 60601-2-28:2010
X-ray - Medical equiment - Diagnostic - Generator - Safety EN 60601-2-7:1998
X-ray - Medical equipment - Computed tomography - Safety EN 60601-2-44:2001
X-ray - Medical equipment - Imaging device - Digital - Mammography EN 62220-1-2:2007
X-ray - Medical equipment - Imaging device - Digital - Quantum efficiency EN 62220-1:2004
X-ray - Medical equipment - Interventional procedure - Safety EN 60601-2-43:2000
X-ray - Medical equipment - Mammography - Stereotactic device - Safety EN 60601-2-45:2001
X-ray - Medical equipment - Radiation protection - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-1-3:2008
X-ray diagnosis - Medical - Radiographic cassette - Mammographic cassette EN 60406:1997
X-ray diagnostic - Medical - Dosimeter - Ionization chamber - Imaging EN 61674:1997
X-ray equipment - Medical - Image intensifier - Modulation transfert function EN 61262-7:1995
X-ray equipment - Medical - Imaging - Acceptance test - Digital subtraction angiography EN 61223-3-3:1996
X-ray equipment - Medical - Imaging - Constancy test - Tomography EN 61223-2-6:2007
X-ray equipment - Medical - Plug and socket connection EN 60526:2004
X-ray equipment - Medical - Radiation conditions - Characteristics determination EN 61267:2006
X-ray equipment - Medical - Rotating anode - Characteristics EN 60613:1990
X-ray equipment - Medical - Rotating anode - Radiation EN 60806:2004
X-ray equipment - Medical equipment - Radiation protection - Diagnostic - Safety EN 60601-1-3:1994
X-ray equipment - Medical equipment - Safety EN 60601-2-32:1994
X-ray source assemblies - Medical equipment - X-ray tube assemblies - Safety EN 60601-2-28:1993
X-ray tube assemblies - Filtration - Permanent EN 60522:1999
X-ray tube assemblies - Medical - Diagnosis - Focal spot EN 60336:2005
X-ray tube assemblies - Medical equipment - X-ray source assemblies - Safety EN 60601-2-28:1993
X-ray tube voltage - Medical equipment - Dosimetric - Radiology - Diagnostic EN 61676:2002
X-t recorder - Measuring instrument - Definitions EN 61143-1:1994
X-t recorder - Measuring instrument - Test EN 61143-2:1994
X-Y recorder - Measuring instrument EN 61028:1993
xDSL - Signal - Telecommunication network - Digital Subscriber Line - DSL CLC/TS 62367:2005
XLR type - Connector - Multipole EN 61076-2-103:2004
XML schema - Die product - Semiconductor - Data exchange CLC/TR 62258-7:2007


Y/C - Audio - Video - Television - Connector for video system EN 60933-5:1993
Y/C video connector - Video - Tape recorder - High-band video tape recorder EN 61041-5:1997
YCC colour space - Multimedia - Colour measurement - Colour management - Video EN 61966-2-4:2006
YEE 2 lamination - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment EN 61021-2:1997
YUI-2 lamination - Transformer - Inductor - Telecommunication equipment - Dimensions EN 60852-4:1996


Zero orientation - Printed board - Design - Electronic - CAD library EN 61188-7:2009
CENELEC Catalogue 2011/2

Alphabetical Index

Ziconia ferrule - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - 8 degrees angled-PC EN 61755-3-2:2009
Ziconia PC ferrule - Fibre optic - Connector - Optical interface - Single mode EN 61755-3-1:2009
Zinc coated steel wire - Conductor - Overhead line - Wire EN 50189:2000
Zirconia ferrule - Connector - Optical fibre - Communication EN 50377-2-2:2009
Zirconia ferrule - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-HR simplex EN 50377-8-6:2007
Zirconia ferrule - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-HR simplex EN 50377-8-8:2007
Zirconia ferrule - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-PC simplex EN 50377-8-7:2007
Zirconia ferrule - Connector - Optical fibre - Communications - LSH-PC simplex EN 50377-8-9:2007

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