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In what way does my Media product, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

We used titles to introduce the people that participated in the production of the thriller and the actors. This conforms to the conventions of an opening sequence of a thriller where you would expect to see titles in the opening sequence.

We show the main actors in this opening sequence this conforms to the conventions of an opening sequence as it introduces the characters you will be seeing throughout the film. We also introduce the conflict between them thus introducing the plot. This also conforms to the conventions of a thriller. Making the pace faster also conform to the conventions as they create action and suspense. We sought to create a cliffhanger in the opening sequence which subverts your expectations. Generically you would usual expect to see a resolution in an opening sequence. However our film would have a nonlinear narrative trajectory and actually this is the ending as well as the beginning. Therefore this subverts or challenges pre-conceived notions of a Hollywood thriller.

We introduced guns in our opening sequence. This conforms to the generic conventions of a thriller opening sequence as it is expected that when you go and see a thriller you would expect to have some action in the opening sequence. However you would generally expect the action to be resolved by the end of the opening sequence. This audience expectation is subverted in our opening sequence as there is no resolution at the end.

We ended our thriller with this shot so that leaves it open and creates even more suspense as we do not know what will happen next. Again this challenges expectations as there is an enigma to be resolved. We didnt start with equilibrium, in a classical narrative way, but rather started with a disruption and therefore challenges expectations.

We put the name of the film in the opening sequence; this conforms to the conventions of an opening sequence. We faded to black at the end of the sequence to signify a time lapse between out title sequence and the establishment of the start of the film. The film would then go back in time to establish the reasons behind the characters actions. This conforms to the expectations of political thrillers such a Michael Clayton but challenges audiences expectations in thrillers such as Salt and Hanna.

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