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College Comp II Mr.

Reynolds The Element Essay Directions: Choose one way to ignite your passion from the Zen Habits article Simple Daily Habits to Ignite Your Passion that you find most interesting. Then using Robinsons The Element, write a two-three page analysis of how to ignite your passion. Use quotes from each source and cite them correctly using MLA format. Example: I find one of the best ways to ignite my passion for teaching is to either have lunch with or engage in a serious discussion with several of my colleagues. By doing this I am surrounding myself with passionate people. I will use Robinsons chapter on finding your tribe to analyze how it helps ignite my passion. Requirements: 1. The first time you cite from either source, use According to (author) in (title of article) and then give the direct quote followed by the correct end citation. 2. Use at least two quotes from the blog and three quotes from the book. 3. Use your quotes well, just dont quote them to get them out of the way. Let the quotes actually support your ideas.

Citations Babauta, Leo. Simple Daily Habits to Ignite Your Passion. Zen Habits. n.p. 7 Jul. 2011. Web. 17 Mar 2012 Robinson, Ken. The Element. New York: Viking, 2009. * this will be our last MLA paper this year. We will be writing in APA from now on.

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