Testimony 2

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Kaleb Sherman Eng 101-130 Mr.

Neuberger 26 March 2012 Survivor Testimony The second testimony from the holocaust that I watched was by Joseph Morton, and was recorded in August of 97. He was born July 11, 1924 in Lodz Poland. Times were rough in Lodz as the Nazis were trying to come to power. The Germans were constantly coming in to harass the Jews. He says that the war started in September of 1939 and Not two days later they were in the town.(Lodz) The Germans actually brought 250,000 Jews into Lodz and made that town into a ghetto. They surrounded the town with concrete walls and barbed wire on the tops. They were poorly fed, and not allowed any schooling. His family was taken to Auschwitz where they were to be gassed, killed and burned. They were there for two weeks before him, his brother, and father were sent to another camp, Dachau to work. They were tortured every day by being forced to roll around in the snow barefoot even before they went to work carrying cement bags all day. Two months later they were transferred to another camp, amazingly keeping what was left of his family together. Later he got typhoid and was sent back to Dachau which was made into a sick camp. A few weeks after that the American Army Liberated the camp, he was still very ill and was taken to an American hospital in Germany. While there he met his neighbor who had been moving around camps looking for friends and family where he found out his brother and father were still alive and well. The Germans would come and try to beat you up from time to time.

Not two days later they were in the town.(Lodz)

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