Chapter & Verse Vol 2.4

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Volume II

March 27, 2012

Issue 4

Chapter & verse

News, Announcements and Updates for Friendship House Teachers

Upcoming Events & Schedule

There are several events and scheduling announcements for students, teachers and volunteers coming into view as April begins. Please include mention of these events in your classes: Holy Week Sunday April 1 Sunday April 8 (He is Risen!) Our Savior Lutheran Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 7 at 9:30 am 10:30 am at Our Savior Lutheran Church. Martin Luther Chapel is providing their mini-bus and a driver to transport students and their families from Friendship House (FH) at 9:00 am. Sign-up sheet is on the dining room table at FH. This is a great event for families with young children. Red Cedar School at Ask the Experts Monday April 9 at 10:30 am at Friendship House. As most of you know, Red Cedar is the elementary school located at the end of the Friendship House block. Many, many of our International students children attend school there. Continuation of this school is in doubt due to the school districts need to reduce expenses. This is a good opportunity for your students to learn more about what is going on at Red Cedar. Persian Cultural Show Friday April 13 at 7:00 pm at MacDonald Middle School. Our Persian students asked if we would publicize the upcoming Persian Cultural Show: Simorgh's Whisper - A memorable night with Persian folk music and dance, the Nava Music Ensemble and the Silk Road dance crew. This event is sponsored by the MSU Persian Student Association and is held at East Lansings MacDonald Middle School. Students may attend for free; non-students pay $20 at the door. International Student Ministry Lansing Area Annual Meeting Thursday April 26 at 12:00 pm 1:30 pm at University Lutheran Church. Friendship House is holding its annual meeting which will hopefully excite and inspire all in attendance! You are invited as our guest. Lunch will be provided by the Grand Traverse Pie Company. Please RSVP with Rich as soon as

possible. Many of our students will be present along with our Board of Directors, many area Pastors, other volunteers and special guests. Our Savior Lutheran Spring Womens Tea Saturday April 28 (time not yet published) at Mary Lou Krauses home. This is a glorious opportunity to see the peak of spring at the beautiful Krause home and gardens. Women students are invited as well as our women teachers and tutors. A sign-up sheet will be forthcoming as will details about time, address and transportation. Mark your calendars this is a great opportunity for fellowship and inspiration! St. Luke Lutheran Grace & Glory Concert Sunday April 29 at 4:00 pm at St. Luke Lutheran Church. Featured will be the Move in Faith Dance Team plus St. Luke Lutherans Choir, Youth Band and Handbell Choir. After the concert, a potluck salad dinner is available for all to attend and enjoy. International students and their families are cordially invited. A sign-up sheet will be forthcoming along with transportation details. Teachers, please make the above events known to your classes, encouraging participation and sign-up. Thank you! Remember that MSU finals week is April 30 May 4. Please let me know when your last day of classes will be (also, if youre teaching summer semester, when you want your first class of the semester to start).

Students on the Move

Clearly one of the bittersweet moments for anyone connected to Friendship House is the time when our International friends return home. We had a number of students move on last fall and we now approach a time when another group makes ready to leave. Teachers, please let me know who among your students will be departing and when it will happen so that certificates of completion and a signed farewell card from faculty can be presented to each one. Thanks!
Dr. Erman and Pinar Oncu, who return to Turkey in mid-April.

The schedule is mostly settled, although we could use a couple of additional Bible study classes (volunteers are welcome!). Some of our teachers are taking a well-deserved summer hiatus. Many others will continue their classes through the summer. We welcome two new (actually returning) teachers to our summer schedule: Bonnie Seaks, of St. Luke Lutheran, and Kelly Veltema, of Martin Lutheran Chapel, both of whom taught at Friendship House last summer. Welcome back, Kelly and Bonnie! The schedule will be published the week of April 16 so stay tuned. If you know of someone who would like to teach, substitute teach or tutor, please let me know!

Summer Class Schedule

Rich Visiting Classes

I will be visiting all of our classes in the final weeks of the current semester and would appreciate the chance to speak with each teacher for 10 minutes before or after your class to develop a class description to be shared with students for summer or fall registration. I would also appreciate the opportunity to speak to your class for 2-3 minutes to thank them for choosing Friendship House, ask them for suggestions and encourage continued participation by those staying through the summer.

New Insurance Coverage Affects Teachers & Volunteers

The Friendship House Board of Directors recently entered into an insurance agreement with Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company for the benefit of our students, teachers, volunteers and the organization. This new coverage will prompt the consideration and promulgation of updated operating rules and risk management procedures, including guidelines designed to protect teachers and students alike. In the near future, we will be inviting teachers to comment and make suggestions on the policies that need to accompany our change of insurance. We are grateful to the Board for making these improved safeguards possible.

Verse for the Week

Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak. Exodus 4:12

Respectfully submitted in His Service,


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