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Object Oriented Analysis 700039 Workshop 4

Note: Each student must demonstrate the following 4 project deliverables in order to receive weekly class work marks in the workshop 5 during Week 5: i. Actor Diagram per group. ii. 2 Use Case diagrams per package. iii. 2 Activity Diagrams per package Actor Diagram 1. Create a separate diagram showing all the actors you identified as a group. Also draw any actor hierarchies you can identified. This activity will help you to identify any common actors existing across packages. Use Case Diagram 2. Since actors and use cases can repeat themselves in various diagrams, it is expected that there will be at least TWO use case DIAGRAMS per package. This means if you have 4 members in your project group, you will create a total of at least 8 use case diagrams for the project.

3. The actors and use cases identified in previous project work should now be put together into use case diagrams in your CASE tool.

4. It is normal to find additional actors and use cases at this stage. If discovered, they should be documented using appropriate templates, as described in the previous project work.

5. Add detailed notes on all use case diagrams, providing additional explanations.

6. Ensure that you have used both <<include>> and <<extends>> relationships on your use case diagrams.

Activity Diagram

7. Identify TWO use cases for EACH package that should have a corresponding activity diagram. 8. Study the flow within the use case, including alternative flows and exceptions. (This can be based on the flow of the use case as documented in the text section of the use case. 9. Draw two activity diagrams. 10. Enter your activity diagrams in your Case tool. 11. Add notes to your activity diagrams to further explain the diagrams. 12. Attempt to show multiple threads running in parallel, in any one of the activity diagrams in your system.

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