Procedure On Episiotomy: Submitted To

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Submitted to Mrs. Ruth Joshila Philip Faculty Govt. College of Nursing

Submitted by Ms.G.Vanaja II Year, M.Sc (N)

OBJECTIVES: General Objective: By the end of the class the students will be able to demonstrate the episiotomy procedure. Specific Objectives: By the end of the class the students will be able to

Define the episiotomy Describe the indications for episiotomy Explain the advantages of episiotomy Discuss the types of episiotomy Discuss the merits and demerits of the median and mediolateral episiotomy Demonstrate the procedure of episiotomy Explain the post operative care of the episiotomy Describe the complications of episiotomy Discuss the nursing care of episiotomy

Name of the Student: Ms.Vanaja, II year, M.Sc (N) Name of the Subject: Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing-II Name of the Topic : Procedure on Episiotomy Unit Date Time : : :

Duration: 30 45 min Group Venue : IV year B.Sc Nursing Students :

Method of Teaching: Lecture cum Demonstration A.V. Aids: Transparencies, Chart, Flash cards.

Supervised by

: Mrs.Ruth Joshila Philip, Faculty.

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