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How To Send FSG Report To Correct Printer With Correct Print Style [ID 1040673.6] Modified 13-APR-2011 Type PROBLEM Status

Problem Description ------------------You have created an FSG (Financial Statement Generator) report. You need to know how to register the report with concurrent manager so choose a Print Style and Printer at the time you run the report. you can

Solution Description -------------------You can set up the concurrent program Run Financial Statement Generator as part of the Request Group for your responsibility. This will allow the FSG report to be submitted from the Standard Requests form (SRS), where there are print options available. To resolve this issue, follow the steps listed below: I. Obtain Request Group Name ------------------------Responsibility = System Administrator GUI GUI Navigation = Security -> Responsibility -> Define GUI Form Name = FNDSCRSP (Responsibilities) 1. 2. Navigate to the Responsibilities form. Query the responsibility you will be using when running the FSG reports from the SRS form (e.g. General Ledger Super User GUI) Make note of the Request Group Name (e.g. GL Concurrent Program Name)



Add Program - Run Financial Statement Generator to Request Group ---------------------------------------------------------------Responsibility = System Administrator GUI GUI Navigation = Security -> Responsibility -> Request Rate this document GUI Form Name = FNDRSGRP (Request Groups) 1. 2. Navigate to the Request Groups form. With your cursor in the Group field, click on Query/Find or use the flashlight icon and select GL Concurrent Program Group. The Application field will populate once the group has been selected. The Code field leave blank. The Description field will populate once the group has been selected. Under the Requests Type column, place your cursor on any field in that column then click on Edit/New Record from the menu bar. This will insert a row.




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