New Headway - Upper-Intermediate (The New Edition) - Teacher's Book

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MweEW | New | FiccsiOiwealy Upper-Intermediate the WEW/ edition Headway Upper-Intermediate Teacher’s Book Liz and John Soars Mike Sayer Peter May OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD Great Clarendon Sect, Oxford 0x2 60? ‘Oxford University Press isa deparmentof the Univesity of Oxo Ireurhers the Univers bjectnveofeacellone in esearch, scholarship, and eduction by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong Kerachi ‘Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi Dew Delhi Shanghai Tipe Toconto i offices i ‘Argentina Ausra Braz Chile Coech Republic France Gresce GGuatemata Hongary Maly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzeland Thailand Turkey Ukreine Vietnam oxroxb and oxroxn swctish ae seitered trade marks of ‘Onfard Unversity Press nthe UK an in certain other counties {© Oxford University Press 2008 ‘The moral rights of the author hive been asserted Database ight Oxford University Press (maker) Fst published 3005 220912008 2007 2006 2005 Allright reserved, No par of this publication maybe reproduced. Soted in a retetal system, oF wansmited, in ny form oy any means, without the prioe permission in wting of Oxford University Pres wth the sole exception of photocopying carie¢ our under te conditions sated, Ine paragraph headed Phococopyny). o 3 expressly permite by law. oF “unde terms agreed withthe appropriate reprographcs rights organization. Enquires concerning reproducbon outside the spe ofthe above boule ‘besent tthe ELT Rights Oeparunen, Oxford Unwersy Press athe address above ‘You must ot circle this book any ater binding orcover and you must unpose tis same condition on any acquirer Photocopying “The Publisher grants permission for the photocopying of hose pages marked ‘photocopiabe according tothe following eondizons. Individual purchases may make copes or dei oun seo or Use by classes that they teach School purchasers may make copies for use by staff and students ut this permission des not extend tadaitional schools or branches Under no crcunstances may any par ofthis ook be photocopied for resale Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their adresses ae provided by Oxford Universit Press for information only ‘Oxford University Press disclaims any respasiiity for the content rsuw39: 978 039 49920033 Isww10: 0 t9 4393003 Printed and bound by Grafasa S.A in Portpat Phaacphe pogs ergo: Keith Shaw ‘Tre aahorsand picker grat taewha kane ye perience ‘he fling extracts and adaption of epg materi. 97 Be There For Yu ‘Words and Music by Michael Sof. Marea Kanan, Dav rane, Fil Solem, alee Wis and Danny Wile 91985 Ti Dawe Susi CA, USA. Viamer/Chappell North Ameria, Londen W885 Reproduced by permission of International Music Publican id Al RightsReserved. E43 Doe Lave Home Words and Music by Dia Armsrong sa kalo ‘Armstrong © Copyright 2003 Warnerhappell Music Lx (75% BMG Music Publishing kimiced (258). Used Uy permission of international Music Publications Lins and Mosc Sales Limited. All rights reserved. International Copyright Secured. p14 Noe Loved You yay Words and Musicby Andrea Cor, Caroline Cb. Sato Cor fn Corr & Carole ayer Sager Copyright 1997 Uninersal Songs Or oiyCram Intemations! Incororatedeacon Communications Msc Compas Abou Me Musijvamer-amerlane Publishing Corporation, USA. Universal Music Publishing Limited (66 678yWamerChappel Music Limited (93.29%), ‘Rights Reserved. Intemational Copyright Secured. p159Fast Car Words and ‘Music by Tacy Chapman 1988 EMI Ape Muti nurple Rabbit Msc USA epreduced by permission of EMI Songs xd London WC2H OEA. p62 (nO These Tings os Lis by Nick Drake Taken fom the abun Beer Leyte land Records 1970, Reproduced by permission. Phetgrapty by Punchstock pp couplProcadic 189 (ured read (Comatock mages uswasons i oha Baten p60

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