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Mohsen SHILI

Senior Computer Engineer Certied RHCE

E P BULLA REGIA 08117 JENDOUBA, TUNISIA H +216 98 740 923 T +216 78 611 028 u +216 78 605 538 B date of birth:07/09/1977 Driving License

December 2011 October 2011

RHCE: Red Hat Certied Engineer, Certicate Number=111-177-028. RHCSA: Red Hat Certied System Administrator, Certicate Number=111-177028.

2004 2001-2004 1998-2001 1998

Computer Engineer, E.N.S.I, National School of Computer Sciences, Tunisia. Student Engineer,National School of Computer Sciences, Tunisia , Option :Computer Engineering, . Student Engineer, Scientic preparatory classes, Option : MPSI , (MathSup, MathSp) . Bachelor of Sience, Section: Mathmatics , Grade:Good .

Expert Skills
System Administration

I have 7 years of Experience as a System Administrator and trouble shooting good knowledge etc networking, which are installing and conguring RUN LEVELS, DNS, DHCP,SAMBA, APACHE, POSTFIX, FTP, SQUID, Volume Manager (LVM),RAID and TELNET

Languages PHP, C/C++, forms 10g ,reports 10g, JAVA, Perl, Shell/Bash, GNU Make, Ada,VB, Perl Object Oriented Programming, MVC, Unit Tests, UML XML/XPath, SGML, RDF RCS/CVS, SVN, clearcase Web HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Semantic Web Oracle 10g, 11g, MySQL, PostgreSQL Autotools, Cmake, Doxygen Xen, VMWare

Methods Formats Management

Databases Tools Virtualization

Systems and Networks Administration

Web Mail Networks Apache, Squid, FTPd,Sshd Postx, SMTP DHCPd, VLANs, OpenVPN Monitoring Backup Security Nagios BackupManager SSL, PGP/GnuPG, OpenSSH


Operating Systems

RedHat,Debian, Ubuntu, Windows, BSD


Oracle 10g, 11g, MySQL, PostgreSQL

Oce and tools

A OpenOce/LibreOce, LTEX, Microsoft Oce, Gimp

Project Management

GanttProject, MS Project

Computer Experience
Since December 2006

Manager (Principal Computer Engineer), SRT Jendouba .

Responsabilitis: Installing,Administering Zimbra on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Deploy and Manage network services including DNS, Apache, SMTP, NFS, SAMBA, FTPD, postx and le sharing network, monitoring, packet ltering, access control and SELinux IPTABLES .... Responsible for the implementation of information system (developed by Forms 10g, Reports 10g, Database: Oracle 10g) in SRT Jendouba ; Installation and Administration of Oracle Database 10g,Oracle Application Server 10g on Linux Redhat ; Deployment and conguration of applications developed with Forms 10g and Reports 10g (arabic language) ; Writing technical documentation, Technical specications, Support and training; Member of steering committee in the Ministry of Transport to conduct implementation of online services in transportation companies;

Since 2004

Team Leader (Application Engineer), ST Microelectronics, site ST Tunis.

Compilation, testing, validation and quality assurance software and compilers; Administration of an Apache web server and a MySQL database on Linux; Setting up and using gnu tools ( makele, libtool, ldd, ...); Improvement of congurations autotools ; Installation, conguration and administration Condor ( / Condor) and LSF ( Linux and Solaris; Installation, conguration and administration Grid Engine ( for Linux and Solaris; Support and training.

IT Professional Training
Novembre 2011 septembre 2011 septembre 2011 september 2010 August 2010 Mars 2009 February 2009 Mars 2006

Red Hat System Administration III (RH254), . Red Hat System Administration II with RHCSA Exam (RH135), . Red Hat System Administration I (RH124), . Application Server: Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration II, ORADIST TUNISIA, Application Server: Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I , ORADIST TUNISIA, ADMINISTRATION DATABASE: Oracle Database 10g: Administration Workshop II, ORADIST TUNISIA, ADMINISTRATION DATABASE: Oracle Database 10g: Administration Workshop I, ORADIST TUNISIA, Training on the topic " The Chorus Cascade Training", ST Microelectronics TUNISIA.


February 2006 Dcember 2005 May 2005 September 2004

Training on the annual business meetings, ST Microelectronics Grenoble and Crolles (France). Training Manager, Training on the topic "Newcomers Seminair", ST Microelectronics Tunis. Software Training Partas , ST Microelectronics Grenoble. Training on the topic of design and validation of compilers , ST Microelectronics Grenoble.

Quality Experience
Since Mars 2008

Quality Manager in charge of strategy, communication and internal control, management representative to coordinate overall implementation of the System of Quality Management and to report on its operation, , SRT JENDOUBA.

Quality Professional Training

Mars 2010 July 2011

Training standard ISO 9001-2008, INORPI. Training on audit quality, INORPI.

Other Experiences
since January 2007 since January 2007

Part Time Teacher , Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of Jendouba , Courses and Labs : C2I, OO Programming with Java, mathematical logic, Introduction to IA, Operating System, Linux shell Scripting, Oracle Database 10g. Supervision projects end of study, Professional Master Security, Computer Engineer, Computer License, Technician .

Academic work
February-July 2004 July-August 2003

February-May 2003

July-August 2002

End of study project, Subject : Design and Implementation of a controller supervisor for an real industrial system ., Language Used : JAVA,Operating System : Linux Redhat,, ENSI TUNISIA. Summer internship for second year, ENSI TUNISIA, Subject : Development of a dynamic website management handling of the database given to the library through the web. ,Language Used : PHP and MySql ,Operating System : Linux Redhat,, Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of Jendouba. Project two modules achieved in the studies, ENSI, Computerization of the management of CVs and oers from a company of ITERIM, .,Language Used : Visual C++ 6.0 and Oracle, Operating System : Windows 2000/XP,, ENSI TUNISIE. Summer internship rst year, ENSI, Subject: Access to symbol table. Language Used : Visual C++ 6.0 Operating System : Windows 2000/XP,, ENSI TUNISIA.

Arabic English French

Read, written, spoken Read, written, spoken

Personal interests
Others Sports,Travels, reading, Unix, Linux, Web browsing, a passion for the free software world.


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