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McGuire 2000 - Taxi Drivers Brains (The Hippocampus)

1. What is the role of the hippocampus (3)

2. What is meant by The Knowledge (2)

3. Explain how this study used an independent groups design (4)

4. What is meant by VBM (voxel based morphometry and explain how it was used
in the McGuire study (4)

5. Explain what is meant by pixel counting and why the pixel counting was
carried out by one experienced person who did not know the identity of the
subjects (4)

6. What did the VBM analysis of the scans show (4)



What did the results of the pixel counting analysis of the results show (4)


What is meant by brain plasticity (2)


Outline two main strengths of the experimental method in this study (4)

10. Consider one way in which the understanding gained from this study could be
used in a real life application (2)


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