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Kuala Lumpur Teaching Centre, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus 24-25 May 2012 Draft Programme Thursday 24 May 09:00 Coffee and Welcome 09:30 Paper session I David Kurt Herold: Governance by resistance: Chinese authorities and the will of the people (Hong Kong Polytechnic) Simon Tormey: What has peasant resistance in South East Asia got to do with Biopolitics? James Scott, ethnography and neo-totalitarianism? (University of Sydney) Sara Motta: TBC (University of Nottingham) 11:00 Paper session II Jorg Spieker: Hobbes and the problem of resistance: a reconsideration (Birkbeck College, University of London) Leonie Ansems de Vries: Spatio-Temporal (University of Nottingham Malaysia) Complexities of Governance/Resistance

Suvi Alt: Complexities of Potentiality and Contingency (University of Lapland) 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Keynote Julian Reid: The Neoliberal Subject (University of Lapland) 15:00 Coffee 15:30 Paper session III Louiza Odysseos: Government and Resistance in a Femicidal Environment: the Consensus on Human Rights and the Possibility of Politics among the Women of Ciudad Juarez (University of Sussex) Tiina Seppl: Resisting Neoliberal Development in India: The Case of the Rajarhat New Town Project in Kolkata (University of Lapland) Ranabir Samaddar: On the Future of Social Movements (Calcutta Research Group)

17:00 Close 19:00 Workshop dinner at Seri Melayu Restoran Friday 25 May 09:00 Coffee 09:30 Paper session IV Raffaela Puggioni: Against Detention: Reclaiming Political Voice (University of Nottingham China) Tessa J. Houghton: a symbiotic engine: viral communication in online governance + resistance (University of Nottingham Malaysia) Yasmin Ibrahim: The Politics of Martyrdom and Resistance in the Blogosphere: Conjoining offline rituals with virtual commemorations (Queen Mary, University of London) 11:00 Paper session V Liam McCarthy: Making and breaking the rules of resistance (University of Nottingham) Riina Yrjl: From Street into the World: Towards a Politicised Reading of Celebrity Humanitarianism (University of Jyvskyl) Emily Pia: Global governance, Trauma Peacebuilding (University of St Andrews) 12:30 Bus to Semenyih 13:30 Lunch at Broga 15:00 Visit to University of Nottingham, Semenyih Campus 16.30 Bus to Kuala Lumpur and Narrative Therapy as Resistance in

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