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Reading Response Journals When writing a reading response, you should consider the following:

a) include essential details about the plot but dont give a play by play

c) d) e) f)

recount of the story think carefully about what you will include and make sure you are summarizing as you write connect your own experiences to the story think about the authors message, the main idea or the theme try to place the characters in the story into a roleprotagonist, antagonist, dynamic character and minor character for your main character think about their struggle or conflict and try to identify it with as much detail and analysis as you can

Making a Journal Entry:

a) start with a salutation i.e.-Dear ___________, (dont forget the comma) b) write down the date when you start writing your entry; write the date in the top right hand corner c) always begin your entry by writing down the title of the book and underlining it; ex: The book I am responding to is The Light in the Forest, by Conrad Richter (dont forget the authors name) d) write your entry in paragraph form, begin your sentences with capitals and end with proper punctuation, remember to indent each paragraph. e) approximate length of your reading response:

Due Date:
The first draft should by done in your journals, once this has been checked by me- you will type up the revision for further evaluation.

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