Connectors 2nd Bat

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CONNECTORS & LINKING WORDS EXPRESSING OPINION I think/belive/consider/feel that... In my view/opinion... To my mind... It strikes me that... As I see it...

... As I see it... I feel strongly that... Im inclined to believe that... Im absolutely convinced that... I tend to think that... I would suggest that... It seems to me that... As far as I know,... As far as Im corcerned,... Its not very clear but I would say that ... I suppose... Personally,... Frankly,... Obviously.... MAKING REFERENCE As far as ... is concerned, I think that... As for... As regards... Regarding... General speaking,... Its often claimed/argued/said/thought that... It is undeniable that... There can be no doubt that... At present,...(en la actualidad) Nowadays,... (hoy en da) ADDING IDEAS Furthermore,...(adems) Moreover,...(adems) Apart from this/that,... What is more,... Besides, ... (a parte) Besides this/that,...(a parte de esto) As well as,...+v-ing (adems de) In addition (to this),... Another point of view is... An additional point of view is ... Added to this,... Indeed, ... (de hecho) Otherwise,... (en otro caso) Both...and... (....y...) Likewise,... (asimismo) Again,...(por otra parte) Not only...(does smoking damages your health)..but it also...(damages the health of non-smokers). Atention! Verb inversion!

GIVING EXAMPLES For example/instance E.g. Such as...+noun. To take (just) one example,... Lets take the example/case of... A clear example of be... An example of ...+noun. MAKING POINTS First (of all)/Firstly,... In the first place,... At first sight,...( a primera vista) First and foremost,...(lo primero y ms importante) Above all,... To begin/start with,... Second/Secondly/Next,... Third/Thirdly/Next,... Before (that),... After (that),... Since then,... As soon as,... The most important fact is that... More important is ...than... The main aspect/point/advantage/disadvantage/drawback, Another aspect/point/advantage/disadvantage/drawback, Another point in favour of/ against +v-ing is... REPHRASING In other words,... To be precise,... That is to say,... What I really mean is... The real point is... What Im trying to get ar is the fact that... In fact,... The fact of the matter is that... As a matter of fact,... REASONING For... Because (of)... Since... As... Due to (the fact that)... The result from/of... The effect of ...on... The consequence of... The cause of... The reason for... Therefore,...

Anothrer reason for (not) +v-ing AGREEING OR DISAGREEING

I am in favour of...+noun/+v-ing I am totally against (the idea of)...+v-ing I have reached agreement on ... I have come to the conclusion that... I agree with it up to a point, but... I couldnt agree more... Thats exactly what I think... I agree with ... entirely. I have to agree to difer... (no puedo estar de acuerdo) Im totally opposed to/in favour of ... EXPRESSING RESULT

Consequently,... As a result/consequence,... Therefore,... Thus, ... Hence,... To result in,... To have an effect on... So,... (por lo tanto) On avarage,...(de promedio) EXPRESSING CONTRAST

On the one hand,... On the other hand,... For one thing,... For another thing,... However,... While,... In contrast,.. But still,...(sim embargo) Yet,...(con todo) Although,...(aunque) Though,...(si bien) Even though,...(aun cuando) In spite of ...+noun ( a pesar de) Despite...+noun (a pesar de) Whereas,...(mientras que) Whilst,...(mientras) Notwithstanding,...(no obstante, dejando a un lado) Nevertheless,...(no obstante) In comparison,... Different from... Dissimilar... Unlike... To differ from... By the way,... ( a propsito) Its populary believed that ... , but... People often clain that..., but ... It is often alleged that ..., but...

People argue that ..., but what they dont realise is... People think that..., but they couldnt be further from the truth. Contrary to popular belief, it is a fact that... EXPRESSING COMPARISON

Similarly,... Likewise... Also... Too The same as... (just) as... (just) like... Alike... Similar to... To compare to/with... As if ... As though... At the other end of the scale...(al otro lado de la balanza) On the contrary... CONCLUDING

In conlusion,... In summary,... To sum up,... Taking all of the above into account, I would say that... Last but not least,... Finally,... Lastly,... Last of all,... In brief,... In a word,... In short,... To conclude,... To summarise,... All in all,... At heart,...(en el fondo) At one time or another,...(de todos modos) All things considered,... On the shole,... On balance, ...

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