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Melissa Humoeller Tyree F.


I. Definition A. Peer aggression B. Intentional and repeated behavior C. Abuse of someone physically or socially weaker than the aggressor Types Of Bullying A. Verbal 1. Offensive comments 2. Most common form of bullying 3. Examples a. Name-calling b. Teasing c. Threats of physical harm to the victim and/or family members B. Physical 1. Physical attack on a person and/or their property 2. Mostly boys a. Male aggression is encouraged b. Being tough is cool 3. Least common type of bullying a. Increases during childhood and into adolescence b. Declines in middle school because no longer considered acceptable 4. Examples a. Pushing b. Snap bra c. Kicking


d. Theft/Vandalism C. Social 1. Behavior that hurts friendships and sense of acceptance 2. Mostly girls a. Girls expected to not be aggressive b. Good girls have to be nice 3. Hardest form of bullying to prove a. Girl fights are silent b. Subtle c. Behavior ignored 4. Examples a. Glare b. Silent treatment c. Ostracized from group d. Rumor spreading D. Cyber Bullying 1. Digital Abuse a. Cell phone b. Internet 2. Extension of face-to-face bullying 3. Widespread humiliation a. Entire school can witness bullying and join in b. People say and do things they would never do in person 4. Examples a. Post embarrassing pictures/videos on the internet b. Impersonate victim c. Send malicious text messages d. Make harassing phone calls III. Bullying In Schools A. Most bullying occurs in schools 1. Happens in every grade

2. Most bullying occurs in elementary school 3. Takes place where there is little to no supervision a. Playground b. Bathroom c. Hallway d. School bus 4. Most incidents go unreported a. Dont want to worry parents b. Dont want to be labeled a snitch c. Fear of retaliation B. Studies 1. American Psychological Association 2. Journal Study a. Questionnaire b. Study how parents affect bullying


Reasons For Bullying A. Bully wants to feel a sense of power B. Bully believes victim wont take up for him or herself C. Victim looks or acts differently from what the stereotype of normal is D. Most Given Reasons 1. Race/ethnicity 2. Disability 3. Overweight 4. Sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation Characteristics A. Bullies 1. Popular 2. See school as safe


3. High self-esteem 4. Violence and/or sexual abuse in the home 5. See teachers/faculty as unfair 6. Authoritarian parents B. Bully/Victims 1. Unpopular 2. See school as unsafe 3. Low Self-Esteem 4. Depression 5. See teachers/faculty as unfair


Effects Of Bullying A. Short-Term 1. Insomnia 2. Poor grades 3. Physical ailments a. Headache b. Nausea 4. Frequent school absences B. Long-Term 1. Anxiety 2. Low self-esteem 3. Depression 4. Suicide

VII. Bullycide A. Term used when bullying results in suicide B. Negative Media Attention 1. Sensationalize tragic suicides 2. Does not discuss underlying factors of suicide 3. Does not give ways to avoid such tragedies C. Bullycide Facts

1. Suicide is 3rd leading cause of death among ages 15-24 2. 16 children commit suicide each year, as a result of bullying D. Study 1. Victims with parents who have emotional problems have more suicidal thoughts 2. Victims who feel rejected by their parents have more suicidal thoughts VIII. Positive Media Attention A. News Organizations 1. Raise awareness 2. Give parents helpful tips B. Prime-Time Television IX. Measures Taken A. Government Involvement 1. White House conference 2. Legislation B. Prevention Programs 1. Created to address bullying and school violence 2. Educators choose prevention program which best suits the school districts needs C. Social Networks 1. Facebook a. Made it easier to report cyber bullying b. Prompts those being bullied to notify an adult 2. YouTube a. 3,780 hits for bullying public service announcement b. It Gets Better Project 1. Created to assure lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender teenagers that if they endure their teen years, life will get better

2. Within 1st month had 1.6 million views


Tips A. Victims 1. Report incidents 2. Stand up for yourself 3. Dont show emotion 4. Walk away B. Teachers 1. Report all bullying to school administration 2. Spend more time where most bullying takes place 3. Ensure students that telling is not tattling 4. Let student body know that bullying will not be tolerated and bullies will be punished C. Parents 1. Look for signs of child being bullied 2. Take it seriously 3. Friend your child on Facebook 4. Place computer where it can be monitored

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