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Social Services Adults Assisted/Semi-Independent Housing

Semi Independent Living Services (SILS) Program

SILS is a Department of Human Services program for adults with Developmental Disabilities. SILS helps people live in their community by supporting them in ways that help them achieve personally desired outcomes and lead self-directed lives. Some SILS services include training and assistance for social, recreation and transportation skills. These include learning appropriate social behavior, learning and exercising the rights and responsibilities of community living, maintaining personal appearance and hygiene, managing money, preparing for meals and shopping, obtaining and maintaining a home, as well as first aid and obtaining help in an emergency.

To be eligible for SILS, individuals must meet all four of these criteria: 1. Be age 18 years or older; 2. Have a Developmental Disability (DD) or Related Condition (RC). In SILS, a county-based screening team makes the DD/RC determination. Individuals do not have to be certified disabled. 3. Have the ability to function and live independently with the help of SILS. (SILS is only for higher functional adults.) 4. Not be at risk of placement in an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD).

I have received these services for 13 years. I was able to hire and train my own staff. Through this program, I was able to buy a condo and a car and get married. None of this would have been possible without SILS. If it looks like Im doing well, its because I have the proper support through this service. I feel better about being independent because of the support I get though SILS. -Jeremy, adult with FAS

SILS workers and agencies are paid by counties directly or through vouchers and cash grants that are issued to enable an individual to pay providers for their services. There is also an option to receive SILS from unlicensed friends or neighbors that are approved by the county.

Our SILS worker is helping Jason learn how to wash his own clothes, grocery shop and cook. Now I get a night off from making dinner once a week, while Jason and his staff plan, shop and prepare our meal! -Jenny, parent

Visit the Department of Human Services website. Visit the MN Association of Centers for Independent Living website.

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