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Jade Ania C. Agnes IV-Leucine ORATION PIECE: Who is the 21st Century learner?

During earlier times, teachers used to teach with just a book, stored knowledge, a strict hand, and a loud voice. Students used to come to class every day, learning how to read, write, and do basic mathematics, and they were all taught in small groups. The lessons were held in different churches, covenants, and established small schools, colleges, and universities. How about now? Who is the 21st Century learner? I am. You are. We are. All of us students, teachers, and individuals who come from different races and cultures. We are all 21st Century learners. Technology has definitely played a big role in the innovation of education. The huge milestones made in advancing technology have made such an impact in promoting learning. Nowadays, we have the Internet, the World Wide Web and it is unbelievable that it has influenced so much. Search engine giants like Google, Yahoo, and Bing have made it so much easier for students who are living in the 21st Century. We are able to search anything that we want and need, just by typing the words in the search bar. Everyone has unlimited access to unlimited information gathered from all around the world. Before, people used to get information from libraries, only from books, journals, and memoirs. Now, all we need to do is to go to Google, type and enter. We can find out and learn anything just by a click of the mouse. We also have social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, which enable us to communicate with our family, friends, classmates, teachers, and even strangers from different countries from all around the world. Sharing information has never been so easy. By this exchange of information, people are able to learn so much. The quest for knowledge has spread far out. Another breakthrough we have in the 21st Century can be found in our very own classrooms. The use of LCD projectors, computers have given teachers the ability to relay information easier inside the classroom, from lectures, PowerPoint Presentations to Prezis, videos, and so much more. Technology has helped students obtain more information and has made us thirstier for more knowledge. As technology will advance and progress more as the years pass by, I cant wait to see new discoveries, inventions, innovations that will help all individuals in their learning through life. Education is an important factor in contributing well to the society, and will help in the improvement and rise of our country, our world, whether it is physical or virtual, towards the 21st Century and beyond.

Johan Rodriguez IV Alanine

Who is the 21st Century Learner? Today, we have everything. Free education, cars, planes, instant communication, the computer, the internet. This world has evolved into a digital one, altered by ever changing technology, filled with fantastic new problems as well as exciting new possibilities. We have come far. From the realization that the Earth wasn't flat to the marvels of aviation that brought us to the moon and beyond. A lot has changed. With the invention of the printing press, information and knowledge became general. With the introduction of the computer and the internet, there was nothing you couldn't find out. Who can remember the days when you had to go to the library just to get your homework done, had to pick up the morning newspaper to get the latest news, or when there was no such thing as Shakey's delivery? We don't. In the last 50 years technology has rapidly transformed our society. But with the development of the Internet, is our access to technology a good thing or a bad thing? When we take a look at the advancements in various technologies that have been built to help humans exert less energy, we cant help to wonder why people are so lazy. The answer? Life is easy. Too easy. It's only human nature to make things easier to do. That is why we invent all these new gadgets, always trying to find ways to advance technology and let it do all the work for us. And, this cycle would never stop. As the years go by, we will try to find more and more ways to improve technology; that years from now, we don't even need to lift a finger just to get something done. And, the 21st Century learner is only human.

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