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Crescent Town Schools Code of Behaviour

The students, parents and staff of Crescent Town School take pride in their school, homes and community. We all recognize that there are socially acceptable standards of behaviour and work together to promote self-worth, self-discipline, safety and respect. Success comes from working together. Mutual support, teamwork and communication are a shared responsibility between school, student and home. Behaviour Expectations School

Provide a safe and secure learning environment Demonstrate, model and teach positive character traits Teach appropriate peaceful strategies for resolving conflicts Encourage students to participate actively in school life Provide educational experiences which reflect current ministry guidelines Communicate information to parents concerning curriculum, attendance, behavior and academic concerns and progress

Students Respect the rights and properties of others Show empathy towards others Resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner Avoid playing unsafely Strive for self-improvement Attend school regularly, punctually and come ready to learn Follow classroom and school rules Use appropriate language Complete school work in a timely manner Home

Model respect for the school and the rights and property of others Ensure that students are on time and attend school regularly Reinforce peaceful conflict resolution strategies Encourage positive school attitudes Provide students with the time and space to complete homework Be available to the school to discuss concerns Support the efforts of the school staff

Consequences for inappropriate behaviour vary according to the behaviour, frequency of behaviour and needs of the student. They can include: discussion, counseling, restriction, detention, contracts and involvement of parents, payment for loss or damage, involvement of support personnel, police involvement, suspension or expulsion.

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