Lab 5

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Lab 5:

Consider following Gravity flow tank: Fo (ft3/sec) Gravity Flow Tank h

F (ft3/sec)

Force balance on outlet line gives following nonlinear ODE: (Eq. 1) Total continuity equation on the liquid in the tank: (Eq. 2)

K g dv g = h F c v 2 (1) dt L Ap dh F0 F = dt AT AT (2)

Where, g = gravitational acceleration, 32.20 ft / s 2 L= Length of pipe line, 3000 ft h= Height of liquid in the tank (Dependent vatiable),ft v= velocity of fluid in pipe line (dependent variable), ft/s lb f lb lbm , = 62.4297 m KF=2.81 x 10-2 , gc = 32.20 m 2 ft 3 ft ft lb f 2 * ft s s 2 AT = Cross section area of tank = 113 ft F0 = Flow rate of fluid in to the tank = 35.1 ft3/s F = Flow rate of fluid out of the tank = AP v = 7.06 v ft3/s AP = Cross section area of Pipe = 7.06 ft2

NOTE: Use initial guess values for v0 = 3.4 ft/sec & h0=2.05 ft Solve Equation (1) and (2) using Euler Method, Runge Kutta 4th Order Method and ODE built in solver in SCILAB.

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