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Total: _________/2%

IV. Audio-Visual Workshop

(Duration: 2-3 minutes) Name: _______________________________ Final Presentation Topic: ________________________ Content (0.5 pt.) The student shows a representative sample of the audio-visuals he/she plans to use. The student presents visuals directly relevant to the presentation topic. Explanation of Audio-Visuals (0.5 pt.) The student justifies why they have chosen the specific audio-visual and how/when/where they are going to use it in their final project presentation. Explanation of Field Research (0.5 pt.) The student clearly describes data collection methods (tool, number & profile of participants) The student gives visual representation of field research results clearly. Delivery (0.5 pt.) The student introduces the visuals using relevant signposts. Uses appropriate vocabulary items to clarify his/her visuals (e.g. table, pie chart, axis) Section: _______

Possible Non-Graded Components to Give Feedback on

Design of Audio-Visuals

Content Delivery of Audio-Visuals

Visibility Color Font Size Grammar Spelling Reference Information

Body Language Language Eye-contact Voice

Eng. 211 2008-09

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