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Tutorial / Assignment Questions

Solve by Gauss -Seidel Iterative Algorithm for refinement of solution. Compare the result obtained by Jaccobi. x + y + z = 3, 2 x + 3 y + z = 6, xyz=-3

Solve x2 + y2 = 4, x y = 1 using Generalized Newton Raphson Algorithm, given x0 = 2, y0 = 0. Given the calculated vale of x =35.25 with relative error at most 2%. Find to four decimal digits, the range of values within which the exact value must lie. Describe at least three consequences of Normalized floating point arithmetic. Given the value of x=.5555E1, y=.4545E1, z=.4533E1, find xy, xz and prove that x (y-z) xy - xz. Discuss the order of Convergence. Prove that the order of convergence of NewtonRaphson Method is 2. Write a program in C or Algorithm for Gauss Elimination Pivoting process. What is ill condition & pivoting? Discuss its importance. Compare in reference to order of convergence & No. of iterations for solutions of transcendental equations by Bisection & Newton Raphson Methods. Obtain the solution of the following systems of eqns. using Jacobi or Matrix inversion method. 2x1 + x2 + x3 = 5 3x1 + 5x2 + 2x3 = 15 2x1 + x2 + 4x3 = 8 Use Secant Algorithm to estimate the root of the equation x2 4x -10 = 0 with the initial estimates of x1=4 and x2=2. Given the calculated vale of x =25.35 with relative error at most 4%. Find to four decimal digits, the range of values within which the exact value must lie. Given the value of x=.456732E-2, y=.243451, z=-0.248000, prove that (x + y) + z x + (y + z). Prove that the order of convergence of Bisection Method is 1.

Solve by Newton Raphson Method F(x) = x2 + x 6.

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