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Role of Students in Strengthening Democracy in India

Bansal Pallavi

Abstract: We are proud citizens of a country that has maintained her democratic system since independence. The fact that democracy in India has survived for more than six decades is in no way an assurance that it would continue in the future as well. Democracy means- a government by the people. Students constitute a large number of these people. So, the responsibility of strengthening democracy to a great extent rests on their shoulders. There are various threats to democracy in India. There is absence of accountability between the elected representatives and electorate. We hold elections on the basis of universal adult franchise; but we cant b confident of those participating, being fully conversant with the vital issues placed before them. Weakening of national unity and integrity ; and rise of religious fundamentalism are another few. Students have evolved and become more active over the years as the flow of information has increased manifolds. The students need to identify the problems, provide ideas to resolve and implement the ideas. The students should conquer new sphares by political and cultural participation. This can be done through their enthusiastic organizations like Indian Student Parliament, All India Democratic Student Organization (AIDSO), and Students for Democratic Society (SDS). Such organizations should free themselves from any influence or interests in other to pushing the process of strengthening democracy and society building. This paper analyzes the problems of Indian democracy and the role that students need to play to strengthen the democracy. The findings would include some suggestive ideas or ways in which students can play their part. The objectives of this paper are: To study the problems in democracy in India. To emphasise the role of students in strengthening democracy in India. To find out ways in which this can be done.

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