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Common law principle. Places insurer in shoes of insured once claim is paid.

See Castellain v. Preston (1883)

as between underwriter and the assured the underwriter is entitled to every right of the assured


Valid contract of insurance Indemnification by the insurers under the contract in terms of common law

The policy usually provides for subrogation before


A connection between the subject matter of the insurance and the rights of the insured to which insurers are subrogated

CASE ON SUBROGAION... The case of British Columbia Ministry of Health V.Homewood 34.

In this case we had settled the claim of Ms. Homewood against several different defendants. While we obtained all

of the liability coverage of the one defendant who was

primarily at fault,

we settled for less than all of the liability coverage of two other defendants because of liability risks and claims of comparative negligence.

The health insurer claimed there had been a full recovery.

The court found, based on the evidence we presented, that there had not been a full recovery and so Ms. Homewood was not made whole.

The health insurer then claimed it had been prejudiced

by the settlements. The court, citing Elovich v.

Nationwide Insurance Co reiterated that in order to prove it was prejudiced by the settlement,

The insurer has the burden of proof that the settlement was
less than the amount of the tortfeasors fault times the injured persons total damages


The percentage of negligence of [each of the three tortfeasors];

The total losses the plaintiff suffered;

That the settlement as a percentage of plaintiffs

total injuries was less than the percentage of the

settling entities comparative negligence.

Only if the latter percentage exceeds the former will subrogation rights have been prejudiced and Law apply. Otherwise the rule from Thiringer applies. The insurance

companys subrogation rights arise only after the plaintiffs

have received full compensation for their injuries.

In Homewood, the insurer did not meet its burden to prove that the plaintiff was made whole. That burden was placed squarely on the insurer. Than they had agreed to pay amount claimed with the penality.

Sasidharan.C M.B.A-Iyr-B sec

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