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Solid Conservative Leader

Americans for Prosperity Club for Growth Citizens Against Government Waste National Right to Life National Rifle Association NumbersUSA American Conservative Union Eagle Forum Christian Coalition A+ Perfect Score 100% (Perfect Score) 95% (Taxpayer Hero) 100% Lifetime Rating A (Lifetime Member) A+ 100% (Defender of Liberty) 100% 100%

What Conservatives are Saying About Kenny

"Congressman Marchant is among the most conservative members of the United States House of Representatives. He is an active and strong conservative voice for his district and America.
Michele Bachmann

Kenny Marchant is a strong fiscal conservative who stood up to the bailouts, TARP funds and government takeovers of private industry. He understands that our country must live within its means and is fighting to help me put big government on a diet.
Ron Paul

Congressman Marchant supports public policy that values human life, protects religious liberties, and upholds the institution of marriage and the family.
Tony Perkins
Family Research Council

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Paid for by Kenny Marchant for Congress

Fighting to Cut Spending and Limit Government

Voted NO on the $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout Voted NO on the $80 Billion Auto Industry Bailout Voted NO on the $787 Billion Stimulus Voted NO on the $2.6 Trillion ObamaCare Voted NO on the $800 Billion Cap-and-Trade Tax

Kennys Priorities
Strengthen national security and oppose appeasement Protect innocent human life from conception to natural death Eliminate wasteful spending and keep taxes low Reduce the size and scope of the federal government Support free-markets and oppose government bailouts Promote energy security Secure our borders and oppose amnesty Support and defend the Constitution Give parents more private school choices
Paid for by Kenny Marchant for Congress

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