Mead Handout

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01 March 2011 Kimberly Seifert

Margaret Mead
American cultural anthropologist b. 1901, d. 1978 And Keep Your Powder Dry, 1942 Wrote the above book about America to do her part in the war effort (WWII)

Meads general principles: People are different according to how/where they were raised We are culture. Children are expected to leave and surpass their parents Parents are expected to give their children the tools to live independently Americans are constantly expected to ascend the social ladder Success is quantiable and relative to ones contemporaries Children are evaluated according to external factors Achievement is required to deserve paternal love Americans will not start a conict, nor will they ght a lesser opponent Progress: unwavering belief that a better life exists Focus on fairness fair play = obeying the rules, and the rules are thought of as a device for keeping people from bullying or taking unfair advantage of the other person Character is dened by the way in which the rules are embodied in ones behavior Puritan character: practicality and faith in the power of God or moral purpose Guilt is relieved by punishment Success and conformity -- outward conformity made possible by economic success -these are the marks that one is a good American Not where men are born, rather what they become

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