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Rivers What is the Water Cycle?

ALL: Identify parts of the water cycle and make links between different stages of it. MOST: Also able to explain processes in the water cycle. SOME: Can do this using extended explanations and a wide range of key terms accurately.






Discuss what you think happens at each stage of the water cycle with your partner

River (surface water)


You need to:

Use as many key words as possible in appropriate places. Complete your story in at least 5 parts Use both pictures and writing Precipitation Surface water Lake

There I was swimming around in the ocean as happy as can be when suddenly I started to feel all warm and light headed. I got warmer and warmer until I started changing into water vapour and rising into the air. I was evaporating due to the energy from the sun heating me up.

Sun Rain

Evaporation water vapour Condensation Cloud Snow Sleet Hail Interception Runoff Groundwater River Infiltration Ocean

ALL: Identify parts of the water cycle and make links between different stages of it. MOST: Also able to explain processes in the water cycle. SOME: Can do this using extended explanations and a wide range of key terms accurately.

Assessment Burger!
Read your classmates story Use the burger to assess his / her work

Write something you like about the story here Write something that could be improved here Write another thing you like about the story here

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