Pre Conference Form-Hints For Teachers

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Community Unit School District 300-Instructional Preconference Form (optional)

Grade Level:10-12 Subject(s): Psychology TEACHER: Steven Wallace OBSERVATION DATE:3/20/12 PRECONFERENCE DATE:3/19/12 EVALUATOR: Marce Kersten

1. Describe the planning process you used for this lesson. (Domain 1, Domain 1f) Objectives: A. Apply Classical Conditioning to adapt to your environment. Students will create charts highlighting their fears and will apply classical conditioning to hypothetically get rid of their fears. Their charts will assess whether they understand the content. B. Apply Operant Condition to change behaviors. Students will also shape their partners using operant conditioning as they will experience it before they label it. Students will then take notes on operant conditioning and then create a RAFT to show their understanding of the concepts. 2. To which part of the curriculum does this lesson relate? (Domain 1a) The theme is Behaviorism: Classical and Operant Conditioning. 3. How does this lesson fit in the sequence of learning for this class? (Domain 1a) Students will have taken notes on classical conditioning and will have discussed their overall fears the day before. Students will not have been introduced to operant conditioning yet.

6. How will you engage the students in the learning? What will you do? I will monitor and facilitate students. What will the students do? Students will create classical conditioning charts about their fears, shape their partners, take notes on operant conditioning, and create RAFTs that demonstrate their understanding of operant conditioning. Will the students work in groups, individually, or as a large group? Students will work on their own classical conditioning charts. Students will work with partners in the shaping activity. Students will work individually on taking notes on operant conditioning. Students will then work in groups to demonstrate their understanding of operant conditioning by creating RAFTs. Provide any worksheets or other materials the students will be using. (Domain 1e)

7. How will you differentiate instruction for different individuals or groups of students in the class? (Domain 1b) Students will be creating classical conditioning charts based on their fears. Students will shape partners to train using operant conditioning. The tricks get harder as students progress. Students will then create RAFTs using a format that they choose to best show their understanding of operant conditioning in a creative way.

Community Unit School District 300-Instructional 4. Briefly describe the students in this class, including those with special needs. (Domain 1b) I have a diverse group which has made for good discussions already. It is an elective and I have several very interested students. I do have a few students who said they had no other class to take. I have two IEPs for slower processing. I have one student that is repeating the course after failing it already with me. I have one student that is repeatedly unexcused from his classes. I have several honors kids and several D & F students. I have one AVID student. I have one student from Dubai, two African American students, as well as a couple other minorities. 8. How and when will you know whether the students have learned what you intend? (Domain 1f) Students will create charts showing their understanding of classical conditioning and we will discuss the charts as a class. Students will take notes on operant conditioning and create RAFTs showing their understanding in a creative way. We will have mini game to review conditioning. Students will also check each others notebooks to assess their understanding and students will be tested on a unit test and final exam. 9. Is there anything that you would like me to specifically observe during the lesson?

5. What are your learning outcomes for this lesson? What do you want the students to understand? (Domain 1c) Students should be able to create flip charts showing their understanding of classical conditioning concepts. Students should be able to understand concepts of operant conditioning by creating a RAFT which also demonstrates creative thinking and other skills depending on students chosen format.

10. How will you integrate technology into your lesson, if appropriate? (Common Theme) I will use the projector to show directions and objectives for students using Smart Notebook. I will show a video clip about fears to show more difficult concepts. The lesson is also on my website for students who missed the day or didnt get all of the notes.

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