Soul Surf

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Introduction of the movie Soul Surf

Struck, Strength and Skill When one athlete is frustrated due to an accident she or he, to fight will Strength to recover his stability. The Family is support is very Important this to overcome this obstacle of being a disabled person. Why does life change? Today is beautiful day and tomorrow can be a different day As a conclusion it is important to show that all persons having an accident of any kind must understand that is not the end of the world. It is difficult to accept an amputation of the body as all rules and continue as nothing, and that life goes on. They must be aware of the friends, family, neighbors and others to fulfill a commitment he has an accident and is the moral and human. The life of a person changes unexpectedly, physical, mental, occupational, personal, social and even competitively. This abnormal situation must accept with great maturity and understanding that we believe in ourselves and reach overhead obstacles overcome many will make us unable and unhappy. So we must keep a strong mind and accept my helper and I get hurt ignore. That is why we add that to accept it with a blow to know strength and skill.
Roberto Segura San Silvestre

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