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----- Choosing the Right Defensive Formation ----In general, your team will fall into one of the

following groups, and the best type of defense to choose is as follows:

1) Five Taller than Average Players - For a man-to-man defense, it should be generally loose, defending the basket and the paint and not pressuring too much. For a zone, it should be passive as well. If you need to pressure, a half-court press will work better than a full-court press. You want your opponent to take more outside shots while shutting down their interior opportunities.

2) Four Taller Players & One Small, Quick Player - Similar to the above lineup, this group should focus more on a loose and passive man-to-man and zone defense. A 1-2-2 zone can work well, in which the smaller player is given freedom to move freely, apply pressure, and intercept passes. The main goal with this lineup is to protect the paint. In a press situation, stick with a half-court press.

3) Three Tall Players & 2 Small Players - A fairly balanced lineup, in which a typical man-to-man defense works best. For a zone, the 2-3 will work very well, and for pressing, a 2-2-1 full court press is suitable.

4) Two Tall Players & 3 Smaller Players - You can use a variety of man-to-man defenses, infact, a man-to-man defense is best with this lineup. A 3-2 zone can be employed or a 1-2-2 zone. For pressure, this team can use full, half, or a 3/4 press. Very versatile lineup.

5) One Tall Player & 4 Smaller Players - Leave the tall player near the basket at all times, while the 4 small players play a switching man-to-man defense, in which the players switch off screens, and they switch on any lateral movements of the offensive player from one side of the court to the other.

6) Five Smaller Players - Pressure, press, pressure! Playing loose is not an option. A tight man-to-man half court defense works best. For zones, the only real options are a zone press and a match-up

zone. All 5 players must crash the defensive boards hard. For pressing, an aggressive full-court press should be utilized with active hands.

>> Now, the only thing left for you to do is pick 2 or 3 specific defensive formations based on the strengths and weaknesses of your team...and then choose a nice set of plays and drills to run in practice...

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