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The new world

The new world is a drama /romance historical adventure depicting the founding of the Jamestown, Virginia settlement. At the beginning the natives are seeing three ships arriving that are part of the Jamestown Expedition, sent by English royal charter to found a colony in the New World. The captain of the tree ships, Christopher Newport had planned to execute John Smith upon arrival in Virginia, for he was reported to be a troublemaker on the voyage, but Newport pardoned Smith. While Newport returns to England for supplies Smith took a small group of men up river to seek trade. Smith was captured by Indians in his mission and was taken to their leader Chief Powhatan. When Smith was about to be executed, Powhatans daughter Pocahontas intervenes and saves his life. Smith falls in love with Pocahontas while living among Indians as their prisoner. The chief returns Smith to Jamestown with the understanding that the English are to leave the following spring. Upon his return, Smith became the governor of the colony. Pocahontas and a rescue party arrive with food, clothing, and supplies when they ran out of food and supplies during winter time. As spring arrives, Powhatan realizes the English do not intend to leave. Discovering his daughter's actions, he orders an attack on Jamestown and exiles Pocahontas. The settlers kidnapped Pocahontas to negotiate with her father for an exchange for some captive settlers and also to avoid farther assaults. After Pocahontas is brought to Jamestown, she and Smith renew their love affair. Captain Newport returns with an offer to Smith from the king to lead his own expedition to find passage to the East Indies. Smith decides to return to England leaving Pocahontas behind in depression. She is eventually comforted by a new settler, John Rolfe and she marries him. Pocahontass visit to England, she meet Smith again, he admitted that he shouldnt have left her. The two depart, never to meet again. Pocahontas and Rolfe to return to Virginia. On the outward passage, she falls ill and suddenly dies.

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