Appendix A Questionnaire

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Effectiveness of HR Activities at CEB and Fort Victoria Power Station

I am actually completing my final year course at the Swami Dayanand Institute of Management leading to a Diploma in Human Resource Management. As part of the strategic HR project, we, students, are required to work personally and submit a project assignment on a theme concerning human resource management. My HR project consists on the Assessment of the effectiveness of selected HR activities at the CEB including the Fort Victoria Power Station.

I am therefore soliciting your pervious contribution to allow me gain some information and conduct a questionnaire survey for educational purpose. It is assumed that the project has direct contribution to the course that I am actually following.

It would be appreciated if you could provide your close collaboration to fill in the questionnaire and I hope that I shall benefit from your help in such an exercise. Please be reassured that all information given will be highly and strictly kept confidential.

Thank you very much for your corporation and precious time.


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