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Being part of Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a really beautiful thing happen in my life. Its the first time Ill teach to many students. Many students attend in the class, there are a teenager, mother and have their own family. Being a teacher to some students wiling to learn is a nice experience. Ever Wednesday we go in Dulong Bayan in City of San Jose del Monte Bulacan to teach and observed together with Maam Tina our Instructor Manager, she is really nice teacher, she want to share knowledge for many students want to learn. Im really happy to know that theres many people want to finish their study.

Its a really wonderful experience and I never forget those memorable experiences in Alternative Learning System (ALS). Although there are some naughty students, but it doesnt matter. We believe that they pass the examination in ALS. Because I know they are listening to us during the lesson.

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